#..idk if i should tag this with wandersong
jaekaicx · 9 months
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here's ash wandersong. if you even care
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mothwingedmyths · 2 years
Okay I looked through my TOH screenshots for ideas for things to draw to celebrate and I really like these two
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I don't know if I'm going to redraw both or not or if I'm going to redraw them at all but either way I think both of these could fit very well
Although I do still need to rewatch the entire show to prepare for season three so uhhh
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leafsheep-art · 3 years
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wandersong is on sale on the nintendo switch eshop right now (june 17 2021) for 5 dollars. go play wandersong.
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internetkatze · 3 years
Tagged by @obstinaterixatrix !!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!  
I have fewer that 20 published, But I guess I can list some of the unpublished ones too ;) 
1. Untitled WIP (Wandersong, unpublished 2021) The flight home was long enough that, despite Miriam's unease, by the time they had made it to her house, the worst of her anxiety had been replaced by a heavy blanket of exhausted resignation.
2.  Echoing Notes (Wandersong 2020) The world was ending, until it wasn’t. The sun rose again, against all odds, casting its beams of light across an improbable planet, bathing its inhabitants in the most welcome daybreak.
3. Still The World Keeps Turning (Doctor Who, 2020)  She sees the world afire, again.
4. OSTINATI (Wandersong, unpublished 2020)  An unfamiliar face greeted the Bard as they made their way up the hill towards Langtree Village.
5. Split Complementaries, And Other Approaches to Musical Composition (Wandersong, unpublished 2020)  Kiwi rose with the sun, impossible though it was to see through the Chismest haze; the date on the calendar hesitantly suggested it might have been early summer, although the weather all but shouted otherwise.
6. What Do You Want To Hear? (Doctor Who, 2020) "So, Doc, any thoughts yet?"
7. Untitled WIP (Doctor Who, 2020)  The wonderful thing about time is that it never stops, so if you happen to find yourself in a bad situation, eventually you will be carried away from it into hopefully a better situation.
8. An Urgent Request (Good Omens, 2020)  The door crashed open, jangling the entrance bell with all the alarm of an air raid siren.
9. Fracture (Doctor Who, 2020)  He scans the horizon, under the Australian sun, brimming with anticipation.
10. New Year’s Fic (Good Omens, unpublished 2019)  And now it was 2009.
11. As a River Flows on a Pathway to the Sea (Good Omens, unpublished 2019)  Geological timescales are a funny thing, to angels.
12. Black Magic on Mulholland Drive (Lucifer/Good Omens crossover, unpublished 2019) A sunny morning in LA is par for the course. A rainy morning in LA, while uncommon, isn't entirely outside of the realm of possibility*. A foggy morning in LA, however, suggests something surreal is afoot.
13. Heaven’s Over Us (Good Omens, 2019)  Aziraphale stood at the edge of a precipice.
14. Aziraphale Gets A Smartphone (Good Omens, 2019)  If one were to believe that the universe isn't just one single instance of existence created by God according to the ineffable plan, but rather a collection of several universes—a multiverse, if you will—one might believe that each of the other universes contains something almost, but not quite, entirely unlike any other.
15. About Face (Good Omens, 2019)  By the time they arrived at the front door of Crowley’s flat, it was the dead hour, too late to be night and too early to be dawn. 
16. Identity, Ineffability, and Other Things we Don’t Understand (Good Omens, 2019)  "Crowley."
17. V1 (Good Omens, unpublished 2019) The problem, Crowley had decided, was feelings.
18. Hard Landing (Good Omens, 2019)  The problem, Aziraphale had decided, was feelings.
19. Adventures in Attempting to Purchase a Book From that Weird Old Soho Bookshop, A.Z. Fell & Co. (Good Omens, 2019)  [New Topic] Does Anyone Have A Copy Of Clockwork House Vol. 6?
20. The Question of Who (Sherlock, 2012)  "I've told you before. You see, but you don't observe."
Also as a bonus have two original stories:
1. Untitled WIP (original, 2019) A star shot through the sky and landed right outside my window, at a horrible hour of the morning.
2. Untitled WIP (original, 2019)  There was a witch at the top of the mountain, or so I had been told; I had never been there—I had neither the means nor inclination.  
Patterns, hm... Well, I certainly like to go for either a highly descriptive line that establishes the scenario right away, or a short and catchy line that’s intriguing enough to make you want to read the next line, which is then usually the highly descriptive line. Generally speaking I do favour a compact writing style that fits as much information as possible into as few words as possible in each sentence, so it’s not surprising my opening lines are like that too.
I’m often tempted to open with a line of dialogue, but I’ve heard that’s offputting, so I try to avoid it. Still, there are some cases when that works best, usually when the dialogue itself establishes some important information right away. (In the case of #16, that’s an entirely dialogue-only piece, so the first line establishes it’s Aziraphale who speaks first.)
It’s kind of hard to pick a favourite because I’m very fond of all of these for different reasons. For example, 4 looks very plain, but leads into scenario where the “unfamiliar face” is quickly established to be someone the Bard should know, but doesn’t. And then later the same line gets repeated again in different contexts, developing the theme further. I love 9 because not only does it quickly locate where in the timeline this canon divergence begins, it also establishes a metaphor that, when combined with the next two lines, becomes relevant to the entire fic. 12 and 14 were both jokes I wrote to myself to make myself laugh and fell in love with especially as I developed the jokes further. 17 and 18 make a pair.... except I never actually published 17 so the joke is lost too RIP
Honestly I think the main takeaway here is I should actually finish my WIPs sometime lmao
TAGGING: @wyvernquill @fremulon @gottagobuycheese @theoldaquarian @theplatinthehat @picnokinesis @maskedhero 
IDK HOW MANY MORE FRIENDS WRITE FIC TBH and i dont remember everyones usernames either if you’re reading this and u write stuff consider urself tagged
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hollyplays · 6 years
The Roundup: October 2018
This year is going by too slowly. I wish this was the November Roundup. Then it’d be closer to Smash and also Christmas. Then it can slow down, though, cuz I like winter.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Starting big this month. Assassin’s Creed has done a lot of course correcting the last few years, but Odyssey may have corrected too far for me. The story here is enjoyable, and so is the stealth combat, but every single thing they put in between me and either one of those things is miserably frustrating. The game is constantly adding quests to my log without prompt or explanation, so I have no motivation or desire to complete them. Combat is floaty and repetitive and even assassinations have been reworked. I don’t mind that stabbing a dude in the throat isn’t a one-hit kill, but it’s such a huge departure from every other Assassin’s Creed game. The end result is really frustrating and makes what should be the best part of the game mediocre. There’s no shields to force you to dodge and counter (no in-game explanation for this, btw. every enemy will have a shield, but you don’t because fuck you.) but the prompts telling you when to dodge or parry are so tiny you’re lucky to even notice them, let alone hit whatever buggy ass timing window the game expects of you. Anyway. All that would be forgivable if the story was good enough, but there’s so much filler in between story beats. It starts to feel like a chore.
Spider-Man(PS4): Now this is a game. Insomniac knew exactly what I wanted out of a Spider-Man game and hand-delivered it to me. Dynamic but forgiving combat, an emotional story, Arkham-style stealth missions, The Sinister Six, all kinds of unlockable suits. I played the shit out of this. Hell, I got the Platinum trophy. My one complaint is that getting the platinum can be a bit grindy, as you have to go to every district and stop like 20 crimes in each one, but I put on a Spotify playlist in the background and had a ball doing that too. I hope they’re saving Venom for the sequel.
As Above, So Below: I’ve seen this three times now, and somehow every time I see it I expect it to be mediocre, but it never is. It’s not the best horror movie I’ve ever seen, but it’s conceptually intriguing and scary as hell every time I watch it.
Sorry To Bother You: This should win Best Picture but it won’t because there’s no justice in the world. You can safely watch the trailer for this movie, but do yourself a favor and learn NOTHING ELSE about it. Just watch it. Be aware that it is an anti-capitalist surrealist comedy and then just sit down and inject it into you. I need to watch it a few more times to really wrap myself around it but holy shit is it good. On a technical level alone, it’s a fucking masterpiece.
Medium Cool: I got the criterion of this in a bundle with some others for super cheap and I almost feel bad about it, cuz this movie earns its price tag. Medium Cool blends documentary and fiction so well it’s hard to see the difference, if there even is one. The “story” is interesting enough, but Medium Cool’s real strength is as a snapshot of Chicago, 1969. This is a must-watch IMO, but definitely watch the special features or do a lil research before hand or the first act might lose you.
Design For Living: This movie’s cute as hell. It isn’t To Be Or Not To Be, but that’s not a reasonable bar for any movie, even a Lubitsch. I enjoy the 1933 polyamory rep, and I was surprised at how much genuine agency the female lead has. Also, is it just me, or is the main girl going off and getting married a HUGE trope in screwball comedies?
Tampopo: Tampopo is a little weird, but more than that, it’s perfect in every way.
Eighth Grade: I remember when ‘what’ came out, Bo Burnham said he wanted to do more creative things and less comedy. If Eighth Grade is the caliber of thing he meant, I hope he never does comedy again. Devoid of any over-arcing plot, Eighth Grade serves as a picture-perfect snapshot (or snapchat, eh millenials?) of the titular time period, and that means it is exactly as cringe-worthy and hard to watch as it sounds. It took me two days to watch this movie, because the embarassment was just too much. But don’t do that. Sit down and watch it all the way through. Also, I can’t believe Grover from Kicking & Screaming gave me dad feels. What the fuck.
Apostle: I don’t know what to call this genre. Is this a horror film, or a thriller? Idk. Anyway. Apostle is kinda like The Crucible, only in The Crucible the real monster is The Evil That Men Do, and in Apostle the real monster is The Evil That Men Do and Also That Gimp Lookin Thing and also The Earth. I enjoyed this movie, but I would have enjoyed it a lot more if the torture had been a little more tasteful.
Inside Llewyn Davis: I’ve been saying it “lou-ellen” all this time but there’s no L there, so egg on my fuckin face. This movie is one of my favorite Coen brothers I think. And not just because there’s multiple fluffy cats.
Ant Man & The Wasp: Turns out having one script and not a Frankenscript of three will do a lot of good. This movie was really good, except that the romance between Scott and Hope still feels really forced. Also it has the biggest bullshit science factor of any movie ever made, and it’s little jokes about it don’t make it easier to suspend my disbelief. 
Tucker and Dale vs Evil: I remembered really loving this when it first came out, but it really falls apart in the last act. I know the whole ‘half hilbilly’ thing is a genre trope and that’s why they did it, but it just feels unnecessary in a movie packed full of genre tropes. A real less is more situation.
Wandersong: This game is cute as hell. I didn’t beat it for whatever reason, but I really loved it. The art design is wonderful, the soundtrack is sweet and catchy, and you get to sing. This is a really good palate cleanser and happy game.
Dead By Daylight: I got this for free with PS+ a few months back but I didn’t get around to playing it until recently and I wish I had. I’m not sure if I want to call it ‘good’, because it’s such a unique experience that I find it difficult to compare it with other games. The closest thing to it is Evolve, which I never played. Pick this up while it’s on sale and try it out. It’s really, really fun.
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mothwingedmyths · 2 years
Tags I think Steam should have
"Animal Protagonist"/"Animal Characters" or something similar. Humans are hard to draw and also animal designs always look nicer imo (example games; Stray, Hollow Knight, Chicory)
Whatever the term for "even the most insignificant characters have their own individual lives and this game makes sure you know that one way or another" is (maybe just "sonder"? that would work). I need more of these games and I need them now (example games; Wandersong, OneShot, Spiritfarer)
"Bugs". Please I'm begging you I just want more bug stuff (example games; Hollow Knight, Bug Fables, that's literally it the only other game I can think of is like thirty minutes long)
"This Game Will Give You An Existential Crisis". I'd like to know ahead of time thanks (example games; Outer Wilds, OneShot, Wandersong to a degree)
"Creatures" or something. I want more fictional creatures and such and the "Creature Collector" tag doesn't cut it and also isn't really what I'm talking about (example games; Slime Rancher, Subnautica, Spore)
"Best With Controller"/"Torture Without Controller". I hate Hollow Knight's desktop controls with a burning fiery passion (example games; probably a lot of metroidvanias and dungeon crawlers)
"Intentionally Frustrating". It just seems like something that should be there, especially since "Intentionally Awkward Controls" is there (example games; i can't think of any)
"Meta". The world needs more games that mess with your computer and/or break the fourth wall relentlessly (example games; OneShot obviously, uhhhh oh boy there better be more than just that)
Might update this overtime idk, feel free to suggest some
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