#Delton Smith
dougmeet · 3 years
Who Kicks Out Paid Hotel Guests During Christmas *Pandemic 2020?  [Richmond Inn & Suites Trudi Veals SMC Hotels Delton Smith Wyndham Hotels Trademark Collection] Executive Order Aside, Hotels, Landlords Resort to Self-Help Eviction [50 Days: TIME TO MAKE THE LAWSUITS]
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"Revenge of the Janitor and Maid" a hospitality story
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There stood Mike at my door, nervously at first, then slowly inflating  amidst  his ungoverned posse comitatus (always hallways, and this time full of shams),  in his best “break your kneecaps” performance --  and also mercurially like Dickens, who’d  decided  to throw  Tiny Tim a three-hour-bone-window -- before Tim or ME, could use said window for my own auto-defenestration.  
Get-shit-and-leave, was the command, bellicose from  recollected cop shows, or neighborhood escapades -- this  shit was keeping him from some TV.
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However unwieldy Mike the Janitor’s authoritarian impersonation (no doubt, the inequity of his having witnessed it from the big-end of the telescope), the authority he lacked,  he now wielded,  previously hacked, in a very  ‘special circumstances’  supplementary determination only by Hizhonor’s erudite discretion -- ‘special’ being synonymous HERE with this NO WRIT, NO ORDER, NO COURT EVICTION, NO WARNING, NO CAUSE, NO COURT OPEN, NO LEGAL WAY TO EVICT DURING A PRESIDENTIAL EVICTION MORATORIUM WHICH SOMEHOW THE COP HAD NO CLUE OR CARE ABOUT   eviction,  displacement,  seizing, COMMANDEERING, of and  from this PAID IN FULL IN ADVANCE, NEVER LATE, RESIDENTIAL STATUS 10-MONTH TENANCY DWELLING property or person dwelling in said property, or  affecting process, AND ALL WITHOUT  authority, also LOOTED, by  falsely commandeering such authority to the benefit of the unlawful action; and by way of utilizing an official  party, under whose dominion  the correct application of legal court-ordered process might be deemed lawful and credible, and   under whose false pretenses in commission of said action, and during “Emergency Act" to the constitution had been recognized, in which these actions considered hazardous or forbidden if carried out, and unlawful (under  CDC State of Emergency, Eviction Moratorium), enacted in order to help combat the spread of COVID-19 from enforced homelessness, due to the close quarters of shelters, of which evictions would multiply ...
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But, no matter,  this action had been autonomously  carried out on Christmas, no manager on duty, and, as if all of this were not incredible enough ...
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I was illegally evicted  BY THEIR  JANITOR -- but slyly under the direction of the 25-year General Manager of this formerly “Best Western” Richmond Inn & Suites --  from desuetude, which is their business, by venerable 80-year, until O. Harrison Smith’s recent passing, now, straight from middle-aged  Cotillion wedlock, a dyed-in-the-ivy, co-blueblood member of  Shreveport’s elite Socialite daughters and sons, whose nuptials, as  antediluvian as a Tennessee Williams Play, this was their troth, plopped down in  ever-so-sartorial, Old Folks at Home, Stephen Foster-loving, Matin Luther King, Jr., eschewing sooo Southern it made this southerner sick, Social Section of  Shreveport's newspaper, this betrothal, bought and paid for, 100 times over (Harrison is one of the most notably generous givers to that dowager lovingly scraping by called the Met Opera), by Daddy Harrison Smith, devoted benefactor, artsy type cat - which I like, and seemingly, stand-up, self-made -- as opposed to his one, of four, disappointing scion, snag-toothed unmarriageable, Frat / Yuppie / Country Club Shreveporter --  President, only posthumously upon assuming by inheritance, overseer of  family biz, SMC Hotels Group, Shreveport, which  his esteemed  daddy ran until his death, when he called in late, until last year.
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Harrison Smith.
AND also, very recently elected  benign President / Figurehead (unofficial) President of the  more pretense and booze than Hotels and Rules  -- (re)movers and (palsy) shakers' Good Ol’ Boy Lodge, called Louisiana Hotels and Lodging Association (whose updated site needs  Deltoid’s first order of business --  promotion from Director to President), which lists him as:
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Delton Smith
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Richmond Suites Hotel
Baton Rouge, LA  
purportedly,  participatory, as part of the guild  called American Hotels and Lodging Association  AHLA -- but try finding LHLA online, besides  its own vanity website ...
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... (cont. from above)
and a duped member of the BRPD, whose color he also shared, with the other maid in the posse, and whose ignorance or willful indifference to this blatantly racist, unlawful, wanton travesty, it was  occurring on his invoked authority, therefor by the authority of his Police Department.  
{me) a paid in full,  10-month resident hotel guest of  Richmond Inn & Suites, Baton Rouge, LA, Energy St., 70808  Corporate Blvd. Business Community,  
committing felony ‘False Report to Law Enforcement in Commission of a Crime,’ utilizing  BRPD backup to do it, instead of arresting him for it  -- Mike’s  cop  stood by and nodded as Mike, more incentivized in his seemingly deranged authority grab, uttered:  Vacate. three hours from now, he haughtily declared -- out of my 'home!' -- or we'll fuckin do it for you," he haughtily proclaimed -- out of my 'home,' -- or we'll do it for you.  
With last-minute scrambling for transportation from  my mother,  whose health he recklessly compromised (this sub-managerial, self-professed Marshall representing SMC Hotel Group --  and ultimately Wyndham Hotel's ownership) obtained for GM Trudi Veals, my eviction:  a happy ending to her story acquired. smchotels.com
1 note · View note
tfc2211 · 3 years
01 - A Real Good Time - Eddie Clearwater 02 - She Likes To Boogie Real Low - Frankie Lee Sims 03 - My Baby's A Good Un - Otis Rush 04 - Twirl - Little Luther 05 - Ride With Me - Little Sonny 06 - Little By Little - Junior Wells 07 - Please Don't Tell Me Now - Dean & Jean 08 - Jersey City - Bobby Long 09 - Killer Diller - Jimmy Breedlove 10 - Arkansas Jane - The Millionaires 11 - Hey Hey Baby - Otis Redding 12 - Betty Jean - Harold Burrage 13 - Little Red Riding Hood - Bunker Hill 14 - Tootles - Lenny Capello 15 - Hobo - J.D. Edwards 16 - Big Leg Woman - Guitar Nubbit 17 - Sippin' Sorrow - Pearl Woods 18 - The Dances - Phil Flowers 19 - Security - The Lovers (Tarheel Slim & Little Ann) 20 - Can't Stop Movin' - Johnny Chef 21 - Ramblin' Man - Larry Donnell 22 - Yes Baby - George Smith 23 - Tell Me Who - Bobo Jenkins 24 - Who's In The Shack - The Barons 25 - Raise Some 'San - Jay Nelson 26 - Running Shoe - Juke Boy Bonner 27 - They Just Rocking & Rolling - V & BB 28 - Baby Let's Play House - The Thunderbirds 29 - Come Back Uncle John - Big John Greer 30 - Bow Legged Annie - The Deltones Featuring The Gypsy 31 - Leave My Kitten Alone - Little Willie John 32 - This I Gotta See - Willie B 33 - There Ain't Nothing Better -Jimmy Witherspoon & Gal Friday
16 notes · View notes
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Biblioteca MT 
-13 escalones del mentalismo
-Arte de ler mentes-Henrik Fexeus
-O mentalista
-Tricks of the mind - Derren Brown
-Absolute Magic-Derren Brown
-Pure effect-Derren Brown
-Easy mentalism
-Practical Mental magic-Theodore Annemann
-Manual de psiquiatria portugues
-Cinema e Loucura
-Psicologia Facil - Ana Merces Bahia Bock
-Introdução à programação neurolinguística-Joseph 0'Connor e John Seymour
-despertar do gigante interior
-PNL Programacao Neurolinguistic - Steve Andreas
-Usando Sua Mente (PNL) Richard Bandler
-PNL: A Nova Tecnologia do Sucesso
-Neurociências - Desvendando o sistema nervoso Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.,
-As bases biologicas do comportamento-marcus brandao
-Truques da mente-Stephen L.Macknik & Susana martinez-Conde
com Sandra Blakeslee
-Subliminar - Leonard Mlodinow
-Hipnoterapia Ericksoniana Passo a Passo-Sofia Bauer
-hipnose - dicas, métodos e técnicas
-o homem de fevereiro-erickson
-Manual hipnose completo-fabio puentes
-Hackeando mentes - Marcelo Maia
-A Realidade é Plástica- Anthony Jacquin
-Como se dar bem com as Mulheres - Ron Louis e David Copeland
-A Arte Natural da Sedução - Richard La Ruina
-Manual de Artes Venusianas
-O Jogo-Neil Strauss
-O livro negro da sedução
-Biblia da sedução
-linguagem das Emocoes-Paul Ekman
-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães
-Inteligência visual-Amy E.Herman
-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini
-Manual de Persuasão do FBI - Jack Shafer
-A preparação do Ator-Stanislavski
-Mentes Geniais - Alberto Dell isola
-Mentes Brilhantes
-A Arte de Argumentar
-tratado de argumentação a nova retórica-Chaim Perelman
-logica juridica-chaim perelman
-Argumentação Juridica-Vitor Gabriel
-schopenhauer - como vencer um debate - dialetica eristica
-schoppenhauer - do pensar por si
-Oratória-Reinaldo Polito
-Introducao a retorica-Olivier Reboul
-How to Argue & Win Every Time- Gerry Spence
-tecnicas basicas de redacao-branca granatic
-A encantadora de Bebes
-Adestramento Inteligente
-Como Criar o Cao Perfeito Desde - Cesar Millan
-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzA
-Mitologia Greco-Romana - René Ménard
-Os Mitos Gregos-Robert Graves
-Ultimate secrets of card magic
-Expert card technique -Jean Hugard & Frederick Braue
-Apostila aprenda a investir na bolsa corretora xp
-Analise Fundamentalista
-Os supersinais da analise técnica
-Investir cada vez melhor
-Sobreviva na bolsa
-Aprenda a operar
-Manual do pequeno investidor em - Fabio Almeida
Transações imobiliarias
-apostila TTI
-como montar uma imobiliaria
-dominio da venda imobiliaria
-SuperFreakonomics O Lado Oculto do Dia a Dia - Steven D. Levitt
-Curso basico de macroeconomia
-Historia Pensamento economico
-manual de Economia da USP
-Economia nua e crua - Charles Wheelan
-Manual do CEO
-O CEO é o limite
-os axiomas de Zurique
-Pai rico pai pobre
-investimentos O segredo de George Soros e Warren Buffet
-O X da questão
-Investimentos inteligentes - Gustavo Cerbasi
-Sonho Grande
-A jogada do seculo-Michael Lewis
-Bumerangue-Michael Lewis
-Flash Boys-Michael Lewis
-O homem que roubou Portugal
-Os Genios dos Negocios-Peter-Krass
-Golpes bilionarios-kari nars
-A ascensao do dinheiro - Niall Ferguson
-A bola de neve-Alice Schroeder
-crash-uma breve histria da economia
-O Lobo de Wall Street - Jordan Belfort
-O Sequestro da America - Charles H. Ferguson
-Por que sai do Goldman Sachs - Greg Smith
Anatomia Humana Basica Dangeloe Fattini
Atlas de Anatomia Humana  Netter
Atlas Fotográfico de Anatomia - Yokochi
Grays p. estudant.
Anatomia Moore orientada para a clínica
Fisiologia Humana - Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
Bogliolo Patologia
Histologia Básica - Junqueira e Carneiro
5-Biologia celular
Biologia Celular e Molecular -Junqueira & Carneiro
Bioquímica Médica Básica de Marks
embriologia clinica Moore
Microbiologia Medica - Patrick Murray
Murphy - Imunobiologia De Janeway
Griffiths - Introdução à Genética
Parasitologia Humana Neves
Fundamentos de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por imagem
Tratado de Técnica Radiológica - Bontrager
Farmacologia Básica Clínica Bertram Katzung  
Goodman - Farmacologia
Semiologia Medica - Porto
Semiologia Bates
Exame Clínico-Porto
Semiologia médica - mario lópez
Semiologia Médica - Rocco
16-Clínica Geral
Harrison - Medicina Interna
17-Urgência e Emergência
Manual APH
Blackbook Pediatria
Nelson Tratado de Pediatria
19-Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
Obstetricía Rezende
Obstetricia Basica
Rotinas Em Obstetricia
Ginecologia Fundamental
Rotinas em Ginecologia
A Neurologia que todo médico deve saber - Nitrini
Neurociências - Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.
Cem bilhoes de neuronios
Neuropsicologia - Roger Gil
Compêndio de Psiquiatria - Kaplan
Manual De Psiquiatria Portugues
22-Cirurgia geral
Cirurgia ambulatorial - Savassi
Manual de técnica cirúrgica para a graduação
Propedeutica Cirurgica
Ruy Garcia - Tecnica Operatória e Cirurgia Experimental
Sabiston - Tratado de Cirurgia
Cardiologia para Clinico Geral
Serrano - Tratado de Cardiologia SOCESP
24-Exames Laboratorias
Exames Laboratoriais - Nemer, Neves e Ferreira
Medicina Laboratorial para o Clínico
Renato Failace - Hemograma - Manual De Interpretação
Manual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce Junior
Fundamentos em Toxicologia de Casarett e Doull
Williams - Tratado de Endocrinologia
Current Reumatologia
Dermatologia - Azulay & Azulay
Nefrologia - Riella
Pneumologia - Série No Consultório
Andrew Holtz - A ciência médica de House
Onde não há medico
Rotinas de enfermagem
-Princípios de Mecatrônica-João Maurício Rosário
Física,Astronomia e Cosmologia
-50 Ideias de Fisica Que Precisa - Joanne Baker
-Física Moderna para iniciados, interessados e aficionados
-O Universo Numa Casca de Noz-Stephen Hawking
-Breve história do tempo-Stephen Hawking
-O universo elegante - Brian Greene
-A Realidade Oculta - Brian Greene
-O Tecido do Cosmo - Brian Greene
-Fisica do futuro - Michio Kaku
-Hiperespaco - Michio Kaku
-Mundos Paralelos - Michio Kaku
-Batendo a porta do ceu - Lisa Randall
-O cerne da matéria
-Cosmos - Carl Sagan
-El grande diseno-Stephen Hawking
-E SE Respostas científicas para perguntas absurdas - Randall Munroe
-50 Ideias de Matematica Que Pre - Tony Crilly
-17 Equacoes Que Mudaram o Mundo - Ian Stewart
-20.000 léguas matemáticas
-As maravilhas da matemática
-Introdução a filosofia da matemática
-O diabo dos numeros
-O andar do bebado
-Em busca do infinito
-Os misterios dos numeros
-Sera que Deus joga dados
-Simetria matematica
-A Matemática nos Tribunais - Leila Schneps, Coralie Colmez
-Mathemagics How to Look Like a Genius Without Really Trying Mantesh Marked
-Mania de matemática
-50 Ideias Genetica - Mark Henderson
-O Maior Espetáculo da Terra As Evidências da Evolução-Richard Dawkins
-A Arte de Pensar Claramente - Rolf Dobelli
-Tratado Lógico Filosófico-Wittgeinstein
-Pinóquio no País dos Paradoxos
-Raciocínio Lógico e Matemática para Concursos CESPE/UNB
-Raciocínio Lógico Passo A Passo -Cabral,Luiz Claudio; Nunes, Mauro César
-Pense Como um Freak_ Como Pensa - Steven D. Levitt
-Guia das falácias de Stephen Downes
-Lógica jurídica-Chaim Perelman
-Modal Logic for Open Minds - Johan van Benthem
-Philosophical Perspectives on Infinity-Graham Oppy
Bibliografia do Combate
-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 1ª Parte - Fuzil-EB
-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 2ª Parte - Pistola-EB
-Caderno de Instrução do Fuzil de Assalto 5,56 IA2 (EB70-CI-11.405)-EB
-Catálogo de Armas-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti
-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB
-IP-23-90 Morteiro 81 mm ROYAL ORDNANCE-EB
-IP 23-34 Lança-Rojão 84mm(AT-4)
-MCRP 3-01B Pistol Marksmanship - USMC
-MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship U.S. Marine Corps
-CI 7-5-2 Combate em área edificada-EB
-CI 21-75 Patrulhas-EB
-Manual de Conduta de Patrulha-PMESP
-Apostila Instrução Tática Individual -FNSP
-The Hunter's page-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti
-In0531 Combat in built up areas-Us Army
-IP 21-2 Caçador-EB
-CI 21-2-1 contra caçadores-EB
-The Ultimate Sniper -Maj.John Plaster
-B-GL-392-005/FP-001 Sniping -Canada
-MCWP 3-15-3 Sniping-USMC
-MI6-028 Tiradores de élite-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)
-Atirador de elite-Carlos David
Artes Marciais
-C 20-50 luta-EB
-Ringue Master
-Boxing-Edwin Haislet
-Gracie Jiu-Jitsu - Thomas de Soto
-A Biblia do MMA- Anderson Silva
-Krav Maga-Kobi Lichtenstein
-FM 3-25.150 Combatives-US Army
-MCRP 3-02 Close Combat-US Marine Corps
-Wrestling for Fighting The Natural Way-Randy Couture, Erich Krauss, Glen Cordoza e Eric Hendrikx
-Ninjutsu - Arte da resistencia
-Mystic Art of the Ninja - Stephen Hayes
-Ninja Combat Method -  Stephen Hayes
-Secrets from the Ninja Grandmaster-Stephen K. Hayes & Masaaki Hatsumi
-The Way of the Ninja: Secret Techniques - Masaaki Hatsumi
TFM & Alimentação
-EB20-MC-10.350 Treinamento Físico Militar-EB
-Guia dos movimentos de musculação-Frédéric Delavier
-Musculação além do anabolismo-Waldemar Marques Guimarães Neto
-MD42-M-03 Manual de Alimentação das Forças Armadas-EB
-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima -Volume 1- FLORETE (EB60-ME-25.401)-EB
-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima - Volume 2 – Espada (EB60-25.502)-EB
-C 20-51-Esgrima-EB
-IP 21-80-sobrevência na selva-EB
-Fm 21 76 Survival manual- us army
APH & Medicina
-ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support-Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões Comitê de Trauma
-Manual de Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Acidentes por Animais Peçonhentos-FUNASA
-SIGN AND THE ART OF TRACKING-Christian Nellemann with Jack Kearney and Stig Nårstad
-SAS Tracking Handbook-Barry Davies
-The art of tracking the origin of science-Liebenberg
-cgcfn 1003 manual basico do fuzileiro naval
-cgcfn 1004 combatente anfibio
-Manual Operacional Do Policial Civil SP
Técnicas Militares
-C 22-5 ordem unida-EB
-C-21-74 Instrução Individual-Exército Brasileiro(EB)
-EB70-MC-10.233 Defesa QBN-EB
-C-6-199 Topografia-EB
-C-5-40 Camuflagem-EB
-Manual de Operações de Choque
-The Ultimate Parkour & Freerunning Book-Jan Witfeld, Ilona E. Gerling
& Alexander Pach
Apronto Operacional
-EB70-CI-11.404 Caderno de Instrução de Aprestamento e Apronto Operacional-EB
-Guia do Aluno Comanf-Marinha do Brasil
-Orientação Cioesp - EB
-Orientação Cigs - EB
-Orientação Cam(Curso Avançado de Montanhismo) - EB
-Orientação PQD - EB
-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB
-FM 5-25 Explosives & Demolitions-U.S.Army
-TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook-U.S.Army
-TM 9-1910 Military Explosives-US Army
-TM 9-1300-214 Military Explosives-US Army
-The Anarchist Cookbook-William Powell
-Guerilla Arsenal- David Harber
-The Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber
-The Advanced Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber
-The Preparatory Manual of Explosives-Jared B.Ledgard
-Kitchen Improvised Fertilizer Explosives-Tim Lewis
-Homemade Semtex-Seymour Lecker
-Science of Revolutionary Warfare-Johann Most
-The Explosives Course-Abu Khabab al-Masri(Midhat Mursi)
-Ragnar's Homemade Detonators-Ragnar Benson
-B-GL-361-007/FP-001 Combat Diving-National Defense Canada
-U.S. Navy Diving Manual SS521-AG-PRO-010
-A Guide to Public Safety Diving-North Carolina PSD Standards
-Manual Operacional de Bombeiros-CBMGO
-FM 3-05.212 Special Forces Waterborne Operations-US Army
MILITARY DIVING OPERATIONS-Headquarters of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and
Coast Guard US
-Manual Técnico de Salto Livre (EB60-MT-34.405)-EB
-Manual Técnico Equitação (EB60- MT-26.401)-EB
-Manual Equitação da Federação Paulista de Hipismo
-M016 Manual Tecnica Esqui-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)
-Ci9011 Assalto Aeromóvel e Infiltração aeromóvel-EB
-Cold Region Operations ATTP 3-97.11/MCRP 3-35.1D (FM 31-70 and FM 31-71)-US Army
-Jungle Operations-FM 90-5-US Army
-CIA-Manual Oficial truques e espionagem-H.Keith Melton
-Techiques of the professional pickpocket-Wayne B.Yeager
-Curso de Introdução à Atividade de Inteligência – CIAI-CGI
Sistemas de armas
-Art of the kill-Pete Bonanni
-Natops Flight Manual F16
-Natops Flight Manual F18
-Natops Flight Manual F14
-FLIGHT MANUAL EuroFighter v1
-Conocimientos submarinos S-70-Armada Española
-Manual de Marinero y del Soldado de infantería de Marina-Armada Española
-Manual de policiamento fluvial-PPMPA (Pará)
-Manual M113-Exército Português
-Fundamentals of Guided Missiles-S. R. Mohan
-AFM 52-31 Guided Missile Fundamentals-Department of the Air Force
-Advances in Missile Guidance, Control, and Estimation
-Gunsmithing at Home Lock Stock & Barrel- John E.Traister
-Building Firearms-Harold Hoffman
Armas Nucleares
-U.S. Nuclear Weapons - The Secret History Hardcover-Chuck Hansen
-Swords of Armageddon - Chuck Hansen
-Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb-Richard Rhodes
-The Making of the Atomic Bomb-Richard Rhodes
-Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters- James Mahaffey
Engenharia Naval
-SNAME Ship Design & Construction
-Engineering Economics and Ship Design - Buxton
Estratégia militar
-Field Manual of Military Operations (FM 3–0)-United States Army
-Manual de Campanha C 124-1 - Estratégia-EB
-As grandes estratégias - John Lewis Gaddis
-Techniques of Crime Scene investigation-Barry A.J Fisher
-Procedimento operacional padrão:Perícia Criminal-Ministério da Justiça BR
-Manual de orientação de quesitos da perícia criminal-DPF
-Introduction to Criminalistics-Barry A.J Fisher,
William J.Tilstone e Catherine Woytowicz
-Fundamentals of forensic science- Max M. Houck & Jay A. Siegel
-Ciências Forenses-Alberi Espindula,Gustavo Caminoto Geiser e Jesus Antonio Velho
-Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation
-Hanbook of Firearms and Ballistics-Brian J.Heard
C.Hematologia Forense
-Interpretation of Bloodstain Evidence at Crime Scenes-
Stuart H.James & William G.Eckert
-Bloodstain Pattern Analysis -Tom Bevel & Ross M. Gardner
Medicina Legal
-Medicina Legal-Genival Veloso
-Manual técnico-operacional para os médicos-legistas do Estado de São Paulo
-Manual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce Junior
-Manual de Técnicas em Necropsia médico-legal-Luiz Carlos L.Prestes Jr. &
Roger Ancillotti
Psicologia Forense
-Serial Killer louco ou cruel-Ilana Casoy
-Mentes Perigosas - O Psicopata  - Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva
-Linguagem das Emoções-Paul Ekman
-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães
-Inteligência visual-Amy E.Herman
-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini
-Manual de Persuasão do FBI - Jack Shafer
-Oratória-Reinaldo Polito
-Adestramento Inteligente
-Como Criar o Cao Perfeito Desde - Cesar Millan
-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzA
-Raciocínio Lógico Passo A Passo -Cabral,Luiz Claudio; Nunes, Mauro César
-The illustrated guide to the world's top counter-terrorist forces-Samuel M.Katz
-Bushido (o Código do Samurai)-Daidoji Yuzan
-A Arte da guerra-Sun Tzu
-O Livro dos Cinco Anéis-Miyamoto Musashi
-Charlie Oscar Tango-Eduardo Betini e Fabiano Tomazi
-Oscar Alfa-Fabiano Tomazi
-Elite da tropa- André Batista, Rodrigo Pimentel e Luiz Eduardo Soares
-Falcão Negro em Perigo-Mark Bowden
-Não há dia fácil-Mark Owen
-Seal team six -Howard E.Wasdin & Stephen Templin
-Diário de um policial-Diógenes Lucca
-COE Comandos e Operações Especiais-por Luis Augusto Pacheco Ambar (Autor), Guto Ambar (Fotógrafo)
-Matar ou Morrer-Conte Lopes
-Rota 66-Caco Barcellos
-Thoughts of a Sniper-Vasily Zaitsev
-O diário de Guantánamo- Mohamedou Ould Slahi
Crime Organizado
-A Guerra: a ascensão do PCC e o mundo do crime no Brasil-Bruno Paes Manso e Camila Nunes Dias
-Laços de Sangue. A História Secreta do PCC-Marcio Sergio Christino & Claudio Tognolli
-Quatrocentos Contra um (uma Historia do Comando Vermelho)- William da Silva Lima
-Tom Clancy - A Caçada ao Outubro Vermelho
-Tom Clancy - A Soma de Todos os Medos
-Tom Clancy Morto ou Vivo
-Scarpetta - Patricia Cornwell
-Dexter - Design de um Assassino - Jeff Lindsay
-Querido e Devotado Dexter - Jeff Lindsay
-Duplo Dexter - Jeff Lindsay
-Guerreiro Mais Mortal
-Sniper: Deadliest Missions(Sniper:Atiradores de Elite (BR))
-Generais em guerra-National Geographic
-SAS Survival Secrets
-Arma Humana (Human Weapon)-The History Channel
-Por Dentro do Mossad-Duki Dror
-Terrorismo atentados frustrados - Netflix
-Medalha de honra-Netflix
-The secrets of seal team six(Secretos de los SEALS VI(espanhol))
-COMBATES AÉREOS(Dogfights)-History Channel
-Preparados para o fim do mundo -National Geographic
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deltondemarestarts · 2 years
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“Walk along Smith” Oil on panel, 8”x8” Available, Dm for inquiries #oilpainting #oilpaint #smith #denver #studiopainting #walk #deltondemarest #limitedpalette #8x8 #allaprima (at Delton Demarest Arts) https://www.instagram.com/deltondemarest/p/CZF4ThQlrQt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ksstradio · 3 years
Lester Paul “Pat” Flora, Jr
Lester Paul “Pat” Flora, Jr
Graveside services for Lester Paul “Pat” Flora, Jr., age 78, of Como, will be held at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, January 2, 2021 at Cypress Cemetery with Bro. Stephen Smith and Bro. Ray Wilson officiating. Pallbearers will be Sam Miller, Richard Lovorn, Delton McBride, Kyle Williams, Mike Flora, and Eddie Flora. Visitation will be held from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m., prior to service, at West Oaks Funeral…
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longrocksonthebeach · 5 years
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1. The Stark Reality - Bustin' Out of Doors
2. R.G. Star - Fetish
3. Noah - Got to Get Away
4. Hyla Parker - Joe
5. E.T. White and his Great Potential Band - Loosen Up
6. Newman's Inc. - Think it Over
7. Cardell Funk Machine - It's All Over
8. Mark Tucker - Sultry Summer Siren
9. Lonnie Smith - Spinning Wheel
10. The Ramada Singers - Inflation
11. The Josh Noland Guitar Duo - Funky Blues
12. Larry Ray - Summertime
13. O'Seis - Suicida / Apocolipse
14. Jessie Belvin - Beware
15. Gemenis - Mejor Dejame
16. Roy "C" - Open Letter to the President
17. Swingin' Medallions - Double Shot (Of My Baby's Love)
18. Deltones Ltd. - You Don't Believe I Love You
19. Larry Buffa - Forever
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hermanwatts · 4 years
Miami Vice: Viking Bikers from Hell
  A case can be made that Miami Vice was the quintessential crime show of the 1980s. The show caught my notice in 1984 when home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I watched episodes on rerun in summer 1985 and made the effort to watch the second season. The show was stylish with the sun, glamor, pastels, cars, music.
Somewhere along the line I lost interest by the third season. That is how I missed “Viking Bikers from Hell.” It originally aired April 3, 1987. It did not help that Miami Vice ran at 9:00 P.M. Eastern on Friday nights. I was generally going out at that time.
What makes the episode interesting is John Milius wrote it as “Walter Kurtz.” John Milius: writer for Dirty Harry, Jeremiah Johson, Dillinger, Magnum Force, The Wind and the Lion, Apocalypse Now, Conan the Barbarian, Red Dawn, Extreme Prejudice, Farewell to the King, Geronimo: An American Legend, Rough Riders. He also directed some of those movies. In between, he wrote a T.V. episode for a hugely popular show. Dick Wolf and Michael Duggan wrote the teleplay from Milius’ story.
Opening scene with northern warrior statue. Reb Brown plays Reb Gustafson who has just gotten out of prison. His boss, Edward “The Wire” Constantine is dead, killed by Sonny Crockett (Don Johnson). Reb had a strong fraternal bond with The Wire. He goes on a killing spree taking out anyone that could be connected with the death of The Wire. Reb appears to have exploding bullets in his pistol. A crossbow is used in one hit. He uses a rifle for a long range shot in another.
Sonny Crockett is on the list for elimination. Crockett has to take out Reb before he gets him.
There are some recurrent items you see in John Milius stories. Red mentions reading Nietzsche in prison. Milius used the famous “That which does not kill us” quote at the beginning of Conan the Barbarian. A prison psychiatrist compares Reb to Genghis Khan. Milius used the “Crush your enemies, drive them before you, and hear the lamentation of their women” quote by Genghis Khan in Conan. Red Dawn opens with the school teacher describing the Khan’s hunt as Soviet paratroopers begin to land. Reb mentions going to Valhalla.
The best Milius stories are about men from civilization who become hard in the wilderness. Conan the Barbarian does have a certain passionate fandom but Milius just did not get Robert E. Howard. His taking the barbarian into civilization did not work as well.  Reb Gustafson is an atavism, a throwback to reavers of a bygone age.  He manages to shoot Tubbs who takes a head wound. Still not sure what sort of round Red is firing with the explosion and sound like a cannon.
There is a final showdown. First a S.W.A.T. team corners the bikers in their hideout. The shootout is a bit hokey and over the top. Reb escapes to have his showdown with Sonny Crockett hand to hand. Crockett manages to shoot Red with two gut shots with his backup. The backup pistol is a .45. I would think two shots to the gut with a .45 ACP would put him down. I just had a retired U.S. Marshal tell me about a case of a criminal taking 14 9 mm rounds before being put down. So, there might be cases of someone taking a .45 slug and still come at the shooter.
“Viking Bikers from Hell” is a curiosity when examined in comparison to other works by John Milius. You watch the episode looking for Milius Easter Eggs.
Reb Brown is tall and muscular. He is also too wholesome to play a hardened killer biker. Clancy Brown (Kurgan in Highlander) has that aura of menace and would have been my choice.
Smith & Wesson 645. Johnson had the 10 mm Bren 10 the first two seasons. This was brand new. .45 ACP.
Deltonics Combatmaster. Don Johnson carried this in an ankle holster. .45 ACP.
Desert Eagle Mark 1. Reb Brown carries this. .357 Magnum.
Wilson Combat Smith & Wesson 3000 shotgun. Carried by Tubbs.
Franchi Spas-12 gauge.
Smith & Wesson M76. 9 mm.
Colt Model 733. 5.56 x 45 mm.
Remington Model 7400.
Music: Jan Hammer provided background music. In some scenes, there is guitar that sounds to my ear by that of 1980s Jeff Beck. Hammer had played with Beck since the late 70s. They did a live album together. The opening theme to the show was a top 40 hit in 1985. The is Jeff Beck playing the guitar. The first time Beck had been on the U.S. singles chart since 1969 with Donovan (Goo Goo Barabajagal).
George Thorogood and the Destroyers’ “Who Do You Love” is played in the biker bar scene. There is a song “Valhalla” by Chris Barr (?). Simply Red’s “Heaven” is used. During the shootout with the S.W.A.T. team, I thought the music sounded like The Damned. Sure enough, “Tightrope Walk” was used. Taken from the album Anything which is the one Damned album I don’t have. The Damned had been popular after their Phantasmagoria album in 1985 with the songs “Shadow of Love” and “Grimly Fiendish” getting lots of airplay on college radio. 
You can watch episodes of Miami Vice at NBC.com.
  Miami Vice: Viking Bikers from Hell published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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dougmeet · 3 years
SMC Clusterf***: Richmond Inn & Suites, Baton Rouge, La. Only Good Ol' Boy Hotel Group in Shreveport -- Hotels for Walmart Corp. -- Could Have Anti-White GM, Trudi Veals, F***-up The 'One-car Funeral' Which Was My 10-month Stay ...UNTIL BLACK JANITOR & COP EVICTED ME CHRISTMAS 2020!
(via Who Kicks Out Hotel Guest During Pandemic? Wyndham Hotels Richmond Inn & Suites GM Trudi Veals Baton Rouge LA, Owner SMC Hotels Group, President Delton Smith, Trademark Collection : mrjyn : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive)
Richmond Inn & Suites, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 225-924-6500 Front Desk, 24 Hours, Trudi Veals, GM
In retaliation with protection of owners, SMC Hotels Group, Wyndham Hotels Resorts, Trademark Collection, a concerted campaign of Constructive, Self-Help Eviction and Violation of Federal , CDC Eviction Moratorium, 12.27.2020, this commemorates Trudi Veals first extortive influence of former Front Desk Clerk, Faith, her first principal conspirator.
Faith tried what the Janitor did succeed, in temporarily impressing a sullen -- from censure -- Trudi Veals had her  momentum halted by superior,  Senior Vice President of Hotel Holding company, SMC Hotels Group, John Holmstrom, who upon hearing from an ex-employee through me what had been happening, had ordered Veals to fire her Assistant, Faith, but because of Faith's faithful efforts in helping her boss, Trudi’s illegal force-out of long-term tenant (me), Veals refused, with a tbsp of lies, and with that, crossed the line of no-return, forcing, on the morning after, a pall   throughout the employees faces.  And they all blamed me, courtesy of the rumor-mongering Trudi Veals.
Dispatch one employee to preserve stability, assuage a resident offended is necessary business to corporate execs, and if they happen to stop the personally motivated machinations  of an employee like Trudi Veals, which they had no idea existed, then all the better.  Whether it was rabidly disputed, although well-known among her confidants and helpers, they knew she was lying because they’d blown it and given her free reign.
For Trudi, just groom another assistant in the final intimidation -- the same spoiled dinner which put her appetite down -- only whetted it now.
Commission, as agent of Hotel, someone with no authority, who could then be explained away as acting autonomously in whatever foolish, non-procedural lunacies he decided of his own to commit, as  what occurred with the janitor, whom she picked as her favorite, one day after Christmas Holiday Weekend,  standing in my hall among his posse commitatus, all in the presence of a silently nodding BRPD, as if to say to any question I definitely had about the absurdity of this shitshow of authority, “... n da tom perrod'f tree our  firm nah (read in Jamaican patois) ...” officer nodding, there wouldn't be an answer. Just a command by the janitor to vacate, as a paid in full, with no court writ or order or notice to leave, to pack and be gone in three hours during the height of COVID-19 lockdown and Presidential Eviction Moratorium, December 27, 2020 -- 10 months since I had, a tenant in good standing occupied legally the dwelling at Richmond Inn & Suites, Baton Rouge, La.
Flight of Ideas and Magic Thought with a virulent predilection of her fantastical imaginings; her inability to control her trait -- relating as fact, lies of incredible construction, Dalian Hotel Policies of absurdity meant to entertain her during these manic episodes which, if confronted, she would blithely revisit, delighting herself again in her shock at admitting, ‘yes, it was all true,’ --  the grievances at Richmond Inn & Suites  left unaddressed for at least the year I was there were accommodated under the management of Trudi Veals.
Two coequal haints visit themselves upon unsuspecting whitebread rubes causing chaotic dustdevils of indeterminate origin.
What number in a year?
How many in a decade?
Of what percentage in the recent past did she dispense with issues in precisely this manner?
Veals enjoyed (as i would see it perpetrated) the $250 assessment.
A rainbow of dreaming washes over me to see its filthy lucre pour from tablespoons of sugar which Trudi administers herself and stirs in that same Macbeth Witches cauldron, while she is now rendered diabetic, debited of limbs and digits -- payment for criminality which through mawkish tears to a shrill interlocutor, she will respond in her Video Sentencing, as the culmination of a life in hospitality.
Inhospitable. No matter, Judge, nor Virtual Jury, Habeas Corpus Delecti, let him / her / it prevail.
That when HIS HONOR enter through Virtual Gallery his Courtroom, Hizzoner, heard bursting from Bailiff, virtual or corporeal, motions remanding  to house arrest, not withstanding, an ankle device shackles, which she did through counsel plead, too much like slavery its burden, her ankles hurting; unto which, adjudged too late, she fell prostrate, her clangorous show farced, and from request of referent obdurate did the Seersucker clown, whose Public Defense came from her diminution of payment -- she was entitled to her Constitutional Right to an attorney --  provided freely by the court, from the unrefined cowshed, overburdened, he couldn't remember which case was hers again -- from his car, to his watch, to his heels -- and through motions improper to a stickler at home for Kramer Vs. Kramer, but not in this Federal District Court of Appeals, appellate counsel for appellant to Bard of the Bench, his days at Harvard and Oxford and his rise through the ranks, horsehair wigs, robes, bibs and gavels,
Criminal barristers will keep wigs and gowns, as the Lord Chief Justice intends to keep the current court dress in criminal proceedings. The Bar is a single advocacy profession with specialisation in particular practice areas. There is logic in having the same formal court dress, where formality and robes are required, for criminal and civil barristers... There is strong identification of the Bar of England and Wales in the public's mind and its formal dress nationally and internationally.
to Justice whose scales weild equal to the malice practiced by those whose Liberty it steals, the gavel heard in the Barrister’s Vatican, like a Solomonic Revelation brought from  unsealing  those Seven Seals -- no Branch Davidian to waste judgement further,  enthroned, not  by Holy Rood,, but Terrible Swift Sword -- the Word of Law -- and before it ,she ask Mercy, which jurisprudence disinclines, a Judicial Granting on what she was standing, on grounds that she just couldn't stand up much longer,  Honorable man in the robe she did cling to as he floated on issue to his decision, a final declination to a continuance deemed by  court; that, And hereby, on this day, now, Say:
By preponderance of irrefutable evidence and with special circumstance, a verdict of guilty, through choice of Defendant --  wishing no man to judge her, but the eminence through Law Whom Ruleth Equal  All. No Prejudice Nor Fear, did he set down sentence which should end thus: To a term no longer than that which Defendant should be incarcerated, as to  the amount of days and nights in moral turpitude she squandered her victims, he rendered the craven acts with special malice and cruelty of intent, as a mere agent Lessor of Lodgement, an Innkeeper, unlawfully with deprivation in violation of Plaintiff’s Covenant of Peaceful Existence, did she relieve.
And so by Order of the Court, she SHALL serve out her sentence under the overpass where the I-10 ends in a maze of Los Angeles’s Skid Row, in a tent where she be remandered, although not really standard, under the lowermost overhanging awning, in a place of habitation -- already, before her, the I-10 so loud and fumid, where she'd be able to think clearly throughout the ordeal.
Warranty durable, should it of necessity in its fulfillment of determinant, subsection policy of coverage to which no clause, nor likelihood of risk amortization, through those Great Bodies of Bayesian Logic, Probability Statisticians, managed to assess that which boldness demurred, with warning our proclivity of enjoyment, times of danger and lack of inhibition, such courageousness wasted of adrenalized wash, natural narcosis, which we enjoy, compared with our duty to dispatch one-quarter century of pent-up niggling, as visited our frustration, whose credit shall present us who read this, no obloquy which I caused, you hear, as that to same degree, I shall enjoy a fireplace on the side of the transcontinental dedicatory slab to the movement of all our narcotics, this land, from its West to its East, an hyperbolic Woody Guthrie pharma-colonized mixture, which is our land now, and made for you and me.
In the deep, wretched South of my birth, says Barry Hannah -- wretched, but, still howling -- like the dinning rubber meeting road of Mario Andretti on nights you hear high-whining Formulae, its Straightaway Quarters where races are won; cacophonous to God -- to the Devil such an idea of fun -- inner-perturbation become discomfit as in dreaming,  you find yourself lost in its midst, the ringing never respite,  tintinnabulation -- this starts, so you now do, clangorous noise you weren't dreaming, remember the concept of Hearth, warm like home, your stay it may see you through this place, the same way as Religion absolves, guarantees of mortals to Glory and Promise of sinning, wanting you commit  your memory as Gospel, when you from sweating awaken into a sub-tropical destination, at 90 degrees humidity, it's really not the heat, it's the torpidity which require strong one-two punch to cough-up your lunch, from economy of motion lost is gained 90 degrees insight whose side of the Highway is not paved with gold, nor paved with  sound barriers, when looking across, it is seen, the thing which precludes  asking aloud when outside, but which would provide perfect protection from eavesdropping G-Men tailing John Gotti and Sammy the Bull, who loved nothing more than eluding them through Bridge and Tunnel traffic massing upon Little Italy Gravy Joints,  FBI packing in for home; the other side, where I, from my third story watch as you, like the painting by Munch, I cannot hear, but the shape of your mouth is as though you appear, ready to scream.
I know because it happened to me, I, like you, now also deafened by sounds only Eviller ears hear, they abound on both sides of the Slab, I-10, where you hear -- its squeals, through the name of the One, it to you hearkens with dread, and dead cursed squall, its sequel, again, and once more, it screams: Trudi Veals!
You late check-ins may wish her, or beware (by reading) The Curse of Richmond Inn & Suites, a Wyndham Hotels and Last Resort Trademark Collection, or the story of Trudi Veals. She is most simply recognized by her bromidic, counterfeit deficiency of presence, resembling the Executive doubles, who, saved by the Plague and its Social Distancing, indispensable to onerous owners of Inns and Suites which are inhospitable and untenable, and cannot be defended. Though Katrina would finish a Century of Death denied it by five years with interest, and finally restore it through penalty of profiteering, abusive mobs, unlike the present Gallows Humored fable, 'Ring Round the Rosie,' illustrative of Corporate Raiders and bottom-tier Hoteliers, whose review provides, simply through teetering acquisition by newly installed CEO, for reasons illustrated by its janitor, Mike, with two unopposable thumbs, the minimum rating it can receive is 'Two Thumbs Down.' SMC Clusterfuck, only Good Ol' Boy Hotel Investment Group of the Shreveport Country Club, Marina, building Hotels for Sam, over to Alabama, Walmart Corp., right in their back yard, who through anti-white racist tending by a General Manager of one-quarter century employ, Mrs.Trudi Veals, to fuck up the 'one car funeral' which was my brief 10-month stay at his lodge,  Richmond Inn & Suites, a Wyndham Trademark no one wants to steal. But everyone wants to read what really went on in the NEW Hospitality Horror Mystery Novella:  The Curse of Richmond Inn & Suites Repeats - a Trademark Collection John Holmstrom, through what strikes me as sensible,  and intuitive in his initial resistance in support for Trudi Veals -- refusing to authorize her request to evict me over what was transparently fallacious.
but President, Delton Smith, Number One Son of great old man Henderson Smith who has just passed, to carry on a family business with as much respect, courtesy, decorum, and hospitality, as a preppy rich kid in a Beemer, wheeling through cherry-picked gig of 8 years at the Hyatt®, a riot of paychecks, nothing really his, everything free to take, the helm, the Presidency of Boards and even Louisiana Hotel and Lodge Association (a derelict clubhouse), even the spotlight at the Socialite event of the Season, marrying another Shreveporter, Dame of Vassar, probs.  Together through wealth and throwing money at things, may their short time together, as they settle down in a place, well, since they both hate it there, it is excellent indeed, that Delton's a Hotelier.
Grandson of former Times section editor feted at engagement party Maggie Martin Shreveport Times  Elegant black and gold invitations requested the presence of friends at the Nov. 10 engagement party for Delton Smith and Caroline Wiggins, who marry on the most glittery of evenings — New Year's Eve.Invitees gathered at the Pierremont area  home of Dr. Kurt and Prissy Grozinger with others co-hosting.
It was an evening to remember with lamb chops on the dining room table and fried oysters passed by wait staffers, the talked about offerings of the evening.
Smith and Wiggins met through mutual friends, and Smith proposed at Capella Resort near Singapore. 101 is a lucky number for
Capella as well as promising 101 alluring waterfront accommodations, the hotel opened
its doors on 10.1 - October 1st
The two went were there for wedding of friends Smith met when he worked in the city. Smith is in hotel development and Wiggins is manager at Poppy's Monograms.More:
Fireworks surprise newlyweds after Coushatta reception
Smith's parents are Harrison and Cissie King Smith. His maternal grandmother is the late Beverly King Hand, a former Times editor well remembered for revising a Times style section. The bride's parents are Susie Wiggins, of Shreveport, and Pat Wiggins.Spotted in the crowd: Brian A. and Ginny King Homza, Drs. David and Carol Clemons, George and Clare Nelson, Bobby and Maura Pugh, Andy Querbes, Gary and Lisa Love, Dr. Charles and Katherine Sale, Lounelle Black, Mary Patrick Baucum, Bill and Nancy Broyles and the groom's paternal grandparents Shelby and Adelaide Smith. Maggie Martin is a Times reporter/columnist. She can be reached by calling 820-7404. Email: [email protected].
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fuckin dickhead who is a dumbass bullyhes such a fuckin delton
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dougmeet · 3 years
Who Kicks Out Hotel Guest During Pandemic? Richmond Inn & Suites Trudi Veals, SMC Delton Smith, Wyndham Resorts Trademark Hotels Collection
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dougmeet · 3 years
Who Kicks Out Hotel Guest During Pandemic? Richmond Inn & Suites Trudi Veals, SMC Delton Smith, Wyndham Resorts Trademark Hotels Collection
Who Kicks Out Hotel Guest During Pandemic? Richmond Inn & Suites Trudi Veals, SMC Delton Smith, Wyndham Resorts Trademark Hotels Collection
Who Kicks Out Hotel Guest During Pandemic? Richmond Inn & Suites Trudi Veals, SMC Delton Smith, Wyndham Resorts Trademark Hotels Collection Who Kicks Out a Hotel Guest During a *Pandemic? Richmond Inn & Suites Trudi Veals, SMC Delton Smith, John Holmstrom, Wyndham Hotels Trademark Collection December 27, 2020 Illegal eviction: Richmond Inn & Suites, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, College…
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tfc2211 · 4 years
01 - A Real Good Time - Eddie Clearwater 02 - She Likes To Boogie Real Low - Frankie Lee Sims 03 - My Baby's A Good Un - Otis Rush 04 - Twirl - Little Luther 05 - Ride With Me - Little Sonny 06 - Little By Little - Junior Wells 07 - Please Don't Tell Me Now - Dean & Jean 08 - Jersey City - Bobby Long 09 - Killer Diller - Jimmy Breedlove 10 - Arkansas Jane - The Millionaires 11 - Hey Hey Baby - Otis Redding 12 - Betty Jean - Harold Burrage 13 - Little Red Riding Hood - Bunker Hill 14 - Tootles - Lenny Capello 15 - Hobo - J.D. Edwards 16 - Big Leg Woman - Guitar Nubbit 17 - Sippin' Sorrow - Pearl Woods 18 - The Dances - Phil Flowers 19 - Security - The Lovers (Tarheel Slim & Little Ann) 20 - Can't Stop Movin' - Johnny Chef 21 - Ramblin' Man - Larry Donnell 22 - Yes Baby - George Smith 23 - Tell Me Who - Bobo Jenkins 24 - Who's In The Shack - The Barons 25 - Raise Some 'San - Jay Nelson 26 - Running Shoe - Juke Boy Bonner 27 - They Just Rocking & Rolling - V & BB 28 - Baby Let's Play House - The Thunderbirds 29 - Come Back Uncle John - Big John Greer 30 - Bow Legged Annie - The Deltones Featuring The Gypsy 31 - Leave My Kitten Alone - Little Willie John 32 - This I Gotta See - Willie B 33 - There Ain't Nothing Better -Jimmy Witherspoon & Gal Friday
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