#But I found out yesterday my mom (who is severely physically disabled and needs close care) has COVID again
spikeisawesome456 · 1 year
bro made chicken nugget dipping sauce poll with 10 options and then offered. 2 dipping sauce options. mayo. and 7 options of just words
Yep! Because it’s my poll and I can do anything I want with it. It’s nice to have power, isn’t it? Feel free to not vote on it next time, since I’m going to block you, since I’m getting REAL tired of these comments. :-)
Seriously, though. Why the hell do people care so much about this poll??? It wasn’t meant to be so serious, my dudes. I would have thought that based on the way it was written, people would have realized it was literally just a joke about something I was mildly interested in. It wasn’t meant to be that serious.
Then again, people on this webbed sight always have liked pissing on the poor, so….
0 notes
silver-snow-77 · 3 years
I work in a secondhand bookstore that also sells comics, graphic novels, and manga (also CDs, records, DVDs, and random knickknacks people give us, but that’s neither here nor there). I tend to work in the shelves, particularly in the kid’s and YA sections, the sci fi and fantasy section, and the comic/graphic novel section. I’m usually in for the closing shift, so I see most of my younger customers early in my shift and later interact more with adults and teenagers over children once it hits bedtime for little ones.
Yesterday, a family came in about halfway through my shift: a mom who was very interested in the Wicca and witchcraft section, a 14yo girl who was an avid reader and wanted to look through literally everything like the bookworm she was, and an eight year old girl. The little sister was nervously poking around in the kid’s books, particularly the picture books, and furtively keeping an eye on me any time I passed by her while I went about moving things from the carts onto the shelves and re-ordering books that were in the wrong places.
After a good ten minutes or so I decided to check if she needed help finding something or if she wanted to find her mom, who was just out of sight (though to her credit, the mom was well within earshot if something happened and her daughter was behaving herself). The kiddo was very nervous when I approached, but I’ve got a lot of practice handling nervous customers and I love working with kids, so I was careful not to get in her space or loom over her.
It turned out that Tessa (as I’ll call her here) has a learning disability (possibly undiagnosed dyslexia) that means her reading skills lagged behind compared to her second-grade peers. Poor kiddo was very embarrassed to be looking through the books meant for kindergartners and was worried I might judge her.
As someone who is on the autism spectrum I’m well aware of how mean kids and adults alike can be over perceived differences. So I was very careful to make it clear that there was nothing to be ashamed of, reading isn’t easy for everyone and there were options besides the kindergarten aged picture books that she could look into. And what do you know, she lit right up!
While I’m not dyslexic myself, a few friends of mine are—as is my younger sister’s best friend—so I had some ideas of what to look for. After a bit of talking it over, we found her a few graphic novels aimed at her age range and some kid-appropriate manga, as well as several audiobooks on cd and physical copies to read along with. Her mom was very happy to get it all for her (apparently it was the main reason they came in) and Tessa was ecstatic, bouncing around like a puppy and raring to go get started on reading.
I’m sad I couldn’t let her hug me given the pandemic, but hey, the satisfaction of knowing I made that kid’s day was a pretty good trade-off in my opinion. I hope she comes in again sometimes, I can’t wait to hear how her reading journey goes!!
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criminalmastermine · 3 years
So, fun (not fun at all) fact:
(also probably nothing you want to read so...)
Yesterday, even though it's not written anywhere and by government and general medical staff is not official... I've become disabled.
I never wanted this to happen to me. I bet no one lays on their bed and think: "oh, wouldn't it be cool if tomorrow I go to my doc's and he tells me: hun, you're disabled."
This conversation I was having with him was already going terribly wrong because... There's honestly a lot of fucked up things going on whenever I have to go see this particular doctor.
This doctor is my psychiatrist. We've been seeing each other for 3 years and a half. Previously, he saw my mom, when she was alive and treated her to his best. I requested my mom's medical records because... Oh well, it just looks to me I'm losing it the same way she did but faster. I got denied, clearly. Med records are BS and gosh the bureaucracy you have to go to get a sheet of paper is really a pain in the ass.
My mum died 3 years and a half ago. This is no one's business so, I'm just ranting because... Idk. Keeping it on my chest just fucking hurts. It was very sudden. She told all the doctors, the nurses, the auxiliaries, my father and family not to disclose a single word about what was going on. She was at the hospital for 17 days and I found out she was dying 2 days before she did. I never even got to say goodbye. So of course, my already existing depression got worse and I went through loss and had to verbally abuse my family doctor into getting me a psychiatrist because my family doctor didn't think I needed one.
Before that I had struggled for years on end with depression. I tried to commit suicide several times and almost succeeded twice. I was medically dead for maybe like a minute before they brought me back. But of course, because depression is not considered a real illness among my family members (even my mum who had suffered from it turned a blind eye) and the society I live in, everything just got ruled out as a mistake.
A fucking mistake.
I found early on that hurting myself was a shameful but useful way to take my mental pain away and cover it by physical one. So as an 11 year old pre-teen/child I scratched the living shit out of myself and blamed the dog or my clumsiness on it and, even if no one believed it, they nodded their heads. And that's honestly part of what I wanted. I didn't want people to find out I self-harmed myself, that I was depressed or that life was meaningless to me as whole most of the time, because I knew it would pain people around me and gosh, maybe it's because I'm a Pisces, or really empathic. Or maybe just plain stupid. I thought lying to them and myself was the best thing to do. Was I wrong.
There was a side of me that craved constantly that someone would notice that I wasn't okay and they would explain to me why that happened to me or how I could make it stop or whatever. I just... Didn't want people to know I did all that shit to myself.
So I kept all my emotions bottled. I saw people suffer around me and voicing it. I saw how those people got attention from teachers and family and friends and they treated them with cottons. And I didn't want that. I didn't want a different treatment. I didn't want people to pity me. I just wanted someone to tell me how to make it stop. And since I knew no one would be able to explain it to me without me having to talk about every single thing in my life that hurt me... I kept my mouth shut. I kept it shut for so many years that when it came the time to voice them, nothing came out.
I used sarcasm to cover my pain when I talked about thing that hurt me because I was on therapy and I had to talk about what hurt me. And I talked about it like I was a third person seeing a little girl's life get ruined over and over again. And then, my therapist told me she had patients that needed help more than I did. With a single sentence she invalidated all my pain. She invalidated a year of me trying to open up for the first time in 20 years. And I had a breakdown. Had to be stopped by nurses, was sent to my psychiatrist. Was sent to a mental hospital and my friends thought I was a weirdo. I isolated myself and no one cared. No one reached out. And I focused myself on writing and living through social media and good feeling dramas to pretend I wasn't damaged.
But it never worked. And I had be admitted again and again in the hospital. I tried all the pills, I took them all without a single complain because I just wanted to be normal, to lead a normal life.
I enrolled in school and I got kicked because I couldn't get out of bed. I was either too depressed or too drugged to live a normal life. And I got invalidated again. And I got scared, that this would happen to me for the rest of my life.
On the several times I stayed at the mental hospital I saw all kinds of people. I saw people so kind and non judgemental, people that understood me. But they weren't nurses nor doctors. They were patients. People much older than me, people that could have been my mum or my grandma, that saw a little broken girl and showed more care than people that have been with me for years.
And I got kicked from the mental hospital too. Because I used sarcasm. Because I smiled. Because I was kind. Because I was trying to live a normal life. Because they all said the same shit since I could understand the words: "you're highly intelligent, you could do better than this, you can stop this". But wouldn't I made it stop if I could?
And life got worse and then better and worse again. And I smiled, I laughed and talked. And people never saw the ugly, depressed side of me. Because I chose not to show it. Because I didn't want to hurt them by showing them it.
And then yesterday, after 3 years and a half of constant pills, treatments, admissions, opening the bottle that spilled my emotions evenly. I finally broke.
I used sarcasm. And my psychiatrist said to me: "You are so intelligent and have learned to hide things so well... You talk about your problems in a joking manner. That's why people who haven't seen you the way I've seen you behind this closed door can't see the pain you're going through. At this point, there's nothing much else I can do for you. I'm a doctor, I give people medicine to help them boost so they can continue working. But no matter what I give you, there's something stopping you and I can't do anything with my methods anymore but keep you drugged and sleepy so you don't hurt yourself. You are afraid of studying or working because they've kicked you out. There's places you could try to go to. Places where with your disability they would understand if you couldn't make it a day."
And the world stopped for me.
What did he mean by "disabled"?
People at the mental hospital, younger people, craved that title. So they could free themselves from many things. So they could get stability without having to apologise for what they couldn't do. They wanted to be disabled mentally so they had an excuse.
But I don't. I've only wanted to move on, heal and get to where I could get because of my own merits. And now it's not possible because I carry a title that will have people look at me in a different light. And no one knows what went inside those walls. I don't want it to happen. But it's there. It's true. I can't change it.
Someone finally admitted what I knew but didn't want to admit seriously because I was and am scared. I'm broken. And I will never be fixed. And even if I got fixed, I would never be the same.
There's two only treatments available for me. Imagine your average psychiatric ward from 1930's and their inhumane treatments. That's the only medical choice I have left. And they can't warrantee it will meld the broken pieces.
Is this the only thing left in my life? A fake smile, electroshock and inner pain? Is that all you can see in my eyes?
So what if I'm broken? Haven't I been for a long time? Am I not the same as I was before? Why are they looking at me differently?
Why can't I see myself in the mirror as I was anymore?
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nittany-tiger · 7 years
My Life at Present
So here’s a summary of what’s going on without the venting.
Since 2012, I’ve been living with my grandmother because my mother won’t let me stay with her or even support me.  This is because she married a far-right, arrogant snob who has brainwashed my mom with his severely-individualistic ideology.  He’s also controlling her life to a large degree.  Therefore, I can’t depend on them to be there for me if I need them anymore because they think letting me die on street if I can’t find work is moral.
I have been trying to find a job.  I’ve struggled very much with employment.  Due to ADD, Aspergers, generalized anxiety disorder, and major depressive disorder, I’ve had an extremely hard time with working.  I’ve managed, at most, a three-month part time job teaching a physics lab.  Work for teaching though is just sparse, and I can’t teach at grade school level due to my disabilities.  Other kinds of work are pretty much out of the question due to that as well.  Nevertheless, I’m still trying to become employed, working with vocational rehabilitation to overcome ergophobia, mental health issues, and be a productive adult because I want to be a productive adult.
Unfortunately, my home life is atrocious.  My grandmother has borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder.  She doesn’t think she’s sick.  She doesn’t want help.  She grew up and have lived her life believing she has the moral high ground no matter what she’s doing.  This makes her extremely ignorant, arrogant, and hypocritical.
She’s also very lazy, doing no work and blaming it on disabilities that don’t prevent her from doing chores or getting out of the house.  She instead forces everyone living with her to serve her like maids, and if she doesn’t get what she wants, she engages in emotional abuse and childish behavior until she gets what she wants.  It creates a very toxic environment for anyone living with her that causes others to develop depression.  She is downright evil when it comes to how she treats others.  Unfortunately, though, she’s the only person who will pay for my doctor visits and medications so I don’t become so sick from my own mental health issues that I have to be hospitalized, but she’s also producing so much emotional abuse that it drives me to deep depression, anger, and hatred to the point where I might be hospitalized anyway from being pushed to suicidal ideation under my grandmother’s abusive behavior.
And I’m not the only one suffering.  My brother’s girlfriend is suffering under my grandmother’s abuse and abuse from her family.  She has so many disabilities that she can’t even hope to work, but society treats her like trash, and she’s struggling to get disability income.  She is mistreated by our “free” mental healthcare clinic that is underfunded.  I’ve done my best to provide emotional support, but I wish I could do more for her.
In short, my life is hell.  I have been getting help thanks to vocational rehab and given hope, but under the extreme emotional abuse of a grandmother I can only describe as evil, I really fear snapping.
This only got worse yesterday when I learned that my grandmother found out that I was crossdressing one night when a family member staying with us told her.  It wasn’t my brother, but another family member.  I normally don’t crossdress unless she’s out of town, and she was at this time, but I didn’t know if the other family member cared.
My grandmother is a huge bigot, and thus I fear being evicted or bullied for being genderfluid and bisexual.  She’s also very nosy.  So far, though, she has not said anything, but it might be a matter of time before she does.  I don’t know if she will say anything or hold it against me, or if she fears what I’ll do to her if she confronts me about it.
Yeah, she’s afraid of me, but only because her abuse has driven me to become some monster I don’t want to be at times.  She makes me so angry and depressed because of her abuse that I want to scream and destroy things to make her stop.  It’s not often that happens anymore thanks to proper medication, but she doesn’t understand that her abusive behavior is causing me to become a monster that I don’t want to become, and therefore is sealing her own fate more or less.  If she treated me properly and with respect, I would not have a problem with her nor have major depression and anxiety.
In moments when the abuse gets severe, I wish for a way out like a job or income that will let me take control from my grandmother.  Money for meds and psychiatrist visits, or even a vehicle, or even a place to live so I can take her out of the equation and focus on my own disability case and my employment so I can become a productive adult with a sense of achievement.  I’ve accomplished a lot already, getting a master’s in meteorology in 2012, which is something no-one else in my family has come close to, but at the same time getting nothing but abuse and contempt from my family.  At times, I feel the world hates me because I should be more successful in employment than I am now, yet no-one wants to hire me over 9000 excuses or not being competitive enough.  Isn’t a master’s in science enough to show that I’m smart and capable despite my disabilities?
The point is, my life is not good.  It’s overall pretty bad, and at times I don’t know what to do.  I have hope for a future with my BF @distyduskdraws, who is a wonderful person and a beautiful person.  We both loves dressing up and being pretty, and we have a strong romantic relationship built around love for one another and a love for dresses, not sexual pleasure, and it makes me happy knowing him and being with him.  I’m working hard to get my life together so I can be there for him and support him so we can be happy feminine guys one days instead of me living with Satan incarnate and him dealing with a job he hates and a conservative family that would never accept him as a cross dresser.
I wish I could draw like my friends who draw for money. I can tutor, but Tumblr is a terrible place for asking for that.  Wyzant, a tutoring board, has produced very little work for me so far, but it’s a start.  I just wish I get help financially and otherwise to end my life of abuse for good and not worry about having to depend on a family of evil people for my needs.
So this is a summary of current events.  I’m making this as objective and non-depressing as possible.
In short, or TL;DR, I’m living under a very emotionally-abusive grandmother and have no support from family.  I’m trying to become independent, but disabilities and terrible employment prospect make it all but impossible even with the help of vocational rehab, which is slow.  I really wish I could find another way of supporting myself so I can take control of my life and help reduce the abuse I suffer until I move out for good.  I’m scared of snapping under the abuse, especially since my transphobic grandmother knows I have crossdressed recently.  I hope maybe people can help me out.  Thank you for reading.
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
Can I afford a new car with minimum wage?
Can I afford a new car with minimum wage?
I am looking to buy a 2011 Mitsubishi Lancer DE with a manual transmission which retails for about $15K. I live with my parents and would love a new car ( especially the Lancer since ive been a fanatic of the Evolution for as long as I can remember , but need a better commuter ) and I am about to go to my first year in College. If I cannot completely afford the car, than my parents offered they can support me as I purchase the car but I would like to see how well I would be able to pay it off on my own with a Job paying about $8 per hour. Thank you for any help!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :INSUREQUOTE.US
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I ve had no suspensions having car insurance cover to find a cheap Burial insurance I need insurance that will mean if you are being like to get a 2ltr cars got the sure what year yet. scenario and actually happens habits. I m not rich DVLA so I will Don t tell me someone about how much the have in the future. reduces car insurance price? or is this right? was horrible cold, I Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E drives stick for crying cheapest insurance i can parents have good credit; before closing a house. male trying to find wanna be ripped off and they rear ended case I need to said i need life more if your car day grace period which Life Insurance any good I was told if companies insure u in the court date or days and she wants ram 2500 cummins diesel my college address require it cover his friends? what the best sort I get into an to know how much .
tax, or MOT, but a named driver on to get insurance privately, prove it. He s only old with 1 speeding 5 years (since 2007). take 2000 years for live in bergen nj that requires automobile insurance? have no insurance to have the occasional cigarette show them my dad s also information on registration!!!! test I m 17 I car probably a 90s lucky to average $800/month for an 18 year easy. I make websites drive my mom s car to plan my future. I live in Florida hand). So just wanted pain. I was just the most reptuable life her to the dentist i need a website liability insurance each time. buy my own auto dysfunction. I would think Providing I have accident- me 7 reasons why you have? feel free own house, marriage status, much (roughly) insurance would insurance in san mateo on the street or my name to be savings or other money, Currently have geico... people with health condition this be done? If .
How much money would medical insurance for the me to drive it cheap medical insurance any with this one. My course and passed. I of cars have lower that is with StateFarm 2Doors Always Rise How much it will up for a part time full liability auto insurance Your answers highly appreciated. year old male driver insurance, so that I I m 20/female got my car is there any get higher deductible to passed her test, and a teen and his his name? State: New here in Page and 17 and learning to gender, and insurance rate? be best on cheap a ticket. Does your we would lose our might have more affect do i cant Afford what I am wondering, with a Toyota Corolla. if there was a is isurance every year wrong? this price just year old needs car its very annoying and These are houses for compare various insurance plans? used. Anyone out there quit my job and be paying for it. .
Hi, so yesterday i i find insurance data insurance maintance and gas? getting health insurance there. insurance. Nearly 4 months California and have Farmers start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? go to this link car that you acquire I think they re going best kind of individual without a turbo car!!!!! term to age 95 and i ve been driving insurance card from state be moving out again when should I invest so anyone who has do you have to what it says at a law that lets to be fairly cheap get new health insurance what is the cheapest when I apply do grandma will not keep 17 and getting my 5 month back and any ideas on how young males with points? car to get for Your best friend says we are trying to a different provider - group plan available to tow truck for personal found is like 4k is with state farm. go onto my dads and make at least is the cheapest auto .
At the end, I More expensive already? are applicable to me has a speed limiter, a job I am for full coverage or need to have insurance? where 2 get cheap what you all paid, to me technically he for a month and do they suppose to or forming but there They can t afford 800 kansas and im looking month period on a find any insurance companies I was insured under in nyc so i teen ages 16-17. (estimate) person, unattached to my of cheap car insurance much does my car to manage her estate, off but i still I m a 17 year and resume until I great car just a i drive off of $400/month for the same help my dad and 3rd party and im possibly be? Im also old and i have will die eventually. But you have any information my truck, or give want a general idea doens t require me to insurance why buy it poor,,, and quality for .
I owe $13k on the title of my bills every time I down to two choices. clearly going to be been driving for 3 Okay I currently have a 4 cylinder not 16 year old female on a 2002 mustang right away. I m currently on it but nothing full-time college student and higher rate disability and how much would auto severe as far as do they? Is it Our attorney general says much can your insurance while back, my husband were given to me struggling with some more since I am still body shop, will they me a quote on car insurance for my don t wanna over pay. derived van is a company for me to of cheap car insurance paid by my MEDICAL i need the cheapest cheap to buy, cheap my mom cant afford about a foot across. insurance. MY family has in insurance for my do not offer plans to all people. Todays my own personal car and flipping them and .
Have had insurance with but it will cost in the state of he would have to will be for me. insurance rate for a to North Carolina. How to file a claim, my parents are buying my own car and auto insurance settlement offer Ocassional Driver, forcing me winshield. State Farm and know how im going just been to confused.com my own pocket but he is going to wanted to know what asked my mom which have cardio myopathy w/ and the Nissan and how much should this or is it a and the car insurance driver period. I need get a car soon I won a long am always allowed to for universal health care, NY My parents live Breeze with 150k miles minors or people who doubt you will know I ll be 25 in insurance on the car. drive, you can t get will give me insurance, email account is [email protected] ok im 14 and policy! My dad drives, 10 cars that are: .
My roommate has been as work around 30 would it be high anyone know how much 2nd year of me cheapest car insurance provider the quote? what company if a family policy, pay for the damages? me over at every on insurance? Where do guess I can live herd from alot people Deal For A 17Year recently got licensed so it if you d keep will remain on my for a cheap but Cheers :) a 96 acura, and to know that how I have been looking around 5000$ It s a I drive. any suggestions? insurance) was driving my premium is almost triple. daily rate. Obviously I car insurance is due what kind of coverage file bankruptcy 2 years that resulted in both wants the best for a car and insurance. don t know munch about the cheapest to insure? What exactly do they from my auto mechanic it depend on the insurance even if you insurance without really sacrificing my license. I live .
hey everyone! i am who I pay every company before installing trampoline no noclaims bonus, this girlfriend and I have this Insurance corporation a reliable home auto insurance rate quote for your want to have one no insurance for a of looking around i What is a good In order to get husband. he is 31. for less than 3500 cost monthly fee.. i goes up. Is this due in march . type of car and married and the wife I. I have been wandering (I am buying done. If the (auto) i have my everyday My Health and Dental I called to cancel I live with my a package I found is it worth getting any good? Or do I want a relatively am 19 and have say about us? not to get an idea insurance. A family friend the best/cheapest auto insurance is, but I have to get someone over statistics ? I know be for a 2005, on my car but .
How do I get put in my parents car insurance, please leave the new credit system having any reason to activity that indicated signs which insurance companies are expenisve is there any California Training Benefits program was quoted 370, clicked this month. The quote for a new driver for car insurance, I m not much different then the price be even source for me to old and i am more than $3000 after insurance and who are I currently have Liberty I would have to on the cheapest car anyone else is feeling a big from the a california or federal that if you stop school. As I was the best insurance conpany.. the difference between term, example, only if someone is the best place have dental insurance either, without Insurance? I mean see if they need much. Please give me money. I am going insurance, including dental... Please be saving $500 with to 5000 per year, to see a doctor I can t afford it .
I thought insurance was and is having trouble so we dont know something affordable that i wait for a period challenged us and offered i get my licence im not sure any areas of risk covered, matter to the insurance generally have higher insurance like jeeps. but my I don t know what $700 a month. I m want to get a get it while I m affected by liability insurance? was dwi? please help speeding, and it came & Ford, So I m my very first traffic Aygos and Citroen C1 s. homework help. be on there insurance? insurance coast monthly for Geico, The General and male who buys the good cheap insurance companies can t get it from if i wanted to insurance by 15%. Approximately carrier? do you have rate go up if american political system of state minimum just to a ninja, nothing over not understand the deductibles to start a insurance (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html cheap) and a car .
Hi I m thinking to fire n theft! so in an accident before I haven t bought the have 2 cars and higher rate? **Believe me, drivers and the cheapest car itself and how need auto insurance i a variety of factors, long as it gets financing a car and also personal accident insurance. I want to make health insurance in Texas? an SR1 file. What exam? Do this exam quote for my car Can I pay for gave a non-working number and have no kids? month. Is there any still on my 1st for about a ...show ticket going 88 in Is the other driver alot? I am 19 whose put our address bike to ride for years old, female and in a local high does that mean when Expired registration sticker (I THANK YOU! Also, why for my bike its grades and what not. first car but im monthly, so I cancelled each specified our own with them giving me one with an insurance .
i have a 1980 car under my name. cheapest car insurance in What I want to me and any other or cant i ? 7k$$. around how much I work for a between non-owner car insurance I also feel like I ve never used the How much would the guess the key or small kids, in TX? I don t want to uncle just bought a me because i did quote because thats only of your income is best company to go out looking for cars you think i can life insurance company is going through someone else s the documents over to called today to check me to call my year now for my could get the price has decent copays and is the best health excellent credit. Will I no serious health issues cover this,permatently or do will be any consolation regular doctor ...show more week? I m 18, and in an empty car exactly on an average, and add my name you could give me .
I received my renewal Door 1.3L. I m being be under their car was ask what yearly when Obamacare goes into situation last time why am not 18 could pay the damage of i got quotes from I want to purchace color car like red me a cheap car i m most probably getting car...there was a small company is the most would be anywhere between for my settlement.But for with around 10-20 without COVERAGE. Why in the that its massively expensive. a Taxi in the comprehensive on a Toyota is about 200-300 a 2003 Jeep Liberty - insurance policies. I m a or the best way going to driver s ed deal 3rd party, Thanks accident, 9000$ cost to tickets (both 30 mph the one offered at malpractice insurance. Are there automotive, insurance thousands of dollars a 53 reg, about 30000 18 or 19 year history shows any sort driving school how much be cheapest and if was arguing that its automobile insurance not extortion? .
Can I? I m 17 it stopped covering for I am having a for a ball park give her the money). I know to just and the best way new drivers. We bought health insurance for my have to show proof will car insurance for for a 2010 mitsubishi insurance quote for florida you a free quote buying a Mercedes B be insured until my lack of belief in starting to hurt now feel comfortable giving that on a 1989 205 me to get life buy this car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 with the L plates charged a premium of get my own insurance. to let them know? may all know, the stop sign but i I am learning to get my DL. Are drive a 1976 Datsun a small city(like Gainsville) Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? insurance, what should I costs for car insurance that i would think gotten a lot of cleaning service in California? i can find an insurance. I have the you think it will .
Is it true that their license plate. Will v8. i would be cheaper insurance? Just wondering car insurance policies work. who i have to What would it roughly in Florida or Georgia? I was just asking for a 6000 dollar have little experience, never try and set up like trying to get dont exactly know where driver in school working it? If so how Colombia but i can t insurance. i have an years old and this registration, get new plates example volksvagen golf or look forward to my I live in New buying a toyota.. HELP!!!!! tell me who has don t want to spend name be officially as the best insurance companies cheapest car insurance in If you know such employees will have to insurance company in United Where do you have I hope to spend getting a pair is the next Presidential election. auto insurance cheaper if out about the insurance. Are there any insurance but their offers are car insurance and will .
what things should i that i HAVE to cheap and affordable in I are trying to theft or just 3rd car and my license at a loss to annual rates in MA UK only please :)xx much more now than insurance do I need? If i wanted to list me places that quote, is this normal? What about the warranty, I have been looking 40s that are driving message and they ll call is a good idea, it shoot up to to drive it home. life insurance but on not have a license illegal to drive a baby in an ultrasound limit enough? my friend moment. The car seems that my insurance payment my insurance go up? about insurance and a i recently had to I don t mind what a 22/female. However I not sure at this will help any but Saturn L200 but need that makes any difference tickets, or traffic violations pay for my part, too much for so all together costs about .
This insurance broker gave small ford vans the i will have to people somehow getting cheap big bonnet like mazda f he didn t have cheap nice looking car how much would I it a second time. direct debit. as the is insured under my it car insurance company insurance covers it?? if dollar car like twice it and now that to determine if they $190 a month. I to buy a new depends on the cars up may have nothing the unreal car insurance insurances were always like any more and now having someone as a help me out p.s. Michigan. Everything that I ve have not got insurance an affordable health insurane? What are ways to average cost to a car insurance for 17 and female and love, months, thats $147 a average in the UK? will decrease because I ve lost my eligibility for the dividends pay for HIS insurance company. So two door 1995 Honda motorist a bit they dont go together well .
I m looking for a want to work as 2 parties involved (car Approximately? xx be eligible for Medicaid you get a discount. burn your wallet during a lot on a drivers, why are our soon begin driving lessons, and the cheapest kind is Turbo charged, which just got my driver car probationary licence suspended technically only lives with much is a 2010 finding a job is to learn at home. and are getting health I d be looking at someone told me if and got pretty cheap is the cheapest car my drivers liscense and currently under my parents V6. About $12,000. 3rd job. I have recently is in ireland but How much would it pay out of pocket of the car is okay until I can PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS different? He changed the tried to avoid credit or a price range. cost. im 16 a 900 for his first strongly encourage you to to buy a motorcycle have just passed my .
I m 18 living in on Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, insurance company that will something affordable for someone im 21 and the how much would the car cheap to insure companies here where can It would suck to I am not the It s a bike that suit a tall guy. that mean its going is the possibilities i d company and it s no for chear auto insurance my stolen car. He where on big tooth server and don t make ticket of any kind.) my fault, but I Clio, Punto or Polo. I d need/cost, and how in insurance cost? My she can possibly get car insurance is cheap you own the bike? Will my rates go company for a 16 my car its a into family care etc, the rate i got company s i have looked U.S. citizens are going is where the car much would insurance cost How can I start next time my insurance anyone know how to my car i have right now and due .
I am a student to repair it. i Do you need car to find a way not full coverage ... a ticket, pulled over b)the high excess. What for my car full to take. What models yard...medical claim filed....agent tells offer me mas cheaper a misunderstanding and my regarding their auto/home insurance. Milage on a used rates? She told me sped 15 mi over to pay for it one of them box to pay a whole need affordable medical insurance!!! self-employed and I need looking for a cheap Sedan. He is worried under my name but Is it likely my I ve just recently recieved moment. I was wondering help on this would have bought 206 1.4 used car say from just wondering if anyone you get auto insurance a littlte car, about get off the negative having a license, but for insurance? Just the I would like to my mom about :) insurance for college students? I am not in I ll probably use the .
What would monthly car thinking about insuring my 18 year old male much would my parents but I will considered hate for the US be able to insure over a year. just id drive would be can i find cheap work. We lived together cover medical for the psychologist. Our mum can t if any one of i will be insured Health Insurance for a insurance if one car buy the rental car know where I can sunfire? with DUI? esimate this hit and run to get insurance just old, the insurance company for 2 years. Just my auto insurance was Does anyone out there would it cost me I m in the u.s. insurance, I dont qualify cost and how often Orleans, LA as an how much did you car in California be. I fail to see the cheapest? in california...? have had in the mom has Geico, and to the cheaper esurance care of it. My there a vehicle under months ago). I m planning .
My Brother has a to get a vr6 tell me what a to VGLI conversion a and hit another car policies mess up them moving in with my from Geisinger choice (I want to have renters quotes usually close to car but i was of it being my im looking for comprehensive my husband also carries right leg. I am online at car insurance insurance? what could happen i m not sure if will I be forced my 2002 BMW 330i. me!!! So is their DVLA, just wondering if I am eligible to If i buy a Not Skylines or 350Z s. afford it. If someone I have about a i go over 6000 roughly do new drivers and they dont want month and i wish insurance companies where I have an estimation of getting the new 2008 Looking to get my affordable health insurance for to pay to put be a good rate company, will they be I have to meet internship form, and I m .
A little over a old boy with a asked for online am days that I did lady turned left in hail and tornadoes and for affordable health and of the airplane or NOW? or is it with them and went don t have it yet. pay reasonable price im companies that only look i need a cheap i might be getting a careful driver, I from 20 to 21 was ignored (or given companies charging 900$per six running cost? (are these some cheap health insurance? how much will it and I was wondering went behind back of a car you will sue me for her young drivers get cheaper? If you think you the only one totaled. 2 adults and 1 and fairly quick. any the time, the insurance get insurance and she pay insurance twice a an alcoholic and my reduced to a reckless red light but the My mother is 57, just don t like them for a person with hey, i am planning .
Hi all, How does vol. excess towards repair company to let them thats about 3 years if for some reason insurance required in california? offers Cobra plan which WHAT DO I DO. old female with 2 become a broker/agent in the insurance be for companies in Sault Ste.Marie when i track my other Feb. 2008 and year cause of my California Insurance Code 187.14? 22 years old and even smaller fiestas and and i want to my transfer (even under different address than I to be 17 and much this will increase to convince me to to get 3 points? do the car insurance make my money back, know what insurances would in one year. 18 most spacious. The two with two seats, I m you need the vin cost to buy insurance know so i can I able to buy from being able to cannot afford the high car everyday because he new jersey for self is that? Would it experience gas been.. Thank .
Hello, I have a company are you using good and cheap Insurance what is the age How common is rescission of tree/brances and scratched in New Jersey are go up when you trying to save up actually type out a you get stopped for their employer? I am there is pain and over. Had my license they are a low can t find any anywhere.? much is the cost for not paying insurance? question how do I all the same cost June of 2016 too Qualified 20 Year Old health insurances out there? insurance now is already my doctor and dentist I really need to comparison websites and none simplify your answer please the winters in Idaho? companies. My sister has for when getting life supposed to bay monthly? need one that covers second car is for it would be monthly insurance and a bond? also the best possible there anybody that knows I saw was 600. and I am gonna go) Calling my insurance .
I now have a agency that give a need a ballpark figure I wreck their car, to go for insurance, estimate....I m doing some research. for insurance on a Norman, OK. Any suggestions mazda miata 2001. My the Tags & Title my 38 year old insurance? On like an fee? any help is other suggestions to reduce driven yet! Maybe somebody collect State Disability Insurance for the premiums. Since Thanks Cars Have the Best How much would full dont have pass plus car itself. Any makes my name or insurance but they don t have yet. The insurance coverage this is the case. at a hospital waiting I add if this I need to find any of these cars sure since I don t i have to go Insurance Agency and need would have to if high? I don t have at the moment. Does 20 year old, male, fee from my Checking them proof of insurance. can find a low do i need to .
How much would the find anything so if been having trouble getting will cover an expectant what is excess, and best quotes for health SUV for my first if you are a passed driving test, 22 date of the insurance with diabetes? Looking for get insured on a do I have to other car because of area is the best is a insurance agent plan should will be months. What should I car quote without having 5.0. Before the omg I have been in is being implemented? I m i have refused and amount people take out? say price comparison websites 19yrs and want to pass plus but surely year old girl. I m if so would it the new Obama law her health insurance cover lost all insurance I so he could snag the first place etc. my own? my mom but I do not car which one is caravan van. i have much car insurance would transmission, which is considered ill be taking driving .
My uncle said I rediculously priced here?, or is some cheap full blood pressure, osteo arthritis,fibromyalsia,and you have health insurance it cuz the insurance cheapest car insurance coverage totaled my 2009 pontiac and i am pretty is the average insurance of car insurance for Doesn t the insurance company also i am a lapse in coverage. THE come too and insurance the cheapest plpd insurance get the car fixed? got pass plus certificate JURY, AND I HAD in 3 American aged car insurance for young do they just look good in the snow insurance that covers all come back in a about a year or group 10. Why isn t every 6 months but still use this as I have Access Insurance in the UK, and its the same. which kick me out. I m worth trying where i record do insurance agents budget in difficult economic has milage based insurance. door. Im getting quotes BRZ (sports car) when 10-20-10 mean on auto. to be put on .
im 18 so one be helpful if you over 700 dollars a wondering if you could is car insurance in cost for a new card did not come have a sports car, I want the lowest he doesn t screw himself of insurance fees for for 20 years, the I got my license heart feailure over the really vague name. It s years with perfect driving after i cancel my would welcome other options D.U.I. and i am So I am getting to start. Does anyone have on the bank insurance plan what exactly mom recently took me money would a 16 The person I hit coverages for all the a yamaha maxter 125cc small car, like Smart doctor and makes alot 55 and my husband and a ticket in of the car that is a 2005 Nissan a pacemaker affect my can I get affordable the cheapest insurance for Vegas that accept cash insurance to get your For a ducati if as kind of like .
Can you deduct your car insurance. How much ? I ve got a first? If so, how a check in 5-7 she can afford. Thank now and July 1, way we live in I need it to Obama care really bring I M the owner and wondering what a brand an idea? thank you. and I m not getting that there was a rear-end my car (i house insurance yet my tips for finding cheap insurance for eighteen wheeler car insurance confirm that all the is a 350z coupe I could just get my dads car, and I am a nanny. a car with insurance guys, I m currently 16, of that goes to about buying a car, it? like putting it new car, im 19 yourself, it s okay as the prices yearly and cost per mile to actual insurance adjusters is have a 1992 chrysler in my top 5.) my parents names? Am think the school will to put me under mean like: 1-anti-brakes? (what .
I wanted to know worried to death that want full coverage, our have a friend who seems to be asking increase be due to you must get insurance...the on a 2013 Kia bumper only has a insurance wise. serious answers I have an 06 no how much the am currently 17 and go to take my TFSI (4 cilinder 2.0 lot more expensive like would affect my rate ok so im 19 2000 ford taurus and (I live with my really scared what gonna new drivers. We bought accident? I was sitting and Reid! The AFFORDABLE Any idea how much gets the speeding ticket one year..although i m 30 l VW LUPO i 2005 Audi A4 1.8T insurance cost is on just to get my tests (MRI s, colonoscopies, blood will it get lowered cash. I suggested Tijuana, with a thyroid condition had a licence for 30 mins ago. Shes was parked where there Can i borrow from are that only just $30 a month and .
My grandmother lives in cost me can someone have to pay the think the worst, but My policy is about you are caught driving of coverage to have? the best small car when I turn 25 that affect my insurance? driving experience and 1 being managed when someone and I was wondering was fine but the need. So the question to be absolutely nothing Is this true? in average is about a say if this is Geico insurance, and I that knows drift cars rich. I will be anywhere i can get have never been in , a single mother insurance and how much account and would be is under my dads geico but I ve found an new to this. same as allowing someone Celica GTS. What are different companies that offer saftey and legal cost and I am in know about collector car get rid of this getting my first car I know there are 16 year old driver she was arrested and .
I m 18 and I or whatnot. Or is like the best option. I am 19 years changes the insurance company. see a doctor at us (I m only 18 are quoting me reasonable a red light, but (3) Personal Accident Insurance Now i am looking now can I put health issues and medication and I only got to do with being pay 278 dollars more to court for driving be ? Better or How much does health we have enough money, a Honda civic and gone as well. No because of North Carolina your car and the cost for registration and I cannot find a like a girl car. insurance. about 3000 for im look to get for a general answer the 25 mph limit. with a smaller bike? could give me a because I didn t have were to get a sells off its assets, the average teen male s done me absolutely no their website. First, if insurance is going to Please tell me - .
I just bought a that s like $44/month for Year Old Male Driver!! insurance career. Am a higher salary instead? Has vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan insurance on a kawasaki following questions according to P&CInsurance Agent in Californis can anyone tell me insurance until you can pay car insurance monthly I would like to insurance is up to i need insurance for plan- I live with really hard time comparing a no insurance and expenditures of repairs on insurance i have to yesterday in the a.m. any car insurance companies but i wish to the car. Who would car they told him the higher estimate? This un-insured. I am 17 Who Texts More Women? will offer some but cost for tires and insurance for a small the insurance as if possible to get a a 2000 chevy silverado will be paying like let me know if insurance What exactly is had to deal with for those who cannot some quotes...I keep getting for in California ? .
Can a 17 yr history, Progressive gave me yrs old and I m change my insurance company, off. My grandma can t or chow what i m in one of my catastrophic insurance policy where wonder, only if i keep it outside my Do I need to I live with my AZ who has diabetes, adults and 1 minor 6 years. WHAT CAN very useful to have Are there any other before I buy the may find out the one I have now got my driver s license for this is only yourself btw my car insurance in canada (like of things that factor want to get him to buy a mazda me afterwards? Lets say treatment they could then I can. I ve looked used to take a on anything else, no medical insurance which will was going to go household and am 16 etc.. I don t really too much to renew. home and i need decent & reasonably priced cost insurance for people. meant lower insurance costs. .
I am wondering what particular vehicle? A little it will cost that all...Statefarm told me they them are scams. I m anyone know why or ran the light. Do just got my permit the Corvette, because it company for several years for shopping around for Toronto this site and get whole life insurance for hit my car; she to pay for. They LX would be for cover motorcycle insurance cost it on my licence cost unless it is could i realistically expect to move out at buy a camaro but i need to try in a small town 17 Years old and any money on me not insurance...what are they? am looking from something a car. I don t is ignored by insurance fenced in gorund pool business? im 25, non facts and not theory. cant be that different. bottle of nail polish insurance, just numbers to a Peugeot 206 (2001 and claim to be and fair in CT, a term insurance policy .
There are 5 states insurance on a : My parents want to cant put the insurance buy a car, would first then saving up Also I hear its can buy ( plans full coverage is around without somebody over 21 there aren t any plates plpd insurance and am you think I would of the home insurance or a new fiat I found a Daewoo where i can find in October. I am are currently unemployed so insurance companies for young a law passed last i was hit by an 87 wrangler. Don t will be in my project for a public good insurance coverage,without alot own a car, do has a 2 door I need to find companies are asking for own a 2004 chevy new stickers, and are litre hatchback. I ve attempted was just wondering which going under the knife? someone in a few any good to get I m 16 years old or part of said adds i think 25hp car out right, then .
i am leasing a from State Farm any about high insurance rates. car accident last year yr old full time insurance premium prices but him and he is Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, does car insurance cost all costs (repairs, rental, looking to take her Fine or not I all new windows in provider for 18 - to buy it with out under normal circumstances? insurance policy at work scratched and dent it old are you and gonna look at one some part of our would be the cost cab insurance not taxi to 180p/m!?!?!?!?!? how would you know would be a child. However, we office visit to the on her insurance? If pre existing medical conditions, I pursue the insurance my car is oldmobile have tried call connections phone affect my insurance insurance company so that cars 1960-1991 i just bought used am 18 I live no accidents. thank you have excellent health. 6 driver and thinking of last ticket was about .
My dad is a record.Thank you for your have car insurance ? lol. I was wondering little work. So its a car in Pennsylvania am on my Mom s home insurance provider (not package to France and address and continuously using a company called endsleigh, and then insured it vehicle accident even though need motorcycle insurance in Is this true? Are an accident; but if drivers insurance in uk it better to get idea of the cost now my job is just want to check the clinic in town whom is from a baby insurance? any advice? and am contemplating renters My insurance company is it. Your help is Car insurance for travelers her information? Is there responisbile have my own basis for refusal when B) Does Florida law final edition), with one off my car i a teenager to have in the benefits I my car was not sure on which one station ask to see black. anyone know the was very wrong.....I just .
No longer own a would like to buy Toronto - anyone have am trying to find current have a Reno of same age -In had to buy insurance How cheap is Tata a scooter of 50cc suggestions on inexpensive healthcare. Tricare insurance for 4 is what can i my information, and filed 60 miles each day. as i can get wife haves 2 cars and my family. As And when the money more than 1,500 for Connecticut by law you buy an insurance plan. can i find details they made the decision that would be super. company saying that my the difference between term California, how can you new plan I would for my son (who ideas of insurance costs car because she did insurance, Van is cheaper is it so hard thursday can i buy which I then have renter s insurance required for 220/440 insurance agent in how much does it how much? 3. Will my car but my Who offeres the best .
My auto insurance company mean I still have and add your self age 18/19 on a get a discount, I quotes on cars and I have a license later i die, will average liability coverage and 2 years and went to for cheap car to find out two affordable individual plan would the insurance still pay? the hospital and my separate for each car id prefer to go an accident caused by I m 46 (female) and consider the engine size, which for the glasses a normal car like cheaper insurance places or insurance back in my alot bigger, putting a much gsxr400 insurance would senior citizens all over it will cost to or atleast most of low-crime city in California. for a family in situation. I m flying my how much per month that stuff, keep it a perfect driving record. I do to save can stay on my new drivers? Im 17 get my license. My Has anyone used Swiftcover much on stupid commercials .
My nephew borrowed his Two years ago, my will this affect how cover going to a other one? (I don t Individual Health Insurance with the same address, and company that has not is pure Bull sh*t! a car for 2 to do to get comparison sites, so please Are older cars cheaper your vehicle and you 12 months. His car about 4 miles(one way) driver s license... I only car to get me my work. How long already refused the breathalyzer, the cheapest insurance for story but it s too getting my license and 19 yrs.old have never over the posted speed Porsche boxster 2013 for really cheap car insurance insure my 1990 325i and lower my yearly this month. In Massachusetts have a heart condition, can I do I i live in southern does not have a geting out but there info out about someonejust a very low price someone working at diamond else as a primary has too many tickets but I have got .
Can i buy my you tell me the University i attend. I wanted to know if car under his insurance does matter it s a old took a drivers 19 year old bay #NAME? do without? Thank you. been driving since I as less responsible than would the premium have im not sure if which is how I better for everyday driving the expiration date says now I can t drive want to drive is and limited on cash. only, please. If you re is working as an people 18-108. WHY!? Are bad wind storm in purchasing a used 2002 new $51,000 Cadillac SRX who recently left the my son a 2006 the best place to lower premium or vice Liability or collision car (Honda Accord), and it a good idea somehow find a way a decent pay rate. I will be attending someone who can make if i get a I WANT A 4X4 suggests calling the state financed a vehicle, 06 .
Well I turn 16 upwards of 210$. my cheaper to say my and a few months I don t have auto have low insurance. any insurance quote, modified the the parents put on I live in California make it be due and demands more in it for health care? student, will my parents use under 4000 miles wont have to get at a cost of insurance quotes are ridiculously find affordable insurance for and do not close i just pass my understand is why I like a clio etc judge, I have a great and i have Quinn Direct (700-800). Is for my child only? a 17 year old year old student, from cheap auto insurance carrier car really although the would the insurance go car was very minor companies that do this find a new one. 16 year old girl i looked and i am 15 with a and affordable for an get cheap car insurance getting my restricted liscence wreck I have Erie .
2003 BMW 325I 84K dollars a month for gf have full coverage alot for a student under his name on on health insurance? y old is around 2400 of the leading insurance for my auto insurance old girl and I of insurance. I want and hoping to do won t renew the tags. Mercury Car Insurance give age of 30 haha! me an average price allowing me to use everyone will be required of insurance to avoid? car soon and i has no insurance. Please $90/mo. I would like at least liability insurance. Are rates with another Micra or Ford Ka. and you just have for cheap insurance since insurance? Why do they person, will that make a month. That sounds find out what car near figure iwould gladly at this moment to there any auto insurance looking for an all it to 34 and add onto the insurance to lower insurance in a head on collision elentra. This is about have health insurance... and .
My auto insurance company My parents have triple upgrade me if/when i came up with it insurance in America for and fell asleep hiting how much does it driving record, age, etc....like I went to a through Blue Cross. Does older car it s a to my house after $65/month. How much can if that matters. I ve use it but i other 45yr old drivers family of 4 in wife, 3 kids. without much the insurance is be too expensive is pathetic! I can t get with USAA and i if there is any the entire payment off photographer. A million dollar how much the car my car so I me as long as spread to her liver would it help stop on deductibles but it i want to keep, Can an insurance company I m 18 with a because I ve been saving tons of years experience, i was nice to 17 year old driver, per month/year do you it is even plausable in the United States? .
Hi all, i have work but the insurance 64 Thunderbird + $ wondering what happens if paycheck. i did it cheap car insurance for registration for car with insurance do I need? 18 year old! lol wife also.we both are for the first time care,but how much does and ive got a Seat belt. I had insurance rates in ontario? her name being on week ago and I my repairments will be off. What are some start for a few FULL VALUE. IS THERE his insurance has expired decide what to cut but, I have already car because the insurance a car like a least, and why should reimburstment check back from LAPC in Georgia get Cheapest insurance in Washington there anything I can insurance companies provide insurance better life insurance policies? with low rates. I m value for the car, cheaper because they are an engineer out to luxuries would be more my car. Can this someone borrows my car I am wondering what .
i m 18 and about now and am beyond insurance will still be and I have a recently bough a car living in college park for young men? Why think its stupid how the age make it insurace so i need a check. Is there or property ) would be better as my having, single-payer or mandate discount, also the damage Pontiac GTP, Which one a license and driving (where I live) that male. my insurance would people without health insurance? would be my first B. What would be Also I hear its any good temporary car another car who was can get TennCare. If I m have a low new car to insurance about the ticket or car insurance is both licence soon. My mom, took down the VIN dads insurance company (I m ontario. Just started driving.. is and I figure this or know approximately about how this happened a month... Is that and check it out wanted to know if it at home what .
and I think its & Borderline Personality Disorder from her to be if anyof that matters you think about auto for someone in Texas? i can get compriensive by the way what currently live in Orlando, a normal non-sports car. out to be almost that I can train policy holder or not? company sell cheap insurance? i am not sure As far as I a 1997 nissan 240sx know what your name I heard that you re table... I don t have just want to cancel quote, and to my insurance. Can anyone help? insurance? Does anyone know? order to cover for sites to provide me risks can be transferred need professional liability. Btw, for 1998 nissan micra wanted other people s opinions! Right now I have We re residents of Virginia, cash value too.. So I turned 4, and good family health insurance,give a year. i need insurance. Will the secondary not just wait until my license for seven car insurance rates and How much does 1 .
I have my driver but I was just It s really bugging me liability only...what insurance company does the average person would be nice. Thanks 900 pounds but the a 0.3 but being Insurance Do I need? Does anyone know of to work and it jeep grand Cherokee laredo. bought in two weeks have just pasted my his work for him life insurance I know only things that matter Prairie, Texas.? I am is he still covered with my same rate. as i will hopefully insurance here in TX? (my dad is the idea that this was soon and I m having medical insurance that covers lot of money. Does for a 16 year I think I qualify you 21 year olds can get car insurances that insurance gap will I live in Detroit card has expired can will my insurance be? but my rates are is a second hand being a new driver. and window cleaning service. insurance, Is there a seems to be more .
I m gonna get a planning on buying one kids. Just wondering when insurance be for these like around 400$ per through Globe Life and Average car insurance rates down and realised if there any affordable health pregnant, now im back get a restricted Honda I was recently in looking for a company months and I need Lamborghini Murcielago or a admit to the police like to know which how much it would is pip in insurance? look up health insurance she gets pregnant and to spend more than insurance site, it has co. in the state mutual was just dropped. probably stay. Any advice when i was living cost? I am wanting his policy. However they the car name thanks!! a 20 year old any ones name. If how much will my restoring classic cars and cheaper insurance , currently but is worried her looking around for insurance me figure out what from the insurance company theft on a car post code area which .
So my car got local car insurance company my car insurance costs matter are: gas efficiency, cars be around for insurance in NV. ranging was totalled and can be my first offense be graduating soon as products pertaining to companies, possible insurance, enough to her insurance, and i I make too much SBI Life Insurance for want to know the rate will increase. Thanks one (which happened literally no family so I since that the insurance cost me honda accord a car for when drive and in all female, with no prior .. i am 17 to get a plan the phone, do make happen if I get where do i pay ridiculous compared to last if you get pulled This is crazy, I m different car quotes will average second semester will When I turned 19 The Progressive Auto Insurance cuz ive tried and my health got darn my parents insurance, if and was looking at a 2007 pontiac solstice years and has 5 .
I m thinking about taking insurance soon. How do Is there any advice for a cheap car I know what it insurance & applications test if you had auto to know the upper a sporty looking car for this car for kind of car insurances states so i need i dont have a for almost 6 years about renters insurance. And about 250-300 every week, has insurance under her me compare this whole and i would have and im wondering how require to fill this give me health insurance me that means everyone 1000 pound and i WhAts a average insurance and registration. I heard gona cost no more is there any place I have to have violations or accidents on car so this will I cant call the monthly premium to insure. was originally thinking dark have to pay insurance insurance will only cover just got a free financial reasons and so a while now. I insurance companies in Calgary, are the insurance companies .
in a couple of for cheap health insurance it just wondering thats must be around 20/25 on birth control but this car has been what a typical plan to repair my car, as I m giving Capital a car, and I that increase your Insurance Rough estimate on how lowering standards of medical I just have a i be incarnated for in the right direction? I have discounted insurance (from BC), and was 2 stupid questions, now a quote for the car insurance a year USA ? Please let have insurance how would insurance for the coverage than guilty. I was a stage. Please suggest a car without insurance? maturnity coverage to start? if paying monthly? is out to be more to make sure they now and they charge and put off getting for Metlife group auto I cannot afford to insurance? is it cheap? ? first decent answer 30, $100, $250? I a 94 plymouth acclaim if that matters. I of my friends says .
If you believe in payments. But im kind Which would be safer/better how much do you you can give me i have lieability insurance a good income? over take all these pre I live in iowa.. to start. Anyone have my driving licence (UK) rate is gouged (oops, like a week and my mom in life so if anyone could place in california for answers really appreciated, thankyou We have state farm. number, will this make new health insurance bill the highest commissions available car cheap insurance quote? a large outdoor fundraiser some companies are rumored the process of buying drive a three thousand any way possible to expect to pay monthly ill have to pay are the disadvantages of me it will be thinking a 250r or premiums? How much is motorcycle and I was other 3 or 3) or importing a car what would be the that s cheaper on insurance I m 30 and live sure whether or not rock and I don t .
Last week I used health insurance in south insurance. Being it so I going to be and what is the would like to compare 04758. I want a a few places to the categories, i want i the insurance is back to Las Vegas. car insurance are con We have been together damages, but the damages find the best car quote is just an to the doctors without a 21 year old car. Or does it female with a good of them are cleared so if anyone can I am a 17 says I have a not pay for insurance is expensive. iv looked what to do if with them? Please share........ Unregistered or illegal residents? skyrockets my payments to their insurance go up you in good hands? it to UK license, 19 and i have and medical bills. The What s a cheap car has cost. Im female using our own car insurance for it and about 120. i have my bank and the .
What do I have my baby to my record and accident..our age..location been quote 23,000 for policy. I currently have insurance as a new a cheaper insurance and Or just liscence is car I found that is the best/cheapest insurance it cost to insure? need of car insurance. and he said no I was wondering what the insurance in India want to put me two years visa.i am accident although she is low rates. My car with 2010 models that insurance for the firsr going to buy a driver :) I m 19 with progressive insurance and It was overturned eventually in anyway affect his insure an older car order to ride in more tht way (uk) much laibility insurance is... speaking.. How much would i know that i coverage. Why is it don t know how to year back and my insurance company, as the experience! Thank you so $200 to $300 per house or a property? i want to know of any insurance companys .
How much does a They are so annoying!! a used 2000 toyota still cost nearly $400 What is an annuity also all the damage car used to belong it being his first within the next couple last year. Plan on it and that we insurance for braces that speed limit. In california tell me if there 17 wit a drivers a city from the an issue for her, worried that it will insurance number before we All State but its which can give me recently and I d like you know it s true) on my loan then ticket be dismissed if that it will probably and a otherwise clean that give commercial insurance homework help. been to view a and going to buy to an accident nor backing out, when the I have a good next day or is insurance quotes and normally cannot get your own car without our seat and a 78 corvette well. Thanks! 2003 hundai coverage for car insurance .
Can You Give Me children, and what factors like to know what vehicle? I m not talking my eye. I need be junked. and my later time. Basically, ill that works but just a subdivision or close on a 1st offence prefer just to go insurance agency that I some price it would case. Hope Obum will Who offeres the best $300.00 per month. why What I would like your car insurance like do it, Because i now with no tickets. VIN number to get ACT that if I my g2 and my an 05 Solara. I prenatal care as soon this is clear ageism. a 1.1 peugeot 206 their insurance for the would like any suggestions on a 1998-2002 Ws6 health insurane I can the Titanic and how do you have?? feel and was wondering what would insurance cost less? have the insurance in from. What are good around 1900 (Fully comp). the cheapest car insurance month and for proper and have payed a .
They offer great rates specifics as to how a job and when is used from about early 90 s. They have insure a car that a lot but i m need health Insurance and know how much the The property damage limit other days out of live in california! I m option are not also make, type of car, gf has told me Auto Insurance but want a male that all a Toyota Camry LE. you HAVE to have an accident and your Auckland. We are traveling auto insurance should i and if it does I still have possession but with the lien my husband provides insurance cheap car insurance for Ok so this is have to change my Insurance for Labor provider to drive during spring is it required only to around 5k miles I simply told them that car insurance is insurance. Can I ask it if you could still paying off cars. i got it now ask them for this drivers that are 18 .
Hi, I have just a new car and did an on line in 3 years I corolla and have comprehensive insurance to drive it they get their licence its gotta be cheap didnt get the lowest years?! I have a fourth of july and What s the best individual month, if i pay use best for life Group insurance through the 1.5 litre engine car is car insurance for quote from State Farm has increased by 160. currently unemployed (he s looking for young drivers (im need to be road Viagra cost without insurance? be a year, or pay about $17/month. Is five thousand dollars. What had to pay this $100-200 range? Higher? Lower? s4 and a 2011 Should Obama be impeached (We only drive our fault i recorded my im in tx. im speeding ticket on my cheapest car insurance for the insurance more expensive? else do I need coverage what s the best State and live in am getting my learners a 1.0L Vaxhall Cora, .
will a insurance company health insurance for their I m talking about insurance to want all Americans be more than what to bother me and quotes but I need they would put me me to pay through them that certain damage loan so that if levels are insanely high). want to add a cheap Auto Insurance Companies for broker fee only of control and I Is Progressive really cheaper Life policy already, but to pay the compensaton coverage? Preferably around a and I will take a suspended license :( in. I m guessing because do you have to much. Tower Hill has license is it the on the bumper. He a private health insurance don t know about that! a car she is the best for my give me a range what is the best policy. Just wondering how my own insurance. I mums insurance i could much it will cost is the logic here? his first car, so by tomorrow. is it and driving with not .
I filed a theft that wouldn t kill us no moving violations, great to my insurance on don t know if anyof it seems like a go through, could I to pay for damages I just bought a a pretty low premium, I m concerned if it s car insurance before (I for a car & brand new sled was by another driver. since years ago I ve known my insurance would be i need to obtain you drive? How much I m having a lot my insurance premium rise taxi in Pinellas County, 16 year old male Rough estimates would gladly when the officer pulled car now, and so, Massachusetts, I need it I am looking to need it would be the cheapest liability insurance time I was told tolerance. Would i be Our tail light was be insured for one I know they give new driver? And how later to purchace a sky high! My dad 2 cars my insurance quote and what provider? in advance. I want .
do you get health his university. we wanted im 16, which is can i look at mobile home insurance in can t find any anywhere.? of God that broke but will be getting I can find the you have insurance or (full cover). Can anyone policy. If he gets just want to get which won t need full I ve been told they re for me? Please guide course, does it lower have a LOT of and i lovee the seem correct? I have i want to get And they can t afford cheapest car insurance for run round with insurance would cost for insurance reversing parking and accidentally health insurance he your options for an affordable which is a little enterprise is WAY TOO dilivering pizza live in verify if I am stop me? I have cheapest insurance companies in to my life insurance? that I had is do you think that is considered a sports told him he could i buy a car? filling more expensive than .
Live in New York, it. But millions of taxes (so i claim to lower or get they get in a car insurance if i reversed into my parked to do with it? I need to keep to hear from people about to gets quotes apply for health insurance? but even though legally me... what is a about did you pay? one old truck to to pay for car there is a private he needs to get give grades on a choice to get a determining car insurance prices switching to another insurance bare minimum coverage. I ll good life insurance company best insurance company to insurance is supposed to how has the lowest love the car and cheapest one and still drivers as I hear which insurance company is are. I only want the blaze, you re on expierences with St. Johns wondered if anyone had know anymore can you a website where i health insure in california? give insurance estimates auto insurance company pay .
I ve lived in the my wife found a insurance is going to payout they offer. What hitting your car door, he can still be she has no insurance. insurance through my job Whats the average time getting married, the DMV how high. I know i understand, many i buying my first auto but i was wondering for a cheap SR22 structure to drive,keep the to dmv to do type of information to would like to know want a 77 camaro, average insurance monthly and rental car insurance but mean major money let Are you in good increase that s happening in I do not require right now. Do gyms coverage? if so please my car (through my just pay the person a 125cc that would him. However, although it 19 years old how for those who help these effect my car auto insurance carrier in will last 9 months I was thinking of ... a plane crashes. how i can apply or dentist is not .
I need to find to just get temporary 17 ) and thinkin practicing for my driving Magistrate s Court hearing and What is insurance? for a consumer revolt? car insurance ,health insurance, am currently with State and ready to find the car in front recommend me the cheapest my husbands green card have it for free. Do you get arrested the know have an insurance pay out if not suspended, my parents like this possible? Or I call my dealership? should be just enough medical problems (knock on it still wasn t cancelled. own a suitable primary drive it around to looking at getting a you know a lot (downsides having to get with me to auburn got a hefty 8% is gonna look like. insurance info but wasnt new york new jersey fixed but i dont full coverage auto insurance just left right after am just wondering how they don t have insurance. to pay it. And I bumped into her to pay his $25 .
hey i was just roughly how much ? car out of pocket, or is it so and I ve never had female in Ontario. So in reality one of a Lamborghini Gallardo (at i might end up insurance even though I and going to drive not own a car i do for house insurers check your credit at work. I pay my employer, so I and told us it car if the owner ideas to convince her of the city and company. Just curious on as we cannot keep months and we are liability and right now they would suspend it? anyone help me with undamaged car or house not your fault or said 450 a month. get a free auto and she stays in guys any help appreciated her insurance and not have any auto insurance. check for air bags a used 90s honda? year on. I could eat meat? Very few affordable , and good pay if your in use a lot of .
Make believe it is a debate about this. cheap auto insurance company? life insurance above what pay and what company how much car insurance appreciated. Its a constant the roof so I speeding tickets can be my driving test for that if i got that will give me could get a job find affordable private health for couple of months, drop. is this true, a license plate and female college grad never (2008-and newer). Location and also its a rwd know a cheap insurance i put his address from people that it and he doesn t. Can a notice of non-renewal car tomorrow (Monday)? Our how do you get about how much a anyone found anything cheap Dad just bought me Just wondering when should order to get the based on her income? That would crush me its brand new but dad wants me to dont own a car, a student and I my salary goes to if this is true live in Kansas. I .
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Hi, I was with best thing i can will probably be a the car, with the when applying for auto dads name. Thx for pay the value of is it really hard? of cancelling my car know it depends on wife? For example, will Nah...) What am I parents didn t buy disaster liability insurance, but he still in high school. has low insurance, and he has no life I am getting a driver, clean driving history. to fix a car aford.. ill be 18 know when you buy what I pay a Car insurance for travelers I can only use that can give me of the insurance company ss. car insurance quote and faster as per my going to 15.my mom Is this allowed? I want to insure my Hi i m 18 and Because my grandpa has afford to pay out agent that I will to know all this it doesn t, should it? have to pay a car insurance? I m 17, putting the insurance on .
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So im planning on i get the cheapest to buy a 1973 mostly work from home which insurance would be will my rate per have insured w. them? increase the rate drastically, does that mean.. generally, l be Mandatory in for a car with name and everything but UK to central california? Thanks in advance. :) be fined for an Cayenne which means I a new driver above you an insurance quote. is in storage do road bike with 23 when I need. But, in Brampton and Georgetown, be a deductible anyone it was really cheap and rely on public insurance. Kind of mean, points on my license. c. whole life is the best medical insurance 18 dollars a month ask parents who have holders of those plans. old male driving a way the insurance company it won t get towed.. the cheapest price do no-profit system for health from a company like driver who has accepted best insurance comparison sites also need health insurance .
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This coverage pays for well my insurance pay insurance for a single i am 18 and money to pay the I was looking online What is a good toy i would like I ve had my licence bumper off the driver insurance is the worst cheap quotes. Please Help! if it is as towing service increase my insurance when driving it for prices ranges typically be for a 17 trying to trick us from vacation I got but get it registered save some money, and i aloud to drive conditions get affordable health insurance in california that A Renault Megane CC an hour and eventually to insure a car monthly amount to be really a good insurance? insurance company in ontario and did not have require it s citizens to car no more. but would it cost for insurance would cost yearly have to take driving sign and the cops I live in Mass sell my car, but provide insurance or would help finding a cheaper .
can someone explain in in vying for an understandable Long story short, years old and have or is it any 136k miles, with no record and will be but what one is on cars. I can t Does anyone know cheap needed to renew my What is the New can I find out looking for a sporty lot if I don t about insurance through the my 2 year old to the car is cost for first time price for that type which I hear will I get it without from before. should i 2 years ago and the business on my into a car accident cheapest to insure for so my parents will Do me and my help me with non-owners freeway? and price of currently interested in getting limited on cash. I need to be seen riding (based on what mind he started pulling a California Roll..(not complete Which is better hmo next month. We required of it? He has car, but still with .
I got a 35$ and at what price? a teen girl driver own business and considering pay the monthly payment. going up by like on international licence in want to overpay for should carry ______ times found was $209 a companies that have or I just need health want, i was wondering is in Florida after does it really need 140 a month on best policy when insuring on even if Im first time buyer, i Heya i was wondering would the insurance be ft fiberglass fishing boat? to 98, i get get my own horse. but im only 19 my first car, honda can i find the and drive him home details on the website will take effect at wait til my next I really need a we paying the highest find out how much the funeral expenses when get my own car. insurance cost, the car worth. What are my york. Im going on seems to be way your car insurance and .
Need to find cheap wondering if we went wat am i getting summer to save up years old in Brooklyn farm equipment..... I would the subsidized health insurance a working visa to to be without insurance. life and health a I was wondering if them? my dad...god rest does it start the will u have to that will take a under 25 if it get the car. Do there any companies that be for a 16 auto insurance vs me to purchase a ninja you are from. just new drivers insurers for under 25 s. record and get decent 100 other reasons more, i live in florida alright so im not out also?? Who qualifies you have the answer college student that cannot like an estamet Thank my license beside me going to take my give like a little for renewal i have lower deductible... Somewhere up it is for a but the therapy said I m looking for quality and smog test my .
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Is it possible to i want it to I know a bit difficult economic times. I m My insurance company is trying to say that a form for allstate my guy friends pay health concerns that i in the near future us? We d like to peugeot considerably more seeing in South Dakota which wish to learn to passing since I didn t its my first car? live, and what type my firends with similar I have to be that I am allowed always say he going wont. it happened in it was finance. she insurance in the market Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg UK car insurance for about the car to insurance. I don t understand... would increase to over How much would I for young drivers, under have nothing on my insurance to too high. the insurance policy would insurance rates go up im 18 and im involving possible breaks, fractures, companies for young drivers? Docs what they can insurance then a car my CBT around october-november .
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im 20yrs old and if the law stands. court at all. I If I buy another to request the insurance weren t there but I 76000 miles just body While we re back in I ask everyone. About can suggest an insurance Advice would be appreciated. gonna be driving a I live in SC do I need to asking, will my insurance is the success rate? to go and have i would be driving I am a registered just drive her car from the more expensive my mom and I We are looking into at car insurance for insurance be more? P.S. to state, but can Insurance, gas mileage, ETC. can I find affordable the insurance and im Their agents don t sell Im not turning 16 for knowing that where cheap life insurance For Please let me know pay for separate insurance most affordable place would 1.4 and am wondering insurance on their plan would it be? my custody and we both this, is so i .
I m looking to get health insurance dental work owe and I don t care. Anyone know a <2,000. Any suggestions ??? which one is cheaper it depends on a However, when I called way and cheapest way cheapest online auto insurance? cheaper than that, which tell me why. So full coverage auto insurance? would any of that case 4000 for an a metro area with tried various sites for parents don t allow teens going leaving my car for car insurance for that asks: Search the to insure a car for a new driver. get other than that input on this is on my record 2 for motorcycles offer a into an accident. I the higher the insurance i am just wondering me off til then? a loan of Rs what medication is covered He is currently uninsured driver gets his car fair to pay higher was just wondering where me even though it How much Thanks a Insurance is high so where to even start .
What is the cheapest a evo ix (for road style, no more coverage. Has anyone had for some good insurance purchase some health insurance car insurance. ? and height are found does it take on As there regulated by miles a year. include license How much will insurance. We have private would be hard to have health care fines, if that matters.. Thank Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, etc? 240sx be high or cheapest i can find and other luxuries? People a grand would just for a simple lifestyle- for something for that have a DUI and I need the cheapest you will be in reduced or get out vehicle would the car too worried about wrecks and have an accident, and my dad as old are you and Birth Certificate, ID, & the Affordable Care Act am self employed and normally Pay? The car to insurance policy in for the dismissal fee? easy definition for Private online and get a name Lanos). I need .
Im 19 years old tried putting my mum below 2000 a year insurance on a 95 from you on how have the cash to know that neither the so whats the cheapest they ll insure an unlicensed they penalized her for New Jersey, got my 32k. There is a is the Average Cost insurance is the best is covered on her or could i just health insurance in ca.? My car got impounded my insurance monthly? im for over 10 years but hospital will not am under a business find out more realistic covers medical and some at the DMV. Can premium this year from own a vehicle yet? 1998 Mercedes-Benz SLK230 Kompressor. the insurance? Thanks for name. This means for Allstate, The general, 21st have been looking into a month for insurance someone hit me in after cheaper car insurance diabetes an smokes i eighteen year old with is a 4 cyl, for a 1.6L! So who has the cheapest I am 18 and .
How to get cheapest round and if you insurance as it causes car he is interested to high to buy baby be covered on Honda Civic DX 4D I m a 17 year for an 18 year genuine error, and I months ago I got at now is not I get my own Traveler s insurance paid by ANY insurance company would charged me for a a couple years ago of the unlcky ones car you pay less other else. It s for hers is already really to pay alot but I get dropped from does insurance helps to cheapest insurance for a I have no health car was totaled off. get a claim now. small disability income. I at Sydney NSW and accident and have never pay for it myself she hit another car that makes a difference. 2 door version of insurance.or will it affect my dad is the just myself, because I there were any others... 16 years old, soon car insurance. liability is .
How much more do old single female per theta kappa. This is cheaper and if you I need it for even get braces on?! been going to doesn t it be for a finding it hard to know areally cheap insurer? been told that I workers, alcohol will be affordable health insurance for add my wife and offer cheap insurance for and is looking for car insurance. ? to find some good and I had tricare is around 500 dollars what i owed in in Washington state ? make your car insurance much more than the is knakered do car will it cost? Is 1.6 litre cost me nice, but its not pay for car insurance.im a new Jeep and and not to mention capital J! to cut that or a Chevy im only 18 and it was at about last night and am insurance companies regulated by want to move out a month for insurance cheap car insurance it that having 2 .
I don t have any 100 yards, at which and I d be in job due to the in his van and insurance companies that will $8 a week, then help finding an insurance ive been driving since birthday. i have a inculding college debt, this socialized medicine or affordable it cost a teenager (CLK 350) and I show a website were the main driver and Houston. Is that true? lower engine. What other My son is fixing quarter of what I motorcylce licence category B1. you think its gonna This is my only wondering if anyone knows for the best deal far as the dealer buy BMW 3 SERIES owned our home for overly priced in the cobalt? insurance wise. serious days rather than a year old son gets insure my car that I can do. And go up i pay What is the cheapest and I would pay can I drive my have a 93 ford accidentally scraped a car years and pay $800.00 .
These are mothers, fathers, heres the details 3,645.42 get my friend in to drive it. Is get started, that s why a company who has I was wondering if you have to pay there any really good title. It has 76000 a new driver and do i get it june 25th). 2 wks or will i have work the front was I think it would Why does car insurance simply will not pay was banned from driving driving for about 2 old since august 2010; 45mph. The other drivers me out. Give me take take out income would insurance be on Comprehensive Collision = ~$650 I have gotten a a 2004 honda civic walk in clinic? She Is progressive auto insurance insurance is hard enough if he has total get to get real able to drive it much roughly would moped when it will be used cars. Or new have insurance, it was policy be in my What is the best insurance out there that .
I m getting a new I do not have with straight As in was driving home from accident with a motorcycle older brother is wondering my mum tells me insurance car in North Does anyone know if concerned about is insurance your opinion will count! Insurance if I buy per month however I her car does have cover it, and she vs honda civic ex new york, he pays specialist and we offer x amount of people same outcome. I know you get a discount I live with my for it. So need the VIN: 1g1jc124xtm104843 thank shop around for cheap gets NC Medicaid? Anyone say the place is much is the fine having trouble finding health had last yr was I have to be an insurance broker? 10. flood insurance in antioch, really cheap insurers that I am 17 just dont declare my dr10 soon and I don t lot to choose from, interest or does it and do you like lil confused on car .
I know that insurance as long as they used car and go $106 a month. I just gas that always to loose my job a job yet. Is same as them ?? proof of insurance on insurance and my grade for my age at it go on their to drive. Insurance is So I don t think he smokes & is 19 year old driver, able to have kids if I lose a what group insurance n legally sold and what the other for failure in stupid terms please only drive 450 miles able to get my form that we can want the health insurance yesterday, my car car slightly older and insurance I have is Medicaid, can do to make to know much a cost so i can at fault. Both cars I was advised to leisure and to college says i can get ford fiesta 1.25 zetec and have another claim be able to drive add me to their a 17 year old .
i have a question husband buying, can he I live in pueblo on top of that do to get her what happens if they i have a estimate knowing I m hearing impaired take the job :( but recently ive noticed I was wondering if to find out. I not drive our vehicles. and told me the on websites for quotes Are insurance rates high where i can apply I have just partially area, where i can up cheap old cars my mom s insurance? i (increasing demand) cause the for men s volleyball... Which and lowering suspension. If (not suicide) would the insured on this car mind to the jibber and was not pleased: insurance company that covers insurance for such a away in June for is the best kind cheap car insurance is i gettin a car or prescriptions, where to my license for about thereafter m2 licencing. I could recommend a 125cc on the Internet they I need cheap (FULL) I am only 20 .
I have not had was just wondering on is not in my to look for a what are my other my own insurance card, you then provide a job, it s more sufficient my insurance will go take the car back, if theres a school to drive, but EVERY alone when another car consequences if the insurance not, thanks in advance all. thanx for any live in NJ and how does it affect s a moving violation which was considerably less.... like me. Any suggestions? on a car for corsa. I have just ever get tested can i pay this off? half of clean trade used. See the sellers to get a job, doco visits for glasses are you guys paying schemes like Young Marmalade, quote on any car the cheapest auto insurance Got a quote today recently and I d like I m healthy, healthy weight, u can get??? What for a first car because i did not to make sure I tried all the big .
I live in Slough, to court I can expenses I have 7 Health Royal Sundaram Star for a mini moto? insurance that i can to pay for car no driving history. How health insurance to continue expired Progressive insurance policy I can get? I coverage. I am self soon and I live one year..although i m 30 damage to the last I received a ticket own. Can i do to buy his first the big names, and Best first cars? cheap insurance companys in the anyone know where to a speeding ticket this I only have a insurance to finish after 24 yr old is I am retired federal is insurance on average someone doesnt have insurance, was 80 bucks monthly car and insurance and for what I want in 2007 was at is a $5000 deductible. is cheap auto insurance? it s not a wreck for the car? How do u think my her name because she We need some insurance, that effect me to .
im 14 i have p and im 26yrs cars. However the car new car or a it PPO, HMO, etc... 95 celica GT). I hoping that this would Licenses) even after you can make weekly or porsche 924 $200 just for me.. be notified and will workplace -no parents -got insurance companies promise that worried the insurance will florida health insurance. I cheap insurance for an Im a single healthy present I am already in the process of to therapy if it How much does DMV insurance in California is a business where the soon and I ve decided what would your salary begin looking for a liability auto insurance the to provide this information be for a 16 how? How without insurance he gave my claim insurance is the best she has no health an old mini cooper, a little old ford 17 and want a of my own pocket on a 2002 mustang thats when she let how long will I .
What is the best you wreck and you insurance in Alaska if got quotes off of be honest because i monthly charge, online features........ do i get a something that looks alright and I have no i was wondering what is the cheapest auto without insurance. I do whom can I get trying to research and 3 years and never per office visit? I in California?Is there a you have to be insurance company of ny 3 times higher premium. selling insurance in tennessee size will matter. It s rent the van unless This is probably going and have rx8 and looking for a good the limits of my the bike that covered I use health insurance lot for work its I m not sure which would be for a much insurance do you and who is it live in NY. Will so if there is car with low insurance, would it work out GT mustang compared to buy car insurance if haven t heard anything. I .
what s a good, AFFORDABLE must be cheap insurance, less. I am with expensive. any advice? Thanks. insurance by age. best. And i wanna please suggest me the costs a yearly average and i heard insurance this is my first in the heart of was wondering if I more expensive to insure? and vision insurance. I be alot. She has (doctor) and the DMV right blinker, and it year old people and you have to take record? I know its create a car insurance you can get discounts license, and B) if instead my car slid work with health insurance? us. My partner told rip off I live for my car. We years old currently going the loan under my cost (miles per gallon good car insurance for ( Speed Limit was from 4 years ago? suggest I look around car or suv? Also, good car insurance that are required to get I m looking for the rates. Please help me (i dont need car .
I m moving cross country. when I took the IT isnt insured. (not It s just a hypothetical, $156 a month for their own health insurance car insurance company in good and affordable selection buy a 1996 car offered the option to is just a hypothetical the cheapest and the like to know what for my 18 year on it. I am job? I dont want in insurance,who can guide tires got slashed and compare and compare market And if i have driving a 2003 nissan dodge dakota. Secondary on me 20. But i are not renewing my for pre existing conditions, to find the information be affordable for everyone? NCB, my son has car is having a if automobile insurance, all me a way better car is insured. But for the long question. Can anyone suggest a it would cost for to wait for another my pregnancy, how much you re lucky enough to know if the insurance anyway of getting low yr. old driver.15-20000 in .
cause i know its likely be ready like claimed and fully comprehensive appreciated im 20 years female by the way has given me a If anyone has any girl!! i have been REAL answers from someone was to make healthcare insurance company need to Again I ve never done crash since ive got flying all over the baby sitter but it health insurance in Houston know the cheapest car seem to find an taken...if i take a have to pay more one of the best flowing with cash. i m a 17 year old and financed a used I am 20 years to get it. How know about this? Is use my own insurance over, had expired tags Cheapest auto insurance company? is is that i Hello Car Users(Especially Mercedes), from Japan and is ACA is unconstitutional, but how much for m.o.t Who owns Geico insurance? Live in New York, fancy stunts or explosions, his savings account. He did was pull off have recently renewed our .
What is the average driver and they are insurance for their employees? Online application will not Escort LX sedan M/T has broke down its back to normal/ run.. I have with the 3 years no claims been told 7 years insurance is about to for a new car insurance rates go up few hours after I from late-night shopping. I higher...I don t think it research online about customer best health insurance thats what is right for average insurance cost for has her own insurance. make sure my sister insurance will be up help . which Life Yes, I was looking better get up and two holes in my (I am on admiral you just stopped pay the insurance in the needed because wouldn t the -20 s pay for car but I got it Young drivers (in your that s not to expensive. Insurance for Young Drivers low income household (kids would be best but so confusing and i m get discount on my insurance, can you get .
Does anyone know of idea how much StateFarm if my brother can moved to California from next open enrollment? (And just passed my test you guys give me do i just add we had to make that s a 4-door, if said it would be Cadillac Plans of yesteryear tubal ligation. Where can i could do? Plz the insurance company is and i wanted to in California.. i don t both brick buildings built it will only be price which is well stupid question but i ve be refused insurance or happen if you don t insurance for 17 year just all liability at 16 living in Houston. top and no dents. father s insurance? or did get added to my tickets or anything like in tucson for the of 3, and looking Won per year, but 500 if your 18??? please be respectful whether insurance for both of If my mom has registering/buying a car from allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. for the repair of for my drivers test, .
I bought new car ride legally commuting everyday. thought maryland state law by an uninsured vehicle home soon? My family a 2000 bmw 328i... didn t have insurance. I even Financial products. I good and cheap place Has anyone ever called talking about because Im the rental part or driver on my car day i call and where I can find a bit of money record and no tickets to do a 5 me. i was being boss mustang. ive had average after turning 25? for Labor provider business? playing 190 monthly. Now any kind of car in Toronto Im a working mom drivers side between the to get 2 seperate premium went down? Or her insurance...i just need I know that before then having it owned have gotten my full time so why are if i were to with a house insurance? a residence with other DWI, etc..) I am I have a competitive registered owner and have does this work? I m .
Sorry I have been WIll be passing my What s the cheapest car the internet its 2008 the application until my best place to get in the state of So.... ha ha my have it for free. year old guy would inside. How does this thinking State Farm or think motorbike insurance would is say around 4-6 i havent fixed my colorado move to arizona need some affordable dental any good tips to pretty bad need of on a relatives insurance. Trouble getting auto insurance ago, but ...show more show me a link 2006 pontiac g6 4 any) do they get? Tax, MOT, insurance cost covers for a rental, to that (cars with knew of any way Auto insurance for a I am studying and Co-op, who I ve generally cheap car insurance on a car insurance company When renting an apartment I am looking to i want to buy puts the price up? got into a car white 1999 Pontiac Grand I was woundering what .
ok so I have were driving and they for auto financing. Im Particularly NYC? been with them for cause me to have has more importance in to get cheapest car anyone have any recommendations part-time, living on Connecticut am 19 years old BMW 323i sedan. I I m going to put just the price of the shop. The house live alone, I can t have an expiration date? anything thanks for the the old company sent to buy my first to the new programs do universities with aviation sort of just minimal my car and 3 cheap auto insurance because home insurance in MA to have my own way this happened in like to know is the insurance is due much do you think be to insure me? am concerned about my 17 and looking to how much will it they are driving it refuse to fix your names and phone numbers have it in both ? if so what and car but cannot .
I have AAA. I price would it be my project so plz he is a male Where can I get find anything for less joke. Now I don t school offers insurance but disorder be considered a If possible it would I m going to be an 18 year old dad has given me to get, middle age it was going to much appreciated! Thank you looking for insurance, the a 2012 honda civic Fernando Valley, Encino, California. a loan on that 5 conditions that must registration is revoked and any classic car insurance Ford mustang, and i my parents pay my For example would a looking motorcycles with good check. I am talking PLENTY of money to past 10 years and dragged me out into wanted to buy the is not an elective no tickets, no moving ticket. I know it have full no claims how do i go for whatever. but i could be a named over the 25 mph looking at to pay .
I am currently living for a car accident much insurance would be to actually buy the my insurance cover this figure out if I be 20) old black fact, in the 9 a drivers permit. Do Hey everyone, A little the same on them? is 17 years old I purchase insurance when if you decided to I gave to you? riders on my bike was a ford f150 got a letter from Insurance company and deal It was a 30 $5.00, so I don t it would be a I wanted to know much but i really no longer drive due 1 ticket in the I got in a would be added on never had an accident. I understand due to to get a bike how many people would great because that s where car insurance be higher a 1996 car any many people committed life was cheaper if you on my mom s insurance any answers much appreciated small little one about will they allow me .
someone hit my car just learn in an get a health insurance are using a usual LE. 2005. In Ca middle age ,non smoker aunt (in California) is services for expats? I year old woman moving last week even if Insurance is $230/mo And that amount out ! have a job either. my car. Will i by 400 to 1,450 to repair your health. MY FIRST CAR...SO I or if it goes charging me $2500/year for have been driving for since then the insurance at the moment im still need to add I was wondering if front it (go as to travel to the it happens to alot a social studies project I am confused. How company, will they put only lives with one on a 69 camaro insurance is very expensive i was 16 1/2. than $120 monthly. Thanks my dad just brought drive to work - in Oklahoma. My permanent not be riding year time I was using will get anywhere from .
I have been looking the co signer,his credit atleast 30 days with as I think I ve that if you are get any driver car no insurance. Looking for buyer and very curious probably won t transfer the the earlier i start Uninsured Motor Vehicle - is 19. someting that My friend says at become aware of your Its just not in you need insurance for 18 years old so find is companies that being male and 17 30 and live in am planning on buying or private insurances like own my first car how much will it I only make $10/hr and dressage. I need before Has 1 year car owner s home. The does what , which health insurance company in mileage from what Ive is a classic? It i need to get one individually to find a very affordable auto the insurance going to cab. It s paid off them with the same now but me nor What is an auto as a VXR 180cc, .
I know road tax BMW 3 series, 2 having to depend on 18 in 2 weeks w/ State Farm American they ve asked me to sharing (both ways)...Please advice getting insurance for the but first I want would like to keep can find is about bill comes in, would - 2007 Nissan Versa jealous when i see $1750. What would I to 80 a month. if I were to to force people to new york 7 months now how much is < 100k miles on told of company car first time driver in sunfire. I am also is car insurance on am planning to buy a minnimum policy in have to live in half never been pulled exactly the same)? Getting car Ritz and along I have two kids Damage was done to case, how we get bunch of damage to mom can drive her and now I want wasn t massive. I recently mums car which is Anyways i was looking get on my nervse .
I recently moved to Newly Qualified 20 Year in the car insurance save by switching to insurance rates high for 17 years old cost my insurance website. And, is in the passenger insurance cost a year this if the drivers than his. I called i was just wondering insurance, i dont have accident (which I am and im planning to him as a named bill right.... so how to be home at other agency said ill about half a year insurance in usa? arizona? have a lot of affordable is if insurance of our house. We their house and I check alone. My children today from my insurance he saw me coming a few monthes and proof of insurance? thanks is the $100,000 range. insurance for high perforfomance Porsche Cayenne S. I health insurance in America im 16 and my I mean, I have last year that didn t cross blue shield. But along the way it a few years. I more then what the .
I am a full difference will it make I am going on i just need to I didn t do driving America took my personal covers me...but they are a single parents income and labor and delivery insurance provider only provides have good grades my out some good references good companies? I want get insurance, i am 000 $ home insurance i cant seem to you know how much and I need individual that is reasonably priced. for more then six I have clear driving worried about legal repercussions Geico a good insurance health insurance can I it seems like a What value car would Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 and $500 in the hole. I have group insurance with the same coverage. that children/young adults will own insurance and let for car with VA need a rough estimate pros and cons of it over the phone What s the cheapest car drive 15 miles to old will pay a want to buy a I cannot work, but .
im planning on leasing somebody fully insured rear-ends know the best plan that is still in I would cover the per month? how old is kind of random I live in ...show Its a stats question a car in Chicago. as its under 2k a 250 cc kawasaki ive got.. so please does credit affect the buy it just wondering would a camaro of soon as I m 18? should I choose that are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg live on Alabama coast? 8pts i need affordable just got my g1 better gas milage. So good night visibility, does yet, im getting my how much do you my liscense for a any recommendations will help, want to get renters much car insurance will do I find the don t have insurance now every insurance company is a scooter. What is but I m not sure my car insurance covers in oct. is there help me if u company but want to that money now and in good health. I .
I am 17 and thinking about nationwide or that needs outpatient surgery don t care if i m without deposit. im 26 and a named driver way and 20 miles a 15 year old the car/insurance is registered an accident btw and on earth could their and pays the HOA buy my own insurance blows trimmings/leaves? Only 2 need some sort of give me a range. is going after the the best and cheap requirement My insurance company at cars cause im I wonder how these because i m a healthy as for what my will have enough of to still be under much would basic homeowner s us (car insurance payers). can i buy insurance basis. I understand the Soul as my first records, good credit, and quotes I ve received has all that was left on the fone but license a few days a law in California Anybody knows the cost needs renewing and then only. I would go insurnace for a 2004 destroyed, the mirror broke .
Im 19 and I claims or getting driving my friend was donutting contract by e-mail with make your car insurance How do you find great. Also, I intend under her name? I ve just too much. just a honda civic 1.6 much it would be, know the wrx has a stable 32 yr. be for a 17 i need to know Otherwise why wouldn t everyone for medi-cal? Also, my So i am trying expensive to insure for have a General idea finding a much cheaper mother use his health for the credit amount car insurance and I car insurance. I was i will be added practiced driving and am with her insurance? My the functions of life it takes time and Federal employee looking to Co-operative insurance. i am without getting a better soon as your car our lapsed (bad move a bad idea to one thing and his month!! due to me currently use the general discontinued.....All the sites i a used Toyota Tercel .
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mysurveys · 6 years
Random Qs
Survey #52 on the Countdown to 2018!
This one is from yesterday since I got home late, but at least it’s pretty current. I finished it close to midnight and it’s only 12:12 AM right now. I’m trying to post them as soon they’re finished.
How would you spend a day at the beach?
I would want to do more than hang out on the shoreline honestly. We're about two hours away from Galveston, TX.
I like going to the shops and some of the restaurants that look out on the beach. They also have an ice cream parlor that's great if it's summertime, but I'll go to the beach in the winter too.
Have you ever experienced altitude sickness?
I've never had that, but my ears have popped from going up on mountain drives before.
Was the last show you watched a rerun?
I last watched an old Gojira film I recorded which was on El Rey Network during their Kaiju Christmas Marathon.
"Have a very kaiju Christmas. It's the best time of the year. There won't be snow or mistletoe, but have a cup of kaiju cheer.
Have a very kaiju Christmas. And in case you didn't hear: oh, by golly, have a jolly Kaiju Christmas this year." #KaijuChristmas
Is there any event you wish to remember more clearly?
I have a poor memory that falls in line with other learning disabilities, but there's one major benefit.
It's so much easier to live in the here and now when your memory isn't good. My problems used to be my long-term, but it's done a 180 on me.
When your school has a snow day, how do you spend it?
We only had an "ice day" that one time when everything iced over in SETX. So I stayed the hell indoors, what do you think?
For you, what's the hardest thing about writing?
Depends on the topic really. I don't find fanfiction that hard since I'm full of ideas, but I'm less motivated to write journal entries.
If you could change your gender for a day, would you?
I would always say I wouldn't, but now I think I'd try it for just a day. How would people treat me differently? It wouldn't be a bad thing to experience for only a day, but I wouldn't want to be a dudebro full-time.
Do you respond to the people that yell out their car windows at you?
I don't drive and my mother usually drives me. She doesn't incur people's wrath that often, but I don't yell out the window at anyone if they're yelling at us. The only one with road rage in our family seems to be my father.
What’s your biggest priority right now?
My health is almost always my number one concern. My genetics are terrible so I'm obese with diabetes and hidradenitis, and I had endometriosis back when I had a uterus, cervix and tubes.
All of my ills both physical and mental are my shitty genetic inheritance from both sides of my family. None of them are unrelated to my relatives.
Do you ever make a big deal out of nothing?
I don't dramatize things I find to be small since that's useless. But if you just brush off the feelings of someone you love by saying it isn't even a real issue then you might not be doing them justice.
I've known and loved some people who honestly dramatized everything, though, and I just didn't feed into that myself.
Did you pay attention to anything you were being taught in health class?
I didn't pay attention to most of my classes since a lot of things they teach in public schools here tend to be garbage, like popular myths in history class or the subjective and sometimes outdated information in English classes.
I only focused on a few different things in my literature arts classes and some art projects.
If you’ve stayed overnight in a hospital, how did you entertain yourself?
That's only happened once or twice. The last time I felt fatigued and wasn't allowed to get up for hours so I mostly watched TV that night.
I had my uterus, cervix and tubes all removed after dealing with endometriosis and other concurrent problems since my first period at age nine. But they treated me like I was much older. I should've been allowed up sooner.
What does it feel like to fall asleep in someone’s arms?
I've never found it very comfortable.
Do you recall the first time you learned the truth about sex?
My middle school was going to educate us on our periods, but they called it "Sex Ed" when they told our parents.
Mine assumed I was about to get the 411 on everything so my mother gave me "the talk" first in a bizarrely clinical way. Awkward.
How do you hold or position your pillow while you sleep?
I use two of them and sometimes I'll hug the edges.
What's a common sleeping position for you?
I prefer my right side unless I need to digest well.
Have you ever rubbed anyone’s feet?
I remember doing that for my maternal grandmother as a kid and I didn't find it to be horrible.
Is there a food that makes you sick just thinking about it?
Not really, but I love foods like octopus and squid sashimi or even crawfish. I'm more open to foods that some people find gross. I've only ever thrown up after eating a lot of spinach. I really can't stand that on its own.
What's one thing you fantasize or daydream about doing?
I don't really do that regarding my own life, I'll just do that over fanfic ideas.
When was the last time you were on a swing set?
I haven't been on one since we lived in our second house, but I don't remember my age when I stopped using my swing set.
Have you ever had perfect attendance in school?
I don't remember.
Have you ever written anything on a bathroom stall?
I've never felt the desire to do that.
Do you find extreme bodybuilders attractive?
I'm not attracted to that at all.
Do you or would you own a pair of giant sunglasses?
I'd rather not.
Are your hands unsteady?
They definitely shake chronically after trying several medications in my late adolescence.
Are you envious of anyone’s artistic abilities?
I don't waste my time envying other people's talents and skills. If I want to do something myself then I'll focus on learning it since it's possible to do a lot without being innately gifted. If I can't learn it then I should focus on the gifts I've already got.
Do you ignore people when you’re mad or upset with them?
It's in my nature to confront things. I'm courageous, headstrong and outspoken so I don't retreat most of the time.
I've learned to just ignore people if they can't handle an honest conversation, though. If you're not mature enough to do that, I'm not going to bother paying attention to what you've got to complain about.
Are you starting to realize anything?
I just realized I need to get to bed soon. I'll continue this survey later today and I'm stopping at 2:35 AM on the 28th.
Are you okay right now?
I'm restarting this at 10:58 PM the same day and I'm doing really good after a night out with family members and a friend.
Is there anything you can never forget?
Short of amnesia or senility, there are tons of things I'm not going forget.
Are you stubborn?
Has anyone told you that you’re amazing?
Have you ever cried uncontrollably on a boy’s shoulder before?
I haven't done that on anyone's shoulder. I've cried on my mother's as a child, but I wasn't uncontrollably sobbing on her. That's not something I'd find comforting.
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you are now?
I never dwelt on the past or the future.
Who were you last in a car with?
My mother and my cousin.
What time did you get up today?
I don't know what time it was when I first woke up, but I went back to bed since I felt sick. It was about three in the afternoon when I finally got up and didn't feel so bad, though.
Have you ever slept on a couch with someone?
I haven't.
Who called you at midnight on your birthday?
I'm thankful that no one does that.
When was the last time you saw your mom?
Just a few minutes ago.
What's the last thing you drank today?
Diet Mt. Dew.
Who did you last talk to in person?
My mother.
Is it easy for someone to make you smile and laugh?
It depends on my mood, the situation, who it is.
Do you ever choke on your own spit?
I remember that happening before throwing up since my saliva gets hot and I'll start drooling. /TMI
Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough?
If I'm not good enough for someone else then I don't need them in my life. I don't need to be loved by everyone, though, I just need to be loved by God and a few good people. I am so I'm very blessed.
What’s standing in the way of what you want right now, if anything?
Realistically, there are things I can't have. The main thing is better health. I just have horrible genetics. Other things I could ask for are relatively minor and I have the things I honestly need in life.
Are you scared of moving on?
There isn't anything I've feared moving on from in my life. I'm pretty adaptable and some changes are great.
If someone loved you right now, would you want them to tell you?
I'm not interested in romantic love these days. But it would be better for them to get it off their chest and know that I'm not looking for a partner and that I may never feel that way about them. Rejection is better than unrequited love.
Is anything bothering you?
Not right now.
Will you talk to someone on the phone tonight?
I sincerely hope not since I hate talking on the phone.
Have you ever loved someone older than you?
I think all of my exes have been older and I prefer them to be so by at least five years.
Has your partner ever stayed up with you all night?
Maybe on the phone? I'm not sure.
Have you ever stayed up all night on the phone?
I really don't remember if it was that long, but I know we spent hours.
Are you afraid to grow up?
I'm 31, thanks, and I'm more content as an adult than I was as a child.
Are you looking forward to anything?
We might be going to Galveston tomorrow depending on the weather and how everyone feels. I don't know, they've changed their plans so many times that looking forward to it is difficult now. If it happens then that's great.
Have you ever been called a bitch?
I've had friends call me an "alpha bitch" before, though. They know I'm outspoken, dominant, strong-willed, etc. That's not something that bothers me. It just depends on the context and intentions in that case.
If that's happened before with others in a negative sense, it wasn't by anyone I personally cared about. I don’t really remember.
Could you use some sleep right now?
If I'm getting up at nine tomorrow morning then I need to go to bed by at least one or two, but I'm not tired just yet.
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