#911 6x08 mini meta
deluweil · 1 year
9 things before I start to write my review:
1. Uncle Buck is the sweetest, most precious and most amusing thing! I've always loved Buck but this made me love him even more.
2. Toddler Jee-Yun is so cute! And funny! And definitely Chimney's daughter lol 😂 I want more of her!! 🤗❤️😍
3. Carla always shows up when Eddie needs a piece of advice that gets him closer to Buck. And when he and Buck are not communicating. It happened in 4x13 and in 5x10. So many subtle things hidden in their conversations that are supposedly around Christopher, but really, Christopher might be the only one doing the growing in that house lately lol.
4. CHRISTOPHER! He got so big and looked so handsome and so happy with his friends, I just love to watch him grow up. 🥺❤️
5. Athena and Hen S1 like scenes, I always loved their friendship, and I'm glad we're getting more of it this season.
6. Bobby is having S1 Buckley nightmares lmao I'm thinking that's why he reacted so harshly towards that couple. 😂 I thought for sure Buck would say that he had sex inside the firetruck, never on top of it while moving - it seems he had more sense than that, lmao.
7. Buddie crumbs were delicious, thank you! Now I want a whole meal. 😉 I mean the obvious callback to 3x18 - isn't he too young question from Buck lol and that perfect synchronization of the boys figuring out that there's someone on top of the engine and climbing together to see who. Loved it!
I just wish we had Eddie heading over to Buck’s after dropping Christopher off at the dance.
8. I love May's storyline! She is badass and awesome, and I love how she's slowly finding her way through life. Her relationship with Athena is maturing too and I love watching it.
9. Buck, Hen and Denny!! Loved that scene! The reference to Oliver's previous role with the swords. And that he wants to be the kind of uncle that spoils his niece and teaches her that she can be a hero too even if Maddie will kill him for it lol.
Hen and him fake fighting with the swords. It looked more like Aisha and Oliver having fun, and I love it!❤️
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Um, are we gonna talk about this?!?!?!
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Carla orders dim sum during her and Eddie’s school dance stakeout. That seems important bc based in info above in the screenshots, the show is illustrating Carla’s role in Eddie’s narrative as a stop gap measure or stand in for the home/family dynamics that he really wants. His fantasy is for something more with someone who wants more with him, including a kid and a making a home together. Carla’s cool but she’s not that person, obviously, ofc we all know that. But Buck is that person, or will be! Carla’s presence at that milestone for Chris was dim sum - touching Eddie’s heart but not filling his heart. He’s craving more with his own crush/partner. This idea fits with the ending of 607 (eddie’s talk of the future) and all the talk of crushes and new love in 608. Am I in the weeds here or does this dim sum reference actually do some work in telling the story of where Eddie is at right now?? Don’t mind me. Just chewing glass.
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