#Donovan Dijak
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Dijak sawing a kendo stick across Ilja Dragunov's sliced neck to display Ilja's blood to him is a decent summary of the vibes of this NXT match.
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kurtisdefender · 3 months
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Dijak you are so handsome ❤️🕶️🦖
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caranoirs · 1 year
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NXT 25/04/2023
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mrawkweird · 2 years
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The hit has been put out.
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thedman0310 · 1 year
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This goes hard as FUCK
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ur-local-anxious-fiend · 10 months
these two boutta COOK in this match
had the pleasure to watch these two live at Vengeance Day 😌
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
So I did relent and watch a handful of matches of Battleground, essentially the ones I was told are really good. NA Title was good yeah, Gacy's better in ring than in gimmick but we gotta do something with Tyler Bate, I've never really vibed with Tiffany Stratton though, but the crowd loves her so good for her I guess. The main one I was after was Dijak vs Dragunov, it was meaty, not Anarchy in the Arena meaty but still really enjoyed it, either of these two men (plus Bate, who remember had bangers in NXT and Progress against him) plus could be feuding with GUNTHER right now for the IC title too just saying.
If I'm honest, it always feels like NXT shows are treated at a lower expectation than AEW and the main roster, and sure people can buy the rhetoric that NXT is 'developmental', but if a new wrestling company was formed and had talent like Dragunov, Dijak, Dragon Lee, Wes Lee, Tyler Bate, A-Kid, GYV, Meiko Satomura, Bea Priestley, Priscilla Kelly, Rok-C and Drew Gulak let alone the young stars in Bron, Melo, Ben Carter and the Creeds, it would not be called 'developmental'. But anyway, good matches.
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jennavieve9 · 2 years
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amgtoo · 1 year
Dijak has been grabbing his neck in pain for like 5 years. Is that man okay?
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kurtisdefender · 2 months
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Hi ! Here's a cute little drawing I did . It is Dijak being angry at Knuckles for loosing his match .Poor Knuckles feels sorry .😆❤️
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caranoirs · 1 year
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stacks pulling a "mr president!" outta nowhere to save d’angelo from getting locked in, [chef’s kiss] peak drama
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mrawkweird · 2 years
Donovan Dijack new gimmick. "The Big Hoss Man"
With a nightstick named T-Bar.
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grizzledyoungimpact · 4 months
Febuwhump Day #7: Suffering In Silence
Febuwhump 2024 February 7, 2024 Suffering In Silence Dijak/Ilyiana Dragunov (OC) Space Epic AU TW: Whipping
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The cold was harsh, so Ilyiana Dragunov knew that she needed to be harsher. It was a lesson that she had learned well growing up on the Uranian moon of Titania, a cold and foreboding place on the edge of the universe. There were no troops to protect those who lived on Titania like on other planets. They were left to themselves and the whims of the most powerful on the small moon.
For Titania, that most powerful was Chrisian Micheal Jakobi.
Jakobi ran the largest camp on Titania, treating the small work camp as if he were its king. Jakobi had trained the young Ilyiana and her older brother Ilja to be the coldest but most powerful soldiers he could. The training had been what most would consider barbaric, but to Ilyiana and Ilja it had only been second nature. It was simply what had made them into the soldiers they were. Under Jakobi's rule, they were to remain without emotion, without feeling.
That had been the biggest sin Ilyiana committed, learning to love another.
Donovan Dijak was a newcomer to the planet, a former prisoner from TrEs-2b, a very distant planet of eternal night. Jakobi had taken on the task of trying to tame the giant of a man. Ilyiana had been set across from Dijak on more than one occasion, acting as a sparring partner on Jakobi's order. What had been expressly forbidden by Jakobi was falling in love with your fellow soldiers.
Which is why Ilyiana currently stood stone faced as the crack of a whip, the crackle of its electric bite, was heard through the snow-laden landscape. Dijak had dared to kiss her.
Jakobi had seen his prized warrior locked in the kiss of the woman he considered to be his and had Dijak stripped and dragged out into the snow. Jakobi had ordered Ilja to carry out the sentence while Ilyiana watched. Strike after electric strike sounded and Ilyiana knew that her fellow soldier must be suffering. He had always complained about the cold of her home, about the way the lights seemed to shine across the snow. It was why he wore the dark glasses on his face all the time, to protect against lights that were too much. To be stripped for this punishment in the daylight without his glasses, in the cold of the tundra, it was his own personal hell.
Yet he did not scream and she did not beg.
Jakobi placed his hands on her shoulders from behind, leaning in close to whisper in her ear, "Do you see what you have done? You put him here, Ilyiana. Do you think I would allow you to have another?"
In her silence, the crack of the whip seemed to sound louder. Crystal tears fell down her face, but Ilyiana dared not speak. Her eyes met those of her brothers for a moment and Ilja quickly looked away. She knew of Ilja's own forbidden romance, a dancer from a traveling troop that had once visited their moon. Ilyiana would not speak of that. She would not give another thought to revealing her brothers own sins so that Jakobi would free her Dijak.
Another sound of the whip cracked, the smell of blood and sizzling skin heavy in the wind, and Jakobi spoke again. His left hand moved to her neck, still pressed close from behind, "You will remember your place, moi malenkiy pitomets. You are mine."
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