#First I wrote that Shûuto travelled to the spirit world and when he came back to his body found himself on a cold dark place.
Shûuto’s Sword (history)
Here comes the first mini adventure I prepared as a prologue. Even if I’d like my campaign to be something progressive I prepared a really quick one shot for all of us to get acquainted with the game (even if it wasn’t quick and we have to finish it next week).
Here comes Shûuto’s Sword, players are in a small Fire Clan island looking for a mysterious legendary hero’s tomb.
Shûuto was a hero who rised on his time to fight for people in times of spiritual unbalance. It’s said that he fought with great courage and died defeating a fearful spirit on an island. He was buried with great honor on the island’s tallest mountain with all his belongings.
With time the story became a forgotten legend and people on the Island no longer know who Shûuto is and where is his tomb. What they know is that the mountain seems to be haunted and nobody dares climb it in fear the island spirit might get angry. For every time someone starts hiking, the island seems to rumble in disaprovement.
What seems to have happened is that Shûuto fought a spirit with other heroes. Many died in that battle and both spirit and hero were left very weak. The spirit returned to the spirit world and Shûuto stayed in the village trying to recover. Some days later he seemed to have passed from his wounds and the villagers brought him to a cave that was refashioned as a tomb.
The thing is, he SEEMED death, but his body was actually slightly alive. Leaving his body unprotected in the mountain gave the spirit perfect opportunity to come back from the spirit world and possess his body. Shûuto’s body came back to the village, reconverted into a large monstrosity that spread chaos. With help, villagers could trap him again inside the mountain and sealed it. Placing protective wards around it.
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