omegastation · 6 years
4tuchanka replied to your post “Hello! Do you know if it was ever elaborated whether Turians and...”
Not really an answer to the question, but I do remember a krogan in ME1 talking about how "stupid" base-10 math is whoops, accidentally hit enter, but how "stupid" base-10 math is and that's what humans get for having extra fingers. Krogan have three fingers on each hand too!
Ah, I know! Salarians too.
Thanks :)
meggannn replied to your post “Hello! Do you know if it was ever elaborated whether Turians and...”
I’ve seen this question before but I don’t think we have enough canon or consensus to consider it answered, but personally I think it’s a fair assumption though. The krogan on Noveria is derisive about “humans and their base 10” bc of our fingers so it stands to reason other species probably do 6 or something.
Oh, you have seen it before? I really don’t recall anything like this, but this is nice. 
Okay, I think with all your answers it’s a fair assumption then :)
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felassan · 7 years
Probably a silly question, but do you (or a follower?) know how to skip the space travelling sequences after the patch (on pc)? I read on PC Gamer it's the tab key, but that doesn't appear to work... Thanks!
hey not at all. :] I’m on a PC with a controller (xbox controller, it’s x-button instead of tab with that) and it’s working. I switched to kbm to test tab and that was working too. :| I’ll post this for you - is anyone else having this problem  and/or knows a fix? hopefully this gets sorted out soon for you cuz that sounds frustrating.
edit: input in the replies (cheers folks!) -
4tuchanka said: Does the key to skip appear at the bottom of the screen to skip? Could be a different key. If not, verify the patch is installed. That’s all I can think of.
liamnkosta said: It only seems to work inside a system, like if you travel from planet to planet. If you travel between systems there seems to be no option to skip it :(
tellmevarric said: I only get the tab when moving between planets and anomalies within a system. The planetary take off and landing sequences and the moving between systems sequences don’t appear to have the skip ability.
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xenonentity · 7 years
Nakmor Kesh
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang smooch and cuddlehogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: umm. everything? kind, smart, and takes no shit. an inspiration. worst quality: is not romanceable ship them with: ME, ryder, vetra, rider AND vetrabrotp them with: drack, sid, suvi, most krogansneeds to stay away from: tann needs to keep his slimy hands away from her and i hope she airlocks spendermisc. thoughts: she’s everything i could have hoped for (except a romance option) 
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corvitine · 7 years
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I love my bright pink krogan mercenary. I’m actually making an oc based on him. His name is Urdnot Krux, and his hobbies include wrecking shit, showing off, and flirting with cute girls. @4tuchanka Also, @iheedthecall this is my new oc I mentioned I was making.
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spartanburger · 7 years
MEA Party Week Meme!
`Rules: Answer the questions and tag 10 people. [Optional: post any MEA screenshot you’d like to share!
I was tagged by @palavenmoons
I don’t want to oblige anyone to do this, but if interested, I tag: @theafrorevolution, @greyfen, @capt-biglou, @4tuchanka, @sillybanana07
And, of course, if you aren’t tagged, feel free to latch on and do this anyway.
What is your favorite scene in MEA?
No individual scene really stands out to me above the others. There are many scenes that come just so close to being incredible, but they always end just as I’m really getting into it. It’s not that they aren’t bad per se, more that they’re all kinda equally good and just jumble together in my head, but that may be because I’ve worked 15 hour days every day this week and my head is starting to hurt from caffeine withdrawal. Barfight with Drack, Vetra and the sunset, Vetra’s shiteating grin when you flirt with her, the movie night, the Kadara rooftops with Reyes...
If I had to pick one that was particularly interesting to me, I would have to say the conclusion of Jaal’s mission with Akksul. I loved that bit. It really made me like Jaal more.
What is your favorite quest? 
Drack’s mission with the food stuffs with Vorn. It was really entertaining to me, especially since I was trying out a new in-your-face kind of build at the time which really fit the mood of the mission.
What is your favorite weapon?
Okay, so I actually really, really do not like the weapons in Andromeda. Something about how they feel when using them is severely lacking compared to the feel of the weapons in ME3. I think it’s a gameplay-feedback issue, but I’m not 100% sure.
Additionally, a lot of the weapons in previous games were differentiated by being functionally different. Andromeda ‘generified’ so many weapons together, that old favorites were changed, or no longer worked or felt the way they should. Viper, Valiant, Vanquisher, and Black Widow all might as well be the exact same weapon right now, only with slight damage number difference tweaks and give or take one shot in the clip. What they did to the Raptor just annoys me, as I loved the feel of that gun in ME3, even if it was far from the best. Now it’s just an exact copy of the Indra. At least it kicks ass in damage, now.
I ended up defaulting to the Reegar. As much as I loath using shotguns in singleplayer, it stood out by retaining its uniqueness, and was still stupid-powerful.
and also because i have a thing for quarian tech
okay it was mostly because i have a thing for quarian tech
What is your favorite armor?
Angara Avenger armor. Them power bonuses were exactly what I was looking for. 
What is your favorite power ability?
For the first time in forever, I didn’t roll an Infiltrator, so my usual go-to abilities like Cloak were not used.
I found myself using Overload in basically every fight. Charged Overload, then EDrain to detonate, then slap them with Invasion. By that time, I’m already in their face, and melting it off with the Reegar. Anyone who dropped below the invasion health-threshold just exploded.
What is your favorite planet?
The atmosphere on that rock was amazing. It really captured the feelings that I really liked about the planets in ME1: that it was so empty of people, but still so much alive in atmosphere. It also had very little to do on it, relatively speaking, so it was over long before it started to get grating.
What is your favorite addition to MEA that wasn’t in the original trilogy?
It’s not really a new feature, but I will say the new aliens and the alien aesthetic. ME2 and ME3 really started to show some nice unique and identifiable stylistic and aesthetic designs for environments, tech, and worlds that belonged to each major race. ME:A continues this and does a fantastic job of building unique aesthetic world designs for the Angara and the Kett. It was identifiable to their race, unique, and I loved every bit of it.
In general, the world and aesthetic designers in MEA really did an amazing job.
I don’t have many kind words for many of the other things MEA added, though.
Who is your favorite non-romanced (one you didn’t romance but could be) character? (can be NPC or squadmate) 
Drack is perhaps the first Krogan that, at least for the most part, wasn’t just eye-rollingly typical. I really didn’t like him at first, but by the end of the game, I actually found myself valuing his place on the team.
I wanted to spend more time with Sid, too. Not to romance, but she seemed really cool and cute, and I would have loved to have more instances with her, especially to hear more of her side of the Vetra/Sid life prior to Andromeda.
Favorite squad/party combo?
I ended up taking Vetra and Jaal on a few more missions than the others, and on the final mission. Jaal, as an unknown alien, offered an interesting perspective on most situations. Vetra because, well, Turian.
Vetra and Drack were good too.
Favorite non-bipedal animal on Andromeda?
I want to say the Galorn. I wish I got close looks at those creatures.
That being said, I want to personally glass the surface of every world that breeds those bloody dogs. The Challyrion, the Adhi, the fucking Adhi... Heleus was a bust - time to head back to the MW.
What surprised you most when you first played MEA?
The game starts off so bloody well. It really does a fantastic job of nailing the right notes for a new ME game in a new Galaxy.
What is your favorite quote? 
“Fuck over” - Jaal
Don’t forget to tag your post with #meapartyweek
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smackins · 7 years
4tuchanka replied to your post “I DID IT I PASSED THE PERMIT TEST”
Of course you did. I HAD NO DOUBT.
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smackins · 7 years
4tuchanka replied to your post: I’m sick now. Probably picked something up from...
DMVs are the worst agencies in existence. Doesn’t matter what state you’re in lol
I mean, it wasn’t super crowded or anything but it definitely had this oddly oppressive atmosphere to it, if that makes sense. 
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smackins · 7 years
Dratok and Bakela hanging out at a bar!
I appreciate the fact you actually like my under-developed science buttarian lol
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smackins · 7 years
4tuchanka replied to your post “I was browsing apartments out of curiosity and I literally found one...”
A goal to look forward to! You'll achieve it!
Thanks I hope so!
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smackins · 7 years
Have you thought about any other aliens that may have conflict with the Hymdromons? Invaders or anything like that from other worlds?
Nope, not for anything in the main story anyway, although their galaxy DOES have other sapient life more advanced than themselves. They just aren’t relevant to the story. For the most part I want to focus on the conflicts and challenges to overcome among each other and the creatures of their own planet- a good reason for that being some themes and philosophical junk I want to explore with it. 
That being said, I can definitely see hymdromons fighting and colonizing in other worlds waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off in the future. The most likely of the hymdromon species to do that would probably be the Turris and the Vagor, but anything’s possible! I often do imagine what they would be like interacting with other alien species in a galactic setting, and what they would bring to that sort of society. Haha, more than likely they’d make themselves a bit of a nuisance with some of their natural behaviors. Just imagine giant ants or bees with human-like intelligence but all of their natural behaviors trying to mesh in with our society and you can imagine what kinds of shenanigans hymdromons could get up to among alien races. XD  
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felassan · 7 years
How are you personally liking the singleplayer game so far? I'm just spending my trial time on multiplayer.
I’m liking it a lot! I’ve really enjoyed my time in the trial so far, and can’t wait for launch so I can restart and really get into it. For reference, all of my time (about 8 hours so far) has been spent in singleplayer (or in CC, or hopping in and out of the game or menus in order to test things like settings), to the first planet after the prologue, up to a point which I guess is not far from the story lock. It’s a good game, maybe even a great game, and a lot of fun. full response under a cut to trim dash clutter and for length. spoiler-free.
Considering the fact that I have a weird, apparently-shit and derpy graphics card, I was expecting performance/graphics to be pretty bad, but for whatever reason the game runs fairly smoothly/well even on my PC on medium settings, I don’t have issues with crashes, freezing, stuttering, lag spikes, etc, not even on the first post-prologue planet. load times are reasonable. Even with my lame card and on medium settings with some effects turned off (like chromatic aberration), the environments and set-pieces look decent to good, which is a nice surprise. I’m going to upgrade my graphics card tho because 1) it’s long overdue and 2) I want an experience playing this game where it’s “pretty”, not just “decent”. I think doing that would improve my frame-rate and get rid of some of the scratchy/fuzzyness in some places that I’ve noticed, like around character models. that issue is definitely on my weird lame graphics card though, not on BW.
Gameplay is good from what I noticed. I’m excited to go exploring. sidequests so far felt less sidequesty/better thought out/less tacked on than DA:I’s. the jump-jet is a rad addition, I love the new dimension to the world and exploring the new verticality adds and improved mobility is always a plus. I like the extra lore/flavor details you can get from using the scanner. Combat is fun and solid, better than the OT, tho I’m still getting used to it. combat feels fluid, and for once in a game of this kind I’m properly looking forward to trying out different skills/builds rather than repeating the same playstyle over and over. the Nomad handles well and better than the Mako (I use a controller for my PC and can’t speak to how it handles for kbm). Disclaimer/caveat: I don’t play these games for the gameplay, and I played the trial on a low difficulty to blast through combat in order to see the stuff I wanted to see in my limited time. I also don’t really pay much attention to mechanics in games. so I’m not the best judge, because I’d play games with poor gameplay and suffer through that if it was to access a BioWare world with the choices, characters, depth, etc. I will say that nothing about combat gameplay in ME:A has irritated or frustrated me, which is something - DA:O’s for instance frustrated me for being so slow, ME1′s for being clunky (Shepard handled like I was pushing her around as she sat in a shopping trolley), DA2′s repeating he-man/power rangers spawning waves of mooks were annoying. for reference, combat gameplay in ME3 and DA:I was never an issue for me.
The voice-acting is strong. the aesthetic of the game is very Mass Effect. and it feels like Mass Effect too, even though we’re in a whole new galaxy - specifically a return to the atmospheric feel of ME1 (I don’t know how to articulate this, sorry. but I feel like I’m in the universe and back in ME1 when the galaxy was huge and there was so much to see, that retro scifi way). The story so far has been good - good opening, smartly-integrated tutorial that didn’t feel like a tutorial but like the prologue it is, compelling, interesting, emotional moments that got me, plot-hooks that have me wanting to keep going and find out more. the writing is mostly good, with a few odd/shoddy lines here and there. The squad characters are AMAZING. I love the squad and the ship. There’s lots of dialogue, banter and ambient dialogue from NPCs around the Nexus and Hyperion, and on the tempest and when exploring. I’ve only been playing for eight hours but already Liam and Cora feel more three dimensional and more interesting than Kaidan and Ash did in ME1 (I’m saying this as someone who quite likes Kaidan and Ash). I haven’t personally noticed Liam falling prey to the same issues Jacob did that people have been concerned about, which is good. Peebee feels differentiated from Liara (I wasn’t worried about that, but saw the sentiment around). I haven’t spent enough time with her to be able to tell if she feels differentiated from Sera (but I’m not really worried about that either anyway). Vetra is the best thing that has ever blessed the earth. there are little nods, callbacks and easter egg references to the OT that are pleasantly unexpected or even emotional in terms of content. I like the music, its a good mix of new exciting future stuff and callbacks to the music of the OT. plenty smiles and some laughs (good laughs, at jokes) had. quality cinematics, good cinematic design. I can’t WAIT to progress the story further and spend more time with these characters.
my main piece of negative feedback is the CC. it’s very limited, I think it’s quite poor really. but I’ve harped enough about that already so won’t repeat myself. full thoughts on CC here if you’re interested and haven’t seen it. my second main issue is more moderate in nature - I find the animations (specifically facial animations/emoting of human characters, including SisRyder, including talking) really quite off/jarring. your mileage may vary on this one, it’s not an issue for some people, it’s a relative thing I think how much it gets to you. for me it looks wrong/robotic/fake. secondary to but related to the animation issue is the dead/glassy-eyed look of human characters. I think they need to overhaul the CC, improve facial animations where possible (pls fix exploding mouths), and fix the eye textures (several artists by now have posted detailed breakdowns of what’s wrong with the eyes and why they visually look ‘dead’). I don’t actually have an issue at all with other animation glitches like tbone pose, weird walking, weird running up hills, etc. hasn’t happened much for me at all and doesn’t bother me when it does.
then I have some minor issues: no quicksave; no pausing during cutscenes; no saving during priority missions; in dialogue would prefer the choice of 4 tone responses to pop up more often than they do; differentiating instinctively between dialogue tone icons for me isn’t that good, maybe I just need more time at it though; the menu design doesn’t feel very intuitive but maybe I just need to get used to it? but there are menus upon menus within menus and I feel like the UI could be better; 2 ambient dialogue conversations triggering at the same time as I walk past like on the Nexus for example (have to move around hubs slowly so I don’t miss things and when one starts I stand still because moving too far ends it); it needs to be easier to quit menus (like hotkey m to enter and exit map, not m to enter and esc esc esc to exit [if you’re wondering I’ve been switching to kbm for menus. its great that the switch is seamless]); I do miss being able to directly order squadmates to use their skills in battle; I think Suvi and Gil should have been given custom models like Liam and Cora, at the moment it feels like a repeat of the issue we had with Traynor and Cortez, which isn’t great; I do feel a little railroaded having Ryder’s background depend on their gender, I don’t want to have to give a fuck about Prothean science digs. but these issues are definitely of the minor variety.
I think right now I’d give it a 7.5 or maybe eight out of ten, improving CC and fixing the facial animations/eyes would drive it up to nine for me I think. and this is on a normal common-sense-person scale, not a pro reviewer scale (where 80% is actually like a shit score). 
tl;dr loving it. 1 major issue, 1 moderate issue, numerous minor issues. absolutely loving it despite those and would definitely recommend and enthuse about it.
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felassan · 7 years
Were you able to start up the game through a VPN? My play button's grayed out :/
Yes, I'm in. I know of other people who are also playing it. Did you follow that guide from Reddit? It worked for me. I did have to sign out and quit Origin then restart it after 3pm came and went. Someone I know, using a different VPN, reported issues with Korea nodes but was able to manage it with an India one. Sorry to hear of your troubles :[
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smackins · 7 years
I haven't had any ice cream from an ice cream truck in a long, long, time.
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felassan · 7 years
I don't know how you manage to keep up with the flood of info that keeps pouring in. Thanks for being a great source of MEA content! This game can't come out soon enough.
a secret: i’m not o(⇀‸↼‶)○
thankyou tho :) glad its useful to you
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smackins · 7 years
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: He’s a friendly, good-natured,honest fella.worst quality: None that I’ve seen yetship them with: nobody yetbrotp them with: nobody yetneeds to stay away from: KROGAN HATERZmisc. thoughts: Dratok is the kind of krogan I’d have a drink with. He’s a real funny, easy-going guy, but he can be serious when he needs to be and he’d probably be a great ally to have in a dire situation. It’ll be cool to see how he develops. 
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felassan · 7 years
Thanks for the suggestions! I'm actually covered on all fronts :( Tried closing every superfluous background program I could see and still nothing, it just hangs in a small black window with no sound. I've made a post in the support thread on BSN. Hopefully I'll get it sorted before Tuesday! Thanks again :)
you’re welcome. I’m sorry to hear that :[ thankyou for getting back to me, I was wondering whether any of them might be fixes as that’s useful information. I’ve found the people in the BSN technical support threads really helpful personally for what it’s worth, so here’s hoping. :] you might also try EA support. and Ian’s been telling people to report bugs here. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you manage to find a solution before launch.
[msg refs this post]
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