#Auction Action was one of the examples xD
smartylina · 2 months
Aw is Emperor Kuzco mad at his hottie hot hottie? *pouts*
She places her hands on her hips and listens to what he has to say.
Huh, then it would be nice for him to buy her one for her next birthday as if she was a kitty. Let's see if Malina wants to smack him after that hah.
"Now I'm not so sure if they were good, if you were the one who said them to me". She likes them, actually. Figures he would say llama puns because he was one before. Amusing.
Malina will arrange a stand up comedy for him if he had more jokes regarding llamas and frogs. She'll earn lots of money from it!
DEAL! She'll be prepared when that day comes.
Wait... no! she's not looking forward to it!
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hungnitan · 4 years
Can i be real with you tho? Why are you into Kei from masquerade kiss? He's not somebody I think is fit to have a romantic relationship since the dude is not mentally stable with himself let alone when it comes to caring (sexually, mentally, emotionally) to his mc. Sorry if this sounds rude but honestly I like him as a character but not in the dating prospect since his and mc's relationship dynamic is clashing in a bad way, its way too unhealthy and mc even admits their relationship (1/?)
(it seems you hit word limitation so yeah I gonna answer all your question here)
First of all, I must thank you enough since it seems you read my Kei’s full review that I post long time ago (lol) and don’t be apologized it’s not you’re wrong anyway. I hope you understand with my not so good english (XD)
For why I into Kei...to put in simply way I guess it’s my unusual likeness of weird person plus he feels so close to my mind (it’s not like I have mental illness or genius like him) for example like why he want to be alone or why he hold his emotion etc etc
At first impression when read Kazuomi MS season 1, he seems Luke like person yeah weirdo and I’m right plus Luke is my second best in KBTBB then from Carnal Knowledge special story, I really remember that special story he talked about bondage out of blue (lol) so after read that story he really took my interest.
If I gonna be honest, at first it’s just my temporary escape from KBTBB I really tired with their mc at that time, well it’s not like those change even now BUT after read ALL Kei season 1 I find that guy NEED TO BE PROTECT AT ALL COST ! After main story he really do anything to his mc to the point I think “for why he do that far” and I felt for him sinker
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Well yeah, if Kei like situations even me too know that they can’t meet with just bumping each others or mc suddenly get sold in black market auction (ops). So I can’t blame his MS1 are like that~
Yeah, I remember his mc said like that too, even in his S1 she said something like that but morelike she’s took pity on him but later his mc want him to be fully cured but slowly and I agreed with that kind of approach since if she do that unpatiently of course that route will be finished with bad ending (lol)
I always love Kei story since his story had unpredictable ending, even in his MS2 he want to kill Eric so many times (eventhough he doesn’t know how to use a gun lol). Then Lover Occultus Second Night finish with they gonna meet Kei true parents (the one maybe sold him). It gonna be unpredictable since even Kei meet them it still unknown if he gonna let them into his life or he will forget them forever (yeah those action is possible too)
To be honest I agreed their relationships isn’t healthy and almost impossible to be happy ending except his writer got drunk (ops). What I mean happy ending here is Kei finally cured from his mental illness and be freed from his usual controlling kinky play. Plus since they had hard time with Boss as per now so it still had long long time for happy ending (maybe we can see Boss dead in his route lol) and yeah I don’t really like their s*x time, it doesn’t put my mood up
When Kei MS1 just released before, I remember saw some post in MeWe group talked about how love can’t cured mental illness and yeah I agreed but not 100% agree. If we talked about high difficult illness like Kei then yeah I agree (it’s impossible to fully cure), but mental illness have their own standard bar.
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No prob at all ! I’m fine since it’s rare someone asking this kind of question to me (and this long). His personality isn’t that complicated believe me, yeah maybe at front he’s pretty complicated cause of his job but to packed up he’s like a kid in grown up body (that’s why it’s sad)
Like you know, kid love his toy try to protect it at all cost to the point he breaking that toy itself and then crying alone or smile to everyone like nothing happened after that. Yeah that can summarize Kei inner personality
For why Kei is romanticized... if we talked from writer side, I think it’s to say that someone with mental illness need to be loved too. But from my side, I would loved to have someone like that to be my side I never get bored in my life.
To summarized your answer is writer want reader to looks everyone at same manner even if they’re lesbian or homo, it’s pretty usual matters in American people isn’t...
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Taken straight and unedited from Light’s Dom Forums, thanks to a Light friend of mine:
“Now, you might be thinking: why would I want to take part in this Dominance thing? While you’re in no way obligated to participate (we won’t hate you for it, I promise!), I’d like to show you some of the most interesting aspects of joining us in our quest for Sornieth glory and shinies. Let’s go!
Regardless of the bonuses the flight might earn by winning Dominance, most of the activities involved in a push are profitable. Whether you’re breeding dragons, training them or just boarding them for others, there is always treasure to be made! In fact, most of Light Flight’s Dominance activity consists of Profit Pushes, which means they’re focused on incentivizing every flight member to earn as much currency as possible :D
Participate However You Want
Here in Light Flight, we value everyone’s contributions, no matter how small they may seem. Each and every treasure donated helps us achieve our goal, as well as each dragon boarded, bred, bought and exalted! We know that people have different playstyles, so we do our best to ensure there are many different ways in which everyone can engage. After all, it can’t be fun if you’re doing something you hate!
Team Spirit and Creative Development
We like to consider ourselves a big team. Working together gives us a sense of accomplishment, making us very proud of the Flight we’re part of! When possible, we enjoy picking a theme for our pushes, adding a Light Flight spin to it. Check the LightDom Archives for some good examples of our past themed pushes, such as Light Flight and the Hewn City Excavation, Valightines 2016 and My Little Coli! Themed activities also open plenty of room for Acolights to contribute creatively to the team’s efforts c:
In that context, we often like to choose one or two specific pieces of cheaper apparel to wear on our avatar dragons, so we can display a unified look around the forums. Depending on the situation, it may be something beautiful or just downright silly - nothing says teamwork quite like a group running around with silly birdskulls on their avatar heads! xD
The work involved in bigger pushes has often inspired Acolights to pursue new goals in the game, including getting special lore-themed dragons and collecting small pieces of artwork called badges (available during the push) to display on their pages. The sky Lair space is the limit!
Dominance pushes provide a great atmosphere for bonding with fellow flightmates and making new friends! We always have a lot of real-time chatting going on during pushes in IRC (link to IRC thread) and Slack (link to Slack thread), but if you’d rather stay on FR, we also have plenty of action in the push-dedicated threads in our forums. ;D Come play with us!”
“There are many ways to contribute to Light Flight’s Dominance efforts. In this post, you will find a list containing a few "roles” most commonly played by users during Dominance pushes. Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything immediately: most of these activities will be further explained in the next few posts of this thread! Breeders: May also be Snipers or Suppliers, but are called on specifically to breed fodder. Snipers or suppliers: Provide dragons to trainers, either from breeding them, sniping them or shopping for them in the Auction House. Boarders: Hold pre-trained dragons to get exalted during the week. May also hold other users’ permanent dragons, if they need more lair space during the push. Trainers: Obtain dragons from Snipers, Suppliers or the Auction House, then train and exalt them during the week of the push. It is the most direct way to help with Dominance standings in real time! Artists: Create Dominance-related badges, graphics and banners, offer art prizes for Light Flight’s raffles, participate on “art for dragons” threads, among other things. Writers can also help us! Donors: Support the vault and other charity-run programs with donations of any amount of currency or items. Every little bit helps! Attendants: Participate in Raffle or Buy threads, accepting dragons from members of different flights and recording them on a spreadsheet. Requisitioners: Buy leveled dragons from other Light Flight members, in preparation for a Dominance push. They may hold on to these dragons themselves, or pass them on to Boarders.“
Now you know why Light is so good at Dom.
Over and out \o/
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