#016.  ❛  write  the  story  of  a  hero.  ❜  —  (  in  character.  )
shootstyled · 1 year
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  it’s strange. Izuku’s brain is puzzled, his head feeling fuzzy like when he’s sick, and he doesn’t know why. his surroundings weren’t familiar when he was paying attention, but something else had long caught his eye.
  Izuku’s been staring for a good minute or two now, wide green eyes unblinkingly staring down the blond in his sights. something about him is familiar, like a relative he hasn’t seen in a while or something like that, but no matter how he looks the blond up and down, he can’t quite place it, because the only grown up he knows with blond hair isn’t a boy. he knows he should be focusing on whatever unfamiliar place he’s in because this isn’t home and it isn’t his nursery school, but it’s just bugging him so much. puffing his cheeks out, Izuku decides to finally look up at the face. spiky blond hair, red eyes, that’s just like —
  ❝  Kacchan!  ❞  his joy is evident in his voice the moment he realizes it’s Kacchan, it’s his best friend, even if he doesn’t look like the Kacchan he knows.  ❝  right? it’s Kacchan?  ❞
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higuchimon · 3 years
[fanfic] Answer To Unexpected Questions:  Chapter 2
The more word that came from the front lines and the few messages from those who slipped behind the lines and sought to spy upon the army of Light, the worse everything looked for Kuragari.
“They haven’t lost a battle in weeks,” Juudai said, staring at the messages, all of them in code that he’d painstakingly taught himself how to read. He trusted his father not to lie to him but he also trusted King Aodh to withhold information if he thought it would be to Juudai’s benefit.
Yubel glanced over them as well. “They’ll be here within another month if something doesn’t stop them.”
Juudai didn’t want to hear that. But not hearing it wouldn’t have changed anything. He rummaged around until he found a map of the territory the invading army traveled through and unrolled it onto the table, staring down until he figured out where they were. Or had been; they would likely have moved on by now.
“I need to do something,” he murmured. “I need to stop them.” He didn’t know what he would do, just that he had to do something, and it had to be soon or all too soon Ancient Elf and his followers would be knocking down the city gates to get to him.
The idea of running away, hiding in some other country – perhaps in Johan’s kingdom, the Guardian of Light would definitely accept him – never occurred to him. Or if it did, it was only for a handful of moments, long enough for him to reject the concept and move on to something else.
If he’d been in danger enough for death to be a true risk right now, he knew Yubel would urge him to leave. Yubel’s purpose was to protect him, and Yubel would never do anything that would put him into danger. So if Yubel accepted his choice to remain and to find a way to do battle, then this must be the right choice.
Which meant he needed to do something that would make his choice worth it. Warriors, mages, spies, and people of all kinds were out there fighting and dying and being brainwashed, all to protect him and his kingdom. It wasn’t right and he wouldn’t let it go on.
So now he stared down at the map and tried to find something that would be a good idea.
If they’re coming here, then they need to come this way, he mused, tracing along the line of one of the rivers that led down to the ocean. If he’d heard about this sooner and realized what it meant, he would’ve met them at the ocean itself, and raised it against them. All the elements of the world were his to command, earth and air, fire and water, darkness and light.
Light could be kind of touchy, but if he’d known, he would’ve sent for Johan anyway, and together, there was nothing that could stand against them.
But there wasn’t time for that now, and he continued to look for answers he couldn’t yet find.
The river came out of the mountains that rose up in the center of Kuragari, home to many mines and gemstones of all kinds. There were passes through the mountains that merchants and miners used frequently.
“Not all of these are still used,” he said, indicating them to Yubel. “At least not by the miners. They could make an easy opening for an army.”
Yubel checked out the map, arms folded over their chest, thoughtfulness in all three eyes. “I think you’re right. And this one here,” Yubel rested one taloned finger on one particular mountain pass, “would bring them down into striking distance of Kethlar.”
Kelthar was one of the largest cities in the kingdom, a crossroads of many roads, and leading to at least three different port cities: and to the capital itself. If it fell, then most of the kingdom would be open to the invaders.
“Then we have to stop them before they get there.” He racked his brain, thinking of where the Kuragarian army waited now. They weren’t far from the pass, entrenching there and waiting to see what direction the enemy would take.
He stood up. “Yubel, I’m going to go see the Heroes. We’re heading out to the pass and the army as soon as they’re ready.”
“Of course.” A smile touched on Yubel’s lips and Juudai took a few moments to kiss it before he darted out of the room and through the palace corridors. He had too much to do to stop and talk to anyone, and no one wanted to interrupt him as he hurried along to where his bodyguards took their few leisure hours.
He burst in there, panting, aware that they all stood up as soon as he entered the room, worry across every feature.
“I’m all right,” he gasped out. “I just have a really important mission for all of you.”
“What is it?” The same question fell from multiple lips as Juudai caught his breath and straightened to his full height.
“We’re going to save Kuragari. I’ve got a plan and I know where we have to hit them and we have to hit them hard enough to drive the out of the kingdom and make sure they’ll never come back.” For a brief moment, his eyes flashed gold. “If they want to attack what’s mine, they should know that I’m going to attack back.”
The Elemental Heroes, guardians of the six elements and his personal bodyguards, all looked at one another. There were plenty of looks to go around. Then they looked back at him.
“When do we leave?” Sparkman wanted to know.
“As soon as we’re all ready. The sooner, the better.”
Juudai neglected – on purpose – let his parents know what he had in mind. They would want to talk about it. They would want to revise the plan until he sat back in the palace and did nothing at all useful. They would want the Elemental Heroes to help, of course, because the plan depended on them to do so, but they would not let Juudai anywhere near the battlefields.
And if it were me, I’d do the same thing. I am doing the same thing. They wanted to protect him. They didn’t want him hurt.
He wanted to protect his people. He didn’t want any of them hurt.
Only this was his battle to fight and it always had been and always would be. He needed to prove to the Light of Ruin and its host that he did not fear them and they should fear him.
And if they didn’t yet then after what he had in mind, they were most certainly going to.
It took less than a day to get everyone ready. The Heroes had anticipated something like this sooner or later, either Juudai deciding to head up to the front lines himself, or perhaps someone somehow getting by Yubel in order to attack the prince.
Granted, if someone got by Yubel and hurt Juudai, their duties would be more along the lines of ‘get everyone out of the city before Yubel destroys it’. But plans remained plans and now they headed out after the fall of night.
Juudai wore armor, of course. What he planned didn’t allow for one on one battle, but he wanted to make certain that no stray arrows or thrown daggers decided his tender mortal flesh would be worth biting into. He wore sensible black plate mail, knitted together from the powers of Darkness itself: mostly because he hadn’t had it made yet by the armorers and he didn’t want to either take the time to get it done like that or to alert his father and mother that something was going on.
He kept his helmet down to keep the wind out of his face as they soared toward the army’s location. He wanted to talk to the general in charge there before he started to rearrange the local geography. Yubel carried him, arms folded around him, and the Elemental Heroes in both bodyguard and honor guard position. Anyone who dared to try to attack him would likely not get that far.
“General Freed,” Juudai called out as Yubel set him down in front of the command tent. The general’s own bodyguards – lesser brothers of the Freed family – came to attention the moment that they recognized his voice and the general himself stepped out, weathered and experienced and the kind of leader who one could trust to win battles against ordinary enemies and sometimes extraordinary ones.
The moment that he saw Juudai, once the prince pulled his visor up, he went down on one knee.
“How may I be of service, my prince?” He did not ask what Juudai was doing there. He trusted that Juudai would tell him.
And tell him Juudai did.
“Your people are here to prevent the Army of Light from getting to the pass and on the other side. I want you to step aside and let them through.”
“Highness?” Freed stood back to his feet in a heartbeat. He didn’t reach for a weapon but his guards looked as ready to attack as they should be if treachery were involved.
Juudai only grinned, a slash of a manic expression. The more he’d thought the plan through, the more he thought it was a good idea, and he’d refined it down to its simplest points.
“This is what I’ve got in mind.”
He didn’t take long to explain it and slowly Freed nodded his agreement.
“As you wish, my prince. We’ll wait on the other side for any survivors.”
“I don’t expect there to be any,” Juudai said. He saw no reason not to crush every single one of them, right down to the roots. The only exceptions would be any he knew had been brainwashed. With the Light banished from Kuragari, they would be freed. “But just in case, that’s not a bad idea.”
The army packed up and headed out in the first light of morning while Juudai and his guards made their own plans. Featherman took to the skies to scout out the army, returning far too soon for Juudai’s taste.
“They’re on the way and they’ll be here within a day. That’s all the time we have to set things up.”
“Can we slow them down?” Juudai wanted to know. There had to be time for the army to get out of the way and to evacuate the small villages in the immediate area.
Featherman glanced at Bubbleman and Clayman. “What do you two think?”
The warriors of earth and water exchanged a quick glance, then nodded in unison. Bubbleman snickered.
“I hear that entire Army likes to wear white armor. I wonder how easy that is to get mud off of.”
“We’ll find out.” Clayman replied with a low, rich chuckle. “The sooner we get started, the better.”
The two of them took off, while Juudai started to work on the rest of his plan. He couldn’t do as much as he wanted until the invading army was where he wanted them to be, but what he could do was warn the miners and the villagers to get out of the way as fast as they could. What happened when the Army got in position wasn’t going to be good for anyone caught in the way.
For the span of time he had left to him, Juudai wished that he could see what Bubbleman and Clayman actually did. Hearing it wasn’t a problem, because they weren’t in any way quiet about it. He just wasn’t in a position to see it with his own eyes.
But what he heard was more than enough to give him some lovely mental images.
Clayman struck first, his power over earth cracking the ground in front of the invaders, opening a huge gorge virtually underneath their feet. It wasn’t very deep, perhaps two handspans at the most, enough to bury most of them to their knees and a few to their waist, depending on their species. The few who could fly stayed above it, tugging at their companions, but there wasn’t any way that they could get them out of there.
Not at all before Bubbleman struck, sending a wave of water rising up from the nearby river and pouring over them. At least a third of the Army of Light perished then and there, either by drowning or injuries.
“That should keep them in place long enough, my prince,” Bubbleman reported as he and Clayman returned to Juudai’s location. He expected at least a little time to rest, but just in case Ancient Elf decided to send out someone to see what was going on, he didn’t make a particular camp. He’d rest in the shadows, where few could harm him.
“Thanks, guys.” Juudai grinned at them, trying not to show how tired he was getting. He hadn’t slept since they’d left the palace and all the travel and work was starting to get to him.
Yubel rested a hand on his shoulder. “The Elemental Heroes can see to it that those villages and miners that we haven’t reached yet are alerted to what’s going on. There aren’t many of them left.”
Featherman took a long look at Juudai, then nodded. “Yubel’s right. You need your rest more than anything else. You’re going to be doing more work than any of us once they’re in position.”
Juudai wasn’t going to argue that point at all. If they chose to let him sleep, then he’d take the chance. He found the nearest patch of shadows, sank right into them, and in moments was in one of the deepest slumbers he’d ever had, safe under Yubel’s attention.
He came out of it some hours later, to find the Heroes all gathered together, murmuring among themselves, with Yubel only a step or two away from him, a nervous twitch in their wings.
The idea of something that could make Yubel nervous didn’t set well with him at all.
“What’s going on?”
They turned toward him and it was Sparkman who spoke. “I took a look at the army. I wanted to see just how much damage Clayman and Bubbleman did and how close they were to getting where we need them to be.”
Juudai nodded. There was more to this than just a simple scouting run.
“They have Johan, Juudai.”
No sooner had the words been spoken than a cold, distant feeling dropped over Juudai. He rose all the way to his feet.
“I’m going to go get him.”
Yubel reached a hand out to him. “Juudai, it’s a trap. It must be. Why else would they take him?”
“I don’t care.” Juudai pulled his armor together from the shadows once more. This was personal now. The idea of them abducting Johan, doing who knew what to him, maybe even brainwashing him, maybe killing him when they didn’t need him anymore…
Juudai could not, would not, accept that.
“They’re not going to go anywhere for a while yet. I can get in, take him, and get out of there. I won’t be long.” He didn’t want any of them going with him. This was a mission for him alone.
Yubel started to spread their wings but Juudai shook his head. “I’ll be all right.”
“I don’t care.” Yubel stared down at him. “I’m going with you.”
Juudai held back a sigh. He loved Yubel with every ounce of his heart and soul, but they could be as stubborn as...as… as he was.
“You may need help to get through the guards. Someone should go with you,” Featherman pointed out. Juudai sighed all the way this time.
“All right. We’ll be back soon.” If he had to blow up the army right where it was, instead of waiting for the right location, then to save Johan, he absolutely would.
Getting to where the Army of Light camped out – against their will thanks to Bubbleman and Clayman’s actions – wasn’t too difficult. Juudai jumped from shadow to shadow, Yubel only a breath behind, and saw not even a single guard on duty when he stepped out of them for the brief span of time he needed to in order to find the next patch of darkness.
In later times, looking back with more experience, he suspected that should’ve tipped him off that something wasn’t right.
As it was, he made his way to their control area without seeing anyone. A small circle of tents, each one with their own guard, stood around a roaring fire, and for
the first time, Juudai saw Ancient Elf, the one who led this army.
I should just kill him right now. Such a thing would end the war quickly and if it weren’t for Yubel’s restraining hand, he might well have done so.
No, Juudai. Yubel’s words whispered deep into his mind, on a level only he could hear or understand. It’s too close. But there’s something wrong here.
He frowned, wanting to know what was on their mind. He couldn’t bring himself to speak, not knowing if the minions of the Light could hear him or not.
I should be able to sense Johan’s presence. His power is as clear as yours. But I don’t.
The ice of fear and anger cemented itself deep within Juudai and he turned his attention to the circle of tents and those who sat around the crackling fires.
If they’ve hurt him, I don’t care how close we are or anyone else is, I’m bringing all of this down.
Yubel said nothing at all, but he could feel the disappointment in their mind, and promised himself to explain it all when they were out of here with Johan.
Tiny tendrils of shadow crept into each tent as Juudai and Yubel passed by it. As soon as he could assure himself that Johan wasn’t in there, Juudai moved on.
He’d checked on all but the last, the one that Ancient Elf himself inhabited, by the pure white splendor of it. Juudai made a face before he slipped his questing shadow tendril in there. He drew it out again almost as fast, wincing at how bright it was in there, but also gathering his resolve.
He cast a quick look to Yubel, nodding, and wasn’t surprised to see Yubel shaking their head.
No sense of him at all, Juudai. There is someone. It isn’t Johan.
Juudai set his jaw and turned back to the tent. He’d come this far. He wasn’t going to turn back now.
Finding a shadow on the other side wasn’t easy. But with all that light, there couldn’t not be a shadow somewhere and he found Johan’s own shadow, a tiny little thing that he emerged out of and turned, hoping that Johan wouldn’t make any noise on seeing him.
It wasn’t Johan.
To Be Continued
Notes: Juudai's armor here is more or less what he wears in season three. Just without as many Spikes of Villainy.
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ My Hero Academia [47/?] ◔
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Hello, and welcome to my brand new fanfiction for the anime My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia! This anime makes me so happy and I’m always so hyped when I watch the anime. I’ve been reading a lot of fanfiction for the series lately, and I decided I wanted to write, one as well! I spent weeks trying to find a plot that worked for me and I’m so excited that I found one.
I’d like to give some information about the series before you begin reading!
First off, this fic will be written in the first-person point of view, occasionally switching to third-person for the story’s sake. The original character, Jen Winchester, is quite snarky and cusses like a sailor, so I’d like to add a warning for explicit language. I usually go with really angsty themes, and I was planning on making it that way at first, but I want to try and create a fic that makes people laugh and smile! That’s not to say there won’t be any angst at all, but I’m going to try and make it less so with her remarks and attitude.
While I am mainly writing this fic for myself because it makes me happy, I’m more than happy to share it with others! Hopefully, you guys enjoy it as much as I am. I hope you’ll take a moment to share your thoughts and comments with me~
As for the pairing, I haven’t yet decided who she will be paired with, but there will be romance later on. Currently, I’m thinking of Todoroki or someone from class 1-B, but this could change in the future. I will try my best not to make her a Mary-Sue or super overpowered. I’ve gone over the plot of this fic with my friend, who is super critical when it comes to the small details, so hopefully, everything will flow smoothly from one event to the other without too many plot holes.
I think that’s it! Thanks for stopping by, I hope you all enjoy this fic, I’m working really hard on it! ^-^)/
xoxo Rain
The title of this fic pays tribute to the song of the same name by I Prevail.
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Jen Winchester grew up in a world where superpowers exist only on the big screen or lining the pages of books. She’s just a normal seventeen-year-old girl trying to make it through high school while fending off her childhood bullies, Skye and Heather, but she’s always been a problematic child in the eyes of those around her. She was raised by her grandfather, Shimazu Tegu, who did his best to act as both mother and father, but there is a lot he has kept hidden from her.
When her bullying is taken too far, Jen finds herself in a precarious situation – she gave Skye third-degree burns just by touching her face. Dazed and confused, her world begins to swirl around her like an unforgiving tornado. She is whisked away to a different world where most of the population have powers, known simply as ‘Quirks’.
She begins her journey of self-discovery, determined to find her place in the universe, all the while trying to piece together her mother’s haunting past. Does she have what it takes to become a hero? Or will she fall down the same dark path as her mother?
Join Jen as she begins the journey of a lifetime filled with snarky comments, foul language, and tomfoolery. It’s gonna be one hell of a ride!
⌥ Anime: My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia ⌥ Pairing: To Be Determined ⌥ Point of View: First Person ⌥ Status: On-going ⌥ Warnings: Explicit Language ⌥ Series Started: 10/10/2019 ⌥ Series Finished: ??
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List to the Spotify Playlist for this series.
🔥                 ❝ Introduction & Table of Contents ❞ < you are HERE 🔥 …..001 ◈ Just A Dream? 〈Spoken, “Through It All”〉 🔥 …..002 ◈ No Longer in Ishikami 〈Thousand Foot Krutch, “Courtesy Call”〉 🔥 …..003 ◈ Not A Bad Person 〈I Prevail, “Lifelines”〉 🔥 …..004 ◈ Thieving Brunette 〈B.A.P, “Do What I Feel”〉 🔥 …..005 ◈ A Deal is Made 〈We As Human, “Take the Bullets Away”〉 🔥 …..006 ◈ Taco Ban 〈NCT Dream, “GO”〉 🔥 …..007 ◈ The Exam Begins 〈WAR*HALL, “King of the World”〉 🔥 …..008 ◈ Zero-Pointer 〈Manafest, “No Plan B”〉 🔥 …..009 ◈ LordXplosionMurder 〈The Score, “Miracle”〉 🔥 …..010 ◈ Unfairness 〈Five Finger Death Punch, “Jekyll and Hyde”〉 🔥 …..011 ◈ A Hero’s Style 〈Logic ft. Alessia Cara, “1-800-273-8255″〉 🔥 …..012 ◈ Realization 〈Skillet, “Set It Off”〉 🔥 …..013 ◈ Extra Factor 〈The Score, “Glory”〉 🔥 …..014 ◈ Social Interaction? Effort. 〈A Day to Remember, “All I Want”〉 🔥 …..015 ◈ Security Breach 〈I Prevail, “Paranoid”〉 🔥 …..016 ◈ A Hard Lesson 〈The Score, “Unstoppable”〉 🔥 …..017 ◈ Gravedigger 〈Our Last Night, “Sunrise”〉 🔥 …..018 ◈ Calming Peppermint 〈Simple Plan, “Last One Standing”〉 🔥 …..019 ◈ Coming Clean 〈Nevertel, “Down”〉 🔥 …..020 ◈ Living Valley Online 〈Dua Lipa, “Blow Your Mind (Mwah)”〉 🔥 …..021 ◈ Dragonlings 〈Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Willaims, “The Triumph”〉 🔥 …..022 ◈ Winchester’s Starting Line 〈Ellie Goulding, “Hollow Crown”〉 🔥 …..023 ◈ Sports Festival? 〈Solence, “Phoenix”〉 🔥 …..024 ◈ Surprise 〈The Script, “Hall of Fame”〉 🔥 …..025 ◈ Top Two 〈Billie Eilish, “You Should See Me In A Crown”〉 🔥                  ≈/ Note About the Sports Festival \≈ 🔥 …..026 ◈ Robo-Inferno 〈TheOdd1sOut & Boyinaband, “Life is Fun”〉 🔥 …..027 ◈ Cruel and Insane 〈The Score, “Born for This”〉 🔥 …..028 ◈ Ten Million Madness 〈B.A.P, “Wake Me Up”〉 🔥 …..029 ◈ Todoroki’s Story 〈I Prevail, “Bow Down”〉 🔥 …..030 ◈ Scavenger Hunt 〈Zayde Wolf, “Rule the World (Generdyn Remix)”〉 🔥 …..031 ◈ Finals Begin! 〈Fall Out Boy, “Centuries”〉 🔥 …..032 ◈ Insanity Loves Company 〈SZA, The Weekend & Travis Scott, “Power is Power”〉 🔥 …..033 ◈ That’s Quick Match 〈C-Clown, “Justice”〉 🔥 …..034 ◈ Jen versus Iida 〈Thousand Foot Krutch, “Fly on the Wall”〉 🔥 …..035 ◈ Consequences 〈Mosaic, “Hollow”〉 🔥 …..036 ◈ Hero Law 〈Shaman’s Harvest, “Ten Million Voices”〉 🔥 …..037 ◈ Awards Ceremony 〈Smash Into Pieces, “Hall of Fame”〉 🔥 …..038 ◈ Wildest Fantasies 〈The Score, “Believe”〉 🔥 Special ◈ Thanksgiving Special 〈Nicole Westbrook, “It’s Thanksgiving”〉 🔥 …..039 ◈ Hero Informatics 〈Zayde Wolf, “Gladiator”〉 🔥 …..040 ◈ Code Names 〈Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa, Imagine Dragons, Logic & Ty Dolla $ign, “Sucker for Pain”〉 🔥 …..041 ◈ The Bakugo Family 〈P!nk, “Raise Your Glass”〉 🔥 …..042 ◈ Taken 〈Eskimo Callboy, “Supernova”〉 🔥 …..043 ◈ Karma’s A Bitch 〈AmaLee, “Again (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Cover)”〉 🔥 …..044 ◈ To Be A Hero 〈Seventh Day Slumber, “We Are the Broken”〉 🔥 …..045 ◈ Abuse of Power 〈Vickeblanka, “Black Rover”〉 🔥 …..046 ◈ Family 〈Jonathan Young, “Hero (One Punch Man Cover)”〉 🔥 …..047 ◈ Teamwork 〈Mackenzie Ziegler, “Teamwork”〉 🔥 #048 ◈ 〈, “”〉 🔥 #049 ◈ 〈, “”〉 🔥 #050 ◈ 〈, “”〉 🔥 #051 ◈ 〈, “”〉 🔥 #052 ◈ 〈, “”〉 🔥 #053 ◈ 〈, “”〉 🔥 #054 ◈ 〈, “”〉
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cometcalloway · 4 years
008.011. 016.
008. What is their favorite fairy tale?
Dark Souls doesn’t really flesh out the universe, it just throws you a bunch of item descriptions like, ~imagine.~  From what the series gives us, I’d say Lothric looks up to Flynn the Thief, a folk hero from the item description of ‘Flynn’s ring,’ and Lorian looks up to various historical figures from Dark Souls 1 and 2 (with their stories warped through the lens of his father’s authoritarian bullshit regime). 
There’s lore that says or implies that Gwyn, the king from the first game, had a disgraced eldest son who sided with dragons, Gwyn’s hated enemies from the prologue of the first game.  And Gwyn’s firstborn is the founder of the sunlight covenant, and you can find the sunlight covenant (a broken statue of Gwyn’s firstborn?) in Lothric Castle in DS3.  And the Lothric bloodline is seen to raise combat dragons like that’s perfectly normal and fine, and the twins’ dad was so obsessed with dragons that he turned into one (like you do).  So I figure, as a headcanon, that Gwyn’s firstborn was on good terms with the earliest Lothric ancestors as they founded a place that did, in fact, support dragons, and not hate them like Gwyn would.  And maybe the earlier Lothrics were at least somewhat less evil, because Gwyn’s firstborn seems like a genuinely cool guy for not hating dragons just because, and I don’t think he’d support what the kingdom turned into.  (And maybe Gwyn’s firstborn’s beef with his dad got distorted throughout the years into the twins’ dad’s obsession to create an heir that could replace Gwyn, the bad guy?).
All of which is to say, I bet Lorian looks up to that Gwyn’s firstborn dude huh.
Dark Souls writers are Like This because the game Makes Us be Like This.
(also, I don’t love Dark Souls all that much, so I don’t want to debate lore with strangers who are legitimately invested, & I definitely don’t want this post reblogged with commentary)
011. How would your character court the person of their dreams?
Lorian would get them gifts and write them letters and do all that traditional romantic stuff & be a Gentleman, & I’m getting secondhand embarrassment just thinking about it.  Lothric would be more like, if you can’t accept me at my falling asleep on the couch in my clothes with a box of chicken wings on my chest, you don’t deserve me at my… [data not found].
016. What is their choice of weapon?
For Lothric: words > magic > scratch them
For Lorian: he is a weapon
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ainarosewood · 5 years
100 Random Character Development Questions Aina Rosewood
@gilrainmustang here ya go love and for anyone whos interested :)
This is gonna be a long post so answers beneath the cut
001. When is their birthday? 19th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
002. Do they do anything to celebrate their birthday? Not really though the Twins and Tataru make sure something happpens
003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea? Tea
004. Do they prefer being alone or with others? Usually alone or with a group of close friends
005. Are they in good health? yes
006. What sense do they most rely on? Aina relies on her hearing the most
007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist? Optimist for the most part
008. What is their favorite fairy tale? Alice in Wonderland
009. Do they believe in happy endings? Aina believes it can happen but she’s seen too much to assume it always will
010. Do they believe in love at first sight? Sort of more it can happen that way
011. How would your character court the person of their dreams? Shed...probably not most likely she’d hope they were to make the moves or she’d blurt everything at once in a jumble
012. What makes your character embarrassed? compliments and if someone calls her out on the nose twitch thing
013. Have they ever been bullied or teased? a little when she was very small till she saved a group of kids then well you know how the story goes in those cases
014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. she is absolutely ashamed of how she handled the situation with Livia sas Junius.  She hates that she  abandoned her normal course for vengeance she has been striving to make up for it ever since.
015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Her tongue. Aina is very sharp witted and can have a tongue that cuts like a blade when she wants to
016. What is their choice of weapon? Red Mage rapier usually the Serpent Captains Small Sword
017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved? Depends on the situation she would prefer things to be solved non violently but she knows sometimes steel is the only answer some will recognize
018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do?  Find the nearest allied group and see what help she can give would she be better suited as a healer or on the front line
019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Empathy
020. What are their hobbies? Weaving, Reading, Writing stories
021. How do they display affection? Gentle kiss, hugs for those shes closest to soft words in an ar
022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? The Nightsky over The Rak’tika Greatwood after the light was cleared
023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically? soft eyes warm smile though she does not judge by appearance alone
024. What do they consider ugly in others physically? cold eyes bulbous growths ect though again does not judge by appearance
025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise? Kind gentle people who are also courageous
026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise? Cruel enjoying peoples suffering idolence
027. What is their idea of perfect happiness? Being with those she is closest to and spending time with them
028. What makes them laugh out loud? Jokes, Alisaies sarcastic remarks and gentle jabs at her brother
029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have? Quirky
030. Do they believe in the afterlife? sort of...shes really not sure if there is an actual “afterlife”
031. Are they superstitious about anything? Not really
032. Does your character believe in ghosts? She has seen to many who remain in this world not to
033. Do they keep their promises? yes
034. What’s their view of lying? Aina hates it a person is only as good as their word oath breakers are not well liked
035. What is the most important rule your character lives by? Giving a person a chance no matter how bad they are.  Everyone gets one.
036. How honorable is your character? For the most part she is what most would call honorable however she knows that strictly following a code of honor can get you killed so she weighs the situation
037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do? Return it to the person
038. What bad habits do they have? Bottling up all that bothers her until it literally flows out in a flood of emotions
039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? Taking away their freedom
040. What is their obsession? Any information about the magical arts
041. Are they comfortable with technology? Aina despises magitek she awknowledges it has its uses but she hates it as a whole
042. What is their greatest achievement? In her mind saving both the First and the Source with Ardberts help (also helping him understand hes worth something)
043. What will they stand up for? the weak those who are being treated very badly by others
044. What disgusts them? people who enjoy hurting others
045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions? no
046. How do they handle getting sick? She tries to hide it until she cant anymore then she finally lets people take care of her
047. What was the last medical problem your character had? Id say the overinundation of the Light was a big one
048. Do they have any allergies? no
049. How does your character feel about growing old? its enivetable but that doesnt mean you cant have fun along the way
050. How does your character feel about their own mortality? She is willing to give her life if necissary but its not her go to and she accepts that death is a part of life though she will fight tooth and nail to save everyone she can
051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today? Stay close to those she loves spend as much time as she can with them.  If she needs to give her life for something she sees as important before she falls
052. What is your character’s worst flaw? The bottling up of her emotions
053. What is your character’s greatest strength? giving her all to help people
054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind? not really she will help if she needs to but she feels there are plenty who are better suited to lead
055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? kind of both depends on the situation
056. Has your character ever struck someone in anger? plenty of times she will deck a person if she feels theres a need
057. Has your character ever killed anyone? yes a few times usually in defense of others
058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day? curling up with a book and listening to the rain fall outside
059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up? “You alright?” she has been healer for too long not to ask that “For those we have lost, for those we may yet save,” she got this from Minifilia it feels like the literal mantra that driven her to do all that she does. “By Light and Shadow!” she got that from Ardbert.
060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning? She sees it as very important and strives to continue her own while at the same time encouraging others to do so as well
061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security? Adventure she enjoys a challenge
062. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind? A better world where all are considered equal beings both Spoken and Beast Tribe
063. How well does your character handle difficult people? Well enough she usually gauges how to interact with them and if need be will verbally tear them apart if it is necessary
064. In what ways does your character annoy others? She has a habit of keeping her problems to herself and try to not burden others a thing her friends hate
065. Is your character better at leading or following? Which do they prefer? She is very good at doing both and will do either on whatever the occasion calls for but she does prefer to follow rather than lead but she will take charge if there is a need
066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature? Nature she is very much close to her heritage 
067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny? not really its why she is not very skilled with astrologian she doesnt truly “believe” that fate is the only factor driving things
068. How strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? What kinds of things trigger it? Immensly strong, she will step up and do what needs to be done especially if people are suffering
069. What about your character is heroic? She will rush in and defend those that need it no matter the cost
070. What about your character is cowardly? She has a very hard time opening up to those closest to her when it pertains to herself she tends to hold it all in for fear of burdening others
071. How kind is your character? She wears her heart on her sleeve
072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.) Priest, though she prefers to be in a more combative method she is very much the healer.  Also ranger would definetly be a thing due to her desire to support people and be very versitle
073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.) Probably either hero or sidekick
074. What is your character’s favorite game? Anything involving tatics
075. Is your character ticklish? yes
076. How do they express anger? Aina tends to be very quiet at first with her anger usually her tone will drop to very soft in some cases however like someone literally dismissing those she cares for as nothing she will fly into a rage usallly a very loud cry proceeding it.
077. How often do they cry? Over what? She will cry when she feels she has a moment again usually bottles it all up untill its too late.  Usually its about what she perceves as her ‘failings’ mostly her inability to save someone she felt she should have.
078. How emotionally stable is your character? pretty stable aside from her ‘uncorcking of the bottle moments” ie when she can no longer keep it all in
079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others? Aina is a pretty quick study and can usually judge pretty well the atmosphere of a room or the general disposition of a person she has been wrong before and has been suprised by a reaction shes not perfect
080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions? Aina is a pretty easy read when it comes to her feelings for other people she wears her heart on her sleeve.  Its a bit more difficult to see what she’s feeling about herself most of the time. 081. Is your character religious? no
082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences? In a bed if its possible if not, a bit of hay in a chocobo or amaro stable is fine
083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up? streach and find where it was she laid her gear to get ready to do what she must as the WOL
084. Describe your character in one word. Caring
085. Describe your character in three words. Caring Courageous Determined
086. How would your character describe themself in one word? Foolish
087. How would your character describe themself in three words? Foolish, Determined, Caring
088. Is your character quiet or loud? Aina is usually very quiet and soft spoken
089. How vocally expressive is your character? She uses words often enough but she feels actions tend to speak louder
090. How bodily expressive is your character? Her ears can be a dead giveaway for her emotional state if you know what your looking at
091. What type of music does your character like? Gentle string instruments or wood winds
092. What emotion does your character evoke in others? Depends on the person, it can be jealosy cause she doesnt try to attract attention but tends to get it or devotion because of her willingness to do what she must to protect people
093. What is your character’s goal in life? Helping people to understand that a being is a being it matters not their appearance
094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know.  How to be cruel, How to fight, and To mistrust people
095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do. Fight as hard as she does, Hurt people when theres a need, Hate someone
096. How do they move and carry themselves? What energy do they project? Aina carries herself with a quiet confidence.  People feel safe and secure around her because of her gentle attitude.  Some people thing she may be easy to manipulate because they assume shes niavee they learn very quickly that is not the case
097. How well do they adapt to change? Very well her studies in arcanima have led for her to accept that change is a factor that must be taken into account in a given situation
098. Does your character like animals? She loves them she is very close to both Zephyr her chocobo and her amaro friend Windsong
099. Do they talk to inanimate objects? Sometimes
100. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about? Sometimes and it can vary sometimes its hard for her to remember other than potentially strange.  Sometimes it unfortunately nightmares from things shes faced or things shes felt shes failed to do right.
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ginngardner · 6 years
Tumblr media
[001] the face of any products // the closest endorsement tristan has is with fender, but he’s not so much the face of the company as much as a partner. they’re actually releasing a guitar he designed this year.
[002] open about their private life // no, tristan is very adament about keeping his public life and private life separate and has a history of having a very volatile relationship with the paparazzi because of it.
[003] an advocate for any charities // when he believes in them, yes. he won’t donate just for the sake of looking good, and will only give money to or make appearances for causes he actually cares about.
[004] involved in a relationship for publicity // though his management has tried several times to find a girl that’s ‘good for his image, tristan refuses because he has a very honest relationship with his fans.
[005] where they are because of dishonest / shady moves // tristan has mad a lot of mistakes in his career, but integrity is important to him. if he’s done anything shady in his career, it wasn’t intentional.
[006] @ / retweet regularly // his fans actually, but it’s very random and only when a tweet generally makes him think or makes him laugh. he’ll usually add some kind of ‘witty’ comment because he thinks he’s funny.
[007] mention most in interviews // his band who have been with him since he was playing smoky bars for tips. he very rarely mentions his family or friends because he doesn’t like talking about his personal life.
[008] go to when they need some help // usually his siblings, because they do maintain a good relationship most of the time and he values their opinions the most since they’re not afraid to be honest with him.
[009] idolize / adore more than life itself // he has so many heroes in the business that he’s been lucky enough to meet and even play with. jimi hendrix is the GOAT for him though, his number one.
[010] want to end up with (in their dreams) // at the end of the day, tristan just wants to be surrounded by a bunch of good people. if he has his family, his band and some good friends then he’s good.
[011] the first thing they tweeted // tristan’s twitter was originally made by his manager so for the first year, he never signed into it. until one night he couldn’t sleep and started tweeting back at fans at 2am, which he still does.
[012] the first event they got invited to // the premiere of some movie when he was just starting to get famous because they used one of his songs on the soundtrack. his wardrobe for the night was questionable.
[013] the last (non work related) vacation they took // traveling is very important to tristan and he tries to visit a new country, tour dates don’t count, every year. this year it was the prague in the czech republic.
[014] the first thing published about them on lounge // some photos leaked of tristan and his then girlfriend, who wasn’t famous and lounge posted an article about them from a ‘trusted source’ that was entirely made up.
[015] the project that made them want to act / write / sing / etc. // tristan grew up listening to 80s rock... but it was actually marty mcfly’s guitar performance from back to the future that inspired him to pick up the instrument.
[016] do they put up with all of the bs that comes with the business // music is who tristan is. it’s all he knows. it’s in his bones. and he can’t imagine his life without it. everything else is just a side effect.
[017] did they pursue the career they’re currently in // tristan never meant to become the pop rock star he did. he just wanted to play music, as part of a band or whatever. the solo career happened on accident.
[018] did they choose the media persona they did // there is no persona, what you see is what you get. tristan has never pretended to be something he wasn’t. the media likes to portray him as a bad boy but... that’s on them.
[019] do they hate gossip magazines so much // he’s always been so honest to his fans about his music and his career but he’s always wanted to keep his personal life separate. tabloids do the opposite.
[020] would they ever make a sex tape // no way. not only does he have no interest in that kind of thing, but sex is a very intimate act and he’s such a private person anyway, he would never risk something like that leaking.
[021] did they hear their first song on the radio // he was driving by himself on the highway on the way home after a string of shows and actually had to pull over. then he just laughed because why would anyone play his song?
[022] did they find out they’d landed their first project // he had just walked off stage at a smoky bar in new york city when a man approached him to set up a meeting. he signed a record deal the next day. it all happened very fast.
[023] did they go on vacation after their first big project // after the initial rush of first radio single/first album/first real tour, tristan did some traveling through some of his favorite countries in europe, mostly touristy places like france, italy, germany, spain.
[024] do they live when they want to get away from it all // london will always be home for tristan, but he gets recognized a lot on the street so lately he's been spending a lot of time in the irish countryside and he enjoys it a lot.
[025] was their first big press conference // in london outside of his record label's british sister label, announcing his first full studio album after the surprising success of his debut single.
[026] project embarrassing // embarrassing isn't the right word, but he was still learning a lot about himself, his sound and the recording process then, so it's definitely not his favorite work but he's proud of it.
[027] talk show appearance a wreck // there was a whole "practice" session with his publicist, then in true tristan graves fashion, he went completely off script. so while not a disaster in his eyes, the label wasn't happy with it.
[028] public relationship heavily followed // if tristan had his way, he wouldn't have any public relationships but with his celebrity status it's near impossible to completely evade the gossip, so yes.
[029] fan encounter awkward / nice / sweet / etc. // the first time tristan was recognized outside of a show or work environment, he was grocery shoopping after midnight in pajamas. his hair was a mess and he hadn't shaved but the girl was still excited and got a fun story to tell.
[030] relationship (while famous) talked about at all // tristan has only ever been in a relationship with one other celebrity and that person was a lot more open with their personal life than he was. there were a lot of tabloid stories, most of them false but some things were real so that whole experience was eye opening.
[031] they ever open any sort of business // there have been rumors about tristan selling his own line of everything from clothes to amps to guitars and even a strange little rumor about male grooming kits but no he doesn't currently have any plans.
[032] they ever win a major, prestigious award // tristan was actually nominated for a grammy for his second studio album but he didn't win. obviously that's something he'd like to cross off the ol' bucket list, but he doesn't make music for awards.
[033] they ever host the smn version of saturday night live // that's been a dream of tristan's for so long and he recently got to be the musical guest on an episode but has not hosted yet.
[034] they ever work tirelessly for years to get a project going // there have been albums released a year apart and there was a three year hiatus once. he writes all of his own music and despite constant pressure from the label, he never wants to rush an album.
[035] they take pictures with fans who approach them on their off time // it honestly depends on what he's doing, where he is and who he's with... and his mood that day. he's usually okay with it but everyone has off days.
[036] invest their money wisely // tristan has never really been a big spender. he has expensive things but is more likely to spend it on guitars than fancy things. he did splurge on a house for his family, a penthouse for himself and a cool car though.
[037] work only on projects they love // now more than when he was younger and let a movie use his song for the soundtrack before realizing the film was rubbish. every song he puts out comes from the heart and integrity is so important to him.
[038] care more about the fame than anything // it's never been about the fame for tris. it's always been about the music... but it does go to his head every once in a while. he's only human.
[039] often find they’ve put their foot in their mouth // oh, all the time. especially when it's late at night and he's drunk tweeting. orrr anytime he opens his mouth. he says a lot of stupid shit but he doesn't mean any harm.
[040] hide things from the public because they are afraid / ashamed of what the reaction could be // while he tries to keep his personal life separate from his professional life, it's never been because he's ashamed. he's a very honest person and he's unapologetic about who he is.
[041] is a good person // yes, but he's flawed like any human being. the media paints a picture of him being an asshole but that's only partially true. he has a good heart underneath the bad boy persona.
[042] will have career longevity // yes, to an extent. music is a big part of who he is as a person and he can't imagine his life without it. he knows that the fame and fortune will inevitably fade away but as long as he can keep putting out music he'll be happy.
[043] deserves the career they have // tristan puts his heart and soul into his music. he's involved in everything from the writing to the producing to the performing and everything on between.
[044] can remain unjaded by hollywood // as long as he has the freedom to make the music he wants to make instead of conforming to what a label or anyone else wants him to be, sure. the moment he changes into something he's not is the moment he walks away.
[045] will spend the rest of their life with the person they marry // given that he has no immediate plans to get married, that's up in the air. he's called a heartbreaker by the media but he would never cheat so if he ever does get married, he will be loyal to that person as long as they are.
[046] date / marry a fan // probably not, if only because he would spend the entire relationship wondering if they married tristan the person or tristan the celebrity.
[047] star on any type of reality show // no way. he hates reality tv and has probably turned down an offer to appear. he might cameo on a show or movie franchise he's a fan of but never reality tv.
[048] donate to charity / do good deeds without publicity // he actually does this on a regular basis. he has a few charities he holds close to his heart and is very involved in one called music cares. though some of his appearances are publicized, not all of them are.
[049] say exactly what they think about the ins/outs of fame // probably not directly but he's definitely made indirect commemts about his feelings on the industry.
[050] walk comic con without any security (in or out of disguise) // no because getting recognized would ruin the fun of going AS a fan. maybe in a costume but again, probably not.
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opmsecretsanta · 6 years
OPM Holiday Prompts 2017
This list will be updated every few days as more prompts are added.
You can submit prompts here at the event’s AO3 page. If you absolutely cannot use AO3, submit your prompt to opmsecretsanta via the ask box (rating/characters/prompt) and we will add it for you. You can claim/fill any prompt you want, as many as you want, no AO3 required.
Last day for sending in prompts is Dec 20th Last day to submit fills is Dec 31st
(List below the cut)
Prompt 001
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 001 Rating: Teen Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Genos, Saitama, Mumen Tags: Oblivious Genos, Demisexual Saitama, Saitama has hair Prompt: “Genfic or a non-sexual Saigenos story” 
Prompt 002
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 002 Rating: G Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos, Minibots Prompt: Saitama, Genos and the bots are getting ready for Christmas, baking (or trying to bake...) cookies. More than likely, there is flour everywhere and many reminders to ”stop eating the dough!” - I’ll leave it up to you who those reminders are aimed at though! ;)
Prompt 003
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 003 Rating: G Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Prompt: We follow one of the characters as they are struggling with thinking of a good gift for the other
Prompt 004
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 004 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Prompt: It’s Christmas and Genos has prepared a very special gift. Saitama comes home to a note on the door. ”Please go to where we met for the first time.” He makes his way to where he destroyed that Mosquito lady, only to find another note, which leads to another, then another... While whining over how much effort this is, he is taken on this trip down memory lane, before finally reaching his final destination and his gift. What is it? You decide.
Prompt 005
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 005 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Hero Saitama, Villain Genos Tags: Pre-Relationship, Mistletoe  Prompt: Villain Genos only wants one thing for Christmas: Getting the object of his affection (the Hero Saitama) to kiss him under the mistletoe.
Prompt 006
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 006 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos, Dr. Kuseno, Mini Bots Tags :Meet the Family, Family Dinners, Murphy's Law, Unconventional Families, Marriage Proposal, Family Drama Prompt: It's time for Genos and Saitama's families to finally meet over a holiday ham, and nothing goes as expected
Prompt 007
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 007 Rating: Any Pairing: Fubuki/Mumen, King/Sonic (or any combo of characters) Characters: King, Fubuki, Tatsumaki, Mumen, Sonic Tags: Office Party, Gift Exchange, Drunken Confessions, Walking In On Someone, Ugly Holiday Sweaters, Drama Prompt: The annual Hero Association Holiday Party and White Elephant gift exchange is usually boring and lame... but not this year. Someone gets a little too competitive over a gift, someone gets too drunk, someone crashes the party, everyone's sweaters are hideous, and King nearly has a heart attack.  (the tags wouldn't let me say any combination of secondary character relationship with each other, or with the main characters Genos and Saitama. I'm not picky. I ship all the ships)
Prompt 008
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 008 Rating: Teen Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos, Fubuki, Mumen, King Prompt: Saitama, Genos, Fubuki, Mumen, King, Zombieman, Metal Bat, and Silver Fang in a Dungeons and Dragons seeing. (Or you can dear then having fun playing a game and obviously have King win) Bonus points if Genosai is in the pic or fic somewhere. Even more if Garou is in there. (No NSFW please)
Prompt 009
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 009 Rating: G Pairing: Genos/Saitama, Teru/Mob Characters: Saitama, Genos, Mob, Teru Prompt: Crossover with Mob Psycho 100. Fanart of Teru and Shigeo; Genos and Saitama going on a "double date" or training session turning into a date. Bonus if Saitama helps Shigeo up from his exhaustion.
Prompt 010
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 010 Rating: Any  Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos, S-Class Heroes, Mumen, King Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Sharing a Bed, Mutual Pining, Oblivious Prompt: The HA organised a Christmas event for all the S-Class Heroes and their "plus one", they get to go to a luxurious hotel for the holidays and there is a competition for couples, where the winner couple wins a lot of prizes and a hotel room to spend the night!
Prompt 011
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 011 Rating: Any Pairing: Mumen/Sonic Characters: Saitama, Genos, Mumen, Sonic, Fubuki, S-Class heroes Tags: First Dates, First Kiss Prompt: Being Mumen Rider at this time of the year is a lot of stress, there's always one new hero to welcome to the HA, a new gift to think of, a lot of over-excited kids dying to meet Santa that need supervision and oddly holidays related monsters; so when a certain pretty ninja comes looking for him and invites him to "do something i don't know, whatever" well, it's a welcome distraction.
Prompt 012
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 012 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama, Charanko/Garou, Bang/Kuseno Characters: Saitama, Genos, Dr. Kuseno, Bang (Silver Fang), Charanko  Tags: Christmas Party, Mistletoe, Blushing Prompt: Bang invites Saitama and Genos over for Christmas, but Genos and had already made plans with Kuseno, but Bang said to bring him too, the more the merrier. When Genos, Saitama and Kuseno arrive at the dojo, they are happy to find how Bang, Charanko and Garou decorated the place, but a misplaced (or not?) mistletoe finds its way over Kuseno and Bang. Genos is not happy but traditions are traditions.
Prompt 013
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 013 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Alternate Universe - College/University, Meet the Family, Happy Ending Prompt: College teacher au. Saitama's family has been worrying about his mental health, especially since he started his new job as a junior professor. In a desperate attempt to stop nightly phone calls, Saitama tries to recruit a department intern to pretend to be his significant other for Christmas. The only one who agrees is Genos, who secretly already has a huge crush on him.
Prompt 014
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 014 Rating: Teen Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos, Mumen Tags: Angst with a happy ending, Christmas Fluff Prompt: Saitama hasn't had the best Christmas experiences in the past. Genos is missing his family more than ever during the holiday season. Both are simultaneously trying to ignore their own blues to make the other have the best Christmas ever. Granted, it doesn't work out very well until they talk about it and come to mutual understandings.
Prompt 015
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 015 Rating: G Pairing: Mumen/Saitama, Genos & Saitama Characters: Mumen, Saitama, Genos Prompt: Genos knows that Saitama and Mumen is crushing on each other, and takes advantage when they both ask him for what to give the other for christmas. He HAS to get them together!
Prompt 016
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 016 Rating: Any Characters: Mumen Prompt: How does Mumen Rider celebrate Christmas? Write or draw whatever comes to mind!
Prompt 017
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 017 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Prompt: Saitama scavenges abandoned planets for useful objects he then repairs and sells. His most valuable find is an android named Genos. He pulls him out of snow-coated rubble and cleans him up, wondering how much he's worth. Genos doesn't mind being mistaken for a machine. It doesn't help that his voicebox is damaged, or that small parts of his body are missing, showing the mechanical structures underneath. On their journey to the marketplace Saitama realizes that Genos is no android. He's human (a cyborg). Instead of selling him, Saitama offers a new home. (art or fic ❤)
Prompt 018
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 018 Rating: Explicit Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Prompt:  One/both are fuckin' in Santa suits. Ho ho ho. Bonus points if one of them is the reindeer.
Prompt 019
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 019 Rating: Any Pairing: King/Saitama Characters: Saitama, King Prompt:  King and Saitama decide to go on a date for Christmas because King has never had a real S.O. on Christmas before. (Whether it goes well or not is up to you)
Prompt 020
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 020 Rating: Any Pairing: Saitama/Sonic Characters: Sonic, Saitama Prompt:  Saitama refuses to have a real fight with him, so Sonic starts challenging him to every competition he can think of, from eating to racing to (insert ridiculous thing). Saitama actually participates and enjoys the pointless contests. Ends with them both admitting they just like spending time together. (Bonus points if Saitama challenges Sonic to a kissing contest)
Prompt 021
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 021 Rating: Explicit Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Tags: First Time Prompt:  Genos and Saitama are trying to have sex for the first time, but Genos keeps getting too enthusiastic about observing all of Saitama’s reactions / erozones / etc and keeps stopping to take notes. Saitama gets increasingly annoyed.
Prompt 022
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 022 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Friends to Lovers, Long-Distance Relationship, Online Dating Prompt: Saitama and Genos meet online (how/where is up to prompt filler). One day, they finally decide to meet up in real life and spend some time together. After just a few days, they start to fall in love.(Semi-cyborg Genos is a preference--more human than in canon, but still has non-human parts. What parts are up to prompt filler.)
Prompt 023
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 023 Rating: Teen Pairing: Genos/Saiama Characters: Saitama, Genos Prompt:  It's Christmastime and Genos planned the perfect Christmas Eve for them both. It was going so, so, so not well. Everything kept messing up, something always came up whenever Genos was preparing for it. He probably went to the fight still in the apron and it'd make the front page if it got covered by media. Anyways, yeah, the plan was not going so well and Genos was almost on the brink of tears because of frustration. What's Saitama gonna do to fix this situation?
Prompt 024
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 024 Rating: Teen Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Prompt: Genos knits them both silly Christmas sweaters. Does it go well? Does it become a disaster?
Prompt 025
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 025 Rating: Any Characters: Tatsumaki, Fubuki Tags: Alcohol, Christmas Eve, Sibling Bonding Prompt: Tatsumaki and Fubuki spend Christmas Eve together... with copious amounts of alcohol, of course.
Prompt 026
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 026 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama, Genos/Saitama/Sonic Characters: Genos, Saitama Prompt: Half-monster Genos and tentacle Saitama Could be anything. Cuddling by an open fire, smutty tentacle fun, Christmas stuff, you name it. Refs: http://78.media.tumblr.com/e601b9bedacdb6d3606c023c774ad233/tumblr_oudkx3iTeh1rzjk5bo1_1280.png (nsfw) https://78.media.tumblr.com/1fbac17ca8cfcf5ad0bd3a81df622acd/tumblr_otx4ziQxn81rzjk5bo1_540.png
Prompt 027
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 027 Rating: G Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Tags: Sickfic, Domestic Fluff, Friendship/Love, Pre-Relationship, Fever, Delusions, Humor, Hurt/Comfort Prompt: Genos gets sick and Saitama has to do his best to take care of him, despite never having taken care of a sick person before (other than himself). At some point, Genos' fever gets high enough that he starts getting a bit loopy. Lighthearted shenanigans ensue.(Can be an AU with human!Genos or canon-compliant, though I'm leaning a bit more towards preferring human Genos. It's also up to you if they end up getting together in the end or not, but please have there to be some clearly developing romantic feelings on Saitama's part either way.)
Prompt 028
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 028 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Prompt:  For reasons (left to the writer/artist's discretion, but maybe a Hero Association fundraiser? Saitama agreed because they get to keep their tips) Saitama, Genos, and any number of other heroes are roped into serving fans festive food and drinks while wearing Christmas-themed maid costumes. Romance would be nice but that's also left up to you.
Prompt 029
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 029 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Prompt: One or both of them are trans (bonus points for trans!sai). The rest is up to you. I just need more trans saigenos fics. Any rating is fine.Pls. My crops are dying.
Prompt 030
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 030 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos, King, Mumen, Fubuki Tags: Mutual Pining ,Story within a Story, Pre-Relationship Prompt: King is looking to run a Dungeons & Dragons campaign and offers to pay for takeout weekly for anyone who comes to play. Saitama and Genos are shoe-ins, as are several other heroes who are either there for the food or for the drama (or both).Genos and Saitama's characters are particularly flirty with one another, despite them not being in a relationship (yet?), and everyone but them can see how pathetically transparent they're both being.TL;DR: Genos and Saitama flirt and/or date in a D&D game because both of them are too silly to try to flirt and/or date in real life. Whether or not they realize what they're doing is up to the author's discretion!
Prompt 031
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 031 Rating: Any Pairing: Saitama/Tatsumaki, Fubuki & Tatsumaki Characters: Saitama, Tatsumaki, Fubuki, Bang Tags: Friendship/Love Prompt: When Tatsumaki's only family couldn't join her for the holidays, she decides she didn't even want to celebrate it anyway. Then how the hell did she end up in Bang's dojo getting a pep talk from Egghead? add as many characters as you want as long as Tats and Sai are central
Prompt 032
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 032 Rating: Teen Pairing: Fubuki/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Fubuki Tags: Friendship/Love Prompt: New Years Eve tradition/countdown - Could be rated M or E go wild (by that I mean do whatever you feel like it); add as many characters as you feel like as long as it's centered on Fubuki and Saitama.
Prompt 033
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 033 Rating: Any Pairing: Mumen/Tatsumaki Characters: Mumen, Tatsumaki Tags: Getting to Know Each Other Prompt:  He's a C-class hero. #1 C-class, but C-class anyway. And her powers don't work on him. One could only expect Tatsumaki to be curious about it. (or a talk over spiced frappuccinos)
Prompt 034
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 034 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Mumen/Saitama/Sonic Characters: Saitama, Genos, Sonic, Mumen Tags: Christmas Fluff, Everyone is Gay Prompt: Last year he spent Christmas alone, cold, and miserable. A monster crashed through his front door and there was nothing on T.V. but romantic movies. At least the last 11 months have been better, and he's gotten THREE boyfriends?! This might be the best Christmas yet, if he can find them the perfect presents of course. OT4 fluff, anyone's POV is fine, nsfw is fine too.
Prompt 035
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 035 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Tags: AU, Fluff and Angst, Metropolis, Major Character Death Prompt: Humans and robots coexist in the futuristic city of Metropolis, although robots are discriminated against and segregated to the city's lower levels. A lot of Metropolis' human population are unemployed and deprived, and many people blame the robots for taking their jobs. Metropolis (2001) AU. Saitama as Kenichi and Genos as Tima. You can stick to the movie or write an au of an au. You don't have to have watched the movie honestly, but you should it's really good.
Prompt 036
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 036 Rating: Explicit Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Tags: Sex tapes Prompt: Genos is going to be away for a week and he wants to make a sex tape to keep Saitama company until he gets back.
Prompt 037
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 037 Rating: Mature Pairing: Fubuki/Psykos Characters: Fubuki, Psykos Prompt:  Both fic or art appreciated! It can be set in canon or an AU. I'd love some relaxed, peaceful mood along with it if it's possible :) And some mutual grooming maybe! (It says Mature in the tags, but anything between Gen-Mature is good)
Prompt 038
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 038 Rating: Any Pairing: None Characters: Genos, Kuseno Tags: Christmas, Family, Past Tense Prompt: A look at Genos and Dr. Kuseno's first Christmas together. Was it awkward, quiet, and uneventful? Or was it full of remiscining, warmth, and budding new family ties?(Angst is welcome, 15 year-old Genos is preffered)
Prompt 039
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 039 Rating: Explicit Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Tags: Established Relationship, Teasing, Flirting, Sexual Frustration, Humor Prompt: Saitama spends an entire day flirting with and teasing Genos when it's impossible for the cyborg to do anything about it. However, he doesn't really consider the fact that, once they get home, he'll be at Genos' mercy...So basically, a fic where the latter half is just Genos having his way with Saitama as revenge for all the teasing >:3cThe sex part is pretty much fair game, write whatever you'd like! As long as Genos is calling the shots. And I'd really appreciate Saitama getting pretty flustered over it all...
Prompt 040
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 040 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Tags:  Alternate Universe - Role Reversal Prompt: Alternate Universe where Genos survived the Mad Cyborg attack (perhaps with some scars) and never became a cyborg. he tries to train himself to be a better hero and take on the crazed cyborg one day, but can’t seem to become as strong as he needs to be. Then he meets Saitama, and is awed by his strength, but a little discouraged when he realizes that Saitama is at least part cyborg. Saitama feels inhuman and disconnected from the world, until this young, spitfire, hero wannabe comes into his life.
Prompt 041
Tag: #OPMSS Prompt 041 Rating: Any Pairing: Genos/Saitama Characters: Saitama, Genos Tags: Possessive Behavior, Love Bites, Marking Prompt:  Genos is very possessive and demonstrative with his affection. He enjoys leaving marks on Saitama, especially love bites and hickeys on Saitama's neck. Because of Saitama's high tolerance for injury, they don't last very long, so Genos has to keep reapplying them daily. Neither of them see that as a bad thing, and Saitama (secretly?) adores feeling so loved and wanted.
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016.  ❛  write  the  story  of  a  hero.  ❜  —  (  in  character.  )
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shootstyled · 1 year
@cinisemperium​  ♡’d and got another pro
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          it’s been...well, years since he last saw Todoroki. the years after graduation had been a whirlwind of excitement and fear and change — Izuku heading off to America, Todoroki apparently training in both America and Korea and before he knew it, he hadn’t seen his friend’s face in more months than he could count. guilt simmers low in his gut, travels through every fidget of his limbs as he stands in front of Todoroki’s agency.
          it’s impressive, the building a tribute to all the work Todoroki must’ve put into the building, standing tall and proud. honestly, he’s a bit starstruck. Izuku hadn’t left nearly as big of a mark anywhere as Todoroki did with what this building suggests.
          — and yet he’s still fidgeting on the sidewalk before the front doors, wondering exactly what he’ll say to his friend if he ever gets the courage to go inside. that’s even including if Todoroki is even there, since this is definitely a surprise call.
          ❝  okay, Izuku! stop being a coward and go in!  ❞  he tells himself, slapping both hands against freckled cheeks, brow setting into determination. straightening his shoulders, he enters the building, and soon he’s standing awkwardly in a lobby while a secretary tracks down Todoroki. he’s got it in his head now. he’s not leaving until he sees his friend and no anxiety is gonna change that.
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shootstyled · 1 year
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@tempestflames / caring for sick muses.
send ‘ PROP UP ’ for [ MY ] muse to prop up [ YOUR] muse on a set of pillows. As he’s doing so he remarks. “Well you don’t look as shitty as you did yesterday.” ( from baku!
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  Midoriya Izuku doesn’t get sick. they take pride in that fact, because they want to be at 110% any time someone’s in need of their help. they take vitamins, they exercise regularly, eat full meals whenever possible.
  — so maybe it stings a little more than it really should when he drops like a sack of potatoes after his twelfth day of work in a row and wakes to Kacchan taking care of them. somewhere in his mind, he can vaguely remember that Kacchan had been there yesterday too ( and maybe even the day before, ’cause he has no idea what day it is anyway ) and he is pretty sure he had a fever, but everything’s a bit fuzzy.
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  ❝  ha’work t’day.  ❞  they mumble incoherently; every single one of their limbs feels like lead and it takes an exorbitant amount of energy just to raise their hand to scrub at their eyes. it’s so damn cold in here too, which is what incites him to attempt a pathetic burrow into his blankets.
  ❝  Kacchan’s here.  ❞  as if that hadn’t already been glaringly obvious. Izuku’s a workaholic, not an idiot ( though maybe Kacchan would call him one regardless ) so he knows Kacchan’s there to take care of him, but the question still poses: why? when had Kacchan cared enough to want to stay by somebody’s side while sick? oh well. that’s a philosophical question for when he doesn’t feel like he’s been hit with a Manchester Smash head on.
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shootstyled · 1 year
@ofpermafrost wanted a baby Izu too
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  his...head hurts.
  that’s the first thing Izuku thinks of when he opens his eyes, crumpled bits of building surrounding him and the dust barely settling. it hurts, a lot more than he thought anything could. he raises both fists up and rubs at his cheeks, looking around in fright.
  there’s a cackling laugh that makes him flinch and he moves his leg to stand, to run, because his mom’s here somewhere, right? but moving his leg brings attention to a new feeling. there’s pain there, too, and when he looks down, there is red on his leg and a very rough scrape up his right knee. 
  ❝  mama!  ❞  he yells without thinking, tears already spilling down dusty cheeks.
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shootstyled · 1 year
@vocalchvrds: deku help
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  ❝ I don't think even All Might could help you. ❞
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shootstyled · 1 year
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Glancing over at the nerd, he snorts at how they’ve ended up being paired together once again.
“Alright listen up nerd. We gotta write a mock up proposal for starting up our own agency as hero partners. Then create a presentation for it. The proposal gotta address certain components. Location, branding, design, and other shit.”
Continuing to read through the project description, Katsuki blows out an annoyed sigh. “Before we do that though, we gotta shadow a hero who owns their own agency for three days. Observe how they run their shit. There’s a list with heroes who are participating with days the can take us in.”
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  despite the fact that Izuku has absolutely been listening to their assignment, he doesn’t seem to mind the other repeating it back to him. it was never a harm to repeat instructions, and despite how hard he’s trying to keep a straight face, he’s downright giddy at the prospect. sure, it was completely hypothetical, sure, Kacchan might make this an absolute nightmare, but he’s so excited to even discuss the idea of opening a dual hero agency, whether it’s for a school project or not!
  ❝  this is going to be great!  ❞  he bursts with more enthusiasm than he can even attempt to reign in.  ❝  a hero agency with Kacchan will be amazing!  ❞
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  scrambling for the sheet of paper that had been passed around with the list of heroes, he chews on his lip as he reads over it, brows screwing up in concentration. shadowing a hero was a big prospect, and he’s positive that it’ll take a little narrowing to figure out a hero that embodies both of their values. maybe not everyone was going to look into it the same way, but the gears were already turning in his head. both of them had their own ideals when it came to being a hero and they’d have to compromise somewhere in the middle. he doesn’t even realize he’s been mumbling out loud, finally looking back up.
  ❝  none of the heroes on this list are dual hero agencies. did sensei say we only could shadow one?  ❞
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shootstyled · 1 year
@ofpermafrost​ ♡’d and got a itty baby
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          ❝  Todoroki, have you ever been to a festival before?  ❞  
          they had some down time before their performance for the culture festival, and Izuku wants to be able to spend the time with his friends. lots of people were still getting ready, he’d even seen a few of their classmates sneak off to look around the other booths, but Todoroki had somehow seemed to blend into the wall. oh, that won’t do, not at all.
          ❝  if you want, we can go check out some of the works of the other classes!  ❞
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shootstyled · 1 year
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  ❝ even I can't help him now. ❞
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shootstyled · 1 year
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@ofpermafrost / prompts for emotionally stunted idiots
“  i’m not here to talk about me.  what the hell is going on with you?  ”
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  ...nothing gets past Shouto and the full body wince fully supports the idea that Izuku is hiding something. Izuku considers, for a brief moment, simply closing his apartment door and saying he’s sick so he’s going back to bed, but Izuku has learned one thing from being Shouto’s friend for as long as he had: when Shouto starts losing his temper, you don’t test his patience.
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  ❝  Todoroki,  ❞  they say slowly, licking their lips in anticipation while they hold up both hands. they’d gotten home not even ten minutes prior and hadn’t even managed to shower; dust and dirt still spotted across exposed skin, a cut slashing through his right cheek’s freckles and drawing attention to the bags under his eyes. perhaps Shouto’s worried about just how tired Izuku looks, but —  ❝  I’m not saying this to be coy, but what are you talking about?  ❞
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