#Detali Gamble
sapphicccici · 2 months
I drew Detali losing her arm because I'm a slut for amputation whump. Enjoy
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(if literally one person likes this I'll write about how she lost it)
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sapphicccici · 2 months
Gladiator Whump
This is more canon backstory for my OC Detali Gamble, who is a beserker barbarian. She and Cossim Vect are prisoners who are forced to be gladiators. This is about their first fight!
Also today is Cossim's birthday. Everyone say happy birthday Cossim! <3
content warnings: whump, (non permanent) character death, blood, coughing up blood, gladiator fights, barbarian typical rage, guns, sci fi violence, gore
“You motherfucker,” Detali screamed. “I’m gonna fucking end you!”
“How ‘bout you come over here and try it?” Cossim challenged in an infuriatingly smug tone.
Cossim raised his pistol and fired, and even through the adrenaline Detali could feel the sting in her side where the shot made contact.
“Don’t be so fucking cocky,” she growled at him
She rushed forward, swinging her gun in a broad swipe at his head. He raised a hand and the hit shattered a force shield that hadn’t been there a moment ago.
Detali snarled. The next two hits had Cossim landing hard in the dust.
Fear flashed across his face before he produced a small object from a pouch on his waist and chucked it at her. It magnetized to her gun and began to pulse and buzz, and within seconds her gun was glowing crimson.
She cried out and dropped it, her hands already red and burning.
Cossim grinned proudly, his smile now red and missing a few teeth, and wiped at his bleeding nose.
Rage burned in her stomach.
He thinks he’s so fucking clever.
She ripped her handaxe from her belt.
Well, clever can’t do shit against this.
Her axe thunked into Cossim's stomach. She could barely hear him screaming over the roar of her audience.
“No more snarky comments?”
He coughed uselessly and tried to kick her, but it didn’t land.
“Huh?” Detali leaned down close to his face as she ripped the axe from his stomach. He had pretty eyes, even when his pupils were dilated with terror. “Sorry, hun, I didn’t get that. Try again.”
She straightened and brought the axe down again, this time landing it square in the center of his chest. Her boot pressed down on the butt of the axe, pushing it deeper until there was a satisfying crack. Cossim shuddered and coughed one last time, then went still. Blood leaked from the corners of his slack lips.
“That’s what I thought.”
As camera drones swooped in to get a good close-up of the carnage, a twang of guilt pulled at her chest. She kneeled and closed his eyes with bloody fingertips, leaving streaks of red down his face.
This one was fun, she thought. I hope he sticks around.
She stood and raised her arms to the crowd, soaking in their applause, and she smiled.
“Everyone, our victor: Medusa!”
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sapphicccici · 2 months
OC Intros !!
All of my characters are currently in prison at a place called "Neostage". Neostage is luxurious. It doesn't seem like a prison. The prisoners are treated as celebrities but are forced to fight each other to the death each month like gladiators. The more popular and profitable are brought back to life and the least marketable/popular die permanently.
Neostage and the universe it belongs to were created by my amazing creative and talented girlfriend @kabie-whump
Detali Gamble 🐍
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Detali is a girlboss. She is in prison for murder, but if you ask her it was vigilante justice. She murdered men who abused women, and she wasn't caught until her 8th kill.
Listen to her playlist here.
Makkel Dextri ☄️
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Makkel was created by @kabie-whump and she did this portrait!
Makkel was arrested for smuggling. He is a big softie despite what you would usually see about him in media. He is undefeated in neostage. He is always the last man standing.
You can listen to his playlist here.
Cossim Vect 🧨
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Cossim was created by @kabie-whump and she also made this portrait!!
Cossim was arrested for building and selling weapons (mostly bombs). He is a fuckboy (I say with love). He has a special arrangement with his only sponsor, Noroshi Industries, where he can work on developing tech and weapons while in neostage. He frequently loses fights :/
Listen to his playlist here.
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sapphicccici · 2 months
For Detali - 7, 26, 29
7. How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they have an accent? Do you have any voice claims for them
I guess I've never mentioned this here! Detali has a soft, high voice and a southern accent. Like, a nice North Carolina southern belle. This accent is pretty prevalent where she is from; her family has it very strong, and so does she.
Cossim has a teensy bit of the same accent, mostly showing when he's caught off guard or frustrated.
They live on a terraformed moon because they're home planet was (supposedly) wiped out in a solar flare about 200 years ago. The population of the moon is much smaller than a planet would have, but it is overpopulated. I imagine a lot of diverse people with different languages and accents moved here before the flare, and its all kinda meshed into one language that the whole moon speaks universally, but I think a lot of people try really hard to keep up their cultures and languages at home, so there are many accents.
I chose southern mostly because she is a dnd character and her voice is my voice, and I can do a southern accent because I'm from the south, but it also just fits her so well. She's a belle and feminine rage sounds so nice in that accent.
26. How polite is your oc? Do they do everything with the utmost courtesy, or do they completely refuse to say please and thank you?
It straight up depends on who you are and what energy you give her first. As a baseline, she is very polite, but if you piss her off she is very rude and hostile, and she holds grudges. Sometimes she uses politeness as a backhanded weapon to those who she doesn't respect. She definitely calls people baby to demean them but also as a term of endearment and it might be hard to tell the difference.
29. If your oc was in a video game, what would their idle animation be? (When the player stays still for too long, the animation that plays.)
Bouncing on her toes, stretching her shoulders, fiddling with her mechanical arm, or checking her makeup in a little compact mirror. A very rare one would be putting on perfume, like a spray and shimmy situation.
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sapphicccici · 2 months
My First Whump Post
This is canon backstory for my OC Detali Gamble, who is a beserker barbarian. She and Makkel Dextri (caretaker) are prisoners who are forced to be gladiators. She lost her arm in a gladiator fight, and has to deal with the repercussions :)
Tags: Female Whumpee, Mute Caretaker, Post Amputation Whump, Defiant Whumpee, Institutional Whump, (lowkey) Suicidal Whumpee
Detali stared at the juice. The cap was screwed on tightly, which would’ve been no problem for her just hours ago. Dr. White had told her she should be grateful at how quickly technology was able to heal her. She had told him to fuck off.
She raised the cap to her mouth and bit down hard, and tried to unscrew it. She struggled for several minutes, before slamming the juice onto the table.
Makkel looked over the counter, concern written clearly on his face.
“Sorry.” She grumbled. “I didn’t mean to be loud.”
She tried again to tackle the juice, this time tucking it under the nub of what used to be her right arm to hold it steady while unscrewing the cap with her left hand. She struggled for a minute, grunting with the effort.
Makkel slowly approached her and reached out his hand for her to hand it over to him.
“No,” Detali huffed. “I want to do it myself.”
He nodded, and stepped back.
She squeezed the bottle harder into her armpit, and finally twisted the bottle enough to hear the click sound of the cap releasing. Then the bottle emptied itself into her lap.
She finally snapped. Rage swarmed her body, white hot and loud.
She growled, standing and chucking the bottle as hard as she could at the wall. She screamed and kicked her chair, toppling it over. She shoved the table with so much force that it screeched against the ground. She didn’t care. She screamed as she started picking up things off of the table, flinging them at the walls.
“I fucking hate it here!” She spat. Tears streamed down her face. “I should’ve just died! Why can’t you fuckers just let me die!”
She screamed again and shoved the table harder, toppling it over and shattering the glass tabletop.
A guard approached her, his taser raised. “Ms. Gamble that is enough. Stand down.”
Detali followed as much force as she could muster through her body, until her fist connected with his face.
The guard fell back onto the floor, wiping blood from his nose before standing and running away.
Suddenly, she felt large arms surrounding her.
“No! Let me go!” She punctuated every word with a punch into the arms that were holding her.
The arms turned her around, tucking her head into their chest. With surprise she looked up to see Makkel holding her.
“Makkel let me go, please.” She sobbed. “I don’t want to be here, Makkel, please.”
A tear streamed down Makkel's cheek as he dropped to his knees, pulling her down into his lap.
She sobbed intelligibly into his chest as he stroked her hair. The fight drained from her body with each stroke.
Footsteps pounded down the hallway, crunching on glass as they entered the room. Detali looked up to see six guards standing with tasers ready, surrounding her and Makkel.
Makkel held up a hand and lifted his other hand to hold her tighter, shielding her face from the guards.
“Dextri’s got her.” The guard with the bleeding nose announced to the group. “She shouldn’t be any more trouble to us.”
They stepped back, and turned to walk away. One guard looked back, making eye contact with Makkel. He nodded, and she turned and left the two of them sitting on the floor.
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sapphicccici · 2 months
WoW Birthday Whump: Day 3
crying/ parting words regret/ "why...?"
This is more canon story of my barbarian oc Detali Gamble! It includes Cossim Vect, and Makkel Dextri. The three of them are a polycule and also prisoners who are forced to be gladiators and fight each other to the death :)
This also comes directly before my post from Day One !
Content: Forced to whump, Multiple whumpees, character death (!!), blood, improper use of guns, barbarian typical rage, male whumpee, female whumpee, mute caretaker, needles, drugs, head injuries, institutional whump, celebrity whumpee, defiant whumpee
“One last kiss, Tali?”
Detali’s heart skipped a beat.
She stopped, gun held above her head, ready to deliver a fatal blow.
Cossim looked up at her from where he kneeled. His hair stuck to his forehead, matted down by the mixture of hot desert sand and blood coming from his several head wounds. His honey-golden eyes held a sadness Detali couldn't place.
Finally she shook her head at him. “Never gonna happen, baby.”
She swung the gun down on his skull. Cossim’s head snapped forward with the force of the blow, and his body quickly followed, leaving him face down in the sand.
Crowds roared around them and camera drones swarmed the scene.
Detali looked up at her adoring fans, but did not smile.
Something's wrong.
Cossim never called her by her name during fights, only her stage name: Medusa. And Tali? That nickname? It was special– used only in the gentlest moments between them. Why would he call her that now?
Hands landed on Detali’s shoulders and ushered her through the stadium-turned-desert, and into an elevator. She turned, watching through the sliver of the doors closing behind her as Cossim’s body was lifted onto a stretcher.
The groan of machinery made her ears ring as the elevator began to descend. She took the moment to try and catch her breath, feeling the exhaustion seep into her bones. She always put her all into these fights. The warden had warned her what would happen if she were caught pulling her punches.
It felt like the elevator couldn't have moved any slower as Detali feared Cossim's fate. When they got out of the elevators, he would either be rolled to the right, to the infirmary, where they would resurrect him and he would be safe for another month, or they would roll his body to the left to the furnaces. Then…
The elevator door opened and she rushed out. She was met with a wall of cameras and microphones pushed into her face. She smiled as politely as she could muster as she caught sight of the stretcher.
Turn right, she silently urged. Please, turn right.
The stretcher turned left.
She snapped. She launched her body forward, screaming and shoving her way through reporters and guards.
“No! Stop!” She demanded.
Someone yanked her backwards, their arms wrapped tightly around her upper body, stopping all attempts at motion. She threw her head back in an effort to free herself but was met with a rock-solid chest.
“Let me go! Fuck off and let me go!”
She looked down at the arms wrapped around her. Tattooed black bands on the forearm confirmed her suspicions.
Makkel was trying to save her again.
She thrashed with all her might, but Makkel pulled her to the ground.
“He can't die! Please! It's his fucking birthday! Please!”
The prick of a needle stung in her neck. She felt the pressure of a fluid, a sedative probably, rush through her, making her dizzy.
She tried to lunge forward again as Makkel laid her on the floor.
Her vision started blurring at the edges, “Why? Why are you doing this?”
Makkel shook his head at her.
Tears pooled in her eyes. “I didn't-”
Makkel tucked his arms underneath her knees and neck.
“I didn't tell him,”
She was lifted from the floor.
She managed to whisper, “I didn't tell him I loved him,” before her vision finally went black.
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