#And kinemon just says that he 'vanished'
zoro-lost-in-sauce · 10 months
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Imagine the war flashbacks the crew must have had when they heard that zoro "vanished"
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
Sexy devil fruit power shenanigans - headcanon
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Eating a devil fruit changed them forever. And it affected their behaviour, too!
Headcanon about how Sabo, luffy, law, smoker and kinemon use their ability with you and in their daily life
If you liked this one, have a look at my masterlist for headcanons and stories
His room ability has to be used consciously, it doesn't just happen by itself, which suits him just fine. Can't just make a room whenever he's having whicked thoughts while staring at you
Loves to float in his room and doze like that. He wasn't sure if you'd like it too, so it took him a while to ask. Now it's your quality time.
Having absolute control inside the room has opened up new possibility of playing with you
It's very draining for him, but sometimes in the evenings, he is too lazy to get up, so he just makes a big room and shambles you into his bed together with a few snacks. It often happens, by pure coincidence of course, that you're just done showering and your towel is not coming with you
When you can't be together for a while, he begs for your hand. To cut off. And keep so he doesn't feel lonely.
You may not leave it when you're going on a trip, but sometimes you let him have it for a few hours. Let's just say it's kind of exciting when you're going about your day and suddenly feel him kissing your hand and than makes you stroke him
Having powers of fire has made him even more of a cinnamon role than before, his temper burns hotter than ever
When he is agitated or excited, flames appear around him. You can tell when he's having naughty thoughts whenever blue flames dance around him
He's burnt more than one bed when he couldn't control his power or his passion. He still can't forgive himself for burning you once with his too hot kisses
So foreplay is now cool-down play where he really needs to take the edge off before touching you - by touching himself as he watches you...
When he's really moody, he makes little puffs of smoke without noticing it
Heat and spiciness is no longer an issue for him. No burrito is too hot for him, no chilli too spicy. He has been banned from all eating competitions regarding hot foods
His gummi powers have a strong influence on his bodies viscosity, that's how he stretches
Whenever he is relaxed, his body becomes very soft, when he is really, really relaxed he almost becomes a fluid
So after your first night together, he became a happily snoring, super- soft and cuddly pillow. His arms were still inescapable though
Whenever your gone and he has to sleep by himself, his hands stretch and search for you, making it really hard for everyone else to sleep
His creeping hands turn up whenever you least expect them, too bad he's really good with them. Eating together with the others has become agony since he realized he can just fondle you from under the table
He prides himself on the absolute control he has over his powers, so whenever he turns into smoke randomly or the room gets very foggy, he gets defensive and gives a bad, bad explanation why he wanted to do that
He wants to keep your relationship a secret, so he creeps through windows or doors as smoke, materialising bit by bit in your bed
He can effectively divide his body by only partly turning into smoke - it gives him very interesting abilities to please you in unusual ways
He doesn't admit it, but he cannot leave you alone. So even on absolutely sunny days, a suspicious cloud is following you around.
His dress up ability turned you into the most stylish girl over night. Since he has to picture it in his mind first, his perverted thinking also turned you into the sluttiest
Since he can create anything in a few seconds, you save lots of time in the morning and with laundry. Since it also vanishes in an instant, you safe time undressing, too
Kinemon uses this with delight when he catches you alone during the day, he has you in your underwear in a heartbeat - and dressed once you are finished
He gets very creative with lingerie and straps. Whenever he has a new idea, he is giddy all day until he can see how you look wearing it
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629: "Violent Shock! Incredible News that Shakes the New World!"
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A rocky old place, ain’t it? No white sand beach resorts here. Lots of sunflowers, though. And a Colosseum. Even trattorias and quaint cobbled streets, according to the preview.
This is Italy, isn’t it?
Only had time for one episode but that wasn’t a problem at all. Thankfully, there was a lot to unpack in 629, plus more highlights than 
There was the return of Thriller Bark. Updates on the whereabouts of key OP figures. Luffy yelling down the line at Doflamingo. The reveal of why Law is set on sailing to Dressrosa. Why Kinemon is also keen to go. The arrival of new villains. The reveal of Doflamingo’s cunning plan to snare Luffy. And the reshuffling of the Shichibukai and the appointment of a VERY FAMILIAR CLOWN.
I’m still laughing, btw.
Also have to say I liked the new opening. Seemed spoiler free and it was interesting that they have pitted Luffy so openly against Blackbeard (and Akainu, I suppose. Now there are two Big Bads. Actually beginning to wonder if there ever will be a Final Villain in One Piece).
They Call Him Scoop McGee Absalom
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The action picked up with the immediate aftermath of Doflamingo’s resignation from his throne and the post of Shichibukai, which sent ripples through the OPverse. Now the protection conferred by Doflamingo’s Shichibukai status had vanished, his subjects lamented, “Dressrosa is done for!”
Elsewhere, an unwinnable war raged. Unwinnable because the side in question had struck a deal with the Donquixote family. Now Doflamingo is no longer king, the supply chain has dried up.
Various famous faces who had grabbed newspapers were next. Jewelry Bonney was a nice surprise! I thought she’d been arrested by the Marines after that whole thing on the burning island with Teach. She’s obviously in hiding (standard hooded cloak) but still in action. That’s good. There was also a brief shot of Jimbei and Crocodile’s hook.
But who was the mysterious journalist behind the leaking of the Strawhearts alliance? The Kidd/Hawkins/Apoo Alliance? The fact Doflamingo had resigned both throne and warlord role?
He is known only by the name Absa.
I would have struggled to predict who Absa might have been, had they not shown a tiny Thriller Bark satellite ship.
It’s obviously Absalom. Invisibility is his thing. He’s obviously been sneaking about. For what purpose, I have no clue. Maybe Moria is out for revenge? I’m pretty certain he’s still alive as Doflamingo said he disappeared in front of his eyes. I like the thought of Moria getting angry enough to come back into the limelight. (I’m still crossing my fingers he’ll help Luffy and Law with Kaidou. Moria definitely has enough of a grudge to do it.)
We also got hard confirmation that Kidd and co. are after a Yonko. Their target is as much of a mystery to me as Luffy and Law’s is to them. (I still think it might be Shanks.)
I love it when Oda takes time to set his arcs within a wider context. Even more so now. It’s especially relevant here, given the recent emphasis on the interconnected nature of the New World.
And speaking of connections...
Hello. Is it Caesar You’re Lookin For?
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Once the contextualisation was out of the way, the action cut back to Sunny. At the end of 628, Doflamingo had finally picked up (after deliberately making Law wait to ramp up the tension. The theme of control is strong with this one).
Of course, Luffy had to formally introduce himself.
“HELLO. I AM LUFFY. I WILL BECOME PIRATE KING. OI, MINGO!” I love Luffy has already given him a nickname. “So you’re that idiot Caesar’s boss? That bastard hurt Brownbeard and the kids! We’ll give Caesar back since we promised but if he ever does anything like that again--” at this point Caesar himself was cringing hard in a corner “-- I’ll beat the crap out of you too!”
To his credit, Doflamingo did not rise to the bait. Sure, a few veins pop and he does questionable things when angered, but in negotiations, he remains cool as a cucumber.
“Strawhat... two years have passed since your brother died and you disappeared from the New World. Where were you and what were you doing?”
At that point, I never realised the significance of Doflamingo’s reference to Ace, so I just thought he was getting a, “Lol, ur brother is ded” dig in.
Of course, Luffy wouldn’t tell.
“I was hoping to run into you,” Doflamingo continued. “I’ve got something here that would make you drool.”
Since Luffy doesn’t do metaphors, he thought Doflamingo was talking about high-quality meats. To be fair, I had no idea what Doflamingo had up his sleeve at that point, so it could have been high-quality meats for all I knew.
Law was annoyed that Luffy had given Doflamingo the chance to control the conversation and snatched the DDM.
“Joker, we will hand over Caesar as promised.”
Doflamingo is not dumb, though. “That’s wise. You know well what would happen to you if you backed out now. First thing’s first, though. I want to confirm that my vital business partner is safe.”
Law held up the receiver. Caesar scooted over.
And Doflamingo was like, “Yup. Sounds like he’s fine.” 
I lol’d at that. (Was that a lowkey burn from Doflamingo?)
Law continued to keep matters strictly business. “In eight hours we will be on Green Bit. We’ll drop off Caesar there. Pick him up yourself. We will make no further contact.”
“Awwww...” Doflamingo retorted. “And I wanted to have a drink with you now you’re all grown up--”
At that moment, Luffy decided the conversation was at an end.“JUST HANG UP ALREADY!” 
He cut the connection. The Strawhearts were left alone on deck to process what had just happened. Sanji was smart about a loophole Law had left in negotiations. Law had never specified how many people could accompany Doflamingo to pick up Caesar. Theoretically, Doflamingo could arrive with an army at his back.
Law wasn’t worried. The Caesar handover was just a distraction. (Rather bold of him to discuss this in front of Caesar himself, by the way.) Destroying the Smile factory was the real mission. The only issue? Law has no info on the factory. I’m assuming they’ll have to infiltrate Dressrosa and locate the place.
Luffy was like, “You ever been to Dress Roba?” (Lmao, I’m sure he’ll get the name right eventually.)
Interestingly, Law said he had never been! There go my theories of Law growing up in Dressrosa and working for Doflamingo. :(
He definitely hates Doflamingo, though. His reasons for not stepping foot on Dressrosa? “He is king of that land.” Something has gone on between them in the past. Doflamingo has known Law since he was a kid. So did Vergo. What is the connection here??
At any rate, Luffy was blase about the whole affair. Infiltrating hostile territory to find and destroy a factory that will cause shit to hit the fan and draw the ire of the entire New World? Yeah, let’s just make up a plan as we go!
For Law, who is a clever, patient and careful man, this was just too much.
As the Strawhats filed past him into the kitchen for sandwiches, he stared with the vacant expression of a man who has stared into the depths of the abyss and found Luffy’s grinning face staring back.
He snapped.
Then you have have a gluten free wrap, Law. Chill. Everything’s going to be fine.
At least, I think.
In the kitchen, away from Caesar’s sensitive ears, they discussed where they would dock and other important initial steps of their master plan. Kinemon also revealed why he wanted to travel to Dressrosa.
Apparently, they had set out for a place called Zou but were shipwrecked. Only one of the other samurai reached the shore with Kinemon and Momo. Doflamingo’s people pursued them. Momo tried to slip unnoticed onto a ship but it unfortunately sailed straight for Punk Hazard. Their other companion, Kanjuuro, was taken prisoner.
Law was interested in the whole Zou thing, as he had planned to travel straight there to reunite with his crew (Yay! They’re okay!) after taking care of business in Dressrosa.
And Brook randomly farted right in the middle of it, lmao.
There’s a Starman, Waiting in the Sky
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And while Luffy and Law were busy making plans for Nigel, an Important Meeting was taking place at Marineford.
A grave Marine called Brannew took the podium in front of a room full of serious-looking, high-rankers (Brannew, get it? He’s a Brannew Marine to the story, ahahaha.) 
“As you all know,” he announced, “there are only seven Shichibukai. They are pirates who have been given permission to plunder by the World Government. In return, they grant us overwhelming power and prestige. Their allegiance to the World Government instills fear in pirates around the world.”
A line up of the more recent Famous Faces flashed across the screen.
Mihawk, Kuma, Hancock, Law, Donquixote Doflamingo, “The Celestial Yaksha” (I have yet to google that to find out what it means) and a newcomer.
Who was this newcomer?
He is the man who rapidly grew strength over the past two years. Commander of the Pirate Dispatchment Org and Living Legend: THE STAR CLOWN BUGGY!!
Of course it could be no one else that Buggy! Who else would have such INCREDIBLE, BEWILDERING LUCK!
Even Buggy admitted he was totally winging it. “It’s not like I asked for this. The World Government kept bugging me so I had no choice. That said, this is only a rung on the ladder. I’m moving up in the world now. In a few years, I’ll be a Yonko.”
And you know what?
I believe it.
Only Buggy would be able to become a Shichibukai by accident. Why not a Yonko too? The World Government must be pretty desperate to fill spare seats if they asked Buggy. 
The serious Marine also spoke of the grave situation surrounding Doflamingo’s sudden resignation. Law’s activity and alliance with Luffy is under suspicion. Depending on what he does next, Law may be stripped of his title too.
Akainu agreed. “We cannot allow Law and Strawhat to do as they please. Smoker from G5 sent me a rather annoying message yesterday. We should observe the situation for another day. I have dispatched Fujitora.”
A couple of things.
Did Smoker send Akainu a message from Kuzan? Is that why the message was “annoying”? Maybe it’s both inconvenient (bad news) and annoying (it came from his old rival).
Who is Fujitora? A new Marine villain, high on Justice? I can but hope.
At any rate, the Marines are also on the move and are watching events in Dressrosa closely. This is good. The more conflict, the better!
You Magnificent Bastard
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Meanwhile, in sunny Dressrosa, Doflamingo was also cooking up plans and future conflicts of his own.
In his palace, Doflamingo sauntered down a long corridor and entered a room with four high-backed chairs carved into card suits. As he is the Joker, I’m guessing Doflamingo has a theme going.
He apologised for keeping the others waiting. We only met two of the suit card squad. Diamante and Trebol. Trebol occupies the Clubs suite chair and is creepy. He does not understand personal space bubbles (even with Doflamingo) and he keeps insisting Baby 5 wants to marry him (creepy). His Devil Fruit power is also slightly gross (he blorts everywhere) and he has a perpetual hang snot. Not my kind of villain.
Diamante is at least funny. Example:
Doffy: “The colosseum is as popular as ever. That is thanks to you, Diamante.” Diamante: “Not at all, Doffy.” (I love that they call him Doffy.) “This is due to your charisma as king.” Doffy: “No, it’s because of your talent.” Diamante: “Oh, stop talking like I’m some hero of the colosseum.” Doffy: “But you are.” Diamante: “You exaggerate!” Doffy: “Fine, you’re not.” Diamante: “OKAY. IF YOU INSIST. I AM INDEED THE HERO RAAAARRR!”
That was weirdly humanizing. I get that Doflamingo is the villain here and he has no qualms over sacrificing his people if it needs to happen, but he knows these guys pretty well and gets on with them. Maybe it’s successfully manipulating them, sure, but the man still has social skillz.
Once the comedy moment with Diamante was over, Doflamingo asked Trebol to bring forth the Important Thing.
Trebol handed Doflamingo a mysterious box. “This is sure to pique Strawhat’s interest,” he said. “Their alliance can very easily become a disadvantage to them. I will entrust this super important box to you, Diamante.”
After some funny reverse psychology back and forth, Diamante agreed.
Then Doflamingo made the Big Reveal. The Big, Glowing, Shiny Reveal.
When he said he had something that interested Luffy, he wasn’t lying.
But it wasn’t high-quality meat.
He has Ace’s fruit.
And he is going to use it as leverage to break up Luffy and Law’s alliance.
What a magnificent bastard.
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Law was attacked by a pack of wild loaves in his youth. He’s never been the same since.
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