#Hayden come home the kids miss u
anakinniesluv · 3 months
I admit it I’m not ok. The hair. The look. The clothes. Oh my gosh. It’s all over the screen.
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darkeralmond · 4 months
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october series
synopsis: while hayden’s home alone, trevor decides to stop by and things get a lil… wild?
warnings: semi smut, making out, that kinda stuff
word count: 2.7k
a/n: SUPRISE!! GUESS WHOS GIVING U A CHAPTER EARLY!! anyways the spice is here w/o the ACTUAL smut (but be on the lookout for sure)
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In the past year of living with my friends, this was the first time in a while I had the house to myself. It was the one night that Mal, Alex, and Wes all had individual plans and I did not. I watched Trevor’s hockey game last night and he played well, but since there’s no game tonight I had nothing else to do.
I sat in the living room with my songbook and my keyboard. I just hit random keys on the keyboard and prayed that something would come to me. I played a note and sang out, ”I…want you to know.” I couldn’t come up with anything after that, so I just wrote that down in the songbook and resumed. I repeated the same lyric over and over, trying different keys.
My process was interrupted by knocking at the front door. I whipped my head in the direction of the door and noticed that I had completely missed Trevor’s texts from a while ago. “Shit,” I muttered as I grabbed my phone and checked the texts, making my way up to the door.
Trevor had texted me saying he was gonna head over today with some food after practice. I hadn’t realized my notifications were silenced. I opened the front door and there stood Trevor with two paper bags and a bright smile. “I brought food over to help you write!” he exclaimed as he held the two bags up.
I let out a faint giggle before I moved out of the way and let him in. “Thanks,” I said as I shut the door when he entered and followed him into the kitchen. “I didn’t see your texts, my notifications were silent.” It was obvious I hadn’t either. I was wearing my pajamas and my hair was a mess along with the apartment. “Sorry for the mess. I didn’t expect company.”
He placed the bags down on the kitchen island and replied, “Oh, my apartment is much worse. I live with 2 other guys, mind you.” He pulled out a couple of take-out boxes and looked inside one before handing it over to me. “I got you a BLT from Gigi’s down the road.”
I smiled as I took and box and looked at the sandwich. I haven’t had Gigi’s in forever. “Thanks,” I said as I brought my food over to the dining table and sat down. “I thought you would’ve been out partying after your win yesterday.” I then took a bite of my sandwich.
He chuckled, “Nah, we did that yesterday.” He grabbed his own box and brought it over to the table as well, sitting next to me. “I just joined them in going to Gigi’s for a bit, but I got food to go and came over here.”
I nodded my head and hummed. “How did you know which apartment was mine?” I asked him before taking a fry and eating it.
“Mal told me,” he answered before taking a bite of his sandwich. “She said that you were home alone and needed a babysitter.”
I gasped, fake offended but also kind of shocked Mal had texted him that. First off, didn’t know they were in contact, and second, she treated me like a kid just like Alex does. Whatever, this is for another day. I just brushed it off and said, “I appreciate the food. You want anything to drink?”
“Let me see what you guys have,” he answered. I got up from my chair and made my way over to the fridge, Trevor following close behind me. I opened the fridge and looked at the drink options. I could feel his presence from behind me as he peered over my shoulder. I moved out of the way so he could grab whatever he wanted. He then grabbed himself a bottle of Coke before looking up at me. “What do you want?”
He leaned against the fridge with one hand as he looked down at me, an alluring grin on his face. I felt my face flush with heat as I answered, “Uh, I’ll have a Dr. Pepper.” He grabbed the drink for me and held it out, grabbing himself one as well. “Thanks!” I made my way back to the table and sat down.
Trevor chuckled a bit as he sat back down at the table. “You got anything new?” he asked before snagging one of my fries. “Even though I’m not allowed to know.”
“Well, no,” I answered. “I was working on something, but you interrupted me and my writing process!” He gasped, throwing his hand over his heart. I laughed in response and took another fry, taking a bite. “But, I could play something I wrote in high school…”
A smile grew on Trevor’s face as he said, “Yes, please! I want to hear anything!” His desperation made me laugh, I didn’t think it was that serious, but it was to him. We finished eating shortly after that and I grabbed my keyboard and songbook from the living room floor and walked back to my room.
“Follow me,” I said. He threw his trash away and chased after me with his drink. I placed everything on the ground and gestured to Trevor all the songbooks lined up on my bookshelf. “Pick one.” He hummed as he bent down and dragged his finger along the bindings of the songbooks. He snagged one randomly and held it up to me. It was from sophomore year when my parents got divorced.
I knew a lot of the content would be depressing, but I knew there were some songs that were love songs. I flipped through the pages, passing every uninteresting or depressing one until I landed on ’Halley’s Comet’. “Alright, I semi-remember how to play this,” I giggled as I sat down in front of the keyboard. “So bare with me.”
Trevor sat next to me, scooting close to me so there was no space between us. This caused my cheeks to flush a faint red color. I looked down at the keyboard and then up at the journal, seeing what chords I wrote down. I was hesitant to play since I was reading this again after years. I played the beginning of the song, my fingers gaining their muscle memory back for the song. “I don't want it… and I don't want to want you,” I sang, “but in my dreams, I seem to be more honest, and I must admit you’ve been in quite a few.”
I wrote Halley’s Comet when I had first started seeing James, but not dating him, and how I was slowly starting to fall for him harder than I wanted to. The reason I was so stubborn about falling in love was because of my dad and my mom’s divorce and how heartbroken it left her. I wasn’t even aware of the fact I was singing a song I had written for James when I had Trevor next to me, admiring every lyric I sang and every chord I played.
“Halley’s comet,” I sang, “comes around more often than I do… but you’re all it takes for me to break a promise, silly me to fall in love with you.” I felt the smile on my face grow when I glanced over at Trevor, the look of awe on his face was adorable. His eyes were focused on my hands as I played the keyboard and he was slack-jawed. “I was good at feeling nothin’, now I’m hopeless… What a drag to love you like I do.”
My fingers effortlessly played the instrumental break, causing his eyes to go wide. I cracked another small smile and fought back the laugh that hung in my throat. After impressing him with the piano break, I sang the outro of the song, “I’m sitting in my room, haven’t slept in a week or two… I think I might’ve fallen in love.” I looked back up at Trevor, whose glimmering eyes I met. “What am I to do…?” I played the last chord and listened as the newfound silence rang in the air.
Trevor glanced down at the piano and then back up at me. He was speechless, scoffing as he tried to come up with anything to say. “Hayden,” he whispered, “that was beautiful… I want that on the album.” He brought his hand up to my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb. If I wasn’t mistaken, I was falling in love again.
“You do…?” These were the only words that could come from my mouth, as the tension in the air suffocated me. I felt like my life had been going a downward spiral, but how was he able to change that? How was one interview the thing that changed that?
“Yeah,” Trevor husked, “I do, Hay…” His voice trailed, leaving us in the silent tense air once again. There was a flame already ignited, but this… this was the fuel to the fire. I gazed at his eyes before flickering my attention down to his lips. He leaned in, closing the space between us, and gave me a small peck on the lips.
This was his way of testing the waters to see what I would do. Before I knew it, I lost control over my body and impulsively crushed my mouth against his. Trevor’s hands didn’t skip a beat to sink into my hair from the nape of my neck, grasping to it tightly but not to the point of pain. My hand rested on the side of his neck, the other rested on his chest. His hands traveled down to my waist, pulling my body onto his lap.
Trevor pulled away, staring up at me while his chest heaved with his deep breaths. I assumed he was using this as a break to catch his breath like I was using it, but he had other intentions. Before I could say anything about the kiss and how exhilarating it was, he buried his face into the crook of my neck and began nibbling at it. My eyes widened and my face went red.
My mind was so clouded with arousal, that I wasn’t able to pinpoint a single of my thoughts that buzzed throughout my head. The only way I could signal to Trevor that I was enjoying myself was by letting out a quiet moan and gripping his curls. I could feel his body shake as he chuckled. Jackass, I thought. I would’ve had a snarky comment in return if he hadn’t bit the sensitive part of my neck. A whimper escaped my mouth, leaving me shocked that I could even produce a sound like that.
My head spun as my body temperature rose, leaving me scorching hot. My breaths were hitched and heavy, my knuckles growing white with how tight I held onto his hair. “Trevor,” I finally managed to whisper. I could tell there were now dark marks on the right side of my neck that belonged to him.
I shouldn’t have left my door open and I should’ve remembered the type of roommates I had. Though my physical body was there at that moment, my consciousness was on another planet of satisfaction and pleasure. Trevor’s cold hands had slipped under my shirt and his fingers dug into my fiery skin. I was unaware of the fact the front door had opened and someone was approaching my room, and clearly, Trevor was too busy giving me an out-of-world experience to also notice.
“Oh, my god!” Trevor’s head shot up, dragging me back to the real world. His and I’s attention whipped over to my door which Weston was standing in. He had a look of shock and disturbance on his face, but I noticed his face was red and puffy along with his eyes. He had been crying. “I-I’m so sorry!” he apologized before slamming my door shut.
I couldn’t just go back to hooking up with Trevor after that. I was more concerned about why my best friend was crying over the fact he had ruined the mood. “Shit,” I mumbled as I got up from Trevor’s lap, his grasp on my body loosening as I did so. “I-I gotta check on Wes, I’m so sorry. That was amazing and I think the best experience I’ve ever had in my life!”
Trevor nervously chuckled in response and got up. “Yeah, it was. I get it, I’ll head out so you two can talk,” he said as he glanced down at the keyboard. “Alright, yeah.” I walked with him to the front door and he slipped on his shoes. “I really enjoyed spending time with you and I really liked the song.” He had a smile so contagious on his face that I felt one slip onto my own. “I have 2 games out of town this week, the 14th and 15th, but I want to take you out on an actual date when I get back.”
I felt the butterflies multiply in my stomach when he popped the question. He didn’t know how long I was waiting for him to ask me out on an official date. “Yes, of course, I would,” I replied with a wide grin on my face which caused my eyes to slightly squint. Before he left, he gave me a hug and a kiss on my temple.
When the front door shut, I remembered why he left and made my way to Weston’s room. The way our condo was set up, there were two rooms near the front door, mine and Mal’s, then the kitchen between the two rooms in the back, Wes’s and Alex’s. I grabbed a bottle of water for Wes from the fridge and went to his room.
He had the door open while he sat on his bed, sniffling as he wiped some tears from his cheeks. I entered and sat down on the bed next to him, holding out the water to him. He just took it from me and immediately opened it, chugging away. I knew that his throat would be dry from all the crying. I also knew he would just bury under his gray duvet for as long as his body let him, maybe even longer.
“You wanna explain what happened?” I asked him in a soft-spoken voice, placing my hand in his.
He gripped my hand slightly as he looked down at them. “Yeah,” he mumbled. “I ended up going back over to Alejandro’s house to tell him that I’m done with him.” His words were shaky as he tried to explain what was going on.
I grazed my thumb over his hand to soothe him down as he continued explaining, “But when I went over there, I saw another car in the driveway… It was Valarie’s.” My gut twisted at the realization of where the story was going. “When I went up to the door and knocked on it, Alejandro answered shirtless and was all upset with me coming to his house instead of just texting him. Then Valarie came around the corner wearing one of his shirts.”
His voice cracked as he took a break from talking. He let out a shaky breath and pressed the back of his other hand against his mouth, his eyes were glossy as he did his best to hold back his returning tears, but inevitably lost that battle. He choked out, “That’s when I found out Valarie was the one who Alejandro left me for.
Even though I knew it was going there, it still surprised me. My words spewed out like venom as I said, “She’s such a bitch.” Wes nodded his head as he shook with silent cries. He rested his head on my shoulder and sighed. I let go of his hand and placed it on his cheek, letting out a faint sigh as well.
He broke up his cries by wheezing out, “I’m 19. Where’s this teenage dream everyone’s been fucking telling me about.”
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seasaltbaptism · 2 years
hayden come home the kids miss u stop this nonsense
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imaginesandinserts · 3 years
Irreverent Pt. 45 - Je t'aime
Title: Irreverent Pt. 45 - Je t'aime Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader Rating: M Words: ~8K
Irreverent Series Masterlist
Aaron was seated in his office on the last day before the mandatory BAU Christmas holidays. Come rain, shine, or serial killers, he was determined to get the entire team a well deserved break. There was an excited buzz in the bullpen that had settled in over the past couple of days. Morgan and Garcia were headed back to Chicago, Rossi was set to spend time with Strauss and her family, JJ and Will were hosting his brood from New Orleans, and Prentiss was making an obligatory visit to her mother. The entire team was set to reunite on New Year's Eve before heading back to work bright and early January 2nd.
He'd already worked out a straggler group of back up agents in the event something really did come up, but otherwise everyone was under strict orders to relax. Aaron, especially, was determined not to take a single work related call the entire week and a half. You'd been away - God only knew where anymore, he'd lost track a while back - but you'd worked it out with Clyde so that you'd be free for Christmas in Paris with him and Jack. Aaron would be lying if he said he was anything less than absolutely thrilled to have the chance to get away with you and Jack. Jack had been bouncing off the walls since the week prior when his vacation had started, and was looking forward to your return and the trip just as much as Aaron was. It wasn't lost on him that this was the first trip the two of you were actually managing to take, despite numerous conversations with that intent.
Both him and Dave were going through the year end reviews and finalizing everyone's bonuses in his office, when there is a knock at his door, prompting both of them to look up.
"Hey," you smile at the threshold, causing his heart to leap just slightly at the sight of you. You stood there, leaning against his doorway, wearing a thick coat and looking like you'd just gotten off the longest flight of your life. He hadn't seen you in over three weeks - right around Thanksgiving, which he'd had to leave halfway through due to a case. Leaving you and Jack behind during a holiday had made him even more determined to make sure that your Christmas plans went off without a hitch.
"Hi!" His smile could be heard in his voice as he eagerly gestures you in, resisting the urge to get up and grab you in front of Dave. Not that Dave would mind really, but there had already been one too many sexual harassment seminars the past few months and everyone was keen on avoiding a repeat. He'd had to have a rather uncomfortable conversation with both Morgan and Garcia, which he knew had fallen on deaf ears. When he'd told you this over the phone, you'd laughed at his misfortune and proceeded to suggest things the two of you could do around the office to garner a special seminar for yourselves.
You shake your head smiling wider at his reaction and nodding a greeting towards Dave, but otherwise not wanting to interrupt. "I just wanted to see if I could get a ride home." You'd obviously taken a cab straight to Quantico from the airport, likely wanting to get your report to McKinney before the three of you flew out the next day. You were already cutting it close to the wire - originally he'd expected you back a couple of days ago.  
"Yeah, of course. We'll be wrapping up soon," he says, gesturing towards the pile of paperwork sitting between him and Dave.
"Take your time. I'm going to go say hello to everyone. Just wanted to make sure I caught you before you left me stranded here," you joke with a slight laugh. God he'd missed that laugh. The phone was a poor substitute for the real thing. "Rossi, let me know if you need anything for the party."
"Just you, kid. It's been a while," Dave responds and Aaron can tell he's quite happy to see you as well. If it had been three weeks for Aaron, it had been quite a bit longer for everyone else since they'd last set eyes on you.
You depart with a nod and another sweet smile that really tests his self control, closing the door behind you as you go. Dave turns to him, eyebrows slightly raised in a manner Aaron is far too familiar at being on the receiving end of. "This is what, three weeks now?" he asks. Aaron is fully aware he's being scrutinized for some sort of reaction.
"She likes it. She's good at it. I won't discourage her from doing what she wants to do," Aaron responds in a practiced manner. Dave had been on him ever since New York. He'd been the only one to really pick up on the fact that something had been off with the two of you that final night, or at least the only one brave enough to bring it up with him directly. If Morgan or Prentiss had said anything to you, he hadn't heard about it. Dave had cautioned him - reminded him of his own second marriage to Hayden which had fallen apart because their career aspirations hadn't lined up. Aaron hardly thought that was the case with the two of you, and had been quick to brush it off. There was no conflict between you and him when it came to your jobs. He missed you, sure. Of course he did. But it wasn't going to be this way forever. You hated the separation and grueling schedule just as much as he did. You were merely determined to see this through. The real reason for the conflict in New York was not something he was about to share with Dave. That was between you and him.
Which was not to say that the job wasn't taking a toll of its own. He had of course noticed how overworked and stressed out you had seemed leading into the holidays - even with the scant few times he got to actually be around you. You were really trying to hold it all together but the demands of the job were starting to take over and he realized that your role was a lot more like what Prentiss's must've been when she was playing the role of Lauren Reynolds. You would come back every couple weeks and try to make up for your absence - being his comfort when the two of you happened to be home at the same time, catching up with the team, cheering for Jack at his soccer games and being the loudest spectator possible. You'd even wrangled Prentiss into waking up early one Saturday, and the two of you had sat at the sidelines with coffee cups that he was certain weren't coffee at all. He'd given Prentiss a disapproving look, knowing that was entirely her doing and she'd retorted by telling him that if she was going to be cheering on his child at a 9AM soccer game on her one day off, then he had to be alright with her bringing along incentives. You'd thrown him an apologetic look when Emily was distracted, sitting in your chair, waving around a sign for Jack's team. His expression had softened considerably at the sight of you fully bundled up, as you tried to get in time with both Emily and Jack. You were trying.
When asked how the assignment with Interpol was going, your response hadn't been what he had hoped for. You'd told him that you were starting to have an odd feeling about the case - nothing identifiable or obvious, but something was off. You couldn't tell him the details, and when he'd mentioned speaking with McKinney, you'd gotten an odd look on your face that gave him pause. You'd explained it away as you not wanting to appear incompetent in front of the Director, but he can tell there's something more to it - something even you weren't able to pinpoint quite yet, he thought.
In the aftermath of New York, you'd kept up your side of the bargain remarkably well. The two of you had discussed quite a lot more about you and John and your collective history. Learning more about the dynamic there definitely helped him make sense of John's overall interaction with him at the bar that night. While he still wasn't thrilled to learn about this older boy that had been around your whole life, planning a relationship with you, he could see how it wasn't exactly as inappropriate as it appeared on paper. There had been an endearing quality to John and he didn't have to be a profiler to know that there was a great amount of love and respect there, on both of your parts. Finding out that John's father - your godfather, Uncle Robert - had been the one to tell you the truth about Julian's death and then subsequently been there to help you in the aftermath - it was no wonder you had been as close to John and his family as you had.
Even the one thing that should've given him pause - learning that your motivation for joining the Bureau was rooted in revenge against your father - hadn't been quite the shock it should've been. Surprisingly, that part he was easily able to wrap his brain around, especially when he reconsidered your interview. There had been a near desperation to it beneath the veneer of preparedness and confidence that you'd exuded that day - which explained why you'd gone so far and beyond expectations to secure your spot. Aaron was easily able to overlook that when he learned how quickly you'd set it all aside in the hope of having a true fresh start.
He wouldn't kid himself and think he knows everything there was to know about you - that would be unreasonable. Even he had things in his life that you didn't know about yet. However, he feels like the two of you are in a much better place, and the ease with which you had actually opened up to him gave him hope that it could only get better.
You woke up early the following morning, despite having felt dead on your feet the day prior. You'd spent the past three weeks going from Bulgaria to Hungary to Romania, chasing down leads with Clyde. You're pretty certain you're closing in on your target. You only hope that things will go smoothly, despite that pit in your stomach telling you to look deeper, further - there was something not quite right about the case. Something tingling at the edges of your mind with a foreboding familiarity. Aaron had asked last time how the case was going and you'd been in much the same place, unable to put a finger on what was wrong - just that something was.
However, that morning, with the early sunshine sweeping into your bedroom and Aaron still warm and asleep behind you, the case was definitely on the back burner. You're determined to enjoy your vacation. It had been three weeks since you'd really been around Jack and Aaron, and you've started feeling like a negligent partner and parent to them both. They don't complain - they never do - but you've started missing stuff. Soccer games and holiday recitals have fallen through and while Jack doesn't say anything you know he's disappointed. You hated missing out on these milestones with him.
The last time you'd been home, you'd done your best to get the entire house ready for Christmas. Aaron had had to leave the  Friday after Thanksgiving for a case, so that had given you and Jack two days to transform the entire house into a winter wonderland. You'd had to figure out how to get a tree - something you'd never bothered with for yourself - however, once you did, both you and Jack had had a ball decorating it entirely. He'd been able to put up the star on top using a step ladder and you'd sent a photo to Aaron as you'd be gone by the time he returned. Aaron had come home to string lights around the entire exterior of the house, all the décor changed to fit a seasonal theme, and one of the largest Christmas trees he'd ever seen, decked out entirely - Jack's handmade ornaments from every year on prime display.
Those two days with just you and Jack felt like an eternity ago now as you laid in bed, head facing the windows as Aaron is wrapped behind you, his breath warm at the back of your neck, his arm weighing you down pleasantly. You'd missed him quite a bit. It made you feel like some sort of clingy, needy girlfriend with how entirely you'd pined for him the entire time you'd been apart. You'd never really been like this around anyone else, but Aaron made it so that around him you can't help but be the softer and more delicate version of yourself. Last night, being reunited with him, being cradled in his strong arms, having his lips brush and press and move against your own, the scent of Irish spring and the woodsy balm overtaking your senses, being with him once again wholly - it had been so entirely long that the gravity of the complete experience had been profusely overwhelming in an entirely unexpected manner. Through the rush of endorphins and the haze of the moment and the sheer ecstasy coursing through you, you hadn't realized you were crying in the aftermath until Aaron had looked at you with quite a bit of concern. You couldn't explain it. So Aaron held you, pressing warm kisses to your face as he let himself settle on top, crushing you in the best of ways and leaving the two of you blissfully connected.
You must've fallen asleep soon afterwards, because you're on your side and you can tell someone had cleaned you up. You're dressed in one of his T-shirts, that is far too big on you, to protect from the chill, and you know that must've been his doing. He knows how you despise feeling cold. Even now, he's entirely wrapped around you, one arm under your pillow, the other draped across your middle, one leg jutted between both of yours. He wouldn't let you feel cold - not when he could be your personal heater.
Aaron had packed for the both of you before you got back, having received a list from you on everything you'd need for the trip. You wouldn't trust most people, but Aaron was good at sticking to lists and anticipating anything additional. That made the morning before your departure much simpler as the three of you got ready and ate breakfast at a leisurely pace, leaving plenty of time to arrive early at the airport despite the snow covering the roads. You're certain to run into the holiday crush of travelers, so you give yourselves plenty of time prior to the flight.
Jack had breezed through security and you place your coat and shoes on the beltway, before walking through and being reprimanded by a loud beeping noise. Groaning, you go back and check your pockets for anything left. Aaron is still waiting, keeping an eye on Jack who was already through. You're about to admit defeat when you realize it might be the jewelry you have on still.
"Help me out?" you ask, turning to Aaron and moving your hair out of the way for him.
He's quick to move his fingers to your neck, feeling around for the clasp and undoing the necklace you haven't taken off since he gave it to you for your birthday. You turn around to face him with a smile of gratitude, "Hang on to that, will you? I'll come back for it," you tease, eager to keep up the fun and flirty mood that the two of you had embraced fully.
Aaron smiles and nods, gesturing you forward, as he watches you walk through the metal detectors once more, successfully this time. He walks through, holding on to your necklace, and the TSA guys give it the once over with their wand, before allowing the three of you to pass. Aaron is quick to help you get your necklace back on as you all get your coats and shoes past security. He loved that you wore it all the time - a very visible sign of him with you always.
The three of you had arrived at the gate with about an hour to spare prior to boarding, and Jack had located a spot for you to sit. Aaron mans the carry on bags while you and Jack wander around the terminal and into the stores to keep entertained. When you come back, Aaron can see a plaid scarf around Jack that hadn't been there before. He looks up at you, eyebrow raised in some amusement that you'd managed to shop before you even departed.
"Got you a matching one," you tell him, taking a second scarf out of your bag and wrapping it around Aaron's neck as Jack laughs at his father's exaggerated disgruntlement. "There," you tell him, adjusting the scarf properly and smiling down at him, "You look great - very continental."
"I'm sure the French will appreciate my continental attire," he snarks gently, grabbing onto your hand that's still fussing with the scarf and dragging you towards the seats.
"Europe is cold," you defended yourself as you sit down beside him, Jack happily engaged with his book that he'd grabbed out of your purse, while Aaron shakes his head at you, a small smile on his face as you leaned into him when he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. The only shops open were high end designer ones and he could only guess how much you'd just paid for two scarves.
Once the three of you board and are settled into the family pod area that you'd booked, with Jack settled into the window seat and already reading again, Aaron has the chance to voice a question he's been thinking ever since both you and Jack had looked at him oddly when he'd started to make his way to the back of the line for boarding. He hadn't realized you'd booked First Class tickets for the trip and to be fair, it was probably for the best that he hadn't because he's certain he would've protested against it. However now, seated quite comfortably for the next eight hours, he's having a hard time finding anything wrong with it.
"Have you ever even flown Coach?" he asks, a slightly bemused look on his face as he takes in his surroundings. He has the realization that there is a high chance Jack will never be flying Coach - not if you have anything to say about it.
You're seated between the two of them, legs folded underneath you. "Do I detect some judgement there?" you ask, making sure that Jack is well situated and knows where all the controls are.
"Not judgement," he hedges, "Curiosity."
"Mmhm, sure," you say, having ensured that Jack was alright, and moving once again to lean against Aaron. You'd been incredibly touchy the last day or so and took every opportunity to be near him. He wasn't exactly complaining. "For the record, yes. Once," you tell him, as his arm comes to wrap around your waist, squeezing firmly and dragging you closer. "Back in high school, when I was attending Le Rosey in Switzerland my junior year, John and I surprised Julian for his birthday and met up in Ibiza. My father would've noticed a First Class ticket on my card but an Economy one could slip through the cracks," you reveal, remembering all the lies and maneuvering you'd had to do to ensure you wouldn't be caught sneaking out of school.
Aaron chuckles at the thought of an Economy airplane ticket going unnoticed on a teenager's credit card. He appreciated that you could tell him a story involving John so casually now, as he listened to you telling him all about how they'd snuck you into all of the clubs and how you'd spent an evening dancing with the Hilton sisters. It was nice to have come as far as the two of you had since New York. Dave wasn't correct in his assessment of the tension between you and Aaron. There really wasn't tension as much as there was agony at how much the two of you had been apart lately. Last night had been proof of that for him, the entire experience having been torturously, wonderfully, shattering for you both. Being able to just hold you in his arms once again, having you solid and real next to him, that's what he'd been wretchedly craving in your time apart. Mindful of his son seated just a foot away, he places a quick kiss to the side of your neck as the two of you continue chatting. This. He'd really missed this.
Christmas Eve marked the third day of your stay in Paris. The first day, you'd landed and hit the Notre Dame, walked along the Siene eating croissants, and ended the evening back at your hotel, where the in house restaurant boasted a remarkable night time view of the Eiffel tower. Both you and Aaron considered yourselves lucky that Jack was old enough and interested enough in everything to really enjoy all of the food and sights. He was also taking his job as photographer very seriously, as you'd gotten him a little camera for the trip, and would make you and Aaron pose multiple times just to get the right shot. The second day, the jet lag caught up with the three of you as you went from museum to museum, braving the crowds, finally collapsing at a Creperie for a late lunch. You'd finished off the night with ice skating over looking the Eiffel tower and a traditional French dinner, during which Jack had been brave enough to try escargot. He might not have enjoyed it, but at least he hadn't spit it out.
That morning, Aaron awoke first, feeling like he'd woken up from the best night's sleep he'd had in quite some time. You were still asleep next to him, your chest rising and falling slowly with every deep breath. He hadn't woken before you the last couple of mornings, which had alerted him to the fact that you hadn't been sleeping too well. You only woke up first on the nights when sleep was hard to come by for you. However, right then, with your face peaceful and your body warm and soft against his, tucked securely beneath the large blanket, it appeared that you'd finally managed to get past whatever had been keeping you from getting the rest you truly needed. He adjusts so he can hold you easier, careful not to move too much so as to disrupt you.
Through the grogginess of the early morning, he can make out the sun peaking through the curtains, the snow fall promised nowhere in sight, and the clock on the wall indicates that it is still relatively early. He finds himself just watching you, taking in the way your eyes flutter ever so slightly, your dark lashes kissing your cheeks, the way your lips are still delicately swollen from his ardent attentions the night prior, and the darkening marks smattering your skin, speaking to his claim on you. He's well aware that there are near mirror image bruises coloring his own body - proof that he's just as much yours as you are his. It's that possessive streak that he has never quite been able to shake when it came to you. That first time with you, it had merely slipped out - a manifestation of the more primal side of him that sought to own you fully - keep you for himself. He'd thought it would wane - dwindle more and more after each time and yet it persisted - persevered and thrived at your permission - equal possession over him, the only levy imposed.
He's broken out of his covetous examination of you by a quiet knock at the door and Jack's voice coming through. Quickly, he gets out of bed, tying a robe around himself and making sure you're fully covered, before he answers the door to his son.
"Good morning, buddy," he greets, stepping outside so as to not rouse you. "You sleep okay?"
"Yeah. I'm hungry," Jack answers, following him to the couch in the common area, where it was evident from the book and video games that Jack had been up for some time already.
Aaron looks at the time again, and decides it would be an appropriate time to grab some breakfast. Instructing Jack to get showered and dressed, he heads back to your room. He's reluctant to wake you - not when you're finally getting some sleep. So, making a quick decision, he goes to shower and texts your phone to inform you that the two of them stepped out to grab some food and would bring some back for you. As he leaves the bathroom, you're still asleep, your breath fluttering the hair that had fallen into your face. He leans down and moves it away, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, before wrapping the blankets closer around you. As he moves towards the door, he pauses as you finally shift, grabbing his pillow in your sleep and pulling it closer, wrapping your arms around it in lieu of him, your eyes still shut tight.
Aaron and Jack, bundled up in knit hats and the scarves from the airport, trudge through some snow on the pavement, walking down a few blocks from the hotel, towards a café you'd pointed out the day prior as having good coffee and pastries. Figuring Jack wouldn't be averse to pastries, the two of them headed down, talking about the day's plans. There was a holiday cruise down the river planned for lunch, with shopping afterwards. Interestingly for Aaron, Jack was actually looking forward to the shopping. You'd shown him some of the children's clothing magazine catalogs and he had his eye on some items apparently. Aaron can't help but laugh a bit at the pieces of Jack's personality you've ended up impacting - giving him a taste for all the finer things in life. Which was not to say that Jack was entirely spoilt, but the kid had an eye for color and style that was definitely not a product of him nor Haley.
The two of them settled into a table inside, grateful to be out of the chill, and ordered what was likely Jack's fifth croissant since you'd all landed a couple of days ago. Aaron looks around the café that is decorated for Christmas with wreaths at the register and at each booth and a large tree in the corner, and he can quite easily picture you here back in college, dressed primly, seated at one of the tables outside in the summertime with a glass of wine as you watched people walk by the bustling side street.
"What was your favorite piece in the museums yesterday?" he asks Jack as the waiter drops off a coffee for him and a hot chocolate for Jack. Jack was firmly of the opinion that French hot chocolate was superior. Aaron was of the opinion that it was nothing but pure melted chocolate that would rot his teeth, but the two of you had ganged up against him and Jack was allowed to have it as long as they were in Paris, under the agreement that he would never ask for it back home. This was to be a purely vacation only indulgence.
Jack considers the question, appearing deep in thought as he dips a piece of croissant into the chocolate and pops it into his mouth. "The Hercules one - the one Y/N got a picture of me with," Jack responds finally, thinking back to how you'd told him the entire story of the sculpture artist at the Museo d'Orsay - really putting your Art History degree to use. "It looked like Hercules from the movie. They should've had one of Meg too, though."
Aaron chuckles and decides to get that photo framed for his office.
The two of them chat a bit more about the different sculptures and paintings from the day prior, and Aaron was proud to note that Jack could pick out how a lot of Monet's work looked like the watercolors that spanned the walls back home. Between the piano and his interest in art, there was a good chance that Jack was going to turn out far more creative than either one of you.
"I think Y/N has it planned so we can go picnic in front of the Eiffel tower tomorrow," Aaron says while they wait for the waiter. You'd found a company that set up picnics with heated lamps in the grass lawn overlooking the tower and had been quick to schedule one for the three of you following a morning of apartment hunting. You all were set to meet with your realtor who had picked out three places that suited all of your needs. He knew that Jack was very intrigued by the idea of picking out an apartment in Paris that they could come back to anytime. Aaron himself had been a little reluctant when you'd told him about it - not so much because you were buying an apartment, but because you truly seemed to want his input on the matter. It had taken some convincing for him to realize that you genuinely meant it and the thought had filled him up with a glow - the realization that you were just as much thinking of the two of you together for the future as much as he was.
Jack nods most likely seeing another opportunity to talk you into buying him more pastries. However, Aaron can tell his son has something more he wants to say, so he pauses and waits, making no move to get up as the waiter drops his card back at the table.
"That man last night," Jack begins, fidgeting a bit in his seat, "when he proposed to his girlfriend - that means they're gonna get married, right?" he asks, looking up at Aaron with a peculiar expression on his face.
Aaron thinks back to last night when the three of you had gone ice skating, which was what Jack was referring to. You'd all gotten there in the evening and rented skates, Jack zooming off ahead, his time practicing with Jess and his cousins having paid off. Aaron himself hadn't skated in years and you had to hold his hand as he struggled around the perimeter of the rink. You were of course an excellent skater - you'd reminded him that your Swiss boarding school had a winter campus and ice skating and skiing were practically mandatory activities. The two of you skated around slowly, one eye on Jack, with your hands clasped tightly together to avoid being separated in the throng of skaters. It had been a cold evening and a light snowfall had begun. He watched other couples move by hand in hand, everyone enamored with the lit up tower behind the rink - the everlasting symbol of love and romance. He'd encouraged you to go on ahead and skate with Jack after a while - leaving him to cling to the edge and snap photos of the two of you. You'd been reluctant, but he'd insisted, so you'd carefully left him, ensuring he had a tight grip and was firmly leaned against the boundary. Aaron had watched as you quickly weaved through the other skaters, getting to Jack just as the snowfall began in earnest. You reached Jack and grabbed him, helping him accomplish the leap he'd been attempting for the past ten minutes. He watched as you helped his son up when he fell down and brushed him off, making sure he wasn't hurt. The two of you skated past him a few times, hand in hand as the wisps of snow settled in your hair, your eyes twinkling with joy as you and Jack dashed around the rink - the string lights around the arena serving as your halo.
The man Jack was referring to had indeed proposed to his girlfriend on the ice, drawing the attention of the entire crowd. You and Jack had found yourselves next to Aaron as the man knelt down on one knee and asked his girlfriend to be his wife. Aaron hadn't been able to look at anything but you while you watched the proposal, your arms wrapped around Jack as he stood in front of you, a large grin on your face. He'd looked beside him at the two of you - you and Jack - and he'd known that everything he needed in the world was right next to him.
The crowd had cheered for the new to-be-wed couple, clapping and congratulating them. Jack had clapped, as had you, turning to look at Aaron who bore a curious expression on his face. However, when your eyes met his, his heartbeat sped up as he took you in entirely - your reddened nose and flushed cheeks, the childlike excitement for the couple, how you had one hand gripped around Jack at all times to make sure he was alright, your eyes gleaming as though starlight - it had been enough to give him heart palpitations.
"Yes, they're going to get married," he confirms, nodding at Jack, and wondering where exactly this train of thought was leading.
It's quiet for a few seconds as Jack seems to think through his next words. "Jeffrey's dad proposed to his girlfriend, and they got married, and now he calls her his mom."
Aaron vaguely recalls a boy named Jeffrey from Jack's class, however he hadn't known quite so much about his family life. "When parents get married, that can happen," he acknowledged, having an idea of what Jack was getting at now.
"Are you going to propose to Y/N?"
Well, he hadn't quite thought his son would be that blunt about it, and it gives Aaron pause, wondering what exactly was the right thing to say to a six year old on the matter. "Jack, do you want to call Y/N your mom?" he asks, countering with his own question, before he decides how he wants to answer Jack's.
Jack contemplates the question, his fingers fidgeting again with his jacket, and Aaron is struck once again by how much of you is in him. "Jeffrey said his new mom packs his lunches and picks him up and helps with his homework. Y/N does all of that too, even if she isn't here, she helps with homework when we talk."
His son was smarter than he gave him credit for, that much was quite evident to Aaron in that moment.
"Jack, if you would like to call Y/N mom, then that's something you can definitely do. You just need to ask her if it's alright first." The two of you hadn't quite discussed it, but he was pretty confident you'd be nothing short of thrilled if Jack approached you for this.
"But I can't," Jack insists with a huff as if Aaron wasn't quite understanding what he was trying to say. "Not until you marry her. That's the rule."
Aaron sighs, running a hand through his hair as he looks at his son, lower lip jutted out the slightest bit in his annoyance with his father in that moment. "Jack, if I tell you a secret, can you promise that you won't tell Y/N?"
Jack loved secrets. He'd been more than happy to help keep the two of you being together a secret on the occasions he happened to be around the team prior to the two of you being exposed. Jack nods eagerly and leans in, the very picture of interest.
"Now, I need you to be very very sure that you can keep this secret, because it's really important," Aaron cautions, still a little unsure of himself. Jack nods fervently face scrunched up in utmost concentration. "I am going to propose to Y/N - very soon."
Jack's eyes widen and the grin that splits out on his face tells Aaron everything he needs to know about how his son feels about this news. "You guys are gonna get married? Really?"
"If she says yes, then yes we will get married. But, Jack, you have to be careful. Y/N doesn't know yet and it'll be a lot more special if it's a surprise. So, you can't tell her or anyone else - your teacher, your friends, no one. Not even Uncle Rossi. Do you think you can do that?"
"I promise Daddy. I won't tell Y/N or anyone," his son states, a determined note in his voice as he does.
"Thank you Jack," Aaron says, as the two of them stand to leave, a box of pastries and a cup of coffee in hand for you, to take back to the hotel.
By the time the two of them get back, you'd already awoken and gotten dressed for the day and you greet Jack with a smile and a hug, sweeping him into your arms. In that moment, Aaron knows without a doubt that he's about to make the absolute best decision of his life in asking you to marry him.
Jack was too excited and had woken the two of you up bright and early to congregate by the tree in the common room, under which you'd all placed your presents when you first arrived. Christmas Eve night, Jack had paraded out after dinner in a red and green flannel pajama set to set the mood for Christmas. It turned out, the two of you had planned this and there were matching pants waiting for him as well when he exited the shower. He exited to the common room in his towel, holding the pants in his hand, only to find the two of you cuddled on the couch reading together, with you dressed in the exact same set. Aaron had grumbled light heartedly about the matching outfits, but that morning, with the snow falling outside the window and your Christmas playlist on in the background, it really did feel quite perfect.
Jack went first, opening up the presents from both you and Aaron - a new video game for his handheld console that he'd brought along and a beginner's book of sheet music for the two of you to tackle next.
You go next, opening Jack's present first, revealing artwork for you to keep at your desk, along with a note instructing you to ask Aaron for the next piece of the present.
Raising your eyebrow at the two of them, you turn to Aaron and hand him the note.
"So, you know how Rossi messed up recording the Holiday Recital?" he asks, a grin on his face as you catch him winking at Jack.
You nod. You'd given him some grief about it as he'd been in charge of making sure a recording made its way to you, since you couldn't be there in person. Last time any of you trusted Rossi with any technology.
"Well, Jack had the idea to put on a special concert, just for you." With that, Aaron brings out his phone and holds it up for you, pressing play on the screen. There, on the screen are Jack and Aaron, wearing the costumes from Jack's holiday recital, recreating the entire thing in your living room at home, with Jack singing lead and Aaron doing every backup role he can manage jumping from one side of their makeshift stage to the other.
You could hardly believe it, as you looked from the screen to the two of them. Jack was watching you nervously and Aaron couldn't look prouder and just a little bit embarrassed. You feel entirely overcome by emotion as you continue to watch their performance to its end - taking in their off key rendition of Jingle Bell Rock and the amount of work and passion that had so obviously gone into the endeavor.
"Thank you both, so much. Oh my goodness," you say, dragging Jack into a hug and kissing all over his face. "Thank you baby, that was really special and you sounded amazing!"
"Yeah, you liked it?" he asks, grinning up at you.
You nod, laughing as you turn to Aaron. "You know, I now have video evidence of you singing, right?"
"There's a reason I'm keeping this on my phone and haven't sent it to you," he retorts, laughing at the insulted expression on your face.
"Alright, here you go," he says, handing you his present.
You rip open the wrapping paper to reveal a leatherbound book without anything on the outside. Curiously, you open it and turn the pages to reveal recipes - very familiar recipes. You look up at Aaron, surprise painted on your face. "These are mine."
He nods. "I took notes whenever you taught me any. I've added a couple of mine as well. There's some empty pages towards the back for us to add on to."
You can feel your eyes welling up at the thought and care that he put into the present, and you move closer to him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "Thank you, Aaron."
He smiles, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and squeezing tight. The warmth from his touch rushes through you.
You take a deep breath and smile. "Alright, it's Daddy's turn," you say, turning to Jack and prompting him to hand over his present to Aaron.
Jack had created another piece of art for Aaron's office and also picked out a tie with you during one of your video chats together. The kid really did have good taste. He'd outshopped you when the three of you had gone to the Champs-Élysées yesterday, before Aaron had whispered to you that maybe there should be a budget for a six year old's wardrobe. He hadn't been wrong, so you'd guided Jack into picking items that he wouldn't grow out of too quickly and could use for a few years - scarves and hats, along with some shoes and a coat that was a size too big.
Aaron thanks Jack for his presents, before turning expectantly to you, an excited grin gracing his face. You'd always gone above and beyond for presents - even back before when the two of you had just been friends. While he insisted it was all too much, he couldn't help himself from secretly really enjoying the process - everything you'd ever gotten him was well cherished, so he's gotten better at stifling the guilt that came along with accepting your presents.
You hand him a wrapped square box that has some weight to it, and as he unwraps it, he can feel the nervousness  pouring off of you. That was definitely a little unusual. Usually it's more just excitement to see his reaction.
He opens it to reveal a watch box - for a designer that he knows is anything but cheap - and as he opens it, inside is a watch with an intricate face. Gold accents all around and the dark brown leather band all paint a picture as if they're from a different time. He can tell it's vintage and he looks up at you, eyebrow quirked in question.
"When Uncle Robert accepted his role as my godfather, my grandmother gave him this watch," you tell him slowly, as though gauging his reaction.
Aaron is well aware that your Uncle Robert is also John's father, so he understands where that nervousness was stemming from now.
"After he passed, we went through some of his effects, and this watch made its way back to me. I wanted you to have it, because without him, I would've never met you."
Aaron can understand and read between the lines of what you're saying. Without knowing everything that Robert Hawthorne had told you, the two of you would have never met, you wouldn't be sitting there now, both of your lives would look entirely different. So, despite how awful and heartbreaking and life ruining his news had been, you're grateful. You're so very grateful. Because it all led you to him.
"I love it, thank you sweetheart," Aaron whispers, and with a quick glance at Jack who seems otherwise occupied with his video game now, he presses a soft kiss to your lips, reassuring you that it was indeed the perfect present.
He picks it up and looks it over, noticing an engraving on the back.
"I had that added," you tell him, having noticed what had caught his eye.
There on the back of the watch were words that caused his heart to falter and his breath to stutter as his eyes took them in and his brain made sense of them in the context of you and him and the two of you. He looks up from it, to you - how far the two of you had come in just about a year of being together. Jack settled onto the couch, munching absent mindedly from the tray of room service that had been delivered. You settled in next to him, trying to steal as much warmth from his as possible, with your toes scrunched up under his thighs. The three of you, there, together in a way he'd longed for and prayed that Jack would get to have one day. You'd made it all possible for him - for them. In that moment, he can't help but feel his chest expand with happiness and gratefulness - for the three of you to have one another.
Love is space and time measured by the heart.
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mortemersgf · 3 years
Hey, it's me again haha
- males please
- Open Heart, Perfect Match, & BloodBound?
If it's too much ignore this~ don't worry about it <3
i match you with . . . bryce lahela from open heart !
- bryce would constantly show you off to the rest of the gang. he’s very vocal about how happy you make him and how lucky he is to be dating someone like you.
- he loves how compassionate and understanding you are. being a surgeon is no easy job, but he’s found an amazing support system from his friends and you. he feels guilty for missing dates sometimes, but you’re more than considerate and reassure him it’s okay. don’t worry. bryce always, always makes it up to you, one way or another.
- beach date with bryce!! he’ll play volleyball with you and bet on kisses. you almost always roll your eyes and agree, because c’mon, it’s bryce lahela and who’d say no to him?
i match you with . . . hayden young from perfect match !
- he likes dancing with you early in the morning. you could be in the kitchen whipping up some breakfast and he’ll come up behind you and sweep you into a slow dance.
- hayden would be so fascinated with boba and would want to try every flavor in the shop. gradually, it becomes his favorite drink, and after a long day at work, he’d always make sure to bring home your go-to drink.
- he becomes a bit engrossed with literature and starts collecting books. you have a towering shelf at home filled with both of your favorite novels. the two of you would just go to barnes and nobles to nerd out. on quiet nights, he would read to you until you fall asleep.
i match you with . . . jax matsuo from bloodbound !
- you like visiting jax at his martial arts studio, especially when you catch him teaching a class. the passion in his eyes makes you so happy. when he catches you waving from the doorway, his solemn face splits into a brilliant smile. it’s after his students leave that he sweeps you into a huge hug.
- the two of you have been free from danger from a long while now, but even so, jax is still so appreciative of your presence. he loves to do little things for you. if you crave sushi for dinner, he’ll make it happen. if you wanna go see a bad movie, he’ll tag along just because it makes you happy.
- whenever the two of you are free from responsibilities for the day, you’re at lily’s youth center. whether it be helping out the staff or bonding with some of the kids, you two never give up an opportunity to help out those around you.
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a/n: sorry this took a fat minute :( thank u for requesting and being patient with me! these were so fun to write <3
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luvneedsnosyt · 5 years
My Favorite Albums of 2019 (So Far)
Here is my list of my favorite albums half-way through 2019
You can find my list of my favorite albums of 2018 here And my list of my favorite EPs of 2018 here
My Monthly top albums lists from 2019: January, February, March, April, May
Honorable Mention:
Alice Merton - Mint Genre: Pop
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Proof: No Roots / Lash Out
Anderson .Paak - Ventura Genre: Hip Hop / R&B
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Proof: Chosen On (Feat. Sonya Elise) / Jet Black (Feat. Brandy)
Billie Eilish - WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? Genre: Synth-Pop
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Proof: bad guy / you should see me in a crown
blackbear - ANONYMOUS Genre: alt-R&B / Hip Hop
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Bring Me the Horizon - amo Genre: Rock / Alternative
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Proof: in the dark / medicine
Cautious Clay - Table of Context EP Genre: R&B / Soul
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Circa Waves - What’s It Like Over There? Genre: Alternative / Rock
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Proof: Sorry I’m Yours / Be Somebody Good
Dabin - Wild Youth Genre: Electronic / Dance / Future Bass
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Proof: In Flames (Feat. Lexi Norton) / Alive (Feat. RUNN)
Dawn Richard - New Breed Genre: alt-R&B / Electronic
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Proof: shades / sauce
Dermot Kennedy - Dermot Kennedy Genre: Indie Pop / Soul
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Proof: Power Over Me / Moments Passed
GoldLink - Diaspora Genre: Hip Hop / R&B
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Proof: Zulu Screams (Feat. Maleek Berry & Babi Bourelly) / More
Hozier - Wasteland, Baby! Genre: Indie Pop / Soul / Folk
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Proof: Movement / Dinner & Diatribes
James Blake - Assume Form Genre: Progressive Pop / Electronic / Indie Pop
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Proof:  Barefoot in the Park (Feat. ROSALÍA) / Where’s the Catch? (Feat. André 3000)
Karen O & Danger Mouse - Lux Prima Genre: Alternative / Indie Rock
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Proof: Turn the Light / Woman
Kevin Abstract - ARIZONA BABY Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Joyride / Use Me
Maverick Sabre - When I Wake Up Genre: Pop / Soul
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Proof: Slow Down (Feat. Jorja Smith) / Weakness
The List:
16. Little Simz - GREY Area Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Offense / Boss / Venom / Pressure (Feat. Little Dragon)
15. Vampire Weekend - Father of the Bride Genre: Indie Rock / Alternative
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Proof: Harmony Hall / This Life / How Long? / Sympathy
14. LÉON - LÉON Genre: Pop / Soul
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Proof: Lost Time / Falling / Hope Is A Heartache / You And I // Bonus: Grey - Want You Back (Feat. LÉON)
13. Foals - Part 1: Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost Genre: Rock / Alternative
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Proof: Exits / White Onions / In Degrees / On The Luna
12. Denzel Curry - ZUU Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: ZUU / RICKY / BIRDZ (Feat. Rick Ross) / CAROLMART (Feat. Ice Billion Berg)
11. G Flip - Drink Too Much EP Genre: Pop
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Proof: Drink Too Much / Bring Me Home / Killing My Time / About You // Bonus: I Am Not Afraid
10. Elohim - BRAINDEAD EP Genre: Electronic / Synth Pop
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Proof: running / tv / metamorphine / flagpole sitta (Harvey Danger cover w/ ALOWNATION)
9. Sigrid - Sucker Punch Genre: Pop
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Proof: Sucker Punch / Basic / Don’t Feel Like Crying / Don’t Kill My Vibe // Bonus: Strangers (R3HAB Remix) / Don’t Kill My Vibe (Gryffin Remix)
8. Lizzo - Cuz I Love You Genre: Hip Hop / R&B
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Proof: Cuz I Love You / Soulmate / Tempo (Feat. Feat. Missy Elliott) / Heaven Help Me
7. Seven Lions - Ophelia Volume 1 Genre: Electronic / Dance / Trance
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Proof: Start Again (Feat. Fiora) / Ocean (w/ Jason Ross Feat. Jonathon Mendelsohn) / First Time (w/ SLANDER & Dabin Feat. Dylan Mathew) / Dreamin’ (Feat. Fiora) // Bonus: Ocean (Au5 Remix) w/ Jason Ross Feat. Jonothan Mendelson / Dreamin’ (Sunny Lax Remix) Feat. Fiora / Island (Dimibo Remix) (w/ Trivecta & Wooli Feat. Nevve) / Sojourn (w/ Crystal Skies) / Let Go (Festival Mix) Feat. Fiora
6. Maggie Rogers - Heard It In A Past Life Genre: Pop
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Proof: Give A Little / The Knife / Alaska / Say It // Bonus: Give A Little (Mokita & GOLDHOUSE Remix) / Alaska (Toby Green Remix) / Alaska (Tycho Remix)
5. Nick Murphy - Run Fast Sleep Naked Genre: Indie Pop
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Proof: Harry Takes Drugs On The Weekend / Sanity / Yeah I Care / Dangerous
4. Tyler, The Creator - IGOR Genre: Hip Hop / alt-R&B
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Proof: IGOR’S THEME (Feat. Lil Uzi Vert) / EARFQUAKE (Feat. Playboy Carti, Charlie Wilson & Jessy Wilson)  / I THINK (Feat. Solange & Ryan Beatty) / WHAT’S GOOD (Feat. slowthai & Jarrod Carmichael)
3. Khalid - Free Spirit Genre: Pop / R&B / Soul
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Proof: Better / Right Back / Outta My Head (w/ John Mayer) / Free Spirit // Bonus: Better (Jayvon Remix) / Better (no clue? Remix) / Talk (Disclosure VIP Mix) / Talk (Jarami Remix) / Talk (Alle Farben Remix)
2. Big Wild - Superdream // Superdream (Remixes) EP Genre: Electronic / Synth Pop / Dance
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Proof: Joypunks / 6′ to 9′s (Feat. Rational) / No Words / She Makes Magic // Purple Sand (My Home) (pluko Remix) / City of Sound (Crooked Colours Remix) / Heaven (GG Magree Remix)
1. Nilüfer Yanya - Miss Universe Genre: Pop / R&B / Alterntaive
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Proof: In Your Head / Paralysed / Tears / Heavyweight Champion Of The Year
Good: Adela - On The Line EP, AJ Tracey - AJ Tracey, Aldous Harding - Designer, Alesso - ALESSO MIXTAPE - PROGRESSO Vol. 1 EP, Alina Baraz - The Color Of You (Remixes) EP, Allie X - Super Sunset (Analog), Aly & AJ - Sanctuary EP, The Amazons - Future Dust, Anna Clendening - Waves EP, Ari Lennox - Shea Butter Baby, Anna Lunoe - Right Party EP, Ariana Grande - thank u, next, Ashe - Moral of the Story: Chapter 1 EP, Asiahn - Love Train 2, AURORA - A Different Kind of Human, Autograf - Love & Retrograde EP, Avicii - TIM, A1 - Turbulence, Bad Bunny - X 100PRE, Barrie - Happy to Be Here, Bassnector - Reflective (Part 4) EP, Bastille - Doom Days, BAYNK - Someone’s II EP, Beast Coast - Escape from New York, Beirut - Gallipoli , Better Oblivion Community Center - Better Oblivion Community Center, Betty Who - Betty, Big K.R.I.T. - TDT, Big Thief - U.F.O.F., Blaqk Audio - Only Things We Love, Blu & Oh No - A Long Red Hot Los Angeles Summer Night, Boy Harsher - Careful, Boogie - Everythings for Sale, B00TY - High Art EP, Brasstracks - Before We Go EP, Broken Social Scene - Let’s Try the After (Vol. 1) EP, Broken Social Scene - Let’s Try the After (Vol. 2) EP, Broods - Don’t Feed The Pop Monster, bülow - Crystalline EP, Bun B & Statik Selektah - TrillStatik [Mixtape], Cage The Elephant - Social Cues, Carlie Hanson - Junk EP, Carly Rae Jepsen - Dedicated, Casey Veggies - Organic, Casey Veggies & Rockie Fresh - Fresh Veggies [Mixtape], Cehryl - Slow Motion, Charly Bliss - Young Enough, Chase & Status - RTRN II JUNGLE, The Chemical Brothers - No Geography, Cherry Glazer - Stuffed & Ready, Choosey & Exile - Black Beans, Christelle Bofale - Swim Team EP, Chrome Sparks - Be On Fire EP, Ciara - Beauty Marks, Citizen Cope - Heroin and Helicopters, Clairmont The Second - The Second’s Do You Drive?, Collie Buddz - Hybrid. Crumb - Jinx, Crystal Fighters - Gaia & Friends, Curren$y & Statik Selektah - Gran Turismo, CZARFACE & Ghostface Killa - Czarface Meets Ghostface, David B - BLEU, Deadmau5 - Polar (Music from the Netflix Film), Deante’ Hitchcock - Just A Sample 2 EP, Deerhunter - Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared?, DeJ Loaf - Go DeJ Go Vol. 1 EP, Delta Heavy - Only In My Dreams, Destiny Rogers - Tomboy EP, Devin Morrison - Bussin’, Dijon - Sci Fi 1 EP, Dinah Jane - Dinah Jane 1 EP, Diplo - Europa EP, Diplo - Higher Ground EP, DJ Khaled - Father of Asahd, Dog Blood - Turn Off The Lights EP, Dreezy - Big Dreez, The Drums - Brutalism, Dua Saleh - Nūr EP, DUCKWRTH - THE FALLING MAN, ELHAE - Trouble In Paradise, Emily Wells - The World Is Too ___ For You, Emotional Oranges - The Juice, Vol. I, Eric Bellinger - The Rebirth 2, Eryn Allen Kane - a tree planted by water EP, The Faint - Egowerk, FEELS - Post Earth, FIDLAR - Almost Free, flora cash - Press EP, Flume - Hi This Is Flume [Mixtape], Flying Lotus - Flamagra, Frances Cone - Late Riser, FRENSHIP - Vacation, Freya Riding - You Mean The World To Me EP, Froth - Duress, Gary Clark Jr. - This Land, Gesaffelstein - Hyperion, The Get Up Kids - Problems, Giggs - BIG BAD…, girlpool - What Chaos Is Imaginary, gnash - we, GRiZ - Find My Own Way EP, GRiZ - Ride Waves, Gryffin - Gravity Pt. 1 (Remixes) EP, GTA - La Nueva Clásica (Remixes), Gus Dapperton - Where Polly People Go to Read, HÆLOS - Any Random Kindness, The Hamiltones - Watch the Ton3s EP, Hayden James - Between Us, The Head and the Heart - Living Mirage, Helado Negro - This Is How You Smile, Hello Yello - Love Wins EP, Higher Brothers - Five Stars, Hikaru Utada - Face My Fears EP, Holly Herndon - PROTO, Ida Mae - Chasing Light, ilo ilo - wish i said this to u sooner EP, India.Arie - Worthy, Injury Reserve - Injury Reserve, Intellexual - Intellexual, Interpol - A Fine Mess EP, Izzy Bizu - GLITA EP, Jack & Jack - A Good Friend Is Nice, Jacob Latimore - Connection2, Jade Bird - I Get No Joy EP, Jade Bird - Jade Bird, Jaden - ERYS IS COMING EP, Jai Waetford - Figure It Out EP, Jai Wolf - The Cure To Loneliness, James Bay - One My Messy Mind EP, JAMESDAVIS - MASTERPIECE EP, Jamie Cullum - Taller, Jamila Woods - LEGACY! LEGACY!, The Japanese House - Good At Falling, Jasmine Thompson - colour EP, Jay Prince - WONDER EP, Jayda G - Significant Changes, Jean Deaux - Empathy EP, Jenny Lewis - On The Line, Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler - brent EP, jesse saint john - don’t stop dancing. life gets sad. EP, J-E-T-S - Zoospa, JOHN.k - if we never met EP, JOHNNYSWIM - Moonlight, JOHKOY - 404, Jonas Brothers - Happiness Begins, Jordan Rakei - Origin, Josephine Wiggs - We Fall, Judah & The Lion - Pep Talks, Juice WRLD - Death Race for Love, Julia Michaels - Inner Monologue, Pt. 1 EP, Kari Faux - CRY 4 HELP EP, Kasbo - Places We Don’t Know Remix EP, Kaskade - Redux 003, KÁRYYN - The Quanta Series, Kehlani - While We Wait EP, Kelsey Lu - Blood, Kerli - Shadow Works, Kevin Abstract - ARIZONA BABY EP, Kevin Abstract - Ghettoboy EP, Kevin Morby - Oh My God, KIAN - BLISS EP, Kiana Lede - Myself EP, Kishi Bashi - Omoiyari, Koffee - Rapture EP, Ladytron - Ladytron, Lafawndah - Ancestor Boy, Lemaitre - Fast Lovers EP, The Lemonheads - Varshons 2, Lexie Liu - 2030, Lil Skies - Shelby, Lissie - When I’m Alone: The Piano Retrospective, Local Natives - Violet Street, Logic - Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Lolo Zouaï - High Highs to Low Lows, Loote - lost EP, Lonas - Youth EP, Lost Kings - Paper Crowns EP, Louis Futon - Way Back When, Loyle Carner - Not Waving, But Drowning, LSD - Labrinth, Sia & Diplo Presents… LSD, Lucky Daye - Painted, Lucy Rose - No Words Left, Mac DeMarco - Here Comes the Cowboy, Mack Keane - Donna Ave EP, Manila Killa - 1993 EP, Malibu Ken (Aesop Rock & TOBACCO) - Malibu Ken, Manatee Commune - PDA, Mansionair - Shadowboxer, Marco McKinnis - E’Merse EP, Maren Morris - GIRL, Maribou State - Kingdoms in Color Remixed, MARINA - LOVE + FEAR, Matt Maeson - Bank on the Funeral, McClenny - I’m Not Here EP, MED & Guilty Simpson - Child of the Jungle, Meg Mac - Hope, Megan Thee Stallion - Fever, Melii - phAses, Mereba - The Jungle Is The Only Way Out, Mickey Kojak - Coming Together EP, Middle Kids - New Songs for Old Problems EP, Mike Posner - A Real Good Kid, Mr. Carmack - Demolish [Mixtape], Mndsgn - Snaxx, MorMor - Some Place Else EP, The National - I Am Easy to Find, Nightly - Talk You Down EP, NIKI - wanna take this downtown? EP, Nina Nesbitt - The Sun Will Come Up, The Seasons Will Change, no rome - Crying In The Prettiest Places EP, Noah Kahan - Busyhead, Norah Jones - Begin Again, Octavian - Endorphins, ODESZA - A Moment Apart Remixes EP, Offset -  Father of Four, Oliver Dion - Exposed, Olivia O’Brien - Was It Even Real?, Omar Apollo - Friends EP, Panda Bear - Buoys, Patoranking - Wilmer, P!nk - Hurts 2B Human, Pink Sweat$ - Volume 2 EP, Phonte - Pacific Time EP, Plaid - Polymer, PnB Rock - TrapStar Turnt PopStar, Pond - Tasmania, PRETTYMUCH - Phases EP, Priests - The Seduction of Kansas, Prince - Originals, PUP - Morbid Stuff, Queen Herby - EP 5, Quelled Chris - Guns, Raja Kumari - BLOODLINE EP, Rat Boy - International Unknown, Raveena - Lucid, Rema - Rema EP, Reptaliens - VALIS, Rich The Kid - The World Is Yours 2, Rico Nasty & Kenny Beats - Anger Management, Rhye - Spirit, Rhys Lewis - In Between Minds EP, Rotimi - Walk With Me EP, Rudimental - Test Our Differences, Ruti - Racing Cars EP, Ryan Leslie - Fleurier Flows EP, RY X - Unfurl, RY X - The Water EP, SAFE - STAY, Said The Whale - Cascadia, St. Lucia - Remixed, Sammie - Everlasting, Santana - Africa Speaks, Santi - Mandy & The Jungle, Sara Bareilles - Amidst the Chaos, SASAMI - SASAMI, Saweetie - ICY EP, ScHoolboy Q - CrasH Talk, The Score - Pressure EP, Seasons - American Authors, Set It Off - Midnight, Set Mo - Surrender, Shafiq Husayn - The Loop, Sharon Van Etten - Remind Me Tomorrow, Shlohmo - The End, Shy Girls - Bird on the Wing, Silversun Pickups - Widow’s Weeds , Skepta - Ignorance Is Bliss, slenderbodies - soraya EP, slowthai - Nothing Great About Britain, Smif-N-Wessun - The All, Snake City - Hurts, SNBRN - Solé, SOAK - Grim Town, SOB X RBE & Hit-Boy - Family Not a Group, SOB X RBE & Marshmello - Roll the Dice EP, Sofia Kourtesis - Sofia Kourtesis EP, Solange - When I Get Home, SonReal - The Aaron LP, StayLoose - The City, Stef Chura - Midnight, Steve Lacy - Apollo XXI, Striking Matches - Morning EP, Styles P - S.P. The Goat: Ghost of All Time, Sufjan Stevens - Love Yourself / With My Whole Heart EP, Summer Walker - CLEAR EP, Sunflower Bean - King of the Dudes EP, Super Duper - Vessels EP, SVEA - This is EP, SYML - SYML, The Tallest Man On Earth - I Love You, Talos - Far Out Dust, Tank and the Bangas - Green Balloon, Tayla Parx - We Need To Talk, Taylor Bennett - The American Reject EP, Tech N9ne - N9na, TENDER - Fear of Falling Asleep, Terror Jr - Unfortunately, Terror Jr, Tiësto - Together, Tink - Voicemails, The-Dream - Menage a Trois: Sextape Vol. 1,2&3, T-Pain - 1UP, TOBi - STILL, Tom Walker - What A Time To Be Alive, Toro y Moi - Outer Peace, Tory Lanez - International Fargo [Mixtape], Trevor Jackson - Rough Draft 2, Tritonal - U & Me , The Vamps - Missing You EP, Various Artists - For The Throne (Music Inspired by the HBO Series Game of Thrones), Various Artists - Music Inspired by the Film Roma, Vasco - Tender Luv EP, Virginia to Vegas - Heartland St EP, Walshy Fire - Walsey Fire Presents: ABENG, Wallows - Nothing Happens, Wand - Laughing Matter, Weezer - Weezer (The Teal Album), Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising, Wild Belle - Everybody One of a Kind, Wu-Tang Clan - Of Mics and Men EP, X Ambassadors - ORION EP, XYLØ - pretty sad EP, Yeasayer - Erotic Reruns, Yeek - IDK WHERE, YG - 4REAL 4REAL, Yhung T.O. - On My Momma 2, Zacari - Run Free Run Wild EP, Zhavia Ward - 17 EP, 2 Chainz - Rap or Go to the League
Meh: A Boogie wit da Hoodie - Hoodie SZN, Berner - El Chivo, Birdman & Juvenile - Just Another Gangsta, Burna Boy & DJDS - Steel & Copper EP, Calboy - Wildboy, Casilofi - Create, Create, Create EP, DREAMERS - LAUNCH FLY LAND, DJ Muggs & Mach - Hommy: Tuez-Les Tous, Future - Future Hndrexx Presents: The WZRD, Future - SAVE ME EP, HiDoraah & Dolly White - Slimestas EP, Kenny Garrett - Hoax, Kevin Gates - Only The General Gon Understand EP, Logic - Supermarket, Miley Cyrus - SHE IS COMING EP, Night Lovell - GOODNIGHT LOVELL, Pet Shop Boys - Agenda EP, Pi’erre Bourne & Cardo Got WIngs - Pi’erre & Cardo’s WIld Adventure [Mixtape], Rod Wave - PTSD, Shy Glizzy - Covered N Blood, Spellling - Mazy Fly, Tee Grizzley - Scriptures, Tyga - Legendary, Wiz Khalifa & Curren$y - 2009, 03 Greedo - Still Summer in the Projects
Naw: Scarlxrd - INFINITY, Weezer - Weezer (The Black Album), Yung Gravy - Sensational, Zheani - The Line Censored
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lil-loucifer · 6 years
1-100 unusual asks ;)
Bruh how long ago did I reblog this?
1: Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
2: is your room messy or clean?
Messy af
3: what color are your eyes?
Plain-ass brown
4: do you like your name? why?
I don’t not like it? I guess? I can’t really see myself as anything else, so yea
5: what is your relationship status?
Kinda single, kinda not
6: describe your personality in 3 words or less
Impassive as fuck
7: what color hair do you have?
Black, normally with a shock of blue at the top
8: what kind of car do you drive? color?
Hey guys guess who still doesn’t have his license yet
While I’m learning tho I drive my mom’s silver jeep, and when I get my license, I’m inherit my shitty cousin’s shittier old blue sedan
9: where do you shop?
10: how would you describe your style?
Dark as shit, in more ways than
11: favorite social media account
I only ever use tumblr, so...
12: what size bed do you have?
Twin size? I think?
13: any siblings?
One (1) sister
14: if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
The moon
Because fuck humanity
15: favorite snapchat filter?
I don’t... use snapchat??
16: favorite makeup brand(s)
I don’t really know makeup lmao
17: how many times a week do you shower?
Five, normally. For school days.
18: favorite tv show?
Uhhhhhh fuckin Young Justice I guess??
19: shoe size?
9 1/2 I think in mens, and whatever my mom’s size is in womens
20: how tall are you?
About 5′10
21: sandals or sneakers?
Sneakers 100%
22: do you go to the gym?
23: describe your dream date
At home, under a blanket or some shit, netflix and cuddles?? I dunno man I don’t like going out
24: how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
About $15.
25: what color socks are you wearing?
Right now? Barefoot
26: how many pillows do you sleep with?
27: do you have a job? what do you do?
I am and will continue to be a useless member of society
28: how many friends do you have?
29: whats the worst thing you have ever done?
That’s personal
30: whats your favorite candle scent?
Candles have scents?
32: 3 favorite boy names
Honestly I don’t really have any
33: 3 favorite girl names
^^ Same
34: favorite actor?
^^ Ditto
35: favorite actress?
^^ Yup
36: who is your celebrity crush?
Uhhh I dunno I guess Sebastian Stan is hot??
37: favorite movie?
Probably Patch Adams
38: do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
I read a fuck ton of books and I don’t really have a favorite
39: money or brains?
I mean, if you have brains, you can probably make money...
40: do you have a nickname? what is it?
Lou is in itself a nickname, but I’ve got several others. Like Hayden, or you I guess, calls me Lulu sometimes (but he spells it as “loulou”) 
41: how many times have you been to the hospital?
Never been there for an injury to myself, but I’ve visited family members a ton of times
42: top 10 favorite songs
Bruhhhh don’t expect me to choose
43: do you take any medications daily?
44: what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
Dry af 
45: what is your biggest fear?
Being unwanted?? Like, if people don’t want me around anymore, I guess
Lmao I’ve got this irrational fear that a bunch of people just tolerate me and that every one of my friends from high school or some shit is glad I’m gone
Maybe I’m just bad at keeping in touch
46: how many kids do you want?
None honestly
47: whats your go to hair style?
Undercut, sometimes with a ponytail
48: what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
49: who is your role model?
I don’t really have any that I know of
50: what was the last compliment you received?
...I have recently realized that I can never remember compliments
51: what was the last text you sent?
(my sister offered me her chicken nuggets)
52: how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
I never really believed in Santa lmao
53: what is your dream car?
54: opinion on smoking?
55: do you go to college?
56: what is your dream job?
Pays me enough to live in relative comfort
57: would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
Suburbs, probably
58: do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
I haven’t been to a hotel in years 
59: do you have freckles?
Not to my knowledge
60: do you smile for pictures?
I prefer to make a silly face
61: how many pictures do you have on your phone?
A couple years’ worth
62: have you ever peed in the woods?
63: do you still watch cartoons?
Sometimes, yeah
64: do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Wendy’s sells chicken nuggets?
65: Favorite dipping sauce?
Probably just ketchup lmao
God forbid I say szechuan sauce
66: what do you wear to bed?
S k i n
Sometimes underwear
67: have you ever won a spelling bee?
Never even been in one
68: what are your hobbies?
I come up with stories, but suck ass at writing them
Also I play video games a lot
69: can you draw?
Poorly, but yeah
70: do you play an instrument?
Nope lmao I suck
71: what was the last concert you saw?
My own middle school choir concert??
72: tea or coffee?
73: Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
74: do you want to get married?
I dunno
75: what is your crush’s first and last initial?
H. E. 
76: are you going to change your last name when you get married?
It’s a possibility?
77: what color looks best on you?
Everything looks like shit on me
78: do you miss anyone right now?
79: do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Closed as fuck
80: do you believe in ghosts?
Kinda?? Like I’ve never seen one but like... Anything’s possible
81: what is your biggest pet peeve?
I dunno I’m a pretty tolerant guy
82: last person you called`
@slightlyunofficial just to chat
83: favorite ice cream flavor?
Either chocolate chip cookie dough or cookies & cream
84: regular oreos or golden oreos?
85: chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
86: what shirt are you wearing?
That dank-ass Punisher t-shirt that’s been through so much
87: what is your phone background?
A drawing of a cat that Cassandra Jean posted on her blog
The artist, not the actor
88: are you outgoing or shy?
Shy as fuuuuuuck
89: do you like it when people play with your hair?
Depends on who does it 
Like, an old lady who tries to reach for it while I’m not looking? Hell fucking no
A close friend or loved one (or just someone cute lmao)? Fuck yea
90: do you like your neighbors?
Y’know, all of eighteen years of life, and I’ve never really talked to them
91: do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
...no I’m a dirty boy
92: have you ever been high?
Lmao no
93: have you ever been drunk?
94: last thing you ate?
My sister’s chicken nuggets
95: favorite lyrics right now
“Maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the facts,
It’s not easy facing up when your whole world is black”
96: summer or winter?
97: day or night?
98: dark, milk, or white chocolate?
Milk chocolate ;u;
99: favorite month?
December?? I dunno, I just like how the word sounds lmao
100: what is your zodiac sign
101: who was the last person you cried in front of?
Okay so I never cry in front of anyone because I hate showing emotion to people, it makes me feel super vulnerable and I hate it lmao
But once after watching the movie “Patch Adams” in class it gave off such a bittersweet ending feel to me that I actual shed one single tear
This girl happened to glance over and I’m like “I’m not crying you’re crying shut up” 
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amstcrdamarchived · 7 years
☁ riley ☁ delilah ☁ catalina ☁ sydney ☼brandon ☼hayden ☼layton ☼sawyer ☼lucas ☼ross (me?? going overboard w memes bc i wanna know how u see them ?? more likely than u think )
riley: oversized knit sweaters, the smell of a homecooked meal, sunday mornings laying in bed, the warmth of the sun at 2pm, odd socks, ribbon tied into bows, bubblegum chapstick, eating nutella on the kitchen counter, bear hugs, tear stained tissues, bubble baths, slow dancing in the moonlight, hidden notes, breakfast at tiffany’s, doe eyes, i’m gonna be okay texts, lingering hugs.
delilah (bear w me i haven’t interacted with her as much): living paycheck to paycheck, yesterday’s eyeliner, missed calls, messy buns, chockers, unanswered questions, miming a finger gun to her head, loud music, house parties, 2am walks down the street, rooftops, empty sighs, bright lights, vacant expressions, too many cups of coffee, gas stations, crying in the shower, empty bottles of vodka.
catalina (mainly just from the first thread): silk sheets, lollipops, (43) text messages, eye rolls, thick wallets, lip biting, towels wrapped around her body, short skirts, frat parties, teasing, roses, playing with the wind in a moving vehicle, expensive jewellery, macbooks, unopened text books, snapchat filters, sunbathing poolside, lingerie, middle finger raised, booty pics, red lipstick, hickeys, convenient stores, after parties, texting in class, pearly whites, late night drive thru, face masks.
sydney: unanswered texts, impromptu road trips, center of attention, high heels, “daddy’s girl”, pressed flowers, tequila shots, hangovers, tight dresses, movie references, collection of wine bottles, front row seats, designer bags, bar stools, hair flicking, painted nails, coming home to an empty bed, devil on your shoulder, skinny jeans, too much confidence, clean kitchen, turning your back on a loved one, heels on concrete, the one that got away.
brandon: cheeky grins, bookshelf of classics, non-prescription glasses, licking your lips, too much free time, random (useless) facts, button up shirts with rolled up sleeves, dress shoes, glasses of whiskey at eleven in the morning, getting up to no good, old movies, witty comebacks, secretly liking cats, sticky notes, fancy analog watches, rough make out sessions, pissing people off, sitting in the gutter at 3am, fingers gliding through curls, tapping a pen against the table.
hayden: rays of sunshine peaking through blinds, grandma’s recipe, family portraits, road trips back home, kisses from momma, accidental bruises, going the extra mile, helping a stranger carry their bags, laying in fields, trying too hard, sore muscles, giving little kids piggy backs, big happy dogs, breakfast in bed, bottled up feelings, quiet moments, lazy sundays, running in the morning, lake visits, “have you eaten today?” texts
layton: unidentifable contact numbers, 3am messages, earphones, sport bags, parted lips, shirtless just because, back of the class seats, baseball cups backwards, big jumpers, notification tones, charming smirks, head between your thighs, fingers around neck, calls from your little brother, eating out with the boys, the other room at a party, snapchat videos, short captions, hair gel, wearing the towel around your waist, hugging your mother tightly, sneaky snaps, same face selfies, working out to kendrick lamar. 
sawyer: cracked spines of paperback books, notes in the margins, eating apples, cheap vodka with lemonade, the same black clothes, walking in the rain, unfinished letters, unanswered phone calls, hanging up too quickly, pushing people away, vinyl records, “it was better in the 70s”, leaving parties early, walking home alone, unexplained cuts, wasted time, water dripping off of pipes.
lucas: heart on your sleeve, back massages, giving your their coat in the rain, worried faces, unanswered decisions, caring too much, helping you find your car, pushing the shopping cart, picnics at the park, bareback horse riding, unintentional plaid shirts, scruffy hair, homesick days, facetiming your folks, drive-in movies, hand holding, carrying you to bed, out the door the second you need them, stepping up to the bad guy, superhero movies.
ross: dinosaur figurines, textbooks on the shelves, lingering stares, chasing the wrong girl, falling asleep at the desk, pushing instead of pulling doors, half finished coffee cups, reading the newspaper in the morning, probably ugly sweaters, overanalysing anything, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, pens that don’t work, cheesy finger gun actions, waiting too long, missed opportunities, not saying what’s on the mind, stupid facts.
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alucywarner · 7 years
[Okay, hi, hello. It’s been about two weeks since the children have seen each other last, and, obviously, it’s been a dang sad two weeks, but since I’m such a lazy procrastinator, I never managed to write a post where Maddox was telling his fIANCEE that he would be coming through town, so here we are. 
Maddox has come through town, bringing along all his lovely band folks with him, and all that good stuff, even though he’s already informed them that, yet again, they better stay out of his business while he’s with his lady, because he’s got more important things to worry about than some speakERS that needed moving around. That more important thing is his FIANCEE. And, yes, that is how he keeps addressing her to everyone in the band scene. Lucy, my FIANCEE. My FIANCEE is coming around, guys. Ah, look. Here comes my FIANCEE. 
Everyone hates to hear him talk even more now. 
Love my idiot son. 
But, here we go. Yes, Maddox is in town, and Lucy’s on top of the world, because two weeks felt like an eternity, and their ‘hello’ was about ten times longer than their ‘goodbye’, much to Corey’s discontent, but, as Maddox told her, her ‘opinion doesn’t matter. bye.’. 
So,  the children have been out-and-about, and they’ve had a great time, catching up, laughin’, smoochin’, probably more than smoochin’. Who am I to say what they’ve gotten up to? I am no one. 
But they’re at the venue, now, and I’m guessing that Stove and Sage are coming to whatever show is happening tonight (Sage is coming with a frown, because she doesn’t want to engage with the show hooligans, but she’s gonna be S U P P O R T I V E.), but it’s only still slightly early, so they aren’t there yet. There have been people milling around, trying to get things ready, etc. etc., and people could easily slip by without anyone else noticing, though, so no one could be too sure that Stage wasn’t already here, and they’d just gotten lost in a sea of roadies. 
Maddox and Lucy weren’t paying that much attention anyway. Nope. They figured Stage would text one of them once they arrived, so they were huddled in a corner together, probably doing some canoodling of some sort. Why aren’t they canoodling backstage? Well, that’s a good question. One that I won’t answer. Sorry to tell you. 
I’m here to tell you, that they’ve been canoodling long enough that the doors are open now, and Maddox should definitely be backstage at this point, as per what he was instructed by Corey, but he only half-heard her because of the canoodling that was going on. 
buT, again, very close to time for this thing to start, so Lucy figures, hey, I need to go to the bathroom or something before curTAIN, sO--. She’s just gonna get up from Canoodle Corner without even trying to tell Maddox where she’s going, tbh.]
Hey-- where are you going?? [Confused at this fact of just getting up without saying anything. Don’t play him like that, Luce.]
The bathroom??
Oh. [He gets up from Canoodle Corner too.] I’ll go with you~~.
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No you won’t, crazy. You’ve gotta get backstage.
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I still have time. [:C]
Corey’s gonna end up murdering you, me, or both of us if you keep neglecting your duties~. 
I’ll fight her. 
[A sigh.] So clingy~~~.
I’m not clinging nearly as much as I could be.
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I’m so sorry I have to miss that. 
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You won’t have to if I sneak to the bathroom with you~.
Trying to stop you from doing what you want to do is like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube, so just come on. [She’s rolling her eyes in a totally loving way at her dumb future husband.]
[Off they go to the bathroom, or, they’re trying their best to wade through all the people, but they do finally make it out into the outer area where there’s the entrance to the bathrooms, and the crowd out here had started to thin out, for sho, but there were still a few people around. 
And, right before the kiddos could get into the the bathroom door, there is a calling of Lucy’s name. Just Lucy’s name, and that was rather weird because the only people that would know Lucy here weren’t here yet, that she knew of, and the voice sounded like neither Stove, nor Sage. 
Both she and (an annoyed) Maddox turn around, and oh buddy, you’ll never guess who it is. Because Lucy’s eyes have definitely gone wide.]
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[Okay, so Hayden’s been approaching, and he’s in front of them, and he’s looking weary af, but he’s looking.] I know-- I should probably... explain why I’m back here...
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A better question is why are you here here?
[It’s safe to mention Maddox is probably shaking over there next to Lucy. A nice hard shake. Like he’s holding back, you might say.] It’s about my... brother that I told you about. [A look to Maddox.] And I figured I should... probably clear some things up.
I’ll fucking say.
[Lucy’d never heard him sound that pISSED at one individual before. Not even herself the last time that she was at his show, ya feel?] Maddox--. [It’s like a warn of ‘not here, please’.]
No, I mean, he’s right, Lucy. I-I kissed you, so--... [Lucy can feel Maddox tense beside her oh dear.] I just thought she was such a great girl, I-- couldn’t help myself.
You knew she had a boyfriend, you little shit. [There is no gif in existence to show how pissed he is, so just use your imagination.]
I did know. And I didn’t care, because I, you know, kinda liked her, but then I--...
OH. Didn’t care? Of course you didn’t care. Holy shit. I cannot listen to you for one more second. [HERE WE GO.]
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MADDOX. STOP. [Lucy has to interject because there are STILL PEOPLE OUT HERE.]
No, I-I deserved that.
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[Maddox honestly has him by the shirt rn.] See? He knows he had it coming. So tell me why I shouldn’t push his shit in??
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Because he’s sixteen, and I don’t want you getting fucking arrested. That’s why!
Honestly, Luce, it’d be fucking worth it.
Look, just-- let me explain things first, and then you can beat my ass, okay?
I’ll hold you to that. [Has he let go of his shirt? Nope.]
Lucy already knows this part-- I was in town because I’d never met my dad, but I found out that he had another kid-- a son-- someone who lived in this town. I came here to try to find him, but I couldn’t. I went to his address, and all I found there was some grumpy-ass lady. So, I went home after I kissed Lucy. [Maddox’s grip gets tighter on him, tbh, because he doesn’t even like to hear that sentence uttered.] But what I found out... that same night was that... my brother was out of town then. He was out of town... with his band.
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[I don’t think Maddox has quite grasped what he’s saying, mainly because he’s too busy steaming from the ears to actually listen with them. Tbh, he’s just waiting for Horchata to finish so that he can make good on beating his ass. 
However, Lucy was listening. And Lucy’s definitely grasped what he’s saying. Her jaw is almost to the floor.] Oh my god...
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Lucy never mentioned your name when she talked about you... Not until after...  And when she said your name was Maddox...
Are you... saying... Maddox is the brother you’ve been trying to find? 
... Yeah.
Bullshit. You’re just trying to save your own ass.
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[To Lucy.] You never told me his last name, right? You just called him Maddox. [Lucy nods. He turns back to Maddox.] Your name is Maddox Bravo. You’re nineteen years old, you were born on May 22nd, your mother’s name is Kelly, and you have no siblings-- other than me.
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[Maddox is EVER SO SLIGHTLY SHOOK, but this news does not make him any less murderous.] What? And this is just supposed to be some happy family reunion??? I’m just supposed to drop the fact that you kissed my fucking girlfriend because you’re my brother??? Don’t you think that bit of information makes it a hundred times fucking worse???
If I had known she was your girlfriend, I would’ve never done it in the first place, alright? She said her boyfriend’s name was Maddox, and I bolted. I’m not a fucking bad guy, okay? I just-- I wouldn’t go around kissing my brother’s girlfriend.
... Why the hell did you come here?
To meet you? To talk?
What did you think would happen? That we’d become best friends, and start having family dinner together every weekend??
No, I expected you to beat the shit out of me. 
Hey, maybe we are related, since you’ve read my fucking mind. [He’s shook the kid just a little bit, and suddenly, fiancee’s got her hands on his shoulders.]
Maddox, don’t.
Like hell ‘don’t’, Lucy.
I’m sorry for kissing your girlfriend. I would never even try again. The only reason I even came back was to clear the air. And to let you know the truth.
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Well, I don’t give a shit about the truth, so...
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You know it now whether you give a shit or not.
[Maybe Lucy’s actually succeeded in pulling this steaming boy away just a bit. Maybe she’s gotten his hands off Horchata, and she’s trying to get him backstage before Maddox can do anything else, but honestly, Lucy, Maddox is like a foot taller than you, and he can swerve outta your grip as easily as anything, SO.]
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And that’s for coming here and reminding me that your stupid ass shit actually happened!
MADDOX. That was SO fucking unnecessary. [Her hands are back on him immediately, tbh. They’re right on his shoulders.]
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I. Don’t. Care. 
[Alas, in the distance, someone’s manager has finally caught up.] BravO! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? SHOWTIME’S IN LIKE FIVE MINUTES. GET YOUR ASS BACKSTAGE.
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[His jaw is clenched tight, and he shakes Lucy’s hands off his shoulders, and there’s one final look to that cinnamon-y half-brother of his.] Just... stay the fuck away from me and Lucy. [And off he goes to follow his lovely manager.]
[And there is Cinnamon Rice standing there, probably wiping blood away, I’d bet, and Lucy’s just looking at him like ‘sweet fuCK’.]
Don’t look at me like that.
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Why the hell would you try to casually introduce yourself as his brother??
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Just a crazy guy, I guess~. [Saaaar~casm~.]
You should’ve just left it alone. 
If you knew you had a sibling-- something you’ve kinda wanted your whole life, wouldn’t you take a chance at it?
I’d recommend listening to him. I’d rather not have to bail him out of jail for assault. 
... Of all the girls I have to run into at the mall... it has to be his fucking girlfriend.
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[Lucy doesn’t know how to respond to that. She’s not even sure how this situation makes her feEL, because YIKES, how Maddox had just walked away from here. OH BOY.
But, luckily, she doesn’t have to respond, because there’s the familiar voices she’d been waiting for, calling her out. Hi, Stage.]
Luce, there you are. You would not believe the traffic. We got here just in time. Are you ready to go inside? 
Uh, yeah. Let’s go.
[There’s a look of confusion from Stove, and don’t think Maddox didn’t bring the Horchata situation to him when he found out about it, so maybe he’s raising an eyebrow, but in they go, and showtime. Yay. Okay. That’s it for now.]
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alibaracnik · 5 years
tatum (boy) + 18, aliza + 10, henri + 11, jenni + 6, hayden (boy) + 25
tatum + 18: heeeeey L it’s ya boiiii. i’m like super druuunk and i didn’t want to call and wake you cause i know you have that morning class )SILLY) but i really needed to tell you something super important..... you ready???? i lOOOOOOVE YOUUUUUUUUUU. you’re like so pretty and i miss you and i can’t wait until you’re here in 18 dayss. okay cleo’s trying to take my phone :( but i love u ok!!!! i love you so much!!!!!!
(i am DYING at how much shit he would get over this lmao)
aliza + 10: hey rae. i know you’re probably like sleeping in q’s arms right now or some other cute shit, but i just wanted to text you because i just... you know how i am sometimes, ok? i feel like i didn’t say enough when you told me, but i want you to know that you can do this. you’re going to be a good mom. i know we all come from fuckin shit situations and that makes it feel scary, but that’s what’s going to make you a good mom. you know how it important is to be heard, to be loved. and i know you’ll give this kid that. i believe in you. q too, but don’t tell him i said that.
henri + 11: i don’t know if you’ll get this, mace. i just want you to know it wasn’t your fault. i hope you know that. if you do, then that’s good, move on with your life and find someone who’s capable of loving you fully. but me leaving? it’s not your fault. i’ll probably regret sending this tomorrow. i just really want to make you knew that.
jenni + 6: dad said whoever sees the new house first gets to pick a room!!! jokes on you guys for being Important Dudes and moving away, this small town loser is getting an extra room with a view
hayden + 25(also drunk): heeey baby you didn’t answer your phone but i wanted to sa y i miss you and i want you to come over!  my parents aren’t home if you know waht i’m sayin... wait i moved out. ok what i’m saying is you’re hot and i miss you, come over when you see this!!
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