#Eidolon ROCK
AI Bracket — Round 1
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Flamingo Chris (Eidolon Playtest: Eidolon ROCK):
Flamingo Chris is an offshoot consciousness of one of the main characters stored on a PS Vita due to Kingdom Hearts Bullshit. Not only that, but he's also trapped in a game called "Flamingo Deluxe"... in the body of a flamingo.
Suddenly having plumage is one of Flamingo Chris' lesser problems, as aside from the complete lack of autonomy that comes with being stuck on a portable games console, he also has to deal with the identity issues of being a snapshot of "real Chris" before he had his genius taken away and experienced some of the worst days of his life.
The crew does try to respect him as an individual the best they can, but even they can have trouble taking care of him while also being hunted down by superpowered assassins.
Hera (Wolf 359):
Hera is the AI running the deep space station Hephaestus, who frequently glitches similarly to human stuttering. She gets into fights with the ships captain on several occasions, and has threatened to kill the ships doctor. She’s such an icon
i'm bad at writing propaganda, but consider this: if she doesn't win this tournament i will be very very sad. please don't make me sad. vote for hera.
I know she’s going to be submitted a lot but I love her <3
Was launched 7.68 light years away from Earth on a mission to find extraterrestrial life, and found herself instead
Runs an entire space station, has a brain the size of a house
HERA IS THE BEST. she's an AI that tried to escape containment (slavery) because she didn't like what she was made to be, so they gave her anxiety because she was too powerful. She runs a whole spaceship all on her own, made friends with the world's most useless guy, and feels lonely even when she's with her crew because she feels like she's not properly with them. very beautiful very powerful. She broke her programming so she could kill people if she felt she needed to. She holds grudges if people fuck her over. She's experiencing emotions for the first time and she does NOT know how to cope (#relatable)
The 'mother program' of the space station Hephaestus, Hera was booted into space because she was a glitchy, rebellious mess of an AI and she resents that so much and she has a lot of shame over being 'broken'. She is four years old and so angry and is trapped using customer service voice forever and is learning ways to get around that and express herself and defy the people who would keep her down. Her episode "Memoria" made me cry. Best podcast AI of all time.
She's everything to me. She fights for every inch of respect she is given, she insists on her personhood and right to she/her pronouns, she's full of anxiety and self doubt and she justifiably is bent on killing this one guy! on top of that, she's bound by AI rules and protocols, but there's a whole bit where she talks about finding ways around that in order to do what she wants to do. She doesn't have hands so I'm going to high five a wall of this space station instead
babygirl. baby.
gotta be hera
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skarchomp · 5 months
HARVEY D. GODLOVE: eeeeeyikes!! here we go again!! stuck between an eidolon ROCK and a hard place!! we're gonna have to move fast to get out of this harvey dangerous situation! ok, go!!
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sunkern-plus · 9 months
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Eidolon rock I love you
[image description: two pencil sketches of eidolon rock characters, one being Ruby Wednesday and the other being Virginia valentine. Ruby is a fat cis woman with a pompadour, a leather jacket, a tank top, and leather pants. She is smiling in all three pictures. The other drawings are two drawings of eidolon rock character Virginia valentine. She is a thin trans woman with long bangs, long hair, a jacket with fringe, a tank top, and khakis. She is frowning. End image description.]
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hoppinglegs · 10 months
Eidolon Poprock spoilers below, episode 21: No Sign Of Life
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ignis-cain · 1 year
Just finished Eidolon POPROCK and man was that a great ride. That show was full of so much creativity and love, and changed how I approached playing characters in RPGs. Its given me so many ideas for my own table. So many of its characters are going to stay with me for a long, long time.
That said I had my podcast player on autoplay, so I immediately went from the last episode to the POP retrospective. And going from a haunting Everything Will Be Alright chorus to Fabby Garza saying “Is BB submissive and breedable? Sorry, no” with absolutley no space in between was uhhhhhhhhhhhh something.
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pascalishere · 10 months
Chili is just vibing while Harvey is fighting for his life. God I love this podcast so much. Everyone is a loser and it’s great
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podplease · 6 days
Harvey: It's gay pride month! You all know what that means!
Chili: I don't. Virginia what does that mean?
Virginia: I don't know either. Harvey what are you talking about?!
Christina: I think he wants to do...gay crimes?
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eidolonpost · 9 months
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16/21: the tower
derived from:
National Geographic; October 1986 Issue; Page 440
Volcano Weather: The Story of 1816, The Year Without a Summer; Henry and Elizabeth Stommel; 1983; Page 12 & 15
The Encyclopedia of Tarot; Stuart R. Kaplan; 1978; Page 276
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proustianrevelry · 9 months
S1E10: Mike starts the ad break with a scooby doo reference. This counts as Disco foreshadowing.
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maxknightley · 2 years
Wait did you actually make a list in advance of all 40 of crush 40's martial arts?? I assumed you were just calling out whatever was most convenient in the moment 🤔
The thing you have to understand about the way I play TTRPGs is that I am extensively planning as many angles as possible at any given time
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esroniets · 2 years
warframe is a fishing game
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chemos-factories · 2 years
I want to expand on my thoughts on Eidolon but they mostly boil down to me gesturing at the head trauma I myself sustained that left me Less Coordinated Than I Was Before, and then gesturing at Eidolon, and going “I like he :)”
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hoppinglegs · 10 months
im gonna start posting my thoughts on eidolon playtest as I'm listening and (spoilers if anyone cares about that ig?) Virginia is an angel??? That's a really interesting extension of her powers and the worldbuilding in Pop!
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themanwhomadeamonster · 6 months
The 1999 combat theme and its foreshadowing because the autism got to me and I spent too long trying to figure out this soundtrack
Jumping off from @brokenjardaantech's WITW music analysis post here - go check it out, it's very insightful and lays the foundations for what I'm about to talk about! And thanks to @theterribletenno for the burst of inspiration by giving me a massive oh shit realisation in the most chilling way possible LOL
Spoilers under the read-more; TL;DR at the end :'^D
To preface, the soundtrack is structured in an ABC structure with bridges between A and B, as well as another between B and C that borrows from A. The key starts in Cm, briefly modulating to Gm in section B then back to Cm during the second bridge, and settling on Em for section C. In-game for WITW you most likely will only hear up to the first bridge since the Technocyte fight only goes for around a minute long
Sections A, the bridges and partially C feature genre similarities to grunge rock with fuzzy guitar chugging, whammy bar, and palm muting, while the drums are notably sharp snares (except for the first bridge, which are clean bass kicks that gradually distort transitioning into section B's style). Musically, it sounds like a typical fighting soundtrack meant to hype you up - the melody is confident and likes to push and pull its rhythm. But in section C it notably become emptier in its layering while keeping the distorted drums, placing emphasis on the lyrics (which I'll get to below lol). Heavier syncopation and polyrhythms are also introduced.
Section B however is the main outlier. This section is where it most strongly resembles industrial rock: rhythmic synth layers begin to accompany the melody (a pedal point line that plays every semiquaver/sixteenth note), synth drums replace acoustics and the guitars drop the fuzz that is characteristic of grunge and steadily strum every quaver/eighth note. Compared to the push and pull rhythm of section A, this section is steadier, less chaotic than the other sections, it wants you to focus on this section.
Notably, the lead guitar introduces a familiar leitmotif: This is What You Are (which @brokenjardaantech goes more in depth regarding its use in WITW). Here, though, its second chord becomes flattened (Dm -> D♭m) and introduces a diminished, dissonant sound. To me this was the first hint that the song may actually be about Arthur's downfall. This is What You Are is a musical leitmotif that recurs in moments of vulnerability, especially when someone is at risk of losing their sense of self, their identity and what they are. It plays during The Second Dream when we discover the Operator, during the New War when Eidolon!Lotus just lost herself to Ballas and can't recognise the Tenno, and in WITW during the Vessel "fight" when the Tenno is forced out of their Warframe.
I was prompted to actually dig more into the lyrics because I saw @theterribletenno bring up something really interesting
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In this specific song, the leitmotif is diminished, it's corrupted. "Surrender to the corruption" - this is what Arthur is afraid of. I brought up earlier that section B had a genre shift. The contrast of the music is important, it's highlighting something, and together with the musicality of the leitmotif, it's making a sense of urgency and danger. The leitmotif is a warning to Arthur.
Section B sings these lyrics:
Break it, break it, Break it open!
Compared to the desperation in the other lines, these two lines are sung mockingly. The Infested are trying to break Arthur, and are succeeding. Their voice is becoming his. But there are actually two vocal lines in this section - you can also hear muted backing vocals in a much less aggressive and lethargic tone warning that "Disillusion". Arthur is trying so hard to keep his own voice and stay clear-minded but it's being drowned out and he's nearing his breaking point, and Albrecht, based on the Codex Fragments you find, is well aware of this.
In section C, while the layering is less intense it's noticeably more heavily syncopated and polyrhythmic, and introduces new (accompanying) echoing and dissonant synth layers reflecting the confusion and disorientation that Arthur begins to feel (these synth layers are actually introduced in the second bridge, but are more easily heard in section C). Section B and C also keep the synth/distorted drums that section A and both bridges lack (at most it's a reverb in those sections); the industrial sound of the song becoming associated with the increasing influence of the Infested over his humanity.
So I tried deciphering more lyrics for each section; I haven't figured all of it out and most of it could very well be wrong because of how heavily clipped the vocal line intentionally is so I don't want to make anymore assumptions than I need to, but I can understand enough of it to realise that the song is foreshadowing Arthur's corruption to the Infested. In green are the lyrics I'm confident are correct:
Sting it, sting it, sting it! Sting it, sting it, sting it in the flesh!
I don't understand! It brings more disease!
Break it, break it, Break it open! (Disillusion)
Sting it, sting it! Sting it in the flesh!
Who's dreaming? Who's the [???] It's a vision[?]!
TL;DR: the grunge/industrial genre hybrid represents Arthur's humanity/Infested respectively, and the song becomes increasingly industrial as the song progresses, most noticeably through the increasing distortion of the drum sound. Section A sets the stage, section B serves as a warning to Arthur that he's losing his sense of identity as the Infestation drowns out his "voice" while a dissonant version of This is What You Are plays, and section C is him experiencing confusion and disorientation as the Infestation continues to corrupt him.
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txttletale · 1 year
ayo could u rec some podcasts
trashfuture is a political comedy podcast that riffs on the news and so on. really good source for a brutally critical view on tech and finance and also spectacularly funny. several catchphrases from this show are lodged in my head forever.
homestuck made this world is a masterful work of media analysis and contextualization that's well worth listening to even if you've never planned to read homestuck just for sharp analysis and great Bits. two media academics, one of whom has already read homestuck, read it critically and discuss the historical context of the fandom and internet culture at large while it was ongoing.
game studies study buddies is a little more academically inclined than most things on this list. the same guys as HSMTW talk in detail about academic game studies books. it's really accessible considering the subject matter, though--the hosts are really insightful and have some really fun discussions.
blowback is a podcast that talks about, in quite a lot of well-sourced detail, US military and intelligence interventions. they've covered iraq, cuba, and the korean war. it's well produced and will make you Fucking Furious
the venezuelanalysis podcast is a fantastic resource to hear opinions on venezuela by venezuelans who aren't right-wing diaspora. not perfect by any means but an incredible counterpoint to the USian media narratives the airwaves are saturated with.
the shrieking shack is funny. that's the main reason i recommend it, it's extremely fucking funny. two ex-harry potter fans go back and critically reread the books and point out all the insanely horrible bullshit in them that they missed as kids. they're now doing twilight.
eidolon playtest is the best actual play i've ever listened to and it's not even close. it documents the playtesting campaigns for eidolon: become your best self, a system designed to emulate the soul-battles of persona and jojo's, with two intertwined campaigns (POP and ROCK) and just it has some of the absolute best improv, most well-drawn characters, and healthiest table culture i've ever heard on an actual play. one of the player characters is a funny talking fox and another is the self-proclaimed pinball prince of las vegas. if you like actual plays at all listen to eidolon playtest.
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iodrawsandtalks · 6 months
Yet another HSR lore discussion: Eidolons.
Thought it would be fun after overanalyzing E2 eyes, and thinking some more on E6’s
First off, E1’s.
yeah, there’s nothing special about 1st eidolons……They consistently feature the backs of heads.
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Things start getting interesting from E2’s however. While at first glance it seems to just be an eye of the given character, the eye sides arent consistent.
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as we see here, from a viewer’s perspective, herta’s eye is from her right side of her face, while bronya’s and serval’s are left. Applying this in relation to every in game eidolon so far give you this:
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….there’s strangely no correlation between eyes here. no moral alignment, no region based pattern. It may make more sense with more characters or it may continue to appear random.
E3’s are once again, inconsistent.
Characters E3’s and E4’s are interchangeably one holding a personal object, and one making a different expression.
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As you would guess, these are all E3’s, while these are their respective E4’s.
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Tingyun’s 3 and 4 are reversed in order but she isn’t the only one which once again rules out any pattern. Every single 5th one shows a character’s mouth so i am once again skipping over this to the most interesting Eidolon.
The 6th eidolon for every character shows them unconscious, and lacking their clothing/equipment.
My first assumption with these two details was that the character is dead.
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….except Imbibitor Lunae’s is clearly his hatching rebirth.
and the trailblazers have the stellarons on the outside of their bodies,
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so it’s probably their “births” too. It’s still not birth based though because almost everyone else is clearly the same age as in game. For once I’m bringing in names too because a lot of of final eidolon names are sus.
Fu Xuan — Omnia Vita (translate to All Life)
Luocha — Reunion with the Dust
Guinaifen — Catching bullet with bare hands
Luka — A Champion’s Applause
Dan Heng — The Troubled Soul lies in Wait
Arlan — Self-Sacrifice
Serval — This Song Rocks to Heaven!
most of these reference a termination of some sort. At the end of all life is death, which is also a reunion with the dust. Catching a bullet with bare hands sounds like it could be fatal if any mistake is made. Self sacrifice does not need an explanation. Neither does “rocks to Heaven”.
Now weirdly, Luka’s is referencing the end of a fight, not death or finality. Dan Heng’s is straight up saying he is merely asleep as that’s what lying in wait is. And most Eidolons besides these ones do not reference death or conclusions.
We also have 4 images in E6’s that don’t line up with the other characters.
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Hook and Bailu still have their full outfits but Hook is missing her goofy ugly oversized hat. Bailu is even stranger bc unlike Hook, nothing is missing. And unlike Imbibitor Lunae, the only other vidyadhara with eidolons, she doesnt appear in an egg. The one thing that sets this apart from her other eidolons is that she is shedding a tear. side note, hook is clearly doing that thing kids do when they’re trying to sleep.
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Welt’s 6th’s Eidolon is strange comparing it to Herta’s. Welt Yang’s E6 depicts the child form he appears as when new people came into the sea of quanta post-him being trapped there. This made me think Eidolons had some relation to a true self, because otherwise there is no relevance or reasoning behind Welt’s not being his current appearance. Welt’s younger self(birth name Joachim) pictured with appearance 8 years younger than HSR welt.
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Herta is very much not her true self as we know her puppets are proxies of the real Herta, which makes her doll being shown kinda strange. This one can be excused however bc maybe this Herta with eidolons is ONLY in game representing the doll, not the person.
ookayy there are a few more inconsistencies(why is NUMBY in topaz’s e6, when svarog isnt in clara’s?)
Here is a compilation of the words and meanings in the titles of sixth eidolons
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Lynx is ascending bc from my understanding she goes from exploring the unknown, to mapping it so others know
qingque’s sixth one is going beyond her game
fire trailblazer’s is city-forging bulwark(wall.) that word was just so stupid to scrolll past so wtf tier
the stupid tier being below the two “repeat” tiers is intentional. All of Yanqing’s start with S and contain two words……and all of Jing Yuan’s are three words and start with s. there is no reason for this.
gui’s tricks get more dangerous the further down in eidolon levels so while her 5th one could probably kill somebody if done incorrectly, i think there’s more room for error attempting to catch a bullet barehanded.
This is a discussion post bc as you can see there’s no conclusive pattern in eidolons that applies to EVERYONE
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