pondering names for a potential Macushla/Misericordia redux:
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aingeal98 · 4 months
I have like. Two versions of Damian Wayne in my head. I think it's a consequence of getting to know and love him via Morrison's run on him and then wanting to know more, doing research into his mother's side, and being horrified by how racist the retcons made were. It didn't really change how much I enjoy Damian in any significant way, because I liked him for his dynamic with the batfamily and how entertaining he is as Robin. It's just that when it comes to anything deeper than that, about what motivates him, what he internalized growing up, the impact his childhood abuse had on him, anything to do with Ras or Talia really... A lot of writers fail so badly at making it compelling and instead just make me cringe and want them never to touch the al Ghuls again. And so we end up with two Damians:
Damian Wayne aka the Damian I love: Most easily described as an in-character, well written Damian with a solid backstory. Robin Son of Batman and his Robin run both pull this off pretty well. They don't downplay the horror of his childhood but they don't cross over into cartoonish territory either, and they allow Damian to have complicated thoughts and feelings about what he did and what was done to him. You can see how his abuse shaped him without it being shoved hamfistedly down your throat, and I don't come away thinking "I have to ignore all of this no matter how important it is to his character because logically Ras and/or Talia would not fucking do that". Also he's hilarious and makes me root for him whether he's insulting his enemies or electrocuting Jason or dying for the fifth/sixth time. Like that's my son and I can write a million words on his mentality and how it's changed and his opinions on his parental figures and his character development and how he'd interact with x or y character and-
And the second Damian, aka the Woobie Damian. The one you get where hack writers want to give him a sad backstory to justify how Edgy and Badass and Damaged he is and write the most cartoonishly over the top evil Ras and Talia possible. Most recent example I can think of is Tom King saying Ras locked Damian in a box with no water for a week because he didn't tie his shoelaces right. Or Morrison's Talia murdering her own son. Or how SuperSons wrote Talia. And look, it's not that I won't accept horribly, ridiculously evil villains. My favourite character's dad abused her in more extreme ways than even the worst al Ghul writer could come up with. It's that these are characters with already established personalities and traits. Unless they are being mind controlled they would not act like that and do these things. Just like how Bruce Wayne wouldn't lock Dick in a cave and feed him rats. There are ways you can show the impact of growing up in a cult and raised by an evil grandfather and being told repeatedly that you are destined to lead them all into a better world and trained in the art of killing a man. And these writers fail miserably at pulling any of that off. It's as shallow and boring as "You know why I'm mean to you all the time? Because my family taught me love is a weakness. I said mean things to you and stabbed you but my grandfather used to beat me for showing kindness to animals. Don't you feel sorry for me now?"
It sucks. I hate it. Anything with that Damian in it, I automatically filter out of my personal canon. The only way I can think of making it good is if it's like the "Slice the Baby Saturday" meme, where Damian is just bullshitting to see how much he can get away with and deliberately testing his family with stereotypes. But unfortunately those writers are dead serious about Ras making Damian climb up a whole mountain with no safety gear even if he falls and breaks his arm or dies. Because that is definitely something you would do with your one and only heir. They're literally two minutes away from saying Ras gave Damian a puppy and then told Talia to kill it in front of him.
So basically when I say that I love Damian and he's my favourite male Robin, know that woobie Damian is not a part of this conversation. Real Damian I would kill for. A writer puts woobie Damian in front of me and says his mom stabbed him I say let him bleed out so I won't have to endure comics about him anymore.
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jbuffyangel · 7 years
Lingering Effects: Arrow 6x01 Review (Fallout)
Hello friends!!! Missed you guys! Man it has been a long writing break for me. I hope I remember how to do this!
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Another hellatus survived! Another season premiere! Six seasons - wow. We've put in a chunk of time with this show. What I admire about Arrow is they really pay attention to what worked and what didn't in the previous season and try incorporate those lessons into the next. Arrow has five years of lessons informing their sixth season premiere and the episode reflected it.  
There is a seamless fluidity and confidence to "Fallout." Arrow knows what it does best and what it doesn't. The captain of the Arrowverse, the original DC TV show, "the veteran" is owning their experience. The cast feels incredibly well integrated, it's fast paced, funny and emotional. Most importantly it answers the long awaited "cliffhanger" while still leaving some unanswered questions and launching new mysteries.
The term "Fallout" is an interesting choice for the episode title. It stuck with me as I watched because of the open endedness to the term. The definition of fallout is:
1 a :the often radioactive particles stirred up by or resulting from a nuclear explosion and descending through the atmosphere; also :other polluting particles (such as volcanic ash) descending likewise
b :descent (as of fallout) through the atmosphere
2 :a secondary and often lingering effect, result, or set of consequences
There is no conclusion or end to what happened on Lian Yu and what Adrian Chase did.  The characters are still falling through the consequences. Some are grappling more than others with the, but the lingering effects are shifting them all in new directions. For some, these new directions are wonderful. For others, it is like a radioactive particle slowly descending all around them... like a cancer taking hold.
Let's dig in...
Who Survived?
Let's just get right to it because thankfully Arrow did. In order of appearance: Diggle, Rene, Curtis, Felicity, Dinah, Lance and Bl&ck S&ren. There are absolutely no surprises in this list. We knew all the series regulars would be returning.
We'll get to Thea.
Arrow didn't go more than one minute without John Diggle because... they know how this works. Our Queen came home around the 5 minute mark. It's good the show can acknowledge they cannot survive more than five minutes without these two.
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Who Didn't Survive?
Samantha is the only confirmed death.  Again, no surprises there. We knew William was living with Oliver. As saw in the preview, Samantha charges into the woods in a panic looking for their son moments before the explosion. 
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I appreciate a mother's love and all that, but WHAT ARE YOU THINKING WOMAN? It's an island with 250 bombs about to go off in a matter of seconds. If William is truly in any danger don't you think Oliver would have SAID SOMETHING to Felicity over the comms? Perhaps something like, "Hey by the way, I have no idea where my son is so could y'all not leave him for dead? Enjoy the flight honey."
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Which I am sure is exactly what Thea (and Felicity) were going to tell Samantha as they charged after her into the woods. Samantha's actions were nothing more than suicide, which part of her had to know. Some part of her had to know that she couldn't save William because BOMBS! So instead she chose to die with him.
I'm not trying to take anything away from Samantha or disparage William's mother. Obviously, she deeply loved her son and would do anything to save him - even if it meant the cost of her own life. It's selfless love and what any good mother would do. But one has to admit the extreme stupidity of her actions. IT. IS. AN. ISLAND. 250. BOMBS.
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It's pretty obvious Arrow wanted Mama Clayton permanently gone, so Oliver was forced into the full time dad position. That's fine. Story arc has to go where the story arc has to go. However, that's not going to stop me from pointing out the illogical actions so they could blow the woman up.
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Of course, @callistawolf​ called it as she always does and Samantha dies in Oliver's arms. She makes Oliver promise to be a father to William and he does because of course.  Then... she's gone. For a character we really didn't know all that well it was pretty effecting. In no small part to Oliver barely keeping it together during their conversation. I cry when Stephen Amell cries.
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The fates of Talia Al Ghul, Nyssa Al Ghul and Evelyn are left unanswered. Slade tells Oliver that Ra's Al Ghul's daughter went after the girl in the cage. He didn't specific which one, but I'm assuming he meant Nyssa. We don't know if any of them survived, so they could pop up anytime. I will take whatever hope I can get for Nyssa's survival.  
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Oliver Queen and William
Of course, the biggest change to the show is Oliver becoming a full time dad. I agree with Stephen Amell's assertion that Oliver's mind send is similar to the Season 4 premiere. He's at peace and settled.
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Source: @olivergifs
However, it's not because he ran away from the hood, his past and the darkness. It's because he faced it. The lessons Oliver learned in Season 5, primarily letting go of the guilt he carried over Robert Queen's death, have taken hold in his soul in a way we've never seen before. 
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Source: @olivergifs
There are some stunningly refreshing comments from Oliver throughout the episode. Our man is embracing logic and approaching life from a new perspective. Except, the difference between this man and Season 4 Oliver is... he hasn't abandoned one side of himself. He accepts it and is balancing it.
This makes Oliver ready to be a father, but it doesn't mean it will be easy. Obviously, William is deeply traumatized. A man kidnapped him and his mother, put a gun to his head, announced rather unceremoniously that the Green Arrow was his father, and then blew up an island with his mother on it. It's safe to say William needs therapy. Call your insurance carrier Oliver. See who is in network.
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William is withdrawn, sullen, distant and angry with Oliver.  He refuses to talk about anything with his father even though he's not sleeping and having nightmares. Instead, he takes comfort in RAISA!!!
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Source: dmichellewrites
God bless this woman. It is good to see her back on my television screen. Oliver doesn't have  a lot of good parenting examples to draw from. Raisa is the grandmother role Oliver so desperately needs filled. One Moira is sadly unable to fulfill. However, I think Raisa probably provides a more grounded and less nefarious approach to parenting than Moira ever did.
Can I just say... I love that this kid is carrying around a Flash backpack? Let's review. Initially, William was obsessed with The Flash. 
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After the Green Arrow saved him from Damien Darhk, the kid chucked the scarlet speedster action figure for one of Green Arrow.  
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Now, we're back to carting Barry (in backpack form) around all day. There is a direct correlation between William's toys and his emotional progression with his father. Come fight me.
Sure it's totally possible for the kid to love both, but I don't think that's what's going on. This is exactly the kind of passive aggressive behavior a ten year old boy would pull.  William knows Oliver is the Green Arrow and blames him for his mother's death. This kid is no dummy. Toys R Us presents an effective and not so subtle dig at his father. William took it. His petty is my kind of petty.
The biggest insight into the state of their relationship is when Oliver says goodnight to William. His son replies, "Goodnight Oliver." Ouch.
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I winced right along with Oliver. That hurts. It's harsh, but very fair on William's part.
Being a father is more than biology and Oliver has to earn this. Samantha isn't the only issue between father and son. Oliver didn't know about William for many years. That's not Oliver's fault, but it doesn't erase the feelings of abandonment William has carried around his entire life either.  Even after Oliver discovered that William was his son, he sent him away.  The reason? The Green Arrow. Trust me, this kid has connected all the dots.
William is right to make Oliver earn being his father. The problems between them aren't going to be fixed with junk food, video games, staying up late, watching sports or tiptoeing around their issues. Oliver's initial approach to parenting felt very reminiscent to Moira's in Season 1, specifically with Thea. In "Lone Gunman," Thea steals some clothes, but rather than punish her Moira gives her space.  Oliver called out on it:
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Obviously, the situations are very different. William doesn't need to be punished, but Oliver doesn't need to tiptoe around him either. This isn't about being William's friend. This is about being his father.
He delivers the message with a gentle and loving tone, but it is firm. 
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Oliver has learned the first rule of parenting. Your child doesn't have to like you in order to take care of them. 
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His message to William is clear: William can push Oliver away all he wants. It won't change anything. Oliver is never walking away.  He will never leave him.
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Source: @olivergifs
This is exactly what William needs to hear from his father whether he knows it or not. There is a deep rooted fear under all this anger. Every time Oliver puts on that hood, every time he leaves the house, William is afraid he's going to lose him just like he lost his mother.
This reassurance is what William so desperately needs and will continue to need for a very long time. It's why we see the first crack in the wall he's put up. He agrees to watch a baseball game with his father.
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Source: @olivergifs
It's a small step, but it means everything to Oliver.  He mourned deeply when Samantha "lost" the baby and carried that pain with him always. The moment Oliver knew William existed he wanted to be a father to him.  However, Oliver is also learning what "being there" means and it's not always easy.  
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When William finally calls Oliver "Dad" it will be because he earned it. And Oliver Queen will earn it because he loves his son and that's what fathers do.
Fandom... we have done our time in Angst City. Hello Sunshine & Rainbows. I have missed you.
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The first scene between Oliver and Felicity tells us everything we need to know about the state of their relationship. Yes, they are together (five months and counting). They are currently living separately. Felicity is not spending time with William yet.
There are several reasons why I love this scene. First, Oliver Queen is the cutest cute to ever cute. Felicity Smoak walks into the room carrying cheeseburgers and Oliver cannot hide his pure joy at her arrival.  So, he smiles shyly and does his patented "Felicity Smoak Shuffle. "
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Felicity brought food for both Oliver and William, covering the basis for all lactose digestion possibilities.  
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Source: westallenolicitygifs
(Motherhood will be no issue. Felicity has this sewn up).
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The man just wants to eat cheeseburgers with his girl and son AND BE ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY OF THREE.  I just want to throw glitter all over his puppy face.
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Felicity has a very Felicity Smoak reaction. COMMENCE THE BABBLE.  
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She asks Oliver, "Unless you're asking because you think now is a good time..." and immediately we know that William and Felicity have not spent any time together. This is extremely wise on both Oliver and Felicity's parts.
William just lost his mother. No, five months is not a long time when a monumentally life altering event such as this happens to a child. He is deeply mourning.  Oliver introducing Felicity too soon could potentially make William feel like his father is pushing a  "replacement mother"  on him. It will only make William more confused and angry. There is no escaping that any woman romantically involved with Oliver carries that kind of connotation because he is William's father. The child needs time. Oliver and Felicity are respecting Samantha's death and William's grief.
Not to mention, William and Oliver are just getting to know each other.  A lot of William's resentment is created by Oliver not being in his life before now and his fear over something happening to his father (like his mother). William shouldn't have to share Oliver's attention when they are together. Not yet. Not at first. William needs to feel secure with his father first. Also, Oliver and Felicity need time to feel secure in their relationship before they are ready to tackle William together. This is Oliver and Felicity putting William's needs first, which is exactly what they SHOULD be doing.
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This doesn't mean it's easy on Oliver and Felicity. 
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Oliver tells Felicity he doesn't need a buffer, but c'mon son you would absolutely LOVE a buffer right now. I give you an Oliver Queen internal monologue:
Who doesn't love Felicity? Felicity fixes everything!!! She is my lobster and harnesser of my light! She's bringing cheeseburgers. This is a perfect time to get my forever family together and BOND. William will immediately fall in love with her, then fall in love with me, forgive all and call me Dad. We'll all watch the game together, I'll put William to bed and then Felicity & I can have all the sex.
I'm not saying I've nailed his every thought, but feel strongly I'm on the right track about the sex. “I could use some company” is one of the most blatant euphemisms for sex that I've ever heard in my life. I bet you could use some company big fella.
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Kidding aside, life with William isn't easy and Oliver is lonely. He misses Felicity. Felicity, in her infinite wisdom, tells Oliver this isn't the night.
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
This is probably the dirtiest thing Oliver Queen has ever said to Felicity. The way he lowered his voice and looked her up and down? My man. Keep it up Mr. Queen. 
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It rivals the eye sex of, "I believe you ordered the crate of stolen military weapons Mr. Queen.”  
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He was giving serious thought to going at it on the floor mats again. I know it. WE WERE ROBBED.
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See? This is all I need. Felicity babbling and Oliver looking at her like my dog looks at hot dogs on a stick. I'm a simple woman Arrow writers. Takes very little to keep me satisfied.
Real talk though, just between us girls Oliver, how long as it been? Are we hitting the week mark? Couple weeks? Months? Welcome to parenting!! Finding time for sex is a little trickier now. Honestly, Oliver and Felicity have never been more relatable. Cheer up though. William isn't a baby. He's 10. Eventually, he'll make a friend and this is why God invented sleepovers. Also, we have Raisa. *Jen fall to her knees and thanks Jesus for Raisa*
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Oliver isn't the only one who is disappointed. Felicity pouts when he walks away. Even though she knows now isn't the time, Felicity wants to spend time with William. She misses Oliver and wants to YA KNOW too. The two of them are on the same page, which is glorious to see. This is how open and honest communication works.
Speaking of open and honest communication, Oliver comes into the bunker upset because his son basically called him a murderer the night before. 
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Oliver’s broken puppy face kills me. 
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Source: @olivergifs
Felicity notices Oliver is upset right away.
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
He would love to talk about it? 
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We end the episode with what seems like a nightly ritual - Oliver and Felicity speaking on the phone after William is in bed. SWOON
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Unfortunately, this conversation isn't all adorableness and phone sex (C'mon it's a 9 pm time slot. We need SOMETHING.) It seems there is a photo of Oliver in the Green Arrow suit. 
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Source:  queensarrow
DUN DUN DUNNNN!!!! I love nothing more than when Oliver is up against the ropes and has to punch his way out. Revealing his identity is a perfect way to infuse some significant trouble into all the character's lives. We've danced this dance before, but they never had PHOTOGRAPHIC evidence before. 
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Watching Oliver wiggle his way out of this one will be fun. Or maybe he won't? We shall see! But what I love about the scene is Felicity asking, "Oliver what are we gonna do?"
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"Fallout" gave Oliver and Felicity just plenty to contend with. They may not have all the answers, but they are in this together. This is the Olicity I've been waiting for... and we're just getting started.
John Diggle
My biggest complaint with Season 5 was benching John Diggle. "Fallout" assured me that is NOT happening in Season 6. If Oliver and William are the A storyline, then John Diggle is the solid B storyline. He has the strongest arc and set up of all the supporting characters.
I've come to find stunt scenes are Arrow's way of saying, "This character is back and better than ever." They've returned to the gritty, one man against twenty, fight sequences of Season 1 and 2 in the Green Arrow stunt scenes. There's still group fights, but Oliver isn't standing on the sidelines watching the team work. He's taking down eight guys all by himself. The shift happened in Season 5 after complaints that Oliver's fight scenes were becoming too soft for the man who can do this. Arrow put the spotlight back on the Green Arrow.
It was the same with Diggle in "Fallout." There are some standout fight scenes in which Diggle kicks major ass.  If Oliver Queen is the quarterback, then John Diggle is left tackle... and they are bringing him off the bench.
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Diggle is hurt during the blast, but we don't know how. 
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Source: olvrsfelicity
Felicity stumbles as they race to the plane (THIS WOMAN IS ME) and Diggle comes back for because of course he does. DELICITY FOREVER. He's caught in the blast some way. 
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What we do know is there's a big surgical scar on his shoulder, his handshakes when he's aiming a gun, he can't make a shot, he's in a lot of pain and he's not telling anyone about it.
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Source: plotbunnyshipper
John is perfectly capable of defending himself without a gun, but it's causing some problems in the field. He fires at a mercenary and misses, giving the man the chance to shoot Rene. Rene is hurt badly. A collapsed lung is no joke my friends. Of course, falling 10 feet with Oliver Queen onto a car didn't help matters either.
John chooses to say behind on the next mission and run comms. Even Felicity gave him a WTF look when he volunteered. I am glad we are all on the same page. John Diggle sitting one out is weird. LET'S NEVER FORGET IT AGAIN ARROW. Another mercenary gets the drop on John and almost blows his head off during the Bl*ck S*ren attack. Honestly, this was the most we've ever seen John in danger. Things are not going well.
I read a lot of summaries of the episode and many reporters were saying Diggle is suffering from some form of PTSD and that's what is causing his hand to shake. I am a little flabbergasted by this. Certainly John can be suffering PTSD and it is Arrow's mainstay mental health issue. But I don't think this is just mental. I believe this is physical. A real injury - not just phantom pain. Diggle is absolutely hurting after the BS attack and it's apparent he is not in tip top physical shape. Despite a lack of medical expertise in pretty much anything, I'm thinking it's some kind of nerve damage/central nervous system thing.  
Keeping it a secret from the team isn't good. It puts them at risk and John would never want to put anyone's lives in danger. So... why is he keeping it secret? Well, I think it's pretty easy to fool yourself that everything is fine in these kinds of circumstances. I also believe John knows that if he tells the team, if he tells Oliver, then they won't let him in the field. Therefore, something serious is going on with John physically and he knows it.
Something may be going on with John mentally too and I'm not just talking PTSD.  Diggle has to be afraid what life looks like without Team Arrow. This mission pulled John out of a dark hole more than once. If John Diggle can't fight for the city, if he can't help people... then who is he? These are terrifying questions he may not want to answer.  John is running. Not unlike how Oliver ran from the questions that haunted him for ten years. Oliver eventually faced those questions and came out the other side. It'll be his turn to help Diggle do the same. Once he finds out the truth.
There is one person sniffing out John's lies more than anyone else: Dinah.
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Source: @valeriemperez​
She knows Diggle wasn't telling the whole story about what happened on the bridge with Rene or the Bl&ck S&ren attack. John also knows Dinah isn't telling the truth about what happened between Lance and BS. John and Dinah had each other's numbers last night.
So, let's just talk about the elephant in the room. Yes, I noticed the chemistry between the two actors. 
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I think you might have to live in a cave NOT to notice it. Their scenes were electric. I didn't particularly notice anything in the writing, but rather feel it's just the natural chemistry between the two actors. And... I noticed it last year too.
Do I think Arrow is going to put Diggle and Dinah together? Well... not while John Diggle is married. That's for damn sure. This is John Diggle we are talking about here.  Keep in mind, David has great chemistry with Audrey too. It's one of the reasons we love Dyla. Do I want more of Dyla? Sure, but Audrey's availability is always a factor with them.
Now, before we all start a Dyla panic I think it's absolutely possible for two characters to have great chemistry together and not be romantic. Entire television shows have been built around that concept. They've also been built around the opposite concept, so it's really anybody's guess.
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The point is, I enjoy Diggle and Dinah's scenes together. The chemistry adds an interesting complexity to them and every relationship (romantic or not) needs that kind of spark. Actor chemistry is an important piece of the organic puzzle. We've seen it in romantic and non romantic relationships alike. We've seen how bad it is when the chemistry is lacking between actors - both romantic and non romantic relationships alike.
So, I'm just going to enjoy it. The same way I enjoy OTA, Rene and Lance, Felicity and every character she comes into contact with. If I see something romantic in the writing I will say something, but I don't. Not yet anyway.
What I am excited about is John's storyline. The push/pull with Dinah, his marriage to Lyla, keeping secrets from Oliver and Felicity, dealing with whatever his injury is - this is the kind of attention I've been waiting for John Diggle to get. It's time to sit back and watch Diggle shine.
Thea Queen
Again, not a lot of surprises here. Thea is in a coma.  They pretend Thea is dead most of the episode, instead of John and Felicity like I expected. Finally, Oliver returns to the island and runs into Slade. At least the supreme jackass had the decency to admit he abandoned everyone. (Really bummed out my "Slade saves everyone" theory didn't pan out. You are very disappointing Slade Wilson.)
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Slade leads Oliver to Thea's body.
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Source: olivergifs
Kudos to Stephen Amell. Every time he has to act like Thea is dead Stephen knocks it out of the park. Is this his fourth time? I've lost count. Each time it is effecting because of the bond between brother and sister. QUEEN SIBILINGS FOREVER.
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Somehow Thea was revived and receives the medical attention she needs. She's in a coma and Oliver sits vigil while waiting for a miracle.
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This is Arrow's way of dealing with Willa Holland's shortened contract. I'm not upset about it. This is the way it goes with long running television shows. But I have to say... I feel like we are running out of ideas with Thea. I love the character, but we've done the "Thea is going to die" storyline multiple times. It does start to lose the edge after awhile.
Season 5 was a make or break year for Oliver for me just like Season 3 was make or break for Laurel. I'm willing to see where Thea goes in Season 6 after she wakes up, because she is going to wake up. However, I believe the story needs to comes first. If Arrow is unable to service the character then it's time to let her go. They don't need to kill her like LL. Let her run off and live happily ever after with Roy. Or take the character in a new direction. Either way... a decision needs to be made. 
Quentin Lance/Bl&ck S&ren
Hot mess alert! Things are a little rocky over on the bird side of the storyline, but what else is new?
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Quentin and Dinah lied to Team Arrow and told them Bl&ck S&ren is dead. The truth is BS was alive after the explosion. She was about to take Dinah out and Lance shot her. STONE COLD! I loved it. 
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Unfortunately, BS survived the gunshot wound. This bitch is like a cockroach. Can't kill her.
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Unfortunately, Quentin is in a shame spiral over it. 
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Apparently, he's decided that Bad Laurel (Their name for her. I have gleefully embraced it.) is his daughter and this parallel universe thing is crap. He feels in his bones that HIS L*urel is in there and he has to save her.
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I have whiplash. 
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What happened to, "You're not my Laurel?" and THIS
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Everyone needs to get on the same doppleganger definition page. 
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Where's Barry? He might actually prove useful right now.
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Not that Oliver wasn't. He told Quentin that BS is not L*urel and he needs to stop blaming himself. Whole and healed Oliver embraces LOGIC. I could get use to this.
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I don't believe this is a lingering effect from Lian Yu. This runs deeper for Lance. This feels like transference. Lance feels responsible for L*urel's death because of his involvement with Damien Darhk. He wasn't able to save his his daughter. He's projecting that guilt and blame onto Bad L*urel. He's using her to make amends because he can't with L*urel. It's really no different than what Oliver was doing in 5x10.
Is it me or did Arrow try to build Bl&ck S&ren's vendetta against Team Arrow, and particularly Lance, around her anger over Quentin shooting her? 
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Because Bad L*urel was such a supportive friend BEFORE Lance shot her???? We do remember she was one of the primary reasons they were all on Lian Yu in the first place right????
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We are not doing this. We are not pretending that BS is suddenly bad because Lance shot her. I live in a world called reality.
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It's clear BS has some kind of deal with Michael Emmerson's character. That was Emmerson saving BS on Lian Yu even though we didn't see his face. She was in cahoots with Emmerson's character before Lian Yu otherwise why would he save her? So, it wasn't all about Adrian Chase for her.  She has another agenda. One that has NOTHING to do with with Lance shooting her. BS knows it even if Quentin does it.
Are they redeeming LL? Honestly, I don't think so. Primarily because she ended the episode telling Lance she would have pulled the trigger if the roles were reversed. But she has an ooey gooey center of caramely goodness deep down.
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@fanmommer​ told me she feels like BS is the new Malcolm Merlyn and I have to agree. It makes sense to me if BS is evil with occasional moments of goodness/potential hope for redemption. They can play that grey zone with her no different than they did with Malcom or even Slade now.
Thea hoped for Malcolm's redemption. Sometimes that hope was rewarded, but a lot of times she was left disappointed. I have a feeling we'll see the same with Quentin. They are going to play with this redemption. However, If they redeem BS then we are simply back to LL 2.0 and all the same problems we had with the character. 
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What BS has going for her is that she is DIFFERENT than LL and I don't think Arrow has forgotten that. But again time will tell.
It frustrates me to see Quentin Lance pulled back into the LL black hole. I was very excited with where the character was going in Season 4 with his interactions with Felicity and relationship with Donna. That seems to be all over now though. I'd be more interested in the "Save Laurel" storyline if we hadn't already done it in Season 2 with LL's alcoholism storyline.
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Imma need to talk about KC's performance now. Is it me or was the camp factor at an all time high? I felt like I was watching a rerun of Adam West's Batman. 
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I know this kind of campiness is what some of the comic book fans love, but it doesn't make for particularly great acting. 
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I say this as someone who enjoyed KC's performance in 5x10. The sneering voice and facial expressions just felt waaaay over the top in "Fallout." She needs to dial it back. Way back.
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Also... the stunts. It hurt y'all to watch. 
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I don't watch stunts with a terribly critical eye. I never notice if they make errors. However, BS & BC would go at it and there were entire long shots of KC's stunt double doing the entire fight. They didn't even attempt to hide it. Just as the fight was getting going they would cut/pan away from it. I don't know a thing about stunt work, and I say this as a person who survived Season 1 of Buffy, but those scenes need some work.
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Source:  arrowsource
However, BS as Dinah's villain does work. The snappy comebacks were fun and the two women battling it out made for acceptable "episode villain filler" as Arrow focused on larger arcs like William and Diggle. As long as Arrow is strategic with BS and uses her in pinpointed ways like in Season 5, it'll be fine.
Stray Thoughts
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Felicty Smoak's outfits were off the hook. I want to buy every single one. Slay on Slayer. Source: @songbin
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Dinah's outfits too. I just want to shop in her closet. Source: luthores
"What do you mean by that?" I have waited six years for Oliver to respond with this question every time he receives sage advice nobody understands.
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Oliver used his mayoral power to get Rene another hearing for custody of his daughter. I AM EMOTIONAL. Also, these two need to hug more. Source:  arrowsource
“It’s like I keep telling you hoss. I got the soul of a poet.” HA! My fondness for Rene keeps growing. Keep it up Arrow. He also seems to be keeping secrets of his own too. Hmmm..
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Diggle is so happy his OTP is back together. Same brother. Source: sharingmyworld  Also, never learn subtle Team Arrow. Less fun for us.
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Curtis just threw the t-spheres and Felicity put him in his place. This is how I want my Curtis Holt always. Source:  sharingmyworld
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Coolest entrance ever. Source:  olivergifs
Oliver calls William "kiddo." I call my daughter that.
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If you wondering what 6x02 will explore this is it:
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Source:  oliverdant
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He’s still Oliver. Things haven’t changed THAT much, but he made a funny about it. Source:rinmaidtsuoka
Just a note on the reviews, I'm doing this new thing called sleeping on Thursdays. So, I probably won't be finishing reviews until Friday night or Saturday morning. Work is just too busy and I am getting old. I can't keep the same pace up anymore, so I am finally listening to all of you who said that you don't mind how long the reviews take. I really appreciate your patience.
Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me. 6x01 episode gifs credited.
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plinys · 7 years
“I think I’ve been holding myself from falling in love with you all over again.” + nyssara
It’s been two months (roughly time was a mess concept here) since Nyssa joined the Legends. 
Or more specifically since Oliver Queen left thirteen people to die and the Legends swooped in to save them without the rest of the world realizing it. Which led to the consequence of them being unable to be put back into their timelines without the world ending or something. 
Captain Hunter had been vague on the details.  
There had been few options afterwards: join the Time Bureau (or as Sara called them, the Time Cops), pick a different time period to attempt to live out a normal life, or join the Legends.
For Nyssa it hadn’t even been a question, not when Sara was the captain of the Legends and had winked at her before saying, “I’ve a got a Time Ship, babe.”
Now though, about two months of being with the Legends, fresh on the trail of her Time Pirate sister, and she can’t even focus on the mission at hand.
All she can focus on is Sara, in a white tank top and loose gym pants, grinning like every day is the greatest day of her life. 
“You know,” Sara says, in a slightly teasing tone, “I thought the point of us working out was to take your mind off of the Talia situation not make you think about it more.” 
Nyssa makes a face. “I’m not thinking about my sister.” 
“Well, you’re thinking about something,” Sara points out, before pouting, “A little insulting, I guess I’m not distracting enough anymore.” 
“Oh you are,” Nyssa reassures her. 
“Oh? That right?” 
“Yes, I-” She’s not embarrassed, because Nyssa al Ghul doesn’t do embarrassed, but it’s a near thing. “I was thinking about you.” 
“What about me?”
What can she say? 
Admit the truth. 
Say “I think I’ve been holding myself from falling in love with you all over again,” no - she can’t do that. It’s not the time, not the right moment. 
Instead she says, “Just remembering that time we got caught on the mats back during your training.” 
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