NIALA ECLIPSE ECLIPSE Sur la pointe des pieds le long du cou noir de la nuit, les dix heures de bonne aventure égrainent leurs petits pois dans la jardinière, assise, dans la solitude, près de la cabane des anses – où sont arrimées les barques à rôles – tout au fond du jardin. Entre la cour des mi-racle du lavoir et les boules d’Alain l’artisan teintureur de ciel. Faut dire que si c’est pas…
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infopresse · 3 years
Site touristique Guadeloupe : ANSE A LA BARQUE - Anse-Bertrand
Site touristique Guadeloupe : ANSE A LA BARQUE – Anse-Bertrand
#AlloCaraibes – #SitestouristiquesGuadeloupe #KaribsTourismes – Cette partie du sentier des falaises est très peut utilisé.La nature est superbe.Le sentier est un peut dur par endroit. Magnifique découverte. L’ anse à la Barque sur la Trace des Falaises est un endroit magique. Son accès quelque peu difficile mérite le détour. Le reste de la balade vous fera découvrir des décors tout aussi…
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jmlpyt · 5 years
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L’Anse du Pharo à Marseille Nichée entre le palais du Pharo et les Catalans, la Anse du Pharo est une mini calanque au coeur de la passe d'entrée au Vieux Port et au port de commerce de Marseille. Il est bon de venir faire ici la pause déjeuner, assis sur l'herbe des jardins du Pharo, avec le grand spectacle gratuit des bateaux qui entrent et sortent du Vieux Port : les barques de pêche, les voiliers de plaisance, les navettes du Frioul... et c'est souvent que glissent sous vos yeux d'immenses ferries, arrivant ou retournant de Corse ou du Magrheb. #pharo #frioul #calanques #calanquesdemarseille #marseille #marseillerebelle #choosemarseille #marseilles #igersmarseille #marseillejetaime #marseilletourisme #morethanprovence #provence #provencealpescotedazur #provencestyle #france #jmlpyt #photography #tourisme #tourism #regionsud (à Parc du Pharo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtsViguI1J8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18rghtkxatt4x
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horreuretextase · 3 years
Cantiques de l'amour
Au commencement était ton visage
ton regard posé sur le mien
Les lèvres décharnées qui perlent
et qui éclosent sur tes mains
Au commencement étaient tes yeux
étangs confinés bleus et gris
Plongeon de l’après-midi
Longueurs dans l’eau de tes pupilles
Au commencement était ta voix
Mirage de tes cordes vocales
auxquelles se suspendent mes pas
Hésitation grammaticale
Au commencement
Corps vibrant contre ton corps
dans la chambre transparente
Les murs lentement se referment
Ouverture sur ta peau fuyante
Les sables de ton corps agité
se retirent jusqu'à la mer
Détroit riche de tes mystères
Je dérive jusqu'à ton ventre
J'ai rêvé la pluie aimante
Désirs du monde
Quelles sont vos amours profondes ?
Quelle eau coule dans tes entrailles ?
Rêve indicible
Rêve insondable
Poudre des années-secondes
dispersée entre mes doigts
T’aimer est cette insoutenable entaille
au travers de mon écaille
J'ai saigné le sang du monde
Survient le jour
Coule la nuit
Vague indifférente
Mes lèvres ont creusé ton épaule
Ma langue cueilli ta peau salée
Que surgisse la marée longue
Qu’elle s’allonge jusqu’aux pôles
Réveillez-moi au terme du monde
Nous irons faire l’amour sur sa tombe
Mon amour
Mon été
aux confins de l’humanité
Une porte unique se referme
sur l’espace sanctuarisé
de notre étreinte
Que sont devenus leurs étés ?
Vestige des saisons éteintes :
le goût amer de tes baisers
Nous naîtrons de notre destinée
de nos erreurs
et de nos craintes
J’ai trouvé la fève sainte
logée entre tes deux seins
Dans les postures contraintes
de nos corps contractés
De notre soif d'immensité
Je boirai le vin de ta vigne
du bout de mes lèvres avides
Si tu me couronnes d’épines
J’ai posé ma main sur ta main
Saisi de mes doigts prisonniers
l’agitation hallucinée
de tes rondes extrémités
Devant moi l’infinité
Ta peau est cette eau plane et brumeuse
sur laquelle accostent mes doigts
Vaisseaux assurés et tranquilles
dans l'océan de ton corps las
J'en baptiserai les détroits
les golfes hostiles
les anses creuses
Dans le gémissement volcanique
(Mouvement incertain et troublé
de tes plaques tectoniques)
À l'horizon
soleil couchant
sur tes baisers
L'oiseau interdit et doré
veille sa proie
Au premier cri des Hommes
la terre promise
s'offre à mes bras
Je t'y couverai jusqu'à la fin du monde
Tes lèvres sur mes lèvres
Mes reins contre tes reins
Mon front contre le tien
mais ne dis rien
Je t'offrirai la nuit qui gronde
le bruit de la mer
mes larmes fécondes
et l'univers
Surtout :
Je serai là demain
Sous le plafond accusateur
Sous tes regards
Sous tes draps fins
Je serai là
et je tiendrai toujours ta main
Où je m’éveille je tombe
Allongé près de toi
dans notre barque mystique
J’ai cueilli des nénuphars
pour ton corps épileptique
couvert d’algues et de diamants
ta peau boueuse et chimérique
Tes cheveux étincelants
dans l’onde noire
où tu dérives
Un paon coloré et discret
suit du regard
ton cortège énigmatique
Parade lascive
et hypnotique
Ma main tremblante
glisse le long
de ta poitrine narcissique
Enchantement périodique
à l’estuaire saoul
de tes lèvres brûlantes
J’ai tant aimé ton corps aimant
Où tu m’embrasses je plonge
La pièce est blanche et lumineuse
la lumière s’épand sur le sol
inonde nos habits défaits
pénètre tes premières paroles
À ton réveil le paon s’envole
À ta parole je m’éveille
Tu me demandes où va le fleuve
qui prend sa source dans ta chambre
il a débordé sur tes rêves
immergé ton mois de décembre
J’ignore pourtant où il s’achève
je sais que nous irons ensemble
Consolation qui nous ressemble
Tous les fleuves vont à la mer
Je t’aime jusqu’au prochain millénaire
Demain s’avance et je succombe
La pièce est blanche et lumineuse
la lumière recouvre maintenant ton ombre
C’est dit :
ton bonheur m’incombe
Pénètre avec moi
dans ce jour nouveau
Retire tes vêtements
Défais-toi de ta peau
La peau est une enveloppe
malhonnête et pesante
La peau est une idole
Les idoles déçoivent
Défais-toi de ta peau
contente-toi du reste
Et fais-toi si légère
que tes pas sur la terre
Ne laissent nulle trace
Culte de l’éphémère
nous vivons en escale
Pénètre avec moi
dans le jour idéal
Plénitude précaire
Rayonnement périssable
Je te promets
la multitude
des joies temporaires
Du feu
la chaleur insoutenable
contre tes joues polaires
L’embrasement de la chair
où condensaient tes peines
En attendant
J’ai retracé la route
de chacune de tes veines
qui conduisaient au cœur
en passant par tes lèvres
(contournement mineur)
J’ai cueilli ta douleur
fait fleurir ton désir
laissé couler ta sève
récolté ta douceur
cultivé ton plaisir
fécondé ton bonheur
L’instant de quelques heures
à l’ombre des persiennes
Entre deux traversées
des mondes inconciliables
Saisis avec moi
les signaux sporadiques
des lumières couchantes
Reflets astronomiques
sur tes mèches insolentes
Adieu au soleil nucléaire
Devant nous l’horizon
d’un nouvel hémisphère
sur lequel dérivent nos songes
et s’ancrent nos mystères
Promesse hasardeuse
du prochain millénaire
Marche avec moi
dans la Lumière
L’oiseau doré se pose
sur le grand promontoire
de notre intimité
Lui seul
connaît la fin de notre histoire
Il n’en soufflera mot
Maintenant dors
le monde
nous attend
Ton sommeil est léger comme la soie
qui recouvre nos deux corps
Le vent pénètre par la fenêtre
caresse nos bras somnambules
Je t’ai aimée depuis l’aurore
Je t’aimerai au crépuscule
La soie enveloppe nos certitudes
La mer est calme
Le cap est clair
Même dans les secousses des vagues
ta présence m’éclaire
À travers la fenêtre
la lune fait briller ton visage
Les astres se font face
Un courant d’air parcourt tes cheveux
mon infini rivage
La nuit s’illumine
Ton pouce s’agite et se réveille
pour s’ancrer au creux du mien
Amarrage de mon corps
contre tes seins
Sommeil infini et précaire
Aux premières heures du jour nouveau
le soleil perçant les maisons
irradie les murs de ta chambre
La fenêtre est grande ouverte
Ta nuque se colore d’orange
Le vent glacial
transperce la pièce
Un rayon se pose sur ta jambe
Silence éternel des secondes
J’enserre ton corps chaud qui tremble
Ne crains rien du monde qui vient
Ne regrette pas celui qui s’effondre
Pose ton souffle dans mon cou
Pose ton souffle et prends ma main
Tes doigts dans mes doigts se confondent
Le jour patiente dans la pénombre
C’est maintenant
l’instant du monde
Les vagues se succèdent sur ton front
tes yeux se teintent d’un bleu profond
tes lèvres éclosent en silence
accueillent mon invitation
Regard sévère du plafond
Je t’aime en toutes circonstances
Tu lis en moi
comme dans les livres
qui entourent notre imprudence
Tu lis en moi
et me souris
Bonheur en itinérance
Premier matin évanoui
au creux de notre insouciance
Premier matin épanoui
en raison de ta présence
Je mesure la chance de t’aimer
Je pèse le poids de l’évidence
du désir enfin assouvi
aux lèvres de la délivrance
du désir enfin assoupi
du désir déjà en partance
L’oiseau doré ne nous quitte plus
c’est l’oiseau de la Providence
Il a posé ses yeux sur nous
Son regard de bienveillance
Il nous suffit à être heureux
Je t’aime te désire
et me réjouis dans l’espérance
Au commencement était ton visage
ton regard posé sur le mien
Au commencement étaient tes yeux
étangs confinés bleus et gris
Au commencement était ta voix
En elle était la vie
et la vie était la lumière des hommes
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maannaxl-fashion · 5 years
Strandsuche auf Grande Terre
Nachdem wir uns an die Natur IM Haus gewöhnt haben, ging’s auf zu neuen Abenteuern außerhalb der Unterkunft.
Nach einer kurzen Autofahrt kamen wir am ersten Ziel des Tages an: Am südöstlichsten Zipfel von Guadeloupe an: Am ‚Pointe des Châteaux‘, und haben gleich einige Bilder von der schönen Aussicht gemacht.
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Da ich auch mal auf einem Bild sein wollte, habe ich dem Spatzl kurz meine Handtasche gegeben. Leider hatte er sie auch nicht lange umhängen, sondern hat sie einfach auf den Steinen liegen lassen. Nach ein paar Minuten habe ich ihn dann gefragt, wo er meine Tasche hin hat und als wir sie entdeckten, hat sie gerade ein fremder Mann in der Hand. So schnell bin ich schon seit langem nicht mehr gerannt ...
Am Ende war der Mann dann aber auch ein Tourist und wollte ‚laut seinen Aussagen‘ schauen, ob er jemanden anrufen kann, dem die Tasche gehört. Puhhh, Schockmoment des Tages überstanden und alles nochmal gut gegangen.
Oh Mist, es hat hier grad angefangen aus Eimern zu schütten. Brrr....gleich von 30*C auf 22*C abgekühlt 😳
Nach dem kurzen Ausflug gingen wir auf Strandsuche. Gar nicht so einfach auf der östlichen Seite der Insel:
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- Petit Anse Kahouanne: felsig
- Anse Kahouanne: Sand, aber für Camper, somit war alles voller Zelte und überall lag dieser leicht süßliche Geruch in der Luft
- Anse à la Gourde: Windseite und ned schee
- Plage des Raisins Clairs in Saint François: Sandstrand, aber man glaubt es nicht... voll überlaufen (in Frankreich sind grad Ferien)
- Anse à la Barque: steiler Abgang, mit Kindern nicht begehbar
- Gros Sable: Surferstrand mit Steinen
Last but not least haben wir nach ca. 1,5 Std. einen echt schönen Sandstrand gefunden: Bois Jolan
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Oh, war wohl zuviel Regen hier. Stromausfall in der ganzen Umgebung. Puhhh, Bier is aber noch kalt 👍🏼 Hihi, und das Eis im Gefrierschank auch 😆
Nach dem restlichen Strandtag, ging’s Abends zum Nachtmarkt nach Saint François. Hier gabs frisches Obst, allesmögliche aus dem Clownstoff, Liköre aus jeder erdenklicher Frucht, bzw. verschiedene Mischungen aus den Früchten, Touri-Zeug, Handgemachtes und dem Nico wollte eine junge Dame sogar ein Grundstück andrehen 🤗
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Am Ende sind wir dann in einer kleinen Bar neben dem Markt gelandet, in der gerade eine Liveband gespielt hat.
So kann ein Abend ausklingen...
So, bis ganz bald mit einem aufregenden Trip zum Wasserfall...
...wenn meine Familie mich lässt, wird er morgen schon fertig sein 😉
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1baddmouthcrown · 5 years
1800 March 11 Petion just about makes it out of Jacmel whilst hundreds of soldiers of his army are killed or captured by L’Ouvertures forces. L'Ouverture takes Jacmel. August Riguad flees on the French schooner La Diana to Guadeloupe.
Over 500 Trelawny Maroons are sent to Nova Scotia, Canada including John Jarret, Charles Samuel and his brother Captain Andrew Smith as well as Montague James.
Gabriel Prosser rebellion Richmond, Virginia.
Cuffe purchases a half interest in the 162 ton barque Hero.
1801 January L'Ouverture and HyacintheMoïse invade and take Santo Domingo from Governor, Don Garcia. March L'Ouverture constitution drafted by constitutional assembly appointed by Louverture. July 7 Louverture constitution is promulgated making him Governor General of Hispaniola. Article 3 of the constitution states: “There cannot exist slaves [in Saint-Domingue], servitude is therein forever abolished. All men are born, live and die free and French.October Louvertures nephew top general Moise leads rebellion. Dessalines.July Rigaud flees to France.
1802 January Napoleon Bonaparte troops brother in law General Charles Emmanuel Leclerc tries to land Cap-Français held off by Christophe, Vicomte de Rochambeau attacks Fort-Liberté. Christophe burns Cap Francais. February 2 Henry Christophe Le Cap. February 17 Leclerc issues proclamationGeneral Toussaint and General Christophe are outlawed; all citizens are ordered to hunt them down, and treat them as rebels against the French republic. February 23 Leclerc 4 French columns march on Gonaives, Rochambeau’s column battle at Ravine a Coaleuvres/Snake Gully towards Lauroix with Louverture’s army. March 11 Dessalines and his 1,300 men defend the British built Crete a Pierrotfort, east of Saint Marc on the valley of the Artibonite River against 18,000 attackers, Dessalines waves torch open powder keg threatening to blow up the fort if the French break through. March 12 Jean Boudet and his column ambushed by Dessalines forces as they try to cross the ditch dug by the Hatians. General Charles Dugua’s column followed by Leclerc’s column fail their attempts in trying to cross the ditch. March 22 300 French die in another attempt to take the fort. March 24 Dessalines retreats, General Dugua falls in battle, Leclerc wounded. Rochambeau column try to cross the ditch, the siege ends after 20 days. May 6 L'Ouverture meets to treat with Leclerc at Cap-Français. May 22 L’Ouverture fails to instruct a local rebel to lay down his arms per the recent ceasefire agreement, Dessalines writes to Leclerc, Jean Baptiste Brunet. June 7 Louverture is captured. July 2 Louverture arrives in France. 10, 000 French are lost to yellow fever. August 25 L'Ouverture deported to France jail Fort-de-Joux in the Doubs. Dessalines becomes governor of Saint-Marc. September Leclerc dairy 8, 000 men left. October Dessalines and Petion switch their allegiance and fight against the French. Leclerc orders all blacks at Le Cap to be drowned in the harbour. November Leclerc dies of yellow fever. Vicomte de Rochambeau imports about 15, 000 attack dogs, at  the Bay of Le Cap, has blacks drowned. gases with Sulphur Dioxide by burning Sulphur.
1803 April 7 L'Ouverture dies in prison from ill health.France and Britain war.May 18 The British Royal Navy dispatch squadron under Sir John Duckworth from Jamaica. June 28 Squadron French convoy from Les Cayes off Mole Saint Nicolas capture one ship with the other escaping. June 30 French frigate chased and captured. July 24 A British squadron intercepts French squadron from Cap Francais trying to break past blockade to France.October 8 French abandon Port au Prince, Mole Saint Nicolas held by Noailles  and Cap Francais. November 3 The frigate HMS Blanche captures supply schooner near Cap Francais. November 16 Dessalines attacks French blockhouses outside of Le Cap.November 18 Dessalines and Pétion forces attack the fort of Vertières, south of Cap Francais/Cap Hatien in the Department du Nord, held by Rochambeau, near Cap-Français in the north, the Hatians position their guns at Fort Breda, Clervaux fires the first shot. Francois Capois on his horse leads four advances whilst the whilst under fire, on the fourth advance his horse is shot and falls, Capois gets up, draws his sword and runs towards with the French ceasing fire, a staff officer "General Rochambeau sends compliments to the general who has just covered himself with such glory!"salutes the Haitians. Rochambeau sends Duveyrier to Dessalines to agree the to terms of French surrender, Dessalines gives Rochambeau 10 days to round up his army and leave. November 30 8, 000 French soldiers and board the British ships, one of Rochambeau’s ships almost leaving the harbour, saved by a British lieutenant. December Bonaparte army surrender its last territory to Dessalines.December 3 General Louis de Noailles at Mole Saint Nicolas.
1804 January 1 Dessalines from Gonaives declares independence and renames Saint Domingue “Ayiti” after the indigenous Taíno/Arawak name. February to April 22 Haiti Massacre.September 22 proclaimed Emperor by Generals of the Haitian Revolution Army. 6 OctoberDessalines is crowned Emperor Jacques I in a coronation ceremony on in the city of Le Cap.
1805 Dessalines and Christophe capture Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) from French, invade and loots the towns of Azau and Moca, in Santiago according to witness barrister Gasparde Arredondo y Pichardo, at Moca church 40 children beheaded and the bodies found at the Presbytery the space that encircles the church alter.
1806 March 26 Christophe Kingdom North. April 6 Christophe takes all male prisoners to the cemetery and slits their throats including Presbyter Vasquez and 20 other priests. October 16 General Nicolas Geffrard commander in the south, minister of war and Navy Etienne Elie Gerin, Alexander Petion, commander in chief of the second division in the west sign Resistance to Oppression proclamation. October 17 Dessalines is assassinated at Pontianarge Pont Rouge north of the capital of Port au Prince.
Baumfree at nine years old is sold at an auction with a flock of sheep for $100 to John Neely near Kingston, New York.
Cuffe's largest ship, the 268 ton Alpha and his favorite ship, the 109 ton traveler are built.
An engraving of Jean-Jacques Dessalines. It depicts the general, sword raised in one arm, while the other holds a severed head of a white woman.
1807 February 17 Christophe is elected President of the state of Haiti Republic in the south.
1808 Baumfree is sold for $105 Martinus Schgver of Port Ewen.
1810 Baumfree is sold to John Dumont.
The African Institution ask the British Government for a land grant in Sierra Leone for Cuffs.
1811 March Cuffs arrives in Freetown, Sierra Leone.
April Cuffe meets with Black merchants including John Kizele.
April 1 Christophe is crowned by Corneil Breuil archbishop of Milot as Henry by the grace of God and constitutional law of the state, King of Haiti, Sovereign of Tortuga, Gonâve, and other adjacent islands, Destroyer of tyranny, Regenerator and Benefactor of the Haitian nation, Creator of her moral, political, and martial institutions, First crowned monarch of the New World, Defender of the faith, Founder of the Royal Military Order of Saint Henry.
Louisiana German Coast revolt.
1812 Martin Robert Delany is born in Charles Town, Virginia.
Cuffs takes his favorite ship, the traveler into Liverpool, the Times of London reports that this is likely the first vessel.
1815 Baumfree gives birth to her second child, her first daughter Diana.
Cuffs arrives with immigrants at Sherbrooke Island is present day Sierra Leone.
1816 The American Colonization Society established at the Davis Hotel in Washington D.C., mainly by the effort of Charles Fenton Mercer as well as John Caldwell and the Presbyterian minister Robert Finley.
1819 Mulatto leader Jean Pierre Boyer sends 6 regiments to Grande Anse dislodge Goman shot off 1, 000 foot high cliff.
1818 Frederick Douglass is born on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Talbot County, Maryland. 
1820 Christophe commits suicide. Boyer marches with 20, 000 troops into Cap Hatien the Northern capital.
Reverend Daniel Coker and Reverend Samuel Bacon sail to Liberia on the Elizabeth with 88 emigrants. Sierra Leone Reverend Bacon King Jack Ben of Grand Bassa secured tract of land Cape Mesurado named Monrovia after President James Monroe.
Of the 4, 571 emigrants who arrived between 1820 and 1843 only 1, 819 of them survived.
1822 In the state of Virginia where education of blacks is prohibited, The New York Primer and Spelling Book Delany and his siblings used to learn how to read and write, given to them by a peddler, is discovered and Delanys mother Pati moves their family to Chambersbury in the free state of Pennsylvania.
The immigrants brought to Sherbrooke island by Cuffe are taken to Cape Mersurado by another ship, in Mersurado they establish the city of Christopolis.
The city of Christopolis is renamed Monrovia after President James Monroe.
Douglass is separated from his Grandmother moved to the Wye House plantation.
1825 King Peter and other Kings sign a treaty with Ashmun granting them land and are given 3 barrels of rum, 5 caskets.
1826 Truth escape from slavery with her infant daughter Sophia born in the same year.
1828 Truth, after court proceedings, is reunited with her five year old son Peter illegally sold by Dumont in Alabama.
1829 Truth moves to New York City with her son Peter and becomes house keeper for Christian Evangelist Elijah Pierson.
1830 Douglass’s master’s Wife Sophia begins to teach him the alphabet, her Husband Hugh Auld however disapproves of the slave being made literate, being educated and gaining an understanding of what it means to be an equal, Sophia, also later snatches a newspaper from Douglass.
Douglass learns to read from white children in his neighbourhood and from observing the writings of men he works with. with this Douglass’s reading is greatly increased.
Douglass after being hired begins to teach large numbers of other slaves from the plantation to read the New Testament at weekly Sunday school.
1831 Delany at the age of 19 moves West to Pittsburgh where he works as a barber and labourer. 
December 25 SamSharpe owned by Samuel Sharpe Equire Attorney, enslaved on both the Croydon Plantation and in Montego Bay, Saint James where he is a Baptist deacon in the church of Thomas Burchell, leads a strike which turns into a rebellion of 60, 000 slaves from the parishes of St. James, Trelawny and Westmoreland. British forces suppress the rebellion under Sir Willoughby Cotton. 500 slaves are killed, 207 during the rebellion and 310- 340 executed, according to the account by Henry Belby three or four were executed at a time. Burchell, born on Christmas day is buried in the Abney Park cemetery in Stoke Newington, London. 1832 March The Jamaica Assembly estimated property damage of 1, 154, 589/£52, 000, 000.
August 21 Nat Turner leads a rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia.
1832 Delany during the National cholera epidemic becomes an apprentice to Dr. Andrew N. Mc Dowell, learns fire cupping and leeching techniques, and also studies with abolitionist doctors such as Dr. F. Julius LeMoyne and Dr. Joseph P. Gazzam of Pittsburgh.
August 3 Edward Wilmot Blyden is born in in St Thomas, Danish West Indies (present day US Virgin Islands).
Truth meets Robert Matthews/Prophet Matthias and begins working for him as a house keeper at Matthias Kingdom communal colony.
1833 Douglass is taken back from Hugh Auld by his brother Thomas Auld and sent to Edward Covey.
1834 August 1st Emancipation Proclamation.
Elijah Pierson dies of poisoning, Matthew and Baumfree are accused of stealing from and poisoning him.
1835 Delany attends the National Negro Convention in Philadelphia.
1837 Douglass meets Anna Murray.
1838 September 3 Douglass escapes from slavery in under 24 hours train Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad from reaches Havre de Grace, Maryland, in Harford County crossed Susquehanna River to Perryvile in Cecil County steam ferry and takes the train to Wilmington, Delaware port steamboat Delaware River to Quaker City" of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania abolitionist David Ruggles in New York City.
1839 Douglass becomes a licensed preacher.
September 15 Douglass marries Anna and settles in New Bedford Massachusetts.
Truths son Peter whaling ship  Zone of Nantucket.
Kassa Hailu’s (Emperor Tewodros II) half brother in whos army he served passes away, Empress Menen of Gondar takes Qwara district in the province of Dembiya Ye ma Qemas, Hailu assembles his army in Qwara and becomes Dejazmatch,marriesTawabachRas Ali Begemdersdaughter.
1840 Douglas makes his speech at ElmiraUnderground Railroad station in New York.
1841 August 9 Douglass William Lyod Garrison at the Bristol Anti-Slavery Society. New Bedford, Massachusetts.
August 11 Douglass speaks at the annual convention of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society in Nantucket.
Frederick and Anna move to Lynn, Massachusetts.
September Douglass refuses to sit in segregated railway coach on Eastern Railroad train at Lynn Central Square Station and is thrown off with his friend.
1842 Blyden moves to Porto Bello, Venezuela.
Truth son Peter not on board Zone of Nantucket ship three letters from him in the third he had sent five and that he had never received any of her letters.
1843 Delany begins publishing The Mystery black newspaper, his articles and writings reprinted in William Lloyd Garrisons The Liberator and also meets and marries Catherine A. Richards Pittsburgh.
Douglass American Anti-Slavery Society’s “Hundred Conventions” project, a six-month tour of Eastern and Mid Western states.
In Pendleton, Indiana Douglas attacked by mob and suffers broken hand which he never fully recovers from.Falls Park Pendleton Historical District.
Isabella Baumfree gives herself the name Sojourner Truth and becomes a Methodist and begins attending Millerite Adventist meetings.
1844 Truth joins the North Hampton Association of Education and Industry in Northampton, Massachusetts meets William Lyod Garrison and Frederick Douglass as well as David Ruggles. North Hampton camp meeting.
1845 June 14 Jose Antonio y Grajales is born in the town of San Luis in the province of Oriente, Santiago de Cuba.
August 16 Douglas sails on the Cambria for Liverpool, travels to Ireland and Great Britain, meets Irish nationalist Daniel O’ Connell as well as British abolitionist Thomas Clarkson.
October 9 Douglass makes speech at Waterford Hall in Ireland. 2013 October 7.
Autobiography Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass.
Douglass makes speech at Imperial Hotel in Cork, Ireland. 2012 August 31.
Kassa becomes Dejazmatch of Qwara marries Tewaback daughter of Ras Ali of Begemder.
Truth joins house of Garrisons brother in law George Benson.
Blyden Reverend John P Knox Pastor of Saint Thomas Protestant Dutch.
1846 Delany sued $650 for libel against a African American Fiddler Johnson who he accused in The Mystery newspaper of being a slave catcher.
May Douglass delivers his London Reception Speech at Alexander Fletchers Finsbury Chapel.
Douglass meets British abolitionist Thomas Clarkson.
October Hailu attacks the city of Demba south of Gondar.
1847 Delany meets Douglass and Lloyd Garrison whilst they are in Pittsburgh on an anti-slavery and helps to put together Douglass’s first abolitionist newspaper the North Star, printed from the basement of the Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in Rochester, New York.   
Delanys eulogy for Rev. Fayette Davis widely redistributed.
Delany recruits for the Union Army. His son TouissantLouverture Delany serves with the 54th regiment.
January Hailu occupies Gondar Menen sends army after him north of Lake TanaHailu takes her prisoner, her son Ras Ali of Begemder gives Hailu all land west and north of lake Tana, Hailu releases his mother.
1848 July Delanys in the North Star that U.S. District Court Justice John McLean instructed the jury in the Crosswait trial to make it a punishable offence for a citizen to thwart those trying to “repossess” an alleged runaway slave, and as a result influences abolitionist Salmon P. Chase to remove McLean as a candidate of the Free Soil Party for the Presidency.
September Douglass writes open letter to his old master Thomas Auld.
Douglass is the only African American to attend the Senecca Falls convention, Elizabeth Cady Stanton resolution for Womens suffrage first refused then passed. James and Lucretia Mott 15th Amendment.
1849 Truth visits Dumont.
1850 Douglass attends the Fugitive Slave Law Convention in Cazenovia, New York with Mary Edmonson, Abolitionist Gerrit Smith and Emily Edmonson.
Delany becomes one of the first of three black men to attend Harvard Medical School but is dismissed on account of race complaint from white students within three weeks.
Blyden with Knox wife to enroll Rutgers Theological College. Blyden emigrates to Liberia at the age of 18.
Truths autobiography the Narrative of Sojourner Truth; A Northern Slave is published by  WilliamLyod Garrison.
“SWEET is the virgin honey, though the wild bee store it in a reed; And bright the jewelled band that circleth an Ethiop’s arm; Pure are the grains of gold in the turbid stream of the Ganges; And fair the living flowers that spring from the dull cold sod. Wherefore, thou gentle student, bend thine ear to my speech, For I also am as thou art; our hearts can commune together: To meanest matters will I stoop, for mean is the lot of mortal; I will rise to noblest themes, for the soul hath a heritage of glory.”
Truth also purchases house Northampton village of Florence for $300 and speaks at the first National Womens Convention in Worcester, Massachusetts. George Thompson.
1851 Douglass the North Star with Gerrit Smith’s Liberty Party Paper to form Frederick Douglass’ Paper ceased 1860. 
Truth lecture tour of central and western New York.
May Truth speaks attends Ohio Womens Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio organised by Hannah Tracy and Frances Dana Barker Gage, where she delivers her Am I not a Woman speech.
After 42 years at St. Paul Street and Central Avenue, and mostly because of the endless railroad traffic nearby, the monument had become “grimy and sooty.” And so a committee was formed, and a decision was made to move the monument to Highland Park. The place in the park for the statue was within a few hundred yards of where Douglass had once lived, on South Avenue. Not exactly the apex of city life, but away from the grime of the trains.
And so today the statue stands, as it has for 75 years, in the park. It was rededicated on September 4th, 1941.
1852 July 5 Douglass’s makes his What to the slave is the fourth of July? address to the ladies of the Rochester Anti-Slavery Sewing Society at Corinthian Hall, Rochester. It is admitted in the fact that southern statute books are covered with enactments forbidding under severe fines and penalties the teaching of the slave to read or write.
Delany being discriminated against and on account of African Americans not being elevated to such positions, publishes his The Condition, Elevation, Emigration and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States, Politically Considered.
1852 Kassa rebels against Menen defeating Ras Ali at in GurAmabo, Takusa, Ayshal, and AmbaJebelli and captures Menen at Ayshal with Ali fleeing. 
1853 Douglass attends the National African American Convention in Rochester.
September 7 Truth speaks at suffragist “mob convention” at the Broadway Tabernacle in New York City.
Kassa Dejazmatch Wube Haile Maryom and disposes Emperor Yohannes III.
1854 Delany publishes The Origins and Objects of Ancient Freemasonry: Its Introduction into the United States and Legitimacy among Colored Men.
Delany, during Cholera outbreak stays behind in Pittsburgh to treat patients whilst many leave the city.
August Dealany leads the National Emigration Convention in Cleveland, Ohio
and publishes his “Political Destiny of the Colored Race on the American Continent”.
1855 11 February Kassa crowned Emperor by AbunaSalama III in the church of Derasge Maryam after defeating DejazmatchWube Haile Maryam of Semien.
1856 Delany moves his family to Chatham, Ontario, Canada. 
Truth speaks to “Friends of Human Progress” at Battle Creek, Michigan.
Booker Taliaferro Washintong is born in Southwest Virginia.
Blyden edits the Liberia Herald and writes the column “A Voice From Bleeding Africa. 
1859 Delany publishes parts of Blake: Or The Huts of America in response to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, in which he criticises for inaccurately portraying the slaves as too passive although for cruelty of Southern slave owners the first half of part one serialised in The Anglo-African Magazine between January to July. 
March 12 Douglass meets up with John Brown and George de Baptiste William Webs house in Detroit.
May Delany sails from New York to Liberia, signs treaty chiefs in the Abeokuta region for settlers to live on so long as they can.
October 16 John Brown raid Harpers Ferry federal armoury Virginia.
1860 Delany leaves Liberia for England where he is honoured by the International Statistical Congress, and returns to America the same year.
April Douglass travels to England, whilst there his youngest daughter
May Douglass sails back to via Canada.
1861 Delanys second part of part one series published in Weekly Anglo African Magazine prepares Abeokuta abandon abolition
Blyden becomes professor of Greek and Latin at Liberia College remains until 1864 and becomes Liberian Secretary of State.
Maceo begins working for his Father, Marcos Maceo who fought for the Spainish under Simon Bolivar and Jose Antonio Paez.
1862 Blyden becomes Liberian Secretary of State.
February Hailu defeats Tedla Gualu and orders 7, 000 prisoners to be killed.
May Truths speech Ohio Womens Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio is published by one of two organisers of the  Convention Frances Dana Barker Gage.
1863 January 1 Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, which took effect, declaring the freedom of all slaves in Confederate-held territory. 
Douglass described the spirit of those awaiting the proclamation: “We were waiting and listening as for a bolt from the sky … we were watching … by the dim light of the stars for the dawn of a new day … we were longing for the answer to the agonizing prayers of centuries.”
When he was nine, Booker and his family in Virginia gained freedom under the Emancipation Proclamation as US troops occupied their region. Booker was thrilled by the formal day of their emancipation in early 1865:
As the great day drew nearer, there was more singing in the slave quarters than usual. It was bolder, had more ring, and lasted later into the night. Most of the verses of the plantation songs had some reference to freedom… Some man who seemed to be a stranger (a United States officer, I presume) made a little speech and then read a rather long paper—the Emancipation Proclamation, I think. After the reading we were told that we were all free, and could go when and where we pleased. My mother, who was standing by my side, leaned over and kissed her children, while tears of joy ran down her cheeks. She explained to us what it all meant, that this was the day for which she had been so long praying, but fearing that she would never live to see.
Delany begins recruiting black men for the Union Army Rhode Island, Connecticut and Ohio raising thousands of enlistees many joining the new United States Coloured Troops, his son serving in the 54th regiment, writes to secretary of war Edwin Stanton
179, 000 black men enlisting in the U.S. Coloured Troops making up almost 10% of those serving in the Union army.
Douglass’s son Lewis fights at the Battle of Fort Wagner.
Hailu takes British missionary Rev. Henry Stern as prisoner.
1864 Truth employed by the National Freedman’s Relief Association in Washington, D.C.
October Truth meets President Abraham Lincoln.
Douglass supports candidate of the abolitionist Radical Democracy Party John Freemont in the U.S. Presidential Election.
1865 February Delany meets Abraham Lincoln. Corps of black men led by black officers to blacks in the south.
Delany becomes the first black line field officer in the U.S. Army as well as the only black officer to receive commission of the highest rank of Major during the Civil War.
April 14 Delany invited to the War Department ceremony in Charleston, South Carolina, attending with Robert Vesey son of hanged black abolitionist, Denmark Vesey in ship named the Planter former slave Robert Smalls, Major Genral Robert Anderson Fort Sumter 1861, abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison Senator Warner speak, Massachusetts Senator Henry Wilson and abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher.
April 15 President Lincoln assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.
Delany letter raises fund for Lincoln memorial.
Delany serves under General Rufus Saxton in the 52nd U.S. Colored Troops and is later transferred to the Freedman Bureau in Hilton Head. Freedman Bureau and resigns from the army.
Truth works in Freedman’s Hospital in Washington.
July 1 Sahle Maryam Emperor Menelik II escapes from Magdala.
October 7 James Geoghegon creates a disturbance in Morant Bay court house during the trail of a man sentenced and convicted for trespassing on an inactive sugar plantation, the police try to arrest Geoghegon, beat two officers with sticks and stones, the court house issues a warrant for those including Bogle.
October 11 Bogle leads hundreds to the court house, as they approach Cleave to black the confrontation between the militia begins with attacking the militia with sticks and stones, the militia shoot and kill 25 people dead, the parish goes into a state of unrest, Eyre declares martial law and sends government troops led by Brigadier General Alexander Nelson to bring Bogle and to the court to be tried and convicted, the militia kill innocent men, women and children 439 dead and arrest 354 tried and executed, flogged and sentenced, the soldiers also burn thousands of homes, Eyre has Gordon who he believes to have made the matter worse arrested in Kingston and brought to Morant Bay where he is tried under martial law, convicted and executed.
December 6 (Slaves in Union-held areas and Northern states are freed with the adoption of the 13th Amendment.
1867 May 9-10 Truth speaks at the American Equal Rights Association and moves from Battle Creek to Harmonia.
1868 February William Edward Burghardt Du Bois is born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
Douglass supports the U.S. Presidential campaign of Ulysses S Grant.
April 10 plain Arogye plateau of Magdala.
April 13 Easter Monday storm the Gate of Magdala, Tewodros II commits suicide with a duelling pistol given to him as a gift from Queen Victoria by Consul Cameron.
Truth travels to Western New York and visits Amy Post and travels the East coast, speaks at Florence, Massachusetts.
October 10 Carlos Manuel de Cespedes leads the El grito de Yara (Cry of Yara) revolt against the Spanish beginning the Ten Years War in Cuba.
Antonio Maceo at age 23 with his Father and brothers enlist as private in the the Ten Years War.
Magdala, Ethiopia expedition.
August Dillman and the Bavarian Academy publish The Book of the Glory of Kings.
1869 March Maceo promoted to Commander/Major and weeks after to Lieutenant Colonel.
1870 Douglass begins printing his last newspaper, the New National Era.
Truth land grants from the federal government for emancipated.
Maceo begins Brigader General.
Love serves as 1st Most Worshipful Grand Master of Prince Hall Freemasonry 1870-1872 in the Most Worshipful Sovereign Grand Lodge of Florida and in the Most Worshipful Sovereign Grand Lodge of Georgia 1873-1875.
1871 January 1 Truth speaks at the Eighth Anniversary of Negro Freedom as well as at the Second Annual Convention  of the American Woman Suffrage Association in Boston.
Douglas congressionally sponsored commission President Grant annexation of Santo Domingo   African American south congress Senator Charles Sumner.
Delany land and brokerage business black cotton farmers develop.
1872 Douglass becomes the first African American nominated as Vice President of the United States as Victoria Woodhull’s running mate on the Equal Rights Party ticket without his knowledge, not having campaign and Presidential elector for the state of New York takes the state votes to Washington D.C.
1874 Delany runs as an Independent Republican for Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina (with John T. Green as the gubernatorial candidate). Former Republican Governor Franklin Moses Jr. loose ticket to Republican Attorney  Daniel H. Chamberlain.
March Douglas becomes President of Freeman Saving bank.
June 29 The Freeman Saving Bank goes bankrupt.
1875 Delany charged with defrauding a church forcing him to resign from his position Trail Justice serves jail sentence pardoned by the Republican Governor with the intervention of Wade Hampton.
1876 Delany supports Hampton as the Democratic candidate in the gubernatorial election paramilitary group Red Shirts White League military arm of the Democratic Party suppress Black voting at polls more than 150 Black’s killed by rifle clubs 20, 000 white men.
April 14 Douglass delivers speech at the unveiling of the Emancipation Memorial in Lincoln Park, Washingotn.
1877 Delany becomes chairman of the Charleston, South Carolina Liberian Exodus Joint Steamship Company finance committee. The Liberian Exodus Joint Steamship Company purchase the 400 ton Azor. The federal government withdraw troops from the south and Governor Chamberlain leaves the state.
Douglass visits Thomas Auld and purchases his CedarHill house Anacosta River in Washington.
1878 Liberian Exodus Joint Steamship Company make the voyage Charleston to Monrovia led by Harrison N. Bouey.
Booker T Washington attends Wayland Seminary in Washington D. C.
Henrietta Vinton Davis becomes first African American Woman to employed by the office of the recorder of deeds in Washington D.C.
March 15 Maceo meets with General Martinez Campesy Anton Pact of Zanjon/Protest of Baraqua with offering amnesty for Revolutionaries.
1879 Maceo and General Calixto Garcia Iniguez plan invasion of Cuba from New York, Maceo sends Calixto Garcia as highest commander Little War.
1880 Blyden serves as President of Liberia College until 1884.
1881 Hampton Institute President Samuel C Armstrong Washington made Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute first leader.
Douglass publishes his final edition of his biography The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass and becomes recorder of deeds for the District of Columbia.
1882 Anna Douglas passes away. 
Washington marries Fannie N. Smith his first wife.
1883 April 25 Newspaper Advertisement announcing the debut performance of Henrietta Vinton Davis at Marini’s Hall in Washington DC. Assisted by Miss Blanche Washington the talented musician introduction by Hon. Fred. Douglass..
1884 Douglass marries the daughter of abolitionist Gideon Pitts Jr suffragist and abolitionist Helen Pitts. 
Davis performs as Lady MacBeth with PowhatonBeaty at Fords Opera House in Washington.
Love migrates to Jamaica.
Berlin Conference German chancellor Otto von Bismarck.
1885 January 24 Delany dies of tuberculosis in Wilberforce, Ohio.
WEB Du Bois attends Fisk University Nashville, Tennessee receives bachelor degree.
Blyden presidential election for the Republican Party loses to Hilary R.W. Johnson.
1886 Douglass and Helen travel to England, Ireland, France, Italy, Egypt and Greece.
1887 Blyden publishes his Christianity, Isalm and the Negro Race.
King JaJa of Opobo is exiled in Saint Vincent.
1888 Douglass becomes the first African American to receive vote for President.
Du Bois attends Harvard University until 1890.
1889 Douglass is appointed U. S. minister resident and Consul General to Republic of Haiti and charge d'affaires for Santo Domingo by President Harrison. 
Love moves to Jamaica where he starts the Jamaica Advocate newspaper.
1890 Du Bois awarded his second bachelor degree, cum laude, in history by Harvard.
1891 Du Bois receives scholarship to attend sociology graduate school at Harvard.
1892 Douglass place at Fells point, Baltimore was constructed as rental housing for African Americans.
Douglass attends the Indianapolis conference convened by Bishop Henry McNeal Turner.
Du Bois receives from John F. Slater Fund to attend University of Berlin for graduate work studies with Germans top social scientists such as Gustav von Schmoller, Adolph Wagner, and Heinrich von Treitschke. 
1893 Douglass made co commissioner of Haitian pavilion at Worlds Colombian Exposition in Chicago.
Washington marries Margaret James Murray his second wife.
1894 Du Bois begins work as a teacher at Wilberforce University in Ohio.
1895 Du Bois becomes the first African American to receive a PhD from Harvard University.
Douglass attends the National Council of Women in Washington D. C. and dies in the same year of a heart attack.
Delegate of the Cuban Revolutionary Party Jose Marti writes to Maceo the Necessary War, Maceo Maximo Gomez highest in command. Maceo in Costa Rica faces assassination attempt by Spanish at the exit of theatre one of the attackers. Maceo with Officer Flor Crombet Baracoa eastern Cuba, manages to gather small contingent additional from Santiago de Cuba, Marti falls in battle in  Dos Ríos (confluence between the rivers Contramaestre and Cauto).
Bishop Henry Mc. Turner receives James Mata Dwane, of South Africa along with H. B. Parks, and  J. S. Flipper. Turner was also an advocate for repatriation for African Americans to Liberia and was responsible for two ships with 500 emigrants sailing to there in 1895 and 1896.
Maceo Jose Marti.
Washington makes his Atlanta Compromise Address approach to rights of African Americans.
James Mata Dwane South African Methodist Minister who left the Methodist Church to join the Ethiopian Church of MangenaMokone in 1896, founder of the Order of Ethiopia in the Anglican Church.
1896 First Italo Ethiopia war.
Du Bois becomes a sociological field researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, marries Nine Gomer a student at Wilberforce University.
Washington receives honorary masters degree from Howard University.
Maceo Lieutenant General second in command after Gomez General in Chief.
Maceo and Gomez commanding two mambises columns invade the west of Cuba from Mangos de Baragua in front of Martinez Campos cover horseback and by foot 1000 miles in 96 days.
Maceo Spanish forces in Havana and Pinar del Rio.
October Maceo arrives at Mantua in the western extreme of Cuba after fighting the Spanish in Havana and Pinar del Rio.
December 7 Maceo is shot, hit in the chest also suffering a broken jaw and penetrated skull from another shot, Gomez’s son Lieutenant Francisco Gomez faces column guarding Maceos body, is shot, struck with machetes and falls.
1897 Du Bois takes part in the American Negro Academy.
July Du Bois takes professorship in history and economics at the Atlanta University in Georgia.
August Du Bois’s Strivings of the Negro People is published in the Atlantic monthly. 
1899 Du Bois publishes his sociological study The Philadelphia Negro which was the first of its kind from the field research he conducted whilst in Pennsylvania University in.
Du Bois on his way to meet Atlanta Constitution editor Joel Chandler Harris about Sam Hose who was tortured, burnt and lynched for killing his landlord in an act of self defence turns back after being informed Hose knuckles were for sale a grocery store further down on the very Street (Mitchell Street) he was walking on.
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lightphotosnet · 7 years
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infopresse · 3 years
Site touristique Guadeloupe : Petite anse à la barque - Anse-Bertrand
Site touristique Guadeloupe : Petite anse à la barque – Anse-Bertrand
#AlloCaraibes – #SitestouristiquesGuadeloupe #KaribsTourismes – Ici pas de tourismes effrénés. vous trouverez le calme des sentiers du littoral.La végétation est superbe. Le chemin de randonnée passe très souvent sous les arbres. France Tourismes Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/francetourismes/ Site touristique Guadeloupe :Petite anse à la barque – Anse-Bertrand Y aller avec Google Maps Y…
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infopresse · 3 years
Site touristique Guadeloupe : Indigoterie de l'Anse à la Barque
Site touristique Guadeloupe : Indigoterie de l’Anse à la Barque
#AlloCaraibes – #SitestouristiquesGuadeloupe #KaribsTourismes – Ce petit coin est fait pour ceux qui aiment la découverte. Magnifique lieu incontournable de la Côte sous le vent en direction de vieux habitants .  France Tourismes Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/francetourismes/ Site touristique Guadeloupe :Indigoterie de l’Anse à la Barque – Chem. de Morne Marigot, Vieux-Habitants Y aller…
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infopresse · 3 years
Site touristique Guadeloupe : Pointe anse de la Barque - Anse-Bertrand
Site touristique Guadeloupe : Pointe anse de la Barque – Anse-Bertrand
#AlloCaraibes – #Sitestouristiques – Ici pas de tourismes effrénés. vous trouverez le calme des sentiers du littoral.La végétation est superbe. Le chemin de randonnée passe très souvent sous les arbres. CaraibeSpot Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/CaraibeSpot Site touristique Guadeloupe :Pointe anse de la Barque – Anse-Bertrand GPS Google Maps…
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infopresse · 3 years
Site touristique Guadeloupe : Phare de l'Anse à la Barque - Bouillante
Site touristique Guadeloupe : Phare de l’Anse à la Barque – Bouillante
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patern29 · 2 years
Découvrir les îles Scilly en voilier
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Les Îles Scilly sont un archipel britannique très apprécié des plaisanciers anglais, irlandais, mais aussi de nombreux français, dont les bretons et les normands.Découvrons ce coin de paradis du bout du monde. Les Îles Scilly sont un archipel anglais très apprécié des plaisanciers bretons et normands.Ce petit coin de paradis est est situé à 25 miles nautiques, au sud-ouest des Cornouailles britanniques. Petite précision, ne confondez pas avec la Cornouaille bretonne , située au sud ouest de la Bretagne. Les Îles Scilly sont une destination de rêve tant pour navigateurs confirmés que novices. Elles représentent l’aventure, à portée d’étrave, en allant vers le bout du monde, rencontrer une autre culture dans un environnement sauvage et paradisiaque.
Un archipel bien discret
Les Scilly constituent un archipel de 145 îles pour une superficie de 16,5 km² en mer Celtique, dont cinq à peine sont peuplées ! Les îles Scilly sont habitées depuis la préhistoire. On y retrouve d’ailleurs de nombreux sites mégalithiques. St. Mary au centre est l’île la plus connue, avec sa capitale Hugh Town. Tresco, est la deuxième île la plus importante par sa superficie. St. Martin et Bryher se trouvent au nord, St. Agnes enfin, au sud. La population de l’ensemble de l’archipel, en milieu de décennie 2010, ne représentait guère plus de 2 150 résidents permanents, dont 1 600 pour la seule St. Mary. L’archipel est resté longtemps isolé de la Grande Bretagne. C’est seulement au 19eme siècle que les échanges ont été réguliers. Aujourd’hui, les plaisanciers britanniques viennent du sud de l’Angleterre, des ports de Plymouth, Penzance, Falmouth ou, plus à l’est, Portsmouth.
Venir depuis la Bretagne : l'itinéraire le plus court
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Si certains amateurs ne rechignent pas à la distance en partant du Cotentin, c'est-à-dire la Normandie, depuis Cherbourg ou Granville, le plus pratique, et rapide, est d'effectuer la traversée de la Manche par la Bretagne. Si vous ne possédez pas de voilier, certaines sociétés proposent des croisières en voilier, aux alentours de 1 200 € la semaine à partir de Brest, distante de 115 milles des Sorlingues, ancien nom français de l'archipel. Même chose pour Roscoff. La station balnéaire de Perros-Guirec est un peu plus éloignée, comptez 130 milles. Retrouvez nos conseils pour louer un voilier ici. Si ce n'est pas la destination finale de votre croisière, il est tout à fait possible d’envisager une escale aux îles Scilly avant, par exemple, de caboter le long de la côte sud des Cornouailles, en remontant vers le cap Lizard. Quel que soit votre choix, n'oubliez pas qu'il faut envisager une vingtaine d'heures pour le trajet aller. Les plus chevronnés, bien équipés et au fait des ficelles du métier, opteront peut-être pour la navigation de nuit si les conditions météo le permettent...
Où mouiller aux Scilly ?
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Trouver un lieu en vue de mouiller aux Scilly en toute sécurité, n'est pas une chose bien compliquée. L'archipel des Scilly est renommé pour ses nombreuses baies et anses, plages de sable blanc fin comme Pentle et Apple Tree sur Tresco, Higher Town sur St. Martin, qui est aussi un paradis pour kitesurfers, pêcheurs et randonneurs. D'autres activités, telles ramassage de coquillages, paddle (la planche utilisée est plus longue qu'en surf, le rameur se tient debout, pagaie en main) ou encore plongée, sont également possibles. Nous vous suggérons ainsi Old Grimsby, très calme car bien abrité avec peu de profondeur, au nord-est de Tresco. Ou sur la côte opposée donnant vers Bryher, car les deux îles sont très rapprochées.
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copie OPenSeaMaps Et qui sait, peut-être aurez-vous la chance d'assister à des régates et autres courses de « gigs », ces petites barques à fond plat qui escortaient autrefois de plus grosses embarcations jusqu'à l'entrée au port, afin de les protéger des récifs présents en mer ?
Légendes celtiques, vieilles pierres et plantes exotiques
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La faune est très riche avec la présence de dauphins, marsouins et autres colonies de phoques, peu farouches. La teinte des eaux évoque les lagons tropicaux mais ne vous y fiez pas, la température extérieure vous le rappellera ! Pour le volet ornithologique, citons notamment la présence des biens nommés puffins des anglais, les Scilly hébergeant 75% de la population mondiale de l'espèce.Ces conditions naturelles avantageuses sont permises par un microclimat. Les îles sont en effet baignées par le gulf-stream, courant marin réchauffant les côtes. Si les vents peuvent être violents gel et neige y sont rares, ce qui a favorisé la floriculture. Notamment la production de jonquilles, l'une des ressources économiques de l'archipel. Les autres plantes ne sont pas en reste et prospèrent. Allez donc faire un tour à l'Abbey Garden de Tresco, aménagé à partir de 1834 par Augustus Smith. Vous y observerez plus de 20 000 espèces exotiques provenant de 80 pays, Amérique latine et bien sûr, anciennes colonies britanniques africaines, Océanie... Un musée expose aussi les figures de proue de tous les navires échoués en ces lieux. De nombreux artistes, peintres, sculpteurs, potiers ou encore photographes, qui y puisent une forte inspiration, ont élu domicile dans les parages. On recense au total près de 250 monuments en tous genres, dont plusieurs dizaines de tombes mégalithiques remontant à l'âge de bronze. Elles sont datées de plus de 30 siècles ! L'archipel passe sous domination et couronne anglaise vers le Xe s. C'est aussi l'époque où, mis à sac, il est durement éprouvé lors d'expéditions Vikings. Plus tard apparaissent les incontournables châteaux, ici les enceintes Cromwell et du roi Charles à Tresco. Vous croiserez enfin sur votre route des chapelles en ruines, et autant de légendes mêlant les aventures de Merlin l'Enchanteur et le roi Arthur, autour d'une supposée terre mythique baptisée « Lyonesse »... Louez un voilier vers Les Scilly https://youtu.be/zKmV5qYPsnA Read the full article
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maannaxl-fashion · 5 years
Ja, wir san mim E-Bike da...
Nächster Tag und nächster Versuch um auf die Fähre zu kommen.
Einfacher gesagt, als getan 😬
Um 6:00 Uhr Abfahrt, damit wir die Fähre um 8:15 Uhr erwischen. Aber, wir sind wohl nicht die Einzigen, die um 6:00 Uhr raus müssen.
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Nein, nicht nur die Kuh und der penetrante, verwirrte Hahn, der jeden Tag ab 3:00 Uhr morgens kräht 🐓 sind schon wach. Wie immer standen wir im Stau 🙈
Aber,....tata...wir waren pünktlich um 8:14 Uhr da 👍🏼
Nach einer sehr Nicht-gerade-magenschonenden Überfahrt 🤢 waren wir nach ca. 30 min auf Les Saintes angekommen.
Zur Begrüßung reihten sich ein Souvenirshop an den nächsten. Die kleinen Boutiquen allerdings haben des Mausi ich durchforstet. Tja, gut, dass uns keiner versteht (Mausi: Wer trägt denn sowas? Maxl: Hier kaufen sicher die Clowns ein!) Es gibt tatsächlich nur einen typischen ‚Guadeloupe’ Stoff, und der ist bunt kartiert. Aus dem wird alles gemacht: Hosen, Blusen, Kleider, Tischdecken, Vorhänge,...🥴
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Aber weiter zur Inselerkundung: Wir haben uns E-Bikes geliehen und sind die Serpentinen hochgeradelt. Leider gibt es dazu nicht wirklich viele Bilder, weil ich die ganze Zeit am Schnaufen und Schwitzen war und versucht hab‘ in dieser Hitze nicht einzugehen, wie ein verdörrtes Blümchen.
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Auf Les Saintes ist übrigens auch der Ort, an dem Napoleon Guadeloupe entdeckt hat, und wir haben versucht, zu diesem Ort auf nem Berg zu kommen (ab wann hatte Napoleon bitte ein Flugzeug, dass er gaaaanz oben auf irgendeinem Berg angekommen sein soll 🤔) Ende der Show war, dass ich’s einfach nicht bis oben geschafft hab (Ja, trotz Motor 🙈 upps, peinlich 😬)
Naja, dann doch wieder an irgendeinem Strand,...naja, oder sowas Ähnliches
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Die Insel ist wirklich schön, aber 1 Tag genügt um sich alles anzusehen.
- [ ] Nur 4 Fährabfahrten am Tag - frühzeitig losfahren (€ 19,-/EW € 13,-/KI)
- [ ] Überfahrt ca. 30 min.
- [ ] Nette Gässchen mit Geschäften und Restaurants
- [ ] Erkundung mit E-Bikes, Golfcars (im Voraus buchen/reservieren), Motorrollern oder natürlich zu Fuß möglich
- [ ] Serpentinenlandschaft
- [ ] Sandstrände und Fischerhäfen
Haha, hier klettert jemand auf die Palme und schlägt Kokosnüsse runter ...könnt ihr ihn auf den Bildern sehen?
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Am nächsten Tag hieß es dann packen um in die neue Unterkunft nach Grade Terre, (die westliche Halbinsel) zu ziehen. ...bitte sei schöner als die letzte Unterkunft, bitte sei schöner, bitte sei schöner, 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Nach knappen 2 Std. (natürlich mit Stau) waren wir am Ziel in Pointe du Helleux angekommen und da wir zu früh dran waren sind wir zum Snacken an den Strand neben der neuen Unterkunft gefahren, den ‚Pointe du Helleux‘ oder Anse à la Barque (so genau haben wir das bis zum Ende nicht rausfinden können 🤷🏼‍♀️)
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Und? Und? Awwwww.....wie schööööön!!!!! Unser Dschungelcamp-Haus mit Pool und viel Grün und sauber und genug Besteck (nach unserer letzten Unterkunft ein wichtiger Punkt, da wir die vergangene Woche mit 3 Gabeln, 2 Löffeln und sage und schreibe einem Messer zurecht kommen mussten).
Yeahhhh! Jackpot!!!!! ....dachten wir...
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Die Kids sind nach 2 min sofort in den Pool gesprungen, während wir das Auto ausgeladen haben.
Am ersten Abend gleich gegrillt, Kinder ins Bett und wir haben uns gemütlich auf die Terrasse gesetzt,...und dann ging’s los, überall Geraschel, jeder Busch um uns rum wackelt und bewegt sich und macht komische Geräusche 😳
Ok, dann kam eine mega große Kröte angehüpft. Puh, gar nicht so schlimm. Das nächste Geräusch waren sich streitende Gekkos (kein Witz, die können voll laut quicken und sich anzicken) Ok, auch nicht so schlimm.
Als der Nico drin ein Kissen auf die Couch gelegt hatte, hat er allerdings was krabbeln sehen. Also, haben wir unter die Matratze geschaut. Oh Mist, 2 riesige Kakerlaken 😳😳 Also, war die nächste Mission: Kakerlakenjagd!!!
Hey, in der darauffolgende Woche ist der Nico zum Vollprofi geworden, denn leider blieben diese 2 nicht die Einzigen Kameraden, die uns besucht haben, ...also wer zukünftig einen Kammerjäger braucht, call: 0177/... 😆
Restliche Geräusche konnten wir am nächsten Tag dem Nachbarshund, Katzen, Mäusen und einem Leguan zuordnen.
Feel one with nature!!!!! 🤗 war das Motto der Woche!
Trotz des abendlichen Besuchs der Babykröte im Waschbecken beim Abspülen und unseres Hausgekkos (der ‚Ludmilla‘ getauft wurde) ist diese Unterkunft bis jetzt die Schönste und Gemütlichste.
Das genügt für diesen Blogeintrag, aber der nächste folgt schon bald.
Wir haben nämlich noch zwei, drei Sachen erlebt, die ich Euch nicht vorenthalten will
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