#Cosmara noroi
katha-angel · 16 days
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Mara in her Half-Demon form AAAAAAAAAA
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ammonitetheartist · 1 month
spawned from a convo on Discord. I’m never drawing something this cursed again XD
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[Image ID: A drawing depicting a catified design of Mara from Multiverse Tales. Mara is sitting, bags under her reddened eyes, smoking a massive green blunt. The background is tinted green as well.
At the top-left is a diagonal screenshot of a YouTube comment reading ‘I’m probably stupid but why dose Astra hate kushmara’. At the bottom-right, the drawing is correspondingly labeled ‘Kushmara’. End ID]
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redpandateawitch · 5 months
just re-watched this episode
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sapphirebluephoenix · 5 months
See this is what happens when you give me too much time. I fill out silly little gays fully. Look at them. Look at those *queers*.
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...shit now I have ideas for cisn't Sterling-
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figitorynonsense · 5 months
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already posted this on the discor but yhea :3
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Some songs I associate w/ MVT characters :0
Astra: Gold Guns Girls by Metric
Mara: Mr. Fear by SIAMES
Kate: Boy in a Bubble by Alec Benjamin
Dresden: Policy of Truth by Depeche Mode
Fear Herself: Monster by Bemax
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therummonster · 4 months
alright, popcross au concept.
narrators get narrated.
sounds all fine and dandy, until vasilia is made into an armor.
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as well as a few more sharpagne doodlings.
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if you'd like to know more, like always, i'd be glad to provide any and all information.
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the-true-boomer · 7 months
The Sharp Gang, ranked by writing
(obviously, this is all my opinion)
Dresden Oakland
Kate Blakeour
Sterling Engeal
Coșmara Noroi
Dr. Champagne McGregor
Jake Tagen
Tayrun Jaanavar
Heath "Hurricane" Reynolds
Benny Sharp
Mikayla Maciel
Alexis Jones
Vasilia Kuznet
Ana Fenz
The Gopher
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masqueradenoir · 4 months
Additions to my pop cross soap opera au
All of the characters that we know and love are living in the same apartment building called astral apartments the living arrangement is that most of them are living separately with some exceptions and roommate situations that makes sense when I explain what's going on with certain characters in This
Jake and Ana are still runaway orphans with basically the same backstory they have in Canon minus the tears of the angelic and superpowers but Jake is explicitly being fostered by Sterling while Ana is being fostered by Kate
The various living situations for these characters include in one apartment is Benny champagne and Mara Benny and champagne living together because they're already married and Benny took Mara in after she and her parents had a falling out due to her breaking things off with her abusive ex-boyfriend that her parents were pressuring her to marry Benny gave her a place to stay in him and champagnes two bedroom apartment and helped her find work with tayrun at the local library
Jake is living with Sterling due to the whole being fostered thing and the same with Ana and Kate
Vasilia shares an apartment with her brother who works as her assistant in her boutique
Alexis lives alone in one of the very few one tenant apartments in the building having moved into it when it was clear that Sterling needed the extra room for a child as they were initially living together because they're besties and also to save money she's actually living right next to Heath who had a roommate at one point but no longer does due to a falling out unsurprisingly basically every major character I haven't mentioned in this post is living in a one person apartment
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multiversal may day 9!
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human mara getting her hair brushed!
it was meant to be champagne brushing her hair, but you can imagine anyone you want lol
@redpandateawitch ur gal :3
(multiversal may created by @/moonpizzalol, ty for doing this!)
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thepiratefish · 17 days
Shy people versus introverted people
Shy people:
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Introverted people:
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katha-angel · 23 days
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Multiverse May day 9 and 10
Kate Blakeour and Coșmara Noroi after Mara got full control of her curse
(Picture most likely taken by Sterling)
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ammonitetheartist · 7 months
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Some little doodles inspired by @thepiratefish 's post about having an unfinished mini fic about Benny & Champagne raising Mara and Ana.
Lore below because I have a problem, and it's these silly little internet characters.
The setting for this world is basically where the cast of Multiverse Tales all exist in the same world, and this world is kind of like MHA with quirks, except it's actually more like mutants in marvel but pretty much everyone has them.
Benny, at age 20, sees a post in a newspaper seeking a foster home for a little girl until her mother suffering from postnatal depression is out of hospital, or until her father returns to the country. Being the logical person he is, he impulsively goes to the interview, not expecting to get chosen, but later assumes he was the only person to show up, because he does, in fact, get the child.
And, several months later, Cosmara's mother has had a fatal heart attack and her father is AWOL and unreachable, so Benny carrying a child around in those front-backpack kid-carrier things (I'm not a writer, okay? Vocab isn't my strong suit.) becomes a common sight at his uni (or college for americans).
Stuff happens, he adopts her, and instead of the garage we know and love, instead, now he has a child to care for, he starts a general maintenance mechanics garage that just so happens to offer servicing for less-legal vehicles and mechs if you just so happen to have such a thing.
Then, when Mara is 7, Benny meets Champagne, and it all goes downhill from there... or uphill, depending on your view. They get together, eventually move in together and are a happy little family.
And then Ana shows up somehow, idk right now how that works, maybe a similar situation to Mara? Mara's like 11/12 at that point, so maybe she finds a child somewhere? Who knows.
Benny has a low-level healing factor, and has had it since birth (he was premature and it saved his life)
Champagne has low-level resistance which he doesn't even know he has, he just assumes he's powerless.
Mara was born with a dark spot on her right shoulder that gradually spread throughout her life, and whenever she gets angry it grows further and enhances her strength, speed, etc. She eventually learns to control it, but it's kind of like Tokoyami's shadow-bird from MHA.
Ana didn't appear to have any abilities, but when she hit puberty she began to grow scales, her hair turned pink and gills and webbing appeared.
I haven't thought about this more than that, but who knows, maybe I'll add more to this later.
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figitorynonsense · 7 months
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when the AU aajkkk H mks GHHHHHJAks labpow HHAGAHHHG shit FUCK ksj
stupid ass doodle bceause HKKKKJjhssh JER hagagagagag
hhggsgsghs what the HE kskskkss maK aughHHH
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ammonitetheseaserpent · 8 months
Y’know what I’m personally kinda wishing to see in a future MVT ep?
Might be the angst/action-hungry goblin in me, but… I wanna see Mara break.
More specifically, I wanna see her go absolutely berserk - perhaps on Fear Herself. We’ve seen her get angry before, and we’ve seen her have a few badass moments, but this would be like. a whole new level above that.
Like, maybe she and some of her teammates are having some sort of battle with Fear, and during it, something happens to make Mara just. unhinged, balls-to-the-wall pissed at her.
I’ve also got this idea that, if Mara were to get uncontrollably angry enough, that demon consciousness in the back of her mind would start to influence her - like, make her words, tone and demeanor uncharacteristically cruel, and maybe give her voice a more subtle version of that grungy filter effect her demon thoughts have.
So, picture this: Mara, in a blur of vengeful rage, putting the woman who cursed her and plans to use her on the ropes, voicing threats more gruesome than she would ever usually make. The Overseer’s stepped too far, dug her own grave, and Fear Herself starts to feel flickers of the very thing she’s so used to imbuing in others.
Now that is something I would love to see. >:3
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