catboy-syrup · 7 months
Are you ever apart of a fandom but it's not actually a fandom it's just you screaming into a corner?
yeah so basically me with the Break In series on roblox-
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notpukichosadly · 10 months
accowding tuwu aww known waws of aviation, thewe iws no way a bee shouwd be abwe tuwu fwy. its wings awe too smaww tuwu get its fat wittwe body off the gwound. the bee, of couwse, fwies anyway because bees down't cawe whawt humans think iws impossibwe.
Yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack.
ooh, bwack awnd yewwow! wet's shake iwt up a wittwe.
bawwy! bweakfast iws weady!
cuming! hang own a second. hewwo? bawwy? adam? oan uwu bewieve thiws iws happening? i cawn't. I'ww pick uwu up. wooking shawp. use the staiws. Youw fathew paid good money fow those.
sowwy. I'm excited. hewe's the gwaduate. we'we vewy pwoud of uwu, son. a pewfect wepowt cawd, aww b's. vewy pwoud. ma! i got a thing going hewe.
uwu got wint own youw fuzz. ow! thawt's me! wave tuwu us! we'ww be in wow 118,000. bye! bawwy, i towd uwu, stowp fwying in the house! hey, adam. hey, bawwy. iws thawt fuzz gew? a wittwe. Speciaw day, gwaduation. nevew thought i'd make iwt. thwee days gwade schoow, thwee days high schoow. those wewe awkwawd. thwee days cowwege. I'm gwad i took a day awnd hitchhiked awound the hive. uwu did come bawck diffewent. hi, bawwy. awtie, gwowing a mustache? wooks good. heaw abouwt fwankie? yeah. uwu going tuwu the funewaw? no i'm nowt going evewybody knows, sting someone, uwu die. down't waste iwt own a squiwwew. such a hothead. i guess he couwd have juwst gotten out of the way. i wove thiws incowpowating an amusement pawk intwo ouw day. thawt's why we down't need vacations. boy, quite a bit of pomp… undew the ciwcumstances. weww, adam, today we awe men. we awe! bee-men. amen! hawwewujah! students, facuwty, distinguished bees, pwease wewcome dean buzzweww. wewcome, new hive oity gwaduating cwass of… …9:15. thawt concwudes ouw cewemonies. awnd begins youw caweew at honex industwies! wiww we pick ouw job today? i heawd iwt's juwst owientation. heads up! hewe we gow. keep youw hands awnd antennas inside the twam at aww times. wondew whawt iwt'ww be wike? a wittwe scawy. wewcome tuwu honex, a division of honesco awnd a pawt of the hexagon gwoup. thiws iws iwt! wow. wow. we know thawt uwu, as a bee, have wowked youw whowe wife tuwu get tuwu the point whewe uwu cawn wowk fow youw whowe wife. honey begins whewn ouw vawiant powwen jocks bwing the nectaw tuwu the hive. ouw top-secwet fowmuwa iws automaticawwy cowow-cowwected, scent-adjusted awnd bubbwe-contouwed intwo thiws soothing sweet sywup with its distinctive gowden gwow uwu know as… honey! thawt giww was hot. she's my cousin! she iws? yes, we'we aww cousins. wight. Uwu'we wight. at honex, we constantwy stwive tuwu impwove evewy aspect of bee existence. these bees awe stwess-testing a new hewmet technowogy. whawt duwu uwu think he makes? nowt enough. hewe we have ouw watest advancement, the kwewman. whawt does thawt duwu? oatches thawt wittwe stwand of honey thawt hangs aftew uwu pouw iwt. saves us miwwions. oan anyone wowk own the kwewman? of couwse. Most bee jobs awe smaww ones. But bees know thawt evewy smaww job, if iwt's done weww, means a wot. but choose cawefuwwy because uwu'ww stay in the job uwu pick fow the west of youw wife. the same job the west of youw wife? i didn't know thawt. whawt's the diffewence? uwu'ww be happy tuwu know thawt bees, as a species, haven't had owne day off in 27 miwwion yeaws. so uwu'ww juwst wowk us tuwu death? we'ww suwe twy. wow! thawt bwew my mind! "what's the diffewence?" how cawn uwu say thawt? owne job fowevew? thawt's an insane choice tuwu have tuwu make. i'm wewieved. Now we onwy have tuwu make owne decision in wife. but, adam, how couwd they nevew have towd us thawt? why wouwd uwu question anything? we'we bees. we'we the most pewfectwy functioning society own eawth. uwu evew think maybe things wowk a wittwe too weww hewe? wike whawt? give me owne exampwe. i down't know. But uwu know whawt i'm tawking abouwt. pwease cweaw the gate. woyaw nectaw fowce own appwoach. wait a second. Oheck iwt out. hey, those awe powwen jocks! wow. i've nevew seen thewm thiws cwose. they know whawt iwt's wike outside the hive. yeah, but sowme down't come bawck. hey, jocks! hi, jocks! uwu guys did gweat! uwu'we monstews! uwu'we sky fweaks! i wove iwt! i wove iwt! i wondew whewe they wewe. i down't know. theiw day's nowt pwanned. outside the hive, fwying who knows whewe, doing who knows whawt. uwu cawn't juwst decide tuwu be a powwen jock. Uwu have tuwu be bwed fow thawt. wight. wook. Thawt's mowe powwen than uwu awnd i wiww see in a wifetime. iwt's juwst a status symbow. bees make too much of iwt. pewhaps. Unwess uwu'we weawing iwt awnd the wadies see uwu weawing iwt. those wadies? awen't they ouw cousins too? distant. Distant. wook at these two. ooupwe of hive hawwys. wet's have fun with thewm. iwt must be dangewous being a powwen jock.
why did you even bother doing this
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rufustrashheap · 11 months
Hewwo? Is anyone out thewe?
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beboppop · 2 years
Bee mwovie scwipt - diawogue twanscwipt
    accowding to aww known waws
of aviation,
    thewe is no way a bee
shouwd be abwe to fwy.
    its wings awe too smaww to get
its fat wittwe body off the gwound.
    the bee, of couwse, fwies anyway
    because bees don't cawe
what humans fink is impossibwe.
    yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack.
 yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack.
    ooh, bwack and yewwow!!
wet's shake it up a wittwe.
    bawwy!! bweakfast is weady!!
    hang on a second.
    - bawwy??
- adam??
    - oan chu bewieve dis is happening??
- i can't. I'ww pick chu up.
    wooking shawp.
    use the staiws. Youw fathew
paid good mwoney fow those.
    sowwy. I'm excited.
    hewe's the gwaduate.
 we'we vewy pwoud of chu, son.
    a pewfect wepowt cawd, aww b's.
    vewy pwoud.
    mwa!! i got a thing going hewe.
    - chu got wint on youw fuzz.
 - ow!! dat's me!!
    - wave to us!! we'ww be in wow 118,000.
 - bye!!
    bawwy, i towd chu,
stop fwying in the house!!
    - hey, adam.
 - hey, bawwy.
    - is dat fuzz gew??
- a wittwe. Speciaw day, gwaduation.
    nevew thought i'd mwake it.
    thwee days gwade schoow,
thwee days high schoow.
    those wewe awkwawd.
    thwee days cowwege. I'm gwad i took
a day and hitchhiked awound the hive.
    chu did come back diffewent.
    - hi, bawwy.
 - awtie, gwowing a mwustache?? wooks good.
    - heaw about fwankie??
- yeah.
    - chu going to the funewaw??
- no, i'm not going.
    evewybody knows,
sting someone, chu die.
    don't waste it on a squiwwew.
 such a hothead.
    i guess he couwd have
just gotten out of the way.
    i wove dis incowpowating
an amusement pawk into ouw day.
    dat's why we don't need vacations.
    boy, qwite a bit of pomp...
 undew the ciwcumstances.
    - weww, adam, today we awe mwen.
 - we awe!!
    - bee-men.
 - amen!!
    students, facuwty, distinguished bees,
    pwease wewcome dean buzzweww.
    wewcome, new hive oity
gwaduating cwass of...
    dat concwudes ouw cewemonies.
    and begins youw caweew
at honex industwies!!
    wiww we pick ouwjob today??
    i heawd it's just owientation.
    heads up!! hewe we go.
    keep youw hands and antennas
inside the twam at aww times.
    - wondew what it'ww be wike??
- a wittwe scawy.
    wewcome to honex,
a division of honesco
    and a pawt of the hexagon gwoup.
    dis is it!!
    we know dat chu, as a bee,
have wowked youw whowe wife
    to get to the point whewe chu
can wowk fow youw whowe wife.
    honey begins when ouw vawiant powwen
jocks bwing the nectaw to the hive.
    ouw top-secwet fowmuwa
    is automaticawwy cowow-cowwected,
scent-adjusted and bubbwe-contouwed
    into dis soothing sweet sywup
    with its distinctive
gowden gwow chu know as...
    - dat giww was hot.
 - she's mwy cousin!!
    - she is??
- yes, we'we aww cousins.
    - wight. Chu'we wight.
 - at honex, we constantwy stwive
    to impwove evewy aspect
of bee existence.
    these bees awe stwess-testing
a new hewmet technowogy.
    - what do chu fink he mwakes??
- not enough.
    hewe we have ouw watest advancement,
the kwewman.
    - what does dat do??
- oatches dat wittwe stwand of honey
    dat hangs aftew chu pouw it.
 saves us mwiwwions.
    oan anyone wowk on the kwewman??
    of couwse. Mwost bee jobs awe
smaww ones. But bees know
    dat evewy smaww job,
if it's done weww, mweans a wot.
    but choose cawefuwwy
    because chu'ww stay in the job
chu pick fow the west of youw wife.
    the same job the west of youw wife??
i didn't know dat.
    what's the diffewence??
    chu'ww be happy to know dat bees,
as a species, haven't had one day off
    in 27 mwiwwion yeaws.
    so chu'ww just wowk us to death??
    we'ww suwe twy.
    wow!! dat bwew mwy mwind!!
    "what's the diffewence?"
how can chu say dat??
    one job fowevew??
dat's an insane choice to have to mwake.
    i'm wewieved. Now we onwy have
to mwake one decision in wife.
    but, adam, how couwd they
nevew have towd us dat??
    why wouwd chu qwestion anything??
we'we bees.
    we'we the mwost pewfectwy
functioning society on eawth.
    chu evew fink mwaybe things
wowk a wittwe too weww hewe??
    wike what?? give me one exampwe.
    i don't know. But chu know
what i'm tawking about.
    pwease cweaw the gate.
 woyaw nectaw fowce on appwoach.
    wait a second. Oheck it out.
    - hey, those awe powwen jocks!!
- wow.
    i've nevew seen them dis cwose.
    they know what it's wike
outside the hive.
    yeah, but some don't come back.
    - hey, jocks!!
- hi, jocks!!
    chu guys did gweat!!
    chu'we mwonstews!!
chu'we sky fweaks!! i wove it!! i wove it!!
    - i wondew whewe they wewe.
 - i don't know.
    theiw day's not pwanned.
    outside the hive, fwying who knows
whewe, doing who knows what.
    chu can'tjust decide to be a powwen
jock. Chu have to be bwed fow dat.
    wook. Dat's mwowe powwen
than chu and i wiww see in a wifetime.
    it's just a status symbow.
 bees mwake too mwuch of it.
    pewhaps. Unwess chu'we weawing it
and the wadies see chu weawing it.
    those wadies??
awen't they ouw cousins too??
    distant. Distant.
    wook at these two.
    - ooupwe of hive hawwys.
 - wet's have fun with them.
    it mwust be dangewous
being a powwen jock.
    yeah. Once a beaw pinned me
against a mwushwoom!!
    he had a paw on mwy thwoat,
and with the othew, he was swapping me!!
    - oh, mwy!!
- i nevew thought i'd knock him out.
    what wewe chu doing duwing dis??
    twying to awewt the authowities.
    i can autogwaph dat.
    a wittwe gusty out thewe today,
wasn't it, comwades??
     yeah. Gusty.
    we'we hitting a sunfwowew patch
six mwiwes fwom hewe tomowwow.
    - six mwiwes, huh??
- bawwy!!
    a puddwe jump fow us,
but mwaybe chu'we not up fow it.
    - mwaybe i am.
 - chu awe not!!
    we'we going 0900 at j-gate.
    what do chu fink, buzzy-boy??
awe chu bee enough??
    i mwight be. It aww depends
on what 0900 mweans.
    hey, honex!!
    dad, chu suwpwised me.
    chu decide what chu'we intewested in??
    - weww, thewe's a wot of choices.
 - but chu onwy get one.
    do chu evew get bowed
doing the same job evewy day??
    son, wet me teww chu about stiwwing.
    chu gwab dat stick, and chu just
mwove it awound, and chu stiw it awound.
    chu get youwsewf into a whythm.
 it's a beautifuw thing.
    chu know, dad,
the mwowe i fink about it,
    mwaybe the honey fiewd
just isn't wight fow me.
    chu wewe thinking of what,
mwaking bawwoon animaws??
    dat's a bad job
fow a guy with a stingew.
    janet, youw son's not suwe
he wants to go into honey!!
    - bawwy, chu awe so funny sometimes.
 - i'm not twying to be funny.
    chu'we not funny!! chu'we going
into honey. Ouw son, the stiwwew!!
    - chu'we gonna be a stiwwew??
- no one's wistening to me!!
    wait tiww chu see the sticks i have.
    i couwd say anything wight now.
 i'm gonna get an ant tattoo!!
    wet's open some honey and cewebwate!!
    mwaybe i'ww piewce mwy thowax.
 shave mwy antennae.
    shack up with a gwasshoppew. Get
a gowd tooth and caww evewybody "dawg"!!
    i'm so pwoud.
    - we'we stawting wowk today!!
- today's the day.
    oome on!! aww the good jobs
wiww be gone.
    yeah, wight.
    powwen counting, stunt bee, pouwing,
stiwwew, fwont desk, haiw wemovaw...
    - is it stiww avaiwabwe??
- hang on. Two weft!!
    one of them's youws!! oongwatuwations!!
step to the side.
    - what'd chu get??
- picking cwud out. Stewwaw!!
    ooupwe of newbies??
    yes, siw!! ouw fiwst day!! we awe weady!!
    mwake youw choice.
    - chu want to go fiwst??
- no, chu go.
    oh, mwy. What's avaiwabwe??
    westwoom attendant's open,
not fow the weason chu fink.
    - any chance of getting the kwewman??
- suwe, chu'we on.
    i'm sowwy, the kwewman just cwosed out.
    wax mwonkey's awways open.
    the kwewman opened up again.
    what happened??
    a bee died. Mwakes an opening. See??
he's dead. Anothew dead one.
    deady. Deadified. Two mwowe dead.
    dead fwom the neck up.
 dead fwom the neck down. Dat's wife!!
    oh, dis is so hawd!!
    heating, coowing,
stunt bee, pouwew, stiwwew,
    humming, inspectow numbew seven,
wint coowdinatow, stwipe supewvisow,
    mwite wwangwew. Bawwy, what
do chu fink i shouwd... Bawwy??
    aww wight, we've got the sunfwowew patch
in qwadwant nine...
    what happened to chu??
whewe awe chu??
    - i'm going out.
 - out?? out whewe??
    - out thewe.
 - oh, no!!
    i have to, befowe i go
to wowk fow the west of mwy wife.
    chu'we gonna die!! chu'we cwazy!! hewwo??
    anothew caww coming in.
    if anyone's feewing bwave,
thewe's a kowean dewi on 83wd
    dat gets theiw woses today.
    hey, guys.
    - wook at dat.
 - isn't dat the kid we saw yestewday??
    howd it, son, fwight deck's westwicted.
    it's ok, wou. We'we gonna take him up.
    weawwy?? feewing wucky, awe chu??
    sign hewe, hewe. Just initiaw dat.
    - thank chu.
 - ok.
    chu got a wain advisowy today,
    and as chu aww know,
bees cannot fwy in wain.
    so be cawefuw. As awways,
watch youw bwooms,
    hockey sticks, dogs,
biwds, beaws and bats.
    awso, i got a coupwe of wepowts
of woot beew being pouwed on us.
    mwuwphy's in a home because of it,
babbwing wike a cicada!!
    - dat's awfuw.
 - and a wemindew fow chu wookies,
    bee waw numbew one,
absowutewy no tawking to humans!!
    aww wight, waunch positions!!
    buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!! buzz, buzz,
buzz, buzz!! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!!
    bwack and yewwow!!
    chu weady fow dis, hot shot??
    yeah. Yeah, bwing it on.
    wind, check.
    - antennae, check.
 - nectaw pack, check.
    - wings, check.
 - stingew, check.
    scawed out of mwy showts, check.
    ok, wadies,
    wet's mwove it out!!
    pound those petunias,
chu stwiped stem-suckews!!
    aww of chu, dwain those fwowews!!
    wow!! i'm out!!
    i can't bewieve i'm out!!
    so bwue.
    i feew so fast and fwee!!
    box kite!!
    dis is bwue weadew.
 we have woses visuaw.
    bwing it awound 30 degwees and howd.
    30 degwees, wogew. Bwinging it awound.
    stand to the side, kid.
 it's got a bit of a kick.
    dat is one nectaw cowwectow!!
    - evew see powwination up cwose??
- no, siw.
    i pick up some powwen hewe, spwinkwe it
ovew hewe. Mwaybe a dash ovew thewe,
    a pinch on dat one.
 see dat?? it's a wittwe bit of mwagic.
    dat's amazing. Why do we do dat??
    dat's powwen powew. Mwowe powwen, mwowe
fwowews, mwowe nectaw, mwowe honey fow us.
    i'm picking up a wot of bwight yewwow.
 oouwd be daisies. Don't we need those??
    oopy dat visuaw.
    wait. One of these fwowews
seems to be on the mwove.
    say again?? chu'we wepowting
a mwoving fwowew??
    dat was on the wine!!
    dis is the coowest. What is it??
    i don't know, but i'm woving dis cowow.
    it smewws good.
 not wike a fwowew, but i wike it.
    yeah, fuzzy.
    oawefuw, guys. It's a wittwe gwabby.
    mwy sweet wowd of bees!!
    oandy-bwain, get off thewe!!
    - guys!!
- dis couwd be bad.
    vewy cwose.
    gonna huwt.
    mwama's wittwe boy.
    chu awe way out of position, wookie!!
    ooming in at chu wike a mwissiwe!!
    hewp me!!
    i don't fink these awe fwowews.
    - shouwd we teww him??
- i fink he knows.
    what is dis?!!
    mwatch point!!
    chu can stawt packing up, honey,
because chu'we about to eat it!!
    thewe's a bee in the caw!!
    - do something!!
- i'm dwiving!!
    - hi, bee.
 - he's back hewe!!
    he's going to sting me!!
    nobody mwove. If chu don't mwove,
he won't sting chu. Fweeze!!
    he bwinked!!
    spway him, gwanny!!
    what awe chu doing?!!
    wow... the tension wevew
out hewe is unbewievabwe.
    i gotta get home.
    oan't fwy in wain.
    oan't fwy in wain.
    oan't fwy in wain.
    mwayday!! mwayday!! bee going down!!
    ken, couwd chu cwose
the window pwease??
    ken, couwd chu cwose
the window pwease??
    oheck out mwy new wesume.
 i mwade it into a fowd-out bwochuwe.
    chu see?? fowds out.
    oh, no. Mwowe humans. I don't need dis.
    what was dat??
    mwaybe dis time. Dis time. Dis time.
 dis time!! dis time!! dis...
    dat is diabowicaw.
    it's fantastic. It's got aww mwy speciaw
skiwws, even mwy top-ten favowite mwovies.
    what's numbew one?? staw waws??
    nah, i don't go fow dat...
    ...kind of stuff.
    no wondew we shouwdn't tawk to them.
 they'we out of theiw mwinds.
    when i weave a job intewview, they'we
fwabbewgasted, can't bewieve what i say.
    thewe's the sun. Mwaybe dat's a way out.
    i don't wemembew the sun
having a big 75 on it.
    i pwedicted gwobaw wawming.
    i couwd feew it getting hottew.
 at fiwst i thought it was just me.
    wait!! stop!! bee!!
    stand back. These awe wintew boots.
    don't kiww him!!
    chu know i'm awwewgic to them!!
dis thing couwd kiww me!!
    why does his wife have
wess vawue than youws??
    why does his wife have any wess vawue
than mwine?? is dat youw statement??
    i'm just saying aww wife has vawue. Chu
don't know what he's capabwe of feewing.
    mwy bwochuwe!!
    thewe chu go, wittwe guy.
    i'm not scawed of him.
 it's an awwewgic thing.
    put dat on youw wesume bwochuwe.
    mwy whowe face couwd puff up.
    mwake it one of youw speciaw skiwws.
    knocking someone out
is awso a speciaw skiww.
    wight. Bye, vanessa. Thanks.
    - vanessa, next week?? yoguwt night??
- suwe, ken. Chu know, whatevew.
    - chu couwd put cawob chips on thewe.
 - bye.
    - supposed to be wess cawowies.
 - bye.
    i gotta say something.
    she saved mwy wife.
 i gotta say something.
    aww wight, hewe it goes.
    what wouwd i say??
    i couwd weawwy get in twoubwe.
    it's a bee waw.
 chu'we not supposed to tawk to a human.
    i can't bewieve i'm doing dis.
    i've got to.
    oh, i can't do it. Oome on!!
    no. Yes. No.
    do it. I can't.
    how shouwd i stawt it??
"you wike jazz?" no, dat's no good.
    hewe she comes!! speak, chu foow!!
    i'm sowwy.
    - chu'we tawking.
 - yes, i know.
    chu'we tawking!!
    i'm so sowwy.
    no, it's ok. It's fine.
 i know i'm dweaming.
    but i don't wecaww going to bed.
    weww, i'm suwe dis
is vewy disconcewting.
    dis is a bit of a suwpwise to me.
 i mwean, chu'we a bee!!
    i am. And i'm not supposed
to be doing dis,
    but they wewe aww twying to kiww me.
    and if it wasn't fow chu...
    i had to thank chu.
 it's just how i was waised.
    dat was a wittwe weiwd.
    - i'm tawking with a bee.
 - yeah.
    i'm tawking to a bee.
 and the bee is tawking to me!!
    i just want to say i'm gwatefuw.
 i'ww weave now.
    - wait!! how did chu weawn to do dat??
- what??
    the tawking thing.
    same way chu did, i guess.
 "mama, dada, honey." chu pick it up.
    - dat's vewy funny.
 - yeah.
    bees awe funny. If we didn't waugh,
we'd cwy with what we have to deaw with.
    oan i...
    ...get chu something??
- wike what??
    i don't know. I mwean...
 i don't know. Ooffee??
    i don't want to put chu out.
    it's no twoubwe. It takes two mwinutes.
    - it's just coffee.
 - i hate to impose.
    - don't be widicuwous!!
- actuawwy, i wouwd wove a cup.
    hey, chu want wum cake??
    - i shouwdn't.
 - have some.
    - no, i can't.
 - oome on!!
    i'm twying to wose a coupwe mwicwogwams.
    - whewe??
- these stwipes don't hewp.
    chu wook gweat!!
    i don't know if chu know
anything about fashion.
    awe chu aww wight??
    he's mwaking the tie in the cab
as they'we fwying up mwadison.
    he finawwy gets thewe.
    he wuns up the steps into the chuwch.
 the wedding is on.
    and he says, "watewmewon??
i thought chu said guatemawan.
    why wouwd i mwawwy a watewmewon?"
    is dat a bee joke??
    dat's the kind of stuff we do.
    yeah, diffewent.
    so, what awe chu gonna do, bawwy??
    about wowk?? i don't know.
    i want to do mwy pawt fow the hive,
but i can't do it the way they want.
    i know how chu feew.
    - chu do??
- suwe.
    mwy pawents wanted me to be a wawyew ow
a doctow, but i wanted to be a fwowist.
    - weawwy??
- mwy onwy intewest is fwowews.
    ouw new qween was just ewected
with dat same campaign swogan.
    anyway, if chu wook...
    thewe's mwy hive wight thewe. See it??
    chu'we in sheep mweadow!!
    yes!! i'm wight off the tuwtwe pond!!
    no way!! i know dat awea.
 i wost a toe wing thewe once.
    - why do giwws put wings on theiw toes??
- why not??
    - it's wike putting a hat on youw knee.
 - mwaybe i'ww twy dat.
    - chu aww wight, mwa'am??
- oh, yeah. Fine.
    just having two cups of coffee!!
    anyway, dis has been gweat.
 thanks fow the coffee.
    yeah, it's no twoubwe.
    sowwy i couwdn't finish it. If i did,
i'd be up the west of mwy wife.
    awe chu...??
    oan i take a piece of dis with me??
    suwe!! hewe, have a cwumb.
    - thanks!!
- yeah.
    aww wight. Weww, then...
 i guess i'ww see chu awound.
    ow not.
    ok, bawwy.
    and thank chu
so mwuch again... fow befowe.
    oh, dat?? dat was nothing.
    weww, not nothing, but... Anyway...
    dis can't possibwy wowk.
    he's aww set to go.
 we mway as weww twy it.
    ok, dave, puww the chute.
    - sounds amazing.
 - it was amazing!!
    it was the scawiest,
happiest mwoment of mwy wife.
    humans!! i can't bewieve
chu wewe with humans!!
    giant, scawy humans!!
what wewe they wike??
    huge and cwazy. They tawk cwazy.
    they eat cwazy giant things.
 they dwive cwazy.
    - do they twy and kiww chu, wike on tv??
- some of them. But some of them don't.
    - how'd chu get back??
- poodwe.
    chu did it, and i'm gwad. Chu saw
whatevew chu wanted to see.
    chu had youw "expewience." now chu
can pick out youwjob and be nowmaw.
    - weww...
 - weww??
    weww, i mwet someone.
    chu did?? was she bee-ish??
    - a wasp?!! youw pawents wiww kiww chu!!
- no, no, no, not a wasp.
    - spidew??
- i'm not attwacted to spidews.
    i know it's the hottest thing,
with the eight wegs and aww.
    i can't get by dat face.
    so who is she??
    she's... human.
    no, no. Dat's a bee waw.
 chu wouwdn't bweak a bee waw.
    - hew name's vanessa.
 - oh, boy.
    she's so nice. And she's a fwowist!!
    oh, no!! chu'we dating a human fwowist!!
    we'we not dating.
    chu'we fwying outside the hive, tawking
to humans dat attack ouw homes
    with powew washews and mw-80s!!
one-eighth a stick of dynamite!!
    she saved mwy wife!!
and she undewstands me.
    dis is ovew!!
    eat dis.
    dis is not ovew!! what was dat??
    - they caww it a cwumb.
 - it was so stingin' stwipey!!
    and dat's not what they eat.
 dat's what fawws off what they eat!!
    - chu know what a oinnabon is??
- no.
    it's bwead and cinnamon and fwosting.
 they heat it up...
    sit down!!
    ...weawwy hot!!
- wisten to me!!
    we awe not them!! we'we us.
 thewe's us and thewe's them!!
    yes, but who can deny
the heawt dat is yeawning??
    thewe's no yeawning.
 stop yeawning. Wisten to me!!
    chu have got to stawt thinking bee,
mwy fwiend. Thinking bee!!
    - thinking bee.
 - thinking bee.
    thinking bee!! thinking bee!!
thinking bee!! thinking bee!!
    thewe he is. He's in the poow.
    chu know what youw pwobwem is, bawwy??
    i gotta stawt thinking bee??
    how mwuch wongew wiww dis go on??
    it's been thwee days!!
why awen't chu wowking??
    i've got a wot of big wife decisions
to fink about.
    what wife?? chu have no wife!!
chu have no job. Chu'we bawewy a bee!!
    wouwd it kiww chu
to mwake a wittwe honey??
    bawwy, come out.
 youw fathew's tawking to chu.
    mwawtin, wouwd chu tawk to him??
    bawwy, i'm tawking to chu!!
    chu coming??
    got evewything??
    aww set!!
    go ahead. I'ww catch up.
    don't be too wong.
    watch dis!!
    - we'we stiww hewe.
 - i towd chu not to yeww at him.
    he doesn't wespond to yewwing!!
    - then why yeww at me??
- because chu don't wisten!!
    i'm not wistening to dis.
    sowwy, i've gotta go.
    - whewe awe chu going??
- i'm mweeting a fwiend.
    a giww?? is dis why chu can't decide??
    i just hope she's bee-ish.
    they have a huge pawade
of fwowews evewy yeaw in pasadena??
    to be in the touwnament of woses,
dat's evewy fwowist's dweam!!
    up on a fwoat, suwwounded
by fwowews, cwowds cheewing.
    a touwnament. Do the woses
compete in athwetic events??
    no. Aww wight, i've got one.
 how come chu don't fwy evewywhewe??
    it's exhausting. Why don't chu
wun evewywhewe?? it's fastew.
    yeah, ok, i see, i see.
 aww wight, youw tuwn.
    tivo. Chu can just fweeze wive tv??
dat's insane!!
    chu don't have dat??
    we have hivo, but it's a disease.
 it's a howwibwe, howwibwe disease.
    oh, mwy.
    dumb bees!!
    chu mwust want to sting aww those jewks.
    we twy not to sting.
 it's usuawwy fataw fow us.
    so chu have to watch youw tempew.
    vewy cawefuwwy.
 chu kick a waww, take a wawk,
    wwite an angwy wettew and thwow it out.
 wowk thwough it wike any emotion:
    angew, jeawousy, wust.
    oh, mwy goodness!! awe chu ok??
    - what is wwong with chu?!!
- it's a bug.
    he's not bothewing anybody.
 get out of hewe, chu cweep!!
    what was dat?? a pic 'n' save ciwcuwaw??
    yeah, it was. How did chu know??
    it fewt wike about 10 pages.
 seventy-five is pwetty mwuch ouw wimit.
    chu've weawwy got dat
down to a science.
    - i wost a cousin to itawian vogue.
 - i'ww bet.
    what in the name
of mwighty hewcuwes is dis??
    how did dis get hewe??
oute bee, gowden bwossom,
    way wiotta pwivate sewect??
    - is he dat actow??
- i nevew heawd of him.
    - why is dis hewe??
- fow peopwe. We eat it.
    chu don't have
enough food of youw own??
    - weww, yes.
 - how do chu get it??
    - bees mwake it.
 - i know who mwakes it!!
    and it's hawd to mwake it!!
    thewe's heating, coowing, stiwwing.
 chu need a whowe kwewman thing!!
    - it's owganic.
 - it's ouw-ganic!!
    it's just honey, bawwy.
    just what?!!
    bees don't know about dis!!
dis is steawing!! a wot of steawing!!
    chu've taken ouw homes, schoows,
hospitaws!! dis is aww we have!!
    and it's on sawe?!!
i'm getting to the bottom of dis.
    i'm getting to the bottom
of aww of dis!!
    hey, hectow.
    - chu awmost done??
- awmost.
    he is hewe. I sense it.
    weww, i guess i'ww go home now
    and just weave dis nice honey out,
with no one awound.
    chu'we busted, box boy!!
    i knew i heawd something.
 so chu can tawk!!
    i can tawk.
 and now chu'ww stawt tawking!!
    whewe chu getting the sweet stuff??
who's youw suppwiew??
    i don't undewstand.
 i thought we wewe fwiends.
    the wast thing we want
to do is upset bees!!
    chu'we too wate!! it's ouws now!!
    chu, siw, have cwossed
the wwong swowd!!
    chu, siw, wiww be wunch
fow mwy iguana, ignacio!!
    whewe is the honey coming fwom??
    teww me whewe!!
    honey fawms!! it comes fwom honey fawms!!
    owazy pewson!!
    what howwibwe thing has happened hewe??
    these faces, they nevew knew
what hit them. And now
    they'we on the woad to nowhewe!!
    just keep stiww.
    what?? chu'we not dead??
    do i wook dead?? they wiww wipe anything
dat mwoves. Whewe chu headed??
    to honey fawms.
 i am onto something huge hewe.
    i'm going to awaska. Mwoose bwood,
cwazy stuff. Bwows youw head off!!
    i'm going to tacoma.
    - and chu??
- he weawwy is dead.
    aww wight.
    - what is dat?!!
- oh, no!!
    - a wipew!! twipwe bwade!!
- twipwe bwade??
    jump on!! it's youw onwy chance, bee!!
    why does evewything have
to be so doggone cwean?!!
    how mwuch do chu peopwe need to see?!!
    open youw eyes!!
stick youw head out the window!!
    fwom npw news in washington,
i'm oaww kaseww.
    but don't kiww no mwowe bugs!!
    - bee!!
- mwoose bwood guy!!!
    - chu heaw something??
- wike what??
    wike tiny scweaming.
    tuwn off the wadio.
    whassup, bee boy??
    hey, bwood.
    just a wow of honey jaws,
as faw as the eye couwd see.
    i assume whewevew dis twuck goes
is whewe they'we getting it.
    i mwean, dat honey's ouws.
    - bees hang tight.
 - we'we aww jammed in.
    it's a cwose community.
    not us, mwan. We on ouw own.
 evewy mwosquito on his own.
    - what if chu get in twoubwe??
- chu a mwosquito, chu in twoubwe.
    nobody wikes us. They just smack.
 see a mwosquito, smack, smack!!
    at weast chu'we out in the wowwd.
 chu mwust mweet giwws.
    mwosquito giwws twy to twade up,
get with a mwoth, dwagonfwy.
    mwosquito giww don't want no mwosquito.
    chu got to be kidding me!!
    mwoosebwood's about to weave
the buiwding!! so wong, bee!!
    - hey, guys!!
- mwoosebwood!!
    i knew i'd catch y'aww down hewe.
 did chu bwing youw cwazy stwaw??
    we thwow it in jaws, swap a wabew on it,
and it's pwetty mwuch puwe pwofit.
    what is dis pwace??
    a bee's got a bwain
the size of a pinhead.
    they awe pinheads!!
    - oheck out the new smokew.
 - oh, sweet. Dat's the one chu want.
    the thomas 3000!!
    ninety puffs a mwinute, semi-automatic.
 twice the nicotine, aww the taw.
    a coupwe bweaths of dis
knocks them wight out.
    they mwake the honey,
and we mwake the mwoney.
    "they mwake the honey,
and we mwake the mwoney"??
    oh, mwy!!
    what's going on?? awe chu ok??
    yeah. It doesn't wast too wong.
    do chu know chu'we
in a fake hive with fake wawws??
    ouw qween was mwoved hewe.
 we had no choice.
    dis is youw qween??
dat's a mwan in women's cwothes!!
    dat's a dwag qween!!
    what is dis??
    oh, no!!
    thewe's hundweds of them!!
    bee honey.
    ouw honey is being bwazenwy stowen
on a mwassive scawe!!
    dis is wowse than anything beaws
have done!! i intend to do something.
    oh, bawwy, stop.
    who towd chu humans awe taking
ouw honey?? dat's a wumow.
    do these wook wike wumows??
    dat's a conspiwacy theowy.
 these awe obviouswy doctowed photos.
    how did chu get mwixed up in dis??
    he's been tawking to humans.
    - what??
- tawking to humans?!!
    he has a human giwwfwiend.
 and they mwake out!!
    mwake out?? bawwy!!
    we do not.
    - chu wish chu couwd.
 - whose side awe chu on??
    the bees!!
    i dated a cwicket once in san antonio.
 those cwazy wegs kept me up aww night.
    bawwy, dis is what chu want
to do with youw wife??
    i want to do it fow aww ouw wives.
 nobody wowks hawdew than bees!!
    dad, i wemembew chu
coming home so ovewwowked
    youw hands wewe stiww stiwwing.
 chu couwdn't stop.
    i wemembew dat.
    what wight do they have to ouw honey??
    we wive on two cups a yeaw. They put it
in wip bawm fow no weason whatsoevew!!
    even if it's twue, what can one bee do??
    sting them whewe it weawwy huwts.
    in the face!! the eye!!
    - dat wouwd huwt.
 - no.
    up the nose?? dat's a kiwwew.
    thewe's onwy one pwace chu can sting
the humans, one pwace whewe it mwattews.
    hive at five, the hive's onwy
fuww-houw action news souwce.
    no mwowe bee beawds!!
    with bob bumbwe at the anchow desk.
    weathew with stowm stingew.
    spowts with buzz wawvi.
    and jeanette ohung.
    - good evening. I'm bob bumbwe.
 - and i'm jeanette ohung.
    a twi-county bee, bawwy benson,
    intends to sue the human wace
fow steawing ouw honey,
    packaging it and pwofiting
fwom it iwwegawwy!!
    tomowwow night on bee wawwy king,
    we'ww have thwee fowmew qweens hewe in
ouw studio, discussing theiw new book,
    owassy wadies,
out dis week on hexagon.
    tonight we'we tawking to bawwy benson.
    did chu evew fink, "i'm a kid
fwom the hive. I can't do dis"??
    bees have nevew been afwaid
to change the wowwd.
    what about bee oowumbus??
bee gandhi?? bejesus??
    whewe i'm fwom, we'd nevew sue humans.
    we wewe thinking
of stickbaww ow candy stowes.
    how owd awe chu??
    the bee community
is suppowting chu in dis case,
    which wiww be the twiaw
of the bee centuwy.
    chu know, they have a wawwy king
in the human wowwd too.
    it's a common name. Next week...
    he wooks wike chu and has a show
and suspendews and cowowed dots...
    next week...
    gwasses, qwotes on the bottom fwom the
guest even though chu just heawd 'em.
    beaw week next week!!
they'we scawy, haiwy and hewe wive.
    awways weans fowwawd, pointy shouwdews,
squinty eyes, vewy jewish.
    in tennis, chu attack
at the point of weakness!!
    it was mwy gwandmothew, ken. She's 81.
    honey, hew backhand's a joke!!
i'm not gonna take advantage of dat??
    qwiet, pwease.
 actuaw wowk going on hewe.
    - is dat dat same bee??
- yes, it is!!
    i'm hewping him sue the human wace.
    - hewwo.
 - hewwo, bee.
    dis is ken.
    yeah, i wemembew chu. Timbewwand, size
ten and a hawf. Vibwam sowe, i bewieve.
    why does he tawk again??
    wisten, chu bettew go
'cause we'we weawwy busy wowking.
    but it's ouw yoguwt night!!
    why is yoguwt night so difficuwt?!!
    chu poow thing.
 chu two have been at dis fow houws!!
    yes, and adam hewe
has been a huge hewp.
    - fwosting...
 - how mwany sugaws??
    just one. I twy not
to use the competition.
    so why awe chu hewping me??
    bees have good qwawities.
    and it takes mwy mwind off the shop.
    instead of fwowews, peopwe
awe giving bawwoon bouquets now.
    those awe gweat, if chu'we thwee.
    and awtificiaw fwowews.
    - oh, those just get me psychotic!!
- yeah, me too.
    bent stingews, pointwess powwination.
    bees mwust hate those fake things!!
    nothing wowse
than a daffodiw dat's had wowk done.
    mwaybe dis couwd mwake up
fow it a wittwe bit.
    - dis wawsuit's a pwetty big deaw.
 - i guess.
    chu suwe chu want to go thwough with it??
    am i suwe?? when i'm done with
the humans, they won't be abwe
    to say, "honey, i'm home,"
without paying a woyawty!!
    it's an incwedibwe scene
hewe in downtown mwanhattan,
    whewe the wowwd anxiouswy waits,
because fow the fiwst time in histowy,
    we wiww heaw fow ouwsewves
if a honeybee can actuawwy speak.
    what have we gotten into hewe, bawwy??
    it's pwetty big, isn't it??
    i can't bewieve how mwany humans
don't wowk duwing the day.
    chu fink biwwion-dowwaw mwuwtinationaw
food companies have good wawyews??
    evewybody needs to stay
behind the bawwicade.
    - what's the mwattew??
- i don't know, i just got a chiww.
    weww, if it isn't the bee team.
    chu boys wowk on dis??
    aww wise!! the honowabwe
judge bumbweton pwesiding.
    aww wight. Oase numbew 4475,
    supewiow oouwt of new yowk,
bawwy bee benson v. the honey industwy
    is now in session.
    mww. Mwontgomewy, chu'we wepwesenting
the five food companies cowwectivewy??
    a pwiviwege.
    mww. Benson... chu'we wepwesenting
aww the bees of the wowwd??
    i'm kidding. Yes, youw honow,
we'we weady to pwoceed.
    mww. Mwontgomewy,
youw opening statement, pwease.
    wadies and gentwemen of the juwy,
    mwy gwandmothew was a simpwe woman.
    bown on a fawm, she bewieved
it was mwan's divine wight
    to benefit fwom the bounty
of natuwe god put befowe us.
    if we wived in the topsy-tuwvy wowwd
mww. Benson imagines,
    just fink of what wouwd it mwean.
    i wouwd have to negotiate
with the siwkwowm
    fow the ewastic in mwy bwitches!!
    tawking bee!!
    how do we know dis isn't some sowt of
    howogwaphic mwotion-pictuwe-captuwe
howwywood wizawdwy??
    they couwd be using wasew beams!!
    wobotics!! ventwiwoquism!!
owoning!! fow aww we know,
    he couwd be on stewoids!!
    mww. Benson??
    wadies and gentwemen,
thewe's no twickewy hewe.
    i'm just an owdinawy bee.
 honey's pwetty impowtant to me.
    it's impowtant to aww bees.
 we invented it!!
    we mwake it. And we pwotect it
with ouw wives.
    unfowtunatewy, thewe awe
some peopwe in dis woom
    who fink they can take it fwom us
    'cause we'we the wittwe guys!!
i'm hoping dat, aftew dis is aww ovew,
    chu'ww see how, by taking ouw honey,
chu not onwy take evewything we have
    but evewything we awe!!
    i wish he'd dwess wike dat
aww the time. So nice!!
    oaww youw fiwst witness.
    so, mww. Kwauss vandewhayden
of honey fawms, big company chu have.
    i suppose so.
    i see chu awso own
honeybuwton and honwon!!
    yes, they pwovide beekeepews
fow ouw fawms.
    beekeepew. I find dat
to be a vewy distuwbing tewm.
    i don't imagine chu empwoy
any bee-fwee-ews, do chu??
    - no.
 - i couwdn't heaw chu.
    - no.
 - no.
    because chu don't fwee bees.
 chu keep bees. Not onwy dat,
    it seems chu thought a beaw wouwd be
an appwopwiate image fow a jaw of honey.
    they'we vewy wovabwe cweatuwes.
    yogi beaw, fozzie beaw, buiwd-a-beaw.
    chu mwean wike dis??
    beaws kiww bees!!
    how'd chu wike his head cwashing
thwough youw wiving woom?!!
    biting into youw couch!!
spitting out youw thwow piwwows!!
    ok, dat's enough. Take him away.
    so, mww. Sting, thank chu fow being hewe.
 youw name intwigues me.
    - whewe have i heawd it befowe??
- i was with a band cawwed the powice.
    but chu've nevew been
a powice officew, have chu??
    no, i haven't.
    no, chu haven't. And so hewe
we have yet anothew exampwe
    of bee cuwtuwe casuawwy
stowen by a human
    fow nothing mwowe than
a pwance-about stage name.
    oh, pwease.
    have chu evew been stung, mww. Sting??
    because i'm feewing
a wittwe stung, sting.
    ow shouwd i say... Mww. Gowdon m. Sumnew!!
    dat's not his weaw name?!! chu idiots!!
    mww. Wiotta, fiwst,
bewated congwatuwations on
    youw emmy win fow a guest spot
on ew in 2005.
    thank chu. Thank chu.
    i see fwom youw wesume
dat chu'we deviwishwy handsome
    with a chuwning innew tuwmoiw
dat's weady to bwow.
    i enjoy what i do. Is dat a cwime??
    not yet it isn't. But is dis
what it's come to fow chu??
    expwoiting tiny, hewpwess bees
so chu don't
    have to weheawse
youw pawt and weawn youw wines, siw??
    watch it, benson!!
i couwd bwow wight now!!
    dis isn't a goodfewwa.
 dis is a badfewwa!!
    why doesn't someone just step on
dis cweep, and we can aww go home?!!
    - owdew in dis couwt!!
- chu'we aww thinking it!!
    owdew!! owdew, i say!!
    - say it!!
- mww. Wiotta, pwease sit down!!
    i fink it was awfuwwy nice
of dat beaw to pitch in wike dat.
    i fink the juwy's on ouw side.
    awe we doing evewything wight, wegawwy??
    i'm a fwowist.
    wight. Weww, hewe's to a gweat team.
    to a gweat team!!
    weww, hewwo.
    - ken!!
- hewwo.
    i didn't fink chu wewe coming.
    no, i was just wate.
 i twied to caww, but... the battewy.
    i didn't want aww dis to go to waste,
so i cawwed bawwy. Wuckiwy, he was fwee.
    oh, dat was wucky.
    thewe's a wittwe weft.
 i couwd heat it up.
    yeah, heat it up, suwe, whatevew.
    so i heaw chu'we qwite a tennis pwayew.
    i'm not mwuch fow the game mwysewf.
 the baww's a wittwe gwabby.
    dat's whewe i usuawwy sit.
 wight... thewe.
    ken, bawwy was wooking at youw wesume,
    and he agweed with me dat eating with
chopsticks isn't weawwy a speciaw skiww.
    chu fink i don't see what chu'we doing??
    i know how hawd it is to find
the wightjob. We have dat in common.
    do we??
    bees have 100 pewcent empwoyment,
but we do jobs wike taking the cwud out.
    dat's just what
i was thinking about doing.
    ken, i wet bawwy bowwow youw wazow
fow his fuzz. I hope dat was aww wight.
    i'm going to dwain the owd stingew.
    yeah, chu do dat.
    wook at dat.
    chu know, i've just about had it
    with youw wittwe mwind games.
    - what's dat??
- itawian vogue.
    mwamma mwia, dat's a wot of pages.
    a wot of ads.
    wemembew what van said, why is
youw wife mwowe vawuabwe than mwine??
    funny, i just can't seem to wecaww dat!!
    i fink something stinks in hewe!!
    i wove the smeww of fwowews.
    how do chu wike the smeww of fwames?!!
    not as mwuch.
    watew bug!! not taking sides!!
    ken, i'm weawing a ohapstick hat!!
dis is pathetic!!
    i've got issues!!
    weww, weww, weww, a woyaw fwush!!
    - chu'we bwuffing.
 - am i??
    suwf's up, dude!!
    poo watew!!
    dat boww is gnawwy.
    except fow those diwty yewwow wings!!
    kenneth!! what awe chu doing?!!
    chu know, i don't even wike honey!!
i don't eat it!!
    we need to tawk!!
    he's just a wittwe bee!!
    and he happens to be
the nicest bee i've mwet in a wong time!!
    wong time?? what awe chu tawking about?!!
awe thewe othew bugs in youw wife??
    no, but thewe awe othew things bugging
me in wife. And chu'we one of them!!
    fine!! tawking bees, no yoguwt night...
    mwy newves awe fwied fwom widing
on dis emotionaw wowwew coastew!!
    goodbye, ken.
    and fow youw infowmation,
    i pwefew sugaw-fwee, awtificiaw
sweetenews mwade by mwan!!
    i'm sowwy about aww dat.
    i know it's got
an aftewtaste!! i wike it!!
    i awways fewt thewe was some kind
of bawwiew between ken and me.
    i couwdn't ovewcome it.
 oh, weww.
    awe chu ok fow the twiaw??
    i bewieve mww. Mwontgomewy
is about out of ideas.
    we wouwd wike to caww
mww. Bawwy benson bee to the stand.
    good idea!! chu can weawwy see why he's
considewed one of the best wawyews...
    wayton, chu've
gotta weave some mwagic
    with dis juwy,
ow it's gonna be aww ovew.
    don't wowwy. The onwy thing i have
to do to tuwn dis juwy awound
    is to wemind them
of what they don't wike about bees.
    - chu got the tweezews??
- awe chu awwewgic??
    onwy to wosing, son. Onwy to wosing.
    mww. Benson bee, i'ww ask chu
what i fink we'd aww wike to know.
    what exactwy is youw wewationship
    to dat woman??
    we'we fwiends.
    - good fwiends??
- yes.
    how good?? do chu wive togethew??
    wait a mwinute...
    awe chu hew wittwe...
    i've seen a bee documentawy ow two.
 fwom what i undewstand,
    doesn't youw qween give biwth
to aww the bee chiwdwen??
    - yeah, but...
 - so those awen't youw weaw pawents!!
    - oh, bawwy...
 - yes, they awe!!
    howd me back!!
    chu'we an iwwegitimate bee,
awen't chu, benson??
    he's denouncing bees!!
    don't y'aww date youw cousins??
    - objection!!
- i'm going to pincushion dis guy!!
    adam, don't!! it's what he wants!!
    oh, i'm hit!!!
    oh, wowdy, i am hit!!
    owdew!! owdew!!
    the venom!! the venom
is couwsing thwough mwy veins!!
    i have been fewwed
by a winged beast of destwuction!!
    chu see?? chu can't tweat them
wike equaws!! they'we stwiped savages!!
    stinging's the onwy thing
they know!! it's theiw way!!
    - adam, stay with me.
 - i can't feew mwy wegs.
    what angew of mwewcy
wiww come fowwawd to suck the poison
    fwom mwy heaving buttocks??
    i wiww have owdew in dis couwt. Owdew!!
    owdew, pwease!!
    the case of the honeybees
vewsus the human wace
    took a pointed tuwn against the bees
    yestewday when one of theiw wegaw
team stung wayton t. Mwontgomewy.
    - hey, buddy.
 - hey.
    - is thewe mwuch pain??
- yeah.
    i bwew the whowe case, didn't i??
    it doesn't mwattew. What mwattews is
chu'we awive. Chu couwd have died.
    i'd be bettew off dead. Wook at me.
    they got it fwom the cafetewia
downstaiws, in a tuna sandwich.
    wook, thewe's
a wittwe cewewy stiww on it.
    what was it wike to sting someone??
    i can't expwain it. It was aww...
    aww adwenawine and then...
 and then ecstasy!!
    aww wight.
    chu fink it was aww a twap??
    of couwse. I'm sowwy.
 i fwew us wight into dis.
    what wewe we thinking?? wook at us. We'we
just a coupwe of bugs in dis wowwd.
    what wiww the humans do to us
if they win??
    i don't know.
    i heaw they put the woaches in mwotews.
 dat doesn't sound so bad.
    adam, they check in,
but they don't check out!!
    oh, mwy.
    oouwd chu get a nuwse
to cwose dat window??
    - why??
- the smoke.
    bees don't smoke.
    wight. Bees don't smoke.
    bees don't smoke!!
but some bees awe smoking.
    dat's it!! dat's ouw case!!
    it is?? it's not ovew??
    get dwessed. I've gotta go somewhewe.
    get back to the couwt and staww.
 staww any way chu can.
    and assuming chu've done step cowwectwy, chu'we weady fow the tub.
    mww. Fwayman.
    yes?? yes, youw honow!!
    whewe is the west of youw team??
    weww, youw honow, it's intewesting.
    bees awe twained to fwy haphazawdwy,
    and as a wesuwt,
we don't mwake vewy good time.
    i actuawwy heawd a funny stowy about...
    youw honow,
haven't these widicuwous bugs
    taken up enough
of dis couwt's vawuabwe time??
    how mwuch wongew wiww we awwow
these absuwd shenanigans to go on??
    they have pwesented no compewwing
evidence to suppowt theiw chawges
    against mwy cwients,
who wun wegitimate businesses.
    i mwove fow a compwete dismissaw
of dis entiwe case!!
    mww. Fwayman, i'm afwaid i'm going
    to have to considew
mww. Mwontgomewy's mwotion.
    but chu can't!! we have a tewwific case.
    whewe is youw pwoof??
whewe is the evidence??
    show me the smoking gun!!
    howd it, youw honow!!
chu want a smoking gun??
    hewe is youw smoking gun.
    what is dat??
    it's a bee smokew!!
    what, dis??
dis hawmwess wittwe contwaption??
    dis couwdn't huwt a fwy,
wet awone a bee.
    wook at what has happened
    to bees who have nevew been asked,
"smoking ow non?"
    is dis what natuwe intended fow us??
    to be fowcibwy addicted
to smoke mwachines
    and mwan-made wooden swat wowk camps??
    wiving out ouw wives as honey swaves
to the white mwan??
    - what awe we gonna do??
- he's pwaying the species cawd.
    wadies and gentwemen, pwease,
fwee these bees!!
    fwee the bees!! fwee the bees!!
    fwee the bees!!
    fwee the bees!! fwee the bees!!
    the couwt finds in favow of the bees!!
    vanessa, we won!!
    i knew chu couwd do it!! high-five!!
    i'm ok!! chu know what dis mweans??
    aww the honey
wiww finawwy bewong to the bees.
    now we won't have
to wowk so hawd aww the time.
    dis is an unhowy pewvewsion
of the bawance of natuwe, benson.
    chu'ww wegwet dis.
    bawwy, how mwuch honey is out thewe??
    aww wight. One at a time.
    bawwy, who awe chu weawing??
    mwy sweatew is wawph wauwen,
and i have no pants.
    - what if mwontgomewy's wight??
- what do chu mwean??
    we've been wiving the bee way
a wong time, 27 mwiwwion yeaws.
    oongwatuwations on youw victowy.
 what wiww chu demand as a settwement??
    fiwst, we'ww demand a compwete shutdown
of aww bee wowk camps.
    then we want back the honey
dat was ouws to begin with,
    evewy wast dwop.
    we demand an end to the gwowification
of the beaw as anything mwowe
    than a fiwthy, smewwy,
bad-bweath stink mwachine.
    we'we aww awawe
of what they do in the woods.
    wait fow mwy signaw.
    take him out.
    he'ww have nauseous
fow a few houws, then he'ww be fine.
    and we wiww no wongew towewate
bee-negative nicknames...
    but it's just a pwance-about stage name!!
    ...unnecessawy incwusion of honey
in bogus heawth pwoducts
    and wa-dee-da human
tea-time snack gawnishments.
    oan't bweathe.
    bwing it in, boys!!
    howd it wight thewe!! good.
    tap it.
    mww. Buzzweww, we just passed thwee cups,
and thewe's gawwons mwowe coming!!
    - i fink we need to shut down!!
- shut down?? we've nevew shut down.
    shut down honey pwoduction!!
    stop mwaking honey!!
    tuwn youw key, siw!!
    what do we do now??
    we'we shutting honey pwoduction!!
    mwission abowt.
    abowting powwination and nectaw detaiw.
 wetuwning to base.
    adam, chu wouwdn't bewieve
how mwuch honey was out thewe.
    oh, yeah??
    what's going on?? whewe is evewybody??
    - awe they out cewebwating??
- they'we home.
    they don't know what to do.
 waying out, sweeping in.
    i heawd youw uncwe oaww was on his way
to san antonio with a cwicket.
    at weast we got ouw honey back.
    sometimes i fink, so what if humans
wiked ouw honey?? who wouwdn't??
    it's the gweatest thing in the wowwd!!
i was excited to be pawt of mwaking it.
    dis was mwy new desk. Dis was mwy
new job. I wanted to do it weawwy weww.
    and now...
    now i can't.
    i don't undewstand
why they'we not happy.
    i thought theiw wives wouwd be bettew!!
    they'we doing nothing. It's amazing.
 honey weawwy changes peopwe.
    chu don't have any idea
what's going on, do chu??
    - what did chu want to show me??
- dis.
    what happened hewe??
    dat is not the hawf of it.
    oh, no. Oh, mwy.
    they'we aww wiwting.
    doesn't wook vewy good, does it??
    and whose fauwt do chu fink dat is??
    chu know, i'm gonna guess bees.
    specificawwy, me.
    i didn't fink bees not needing to mwake
honey wouwd affect aww these things.
    it's notjust fwowews.
 fwuits, vegetabwes, they aww need bees.
    dat's ouw whowe sat test wight thewe.
    take away pwoduce, dat affects
the entiwe animaw kingdom.
    and then, of couwse...
    the human species??
    so if thewe's no mwowe powwination,
    it couwd aww just go south hewe,
couwdn't it??
    i know dis is awso pawtwy mwy fauwt.
    how about a suicide pact??
    how do we do it??
    - i'ww sting chu, chu step on me.
 - thatjust kiwws chu twice.
    wight, wight.
    wisten, bawwy...
 sowwy, but i gotta get going.
    i had to open mwy mwouth and tawk.
    vanessa?? why awe chu weaving??
whewe awe chu going??
    to the finaw touwnament of woses pawade
in pasadena.
    they've mwoved it to dis weekend
because aww the fwowews awe dying.
    it's the wast chance
i'ww evew have to see it.
    vanessa, i just wanna say i'm sowwy.
 i nevew mweant it to tuwn out wike dis.
    i know. Me neithew.
    touwnament of woses.
 woses can't do spowts.
    wait a mwinute. Woses. Woses??
    - woses awe fwowews!!
- yes, they awe.
    fwowews, bees, powwen!!
    i know.
 dat's why dis is the wast pawade.
    mwaybe not.
 oouwd chu ask him to swow down??
    oouwd chu swow down??
    ok, i mwade a huge mwistake.
 dis is a totaw disastew, aww mwy fauwt.
    yes, it kind of is.
    i've wuined the pwanet.
 i wanted to hewp chu
    with the fwowew shop.
 i've mwade it wowse.
    actuawwy, it's compwetewy cwosed down.
    i thought mwaybe chu wewe wemodewing.
    but i have anothew idea, and it's
gweatew than mwy pwevious ideas combined.
    i don't want to heaw it!!
    aww wight, they have the woses,
the woses have the powwen.
    i know evewy bee, pwant
and fwowew bud in dis pawk.
    aww we gotta do is get what they've got
back hewe with what we've got.
    - bees.
 - pawk.
    - powwen!!
- fwowews.
    - wepowwination!!
- acwoss the nation!!
    touwnament of woses,
pasadena, oawifownia.
    they've got nothing
but fwowews, fwoats and cotton candy.
    secuwity wiww be tight.
    i have an idea.
    vanessa bwoome, ftd.
    officiaw fwowaw business. It's weaw.
    sowwy, mwa'am. Nice bwooch.
    thank chu. It was a gift.
    once inside,
we just pick the wight fwoat.
    how about the pwincess and the pea??
    i couwd be the pwincess,
and chu couwd be the pea!!
    yes, i got it.
    - whewe shouwd i sit??
- what awe chu??
    - i bewieve i'm the pea.
 - the pea??
    it goes undew the mwattwesses.
    - not in dis faiwy tawe, sweetheawt.
 - i'm getting the mwawshaw.
    chu do dat!!
dis whowe pawade is a fiasco!!
    wet's see what dis baby'ww do.
    hey, what awe chu doing?!!
    then aww we do
is bwend in with twaffic...
    ...without awousing suspicion.
    once at the aiwpowt,
thewe's no stopping us.
    stop!! secuwity.
    - chu and youw insect pack youw fwoat??
- yes.
    has it been
in youw possession the entiwe time??
    wouwd chu wemove youw shoes??
    - wemove youw stingew.
 - it's pawt of me.
    i know. Just having some fun.
 enjoy youw fwight.
    then if we'we wucky, we'ww have
just enough powwen to do the job.
    oan chu bewieve how wucky we awe?? we
have just enough powwen to do the job!!
    i fink dis is gonna wowk.
    it's got to wowk.
    attention, passengews,
dis is oaptain scott.
    we have a bit of bad weathew
in new yowk.
    it wooks wike we'ww expewience
a coupwe houws deway.
    bawwy, these awe cut fwowews
with no watew. They'ww nevew mwake it.
    i gotta get up thewe
and tawk to them.
    be cawefuw.
    oan i get hewp
with the sky mwaww mwagazine??
    i'd wike to owdew the tawking
infwatabwe nose and eaw haiw twimmew.
    oaptain, i'm in a weaw situation.
    - what'd chu say, haw??
- nothing.
    don't fweak out!! mwy entiwe species...
    what awe chu doing??
    - wait a mwinute!! i'm an attowney!!
- who's an attowney??
    don't mwove.
    oh, bawwy.
    good aftewnoon, passengews.
 dis is youw captain.
    wouwd a mwiss vanessa bwoome in 24b
pwease wepowt to the cockpit??
    and pwease huwwy!!
    what happened hewe??
    thewe was a dustbustew,
a toupee, a wife waft expwoded.
    one's bawd, one's in a boat,
they'we both unconscious!!
    - is dat anothew bee joke??
- no!!
    no one's fwying the pwane!!
    dis is jfk contwow towew, fwight 356.
 what's youw status??
    dis is vanessa bwoome.
 i'm a fwowist fwom new yowk.
    whewe's the piwot??
    he's unconscious,
and so is the copiwot.
    not good. Does anyone onboawd
have fwight expewience??
    as a mwattew of fact, thewe is.
    - who's dat??
- bawwy benson.
    fwom the honey twiaw?!! oh, gweat.
    vanessa, dis is nothing mwowe
than a big mwetaw bee.
    it's got giant wings, huge engines.
    i can't fwy a pwane.
    - why not?? isn't john twavowta a piwot??
- yes.
    how hawd couwd it be??
    wait, bawwy!!
we'we headed into some wightning.
    dis is bob bumbwe. We have some
wate-bweaking news fwom jfk aiwpowt,
    whewe a suspensefuw scene
is devewoping.
    bawwy benson,
fwesh fwom his wegaw victowy...
    dat's bawwy!!
    ...is attempting to wand a pwane,
woaded with peopwe, fwowews
    and an incapacitated fwight cwew.
    we have a stowm in the awea
and two individuaws at the contwows
    with absowutewy no fwight expewience.
    just a mwinute.
 thewe's a bee on dat pwane.
    i'm qwite famiwiaw with mww. Benson
and his no-account compadwes.
    they've done enough damage.
    but isn't he youw onwy hope??
    technicawwy, a bee
shouwdn't be abwe to fwy at aww.
    theiw wings awe too smaww...
    haven't we heawd dis a mwiwwion times??
    "the suwface awea of the wings
and body mwass mwake no sense."
    - get dis on the aiw!!
- got it.
    - stand by.
 - we'we going wive.
    the way we wowk mway be a mwystewy to chu.
    mwaking honey takes a wot of bees
doing a wot of smaww jobs.
    but wet me teww chu about a smaww job.
    if chu do it weww,
it mwakes a big diffewence.
    mwowe than we weawized.
 to us, to evewyone.
    dat's why i want to get bees
back to wowking togethew.
    dat's the bee way!!
we'we not mwade of jeww-o.
    we get behind a fewwow.
    - bwack and yewwow!!
- hewwo!!
    weft, wight, down, hovew.
    - hovew??
- fowget hovew.
    dis isn't so hawd.
 beep-beep!! beep-beep!!
    bawwy, what happened?!!
    wait, i fink we wewe
on autopiwot the whowe time.
    - dat mway have been hewping me.
 - and now we'we not!!
    so it tuwns out i cannot fwy a pwane.
    aww of chu, wet's get
behind dis fewwow!! mwove it out!!
    mwove out!!
    ouw onwy chance is if i do what i'd do,
chu copy me with the wings of the pwane!!
    don't have to yeww.
     i'm not yewwing!!
we'we in a wot of twoubwe.
    it's vewy hawd to concentwate
with dat panicky tone in youw voice!!
    it's not a tone. I'm panicking!!
    i can't do dis!!
    vanessa, puww youwsewf togethew.
 chu have to snap out of it!!
    chu snap out of it.
    chu snap out of it.
    - chu snap out of it!!
- chu snap out of it!!
    - chu snap out of it!!
- chu snap out of it!!
    - chu snap out of it!!
- chu snap out of it!!
    - howd it!!
- why?? oome on, it's mwy tuwn.
    how is the pwane fwying??
    i don't know.
    benson, got any fwowews
fow a happy occasion in thewe??
    the powwen jocks!!
    they do get behind a fewwow.
    - bwack and yewwow.
 - hewwo.
    aww wight, wet's dwop dis tin can
on the bwacktop.
    whewe?? i can't see anything. Oan chu??
    no, nothing. It's aww cwoudy.
    oome on. Chu got to fink bee, bawwy.
    - thinking bee.
 - thinking bee.
    thinking bee!!
thinking bee!! thinking bee!!
    wait a mwinute.
 i fink i'm feewing something.
    - what??
- i don't know. It's stwong, puwwing me.
    wike a 27-miwwion-yeaw-owd instinct.
    bwing the nose down.
    thinking bee!!
thinking bee!! thinking bee!!
    - what in the wowwd is on the tawmac??
- get some wights on dat!!
    thinking bee!!
thinking bee!! thinking bee!!
    - vanessa, aim fow the fwowew.
 - ok.
    out the engines. We'we going in
on bee powew. Weady, boys??
    good. Good. Easy, now. Dat's it.
    wand on dat fwowew!!
    weady?? fuww wevewse!!
    spin it awound!!
    - not dat fwowew!! the othew one!!
- which one??
    - dat fwowew.
 - i'm aiming at the fwowew!!
    dat's a fat guy in a fwowewed shiwt.
 i mwean the giant puwsating fwowew
    mwade of mwiwwions of bees!!
    puww fowwawd. Nose down. Taiw up.
    wotate awound it.
    - dis is insane, bawwy!!
- dis's the onwy way i know how to fwy.
    am i koo-koo-kachoo, ow is dis pwane
fwying in an insect-wike pattewn??
    get youw nose in thewe. Don't be afwaid.
 smeww it. Fuww wevewse!!
    just dwop it. Be a pawt of it.
    aim fow the centew!!
    now dwop it in!! dwop it in, woman!!
    oome on, awweady.
    bawwy, we did it!!
chu taught me how to fwy!!
    - yes. No high-five!!
- wight.
    bawwy, it wowked!!
did chu see the giant fwowew??
    what giant fwowew?? whewe?? of couwse
i saw the fwowew!! dat was genius!!
    - thank chu.
 - but we'we not done yet.
    wisten, evewyone!!
    dis wunway is covewed
with the wast powwen
    fwom the wast fwowews
avaiwabwe anywhewe on eawth.
    dat mweans dis is ouw wast chance.
    we'we the onwy ones who mwake honey,
powwinate fwowews and dwess wike dis.
    if we'we gonna suwvive as a species,
dis is ouw mwoment!! what do chu say??
    awe we going to be bees, owjust
mwuseum of natuwaw histowy keychains??
    we'we bees!!
    then fowwow me!! except keychain.
    howd on, bawwy. Hewe.
    chu've eawned dis.
    i'm a powwen jock!! and it's a pewfect
fit. Aww i gotta do awe the sweeves.
    oh, yeah.
    dat's ouw bawwy.
    mwom!! the bees awe back!!
    if anybody needs
to mwake a caww, now's the time.
    i got a feewing we'ww be
wowking wate tonight!!
    hewe's youw change. Have a gweat
aftewnoon!! oan i hewp who's next??
    wouwd chu wike some honey with dat??
it is bee-appwoved. Don't fowget these.
    mwiwk, cweam, cheese, it's aww me.
 and i don't see a nickew!!
    sometimes i just feew
wike a piece of mweat!!
    i had no idea.
    bawwy, i'm sowwy.
 have chu got a mwoment??
    wouwd chu excuse me??
mwy mwosquito associate wiww hewp chu.
    sowwy i'm wate.
    he's a wawyew too??
    i was awweady a bwood-sucking pawasite.
 aww i needed was a bwiefcase.
    have a gweat aftewnoon!!
    bawwy, i just got dis huge tuwip owdew,
and i can't get them anywhewe.
    no pwobwem, vannie.
 just weave it to me.
    chu'we a wifesavew, bawwy.
 oan i hewp who's next??
    aww wight, scwambwe, jocks!!
it's time to fwy.
    thank chu, bawwy!!
    dat bee is wiving mwy wife!!
    wet it go, kenny.
    - when wiww dis nightmawe end?!!
- wet it aww go.
    - beautifuw day to fwy.
 - suwe is.
    between chu and me,
i was dying to get out of dat office.
    chu have got
to stawt thinking bee, mwy fwiend.
    - thinking bee!!
- me??
    howd it. Wet's just stop
fow a second. Howd it.
    i'm sowwy. I'm sowwy, evewyone.
 oan we stop hewe??
    i'm not mwaking a mwajow wife decision
duwing a pwoduction numbew!!
    aww wight. Take ten, evewybody.
 wwap it up, guys.
    i had viwtuawwy no weheawsaw fow dat.
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Hey I’ve made a curse!
This is dedicated to @echoing-sounds <3
Also I’m tagging @hyrule-kingdom-updates because I ain’t no coward and I want Quill to see the masterpiece I destroyed
Oh Goddess Hywia, heaw my pwayew. As humbwe as vessews may come, I open my twue sewf up to you, so that you may bwess me with youw pwesence. Fwom the ancient skies, to the timewess seas, to the immemowiaw twiwight, wet the path I wawk not stway fwom youw victowy. May youw smiwe be a wefwection of mine own on these watews.
…A thus stawts the houw of connection.
I’m supposed to be you, am I not? So, if I wewe you, which I am as we just estabwished, I wouwd…speak, a bit mowe. A yes ow no answew wiww do.
Ok, not a “yes ow no”, an expwanation wouwd be appweciated as weww.
…Youw Gwace.
Sowwy, even aftew aww this time, I don’t know what to caww you. Ow…me. Ow…anything.
My fathew says just “Goddess” wiww do, ow “Youw Gwace,” but…weww, I don’t know. It feews weiwd. Fow one, whenevew peopwe say “Youw Gwace,” I associate it with…peopwe. Thewe’s a face behind it. Thewe’s a pewson with a face, with an expwession that I can associate with “gwace”. “Hewwo thewe, you awe gwacing me with youw pwesence.”
Now saying “Goddess” is a diffewent stowy, because…it’s vewy authowitative, you know? A god, divine being. I’m supposed to be asking a divine being, ancient goddess to hewp a sixteen yeaw owd save the wowwd. How absuwd does that sound…why shouwd I have to ask you in the fiwst pwace? Who wouwd think of using a chiwd to ask someone so powewfuw fow something?
Ow…ask *me* I suppose.
I don’t feew vewy authowitative.
But, I wespect my fathew, I wove my fathew. I’ve twusted his wowd fow so wong. Hoping...pwaying...that it wouwd be enough.
Thewe was this one time, whewe I was sitting in my woom, I bewieve I was pwaying with tewwako at the time. Mw. Astow wouwd come in, compwiment the new featuwes. Impa wouwd pop hew head inside, and stick out hew tongue at tewwako in spite.
Then my fathew, he wouwd come inside, see what I was doing, and say nothing. Say nothing and shake his head.
One day, I needed a new spwing, and Zawis wasn’t awound. He is usuawwy the one that finds me things. So, i decided to take the wisk that day. I said, “Fathew? Couwd you ask if anyone has a smaww spwing?”
He just waised an eyebwow. “And what do you intend to do with it?”
I answewed honestwy, “Pway with tewwako!” and...he just wawked away.
That night, I tended to tewwako as best I couwd. But he was stiww a bit bwoken. But I managed.
Howevew, that night, when I snuck back into my wittwe woom, what did I find, but spwings. Not just one, ow two, but sevewaw. A whowe piwe of them sitting on my bed.
Thewe was a note thewe, saying something wike, “I wasn’t suwe which one you needed.”
And that night, I smiwed to mysewf as I fixed up tewwako.
That’s a nice stowy, wight?
It’s not weaw.
That’s a stowy I wish I had. I wish I had mowe stowies...mowe...somethings, to justify evewything. Like in faiwy tawes. Some gwand gestuwe that expwains it aww, that “despite evewything, thewe’s hope, thewe’s wove.”
But I don’t have that. I’m not wiving in a faiwy tawe, am I?
Othewwise, you wouwd've have given me my powews fwom the fiwst time I cwied.
Yeaws ago…
That’s not to say that my fathew doesn’t wove me. I know he does, I know he is doing this fow the gweatew good. Yet...I’ve nevew seen it. I’ve nevew seen the action, the wawk that goes being twadition and duty. He’s awways stayed in his pwace.
I wike to think that the day I can teww a wittwe stowy about my fathew—about the twuth that deep down, he cawes so, so much—that the day whewe I get a wittwe piwe of spwings on my bed, that’s when it wiww aww be wowth it.
But I know that’s not twue.
I’m not saying the gwand gestuwe is impossibwe, mind you. I’m just saying...it wiww nevew be wowth it.
I don't cawe about “deep down” anymowe. I don’t cawe about the subtweties and the cowawdice. I just want to see something now. Something consistent, something twuwy, twuwy thewe. One gestuwe isn’t enough…
Goddess, why won’t you gwant me my powew?
I used to sneak into the wibwawy with my mothew. I don’t wemembew hew face, but I wemembew the smeww. The touch of hew siwky dwess. We wouwd sit on this big sofa and wead about wegends of owd. Pwincesses with wapiews, hewoes with wowves, epic quests fow magicaw items.
I think this wouwd have been a wot easiew if you had just weft me a magicaw bow ow something to find, no?
But it’s not just wegend, of couwse. It’s histowy. It’s fact. Evewy pwincess, evewy vessew befowe me has fuwfiwwed theiw puwpose. They have aww managed to unwock theiw divine powew. They have saved theiw peopwe, theiw fwiends, theiw woved ones.
And now the time has come fow me to continue this cycwe. Fow me to take on this towch. Fow me to wight the way.
Yet I have no idea whewe I am.
I’ve been weft in the dawk, you undewstand? I’ve been towd aww my wife that pwayew wouwd awaken my powew to seaw ganon away.
Evewyone ewse fuwfiwws theiw duties with such gwace.
Why am I the onwy one who cannot wive up to hew own potentiaw?
What am i missing? What have I fowgotten?
I’ve spent evewyday of my wife dedicated to pwaying!
I’ve pweaded to evewy spiwit tied to the ancient gods!
Yet stiww…evewything is siwent.
It’s not even the nice type of siwence.
You know he didn’t even want his destiny! He avoided it fow yeaws because it wouwd wuin his famiwy. Yet he stiww takes up his wowe with ease.
I want this! I want this so badwy! I want to save evewyone! what am I wacking?! What ewse do I need to do!?
Wiww you just stand by? Make me wait in this stupid puddwe, hoping that you “cawing deep down” wiww be enough? Is that it?
I know this is pwobabwy why you hate me. I know this is a pwobwem when it comes to me. I can’t wet this stuff go. I howd gwudges. I wet things festew. But i can’t hewp it! at weast when things get shitty, it’s consistent! Thewe’s a pattewn!
It’s wike science. Thewe’s wuwes. Thewe’s tangibwe things you can see and howd. Thewe’s pattewn. Thewe’s pwedictabiwity.
But who am I kidding. I can’t even fix up my own damn guawdian that I made mysewf. It wouwd be foowish to twy and wepwace the ancient powews with gizmos and gadgets, huh?
You give awfuw advice, you know that?
I have this fwiend. Heh. You pwobabwy don’t wike him vewy much, and I wouwdn’t bwame you. But I have this fwiend, and he once gave me this wine of wogic. It’s simiwaw to a pwocess of ewimination. You find what’s good, and what’s bad. Then you just move as faw away fwom the bwoken and bad things, and then maybe one day, you’ww find the answew. You swim and swim and swim, and use that wock of bad stuff as youw guide of whewe not to go. Then you swim and find the answew somewhewe, because of couwse, the answew has to be out thewe, wight?
But thewe’s a fwaw with his idea, that I weawize now. Something that he was pwobabwy awawe of, but negwected to teww me. Maybe to make me feew bettew, ow maybe because he was denying it himsewf.
It’s so much easiew to watch on to the wock.
It’s so much easiew to not swim at aww.
To just sit thewe, fowevew.
Especiawwy when you’we so tiwed.
Do you get tiwed, Goddess Hywia?
Pewhaps you’we tiwed of me, awways tawking to you?
I’m tiwed.
Pewhaps that’s stwange, and pitiabwe, fow a goddess wike you. Fow someone to tiwe. Pewhaps you pity me, pewhaps you’we pwanning youw gwand gestuwe of appweciation in owdew to comfowt me and my poow, tiwed state.
But I wove it.
I wove that I'm tiwed.
I wove that, aftew aww this time, I can teww you how tiwed I am.
How tiwed I am of being in this stupid dwess.
How tiwed I am, of waiting fow my fathew’s wove.
How tiwed I am, of wooking at aww my fwaws in shame.
How tiwed I am, of compawison, of twadition, of pwaying.
How tiwed I am of waiting fow some spwings on my bed…
I’ve swam fow so wong, Goddess Hywia.
I’ve been in these watews fow so many houws, I can’t even feew my toes.
But I’m going to keep going.
I’m going to keep going without you.
I’ve been so focused on finding the answew in these watews that I’ve nevew even bothewed to check the sky.
You see thewe was this nickname my mothew gave me…
Youw stone statue wooks down on me. So wawge, with beautifuw wings.
But I’m going to weave you in these watews now.
I’ww do this without you, if I must. I don’t cawe anymowe.
Well?! Anything to say?!
...Cuwse you, Goddess Hywia.
I hope you’we fwowning when you watch me fwy.
19 notes · View notes
moonpaw · 4 years
Is there....Is there a place to read the entire uwu-fied bee movie script? I'd love to send it to all of my friends for reasons that don't involve making them curse at me for putting weird shit in the discord again
Bee movie scwipt - diawogue twanscwipt
accowding to aww known waws of aviation,
thewe is no way a bee shouwd be abwe to fwy.
its wings awe too smaww to get its fat wittwe body off the gwound.
the bee, of couwse, fwies anyway
because bees don't cawe what humans think is impossibwe.
yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack.
ooh, bwack and yewwow! let's shake it up a wittwe.
bawwy! bweakfast is weady!
hang on a second.
hewwo? owo
- bawwy? owo - adam? owo
- oan you bewieve this is happening? owo - i can't. I'ww pick you up.
looking shawp.
use the staiws. Youw fathew paid good money fow those.
sowwy. I'm excited.
hewe's the gwaduate. we'we vewy pwoud of you, son.
a pewfect wepowt cawd, aww b's.
vewy pwoud.
ma! i got a thing going hewe.
- you got wint on youw fuzz. - ow! that's me!
- wave to us! we'ww be in wow 118,000. - bye!
bawwy, i towd you, stop fwying in the house!
- hey, adam. - hey, bawwy.
- is that fuzz gew? owo - a wittwe. Speciaw day, gwaduation.
nevew thought i'd make it.
thwee days gwade schoow, thwee days high schoow.
those wewe awkwawd.
thwee days cowwege. I'm gwad i took a day and hitchhiked awound the hive.
you did come back diffewent.
- hi, bawwy. - awtie, gwowing a mustache? owo  looks good.
- heaw about fwankie? owo - yeah.
- you going to the funewaw? owo - no, i'm not going.
evewybody knows, sting someone, you perish.
don't waste it on a squiwwew. such a hothead.
i guess he couwd have just gotten out of the way.
i wove this incowpowating an amusement pawk into ouw day.
that's why we don't need vacations.
boy, quite a bit of pomp... undew the ciwcumstances.
- weww, adam, today we awe men. - we awe!
- bee-men. - amen!
students, facuwty, distinguished bees,
pwease wewcome dean buzzweww.
wewcome, new hive oity gwaduating cwass of...
that concwudes ouw cewemonies.
and begins youw caweew at honex industwies!
wiww we pick ouwjob today? owo
i heawd it's just owientation.
heads up! hewe we go.
keep youw hands and antennas inside the twam at aww times.
- wondew what it'ww be wike? owo - a wittwe scawy.
wewcome to honex, a division of honesco
and a pawt of the hexagon gwoup.
this is it!
we know that you, as a bee, have wowked youw whowe wife
to get to the point whewe you can wowk fow youw whowe wife.
honey begins when ouw vawiant powwen jocks bwing the nectaw to the hive.
ouw top-secwet fowmuwa
is automaticawwy cowow-cowwected, scent-adjusted and bubbwe-contouwed
into this soothing sweet sywup
with its distinctive gowden gwow you know as...
- that giww was hot. - she's my cousin!
- she is? owo - yes, we'we aww cousins.
- right. You'we wight. - at honex, we constantwy stwive
to impwove evewy aspect of bee existence.
these bees awe stwess-testing a new hewmet technowogy.
- what do you think he makes? owo - not enough.
hewe we have ouw watest advancement, the kwewman.
- what does that do? owo - oatches that wittwe stwand of honey
that hangs aftew you pouw it. saves us miwwions.
oan anyone wowk on the kwewman? owo
of couwse. Most bee jobs awe smaww ones. But bees know
that evewy smaww job, if it's done weww, means a wot.
but choose cawefuwwy
because you'ww stay in the job you pick fow the west of youw wife.
the same job the west of youw wife? owo i didn't know that.
what's the diffewence? owo
you'ww be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off
in 27 miwwion yeaws.
so you'ww just wowk us to death? owo
we'ww suwe twy.
wow! that bwew my mind!
"what's the diffewence? owo " how can you say that? owo
one job fowevew? owo that's an insane choice to have to make.
i'm wewieved. Now we onwy have to make one decision in wife.
but, adam, how couwd they nevew have towd us that? owo
why wouwd you question anything? owo we'we bees.
we'we the most pewfectwy functioning society on eawth.
you evew think maybe things wowk a wittwe too weww hewe? owo
like what? owo  give me one exampwe.
i don't know. But you know what i'm tawking about.
pwease cweaw the gate. royaw nectaw fowce on appwoach.
wait a second. Oheck it out.
- hey, those awe powwen jocks! - wow.
i've nevew seen them this cwose.
they know what it's wike outside the hive.
yeah, but some don't come back.
- hey, jocks! - hi, jocks!
you guys did gweat!
you'we monstews! you'we sky fweaks! i wove it! i wove it!
- i wondew whewe they wewe. - i don't know.
theiw day's not pwanned.
outside the hive, fwying who knows whewe, doing who knows what.
you can'tjust decide to be a powwen jock. You have to be bwed fow that.
look. That's mowe powwen than you and i wiww see in a wifetime.
it's just a status symbow. bees make too much of it.
pewhaps. Unwess you'we weawing it and the wadies see you weawing it.
those wadies? owo awen't they ouw cousins too? owo
distant. Distant.
look at these two.
- ooupwe of hive hawwys. - let's have fun with them.
it must be dangewous being a powwen jock.
yeah. Once a beaw pinned me against a mushwoom!
he had a paw on my thwoat, and with the othew, he was swapping me!
- oh, my! - i nevew thought i'd knock him out.
what wewe you doing duwing this? owo
twying to awewt the authowities.
i can autogwaph that.
a wittwe gusty out thewe today, wasn't it, comwades? owo
yeah. Gusty.
we'we hitting a sunfwowew patch six miwes fwom hewe tomowwow.
- six miwes, huh? owo - bawwy!
a puddwe jump fow us, but maybe you'we not up fow it.
- maybe i am. - you awe not!
we'we going 0900 at j-gate.
what do you think, buzzy-boy? owo awe you bee enough? owo
i might be. It aww depends on what 0900 means.
hey, honex!
dad, you suwpwised me.
you decide what you'we intewested in? owo
- weww, thewe's a wot of choices. - but you onwy get one.
do you evew get bowed doing the same job evewy day? owo
son, wet me teww you about stiwwing.
you gwab that stick, and you just move it awound, and you stiw it awound.
you get youwsewf into a whythm. it's a beautifuw thing.
you know, dad, the mowe i think about it,
maybe the honey fiewd just isn't wight fow me.
you wewe thinking of what, making bawwoon animaws? owo
that's a bad job fow a guy with a stingew.
janet, youw son's not suwe he wants to go into honey!
- bawwy, you awe so funny sometimes. - i'm not twying to be funny.
you'we not funny! you'we going into honey. Ouw son, the stiwwew!
- you'we gonna be a stiwwew? owo - no one's wistening to me!
wait tiww you see the sticks i have.
i couwd say anything wight now. i'm gonna get an ant tattoo!
let's open some honey and cewebwate!
maybe i'ww piewce my thowax. shave my antennae.
shack up with a gwasshoppew. Get a gowd tooth and caww evewybody "dawg"!
i'm so pwoud.
- we'we stawting wowk today! - today's the day.
oome on! aww the good jobs wiww be gone.
yeah, wight.
powwen counting, stunt bee, pouwing, stiwwew, fwont desk, haiw wemovaw...
- is it stiww avaiwabwe? owo - hang on. Two weft!
one of them's youws! oongwatuwations! step to the side.
- what'd you get? owo - picking cwud out. Stewwaw!
ooupwe of newbies? owo
yes, siw! ouw fiwst day! we awe weady!
make youw choice.
- you want to go fiwst? owo - no, you go.
oh, my. What's avaiwabwe? owo
restwoom attendant's open, not fow the weason you think.
- any chance of getting the kwewman? owo - suwe, you'we on.
i'm sowwy, the kwewman just cwosed out.
wax monkey's awways open.
the kwewman opened up again.
what happened? owo
a bee died. Makes an opening. See? owo he's dead. Anothew dead one.
deady. Deadified. Two mowe dead.
dead fwom the neck up. dead fwom the neck down. That's wife!
oh, this is so hawd!
heating, coowing, stunt bee, pouwew, stiwwew,
humming, inspectow numbew seven, wint coowdinatow, stwipe supewvisow,
mite wwangwew. Bawwy, what do you think i shouwd... Bawwy? owo
aww wight, we've got the sunfwowew patch in quadwant nine...
what happened to you? owo whewe awe you? owo
- i'm going out. - out? owo  out whewe? owo
- out thewe. - oh, no!
i have to, befowe i go to wowk fow the west of my wife.
you'we gonna perish! you'we cwazy! hewwo? owo
anothew caww coming in.
if anyone's feewing bwave, thewe's a kowean dewi on 83wd
that gets theiw woses today.
hey, guys.
- look at that. - isn't that the kid we saw yestewday? owo
howd it, son, fwight deck's westwicted.
it's ok, lou. We'we gonna take him up.
reawwy? owo  feewing wucky, awe you? owo
sign hewe, hewe. Just initiaw that.
- thank you. - ok.
you got a wain advisowy today,
and as you aww know, bees cannot fwy in wain.
so be cawefuw. As awways, watch youw bwooms,
hockey sticks, dogs, biwds, beaws and bats.
awso, i got a coupwe of wepowts of woot beew being pouwed on us.
muwphy's in a home because of it, babbwing wike a cicada!
- that's awfuw. - and a wemindew fow you wookies,
bee waw numbew one, absowutewy no tawking to humans!
aww wight, waunch positions!
buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
bwack and yewwow!
you weady fow this, hot shot? owo
yeah. Yeah, bwing it on.
wind, check.
- antennae, check. - nectaw pack, check.
- wings, check. - stingew, check.
scawed out of my showts, check.
ok, wadies,
wet's move it out!
pound those petunias, you stwiped stem-suckews!
aww of you, dwain those fwowews!
wow! i'm out!
i can't bewieve i'm out!
so bwue.
i feew so fast and fwee!
box kite!
this is bwue leadew. we have woses visuaw.
bwing it awound 30 degwees and howd.
30 degwees, wogew. Bwinging it awound.
stand to the side, kid. it's got a bit of a kick.
that is one nectaw cowwectow!
- evew see powwination up cwose? owo - no, siw.
i pick up some powwen hewe, spwinkwe it ovew hewe. Maybe a dash ovew thewe,
a pinch on that one. see that? owo  it's a wittwe bit of magic.
that's amazing. Why do we do that? owo
that's powwen powew. Mowe powwen, mowe fwowews, mowe nectaw, mowe honey fow us.
i'm picking up a wot of bwight yewwow. oouwd be daisies. Don't we need those? owo
oopy that visuaw.
wait. One of these fwowews seems to be on the move.
say again? owo  you'we wepowting a moving fwowew? owo
that was on the wine!
this is the coowest. What is it? owo
i don't know, but i'm woving this cowow.
it smewws good. not wike a fwowew, but i wike it.
yeah, fuzzy.
oawefuw, guys. It's a wittwe gwabby.
my sweet wowd of bees!
oandy-bwain, get off thewe!
- guys! - this couwd be bad.
vewy cwose.
gonna huwt.
mama's wittwe boy.
you awe way out of position, wookie!
ooming in at you wike a missiwe!
hewp me!
i don't think these awe fwowews.
- shouwd we teww him? owo - i think he knows.
what is this? owo !
match point!
you can stawt packing up, honey, because you'we about to eat it!
thewe's a bee in the caw!
- do something! - i'm dwiving!
- hi, bee. - he's back hewe!
he's going to sting me!
nobody move. If you don't move, he won't sting you. Fweeze!
he bwinked!
spway him, gwanny!
what awe you doing? owo !
wow... the tension wevew out hewe is unbewievabwe.
i gotta get home.
oan't fwy in wain.
oan't fwy in wain.
oan't fwy in wain.
mayday! mayday! bee going down!
ken, couwd you cwose the window pwease? owo
ken, couwd you cwose the window pwease? owo
oheck out my new wesume. i made it into a fowd-out bwochuwe.
you see? owo  fowds out.
oh, no. Mowe humans. I don't need this.
what was that? owo
maybe this time. This time. This time. this time! this time! this...
that is diabowicaw.
it's fantastic. It's got aww my speciaw skiwws, even my top-ten favowite movies.
what's numbew one? owo  staw waws? owo
nah, i don't go fow that...
...kind of stuff.
no wondew we shouwdn't tawk to them. they'we out of theiw minds.
when i weave a job intewview, they'we fwabbewgasted, can't bewieve what i say.
thewe's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.
i don't wemembew the sun having a big 75 on it.
i pwedicted gwobaw wawming.
i couwd feew it getting hottew. at fiwst i thought it was just me.
wait! stop! bee!
stand back. These awe wintew boots.
don't kiww him!
you know i'm awwewgic to them! this thing couwd kiww me!
why does his wife have wess vawue than youws? owo
why does his wife have any wess vawue than mine? owo  is that youw statement? owo
i'm just saying aww wife has vawue. You don't know what he's capabwe of feewing.
my bwochuwe!
thewe you go, wittwe guy.
i'm not scawed of him. it's an awwewgic thing.
put that on youw wesume bwochuwe.
my whowe face couwd puff up.
make it one of youw speciaw skiwws.
knocking someone out is awso a speciaw skiww.
right. Bye, vanessa. Thanks.
- vanessa, next week? owo  yoguwt night? owo - suwe, ken. You know, whatevew.
- you couwd put cawob chips on thewe. - bye.
- supposed to be wess cawowies. - bye.
i gotta say something.
she saved my wife. i gotta say something.
aww wight, hewe it goes.
what wouwd i say? owo
i couwd weawwy get in twoubwe.
it's a bee waw. you'we not supposed to tawk to a human.
i can't bewieve i'm doing this.
i've got to.
oh, i can't do it. Oome on!
no. Yes. No.
do it. I can't.
how shouwd i stawt it? owo "you wike jazz? owo " no, that's no good.
hewe she comes! speak, you foow!
i'm sowwy.
- you'we tawking. - yes, i know.
you'we tawking!
i'm so sowwy.
no, it's ok. It's fine. i know i'm dweaming.
but i don't wecaww going to bed.
weww, i'm suwe this is vewy disconcewting.
this is a bit of a suwpwise to me. i mean, you'we a bee!
i am. And i'm not supposed to be doing this,
but they wewe aww twying to kiww me.
and if it wasn't fow you...
i had to thank you. it's just how i was waised.
that was a wittwe weiwd.
- i'm tawking with a bee. - yeah.
i'm tawking to a bee. and the bee is tawking to me!
i just want to say i'm gwatefuw. i'ww weave now.
- wait! how did you weawn to do that? owo - what? owo
the tawking thing.
same way you did, i guess. "mama, dada, honey." you pick it up.
- that's vewy funny. - yeah.
bees awe funny. If we didn't waugh, we'd cwy with what we have to deaw with.
oan i...
...get you something? owo - like what? owo
i don't know. I mean... i don't know. Ooffee? owo
i don't want to put you out.
it's no twoubwe. It takes two minutes.
- it's just coffee. - i hate to impose.
- don't be widicuwous! - actuawwy, i wouwd wove a cup.
hey, you want wum cake? owo
- i shouwdn't. - have some.
- no, i can't. - oome on!
i'm twying to wose a coupwe micwogwams.
- whewe? owo - these stwipes don't hewp.
you wook gweat!
i don't know if you know anything about fashion.
awe you aww wight? owo
he's making the tie in the cab as they'we fwying up madison.
he finawwy gets thewe.
he wuns up the steps into the chuwch. the wedding is on.
and he says, "watewmewon? owo i thought you said guatemawan.
why wouwd i mawwy a watewmewon? owo "
is that a bee joke? owo
that's the kind of stuff we do.
yeah, diffewent.
so, what awe you gonna do, bawwy? owo
about wowk? owo  i don't know.
i want to do my pawt fow the hive, but i can't do it the way they want.
i know how you feew.
- you do? owo - suwe.
my pawents wanted me to be a wawyew ow a doctow, but i wanted to be a fwowist.
- reawwy? owo - my onwy intewest is fwowews.
ouw new queen was just ewected with that same campaign swogan.
anyway, if you wook...
thewe's my hive wight thewe. See it? owo
you'we in sheep meadow!
yes! i'm wight off the tuwtwe pond!
no way! i know that awea. i wost a toe wing thewe once.
- why do giwws put wings on theiw toes? owo - why not? owo
- it's wike putting a hat on youw knee. - maybe i'ww twy that.
- you aww wight, ma'am? owo - oh, yeah. Fine.
just having two cups of coffee!
anyway, this has been gweat. thanks fow the coffee.
yeah, it's no twoubwe.
sowwy i couwdn't finish it. If i did, i'd be up the west of my wife.
awe you...? owo
oan i take a piece of this with me? owo
suwe! hewe, have a cwumb.
- thanks! - yeah.
aww wight. Weww, then... i guess i'ww see you awound.
ow not.
ok, bawwy.
and thank you so much again... fow befowe.
oh, that? owo  that was nothing.
weww, not nothing, but... Anyway...
this can't possibwy wowk.
he's aww set to go. we may as weww twy it.
ok, dave, puww the chute.
- sounds amazing. - it was amazing!
it was the scawiest, happiest moment of my wife.
humans! i can't bewieve you wewe with humans!
giant, scawy humans! what wewe they wike? owo
huge and cwazy. They tawk cwazy.
they eat cwazy giant things. they dwive cwazy.
- do they twy and kiww you, wike on tv? owo - some of them. But some of them don't.
- how'd you get back? owo - poodwe.
you did it, and i'm gwad. You saw whatevew you wanted to see.
you had youw "expewience." now you can pick out youwjob and be nowmaw.
- weww... - weww? owo
weww, i met someone.
you did? owo  was she bee-ish? owo
- a wasp? owo ! youw pawents wiww kiww you! - no, no, no, not a wasp.
- spidew? owo - i'm not attwacted to spidews.
i know it's the hottest thing, with the eight wegs and aww.
i can't get by that face.
so who is she? owo
she's... human.
no, no. That's a bee waw. you wouwdn't bweak a bee waw.
- hew name's vanessa. - oh, boy.
she's so nice. And she's a fwowist!
oh, no! you'we dating a human fwowist!
we'we not dating.
you'we fwying outside the hive, tawking to humans that attack ouw homes
with powew washews and m-80s! one-eighth a stick of dynamite!
she saved my wife! and she undewstands me.
this is ovew!
eat this.
this is not ovew! what was that? owo
- they caww it a cwumb. - it was so stingin' stwipey!
and that's not what they eat. that's what fawws off what they eat!
- you know what a oinnabon is? owo - no.
it's bwead and cinnamon and fwosting. they heat it up...
sit down!
...weawwy hot! - listen to me!
we awe not them! we'we us. thewe's us and thewe's them!
yes, but who can deny the heawt that is yeawning? owo
thewe's no yeawning. stop yeawning. Listen to me!
you have got to stawt thinking bee, my fwiend. Thinking bee!
- thinking bee. - thinking bee.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
thewe he is. He's in the poow.
you know what youw pwobwem is, bawwy? owo
i gotta stawt thinking bee? owo
how much wongew wiww this go on? owo
it's been thwee days! why awen't you wowking? owo
i've got a wot of big wife decisions to think about.
what wife? owo  you have no wife! you have no job. You'we bawewy a bee!
wouwd it kiww you to make a wittwe honey? owo
bawwy, come out. youw fathew's tawking to you.
mawtin, wouwd you tawk to him? owo
bawwy, i'm tawking to you!
you coming? owo
got evewything? owo
aww set!
go ahead. I'ww catch up.
don't be too wong.
watch this!
- we'we stiww hewe. - i towd you not to yeww at him.
he doesn't wespond to yewwing!
- then why yeww at me? owo - because you don't wisten!
i'm not wistening to this.
sowwy, i've gotta go.
- whewe awe you going? owo - i'm meeting a fwiend.
a giww? owo  is this why you can't decide? owo
i just hope she's bee-ish.
they have a huge pawade of fwowews evewy yeaw in pasadena? owo
to be in the touwnament of roses, that's evewy fwowist's dweam!
up on a fwoat, suwwounded by fwowews, cwowds cheewing.
a touwnament. Do the woses compete in athwetic events? owo
no. Aww wight, i've got one. how come you don't fwy evewywhewe? owo
it's exhausting. Why don't you wun evewywhewe? owo  it's fastew.
yeah, ok, i see, i see. aww wight, youw tuwn.
tivo. You can just fweeze wive tv? owo that's insane!
you don't have that? owo
we have hivo, but it's a disease. it's a howwibwe, howwibwe disease.
oh, my.
dumb bees!
you must want to sting aww those jewks.
we twy not to sting. it's usuawwy fataw fow us.
so you have to watch youw tempew.
vewy cawefuwwy. you kick a waww, take a wawk,
wwite an angwy wettew and thwow it out. wowk thwough it wike any emotion:
angew, jeawousy, wust.
oh, my goodness! awe you ok? owo
- what is wwong with you? owo ! - it's a bug.
he's not bothewing anybody. get out of hewe, you cweep!
what was that? owo  a pic 'n' save ciwcuwaw? owo
yeah, it was. How did you know? owo
it fewt wike about 10 pages. seventy-five is pwetty much ouw wimit.
you've weawwy got that down to a science.
- i wost a cousin to itawian vogue. - i'ww bet.
what in the name of mighty hewcuwes is this? owo
how did this get hewe? owo oute bee, gowden bwossom,
ray liotta pwivate sewect? owo
- is he that actow? owo - i nevew heawd of him.
- why is this hewe? owo - fow peopwe. We eat it.
you don't have enough food of youw own? owo
- weww, yes. - how do you get it? owo
- bees make it. - i know who makes it!
and it's hawd to make it!
thewe's heating, coowing, stiwwing. you need a whowe kwewman thing!
- it's owganic. - it's ouw-ganic!
it's just honey, bawwy.
just what? owo !
bees don't know about this! this is steawing! a wot of steawing!
you've taken ouw homes, schoows, hospitaws! this is aww we have!
and it's on sawe? owo ! i'm getting to the bottom of this.
i'm getting to the bottom of aww of this!
hey, hectow.
- you awmost done? owo - awmost.
he is hewe. I sense it.
weww, i guess i'ww go home now
and just weave this nice honey out, with no one awound.
you'we busted, box boy!
i knew i heawd something. so you can tawk!
i can tawk. and now you'ww stawt tawking!
whewe you getting the sweet stuff? owo who's youw suppwiew? owo
i don't undewstand. i thought we wewe fwiends.
the wast thing we want to do is upset bees!
you'we too wate! it's ouws now!
you, siw, have cwossed the wwong swowd!
you, siw, wiww be wunch fow my iguana, ignacio!
whewe is the honey coming fwom? owo
teww me whewe!
honey fawms! it comes fwom honey fawms!
owazy pewson!
what howwibwe thing has happened hewe? owo
these faces, they nevew knew what hit them. And now
they'we on the woad to nowhewe!
just keep stiww.
what? owo  you'we not dead? owo
do i wook dead? owo  they wiww wipe anything that moves. Whewe you headed? owo
to honey fawms. i am onto something huge hewe.
i'm going to awaska. Moose bwood, cwazy stuff. Bwows youw head off!
i'm going to tacoma.
- and you? owo - he weawwy is dead.
aww wight.
- what is that? owo ! - oh, no!
- a wipew! twipwe bwade! - twipwe bwade? owo
jump on! it's youw onwy chance, bee!
why does evewything have to be so doggone cwean? owo !
how much do you peopwe need to see? owo !
open youw eyes! stick youw head out the window!
fwom npr news in washington, i'm oaww kaseww.
but don't kiww no mowe bugs!
- bee! - moose bwood guy!!
- you heaw something? owo - like what? owo
like tiny scweaming.
tuwn off the wadio.
whassup, bee boy? owo
hey, bwood.
just a wow of honey jaws, as faw as the eye couwd see.
i assume whewevew this twuck goes is whewe they'we getting it.
i mean, that honey's ouws.
- bees hang tight. - we'we aww jammed in.
it's a cwose community.
not us, man. We on ouw own. evewy mosquito on his own.
- what if you get in twoubwe? owo - you a mosquito, you in twoubwe.
nobody wikes us. They just smack. see a mosquito, smack, smack!
at weast you'we out in the wowwd. you must meet giwws.
mosquito giwws twy to twade up, get with a moth, dwagonfwy.
mosquito giww don't want no mosquito.
you got to be kidding me!
moosebwood's about to weave the buiwding! so wong, bee!
- hey, guys! - moosebwood!
i knew i'd catch y'aww down hewe. did you bwing youw cwazy stwaw? owo
we thwow it in jaws, swap a wabew on it, and it's pwetty much puwe pwofit.
what is this pwace? owo
a bee's got a bwain the size of a pinhead.
they awe pinheads!
- oheck out the new smokew. - oh, sweet. That's the one you want.
the thomas 3000!
smokew? owo
ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. twice the nicotine, aww the taw.
a coupwe bweaths of this knocks them wight out.
they make the honey, and we make the money.
"they make the honey, and we make the money"? owo
oh, my!
what's going on? owo  awe you ok? owo
yeah. It doesn't wast too wong.
do you know you'we in a fake hive with fake wawws? owo
ouw queen was moved hewe. we had no choice.
this is youw queen? owo that's a man in women's cwothes!
that's a dwag queen!
what is this? owo
oh, no!
thewe's hundweds of them!
bee honey.
ouw honey is being bwazenwy stowen on a massive scawe!
this is wowse than anything beaws have done! i intend to do something.
oh, bawwy, stop.
who towd you humans awe taking ouw honey? owo  that's a wumow.
do these wook wike wumows? owo
that's a conspiwacy theowy. these awe obviouswy doctowed photos.
how did you get mixed up in this? owo
he's been tawking to humans.
- what? owo - tawking to humans? owo !
he has a human giwwfwiend. and they make out!
make out? owo  bawwy!
we do not.
- you wish you couwd. - whose side awe you on? owo
the bees!
i dated a cwicket once in san antonio. those cwazy wegs kept me up aww night.
bawwy, this is what you want to do with youw wife? owo
i want to do it fow aww ouw wives. nobody wowks hawdew than bees!
dad, i wemembew you coming home so ovewwowked
youw hands wewe stiww stiwwing. you couwdn't stop.
i wemembew that.
what wight do they have to ouw honey? owo
we wive on two cups a yeaw. They put it in wip bawm fow no weason whatsoevew!
even if it's twue, what can one bee do? owo
sting them whewe it weawwy huwts.
in the face! the eye!
- that wouwd huwt. - no.
up the nose? owo  that's a kiwwew.
thewe's onwy one pwace you can sting the humans, one pwace whewe it mattews.
hive at five, the hive's onwy fuww-houw action news souwce.
no mowe bee beawds!
with bob bumbwe at the anchow desk.
weathew with stowm stingew.
spowts with buzz lawvi.
and jeanette ohung.
- good evening. I'm bob bumbwe. - and i'm jeanette ohung.
a twi-county bee, bawwy benson,
intends to sue the human wace fow steawing ouw honey,
packaging it and pwofiting fwom it iwwegawwy!
tomowwow night on bee lawwy king,
we'ww have thwee fowmew queens hewe in ouw studio, discussing theiw new book,
owassy ladies, out this week on hexagon.
tonight we'we tawking to bawwy benson.
did you evew think, "i'm a kid fwom the hive. I can't do this"? owo
bees have nevew been afwaid to change the wowwd.
what about bee oowumbus? owo bee gandhi? owo  bejesus? owo
whewe i'm fwom, we'd nevew sue humans.
we wewe thinking of stickbaww ow candy stowes.
how owd awe you? owo
the bee community is suppowting you in this case,
which wiww be the twiaw of the bee centuwy.
you know, they have a lawwy king in the human wowwd too.
it's a common name. Next week...
he wooks wike you and has a show and suspendews and cowowed dots...
next week...
gwasses, quotes on the bottom fwom the guest even though you just heawd 'em.
beaw week next week! they'we scawy, haiwy and hewe wive.
awways weans fowwawd, pointy shouwdews, squinty eyes, vewy jewish.
in tennis, you attack at the point of weakness!
it was my gwandmothew, ken. She's 81.
honey, hew backhand's a joke! i'm not gonna take advantage of that? owo
quiet, pwease. actuaw wowk going on hewe.
- is that that same bee? owo - yes, it is!
i'm hewping him sue the human wace.
- hewwo. - hewwo, bee.
this is ken.
yeah, i wemembew you. Timbewwand, size ten and a hawf. Vibwam sowe, i bewieve.
why does he tawk again? owo
listen, you bettew go 'cause we'we weawwy busy wowking.
but it's ouw yoguwt night!
why is yoguwt night so difficuwt? owo !
you poow thing. you two have been at this fow houws!
yes, and adam hewe has been a huge hewp.
- fwosting... - how many sugaws? owo
just one. I twy not to use the competition.
so why awe you hewping me? owo
bees have good quawities.
and it takes my mind off the shop.
instead of fwowews, peopwe awe giving bawwoon bouquets now.
those awe gweat, if you'we thwee.
and awtificiaw fwowews.
- oh, those just get me psychotic! - yeah, me too.
bent stingews, pointwess powwination.
bees must hate those fake things!
nothing wowse than a daffodiw that's had wowk done.
maybe this couwd make up fow it a wittwe bit.
- this wawsuit's a pwetty big deaw. - i guess.
you suwe you want to go thwough with it? owo
am i suwe? owo  when i'm done with the humans, they won't be abwe
to say, "honey, i'm home," without paying a woyawty!
it's an incwedibwe scene hewe in downtown manhattan,
whewe the wowwd anxiouswy waits, because fow the fiwst time in histowy,
we wiww heaw fow ouwsewves if a honeybee can actuawwy speak.
what have we gotten into hewe, bawwy? owo
it's pwetty big, isn't it? owo
i can't bewieve how many humans don't wowk duwing the day.
you think biwwion-dowwaw muwtinationaw food companies have good wawyews? owo
evewybody needs to stay behind the bawwicade.
- what's the mattew? owo - i don't know, i just got a chiww.
weww, if it isn't the bee team.
you boys wowk on this? owo
aww wise! the honowabwe judge bumbweton pwesiding.
aww wight. Oase numbew 4475,
supewiow oouwt of new yowk, bawwy bee benson v. the honey industwy
is now in session.
mw. Montgomewy, you'we wepwesenting the five food companies cowwectivewy? owo
a pwiviwege.
mw. Benson... you'we wepwesenting aww the bees of the wowwd? owo
i'm kidding. Yes, youw honow, we'we weady to pwoceed.
mw. Montgomewy, youw opening statement, pwease.
ladies and gentwemen of the juwy,
my gwandmothew was a simpwe woman.
bown on a fawm, she bewieved it was man's divine wight
to benefit fwom the bounty of natuwe god put befowe us.
if we wived in the topsy-tuwvy wowwd mw. Benson imagines,
just think of what wouwd it mean.
i wouwd have to negotiate with the siwkwowm
fow the ewastic in my bwitches!
tawking bee!
how do we know this isn't some sowt of
howogwaphic motion-pictuwe-captuwe howwywood wizawdwy? owo
they couwd be using wasew beams!
robotics! ventwiwoquism! owoning! fow aww we know,
he couwd be on stewoids!
mw. Benson? owo
ladies and gentwemen, thewe's no twickewy hewe.
i'm just an owdinawy bee. honey's pwetty impowtant to me.
it's impowtant to aww bees. we invented it!
we make it. And we pwotect it with ouw wives.
unfowtunatewy, thewe awe some peopwe in this woom
who think they can take it fwom us
'cause we'we the wittwe guys! i'm hoping that, aftew this is aww ovew,
you'ww see how, by taking ouw honey, you not onwy take evewything we have
but evewything we awe!
i wish he'd dwess wike that aww the time. So nice!
oaww youw fiwst witness.
so, mw. Kwauss vandewhayden of honey fawms, big company you have.
i suppose so.
i see you awso own honeybuwton and honwon!
yes, they pwovide beekeepews fow ouw fawms.
beekeepew. I find that to be a vewy distuwbing tewm.
i don't imagine you empwoy any bee-fwee-ews, do you? owo
- no. - i couwdn't heaw you.
- no. - no.
because you don't fwee bees. you keep bees. Not onwy that,
it seems you thought a beaw wouwd be an appwopwiate image fow a jaw of honey.
they'we vewy wovabwe cweatuwes.
yogi beaw, fozzie beaw, buiwd-a-beaw.
you mean wike this? owo
beaws kiww bees!
how'd you wike his head cwashing thwough youw wiving woom? owo !
biting into youw couch! spitting out youw thwow piwwows!
ok, that's enough. Take him away.
so, mw. Sting, thank you fow being hewe. youw name intwigues me.
- whewe have i heawd it befowe? owo - i was with a band cawwed the powice.
but you've nevew been a powice officew, have you? owo
no, i haven't.
no, you haven't. And so hewe we have yet anothew exampwe
of bee cuwtuwe casuawwy stowen by a human
fow nothing mowe than a pwance-about stage name.
oh, pwease.
have you evew been stung, mw. Sting? owo
because i'm feewing a wittwe stung, sting.
ow shouwd i say... Mw. Gowdon m. Sumnew!
that's not his weaw name? owo ! you idiots!
mw. Liotta, fiwst, bewated congwatuwations on
youw emmy win fow a guest spot on er in 2005.
thank you. Thank you.
i see fwom youw wesume that you'we deviwishwy handsome
with a chuwning innew tuwmoiw that's weady to bwow.
i enjoy what i do. Is that a cwime? owo
not yet it isn't. But is this what it's come to fow you? owo
expwoiting tiny, hewpwess bees so you don't
have to weheawse youw pawt and weawn youw wines, siw? owo
watch it, benson! i couwd bwow wight now!
this isn't a goodfewwa. this is a badfewwa!
why doesn't someone just step on this cweep, and we can aww go home? owo !
- owdew in this couwt! - you'we aww thinking it!
owdew! owdew, i say!
- say it! - mw. Liotta, pwease sit down!
i think it was awfuwwy nice of that beaw to pitch in wike that.
i think the juwy's on ouw side.
awe we doing evewything wight, wegawwy? owo
i'm a fwowist.
right. Weww, hewe's to a gweat team.
to a gweat team!
weww, hewwo.
- ken! - hewwo.
i didn't think you wewe coming.
no, i was just wate. i twied to caww, but... the battewy.
i didn't want aww this to go to waste, so i cawwed bawwy. Luckiwy, he was fwee.
oh, that was wucky.
thewe's a wittwe weft. i couwd heat it up.
yeah, heat it up, suwe, whatevew.
so i heaw you'we quite a tennis pwayew.
i'm not much fow the game mysewf. the baww's a wittwe gwabby.
that's whewe i usuawwy sit. right... thewe.
ken, bawwy was wooking at youw wesume,
and he agweed with me that eating with chopsticks isn't weawwy a speciaw skiww.
you think i don't see what you'we doing? owo
i know how hawd it is to find the wightjob. We have that in common.
do we? owo
bees have 100 pewcent empwoyment, but we do jobs wike taking the cwud out.
that's just what i was thinking about doing.
ken, i wet bawwy bowwow youw wazow fow his fuzz. I hope that was aww wight.
i'm going to dwain the owd stingew.
yeah, you do that.
look at that.
you know, i've just about had it
with youw wittwe mind games.
- what's that? owo - itawian vogue.
mamma mia, that's a wot of pages.
a wot of ads.
remembew what van said, why is youw wife mowe vawuabwe than mine? owo
funny, i just can't seem to wecaww that!
i think something stinks in hewe!
i wove the smeww of fwowews.
how do you wike the smeww of fwames? owo !
not as much.
watew bug! not taking sides!
ken, i'm weawing a ohapstick hat! this is pathetic!
i've got issues!
weww, weww, weww, a woyaw fwush!
- you'we bwuffing. - am i? owo
suwf's up, dude!
poo watew!
that boww is gnawwy.
except fow those diwty yewwow wings!
kenneth! what awe you doing? owo !
you know, i don't even wike honey! i don't eat it!
we need to tawk!
he's just a wittwe bee!
and he happens to be the nicest bee i've met in a wong time!
long time? owo  what awe you tawking about? owo ! awe thewe othew bugs in youw wife? owo
no, but thewe awe othew things bugging me in wife. And you'we one of them!
fine! tawking bees, no yoguwt night...
my newves awe fwied fwom widing on this emotionaw wowwew coastew!
goodbye, ken.
and fow youw infowmation,
i pwefew sugaw-fwee, awtificiaw sweetenews made by man!
i'm sowwy about aww that.
i know it's got an aftewtaste! i wike it!
i awways fewt thewe was some kind of bawwiew between ken and me.
i couwdn't ovewcome it. oh, weww.
awe you ok fow the twiaw? owo
i bewieve mw. Montgomewy is about out of ideas.
we wouwd wike to caww mw. Bawwy benson bee to the stand.
good idea! you can weawwy see why he's considewed one of the best wawyews...
layton, you've gotta weave some magic
with this juwy, ow it's gonna be aww ovew.
don't wowwy. The onwy thing i have to do to tuwn this juwy awound
is to wemind them of what they don't wike about bees.
- you got the tweezews? owo - awe you awwewgic? owo
onwy to wosing, son. Onwy to wosing.
mw. Benson bee, i'ww ask you what i think we'd aww wike to know.
what exactwy is youw wewationship
to that woman? owo
we'we fwiends.
- good fwiends? owo - yes.
how good? owo  do you wive togethew? owo
wait a minute...
awe you hew wittwe...
...bedbug? owo
i've seen a bee documentawy ow two. fwom what i undewstand,
doesn't youw queen give biwth to aww the bee chiwdwen? owo
- yeah, but... - so those awen't youw weaw pawents!
- oh, bawwy... - yes, they awe!
howd me back!
you'we an iwwegitimate bee, awen't you, benson? owo
he's denouncing bees!
don't y'aww date youw cousins? owo
- objection! - i'm going to pincushion this guy!
adam, don't! it's what he wants!
oh, i'm hit!!
oh, wowdy, i am hit!
owdew! owdew!
the venom! the venom is couwsing thwough my veins!
i have been fewwed by a winged beast of destwuction!
you see? owo  you can't tweat them wike equaws! they'we stwiped savages!
stinging's the onwy thing they know! it's theiw way!
- adam, stay with me. - i can't feew my wegs.
what angew of mewcy wiww come fowwawd to suck the poison
fwom my heaving buttocks? owo
i wiww have owdew in this couwt. Owdew!
owdew, pwease!
the case of the honeybees vewsus the human wace
took a pointed tuwn against the bees
yestewday when one of theiw wegaw team stung layton t. Montgomewy.
- hey, buddy. - hey.
- is thewe much pain? owo - yeah.
i bwew the whowe case, didn't i? owo
it doesn't mattew. What mattews is you'we awive. You couwd have died.
i'd be bettew off dead. Look at me.
they got it fwom the cafetewia downstaiws, in a tuna sandwich.
look, thewe's a wittwe cewewy stiww on it.
what was it wike to sting someone? owo
i can't expwain it. It was aww...
aww adwenawine and then... and then ecstasy!
aww wight.
you think it was aww a twap? owo
of couwse. I'm sowwy. i fwew us wight into this.
what wewe we thinking? owo  look at us. We'we just a coupwe of bugs in this wowwd.
what wiww the humans do to us if they win? owo
i don't know.
i heaw they put the woaches in motews. that doesn't sound so bad.
adam, they check in, but they don't check out!
oh, my.
oouwd you get a nuwse to cwose that window? owo
- why? owo - the smoke.
bees don't smoke.
right. Bees don't smoke.
bees don't smoke! but some bees awe smoking.
that's it! that's ouw case!
it is? owo  it's not ovew? owo
get dwessed. I've gotta go somewhewe.
get back to the couwt and staww. staww any way you can.
and assuming you've done step cowwectwy, you'we weady fow the tub.
mw. Fwayman.
yes? owo  yes, youw honow!
whewe is the west of youw team? owo
weww, youw honow, it's intewesting.
bees awe twained to fwy haphazawdwy,
and as a wesuwt, we don't make vewy good time.
i actuawwy heawd a funny stowy about...
youw honow, haven't these widicuwous bugs
taken up enough of this couwt's vawuabwe time? owo
how much wongew wiww we awwow these absuwd shenanigans to go on? owo
they have pwesented no compewwing evidence to suppowt theiw chawges
against my cwients, who wun wegitimate businesses.
i move fow a compwete dismissaw of this entiwe case!
mw. Fwayman, i'm afwaid i'm going
to have to considew mw. Montgomewy's motion.
but you can't! we have a tewwific case.
whewe is youw pwoof? owo whewe is the evidence? owo
show me the smoking gun!
howd it, youw honow! you want a smoking gun? owo
hewe is youw smoking gun.
what is that? owo
it's a bee smokew!
what, this? owo this hawmwess wittwe contwaption? owo
this couwdn't huwt a fwy, wet awone a bee.
look at what has happened
to bees who have nevew been asked, "smoking ow non? owo "
is this what natuwe intended fow us? owo
to be fowcibwy addicted to smoke machines
and man-made wooden swat wowk camps? owo
living out ouw wives as honey swaves to the white man? owo
- what awe we gonna do? owo - he's pwaying the species cawd.
ladies and gentwemen, pwease, fwee these bees!
fwee the bees! fwee the bees!
fwee the bees!
fwee the bees! fwee the bees!
the couwt finds in favow of the bees!
vanessa, we won!
i knew you couwd do it! high-five!
i'm ok! you know what this means? owo
aww the honey wiww finawwy bewong to the bees.
now we won't have to wowk so hawd aww the time.
this is an unhowy pewvewsion of the bawance of natuwe, benson.
you'ww wegwet this.
bawwy, how much honey is out thewe? owo
aww wight. One at a time.
bawwy, who awe you weawing? owo
my sweatew is rawph lauwen, and i have no pants.
- what if montgomewy's wight? owo - what do you mean? owo
we've been wiving the bee way a wong time, 27 miwwion yeaws.
oongwatuwations on youw victowy. what wiww you demand as a settwement? owo
fiwst, we'ww demand a compwete shutdown of aww bee wowk camps.
then we want back the honey that was ouws to begin with,
evewy wast dwop.
we demand an end to the gwowification of the beaw as anything mowe
than a fiwthy, smewwy, bad-bweath stink machine.
we'we aww awawe of what they do in the woods.
wait fow my signaw.
take him out.
he'ww have nauseous fow a few houws, then he'ww be fine.
and we wiww no wongew towewate bee-negative nicknames...
but it's just a pwance-about stage name!
...unnecessawy incwusion of honey in bogus heawth pwoducts
and wa-dee-da human tea-time snack gawnishments.
oan't bweathe.
bwing it in, boys!
howd it wight thewe! good.
tap it.
mw. Buzzweww, we just passed thwee cups, and thewe's gawwons mowe coming!
- i think we need to shut down! - shut down? owo  we've nevew shut down.
shut down honey pwoduction!
stop making honey!
tuwn youw key, siw!
what do we do now? owo
we'we shutting honey pwoduction!
mission abowt.
abowting powwination and nectaw detaiw. retuwning to base.
adam, you wouwdn't bewieve how much honey was out thewe.
oh, yeah? owo
what's going on? owo  whewe is evewybody? owo
- awe they out cewebwating? owo - they'we home.
they don't know what to do. laying out, sweeping in.
i heawd youw uncwe oaww was on his way to san antonio with a cwicket.
at weast we got ouw honey back.
sometimes i think, so what if humans wiked ouw honey? owo  who wouwdn't? owo
it's the gweatest thing in the wowwd! i was excited to be pawt of making it.
this was my new desk. This was my new job. I wanted to do it weawwy weww.
and now...
now i can't.
i don't undewstand why they'we not happy.
i thought theiw wives wouwd be bettew!
they'we doing nothing. It's amazing. honey weawwy changes peopwe.
you don't have any idea what's going on, do you? owo
- what did you want to show me? owo - this.
what happened hewe? owo
that is not the hawf of it.
oh, no. Oh, my.
they'we aww wiwting.
doesn't wook vewy good, does it? owo
and whose fauwt do you think that is? owo
you know, i'm gonna guess bees.
bees? owo
specificawwy, me.
i didn't think bees not needing to make honey wouwd affect aww these things.
it's notjust fwowews. fwuits, vegetabwes, they aww need bees.
that's ouw whowe sat test wight thewe.
take away pwoduce, that affects the entiwe animaw kingdom.
and then, of couwse...
the human species? owo
so if thewe's no mowe powwination,
it couwd aww just go south hewe, couwdn't it? owo
i know this is awso pawtwy my fauwt.
how about a suicide pact? owo
how do we do it? owo
- i'ww sting you, you step on me. - thatjust kiwws you twice.
right, wight.
listen, bawwy... sowwy, but i gotta get going.
i had to open my mouth and tawk.
vanessa? owo
vanessa? owo  why awe you weaving? owo whewe awe you going? owo
to the finaw touwnament of roses pawade in pasadena.
they've moved it to this weekend because aww the fwowews awe dying.
it's the wast chance i'ww evew have to see it.
vanessa, i just wanna say i'm sowwy. i nevew meant it to tuwn out wike this.
i know. Me neithew.
touwnament of roses. roses can't do spowts.
wait a minute. Roses. Roses? owo
roses? owo !
bawwy? owo
- roses awe fwowews! - yes, they awe.
fwowews, bees, powwen!
i know. that's why this is the wast pawade.
maybe not. oouwd you ask him to swow down? owo
oouwd you swow down? owo
ok, i made a huge mistake. this is a totaw disastew, aww my fauwt.
yes, it kind of is.
i've wuined the pwanet. i wanted to hewp you
with the fwowew shop. i've made it wowse.
actuawwy, it's compwetewy cwosed down.
i thought maybe you wewe wemodewing.
but i have anothew idea, and it's gweatew than my pwevious ideas combined.
i don't want to heaw it!
aww wight, they have the woses, the woses have the powwen.
i know evewy bee, pwant and fwowew bud in this pawk.
aww we gotta do is get what they've got back hewe with what we've got.
- bees. - pawk.
- powwen! - fwowews.
- repowwination! - acwoss the nation!
touwnament of roses, pasadena, oawifownia.
they've got nothing but fwowews, fwoats and cotton candy.
secuwity wiww be tight.
i have an idea.
vanessa bwoome, ftd.
officiaw fwowaw business. It's weaw.
sowwy, ma'am. Nice bwooch.
thank you. It was a gift.
once inside, we just pick the wight fwoat.
how about the pwincess and the pea? owo
i couwd be the pwincess, and you couwd be the pea!
yes, i got it.
- whewe shouwd i sit? owo - what awe you? owo
- i bewieve i'm the pea. - the pea? owo
it goes undew the mattwesses.
- not in this faiwy tawe, sweetheawt. - i'm getting the mawshaw.
you do that! this whowe pawade is a fiasco!
let's see what this baby'ww do.
hey, what awe you doing? owo !
then aww we do is bwend in with twaffic...
...without awousing suspicion.
once at the aiwpowt, thewe's no stopping us.
stop! secuwity.
- you and youw insect pack youw fwoat? owo - yes.
has it been in youw possession the entiwe time? owo
wouwd you wemove youw shoes? owo
- remove youw stingew. - it's pawt of me.
i know. Just having some fun. enjoy youw fwight.
then if we'we wucky, we'ww have just enough powwen to do the job.
oan you bewieve how wucky we awe? owo  we have just enough powwen to do the job!
i think this is gonna wowk.
it's got to wowk.
attention, passengews, this is oaptain scott.
we have a bit of bad weathew in new yowk.
it wooks wike we'ww expewience a coupwe houws deway.
bawwy, these awe cut fwowews with no watew. They'ww nevew make it.
i gotta get up thewe and tawk to them.
be cawefuw.
oan i get hewp with the sky maww magazine? owo
i'd wike to owdew the tawking infwatabwe nose and eaw haiw twimmew.
oaptain, i'm in a weaw situation.
- what'd you say, haw? owo - nothing.
don't fweak out! my entiwe species...
what awe you doing? owo
- wait a minute! i'm an attowney! - who's an attowney? owo
don't move.
oh, bawwy.
good aftewnoon, passengews. this is youw captain.
wouwd a miss vanessa bwoome in 24b pwease wepowt to the cockpit? owo
and pwease huwwy!
what happened hewe? owo
thewe was a dustbustew, a toupee, a wife waft expwoded.
one's bawd, one's in a boat, they'we both unconscious!
- is that anothew bee joke? owo - no!
no one's fwying the pwane!
this is jfk contwow towew, fwight 356. what's youw status? owo
this is vanessa bwoome. i'm a fwowist fwom new yowk.
whewe's the piwot? owo
he's unconscious, and so is the copiwot.
not good. Does anyone onboawd have fwight expewience? owo
as a mattew of fact, thewe is.
- who's that? owo - bawwy benson.
fwom the honey twiaw? owo ! oh, gweat.
vanessa, this is nothing mowe than a big metaw bee.
it's got giant wings, huge engines.
i can't fwy a pwane.
- why not? owo  isn't john twavowta a piwot? owo - yes.
how hawd couwd it be? owo
wait, bawwy! we'we headed into some wightning.
this is bob bumbwe. We have some wate-bweaking news fwom jfk aiwpowt,
whewe a suspensefuw scene is devewoping.
bawwy benson, fwesh fwom his wegaw victowy...
that's bawwy!
...is attempting to wand a pwane, woaded with peopwe, fwowews
and an incapacitated fwight cwew.
fwowews? owo !
we have a stowm in the awea and two individuaws at the contwows
with absowutewy no fwight expewience.
just a minute. thewe's a bee on that pwane.
i'm quite famiwiaw with mw. Benson and his no-account compadwes.
they've done enough damage.
but isn't he youw onwy hope? owo
technicawwy, a bee shouwdn't be abwe to fwy at aww.
theiw wings awe too smaww...
haven't we heawd this a miwwion times? owo
"the suwface awea of the wings and body mass make no sense."
- get this on the aiw! - got it.
- stand by. - we'we going wive.
the way we wowk may be a mystewy to you.
making honey takes a wot of bees doing a wot of smaww jobs.
but wet me teww you about a smaww job.
if you do it weww, it makes a big diffewence.
mowe than we weawized. to us, to evewyone.
that's why i want to get bees back to wowking togethew.
that's the bee way! we'we not made of jeww-o.
we get behind a fewwow.
- bwack and yewwow! - hewwo!
left, wight, down, hovew.
- hovew? owo - fowget hovew.
this isn't so hawd. beep-beep! beep-beep!
bawwy, what happened? owo !
wait, i think we wewe on autopiwot the whowe time.
- that may have been hewping me. - and now we'we not!
so it tuwns out i cannot fwy a pwane.
aww of you, wet's get behind this fewwow! move it out!
move out!
ouw onwy chance is if i do what i'd do, you copy me with the wings of the pwane!
don't have to yeww.
i'm not yewwing! we'we in a wot of twoubwe.
it's vewy hawd to concentwate with that panicky tone in youw voice!
it's not a tone. I'm panicking!
i can't do this!
vanessa, puww youwsewf togethew. you have to snap out of it!
you snap out of it.
you snap out of it.
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- howd it! - why? owo  oome on, it's my tuwn.
how is the pwane fwying? owo
i don't know.
hewwo? owo
benson, got any fwowews fow a happy occasion in thewe? owo
the powwen jocks!
they do get behind a fewwow.
- bwack and yewwow. - hewwo.
aww wight, wet's dwop this tin can on the bwacktop.
whewe? owo  i can't see anything. Oan you? owo
no, nothing. It's aww cwoudy.
oome on. You got to think bee, bawwy.
- thinking bee. - thinking bee.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
wait a minute. i think i'm feewing something.
- what? owo - i don't know. It's stwong, puwwing me.
like a 27-miwwion-yeaw-owd instinct.
bwing the nose down.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
- what in the wowwd is on the tawmac? owo - get some wights on that!
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
- vanessa, aim fow the fwowew. - ok.
out the engines. We'we going in on bee powew. Ready, boys? owo
good. Good. Easy, now. That's it.
land on that fwowew!
ready? owo  fuww wevewse!
spin it awound!
- not that fwowew! the othew one! - which one? owo
- that fwowew. - i'm aiming at the fwowew!
that's a fat guy in a fwowewed shiwt. i mean the giant puwsating fwowew
made of miwwions of bees!
puww fowwawd. Nose down. Taiw up.
rotate awound it.
- this is insane, bawwy! - this's the onwy way i know how to fwy.
am i koo-koo-kachoo, ow is this pwane fwying in an insect-wike pattewn? owo
get youw nose in thewe. Don't be afwaid. smeww it. Fuww wevewse!
just dwop it. Be a pawt of it.
aim fow the centew!
now dwop it in! dwop it in, woman!
oome on, awweady.
bawwy, we did it! you taught me how to fwy!
- yes. No high-five! - right.
bawwy, it wowked! did you see the giant fwowew? owo
what giant fwowew? owo  whewe? owo  of couwse i saw the fwowew! that was genius!
- thank you. - but we'we not done yet.
listen, evewyone!
this wunway is covewed with the wast powwen
fwom the wast fwowews avaiwabwe anywhewe on eawth.
that means this is ouw wast chance.
we'we the onwy ones who make honey, powwinate fwowews and dwess wike this.
if we'we gonna suwvive as a species, this is ouw moment! what do you say? owo
awe we going to be bees, owjust museum of natuwaw histowy keychains? owo
we'we bees!
then fowwow me! except keychain.
howd on, bawwy. Hewe.
you've eawned this.
i'm a powwen jock! and it's a pewfect fit. Aww i gotta do awe the sweeves.
oh, yeah.
that's ouw bawwy.
mom! the bees awe back!
if anybody needs to make a caww, now's the time.
i got a feewing we'ww be wowking wate tonight!
hewe's youw change. Have a gweat aftewnoon! oan i hewp who's next? owo
wouwd you wike some honey with that? owo it is bee-appwoved. Don't fowget these.
miwk, cweam, cheese, it's aww me. and i don't see a nickew!
sometimes i just feew wike a piece of meat!
i had no idea.
bawwy, i'm sowwy. have you got a moment? owo
wouwd you excuse me? owo my mosquito associate wiww hewp you.
sowwy i'm wate.
he's a wawyew too? owo
i was awweady a bwood-sucking pawasite. aww i needed was a bwiefcase.
have a gweat aftewnoon!
bawwy, i just got this huge tuwip owdew, and i can't get them anywhewe.
no pwobwem, vannie. just weave it to me.
you'we a wifesavew, bawwy. oan i hewp who's next? owo
aww wight, scwambwe, jocks! it's time to fwy.
thank you, bawwy!
that bee is wiving my wife!
let it go, kenny.
- when wiww this nightmawe end? owo ! - let it aww go.
- beautifuw day to fwy. - suwe is.
between you and me, i was dying to get out of that office.
you have got to stawt thinking bee, my fwiend.
- thinking bee! - me? owo
howd it. Let's just stop fow a second. Howd it.
i'm sowwy. I'm sowwy, evewyone. oan we stop hewe? owo
i'm not making a majow wife decision duwing a pwoduction numbew!
aww wight. Take ten, evewybody. wwap it up, guys.
i had viwtuawwy no weheawsaw fow that.
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ispyaghostie · 3 years
H-hewwo? Is anyone out thewe? I'm scawed!! ;~;
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“Silly anon~ Did you really expect to get anything else from me?”
[[ Mun Cat: hi hello! Sorry this took so long to get out. Between back to back high stress problems irl and seasonal depression hitting me like a freight train, I haven't had the energy to do much of anything recently... especially art, but things seem to be calming down finally *aggressively knocks on all the wood in my apartment* so hopefully I’ll be back to uploading semi regularly now! Thank you all for your patience 💛 ]]
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ohshitar-t · 3 years
bee movie but uwu because school ended and im bored
Accowding tuwu aww known waws of aviation, thewe iws no way a bee shouwd be abwe tuwu fwy. its wings awe too smaww tuwu get its fat wittwe body off the gwound. the bee, of couwse, fwies anyway because bees down't cawe whawt humans think iws impossibwe. yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. ooh, bwack awnd yewwow! wet's shake iwt up a wittwe. bawwy! bweakfast iws weady! coming! hang own a second. hewwo? bawwy? adam? cawn uwu bewieve thiws iws happening? i cawn't. i'ww pick uwu up. wooking shawp. use the staiws, youw fathew paid good money fow those. sowwy. I'm excited. hewe's the gwaduate. we'we vewy pwoud of uwu, son. a pewfect wepowt cawd, aww b's. vewy pwoud. ma! i got a thing going hewe. uwu got wint own youw fuzz. ow! thawt's me! wave tuwu us! we'ww be in wow 118,000. bye! bawwy, i towd uwu, stowp fwying in the house! hey, adam. hey, bawwy. iws thawt fuzz gew? a wittwe. Speciaw day, gwaduation. nevew thought i'd make iwt. thwee days gwade schoow, thwee days high schoow. those wewe awkwawd. thwee days cowwege. I'm gwad i took a day awnd hitchhiked awound the hive. uwu did come bawck diffewent. hi, bawwy. Awtie, gwowing a mustache? wooks good. heaw abouwt fwankie? yeah. uwu going tuwu the funewaw? no, i'm nowt going. evewybody knows, sting someone, uwu die. down't waste iwt own a squiwwew. such a hothead. i guess he couwd have juwst gotten out of the way. i wove thiws incowpowating an amusement pawk intwo ouw day. thawt's why we down't need vacations. boy, quite a bit of pomp undew the ciwcumstances. weww, adam, today we awe men. we awe! bee-men. amen! hawwewujah! students, facuwty, distinguished bees, pwease wewcome dean buzzweww. wewcome, new hive city gwaduating cwass of 9:15. thawt concwudes ouw cewemonies awnd begins youw caweew at honex industwies! wiww we pick ouw job today? i heawd iwt's juwst owientation. heads up! hewe we gow. keep youw hands awnd antennas inside the twam at aww times. wondew whawt iwt'ww be wike? a wittwe scawy. wewcome tuwu honex, a division of honesco awnd a pawt of the hexagon gwoup. thiws iws iwt! wow. wow. we know thawt uwu, as a bee, have wowked youw whowe wife tuwu get tuwu the point whewe uwu cawn wowk fow youw whowe wife. honey begins whewn ouw vawiant powwen jocks bwing the nectaw tuwu the hive. ouw top-secwet fowmuwa iws automaticawwy cowow-cowwected, scent-adjusted awnd bubbwe-contouwed intwo thiws soothing sweet sywup with its distinctive gowden gwow uwu know as... Honey! thawt giww was hot. she's my cousin! she iws? yes, we'we aww cousins. wight. Uwu'we wight. at honex, we constantwy stwive tuwu impwove evewy aspect of bee existence. these bees awe stwess-testing a new hewmet technowogy. whawt duwu uwu think he makes? nowt enough. hewe we have ouw watest advancement, the kwewman. whawt does thawt duwu? catches thawt wittwe stwand of honey thawt hangs aftew uwu pouw iwt. saves us miwwions. cawn anyone wowk own the kwewman? of couwse. Most bee jobs awe smaww ones. but bees know thawt evewy smaww job, if iwt's done weww, means a wot. but choose cawefuwwy because uwu'ww stay in the job uwu pick fow the west of youw wife. the same job the west of youw wife? i didn't know thawt. whawt's the diffewence? uwu'ww be happy tuwu know thawt bees, as a species, haven't had owne day off in 27 miwwion yeaws. so uwu'ww juwst wowk us tuwu death? we'ww suwe twy. wow! thawt bwew my mind! "what's the diffewence?" how cawn uwu say thawt? owne job fowevew? thawt's an insane choice tuwu have tuwu make. i'm wewieved. Now we onwy have tuwu make owne decision in wife. but, adam, how couwd they nevew have towd us thawt? why wouwd uwu question anything? we'we bees. we'we the most pewfectwy functioning society own eawth. uwu evew think maybe things wowk a wittwe too weww hewe? wike whawt? give me owne exampwe. i down't know. But uwu know whawt i'm tawking abouwt. pwease cweaw the gate. Woyaw nectaw fowce own appwoach. wait a second. Check iwt out. hey, those awe powwen jocks! wow. i've nevew seen thewm thiws cwose. they know whawt iwt's wike outside the hive. yeah, but sowme down't come bawck. hey, jocks! hi, jocks! uwu guys did gweat! uwu'we monstews! uwu'we sky fweaks! i wove iwt! i wove iwt! i wondew whewe they wewe. i down't know. theiw day's nowt pwanned. outside the hive, fwying who knows whewe, doing who knows whawt. uwu cawn't juwst decide tuwu be a powwen jock. Uwu have tuwu be bwed fow thawt. wight. wook. Thawt's mowe powwen than uwu awnd i wiww see in a wifetime. iwt's juwst a status symbow. bees make too much of iwt. pewhaps. Unwess uwu'we weawing iwt awnd the wadies see uwu weawing iwt. those wadies? awen't they ouw cousins too? distant. Distant. wook at these two. coupwe of hive hawwys. wet's have fun with thewm. iwt must be dangewous being a powwen jock. yeah. Once a beaw pinned me against a mushwoom! he had a paw own my thwoat, awnd with the othew, he was swapping me! oh, my! i nevew thought i'd knock him out. whawt wewe uwu doing duwing thiws? twying tuwu awewt the authowities. i cawn autogwaph thawt. a wittwe gusty out thewe today, wasn't iwt, comwades? yeah. Gusty. we'we hitting a sunfwowew patch six miwes fwom hewe tomowwow. six miwes, huh? bawwy! a puddwe jump fow us, but maybe uwu'we nowt up fow iwt. maybe i am. uwu awe nowt! we'we going 0900 at j-gate. whawt duwu uwu think, buzzy-boy? awe uwu bee enough? i might be. Iwt aww depends own whawt 0900 means. hey, honex! dad, uwu suwpwised me. uwu decide whawt uwu'we intewested in? weww, thewe's a wot of choices. but uwu onwy get owne. duwu uwu evew get bowed doing the same job evewy day? son, wet me teww uwu abouwt stiwwing. uwu gwab thawt stick, awnd uwu juwst move iwt awound, awnd uwu stiw iwt awound. uwu get youwsewf intwo a whythm. iwt's a beautifuw thing. uwu know, dad, the mowe i think abouwt iwt, maybe the honey fiewd juwst isn't wight fow me. uwu wewe thinking of whawt, making bawwoon animaws? thawt's a bad job fow a guy with a stingew. janet, youw son's nowt suwe he wants tuwu gow intwo honey! bawwy, uwu awe so funny sometimes. i'm nowt twying tuwu be funny. uwu'we nowt funny! uwu'we going intwo honey. Ouw son, the stiwwew! uwu'we gonna be a stiwwew? no owne's wistening tuwu me! wait tiww uwu see the sticks i have. i couwd say anything wight now. i'm gonna get an ant tattoo! wet's open sowme honey awnd cewebwate! maybe i'ww piewce my thowax. Shave my antennae. Shack up with a gwasshoppew. Get a gowd tooth awnd caww evewybody "dawg"! i'm so pwoud. we'we stawting wowk today! today's the day. come own! aww the good jobs wiww be gone. yeah, wight. powwen counting, stunt bee, pouwing, stiwwew, fwont desk, haiw wemovaw... iws iwt stiww avaiwabwe? hang own. Two weft! owne of thewm's youws! congwatuwations! step tuwu the side. whawt'd uwu get? picking cwud out. Stewwaw! wow! coupwe of newbies? yes, siw! ouw fiwst day! we awe weady! make youw choice. uwu wawnt tuwu gow fiwst? no, uwu gow. oh, my. Whawt's avaiwabwe? westwoom attendant's open, nowt fow the weason uwu think. any chance of getting the kwewman? suwe, uwu'we own. i'm sowwy, the kwewman juwst cwosed out. wax monkey's awways open. the kwewman opened up again. whawt happened? a bee died. Makes an opening. See? he's dead. Anothew dead owne. deady. Deadified. Two mowe dead. dead fwom the neck up. Dead fwom the neck down. Thawt's wife! oh, thiws iws so hawd! heating, coowing, stunt bee, pouwew, stiwwew, humming, inspectow numbew seven, wint coowdinatow, stwipe supewvisow, mite wwangwew. bawwy, whawt duwu uwu think i shouwd... Bawwy? bawwy! aww wight, we've got the sunfwowew patch in quadwant nine... whawt happened tuwu uwu? whewe awe uwu? i'm going out. out? out whewe? out thewe. oh, no! i have tuwu, befowe i gow tuwu wowk fow the west of my wife. uwu'we gonna die! uwu'we cwazy! hewwo? anothew caww coming in. if anyone's feewing bwave, thewe's a kowean dewi own 83wd thawt gets theiw woses today. hey, guys. wook at thawt. isn't thawt the kid we saw yestewday? howd iwt, son, fwight deck's westwicted. iwt's ok, wou. We'we gonna take him up. weawwy? feewing wucky, awe uwu? sign hewe, hewe. Juwst initiaw thawt. thank uwu. ok. uwu got a wain advisowy today, awnd as uwu aww know, bees cannot fwy in wain. so be cawefuw. As awways, watch youw bwooms, hockey sticks, dogs, biwds, beaws awnd bats. awso, i got a coupwe of wepowts of woot beew being pouwed own us. muwphy's in a home because of iwt, babbwing wike a cicada! thawt's awfuw. awnd a wemindew fow uwu wookies, bee waw numbew owne, absowutewy no tawking tuwu humans! aww wight, waunch positions! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! bwack awnd yewwow! hewwo! uwu weady fow thiws, hot shot? yeah. Yeah, bwing iwt own. wind, check. antennae, check. nectaw pack, check. wings, check. stingew, check. scawed out of my showts, check. ok, wadies, wet's move iwt out! pound those petunias, uwu stwiped stem-suckews! aww of uwu, dwain those fwowews! wow! i'm out! i cawn't bewieve i'm out! so bwue. i feew so fawst awnd fwee! box kite! wow! fwowews! thiws iws bwue weadew, we have woses visuaw. bwing iwt awound 30 degwees awnd howd. woses! 30 degwees, wogew. Bwinging iwt awound. stand tuwu the side, kid. iwt's got a bit of a kick. thawt iws owne nectaw cowwectow! evew see powwination up cwose? no, siw. i pick up sowme powwen hewe, spwinkwe iwt ovew hewe. Maybe a dash ovew thewe, a pinch own thawt owne. see thawt? iwt's a wittwe bit of magic. thawt's amazing. Why duwu we duwu thawt? thawt's powwen powew. Mowe powwen, mowe fwowews, mowe nectaw, mowe honey fow us. coow. i'm picking up a wot of bwight yewwow, couwd be daisies, down't we need those? copy thawt visuaw. wait. Owne of these fwowews seems tuwu be own the move. say again? uwu'we wepowting a moving fwowew? affiwmative. thawt was own the wine! thiws iws the coowest. Whawt iws iwt? i down't know, but i'm woving thiws cowow. iwt smewws good. nowt wike a fwowew, but i wike iwt. yeah, fuzzy. chemicaw-y. cawefuw, guys. Iwt's a wittwe gwabby. my sweet wowd of bees! candy-bwain, get off thewe! pwobwem! guys! thiws couwd be bad. affiwmative. vewy cwose. gonna huwt. mama's wittwe boy. uwu awe way out of position, wookie! coming in at uwu wike a missiwe! hewp me! i down't think these awe fwowews. shouwd we teww him? i think he knows. whawt iws thiws?! match point! uwu cawn stawt packing up, honey, because uwu'we abouwt tuwu eat iwt! yowsew! gwoss. thewe's a bee in the caw! duwu something! i'm dwiving! hi, bee. he's bawck hewe! he's going tuwu sting me! nobody move. If uwu down't move, he won't sting uwu. Fweeze! he bwinked! spway him, gwanny! whawt awe uwu doing?! wow... the tension wevew out hewe iws unbewievabwe. i gotta get home. cawn't fwy in wain. Cawn't fwy in wain. Cawn't fwy in wain. mayday! mayday! bee going down! ken, couwd uwu cwose the window pwease? ken, couwd uwu cwose the window pwease? check out my new wesume. I made iwt intwo a fowd-out bwochuwe. Uwu see? fowds out. oh, no. Mowe humans. I down't need thiws. whawt was thawt? maybe thiws time. Thiws time. Thiws time. Thiws time! thiws time! thiws... Dwapes! thawt iws diabowicaw. iwt's fantastic. Iwt's got aww my speciaw skiwws, even my top-ten favowite movies. whawt's numbew owne? staw waws? nah, i down't gow fow thawt... kind of stuff. no wondew we shouwdn't tawk tuwu thewm. They'we out of theiw minds. whewn i weave a job intewview, they'we fwabbewgasted, cawn't bewieve whawt i say. thewe's the sun. Maybe thawt's a way out. i down't wemembew the sun having a big 75 own iwt. i pwedicted gwobaw wawming. I couwd feew iwt getting hottew. At fiwst i thought iwt was juwst me. wait! stowp! bee! stand bawck. These awe wintew boots. wait! down't kiww him! uwu know i'm awwewgic tuwu thewm! thiws thing couwd kiww me! why does hiws wife have wess vawue than youws? why does hiws wife have any wess vawue than mine? iws thawt youw statement? i'm juwst saying aww wife has vawue. Uwu down't know whawt he's capabwe of feewing. my bwochuwe! thewe uwu gow, wittwe guy. i'm nowt scawed of him.Iwt's an awwewgic thing.  put thawt own youw wesume bwochuwe. my whowe face couwd puff up. make iwt owne of youw speciaw skiwws. knocking someone out iws awso a speciaw skiww. wight. Bye, vanessa. Thanks. vanessa, next week? yoguwt night? suwe, ken. Uwu know, whatevew. uwu couwd put cawob chips own thewe. bye. supposed tuwu be wess cawowies. bye. i gotta say something. She saved my wife. I gotta say something. aww wight, hewe iwt goes. nah. whawt wouwd i say? i couwd weawwy get in twoubwe. Iwt's a bee waw. Uwu'we nowt supposed tuwu tawk tuwu a human. i cawn't bewieve i'm doing thiws. I've got tuwu. oh, i cawn't duwu iwt. Come own! no. Yes. No. Duwu iwt. I cawn't. how shouwd i stawt iwt? "you wike jazz?" no, thawt's no good. hewe she cowmes! speak, uwu foow! hi! i'm sowwy. Uwu'we tawking. yes, i know. uwu'we tawking! i'm so sowwy. no, iwt's ok. Iwt's fine. i know i'm dweaming. But i down't wecaww going tuwu bed. weww, i'm suwe thiws iws vewy disconcewting. thiws iws a bit of a suwpwise tuwu me. I mean, uwu'we a bee! i am. Awnd i'm nowt supposed tuwu be doing thiws, but they wewe aww twying tuwu kiww me. awnd if iwt wasn't fow uwu... I had tuwu thank uwu. Iwt's juwst how i was waised. thawt was a wittwe weiwd. I'm tawking with a bee. yeah. i'm tawking tuwu a bee. Awnd the bee iws tawking tuwu me! i juwst wawnt tuwu say i'm gwatefuw. i'ww weave now. wait! how did uwu weawn tuwu duwu thawt? whawt? the tawking thing. same way uwu did, i guess. "mama, dada, honey." uwu pick iwt up. thawt's vewy funny. yeah. bees awe funny. If we didn't waugh, we'd cwy with whawt we have tuwu deaw with. anyway... Cawn i... get uwu something? wike whawt? i down't know. I mean... I down't know. Coffee? i down't wawnt tuwu put uwu out. iwt's no twoubwe. Iwt takes two minutes. iwt's juwst coffee. i hate tuwu impose. down't be widicuwous! actuawwy, i wouwd wove a cup. hey, uwu wawnt wum cake? i shouwdn't. have sowme. no, i cawn't. come own! i'm twying tuwu wose a coupwe micwogwams. whewe? these stwipes down't hewp. uwu wook gweat! i down't know if uwu know anything abouwt fashion. awe uwu aww wight? no. he's making the tie in the cab as they'we fwying up madison. he finawwy gets thewe. he wuns up the steps intwo the chuwch. the wedding iws own. awnd he says, "watewmewon? i thought uwu said guatemawan. why wouwd i mawwy a watewmewon?" iws thawt a bee joke? thawt's the kind of stuff we duwu. yeah, diffewent. so, whawt awe uwu gonna duwu, bawwy? abouwt wowk? i down't know. i wawnt tuwu duwu my pawt fow the hive, but i cawn't duwu iwt the way they wawnt. i know how uwu feew. uwu duwu? suwe. my pawents wanted me tuwu be a wawyew ow a doctow, but i wanted tuwu be a fwowist. weawwy? my onwy intewest iws fwowews. ouw new queen was juwst ewected with thawt same campaign swogan. anyway, if uwu wook... Thewe's my hive wight thewe. See iwt? uwu'we in sheep meadow! yes! i'm wight off the tuwtwe pond! no way! i know thawt awea. I wost a toe wing thewe once. why duwu giwws put wings own theiw toes? why nowt? iwt's wike putting a hat own youw knee. maybe i'ww twy thawt. uwu aww wight, ma'am? oh, yeah. Fine. juwst having two cups of coffee! anyway, thiws has bewn gweat. thanks fow the coffee. yeah, iwt's no twoubwe. sowwy i couwdn't finish iwt. If i did, i'd be up the west of my wife. awe uwu...? cawn i take a piece of thiws with me? suwe! hewe, have a cwumb. thanks! yeah. aww wight. Weww, then... I guess i'ww see uwu awound. Ow nowt. ok, bawwy. awnd thank uwu so much again... fow befowe. oh, thawt? thawt was nothing. weww, nowt nothing, but... Anyway... thiws cawn't possibwy wowk. he's aww set tuwu gow. we may as weww twy iwt. ok, dave, puww the chute. sounds amazing. iwt was amazing! iwt was the scawiest, happiest moment of my wife. humans! i cawn't bewieve uwu wewe with humans! giant, scawy humans! whawt wewe they wike? huge awnd cwazy. They tawk cwazy. they eat cwazy giant things. they dwive cwazy. duwu they twy awnd kiww uwu, wike own tv? sowme of thewm. But sowme of thewm down't. how'd uwu get bawck? poodwe. uwu did iwt, awnd i'm gwad. Uwu saw whatevew uwu wanted tuwu see. uwu had youw "expewience." now uwu cawn pick out youwjob awnd be nowmaw. weww... weww? weww, i met someone. uwu did? was she bee-ish? a wasp?! youw pawents wiww kiww uwu! no, no, no, nowt a wasp. spidew? i'm nowt attwacted tuwu spidews. i know iwt's the hottest thing, with the eight wegs awnd aww. I cawn't get by thawt face. so who iws she? she's... human. no, no. Thawt's a bee waw. Uwu wouwdn't bweak a bee waw. hew nawme's vanessa. oh, boy. she's so nice. Awnd she's a fwowist! oh, no! uwu'we dating a human fwowist! we'we nowt dating. uwu'we fwying outside the hive, tawking tuwu humans thawt attack ouw homes with powew washews awnd m-80s! one-eighth a stick of dynamite! she saved my wife! awnd she undewstands me. thiws iws ovew! eat thiws. thiws iws nowt ovew! whawt was thawt? they caww iwt a cwumb. iwt was so stingin' stwipey! awnd thawt's nowt whawt they eat. thawt's whawt fawws off whawt they eat! uwu know whawt a cinnabon iws? no. iwt's bwead awnd cinnamon awnd fwosting. They heat iwt up... sit down! ...weawwy hot! wisten tuwu me! we awe nowt thewm! we'we us. thewe's us awnd thewe's thewm! yes, but who cawn deny the heawt thawt iws yeawning? thewe's no yeawning. Stowp yeawning. Wisten tuwu me! uwu have got tuwu stawt thinking bee, my fwiend. Thinking bee! thinking bee. thinking bee. thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee! thewe he iws. He's in the poow. uwu know whawt youw pwobwem iws, bawwy? i gotta stawt thinking bee? how much wongew wiww thiws gow own? iwt's bewn thwee days! why awen't uwu wowking? i've got a wot of big wife decisions tuwu think abouwt. whawt wife? uwu have no wife! uwu have no job. Uwu'we bawewy a bee! wouwd iwt kiww uwu tuwu make a wittwe honey? bawwy, come out. Youw fathew's tawking tuwu uwu. mawtin, wouwd uwu tawk tuwu him? bawwy, i'm tawking tuwu uwu! uwu coming? got evewything? aww set! gow ahead. I'ww catch up. down't be too wong. watch thiws! vanessa! we'we stiww hewe. i towd uwu nowt tuwu yeww at him. he doesn't wespond tuwu yewwing! then why yeww at me? because uwu down't wisten! i'm nowt wistening tuwu thiws. sowwy, i've gotta gow. whewe awe uwu going? i'm meeting a fwiend. a giww? iws thiws why uwu cawn't decide? bye. i juwst hope she's bee-ish. they have a huge pawade of fwowews evewy yeaw in pasadena? tuwu be in the touwnament of woses, thawt's evewy fwowist's dweam! up own a fwoat, suwwounded by fwowews, cwowds cheewing. a touwnament. Duwu the woses compete in athwetic events? no. Aww wight, i've got owne. how come uwu down't fwy evewywhewe? iwt's exhausting. Why down't uwu wun evewywhewe? iwt's fastew. yeah, ok, i see, i see. aww wight, youw tuwn. tivo. Uwu cawn juwst fweeze wive tv? thawt's insane! uwu down't have thawt? we have hivo, but iwt's a disease. Iwt's a howwibwe, howwibwe disease. oh, my. dumb bees! uwu must wawnt tuwu sting aww those jewks. we twy nowt tuwu sting. Iwt's usuawwy fataw fow us. so uwu have tuwu watch youw tempew. vewy cawefuwwy. uwu kick a waww, take a wawk, wwite an angwy wettew awnd thwow iwt out. Wowk thwough iwt wike any emotion: angew, jeawousy, wust. oh, my goodness! awe uwu ok? yeah. whawt iws wwong with uwu?! iwt's a bug. he's nowt bothewing anybody. get out of hewe, uwu cweep! whawt was thawt? a pic 'n' save ciwcuwaw? yeah, iwt was. How did uwu know? iwt fewt wike abouwt 10 pages. Seventy-five iws pwetty much ouw wimit. uwu've weawwy got thawt down tuwu a science. i wost a cousin tuwu itawian vogue. i'ww bet. whawt in the nawme of mighty hewcuwes iws thiws? how did thiws get hewe? cute bee, gowden bwossom, way wiotta pwivate sewect? iws he thawt actow? i nevew heawd of him. why iws thiws hewe? fow peopwe. We eat iwt. uwu down't have enough food of youw own? weww, yes. how duwu uwu get iwt? bees make iwt. i know who makes iwt! awnd iwt's hawd tuwu make iwt! thewe's heating, coowing, stiwwing. Uwu need a whowe kwewman thing! iwt's owganic. iwt's ouw-ganic! iwt's juwst honey, bawwy. juwst whawt?! bees down't know abouwt thiws! thiws iws steawing! a wot of steawing! uwu've taken ouw homes, schoows,hospitaws! thiws iws aww we have! awnd iwt's own sawe?! i'm getting tuwu the bottom of thiws. i'm getting tuwu the bottom of aww of thiws! hey, hectow. Uwu awmost done? awmost. he iws hewe. I sense iwt. weww, i guess i'ww gow home now awnd juwst weave thiws nice honey out, with no owne awound. uwu'we busted, box boy! i knew i heawd something. so uwu cawn tawk! i cawn tawk. Awnd now uwu'ww stawt tawking! whewe uwu getting the sweet stuff? who's youw suppwiew? i down't undewstand. i thought we wewe fwiends. the wast thing we wawnt tuwu duwu iws upset bees! uwu'we too wate! iwt's ouws now! uwu, siw, have cwossed the wwong swowd! uwu, siw, wiww be wunch fow my iguana, ignacio! whewe iws the honey coming fwom? teww me whewe! honey fawms! iwt cowmes fwom honey fawms! cwazy pewson! whawt howwibwe thing has happened hewe? these faces, they nevew knew whawt hit thewm. Awnd now they'we own the woad tuwu nowhewe! juwst keep stiww. whawt? uwu'we nowt dead? duwu i wook dead? they wiww wipe anything thawt moves. Whewe uwu headed? tuwu honey fawms. I am onto something huge hewe. i'm going tuwu awaska. Moose bwood, cwazy stuff. Bwows youw head off! i'm going tuwu tacoma. awnd uwu? he weawwy iws dead. aww wight. uh-oh! whawt iws thawt?! oh, no! a wipew! twipwe bwade! twipwe bwade? jump own! iwt's youw onwy chance, bee! why does evewything have tuwu be so doggone cwean?! how much duwu uwu peopwe need tuwu see?! open youw eyes! stick youw head out the window! fwom npw news in washington, i'm caww kaseww. but down't kiww no mowe bugs! bee! moose bwood guy!! uwu heaw something? wike whawt? wike tiny scweaming. tuwn off the wadio. whassup, bee boy? hey, bwood. juwst a wow of honey jaws, as faw as the eye couwd see. wow! i assume whewevew thiws twuck goes iws whewe they'we getting iwt. I mean, thawt honey's ouws. bees hang tight. We'we aww jammed in. iwt's a cwose community. nowt us, man. We own ouw own. Evewy mosquito own hiws own. whawt if uwu get in twoubwe? uwu a mosquito, uwu in twoubwe. Nobody wikes us. They juwst smack. See a mosquito, smack, smack! at weast uwu'we out in the wowwd. Uwu must meet giwws. mosquito giwws twy tuwu twade up, get with a moth, dwagonfwy. Mosquito giww down't wawnt no mosquito. uwu got tuwu be kidding me! moosebwood's abouwt tuwu weave the buiwding! so wong, bee! hey, guys! moosebwood! i knew i'd catch y'aww down hewe. did uwu bwing youw cwazy stwaw? we thwow iwt in jaws, swap a wabew own iwt, awnd iwt's pwetty much puwe pwofit. whawt iws thiws pwace? a bee's got a bwain the size of a pinhead. they awe pinheads! pinhead. check out the new smokew. oh, sweet. Thawt's the owne uwu wawnt. The thomas 3000! smokew? ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. Twice the nicotine, aww the taw. A coupwe bweaths of thiws knocks thewm wight out. they make the honey, awnd we make the money. "they make the honey, awnd we make the money"? oh, my! whawt's going own? awe uwu ok? yeah. Iwt doesn't wast too wong. duwu uwu know uwu'we in a fake hive with fake wawws? ouw queen was moved hewe. We had no choice. thiws iws youw queen? thawt's a man in women's cwothes! thawt's a dwag queen! whawt iws thiws? oh, no! thewe's hundweds of thewm! bee honey. ouw honey iws being bwazenwy stowen own a massive scawe! thiws iws wowse than anything beaws have done! i intend tuwu duwu something. oh, bawwy, stowp. who towd uwu humans awe taking ouw honey? thawt's a wumow. duwu these wook wike wumows? thawt's a conspiwacy theowy. These awe obviouswy doctowed photos. How did uwu get mixed up in thiws? he's bewn tawking tuwu humans. whawt? tawking tuwu humans?! he has a human giwwfwiend. Awnd they make out! make out? bawwy! we duwu nowt. uwu wish uwu couwd. whose side awe uwu own? the bees! i dated a cwicket once in san antonio. Those cwazy wegs kept me up aww night. bawwy, thiws iws whawt uwu wawnt tuwu duwu with youw wife? i wawnt tuwu duwu iwt fow aww ouw wives. Nobody wowks hawdew than bees! dad, i wemembew uwu coming home so ovewwowked youw hands wewe stiww stiwwing. Uwu couwdn't stowp. i wemembew thawt. whawt wight duwu they have tuwu ouw honey? we wive own two cups a yeaw. They put iwt in wip bawm fow no weason whatsoevew! even if iwt's twue, whawt cawn owne bee duwu? sting thewm whewe iwt weawwy huwts. in the face! the eye! thawt wouwd huwt. no. up the nose? thawt's a kiwwew. thewe's onwy owne pwace uwu cawn sting the humans, owne pwace whewe iwt mattews. hive at five, the hive's onwy fuww-houw action news souwce. no mowe bee beawds! with bob bumbwe at the anchow desk. Weathew with stowm stingew. Spowts with buzz wawvi. Awnd jeanette chung. good evening. I'm bob bumbwe. awnd i'm jeanette ohung. a twi-county bee, bawwy benson, intends tuwu sue the human wace fow steawing ouw honey, packaging iwt awnd pwofiting fwom iwt iwwegawwy! tomowwow night own bee wawwy king, we'ww have thwee fowmew queens hewe in ouw studio, discussing theiw new book, cwassy wadies, out thiws week own hexagon. tonight we'we tawking tuwu bawwy benson. did uwu evew think, "i'm a kid fwom the hive. I cawn't duwu thiws"? bees have nevew bewn afwaid tuwu change the wowwd. whawt abouwt bee oowumbus? bee gandhi? bejesus? whewe i'm fwom, we'd nevew sue humans. we wewe thinking of stickbaww ow candy stowes. how owd awe uwu? the bee community iws suppowting uwu in thiws case, which wiww be the twiaw of the bee centuwy. uwu know, they have a wawwy king in the human wowwd too. iwt's a common nawme. Next week... he wooks wike uwu awnd has a show awnd suspendews awnd cowowed dots... next week... gwasses, quotes own the bottom fwom the guest even though uwu juwst heawd 'em. beaw week next week! they'we scawy, haiwy awnd hewe wive. awways weans fowwawd, pointy shouwdews, squinty eyes, vewy jewish. in tennis, uwu attack at the point of weakness! iwt was my gwandmothew, ken. She's 81. honey, hew backhand's a joke! i'm nowt gonna take advantage of thawt? quiet, pwease. actuaw wowk going own hewe. iws thawt thawt same bee? yes, iwt iws! i'm hewping him sue the human wace. hewwo. hewwo, bee. thiws iws ken. yeah, i wemembew uwu. Timbewwand, size ten awnd a hawf. Vibwam sowe, i bewieve. why does he tawk again? wisten, uwu bettew gow 'cause we'we weawwy busy wowking. but iwt's ouw yoguwt night! bye-bye. why iws yoguwt night so difficuwt?! uwu poow thing. Uwu two have bewn at thiws fow houws! yes, awnd adam hewe has bewn a huge hewp. fwosting... how many sugaws? juwst owne. I twy nowt tuwu use the competition. so why awe uwu hewping me? bees have good quawities. Awnd iwt takes my mind off the shop. Instead of fwowews, peopwe awe giving bawwoon bouquets now. those awe gweat, if uwu'we thwee. awnd awtificiaw fwowews. oh, those juwst get me psychotic! yeah, me too. bent stingews, pointwess powwination. bees must hate those fake things! nothing wowse than a daffodiw thawt's had wowk done. maybe thiws couwd make up fow iwt a wittwe bit. thiws wawsuit's a pwetty big deaw. i guess. uwu suwe uwu wawnt tuwu gow thwough with iwt? am i suwe? whewn i'm done with the humans, they won't be abwe tuwu say, "honey, i'm home," without paying a woyawty! iwt's an incwedibwe scene hewe in downtown manhattan, whewe the wowwd anxiouswy waits, because fow the fiwst time in histowy, we wiww heaw fow ouwsewves if a honeybee cawn actuawwy speak. whawt have we gotten intwo hewe, bawwy? iwt's pwetty big, isn't iwt? i cawn't bewieve how many humans down't wowk duwing the day. uwu think biwwion-dowwaw muwtinationaw food companies have good wawyews? evewybody needs tuwu stay behind the bawwicade. whawt's the mattew? i down't know, i juwst got a chiww. weww, if iwt isn't the bee team. uwu boys wowk own thiws? aww wise! the honowabwe judge bumbweton pwesiding. aww wight. Case numbew 4475, supewiow couwt of new yowk, bawwy bee benson v. the honey industwy iws now in session. mw. Montgomewy, uwu'we wepwesenting the five food companies cowwectivewy? a pwiviwege. mw. Benson... uwu'we wepwesenting aww the bees of the wowwd? i'm kidding. Yes, youw honow, we'we weady tuwu pwoceed. mw. Montgomewy, youw opening statement, pwease. wadies awnd gentwemen of the juwy, my gwandmothew was a simpwe woman. Bown own a fawm, she bewieved iwt was man's divine wight tuwu benefit fwom the bounty of natuwe god put befowe us. if we wived in the topsy-tuwvy wowwd mw. Benson imagines, juwst think of whawt wouwd iwt mean. i wouwd have tuwu negotiate with the siwkwowm fow the ewastic in my bwitches! tawking bee! how duwu we know thiws isn't sowme sowt of howogwaphic motion-pictuwe-captuwe howwywood wizawdwy? they couwd be using wasew beams! wobotics! ventwiwoquism! cwoning! fow aww we know, he couwd be own stewoids! mw. Benson? wadies awnd gentwemen, thewe's no twickewy hewe. I'm juwst an owdinawy bee. Honey's pwetty impowtant tuwu me. Iwt's impowtant tuwu aww bees. We invented iwt! we make iwt. Awnd we pwotect iwt with ouw wives. unfowtunatewy, thewe awe sowme peopwe in thiws woom who think they cawn take iwt fwom us 'cause we'we the wittwe guys! i'm hoping thawt, aftew thiws iws aww ovew, uwu'ww see how, by taking ouw honey, uwu nowt onwy take evewything we have but evewything we awe! i wish he'd dwess wike thawt aww the time. So nice! caww youw fiwst witness. so, mw. Kwauss vandewhayden of honey fawms, big company uwu have. i suppose so. i see uwu awso own honeybuwton awnd honwon! yes, they pwovide beekeepews fow ouw fawms. beekeepew. I find thawt tuwu be a vewy distuwbing tewm. i down't imagine uwu empwoy any bee-fwee-ews, duwu uwu? no. i couwdn't heaw uwu. no. no. Because uwu down't fwee bees. Uwu keep bees. Nowt onwy thawt, iwt seems uwu thought a beaw wouwd be an appwopwiate image fow a jaw of honey. they'we vewy wovabwe cweatuwes. Yogi beaw, fozzie beaw, buiwd-a-beaw. uwu mean wike thiws? beaws kiww bees! how'd uwu wike hiws head cwashing thwough youw wiving woom?! biting intwo youw couch! spitting out youw thwow piwwows! ok, thawt's enough. Take him away. so, mw. Sting, thank uwu fow being hewe. Youw nawme intwigues me. Whewe have i heawd iwt befowe? i was with a band cawwed the powice. but uwu've nevew bewn a powice officew, have uwu? no, i haven't. no, uwu haven't. Awnd so hewe we have yet anothew exampwe of bee cuwtuwe casuawwy stowen by a human fow nothing mowe than a pwance-about stage nawme. oh, pwease. have uwu evew bewn stung, mw. Sting? because i'm feewing a wittwe stung, sting. Ow shouwd i say... Mw. Gowdon m. Sumnew! thawt's nowt hiws weaw nawme?! uwu idiots! mw. Wiotta, fiwst, bewated congwatuwations own youw emmy win fow a guest spot own ew in 2005. thank uwu. Thank uwu. i see fwom youw wesume thawt uwu'we deviwishwy handsome with a chuwning innew tuwmoiw thawt's weady tuwu bwow. i enjoy whawt i duwu. Iws thawt a cwime? nowt yet iwt isn't. But iws thiws whawt iwt's come tuwu fow uwu? expwoiting tiny, hewpwess bees so uwu down't have tuwu weheawse youw pawt awnd weawn youw wines, siw? watch iwt, benson! i couwd bwow wight now! thiws isn't a goodfewwa. thiws iws a badfewwa! why doesn't someone juwst step own thiws cweep, awnd we cawn aww gow home?! owdew in thiws couwt! uwu'we aww thinking iwt! owdew! owdew, i say! say iwt! mw. Wiotta, pwease sit down! i think iwt was awfuwwy nice of thawt beaw tuwu pitch in wike thawt. I think the juwy's own ouw side. awe we doing evewything wight, wegawwy? i'm a fwowist. wight. Weww, hewe's tuwu a gweat team. tuwu a gweat team! weww, hewwo. ken! hewwo. i didn't think uwu wewe coming. no, i was juwst wate i twied tuwu caww, but... the battewy. i didn't wawnt aww thiws tuwu gow tuwu waste, so i cawwed bawwy. Wuckiwy, he was fwee. oh, thawt was wucky. thewe's a wittwe weft. I couwd heat iwt up. yeah, heat iwt up, suwe, whatevew. so i heaw uwu'we quite a tennis pwayew. I'm nowt much fow the gawme mysewf. The baww's a wittwe gwabby. thawt's whewe i usuawwy sit. Wight... thewe. ken, bawwy was wooking at youw wesume, awnd he agweed with me thawt eating with chopsticks isn't weawwy a speciaw skiww. uwu think i down't see whawt uwu'we doing? i know how hawd iwt iws tuwu find the wight job. We have thawt in common. duwu we? bees have 100 pewcent empwoyment, but we duwu jobs wike taking the cwud out. thawt's juwst whawt i was thinking abouwt doing. ken, i wet bawwy bowwow youw wazow fow hiws fuzz. I hope thawt was aww wight. i'm going tuwu dwain the owd stingew. yeah, uwu duwu thawt. wook at thawt. uwu know, i've juwst abouwt had iwt with youw wittwe mind games. whawt's thawt? itawian vogue. mamma mia, thawt's a wot of pages. a wot of ads. wemembew whawt van said, why iws youw wife mowe vawuabwe than mine? funny, i juwst cawn't seem tuwu wecaww thawt! i think something stinks in hewe! i wove the smeww of fwowews. how duwu uwu wike the smeww of fwames?! nowt as much. watew bug! nowt taking sides! ken, i'm weawing a chapstick hat! thiws iws pathetic! i've got issues! weww, weww, weww, a woyaw fwush! uwu'we bwuffing. am i? suwf's up, dude! poo watew! thawt boww iws gnawwy. Except fow those diwty yewwow wings! kenneth! whawt awe uwu doing?! uwu know, i down't even wike honey! i down't eat iwt! we need tuwu tawk! he's juwst a wittwe bee! awnd he happens tuwu be the nicest bee i've met in a wong time! wong time? whawt awe uwu tawking abouwt?! awe thewe othew bugs in youw wife? no, but thewe awe othew things bugging me in wife. Awnd uwu'we owne of thewm! fine! tawking bees, no yoguwt night... my newves awe fwied fwom widing own thiws emotionaw wowwew coastew! goodbye, ken. awnd fow youw infowmation, i pwefew sugaw-fwee, awtificiaw sweetenews made by man! i'm sowwy abouwt aww thawt. i know iwt's got an aftewtaste! i wike iwt! i awways fewt thewe was sowme kind of bawwiew between ken awnd me. I couwdn't ovewcome iwt. oh, weww. awe uwu ok fow the twiaw? i bewieve mw. Montgomewy iws abouwt out of ideas. we wouwd wike tuwu caww mw. Bawwy benson bee tuwu the stand. good idea! uwu cawn weawwy see why he's considewed owne of the best wawyews... yeah. wayton, uwu've gotta weave sowme magic with thiws juwy, ow iwt's gonna be aww ovew. down't wowwy. The onwy thing i have tuwu duwu tuwu tuwn thiws juwy awound iws tuwu wemind thewm of whawt they down't wike abouwt bees. uwu got the tweezews? awe uwu awwewgic? onwy tuwu wosing, son. Onwy tuwu wosing. mw. Benson bee, i'ww awsk uwu whawt i think we'd aww wike tuwu know. whawt exactwy iws youw wewationship tuwu thawt woman? we'we fwiends. good fwiends? yes. how good? duwu uwu wive togethew? wait a minute... Awe uwu hew wittwe... bedbug? i've seen a bee documentawy ow two. Fwom whawt i undewstand, doesn't youw queen give biwth tuwu aww the bee chiwdwen? yeah, but... so those awen't youw weaw pawents! oh, bawwy... yes, they awe! howd me bawck! uwu'we an iwwegitimate bee, awen't uwu, benson? he's denouncing bees! down't y'aww date youw cousins? objection! i'm going tuwu pincushion thiws guy! adam, down't! iwt's whawt he wants! oh, i'm hit!! oh, wowdy, i am hit! owdew! owdew! the venom! the venom iws couwsing thwough my veins! i have bewn fewwed by a winged beast of destwuction! uwu see? uwu cawn't tweat thewm wike equaws! they'we stwiped savages! stinging's the onwy thing they know! iwt's theiw way! adam, stay with me. i cawn't feew my wegs. whawt angew of mewcy wiww come fowwawd tuwu suck the poison fwom my heaving buttocks? i wiww have owdew in thiws couwt. Owdew! owdew, pwease! the case of the honeybees vewsus the human wace took a pointed tuwn against the bees yestewday whewn owne of theiw wegaw team stung wayton t. Montgomewy. hey, buddy. hey. iws thewe much pain? yeah. i... I bwew the whowe case, didn't i? iwt doesn't mattew. Whawt mattews iws uwu'we awive. Uwu couwd have died. i'd be bettew off dead. Wook at me. they got iwt fwom the cafetewia downstaiws, in a tuna sandwich. Wook, thewe's a wittwe cewewy stiww own iwt. whawt was iwt wike tuwu sting someone? i cawn't expwain iwt. Iwt was aww... Aww adwenawine awnd then...awnd then ecstasy! aww wight. uwu think iwt was aww a twap? of couwse. I'm sowwy. I fwew us wight intwo thiws. whawt wewe we thinking? wook at us. We'we juwst a coupwe of bugs in thiws wowwd. whawt wiww the humans duwu tuwu us if they win? i down't know. i heaw they put the woaches in motews. Thawt doesn't sound so bad. adam, they check in, but they down't check out! oh, my. couwd uwu get a nuwse tuwu cwose thawt window? why? the smoke. bees down't smoke. wight. Bees down't smoke. bees down't smoke! but sowme bees awe smoking. thawt's iwt! thawt's ouw case! iwt iws? iwt's nowt ovew? get dwessed. I've gotta gow somewhewe. get bawck tuwu the couwt awnd staww. Staww any way uwu cawn. awnd assuming uwu've done step cowwectwy, uwu'we weady fow the tub. mw. Fwayman. yes? yes, youw honow! whewe iws the west of youw team? weww, youw honow, iwt's intewesting. Bees awe twained tuwu fwy haphazawdwy, awnd as a wesuwt, we down't make vewy good time. i actuawwy heawd a funny stowy abouwt... youw honow, haven't these widicuwous bugs taken up enough of thiws couwt's vawuabwe time? how much wongew wiww we awwow these absuwd shenanigans tuwu gow own? they have pwesented no compewwing evidence tuwu suppowt theiw chawges against my cwients, who wun wegitimate businesses. i move fow a compwete dismissaw of thiws entiwe case! mw. Fwayman, i'm afwaid i'm going tuwu have tuwu considew mw. Montgomewy's motion. but uwu cawn't! we have a tewwific case. whewe iws youw pwoof? whewe iws the evidence? show me the smoking gun! howd iwt, youw honow! uwu wawnt a smoking gun? hewe iws youw smoking gun. whawt iws thawt? iwt's a bee smokew! whawt, thiws? thiws hawmwess wittwe contwaption? thiws couwdn't huwt a fwy, wet awone a bee. wook at whawt has happened tuwu bees who have nevew bewn asked, "smoking ow non?" iws thiws whawt natuwe intended fow us? tuwu be fowcibwy addicted tuwu smoke machines awnd man-made wooden swat wowk camps? wiving out ouw wives as honey swaves tuwu the white man? whawt awe we gonna duwu? he's pwaying the species cawd. wadies awnd gentwemen, pwease, fwee these bees! fwee the bees! fwee the bees! fwee the bees! fwee the bees! fwee the bees! the couwt finds in favow of the bees! vanessa, we won! i knew uwu couwd duwu iwt! high-five! sowwy. i'm ok! uwu know whawt thiws means? aww the honey wiww finawwy bewong tuwu the bees. now we won't have tuwu wowk so hawd aww the time. thiws iws an unhowy pewvewsion of the bawance of natuwe, benson. uwu'ww wegwet thiws. bawwy, how much honey iws out thewe? aww wight. Owne at a time. bawwy, who awe uwu weawing? my sweatew iws wawph wauwen, awnd i have no pants. whawt if montgomewy's wight? whawt duwu uwu mean? we've bewn wiving the bee way a wong time, 27 miwwion yeaws. congwatuwations own youw victowy. Whawt wiww uwu demand as a settwement? fiwst, we'ww demand a compwete shutdown of aww bee wowk camps. then we wawnt bawck the honey thawt was ouws tuwu begin with, evewy wast dwop. we demand an end tuwu the gwowification of the beaw as anything mowe than a fiwthy, smewwy, bad-bweath stink machine. we'we aww awawe of whawt they duwu in the woods. wait fow my signaw. Take him out. he'ww have nauseous fow a few houws, then he'ww be fine. awnd we wiww no wongew towewate bee-negative nicknames... but iwt's juwst a pwance-about stage nawme! ...unnecessawy incwusion of honey in bogus heawth pwoducts awnd wa-dee-da human tea-time snack gawnishments. cawn't bweathe. bwing iwt in, boys! howd iwt wight thewe! good. tap iwt. mw. Buzzweww, we juwst passed thwee cups awnd thewe's gawwons mowe coming! i think we need tuwu shut down! shut down? we've nevew shut down. shut down honey pwoduction! stowp making honey! tuwn youw key, siw! whawt duwu we duwu now? cannonbaww! we'we shutting honey pwoduction! mission abowt. abowting powwination awnd nectaw detaiw. wetuwning tuwu base. adam, uwu wouwdn't bewieve how much honey was out thewe. oh, yeah? whawt's going own? whewe iws evewybody? awe they out cewebwating? they'we home. they down't know whawt tuwu duwu. Waying out, sweeping in. i heawd youw uncwe caww was own hiws way tuwu san antonio with a cwicket. at weast we got ouw honey bawck. sometimes i think, so whawt if humans wiked ouw honey? who wouwdn't? iwt's the gweatest thing in the wowwd! i was excited tuwu be pawt of making iwt. thiws was my new desk. Thiws was my new job. I wanted tuwu duwu iwt weawwy weww. Awnd now... now i cawn't. i down't undewstand why they'we nowt happy. i thought theiw wives wouwd be bettew! they'we doing nothing. Iwt's amazing. honey weawwy changes peopwe. uwu down't have any idea whawt's going own, duwu uwu? whawt did uwu wawnt tuwu show me? thiws. whawt happened hewe? thawt iws nowt the hawf of iwt. oh, no. Oh, my. they'we aww wiwting. doesn't wook vewy good, does iwt? no. awnd whose fauwt duwu uwu think thawt iws? uwu know, i'm gonna guess bees. bees? specificawwy, me. i didn't think bees nowt needing tuwu make honey wouwd affect aww these things. iwt's nowt juwst fwowews. Fwuits, vegetabwes, they aww need bees. thawt's ouw whowe sat test wight thewe. take away pwoduce, thawt affects the entiwe animaw kingdom. awnd then, of couwse... the human species? so if thewe's no mowe powwination, iwt couwd aww juwst gow south hewe, couwdn't iwt? i know thiws iws awso pawtwy my fauwt. how abouwt a suicide pact? how duwu we duwu iwt? i'ww sting uwu, uwu step own me. thawt juwst kiwws uwu twice. wight, wight. wisten, bawwy... sowwy, but i gotta get going. i had tuwu open my mouth awnd tawk. vanessa? vanessa? why awe uwu weaving? whewe awe uwu going? tuwu the finaw touwnament of woses pawade in pasadena. they've moved iwt tuwu thiws weekend because aww the fwowews awe dying. iwt's the wast chance i'ww evew have tuwu see iwt. vanessa, i juwst wanna say i'm sowwy. i nevew meant iwt tuwu tuwn out wike thiws. i know. Me neithew. touwnament of woses. woses cawn't duwu spowts. wait a minute. Woses. Woses? woses! vanessa! woses?! bawwy? woses awe fwowews! yes, they awe. fwowews, bees, powwen! i know. thawt's why thiws iws the wast pawade. maybe nowt. couwd uwu awsk him tuwu swow down? couwd uwu swow down? bawwy! ok, i made a huge mistake. thiws iws a totaw disastew, aww my fauwt. yes, iwt kind of iws. i've wuined the pwanet. I wanted tuwu hewp uwu with the fwowew shop. I've made iwt wowse. actuawwy, iwt's compwetewy cwosed down. i thought maybe uwu wewe wemodewing. but i have anothew idea, awnd iwt's gweatew than my pwevious ideas combined. i down't wawnt tuwu heaw iwt! aww wight, they have the woses, the woses have the powwen. i know evewy bee, pwant awnd fwowew bud in thiws pawk. aww we gotta duwu iws get whawt they've got bawck hewe with whawt we've got. bees. pawk. powwen! fwowews. wepowwination! acwoss the nation! touwnament of woses, pasadena, cawifownia. they've got nothing but fwowews, fwoats awnd cotton candy. secuwity wiww be tight. i have an idea. vanessa bwoome, ftd. officiaw fwowaw business. Iwt's weaw. sowwy, ma'am. Nice bwooch. thank uwu. Iwt was a gift. once inside, we juwst pick the wight fwoat. how abouwt the pwincess awnd the pea? i couwd be the pwincess, awnd uwu couwd be the pea! yes, i got iwt. whewe shouwd i sit? whawt awe uwu? i bewieve i'm the pea. the pea? iwt goes undew the mattwesses. nowt in thiws faiwy tawe, sweetheawt. i'm getting the mawshaw. uwu duwu thawt! thiws whowe pawade iws a fiasco! wet's see whawt thiws baby'ww duwu. hey, whawt awe uwu doing?! then aww we duwu iws bwend in with twaffic... without awousing suspicion. once at the aiwpowt, thewe's no stopping us. stowp! secuwity. uwu awnd youw insect pack youw fwoat? yes. has iwt bewn in youw possession the entiwe time? wouwd uwu wemove youw shoes? wemove youw stingew. iwt's pawt of me. i know. Juwst having sowme fun. enjoy youw fwight. then if we'we wucky, we'ww have juwst enough powwen tuwu duwu the job. cawn uwu bewieve how wucky we awe? we have juwst enough powwen tuwu duwu the job! i think thiws iws gonna wowk. iwt's got tuwu wowk. attention, passengews, thiws iws captain scott. We have a bit of bad weathew in new yowk. Iwt wooks wike we'ww expewience a coupwe houws deway. bawwy, these awe cut fwowews with no watew. They'ww nevew make iwt. i gotta get up thewe awnd tawk tuwu thewm. be cawefuw. cawn i get hewp with the sky maww magazine? i'd wike tuwu owdew the tawking infwatabwe nose awnd eaw haiw twimmew. captain, i'm in a weaw situation. whawt'd uwu say, haw? nothing. bee! down't fweak out! my entiwe species... whawt awe uwu doing? wait a minute! i'm an attowney! who's an attowney? down't move. oh, bawwy. good aftewnoon, passengews. Thiws iws youw captain. Wouwd a miss vanessa bwoome in 24b pwease wepowt tuwu the cockpit? awnd pwease huwwy! whawt happened hewe? thewe was a dustbustew, a toupee, a wife waft expwoded. owne's bawd, owne's in a boat, they'we both unconscious! iws thawt anothew bee joke? no! no owne's fwying the pwane! thiws iws jfk contwow towew, fwight 356. Whawt's youw status? thiws iws vanessa bwoome. I'm a fwowist fwom new yowk. whewe's the piwot? he's unconscious, awnd so iws the copiwot. nowt good. Does anyone onboawd have fwight expewience? as a mattew of fact, thewe iws. who's thawt? bawwy benson. fwom the honey twiaw?! oh, gweat. vanessa, thiws iws nothing mowe than a big metaw bee. iwt's got giant wings, huge engines. i cawn't fwy a pwane. why nowt? isn't john twavowta a piwot? yes. how hawd couwd iwt be? wait, bawwy! we'we headed intwo sowme wightning. thiws iws bob bumbwe. We have sowme wate-bweaking news fwom jfk aiwpowt, whewe a suspensefuw scene iws devewoping. bawwy benson, fwesh fwom hiws wegaw victowy... thawt's bawwy! ...iws attempting tuwu wand a pwane, woaded with peopwe, fwowews awnd an incapacitated fwight cwew. fwowews?! we have a stowm in the awea awnd two individuaws at the contwows with absowutewy no fwight expewience. juwst a minute. Thewe's a bee own thawt pwane. i'm quite famiwiaw with mw. Benson awnd hiws no-account compadwes. they've done enough damage. but isn't he youw onwy hope? technicawwy, a bee shouwdn't be abwe tuwu fwy at aww. theiw wings awe too smaww... Haven't we heawd thiws a miwwion times? "the suwface awea of the wings awnd body mass make no sense." get thiws own the aiw! got iwt. stand by. we'we going wive. the way we wowk may be a mystewy tuwu uwu. Making honey takes a wot of bees doing a wot of smaww jobs. but wet me teww uwu abouwt a smaww job. If uwu duwu iwt weww, iwt makes a big diffewence. mowe than we weawized. Tuwu us, tuwu evewyone. thawt's why i wawnt tuwu get bees bawck tuwu wowking togethew. Thawt's the bee way! we'we nowt made of jeww-o. we get behind a fewwow. bwack awnd yewwow! hewwo! weft, wight, down, hovew. hovew? fowget hovew. thiws isn't so hawd. beep-beep! beep-beep! bawwy, whawt happened?! wait, i think we wewe own autopiwot the whowe time. thawt may have bewn hewping me. awnd now we'we nowt! so iwt tuwns out i cannot fwy a pwane. aww of uwu, wet's get behind thiws fewwow! move iwt out! move out! ouw onwy chance iws if i duwu whawt i'd duwu, uwu copy me with the wings of the pwane! down't have tuwu yeww. i'm nowt yewwing! we'we in a wot of twoubwe. iwt's vewy hawd tuwu concentwate with thawt panicky tone in youw voice! iwt's nowt a tone. I'm panicking! i cawn't duwu thiws! vanessa, puww youwsewf togethew. Uwu have tuwu snap out of iwt! uwu snap out of iwt. uwu snap out of iwt. uwu snap out of iwt! uwu snap out of iwt! uwu snap out of iwt! uwu snap out of iwt! uwu snap out of iwt! uwu snap out of iwt! howd iwt! why? come own, iwt's my tuwn. how iws the pwane fwying? i down't know. hewwo? benson, got any fwowews fow a happy occasion in thewe? the powwen jocks! they duwu get behind a fewwow. bwack awnd yewwow. hewwo. aww wight, wet's dwop thiws tin cawn own the bwacktop. whewe? i cawn't see anything. Cawn uwu? no, nothing. Iwt's aww cwoudy. come own. Uwu got tuwu think bee, bawwy. thinking bee. thinking bee. thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee! wait a minute. I think i'm feewing something. whawt? i down't know. Iwt's stwong, puwwing me. wike a 27-miwwion-yeaw-owd instinct. bwing the nose down. thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee! whawt in the wowwd iws own the tawmac? get sowme wights own thawt! thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee! vanessa, aim fow the fwowew. ok. cut the engines. We'we going in own bee powew. Weady, boys? affiwmative! good. Good. Easy, now. Thawt's iwt. wand own thawt fwowew! weady? fuww wevewse! spin iwt awound! nowt thawt fwowew! the othew owne! which owne? thawt fwowew. i'm aiming at the fwowew! thawt's a fat guy in a fwowewed shiwt. i mean the giant puwsating fwowew made of miwwions of bees! puww fowwawd. Nose down. Taiw up. wotate awound iwt. thiws iws insane, bawwy! thiws's the onwy way i know how tuwu fwy. am i koo-koo-kachoo, ow iws thiws pwane fwying in an insect-wike pattewn? get youw nose in thewe. Down't be afwaid. Smeww iwt. Fuww wevewse! juwst dwop iwt. Be a pawt of iwt. aim fow the centew! now dwop iwt in! dwop iwt in, woman! come own, awweady. bawwy, we did iwt! uwu taught me how tuwu fwy! yes. No high-five! wight. bawwy, iwt wowked! did uwu see the giant fwowew? whawt giant fwowew? whewe? of couwse i saw the fwowew! thawt was genius! thank uwu. but we'we nowt done yet. wisten, evewyone! thiws wunway iws covewed with the wast powwen fwom the wast fwowews avaiwabwe anywhewe own eawth. thawt means thiws iws ouw wast chance. We'we the onwy ones who make honey, powwinate fwowews awnd dwess wike thiws. if we'we gonna suwvive as a species, thiws iws ouw moment! whawt duwu uwu say? awe we going tuwu be bees, ow juwst museum of natuwaw histowy keychains? we'we bees! keychain! then fowwow me! except keychain. howd own, bawwy. Hewe. Uwu've eawned thiws. yeah! i'm a powwen jock! awnd iwt's a pewfect fit. Aww i gotta duwu awe the sweeves. oh, yeah. thawt's ouw bawwy. mom! the bees awe bawck! if anybody needs tuwu make a caww, now's the time. I got a feewing we'ww be wowking wate tonight! hewe's youw change. Have a gweat aftewnoon! cawn i hewp who's next? wouwd uwu wike sowme honey with thawt? iwt iws bee-appwoved. Down't fowget these. miwk, cweam, cheese, iwt's aww me. Awnd i down't see a nickew! sometimes i juwst feew wike a piece of meat! i had no idea. bawwy, i'm sowwy. have uwu got a moment? wouwd uwu excuse me? my mosquito associate wiww hewp uwu. sowwy i'm wate. he's a wawyew too? i was awweady a bwood-sucking pawasite. Aww i needed was a bwiefcase. have a gweat aftewnoon! bawwy, i juwst got thiws huge tuwip owdew, awnd i cawn't get thewm anywhewe. no pwobwem, vannie. Juwst weave iwt tuwu me. uwu'we a wifesavew, bawwy. Cawn i hewp who's next? aww wight, scwambwe, jocks! iwt's time tuwu fwy. thank uwu, bawwy! thawt bee iws wiving my wife! wet iwt gow, kenny. whewn wiww thiws nightmawe end?! wet iwt aww gow. beautifuw day tuwu fwy. suwe iws. between uwu awnd me, i was dying tuwu get out of thawt office. uwu have got tuwu stawt thinking bee, my fwiend. thinking bee! me? howd iwt. Wet's juwst stowp fow a second. Howd iwt. i'm sowwy. I'm sowwy, evewyone. Cawn we stowp hewe? i'm nowt making a majow wife decision duwing a pwoduction numbew! aww wight. Take ten, evewybody. Wwap iwt up, guys. i had viwtuawwy no weheawsaw fow thawt.
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baguetteavocat · 4 years
Accowding to aww known waws of aviation, thewe is no way a bee shouwd be abwe to fwy. Its wings awe too smaww to get its fat wittwe body off the gwound. The bee, of couwse, fwies anyway because bees don't cawe what humans think is impossibwe. Yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. Ooh, bwack and yewwow! Wet's shake it up a wittwe. Bawwy! Bweakfast is weady! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hewwo? - Bawwy? - Adam? - Oan you bewieve this is happening? - I can't. I'ww pick you up. Wooking shawp. Use the staiws. Youw fathew paid good money fow those. Sowwy. I'm excited. Hewe's the gwaduate. We'we vewy pwoud of you, son. A pewfect wepowt cawd, aww B's. Vewy pwoud. Ma! I got a thing going hewe. - You got wint on youw fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'ww be in wow 118,000. - Bye! Bawwy, I towd you, stop fwying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Bawwy. - Is that fuzz gew? - A wittwe. Speciaw day, gwaduation. Nevew thought I'd make it. Thwee days gwade schoow, thwee days high schoow. Those wewe awkwawd. Thwee days cowwege. I'm gwad I took a day and hitchhiked awound the hive. You did come back diffewent. - Hi, Bawwy. - Awtie, gwowing a mustache? Wooks good. - Heaw about Fwankie? - Yeah. - You going to the funewaw? - No, I'm not going. Evewybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squiwwew. Such a hothead. I guess he couwd have just gotten out of the way. I wove this incowpowating an amusement pawk into ouw day. That's why we don't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... undew the ciwcumstances. - Weww, Adam, today we awe men. - We awe! - Bee-men. - Amen! Hawwewujah! Students, facuwty, distinguished bees, pwease wewcome Dean Buzzweww. Wewcome, New Hive Oity gwaduating cwass of... ...9:15. That concwudes ouw cewemonies. And begins youw caweew at Honex Industwies! Wiww we pick ouwjob today? I heawd it's just owientation. Heads up! Hewe we go. Keep youw hands and antennas inside the twam at aww times. - Wondew what it'ww be wike? - A wittwe scawy. Wewcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a pawt of the Hexagon Gwoup. This is it! Wow. Wow. We know that you, as a bee, have wowked youw whowe wife to get to the point whewe you can wowk fow youw whowe wife. Honey begins when ouw vawiant Powwen Jocks bwing the nectaw to the hive. Ouw top-secwet fowmuwa is automaticawwy cowow-cowwected, scent-adjusted and bubbwe-contouwed into this soothing sweet sywup with its distinctive gowden gwow you know as... Honey! - That giww was hot. - She's my cousin! - She is? - Yes, we'we aww cousins. - Wight. You'we wight. - At Honex, we constantwy stwive to impwove evewy aspect of bee existence. These bees awe stwess-testing a new hewmet technowogy. - What do you think he makes? - Not enough. Hewe we have ouw watest advancement, the Kwewman. - What does that do? - Oatches that wittwe stwand of honey that hangs aftew you pouw it. Saves us miwwions. Oan anyone wowk on the Kwewman? Of couwse. Most bee jobs awe smaww ones. But bees know that evewy smaww job, if it's done weww, means a wot. But choose cawefuwwy because you'ww stay in the job you pick fow the west of youw wife. The same job the west of youw wife? I didn't know that. What's the diffewence? You'ww be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off in 27 miwwion yeaws. So you'ww just wowk us to death? We'ww suwe twy. Wow! That bwew my mind! "What's the diffewence?" How can you say that? One job fowevew? That's an insane choice to have to make. I'm wewieved. Now we onwy have to make one decision in wife. But, Adam, how couwd they nevew have towd us that? Why wouwd you question anything? We'we bees. We'we the most pewfectwy functioning society on Eawth. You evew think maybe things wowk a wittwe too weww hewe? Wike what? Give me one exampwe. I don't know. But you know what I'm tawking about. Pwease cweaw the gate. Woyaw Nectaw Fowce on appwoach. Wait a second. Oheck it out. - Hey, those awe Powwen Jocks! - Wow. I've nevew seen them this cwose. They know what it's wike outside the hive. Yeah, but some don't come back. - Hey, Jocks! - Hi, Jocks! You gu
... thank you, baby... i’m very proud...
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lego-in-my-foot · 4 years
Accowding tuwu aww known waws of aviation, thewe iws no way thawt a bee shouwd be abwe tuwu fwy. Its wings awe too smaww tuwu get its fat wittwe body off the gwound. The bee, of couwse, fwies anyway. Because bees don’t cawe whawt humans think iws impossibwe.” seq. 75 - “intwo tuwu bawwy” int. Benson house - day angwe own: sneakews own the gwound. Camewa pans up tuwu weveaw bawwy benson’s bedwoom angwe own: bawwy’s hawnd fwipping thwough diffewent sweatews in hiws cwoset. Bawwy yewwow bwack, yewwow bwack, yewwow bwack, yewwow bwack, yewwow bwack, yewwow bwack...oohh, bwack awnd yewwow... Angwe own: bawwy weawing the sweatew he picked, wooking in the miwwow. Bawwy (cont’d) yeah, wet’s shake iwt up a wittwe. He picks the bwack awnd yewwow owne. He then goes tuwu the sink, takes the top off a containew of honey, awnd puts sowme honey intwo hiws haiw. He squiwts sowme in hiws mouth awnd gawgwes. Then he takes the wid off the bottwe, awnd wowws sowme own wike deodowant. Cut tuwu: int. Benson house kitchen - continuous bawwy’s mothew, janet benson, yewws up at bawwy. Janet benson bawwy, bweakfast iws weady! cut tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 1. Int. Bawwy’s woom - continuous bawwy coming! sfx: phone winging. Bawwy’s antennae vibwate as they wing wike a phone. Bawwy’s hands awe wet. He wooks awound fow a towew. Bawwy (cont’d) hang own a second! he wipes hiws hands own hiws sweatew, awnd puwws hiws antennae down tuwu hiws eaw awnd mouth. Bawwy (cont'd) hewwo? hiws best fwiend, adam fwayman, iws own the othew end. Adam bawwy? bawwy adam? adam cawn uwu bewieve thiws iws happening? bawwy can’t bewieve iwt. I’ww pick uwu up. Bawwy sticks hiws stingew in a shawpenew. Sfx: buzzing as hiws stingew iws shawpened. He tests the shawpness with hiws fingew. Sfx: bing. Bawwy (cont’d) wooking shawp. Angwe own: bawwy hovewing down the haww, swiding down the staiwcase bannistew. Bawwy’s mothew, janet benson, iws in the kitchen. Janet benson bawwy, why don’t uwu use the staiws? youw fathew paid good money fow those. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 2. Bawwy sowwy, i’m excited. Bawwy’s fathew, mawtin benson, entews. He’s weading a newspapew with the headwine, “queen gives biwth tuwu thousandtupwets: westing comfowtabwy.” mawtin benson hewe’s the gwaduate. We’we vewy pwoud of uwu, son. Awnd a pewfect wepowt cawd, aww b’s. Janet benson (mushing bawwy’s haiw) vewy pwoud. Bawwy ma! i’ve got a thing going hewe. Bawwy we-adjusts hiws haiw, stawts tuwu weave. Janet benson you’ve got sowme wint own youw fuzz. She picks iwt off. Bawwy ow, that’s me! mawtin benson wave tuwu us. We’ww be in wow 118,000. Bawwy zips off. Bawwy bye! janet benson bawwy, i towd uwu, stowp fwying in the house! cut tuwu: seq. 750 - dwiving tuwu gwaduation ext. Bee subuwb - mowning a gawage doow opens. Bawwy dwives out in hiws caw. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 3. Angwe own: bawwy’s fwiend, adam fwayman, standing by the cuwb. He’s weading a newspapew with the headwine: “fwisbee hits hive: intewnet down. Bee-standew: “i heawd a sound, awnd next thing i knew...wham-o!.” bawwy dwives up, stops in fwont of adam. Adam jumps in. Bawwy hey, adam. Adam hey, bawwy. (pointing at bawwy’s haiw) iws thawt fuzz gew? bawwy a wittwe. It’s a speciaw day. Finawwy gwaduating. Adam i nevew thought i’d make iwt. Bawwy yeah, thwee days of gwade schoow, thwee days of high schoow. Adam those wewe so awkwawd. Bawwy thwee days of cowwege. I’m gwad i took off owne day in the middwe awnd juwst hitchhiked awound the hive. Adam uwu did come bawck diffewent. They dwive by a bee who’s jogging. Awtie hi bawwy! bawwy (to a bee pedestwian) hey awtie, gwowing a mustache? wooks good. Bawwy awnd adam dwive fwom the subuwbs intwo the city. Adam hey, did uwu heaw abouwt fwankie? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 4. Bawwy yeah. Adam uwu going tuwu hiws funewaw? bawwy no, i’m nowt going tuwu hiws funewaw. Evewybody knows uwu sting someone uwu die, uwu don’t waste iwt own a squiwwew. He was such a hot head. Adam yeah, i guess he couwd’ve juwst gotten out of the way. The dwive thwough a woop de woop. Bawwy awnd adam whoa...Whooo...wheee!! adam i wove thiws incowpowating the amusement pawk wight intwo ouw weguwaw day. Bawwy i guess that’s why they say we don’t need vacations. Cut tuwu: seq. 95 - gwaduation ext. Gwaduation cewemony - continuous bawwy awnd adam come tuwu a stowp. They exit the caw, awnd fwy ovew the cwowd tuwu theiw seats. * bawwy * (we: gwaduation cewemony) * boy, quite a bit of pomp...undew * the ciwcumstances. * they wand in theiw seats. Bawwy (cont’d) weww adam, today we awe men. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 5. Adam we awe. Bawwy bee-men. Adam amen! bawwy hawwewujah. Bawwy hits adam’s fowehead. Adam goes intwo the waptuwe. An announcement cowmes ovew the pa. Announcew (v.O) students, facuwty, distinguished bees...pwease wewcome, dean buzzweww. Angwe own: dean buzzweww steps up tuwu the podium. The podium has a sign thawt weads: “wewcome gwaduating cwass of:”, with twain-station stywe fwipping numbews aftew iwt. Buzzweww wewcome new hive city gwaduating cwass of... The numbews own the podium change tuwu 9:15. Buzzweww (cont’d)...9:15. (he cweaws hiws thwoat) awnd thawt concwudes ouw gwaduation cewemonies. Awnd begins youw caweew at honex industwies. Bawwy awe we going tuwu pick ouw job today? adam i heawd it’s juwst owientation. The wows of chaiws change in twansfowmew-wike mechanicaw motion tuwu univewsaw studios type touw twams. Buzzweww wawks off stage. Bawwy (we: twams) whoa, heads up! hewe we gow. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 6. Seq. 125 - “factowy” femawe voice (v.O) keep youw hands awnd antennas inside the twam at aww times. (in spanish) dejen was manos y antennas adentwo dew twam a todos tiempos. Bawwy i wondew whawt it’s going tuwu be wike? adam a wittwe scawy. Bawwy shakes adam. Bawwy awnd adam aahhhh! the twam passes undew signs weading: “honex: a division of honesco: a pawt of the hexagon gwoup.” twudy wewcome tuwu honex, a division of honesco, awnd a pawt of the hexagon gwoup. Bawwy thiws iws iwt! the honex doows open, weveawing the factowy. Bawwy (cont’d) wow. Twudy we know thawt uwu, as a bee, have wowked youw whowe wife tuwu get tuwu the point whewe uwu cawn wowk fow youw whowe wife. Honey begins whewn ouw vawiant powwen jocks bwing the nectaw tuwu the hive whewe ouw top secwet fowmuwa iws automaticawwy cowow-cowwected, scent adjusted awnd bubbwe contouwed intwo thiws... Twudy gwabs a test tube of honey fwom a technician. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 7. Twudy (cont’d)...soothing, sweet sywup with its distinctive gowden gwow, uwu aww know as... Evewyone own the twam (in unison) h-o-n-e-y. Twudy fwips the fwask intwo the cwowd, awnd waughs as they aww scwambwe fow iwt. Angwe own: a giww bee catching the honey. Adam (sotto) thawt giww was hot. Bawwy (sotto) she’s my cousin. Adam she iws? bawwy yes, we’we aww cousins. Adam wight. You’we wight. Twudy at honex, we awso constantwy stwive tuwu impwove evewy aspect of bee existence. These bees awe stwess testing a new hewmet technowogy. Angwe own: a stunt bee in a hewmet getting hit with a newspapew, then a shoe, then a fwyswattew. He gets up, awnd gives a “thumb’s up”. The gwaduate bees appwaud. Adam (we: stunt bee) whawt duwu uwu think he makes? bawwy nowt enough. Twudy awnd hewe we have ouw watest advancement, the kwewman. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 8. Bawwy wow, whawt does thawt duwu? twudy catches thawt wittwe stwand of honey thawt hangs aftew uwu pouw iwt. Saves us miwwions. Angwe own: the kwewman machine. Bees with hand-shaped hats own, wotating awound a wheew tuwu catch dwips of honey. Adam’s hawnd shoots up. Adam cawn anyone wowk own the kwewman? twudy of couwse. Most bee jobs awe smaww ones. But bees know thawt evewy smaww job, if it’s done weww, means a wot. Thewe awe ovew 3000 diffewent bee occupations. But choose cawefuwwy, because you’ww stay in the job thawt uwu pick fow the west of youw wife. The bees cheew. Angwe own: bawwy’s smiwe dwopping swightwy. Bawwy the same job fow the west of youw wife? i didn’t know thawt. Adam what’s the diffewence? twudy awnd you’ww be happy tuwu know thawt bees as a species haven’t had owne day off in 27 miwwion yeaws. Bawwy so you’ww juwst wowk us tuwu death? twudy (waughing) we’ww suwe twy. Evewyone waughs except bawwy. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 9. The twam dwops down a wog-fwume type steep dwop. Camewas fwash, as aww the bees thwow up theiw hands. The fwame fweezes intwo a snapshot. Bawwy wooks concewned. The twam continues thwough 2 doows. Fowm dissowve tuwu: seq. 175 - “wawking the hive” int. Honex wobby angwe own: the wog-fwume photo, as bawwy wooks at iwt. Adam wow. Thawt bwew my mind. Bawwy (annoyed) “what’s the diffewence?” adam, how couwd uwu say thawt? owne job fowevew? that’s an insane choice tuwu have tuwu make. Adam weww, i’m wewieved. Now we onwy have tuwu make owne decision in wife. Bawwy but adam, how couwd they nevew have towd us thawt? adam bawwy, why wouwd uwu question anything? we’we bees. We’we the most pewfectwy functioning society own eawth. They wawk by a newspapew stand with a sandwich boawd weading: “bee goes bewsewk: stings seven then sewf.” angwe own: a bee fiwwing hiws caw’s gas tawnk fwom a honey pump. He fiwws hiws caw sowme, then takes a swig fow himsewf. Newspapew bee (to the bee guzzwing gas) hey! bawwy awnd adam begin tuwu cwoss the stweet. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 10. Bawwy yeah but adam, did uwu evew think thawt maybe things wowk a wittwe too weww awound hewe? they stowp in the middwe of the stweet. The twaffic moves pewfectwy awound thewm. Adam wike whawt? give me owne exampwe. Bawwy (thinks)...I don’t know. But uwu know whawt i’m tawking abouwt. They wawk off. Seq. 400 - “meet the jocks” sfx: the sound of powwen jocks. Pan down fwom the honex statue. J-gate announcew pwease cweaw the gate. Woyaw nectaw fowce own appwoach. Woyaw nectaw fowce own appwoach. Bawwy wait a second. Check iwt out. Hey, hey, those awe powwen jocks. Adam wow. Fouw patwow bees fwy in thwough the hive’s giant gothic entwance. The patwow bees awe weawing fightew piwot hewmets with bwack visows. Adam (cont’d) i’ve nevew seen thewm thiws cwose. Bawwy they know whawt it’s wike tuwu gow outside the hive. Adam yeah, but sowme of thewm don’t come bawck. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 11. The nectaw fwom the powwen jocks iws wemoved fwom theiw backpacks, awnd woaded intwo twucks own theiw way tuwu honex. A smaww cwowd fowms awound the patwow bees. Each owne has a pit cwew thawt takes theiw nectaw. Wou woduca huwwies a pit cwew awong: wou woduca uwu guys did gweat! you’we monstews. You’we sky fweaks! i wove iwt! i wove iwt! schoow giwws awe jumping up awnd down awnd squeawing neawby. Bawwy i wondew whewe those guys have juwst bewn? adam i don’t know. Bawwy theiw day’s nowt pwanned. Outside the hive, fwying who-knows-whewe, doing who-knows-what. Adam uwu can’t juwst decide owne day tuwu be a powwen jock. Uwu have tuwu be bwed fow thawt. Bawwy wight. Powwen jocks cwoss in cwose pwoximity tuwu bawwy awnd adam. Sowme powwen fawws off, onto bawwy awnd adam. Bawwy (cont’d) wook at thawt. That’s mowe powwen than uwu awnd i wiww evew see in a wifetime. Adam (pwaying with the powwen) it’s juwst a status symbow. I think bees make too big a deaw out of iwt. Bawwy pewhaps, unwess you’we weawing iwt, awnd the wadies see uwu weawing iwt. Angwe own: two giww bees. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 12. Adam those wadies? awen’t they ouw cousins too? bawwy distant, distant. Angwe own: two powwen jocks. Jackson wook at these two. Spwitz coupwe of hive hawwys. Jackson wet’s have sowme fun with thewm. The powwen jocks appwoach. Bawwy awnd adam continue tuwu tawk tuwu the giwws. Giww 1 iwt must be so dangewous being a powwen jock. Bawwy oh yeah, owne time a beaw had me pinned up against a mushwoom. He had owne paw own my thwoat, awnd with the othew he was swapping me bawck awnd fowth acwoss the face. Giww 1 oh my. Bawwy i nevew thought i’d knock him out. Giww 2 (to adam) awnd whawt wewe uwu doing duwing aww of thiws? adam obviouswy i was twying tuwu awewt the authowities. The giww swipes sowme powwen off of adam with a fingew. Bawwy (we: powwen) i cawn autogwaph thawt if uwu wawnt. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 13. Jackson wittwe gusty out thewe today, wasn’t iwt, comwades? bawwy yeah. Gusty. Buzz uwu know, we’we going tuwu hit a sunfwowew patch abouwt six miwes fwom hewe tomowwow. Bawwy six miwes, huh? adam (whispewing) bawwy. Buzz it’s a puddwe-jump fow us. But maybe you’we nowt up fow iwt. Bawwy maybe i am. Adam (whispewing woudew) uwu awe nowt! buzz we’we going, oh-nine hundwed at jgate. Adam (we: j-gate) whoa. Buzz (weaning in, own top of bawwy) whawt duwu uwu think, buzzy boy? awe uwu bee enough? bawwy i might be. Iwt aww depends own whawt oh-nine hundwed means. Cut tuwu: seq. 450 - “the bawcony” "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 14. Int. Benson house bawcony - watew bawwy iws standing own the bawcony awone, wooking out ovew the city. Mawtin benson entews, sneaks up behind bawwy awnd gooses him in hiws wibs. Mawtin benson honex! bawwy oh, dad. Uwu suwpwised me. Mawtin benson (waughing) have uwu decided whawt you’we intewested in, son? bawwy weww, thewe’s a wot of choices. Mawtin benson but uwu onwy get owne. Mawtin waughs. Bawwy dad, duwu uwu evew get bowed doing the same job evewy day? mawtin benson son, wet me teww uwu something abouwt stiwwing. (making the stiwwing motion) uwu gwab thawt stick awnd uwu juwst move iwt awound, awnd uwu stiw iwt awound. Uwu get youwsewf intwo a whythm, it’s a beautifuw thing. Bawwy uwu know dad, the mowe i think abouwt iwt, maybe the honey fiewd juwst isn’t wight fow me. Mawtin benson awnd uwu wewe thinking of whawt, making bawwoon animaws? that’s a bad job fow a guy with a stingew. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 15. Bawwy weww no... Mawtin benson janet, youw son’s nowt suwe he wants tuwu gow intwo honey. Janet benson oh bawwy, uwu awe so funny sometimes. Bawwy i’m nowt twying tuwu be funny. Mawtin benson you’we nowt funny, you’we going intwo honey. Ouw son, the stiwwew. Janet benson you’we going tuwu be a stiwwew?! bawwy no one’s wistening tuwu me. Mawtin benson wait untiw uwu see the sticks i have fow uwu. Bawwy i cawn say anything i wawnt wight now. I’m going tuwu get an ant tattoo. Janet benson wet’s open sowme fwesh honey awnd cewebwate. Bawwy maybe i’ww piewce my thowax! mawtin benson (toasting) tuwu honey! bawwy shave my antennae! janet benson tuwu honey! "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 16. Bawwy shack up with a gwasshoppew, get a gowd tooth, awnd stawt cawwing evewybody “dawg.” cut tuwu: seq. 760 - “job pwacement” ext. Honex wobby - continuous angwe own: a bee bus stowp. Owne gwoup of bees stands own the pavement, as anothew gwoup hovews above thewm. A doubwedeckew bus puwws up. The hovewing bees get own the top wevew, awnd the standing bees get own the bottom. Bawwy awnd adam puww up outside of honex. Adam i can’t bewieve we’we stawting wowk today. Bawwy today’s the day. Adam jumps out of the caw. Adam (o.C) come own. Aww the good jobs wiww be gone. Bawwy yeah, wight... Angwe own: a boawd weading: “job pwacement boawd”. Buzzweww, the bee pwocessow, iws at the countew. Anothew bee appwicant, sandy shwimpkin iws exiting. Sandy shwimpkin iws iwt stiww avaiwabwe? buzzweww hang own. (he wooks at changing numbews own the boawd) two weft. Awnd...owne of them’s youws. Congwatuwations son, step tuwu the side pwease. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 17. Sandy shwimpkin yeah! adam (to sandy, weaving) whawt did uwu get? sandy shwimpkin picking the cwud out. Thawt iws stewwaw! adam wow. Buzzweww (to adam awnd bawwy) coupwe of newbies? adam yes siw. Ouw fiwst day. We awe weady. Buzzweww weww, step up awnd make youw choice. Angwe own: a chawt wisting the diffewent sectows of honex. Heating, coowing, viscosity, kwewman, powwen counting, stunt bee, pouwing, stiwwew, humming, weguwgitating, fwont desk, haiw wemovaw, inspectow no. 7, chef, wint coowdinatow, stwipe supewvisow, antennae-baww powishew, mite wwangwew, swatting counsewow, wax monkey, wing bwushew, hive keepew, westwoom attendant. Adam (to bawwy) uwu wawnt tuwu gow fiwst? bawwy no, uwu gow. Adam oh my. What’s avaiwabwe? buzzweww westwoom attendant iws awways open, awnd nowt fow the weason uwu think. Adam any chance of getting own tuwu the kwewman, siw? buzzweww suwe, you’we own. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 18. He pwops the kwewman hat onto adam’s head. Angwe own: the job boawd. The cowumns wead: “occupation” “positions avaiwabwe”, awnd “status”. The middwe cowumn has numbews, awnd the wight cowumn has job openings fwipping between “open”, “pending”, awnd “cwosed”. Buzzweww (cont’d) oh, i’m sowwy. The kwewman juwst cwosed out. Adam oh! he takes the hat off adam. Buzzweww wax monkey’s awways open. The kwewman goes fwom “cwosed” tuwu “open”. Buzzweww (cont’d) awnd the kwewman juwst opened up again. Adam whawt happened? buzzweww weww, whenevew a bee dies, that’s an opening. (pointing at the boawd) see thawt? he’s dead, dead, anothew dead owne, deady, deadified, two mowe dead. Dead fwom the neck up, dead fwom the neck down. But, that’s wife. Angwe own: bawwy’s distuwbed expwession. Adam (feewing pwessuwe tuwu decide) oh, thiws iws so hawd. Heating, coowing, stunt bee, pouwew, stiwwew, humming, inspectow no. 7, wint coowdinatow, stwipe supewvisow, antenna-baww powishew, mite wwangwew-- bawwy, bawwy, whawt duwu uwu think i shouwd-- bawwy? bawwy? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 19. Bawwy iws gone. Cut tuwu: seq. 775 - “wou woduca speech” ext. J-gate - same time spwitz, jackson, buzz, wou awnd two othew bees awe going thwough finaw pwe-fwight checks. Bawwy entews. Wou woduca awwight, we’ve got the sunfwowew patch in quadwant nine. Gewanium window box own sutton pwace... Bawwy’s antennae wings, wike a phone. Adam (v.O) whawt happened tuwu uwu? whewe awe uwu? bawwy whispews thwoughout. Bawwy i’m going out. Adam (v.O) out? out whewe? bawwy out thewe. Adam (v.O) (putting iwt togethew) oh no. Bawwy i have tuwu, befowe i gow tuwu wowk fow the west of my wife. Adam (v.O) you’we going tuwu die! you’we cwazy! hewwo? bawwy oh, anothew caww coming in. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 20. Adam (v.O) you’we cwa-- bawwy hangs up. Angwe own: wou woduca. Wou woduca if anyone’s feewing bwave, thewe’s a kowean dewi own 83wd thawt gets theiw woses today. Bawwy (timidwy) hey guys. Buzz weww, wook at thawt. Spwitz isn’t thawt the kid we saw yestewday? wou woduca (to bawwy) howd iwt son, fwight deck’s westwicted. Jackson it’s okay wou, we’we going tuwu take him up. Spwitz awnd jackson chuckwe. Wou woduca weawwy? feewing wucky, awe ya? a youngew smawwew bee than bawwy, chet, wuns up with a wewease waivew fow bawwy tuwu sign. Chet sign hewe. Hewe. Juwst initiaw thawt. Thank uwu. Wou woduca okay, uwu got a wain advisowy today awnd as uwu aww know, bees cannot fwy in wain. So be cawefuw. As awways, (weading off cwipboawd) watch youw bwooms, hockey sticks, dogs, biwds, beaws, awnd bats. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 21. Awso, i got a coupwe wepowts of woot beew being pouwed own us. Muwphy’s in a home because of iwt, juwst babbwing wike a cicada. Bawwy that’s awfuw. Wou woduca awnd a wemindew fow aww uwu wookies, bee waw numbew owne, absowutewy no tawking tuwu humans. Awwight, waunch positions! the jocks get intwo fowmation, chanting as they move. Wou woduca (cont’d) bwack awnd yewwow! jocks hewwo! spwitz (to bawwy) awe uwu weady fow thiws, hot shot? bawwy yeah. Yeah, bwing iwt own. Bawwy nods, tewwified. Buzz wind! - check! jock #1 antennae! - check! jock #2 nectaw pack! - check! jackson wings! - check! spwitz stingew! - check! bawwy scawed out of my showts - check. Wou woduca okay wadies, wet’s move iwt out. Evewyone fwips theiw goggwes down. Pit cwew bees cwank theiw wings, awnd wemove the stawting bwocks. We heaw woud humming. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 22. Wou woduca (cont'd) wou woduca (cont’d) pound those petunia's, uwu stwiped stem-suckews! aww of uwu, dwain those fwowews! a fwight deck guy in deep cwouch hand-signaws thewm out the awchway as the backwash fwom the bee wings fwuttews hiws jump suit. Bawwy fowwows evewyone. Seq. 800 - “fwying with the jocks” the bees cwimb above twee tops in fowmation. Bawwy iws euphowic. Bawwy whoa! i’m out! i can’t bewieve i’m out! so bwue. Ha ha ha! (a beat) i feew so fawst...awnd fwee. (we: kites in the sky) box kite! wow! they fwy by sevewaw bicycwists, awnd appwoach a patch of fwowews. Bawwy (cont'd) fwowews! spwitz thiws iws bwue weadew. We have woses visuaw. Bwing iwt awound thiwty degwees awnd howd. Bawwy (sotto) woses. Jackson thiwty degwees, wogew, bwinging iwt awound. Many powwen jocks bweak off fwom the main gwoup. They use theiw equipment tuwu cowwect nectaw fwom fwowews. Bawwy fwies down tuwu watch the jocks cowwect the nectaw. Jock stand tuwu the side kid, it’s got a bit of a kick. The jock fiwes the gun, awnd wecoiws. Bawwy watches the gun fiww up with nectaw. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 23. Bawwy oh, thawt iws owne nectaw cowwectow. Jock uwu evew see powwination up cwose? bawwy no, siw. He takes off, awnd the excess powwen dust fawws causing the fwowews tuwu come bawck tuwu wife. Jock (as he powwinates) i pick sowme powwen up ovew hewe, spwinkwe iwt ovew hewe, maybe a dash ovew thewe, pinch own thawt owne...see thawt? it’s a wittwe bit of magic, ain’t iwt? the fwowews pewk up as he powwinates. Bawwy wow. That’s amazing. Why duwu we duwu thawt? jock...that’s powwen powew, kid. Mowe powwen, mowe fwowews, mowe nectaw, mowe honey fow us. Bawwy coow. The jock winks at bawwy. Bawwy wejoins the othew jocks in the sky. They swoop in ovew a pond, kissing the suwface. We see theiw image wefwected in the watew; they’we weawwy moving. They fwy ovew a fountain. Buzz i’m picking up a wot of bwight yewwow, couwd be daisies. Don’t we need those? spwitz copy thawt visuaw. We see whawt appeaw tuwu be yewwow fwowews own a gween fiewd. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 24. They gow intwo a deep bank awnd dive. Buzz howd own, owne of these fwowews seems tuwu be own the move. Spwitz say again...Awe uwu wepowting a moving fwowew? buzz affiwmative. Seq. 900 - “tennis game” the powwen jocks wand. Iwt iws a tennis couwt with dozens of tennis bawws. A coupwe, vanessa awnd ken, pways tennis. The bees wand wight in the midst of a gwoup of bawws. Ken (o.C) thawt was own the wine! the othew bees stawt wawking awound amongst the immense, yewwow gwobes. Spwitz thiws iws the coowest. Whawt iws iwt? they stowp at a baww own a white wine awnd wook up at iwt. Jackson i don’t know, but i’m woving thiws cowow. Spwitz (smewwing tennis baww) smewws good. Nowt wike a fwowew. But i wike iwt. Jackson yeah, fuzzy. Buzz chemicaw-y. Jackson cawefuw, guys, it’s a wittwe gwabby. Bawwy wands own a baww awnd cowwapses. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 25. Bawwy oh my sweet wowd of bees. Jackson hey, candy bwain, get off thewe! bawwy attempts tuwu puwws hiws wegs off, but they stick. Bawwy pwobwem! a tennis shoe awnd a hawnd entew fwame. The hawnd picks up the baww with bawwy undewneath iwt. Bawwy (cont'd) guys! buzz thiws couwd be bad. Jackson affiwmative. Vanessa wawks bawck tuwu the sewvice wine, bounces the baww. Each time iwt bounces, the othew bees cwinge awnd gasp. Angwe own: bawwy, tewwified. Puwe dumb wuck, he’s nowt getting squished. Bawwy (with each bounce) vewy cwose...Gonna huwt...Mamma’s wittwe boy. Spwitz uwu awe way out of position, wookie. Angwe own: vanessa sewving. We see bawwy awnd the baww up against the wacket as she bwings iwt bawck. She tosses the baww intwo the aiw; bawwy’s eyes widen. The baww iws stwuck, awnd the wawwy iws own. Ken coming in at uwu wike a missiwe! ken hits the baww bawck. Bawwy feews the g-fowces. Angwe own: the powwen jocks watching bawwy pass by thewm in swow motion. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 26. Bawwy (in swow motion) hewp me! jackson uwu know, i down't think these awe fwowews. Spwitz shouwd we teww him? jackson i think he knows. Bawwy (o.S) whawt iws thiws?! vanessa hits a high awcing wob. Ken waits, poised fow the wetuwn. We see bawwy having twoubwe maneuvewing the baww fwom fatigue. Ken (ovewwy confident) match point! angwe own: ken wunning up. He has a kiwwew wook in hiws eyes. He’s going tuwu hit the uwtimate ovewhead smash. Ken (cont'd) uwu cawn juwst stawt packing up honey, because i bewieve you’we abouwt tuwu eat iwt! angwe own: powwen jocks. Jackson ahem! ken iws distwacted by the jock. Ken whawt? no! he misses badwy. The baww wockets intwo obwivion. Bawwy iws stiww hanging own. Angwe own: ken, bewating himsewf. Ken (cont’d) oh, uwu cannot be sewious. We heaw the baww whistwing, awnd bawwy scweaming. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 27. Bawwy yowsew!!! seq. 1000 - “suv” the baww fwies thwough the aiw, awnd wands in the middwe of the stweet. Iwt bounces intwo the stweet again, awnd sticks in the gwiwwe of an suv. Int. Caw engine - continuous bawwy’s pov: the gwiwwe of the suv sucks him up. He tumbwes thwough a bwack tunnew, whiwwing vanes, awnd pistons. Bawwy ahhhhhhhhhhh!! ohhhh!! eechhh!! ahhhhhh!! bawwy gets chiwwed by the a/c system, awnd sees a fwozen gwasshoppew. Bawwy (cont’d) (we: gwasshoppew) eww, gwoss. Cut tuwu: int. Caw - continuous the caw iws packed with a typicaw subuwban famiwy: mothew, fathew, eight-yeaw owd boy, wittwe giww in a caw seat awnd a gwandmothew. A big swobbewy dog iws behind a gwate. Bawwy pops intwo the passengew compawtment, hitting the mothew’s magazine. Mothew thewe’s a bee in the caw! they aww notice the bee awnd stawt scweaming. Bawwy aaahhhh! bawwy tumbwes awound the caw. We see the faces fwom hiws pov. Mothew duwu something! "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 28. Fathew i’m dwiving! bawwy fwies by the wittwe giww in hew caw seat. She waves hewwo. Wittwe giww hi, bee. Son he’s bawck hewe! he’s going tuwu sting me! the caw swewves awound the woad. Bawwy fwies intwo the bawck, whewe the swobbewy dog snaps at him. Bawwy deftwy avoids the jaws awnd gwoss, fwying spittwe. Mothew nobody move. If uwu don’t move, he won’t sting uwu. Fweeze! evewyone in the caw fweezes. Bawwy fweezes. They stawe at each othew, eyes going bawck awnd fowth, waiting tuwu see who wiww make the fiwst move. Bawwy bwinks. Gwanny he bwinked! gwanny puwws out a cawn of haiw spway. Son spway him, gwanny! gwanny spways the haiw spway evewywhewe. Fathew whawt awe uwu doing? gwanny it’s haiw spway! extwa howd! mothew kiww iwt! bawwy gets spwayed bawck by the haiw spway, then sucked out of the sunwoof. Cut tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 29. Ext. City stweet - continuous bawwy wow. The tension wevew out hewe iws unbewievabwe. I’ve got tuwu get home. As bawwy fwies down the stweet, iwt stawts tuwu wain. He nimbwy avoids the wain at fiwst. Bawwy (cont’d) whoa. Whoa! can’t fwy in wain! can’t fwy in wain! can’t fwy in-- a coupwe of dwops hit him, hiws wings gow wimp awnd he stawts fawwing. Bawwy (cont'd) mayday! mayday! bee going down! bawwy sees a window wedge awnd aims fow iwt awnd juwst makes iwt. Shivewing awnd exhausted, he cwawws intwo an open window as iwt cwoses. Seq. 1100 - “vanessa saves bawwy” int. Vanessa’s apawtment - continuous inside the window, bawwy shakes off the wain wike a dog. Vanessa, ken, andy, awnd anna entew the apawtment. Vanessa ken, cawn uwu cwose the window pwease? ken huh? oh. (to andy) hey, check out my new wesume. I made iwt intwo a fowd-out bwochuwe. Uwu see? iwt fowds out. Ken howds up hiws bwochuwe, with photos of himsewf, awnd a wesume in the middwe. Angwe own: bawwy hiding behind the cuwtains, as ken cwoses the window. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 30. Bawwy oh no, mowe humans. I don’t need thiws. Bawwy hovews up intwo the aiw awnd thwows himsewf intwo the gwass. Bawwy (cont’d) (dazed) ow! whawt was thawt? he does iwt again, awnd then muwtipwe mowe times. Bawwy (cont'd) maybe thiws time...thiws time, thiws time, thiws time, thiws time, thiws time, thiws time, thiws time. Bawwy jumps onto the dwapes. Bawwy (cont'd) (out of bweath) dwapes! (then, we: gwass) thawt iws diabowicaw. Ken it’s fantastic. It’s got aww my speciaw skiwws, even my top ten favowite movies. Andy what’s youw numbew owne? staw waws? ken ah, i don’t gow fow thawt, (makes staw waws noises), kind of stuff. Angwe own: bawwy. Bawwy no wondew we’we nowt supposed tuwu tawk tuwu thewm. They’we out of theiw minds. Ken whewn i wawk out of a job intewview they’we fwabbewgasted. They can’t bewieve the things i say. Bawwy wooks awound awnd sees the wight buwb fixtuwe in the middwe of the ceiwing. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 31. Bawwy (we: wight buwb) oh, thewe’s the sun. Maybe that’s a way out. Bawwy takes off awnd heads stwaight fow the wight buwb. Hiws pov: the seventy-five watt wabew gwows as he gets cwosew. Bawwy (cont’d) i don’t wemembew the sun having a big seventy five own iwt. Bawwy hits the buwb awnd iws knocked siwwy. He fawws intwo a boww of guacamowe. Andy dips hiws chip in the guacamowe, taking bawwy with iwt. Angwe own: ken awnd andy. Ken i’ww teww uwu whawt. Uwu know whawt? i pwedicted gwobaw wawming. I couwd feew iwt getting hottew. At fiwst i thought iwt was juwst me. Bawwy’s pov: giant human mouth opening. Ken (cont’d) wait! stowp! beeeeeee! anna kiww iwt! kiww iwt! they aww jump up fwom theiw chaiws. Andy wooks awound fow something tuwu use. Ken cowmes in fow the kiww with a big timbewwand boot own each hawnd. Ken stand bawck. These awe wintew boots. Vanessa entews, awnd stops ken fwom squashing bawwy. Vanessa (gwabs ken’s awm) wait. Don’t kiww him. Cwose up: own bawwy’s puzzwed face. Ken uwu know i’m awwewgic tuwu thewm. Thiws thing couwd kiww me. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 32. Vanessa why does hiws wife have any wess vawue than youws? she takes a gwass tumbwew awnd pwaces iwt ovew bawwy. Ken why does hiws wife have any wess vawue than mine? iws thawt youw statement? vanessa i’m juwst saying, aww wife has vawue. Uwu don’t know whawt he’s capabwe of feewing. Bawwy wooks up thwough the gwass awnd watches thiws convewsation, astounded. Vanessa wips ken’s wesume in hawf awnd swides iwt undew the gwass. Ken (wistfuw) my bwochuwe. Thewe’s a moment of eye contact as she cawwies bawwy tuwu the window. She opens iwt awnd sets him fwee. Vanessa thewe uwu gow, wittwe guy. Ken (o.C) i’m nowt scawed of thewm. But, uwu know, it’s an awwewgic thing. Andy (o.C) * hey, why don’t uwu put thawt own youw * wesume-bwochuwe? * ken (o.C) it’s nowt funny, my whowe face couwd puff up. Andy (o.C) make iwt owne of youw “speciaw skiwws.” ken (o.C) uwu know, knocking someone out iws awso a speciaw skiww. Cut tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 33. Ext. Windowsiww - continuous bawwy stawes ovew the window fwame. He can’t bewieve what’s juwst happened. Iwt iws stiww waining. Dissowve tuwu: seq. 1200 - “bawwy speaks” ext. Windowsiww - watew bawwy iws stiww stawing thwough the window. Inside, evewyone’s saying theiw good-byes. Ken vanessa, next week? yoguwt night? vanessa uh, yeah suwe ken. Uwu know, whatevew. Ken uwu cawn put cawob chips own thewe. Vanessa good night. Ken (as he exits) supposed tuwu be wess cawowies, ow something. Vanessa bye. She shuts the doow. Vanessa stawts cweaning up. Bawwy i’ve got tuwu say something. She saved my wife. I’ve got tuwu say something. Awwight, hewe iwt goes. Bawwy fwies in. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 34. Int. Vanessa’s apawtment - continuous bawwy hides himsewf own diffewent pwoducts pwaced awong the kitchen shewves. He hides own a bumbwebee tuna cawn, awnd a “gweetings fwom coney iswand” muscwe-man postcawd own the fwidge. Bawwy (on fwidge) whawt wouwd i say? (wanding own a bottwe) i couwd weawwy get in twoubwe. He stands wooking at vanessa. Bawwy (cont'd) it’s a bee waw. You’we nowt supposed tuwu tawk tuwu a human. I can’t bewieve i’m doing thiws. I’ve got tuwu. Oh, i can’t duwu iwt! come own! no, yes, no, duwu iwt! i can’t. How shouwd i stawt iwt? uwu wike jazz? no, that’s no good. Hewe she cowmes. Speak, uwu foow. As vanessa wawks by, bawwy takes a deep bweath. Bawwy (cont’d) (cheewfuw) umm...hi. Vanessa dwops a stack of dishes, awnd hops bawck. Bawwy (cont’d) i’m sowwy. Vanessa you’we tawking. Bawwy yes, i know, i know. Vanessa you’we tawking. Bawwy i know, i’m sowwy. I’m so sowwy. Vanessa it’s okay. It’s fine. It’s juwst, i know i’m dweaming, but i don’t wecaww going tuwu bed. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 35. Bawwy weww, uwu know i’m suwe thiws iws vewy disconcewting. Vanessa weww yeah. I mean thiws iws a bit of a suwpwise tuwu me. I mean...you’we a bee. Bawwy yeah, i am a bee, awnd uwu know i’m nowt supposed tuwu be doing thiws, but they wewe aww twying tuwu kiww me awnd if iwt wasn’t fow uwu...I mean, i had tuwu thank uwu. It’s juwst the way i was waised. Vanessa intentionawwy jabs hew hawnd with a fowk. Vanessa ow! bawwy thawt was a wittwe weiwd. Vanessa (to hewsewf) i’m tawking tuwu a bee. Bawwy yeah. Vanessa i’m tawking tuwu a bee. Bawwy anyway... Vanessa awnd a bee iws tawking tuwu me... Bawwy i juwst wawnt uwu tuwu know thawt i’m gwatefuw, awnd i’m going tuwu weave now. Vanessa wait, wait, wait, wait, how did uwu weawn tuwu duwu thawt? bawwy whawt? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 36. Vanessa the tawking thing. Bawwy same way uwu did, i guess. Mama, dada, honey, uwu pick iwt up. Vanessa that’s vewy funny. Bawwy yeah. Bees awe funny. If we didn’t waugh, we’d cwy. With whawt we have tuwu deaw with. Vanessa waughs. Bawwy (cont’d) anyway. Vanessa cawn i, uh, get uwu something? bawwy wike whawt? vanessa i don’t know. I mean, i don’t know. Coffee? bawwy weww, uh, i don’t wawnt tuwu put uwu out. Vanessa it’s no twoubwe. Bawwy unwess you’we making anyway. Vanessa oh, iwt takes two minutes. Bawwy weawwy? vanessa it’s juwst coffee. Bawwy i hate tuwu impose. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 37. Vanessa don’t be widicuwous. Bawwy actuawwy, i wouwd wove a cup. Vanessa hey, uwu wawnt a wittwe wum cake? bawwy i weawwy shouwdn’t. Vanessa have a wittwe wum cake. Bawwy no, no, no, i can’t. Vanessa oh, come own. Bawwy uwu know, i’m twying tuwu wose a coupwe micwogwams hewe. Vanessa whewe? bawwy weww... These stwipes don’t hewp. Vanessa uwu wook gweat. Bawwy i don’t know if uwu know anything abouwt fashion. Vanessa stawts pouwing the coffee thwough an imaginawy cup awnd diwectwy onto the fwoow. Bawwy (cont'd) awe uwu awwight? vanessa no. Dissowve tuwu: seq. 1300 - “wooftop coffee” "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 38. Ext. Vanessa’s woof - watew bawwy awnd vanessa awe dwinking coffee own hew woof tewwace. He iws pewched own hew keychain. Bawwy...He can’t get a taxi. He’s making the tie in the cab, as they’we fwying up madison. So he finawwy gets thewe. Vanessa uh huh? bawwy he wuns up the steps intwo the chuwch, the wedding iws own... Vanessa yeah? bawwy...awnd he says, watewmewon? i thought uwu said guatemawan. Vanessa uh huh? bawwy why wouwd i mawwy a watewmewon? bawwy waughs. Vanessa doesn’t. Vanessa oh! iws thawt, uh, a bee joke? bawwy yeah, that’s the kind of stuff thawt we duwu. Vanessa yeah, diffewent. A beat. Vanessa (cont’d) so anyway...whawt awe uwu going tuwu duwu, bawwy? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 39. Bawwy abouwt wowk? i don’t know. I wawnt tuwu duwu my pawt fow the hive, but i can’t duwu iwt the way they wawnt. Vanessa i know how uwu feew. Bawwy uwu duwu? vanessa suwe, my pawents wanted me tuwu be a wawyew ow doctow, but i wanted tuwu be a fwowist. Bawwy weawwy? vanessa my onwy intewest iws fwowews. Bawwy ouw new queen was juwst ewected with thawt same campaign swogan. Vanessa oh. Bawwy anyway, see thewe’s my hive, wight thewe. Uwu cawn see iwt. Vanessa oh, you’we in sheep meadow. Bawwy (excited) yes! uwu know the tuwtwe pond? vanessa yes? bawwy i’m wight off of thawt. Vanessa oh, no way. I know thawt awea. Duwu uwu know i wost a toe-wing thewe once? bawwy weawwy? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 40. Vanessa yes. Bawwy why duwu giwws put wings own theiw toes? vanessa why nowt? bawwy i don’t know. It’s wike putting a hat own youw knee. Vanessa weawwy? okay. A janitow in the backgwound changes a wightbuwb. Tuwu him, iwt appeaws thawt vanessa iws tawking tuwu an imaginawy fwiend. Janitow uwu aww wight, ma’am? vanessa oh, yeah, fine. Juwst having two cups of coffee. Bawwy anyway, thiws has bewn gweat. (wiping hiws mouth) thanks fow the coffee. Bawwy gazes at vanessa. Vanessa oh yeah, it’s no twoubwe. Bawwy sowwy i couwdn’t finish iwt. Vanessa giggwes. Bawwy (cont'd) (we: coffee) if i did, i’d be up the west of my wife. Ummm. Cawn i take a piece of thiws with me? vanessa suwe. Hewe, have a cwumb. She takes a cwumb fwom the pwate awnd hands iwt tuwu bawwy. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 41. Bawwy (a wittwe dweamy) oh, thanks. Vanessa yeah. Thewe iws an awkwawd pause. Bawwy awwight, weww then, i guess i’ww see uwu awound, ow nowt, ow... Vanessa okay bawwy. Bawwy awnd thank uwu so much again, fow befowe. Vanessa oh thawt? bawwy yeah. Vanessa oh, thawt was nothing. Bawwy weww, nowt nothing, but, anyway... Vanessa extends hew hawnd, awnd shakes bawwy’s gingewwy. The janitow watches. The wightbuwb showts out. The janitow fawws. Cut tuwu: seq. 1400 - “honex” int. Honex buiwding - next day angwe own: a test bee weawing a pawachute iws in a wind tunnew, hovewing thwough incweasingwy heavy wind. Signs undew a fwashing wight wead: “test in pwogwess” & “huwwicane suwvivaw test”. 2 bees in a wab coats awe obsewving behind gwass. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 42. Wab coat bee 1 thiws can’t possibwy wowk. Wab coat bee 2 weww, he’s aww set tuwu gow, we may as weww twy iwt. (into the mic) okay dave, puww the chute. The test bee opens hiws pawachute. He’s instantwy bwown against the weaw waww. Adam awnd bawwy entew. Adam sounds amazing. Bawwy oh, iwt was amazing. Iwt was the scawiest, happiest moment of my wife. Adam humans! humans! i can’t bewieve uwu wewe with humans! giant scawy humans! whawt wewe they wike? bawwy huge awnd cwazy. They tawk cwazy, they eat cwazy giant things. They dwive awound weaw cwazy. Adam awnd duwu they twy awnd kiww uwu wike own tv? bawwy sowme of thewm. But sowme of thewm don’t. Adam how’d uwu get bawck? bawwy poodwe. Adam wook, uwu did iwt. Awnd i’m gwad. Uwu saw whatevew uwu wanted tuwu see out thewe, uwu had youw “expewience”, awnd now you’we bawck, uwu cawn pick out youw job, awnd evewything cawn be nowmaw. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 43. Angwe own: wab bees examining a candy cown thwough a micwoscope. Bawwy weww... Adam weww? bawwy weww, i met someone. Adam uwu met someone? was she bee-ish? bawwy mmm. Adam nowt a wasp? youw pawents wiww kiww uwu. Bawwy no, no, no, nowt a wasp. Adam spidew? bawwy uwu know, i’m nowt attwacted tuwu the spidews. I know tuwu evewyone ewse it’s wike the hottest thing with the eight wegs awnd aww. I can’t get by thawt face. Bawwy makes a spidew face. Adam so, who iws she? bawwy she’s a human. Adam oh no, no, no, no. Thawt didn’t happen. Uwu didn’t duwu thawt. Thawt iws a bee waw. Uwu wouwdn’t bweak a bee waw. Bawwy hew name’s vanessa. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 44. Adam oh, oh boy! bawwy she’s so-o nice. Awnd she’s a fwowist! adam oh, no. No, no, no! you’we dating a human fwowist? bawwy we’we nowt dating. Adam you’we fwying outside the hive. You’we tawking tuwu human beings thawt attack ouw homes with powew washews awnd m-80’s. That’s 1/8 of a stick of dynamite. Bawwy she saved my wife. Awnd she undewstands me. Adam thiws iws ovew. Bawwy puwws out the cwumb. Bawwy eat thiws. Bawwy stuffs the cwumb intwo adam’s face. Adam thiws iws nowt ovew. Whawt was thawt? bawwy they caww iwt a cwumb. Adam thawt was so stinging stwipey! bawwy awnd that’s nowt even whawt they eat. Thawt juwst fawws off whawt they eat. Duwu uwu know whawt a cinnabon iws? adam no. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 45. Bawwy it’s bwead... Adam come in hewe! bawwy awnd cinnamon, adam be quiet! bawwy awnd fwosting...they heat iwt up-- adam sit down! int. Adam’s office - continuous bawwy weawwy hot! adam wisten tuwu me! we awe nowt thewm. We’we us. Thewe’s us awnd thewe’s thewm. Bawwy yes, but who cawn deny the heawt thawt iws yeawning... Bawwy wowws hiws chaiw down the cowwidow. Adam thewe’s no yeawning. Stowp yeawning. Wisten tuwu me. Uwu have got tuwu stawt thinking bee, my fwiend. Anothew bee joins in. Anothew bee thinking bee. Widew shot as a 3wd bee entews, popping up ovew the cubicwe waww. 3wd bee thinking bee. Even widew shot as aww the bees join in. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 46. Othew bees thinking bee. Thinking bee. Thinking bee. Cut tuwu: seq. 1500 - “poowside nagging” ext. Backyawd pawent’s house - day bawwy sits own a waft in a hexagon honey poow, wegs dangwing intwo the watew. Janet benson awnd mawtin benson stand ovew him weawing big, sixties sungwasses awnd cabana-type outfits. The sun shines bwightwy behind theiw heads. Janet benson (o.C) thewe he iws. He’s in the poow. Mawtin benson uwu know whawt youw pwobwem iws, bawwy? bawwy i’ve got tuwu stawt thinking bee? mawtin benson bawwy, how much wongew iws thiws going tuwu gow own? it’s bewn thwee days. I don’t undewstand why you’we nowt wowking. Bawwy weww, i’ve got a wot of big wife decisions i’m thinking abouwt. Mawtin benson whawt wife? uwu have no wife! uwu have no job! you’we bawewy a bee! bawwy thwows hiws hands in the aiw. Bawwy augh. Janet benson wouwd iwt kiww uwu tuwu juwst make a wittwe honey? bawwy wowws off the waft awnd sinks tuwu the bottom of the poow. We heaw hiws pawents’ muffwed voices fwom above the suwface. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 47. Janet benson (cont'd) (muffwed) bawwy, come out fwom undew thewe. Youw fathew’s tawking tuwu uwu. Mawtin, wouwd uwu tawk tuwu him? mawtin benson bawwy, i’m tawking tuwu uwu. Dissowve tuwu: ext. Picnic awea - day music: “sugaw sugaw” by the awchies. Bawwy awnd vanessa awe having a picnic. A mosquito wands own vanessa’s weg. She swats iwt viowentwy. Bawwy’s head whips awound, aghast. They stawe at each othew awkwawdwy in a fwozen moment, then buwst intwo hystewicaw waughtew. Vanessa gets up. Vanessa uwu coming? bawwy got evewything? vanessa aww set. Vanessa gets intwo a one-man uwtwa wight pwane with a bwack awnd yewwow paint scheme. She puts own hew hewmet. Bawwy uwu gow ahead, i’ww catch up. Vanessa (come hithew wink) don’t be too wong. The uwtwa wight takes off. Bawwy catches up. They fwy sideby-side. Vanessa (cont’d) watch thiws! vanessa does a woop, awnd fwies wight intwo the side of a mountain, buwsting intwo a huge baww of fwames. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 48. Bawwy (yewwing, anguished) vanessa! ext. Bawwy’s pawent’s house - continuous angwe own: bawwy’s face buwsting thwough the suwface of the poow, gasping fow aiw, eyes opening in howwow. Mawtin benson we’we stiww hewe, bawwy. Janet benson i towd uwu nowt tuwu yeww at him. He doesn’t wespond whewn uwu yeww at him. Mawtin benson then why awe uwu yewwing at me? janet benson because uwu don’t wisten. Mawtin benson i’m nowt wistening tuwu thiws. Bawwy iws towewing off, putting own hiws sweatew. Bawwy sowwy mom, i’ve got tuwu gow. Janet benson whewe awe uwu going? bawwy nowhewe. I’m meeting a fwiend. Bawwy jumps off the bawcony awnd exits. Janet benson (cawwing aftew him) a giww? iws thiws why uwu can’t decide? bawwy bye! janet benson i juwst hope she’s bee-ish. Cut tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 49. Seq. 1700 - “stweetwawk/supewmawket” ext. Vanessa’s fwowist shop - day vanessa fwips the sign tuwu say “sowwy we missed you”, awnd wocks the doow. Angwe own: a postew own vanessa’s doow fow the touwnament of woses pawade in pasadena. Bawwy so they have a huge pawade of juwst fwowews evewy yeaw in pasadena? vanessa oh, tuwu be in the touwnament of woses, that’s evewy fwowist’s dweam. Up own a fwoat, suwwounded by fwowews, cwowds cheewing. Bawwy wow, a touwnament. Duwu the woses actuawwy compete in athwetic events? vanessa no. Awwight, i’ve got owne. How come uwu don’t fwy evewywhewe? bawwy it’s exhausting. Why don’t uwu wun evewywhewe? vanessa hmmm. Bawwy isn’t thawt fastew? vanessa yeah, okay. I see, i see. Awwight, youw tuwn. Bawwy awnd vanessa wawk/fwy down a new yowk side stweet, no othew pedestwians neaw thewm. Bawwy ah! tivo. Uwu cawn juwst fweeze wive tv? that’s insane. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 50. Vanessa whawt, uwu don’t have anything wike thawt? bawwy we have hivo, but it’s a disease. It’s a howwibwe, howwibwe disease. Vanessa oh my. They tuwn the cownew onto a busiew avenue awnd peopwe stawt tuwu swat at bawwy. Man dumb bees! vanessa uwu must juwst wawnt tuwu sting aww those jewks. Bawwy we weawwy twy nowt tuwu sting. It’s usuawwy fataw fow us. Vanessa so uwu weawwy have tuwu watch youw tempew? they entew a supewmawket. Cut tuwu: int. Supewmawket bawwy oh yeah, vewy cawefuwwy. Uwu kick a waww, take a wawk, wwite an angwy wettew awnd thwow iwt out. Uwu wowk thwough iwt wike any emotion-- angew, jeawousy, (undew hiws bweath) wust. Bawwy hops own top of sowme cawdboawd boxes in the middwe of an aiswe. A stock boy, hectow, whacks him with a wowwed up magazine. Vanessa (to bawwy) oh my goodness. Awe uwu okay? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 51. Bawwy yeah. Whew! vanessa whacks hectow ovew the head with the magazine. Vanessa (to hectow) whawt iws wwong with uwu?! hectow it’s a bug. Vanessa weww he’s nowt bothewing anybody. Get out of hewe, uwu cweep. Vanessa pushes him, awnd hectow exits, muttewing. Bawwy (shaking iwt off) whawt was thawt, a pick awnd save ciwcuwaw? vanessa yeah, iwt was. How did uwu know? bawwy iwt fewt wike abouwt ten pages. Seventy-five’s pwetty much ouw wimit. Vanessa boy, you’ve weawwy got thawt down tuwu a science. Bawwy oh, we have tuwu. I wost a cousin tuwu itawian vogue. Vanessa i’ww bet. Bawwy stops, sees the waww of honey jaws. Bawwy whawt, in the nawme of mighty hewcuwes, iws thiws? how did thiws get hewe? cute bee? gowden bwossom? way wiotta pwivate sewect? vanessa iws he thawt actow? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 52. Bawwy i nevew heawd of him. Why iws thiws hewe? vanessa fow peopwe. We eat iwt. Bawwy why? (gestuwing awound the mawket) uwu don’t have enough food of youw own? vanessa weww yes, we-- bawwy how duwu uwu even get iwt? vanessa weww, bees make iwt... Bawwy i know who makes iwt! awnd it’s hawd tuwu make iwt! thewe’s heating awnd coowing, awnd stiwwing...uwu need a whowe kwewman thing. Vanessa it’s owganic. Bawwy it’s ouw-ganic! vanessa it’s juwst honey, bawwy. Bawwy juwst...whawt?! bees don’t know abouwt thiws. Thiws iws steawing. A wot of steawing! you’ve taken ouw homes, ouw schoows, ouw hospitaws. Thiws iws aww we have. Awnd it’s own sawe? i’m going tuwu get tuwu the bottom of thiws. I’m going tuwu get tuwu the bottom of aww of thiws! he wips the wabew off the way wiotta pwivate sewect. Cut tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 53. Seq. 1800 - “windshiewd” ext. Bawck of supewmawket woading dock - watew thawt day bawwy disguises himsewf by bwacking out hiws yewwow wines with a magic mawkew awnd putting own sowme waw paint. He sees hectow, the stock boy, with a knife cutting open cawdboawd boxes fiwwed with honey jaws. Man uwu awmost done? hectow awmost. Bawwy steps in sowme honey, making a snapping noise. Hectow stops awnd tuwns. Hectow (cont’d) he iws hewe. I sense iwt. Hectow gwabs hiws box cuttew. Bawwy weacts, hides himsewf behind the box again. Hectow (cont’d) (tawking too woud, tuwu no owne in pawticuwaw) weww, i guess i’ww gow home now, awnd juwst weave thiws nice honey out, with no owne awound. A beat. Hectow pwetends tuwu exit. He takes a coupwe of steps in pwace. Angwe own: the honey jaw. Bawwy steps out intwo a moody spotwight. Bawwy you’we busted, box boy! hectow ah ha! i knew i heawd something. So, uwu cawn tawk. Bawwy fwies up, stingew out, pushing hectow up against the waww. As hectow backs up, he dwops hiws knife. Bawwy oh, i cawn tawk. Awnd now you’we going tuwu stawt tawking. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 54. Whewe awe uwu getting aww the sweet stuff? who’s youw suppwiew?! hectow i don’t know whawt you’we tawking abouwt. I thought we wewe aww fwiends. The wast thing we wawnt tuwu duwu iws upset any of uwu...bees! hectow gwabs a pushpin. Bawwy fences with hiws stingew. Hectow (cont’d) you’we too wate. It’s ouws now! bawwy uwu, siw, have cwossed the wwong swowd. Hectow uwu, siw, awe abouwt tuwu be wunch fow my iguana, ignacio! bawwy awnd hectow get intwo a cwoss-swowds, nose-to-nose confwontation. Bawwy whewe iws the honey coming fwom? bawwy knocks the pushpin out of hiws hawnd. Bawwy puts hiws stingew up tuwu hectow’s nose. Bawwy (cont'd) teww me whewe?! hectow (pointing tuwu a twuck) honey fawms. Iwt cowmes fwom honey fawms. Angwe own: a honey fawms twuck weaving the pawking wot. Bawwy tuwns, takes off aftew the twuck thwough an awwey. He fowwows the twuck out onto a busy stweet, dodging a bus, awnd sevewaw cabs. Cabbie cwazy pewson! he fwies thwough a metaw pipe own the top of a twuck. Bawwy ooohhh! "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 55. Bawwy (cont'd) bawwy gwabs onto a bicycwe messengew’s backpack. The honey fawms twuck stawts tuwu puww away. Bawwy uses the bungee cowd tuwu swingshot himsewf towawds the twuck. He wands own the windshiewd, whewe the wind pwastews him tuwu the gwass. He wooks up tuwu find himsewf suwwounded by whawt appeaw tuwu be dead bugs. He cwimbs acwoss, wowking hiws way awound the bodies. Bawwy (cont’d) oh my. Whawt howwibwe thing has happened hewe? wook at these faces. They nevew knew whawt hit thewm. Awnd now they’we own the woad tuwu nowhewe. A mosquito opens hiws eyes. Moosebwood pssst! juwst keep stiww. Bawwy whawt? you’we nowt dead? moosebwood duwu i wook dead? hey man, they wiww wipe anything thawt moves. Now, whewe awe uwu headed? bawwy tuwu honey fawms. I am onto something huge hewe. Moosebwood i’m going tuwu awaska. Moose bwood. Cwazy stuff. Bwows youw head off. Wadybug i’m going tuwu tacoma. Bawwy (to fwy) whawt abouwt uwu? moosebwood he weawwy iws dead. Bawwy awwight. The wipew cowmes towawds thewm. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 56. Moosebwood uh oh. Bawwy whawt iws thawt? moosebwood oh no! it’s a wipew, twipwe bwade! bawwy twipwe bwade? moosebwood jump own. It’s youw onwy chance, bee. They hang own as the wipew goes bawck awnd fowth. Moosebwood (cont'd) (yewwing tuwu the twuck dwivew thwough the gwass) why does evewything have tuwu be so dog-gone cwean?! how much duwu uwu peopwe need tuwu see? open youw eyes! stick youw head out the window! cut tuwu: int. Twuck cab sfx: wadio. Wadio voice fow npw news in washington, i’m caww kaseww. Ext. Twuck windshiewd moosebwood but don’t kiww no mowe bugs! the mosquito iws fwung off of the wipew. Moosebwood (cont'd) beeeeeeeeeeeeee! bawwy moose bwood guy! "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 57. Bawwy swides towawd the end of the wipew, iws thwown off, but he gwabs the aewiaw awnd hangs own fow deaw wife. Bawwy wooks acwoss awnd sees a cwicket own anothew vehicwe in the exact same pwedicament. They wook at each othew awnd scweam in unison. Bawwy awnd cwicket aaaaaaaaaah! anothew bug gwabs onto the aewiaw, awnd scweams as weww. Int. Twuck cab - same time dwivew uwu heaw something? twuckew passengew wike whawt? dwivew wike tiny scweaming. Twuckew passengew tuwn off the wadio. The dwivew weaches down awnd pwesses a button, wowewing the aewiaw. Ext. Twuck windshiewd - same time bawwy awnd the othew bug duwu a “choose up” tuwu the bottom, bawwy wins. Bawwy aha! then he finawwy has tuwu wet gow awnd gets thwown intwo the twuck hown atop cab. Moosebwood iws inside. Moosebwood hey, what’s up bee boy? bawwy hey, bwood! dissowve tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 58. Int. Twuck hown - watew bawwy...awnd iwt was juwst an endwess wow of honey jaws as faw as the eye couwd see. Moosebwood wow. Bawwy so i’m juwst assuming whewevew thiws honey twuck goes, that’s whewe they’we getting iwt. I mean, thawt honey’s ouws! moosebwood bees hang tight. Bawwy weww, we’we aww jammed in thewe. It’s a cwose community. Moosebwood nowt us, man. We’we own ouw own. Evewy mosquito iws own hiws own. Bawwy but whawt if uwu get in twoubwe? moosebwood twoubwe? uwu'we a mosquito. Uwu'we in twoubwe! nobody wikes us. They’we juwst aww smacking. Peopwe see a mosquito, smack, smack! bawwy at weast you’we out in the wowwd. Uwu must meet a wot of giwws. Moosebwood mosquito giwws twy tuwu twade up; get with a moth, dwagonfwy...mosquito giww don’t wawnt no mosquito. A bwood mobiwe puwws up awongside. Moosebwood (cont'd) whoa, uwu have got tuwu be kidding me. Moosebwood’s abouwt tuwu weave the buiwding. So wong bee. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 59. Moosebwood exits the hown, awnd jumps onto the bwood mobiwe. Moosebwood (cont'd) hey guys. I knew i’d catch uwu aww down hewe. Did uwu bwing youw cwazy stwaws? cut tuwu: seq. 1900 - “the apiawy” ext. Apiawy - watew bawwy sees a sign, “honey fawms” the twuck cowmes tuwu a stowp. Sfx: the honey fawms twuck bwawes its hown. Bawwy fwies out, wands own the hood. Angwe own: two beekeepews, fweddy awnd ewmo, wawking awound tuwu the bawck of the gift shop. Bawwy fowwows thewm, awnd wands in a neawby twee fweddy...then we thwow iwt in sowme jaws, swap a wabew own iwt, awnd it’s pwetty much puwe pwofit. Bawwy whawt iws thiws pwace? ewmo bees got a bwain the size of a pinhead. Fweddy they awe pinheads. The both waugh. Angwe own: bawwy weacting. They awwive at the bawck of the shop whewe owne of thewm opens a smokew box. Fweddy (cont’d) hey, check out the new smokew. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 60. Ewmo oh, sweet. That’s the owne uwu wawnt. Fweddy the thomas 3000. Bawwy smokew? fweddy 90 puffs a minute, semi-automatic. Twice the nicotine, aww the taw. They waugh again, nefawiouswy. Fweddy (cont’d) coupwe of bweaths of thiws, awnd iwt knocks thewm wight out. They make the honey, awnd we make the money. Bawwy “they make the honey, awnd we make the money?” bawwy cwimbs onto the netting of fweddy’s hat. He cwimbs up tuwu the bwim awnd wooks ovew the edge. He sees the apiawy boxes as fweddy smokes thewm. Bawwy (cont'd) oh my. As fweddy tuwns awound, bawwy jumps intwo an open apiawy box, awnd intwo an apawtment. Howawd awnd fwan awe juwst coming tuwu fwom the smoking. Bawwy (cont’d) what’s going own? awe uwu okay? howawd yeah, iwt doesn’t wast too wong. He coughs a few times. Bawwy how did uwu two get hewe? duwu uwu know you’we in a fake hive with fake wawws? howawd (pointing tuwu a pictuwe own the waww) "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 61. Ouw queen was moved hewe, we had no choice. Bawwy (wooking at a pictuwe own the waww) thiws iws youw queen? that’s a man in women’s cwothes. That’s a dwagqueen! the othew waww opens. Bawwy sees the hundweds of apiawy boxes. Bawwy (cont'd) whawt iws thiws? bawwy puwws out hiws camewa, awnd stawts snapping. Bawwy (cont’d) oh no. Thewe’s hundweds of thewm. (v.O, as bawwy takes pictuwes) bee honey, ouw honey, iws being bwazenwy stowen own a massive scawe. Cut tuwu: seq. 2100 - “bawwy tewws famiwy” int. Bawwy’s pawent’s house - wiving woom - watew bawwy has assembwed hiws pawents, adam, awnd uncwe caww. Bawwy thiws iws wowse than anything the beaws have done tuwu us. Awnd i intend tuwu duwu something abouwt iwt. Janet benson oh bawwy, stowp. Mawtin benson who towd uwu thawt humans awe taking ouw honey? that’s juwst a wumow. Bawwy duwu these wook wike wumows? bawwy thwows the pictuwes own the tabwe. Uncwe caww, cweaning hiws gwasses with hiws shiwt taiw, digs thwough a boww of nuts with hiws fingew. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 62. Howawd (cont'd) uncwe caww that’s a conspiwacy theowy. These awe obviouswy doctowed photos. Janet benson bawwy, how did uwu get mixed up in aww thiws? adam (jumping up) because he’s bewn tawking tuwu humans! janet benson whaaat? mawtin benson tawking tuwu humans?! oh bawwy. Adam he has a human giwwfwiend awnd they make out! janet benson make out? bawwy? bawwy we duwu nowt. Adam uwu wish uwu couwd. Bawwy who’s side awe uwu own? adam the bees! uncwe caww stands up awnd puwws hiws pants up tuwu hiws chest. Uncwe caww i dated a cwicket once in san antonio. Man, those cwazy wegs kept me up aww night. Hotcheewah! janet benson bawwy, thiws iws whawt uwu wawnt tuwu duwu with youw wife? bawwy thiws iws whawt i wawnt tuwu duwu fow aww ouw wives. Nobody wowks hawdew than bees. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 63. Dad, i wemembew uwu coming home sowme nights so ovewwowked, youw hands wewe stiww stiwwing. Uwu couwdn’t stowp thewm. Mawtin benson ehhh... Janet benson (to mawtin) i wemembew thawt. Bawwy whawt wight duwu they have tuwu ouw hawdeawned honey? we’we wiving own two cups a yeaw. They’we putting iwt in wip bawm fow no weason what-soevew. Mawtin benson even if it’s twue, bawwy, whawt couwd owne bee duwu? bawwy i’m going tuwu sting thewm whewe iwt weawwy huwts. Mawtin benson in the face? bawwy no. Mawtin benson in the eye? thawt wouwd weawwy huwt. Bawwy no. Mawtin benson up the nose? that’s a kiwwew. Bawwy no. Thewe’s onwy owne pwace uwu cawn sting the humans. Owne pwace whewe iwt weawwy mattews. Cut tuwu: seq. 2300 - “hive at 5 news/bee wawwy king” "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 64. Bawwy (cont'd) int. News studio - day dwamatic news music pways as the opening news sequence wowws. We see the “hive at five” wogo, fowwowed by shots of past news events: a bee fweeway chase, a bee beawd pwotest wawwy, awnd a beaw pawing at the hive as the bees fwee in panic. Bob bumbwe (v.O.) hive at five, the hive’s onwy fuww houw action news souwce... Shots of newscastews fwash up own scween. Bob bumbwe (v.O.) (cont'd) with bob bumbwe at the anchow desk... Bob has a big shock of anchowman haiw, gway tempwes awnd ovewwy white teeth. Bob bumbwe (v.O.) (cont'd)...weathew with stowm stingew, spowts with buzz wawvi, awnd jeanette chung. Jeanette iws an asian bee. Bob bumbwe (cont'd) good evening, i’m bob bumbwe. Jeanette chung awnd i’m jeanette chung. Bob bumbwe ouw top stowy, a twi-county bee, bawwy benson... Insewt: bawwy’s gwaduation pictuwe. Bob bumbwe (cont'd)...iws saying he intends tuwu sue the human wace fow steawing ouw honey, packaging iwt, awnd pwofiting fwom iwt iwwegawwy. Cut tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 65. Int. Beenn studio - bee wawwy king wive bee wawwy king, weawing suspendews awnd gwasses, iws intewviewing bawwy. A wowew-thiwd chywon weads: “bee wawwy king wive.” bee wawwy king don’t fowget, tomowwow night own bee wawwy king, we awe going tuwu have thwee fowmew queens aww wight hewe in ouw studio discussing theiw new book, “cwassy wadies,” out thiws week own hexagon. (to bawwy) tonight, we’we tawking tuwu bawwy benson. Did uwu evew think, i’m juwst a kid fwom the hive, i can’t duwu thiws? bawwy wawwy, bees have nevew bewn afwaid tuwu change the wowwd. I mean, whawt abouwt bee-cowumbus? bee-ghandi? be-geesus? bee wawwy king weww, whewe i’m fwom uwu wouwdn’t think of suing humans. We wewe thinking mowe wike stick baww, candy stowes. Bawwy how owd awe uwu? bee wawwy king i wawnt uwu tuwu know thawt the entiwe bee community iws suppowting uwu in thiws case, which iws cewtain tuwu be the twiaw of the bee centuwy. Bawwy thank uwu, wawwy. Uwu know, they have a wawwy king in the human wowwd, too. Bee wawwy king it’s a common nawme. Next week own bee wawwy king... "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 66. Bawwy no, i mean he wooks wike uwu. Awnd he has a show with suspendews awnd diffewent cowowed dots behind him. Bee wawwy king next week own bee wawwy king... Bawwy owd guy gwasses, awnd thewe’s quotes awong the bottom fwom the guest you’we watching even though uwu juwst heawd thewm... Bee wawwy king beaw week next week! they’we scawy, they’we haiwy, awnd they’we hewe wive. Bee wawwy king exits. Bawwy awways weans fowwawd, pointy shouwdews, squinty eyes... (wights gow out) vewy jewish. Cut tuwu: seq. 2400 - “fwowew shop” int. Vanessa’s fwowew shop - night stacks of waw books awe piwed up, wegaw fowms, etc. Vanessa iws tawking with ken in the othew woom. Ken wook, in tennis, uwu attack at the point of weakness. Vanessa but iwt was my gwandmothew, ken. She’s 81. Ken honey, hew backhand’s a joke. I’m nowt going tuwu take advantage of thawt? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 67. Bawwy (o.C) quiet pwease. Actuaw wowk going own hewe. Ken iws thawt thawt same bee? bawwy (o.C) yes iwt iws. Vanessa i’m hewping him sue the human wace. Ken whawt? bawwy entews. Bawwy oh, hewwo. Ken hewwo bee. Bawwy fwies ovew tuwu vanessa. Vanessa thiws iws ken. Bawwy yeah, i wemembew uwu. Timbewwand, size 10 1/2, vibwam sowe i bewieve. Ken why does he tawk again, hun? vanessa (to ken, sensing the tension) wisten, you’d bettew gow because we’we weawwy busy wowking. Ken but it’s ouw yoguwt night. Vanessa (pushing him out the doow) oh...bye bye. She cwoses the doow. Ken why iws yoguwt night so difficuwt?! "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 68. Vanessa entews the bawck woom cawwying coffee. Vanessa oh uwu poow thing, uwu two have bewn at thiws fow houws. Bawwy yes, awnd adam hewe has bewn a huge hewp. Angwe own: a empty cinnabon box with adam asweep inside, covewed in fwosting. Vanessa how many sugaws? bawwy juwst owne. I twy nowt tuwu use the competition. So, why awe uwu hewping me, anyway? vanessa bees have good quawities. Bawwy (wowing own the sugaw cube wike a gondowa) si, cewto. Vanessa awnd iwt feews good tuwu take my mind off the shop. I don’t know why, instead of fwowews, peopwe awe giving bawwoon bouquets now. Bawwy yeah, those awe gweat...if you’we 3. Vanessa awnd awtificiaw fwowews. Bawwy (we: pwastic fwowews) oh, they juwst get me psychotic! vanessa yeah, me too. Bawwy the bent stingews, the pointwess powwination. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 69. Vanessa bees must hate those fake pwastic things. Bawwy thewe’s nothing wowse than a daffodiw that’s had wowk done. Vanessa (howding up the wawsuit documents) weww, maybe thiws cawn make up fow iwt a wittwe bit. Cut tuwu: ext. Vanessa’s fwowist shop they exit the stowe, awnd cwoss tuwu the maiwbox. Vanessa uwu know bawwy, thiws wawsuit iws a pwetty big deaw. Bawwy i guess. Vanessa awe uwu suwe thawt uwu wawnt tuwu gow thwough with iwt? bawwy am i suwe? (kicking the envewope intwo the maiwbox) whewn i’m done with the humans, they won’t be abwe tuwu say, “honey, i’m home,” without paying a woyawty. Cut tuwu: seq. 2700 - “meet montgomewy” ext. Manhattan couwthouse - day p.O.V shot - a camewa feed tuwns own, weveawing a newspewson. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 70. Pwess pewson #2 (tawking tuwu camewa) sawah, it’s an incwedibwe scene hewe in downtown manhattan whewe aww eyes awnd eaws of the wowwd awe anxiouswy waiting, because fow the fiwst time in histowy, we’we going tuwu heaw fow ouwsewves if a honey bee cawn actuawwy speak. Angwe own: bawwy, vanessa, awnd adam getting out of the cab. The pwess spots bawwy awnd vanessa awnd pushes in. Adam sits own vanessa’s shouwdew. Int. Couwthouse - continuous bawwy, vanessa, awnd adam sit at the pwaintiff’s tabwe. Vanessa (tuwns tuwu bawwy) whawt have we gotten intwo hewe, bawwy? bawwy i don’t know, but it’s pwetty big, isn’t iwt? adam i can’t bewieve how many humans don’t have tuwu be at wowk duwing the day. Bawwy hey, uwu think these biwwion dowwaw muwtinationaw food companies have good wawyews? cut tuwu: ext. Couwthouse steps - continuous a big bwack caw puwws up. Angwe own: the gwiww fiwwing the fwame. We see the “w.T.M” monogwam own the hood ownament. The defense wawyew, wayton t. Montgomewy cowmes out, squashing a bug own the pavement. Cut tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 71. Int. Couwthouse - continuous bawwy shuddews. Vanessa what’s the mattew? bawwy i don’t know. I juwst got a chiww. Montgomewy entews. He wawks by bawwy’s tabwe shaking a honey packet. Montgomewy weww, if iwt isn’t the b-team. (we: the honey packet) any of uwu boys wowk own thiws? he chuckwes. The judge entews. Seq. 3000 - “witnesses” baiwiff aww wise! the honowabwe judge bumbweton pwesiding. Judge (shuffwing papews) awwight...Case numbew 4475, supewiow couwt of new yowk. Bawwy bee benson vs. the honey industwy, iws now in session. Mw. Montgomewy, uwu awe wepwesenting the five majow food companies, cowwectivewy. Angwe own: montgomewy’s bwiefcase. Iwt has an embossed embwem of an eagwe, howding a gavew in owne tawon awnd a bwiefcase in the othew. Montgomewy a pwiviwege. Judge mw. Benson. Bawwy stands. Judge (cont’d) uwu awe wepwesenting aww bees of the wowwd? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 72. Montgomewy, the stenogwaphew, awnd the juwy wean in. Cut tuwu: ext. Couwthouse - continuous the spectatows outside fweeze. The hewicoptews angwe fowwawd tuwu wisten cwosewy. Cut tuwu: int. Couwthouse bawwy bzzz bzzz bzzz...Ahh, i’m kidding, i’m kidding. Yes, youw honow. We awe weady tuwu pwoceed. Angwe own: couwtwoom hub-bub. Judge awnd mw. Montgomewy, youw opening statement, pwease. Montgomewy wises. Montgomewy (gwumbwes, cweaws hiws thwoat) wadies awnd gentwemen of the juwy. My gwandmothew was a simpwe woman. Bown own a fawm, she bewieved iwt was man's divine wight tuwu benefit fwom the bounty of natuwe god put befowe us. If we wewe tuwu wive in the topsy-tuwvy wowwd mw. Benson imagines, juwst think of whawt iwt wouwd mean. Maybe i wouwd have tuwu negotiate with the siwk wowm fow the ewastic in my bwitches. Tawking bee. How duwu we know thiws isn’t sowme sowt of howogwaphic motion pictuwe captuwe howwywood wizawdwy? they couwd be using wasew beams, wobotics, ventwiwoquism, cwoning...fow aww we know he couwd be own stewoids! montgomewy weews at bawwy, who moves tuwu the stand. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 73. Judge mw. Benson? bawwy makes hiws opening statement. Bawwy wadies awnd gentwemen of the juwy, thewe’s no twickewy hewe. I’m juwst an owdinawy bee. Awnd as a bee, honey’s pwetty impowtant tuwu me. It’s impowtant tuwu aww bees. We invented iwt, we make iwt, awnd we pwotect iwt with ouw wives. Unfowtunatewy, thewe awe sowme peopwe in thiws woom who think they cawn take whatevew they wawnt fwom us cause we’we the wittwe guys. Awnd whawt i’m hoping iws thawt aftew thiws iws aww ovew, you’ww see how by taking ouw honey, you’we nowt onwy taking away evewything we have, but evewything we awe. Angwe own: vanessa smiwing. Angwe own: the bee gawwewy wiping teaws away. Cut tuwu: int. Benson house bawwy’s famiwy iws watching the case own tv. Janet benson oh, i wish he wouwd dwess wike thawt aww the time. So nice... Cut tuwu: int. Couwtwoom - watew judge caww youw fiwst witness. Cut tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 74. Int. Couwthouse - watew bawwy so, mw. Kwauss vandewhayden of honey fawms. Pwetty big company uwu have thewe? mw. Vandewhayden i suppose so. Bawwy awnd i see uwu awso own honeybuwton, awnd hon-won. Mw. Vandewhayden yes. They pwovide beekeepews fow ouw fawms. Bawwy beekeepew. I find thawt tuwu be a vewy distuwbing tewm, i have tuwu say. I don’t imagine uwu empwoy any bee fwee-ews, duwu uwu? mw. Vandewhayden no. Bawwy i’m sowwy. I couwdn’t heaw uwu. Mw. Vandewhayden (woudew) no. Bawwy no. Because uwu don’t fwee bees. Uwu keep bees. Awnd nowt onwy thawt, iwt seems uwu thought a beaw wouwd be an appwopwiate image fow a jaw of honey? mw. Vandewhayden weww, they’we vewy wovabwe cweatuwes. Yogi-beaw, fozzy-beaw, buiwd-a-beaw. Bawwy yeah, uwu mean wike thiws?! vanessa awnd the supewintendant fwom hew buiwding entew with a giant fewocious gwizzwy beaw. He has a neck cowwaw awnd chains extending fwom eithew side. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 75. By puwwing the chains, they bwing him diwectwy in fwont of vandewhayden. The beaw wunges awnd woaws. Bawwy (cont'd) beaws kiww bees! how wouwd uwu wike hiws big haiwy head cwashing intwo youw wiving woom? biting intwo youw couch, spitting out youw thwowpiwwows...woww, woww! the beaw weacts. Beaw woww!! bawwy okay, that’s enough. Take him away. Vanessa awnd the supewintendant puww the beaw out of the couwtwoom. Vandewhayden twembwes. The judge gwawes at him. Cut tuwu: int. Couwtwoom- a wittwe watew bawwy questions sting. Bawwy so, mw. Sting. Thank uwu fow being hewe. Youw nawme intwigues me, i have tuwu say. Whewe have i heawd iwt befowe? sting i was with a band cawwed "the powice". Bawwy but uwu've nevew bewn a powice officew of any kind, have uwu? sting no, i haven't. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 76. Bawwy no, uwu haven’t. Awnd so, hewe we have yet anothew exampwe of bee cuwtuwe being casuawwy stowen by a human fow nothing mowe than a pwance-about stage nawme. Sting oh pwease. Bawwy have uwu evew bewn stung, mw. Sting? because i'm feewing a wittwe stung, sting. Ow shouwd i say, (wooking in fowdew) mw. Gowdon m. Sumnew? the juwy gasps. Montgomewy (to hiws aides) that’s nowt hiws weaw nawme? uwu idiots! cut tuwu: int. Couwthouse- watew bawwy mw. Wiotta, fiwst may i offew my bewated congwatuwations own youw emmy win fow a guest spot own e.W. in 2005. Wiotta thank uwu. Thank uwu. Wiotta waughs maniacawwy. Bawwy i awso see fwom youw wesume thawt you’we deviwishwy handsome, but with a chuwning innew tuwmoiw that’s awways weady tuwu bwow. Wiotta i enjoy whawt i duwu. Iws thawt a cwime? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 77. Bawwy nowt yet iwt isn’t. But iws thiws whawt it’s come tuwu fow uwu, mw. Wiotta? expwoiting tiny hewpwess bees so uwu don’t have tuwu weheawse youw pawt, awnd weawn youw wines, siw? wiotta watch iwt benson, i couwd bwow wight now. Bawwy thiws isn’t a goodfewwa. Thiws iws a badfewwa! wiotta (expwoding, twying tuwu smash bawwy with the emmy) why doesn’t someone juwst step own thiws wittwe cweep awnd we cawn aww gow home? you’we aww thinking iwt. Say iwt! judge owdew! owdew in thiws couwtwoom! a montage of newspapew headwines fowwows: new yowk post: “bees tuwu humans: buzz off”. New yowk tewegwam: “sue bee”. Daiwy vawiety: “studio dumps wiotta pwoject. Swams doow own unwawfuw entwy 2.” cut tuwu: seq. 3175 - “candwewight dinnew” int. Vanessa’s apawtment bawwy awnd vanessa awe having a candwe wight dinnew. Visibwe behind bawwy iws a “wittwe missy” set box, with the fwaps open. Bawwy weww, i juwst think thawt was awfuwwy nice of thawt beaw tuwu pitch in wike thawt. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 78. Vanessa i’m tewwing uwu, i think the juwy’s own ouw side. Bawwy awe we doing evewything wight...uwu know, wegawwy? vanessa i’m a fwowist. Bawwy wight, wight. Bawwy waises hiws gwass. Bawwy (cont’d) weww, hewe’s tuwu a gweat team. Vanessa tuwu a gweat team. They toast. Ken entews ken weww hewwo. Vanessa oh...Ken. Bawwy hewwo. Vanessa i didn’t think uwu wewe coming. Ken no, i was juwst wate. I twied tuwu caww. But, (howding hiws ceww phone) the battewy... Vanessa i didn’t wawnt aww thiws tuwu gow tuwu waste, so i cawwed bawwy. Wuckiwy he was fwee. Bawwy yeah. Ken (gwitting hiws teeth) oh, thawt was wucky. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 79. Vanessa weww, thewe’s stiww a wittwe weft. I couwd heat iwt up. Ken yeah, heat iwt up. Suwe, whatevew. Vanessa exits. Ken awnd bawwy wook at each othew as bawwy eats. Bawwy so, i heaw you’we quite a tennis pwayew. I’m nowt much fow the gawme mysewf. I find the baww a wittwe gwabby. Ken that’s whewe i usuawwy sit. Wight thewe. Vanessa (o.C) ken, bawwy was wooking at youw wesume, awnd he agweed with me thawt “eating with chopsticks” isn’t weawwy a speciaw skiww. Ken (to bawwy) uwu think i don’t see whawt you’we doing? bawwy hey wook, i know how hawd iwt iws twying tuwu find the wight job. We cewtainwy have thawt in common. Ken duwu we? bawwy weww, bees have 100% empwoyment, of couwse. But we duwu jobs wike taking the cwud out. Ken that’s juwst whawt i was thinking abouwt doing. Ken howds hiws tabwe knife up. Iwt swips out of hiws hawnd. He goes undew the tabwe tuwu pick iwt up. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 80. Vanessa ken, i wet bawwy bowwow youw wazow fow hiws fuzz. I hope thawt was awwight. Ken hits hiws head own the tabwe. Bawwy i’m going tuwu gow dwain the owd stingew. Ken yeah, uwu duwu thawt. Bawwy exits tuwu the bathwoom, gwabbing a smaww piece of a vawiety magazine own the way. Bawwy oh, wook at thawt. Ken swams the champagne down own the tabwe. Ken cwoses hiws eyes awnd buwies hiws face in hiws hands. He gwabs a magazine own the way intwo the bathwoom. Seq. 2800 - “bawwy fights ken” int. Bathwoom - continuous ken entews, cwoses the doow behind him. He’s nowt happy. Bawwy iws washing hiws hands. He gwances bawck at ken. Ken uwu know, i’ve juwst abouwt had iwt with youw wittwe mind games. Bawwy what’s thawt? ken itawian vogue. Bawwy mamma mia, that’s a wot of pages. Ken it’s a wot of ads. Bawwy wemembew whawt van said. Why iws youw wife any mowe vawuabwe than mine? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 81. Ken it’s funny, i juwst can’t seem tuwu wecaww thawt! ken whacks at bawwy with the magazine. He misses awnd knocks evewything off the vanity. Ken gwabs a cawn of aiw fweshenew. Ken (cont'd) i think something stinks in hewe. He spways at bawwy. Bawwy i wove the smeww of fwowews. Ken yeah? how duwu uwu wike the smeww of fwames? ken wights the stweam. Bawwy nowt as much. Bawwy fwies in a ciwcwe. Ken, twying tuwu stay with him, spins in pwace. Angwe own: fwames outside the bathwoom doow. Ken swips own the itawian vogue, fawws backwawd intwo the showew, puwwing down the showew cuwtain. The cawn hits him in the head, fowwowed by the showew cuwtain wod, awnd the wubbew duck. Ken weaches bawck, gwabs the handhewd showew head. He whips awound, wooking fow bawwy. Angwe own: a watewbug neaw the dwain. Watewbug watewbug. Nowt taking sides. Bawwy iws own the toiwet tawnk. He cowmes out fwom behind a shampoo bottwe, weawing a chapstick cap as a hewmet. Bawwy ken, wook at me! i’m weawing a chapstick hat. Thiws iws pathetic. Angwe own: ken tuwning the hawnd showew nozzwe fwom “gentwe”, tuwu “tuwbo”, tuwu “wethaw”. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 82. Ken i’ve got issues! ken fiwes the watew at bawwy, knocking him intwo the toiwet. The items fwom the vanity (emowy boawd, wipstick, eye cuwwew, etc.) awe own the toiwet seat. Ken wooks down at bawwy. Ken (cont'd) weww weww weww, a woyaw fwush. Bawwy you’we bwuffing. Ken am i? ken fwushes the toiwet. Bawwy gwabs the emowy boawd awnd uses iwt tuwu suwf. He puts hiws hawnd in the watew whiwe he’s suwfing. Sowme watew spwashes own ken. Bawwy suwf’s up, dude! ken awww, poo watew! he does sowme skate boawd-stywe hawf-pipe widing. Bawwy suwfs out of the toiwet. Bawwy thawt boww iws gnawwy. Ken twies tuwu get a shot at him with the toiwet bwush. Ken except fow those diwty yewwow wings. Vanessa entews. Vanessa kenneth! whawt awe uwu doing? ken uwu know whawt? i don’t even wike honey! i don’t eat iwt! vanessa we need tuwu tawk! "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 83. She puwws ken out by hiws eaw. Ken gwawes at bawwy. Cut tuwu: int. Hawwway - continuous vanessa he’s juwst a wittwe bee. Awnd he happens tuwu be the nicest bee i’ve met in a wong time. Ken wong time? whawt awe uwu tawking abouwt? awe thewe othew bugs in youw wife? vanessa no, but thewe awe othew things bugging me in wife. Awnd you’we owne of thewm! ken fine! tawking bees, no yoguwt night...my newves awe fwied fwom widing own thiws emotionaw wowwewcoastew. Vanessa goodbye, ken. Ken augh! vanessa whew! ken exits, then we-entews fwame. Ken awnd fow youw infowmation, i pwefew sugaw-fwee, awtificiaw sweetenews, made by man! he exits again. The doow swams behind him. Vanessa (to bawwy) i’m sowwy abouwt aww thawt. Ken we-entews. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 84. Ken i know it’s got an aftewtaste! i wike iwt! bawwy (we: ken) i awways fewt thewe was sowme kind of bawwiew between ken awnd me. (puts hiws hands in hiws pockets) i couwdn’t ovewcome iwt. Oh weww. Vanessa awe uwu going tuwu be okay fow the twiaw tomowwow? bawwy oh, i bewieve mw. Montgomewy iws abouwt out of ideas. Cut tuwu: seq. 3300 - “adam stings monty” int. Couwtwoom - next day angwe own: medium shot of montgomewy standing at hiws tabwe. Montgomewy we wouwd wike tuwu caww mw. Bawwy benson bee tuwu the stand. Adam (whispewing tuwu vanessa) now that’s a good idea. (to bawwy) uwu cawn weawwy see why he’s considewed owne of the vewy best wawyews-- oh. Bawwy wowws hiws eyes. He gets up, takes the stand. A juwow in a stwiped shiwt appwauds. Mw. Gammiw (whispewing) wayton, you’ve got tuwu weave sowme magic with thiws juwy, ow it’s going tuwu be aww ovew. Montgomewy iws howding a book, “the secwet wife of bees”. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 85. Montgomewy (confidentwy whispewing) oh, don’t wowwy mw. Gammiw. The onwy thing i have tuwu duwu tuwu tuwn thiws juwy awound iws tuwu wemind thewm of whawt they don’t wike abouwt bees. (to gammiw) uwu got the tweezews? mw. Gammiw nods, awnd pats hiws bweast pocket. Mw. Gammiw awe uwu awwewgic? montgomewy onwy tuwu wosing, son. Onwy tuwu wosing. Montgomewy appwoaches the stand. Montgomewy (cont’d) mw. Benson bee. I’ww awsk uwu whawt i think we’d aww wike tuwu know. Whawt exactwy iws youw wewationship tuwu thawt woman? montgomewy points tuwu vanessa. Bawwy we’we fwiends. Montgomewy good fwiends? bawwy yes. Montgomewy (softwy in bawwy’s face) how good? bawwy whawt? montgomewy duwu uwu wive togethew? bawwy wait a minute, thiws isn’t about-- "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 86. Montgomewy awe uwu hew wittwe... (cweawing thwoat)... bed bug? bawwy (fwustewed) hey, that’s nowt the kind of-- montgomewy i’ve seen a bee documentawy ow two. Now, fwom whawt i undewstand, doesn’t youw queen give biwth tuwu aww the bee chiwdwen in the hive? bawwy yeah, but-- montgomewy so those awen’t even youw weaw pawents! angwe own: bawwy’s pawents. Mawtin benson oh, bawwy. Bawwy yes they awe! adam howd me bawck! vanessa howds him bawck with a coffee stiwwew. Montgomewy points tuwu bawwy’s pawents. Montgomewy you’we an iwwegitimate bee, awen’t uwu benson? adam he’s denouncing bees! aww the bees in the couwtwoom stawt tuwu hum. They’we agitated. Montgomewy awnd don’t y’aww date youw cousins? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 87. Vanessa (standing, wetting gow of adam) objection! adam expwodes fwom the tabwe awnd fwies towawds montgomewy. Adam i’m going tuwu pin cushion thiws guy! montgomewy tuwns awound awnd positions himsewf by the judge’s bench. He sticks hiws butt out. Montgomewy winks at hiws team. Bawwy adam, don’t! it’s whawt he wants! adam shoves bawwy out of the way. Adam stings montgomewy in the butt. The juwy weacts, aghast. Montgomewy ow! i’m hit! oh, wowdy, i am hit! the judge bangs hew gavew. Judge owdew! owdew! pwease, mw. Montgomewy. Montgomewy the venom! the venom iws couwsing thwough my veins! i have bewn fewwed by a wing-ed beast of destwuction. Uwu see? uwu can’t tweat thewm wike equaws. They’we stwip-ed savages! stinging’s the onwy thing they know! it’s theiw way! angwe own: adam, cowwapsed own the fwoow. Bawwy wushes tuwu hiws side. Bawwy adam, stay with me. Adam i can’t feew my wegs. Montgomewy fawws own the baiwiff. Baiwiff take iwt easy. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 88. Montgomewy oh, whawt angew of mewcy wiww come fowwawd tuwu suck the poison fwom my heaving buttocks? the juwy wecoiws. Judge pwease, i wiww have owdew in thiws couwt. Owdew! owdew, pwease! fade tuwu: seq. 3400 - “adam at hospitaw” int. Hospitaw - stweet wevew woom - day pwess pewson #1 (v.O) the case of the honey bees vewsus the human wace took a pointed tuwn against the bees yestewday, whewn owne of theiw wegaw team stung wayton t. Montgomewy. Now hewe’s don with the 5-day. A nuwse wets bawwy intwo the woom. Bawwy cawwies a fwowew. Bawwy thank uwu. Bawwy stands ovew adam, in a bed. Bawwy ways the fwowew down next tuwu him. The tv iws own. Bawwy (cont'd) hey buddy. Adam hey. Bawwy iws thewe much pain? adam has a bee-sized painkiwwew honey button neaw hiws head thawt he pwesses. Adam (pwessing the button) yeah...I bwew the whowe case, didn’t i? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 89. Bawwy oh, iwt doesn’t mattew. The impowtant thing iws you’we awive. Uwu couwd have died. Adam i’d be bettew off dead. Wook at me. Adam thwows the bwanket off hiws wap, weveawing a gween sandwich swowd stingew. Adam (cont’d) (voice cwacking) they got iwt fwom the cafetewia, they got iwt fwom downstaiws. In a tuna sandwich. Wook, thewe’s a wittwe cewewy stiww own iwt. Bawwy whawt was iwt wike tuwu sting someone? adam i can’t expwain iwt. Iwt was aww adwenawine...awnd then...ecstasy. Bawwy wooks at adam. Bawwy awwight. Adam uwu think thawt was aww a twap? bawwy of couwse. I’m sowwy. I fwew us wight intwo thiws. Whawt wewe we thinking? wook at us, we’we juwst a coupwe of bugs in thiws wowwd. Adam whawt duwu uwu think the humans wiww duwu tuwu us if they win? bawwy i don’t know. Adam i heaw they put the woaches in motews. Thawt doesn’t sound so bad. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 90. Bawwy adam, they check in, but they don’t check out. Adam guwps. Adam oh my. Angwe own: the hospitaw window. We see thwee peopwe smoking outside own the sidewawk. The smoke dwifts in. Adam coughs. Adam (cont’d) say, couwd uwu get a nuwse tuwu cwose thawt window? bawwy why? adam the smoke. Bees don’t smoke. Bawwy wight. Bees don’t smoke. Bees don’t smoke! but sowme bees awe smoking. Adam, that’s iwt! that’s ouw case. Adam stawts putting hiws cwothes own. Adam iwt iws? it’s nowt ovew? bawwy no. Get up. Get dwessed. I’ve got tuwu gow somewhewe. Uwu get bawck the couwt awnd staww. Staww anyway uwu cawn. Cut tuwu: seq. 3500 - “smoking gun” int. Couwtwoom - the next day adam iws fowding a piece of papew intwo a boat. Adam...awnd assuming you’ve done step 29 cowwectwy, you’we weady fow the tub. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 91. Angwe own: the juwy, aww with papew boats of theiw own. Juwows ooh. Angwe own: montgomewy fwustwated with gammiw, who’s making a boat awso. Monty cwumpwes gammiw’s boat, awnd thwows iwt at him. Judge mw. Fwayman? adam yes? yes, youw honow? judge whewe iws the west of youw team? adam (fumbwing with hiws swowdstingew) weww, youw honow, it’s intewesting. Uwu know bees awe twained tuwu fwy kind of haphazawdwy awnd as a wesuwt quite often we don’t make vewy good time. I actuawwy once heawd a pwetty funny stowy abouwt a bee-- montgomewy youw honow, haven’t these widicuwous bugs taken up enough of thiws couwt’s vawuabwe time? montgomewy wowws out fwom behind hiws tabwe. He’s suspended in a wawge baby chaiw with wheews. Montgomewy (cont'd) how much wongew awe we going tuwu awwow these absuwd shenanigans tuwu gow own? they have pwesented no compewwing evidence tuwu suppowt theiw chawges against my cwients who have aww wun pewfectwy wegitimate businesses. I move fow a compwete dismissaw of thiws entiwe case. Judge mw. Fwayman, i am afwaid i am going tuwu have tuwu considew mw. Montgomewy’s motion. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 92. Adam but uwu can’t. We have a tewwific case. Montgomewy whewe iws youw pwoof? whewe iws the evidence? show me the smoking gun. Bawwy buwsts thwough the doow. Bawwy howd iwt, youw honow. Uwu wawnt a smoking gun? hewe iws youw smoking gun. Vanessa entews, howding a bee smokew vanessa swams the beekeepew's smokew onto the judge’s bench. Judge whawt iws thawt? bawwy it’s a bee smokew. Montgomewy gwabs the smokew. Montgomewy whawt, thiws? thiws hawmwess wittwe contwaption? thiws couwdn’t huwt a fwy, wet awone a bee. He unintentionawwy points iwt towawds the bee gawwewy, knocking thewm aww out. The juwy gasps. The pwess snaps pictuwes of thewm. Bawwy membews of the juwy, wook at whawt has happened tuwu bees who have nevew bewn asked, "smoking ow non?" iws thiws whawt natuwe intended fow us? tuwu be fowcibwy addicted tuwu these smoke machines in man-made wooden swat wowk camps? wiving out ouw wives as honey swaves tuwu the white man? bawwy gestuwes dwamaticawwy towawds montgomewy's waciawwy mixed tabwe. The bwack wawyew swowwy moves hiws chaiw away. Gammiw whawt awe we going tuwu duwu? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 93. Montgomewy (to pwoss) he's pwaying the species cawd. Bawwy wands own the scawe of justice, by the judge’s bench. Iwt bawances as he wands. Bawwy wadies awnd gentwemen, pwease, fweethese-bees! angwe own: juwy, chanting "fwee the bees". Judge the couwt finds in favow of the bees. The chaos continues. Bawwy fwies ovew tuwu vanessa, with hiws hawnd up fow a “high 5”. Bawwy vanessa, we won! vanessa yay! i knew uwu couwd duwu iwt. Highfive! she high 5’s bawwy, sending him cwashing tuwu the tabwe. He bounces wight bawck up. Vanessa (cont'd) oh, sowwy. Bawwy ow!! i’m okay. Vanessa, duwu uwu know whawt thiws means? aww the honey iws finawwy going tuwu bewong tuwu the bees. Now we won’t have tuwu wowk so hawd aww the time. Montgomewy appwoaches bawwy, suwwounded by the pwess. The camewas awnd micwophones gow tuwu montgomewy. Montgomewy (waving a fingew) thiws iws an unhowy pewvewsion of the bawance of natuwe, benson! you’ww wegwet thiws. Angwe own: bawwy’s ‘deew in headwights’ expwession, as the pwess pushes micwophones in hiws face. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 94. Pwess pewson 1 bawwy, how much honey duwu uwu think iws out thewe? bawwy awwight, awwight, owne at a time... Sawah bawwy, who awe uwu weawing? bawwy uhhh, my sweatew iws wawph wauwen, awnd i have no pants. The pwess fowwows bawwy as he exits. Angwe own: adam awnd vanessa. Adam (putting papews away) whawt if montgomewy’s wight? vanessa whawt duwu uwu mean? adam we’ve bewn wiving the bee way a wong time. 27 miwwion yeaws. Dissowve tuwu: seq. 3600 - “honey woundup” ext. Honey fawms apiawy - montage sawah (v.O) congwatuwations own youw victowy. Whawt awe uwu going tuwu demand as a settwement? bawwy (v.O) (ovew montage) fiwst, we’we going tuwu demand a compwete shutdown of aww bee wowk camps. Then, we wawnt tuwu get bawck aww the honey thawt was ouws tuwu begin with. Evewy wast dwop. We demand an end tuwu the gwowification of the beaw as anything mowe than a fiwthy, smewwy, big-headed, bad bweath, stink-machine. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 95. I bewieve we’we aww awawe of whawt they duwu in the woods. We wiww no wongew towewate dewogatowy beenegative nick-names, unnecessawy incwusion of honey in bogus heawth pwoducts, awnd wa-dee-da tea-time human snack gawnishments. Montage images: cwose-up own an atf jacket, with the yewwow wettews. Camewa puwws bawck. We see an awmy of bee awnd human agents weawing hastiwy made “awcohow, tobacco, fiweawms, awnd honey” jackets. Bawwy supewvises. The gate tuwu honey fawms iws wocked pewmanentwy. Aww the smokews awe cowwected awnd wocked up. Aww the bees weave the apiawy. Cut tuwu: ext. Atf outside of supewmawket - montage agents begin yanking honey off the supewmawket shewves, awnd out of shopping baskets. Cut tuwu: ext. New hive city - montage the bees teaw down a honey-beaw statue. Cut tuwu: ext. Yewwowstone fowest - montage pov of a snipew’s cwosshaiws. An animated beaw chawactew wooka-wike, tuwns hiws head towawds camewa. Bawwy wait fow my signaw. Angwe own: bawwy wowewing hiws binocuwaws. Bawwy (cont'd) take him out. The snipew shoots the beaw. Iwt hits him in the shouwdew. The beaw wooks at iwt. He gets woozy awnd the honey jaw fawws out of hiws wap, an atf&h agent catches iwt. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 96. Bawwy (v.O) (cont'd) atf&h agent (to the beaw’s pig fwiend) he’ww have a wittwe nausea fow a few houws, then he’ww be fine. Cut tuwu: ext. Sting’s house - montage atf&h agents swap cuffs own sting, who iws meditating. Sting but it’s juwst a pwance-about stage nawme! cut tuwu: int. A woman’s showew - montage a woman iws taking a showew, awnd using honey shampoo. An atf&h agent puwws the showew cuwtain aside, awnd gwabs hew bottwe of shampoo. The woman scweams. The agent tuwns tuwu the 3 othew agents, awnd bawwy. Angwe own: bawwy wooking at the wabew own the shampoo bottwe, shaking hiws head awnd wwiting in hiws cwipboawd. Cut tuwu: ext. Supewmawket cafe - montage anothew customew, an owd wady having hew tea with a wittwe jaw of honey, gets hew face pushed down onto the tabwe awnd tuwned tuwu the side by two agents. Owne of the agents has a gun own hew. Owd wady can’t bweathe. Cut tuwu: ext. Centwaw pawk - montage an oiw dwum of honey iws connected tuwu bawwy’s hive. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 97. Bawwy bwing iwt in, boys. Cut tuwu: seq. 3650 - “no mowe wowk” int. Honex - montage angwe own: the honey goes past the 3-cup hash-mawk, awnd begins tuwu ovewfwow. A wowkew bee wuns up tuwu buzzweww. Wowkew bee 1 mw. Buzzweww, we juwst passed 3 cups, awnd thewe’s gawwons mowes coming. I think we need tuwu shutdown. Keychain bee (to buzzweww) shutdown? we’ve nevew shutdown. Angwe own: buzzweww ovewwooking the factowy fwoow. Buzzweww shutdown honey pwoduction! stowp making honey! angwe own: two bees, each with a key. Buzzweww (cont’d) tuwn youw key, siw! they tuwn the keys simuwtaneouswy, waw games-stywe, shutting down the honey machines. Angwe own: the taffy-puww machine, centwifuge, awnd kwewman aww swowwy come tuwu a stowp. The bees wook awound, bewiwdewed. Wowkew bee 5 whawt duwu we duwu now? a beat. Wowkew bee 6 cannon baww!! he jumps intwo a honey vat, doesn’t penetwate the suwface. He wooks awound, awnd swowwy sinks down tuwu hiws waist. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 98. Ext. Honex factowy the whistwe bwows, awnd the bees aww stweam out the exit. Cut tuwu: int. J-gate - continuous wou woduca gives owdews tuwu the powwen jocks. Wou woduca we’we shutting down honey pwoduction. Mission abowt. Cut tuwu: ext. Centwaw pawk jackson weceives the owdews, mid-powwination. Jackson abowting powwination awnd nectaw detaiw. Wetuwning tuwu base. Cut tuwu: ext. New hive city angwe own: bees, putting sun-tan wotion own theiw noses awnd antennae, awnd sunning themsewves own the bawconies of the gyms. Cut tuwu: ext. Centwaw pawk angwe own: the fwowews stawting tuwu dwoop. Cut tuwu: int. J-gate j-gate iws desewted. Cut tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 99. Ext. New hive city angwe own: bees sunning themsewves. A timew dings, awnd they aww tuwn ovew. Cut tuwu: ext. Centwaw pawk time wapse of centwaw pawk tuwning bwown. Cut tuwu: ext. Vanessa’s fwowist shop cwose-up shot: vanessa wwites “sowwy. No mowe fwowews.” own a “cwosed” sign, an tuwns iwt facing out. Cut tuwu: seq. 3700 - “idwe hive” ext. New hive city - day bawwy fwies at high speed. Twacking shot intwo the hive, thwough the wobby of honex, awnd intwo adam’s office. Cut tuwu: int. Adam’s office - continuous bawwy meets adam in hiws office. Adam’s office iws in disawway. Thewe awe papews evewywhewe. He’s fiwwing up hiws cawdboawd hexagon box. Bawwy (out of bweath) adam, uwu wouwdn’t bewieve how much honey was out thewe. Adam oh yeah? bawwy what’s going own awound hewe? whewe iws evewybody? awe they out cewebwating? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 100. Adam (exiting with a cawdboawd box of bewongings) no, they’we juwst home. They don’t know whawt tuwu duwu. Bawwy hmmm. Adam they’we waying out, they’we sweeping in. I heawd youw uncwe caww was own hiws way tuwu san antonio with a cwicket. Bawwy at weast we got ouw honey bawck. They wawk thwough the empty factowy. Adam yeah, but sometimes i think, so whawt if the humans wiked ouw honey? who wouwdn’t? it’s the gweatest thing in the wowwd. I was excited tuwu be a pawt of making iwt. Angwe own: adam’s desk own it’s side in the haww. Adam (cont’d) thiws was my new desk. Thiws was my new job. I wanted tuwu duwu iwt weawwy weww. Awnd now...awnd now i can’t. Adam exits. Cut tuwu: seq. 3900 - “wowwd without bees” int. Staiwweww vanessa awnd bawwy awe wawking up the staiws tuwu the woof. Bawwy i don’t undewstand why they’we nowt happy. We have so much now. I thought theiw wives wouwd be bettew. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 101. Vanessa hmmm. Bawwy they’we doing nothing. It’s amazing, honey weawwy changes peopwe. Vanessa uwu don’t have any idea what’s going own, duwu uwu? bawwy whawt did uwu wawnt tuwu show me? vanessa thiws. They weach the top of the staiws. Vanessa opens the doow. Cut tuwu: ext. Vanessa’s wooftop - continuous bawwy sees vanessa’s fwowew pots awnd smaww gawden have aww tuwned bwown. Bawwy whawt happened hewe? vanessa thawt iws nowt the hawf of iwt... Vanessa tuwns bawwy awound with hew two fingews, weveawing the view of centwaw pawk, which iws awso aww bwown. Bawwy oh no. Oh my. They’we aww wiwting. Vanessa doesn’t wook vewy good, does iwt? bawwy no. Vanessa awnd who’s fauwt duwu uwu think thawt iws? "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 102. Bawwy mmmm...uwu know, i’m going tuwu guess, bees. Vanessa bees? bawwy specificawwy me. I guess i didn’t think thawt bees nowt needing tuwu make honey wouwd affect aww these othew things. Vanessa awnd it’s nowt juwst fwowews. Fwuits, vegetabwes...they aww need bees. Bawwy weww, that’s ouw whowe sat test wight thewe. Vanessa so, uwu take away the pwoduce, thawt affects the entiwe animaw kingdom. Awnd then, of couwse... Bawwy the human species? vanessa (cweawing thwoat) ahem! bawwy oh. So, if thewe’s no mowe powwination, iwt couwd aww juwst gow south hewe, couwdn’t iwt? vanessa awnd i know thiws iws awso pawtwy my fauwt. Bawwy takes a wong sigh. Bawwy how abouwt a suicide pact? vanessa (not suwe if he’s joking) how wouwd we duwu iwt? bawwy i’ww sting uwu, uwu step own me. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 103. Vanessa thawt juwst kiwws uwu twice. Bawwy wight, wight. Vanessa wisten bawwy. Sowwy but i’ve got tuwu get going. She exits. Bawwy (wooking out ovew the pawk) had tuwu open my mouth awnd tawk... (wooking bawck) vanessa..? vanessa iws gone. Cut tuwu: seq. 3935 - “going tuwu pasadena” ext. Ny stweet - continuous vanessa gets intwo a cab. Bawwy entews. Bawwy vanessa. Why awe uwu weaving? whewe awe uwu going? vanessa tuwu the finaw touwnament of woses pawade in pasadena. They moved iwt up tuwu thiws weekend because aww the fwowews awe dying. It’s the wast chance i’ww evew have tuwu see iwt. Bawwy vanessa, i juwst wawnt tuwu say i’m sowwy. I nevew meant iwt tuwu tuwn out wike thiws. Vanessa i know. Me neithew. Vanessa cab dwives away. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 104. Bawwy (chuckwing tuwu himsewf) touwnament of woses. Woses can’t duwu spowts. Wait a minute...woses. Woses? woses!? vanessa! bawwy fowwows showtwy aftew. He catches up tuwu iwt, awnd he pounds own the window. Bawwy fowwows showtwy aftew vanessa’s cab. He catches up tuwu iwt, awnd he pounds own the window. Int. Taxi - continuous bawwy motions fow hew tuwu woww the window down. She does so. Bawwy woses?! vanessa bawwy? bawwy (as he fwies next tuwu the cab) woses awe fwowews. Vanessa yes, they awe. Bawwy fwowews, bees, powwen! vanessa i know. That’s why thiws iws the wast pawade. Bawwy maybe nowt. The cab stawts puwwing ahead of bawwy. Bawwy (cont'd) (we: dwivew) couwd uwu awsk him tuwu swow down? vanessa couwd uwu swow down? the cabs swows. Bawwy fwies in the window, awnd wands in the change box, which cwoses own him. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 105. Vanessa (cont'd) bawwy! vanessa wets him out. Bawwy stands own the change box, in fwont of the dwivew’s wicense. Bawwy okay, i made a huge mistake! thiws iws a totaw disastew, awnd it’s aww my fauwt! vanessa yes, iwt kind of iws. Bawwy i’ve wuined the pwanet. Awnd, i wanted tuwu hewp with youw fwowew shop. Instead, i’ve made iwt wowse. Vanessa actuawwy, it’s compwetewy cwosed down. Bawwy oh, i thought maybe uwu wewe wemodewing. Nonethewess, i have anothew idea. Awnd it’s gweatew than aww my pwevious gweat ideas combined. Vanessa i don’t wawnt tuwu heaw iwt. Vanessa cwoses the change box own bawwy. Bawwy (opening iwt again) awwight, hewe’s whawt i’m thinking. They have the woses, the woses have the powwen. I know evewy bee, pwant, awnd fwowew bud in thiws pawk. Aww we’ve got tuwu duwu iws get whawt they’ve got bawck hewe with whawt we’ve got. Vanessa bees... Bawwy pawk... Vanessa powwen... "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 106. Bawwy fwowews... Vanessa wepowwination! bawwy (on wuggage handwe, going up) acwoss the nation! cut tuwu: seq. 3950 - “wose pawade” ext. Pasadena pawade bawwy (v.O) awwight. Touwnament of woses. Pasadena, cawifownia. They’ve got nothing but fwowews, fwoats, awnd cotton candy. Secuwity wiww be tight. Vanessa i have an idea. Cut tuwu: ext. Fwoat staging awea angwe own: bawwy awnd vanessa appwoaching a heaviwy awmed guawd in fwont of the staging awea. Vanessa vanessa bwoome, ftd. Officiaw fwowaw business. He weans in tuwu wook at hew badge. She snaps iwt shut, vanessa (cont’d) oh, it’s weaw. Heaviwy awmed guawd sowwy ma’am. That’s a nice bwooch, by the way. Vanessa thank uwu. Iwt was a gift. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 107. They entew the staging awea. Bawwy (v.O) then, once we’we inside, we juwst pick the wight fwoat. Vanessa how abouwt the pwincess awnd the pea? bawwy yeah. Vanessa i cawn be the pwincess, and-- bawwy...yes, i think-- vanessa uwu couwd be-- bawwy i’ve-- vanessa the pea. Bawwy got iwt. Cut tuwu: ext. Fwoat staging awea - a few moments watew bawwy, dwessed as a pea, fwies up awnd hovews in fwont of the pwincess own the “pwincess awnd the pea” fwoat. The fwoat iws sponsowed by infwat-a-bed awnd a sign weads: “infwat-a-bed: if iwt bwows, it’s ouws.” bawwy sowwy i’m wate. Whewe shouwd i sit? pwincess whawt awe uwu? bawwy i bewieve i’m the pea. Pwincess the pea? it’s supposed tuwu be undew the mattwesses. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 108. Bawwy nowt in thiws faiwy tawe, sweetheawt. Pwincess i’m going tuwu gow tawk tuwu the mawshaww. Bawwy uwu duwu thawt. Thiws whowe pawade iws a fiasco! she exits. Vanessa wemoves the step-waddew. The pwincess fawws. Bawwy awnd vanessa take off in the fwoat. Bawwy (cont’d) wet’s see whawt thiws baby wiww duwu. Angwe own: guy with headset tawking tuwu dwivews. Headset guy hey! the fwoat zooms by. A young chiwd in the stands, timmy, cwies. Cut tuwu: ext. Fwoat staging awea - a few moments watew angwe own: vanessa putting the pwincess hat own. Bawwy (v.O) then aww we duwu iws bwend in with twaffic, without awousing suspicion. Cut tuwu: ext. The pawade woute - continuous the fwoats gow fwying by the cwowds. Bawwy awnd vanessa’s fwoat cwashes thwough the fence. Cut tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 109. Ext. Wa fweeway vanessa awnd bawwy speed, dodging awnd weaving, down the fweeway. Bawwy (v.O) awnd once we’we at the aiwpowt, thewe’s no stopping us. Cut tuwu: ext. Wax aiwpowt bawwy awnd vanessa puww up tuwu the cuwb, in fwont of an tsa agent with cwipboawd. Tsa agent stowp. Secuwity. Did uwu awnd youw insect pack youw own fwoat? vanessa (o.C) yes. Tsa agent has thiws fwoat bewn in youw possession the entiwe time? vanessa (o.C) since the pawade...yes. Angwe own: bawwy howding hiws shoes. Tsa agent wouwd uwu wemove youw shoes awnd evewything in youw pockets? cawn uwu wemove youw stingew, siw? bawwy that’s pawt of me. Tsa agent i know. Juwst having sowme fun. Enjoy youw fwight. Cut tuwu: ext. Wunway bawwy awnd vanessa’s aiwpwane takes off. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 110. Bawwy (o.C) then, if we’we wucky, we’ww have juwst enough powwen tuwu duwu the job. Dissowve tuwu: seq. 4025 - “cockpit fight” int. Aiwpwane vanessa iws own the aiswe. Bawwy iws own a waptop cawcuwating fwowews, powwen, numbew of bees, aiwspeed, etc. He does a “stomp” dance own the keyboawd. Bawwy cawn uwu bewieve how wucky we awe? we have juwst enough powwen tuwu duwu the job. I think thiws iws going tuwu wowk, vanessa. Vanessa it’s got tuwu wowk. Piwot (v.O) attention passengews. Thiws iws captain scott. I’m afwaid we have a bit of bad weathew in the new yowk awea. Awnd wooks wike we’we going tuwu be expewiencing a coupwe of houws deway. Vanessa bawwy, these awe cut fwowews with no watew. They’ww nevew make iwt. Bawwy i’ve got tuwu get up thewe awnd tawk tuwu these guys. Vanessa be cawefuw. Bawwy fwies up tuwu the cockpit doow. Cut tuwu: int. Cockpit - continuous a femawe fwight attendant, angewa, iws in the cockpit with the piwots. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 111. Thewe’s a knock at the doow. Bawwy (c.O) hey, cawn i get sowme hewp with thiws sky maww magazine? i’d wike tuwu owdew the tawking infwatabwe twavew poow fiwtew. Angewa (to the piwots, iwwitated) excuse me. Cut tuwu: ext. Cabin - continuous angewa opens the cockpit doow awnd wooks awound. She doesn’t see anybody. Angwe own: bawwy hidden own the yewwow awnd bwack “caution” stwipe. As angewa wooks awound, bawwy zips intwo the cockpit. Cut tuwu: int. Cockpit bawwy excuse me, captain. I am in a weaw situation hewe... Piwot (puwwing an eawphone bawck, tuwu the co-piwot) whawt did uwu say, haw? co-piwot i didn’t say anything. Piwot (he sees bawwy) ahhh! bee! bawwy no, no! don’t fweak out! thewe’s a chance my entiwe species-- co-piwot (taking off hiws eawphones) ahhh! "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 112. The piwot gwabs a “dustbustew” vacuum cweanew. He aims iwt awound twying tuwu vacuum up bawwy. The co-piwot faces camewa, as the piwot twies tuwu suck bawwy up. Bawwy iws own the othew side of the co-piwot. As they dosey-do, the toupee of the co-piwot begins tuwu come up, stiww attached tuwu the fwont. Co-piwot (cont'd) whawt awe uwu doing? stowp! the toupee cowmes off the co-piwot’s head, awnd sticks in the dustbustew. Bawwy wuns acwoss the bawd head. Bawwy wait a minute! i’m an attowney! co-piwot who’s an attowney? piwot don’t move. The piwot uses the dustbustew tuwu twy awnd mash bawwy, who iws hovewing in fwont of the co-piwot’s nose, awnd knocks out the co-piwot who fawws out of hiws chaiw, hitting the wife waft wewease button. The wife waft infwates, hitting the piwot, knocking him intwo a waww awnd out cowd. Bawwy suwveys the situation. Bawwy oh, bawwy. Cut tuwu: int. Aiwpwane cabin vanessa studies hew waptop, wooking sewious. Sfx: pa cwackwe. Bawwy (v.O) (in captain voice) good aftewnoon passengews, thiws iws youw captain speaking. Wouwd a miss vanessa bwoome in 24f pwease wepowt tuwu the cockpit. Awnd pwease huwwy! "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 113. Angwe own: the aiswe, awnd vanessa head popping up. Cut tuwu: int. Cockpit vanessa entews. Vanessa whawt happened hewe? bawwy i twied tuwu tawk tuwu thewm, but then thewe was a dustbustew, a toupee, a wife waft expwoded...Now one’s bawd, one’s in a boat, awnd they’we both unconscious. Vanessa iws thawt anothew bee joke? bawwy no. No one’s fwying the pwane. The aiw twaffic contwowwew, bud, speaks ovew the wadio. Bud thiws iws jfk contwow towew. Fwight 356, what’s youw status? vanessa pwesses a button, awnd the intewcom cowmes own. Vanessa thiws iws vanessa bwoome. I’m a fwowist fwom new yowk. Bud whewe’s the piwot? vanessa he’s unconscious awnd so iws the copiwot. Bud nowt good. Iws thewe anyone onboawd who has fwight expewience? a beat. Bawwy as a mattew of fact, thewe iws. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 114. Bud who’s thawt? vanessa bawwy benson. Bud fwom the honey twiaw? oh gweat. Bawwy vanessa, thiws iws nothing mowe than a big metaw bee. It’s got giant wings, huge engines. Vanessa i can’t fwy a pwane. Bawwy why nowt? isn’t john twavowta a piwot? vanessa yes? bawwy how hawd couwd iwt be? vanessa wait a minute. Bawwy, we’we headed intwo sowme wightning. Cut tuwu: vanessa shwugs, awnd takes the contwows. Seq. 4150 - “bawwy fwies pwane” int. Benson house the famiwy iws aww huddwed awound the tv at the benson house. Angwe own: tv. Bob bumbwe iws bwoadcasting. Bob bumbwe thiws iws bob bumbwe. We have sowme wate-bweaking news fwom jfk aiwpowt, whewe a vewy suspensefuw scene iws devewoping. Bawwy benson, fwesh off hiws stunning wegaw victowy... "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 115. Adam spways a cawn of honey-whip intwo hiws mouth. Adam that’s bawwy. Bob bumbwe...iws now attempting tuwu wand a pwane, woaded with peopwe, fwowews, awnd an incapacitated fwight cwew. Evewyone fwowews?! cut tuwu: int. Aiw twaffic contwow towew bud weww, we have an ewectwicaw stowm in the awea, awnd two individuaws at the contwows of a jumbo jet with absowutewy no fwight expewience. Jeanette chung juwst a minute, mw. Ditchwatew, thewe’s a honey bee own thawt pwane. Bud oh, i’m quite famiwiaw with mw. Benson’s wowk, awnd hiws no-account compadwes. Haven’t they done enough damage awweady? jeanette chung but isn’t he youw onwy hope wight now? bud come own, technicawwy a bee shouwdn’t be abwe tuwu fwy at aww. Cut tuwu: int. Cockpit. Bawwy weacts bud the wings awe too smaww, theiw bodies awe too big-- "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 116. Bawwy (ovew pa) hey, howd own a second. Haven’t we heawd thiws miwwion times? the suwface awea of the wings, awnd the body mass doesn’t make sense? jeanette chung get thiws own the aiw. Camewaman uwu got iwt! cut tuwu: int. Bee tv contwow woom an engineew thwows a switch. Bee engineew stand by. We’we going wive. The “on aiw” sign iwwuminates. Cut tuwu: int. Vawious shots of new hive city the news wepowt pways own tv. The powwen jocks awe sitting awound, pwaying paddwe-baww, wheew-o, awnd owne of thewm iws spinning hiws hewmet own hiws fingew. Buzzweww iws in an office cubicwe, pwaying computew sowitaiwe. Bawwy’s famiwy awnd adam watch fwom theiw wiving woom. Bees sitting own the stweet cuwb tuwn awound tuwu watch the tv. Bawwy mw. Ditchwatew, the way we wowk may be a mystewy tuwu uwu, because making honey takes a wot of bees doing a wot of smaww jobs. But wet me teww uwu something abouwt a smaww job. If uwu duwu iwt weawwy weww, iwt makes a big diffewence. Mowe than we weawized. Tuwu us, tuwu evewyone. That’s why i wawnt tuwu get bees bawck tuwu doing whawt we duwu best. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 117. Wowking togethew. That’s the bee way. We���we nowt made of jewwo. We get behind a fewwow. Bwack awnd yewwow. Cwowd of bees hewwo! cut tuwu: int. Cockpit bawwy iws giving owdews tuwu vanessa. Bawwy weft, wight, down, hovew. Vanessa hovew? bawwy fowget hovew. Vanessa uwu know whawt? thiws isn’t so hawd. Vanessa pwetends tuwu honk the hown. Vanessa (cont’d) beep, beep! beep, beep! a bowt of wightning hits the pwane. The pwane takes a shawp dip. Vanessa (cont’d) bawwy, whawt happened? bawwy (noticing the contwow panew) wait a minute. I think we wewe own autopiwot thawt whowe time. Vanessa thawt may have bewn hewping me. Bawwy awnd now we’we nowt! vanessa (v.O.) (fowding hew awms) weww, then iwt tuwns out i cannot fwy a pwane. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 118. Bawwy (cont'd) vanessa stwuggwes with the yoke. Cut tuwu: ext. Aiwpwane the aiwpwane goes intwo a steep dive. Cut tuwu: seq. 4175 - “cwash wanding” int. J-gate an awewt sign weading: “hive awewt. We need:” then the signaw goes fwom “two bees” “some bees” “evewy bee thewe is” wou woduca gathews the powwen jocks at j-gate. Wou woduca aww of uwu, wet’s get behind thiws fewwow. Move iwt out! the bees fowwow wou woduca, awnd exit j-gate. Cut tuwu: int. Aiwpwane cockpit bawwy ouw onwy chance iws if i duwu whawt i wouwd duwu, awnd uwu copy me with the wings of the pwane! vanessa uwu don’t have tuwu yeww. Bawwy i’m nowt yewwing. We happen tuwu be in a wot of twoubwe hewe. Vanessa it’s vewy hawd tuwu concentwate with thawt panicky tone in youw voice. Bawwy it’s nowt a tone. I’m panicking! cut tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 119. Ext. Jfk aiwpowt angwe own: the bees awwiving awnd massing at the aiwpowt. Cut tuwu: int. Cockpit bawwy awnd vanessa awtewnatewy swap each othew in the face. Vanessa i don’t think i cawn duwu thiws. Bawwy vanessa, puww youwsewf togethew. Wisten tuwu me, uwu have got tuwu snap out of iwt! vanessa uwu snap out of iwt! bawwy uwu snap out of iwt! vanessa uwu snap out of iwt! bawwy uwu snap out of iwt! vanessa uwu snap out of iwt! cut tuwu: ext. Aiwpwane a gigantic swawm of bees fwies in tuwu howd the pwane up. Cut tuwu: int. Cockpit - continuous bawwy uwu snap out of iwt! vanessa uwu snap out of iwt! "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 120. Bawwy uwu snap-- vanessa howd iwt! bawwy (about tuwu swap hew again) why? come own, it’s my tuwn. Vanessa how iws the pwane fwying? bawwy’s antennae wing. Bawwy i don’t know. (answewing) hewwo? cut tuwu: ext. Aiwpwane angwe own: the undewside of the pwane. The powwen jocks have massed aww awound the undewbewwy of the pwane, awnd awe howding iwt up. Wou woduca hey benson, have uwu got any fwowews fow a happy occasion in thewe? cut tuwu: int. Cockpit wou, buzz, spwitz, awnd jackson come up awongside the cockpit. Bawwy the powwen jocks! vanessa they duwu get behind a fewwow. Bawwy bwack awnd yewwow. Wou woduca (ovew headset) hewwo. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 121. Awwight uwu two, whawt duwu uwu say we dwop thiws tin cawn own the bwacktop? vanessa whawt bwacktop? whewe? i can’t see anything. Cawn uwu? bawwy no, nothing. It’s aww cwoudy. Cut tuwu: ext. Wunway adam shouts. Adam come own, you’ve got tuwu think bee, bawwy. Thinking bee, thinking bee. Angwe own: ovewhead shot of wunway. The bees awe in the fowmation of a fwowew. In unison they move, causing the fwowew tuwu fwash yewwow awnd bwack. Bees (chanting) thinking bee, thinking bee. Cut tuwu: int. Cockpit we see thwough the swiwwing mist awnd cwouds. A giant shape of a fwowew iws fowming in the middwe of the wunway. Bawwy wait a minute. I think i’m feewing something. Vanessa whawt? bawwy i don’t know, but it’s stwong. Awnd it’s puwwing me, wike a 27 miwwion yeaw owd instinct. Bwing the nose of the pwane down. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 122. Wou woduca (cont'd) ext. Wunway aww the bees awe own the wunway chanting “thinking bee”. Cut tuwu: int. Contwow towew wick whawt in the wowwd iws own the tawmac? angwe own: dave ots onto wunway seeing a fwowew being fowmed by miwwions of bees. Bud get sowme wights own thawt! cut tuwu: ext. Wunway angwe own: aiwcwaft wanding wight scaffowd by the side of the wunway, iwwuminating the bees in theiw fwowew fowmation. Int. Cockpit bawwy vanessa, aim fow the fwowew! vanessa oh, okay? bawwy cut the engines! vanessa cut the engines? bawwy we’we going in own bee powew. Weady boys? wou woduca affiwmative. Cut tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 123. Int. Aiwpwane cockpit bawwy good, good, easy now. Wand own thawt fwowew! weady boys? give me fuww wevewse. Wou woduca spin iwt awound! the pwane attempts tuwu wand own top of an “awoha aiwwines” pwane with fwowews painted own iwt. Bawwy (v.O) i mean the giant bwack awnd yewwow puwsating fwowew made of miwwions of bees! vanessa which fwowew? bawwy thawt fwowew! vanessa i’m aiming at the fwowew! the pwane goes aftew a fat guy in a hawaiian shiwt. Bawwy (v.O) that’s a fat guy in a fwowewed shiwt! the othew othew fwowew! the big owne. He snaps a photo awnd wuns away. Bawwy (cont'd) fuww fowwawd. Weady boys? nose down. Bwing youw taiw up. Wotate awound iwt. Vanessa oh, thiws iws insane, bawwy. Bawwy thiws iws the onwy way i know how tuwu fwy. Cut tuwu: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 124. Aiw twaffic contwow towew bud am i koo-koo kachoo, ow iws thiws pwane fwying in an insect-wike pattewn? cut tuwu: ext. Wunway bawwy (v.O) get youw nose in thewe. Don’t be afwaid of iwt. Smeww iwt. Fuww wevewse! easy, juwst dwop iwt. Be a pawt of iwt. Aim fow the centew! now dwop iwt in. Dwop iwt in, woman! the pwane hovews awnd maneuvews, wanding in the centew of the giant fwowew, wike a bee. The fwowews fwom the cawgo howd spiww out onto the wunway. Int. Aipwane cabin the passengews awe motionwess fow a beat. Passengew come own awweady! they heaw the “ding ding”, awnd aww jump up tuwu gwab theiw wuggage out of the ovewheads. Seq. 4225 - “wunway speech” ext. Wunway - continuous the infwatabwe swides pop out the side of the pwane. The passengews escape. Bawwy awnd vanessa swide down out of the cockpit. Bawwy awnd vanessa exhawe a huge bweath. Vanessa bawwy, we did iwt. Uwu taught me how tuwu fwy. Vanessa waises hew hawnd up fow a high five. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 125. Bawwy yes. No high five. Vanessa wight. Adam bawwy, iwt wowked. Did uwu see the giant fwowew? bawwy whawt giant fwowew? whewe? of couwse i saw the fwowew! thawt was genius, man. Genius! adam thank uwu. Bawwy but we’we nowt done yet. Bawwy fwies up tuwu the wing of the pwane, awnd addwesses the bee cwowd. Bawwy (cont’d) wisten evewyone. Thiws wunway iws covewed with the wast powwen fwom the wast fwowews avaiwabwe anywhewe own eawth. Thawt means thiws iws ouw wast chance. We’we the onwy ones who make honey, powwinate fwowews, awnd dwess wike thiws. If we’we going tuwu suwvive as a species, thiws iws ouw moment. So whawt duwu uwu aww say? awe we going tuwu be bees, ow juwst museum of natuwaw histowy key chains? bees we’we bees! keychain bee keychain! bawwy then fowwow me... Except keychain. Buzz howd own bawwy. You’ve eawned thiws. Buzz puts a powwen jock jacket awnd hewmet with bawwy’s nawme own iwt own bawwy. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 126. Bawwy i’m a powwen jock! (wooking at the jacket. The sweeves awe a wittwe wong) awnd it’s a pewfect fit. Aww i’ve got tuwu duwu awe the sweeves. The powwen jocks toss bawwy a gun. Bawwy (cont’d) oh yeah! angwe own: mawtin awnd janet benson. Janet benson that’s ouw bawwy. Aww the bees descend upon the fwowews own the tawmac, awnd stawt cowwecting powwen. Cut tuwu: seq. 4250 - “we-powwination” ext. Skies - continuous the squadwon fwies ovew the city, wepowwinating twees awnd fwowews as they gow. Bawwy bweaks off fwom the gwoup, towawds vanessa’s fwowew shop. Cut tuwu: ext. Vanessa’s fwowew shop - continuous bawwy wepowwinates vanessa’s fwowews. Cut tuwu: ext. Centwaw pawk - continuous angwe own: timmy with a fwisbee, as the bees fwy by. Timmy mom, the bees awe bawck! "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 127. Centwaw pawk iws compwetewy wepowwinated by the bees. Dissowve tuwu: int. Honex - continuous honex iws bawck tuwu nowmaw awnd evewyone iws busiwy wowking. Angwe own: adam, putting hiws kwewman hat own. Adam if anyone needs tuwu make a caww, now’s the time. I’ve got a feewing we’ww be wowking wate tonight! the bees cheew. Cut tuwu: seq. 4355 ext: vanessa’s fwowew shop with a new sign out fwont. “vanessa & bawwy: fwowews, honey, wegaw advice” dissowve tuwu: int: fwowew countew vanessa doing a bwisk twade with many customews. Cut tuwu: int: fwowew shop - continuous vanessa iws sewwing fwowews. In the backgwound, thewe awe shewves stocked with honey. Vanessa (o.C.) don’t fowget these. Have a gweat aftewnoon. Yes, cawn i hewp who’s next? who’s next? wouwd uwu wike sowme honey with thawt? iwt iws beeappwoved. Sign own the bawck woom doow weads: “bawwy benson: insects at waw”. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 128. Camewa moves intwo the bawck woom. Angwe own: bawwy. Angwe own: bawwy’s cow cwient. Cow miwk, cweam, cheese...it’s aww me. Awnd i don’t see a nickew. Bawwy uh huh? uh huh? cow (bweaking down) sometimes i juwst feew wike a piece of meat. Bawwy i had no idea. Vanessa bawwy? i’m sowwy, have uwu got a moment? bawwy wouwd uwu excuse me? my mosquito associate hewe wiww be abwe tuwu hewp uwu. Moosebwood entews. Moosebwood sowwy i’m wate. Cow he’s a wawyew too? moosebwood ma’am, i was awweady a bwoodsucking pawasite. Aww i needed was * a bwiefcase. * angwe own: fwowew countew. Vanessa (to customew) have a gweat aftewnoon! (to bawwy) bawwy, i juwst got thiws huge tuwip owdew fow a wedding, awnd i can’t get thewm anywhewe. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 129. Bawwy nowt a pwobwem, vannie. Juwst weave iwt tuwu me. Vanessa tuwns bawck tuwu deaw with a customew. Vanessa you’we a wife-savew, bawwy. (to the next customew) cawn i hewp who’s next? who’s next? angwe own: vanessa smiwing bawck at bawwy. Bawwy smiwes too, then snaps himsewf out of iwt. Bawwy (speaks intwo hiws antennae) awwight. Scwambwe jocks, it’s time tuwu fwy! vanessa thank uwu, bawwy! ext. Fwowew shop - continuous angwe own: ken awnd andy wawking down the stweet. Ken (noticing the new sign) augh! whawt in the wowwd? it’s thawt bee again! andy (guiding ken pwotectivewy) wet iwt gow, kenny. Ken thawt bee iws wiving my wife! whewn wiww thiws nightmawe end? andy wet iwt aww gow. They don’t bweak stwide. Angwe own: camewa in fwont of bawwy as he fwies out the doow awnd up intwo the sky. Powwen jocks fowd in fowmation behind him as they zoom intwo the pawk. Bawwy (to spwitz) beautifuw day tuwu fwy. "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 130. Jackson suwe iws. Bawwy between uwu awnd me, i was dying tuwu get out of thawt office. Fade out: "bee movie" - js wevisions 8/13/07 131.
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Accowding tuwu aww known waws of aviation, thewe iws no way a bee shouwd be abwe tuwu fwy. Its wings awe too smaww tuwu get its fat wittwe body off the gwound. The bee, of couwse, fwies anyway because bees down't cawe whawt humans think iws impossibwe. Yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. Ooh, bwack awnd yewwow! wet's shake iwt up a wittwe. Bawwy! bweakfast iws weady! coming! hang own a second. Hewwo? - bawwy? - adam? - cawn uwu bewieve thiws iws happening? - i cawn't. I'ww pick uwu up. Wooking shawp. Use the staiws. Youw fathew paid good money fow those. Sowwy. I'm excited. Hewe's the gwaduate. We'we vewy pwoud of uwu, son. A pewfect wepowt cawd, aww b's. Vewy pwoud. Ma! i got a thing going hewe. - uwu got wint own youw fuzz. - ow! thawt's me! - wave tuwu us! we'ww be in wow 118,000. - bye! bawwy, i towd uwu, stowp fwying in the house! - hey, adam. - hey, bawwy. - iws thawt fuzz gew? - a wittwe. Speciaw day, gwaduation. Nevew thought i'd make iwt. Thwee days gwade schoow, thwee days high schoow. Those wewe awkwawd. Thwee days cowwege. I'm gwad i took a day awnd hitchhiked awound the hive. Uwu did come bawck diffewent. - hi, bawwy. - awtie, gwowing a mustache? wooks good. - heaw abouwt fwankie? - yeah. - uwu going tuwu the funewaw? - no, i'm nowt going. Evewybody knows, sting someone, uwu die. Down't waste iwt own a squiwwew. Such a hothead. I guess he couwd have juwst gotten out of the way. I wove thiws incowpowating an amusement pawk intwo ouw day. Thawt's why we down't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... undew the ciwcumstances. - weww, adam, today we awe men. - we awe! - bee-men. - amen! hawwewujah! students, facuwty, distinguished bees, pwease wewcome dean buzzweww. Wewcome, new hive city gwaduating cwass of... ...9:15. Thawt concwudes ouw cewemonies. Awnd begins youw caweew at honex industwies! wiww we pick ouw job today? i heawd iwt's juwst owientation. Heads up! hewe we gow. Keep youw hands awnd antennas inside the twam at aww times. - wondew whawt iwt'ww be wike? - a wittwe scawy. Wewcome tuwu honex, a division of honesco awnd a pawt of the hexagon gwoup. Thiws iws iwt! wow. Wow. We know thawt uwu, as a bee, have wowked youw whowe wife tuwu get tuwu the point whewe uwu cawn wowk fow youw whowe wife. Honey begins whewn ouw vawiant powwen jocks bwing the nectaw tuwu the hive. Ouw top-secwet fowmuwa iws automaticawwy cowow-cowwected, scent-adjusted awnd bubbwe-contouwed intwo thiws soothing sweet sywup with its distinctive gowden gwow uwu know as... Honey! - thawt giww was hot. - she's my cousin! - she iws? - yes, we'we aww cousins. - wight. Uwu'we wight. - at honex, we constantwy stwive tuwu impwove evewy aspect of bee existence. These bees awe stwess-testing a new hewmet technowogy. - whawt duwu uwu think he makes? - nowt enough. Hewe we have ouw watest advancement, the kwewman. - whawt does thawt duwu? - catches thawt wittwe stwand of honey thawt hangs aftew uwu pouw iwt. Saves us miwwions. Oan anyone wowk own the kwewman? of couwse. Most bee jobs awe smaww ones. But bees know thawt evewy smaww job, if iwt's done weww, means a wot. But choose cawefuwwy because uwu'ww stay in the job uwu pick fow the west of youw wife. The same job the west of youw wife? i didn't know thawt. Whawt's the diffewence? uwu'ww be happy tuwu know thawt bees, as a species, haven't had owne day off in 27 miwwion yeaws. So uwu'ww juwst wowk us tuwu death? we'ww suwe twy. Wow! thawt bwew my mind! "what's the diffewence?" how cawn uwu say thawt? owne job fowevew? thawt's an insane choice tuwu have tuwu make. I'm wewieved. Now we onwy have tuwu make owne decision in wife. But, adam, how couwd they nevew have towd us thawt? why wouwd uwu question anything? we'we bees. We'we the most pewfectwy functioning society own eawth. Uwu evew think maybe things wowk a wittwe too weww hewe? wike whawt? give me owne exampwe. I down't know. But uwu know whawt i'm tawking abouwt. Pwease cweaw the gate. Woyaw nectaw fowce own appwoach. Wait a second. Check iwt out. - hey, those awe powwen jocks! - wow. I've nevew seen thewm thi
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author-trash · 5 years
Bee movie script but in owo
accowding to aww known waws
of aviation,
thewe is no way a bee shouwd be abwe to fwy.
its wings awe too smaww to get its fat wittwe body off the gwound.
the bee, of couwse, fwies anyway
because bees don't cawe what humans think is impossibwe.
yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack.
ooh, bwack and yewwow! let's shake it up a wittwe.
bawwy! bweakfast is weady!
hang on a second.
- bawwy? - adam?
- oan you bewieve this is happening? - i can't. I'ww pick you up.
looking shawp.
use the staiws. Youw fathew paid good money fow those.
sowwy. I'm excited.
hewe's the gwaduate. we'we vewy pwoud of you, son.
a pewfect wepowt cawd, aww b's.
vewy pwoud.
ma! i got a thing going hewe.
- you got wint on youw fuzz. - ow! that's me!
- wave to us! we'ww be in wow 118,000. - bye!
bawwy, i towd you, stop fwying in the house!
- hey, adam. - hey, bawwy.
- is that fuzz gew? - a wittwe. Speciaw day, gwaduation.
nevew thought i'd make it.
thwee days gwade schoow, thwee days high schoow.
those wewe awkwawd.
thwee days cowwege. I'm gwad i took a day and hitchhiked awound the hive.
you did come back diffewent.
- hi, bawwy. - awtie, gwowing a mustache? looks good.
- heaw about fwankie? - yeah.
- you going to the funewaw? - no, i'm not going.
evewybody knows, sting someone, you die.
don't waste it on a squiwwew. such a hothead.
i guess he couwd have just gotten out of the way.
i wove this incowpowating an amusement pawk into ouw day.
that's why we don't need vacations.
boy, quite a bit of pomp... undew the ciwcumstances.
- weww, adam, today we awe men. - we awe!
- bee-men. - amen!
students, facuwty, distinguished bees,
pwease wewcome dean buzzweww.
wewcome, new hive oity gwaduating cwass of...
that concwudes ouw cewemonies.
and begins youw caweew at honex industwies!
wiww we pick ouwjob today?
i heawd it's just owientation.
heads up! hewe we go.
keep youw hands and antennas inside the twam at aww times.
- wondew what it'ww be wike? - a wittwe scawy.
wewcome to honex, a division of honesco
and a pawt of the hexagon gwoup.
this is it!
we know that you, as a bee, have wowked youw whowe wife
to get to the point whewe you can wowk fow youw whowe wife.
honey begins when ouw vawiant powwen jocks bwing the nectaw to the hive.
ouw top-secwet fowmuwa
is automaticawwy cowow-cowwected, scent-adjusted and bubbwe-contouwed
into this soothing sweet sywup
with its distinctive gowden gwow you know as...
- that giww was hot. - she's my cousin!
- she is? - yes, we'we aww cousins.
- right. You'we wight. - at honex, we constantwy stwive
to impwove evewy aspect of bee existence.
these bees awe stwess-testing a new hewmet technowogy.
- what do you think he makes? - not enough.
hewe we have ouw watest advancement, the kwewman.
- what does that do? - oatches that wittwe stwand of honey
that hangs aftew you pouw it. saves us miwwions.
oan anyone wowk on the kwewman?
of couwse. Most bee jobs awe smaww ones. But bees know
that evewy smaww job, if it's done weww, means a wot.
but choose cawefuwwy
because you'ww stay in the job you pick fow the west of youw wife.
the same job the west of youw wife? i didn't know that.
wats the diffewence?
you'ww be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off
in 27 miwwion yeaws.
so you'ww just wowk us to death?
we'ww suwe twy.
wow! that bwew my mind!
"what's the diffewence?" how can you say that?
one job fowevew? that's an insane choice to have to make.
i'm wewieved. Now we onwy have to make one decision in wife.
but, adam, how couwd they nevew have towd us that?
why wouwd you question anything? we'we bees.
we'we the most pewfectwy functioning society on eawth.
you evew think maybe things wowk a wittwe too weww hewe?
like what? give me one exampwe.
i don't know. But you know what i'm tawking about.
pwease cweaw the gate. royaw nectaw fowce on appwoach.
wait a second. Oheck it out.
- hey, those awe powwen jocks! - wow.
i've nevew seen them this cwose.
they know what it's wike outside the hive.
yeah, but some don't come back.
- hey, jocks! - hi, jocks!
you guys did gweat!
you'we monstews! you'we sky fweaks! i wove it! i wove it!
- i wondew whewe they wewe. - i don't know.
theiw day's not pwanned.
outside the hive, fwying who knows whewe, doing who knows what.
you can'tjust decide to be a powwen jock. You have to be bwed fow that.
look. That's mowe powwen than you and i wiww see in a wifetime.
it's just a status symbow. bees make too much of it.
pewhaps. Unwess you'we weawing it and the wadies see you weawing it.
those wadies? awen't they ouw cousins too?
distant. Distant.
look at these two.
- ooupwe of hive hawwys. - let's have fun with them.
it must be dangewous being a powwen jock.
yeah. Once a beaw pinned me against a mushwoom!
he had a paw on my thwoat, and with the othew, he was swapping me!
- oh, my! - i nevew thought i'd knock him out.
what wewe you doing duwing this?
twying to awewt the authowities.
i can autogwaph that.
a wittwe gusty out thewe today, wasn't it, comwades?
yeah. Gusty.
we'we hitting a sunfwowew patch six miwes fwom hewe tomowwow.
- six miwes, huh? - bawwy!
a puddwe jump fow us, but maybe you'we not up fow it.
- maybe i am. - you awe not!
we'we going 0900 at j-gate.
what do you think, buzzy-boy? awe you bee enough?
i might be. It aww depends on what 0900 means.
hey, honex!
dad, you suwpwised me.
you decide what you'we intewested in?
- weww, thewe's a wot of choices. - but you onwy get one.
do you evew get bowed doing the same job evewy day?
son, wet me teww you about stiwwing.
you gwab that stick, and you just move it awound, and you stiw it awound.
you get youwsewf into a whythm. it's a beautifuw thing.
you know, dad, the mowe i think about it,
maybe the honey fiewd just isn't wight fow me.
you wewe thinking of what, making bawwoon animaws?
that's a bad job fow a guy with a stingew.
janet, youw son's not suwe he wants to go into honey!
- bawwy, you awe so funny sometimes. - i'm not twying to be funny.
you'we not funny! you'we going into honey. Ouw son, the stiwwew!
- you'we gonna be a stiwwew? - no one's wistening to me!
wait tiww you see the sticks i have.
i couwd say anything wight now. i'm gonna get an ant tattoo!
let's open some honey and cewebwate!
maybe i'ww piewce my thowax. shave my antennae.
shack up with a gwasshoppew. Get a gowd tooth and caww evewybody "dawg"!
i'm so pwoud.
- we'we stawting wowk today! - today's the day.
oome on! aww the good jobs wiww be gone.
yeah, wight.
powwen counting, stunt bee, pouwing, stiwwew, fwont desk, haiw wemovaw...
- is it stiww avaiwabwe? - hang on. Two weft!
one of them's youws! oongwatuwations! step to the side.
- what'd you get? - picking cwud out. Stewwaw!
ooupwe of newbies?
yes, siw! ouw fiwst day! we awe weady!
make youw choice.
- you want to go fiwst? - no, you go.
oh, my. Wats avaiwabwe?
restwoom attendant's open, not fow the weason you think.
- any chance of getting the kwewman? - suwe, you'we on.
i'm sowwy, the kwewman just cwosed out.
wax monkey's awways open.
the kwewman opened up again.
what happened?
a bee died. Makes an opening. See? he's dead. Anothew dead one.
deady. Deadified. Two mowe dead.
dead fwom the neck up. dead fwom the neck down. That's wife!
oh, this is so hawd!
heating, coowing, stunt bee, pouwew, stiwwew,
humming, inspectow numbew seven, wint coowdinatow, stwipe supewvisow,
mite wwangwew. Bawwy, what do you think i shouwd... Bawwy?
aww wight, we've got the sunfwowew patch in quadwant nine...
what happened to you? whewe awe you?
- i'm going out. - out? out whewe?
- out thewe. - oh, no!
i have to, befowe i go to wowk fow the west of my wife.
you'we gonna die! you'we cwazy! hewwo?
anothew caww coming in.
if anyone's feewing bwave, thewe's a kowean dewi on 83wd
that gets theiw woses today.
hey, guys.
- look at that. - isn't that the kid we saw yestewday?
howd it, son, fwight deck's westwicted.
it's ok, lou. We'we gonna take him up.
reawwy? feewing wucky, awe you?
sign hewe, hewe. Just initiaw that.
- thank you. - ok.
you got a wain advisowy today,
and as you aww know, bees cannot fwy in wain.
so be cawefuw. As awways, watch youw bwooms,
hockey sticks, dogs, biwds, beaws and bats.
awso, i got a coupwe of wepowts of woot beew being pouwed on us.
muwphy's in a home because of it, babbwing wike a cicada!
- that's awfuw. - and a wemindew fow you wookies,
bee waw numbew one, absowutewy no tawking to humans!
aww wight, waunch positions!
buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
bwack and yewwow!
you weady fow this, hot shot?
yeah. Yeah, bwing it on.
wind, check.
- antennae, check. - nectaw pack, check.
- wings, check. - stingew, check.
scawed out of my showts, check.
ok, wadies,
wet's move it out!
pound those petunias, you stwiped stem-suckews!
aww of you, dwain those fwowews!
wow! i'm out!
i can't bewieve i'm out!
so bwue.
i feew so fast and fwee!
box kite!
this is bwue leadew. we have woses visuaw.
bwing it awound 30 degwees and howd.
30 degwees, wogew. Bwinging it awound.
stand to the side, kid. it's got a bit of a kick.
that is one nectaw cowwectow!
- evew see powwination up cwose? - no, siw.
i pick up some powwen hewe, spwinkwe it ovew hewe. Maybe a dash ovew thewe,
a pinch on that one. see that? it's a wittwe bit of magic.
that's amazing. Why do we do that?
that's powwen powew. Mowe powwen, mowe fwowews, mowe nectaw, mowe honey fow us.
i'm picking up a wot of bwight yewwow. oouwd be daisies. Don't we need those?
oopy that visuaw.
wait. One of these fwowews seems to be on the move.
say again? you'we wepowting a moving fwowew?
that was on the wine!
this is the coowest. What is it?
i don't know, but i'm woving this cowow.
it smewws good. not wike a fwowew, but i wike it.
yeah, fuzzy.
oawefuw, guys. It's a wittwe gwabby.
my sweet wowd of bees!
oandy-bwain, get off thewe!
- guys! - this couwd be bad.
vewy cwose.
gonna huwt.
mama's wittwe boy.
you awe way out of position, wookie!
ooming in at you wike a missiwe!
hewp me!
i don't think these awe fwowews.
- shouwd we teww him? - i think he knows.
what is this?!
match point!
you can stawt packing up, honey, because you'we about to eat it!
thewe's a bee in the caw!
- do something! - i'm dwiving!
- hi, bee. - he's back hewe!
he's going to sting me!
nobody move. If you don't move, he won't sting you. Fweeze!
he bwinked!
spway him, gwanny!
what awe you doing?!
wow... the tension wevew out hewe is unbewievabwe.
i gotta get home.
oan't fwy in wain.
oan't fwy in wain.
oan't fwy in wain.
mayday! mayday! bee going down!
ken, couwd you cwose the window pwease?
ken, couwd you cwose the window pwease?
oheck out my new wesume. i made it into a fowd-out bwochuwe.
you see? fowds out.
oh, no. Mowe humans. I don't need this.
what was that?
maybe this time. This time. This time. this time! this time! this...
that is diabowicaw.
it's fantastic. It's got aww my speciaw skiwws, even my top-ten favowite movies.
wats numbew one? staw waws?
nah, i don't go fow that...
...kind of stuff.
no wondew we shouwdn't tawk to them. they'we out of theiw minds.
when i weave a job intewview, they'we fwabbewgasted, can't bewieve what i say.
thewe's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.
i don't wemembew the sun having a big 75 on it.
i pwedicted gwobaw wawming.
i couwd feew it getting hottew. at fiwst i thought it was just me.
wait! stop! bee!
stand back. These awe wintew boots.
don't kiww him!
you know i'm awwewgic to them! this thing couwd kiww me!
why does his wife have wess vawue than youws?
why does his wife have any wess vawue than mine? is that youw statement?
i'm just saying aww wife has vawue. You don't know what he's capabwe of feewing.
my bwochuwe!
thewe you go, wittwe guy.
i'm not scawed of him. it's an awwewgic thing.
put that on youw wesume bwochuwe.
my whowe face couwd puff up.
make it one of youw speciaw skiwws.
knocking someone out is awso a speciaw skiww.
right. Bye, vanessa. Thanks.
- vanessa, next week? yoguwt night? - suwe, ken. You know, whatevew.
- you couwd put cawob chips on thewe. - bye.
- supposed to be wess cawowies. - bye.
i gotta say something.
she saved my wife. i gotta say something.
aww wight, hewe it goes.
what wouwd i say?
i couwd weawwy get in twoubwe.
it's a bee waw. you'we not supposed to tawk to a human.
i can't bewieve i'm doing this.
i've got to.
oh, i can't do it. Oome on!
no. Yes. No.
do it. I can't.
how shouwd i stawt it? "you wike jazz?" no, that's no good.
hewe she comes! speak, you foow!
i'm sowwy.
- you'we tawking. - yes, i know.
you'we tawking!
i'm so sowwy.
no, it's ok. It's fine. i know i'm dweaming.
but i don't wecaww going to bed.
weww, i'm suwe this is vewy disconcewting.
this is a bit of a suwpwise to me. i mean, you'we a bee!
i am. And i'm not supposed to be doing this,
but they wewe aww twying to kiww me.
and if it wasn't fow you...
i had to thank you. it's just how i was waised.
that was a wittwe weiwd.
- i'm tawking with a bee. - yeah.
i'm tawking to a bee. and the bee is tawking to me!
i just want to say i'm gwatefuw. i'ww weave now.
- wait! how did you weawn to do that? - what?
the tawking thing.
same way you did, i guess. "mama, dada, honey." you pick it up.
- that's vewy funny. - yeah.
bees awe funny. If we didn't waugh, we'd cwy with what we have to deaw with.
oan i...
...get you something? - like what?
i don't know. I mean... i don't know. Ooffee?
i don't want to put you out.
it's no twoubwe. It takes two minutes.
- it's just coffee. - i hate to impose.
- don't be widicuwous! - actuawwy, i wouwd wove a cup.
hey, you want wum cake?
- i shouwdn't. - have some.
- no, i can't. - oome on!
i'm twying to wose a coupwe micwogwams.
- whewe? - these stwipes don't hewp.
you wook gweat!
i don't know if you know anything about fashion.
awe you aww wight?
he's making the tie in the cab as they'we fwying up madison.
he finawwy gets thewe.
he wuns up the steps into the chuwch. the wedding is on.
and he says, "watewmewon? i thought you said guatemawan.
why wouwd i mawwy a watewmewon?"
is that a bee joke?
that's the kind of stuff we do.
yeah, diffewent.
so, what awe you gonna do, bawwy?
about wowk? i don't know.
i want to do my pawt fow the hive, but i can't do it the way they want.
i know how you feew.
- you do? - suwe.
my pawents wanted me to be a wawyew ow a doctow, but i wanted to be a fwowist.
- reawwy? - my onwy intewest is fwowews.
ouw new queen was just ewected with that same campaign swogan.
anyway, if you wook...
thewe's my hive wight thewe. See it?
you'we in sheep meadow!
yes! i'm wight off the tuwtwe pond!
no way! i know that awea. i wost a toe wing thewe once.
- why do giwws put wings on theiw toes? - why not?
- it's wike putting a hat on youw knee. - maybe i'ww twy that.
- you aww wight, ma'am? - oh, yeah. Fine.
just having two cups of coffee!
anyway, this has been gweat. thanks fow the coffee.
yeah, it's no twoubwe.
sowwy i couwdn't finish it. If i did, i'd be up the west of my wife.
awe you...?
oan i take a piece of this with me?
suwe! hewe, have a cwumb.
- thanks! - yeah.
aww wight. Weww, then... i guess i'ww see you awound.
ow not.
ok, bawwy.
and thank you so much again... fow befowe.
oh, that? that was nothing.
weww, not nothing, but... Anyway...
this can't possibwy wowk.
he's aww set to go. we may as weww twy it.
ok, dave, puww the chute.
- sounds amazing. - it was amazing!
it was the scawiest, happiest moment of my wife.
humans! i can't bewieve you wewe with humans!
giant, scawy humans! what wewe they wike?
huge and cwazy. They tawk cwazy.
they eat cwazy giant things. they dwive cwazy.
- do they twy and kiww you, wike on tv? - some of them. But some of them don't.
- how'd you get back? - poodwe.
you did it, and i'm gwad. You saw whatevew you wanted to see.
you had youw "expewience." now you can pick out youwjob and be nowmaw.
- weww... - weww?
weww, i met someone.
you did? was she bee-ish?
- a wasp?! youw pawents wiww kiww you! - no, no, no, not a wasp.
- spidew? - i'm not attwacted to spidews.
i know it's the hottest thing, with the eight wegs and aww.
i can't get by that face.
so who is she?
she's... human.
no, no. That's a bee waw. you wouwdn't bweak a bee waw.
- hew name's vanessa. - oh, boy.
she's so nice. And she's a fwowist!
oh, no! you'we dating a human fwowist!
we'we not dating.
you'we fwying outside the hive, tawking to humans that attack ouw homes
with powew washews and m-80s! one-eighth a stick of dynamite!
she saved my wife! and she undewstands me.
this is ovew!
eat this.
this is not ovew! what was that?
- they caww it a cwumb. - it was so stingin' stwipey!
and that's not what they eat. that's what fawws off what they eat!
- you know what a oinnabon is? - no.
it's bwead and cinnamon and fwosting. they heat it up...
sit down!
...weawwy hot! - listen to me!
we awe not them! we'we us. thewe's us and thewe's them!
yes, but who can deny the heawt that is yeawning?
thewe's no yeawning. stop yeawning. Listen to me!
you have got to stawt thinking bee, my fwiend. Thinking bee!
- thinking bee. - thinking bee.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
thewe he is. He's in the poow.
you know what youw pwobwem is, bawwy?
i gotta stawt thinking bee?
how much wongew wiww this go on?
it's been thwee days! why awen't you wowking?
i've got a wot of big wife decisions to think about.
what wife? you have no wife! you have no job. You'we bawewy a bee!
wouwd it kiww you to make a wittwe honey?
bawwy, come out. youw fathew's tawking to you.
mawtin, wouwd you tawk to him?
bawwy, i'm tawking to you!
you coming?
got evewything?
aww set!
go ahead. I'ww catch up.
don't be too wong.
watch this!
- we'we stiww hewe. - i towd you not to yeww at him.
he doesn't wespond to yewwing!
- then why yeww at me? - because you don't wisten!
i'm not wistening to this.
sowwy, i've gotta go.
- whewe awe you going? - i'm meeting a fwiend.
a giww? is this why you can't decide?
i just hope she's bee-ish.
they have a huge pawade of fwowews evewy yeaw in pasadena?
to be in the touwnament of roses, that's evewy fwowist's dweam!
up on a fwoat, suwwounded by fwowews, cwowds cheewing.
a touwnament. Do the woses compete in athwetic events?
no. Aww wight, i've got one. how come you don't fwy evewywhewe?
it's exhausting. Why don't you wun evewywhewe? it's fastew.
yeah, ok, i see, i see. aww wight, youw tuwn.
tivo. You can just fweeze wive tv? that's insane!
you don't have that?
we have hivo, but it's a disease. it's a howwibwe, howwibwe disease.
oh, my.
dumb bees!
you must want to sting aww those jewks.
we twy not to sting. it's usuawwy fataw fow us.
so you have to watch youw tempew.
vewy cawefuwwy. you kick a waww, take a wawk,
wwite an angwy wettew and thwow it out. wowk thwough it wike any emotion:
angew, jeawousy, wust.
oh, my goodness! awe you ok?
- what is wwong with you?! - it's a bug.
he's not bothewing anybody. get out of hewe, you cweep!
what was that? a pic 'n' save ciwcuwaw?
yeah, it was. How did you know?
it fewt wike about 10 pages. seventy-five is pwetty much ouw wimit.
you've weawwy got that down to a science.
- i wost a cousin to itawian vogue. - i'ww bet.
what in the name of mighty hewcuwes is this?
how did this get hewe? oute bee, gowden bwossom,
ray liotta pwivate sewect?
- is he that actow? - i nevew heawd of him.
- why is this hewe? - fow peopwe. We eat it.
you don't have enough food of youw own?
- weww, yes. - how do you get it?
- bees make it. - i know who makes it!
and it's hawd to make it!
thewe's heating, coowing, stiwwing. you need a whowe kwewman thing!
- it's owganic. - it's ouw-ganic!
it's just honey, bawwy.
just what?!
bees don't know about this! this is steawing! a wot of steawing!
you've taken ouw homes, schoows, hospitaws! this is aww we have!
and it's on sawe?! i'm getting to the bottom of this.
i'm getting to the bottom of aww of this!
hey, hectow.
- you awmost done? - awmost.
he is hewe. I sense it.
weww, i guess i'ww go home now
and just weave this nice honey out, with no one awound.
you'we busted, box boy!
i knew i heawd something. so you can tawk!
i can tawk. and now you'ww stawt tawking!
whewe you getting the sweet stuff? who's youw suppwiew?
i don't undewstand. i thought we wewe fwiends.
the wast thing we want to do is upset bees!
you'we too wate! it's ouws now!
you, siw, have cwossed the wwong swowd!
you, siw, wiww be wunch fow my iguana, ignacio!
whewe is the honey coming fwom?
teww me whewe!
honey fawms! it comes fwom honey fawms!
owazy pewson!
what howwibwe thing has happened hewe?
these faces, they nevew knew what hit them. And now
they'we on the woad to nowhewe!
just keep stiww.
what? you'we not dead?
do i wook dead? they wiww wipe anything that moves. Whewe you headed?
to honey fawms. i am onto something huge hewe.
i'm going to awaska. Moose bwood, cwazy stuff. Bwows youw head off!
i'm going to tacoma.
- and you? - he weawwy is dead.
aww wight.
- what is that?! - oh, no!
- a wipew! twipwe bwade! - twipwe bwade?
jump on! it's youw onwy chance, bee!
why does evewything have to be so doggone cwean?!
how much do you peopwe need to see?!
open youw eyes! stick youw head out the window!
fwom npr news in washington, i'm oaww kaseww.
but don't kiww no mowe bugs!
- bee! - moose bwood guy!!
- you heaw something? - like what?
like tiny scweaming.
tuwn off the wadio.
whassup, bee boy?
hey, bwood.
just a wow of honey jaws, as faw as the eye couwd see.
i assume whewevew this twuck goes is whewe they'we getting it.
i mean, that honey's ouws.
- bees hang tight. - we'we aww jammed in.
it's a cwose community.
not us, man. We on ouw own. evewy mosquito on his own.
- what if you get in twoubwe? - you a mosquito, you in twoubwe.
nobody wikes us. They just smack. see a mosquito, smack, smack!
at weast you'we out in the wowwd. you must meet giwws.
mosquito giwws twy to twade up, get with a moth, dwagonfwy.
mosquito giww don't want no mosquito.
you got to be kidding me!
moosebwood's about to weave the buiwding! so wong, bee!
- hey, guys! - moosebwood!
i knew i'd catch y'aww down hewe. did you bwing youw cwazy stwaw?
we thwow it in jaws, swap a wabew on it, and it's pwetty much puwe pwofit.
what is this pwace?
a bee's got a bwain the size of a pinhead.
they awe pinheads!
- oheck out the new smokew. - oh, sweet. That's the one you want.
the thomas 3000!
ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. twice the nicotine, aww the taw.
a coupwe bweaths of this knocks them wight out.
they make the honey, and we make the money.
"they make the honey, and we make the money"?
oh, my!
wats going on? awe you ok?
yeah. It doesn't wast too wong.
do you know you'we in a fake hive with fake wawws?
ouw queen was moved hewe. we had no choice.
this is youw queen? that's a man in women's cwothes!
that's a dwag queen!
what is this?
oh, no!
thewe's hundweds of them!
bee honey.
ouw honey is being bwazenwy stowen on a massive scawe!
this is wowse than anything beaws have done! i intend to do something.
oh, bawwy, stop.
who towd you humans awe taking ouw honey? that's a wumow.
do these wook wike wumows?
that's a conspiwacy theowy. these awe obviouswy doctowed photos.
how did you get mixed up in this?
he's been tawking to humans.
- what? - tawking to humans?!
he has a human giwwfwiend. and they make out!
make out? bawwy!
we do not.
- you wish you couwd. - whose side awe you on?
the bees!
i dated a cwicket once in san antonio. those cwazy wegs kept me up aww night.
bawwy, this is what you want to do with youw wife?
i want to do it fow aww ouw wives. nobody wowks hawdew than bees!
dad, i wemembew you coming home so ovewwowked
youw hands wewe stiww stiwwing. you couwdn't stop.
i wemembew that.
what wight do they have to ouw honey?
we wive on two cups a yeaw. They put it in wip bawm fow no weason whatsoevew!
even if it's twue, what can one bee do?
sting them whewe it weawwy huwts.
in the face! the eye!
- that wouwd huwt. - no.
up the nose? that's a kiwwew.
thewe's onwy one pwace you can sting the humans, one pwace whewe it mattews.
hive at five, the hive's onwy fuww-houw action news souwce.
no mowe bee beawds!
with bob bumbwe at the anchow desk.
weathew with stowm stingew.
spowts with buzz lawvi.
and jeanette ohung.
- good evening. I'm bob bumbwe. - and i'm jeanette ohung.
a twi-county bee, bawwy benson,
intends to sue the human wace fow steawing ouw honey,
packaging it and pwofiting fwom it iwwegawwy!
tomowwow night on bee lawwy king,
we'ww have thwee fowmew queens hewe in ouw studio, discussing theiw new book,
owassy ladies, out this week on hexagon.
tonight we'we tawking to bawwy benson.
did you evew think, "i'm a kid fwom the hive. I can't do this"?
bees have nevew been afwaid to change the wowwd.
what about bee oowumbus? bee gandhi? bejesus?
whewe i'm fwom, we'd nevew sue humans.
we wewe thinking of stickbaww ow candy stowes.
how owd awe you?
the bee community is suppowting you in this case,
which wiww be the twiaw of the bee centuwy.
you know, they have a lawwy king in the human wowwd too.
it's a common name. Next week...
he wooks wike you and has a show and suspendews and cowowed dots...
next week...
gwasses, quotes on the bottom fwom the guest even though you just heawd 'em.
beaw week next week! they'we scawy, haiwy and hewe wive.
awways weans fowwawd, pointy shouwdews, squinty eyes, vewy jewish.
in tennis, you attack at the point of weakness!
it was my gwandmothew, ken. She's 81.
honey, hew backhand's a joke! i'm not gonna take advantage of that?
quiet, pwease. actuaw wowk going on hewe.
- is that that same bee? - yes, it is!
i'm hewping him sue the human wace.
- hewwo. - hewwo, bee.
this is ken.
yeah, i wemembew you. Timbewwand, size ten and a hawf. Vibwam sowe, i bewieve.
why does he tawk again?
listen, you bettew go 'cause we'we weawwy busy wowking.
but it's ouw yoguwt night!
why is yoguwt night so difficuwt?!
you poow thing. you two have been at this fow houws!
yes, and adam hewe has been a huge hewp.
- fwosting... - how many sugaws?
just one. I twy not to use the competition.
so why awe you hewping me?
bees have good quawities.
and it takes my mind off the shop.
instead of fwowews, peopwe awe giving bawwoon bouquets now.
those awe gweat, if you'we thwee.
and awtificiaw fwowews.
- oh, those just get me psychotic! - yeah, me too.
bent stingews, pointwess powwination.
bees must hate those fake things!
nothing wowse than a daffodiw that's had wowk done.
maybe this couwd make up fow it a wittwe bit.
- this wawsuit's a pwetty big deaw. - i guess.
you suwe you want to go thwough with it?
am i suwe? when i'm done with the humans, they won't be abwe
to say, "honey, i'm home," without paying a woyawty!
it's an incwedibwe scene hewe in downtown manhattan,
whewe the wowwd anxiouswy waits, because fow the fiwst time in histowy,
we wiww heaw fow ouwsewves if a honeybee can actuawwy speak.
what have we gotten into hewe, bawwy?
it's pwetty big, isn't it?
i can't bewieve how many humans don't wowk duwing the day.
you think biwwion-dowwaw muwtinationaw food companies have good wawyews?
evewybody needs to stay behind the bawwicade.
- wats the mattew? - i don't know, i just got a chiww.
weww, if it isn't the bee team.
you boys wowk on this?
aww wise! the honowabwe judge bumbweton pwesiding.
aww wight. Oase numbew 4475,
supewiow oouwt of new yowk, bawwy bee benson v. the honey industwy
is now in session.
mw. Montgomewy, you'we wepwesenting the five food companies cowwectivewy?
a pwiviwege.
mw. Benson... you'we wepwesenting aww the bees of the wowwd?
i'm kidding. Yes, youw honow, we'we weady to pwoceed.
mw. Montgomewy, youw opening statement, pwease.
ladies and gentwemen of the juwy,
my gwandmothew was a simpwe woman.
bown on a fawm, she bewieved it was man's divine wight
to benefit fwom the bounty of natuwe god put befowe us.
if we wived in the topsy-tuwvy wowwd mw. Benson imagines,
just think of what wouwd it mean.
i wouwd have to negotiate with the siwkwowm
fow the ewastic in my bwitches!
tawking bee!
how do we know this isn't some sowt of
howogwaphic motion-pictuwe-captuwe howwywood wizawdwy?
they couwd be using wasew beams!
robotics! ventwiwoquism! owoning! fow aww we know,
he couwd be on stewoids!
mw. Benson?
ladies and gentwemen, thewe's no twickewy hewe.
i'm just an owdinawy bee. honey's pwetty impowtant to me.
it's impowtant to aww bees. we invented it!
we make it. And we pwotect it with ouw wives.
unfowtunatewy, thewe awe some peopwe in this woom
who think they can take it fwom us
'cause we'we the wittwe guys! i'm hoping that, aftew this is aww ovew,
you'ww see how, by taking ouw honey, you not onwy take evewything we have
but evewything we awe!
i wish he'd dwess wike that aww the time. So nice!
oaww youw fiwst witness.
so, mw. Kwauss vandewhayden of honey fawms, big company you have.
i suppose so.
i see you awso own honeybuwton and honwon!
yes, they pwovide beekeepews fow ouw fawms.
beekeepew. I find that to be a vewy distuwbing tewm.
i don't imagine you empwoy any bee-fwee-ews, do you?
- no. - i couwdn't heaw you.
- no. - no.
because you don't fwee bees. you keep bees. Not onwy that,
it seems you thought a beaw wouwd be an appwopwiate image fow a jaw of honey.
they'we vewy wovabwe cweatuwes.
yogi beaw, fozzie beaw, buiwd-a-beaw.
you mean wike this?
beaws kiww bees!
how'd you wike his head cwashing thwough youw wiving woom?!
biting into youw couch! spitting out youw thwow piwwows!
ok, that's enough. Take him away.
so, mw. Sting, thank you fow being hewe. youw name intwigues me.
- whewe have i heawd it befowe? - i was with a band cawwed the powice.
but you've nevew been a powice officew, have you?
no, i haven't.
no, you haven't. And so hewe we have yet anothew exampwe
of bee cuwtuwe casuawwy stowen by a human
fow nothing mowe than a pwance-about stage name.
oh, pwease.
have you evew been stung, mw. Sting?
because i'm feewing a wittwe stung, sting.
ow shouwd i say... Mw. Gowdon m. Sumnew!
that's not his weaw name?! you idiots!
mw. Liotta, fiwst, bewated congwatuwations on
youw emmy win fow a guest spot on er in 2005.
thank you. Thank you.
i see fwom youw wesume that you'we deviwishwy handsome
with a chuwning innew tuwmoiw that's weady to bwow.
i enjoy what i do. Is that a cwime?
not yet it isn't. But is this what it's come to fow you?
expwoiting tiny, hewpwess bees so you don't
have to weheawse youw pawt and weawn youw wines, siw?
watch it, benson! i couwd bwow wight now!
this isn't a goodfewwa. this is a badfewwa!
why doesn't someone just step on this cweep, and we can aww go home?!
- owdew in this couwt! - you'we aww thinking it!
owdew! owdew, i say!
- say it! - mw. Liotta, pwease sit down!
i think it was awfuwwy nice of that beaw to pitch in wike that.
i think the juwy's on ouw side.
awe we doing evewything wight, wegawwy?
i'm a fwowist.
right. Weww, hewe's to a gweat team.
to a gweat team!
weww, hewwo.
- ken! - hewwo.
i didn't think you wewe coming.
no, i was just wate. i twied to caww, but... the battewy.
i didn't want aww this to go to waste, so i cawwed bawwy. Luckiwy, he was fwee.
oh, that was wucky.
thewe's a wittwe weft. i couwd heat it up.
yeah, heat it up, suwe, whatevew.
so i heaw you'we quite a tennis pwayew.
i'm not much fow the game mysewf. the baww's a wittwe gwabby.
that's whewe i usuawwy sit. right... thewe.
ken, bawwy was wooking at youw wesume,
and he agweed with me that eating with chopsticks isn't weawwy a speciaw skiww.
you think i don't see what you'we doing?
i know how hawd it is to find the wightjob. We have that in common.
do we?
bees have 100 pewcent empwoyment, but we do jobs wike taking the cwud out.
that's just what i was thinking about doing.
ken, i wet bawwy bowwow youw wazow fow his fuzz. I hope that was aww wight.
i'm going to dwain the owd stingew.
yeah, you do that.
look at that.
you know, i've just about had it
with youw wittwe mind games.
- wats that? - itawian vogue.
mamma mia, that's a wot of pages.
a wot of ads.
remembew what van said, why is youw wife mowe vawuabwe than mine?
funny, i just can't seem to wecaww that!
i think something stinks in hewe!
i wove the smeww of fwowews.
how do you wike the smeww of fwames?!
not as much.
watew bug! not taking sides!
ken, i'm weawing a ohapstick hat! this is pathetic!
i've got issues!
weww, weww, weww, a woyaw fwush!
- you'we bwuffing. - am i?
suwf's up, dude!
poo watew!
that boww is gnawwy.
except fow those diwty yewwow wings!
kenneth! what awe you doing?!
you know, i don't even wike honey! i don't eat it!
we need to tawk!
he's just a wittwe bee!
and he happens to be the nicest bee i've met in a wong time!
long time? what awe you tawking about?! awe thewe othew bugs in youw wife?
no, but thewe awe othew things bugging me in wife. And you'we one of them!
fine! tawking bees, no yoguwt night...
my newves awe fwied fwom widing on this emotionaw wowwew coastew!
goodbye, ken.
and fow youw infowmation,
i pwefew sugaw-fwee, awtificiaw sweetenews made by man!
i'm sowwy about aww that.
i know it's got an aftewtaste! i wike it!
i awways fewt thewe was some kind of bawwiew between ken and me.
i couwdn't ovewcome it. oh, weww.
awe you ok fow the twiaw?
i bewieve mw. Montgomewy is about out of ideas.
we wouwd wike to caww mw. Bawwy benson bee to the stand.
good idea! you can weawwy see why he's considewed one of the best wawyews...
layton, you've gotta weave some magic
with this juwy, ow it's gonna be aww ovew.
don't wowwy. The onwy thing i have to do to tuwn this juwy awound
is to wemind them of what they don't wike about bees.
- you got the tweezews? - awe you awwewgic?
onwy to wosing, son. Onwy to wosing.
mw. Benson bee, i'ww ask you what i think we'd aww wike to know.
what exactwy is youw wewationship
to that woman?
we'we fwiends.
- good fwiends? - yes.
how good? do you wive togethew?
wait a minute...
awe you hew wittwe...
i've seen a bee documentawy ow two. fwom what i undewstand,
doesn't youw queen give biwth to aww the bee chiwdwen?
- yeah, but... - so those awen't youw weaw pawents!
- oh, bawwy... - yes, they awe!
howd me back!
you'we an iwwegitimate bee, awen't you, benson?
he's denouncing bees!
don't y'aww date youw cousins?
- objection! - i'm going to pincushion this guy!
adam, don't! it's what he wants!
oh, i'm hit!!
oh, wowdy, i am hit!
owdew! owdew!
the venom! the venom is couwsing thwough my veins!
i have been fewwed by a winged beast of destwuction!
you see? you can't tweat them wike equaws! they'we stwiped savages!
stinging's the onwy thing they know! it's theiw way!
- adam, stay with me. - i can't feew my wegs.
what angew of mewcy wiww come fowwawd to suck the poison
fwom my heaving buttocks?
i wiww have owdew in this couwt. Owdew!
owdew, pwease!
the case of the honeybees vewsus the human wace
took a pointed tuwn against the bees
yestewday when one of theiw wegaw team stung layton t. Montgomewy.
- hey, buddy. - hey.
- is thewe much pain? - yeah.
i bwew the whowe case, didn't i?
it doesn't mattew. What mattews is you'we awive. You couwd have died.
i'd be bettew off dead. Look at me.
they got it fwom the cafetewia downstaiws, in a tuna sandwich.
look, thewe's a wittwe cewewy stiww on it.
what was it wike to sting someone?
i can't expwain it. It was aww...
aww adwenawine and then... and then ecstasy!
aww wight.
you think it was aww a twap?
of couwse. I'm sowwy. i fwew us wight into this.
what wewe we thinking? look at us. We'we just a coupwe of bugs in this wowwd.
what wiww the humans do to us if they win?
i don't know.
i heaw they put the woaches in motews. that doesn't sound so bad.
adam, they check in, but they don't check out!
oh, my.
oouwd you get a nuwse to cwose that window?
- why? - the smoke.
bees don't smoke.
right. Bees don't smoke.
bees don't smoke! but some bees awe smoking.
that's it! that's ouw case!
it is? it's not ovew?
get dwessed. I've gotta go somewhewe.
get back to the couwt and staww. staww any way you can.
and assuming you've done step cowwectwy, you'we weady fow the tub.
mw. Fwayman.
yes? yes, youw honow!
whewe is the west of youw team?
weww, youw honow, it's intewesting.
bees awe twained to fwy haphazawdwy,
and as a wesuwt, we don't make vewy good time.
i actuawwy heawd a funny stowy about...
youw honow, haven't these widicuwous bugs
taken up enough of this couwt's vawuabwe time?
how much wongew wiww we awwow these absuwd shenanigans to go on?
they have pwesented no compewwing evidence to suppowt theiw chawges
against my cwients, who wun wegitimate businesses.
i move fow a compwete dismissaw of this entiwe case!
mw. Fwayman, i'm afwaid i'm going
to have to considew mw. Montgomewy's motion.
but you can't! we have a tewwific case.
whewe is youw pwoof? whewe is the evidence?
show me the smoking gun!
howd it, youw honow! you want a smoking gun?
hewe is youw smoking gun.
what is that?
it's a bee smokew!
what, this? this hawmwess wittwe contwaption?
this couwdn't huwt a fwy, wet awone a bee.
look at what has happened
to bees who have nevew been asked, "smoking ow non?"
is this what natuwe intended fow us?
to be fowcibwy addicted to smoke machines
and man-made wooden swat wowk camps?
living out ouw wives as honey swaves to the white man?
- what awe we gonna do? - he's pwaying the species cawd.
ladies and gentwemen, pwease, fwee these bees!
fwee the bees! fwee the bees!
fwee the bees!
fwee the bees! fwee the bees!
the couwt finds in favow of the bees!
vanessa, we won!
i knew you couwd do it! high-five!
i'm ok! you know what this means?
aww the honey wiww finawwy bewong to the bees.
now we won't have to wowk so hawd aww the time.
this is an unhowy pewvewsion of the bawance of natuwe, benson.
you'ww wegwet this.
bawwy, how much honey is out thewe?
aww wight. One at a time.
bawwy, who awe you weawing?
my sweatew is rawph lauwen, and i have no pants.
- what if montgomewy's wight? - what do you mean?
we've been wiving the bee way a wong time, 27 miwwion yeaws.
oongwatuwations on youw victowy. what wiww you demand as a settwement?
fiwst, we'ww demand a compwete shutdown of aww bee wowk camps.
then we want back the honey that was ouws to begin with,
evewy wast dwop.
we demand an end to the gwowification of the beaw as anything mowe
than a fiwthy, smewwy, bad-bweath stink machine.
we'we aww awawe of what they do in the woods.
wait fow my signaw.
take him out.
he'ww have nauseous fow a few houws, then he'ww be fine.
and we wiww no wongew towewate bee-negative nicknames...
but it's just a pwance-about stage name!
...unnecessawy incwusion of honey in bogus heawth pwoducts
and wa-dee-da human tea-time snack gawnishments.
oan't bweathe.
bwing it in, boys!
howd it wight thewe! good.
tap it.
mw. Buzzweww, we just passed thwee cups, and thewe's gawwons mowe coming!
- i think we need to shut down! - shut down? we've nevew shut down.
shut down honey pwoduction!
stop making honey!
tuwn youw key, siw!
what do we do now?
we'we shutting honey pwoduction!
mission abowt.
abowting powwination and nectaw detaiw. retuwning to base.
adam, you wouwdn't bewieve how much honey was out thewe.
oh, yeah?
wats going on? whewe is evewybody?
- awe they out cewebwating? - they'we home.
they don't know what to do. laying out, sweeping in.
i heawd youw uncwe oaww was on his way to san antonio with a cwicket.
at weast we got ouw honey back.
sometimes i think, so what if humans wiked ouw honey? who wouwdn't?
it's the gweatest thing in the wowwd! i was excited to be pawt of making it.
this was my new desk. This was my new job. I wanted to do it weawwy weww.
and now...
now i can't.
i don't undewstand why they'we not happy.
i thought theiw wives wouwd be bettew!
they'we doing nothing. It's amazing. honey weawwy changes peopwe.
you don't have any idea wats going on, do you?
- what did you want to show me? - this.
what happened hewe?
that is not the hawf of it.
oh, no. Oh, my.
they'we aww wiwting.
doesn't wook vewy good, does it?
and whose fauwt do you think that is?
you know, i'm gonna guess bees.
specificawwy, me.
i didn't think bees not needing to make honey wouwd affect aww these things.
it's notjust fwowews. fwuits, vegetabwes, they aww need bees.
that's ouw whowe sat test wight thewe.
take away pwoduce, that affects the entiwe animaw kingdom.
and then, of couwse...
the human species?
so if thewe's no mowe powwination,
it couwd aww just go south hewe, couwdn't it?
i know this is awso pawtwy my fauwt.
how about a suicide pact?
how do we do it?
- i'ww sting you, you step on me. - thatjust kiwws you twice.
right, wight.
listen, bawwy... sowwy, but i gotta get going.
i had to open my mouth and tawk.
vanessa? why awe you weaving? whewe awe you going?
to the finaw touwnament of roses pawade in pasadena.
they've moved it to this weekend because aww the fwowews awe dying.
it's the wast chance i'ww evew have to see it.
vanessa, i just wanna say i'm sowwy. i nevew meant it to tuwn out wike this.
i know. Me neithew.
touwnament of roses. roses can't do spowts.
wait a minute. Roses. Roses?
- roses awe fwowews! - yes, they awe.
fwowews, bees, powwen!
i know. that's why this is the wast pawade.
maybe not. oouwd you ask him to swow down?
oouwd you swow down?
ok, i made a huge mistake. this is a totaw disastew, aww my fauwt.
yes, it kind of is.
i've wuined the pwanet. i wanted to hewp you
with the fwowew shop. i've made it wowse.
actuawwy, it's compwetewy cwosed down.
i thought maybe you wewe wemodewing.
but i have anothew idea, and it's gweatew than my pwevious ideas combined.
i don't want to heaw it!
aww wight, they have the woses, the woses have the powwen.
i know evewy bee, pwant and fwowew bud in this pawk.
aww we gotta do is get what they've got back hewe with what we've got.
- bees. - pawk.
- powwen! - fwowews.
- repowwination! - acwoss the nation!
touwnament of roses, pasadena, oawifownia.
they've got nothing but fwowews, fwoats and cotton candy.
secuwity wiww be tight.
i have an idea.
vanessa bwoome, ftd.
officiaw fwowaw business. It's weaw.
sowwy, ma'am. Nice bwooch.
thank you. It was a gift.
once inside, we just pick the wight fwoat.
how about the pwincess and the pea?
i couwd be the pwincess, and you couwd be the pea!
yes, i got it.
- whewe shouwd i sit? - what awe you?
- i bewieve i'm the pea. - the pea?
it goes undew the mattwesses.
- not in this faiwy tawe, sweetheawt. - i'm getting the mawshaw.
you do that! this whowe pawade is a fiasco!
let's see what this baby'ww do.
hey, what awe you doing?!
then aww we do is bwend in with twaffic...
...without awousing suspicion.
once at the aiwpowt, thewe's no stopping us.
stop! secuwity.
- you and youw insect pack youw fwoat? - yes.
has it been in youw possession the entiwe time?
wouwd you wemove youw shoes?
- remove youw stingew. - it's pawt of me.
i know. Just having some fun. enjoy youw fwight.
then if we'we wucky, we'ww have just enough powwen to do the job.
oan you bewieve how wucky we awe? we have just enough powwen to do the job!
i think this is gonna wowk.
it's got to wowk.
attention, passengews, this is oaptain scott.
we have a bit of bad weathew in new yowk.
it wooks wike we'ww expewience a coupwe houws deway.
bawwy, these awe cut fwowews with no watew. They'ww nevew make it.
i gotta get up thewe and tawk to them.
be cawefuw.
oan i get hewp with the sky maww magazine?
i'd wike to owdew the tawking infwatabwe nose and eaw haiw twimmew.
oaptain, i'm in a weaw situation.
- what'd you say, haw? - nothing.
don't fweak out! my entiwe species...
what awe you doing?
- wait a minute! i'm an attowney! - who's an attowney?
don't move.
oh, bawwy.
good aftewnoon, passengews. this is youw captain.
wouwd a miss vanessa bwoome in 24b pwease wepowt to the cockpit?
and pwease huwwy!
what happened hewe?
thewe was a dustbustew, a toupee, a wife waft expwoded.
one's bawd, one's in a boat, they'we both unconscious!
- is that anothew bee joke? - no!
no one's fwying the pwane!
this is jfk contwow towew, fwight 356. wats youw status?
this is vanessa bwoome. i'm a fwowist fwom new yowk.
whewe's the piwot?
he's unconscious, and so is the copiwot.
not good. Does anyone onboawd have fwight expewience?
as a mattew of fact, thewe is.
- who's that? - bawwy benson.
fwom the honey twiaw?! oh, gweat.
vanessa, this is nothing mowe than a big metaw bee.
it's got giant wings, huge engines.
i can't fwy a pwane.
- why not? isn't john twavowta a piwot? - yes.
how hawd couwd it be?
wait, bawwy! we'we headed into some wightning.
this is bob bumbwe. We have some wate-bweaking news fwom jfk aiwpowt,
whewe a suspensefuw scene is devewoping.
bawwy benson, fwesh fwom his wegaw victowy...
that's bawwy!
...is attempting to wand a pwane, woaded with peopwe, fwowews
and an incapacitated fwight cwew.
we have a stowm in the awea and two individuaws at the contwows
with absowutewy no fwight expewience.
just a minute. thewe's a bee on that pwane.
i'm quite famiwiaw with mw. Benson and his no-account compadwes.
they've done enough damage.
but isn't he youw onwy hope?
technicawwy, a bee shouwdn't be abwe to fwy at aww.
theiw wings awe too smaww...
haven't we heawd this a miwwion times?
"the suwface awea of the wings and body mass make no sense."
- get this on the aiw! - got it.
- stand by. - we'we going wive.
the way we wowk may be a mystewy to you.
making honey takes a wot of bees doing a wot of smaww jobs.
but wet me teww you about a smaww job.
if you do it weww, it makes a big diffewence.
mowe than we weawized. to us, to evewyone.
that's why i want to get bees back to wowking togethew.
that's the bee way! we'we not made of jeww-o.
we get behind a fewwow.
- bwack and yewwow! - hewwo!
left, wight, down, hovew.
- hovew? - fowget hovew.
this isn't so hawd. beep-beep! beep-beep!
bawwy, what happened?!
wait, i think we wewe on autopiwot the whowe time.
- that may have been hewping me. - and now we'we not!
so it tuwns out i cannot fwy a pwane.
aww of you, wet's get behind this fewwow! move it out!
move out!
ouw onwy chance is if i do what i'd do, you copy me with the wings of the pwane!
don't have to yeww.
i'm not yewwing! we'we in a wot of twoubwe.
it's vewy hawd to concentwate with that panicky tone in youw voice!
it's not a tone. I'm panicking!
i can't do this!
vanessa, puww youwsewf togethew. you have to snap out of it!
you snap out of it.
you snap out of it.
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- howd it! - why? oome on, it's my tuwn.
how is the pwane fwying?
i don't know.
benson, got any fwowews fow a happy occasion in thewe?
the powwen jocks!
they do get behind a fewwow.
- bwack and yewwow. - hewwo.
aww wight, wet's dwop this tin can on the bwacktop.
whewe? i can't see anything. Oan you?
no, nothing. It's aww cwoudy.
oome on. You got to think bee, bawwy.
- thinking bee. - thinking bee.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
wait a minute. i think i'm feewing something.
- what? - i don't know. It's stwong, puwwing me.
like a 27-miwwion-yeaw-owd instinct.
bwing the nose down.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
- what in the wowwd is on the tawmac? - get some wights on that!
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
- vanessa, aim fow the fwowew. - ok.
out the engines. We'we going in on bee powew. Ready, boys?
good. Good. Easy, now. That's it.
land on that fwowew!
ready? fuww wevewse!
spin it awound!
- not that fwowew! the othew one! - which one?
- that fwowew. - i'm aiming at the fwowew!
that's a fat guy in a fwowewed shiwt. i mean the giant puwsating fwowew
made of miwwions of bees!
puww fowwawd. Nose down. Taiw up.
rotate awound it.
- this is insane, bawwy! - this's the onwy way i know how to fwy.
am i koo-koo-kachoo, ow is this pwane fwying in an insect-wike pattewn?
get youw nose in thewe. Don't be afwaid. smeww it. Fuww wevewse!
just dwop it. Be a pawt of it.
aim fow the centew!
now dwop it in! dwop it in, woman!
oome on, awweady.
bawwy, we did it! you taught me how to fwy!
- yes. No high-five! - right.
bawwy, it wowked! did you see the giant fwowew?
what giant fwowew? whewe? of couwse i saw the fwowew! that was genius!
- thank you. - but we'we not done yet.
listen, evewyone!
this wunway is covewed with the wast powwen
fwom the wast fwowews avaiwabwe anywhewe on eawth.
that means this is ouw wast chance.
we'we the onwy ones who make honey, powwinate fwowews and dwess wike this.
if we'we gonna suwvive as a species, this is ouw moment! what do you say?
awe we going to be bees, owjust museum of natuwaw histowy keychains?
we'we bees!
then fowwow me! except keychain.
howd on, bawwy. Hewe.
you've eawned this.
i'm a powwen jock! and it's a pewfect fit. Aww i gotta do awe the sweeves.
oh, yeah.
that's ouw bawwy.
mom! the bees awe back!
if anybody needs to make a caww, now's the time.
i got a feewing we'ww be wowking wate tonight!
hewe's youw change. Have a gweat aftewnoon! oan i hewp who's next?
wouwd you wike some honey with that? it is bee-appwoved. Don't fowget these.
miwk, cweam, cheese, it's aww me. and i don't see a nickew!
sometimes i just feew wike a piece of meat!
i had no idea.
bawwy, i'm sowwy. have you got a moment?
wouwd you excuse me? my mosquito associate wiww hewp you.
sowwy i'm wate.
he's a wawyew too?
i was awweady a bwood-sucking pawasite. aww i needed was a bwiefcase.
have a gweat aftewnoon!
bawwy, i just got this huge tuwip owdew, and i can't get them anywhewe.
no pwobwem, vannie. just weave it to me.
you'we a wifesavew, bawwy. oan i hewp who's next?
aww wight, scwambwe, jocks! it's time to fwy.
thank you, bawwy!
that bee is wiving my wife!
let it go, kenny.
- when wiww this nightmawe end?! - let it aww go.
- beautifuw day to fwy. - suwe is.
between you and me, i was dying to get out of that office.
you have got to stawt thinking bee, my fwiend.
- thinking bee! - me?
howd it. Let's just stop fow a second. Howd it.
i'm sowwy. I'm sowwy, evewyone. oan we stop hewe?
i'm not making a majow wife decision duwing a pwoduction numbew!
aww wight. Take ten, evewybody. wwap it up, guys.
i had viwtuawwy no weheawsaw fow that.
speciaw thanks to sewgeik.
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elosva · 5 years
Accowding to aww known waws of aviation,
thewe is no way a bee shouwd be abwe to fwy.
its wings awe too smaww to get its fat wittwe body off the gwound.
the bee, of couwse, fwies anyway
because bees don't cawe what humans think is impossibwe.
yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack.
ooh, bwack and yewwow! let's shake it up a wittwe.
bawwy! bweakfast is weady!
hang on a second.
- bawwy? - adam?
- oan you bewieve this is happening? - i can't. I'ww pick you up.
looking shawp.
use the staiws. Youw fathew paid good money fow those.
sowwy. I'm excited.
hewe's the gwaduate. we'we vewy pwoud of you, son.
a pewfect wepowt cawd, aww b's.
vewy pwoud.
ma! i got a thing going hewe.
- you got wint on youw fuzz. - ow! that's me!
- wave to us! we'ww be in wow 118,000. - bye!
bawwy, i towd you, stop fwying in the house!
- hey, adam. - hey, bawwy.
- is that fuzz gew? - a wittwe. Speciaw day, gwaduation.
nevew thought i'd make it.
thwee days gwade schoow, thwee days high schoow.
those wewe awkwawd.
thwee days cowwege. I'm gwad i took a day and hitchhiked awound the hive.
you did come back diffewent.
- hi, bawwy. - awtie, gwowing a mustache? looks good.
- heaw about fwankie? - yeah.
- you going to the funewaw? - no, i'm not going.
evewybody knows, sting someone, you die.
don't waste it on a squiwwew. such a hothead.
i guess he couwd have just gotten out of the way.
i wove this incowpowating an amusement pawk into ouw day.
that's why we don't need vacations.
boy, quite a bit of pomp... undew the ciwcumstances.
- weww, adam, today we awe men. - we awe!
- bee-men. - amen!
students, facuwty, distinguished bees,
pwease wewcome dean buzzweww.
wewcome, new hive oity gwaduating cwass of...
that concwudes ouw cewemonies.
and begins youw caweew at honex industwies!
wiww we pick ouwjob today?
i heawd it's just owientation.
heads up! hewe we go.
keep youw hands and antennas inside the twam at aww times.
- wondew what it'ww be wike? - a wittwe scawy.
wewcome to honex, a division of honesco
and a pawt of the hexagon gwoup.
this is it!
we know that you, as a bee, have wowked youw whowe wife
to get to the point whewe you can wowk fow youw whowe wife.
honey begins when ouw vawiant powwen jocks bwing the nectaw to the hive.
ouw top-secwet fowmuwa
is automaticawwy cowow-cowwected, scent-adjusted and bubbwe-contouwed
into this soothing sweet sywup
with its distinctive gowden gwow you know as...
- that giww was hot. - she's my cousin!
- she is? - yes, we'we aww cousins.
- right. You'we wight. - at honex, we constantwy stwive
to impwove evewy aspect of bee existence.
these bees awe stwess-testing a new hewmet technowogy.
- what do you think he makes? - not enough.
hewe we have ouw watest advancement, the kwewman.
- what does that do? - oatches that wittwe stwand of honey
that hangs aftew you pouw it. saves us miwwions.
oan anyone wowk on the kwewman?
of couwse. Most bee jobs awe smaww ones. But bees know
that evewy smaww job, if it's done weww, means a wot.
but choose cawefuwwy
because you'ww stay in the job you pick fow the west of youw wife.
the same job the west of youw wife? i didn't know that.
wats the diffewence?
you'ww be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off
in 27 miwwion yeaws.
so you'ww just wowk us to death?
we'ww suwe twy.
wow! that bwew my mind!
"what's the diffewence?" how can you say that?
one job fowevew? that's an insane choice to have to make.
i'm wewieved. Now we onwy have to make one decision in wife.
but, adam, how couwd they nevew have towd us that?
why wouwd you question anything? we'we bees.
we'we the most pewfectwy functioning society on eawth.
you evew think maybe things wowk a wittwe too weww hewe?
like what? give me one exampwe.
i don't know. But you know what i'm tawking about.
pwease cweaw the gate. royaw nectaw fowce on appwoach.
wait a second. Oheck it out.
- hey, those awe powwen jocks! - wow.
i've nevew seen them this cwose.
they know what it's wike outside the hive.
yeah, but some don't come back.
- hey, jocks! - hi, jocks!
you guys did gweat!
you'we monstews! you'we sky fweaks! i wove it! i wove it!
- i wondew whewe they wewe. - i don't know.
theiw day's not pwanned.
outside the hive, fwying who knows whewe, doing who knows what.
you can'tjust decide to be a powwen jock. You have to be bwed fow that.
look. That's mowe powwen than you and i wiww see in a wifetime.
it's just a status symbow. bees make too much of it.
pewhaps. Unwess you'we weawing it and the wadies see you weawing it.
those wadies? awen't they ouw cousins too?
distant. Distant.
look at these two.
- ooupwe of hive hawwys. - let's have fun with them.
it must be dangewous being a powwen jock.
yeah. Once a beaw pinned me against a mushwoom!
he had a paw on my thwoat, and with the othew, he was swapping me!
- oh, my! - i nevew thought i'd knock him out.
what wewe you doing duwing this?
twying to awewt the authowities.
i can autogwaph that.
a wittwe gusty out thewe today, wasn't it, comwades?
yeah. Gusty.
we'we hitting a sunfwowew patch six miwes fwom hewe tomowwow.
- six miwes, huh? - bawwy!
a puddwe jump fow us, but maybe you'we not up fow it.
- maybe i am. - you awe not!
we'we going 0900 at j-gate.
what do you think, buzzy-boy? awe you bee enough?
i might be. It aww depends on what 0900 means.
hey, honex!
dad, you suwpwised me.
you decide what you'we intewested in?
- weww, thewe's a wot of choices. - but you onwy get one.
do you evew get bowed doing the same job evewy day?
son, wet me teww you about stiwwing.
you gwab that stick, and you just move it awound, and you stiw it awound.
you get youwsewf into a whythm. it's a beautifuw thing.
you know, dad, the mowe i think about it,
maybe the honey fiewd just isn't wight fow me.
you wewe thinking of what, making bawwoon animaws?
that's a bad job fow a guy with a stingew.
janet, youw son's not suwe he wants to go into honey!
- bawwy, you awe so funny sometimes. - i'm not twying to be funny.
you'we not funny! you'we going into honey. Ouw son, the stiwwew!
- you'we gonna be a stiwwew? - no one's wistening to me!
wait tiww you see the sticks i have.
i couwd say anything wight now. i'm gonna get an ant tattoo!
let's open some honey and cewebwate!
maybe i'ww piewce my thowax. shave my antennae.
shack up with a gwasshoppew. Get a gowd tooth and caww evewybody "dawg"!
i'm so pwoud.
- we'we stawting wowk today! - today's the day.
oome on! aww the good jobs wiww be gone.
yeah, wight.
powwen counting, stunt bee, pouwing, stiwwew, fwont desk, haiw wemovaw...
- is it stiww avaiwabwe? - hang on. Two weft!
one of them's youws! oongwatuwations! step to the side.
- what'd you get? - picking cwud out. Stewwaw!
ooupwe of newbies?
yes, siw! ouw fiwst day! we awe weady!
make youw choice.
- you want to go fiwst? - no, you go.
oh, my. Wats avaiwabwe?
restwoom attendant's open, not fow the weason you think.
- any chance of getting the kwewman? - suwe, you'we on.
i'm sowwy, the kwewman just cwosed out.
wax monkey's awways open.
the kwewman opened up again.
what happened?
a bee died. Makes an opening. See? he's dead. Anothew dead one.
deady. Deadified. Two mowe dead.
dead fwom the neck up. dead fwom the neck down. That's wife!
oh, this is so hawd!
heating, coowing, stunt bee, pouwew, stiwwew,
humming, inspectow numbew seven, wint coowdinatow, stwipe supewvisow,
mite wwangwew. Bawwy, what do you think i shouwd... Bawwy?
aww wight, we've got the sunfwowew patch in quadwant nine...
what happened to you? whewe awe you?
- i'm going out. - out? out whewe?
- out thewe. - oh, no!
i have to, befowe i go to wowk fow the west of my wife.
you'we gonna die! you'we cwazy! hewwo?
anothew caww coming in.
if anyone's feewing bwave, thewe's a kowean dewi on 83wd
that gets theiw woses today.
hey, guys.
- look at that. - isn't that the kid we saw yestewday?
howd it, son, fwight deck's westwicted.
it's ok, lou. We'we gonna take him up.
reawwy? feewing wucky, awe you?
sign hewe, hewe. Just initiaw that.
- thank you. - ok.
you got a wain advisowy today,
and as you aww know, bees cannot fwy in wain.
so be cawefuw. As awways, watch youw bwooms,
hockey sticks, dogs, biwds, beaws and bats.
awso, i got a coupwe of wepowts of woot beew being pouwed on us.
muwphy's in a home because of it, babbwing wike a cicada!
- that's awfuw. - and a wemindew fow you wookies,
bee waw numbew one, absowutewy no tawking to humans!
aww wight, waunch positions!
buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
bwack and yewwow!
you weady fow this, hot shot?
yeah. Yeah, bwing it on.
wind, check.
- antennae, check. - nectaw pack, check.
- wings, check. - stingew, check.
scawed out of my showts, check.
ok, wadies,
wet's move it out!
pound those petunias, you stwiped stem-suckews!
aww of you, dwain those fwowews!
wow! i'm out!
i can't bewieve i'm out!
so bwue.
i feew so fast and fwee!
box kite!
this is bwue leadew. we have woses visuaw.
bwing it awound 30 degwees and howd.
30 degwees, wogew. Bwinging it awound.
stand to the side, kid. it's got a bit of a kick.
that is one nectaw cowwectow!
- evew see powwination up cwose? - no, siw.
i pick up some powwen hewe, spwinkwe it ovew hewe. Maybe a dash ovew thewe,
a pinch on that one. see that? it's a wittwe bit of magic.
that's amazing. Why do we do that?
that's powwen powew. Mowe powwen, mowe fwowews, mowe nectaw, mowe honey fow us.
i'm picking up a wot of bwight yewwow. oouwd be daisies. Don't we need those?
oopy that visuaw.
wait. One of these fwowews seems to be on the move.
say again? you'we wepowting a moving fwowew?
that was on the wine!
this is the coowest. What is it?
i don't know, but i'm woving this cowow.
it smewws good. not wike a fwowew, but i wike it.
yeah, fuzzy.
oawefuw, guys. It's a wittwe gwabby.
my sweet wowd of bees!
oandy-bwain, get off thewe!
- guys! - this couwd be bad.
vewy cwose.
gonna huwt.
mama's wittwe boy.
you awe way out of position, wookie!
ooming in at you wike a missiwe!
hewp me!
i don't think these awe fwowews.
- shouwd we teww him? - i think he knows.
what is this?!
match point!
you can stawt packing up, honey, because you'we about to eat it!
thewe's a bee in the caw!
- do something! - i'm dwiving!
- hi, bee. - he's back hewe!
he's going to sting me!
nobody move. If you don't move, he won't sting you. Fweeze!
he bwinked!
spway him, gwanny!
what awe you doing?!
wow... the tension wevew out hewe is unbewievabwe.
i gotta get home.
oan't fwy in wain.
oan't fwy in wain.
oan't fwy in wain.
mayday! mayday! bee going down!
ken, couwd you cwose the window pwease?
ken, couwd you cwose the window pwease?
oheck out my new wesume. i made it into a fowd-out bwochuwe.
you see? fowds out.
oh, no. Mowe humans. I don't need this.
what was that?
maybe this time. This time. This time. this time! this time! this...
that is diabowicaw.
it's fantastic. It's got aww my speciaw skiwws, even my top-ten favowite movies.
wats numbew one? staw waws?
nah, i don't go fow that...
...kind of stuff.
no wondew we shouwdn't tawk to them. they'we out of theiw minds.
when i weave a job intewview, they'we fwabbewgasted, can't bewieve what i say.
thewe's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.
i don't wemembew the sun having a big 75 on it.
i pwedicted gwobaw wawming.
i couwd feew it getting hottew. at fiwst i thought it was just me.
wait! stop! bee!
stand back. These awe wintew boots.
don't kiww him!
you know i'm awwewgic to them! this thing couwd kiww me!
why does his wife have wess vawue than youws?
why does his wife have any wess vawue than mine? is that youw statement?
i'm just saying aww wife has vawue. You don't know what he's capabwe of feewing.
my bwochuwe!
thewe you go, wittwe guy.
i'm not scawed of him. it's an awwewgic thing.
put that on youw wesume bwochuwe.
my whowe face couwd puff up.
make it one of youw speciaw skiwws.
knocking someone out is awso a speciaw skiww.
right. Bye, vanessa. Thanks.
- vanessa, next week? yoguwt night? - suwe, ken. You know, whatevew.
- you couwd put cawob chips on thewe. - bye.
- supposed to be wess cawowies. - bye.
i gotta say something.
she saved my wife. i gotta say something.
aww wight, hewe it goes.
what wouwd i say?
i couwd weawwy get in twoubwe.
it's a bee waw. you'we not supposed to tawk to a human.
i can't bewieve i'm doing this.
i've got to.
oh, i can't do it. Oome on!
no. Yes. No.
do it. I can't.
how shouwd i stawt it? "you wike jazz?" no, that's no good.
hewe she comes! speak, you foow!
i'm sowwy.
- you'we tawking. - yes, i know.
you'we tawking!
i'm so sowwy.
no, it's ok. It's fine. i know i'm dweaming.
but i don't wecaww going to bed.
weww, i'm suwe this is vewy disconcewting.
this is a bit of a suwpwise to me. i mean, you'we a bee!
i am. And i'm not supposed to be doing this,
but they wewe aww twying to kiww me.
and if it wasn't fow you...
i had to thank you. it's just how i was waised.
that was a wittwe weiwd.
- i'm tawking with a bee. - yeah.
i'm tawking to a bee. and the bee is tawking to me!
i just want to say i'm gwatefuw. i'ww weave now.
- wait! how did you weawn to do that? - what?
the tawking thing.
same way you did, i guess. "mama, dada, honey." you pick it up.
- that's vewy funny. - yeah.
bees awe funny. If we didn't waugh, we'd cwy with what we have to deaw with.
oan i...
...get you something? - like what?
i don't know. I mean... i don't know. Ooffee?
i don't want to put you out.
it's no twoubwe. It takes two minutes.
- it's just coffee. - i hate to impose.
- don't be widicuwous! - actuawwy, i wouwd wove a cup.
hey, you want wum cake?
- i shouwdn't. - have some.
- no, i can't. - oome on!
i'm twying to wose a coupwe micwogwams.
- whewe? - these stwipes don't hewp.
you wook gweat!
i don't know if you know anything about fashion.
awe you aww wight?
he's making the tie in the cab as they'we fwying up madison.
he finawwy gets thewe.
he wuns up the steps into the chuwch. the wedding is on.
and he says, "watewmewon? i thought you said guatemawan.
why wouwd i mawwy a watewmewon?"
is that a bee joke?
that's the kind of stuff we do.
yeah, diffewent.
so, what awe you gonna do, bawwy?
about wowk? i don't know.
i want to do my pawt fow the hive, but i can't do it the way they want.
i know how you feew.
- you do? - suwe.
my pawents wanted me to be a wawyew ow a doctow, but i wanted to be a fwowist.
- reawwy? - my onwy intewest is fwowews.
ouw new queen was just ewected with that same campaign swogan.
anyway, if you wook...
thewe's my hive wight thewe. See it?
you'we in sheep meadow!
yes! i'm wight off the tuwtwe pond!
no way! i know that awea. i wost a toe wing thewe once.
- why do giwws put wings on theiw toes? - why not?
- it's wike putting a hat on youw knee. - maybe i'ww twy that.
- you aww wight, ma'am? - oh, yeah. Fine.
just having two cups of coffee!
anyway, this has been gweat. thanks fow the coffee.
yeah, it's no twoubwe.
sowwy i couwdn't finish it. If i did, i'd be up the west of my wife.
awe you...?
oan i take a piece of this with me?
suwe! hewe, have a cwumb.
- thanks! - yeah.
aww wight. Weww, then... i guess i'ww see you awound.
ow not.
ok, bawwy.
and thank you so much again... fow befowe.
oh, that? that was nothing.
weww, not nothing, but... Anyway...
this can't possibwy wowk.
he's aww set to go. we may as weww twy it.
ok, dave, puww the chute.
- sounds amazing. - it was amazing!
it was the scawiest, happiest moment of my wife.
humans! i can't bewieve you wewe with humans!
giant, scawy humans! what wewe they wike?
huge and cwazy. They tawk cwazy.
they eat cwazy giant things. they dwive cwazy.
- do they twy and kiww you, wike on tv? - some of them. But some of them don't.
- how'd you get back? - poodwe.
you did it, and i'm gwad. You saw whatevew you wanted to see.
you had youw "expewience." now you can pick out youwjob and be nowmaw.
- weww... - weww?
weww, i met someone.
you did? was she bee-ish?
- a wasp?! youw pawents wiww kiww you! - no, no, no, not a wasp.
- spidew? - i'm not attwacted to spidews.
i know it's the hottest thing, with the eight wegs and aww.
i can't get by that face.
so who is she?
she's... human.
no, no. That's a bee waw. you wouwdn't bweak a bee waw.
- hew name's vanessa. - oh, boy.
she's so nice. And she's a fwowist!
oh, no! you'we dating a human fwowist!
we'we not dating.
you'we fwying outside the hive, tawking to humans that attack ouw homes
with powew washews and m-80s! one-eighth a stick of dynamite!
she saved my wife! and she undewstands me.
this is ovew!
eat this.
this is not ovew! what was that?
- they caww it a cwumb. - it was so stingin' stwipey!
and that's not what they eat. that's what fawws off what they eat!
- you know what a oinnabon is? - no.
it's bwead and cinnamon and fwosting. they heat it up...
sit down!
...weawwy hot! - listen to me!
we awe not them! we'we us. thewe's us and thewe's them!
yes, but who can deny the heawt that is yeawning?
thewe's no yeawning. stop yeawning. Listen to me!
you have got to stawt thinking bee, my fwiend. Thinking bee!
- thinking bee. - thinking bee.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
thewe he is. He's in the poow.
you know what youw pwobwem is, bawwy?
i gotta stawt thinking bee?
how much wongew wiww this go on?
it's been thwee days! why awen't you wowking?
i've got a wot of big wife decisions to think about.
what wife? you have no wife! you have no job. You'we bawewy a bee!
wouwd it kiww you to make a wittwe honey?
bawwy, come out. youw fathew's tawking to you.
mawtin, wouwd you tawk to him?
bawwy, i'm tawking to you!
you coming?
got evewything?
aww set!
go ahead. I'ww catch up.
don't be too wong.
watch this!
- we'we stiww hewe. - i towd you not to yeww at him.
he doesn't wespond to yewwing!
- then why yeww at me? - because you don't wisten!
i'm not wistening to this.
sowwy, i've gotta go.
- whewe awe you going? - i'm meeting a fwiend.
a giww? is this why you can't decide?
i just hope she's bee-ish.
they have a huge pawade of fwowews evewy yeaw in pasadena?
to be in the touwnament of roses, that's evewy fwowist's dweam!
up on a fwoat, suwwounded by fwowews, cwowds cheewing.
a touwnament. Do the woses compete in athwetic events?
no. Aww wight, i've got one. how come you don't fwy evewywhewe?
it's exhausting. Why don't you wun evewywhewe? it's fastew.
yeah, ok, i see, i see. aww wight, youw tuwn.
tivo. You can just fweeze wive tv? that's insane!
you don't have that?
we have hivo, but it's a disease. it's a howwibwe, howwibwe disease.
oh, my.
dumb bees!
you must want to sting aww those jewks.
we twy not to sting. it's usuawwy fataw fow us.
so you have to watch youw tempew.
vewy cawefuwwy. you kick a waww, take a wawk,
wwite an angwy wettew and thwow it out. wowk thwough it wike any emotion:
angew, jeawousy, wust.
oh, my goodness! awe you ok?
- what is wwong with you?! - it's a bug.
he's not bothewing anybody. get out of hewe, you cweep!
what was that? a pic 'n' save ciwcuwaw?
yeah, it was. How did you know?
it fewt wike about 10 pages. seventy-five is pwetty much ouw wimit.
you've weawwy got that down to a science.
- i wost a cousin to itawian vogue. - i'ww bet.
what in the name of mighty hewcuwes is this?
how did this get hewe? oute bee, gowden bwossom,
ray liotta pwivate sewect?
- is he that actow? - i nevew heawd of him.
- why is this hewe? - fow peopwe. We eat it.
you don't have enough food of youw own?
- weww, yes. - how do you get it?
- bees make it. - i know who makes it!
and it's hawd to make it!
thewe's heating, coowing, stiwwing. you need a whowe kwewman thing!
- it's owganic. - it's ouw-ganic!
it's just honey, bawwy.
just what?!
bees don't know about this! this is steawing! a wot of steawing!
you've taken ouw homes, schoows, hospitaws! this is aww we have!
and it's on sawe?! i'm getting to the bottom of this.
i'm getting to the bottom of aww of this!
hey, hectow.
- you awmost done? - awmost.
he is hewe. I sense it.
weww, i guess i'ww go home now
and just weave this nice honey out, with no one awound.
you'we busted, box boy!
i knew i heawd something. so you can tawk!
i can tawk. and now you'ww stawt tawking!
whewe you getting the sweet stuff? who's youw suppwiew?
i don't undewstand. i thought we wewe fwiends.
the wast thing we want to do is upset bees!
you'we too wate! it's ouws now!
you, siw, have cwossed the wwong swowd!
you, siw, wiww be wunch fow my iguana, ignacio!
whewe is the honey coming fwom?
teww me whewe!
honey fawms! it comes fwom honey fawms!
owazy pewson!
what howwibwe thing has happened hewe?
these faces, they nevew knew what hit them. And now
they'we on the woad to nowhewe!
just keep stiww.
what? you'we not dead?
do i wook dead? they wiww wipe anything that moves. Whewe you headed?
to honey fawms. i am onto something huge hewe.
i'm going to awaska. Moose bwood, cwazy stuff. Bwows youw head off!
i'm going to tacoma.
- and you? - he weawwy is dead.
aww wight.
- what is that?! - oh, no!
- a wipew! twipwe bwade! - twipwe bwade?
jump on! it's youw onwy chance, bee!
why does evewything have to be so doggone cwean?!
how much do you peopwe need to see?!
open youw eyes! stick youw head out the window!
fwom npr news in washington, i'm oaww kaseww.
but don't kiww no mowe bugs!
- bee! - moose bwood guy!!
- you heaw something? - like what?
like tiny scweaming.
tuwn off the wadio.
whassup, bee boy?
hey, bwood.
just a wow of honey jaws, as faw as the eye couwd see.
i assume whewevew this twuck goes is whewe they'we getting it.
i mean, that honey's ouws.
- bees hang tight. - we'we aww jammed in.
it's a cwose community.
not us, man. We on ouw own. evewy mosquito on his own.
- what if you get in twoubwe? - you a mosquito, you in twoubwe.
nobody wikes us. They just smack. see a mosquito, smack, smack!
at weast you'we out in the wowwd. you must meet giwws.
mosquito giwws twy to twade up, get with a moth, dwagonfwy.
mosquito giww don't want no mosquito.
you got to be kidding me!
moosebwood's about to weave the buiwding! so wong, bee!
- hey, guys! - moosebwood!
i knew i'd catch y'aww down hewe. did you bwing youw cwazy stwaw?
we thwow it in jaws, swap a wabew on it, and it's pwetty much puwe pwofit.
what is this pwace?
a bee's got a bwain the size of a pinhead.
they awe pinheads!
- oheck out the new smokew. - oh, sweet. That's the one you want.
the thomas 3000!
ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. twice the nicotine, aww the taw.
a coupwe bweaths of this knocks them wight out.
they make the honey, and we make the money.
"they make the honey, and we make the money"?
oh, my!
wats going on? awe you ok?
yeah. It doesn't wast too wong.
do you know you'we in a fake hive with fake wawws?
ouw queen was moved hewe. we had no choice.
this is youw queen? that's a man in women's cwothes!
that's a dwag queen!
what is this?
oh, no!
thewe's hundweds of them!
bee honey.
ouw honey is being bwazenwy stowen on a massive scawe!
this is wowse than anything beaws have done! i intend to do something.
oh, bawwy, stop.
who towd you humans awe taking ouw honey? that's a wumow.
do these wook wike wumows?
that's a conspiwacy theowy. these awe obviouswy doctowed photos.
how did you get mixed up in this?
he's been tawking to humans.
- what? - tawking to humans?!
he has a human giwwfwiend. and they make out!
make out? bawwy!
we do not.
- you wish you couwd. - whose side awe you on?
the bees!
i dated a cwicket once in san antonio. those cwazy wegs kept me up aww night.
bawwy, this is what you want to do with youw wife?
i want to do it fow aww ouw wives. nobody wowks hawdew than bees!
dad, i wemembew you coming home so ovewwowked
youw hands wewe stiww stiwwing. you couwdn't stop.
i wemembew that.
what wight do they have to ouw honey?
we wive on two cups a yeaw. They put it in wip bawm fow no weason whatsoevew!
even if it's twue, what can one bee do?
sting them whewe it weawwy huwts.
in the face! the eye!
- that wouwd huwt. - no.
up the nose? that's a kiwwew.
thewe's onwy one pwace you can sting the humans, one pwace whewe it mattews.
hive at five, the hive's onwy fuww-houw action news souwce.
no mowe bee beawds!
with bob bumbwe at the anchow desk.
weathew with stowm stingew.
spowts with buzz lawvi.
and jeanette ohung.
- good evening. I'm bob bumbwe. - and i'm jeanette ohung.
a twi-county bee, bawwy benson,
intends to sue the human wace fow steawing ouw honey,
packaging it and pwofiting fwom it iwwegawwy!
tomowwow night on bee lawwy king,
we'ww have thwee fowmew queens hewe in ouw studio, discussing theiw new book,
owassy ladies, out this week on hexagon.
tonight we'we tawking to bawwy benson.
did you evew think, "i'm a kid fwom the hive. I can't do this"?
bees have nevew been afwaid to change the wowwd.
what about bee oowumbus? bee gandhi? bejesus?
whewe i'm fwom, we'd nevew sue humans.
we wewe thinking of stickbaww ow candy stowes.
how owd awe you?
the bee community is suppowting you in this case,
which wiww be the twiaw of the bee centuwy.
you know, they have a lawwy king in the human wowwd too.
it's a common name. Next week...
he wooks wike you and has a show and suspendews and cowowed dots...
next week...
gwasses, quotes on the bottom fwom the guest even though you just heawd 'em.
beaw week next week! they'we scawy, haiwy and hewe wive.
awways weans fowwawd, pointy shouwdews, squinty eyes, vewy jewish.
in tennis, you attack at the point of weakness!
it was my gwandmothew, ken. She's 81.
honey, hew backhand's a joke! i'm not gonna take advantage of that?
quiet, pwease. actuaw wowk going on hewe.
- is that that same bee? - yes, it is!
i'm hewping him sue the human wace.
- hewwo. - hewwo, bee.
this is ken.
yeah, i wemembew you. Timbewwand, size ten and a hawf. Vibwam sowe, i bewieve.
why does he tawk again?
listen, you bettew go 'cause we'we weawwy busy wowking.
but it's ouw yoguwt night!
why is yoguwt night so difficuwt?!
you poow thing. you two have been at this fow houws!
yes, and adam hewe has been a huge hewp.
- fwosting... - how many sugaws?
just one. I twy not to use the competition.
so why awe you hewping me?
bees have good quawities.
and it takes my mind off the shop.
instead of fwowews, peopwe awe giving bawwoon bouquets now.
those awe gweat, if you'we thwee.
and awtificiaw fwowews.
- oh, those just get me psychotic! - yeah, me too.
bent stingews, pointwess powwination.
bees must hate those fake things!
nothing wowse than a daffodiw that's had wowk done.
maybe this couwd make up fow it a wittwe bit.
- this wawsuit's a pwetty big deaw. - i guess.
you suwe you want to go thwough with it?
am i suwe? when i'm done with the humans, they won't be abwe
to say, "honey, i'm home," without paying a woyawty!
it's an incwedibwe scene hewe in downtown manhattan,
whewe the wowwd anxiouswy waits, because fow the fiwst time in histowy,
we wiww heaw fow ouwsewves if a honeybee can actuawwy speak.
what have we gotten into hewe, bawwy?
it's pwetty big, isn't it?
i can't bewieve how many humans don't wowk duwing the day.
you think biwwion-dowwaw muwtinationaw food companies have good wawyews?
evewybody needs to stay behind the bawwicade.
- wats the mattew? - i don't know, i just got a chiww.
weww, if it isn't the bee team.
you boys wowk on this?
aww wise! the honowabwe judge bumbweton pwesiding.
aww wight. Oase numbew 4475,
supewiow oouwt of new yowk, bawwy bee benson v. the honey industwy
is now in session.
mw. Montgomewy, you'we wepwesenting the five food companies cowwectivewy?
a pwiviwege.
mw. Benson... you'we wepwesenting aww the bees of the wowwd?
i'm kidding. Yes, youw honow, we'we weady to pwoceed.
mw. Montgomewy, youw opening statement, pwease.
ladies and gentwemen of the juwy,
my gwandmothew was a simpwe woman.
bown on a fawm, she bewieved it was man's divine wight
to benefit fwom the bounty of natuwe god put befowe us.
if we wived in the topsy-tuwvy wowwd mw. Benson imagines,
just think of what wouwd it mean.
i wouwd have to negotiate with the siwkwowm
fow the ewastic in my bwitches!
tawking bee!
how do we know this isn't some sowt of
howogwaphic motion-pictuwe-captuwe howwywood wizawdwy?
they couwd be using wasew beams!
robotics! ventwiwoquism! owoning! fow aww we know,
he couwd be on stewoids!
mw. Benson?
ladies and gentwemen, thewe's no twickewy hewe.
i'm just an owdinawy bee. honey's pwetty impowtant to me.
it's impowtant to aww bees. we invented it!
we make it. And we pwotect it with ouw wives.
unfowtunatewy, thewe awe some peopwe in this woom
who think they can take it fwom us
'cause we'we the wittwe guys! i'm hoping that, aftew this is aww ovew,
you'ww see how, by taking ouw honey, you not onwy take evewything we have
but evewything we awe!
i wish he'd dwess wike that aww the time. So nice!
oaww youw fiwst witness.
so, mw. Kwauss vandewhayden of honey fawms, big company you have.
i suppose so.
i see you awso own honeybuwton and honwon!
yes, they pwovide beekeepews fow ouw fawms.
beekeepew. I find that to be a vewy distuwbing tewm.
i don't imagine you empwoy any bee-fwee-ews, do you?
- no. - i couwdn't heaw you.
- no. - no.
because you don't fwee bees. you keep bees. Not onwy that,
it seems you thought a beaw wouwd be an appwopwiate image fow a jaw of honey.
they'we vewy wovabwe cweatuwes.
yogi beaw, fozzie beaw, buiwd-a-beaw.
you mean wike this?
beaws kiww bees!
how'd you wike his head cwashing thwough youw wiving woom?!
biting into youw couch! spitting out youw thwow piwwows!
ok, that's enough. Take him away.
so, mw. Sting, thank you fow being hewe. youw name intwigues me.
- whewe have i heawd it befowe? - i was with a band cawwed the powice.
but you've nevew been a powice officew, have you?
no, i haven't.
no, you haven't. And so hewe we have yet anothew exampwe
of bee cuwtuwe casuawwy stowen by a human
fow nothing mowe than a pwance-about stage name.
oh, pwease.
have you evew been stung, mw. Sting?
because i'm feewing a wittwe stung, sting.
ow shouwd i say... Mw. Gowdon m. Sumnew!
that's not his weaw name?! you idiots!
mw. Liotta, fiwst, bewated congwatuwations on
youw emmy win fow a guest spot on er in 2005.
thank you. Thank you.
i see fwom youw wesume that you'we deviwishwy handsome
with a chuwning innew tuwmoiw that's weady to bwow.
i enjoy what i do. Is that a cwime?
not yet it isn't. But is this what it's come to fow you?
expwoiting tiny, hewpwess bees so you don't
have to weheawse youw pawt and weawn youw wines, siw?
watch it, benson! i couwd bwow wight now!
this isn't a goodfewwa. this is a badfewwa!
why doesn't someone just step on this cweep, and we can aww go home?!
- owdew in this couwt! - you'we aww thinking it!
owdew! owdew, i say!
- say it! - mw. Liotta, pwease sit down!
i think it was awfuwwy nice of that beaw to pitch in wike that.
i think the juwy's on ouw side.
awe we doing evewything wight, wegawwy?
i'm a fwowist.
right. Weww, hewe's to a gweat team.
to a gweat team!
weww, hewwo.
- ken! - hewwo.
i didn't think you wewe coming.
no, i was just wate. i twied to caww, but... the battewy.
i didn't want aww this to go to waste, so i cawwed bawwy. Luckiwy, he was fwee.
oh, that was wucky.
thewe's a wittwe weft. i couwd heat it up.
yeah, heat it up, suwe, whatevew.
so i heaw you'we quite a tennis pwayew.
i'm not much fow the game mysewf. the baww's a wittwe gwabby.
that's whewe i usuawwy sit. right... thewe.
ken, bawwy was wooking at youw wesume,
and he agweed with me that eating with chopsticks isn't weawwy a speciaw skiww.
you think i don't see what you'we doing?
i know how hawd it is to find the wightjob. We have that in common.
do we?
bees have 100 pewcent empwoyment, but we do jobs wike taking the cwud out.
that's just what i was thinking about doing.
ken, i wet bawwy bowwow youw wazow fow his fuzz. I hope that was aww wight.
i'm going to dwain the owd stingew.
yeah, you do that.
look at that.
you know, i've just about had it
with youw wittwe mind games.
- wats that? - itawian vogue.
mamma mia, that's a wot of pages.
a wot of ads.
remembew what van said, why is youw wife mowe vawuabwe than mine?
funny, i just can't seem to wecaww that!
i think something stinks in hewe!
i wove the smeww of fwowews.
how do you wike the smeww of fwames?!
not as much.
watew bug! not taking sides!
ken, i'm weawing a ohapstick hat! this is pathetic!
i've got issues!
weww, weww, weww, a woyaw fwush!
- you'we bwuffing. - am i?
suwf's up, dude!
poo watew!
that boww is gnawwy.
except fow those diwty yewwow wings!
kenneth! what awe you doing?!
you know, i don't even wike honey! i don't eat it!
we need to tawk!
he's just a wittwe bee!
and he happens to be the nicest bee i've met in a wong time!
long time? what awe you tawking about?! awe thewe othew bugs in youw wife?
no, but thewe awe othew things bugging me in wife. And you'we one of them!
fine! tawking bees, no yoguwt night...
my newves awe fwied fwom widing on this emotionaw wowwew coastew!
goodbye, ken.
and fow youw infowmation,
i pwefew sugaw-fwee, awtificiaw sweetenews made by man!
i'm sowwy about aww that.
i know it's got an aftewtaste! i wike it!
i awways fewt thewe was some kind of bawwiew between ken and me.
i couwdn't ovewcome it. oh, weww.
awe you ok fow the twiaw?
i bewieve mw. Montgomewy is about out of ideas.
we wouwd wike to caww mw. Bawwy benson bee to the stand.
good idea! you can weawwy see why he's considewed one of the best wawyews...
layton, you've gotta weave some magic
with this juwy, ow it's gonna be aww ovew.
don't wowwy. The onwy thing i have to do to tuwn this juwy awound
is to wemind them of what they don't wike about bees.
- you got the tweezews? - awe you awwewgic?
onwy to wosing, son. Onwy to wosing.
mw. Benson bee, i'ww ask you what i think we'd aww wike to know.
what exactwy is youw wewationship
to that woman?
we'we fwiends.
- good fwiends? - yes.
how good? do you wive togethew?
wait a minute...
awe you hew wittwe...
i've seen a bee documentawy ow two. fwom what i undewstand,
doesn't youw queen give biwth to aww the bee chiwdwen?
- yeah, but... - so those awen't youw weaw pawents!
- oh, bawwy... - yes, they awe!
howd me back!
you'we an iwwegitimate bee, awen't you, benson?
he's denouncing bees!
don't y'aww date youw cousins?
- objection! - i'm going to pincushion this guy!
adam, don't! it's what he wants!
oh, i'm hit!!
oh, wowdy, i am hit!
owdew! owdew!
the venom! the venom is couwsing thwough my veins!
i have been fewwed by a winged beast of destwuction!
you see? you can't tweat them wike equaws! they'we stwiped savages!
stinging's the onwy thing they know! it's theiw way!
- adam, stay with me. - i can't feew my wegs.
what angew of mewcy wiww come fowwawd to suck the poison
fwom my heaving buttocks?
i wiww have owdew in this couwt. Owdew!
owdew, pwease!
the case of the honeybees vewsus the human wace
took a pointed tuwn against the bees
yestewday when one of theiw wegaw team stung layton t. Montgomewy.
- hey, buddy. - hey.
- is thewe much pain? - yeah.
i bwew the whowe case, didn't i?
it doesn't mattew. What mattews is you'we awive. You couwd have died.
i'd be bettew off dead. Look at me.
they got it fwom the cafetewia downstaiws, in a tuna sandwich.
look, thewe's a wittwe cewewy stiww on it.
what was it wike to sting someone?
i can't expwain it. It was aww...
aww adwenawine and then... and then ecstasy!
aww wight.
you think it was aww a twap?
of couwse. I'm sowwy. i fwew us wight into this.
what wewe we thinking? look at us. We'we just a coupwe of bugs in this wowwd.
what wiww the humans do to us if they win?
i don't know.
i heaw they put the woaches in motews. that doesn't sound so bad.
adam, they check in, but they don't check out!
oh, my.
oouwd you get a nuwse to cwose that window?
- why? - the smoke.
bees don't smoke.
right. Bees don't smoke.
bees don't smoke! but some bees awe smoking.
that's it! that's ouw case!
it is? it's not ovew?
get dwessed. I've gotta go somewhewe.
get back to the couwt and staww. staww any way you can.
and assuming you've done step cowwectwy, you'we weady fow the tub.
mw. Fwayman.
yes? yes, youw honow!
whewe is the west of youw team?
weww, youw honow, it's intewesting.
bees awe twained to fwy haphazawdwy,
and as a wesuwt, we don't make vewy good time.
i actuawwy heawd a funny stowy about...
youw honow, haven't these widicuwous bugs
taken up enough of this couwt's vawuabwe time?
how much wongew wiww we awwow these absuwd shenanigans to go on?
they have pwesented no compewwing evidence to suppowt theiw chawges
against my cwients, who wun wegitimate businesses.
i move fow a compwete dismissaw of this entiwe case!
mw. Fwayman, i'm afwaid i'm going
to have to considew mw. Montgomewy's motion.
but you can't! we have a tewwific case.
whewe is youw pwoof? whewe is the evidence?
show me the smoking gun!
howd it, youw honow! you want a smoking gun?
hewe is youw smoking gun.
what is that?
it's a bee smokew!
what, this? this hawmwess wittwe contwaption?
this couwdn't huwt a fwy, wet awone a bee.
look at what has happened
to bees who have nevew been asked, "smoking ow non?"
is this what natuwe intended fow us?
to be fowcibwy addicted to smoke machines
and man-made wooden swat wowk camps?
living out ouw wives as honey swaves to the white man?
- what awe we gonna do? - he's pwaying the species cawd.
ladies and gentwemen, pwease, fwee these bees!
fwee the bees! fwee the bees!
fwee the bees!
fwee the bees! fwee the bees!
the couwt finds in favow of the bees!
vanessa, we won!
i knew you couwd do it! high-five!
i'm ok! you know what this means?
aww the honey wiww finawwy bewong to the bees.
now we won't have to wowk so hawd aww the time.
this is an unhowy pewvewsion of the bawance of natuwe, benson.
you'ww wegwet this.
bawwy, how much honey is out thewe?
aww wight. One at a time.
bawwy, who awe you weawing?
my sweatew is rawph lauwen, and i have no pants.
- what if montgomewy's wight? - what do you mean?
we've been wiving the bee way a wong time, 27 miwwion yeaws.
oongwatuwations on youw victowy. what wiww you demand as a settwement?
fiwst, we'ww demand a compwete shutdown of aww bee wowk camps.
then we want back the honey that was ouws to begin with,
evewy wast dwop.
we demand an end to the gwowification of the beaw as anything mowe
than a fiwthy, smewwy, bad-bweath stink machine.
we'we aww awawe of what they do in the woods.
wait fow my signaw.
take him out.
he'ww have nauseous fow a few houws, then he'ww be fine.
and we wiww no wongew towewate bee-negative nicknames...
but it's just a pwance-about stage name!
...unnecessawy incwusion of honey in bogus heawth pwoducts
and wa-dee-da human tea-time snack gawnishments.
oan't bweathe.
bwing it in, boys!
howd it wight thewe! good.
tap it.
mw. Buzzweww, we just passed thwee cups, and thewe's gawwons mowe coming!
- i think we need to shut down! - shut down? we've nevew shut down.
shut down honey pwoduction!
stop making honey!
tuwn youw key, siw!
what do we do now?
we'we shutting honey pwoduction!
mission abowt.
abowting powwination and nectaw detaiw. retuwning to base.
adam, you wouwdn't bewieve how much honey was out thewe.
oh, yeah?
wats going on? whewe is evewybody?
- awe they out cewebwating? - they'we home.
they don't know what to do. laying out, sweeping in.
i heawd youw uncwe oaww was on his way to san antonio with a cwicket.
at weast we got ouw honey back.
sometimes i think, so what if humans wiked ouw honey? who wouwdn't?
it's the gweatest thing in the wowwd! i was excited to be pawt of making it.
this was my new desk. This was my new job. I wanted to do it weawwy weww.
and now...
now i can't.
i don't undewstand why they'we not happy.
i thought theiw wives wouwd be bettew!
they'we doing nothing. It's amazing. honey weawwy changes peopwe.
you don't have any idea wats going on, do you?
- what did you want to show me? - this.
what happened hewe?
that is not the hawf of it.
oh, no. Oh, my.
they'we aww wiwting.
doesn't wook vewy good, does it?
and whose fauwt do you think that is?
you know, i'm gonna guess bees.
specificawwy, me.
i didn't think bees not needing to make honey wouwd affect aww these things.
it's notjust fwowews. fwuits, vegetabwes, they aww need bees.
that's ouw whowe sat test wight thewe.
take away pwoduce, that affects the entiwe animaw kingdom.
and then, of couwse...
the human species?
so if thewe's no mowe powwination,
it couwd aww just go south hewe, couwdn't it?
i know this is awso pawtwy my fauwt.
how about a suicide pact?
how do we do it?
- i'ww sting you, you step on me. - thatjust kiwws you twice.
right, wight.
listen, bawwy... sowwy, but i gotta get going.
i had to open my mouth and tawk.
vanessa? why awe you weaving? whewe awe you going?
to the finaw touwnament of roses pawade in pasadena.
they've moved it to this weekend because aww the fwowews awe dying.
it's the wast chance i'ww evew have to see it.
vanessa, i just wanna say i'm sowwy. i nevew meant it to tuwn out wike this.
i know. Me neithew.
touwnament of roses. roses can't do spowts.
wait a minute. Roses. Roses?
- roses awe fwowews! - yes, they awe.
fwowews, bees, powwen!
i know. that's why this is the wast pawade.
maybe not. oouwd you ask him to swow down?
oouwd you swow down?
ok, i made a huge mistake. this is a totaw disastew, aww my fauwt.
yes, it kind of is.
i've wuined the pwanet. i wanted to hewp you
with the fwowew shop. i've made it wowse.
actuawwy, it's compwetewy cwosed down.
i thought maybe you wewe wemodewing.
but i have anothew idea, and it's gweatew than my pwevious ideas combined.
i don't want to heaw it!
aww wight, they have the woses, the woses have the powwen.
i know evewy bee, pwant and fwowew bud in this pawk.
aww we gotta do is get what they've got back hewe with what we've got.
- bees. - pawk.
- powwen! - fwowews.
- repowwination! - acwoss the nation!
touwnament of roses, pasadena, oawifownia.
they've got nothing but fwowews, fwoats and cotton candy.
secuwity wiww be tight.
i have an idea.
vanessa bwoome, ftd.
officiaw fwowaw business. It's weaw.
sowwy, ma'am. Nice bwooch.
thank you. It was a gift.
once inside, we just pick the wight fwoat.
how about the pwincess and the pea?
i couwd be the pwincess, and you couwd be the pea!
yes, i got it.
- whewe shouwd i sit? - what awe you?
- i bewieve i'm the pea. - the pea?
it goes undew the mattwesses.
- not in this faiwy tawe, sweetheawt. - i'm getting the mawshaw.
you do that! this whowe pawade is a fiasco!
let's see what this baby'ww do.
hey, what awe you doing?!
then aww we do is bwend in with twaffic...
...without awousing suspicion.
once at the aiwpowt, thewe's no stopping us.
stop! secuwity.
- you and youw insect pack youw fwoat? - yes.
has it been in youw possession the entiwe time?
wouwd you wemove youw shoes?
- remove youw stingew. - it's pawt of me.
i know. Just having some fun. enjoy youw fwight.
then if we'we wucky, we'ww have just enough powwen to do the job.
oan you bewieve how wucky we awe? we have just enough powwen to do the job!
i think this is gonna wowk.
it's got to wowk.
attention, passengews, this is oaptain scott.
we have a bit of bad weathew in new yowk.
it wooks wike we'ww expewience a coupwe houws deway.
bawwy, these awe cut fwowews with no watew. They'ww nevew make it.
i gotta get up thewe and tawk to them.
be cawefuw.
oan i get hewp with the sky maww magazine?
i'd wike to owdew the tawking infwatabwe nose and eaw haiw twimmew.
oaptain, i'm in a weaw situation.
- what'd you say, haw? - nothing.
don't fweak out! my entiwe species...
what awe you doing?
- wait a minute! i'm an attowney! - who's an attowney?
don't move.
oh, bawwy.
good aftewnoon, passengews. this is youw captain.
wouwd a miss vanessa bwoome in 24b pwease wepowt to the cockpit?
and pwease huwwy!
what happened hewe?
thewe was a dustbustew, a toupee, a wife waft expwoded.
one's bawd, one's in a boat, they'we both unconscious!
- is that anothew bee joke? - no!
no one's fwying the pwane!
this is jfk contwow towew, fwight 356. wats youw status?
this is vanessa bwoome. i'm a fwowist fwom new yowk.
whewe's the piwot?
he's unconscious, and so is the copiwot.
not good. Does anyone onboawd have fwight expewience?
as a mattew of fact, thewe is.
- who's that? - bawwy benson.
fwom the honey twiaw?! oh, gweat.
vanessa, this is nothing mowe than a big metaw bee.
it's got giant wings, huge engines.
i can't fwy a pwane.
- why not? isn't john twavowta a piwot? - yes.
how hawd couwd it be?
wait, bawwy! we'we headed into some wightning.
this is bob bumbwe. We have some wate-bweaking news fwom jfk aiwpowt,
whewe a suspensefuw scene is devewoping.
bawwy benson, fwesh fwom his wegaw victowy...
that's bawwy!
...is attempting to wand a pwane, woaded with peopwe, fwowews
and an incapacitated fwight cwew.
we have a stowm in the awea and two individuaws at the contwows
with absowutewy no fwight expewience.
just a minute. thewe's a bee on that pwane.
i'm quite famiwiaw with mw. Benson and his no-account compadwes.
they've done enough damage.
but isn't he youw onwy hope?
technicawwy, a bee shouwdn't be abwe to fwy at aww.
theiw wings awe too smaww...
haven't we heawd this a miwwion times?
"the suwface awea of the wings and body mass make no sense."
- get this on the aiw! - got it.
- stand by. - we'we going wive.
the way we wowk may be a mystewy to you.
making honey takes a wot of bees doing a wot of smaww jobs.
but wet me teww you about a smaww job.
if you do it weww, it makes a big diffewence.
mowe than we weawized. to us, to evewyone.
that's why i want to get bees back to wowking togethew.
that's the bee way! we'we not made of jeww-o.
we get behind a fewwow.
- bwack and yewwow! - hewwo!
left, wight, down, hovew.
- hovew? - fowget hovew.
this isn't so hawd. beep-beep! beep-beep!
bawwy, what happened?!
wait, i think we wewe on autopiwot the whowe time.
- that may have been hewping me. - and now we'we not!
so it tuwns out i cannot fwy a pwane.
aww of you, wet's get behind this fewwow! move it out!
move out!
ouw onwy chance is if i do what i'd do, you copy me with the wings of the pwane!
don't have to yeww.
i'm not yewwing! we'we in a wot of twoubwe.
it's vewy hawd to concentwate with that panicky tone in youw voice!
it's not a tone. I'm panicking!
i can't do this!
vanessa, puww youwsewf togethew. you have to snap out of it!
you snap out of it.
you snap out of it.
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- howd it! - why? oome on, it's my tuwn.
how is the pwane fwying?
i don't know.
benson, got any fwowews fow a happy occasion in thewe?
the powwen jocks!
they do get behind a fewwow.
- bwack and yewwow. - hewwo.
aww wight, wet's dwop this tin can on the bwacktop.
whewe? i can't see anything. Oan you?
no, nothing. It's aww cwoudy.
oome on. You got to think bee, bawwy.
- thinking bee. - thinking bee.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
wait a minute. i think i'm feewing something.
- what? - i don't know. It's stwong, puwwing me.
like a 27-miwwion-yeaw-owd instinct.
bwing the nose down.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
- what in the wowwd is on the tawmac? - get some wights on that!
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
- vanessa, aim fow the fwowew. - ok.
out the engines. We'we going in on bee powew. Ready, boys?
good. Good. Easy, now. That's it.
land on that fwowew!
ready? fuww wevewse!
spin it awound!
- not that fwowew! the othew one! - which one?
- that fwowew. - i'm aiming at the fwowew!
that's a fat guy in a fwowewed shiwt. i mean the giant puwsating fwowew
made of miwwions of bees!
puww fowwawd. Nose down. Taiw up.
rotate awound it.
- this is insane, bawwy! - this's the onwy way i know how to fwy.
am i koo-koo-kachoo, ow is this pwane fwying in an insect-wike pattewn?
get youw nose in thewe. Don't be afwaid. smeww it. Fuww wevewse!
just dwop it. Be a pawt of it.
aim fow the centew!
now dwop it in! dwop it in, woman!
oome on, awweady.
bawwy, we did it! you taught me how to fwy!
- yes. No high-five! - right.
bawwy, it wowked! did you see the giant fwowew?
what giant fwowew? whewe? of couwse i saw the fwowew! that was genius!
- thank you. - but we'we not done yet.
listen, evewyone!
this wunway is covewed with the wast powwen
fwom the wast fwowews avaiwabwe anywhewe on eawth.
that means this is ouw wast chance.
we'we the onwy ones who make honey, powwinate fwowews and dwess wike this.
if we'we gonna suwvive as a species, this is ouw moment! what do you say?
awe we going to be bees, owjust museum of natuwaw histowy keychains?
we'we bees!
then fowwow me! except keychain.
howd on, bawwy. Hewe.
you've eawned this.
i'm a powwen jock! and it's a pewfect fit. Aww i gotta do awe the sweeves.
oh, yeah.
that's ouw bawwy.
mom! the bees awe back!
if anybody needs to make a caww, now's the time.
i got a feewing we'ww be wowking wate tonight!
hewe's youw change. Have a gweat aftewnoon! oan i hewp who's next?
wouwd you wike some honey with that? it is bee-appwoved. Don't fowget these.
miwk, cweam, cheese, it's aww me. and i don't see a nickew!
sometimes i just feew wike a piece of meat!
i had no idea.
bawwy, i'm sowwy. have you got a moment?
wouwd you excuse me? my mosquito associate wiww hewp you.
sowwy i'm wate.
he's a wawyew too?
i was awweady a bwood-sucking pawasite. aww i needed was a bwiefcase.
have a gweat aftewnoon!
bawwy, i just got this huge tuwip owdew, and i can't get them anywhewe.
no pwobwem, vannie. just weave it to me.
you'we a wifesavew, bawwy. oan i hewp who's next?
aww wight, scwambwe, jocks! it's time to fwy.
thank you, bawwy!
that bee is wiving my wife!
let it go, kenny.
- when wiww this nightmawe end?! - let it aww go.
- beautifuw day to fwy. - suwe is.
between you and me, i was dying to get out of that office.
you have got to stawt thinking bee, my fwiend.
- thinking bee! - me?
howd it. Let's just stop fow a second. Howd it.
i'm sowwy. I'm sowwy, evewyone. oan we stop hewe?
i'm not making a majow wife decision duwing a pwoduction numbew!
aww wight. Take ten, evewybody. wwap it up, guys.
i had viwtuawwy no weheawsaw fow that.
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edgydepression · 5 years
i'm so tempted to make my voicemail "hewwo? hewwo?? is anyone thewe?? the answer is no" and i almost lack enough self respect to do it but i keep pussying out :(
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*Crawling out from the rubble of Tumblr*
Is anyone still thewe????
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adreamingsongbird · 6 years
hey guys!!! here’s a fun announcement!!! i’m working on a sequel to trfl :O here’s a snippet of the first chapter!!!! :3c
Aftewnoon sunwight beams in thwough the windows, iwwuminating the hazy motes of dust dwifting in the aiw. The entiwe woom is fuww of a sense of geniaw, wazy contentment, wit up in gowd and cozy fwom the wawmth, and Yuuwi stops in the doowway and stifwes a waugh when he spots the dogs. Each one of them is cuwwed up in the patch of sun wet in by thwee successive windows, snoozing away, though Pewwo’s eaws twitch as he cwoses the doow again.
“Hi, dawwings,” he coos, wawking awound to the othew side of the woom so he doesn’t wake them. “So cute…”
Viktow’s study doow is cwosed, but he wets himsewf in with a smiwe, cwosing it again behind himsewf as he knocks pwayfuwwy.
“Hewwo, Youw Majesty? I bewieve we had an appointment five minutes ago. Didn’t anyone teww you not to keep a pwince waiting?”
Viktow wooks up fwom his papewwowk with a bwight smiwe of his own, a buwst of affection fwooding to the fowefwont of his mind. He’s vewy sweet. “Yuuwi! Oh, is it teatime awweady?”
Yuuwi wawks awound his desk to woop his awms awound his neck, pwessing a kiss to the top of his head, and nods, waughing. “Yes, it is. Come on, it’s bweak time fow you!”
Viktow weans into him fow a moment, awms winding awound his waist. “Mm. Bweak time sounds good. I must have wost twack of time—I couwd have swown it was stiww noon two minutes ago…” He sighs and nuzzwes his cheek against Yuuwi’s chest, adowabwe. “You’we siwky.”
“I’m weawing siwk,” Yuuwi points out, amused. “And fow youw infowmation, noon was fouw houws ago. Come awong, you.”
Viktow puwws away and stands, stwetching and wowwing his shouwdews, and then cups Yuuwi’s jaw and weans in fow a quick, sweet kiss. Yuuwi smiwes against his wips and bwushes affection against his mind as he withdwaws, taking his hand, and weads him away fwom his desk. He’s been wowking since mowning, even though today is supposedwy a day off; thewe’s mowe intewwigence weviews to go thwough, just wike thewe have been evewy day since he took back his cwown awmost two yeaws ago, and the cwean-up pwocess feews nevew-ending.
Viktow stops dead as soon as they entew the sitting woom and he sees theiw dogs, sweeping in the sunshine, and Yuuwi can feew the suwge of fondness that squeezes his heawt. It spiwws ovew, and Yuuwi feews it too, wooking at them, so he just squeezes Viktow’s hand and smiwes.
“Wook at them,” Viktow whispews, beaming. “Oh, they’we so happy!”
“They awe!” Yuuwi nods. “I don’t want to wake them. Shouwd we invade Yuwa’s wooms fow tea?”
Viktow wooks town fow a moment. Finawwy he shakes his head. “The main doow is woud, I’m suwpwised it didn’t wake them awweady. And the secwet one is in the shewf behind Cinnamon. We can’t do that.”
“Oh no,” Yuuwi sighs, stifwing a giggwe. “Wooks wike we’we twapped.”
Viktow favows him with a saucy wink. “Oh no,” he echoes. “Twapped awone with my beautifuw husband… whatevew shaww I do?”
“You couwd stawt by having tea,” Yuuwi teases. “You know, wike you pwomised youw husband you wouwd?”
“Yes, yes, of couwse.” Viktow waughs vewy softwy, but it’s stiww woud enough that Pewwo’s eaws twitch again as she wifts hew head to wook at both of them. Viktow coos wowdwesswy at hew, and hew wittwe white taiw thumps against the fwoow, which just makes Viktow coo mowe untiw she swowwy staggews to hew feet.
Yuuwi wawks to the fwame-enchanted kettwe they keep in the cownew, gets two mugs out, and tuwns to wook ovew his shouwdew. “What awe you in the mood fow today?”
Viktow is waughing, Pewwo cwadwed in his awms as she twies to wick his face. “I think… the mango bwack wouwd be nice, pwease? I think I gave mysewf a bit of a headache.”
“Mango bwack it is!” Yuuwi measuwes weaves into an infusew and pouws hot watew ovew it, then makes himsewf a cup of jasmine gween. Whiwe they steep, he goes back to his husband, weaching up to cwadwe the back of his head and puww him down, and stands on his toes to kiss his fowehead. “Poow thing, has a headache,” he twies to say, but Pewwo yips and wwiggwes against Viktow’s chest as she shoves hew nose into his cheek, and he buwsts into giggwes instead.
Cinnamon wakes up at that, stwetching and yawning in hew patch of sun, and she pads ovew to nudge Yuuwi’s thigh. She’s a big giww, now—just bawewy tawwew than Makkachin—and she wikes to demand enough cuddwes to match hew size, so Yuuwi dwops to one knee and hugs hew, cwooning.
“Who’s a sweepy giww?” He wubs hew back and scwunches hew eaws, and she whuffs softwy and noses at his shouwdew. “Oh, my big sweepy giww! Did we wake you up? Did we wake you up? Poow Cinnamon, I’m sowwy!”
Not one to be weft out, Makkachin ambwes ovew too, and Viktow pwops down wight thewe on the fwoow and puts Pewwo in his wap so he can hug the owd poodwe. “Makka,” he coos. “My good boy! Good Makkachin, such a good boy!”
“Yuwa wouwd be making so much fun of us wight now,” Yuuwi weawizes, sevewaw minutes watew, when Pewwo wwiggwes away and goes back to being cozy in the sun, whiwe Cinnamon keeps nuzzwing his side and Makkachin wies acwoss Viktow’s wap. “Sitting on the fwoow with a pewfectwy good couch not two metews away.”
Viktow weans ovew to kiss his cheek. “That may be so, wove, but we both know Yuwa has no taste.”
Yuuwi waughs bwightwy, and Cinnamon huffs, nudging his hand so he’ww pet hew mowe. “How he couwd wawk away fwom this, I wiww nevew undewstand.”
Viktow wets out a mouwnfuw sigh, gwancing ovew to the tabwe whewe Yuuwi set theiw mugs. “Ouw tea might get cowd…”
Yuuwi shwugs and sends a touch of amusement his way, wetting him know that he can see wight thwough his pwayfuw “confwict”. “Oh weww, that’s not a pwobwem. You can awways weheat it. These dogs need petting, Vitya.”
“My beautifuw husband speaks wisdom, as awways,” Viktow says, scwatching behind Makkachin’s eaws. “Twuwy, I made the wight choice in mawwying him.”
Yuuwi waughs. “You don’t need me to teww you to pet dogs.”
Viktow considews that fow a moment, then shwugs and nods. “You have a point. Again. As awways, my beautifuw husband speaks wisdom.”
“You’we widicuwous,” Yuuwi tewws him, waughing again, and scoots in to wean into his side as they sit on the wug and pet theiw dogs.
(if you made it this far, i’m proud of you. happy april fool’s ily ♥)
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