#Aiken Cremas
gahmah-raan · 1 year
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Arcidus unmasked. This is also the cover art for Star Wars: Paranormalities: Episode II - Chapter 12: The Messenger
Name: Aiken Cremas (Codename: Arcidus) Homeworld: Saleucami Species: Human Gender: Male Age: 3500+ (Biological age: 25) Affiliation: Old Jedi Order (formerly), Valkoran Empire (formerly), Seferite Order Weapons of choice: Stealth lightsaber (AKA Darksaber), sniper rifle, blaster pistol, Flamusfracta (AKA Force Combustion) Vehicle: Phantom Razor Maesterus's apprentice from back when they were part of the Jedi Order and his most-trusted agent in the Valkoran Empire, exhibiting loyalty only to Maesterus. His most unusual Force power is the ability to cause anything to combust into flames, which can be incredibly dangerous to both the user and those around him if not properly tamed and has caused him a deal of early childhood trauma, including accidentally orphaning himself before being taken in by the Jedi and being trained in social isolation.
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El día 12 de Septiembre del presente año, tuvimos la segunda salida al jardín Aiken Yemel de este segundo semestre.
Esta sesión duró desde las 15:11, cuando entramos al jardín, hasta las 16:26 horas, cuando llegamos al Liceo.
El objetivo de esta clase fue enseñar a los niños sobre la higiene personal y las conductas adecuadas para ello.
Para lograr este propósito hicimos una serie de actividades.
La primera de ellas fue, como se debe esperar, una introducción a la actividad; preguntando si alguien sabía de que se trata la higiene personal y porque es importante. Después mostramos una serie de maquetas en grande de algunos instrumentos de limpieza personal, junto con algunos reales. Algunos de estos fueron; el cepillo de dientes, este solo como maqueta; el champú, tanto en versión real, el que tenía aroma de vainilla, por lo que hicimos que los niños lo olieran, como en maqueta; la crema, una que habíamos traído nosotros, pero les aplicamos una versión hipoalergénica a los niños; y finalmente un jabón, este solo en imagen.
Continuamos con una actividad, que correspondía a rellenar imágenes con cuadrados de papel lustre, estas imágenes consistían de cepillos, pasta de dientes, jabón, champú. Para realizar esta actividad, entregamos las imágenes y los pedazos de papel lustre en cada una de las cinco mesas y a cada niño, luego pasamos poniendo cola fría en las fotos. Continuamos ayudando a los niños, ya que éramos en total cinco y eran cinco mesas, la idea consistió en distribuir nos una mesa por persona. Después de terminar esta actividad, se pegaron los dibujos, con los nombres de los niños, en la pared.
La siguiente actividad siguió con la anterior, pintar imágenes. En esta actividad ocurrió una equivocación; les entregamos a los niños plumones y no contamos con la idea de que los niños ocuparan los plumones para otra cosa aparte de las hojas destinadas a pintar, se rallaron las caras. Una vez que notamos estos actos, tratamos lo más rápido posible quitarles los plumones, reemplazarlos y terminar la actividad.
Finalizadas estas dos actividades, llegó la colación, leche y la mitad de un pan con palta. Se repartieron los individuales, reemplazados con servilletas cuando fue necesario.
Después de limpiar el papel lustre que quedó en el suelo y ayudar un poco a lo niños para comer, nos fuimos (pero antes de esto, las encargadas de la clase nos hicieron cantar el himno nacional con una mano en el pecho, en espíritu de la fecha; las fiestas patrias)
Dos actividades no se pudieron realizar debido a falta de tiempo; la canción de la higiene y el baile entretenido.
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gahmah-raan · 1 year
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A concept sheet of unmasked characters from Star Wars: Paranormalities: Episode II.
Gahmah Raan: Scars are fake. Krishari can regenerate. That isn't hair either, but the tendrils' appearance can vary on every Krishari. Krishari are repto-mammals, meaning they have reptilian traits and have a humanoid facial structure, but reproduce like mammals. Gahmah also tends to suffer head or facial injuries every time he takes his helmet off in public, most of which would be permanent or long-lasting for non-Krishari. Arcidus: Burns are more severe around left eye than right eye. His eyes flash whenever he uses Force combustion, causing his goggles to glow as well. Valkor: He isn't actually a droid, as his body actually lacks artificial intelligence. Rather, it is a mechanical avatar. The pure robotic head module is actually blank.
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gahmah-raan · 1 year
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Early 2012 concept art of Arcidus and his gear.
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gahmah-raan · 1 year
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A late 2012 sketch of Arcidus (in fact, it’s almost 10 years old). This is also the cover art for Star Wars: Paranormalities: Episode II - Prologue: Raid.
An additional bonus, Arcidus’s profile.
Name: Aiken Cremas (Codename: Arcidus) Homeworld: Saleucami Species: Human Gender: Male Age: 3500+ (Biological age: 25) Affiliation: Old Jedi Order (formerly), Valkoran Empire (formerly), Seferite Order Weapons of choice: Stealth lightsaber (AKA Darksaber), sniper rifle, blaster pistol, Flamusfracta (AKA Force Combustion) Vehicle: Phantom Razor Maesterus's apprentice from back when they were part of the Jedi Order and his most-trusted agent in the Valkoran Empire, exhibiting loyalty only to Maesterus. Not even Emperor Valkor can order him around. His most unusual Force power is the ability to cause anything to combust into flames, which can be incredibly dangerous to both the user and those around him if not properly tamed. This power has caused him a deal of early childhood trauma, including accidentally orphaning himself before being taken in by the Jedi and being trained in social isolation.
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gahmah-raan · 2 years
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Hiriss Moraana - Jedi Forceless Herald
This is Hiriss in symbiosis with Elscorsef. As usual with Hiriss, this is only one of several looks for her. Her dress, hair and makeup tends to vary. And much like with Elsie, I wanted my first design for Hiriss as a Herald to straddle the line between cute and creepy (i.e., here's a cute, Mirialan Jedi fashionista who undergoes grotesque mutations on a whim). Giving her fangs and extra eyes (if you're wondering where they are, they are slightly obscured by the forehead curls; I've got another sketch of her with the eyes more exposed in the works) was also a way to add a few blemishes while she's in symbiosis (and they seem to go along well with the spider legs). Of course, her relationship with Elsie means that Elsie isn't inside Hiriss all the time. Aside from combat situations or circumventing obstacles, Hiriss sometimes lets Elsie inhabit her to satisfy her inherent Force cravings. Subject Name: Hiriss Moraana Species: Mirialan-Human hybrid Homeworld: Coruscant Gender: Female (intersex) Age: 22 Affiliation: Jedi Order, Galactic Alliance Known Relatives: Dynn Manthis (cousin) Friends and Allies: Zolph Vaelor, Grein (Ze'grein'aradi), Aiken Cremas (Arcidus) Subject Name: Elscorsef Species: Forceless Symbiote Homeworld: Felucia Gender: Female (sexless) Affiliation: Jedi Order, Galactic Alliance
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gahmah-raan · 3 years
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Hiriss Moraana - Felucia arc dress and hairstyle sketch sheet.
Name: Hiriss Moraana Homeworld: Coruscant Species: Mirialan-Human hybrid (Father: Mirialan; Mother: Alderaanian Human) Gender: Female (intersex) Age: 22 Affiliation: New Jedi Order Known Relatives: Dynn Manthis (human cousin) Friends and Allies: Zolph Vaelor, Ze'grein'aradi (Grein), Aiken Cremas (Arcidus) Seeing as I decided to expand Hiriss's character to be a Jedi who has being a fashionista as a hobby (as I felt Paranormalities was lacking one of those characters who had an unlimited wardrobe), I also decided that it would be appropriate that I draw one of my previously-drawn heroic characters again (since I'm usually drawing antagonistic characters) and show off some of her wardrobe. And some need their stress-relieving hobbies, especially during a drawn-out war with an enemy as psychologically taxing as the Forceless Collective.
Admittedly, the hair bow that goes with the red dress was a post-script addition.
Continuing with the whole angle of Hiriss being a fashionista Jedi, I also did a draft sheet of possible hairstyles for her (although I can think of more). The recurring element here is that Hiriss is never seen bareheaded or without any accessories. That said, I'm not sure if I'm going to use all of these designs in Paranormalities: Episode III, because as much as I plan for some things, I also make up some things as I go. I started off simple at the top row, but as I went down, I aimed for more complex looks, even incorporating accessories other than her standard headband (I've thought of a backstory for why she tends to favor that particular headband, but that's a story for another time). That being said, trying to work an accessory into the braid-crown style was kind of tricky. Yes, against Leia's advice on Blenjeel, Hiri tried the "Twin Spirals" look anyway. The difference, however, is she's also using a headpiece to make getting this look easier without too much maintenance. Although, some more pretentious Alderaanian stylists (whether they were born before or after Alderaan's destruction) have a habit of looking down on such short-cuts, but others think the headpiece only adds to the look. This look took inspiration from the version of the "Princess Leia buns" that Padme used in the Clone Wars micro-series (which similarly used a support headpiece). And yes, she also uses hair curlers, because if she's going to have all of these different looks (a number of which have curly/wavy hair) and her job frequently results in her hair getting messed up, then why not? Nobody said a lady cannot still look pretty during maintenance. If I were to use this design, the obvious use would be during her downtime. That said, this one was probably the most layer-heavy of these designs in editing. Any particular favorites? Whether it be designs you'd like me to use in-story or use in a non-story body sketch?
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