byrdscribbles · 10 months
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OC Sketches cuz I forgot this blog existed I’m ngl
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For my darling @byrdybyrd02's bday! I love love LOVE your OC so much, darling and it was SUCH a blast to draw him!!!!
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trollbreak · 2 months
heehoo and aurrel neow!!! /lh
Ouh u pick an interesting pair!!! This going under cut bc teehee details to build to the Pondering. Also this is all very train of thought due to the heehoo Lore so :P
SO UM!!! First up, some things abt Heehoo our lad! And Boohoo, who’s um. Kind of inherently tied to him! They used to be the same clown. Teehee sometimes ur church worships eldritch things and sometimes u do weird magic shit that makes one person two. And it’s a whole thing!! Like um. With Gedian and Echo it was. Less than great in the end. But Heehoo and Boohoo had a great go of it!! They’re besties and holding hands and siblings and heehoo will kill u a million times if u try to hurt boohoo and boohoo will send a god after u for the reverse. They’re silly little clowns together!!! Smth smth comedy and tragedy masks, smth smth two sides of a coin, I love them in short
NOW!! I’m gonna face this as like, just swapping Heehoo and aurrel, rather than the person that was there before Heehoo and boohoo, bc um. I don’t have the braincells to make aurrel 2 guys rn lmao
SO UM!!! The base person would ofc b very different. But also? Aurrel is an ass. Even when he cares someone. He’d um. Be mean to boohoo without thinking abt it and it would Crush him Every Time that boohoo is so niceys kind and 🥺 until he like. Chilled out. He’s still very bitey tho, there’s just less baring teeth beforehand. U get faces and rude words when he’s angry and in a Mood as he is, but as a clown? He’d be very >:3 until he’s actively trying to murder u. Also, by VIRTUE of clownness, he would actually do murder!! Like he doesn’t actually do that as a Revant!! He feels like shit if he hurts someone too bad!! But um. He’d be. Violently protective of boohoo, and that would be a very easy way for him to just be. Very violent in general. Dudes living up to the murder clown image and then some. Sir please stop bringing folks to church just to murder them with your teeth, ur scaring the hoes.
He would eventually mellow out a little with time! …Eventually. And only a little. He um. Would get evil abt it tho. I think he’d dip from the church he grew up in the Second that the Gaze wound up as the host for their resident horrorterror, bc he’s like. Wtf, you’re nice. This isn’t how this shits supposed to work. Fuck off. He’d go kind of just churchless after that, and just um. Would do a lot of murder till he got accepted into the fleet to do cullings for a reason beyond ‘i wanna’ again. Dude grows up to be malicious and fucked up abt it. His thing abt body horror is a point of shame, and um. He goes exposure therapy abt it by being more fucked up. Bestie that’s not healthy. Boohoo is um. Going to therapy abt how she’s. A little glad he left. Dude got scary.
HEEHOO THO!!! Um. He’s still silly little guy :3 but now he’s Ferret instead of Corgi and he go BOING!!! I think he’s still doesn’t really talk much bc he doesn’t have much to say! But he makes a LOT of noises sometimes. Also: fidget toy collection. Cargo pants of em. And now he doesn’t do any murder mostly!!! Not unless someone else starts it for suresies. I think Junie def adopts him quicker, due to the hes more roam around and hang out with random folks. And they’re climbing into places they shouldn’t together!!! Please imagine for me junie and Heehoo Revant sat on a rooftop together. Heehoo is on a box or smth so he can kicky his feet. Are u imagining it for me? He’s so fucking ^-^. He’s also very much involved in rebel activity but shhh we don’t worry about thaaaaat, what he’s got going on with Bill is his business, we don’t need to knooooowwwww-
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trollbreaknsfw · 5 months
Aurrel! Fav position? 👀💕
[He’s cackling for a good couple seconds before he opens his mouth wide, lolling his tongue out to trace the split of it with a couple fingers, before he pushes them as far into his throat as he can reach before knuckles bump against fangs, and he makes a show of lingering a moment and pulling off his hand before he grins up at you.]
“Ehe, never much had a favorite.”
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sunnetrolls · 1 year
Also maybe if u wanna bingo maybe for aurrel or marrow?
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[bites back]
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tigerlad · 4 years
14 and 11 plz
Thank you so much for asking these questions anon! 
If anyone would like to ask more questions about my ocs, you can find the asks here 
14. What is their favourite food? How often do they get to eat it?
Aori Lai
Little known fact about Miss Aori Lai is that she has a constant craving for pickles. She tends to have a jar or three in her bag at any given moment. They’re salty, they’re crunchy and she uses some of the brine for her nighttime tea, what more can anyone really ask for? 
Yao Kim of Ver
Kim’s favourite food is the soup that Aurrel likes to make when she visits the Nameless Children. It’s a light broth, but it “warms the soul” and Kim swears that it’s brought her back from the brink of death before. Nobody will confirm it, but she knows that’s what truly brought her back. 
Yunn Lynn
Yunn doesn’t have a favourite food. Or that’s what he’ll say when you ask him, but Minh (his twin sister) is more than willing to speak to how quickly he inhales the spiced meat pies that come that Meinu brings home from work once every few months. 
VALEN’s favourite food is hardtack and dried meats found in standard adventuring gear. It was the first meal they had when the Wandering Hopes had found them, and they will forever think of how it had felt seeing the care in Aori’s eyes when she handed him the stale cracker that had been soaked in water. 
Vantorre doesn’t have a favourite food, his sense of taste is incredibly dull. 
11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be?
Aori Lai
She would like her mark in history to be perhaps, to create a spell. One that could help others on their own journey through life, one that can make the suffering of those around her a little easier perhaps. 
Yao Kim of Ver 
Kim knows exactly what her mark on history will be, she knows she is the prime candidate to be the Champion of Justice. And she runs from it, the longer she can put off claiming that title, the better. 
Yunn Lynn 
Yunn is a simple boy with simple wants. He would much rather be forgotten by history, instead having his stories and tales and song of the people around him be what goes down in history. 
VALEN doesn’t quite understand the concept of “leaving a mark on history.” But if they left the places they’ve been better than when they got there, then that’s good enough right? 
History huh. Van was never really good at that, that was more Aori’s speed. But maybe…. if he had to leave one thing in the world… perhaps it’d be a magical artefact of sorts? Like a magical dagger, or something. Or a wooden dog that springs to life. 
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trollbreak · 5 months
Realization that ophi would have the same thought process as aurrel at some point and um. Doesn’t wait for a second opinion. So Jourens out at class or smth and he gets texts like
“Hey do u think our mushrooms r edible”
“Nvem I got it”
“Man do u think yours taste better”
And jouren is like ah fuck. My roommate made himself sick. How the hell do I even help with this
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trollbreak · 4 months
Once again going it’s my art I’m allowed to repost it whenever so um.
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This bitch. Had a moment of ‘oh I should do a grub of them and bladed’ but like babes that already exists lol. It’s aurrel
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trollbreak · 1 year
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Played w drawing aurrel through the worst of the storm till i settled back down
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trollbreak · 5 days
Girl help I’m on abt character who’s dead and exists for backstory angst and also dying of cramps and also joints killing me
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trollbreak · 5 months
Y’all don’t even know abt how beastly has a buddy who’s nearly twice his height too :3
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trollbreak · 1 year
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Him :3
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trollbreak · 1 year
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Um. Post fight fast food doodle
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trollbreak · 1 month
aurrel whats one thing you would sacrifice if it meant you could be changed for the better, forever?
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“I mean I dunno man… doin pretty great as is, don’tcha think?
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“Maybe swap out some of my good shoulder days for more chances to pester the hell outta my guys, though. Damn funny sometimes.”
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trollbreak · 1 month
Ah I think I’m just on abt teeth violence again
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trollbreak · 2 months
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I love putting characters in outfits did u know
Dexter our beloved is of @greenhouse-of-love and I’m making out with them with teeth tongue
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