#Catt's Trick or Treats 2022
cattatonically · 2 years
trick or treat! soumako
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
“I swear to god, this is so fucking unfair.” Makoto was mumbling into the phone, as he weaved his way in and out of the airport crowds, trying to find his gate. 
“You’re the one who wanted to go on vacation in October.” Sousuke did not sound the least bit empathetic. The bastard. 
“Technically, not a vacation. Technically, this was a business trip. One you were supposed to take with me. And you never warned me about all the pretty boys in plaid!”
“I didn’t think I had to. I thought that going to Montana in October implied that there would be people wearing plaid.”
“This is why you’re the fucking worst.” 
“And yet, you married me.” 
“I have regrets.” Makoto maneuvered around another group of tourists as his gate finally came into sight. With a sigh, he sat quietly down at the end of an empty bar. He quietly ordered a beer for himself, as he listened to his husband sass him relentlessly.  
“You usually do at least once a week. Doesn’t mean you’re getting rid of me that easily.” Makoto rolled his eyes, as yet another gorgeous man in plaid sat down a couple of stools over from him. Makoto nearly choked on his beer as the man placed his own order.
“Oh god, a pretty boy in plaid is talking. It’s all buttery smooth. Why does he have to have an accent?!” 
“Because you’re literally in another country, where the pretty boys in plaid do no speak like we do.” Now Sousuke sounded amused. Makoto huffed in irritation. 
“I should have called Haru. Haru understands me. Haru doens’t sass me like you do.”
“You know just as well as I do that he would be just as sassy as I am, if not more.” This was getting Makoto absolutely nowhere. 
“Any other man would be upset at his husband ogling other men,” he grumbled. 
“What do I care if you’re swooning? You’re coming home to me, aren’t you?” Sousuke sounded so secure, so self-assured. It made Makoto smile. Just a little. 
“Aww. That’s the most romantic thing you ever said to me.” 
“I’d argue that our wedding vows would be at the top of that list.” 
“Fine you win.” Makoto took one last sip of his beer, as his flight was being called. “We’re boarding now. I’ll see you soon, Tachibana Sousuke.” 
“Safe flight. See you soon, Tachibana Makoto.” 
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cattatonically · 2 years
Trick or treat for KyouYachi (apologies if this is a duplicate request my memory isn’t good) 🎃 🍬
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
“Darling,” Kentarou murmured. 
“Hm?” Hitoka was only partially paying attention. She couldn’t stand still. It was all so close. Everything he’d told her about, everything he had promised her. They were all within reach. Just a few more moments, and she would have it all. 
“My love. Please look at me?” Kentarou’s plaintive tone caught her attention. When she finally turned and stood before him, he was smiling. “Thank you, darling. You know what we need to do?” Hitoka nodded. 
“Yes, dearest. I have memorized the plan.” She reached up, and laced her fingers behind Kentarou’s neck. “Any minute now.” She let the grin crawl slowly over her lips. She was still getting used to the sharpness against her lips, her tongue. She felt Kentarou shudder under her hands, barely concealing a growl of pleasure. 
“You’re at your lovliest when you’re like this,” he whispered, hands moving to grip her hips hard. “You know what to do if we get separated?” Hitoka nodded. 
“I caress my bracelet, and whisper The Words.” 
“Wonderful.” Something caught Kentarou’s attention over Hitkoka’s shoulder. She wanted to turn and look, but found herself transfixed by his eyes. 
Most humans would see nothing but pitch darkness, but Hitoka had always seen more. She’d seen rushing galaxies, a million moving points of light, intermingling. It had been Kentarou’s eyes that had made up her mind, made her beg him to take her - to make her like him. 
Kentarou returned his gaze to Hitoka’s face, gripping her tighter, sharp-toothed grin taking over his facial features. 
“It’s almost time, darling. The veil is lifting. Are you prepared?”
“I am, dearest. I am as ready as you have made me.” Kentarou smiled even wider. Dipping his head down, he kissed her gently, before releasing his hold on her, reaching instead for her hand. 
“Let’s go and enjoy your first harvest, my darling.”
“Best soul wins?”
“Best soul wins.” 
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cattatonically · 2 years
Trick or treat forrrrrrrrrrrrrr TanaNoya
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
Yuu knew it was coming. He knew there was nothing he could do to stop it. But that didn’t mean that he had to like it. 
For as long as he could remember, Ryuu had always run cold. It could be the middle of summer, and there Ryuu would be, shivering away in a sweatshirt. It made absolutely no sense to Yuu. But then again, at the time, they were both sixteen and it hadn’t really affected his life all that much. 
But now. Now they were twenty-six and it very much affected his life. It was still early October, the last legs of summer still lingering in the air. By all accounts, it was still relatively warm outside. But this absolutely did not seem to matter to Ryuu. 
Yuu was resigned. Not necessarily prepared, but resigned. He would watch, in mild horror, as the love of his life took the light, breezy cotton sheets off the bed, and replace them with the dark, fuzzy, over-warm flannel ones. 
Ryuu would then snuggle up in their bed, cocooned and warm. And meanwhile, Yuu would overheat.
But he would never leave the bed. He could never even dream of leaving any bed which Ryuu was lying in. 
The things he did for his dear, frozen husband. 
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cattatonically · 2 years
Trick or Treat UshiOi!
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
Tooru loved this time of year. It was his favourite, when he could really let his talents shine. Wakatoshi didn’t always understand Tooru’s excitement with autumn, but that was okay. He was still supportive, and happy for Tooru. And what more could Tooru want in a husband? 
Tooru had worked hard to become one of the top seasonal decorators. He thrived during Christmas, and gushed over Valentine’s Day. But decorating for autumn? That was when he was truly formidable. And that was because of the pumpkins. 
Tooru always took great care with his carvings. Made each and every expression as unique as those who inspired them. Tooru was meticulous. His carvings took time. Time, and energy. 
The more time he spent on one piece, the more life-like it appeared. Tooru was most proud of those pieces - the ones that drew the eye; the ones people couldn’t look away from. 
“This one looks magnificent, Tooru.” Wakatoshi was peering over his shoulder, looking on as Tooru carved his latest piece. 
“Thank you, dear. Can you tell who it is yet?”
“Hmm. Not yet. Maybe after a few more details.”
“You’re right. I don’t think I’ve captured their essence yet. Thank you, ‘Toshi.” 
“Whatever for?”
“For always choosing the right pumpkins for me, despite not understanding why I do it.” 
“You’re welcome, Tooru, but you are incorrect on one point. I have always understood your craft. I just do not possess the talents myself.” With that, Wakatoshi walked away, and Tooru’s heart soared. 
Wakatoshi truly was the best husband. And soon, he would repay Wakatoshi the favour. Once his piece was complete, and he captured the inner soul of his inspiration. 
The more Tooru carved, the more he wondered if anyone would notice the sudden, and drastic, change to overcome Wakatoshi’s department manager. 
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cattatonically · 2 years
Trick or treat Oikawa and Kenma!
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
“No. Kenma, absolutely not. It’s way too early for this.”
“But my feet are cold, Tooru.” 
“Then wear slippers. 
“They’re not the same, and you know it.”
“It’s barely even cold enough to entertain your particular kink, darling.” 
“It’s only a kink if it gets you off.” 
“Now you’re just being difficult on purpose.” 
“I’m being difficult because you won’t let me take the wollen socks out of the spare closet and put them in the dresser!” 
“You know damn well that your socks will take over an entire drawer, and I do not have it in me to deal with that kind of trauma.” 
“Trauma, Tooru, seriously? Trauma?”
“It is incredibly traumatic to watch your things disappear from where they’re supposed to be!”
“They’re your swimsuits, Tooru. The stupid ones. I think Americans call them banana hammocks? Where the fuck are you going swimming in October, Tooru?”
“I don’t know! A hot spring! A gorgeous hot spring at that!” 
“The one managed by Yahaba? The one where you make it a point to scar him for life, repeatedly, by going to the baths nude? That hot spring?”
“Oh my god, you’re the worst husband ever!” 
“Yes I am. Now go clear out the drawer. My feet are cold, Tooru.” 
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cattatonically · 2 years
Tricksssss or Treatsssss Drarry (whaaaaat? Ro is prompting something not from a sports anime??????? insane)
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
He could prepare. There were charms, and other non-magical ways to prepare for the changing of the season. But there really was nothing Harry could do to prepare for the icicle that Draco Malfoy inevitably became the moment the calendar turned from September to October. 
Despite years of knowing this, years of knowing exactly what would happen, it always caught Harry by surprise. 
“Fucking hell!” he exclaimed, sucking in a sharp breath. It was barely dawn, the sky still star-ladden and deep, dark blue. And even though Harry knew it was coming, it still hadn’t prepared him for the shock. 
Draco had rolled over, sticking his icy hands and feet directly onto Harry’s bare skin. Next, Draco nuzzled his frosty nose against the nape of Harry’s neck. 
“Shh, love. Too early.”
“If our situations were reversed, you’d have kicked m out of bed by now for this.” 
“Hmm,” Draco hummed in agreement. “Good thing you run so hot-blooded. Instead of making me irredeemably angry, you get to warm me up instead.” The fingers of one of Draco’s hands drew lazy patterns across the lower part of Harry’s stomach. 
Taking the invitation, Harry rolled over, right on top of Draco, and smiled down at him. 
“If it’s hot you want, then hot you shall be,” Harry nearly growled. He bent, and kissed Draco like it was the last thing he would ever do on this earth. 
October always started the same, every year. And even though Draco always turned to ice when the seasons changed, at least it was Harry he turned to to warm him back up. And Harry wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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cattatonically · 2 years
Trick or Treat AsaIwa!
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
“No way.” Hajime crossed his arms over his chest, which did nothing to stop his sleeves from stretching over his biceps. Asahi had plans for those biceps. But that would be later. He looked up, and gave Hajime the best puppy dog eyes be could - Hinata had taught him well. 
“But I can’t do it,” he said, blinking slowly. Hajime just scowled even deeper. 
“And why in the fuck not?” So. He wasn’t budging, then. Time to pull out the big guns. 
“My hair. I can’t bob for apples because of my hair.”
“Oh my god, are you serious?”
“As a heart attack.”
“It’s just hair!”
“You tell that to Kiyoko and see if you walk away with both of your balls.” Hajime shuddered. Asahi knew that feeling well. Hajime sighed, and ran a hand over his hair - hair that hadn’t been slaved over for an hour. 
“Okay, yeah, she’s pretty terrifying.” 
“And proud of it. Which means, you get to bob for apples.” Hajime rolled his eyes. However, he didn’t step towards the barrel, as Asahi had expected. Instead, he stepped right into Asahi’s space and draped his arms over Asahi’s shoulders. 
“The things I do for you.” Asahi smiled, snaking his hands around Hajime’s hips to rest on the small of his back. 
“You would do just about anything for me, and you know it.” Asahi leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Hajime’s lips. He could tell that Hajime was trying, and failing, not to smile into it. 
“I definitely don’t remember that being part of the deal,” he said as Asahi broke the kiss. He knew it, Hajime was smirking. 
“Shoulda read the fine print.” 
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cattatonically · 2 years
Tumblr ate the ask - as it does. Have a Trick or Treat - AsaDai - courtesy of @notsuchasecret
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
The posters were hard to miss, as usual. They were all over town. Hell, they were damn near all over the country. And they all said the same thing: “MISSING: Sawamura Daichi”. A handsome photo - the one taken of him when he’d heard his police badge - followed the headline, which was then followed by his description, and where he’d last been seen.
But Asahi could tell that story better than anyone. Daichi had been with Asahi, before he’d vanished. Asahi, as far as anyone knew, was the last person to see Daichi alive. And Daichi’s colleagues would never let him forget it.
The posters haunted Asahi every time he would walk through town, and then again on social media. No matter how many times he told his story, no one believed him.
They used to call him a delinquent in high school. Asahi was feeling nostalgic for those days. It sure beat “primary suspect”.
It had gone like this. Daichi and Asahi had met up at a bar for dinner, drinks, and catching up. A few hours later, they’d walked out together, and then parted ways at the intersection. The following morning, Daichi had called him, but Asahi had slept through it. No voicemail was left.
Sawamura Daichi hadn’t been seen since. A year later, and Asahi was still feeling the stares. The whispers. How his friends had slowly, one by one, dropped like flies.
But none of that mattered. All Asahi had to do was keep his head held high, and continue on with his life.
No one would be able to find Daichi. No matter how much they looked at Asahi, and his story. Asahi was far, far too thorough for that.
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cattatonically · 2 years
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
Autumn had always been Tetsurou’s favourite time of year. It was the time of year when he could steal hoodies from his husbands’ closets. It was the time of year when wearing the scarf Koutarou had knit him was weather appropriate (if Tetsurou had his way, he would wear it year-round). It was the time of year when Daichi started cooking heartier, warmer, more savoury meals. 
Autumn meant rum spiced hot apple cider, blankets, cuddles, movie marathons, and general coziness. Autumn meant relishing in the closeness of his chosen soulmates, and their eternal affection and body heat. 
But it also meant crunchy leaves, pretty colours, pumpkins, and wreaths. 
Daichi always teased Tetsurou for his specific collection. They didn’t have wreaths for any other season or occasion. But Tetsurou knew that he had one for every single day of autumn. He knew this because he’d made them himself. 
It had started in university. His therapist had proposed crafting - something to make him work with his hands - as a way to release his anxieties in a healthy way. Tetsurou, with the support of Koutarou and Daichi, had tried everything. He’d tried paper crafts, knitting, crocheting, felting, scrapbooking, quilting, and nearly everything else under the sun.
It wasn’t until he’d been mindlessly scrolling through Pinterest that he had seen his first wreath. It had been a beautiful piece of art - all wires and abstract shapes and angles. Tetsurou had clicked on the pin, and scrolled through a plethora of other examples. He’d fallen into a deep Pinterest rabbit hole, and he’d never been able to dig himself back out. 
He’d started small - little crowns, and some flower arrangements. A few centrepieces. He dipped his toes in, tried a few different things, and grew to learn what worked, and what didn’t. He also grew into his skills, and experimented with his own likes and dislikes. 
When he’d been confident that he was proud of his creations, he finally attempted wreaths. There had been some trial and error. A few frustrated crying sessions when things weren’t going his way. But in the end, he worked at it, and he got there. 
At first, he gifted his wreaths, assessing the likes and tastes of the person receiving the wreath to exacting detail. When that wasn’t enough anymore, he started keeping them. And that was when the collection had begun. That was when Koutarou and Daichi knew that the wreaths were now a permanent fixture in their autumn traditions.  
It was exactly the first day of autumn when Tetsurou awoke to two gentle kisses on either cheek. He blinked fully awake, smiling up at his loves. 
“Come on, Tetsu!” Koutarou could barely contain himself. “It’s time!” Daichi chuckled lowly from Tetsurou’s other side. 
“We lined them up for you. Come choose which one starts us off.” Both men held their hands out to Tetsurou. He smiled wide, affection and devotion filling his chest with warmth. 
It was time. Time to choose the perfect wreath to start off their daily tradition of decorating the door with something new, something beautiful, every single day. 
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cattatonically · 2 years
Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something AkaSuga to eat!
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
The leaves weren’t supposed to have fallen this early. Inherently, Keiji knew this. And yet, they kept crunching under his feet as he walked. Step, crunch. Step, crunch. It was a cadence he had hoped he wouldn’t have to get used to so early into autumn. But getting used to it, he was. 
The air was chilled, but the setting set set everything aflame in golden hues. They reminded Keiji of his beloved’s eyes. Eyes he hadn’t seen in half a decade. Eyes that he would never see again. Eyes that he would miss, eternally, with no respite in sight. 
With a sigh, Keiji kept walking. The days were getting shorter, the nights longer, and it was only a few moments more before the sun had fully fallen, and the full moon had breached through the bare branches of the trees lining his path. 
As Keiji turned the corner, he stopped abruptly, blinking. “Oh,” he said. 
“Hello, Koushi. What brings you to my neck of the woods? Don’t you have classes to teach?” Koushi smiled, serene. 
“No. Not today. Today, I’m apple picking, shall we say.”
“And you can’t do that in Miyagi?”
“Oh, I can. But why should I when I can pluck you here, and now?”
When Keiji next regained consciousness, he blinked up into sunset gold eyes. 
“Oh,” the voice belonging to those eyes said. “Oh no. He harvested you, too.” 
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cattatonically · 2 years
Trick or Treat Karasuno second years!
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
Everyone knew that Chikara made the best pies. Apple, pumpkin, pecan, key lime, you name it, Chikara had perfected the recipe. 
It had all started out of sheer anxiety. Practice had been hard that day, Ryuu and Yuu had been up to their usual antics, while Kazuhito and Hisashi had merely watched on. Chikara had no idea how he was supposed to be in charge of a whole damn team, when he could barely even corral his own classmates. 
And so, he’d gone home and decided enough was enough. He pulled out the pans, the bowls, and the ingredients and set to work. He wasn’t the kind to take his stress out during a workout. But a pie dough? Absolutely. 
When he’d brought the butter tarts to the gym the next morning, Ryuu and Yuu had looked appropriately chastised. And if Suga tried to adopt him and claim him as his own, well, that was the stroke to his ego that he needed. 
Well over a decade since those days, Chikara still enjoyed the process of kneading a good pie dough into submission. But now he did it more out of enjoyment than anything else. 
He loved watching his friends - his family - enjoy his pies. He loved joining them for cocoa, or cider, or a cheeky glass of wine (usually in Daichi’s case) while they shared a pie. 
Time and again, they’d tried desperately to convince him that he should open his own shop, or sell his wares at local cafés. But he was content as he was. Despite how the pie baking had started, the reasoning had shifted. 
And he could still say that these were his absolute favourite times - sat around the kotatsu in the living room of the house he and Asahi had bought, drinks on the table, and an empty pie tin in the middle. 
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cattatonically · 2 years
I BELIEVE THIS IS SCIENCE NUMBER 10. If I counted right. Which is not guaranteed. Let's go for Bokuto, Nagisa, and whichever Mikoshiba brother you choose.
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
“If you two do not get your asses off the counters, and stop eating my ingredients, there won’t be any left to make the banana loaf you both love so much.” Momo turned from this mixing bowl, levelled both Koutarou and Nagisa with his best glare. Not that it would work. It never worked with them. 
“But Momo-chan!” Nagisa pouted
“Yeah! Momo-chan!” Koutarou followed suit.
“Nope. No. You cannot butter me up, or suck up. Not right now.” Momo tried to scold them. He really did. But even he had to admit he wasn’t great at it. 
“But we’re both so good at it,” Nagisa said, mischievous lilt to his voice. Momo barely resisted rolling his eyes. 
“Usually, yes. But not when your ass is on my clean counter.”
“So mean!” Nagisa crossed his arms over his chest and pouted harder. All Momo could do was sigh. This whole charade was so commonplace in their household, it might as well have been scripted. 
Momo glanced at Koutarou, saw the shit-eating grin on his face, and realized he’d fallen right into their trap. Not that it mattered. Momo always fell for their antics. Who would have guessed he’d be the level-headed one in this partnership? 
Turning back to Nagisa, Momo gave him a steady look and saud, “Do you feel like eating ass right now Nagisa?”
“Well, now that you mention it…” Momo closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Okay, I walked into that one. But no.”
“You’re no fun.” This time, Koutarou was the one pouting with his arms crossed over his chest. Momo could not win with these two, not matter what. 
“How about this. You two go be good boys in the living room, and when I’m done in here, you can both eat all the ass, and banana loaf both of your hearts desire. Okay?” 
Both Nagisa and Koutarou went a little glassy-eyed and slack-jawed. It was Koutarou who regained his composure - barely - first. 
“Uh. Uh huh. Yeah. Yes. Absolutely,” he said, sounding dazed. Momo smiled. 
“Good. Now go!” Nagisa and Koutarou couldn’t get out of the kitchen fast enough. 
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cattatonically · 2 years
Tumblr media
Hey friends! It’s that nearly time of year again! I’m starting early to get a head start, and get organized! Here’s how it works:
Come into my inbox, and request Trick or Treat, plus a ship, or character(s). Using a random number generator - where 1 is Trick and 2 is Treat - I will either write you something dark and twisted, or sweet and fluffy.
Inbox is open for prompts!
You can find my previous Tricks and Treats here:
2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021
Have fun, friends!
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cattatonically · 2 years
treat or trick or something like that. let's go with HaruNagi
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
“I thought knitting was Makoto’s thing?”
“Scarves, sweaters for his cats, and mittens sure. But I’m doing something different, Haru-chan!” 
“What are you knitting, then?”
“Just watch and see!” Nagisa turned back to his project, fingers working the yarn and the needles quickly, confidently. Haru was a little transfixed. And so, he did as he was told. He watched, and he saw. 
But Haru didn’t only watch. He sketched, as well. Working slowly, as opposed to Nagisa, but getting what he needed down on paper. He traced a vague outline, knowing it would all come together in the end. But he only had this one chance to capture Nagisa at his most carefree. 
Haru may have been known for his artistry, so much so that he made a good living selling his wares to local shops, and setting up small booths are fairs. But when Nagisa had a burst of creativity, he could go for days without stopping. 
He never asked Haru for a share in the profits of the things he got Haru to sell for him. But that never stopped Haru from finding some way to treat him, in return. 
As Haru kept watching, and kept sketching, he saw the pile of little knitted pumpkins begin to fill the table in front of him. With speed and accuracy that Nagisa was well-known for, he would finish a pumpkin, fill it with stuffing, then knit it closed with the long-tail of his cast-on yarn. 
Haru had to admit that the pumpkins were charming, and would sell well at the tea shop near the center of town. But that wasn’t what made Haru happy. 
No, it was the contentment that had settled itself deep into his chest. The certainty that this was his life, and, for the first time in a really long time, he was the happiest he could ever be. 
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cattatonically · 2 years
trick or treat or tricksy treats with *pokes at names with a stick* TanaDai
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
Daichi had never liked apple picking, or being in the orchard. Not really. Not when he knew what the family secret to producing the apples that they produced. But how could he go against a millenia of tradition? 
The orchard was entirely in his name now, and he had no time for crises of conscience. He had apples that needed to go to the Azumane family for their cider. Daichi wondered if Asahi knew the secret to the apples. Surely he wouldn’t use them if he did. Right? 
Daichi shook himself out of that train of thought. It wasn’t worth the nightmares. 
He reached for the next tree, only to see that the apples weren’t quite as ready as they should have been. Daichi sighed. He’d have to do it again. After he promised that the last time would be the absolute last time. He hated breaking his promises. But he had a legacy to uphold. 
Daichi slowly made his way back to the house, scanning the yard for Ryuu. His Ryuu. His Ryuu who had every reason to hate him at this point. 
He entered the house, and found Ryuu sitting at the table, his head in his hands. He looked up as he heard Daichi come in. 
“You need more, don’t you?”
“Ryuu, I-“ 
“No. Stop. You need more, don’t you, Daichi?”
“Yes. I need more.” Ryuu sighed. 
“Fine. Take it.” Ryuu extended his arm, the one with more marks than Daichi cared to count. Daichi set up the blood bag, and left the room. Ryuu would let him know when he was done. 
When Daichi had collected what he needed, he went back to the tree, and began feeding the roots. 
The following day, Daichi knew he’d been right. The apples were riper, juicier than he could have ever imagined. It if meant upholding the family legacy, he didn’t even care if the process risked his marriage. 
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cattatonically · 2 years
Trick or Treat Nishinoya and your choice!
Come play Trick or Treat, and I’ll leave you with sweetness and fluff, or darkness and twistiness.
Yuu couldn’t count how many times he’d walked by the little house. It had been part of the neighbourhood for as long as he could remember - hell, it had probably been there for as long as his parents could remember. Either way, Yuu had walked by this little house time and again, and at no point had he ever entertained the rumours. 
Oh sure, Ryuu liked to talk shit and spread stories, tell everyone that the place was haunted. But Yuu had never pretended to entertain the tales. 
“I would be careful about that, Noya.” Asahi’s voice always sounded grave, and serious, every time he spoke his warning. And this time was no different. 
“Please. It’s all stories. Ghosts aren’t real, Asahi.” 
“Maybe the stories aren’t about ghosts.”
“What else could haunted possibly mean?”
“It could mean anything.”
“Hmm, nah. Haunted always means ghosts. And like I just said, ghosts aren’t real.”
“Okay, Noya. Okay.” Asahi smiled, almost sadly, before clapping Yuu on the shoulder and walking away. 
Yuu was just walking home, like any other day, when he heard someone call his name. He looked around, but couldn’t see anyone else. Shrugging to himself, Yuu continued down his path home. 
“Noya.” The voice was louder now, and he could tell that it was Asahi’s. He stopped, and looked around. 
As he looked, he found Asahi standing near  the property line of the little house he always passed on his walk home. 
“Asahi,” he called, jogging over. “What are you doing here?” Asahi smiled, almost sadly. 
“I warned you so many times, Noya. It’s not ghosts that haunt this house.” The last thing Noya remembered was Asahi’s eyes changing colours before everything went black. 
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