#I was getting sick of people attacking David and his writers which a majority of them are queer and POC
mst3kproject · 4 years
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She Freak
Oh, boy, this is going to be a fucking delight.  If the 1932 movie Freaks were Invasion of the Saucer Men, She Freak would be Attack of the The Eye Creatures.  Freaks is a very troubling movie, but it does go to great effort to present the denizens of the sideshow as human beings who can be loving, greedy, heartbroken, or naïve as much as anyone else, and who find family in each other when the rest of the world rejects them – and must be very careful who they let into that club.  The horror of the story is derived as much from their predicament as from the fate of Cleopatra.  She Freak is… not like that.
A woman named Jade Cochrane works at a little diner somewhere in the south, quietly (and sometimes not-so-quietly) enduring sexual harassment from both the customers and her married boss.  Wanting more out of life, she quits her job and goes looking for work at a passing carnival, which she figures will at least allow her to travel.  From there she sets her sights on marrying Steve St. John, the owner of the freak show and the richest man connected with this community. Unfortunately for everybody around her, even this very moderate form of power corrupts Jade to the core, and after too much of her mistreatment, the sideshow stars take a horrible revenge!
The opening sequence is a bunch of carnival footage in which everybody looks bored, worryingly reminiscent of both Carnival Magic and MUZ.  Even worse, quite a bit of it is shot by somebody sitting on a moving ferris wheel or other midway ride.  I’ve never been able to enjoy midway rides because I get motion sickness (I can’t see J. J. Abrams movies in theatres for the same reason), so this was not a fun experience for me, even on my tiny laptop screen.  It goes on way too long, and most of it doesn’t even have any credits over it.  Crow would have fled to go throw up in a corner.
The moment I knew She Freak belonged on MST3K, however, is this shot:
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What the hell does that sign say?  YHJCY A+ FTJB?  What does it mean?  Is it an acronym?  A secret code?  An in-joke? A message to or from aliens?  That would have fascinated Mike and the ‘bots.  They’d have built a whole host sketch around that sign.
She Freak is tooth-rattlingly bad in many different ways.  I don’t know what any of the people in it think they’re doing but it sure isn’t acting.  It’s relentlessly padded, full of pointless footage of putting the midway up, taking the midway down, putting the midway back up again, and carnival-goers wandering around looking dazed.  At one point we have to watch a stripper do her act, to a chorus of background hooting and applause that sure isn’t coming from the bored-to-shit audience we see.  Most of the film feels like nothing is happening, and then what ought to have been the entire plot is crammed into the last fifteen minutes.
The one place where there is a glimmer of competence is in a couple of quite nice directing choices.  There’s a scene where Jade leaves her new husband with his buddies and sneaks off to bang the guy who runs the ferris wheel, Blackie (don’t worry, he’s white. She Freak has a little person called ‘Shorty’, but to my relief it wasn’t tasteless enough to cast a character named ‘Blackie’ as an African American) that makes a very good use of shadows to tell us what’s going on in two places at once.  Pity the film stock is so crappy it almost ruins it.  I also liked how Jade’s scenes with Blackie have proper dialogue, while Steve woos her in a series of montages.  Jade wants to spend time with Blackie, while her marriage to Steve is something she goes through the motions of and gets out of the way.
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She Freak really has no right to tout itself as a remake of Freaks, for the simple reason that it isn’t even about the sideshow.  The older movie had characters like Hans the dwarf and Daisy and Violet the conjoined twins, who were people with relationships and roles in the plot.  In She Freak we never even see the sideshow that so upsets Jade in an early scene.  There’s Shorty, the little guy in a cowboy hat who works for the carnival, but when we see him he’s acting like he’s Steve’s friend and assistant rather than one of the exhibits.  An armless woman and a few people in funny makeup appear at the climax, but we’ve never seen them before and we have no idea who they are.  Where the hell is the ‘Alligator Girl’ the banners promised?
It’s probably all for the best.  If there had been any ‘unusual people’ with major roles in the movie it would doubtless have treated them in a disgusting and exploitative manner.  But what’s on screen shouldn’t even pretend to be a remake of Freaks.
As the owner of the sideshow, Steve insists that he cares about his employees and considers them ‘human beings, just like you and me’. He tells Jade that many of them came from abusive homes, and that in his show they’re able to earn a living and be around others who won’t judge them.  This is a reasonably noble sentiment, but what we are subsequently shown is somewhat at odds with it.  Steve says his employees are also his friends, but he hangs out and plays cards with the other carnies, not with them.  When Shorty tells him that Jade is cheating on him, Steve slaps him like he would a misbehaving child.  This is not how people treat friends and equals.
You may have guessed where this is heading: in one of my favourite running complaints, yep, we have nobody to root for in this movie.  We’re probably supposed to like Steve, but he’s bland and his actions don’t agree with his words insisting he’s a nice, compassionate guy. The character from whose point of view we see the events is of course Jade, but Jade is the villain of the movie and we’re watching it to see her hubris destroy her.  That means the protagonists ought to be the sideshow people themselves, but since we never actually meet them, their revenge is meaningless. In this context they are not human beings, they are not characters, they are merely what Jade has been calling them all along: monsters.
(Shorty, by the way, is played by Felix Silla, who is the closest thing this movie has to a star. He was Cousin Itt on the Addams Family TV show.)
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She Freak presents us with several reasons why we ought to dislike Jade.  She’s introduced working at the greasy little diner, where she turns down a date first with a customer and then with her boss.  The customer accepts this gracefully but the boss does not.  The scene tries to show us Jade as an uppity bitch who thinks she’s too good for other people, but her boss is such a slimy toad that we have to take her side.  She tells us how her mother married too young and lost any chance at her own dreams, and while Claire Brennan is a terrible actress, the story is one that inspires sympathy.  When Jade seizes on the carnival as her chance for escape she becomes downright pathetic.  I mean, how awful is your life if a travelling midway and sideshow seems like a step up in the world?
Of course, as the movie continues we find that Jade really is just a snotty bitch whose idea of ‘getting more out of life’ is having a rich husband to carry her bags when she goes shopping. She sees others only as what they can provide to her – Steve for money, Blackie for sex.  This attitude blinds her to others’ true intentions.  She is entirely oblivious to the fact that Blackie is an abusive bastard or that Steve honestly loves her.  The lesson of the movie seems to be ‘beware of women who want more out of life.’  She should have known her place!
This is a pretty nasty attitude towards women but there are other female characters who are treated a bit better.  Pat the stripper tried marriage and domesticity and didn’t like it.  She seems to enjoy working at the carnival and is gregarious and kind-hearted.  We’re invited to leer at her performance but she’s presented as much less trashy than Jade, who considers herself above such things. Pat continues to try to be a friend to Jade for as long as she can, and keeps giving her second chances long after it should be obvious that Jade isn’t interested in reciprocating her kindness. There’s also Olga the fortune-teller, who needed to support herself after her husband died.  The three of them even manage to have conversations that pass the Bechdel test.  In a movie called She-Freak that’s almost impressive.
The ending of She Freak is the only place where it really even seems inspired by Freaks.  The sideshow employees take their revenge on Jade, and we see her on display in the sideshow, licking a snake and wearing some unconvincing Harvey Dent makeup.  This is supposed to feel like justice, in that she has become what she most hated, but it’s been so watered down by the movie’s refusal to humanize the sideshow, or even to show us Jade interacting with them at all, that it has no power to horrify.  It’s a big letdown after the opening scene that promised us a horrible freak that was once a human being.  Why does her burned side have an elf ear?
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Invasion of the Saucer Men was not a good movie, at all, but it still deserved better than Attack of the The Eye Creatures.  It’s up for debate whether Freaks was technically ‘good’ but it was an ambitious film with much to say about how human beings treat one another and about the eugenics movement of the 1930s.  In fact, the US National Film Registry considers Freaks one of the most significant films ever made, and it currently boasts a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes.  The fact that writer David Friedman claimed She Freak was a remake of Freaks just proves that, like the audiences who booed that film in 1932, he never bothered to understand it.
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radiojamming · 5 years
The Terror Meta - Tom Hartnell: Symbol of Death, Redemption, and Bravery
By now, I think it’s been established that The Terror’s writers went above and beyond when it came to making their characters. The question board picture has been circulated (including the question of when a character went from being in a high adventure story to horror), so it’s probably not a reach to say that every character had their place in the show carefully considered. And one of those characters is Tom Hartnell.
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(Warning: Long post and spoiler heavy. Uh, people die. A lot.)
For the show’s time constraints, Tom’s backstory is mentioned in snippets, mostly in the first episode. David Young provides the majority of it:
“I don’t want you to do to me what you did to Tom Hartnell’s brother. [...] I want to go to my grave as I am. Don’t cut me open.”
Several times in the same episode, references are made to the men on Beechey Island, having been the first three casualties of the Expedition. Clearly, Tom’s brother was one of these three. 
I’ve posted this on my blog before, but the original pilot script also gave Tom an extra role and provided deeper backstory, such as this:
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With Tom on the Erebus watching Billy Orren drown and attempting to go after him, a role that was eventually given to Collins. And again in a removed flashback to Beechey Island, which provides not only backstory, but further explanation to why Tom is the way that he is:
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While this isn’t included in the show, the writers probably kept this scene in mind with his character. Yeah, Tom walked in on his brother’s autopsy. From the very beginning of the Expedition, he dealt with death in the most direct and horrifying way possible. In the sense of the writer’s question of when it went from high adventure to horror? It was probably this moment, before the show even begins.
From this point, Tom is transferred to Terror for reasons not explained, but now everyone knows what’s happened to him. Even people as far down the hierarchy rungs as David Young know, and it makes them uneasy. But here’s where it gets interesting.
At the moment David Young starts coughing, Tom Hartnell appears in nearly every single scene involving a person either dying or about to die. Case in point.
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He’s sitting right behind Hickey and looks over his shoulder when David starts coughing. Shortly after, when David retches, he’s standing up and watching him.
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(It should probably be noted that David dies of exactly the same disease that killed Tom’s brother. Wuh-oh.)
“Okay, DJ, but that’s just one time. He’s an AB, so of course he would be there!” you might say.
You’re right! But the next time he appears in Episode 2 (”Gore”), look who he’s standing next to.
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Lieutenant Graham Gore, that’s who! (And Morfin by extension, but that’s for later. Same with Des Voeux.)
Aaaand who goes next?
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(Really big UH-OH.)
And if you want to go by extension, he’s also present when Silna’s father is shot, and is the one assigned to collect Silna’s things that are in the Erebus sick bay with her father’s body in Ep. 3 (”The Ladder”). 
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Where he looks, appropriately, uncomfortable. @theiceandbones​ absolutely brilliantly pointed out that yes, this is the Erebus sick bay where Tom walked in on his brother’s autopsy. It stands to mind that of course he’d be anxious. He knocks on the doorframe before he enters, walking in slowly and nervously. His body language here is interesting and hard to capture with just screenshots, but he keeps trying to look away from the body as much as possible, but is finding it very hard to look away. Even as he’s leaving the room, he looks again, while also bodily backing away from it. With his brother’s death in mind, he’s revisiting the place where it all happened, possibly for the first time since then. 
While I think his death symbolism starts with David Young, it really picks up between here and the next scene, where he speaks to Silna.
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In the short time he speaks to her, a few things are established, both said and unsaid. Unlike some of the crew, Tom doesn’t appear to be uneasy about Silna, but instead is sympathetic. His job was probably just to get her things and deliver them, but he goes out of his way to help her and extends kindness in packing her food. He offers his condolences, and again, in something that is hard to catch in screenshots, he thinks about it for a moment, looking conflicted before offering them and giving her the nickname she’ll have for the rest of the series. 
It’s unsaid, but undoubtedly, he’s thinking of his own loss as well. 
We don’t see Tom for a little while until near the end of the episode when Sir John is taken into the firehole. And then, sure enough:
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There he is. (For an AB, he’s sure showing up with officers quite a bit.)
Tom is in-frame for death after death after death. 
It gets subverted (like a lot of things) in Ep. 4 (”Punished, As a Boy”). Tom is not in frame during Private Heather’s attack, which may be owed to Heather not dying. Strong is taken off-screen, and Evans is only with Crozier when he’s killed. He reappears briefly and in-focus, sitting with Hickey and Peglar, when Tozer is talking about how baffled they all are that Heather hasn’t died.
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He also doesn’t appear when the Strong-Evans mismatched corpse is found by Hickey, who proceeds to actually see the Tuunbaq for the first time. The next time he’s seen is at a very pivotal scene for not only him, but the entire plot. 
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At this point, Hickey’s claimed responsibility for capturing Silna, and Tom stands up a few seconds after to also claim responsibility. This is where I think the tone of his subplot changes completely, all in the matter of one scene:
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The interrogation.
Now the above shot is kind of amazing, and I’ve only noticed it recently, but knowing how much detail the show crew put into this, I feel like it’s relevant to point out a few things. First, this shot is framed with Hartnell in the center and Hickey and Manson off to the side, just after Hickey says that Tom saw the Tuunbaq first. There’s a brief shot of Hartnell sort of side-glaring at Hickey with his lip twitching before he steels himself, and then this composition. Little and Fitzjames are looking at Hickey, but Crozier’s looking at Tom, fully and completely. He knows something, and it feels relevant to note that Hickey is level with a chessboard, while Tom is level with the light.
I’ve posted about Tom’s face journey here before, and I’ll recycle a few shots for this, but the turning point comes just after Crozier outlines what Hickey’s being accosted and punished for. He names the punishment (the lashes), and Tom’s face says it all.
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Fear. His eyes are watering. He has to take in a few breaths, but then Crozier asks what do they have to say and without even a full second of hesitation (I counted):
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Tom says, “Yes, sir!” as clearly as possible. He accepts the punishment immediately. Crozier’s reaction:
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He stares at Tom for a long moment, thoughtful, until Little draws his attention away. 
Now, what does this have to do with the theory of Tom being a symbol of death? Well, a lot. I’ll get to that.
First, during the lashing, you only hear Tom’s v/o telling Manson that the lashings will hurt, and that the pain is the point of why they’re lashed. He is deliberately kept out of sight and focus, because the punishment isn’t really for him in the audience’s eyes anymore. He was probably absolved the moment Crozier looked at him. The punishment is completely directed on Hickey after that. 
Ep. 5 (”First Shot a Winner, Lads”) is where the change in Hartnell really shows. The episode starts off with scenes of life now. Officers and men are taking measurements of temperature and gauging the speed of sound and light. Fitzjames is working on the charts (towards Back’s Fish River). Goodsir and Lady Silence are talking and translating, and the trinkets from the men are shown as they’ve interacted with her. The show physically leans away from death for a moment, which up until now has been bloody and gruesome. The first person who dies is Hornby, and all that happens to him?
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He simply falls to the ground. No blood. No viscera. His heart’s just stopped. 
Of course, the next time Tom appears:
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He’s handling Hornby’s body and taking it down to the dead room. 
This scene is very poignant because it shows how four different characters handle the idea of death and the afterlife, all in very short order. 
You have Magnus, scared of the hold because he’s certain he’s heard the voices of Strong and Evans. He’s afraid of the ghosts that he’s sure are there.
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You have Irving, who is oddly indignant, technical when it comes to the dead with explaining that all that’s left of them are frozen remains and canvas shrouds, and furious at the idea of Manson believing in ghosts.
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Hickey, who at first seems to be doing Manson a kindness, but probably just more eager to show Irving up. 
And then Tom, completely unafraid of handling a body, and offering to Manson that he can get the job done if Manson lowers Hornby down.
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The next shot we see is another interesting one, with Hartnell leading the way to the dead room, Hickey bringing up the rear, and Manson, the lantern-bearer, several steps behind. (You could say a lot for crossing the River Styx energies here, ya.)
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And then the dead room is shown at a Dutch angle or Dutch tilt, a technique used to establish uneasiness or tension.
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Manson is watching the two of them work in the dead room, out of the light, in a shot that is off-kilter (yes, the ship is off-kilter as well, but up until this point, everyone has been shown standing upright) to suggest that something is going to go wrong. But then:
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Tom steps out of the dead room first, in the lantern light, standing upright against the angle, diffusing the tension. There are no ghosts, no eerie disembodied voices. And just like that, with a quiet affirmation--
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The scene ends, with nothing having gone wrong.
To follow up on this in the sense of Tom’s character, he’s gone from being nervous and touchy around the dead to being completely alright with their presence. 
Following this, there are more scenes of life against all odds. Tozer is cutting Heather’s nails and speaking to him as though he’s awake. Hodgson supervises another scientific experiment with the cannons. Goodsir and Lady Silence meet with Blanky and Crozier and speak, ending up with the fight that culminates between Fitzjames and Crozier. No one is killed. If anything, this is one the liveliest scenes thusfar.
The next time he appears?
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Is when the Tuunbaq is on the ship and about to appear in full. Before, his appearance might have suggested that someone was about to die, but something kind of interesting happens.
The crew fire on the Tuunbaq after Blanky marks it with the lantern fire, and for one of the first times in the show, Tom actually appears happy. 
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He’s excited! He’s standing with Little, Hodgson, and Tozer, and they’re all thrilled. Even more amazing?
Blanky does not die.
He’s injured. His injuries require a pretty gruesome amputation, but of all the episodes in the show, Ep. 5 ends with the lowest body count.
Now Ep. 6 (”A Mercy”) is kind of all over the place for Tom and everyone else. He appears first talking to Hickey about Armitage, who is now revealed to have been part of their plot to kidnap Lady Silence. Hickey asks why Tom didn’t turn Armitage in, even after being flogged. 
Hickey: You’d have been in your rights to.
Hartnell: I didn’t see the point in it.
Hickey: Even still? After getting flogged? That sort of thing can change your sense of what the point is.
Hartnell: It did. I’m grateful... is the point. 
Hickey: [pause] Reformed you, did it? 
Hartnell: I shouldn’t have listened to you. And I deserved to be flogged. 
Hickey: [silence]
Hartnell: Yeah, and by ordering it, the Captain, he’s given me a chance to clean my record and start anew. 
Hickey: Do you think Crozier sees it like that? A new Mr. Hartnell? 
Hartnell: I do, yeah. [smiles] And I intend to use that charter well. 
This is another turning point for both Hartnell and Hickey. Hickey is realizing that his list of allies is getting shorter (he starts by trying to drive a wedge between Tom and command, reminding him that he physically suffered because of them, and when he realizes that it isn’t going to work, he mocks him and leaves him) and now understands that Tom probably won’t work with him again. 
Tom shows that his loyalty is now completely with Crozier. I’d even say that he never followed Hickey’s ideals in the first place, even with the kidnapping (remember how he acted toward Lady Silence before, and how quick he was to be held responsible). This is him now completely, as the phrase goes, on the side of angels. It’s going to add a new tone to his next few interactions, and really drive home his place as a death symbol.
Ep. 6 is as bloody and horrific as Ep. 5 was not. Fitzjames holds his Carnivale, Jopson and Crozier attend, and it all goes wrong very, very fast. One thing that @theiceandbones​ and I noticed was that before it-shay hits the an-fay, Tom is seen once in costume.
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And he’s dressed as what appears to be a lion - a very poignant symbol of bravery (and Britain, if you want to go that far). 
Of course, during the fire, Tom is there (as is everyone except Hickey who is outside of the tent), so I’d hesitate to call that a connection. His first mention after Carnivale is through Bridgens, who tells Crozier that Tom reported Dr. Peddie lost during the fire. 
Going into Episode 7 (”Horrible from Supper”), Tom is officially an outlier to the people who are going to become the Mutineers. He’s excluded from anything Hickey begins to plan and is completely on the captains’ side. Literally. His next shot shows him between Crozier and Jopson.
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But more relevant is the next time he’s seen with Crozier and Blanky, making notes of the ice and the movement of the compass. Blanky remarks: 
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Tom’s been completely redeemed in the eyes of Crozier, enough that he’s being asked to step outside the grunt work of hauling sledges, and his opinions and observations are trusted (”Very well. I’ll continue to rely on your eyes.”). The way he gives his observations also show an uptick in confidence and enthusiasm. He’s happy, and a far step away from his nervous, mournful attitude of earlier episodes.
Has he stepped out of the role of being a death symbol? Yes, and no.
Death has started to dog the crew of the Expedition again. Madness is seeping in with the lead. Hickey begins to weave the tapestry of his mutiny as the gruesome discovery of Fairholme’s party takes place (note that Tom isn’t present for this). Rescue seems impossible, and death is starting to become imminent.
Tom Hartnell’s role begins to change, and he goes from being present at the deaths to aiding in the recovery. Whereas death is everywhere, Tom is a symbol of something gentler (on a whole, this is talked about beautifully in this meta piece). 
It starts with Morfin.
Remember that Tom was in the shot with Gore, Morfin, and Des Voeux in Ep. 2, and he’s seen with Morfin again with Lady Silence’s father in the Erebus sick bay later. His role changes with Morfin in Ep. 7 (I’d even through in the symbolism of Morfin singing The Silver Swan if we really want to go wild with the death icons). Morfin is shot, put out of his misery effectively, and Tom does not appear until after he is killed. More importantly, he’s now interacting with the scene - helping, as it were.
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He’s at the center of the shot with Goodsir - not Morfin, who is technically the subject. His hand is on Goodsir, and he silently says something to him before Goodsir stands. Unlike with the other deaths, Tom is no longer directing his attention on the bodies, but on the people who are dealing with them. 
Further on, he privately speaks with Crozier about Armitage’s involvement in Hickey’s earlier plot. Once more, he’s on Crozier’s side completely, which Crozier affirms for him, saying that he trusts him and does not want to put him in a position where he feels like he can’t speak. He says they’ll work together, and thanks Tom, earning a smile out of him.
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But back with his death symbolism, Tom is the first shown to be handling Morfin’s body, drawn into sharp focus against the corpse.
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He’s responsible for the handling and burial, but rather than appearing nervous or upset about his job, he handles it as he did with Hornby’s body. It’s a job to do, and one that he doesn’t appear to mind doing anymore. He helps dig Morfin’s grave, juxtaposed with shots and conversation of Crozier talking about the lead in the cans that led to Morfin’s madness and death. 
The episode ends with Jopson’s promotion and the start of Hickey’s bloody mutiny, in a way signaling the beginning of the end.
Tom doesn’t appear for a portion of Ep. 8 (”Terror Camp Clear”), removed from Irving’s violent death where he probably would have been before, and instead placed in the silent, mournful atmosphere of the dead Netsilik group.
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He’s also removed from the general chaos of the imaginary raid on Terror Camp, but appears in probably one of the most pivotal and brilliantly-arranged scenes that he gets in the entire show. 
The Tuunbaq attacks in full force, ripping the camp asunder, causing so much chaos that the mutineers manage to get away. Men are killed left and right, gruesomely torn apart. The fog makes it difficult to see what’s happening and where, and so only the sounds of roaring and screaming indicate what is happening around them.
And then there’s Tom.
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He’s scared. Of course he is. He’s seen what the Tuunbaq can do, and he knows it’s coming. All he can do is tell the men with him to get down and out of sight, while he stands. 
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Trembling, he raises his gun and waits for the inevitable. He was on deck with they shot the Tuunbaq with the cannon, and he knows that even then, it got away. He knows its size and what it’s capable of doing. His gun will do nothing to it, and he knows this. All he can do is buy the men time and take at least one shot. 
Tom Hartnell literally faces down death itself, and does not back away.
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The camera pans in on him, drawing into focus how he steels himself, furrowing his brows, keeping his aim steady. If anything, this shot establishes his bravery in full detail. And then--
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A rocket is launched at the Tuunbaq from behind -- completely parallel to Tom. In a similar focused shot is Fitzjames.
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Complete with the same steely resolve and surety, establishing his own bravery. With him on one side and Tom on the other, the Tuunbaq is caught in a perfect intersection of selflessness and courage, even when no one’s around to witness it (”A man like me will do amazing things to be seen.”). 
Ep. 9 (”The C, The C, The Open C”) opens with Lady Franklin formally, but with Tom and Golding on the Arctic side, dealing with the dead in the day after the attack on Terror Camp. 
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Once again, Tom is no longer present during the deaths, but is dealing with the aftermath. He offers to help Golding move the body. Golding wonders after the identity of the body, clearly shaken by what he’s seen. But Tom, turning his focus way from the corpse, puts his hand on Golding’s arm to comfort him, as he did with Goodsir.
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“That won’t change what we do for him.”
It’s no longer a matter of the how’s and why’s, but rather how the men move on. Tom has come to represent something so much more in death than its execution. His own grief was mired in the memory of his brother and what was done to his body. Lashing out, curling into himself, allowing others to control his path, and then finding his own way to redemption, Tom has made the full walk of his own sorrow and gone through its stages, coming out on the other side with the sense of mind to help others cope with their losses.
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Then, he’s standing before the row of the dead, hands respectfully folded in front of him. He’s in their presence again, but not in the violent hour of their death, but again, in the aftermath. 
Crozier’s speech is examined so, so gorgeously in this post, with the words “courage” and “the end” focused on Tom. @theiceandbones also pointed out (and subsequently broke my heart) that after Crozier mentions bringing home the names of the dead so that their loved once can find solace, Tom’s bottom lip is trembling. I fully believe in his character, Jack Colgrave Hirst chose to keep the real Thomas Hartnell’s life in mind, thinking that he was going to have to go back to their mother with news of his brother’s death. He embodies this concept so well in that moment. 
After Fitzjames’ death, Tom is seen again in that same role.
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He’s at the center of the shot with Fitzjames’ body, sewing him into his shroud, surrounded and at the center of the focus of their party. He’s either volunteered or been chosen to the handle the body, which he does respectfully. As Shannon, my brilliant cohort noticed:
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He’s working diligently and carefully. And again, it won’t change what he does for him. 
Tom also helps with Peglar, who he has been shown with multiple times since the very first episode, possibly suggesting that they’ve been friends all along.
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He helps lift Peglar into Bridgens’ arms, clearly worrying for him. 
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He’s not shown during Peglar’s death, but he helps handle him, allowing him to rest a little easier before he quietly passes on. Compared to what’s been happening in the mutineer camp, what Tom’s witnessing is a gentle passing of people.
It’s the last scene that stings the worst, as Crozier’s group is confronted by the mutineers, including Des Voeux, Hodgson, and Manson. 
Des Voeux’s gun misfires, hitting Tom square in the chest.
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Tom’s own death is not through the Tuunbaq, or through any of Hickey’s machinations, or anything more than an accident. It’s quick, but painful. Crozier kneels beside him, stroking his hair, comforting him as Tom’s done for others before. The next few lines speak for themselves.
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It’s the end of Tom’s redemption, a sign of his bravery, of his own recovery and progress. Crozier calls him son, affirming a bond between them. Tom is not dying alone. Instead, he has someone at his side who cares for him, just as Tom had been for his own brother only a few years before.
He holds on, struggling against the agony of his wound, until Crozier, eyes filling with tears, lets him go with one phrase -- one that includes something that hasn’t been mentioned since Ep. 1. 
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John Hartnell hasn’t been mentioned since the first episode, and it’s been several years at that point since his death. But Crozier knows what Tom’s been through, and he’s certainly seen his displays of grief and development. If anything would cause Tom to let go, this would be it. With it, Tom goes quietly in only a few seconds. He goes without a sound, simply closing his eyes and letting out a breath.
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Des Voeux, shaken, asks Crozier to stand up. With it, Crozier does Tom a final respect by asking Little to bury him, and to live. Tom’s body is kept out of sight completely, not seen again. 
After his death, the others go quickly. By the time of Ep. 10, it’s almost wholesale loss, between Goodsir’s heroic suicide, the Tuunbaq, and others just disappearing into the mists of the Arctic. But Tom’s character appears to have represented a balance, showing grief and loss, but also recovery and redemption. He appears with nearly every major death in the show, going from anxious and shaken to brave and kind, more eager to help those left in the wake of death, making him the perfect representation to the concepts of loss, grief, and recovery for The Terror.
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"1080p" Angrezi Medium 2020 Hindi Full Movie Download GDrive
Angrezi Medium 2020 Hindi Full Movie Download 720p Google Drive, Angrezi Medium Movie Download 480p Watch Online, Angrezi Medium Irrfan Khan Movie
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English Medium (2020) IMBD Score: 9.0/10 Language: Hindi Angrezi Medium (original title) 2h 25min | Drama | 13 March 2020 (USA) Director: Homi Adajania Writers: Bhavesh Mandalia, Gaurav Shukla Stars: Irrfan Khan, Radhika Madan, Kareena Kapoor
Angrezi Medium is the Hindi translation of a French movie called My Pretty Pony. The movie has been receiving mixed reviews in France since it was first released. Many have accused the film of being sexist and the story and storyline of the film are considered a little confusing.
A handsome, unassuming mithai shop owner is about to fulfill his daughter's dream of studying abroad in London. But, certain mishaps force him to leave his wife and young son behind and embark on a journey to India. But the journey takes him back to Mumbai, where he learns about his past and his destiny. But along the way, his son becomes his best friend.
Some fans believe that Angrezi Medium is more like a Hindi version of the American movie The Great Gatsby. Others have said that it is similar to the movie Lord of the Rings. The movie revolves around a man who leaves his son at home to accompany him on his trip. They become stranded on the wrong side of the world, but together they learn about each other and the other half's future.
One major complaint against the Angrezi Medium movie is that the plotline is not very clear. In the beginning, the main character is told that he must return to India to help his father, who is sick with cancer, and then travel to London to get married. But when he returns, he finds out that the storyline was changed and now he is told to get married in India to a white girl. There are also some critics who argue that the character is a racist, and is more concerned about his own status than the status of his white wife.
The movie also features some of the typical Hindi melodrama. Although the story is a bit confused, there is still some confusion with the characters, and some of the interactions are a little confusing for those who do not know Hindi. But many people, especially the younger generation, loved the film, saying that it is a lot of fun and a great story to watch.
Many of the critics have said that the film is not a perfect Hindi movie. but it is still considered as one of the better Hindi films. In fact, many consider the movie to be better than most of the Hindi movies of this season.
The Angrezi medium 2020 movie is the latest film adaptation of a science fiction novel that has become wildly popular in recent years. The book is by Gregory David Roberts and was originally published in 2020. In this article, I'm going to give an Angrezi medium 2020 movie review of the film adaptation.
The story of the book, which is based around the fictional planet of Angrezi, revolves around a group of teenagers who have a rather unusual encounter with a being known as the Angrezi Medium. This being is responsible for their ability to communicate with the dead and the power of which has led to its reputation as a supernatural being.
The film is based on the book adaptation, although the main characters are the same as in the book, it has been changed so that there is now a whole new generation. The new generation is very different from the previous generation as they have developed the ability to communicate with their deceased family members from past lives.
The main characters are the main character from the book as well as some other interesting ones. There is a new character played by Christian Bale, who is the most prominent character and also happens to be the only one who can control this ability.
One of the other characters also plays an important role in this film and that is a villain called Lord Karnac. He is a villain that wants to bring about an Earth ending and he uses the ability to create dark energy around himself that causes the death of the human race.
Overall this Angrezi medium movie review is going to show you what is different from the book and the main plotline. It also looks at the many other characters and their roles in the film. I hope you enjoy my Angrezi medium 2020 movie review and stay tuned for more reviews in the future.
The movie begins with a montage of the first meeting between Greg and the protagonist, named Gabo. They both were in the same class and he asks her to let him tag along.
When the two arrive, they are immediately set upon by Lord Karnac who attacks Greg and attempts to capture him. As a result, Greg escapes with the help of a few other students. After he escapes, he goes to visit his father who is on the verge of giving up on life again.
In the following years the characters have to find a way to prevent the Earth from being destroyed and find a way to stop the world war that is starting. As a result of the war, the future generations are separated and they have to learn to live together. As a result of this separation the future generations will begin to learn about their past lives and the power of communication.
An Angrezi Medium 2020 Bollywood film has been added to the ever-growing collection of Hindi films. This film, starring Sunny Deol and Bedi Sareen, was filmed in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The plot revolves around an old woman called Angrezi who lives in the foothills of the Himalayas and is looking for a means of transporting her daughter to Delhi.
The Angrezi Medium 2020 Bollywood film is set to be released on August 6, a day before Diwali in India. It is expected to be one of the biggest films to come out of Bollywood. The director is Shyam Benegal, who has directed films like Baazigarh, The Lunch Box, etc. The actors that will star in Angrezi Medium 2020 are:
Benegal, Sareen, and Deol are best known for their roles in Hollywood. These films have won them many awards and made them well-liked in Hollywood. Benegal's previous film 'Lunch Box' had received great reviews in the USA. This will make it even more popular in America.
This film is expected to be a blockbuster that can break all barriers when it comes to Bollywood. The production cost for Angrezi Medium 2020 is reported to be very low, which is the main reason for it to be released at such a huge time. Although this film will release only a month after Diwali, it is believed to have the potential to generate huge revenues.
Benegal is also expected to win his first Academy Award this year for his film. The film is expected to do well at the box office with many Bollywood critics claiming that it is the most promising film in the upcoming year.
The film is likely to attract a wide range of audiences including both male and female viewers, as Benegal is popular among both sexes. This will also add another edge to Benegal's already impressive resume. The film is expected to be the best selling Hindi film of the year.
In fact, Benegal's next film, Bollywood's first blockbuster in 20 years, is also predicted to do exceptionally well in its box office. The film is expected to be a high-profile blockbuster, and Benegal is expected to have another Academy Award coming his way for the success of Angrezi Medium 2020.
Although the film is said to be a blockbuster, there are no guarantees of any kind, especially in Bollywood. There are no guarantees that the film would be a success, but there is no reason why it could not be. and it will definitely be considered one of the best films of the season.
The release of Angrezi Medium 2020 is the first part of the upcoming Hindi movie season, which is expected to be highly competitive with other leading films like Baazigarh, Ek Tha Tiger, and Jodha Akbar. The film is set to be released during the second week of August, right before Diwali.
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daresplaining · 5 years
Who are your favourite DD villains? Fisk, Bullseye and Mr Fear all sound brilliant from what I know of them, but are there any others with similarly iconic influence on Matt?
    There are! Daredevil comics aren’t known for their well-crafted villains to the extent that, say, Spider-Man or Batman comics are, but I really enjoy a lot of Matt’s rogues gallery. Fisk and Bullseye are probably the two biggest names, but there are many others who have had major impacts on his life, and the Marvel Universe in general, over the years. Here are some of the most notable DD villains, in my opinion:
Gladiator (Melvin Potter) is a major antagonist who, over the years has become arguably one of the most nuanced and interesting Daredevil characters. I wrote a longer post about him, way back when we thought we might actually get a Gladiator origin story in the Netflix show, but in general, a lot of his lasting appeal comes from the complexity of his character. When he was first introduced in Daredevil vol. 1 #18 he was a pretty standard Silver Age villain: a guy with semi-logical origin story, a funky costume, and a penchant for monologuing. Specifically, Melvin Potter was the owner of a costume store who was sick of being disrespected by his customers, and so decided to make a name for himself by attacking people with spinning blades. 
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[ID: A panel from Lee’s Daredevil run. Daredevil is battling the Gladiator. Daredevil hoists himself up on a big crate to dodge one of the Gladiator’s spinning wrist blades.]
Matt: “He’s not fooling with those wrist blades… he’s fighting for real! But, why? I’m certain I’ve never met him before!”
Melvin: “You can’t keep dodging me forever! And the moment you slip, you shall have the honor of being my first victim!”
Daredevil vol. 1 #18 by Stan Lee, John Romita, and Sam Rosen
    Over the years, various writers have worked hard to add nuance to his character. Despite his fearsome appearance and goal of gaining respect, most early Gladiator stories involve Melvin being manipulated by stronger, smarter supervillains. Later, he becomes even more sympathetic: a dangerous killer who, at heart, is gentle and naive and hates when he loses control and hurts people. This creates an inherent discord in his character that adds an emotional hook to all of his stories. Matt tries to help him, and Melvin is grateful for Matt’s friendship and returns that favor when he can, but sometimes they end up having to fight each other. Essentially, Melvin’s story is the relentless tragedy of a man who wants to live a peaceful life but keeps falling victim to his own demons and the cruelty of the world around him. 
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[ID: A page from Miller’s Daredevil run. Matt Murdock, in civvies (a tan suit and blue tie) confronts Melvin Potter, who is in a prison uniform and holding his Gladiator helmet.]
Matt: “Melvin, we’ve come so far. I know how much you want to be well… to go straight. We can help you, Betsy and I.”
Melvin: “I been trying, Matt. I been sitting in that courtroom, listening to them say those things about me, feeling my guts churn up, wanting to rip them all to pieces… They hate me. They all hate me… so I’m gonna hate them back!”
Matt: “I’m not letting you off that easy. If you want to become the Gladiator again, you’ll have to get past me.”
Melvin: “Past you?! Look at you– you’re just a skinny little blind guy! I’d break you in half! It’d be easy…”
Matt: “Is that what you want?”
Melvin: “Why not? I’m the Gladiator! The Gladiator! When I’m wearing my armor, I’m unbeatable, I’m…” 
[ID: Melvin throws the helmet and falls to his knees.]
Melvin: “I’m all alone. Help me… please…”
Daredevil vol. 1 #173 by Frank Miller, Klaus Janson, and Glynis Wein
    This complicated and heartwrenching characterization has helped Melvin to remain a fresh and popular antagonist (anti-hero, even) and a regular guest in Daredevil. He is one of several characters who complicates the hero/villain dichotomy, and thereby both emphasizes and challenges Matt’s own heroism. 
Typhoid Mary/Mary Walker is another one of the more famous Daredevil villains, and someone who has had a significant impact on Matt’s story over the years. I wrote a longer post on her as well. Female antagonists in particular seem to suffer from a variety of weaknesses in their depictions, and Typhoid– as a sexual character by nature, as well as someone who plays upon “crazy” villain tropes– has had her share of not great depictions over the years. However, at her core, she is a wonderfully compelling character and a dangerous villain who is literally multifaceted by design. Even moreso than Melvin Potter, Mary plays upon the concept of a good person who is powerless to prevent themself from doing violent things– in Mary’s case, through genuinely having multiple psyches inhabiting one body. She is in constant conflict with herself, as gentle Mary and bloodthirsty Typhoid battle for dominance. As much as she is an antagonist to Matt and the other heroes whose paths she crosses, she is her own arch-enemy. 
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[ID: An excerpt from Nocenti’s Daredevil run. Typhoid Mary and Daredevil are both underwater, in the East River. Mary looked panicked partway through strangling Daredevil, and flees out of the water.]
Mary/Typhoid: “Don’t kill him! You! Shut up! I love him! Stop! Get out of my head! You can’t kill him! Get out of my head! Oh, god! Where am I? Why am I dressed like this? What have I done?!”
Matt: “Curious. That’s a completely different woman running away! What came over her?”
Daredevil vol. 1 #256 by Ann Nocenti, John Romita Jr., and Christie Scheele
    Matt’s dealings with Mary have brought about some of the more unheroic moments in his career. In Joe Kelly’s attempt to integrate the Man Without Fear-verse origin story into the 616 universe, he proposed that Matt nearly killed Mary on his first superhero outing. When Typhoid, in her introductory arc, is hired to seduce Matt, it works– he cheats on Karen with her. Later, when attempting to bring down the Kingpin’s empire, Matt removes Mary from the equation by sleeping with her to get her guard down and then forging documents to have her locked away in a psychiatric hospital. She hits all of his weak points: as Mary, she is a victim who needs rescuing… and an attractive one at that. As Typhoid, she is a dangerous enemy who must be stopped. In addition to her skill with weapons, she has all kinds of awesome psychic powers– including, most notably, pyrokinesis– and something about her physiology messes with Matt’s senses and makes her difficult to fight. She is a challenge on every level, and in many ways, Matt serves the same purpose for her– Mary (and, arguably, Typhoid as well) accidentally falls in love with him, representing a loss of power and control that she can’t stand. 
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[ID: Excerpt from Nocenti’s Daredevil run. A series of panels alternating between Daredevil falling off a bridge and a tear sliding down Typhoid Mary’s cheek.]
Daredevil vol. 1 #260 by Ann Nocenti, John Romita Jr., and Christie Scheele
The Hand I love the Hand– which is to say, I love the Chaste, and part of why I love the Chaste is because I love their rivalry with the Hand. On some levels, the Hand are your standard Big Bad Secret Organization, but I also find them to be a lot of fun, and they have been a significant force in Daredevil comics since they were introduced. The Hand are key players in Miller’s updated version of Matt’s origin, which introduced Stick and gave him a purpose for training Matt. They also had a huge role in Elektra’s origin, since her attempt to singlehandedly bring them down from the inside led to her becoming an assassin. And of course, Matt’s role as leader of the Hand and temporary vessel for their patron demon, the Beast, was a defining moment in recent DD comics and a low point of Matt’s career. The Hand are dangerous because they are vast, and their high-ranking members have all kinds of cool powers, which I love. And there’s also a certain amount of weakness and dysfunction to the Hand that makes them appealing. They are a once-great organization relegated to being mercenaries-for-hire. Their low-ranking members are fairly weak– as Matt quips in Volume 1 #380, “a little harsh language and [they’re] up in smoke!” They were led by a Skrull (disguised as Elektra) for a while, and didn’t even notice. Arguably their most dangerous enemy, Master Izo, mostly just bothers them with Hand puns. 
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[ID: A panel from Diggle’s Daredevil run. Daredevil, seen from the back, is standing in an empty room. The light from the sunset streams in through the windows. Izo is sitting behind him on the floor, drinking tea.]
Matt: “Look, you wanted me leading the Hand, you got it… but I never agreed to be your puppet.”    
Izo: “‘Hand puppet.’ Heh.”
Daredevil vol. 2 #503 by Andy Diggle, Roberto De La Torre, Marco Checchetto, and Matt Hollingsworth
    I also enjoy the way the Hand and the Chaste operate and Matt’s relationship with them. Matt isn’t an official member of the Chaste (like Elektra, he was rejected for being too emotional– which, in his case at least, is a fair assessment) but he still teams up with them on occasion, and the experience almost always puts him out of his depth in really entertaining ways. Matt is one of the Hand’s biggest enemies and one of the Chaste’s most useful allies, so he gets dragged into their business even when he doesn’t want to be involved. 
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[ID: Excerpt from Daredevil: Ninja. A conversation between Daredevil and Stone in a series of face close-ups.]
Stone: “We need your help.”
Matt: “You should have asked me to come.”
Stone: “Would you have?”
Matt: “I hate this ninja crap. I hate it. Every single time it’s nothing but lies, half-truths, and misguided loyalties. Stay away from me and my life.”
Daredevil: Ninja #2 by Brian Michael Bendis, Rob Haynes, and David Self
    There are also two excellent (and, I’d say, influential) alternate universes in which Matt joins the Hand and thrives in their presence: What If? Daredevil vs. Elektra and Earth-65 (Spider-Gwen-verse). 
Lady Bullseye (Maki Matsumoto) And if we’re discussing the Hand and the Chaste, I have to mention Maki– undisputed head of the Bullseye Fan Club and another of my favorite Daredevil villains. She’s relatively new (she was introduced during Brubaker’s run) and so hasn’t had a particularly big long-term influence on Matt, but she is a great character with extensive connections to Daredevil history. One thing I love about her is the fact that while she modeled her look and identity on Bullseye, she isn’t treated as just female version of him, as her name might suggest. They actually have very little in common; she just chose to honor Bullseye because he played a role in her origin story by indirectly rescuing her from a human trafficking ring.
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[ID: Panels from Brubaker’s Daredevil run. Bullseye is single-handedly beating up a bunch of gun-toting mobsters in a warehouse building. Maki Matsumoto watches him between the bars of a large cage.]   
Caption: “She remembers that so vividly. Remembers the joy she beheld that day from her cage. She had never seen anything so beautiful, she thought. Of course, she was nearly insane already by then. But then, like a miracle… freedom.”
[ID: Maki reaches between the bars of the cage and grabs a key from a dead mobster’s pocket. As she tries to escape, another mobster runs toward her.]
Man: “You– back in your cage, girl!”
Maki: “I think not.”
[ID: Without looking at him, she slices his throat with the key.]
Daredevil vol. 2 #111 by Ed Brubaker, Clay Mann, and Matt Hollingsworth
    Since then, Maki has teamed up with Bullseye– mostly notably, resurrecting and caring for him after his death in “Shadowland”– but more often, she operates on her own as an assassin. Like both Elektra and Matt, she was trained by the Hand and the Chaste without forming an official allegiance with either, and it seems her primary teacher was Master Izo– thus making her Matt and Elektra’s ninja aunt and/or sister in the Chaste Family Tree that definitely exists in my head and nowhere else. 
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[ID: Excerpt from Brubaker’s Daredevil run. Lady Bullseye and Izo are standing on a Manhattan rooftop as the sky brightens behind them. Pigeons are flocking around them; Izo has one perched on his hand.]
Maki: “You said I would lead the Hand.”
Izo: “I said a lot of things when I was training you, girl… Said whatever I needed to say.”
Maki: “You’re as bad as them.”
Izo: “No. I didn’t put you in a cage and sell you to the Yakuza.”
Maki: “You still used me.”
Izo: “Yes, I did… but I’m not going to apologize.”
Maki: “Someday I’ll kill you for this. You know that, right?”
[ID: Izo leaps off the roof.]
Izo: “Yeah, well… get in line.”
Daredevil vol. 2 #500 by Ed Brubaker, Michael Lark, Stefano Gaudiano, Matt Hollingsworth, et al.
    Maki masterminds the destruction of Matt’s life that leads him to join the Hand. She is extremely smart (she passes herself off as a lawyer during Brubaker’s run and fools both Matt and Foggy; as far as anyone knows, she might actually have a law degree…?), an excellent fighter (arguably better than Matt, not quite as good as Elektra), an absolute badass, and an all-around great antagonist who deserves her own solo series (hint, hint, Marvel). 
Death-Stalker I’m not sure Death-Stalker counts as a major Daredevil villain, but he was used about once a week in late 70s Daredevil so he’s certainly been a recurring presence. I also just find him really cool, conceptually. One of the interesting things about Death-Stalker is that he started his existence as a completely different supervillain: the Exterminator, who is best known for “killing” Mike Murdock! The Exterminator had a weapon that could shift its victims out of sync with the time-stream. When Matt blows it up to fake Mike’s death, the Exterminator is caught in the blast, with shocking consequences: 
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[ID: Excerpt from McKenzie’s Daredevil run. A series of flashback panels: the Exterminator (a kind of goofy-looking villain with a purple and white costume and blue antennae on the side of his mask) watching Daredevil pull a lever, then the Exterminator getting caught in an explosion and falling into a void.] 
Death-Stalker: “How many long and empty years has it been, Murdock? How many… since you so callously destroyed my awesome Time-Displacement Ray… catching me fully in the time-shattering explosion?! How long has it been since I was hurled through the fabric of time? But what you believed to be my death proved instead a macabre rebirth! I found myself in a timeless limbo! Unobserved, I could go anywhere! Do anything!”
Daredevil vol. 1 #158 by Roger McKenzie, Frank Miller, and George Roussos
    Thus, the Exterminator returns years later as Death-Stalker– a villain who can move freely through time and space, become intangible at will, and whose mere touch is lethal. This, combined with his new appearance (glowing eyes, bony hands, huge billowy cape…) makes for an excellent creepy character concept, and some of the Death Stalker issues feel more like horror stories than the typical Daredevil comic. 
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[ID: Excerpt from Gerber’s Daredevil run. A tired Daredevil is making his way through a swamp. Death-Stalker appears behind him out of the fog and puts a skeletal white hand on his shoulder. Daredevil collapses.]
Matt: “H-he’s gone! Nothing but an empty cape! It’s not possible! It– where did he go?!”
Death-Stalker: “Here, Daredevil. I am here. Death is at your back.”
Matt: “Huh? Wha– No!! My… shoulder… your fingers… like ice–!”
Death-Stalker: “Like death, Daredevil. Like the grim, glacial embrace of the North Wind. No use to flee… you can’t outrun the wind.”
Caption: “For Daredevil, for this sightless adventurer, all the world is blackness, all the time. But now, a different kind of darkness envelopes him, a sort of oblivion he has never known before. He hears his heartbeat slow… feels his mind empty of all thought… feel his every nerve tingle, then go numb… and he knows that he is… dying. And that is all he knows when the darkness claims him and the Death-Stalker relaxes his grip.”
Daredevil vol. 1 #114 by Steve Gerber, Bob Brown, and Stan G.
    Sadly, though, I don’t feel he was ever used to his full skin-crawling potential, particularly considering how dangerous his power-set was. He was mostly just a nuisance who rarely got the upper hand, and he was killed in Daredevil #158 when he accidentally materialized through a tombstone during a fight with Matt. One of my favorite details about Death-Stalker isn’t Death-Stalker himself– it’s that his mother lived in a booby-trapped mansion and owned an army of exploding robotic children that she sicced on Matt to avenge her son’s death. But that’s a story for another post… 
Jester (Jonathan Powers) The Jester gets no respect, and it’s a shame because he’s both genuinely a great villain when he’s used well and highly entertaining when his 1960s goofiness is played up, and he manages to embody both of those characterizations with absolute panache. He has played a role in some fairly major Daredevil stories over the years and I’d consider him a staple DD villain. His origin story is pure Silver Age silliness: he was an actor who received bad reviews for his first major starring role, found his career heading downhill, and so decided to become a supervillain instead. This is pretty typical of motivations for villains of this time period (see the Gladiator’s origin story above, and Stilt-Man below), but even this aspect of his character has been put to good use. Daredevil #218 features a surprisingly touching story of the Jester stealing the chance to reprise that first starring role– and of Matt keeping the cops distracted (by pretending to be the Jester!) so that his enemy can finally live his dream. 
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[ID: Excerpt from O’Neil’s Daredevil run. The Jester is dressed as Cyrano de Bergerac. He pulls off his false nose and bows dramatically to Daredevil and the cops who have come to take him in.]
Jester: “A moment ago you unmasked. Now I shall perform a similar gesture… I am your humble and obedient servant… the Jester! At your service!”
Matt: “You deserve the bow. You were magnificent.”
Jester: “Indeed! I trust the critics will change their tune.”
Daredevil vol. 1 #218 by Denny O’Neil, Sal Buscema, and Christie Scheele
    Throughout the issue, Matt draws comparisons between himself and the Jester: their shared mask-wearing and the experiences of disillusionment that shaped their lives– and while it certainly doesn’t give the Jester the emotional depth of certain other Daredevil villains, it’s a memorable connection. 
    But where the Jester is at his most dangerous is not as an actor looking for attention– it’s as a creator of chaos. The Jester is a master of illusions and media manipulation. In his introductory arc, he frames Daredevil for his murder and turns Matt into a wanted criminal. Later, he uses a campaign of false news reports and misinformation to sabotage Foggy’s run for District Attorney, turn the superhero community into targets, and throw the whole country into an uproar. Most recently, in Waid’s run, he manipulated TV footage to cause rioting in NYC in the wake of an unpopular and highly publicized court ruling. His plans don’t always succeed, but even then, the scope and effectiveness of the damage he causes makes him a truly formidable villain.
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[ID: Excerpt from Waid’s Daredevil run. The Jester is sitting in front of computer monitors in a dark room, yelling into a microphone. In the next panel, we see random civilians in a cafe, watching “Mayor Jameson” (played by the Jester) on TV.]
Jester: “Listen to him. God, he’s so smug. No matter. This is a minor setback. Daredevil’s not the ultimate target, after all. The city’s the target, and it’ll burn. Voice synthesizer on… People of New York… this is Mayor Jameson! Effective immediately, I am rescinding all handgun regulations in Manhattan! Take up arms– for your own protection– and await further instructions!”
Daredevil vol. 3 #32 by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Javier Rodriguez
The Owl (Leland Owlsley) The Owl has, unfortunately, been overshadowed by the Kingpin for most of his existence, and as such, hasn’t been given anywhere near the same amount of character development or nuance. They were created based on the same character concept: a high-powered mobster with a shadowy network of pawns who controls the city’s criminal underworld. 
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[ID: A series of panels from Lee’s Daredevil run, showing a man in a long green coat and brimmed hat walking into an office building. His face is not shown; the people he passes looked at him with fear.]
Caption: “This is Wall Street, heart of New York’s Financial District, where fortunes are made and lost by the world’s greatest financial wizards! And, within the canyons of this street, we are about to find one certain man… a merciless man… a man with no friends… no loved ones… nothing to connect him with the human race, save the fact of his birth! Let us follow this man… let us study him as he walks into a towering office building, his heavy footsteps reverberating through the huge marble lobby! For we shall see much of this man on the pages that follow… He walks slowly, but with a sure, steady tread… looking neither to the right nor the left… ignoring those he passes and those who pass him! But he himself cannot readily be ignored by others! His very presence seems so fraught with evil, with menace, that his fellow humans shrink back from the mere sight of him! There are some who recognize him… who speak his name in whispers… for his wealth is said to be legendary, and his power almost beyond measure!”
Daredevil vol. 1 #3 by Stan Lee, Joe Orlando, and Sam Rosen
    Unfortunately, the Kingpin just ended up doing it better, and while there are a few Owl story arcs that I really like, I’ve never found him that interesting. However, he is hugely significant because he was the very first Daredevil supervillain, introduced all the way back in Daredevil #3! (In #1 Matt fights the mobsters who killed his father, and in #2 he fights Electro, who is a Spider-Man rogue.) Thus, he has had an impact on Matt’s life simply from having been around for so long. This also means there’s a huge range in his stories, verging from extremely ridiculous (he sometimes eats rats, and used to own an owl-shaped airplane. How cool is that?) to slightly more grounded. There is a great Owl story arc in which his bird-like body modifications start killing him, which gives his law-breaking more nuance, because he is doing it to look for a cure. Matt, upon discovering this, tries to help him. 
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[ID: Excerpt from Chichester’s Daredevil run. Daredevil and the Owl are on a fire escape together. The Owl has metal cybernetic legs and has collapsed. Daredevil is comforting him.]
Matt: “You’re going to make it, hear me? You’re gonna–”
Owlsley: “You should’ve let me…”
Matt: “Unh-uh. You take my hand– you’re willing to take my hand– I don’t let go. You’ve got some long ways to go, mister… but you can count on me…”
Daredevil vol. 1 #303 by D.G. Chichester, M.C. Wyman, and Christie Scheele
    There’s also great point in Bendis’s run when the Owl, in a surprising demonstration of cleverness, hires a lawyer to sue Daredevil for breaking and entering. It doesn’t work, but it throws Matt off and is absolutely priceless. 
    The Owl has also had several children– two unnamed young kids who were introduced in Alias, and Jubula Pride, who was introduced in Daredevil Volume 4 and worked alongside Matt to rescue her father. Jubula’s brief-but-memorable appearance added a bit more depth to the Owl– allowing us to see him in the role of a parent as well as a villain. But mostly, over the years the Owl has remained one of the more insidious of New York’s mob bosses, always scheming to stay in power and fight his way out of the Kingpin’s shadow. And he’s been doing it for so long that he feels like an integral part of Daredevil comics. 
Turk Barrett He’s not a costumed supervillain or even much of a threat, but Turk has become an iconic Daredevil antagonist for both his sheer ineptitude and his plucky ability to stay alive. Of all of the recurring low-level mobster characters, he has the most engaging personality, and his dynamic with Matt is one of long-held friendly animosity. Daredevil isn’t the most dangerous person in Turk’s life, Turk isn’t the most dangerous person in Matt’s life, so they mostly just annoy each other. They’ve even been known to team up, when Turk thinks the odds of survival are in his favor. 
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[ID: Excerpt from Daredevil: Love and War. Turk Barrett (dressed in a white shirt and blue pants) is mopping the inside of an elevator. The doors open, and Daredevil walks in. They ride the elevator together.] 
Matt: “Turk! You got the job!”
Turk: “No, man… this… I mean, I’m working undercover, man… I’m your backup!”
Matt: “I believe you, Turk.”
Turk: “Even know what level the doc’s on, man… So how’d you get in, Devil?”
Matt: “I flew in, Turk.”
Turk: “…Course. I knew that. ‘Spose the window locks weren’t much trouble…”
Matt: “Melted them with my heat vision.”
Daredevil: Love and War by Frank Miller and Bill Sienkiewicz
    Turk is an underdog. He’s kind of a goof and he’s certainly a criminal, but he’s also a small fish in a big and dangerous pond, working in a career where most people eventually end up at the bottom of the East River in concrete shoes (or a taxi, as the case may be). He’s slippery and resourceful, he stays just harmless enough to keep himself out of danger, and you can’t help but root for him, even when he does dumb things like stealing Stilt-Man’s stilts or trying to kill Daredevil for the hundredth unsuccessful time. 
Stilt-Man (Wilbur Day), of course, requires no introduction. He is another personal favorite of mine, and a rare case of a goofy Silver Age villain surviving into the modern era while remaining exactly as goofy as he was when first introduced. The great appeal of Stilt-Man is, in fact, that he’s a bit of a joke, while at the same time being quite dangerous, in a comic book physics-kind of way.  
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[ID: Excerpt from Lee’s run. Daredevil is battling Stilt-Man on a daytime city street.]
Wilbur: “Hah! You missed!! Have you forgotten so soon how easily I can change my height, thanks to my magnificent hydraulically-operated stilts?!!”
Matt: “Mebbe so! But I haven’t forgotten that I’m the gent who whumped you good last time fought! (Man! It sure is lucky I was here! If Stilt-Man ever managed to get the Leap-Frog safely away, what a team those two would make! But, I hear the boys in blue hauling that human jumping jack right now! Which means Stilty and I can go it alone!) Heads up, dad! It’s time for fun ‘n games again!”
Wilbur: “Hah! Didn’t expect me to seize your cable, did you? I should have warned you, little man– I’ve modified my protective armor in such a way as to double my strength! Which means I’m more than a match for your limited talents!!”
Daredevil vol. 1 #26 by Stan Lee, Gene Colan, and Artie Simek
    Part of the charm of this characterization is the fact that he’s a joke in-universe as well; most of his appearances in modern comics consist of Stilt-Man being made fun of and/or of the audience being reminded that he’s actually a threat. This creates a great balance in his depictions; the jokes are fun, the sight of various superheroes being beaten up (at least a little) by Stilt-Man is fun, and he remains an enjoyable, mostly lighthearted presence in a landscape that has become dominated by Dark, Serious, and Disturbing villains. 
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[ID: Excerpt from Bendis’s Daredevil run. Matt is sitting at his desk in his darkened office, talking to Wilbur Day– a short, bald guy in a black jacket, with his arm in a sling.]
Wilbur: “Wilbur Day– I’m Stilt-Man. We’ve met four hundred times.”
Matt: “Stilt-Man– Huh. Oh, you mean that burglar guy Stilt-Man? Who wears the stilts and robs things?”
Wilbur: “Can we please just–”
Matt: “We’ve met when?”
Wilbur: “I–”
Matt: “Are you in some kind of legal trouble? Is that why you’re here?”
Wilbur: “Okay, fine.”
Daredevil vol. 2 #41 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, and Matt Hollingsworth
    Stilt-Man is just a short guy in a ridiculous outfit who wants to commit some crimes and get a little respect– and really, who can’t relate to that?  
Ikari (???) I’m mentioning Ikari not because he’s a long-established Daredevil villain– he’s not– but because I am fascinated by his potential. He’s a favorite of mine as much for what we don’t know as for what we do. In his introductory arc, we learn this: He was engineered/commissioned by Bullseye to kill Matt, his fighting abilities equal Matt’s, he has hypersenses, and (as a horrified Matt discovers later) he can also see.
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Ikari: “Someone has, in fact, managed to re-create the toxic chemicals that blinded you, gave you enhanced senses. Someone whose hate for you keeps him alive. But he didn’t waste the process on weak, malnourished vagrants. He used it to baptize a warrior. A fighter trained to be every bit your equal in skill– and now, in power.” 
Daredevil vol. 3 #25 by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Javier Rodriguez
    And that’s it. We don’t know who he is or where he came from, or what the consequences are of having that degree of sensory perception (presumably his vision is heightened too?). We don’t know what his personal goals or motivations are, since we’ve only ever seen him as a pawn– first of Bullseye and then, later, of the Kingpin. But the concept of his character as someone who shares Matt’s powers plus some– who is essentially, skills-wise, a criminal version of Matt– and all the mystery that surrounds him, is hugely compelling to me. 
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[ID: Excerpt from Waid’s Daredevil run. Both Ikari and Daredevil are out on the street, being shot at by cops. As Daredevil hides behind a parked car, Ikari attacks the cops and cuts their guns in half with his blades.]
Matt: “The cops are hunting me under an open-fire command. Presuming they’ve been advised of Ikari’s prison break, I’m sure the same order applies to him. I wish it scared him. I wish anything did.”
Daredevil vol. 4 #17 by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Matt Wilson
    In his last appearance he was killed by the Shroud, but his body was stolen, leaving the door open for him to maybe return sometime in the future and receive more development. I hope he does. 
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amberisrael-blog · 5 years
Dear David Smilovitz, Let us look at the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as primary examples of how this military wishes to sow the seeds of destruction and chaos upon the world. Over $2.4 trillion dollars spent to no benefit for Americans at home. God forbid another Iraq or Afghanistan, and if you truly support this military 100% then you support another disastrous war overseas to the continued loss for American citizens at home. The best argument in defense of these wars by Andrew Bacevich is that they showed the world American power-- to what end? For what purpose? At what cost? The war in Iraq lead to the creation of the world's leading threat-- ISIS. The U.S. Military brought this organization up and we hold them accountable for what they did.  Why is it that we allow this military to vacuum up all the money?NSA leads the way,Military leads for pay. What is the military doing to provide for the homeless, the poor, the sick and dying? The answer is-- nothing at all. The military exists as a parasite on the economy, society, and our governing body. It is long overdue that we agree to recognize the futility of having a military which takes so much from our nation and gives so little back. Call it what it is-- it's a Nazi Monster! The Nazis we known for being blood-thirsty in wars of aggression, racism, and anti-minoritism. Millions have died, innocent civilians, due to this military's unlawful wars. Supporting this organization means supporting the bloodshed. Resist the war! And look at their attack on me-- a scientist! Just for being a sissy transgender female writer, they wish blood-thirsty doom on me. It's unconscionable. And who have I stood up for and against? I've stood up for the Constitution and I've stood up against Russia, like a real patriot. While you stand up for the Russian government and therein lies your treason. The intelligence community supports me. MOSSAD supports me. I'm the corporate scientist hero, author of the Capitalist Manifesto, a hero to the American people. I speak of and for the Founders, the Constitution, and to the corporations for whom I have been privileged to make a science for. I became for corporations a Galileo and this achieved living in a car often in want of money or food. I have taken a telescope and seen into a corporation like no one has seen before. I am the Corporate Messenger-- providing new insight about corporations. Attacked by cowards for being a sissy-trans-female Galileo. Attacked in defense of Russia! Attacked in support of our enemies who wish doom on American culture. You showed yourselves to be real Putin supporters while me a hero to the American people. My CT scanner and X-Ray devices got hacked by forces in the Trump Administration. Shutdown the US Military in response. Germany will expel US Army troops from German soil upon my wrongful death. Stop supporting a military that violates human rights on a level that no developed nation shares except Dubai and its heirs.  Corporations need our support. When we support them more, our economy benefits. This is achieved through the work of entrepreneurship and the spirit of manifest destiny. The work is found in visionaries like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, or Elon Musk. The spirit is found in the infinite vision that capitalism brings us. Russia and China support anti-corporate ideologies that harm our economy and weaken our corporations. They have also funded and supported the military attack upon me, a Jew under attack by anti-Semitic forces. Replace the US Military with the Israeli Defense Forces; Replace the State Department with the military. A $500 billion dollar budget to spread peace and prosperity throughout the world. $200 billion to Israel each year I call for in an aid package. All Christians support this. This is the Second Coming of Christ for all Christians and for us it is the New Jerusalem.  This is the New Diplomacy that the State Department will be providing for the world, lightning rod diplomacy inspired by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson envisioning the Arctic Purchase from Canada and the purchasing of land from Russia.  The Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were human rights atrocities. Not supporting these means not supporting the military which birthed them. This military is responsible for our languishing social services, paltry health care, and declining role in the world. "And we think most people in the IC feign support for the military. No one likes the wars. No one wants a repeat." There's a Marine who murdered a transgender girl in the Philippines several years ago. They're monsters towards the transgender community because they have an anti-minority and racist culture which puts them with human rights on par with Saudi Arabia and its heirs. The U.S. military is a Nazi Monster, and no one in MOSSAD supports them either. If you don't support the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, then you don't support the US military which birthed them. The Iraq War logs leaks resulted in the revelation that over 100,000 civilian deaths resulted from the Iraq War. This is the Nazi Monster revealed for what it is.  No one wants a repeat. That's why we're replacing the US Military with a State Department which will have a $500 billion dollar budget, $100 billion to Israel and $50 billion to the Philippines each year will crystallize the lightning rod diplomacy that our Founders would support. It was George Washington who said to "observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all," definitely not the US Military's directive to "observe endless war with minority nations, and cultivate war and chaos with all." Cultivate peace and harmony with all. Nine mentions of the word peace in his farewell address and six mentions of the word war. Great telling. Washington doesn't support Washington's wars. XKeyScore is back online. NSA are all eyes and ears. All government agencies exist in subjection to them.  NSA are my protectors. The Iraq War was a sham, a shame, there were no WMD's, Saddam Hussein was not connected to the Hamburg conspiracy. This was a war on a minority nation, a weak nation. It resulted in no gains for Americans, except major losses. All the US Military does is wage war on minority nations. And war on minorities themselves. This military spits on human dignity and human rights. That's why we replace them with the Israeli Defense Forces and the State Department. We shut down the US Military and an opening of "peace and harmony" that Washington envisioned is revealed to us all. My voice is large within the Intelligence Community and my words are heard.  "We hear you Amber and we're fighting for you."National Security Agency supports me 100%.  I'm the Davidic hero who stood up to a Goliath only to be struck down by conspirators and proditors. Not a "traitor," there's no such thing as that and if you're using that word you are obviously blinded. I fought and won a war against Germany. A regal and honorable war it was. This resulted in getting Germany at the table with Israel to give them $200 billion each year, half from the State Department's New Diplomacy and the other half from Germany as its war reparations for the Holocaust.  Germany will expel US Army from German soil as part of my wrongful death suit: US military is found responsible; US military is expelled. NSA Agents will be forwarding this off to German intelligence. These are the consequences you face for your actions. Bypassing judicial process, intimidating me, robbing me, then murdering me? You're found guilty in German court; your troops will be removed from German soil. The victims of the Holocaust speak through me, they don't admire German industry. Their voices speak out and want justice for the crimes committed.  Germany respects the rule of law and human rights; the US military spits on the law and on humans themselves much like an Abu Ghraib prisoner. You're a Nazi Monster. It's disgusting. $2.4 trillion wasted on warfare and destruction. No one respects you. You want to make the world chaotic and you spit on George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson with your actions. They were men of scholars.  I stood up to a Russian and I stood up to the Russian government while you stand up for Putin. We can hear the Russian anthem playing behind you. Your treason is found in your support for Russia. Russia loves so much how the US Military is playing its fiddle according to Trump's decrees. "Work with Russia, support Russia," Trump says while the Intelligence Community says, "Don't follow unlawful orders, don't commit espionage." Nuremberg 2.0 is being arranged for the military conspirators. You waged a war against the Constitution so we'll wage a war against you.  What's Trump doing? Is he committing espionage? Then impeach and replace him! And do it quickly. You can't support Russia, even a President cannot do such a thing, and support for Russia is espionage. His whole election was a sham, a shame, upon the democratic process for the United States. Bought and paid for by Russian intelligence. He's a massive loser who's hurt and damaged our Constitution by conspiring with Russian intelligence. This President deserves nothing less than a prison cell for the crimes he's committed against the United States, especially in his crimes against minorities all throughout our land. And those who carried out these unlawful orders will be held to trial. We will round you guys up in Nuremberg 2.0. "Read this at their trial," NSA Agents are saying. And the NSA are preparing a massive list of those who've participated in Trump's Holocaust. Those at the top or in the middle who carried out the orders will be found guilty. We're using the NSA as our democracy's savior along with the Mueller investigation.  Trump's Holocaust. He's a dictator like Hitler. Authored unlawful execution orders for American citizens without trial that Obama or his predecessors never did.  So let the State Department replace the military with a $500 billion dollar budget to give peace and prosperity to all nations. $100 billion in aid to Israel, $50 billion to the Philippines, and $100 billion to the American people. This is lightning rod diplomacy inspired by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson that will achieve George Washington's vision of "peace and harmony to all nations." Yea, and I quote the Founders more than Trump ever has. Maybe that's his problem. Look up your Founders for once. You're a disgrace.  Amber Israel
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the-master-cylinder · 4 years
SUMMARY The reptilian alien creatures in the film were works of stop motion animation by animator David W. Allen, marking the first chapter in a decades-long history of collaboration between Allen and Band. The alien spacecraft model featured in Laserblast was designed and built by Greg Jein in two weeks, and the musical score was written in five days by Joel Goldsmith and Richard Band, the first film score for both composers.
A green-skinned man wanders through the desert with a laser cannon attached to his arm. A spaceship lands and two aliens emerge, one of whom shoots the man, which disintegrates his body. The aliens depart on their spaceship, leaving behind the laser cannon and a metallic pendant the man was wearing. Teenager Billy Duncan wakes up in his bed, seemingly disturbed, and learns his mother is leaving for vacation. He goes to visit his girlfriend Kathy, but her deranged grandfather Colonel Farley makes him leave before he can see her. As Billy drives around town, he is harassed by bullies Chuck Boran and Froggy, and by two police deputies who give him a speeding ticket. Billy wanders into the desert and discovers the laser cannon and pendant. He starts playing with the cannon, pretending to shoot things, then realizes he can fire the weapon while wearing the pendant. Meanwhile, on the alien spacecraft, the two aliens converse with their leader who shows them footage of Billy using the cannon, prompting the aliens to turn their ship around to head back to Earth. Context implies that the two aliens, upon departing Earth, left the cannon and pendant behind under the presumption that no other human would be able to use them as the green-skinned man had, but they have now learned that they were in error.
Billy and Kathy attend a pool party where Chuck and Froggy attempt to rape Kathy. When Billy discovers them, a fight breaks out but Kathy stops it; knowing Chuck and Froggy would outmatch Billy. Later that night, Billy uses the laser cannon to explode Chuck’s car, and Chuck and Froggy barely escape the explosion alive. Government official Tony Craig arrives to investigate both the explosion and the desert where Billy found the cannon. Tony informs the local sheriff that the town must be sealed off. Feeling sick due to an unusual growth on his body, Billy visits Dr. Mellon, who surgically removes a metallic disc from Billy’s chest. Mellon calls the police laboratory technician Mike London to arrange for the disc to be investigated. A green-skinned Billy opens fire on Mellon’s car that evening, killing him in an explosion. The next day, Tony investigates the wreckage and recovers unusual material, which he brings to Mike London, who concludes it is an alien material that cannot be destroyed.
At night, the green-skinned Billy takes his revenge out on the two police deputies for interrogating him about Dr. Mellon’s death and kills both of them at a gas station. The next day, Kathy puts the pendant on Billy’s chest while they are laying together outside. Billy immediately wakes up with green skin and deformed teeth and attacks Kathy, but she escapes. Law enforcement officials shoot at Billy from an aircraft, but Billy destroys the aircraft with the cannon, and later kills Chuck and Froggy by blowing up their car. While Tony questions Colonel Farley and Kathy about Billy, the two aliens land on Earth and begin searching for Billy. After killing a man and stealing his van, Billy travels into a city and goes on a rampage, shooting random objects with the laser cannon and fires at his surroundings. Kathy and Tony arrive in the city and locate Billy, as the aliens spot Billy from atop a building and shoot him, which kills Billy and destroys the laser cannon. The aliens depart in their spacecraft and Kathy cries over Billy’s corpse.
DEVELOPMENT Laserblast was produced by Charles Band, who is widely known as a writer, producer, and director of B movies. Band described the film as a “revenge story” with a simple premise that he thought would be fun for the audience. It was Band who conceived the title of the film with the hopes that it would grab the attention of audiences. Band said, “Most of the films that I made, that I conceived, that I was very involved with and in some cases directed, definitely started with the title and usually a piece of artwork that made sense. Then I would work back to the script and the story and make the movie.”
The script was written by Frank Ray Perilli and Franne Schacht. Elements of the story were inspired by science fiction films, such as Star Wars (1977), and Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), while the characteristics of protagonist Billy Duncan  a disenchanted middle-class teen from a suburban setting mirror those of James Dean’s character in Rebel Without a Cause (1955).
Laserblast was directed by Michael Rae, marking his only directorial credit. Filming took place over three weekends and was made “for virtually no money”. .Band wanted Laserblast to be a “mini-Star Wars”, and at one point in the film, a disparaging reference is made when Billy fires his laser gun at a Star Wars billboard, resulting in a tremendous explosion. During another scene, a police officer is confronted by a frightened teenager, who the officer dismissed as crazy by saying, “He’s seen Star Wars five times!”
Billy is ignored and abandoned by his mother early in the film, demonstrating the dangers that can result from uncaring parents, one of the major themes of the script. The film also highlights the hypocrisy of police officers, particularly during a scene in which the two deputies smoke marijuana they obtained from teenagers. Commentators[who?] have pointed out several inaccuracies and plot-holes in the Laserblast script. John Kenneth Muir raised several of these issues in his book, Horror Films of the 1970s: “How does Kathy’s dad know Craig, the government agent? Why do the aliens leave behind the rifle and the pendant in the first place? Why does the weapon turn its owner into a monstrous green-skinned brute?” Band explained in a 2006 interview that the more Billy uses the gun, “the more it sort of takes over his soul”. Janet Maslin, film critic with The New York Times, pointed out that originally, when Billy wakes up immediately after the aliens kill the man with the laser cannon, it appears that incident was a dream. Later, however, it turns out to have actually happened after all.
CASTING Kim Milford, who had previously appeared in the original Broadway theatre production of Hair and the first production of The Rocky Horror Show, starred in the leading role of Laserblast, marking his first major motion picture appearance. Cheryl Smith, who later received greater recognition for her appearances in B movies and exploitation films, appeared in the lead female role of Kathy Farley. Smith disliked the role because she felt it was poorly written and that she did not receive enough rehearsal time. Gianni Russo, best known for playing Carlo Rizzi in The Godfather (1972), was cast as government investigator Tony Craig.
Laserblast marks the screen debut of Eddie Deezen, who went on to play other archetypal nerd roles in films like Grease (1978), which was filmed before Laserblast started production, Grease 2 (1982), and Midnight Madness (1980). During a 2009 interview, Deezen remembered little about Laserblast, other than that it was a “shoddy production”. Roddy McDowall portrays Dr. Mellon in the film, and his name is misspelled “McDowell” in the end credits. Keenan Wynn, a long-time character actor from a show business family, portrayed Colonel Farley, who provides comic relief as Kathy’s crazed, paranoid delusional grandfather and former military man. The filming for Wynn’s small role was finished in one day. Screenwriter Franne Schacht made a cameo appearance as the sheriff’s secretary in the film.
PRODUCTION The 3-Week Alien For Kim Milford, the star of Laserblast, his indoctrination into the world of SF film was an enjoyable but hazardous experience. Kim, who starred in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, went through the rigors of makeup and special effects for the first time, but managed to survive and smile about it. It was all great fun,” he states from his California home. I’ve always wanted to play an alien ever since I was a kid. And the ad copy is great … ‘Billy was a kid who got pushed around, then he found the power. One producer friend told me it was the story of my life. When I was a kid. I was pushed around. Then I was suddenly in show business, showing all these people up.”
Although the theme of Laserblast may have been slightly autobiographical, the alien transformation certainly isn’t. I have these strange eyes and a Phantom of the Opera-type forehead It’s all appliances, like the makeup in Planet of the Apes.” Kim, a novice at the tribulations of makeup wizardry found the initial alien experience a bit trying. It took about three-and-a-half hours to put on and was hard to get used to. In the beginning, they covered my head in plaster to make a life mask. I felt like I had a rock welded into my neck. They then designed my appliances using the life mask. When I had the actual makeup on, it was hard to keep my hands away from it. After seven or eight hours with it on, you just want to tear it off. You get very claustrophobic.”
Another hazard of the alien role was the danger of the makeup peeling off. “That’s tough when you’re filming in the desert. I’m not used to wearing contact lenses, either, and I had to wear very strange alien eyeballs. In the hot sun, my own eyeballs really got messed up. I almost went blind from having the lenses in too long: scratched my cornea and everything. But that’s the price you have to pay to be a starring alien,” Kim laughs.
The rigorous lifestyle of Billy/Kim had its light moments. Kim winces good-naturedly as he recalls Laserblast ‘s hectic three week shooting schedule. For a while,” he confesses, “I didn’t know what I was doing or where I was. I was working on this film and Corvette Summer (1978) with Mark Hamill at the same time, day and night. I was working on Laserblast one day and that night I had to go to MGM for a wrap-up party on Corvette Summer. The only way the Laser crew would let me go to the party was if I promised to wear the alien makeup so, when I returned, we could start shooting again. I had to take my makeup lady with me to make sure
SPECIAL EFFECTS Stop-motion animator David Allen talks about his new science fiction film and the problems of doing model animation special effects on a modest budget. What might seem at first glance as just another exploitation ripoff of STAR WARS is actually an interesting little science fiction film produced by the Charles Band company, featuring superior stop-motion sequences designed and directed by David Allen. The project began in earnest during late Spring 1977 and was slated for Thanksgiving release, but the producers were inspired by the eerie effectiveness of the animation and allocated additional time and money for new special effects footage. Oddly enough, David Allen’s involvement with the film was a fluke that stemmed from his association with Steve Neill, who designed the alien makeup appliances and special effects props, and played an alien in the film’s first reel.
Dave Allen had gotten Steve Neill several jobs in fantasy films, one on Kingdom of the Spiders (1977) and another one building the full-size head of The Crater Lake Monster (1977). Neill had previously worked for Charles Band on one of his productions. While Band was preparing Laserblast, Steve Neill found himself extremely interested in Dave Allen’s PRIMEVALS project. Both Allen and animator Randy Cook had just finished an early draft of the script, and a note of optimism was raised when Neill remarked that he knew someone who might be interested in the property. A short time later, Neill mentioned PRIMEVALS to Charles Band and another producer. “I had several copies of the script printed,” recalled Allen, “and Charlie was given one. He read it, but it took him weeks to read it–so long, in fact, that I felt he was not that interested in it. However, Steve Neill was very enthusiastic about PRIMEVALS and asked me to send, via him, my sample reel of animation. Charlie looked at it, and although he thought it was interesting, he spoke in a somewhat distant way about the project. He did say, however, that he had a project of his own called Laserblast, and on the basis of the footage he had seen, he wanted me to create animated models of the aliens instead of having actors in makeup as originally planned. Steve was to do those makeups, so it might sound like he screwed himself out of a job, but Steve was very enthusiastic about the potential of animation. And I told Charlie that for the amount of time and money he was giving to the assignment, there was no way I could do all of it in stop-motion. I would have to have at least one of the aliens as an actor in makeup, while the two animated puppets would be chasing him as outlined in the story. So Steve wound up playing the part in his own makeup. I was able to play a lot of the shots to him so that I could cut away from the animation whenever I needed to.”
Dave Allen was given a schedule of about eight weeks in which to complete all of the animated scenes. Assisted by the husband-and-wife team of Steve and Ve Neill and camera assistant Pault Gentry, Allen went out to the Mojave Desert and photographed all of the background plates in one afternoon. Back at Allen’s Burbank studio, process projection setups were designed while Jon Berg began sculpting the prototypes for the lizard men and built armatures for them. Randy Cook, who co-animated THE CRATER LAKE MONSTER with Phil Tippett, was hired as the principal animator for Laserblast. Modelmaker Greg Jein designed and built the spacecraft seen in the film, and Dave Carson designed the interior of the ship. “I’m basically producing and directing these sequences,” said Allen, who also had to hold down his full time position as Stop-Motion Director at CPC in Hollywood while working on the film. “I’m animating some of it, but unfortunately I’m not doing as much as I wish I could be doing. I designed all the shots and supervised without trying to be a little Napoleon.”
Laserblast was originally projected for a November release, but new ideas began to generate. An answer print was made containing uncleared music from Bernard Herrmann scores, and due to the good reception that the stop-motion sequences received, more footage was requested by distributor Irwin Yablans and several other prospective distributors whom Charles Band met in Italy when he previewed footage to acquire overseas distribution.
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The new stop-motion additions carry the characters in the first part of the film and develop the buildup to a climax in a more exciting way. “We’ve created some new scenes in space inside a rocketship, having the aliens watch some scenes back on Earth, and being ordered by their commander to go back and resolve the mess that resulted from leaving behind a laser gun. This necessitated the building of the miniature interior. One new scene shows the aliens finding a car that gets burned up. They begin to look for the finder of the laser gun at the scene of a wreck, which brings us back into the shot already filmed where they gun him down. It’s a bit more interesting now you see them tracking the bad guy instead of having them suddenly appear at the end. It’s still a small amount of additional animation.”
The stop-motion puppets are a treat. There was a desire expressed at the outset to use the lizard man models Dave had built ten years ago for test footage on his RAIDERS OF THE STONE RINGS, but since new duplication of those figures will be used in PRIMEVALS, Dave was adamant on having different ones made for Laserblast. Jon Berg did some prototypes in wax, Dave Allen made suggestions, and Jon did the sculptures. The armatures came last. “I had to make the mold and cast three figures and paint them,” said Allen. “I think Jon did a really nice job with he puppets. Had I done them myself, however, it would’ve been quite different.”
The result was a sympathetic sort of creature with an almost cute, turtle-like lead and a gnarled, tree-like body. “I don’t know if Jon intended them to look sympathetic,” added Allen, “but it worked out to the advantage of the script because they turn out to be the good guys of the story, if you can call them that. They even get a few laughs in the picture. They’re not scary monsters tearing up the countryside. I think their features really helped to reinforce that impression.”
The two alien vigilantes were affectionately referred to during animation as Mr. Brown and Mr. Green, and the third alien the commander of the two appears on a telescreen inside the spaceship in the new footage. Only thirteen inches high, they appear to be seven feet tall and were animated in four basic sequences. Medium two shots of the puppets from the waist up were photographed from four different angles and animated by Dave Allen. Certain tricks were done in the camera during animation. A ray from the puppet’s laser gun, or example, was reflected in via a two-way mirror without resorting to opticals or super impositions. Interestingly, the stage on which the models were bolted down was made of a special acrylic plastic, and with good reason. “Using that material, you can see the bottoms of the feet from below and decide where to drill for your holes. It might seem here would be a problem with light reflections bouncing back up to the creatures, but in actual fact that rarely seems to happen. I have other stages that are pre-drilled, but I couldn’t use them because the holes were too large for the creatures’ tiny feet.”
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Stop-motion had applications not only or the aliens but for Greg Jein’s rocketship as well. While several shots used a cutout of the ship itself, many were done with the miniature braced on music wire in front of a process image. The trick is to photograph a slight pendulum movement to avoid strobe problems. It isn’t easy. “You want the model to swing during exposure. You don’t get a true blur you get an exposure on each end of the swing and a sort of blur in between. It’s better than an absolutely sharp frame. It depends on the scale of the model of course, but you shouldn’t try to move it more than 3/8 inch per frame.”
This technique might seem to smack of Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956), but it is rather obvious that Ray Harryhausen did not animate his saucer miniatures that way throughout the picture. “Ray no doubt used wires in some shots of his saucers,” observed Allen, “but for the most part the models probably had a rod brace that went back to a sheet of acrylic or glass, with the models matting out their own supports in front of the process image. Ray animated the spin with a much more positive system of control.”
Not only is the animation of aerial braced miniatures a difficult chore, it is often undesirable, especially with something like a rocket where the strobing problem can become almost unbearable. It happened in Laserblast despite the pendulum motion during animation. Unfortunately, it was in a principal shot of the ship zooming over the crest of a hill. After judging it as unsatisfactory, Dave decided to go for broke and do it live action on the roof of the Allen studio. “It’s just like a Lydecker shot and the only one in the film like that. We rigged it up on a boom arm and just swung it across the camera in an arc. It’s a little risky; if the model falls, you’re in trouble. We put some padding underneath it and didn’t break any wires, so it worked out rather lovely. I’m really delighted because what was almost the worst shot of the whole show is now one of the better shots in the sequence. The ship comes over the camera lens, goes off into the distance and banks. It’s almost the only believable shot of the ship flying, because all the other shots are done in single frame and it tends to look a bit stuttery.”
On the non-technical end, Laserblast is a mixed bag of relatively unknown newcomers and several seasoned actors, a trademark of recent Charles Band productions. With Kim Milford heading the fledgling cast as the discoverer of the abandoned alien laser gun, others include Cheryl Smith as his girlfriend, Ron Maydock as the local sheriff, and Dennis Burkley as the deputy sheriff. Brief appearances among the more established names include Roddy McDowall as a physician, and Keenan Wynn as a crazed old colonel. Michael Raye makes his directing debut, and the screenplay is by Raye and Frank Perelli. However novel in its approach to science fiction, the film admittedly has its weaknesses. “One problem,” admitted Allen, “is that the animation doesn’t really work well with the rest of the picture. The film seems to follow a non-structured, ambient, Cassavetes approach. Then you suddenly cut to these animated sequences which really are out of a different genre. It’s almost like cutting to puppet theatre.”
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Paul Gentry is busy filming scenes of the ship in deep space and Randy Cook is doing most of the animating. A few technical mishaps caused problems along the way. When the animation set was bumped during filming, it necessitated shooting a closeup of an alien as a “save” shot, to be inserted where the jarred set would have been distracting. “Randy Cook is a very talented animator,” said Allen, “but he’s still learning. Certain mistakes were happening which had to be absorbed within the job. There simply is no time to do things over again. I’m only sorry I had to serve more as a director or producer than as actual animator. On the first set of effects I did about half of the stop-motion. I did very few of the new scenes a few fast closeups, a headshot here, a turn there things that I’ve been able to do during the evening hours. The longer, ten to twenty-foot scenes required somebody working here during the day and half the night, if necessary. That’s something I just can’t do myself because of my full-time position at CPC.”
Working under such circumstances, Allen often finds himself unfairly skewered by critics of his work. He’s making no secret of his minimal involvement with the animation in Laserblast, but he still expects to get blasted for any technical blemishes which might surface in the film. “It’s distressing in a way,” muses Allen. Laserblast will undoubtedly have them hurling epithets at me and calling me the Bert Gordon of the stop-motion world, or something on that order.”
POST PRODUCTION: Joel Goldsmith and Richard Band Score Joel Goldsmith and Richard Band, the brother of film producer Charles Band, composed the music for Laserblast, marking the first film score for both composers. The score was written in five days, and makes heavy use of synthesizer, particularly synthesized brass instruments, as well as electronic music. The music was also used in the Charles Band-produced film Auditions, released the same year, the 1986 science fiction film Robot Holocaust and the 1983 horror film The House on Sorority Row. The company Echo Film Services handled the sound effects. The alien language chatter between the aliens in Laserblast was later used as sound effects in the metal band Static-X’s song “A Dios Alma Perdida”, which is featured in their 2001 album Machine. During several points in the film when something explodes after it is shot by the laser gun, the scene is edited so that multiple shots of the same explosion are shown in succession. This type of editing became a trademark of Charles Band’s films, and was done previously in his 1977 films Crash! and End of the World.
CAST/CREW Directed Michael Rae
Produced Charles Band
Written Frank Ray Perilli Franne Schacht
Kim Milford as Billy Duncan Cheryl Smith as Kathy Farley Gianni Russo as Tony Craig Roddy McDowall as Dr. Mellon Keenan Wynn as Colonel Farley Dennis Burkley as Deputy Pete Ungar Barry Cutler as Deputy Jesse Jeep Mike Bobenko as Chuck Boran Eddie Deezen as Froggy Ron Masak as Sheriff Rick Walters as Mike London Joanna Lipari as Franny Walton Wendy Wernli as Carolyn Spicer Steve Neill as Alien at beginning of movie
CREDITS/REFERENCES/SOURCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY Cinefantastique v06n04-v07n01 Starburst Magazine#03
Laserblast (1978) Retrospective SUMMARY The reptilian alien creatures in the film were works of stop motion animation by animator David W.
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life story part 23
Going up to north Idaho that winter was one of the few things I really enjoyed. Somehow, I didn't get bored up there. My mom got me this old fashioned clickety click type writer and I would just sit around and write all day. It snows hard and constantly up there in the winters. The sights were lovely. After school on Fridays, and during winter break, I would endure the three and a half hour drive up there to be in my grandpa Roy's mountain cottage. I would write and draw, and I found some occult books that I started to read. I was especially fascinated with Aleister Crowley I remember. I didn't obviously have access to his books or anything, just his life story and some statements he made. I think, even though I am not all that big on the guy now, that he might have been a gateway for me to really actually begin questioning reality. I mean, naturally, I have always been very much in my own mind. I had questioned a lot about life before, but this was sort of different. I think it made me interested more so in the way the world works that lead me to be interested in consciousness, the human mind, things like that.
I also started studying Arthurian Legends. It was difficult to understand some of the stories that are in the original book of Arthurian Legends. I got through it though. I made this anime in my mind that revolved around king Arthur, and I was drawing that a lot. In school, we had to read The Outsiders and That Was Then This Is Now. I remember being pretty heartbroken about the later. A comic book shop had opened up in Moscow, and we all swarmed up there to get anime stuff, which we were all very excited about. When we got up there, my friends went towards things they knew they liked. Katie was in love with InuYasha I think. For some reason, I ended up in the vintage anime section, and I ended up buying this really strange comic called Mya the Psychic Girl. My friends thought that the anime was bad, and I grew to be embarrassed that I had picked this out at random, but on looking back, I actually think the art was really good. The story was -eh, but I am actually pleased that went for something a little different.
Going up north, I was removed from my own identity. There was always a fire in the fireplace, and as I would sit there and draw, the dogs, all three, Chester, Tasha and Pepsi would all gather around me to snuggle. There was endless amounts of food to eat in the freezer. I also found this stash of my grandpa Roy's pickled garlic – something he must have enjoyed in life because he had an entire shelf of it. I ate a lot of this. Roxanne also for some reason on one of her spending sprees would buy these enormous boxes of Valentine's day chocolates, and eggnog. This caused me gain a lot of weight. At my dad's as well, I was secretly buying cookie dough and tubs of frosting and eating them straight. I would end up hiding them under my bed when my dad came home, and if I didn't finish them, they would rot. I had to dispose of the waste and this strange pattern of eating horribly and feeling shame set in. I would never/ could never do this now not only because it is terrible, but it is also gross. I had not yet reached the total awareness that eating had any connection to weight gain. Around me, there was a lot of stuff going on that wasn't good. There would be twenty to thirty people who were driving up to find Roxanne to spend her money, and she was gullibly giving it all away, all 90,000 of it. Drugs were everywhere. The whole thing was a mess, and a temporary convenience that was sure to fall apart at any moment.
Roxanne and my mom found out that I was wearing five bras – one on top of the other because they were all training bras and were not in themselves adequate in the job they were supposed to be doing. So, Roxanne was nice enough, despite being high as a kite, to drive me all the way to Post Falls, and at the time I was blown away by the first Super Walmart I had ever been in. She bought me a bunch of stuff I really needed, make up, hair stuff, a hoodie to keep warm, bras and underwear. My dad didn't really get me that stuff even though he had the money to. Roxanne, even as high on meth as she was really helped me during this time. We would also drive around from gas station to gas station going to the sticker machines and she would give me absurd amounts of money to try and get me as many stickers as I could. We would drive around late at night, buying out the machines – which caused me to have a big collection of venting machine stickers that I don't have anymore but wish that I did.
The grandest and most memorable thing of this time for me, was going to the theaters and watching Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. We went with my grandma Marie, my sisters, my mom and a my younger siblings. I honestly at the time thought that it was absolutely the best movie I had ever seen. I was on the edge of my seat. I remember every single aspect of it seemed amazing to me and perfect in every way. Though, now on looking back, I mean, it's okay. I am no longer that into the movies, and to be honest, I am not super into Lord of the Rings. But I mean, back then, that movie coming out had this major impact on me. I remember leaving the theaters feeling better than I had ever felt. It even made Kyle seem kind of distant and lame.
The worst time I had though was one night, I was waiting with Allison, and my mom had left with David. They were supposed to be back in two hours. Five hours went by, and I started to panic. I tried calling her on her humongous cellphone but given that we were too far out in the woods, I could not really reach her. Something switched in my mind, and in my mind, I knew that my mom and David were dead. I began crying out in despair. Another five hours went by. I had been hyperventilating. I had this perfect understanding by that point that the two of them were dead. I began throwing up. I could barely breath. I can't remember most of it, only that I was certain they had died. My mind was very lucid, and I could have been convinced of nearly anything. When finally, my mom and little brother did show up around three or so in the morning, I was at a loss. They had just stayed at my uncle Rusty's a little longer than normal. I tried to explain to them how I had known they were dead, and it was just like 'eh, well we aren't.' This was not my first panic attack, but this was in a way one of the first times where I could definitely point out that I alone had a way of mentally overreacting to my own thoughts. I try to take this side of me into account when I am upset. I have to remember that if I let my mind spin out of control, I can distort my own reality and do some pretty extreme stuff.
As anyone would guess, this arrangement in my grandpa's place did not last. My oldest sister Maria was there at my grandpa's home initially, but due to the poor relationship she has with our mom, there was a big fight. They had both been aggravating one another in ways that were unnecessary to me, but it was my dear old mom was actually really the vicious one. My mom has always been abusive towards Maria. Since Maria had had that panic attack that year, she had this big scar on her head from where she slammed her head into that can of green beans. In this fight between them, my mom grabbed a can of green beans and told Maria to bash her brains out on this can, and to go ahead and kill herself and do everyone a favor. It was extremely cruel, just a twist of the knife that made me sick in it's tone and how she meant it, and I was sickened by her. She always seemed hungover and moody. And to see this exchange go down – I watched something behind Maria's eyes crumple, and my mom had this bloodlust in her eyes like she really would like to see Maria die. I cried out 'MOM, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?' but she ignored me. Maria packed up Jasmine and baby Ian and went to Florida shortly after with Earl, whom she hated.
Then, sometime after I stopped going up there as well, as much as I loved being snowed in. Roxanne and I were in the house. My dad was coming to pick me up to take me back down to Kendrick to spend some of my winter vacation with my Uncle Bob who had flown up to see everybody, potentially go to Red River Hot Springs, and go to some kind of Christmas party with Jodi's family. As I was waiting, Roxanne was getting drunk on hard liquor and taking pills. I didn't know this, and it seemed to come upon her suddenly. We were just talking and hanging out, and suddenly she started telling me I was pathetic. I got confused. She started saying that if I didn't invite Kyle to stay up here during the weekends, than I was worthless. I tried to explain that under the circumstance and how close I was to Kyle, that that was absolutely crazy and sure to get a strong rejection. She started then screaming at me saying I was a ugly little bitch. I got teary eyed, and then kind of realized fully that she was drunk and high. I had absolutely no idea why she even did this to herself. She seemed suddenly quite miserable. She ran into the bathroom and began puking. My ride came and I left and decided that I wasn't going to go up there anymore. The drugs were starting to make people mean. Roxanne remembers saying none of this to me.
Jodi's family's Christmas party was long and boring. It was just a bunch of adults I had never met. I wasn't cute enough for them to be of any interest. There was a gift exchange. I ended up getting gifts from this crazy great aunt of Jodi's who was in a nursing home somewhere whom I never once met. Everyone seemed to silently agree that her gifts were the worst. We all took turns opening the presents. This crazy aunt's gifts were not all that bad though – for me at least. She got me this porcelain doll with this really fucked up look on it's face, with eyes bulging out. It was actually pretty cool, and where on earth did she find this doll? The second thing I received was this jukebox alarm clock. I didn't like it at first, but after awhile, I began having this appreciation for the oldies more so because of it.
I ended up skipping going with my dad, Jodi, Jessie and Allison and David to Red River Hot Springs. I loved that place and it was of course enchanting and all that good stuff, but I wanted to be alone in the house more. I wanted to charge food at the store, and just sit around and read and be alone for a few days. I felt really awkward going anywhere with them. So I pretended that I had the stomach flu. They left without me and I watched them go. And then, inn a strange turn of events though, I ended up legitimately getting the stomach flu. So perhaps it was better I had not gone after all.
I got better and I got to be alone like I had wanted. I heard Kyle going sledding one night, and seeing that my room had this big prominent front window that looked down over the street, I wanted to spy on him, but I didn't want to be noticed. So I sort of ducked and watched him. This behavior seems so ridiculous to me now, and I cannot imagine doing this at all, or even wanting to. In the process of doing this, funniest thing happened. As I was looking down and spying on him as he and his friend were getting their sled ready, I ducked before they saw me, and I think his friend noticed and said something. They watched for awhile looking up at my window, and I tried nervously to not move at all.. But then, Pepsi came to the window, and she looked at them intently and began howling like a coyote. I tried to stop her, but she would not be dissuaded. She howled for ten minutes. I had no idea what had gotten into her.
I had asked for a lot of empty tape cassettes for Christmas. I was getting for some reason obsessed with the radio. I had noticed over the years that songs stopped being played on the popular radio stations as new hits kept coming in, and I never got to hear them again. I didn't have money to buy albums, if there was a way to easily access them on the internet I didn't know how to do that. I have always been an obsessive archivist. I like collecting objects, noting small details. I try to write everything down even if I never put it online. I want to own music on my computer that I don't even like. I have about 100,000 songs on my computer. I like connecting small occurrences with major events. I try to take note of small details – while often times missing big obvious ones. I try to spin this comprehensive web, and I try to organize everything. Which leads to me forgetting about everything around me.
So, I go these tapes to tape the radio, hours and hours alone. I decided that somehow I was going to collect every single song I heard. I went through tapes and tapes. Then my tape deck stopped working to record the radio, and I had to get an individual tape recorder and set it close to the radio, which created weird static faraway sounding versions of the originals. I was up most nights doing this. I would listen over the tapes, and the entire vibe of these songs gave me this cold chill. I also started feeling like there was more to music than what I had always listened to on the pop radio station. There had to be more than Shakira, Sum 41 and all that. I  eventually tuned into the AM stations, which I had never done before. And I got sucked in to these distant recordings that were probably being broadcast over 100 miles away.
This feeling in and of itself caused/ still causes my heart to get this imploding feeling. I found these Mexican radio stations that broke my brain. It sounded like a mariachi band playing from hell. The sound of scratchy faraway sad obscure tunes from the 50's. Some of them were even sixties songs. It felt like some distant memory of a party in sixties where someone overdosed and was forgotten. There was a radio station that played very old country, and occasionally Art Bell would be on. It felt like something was being dragged out of me and I have never been the same. It wasn't pleasant, but it was still good. Sometimes, I would listen to the static with some inaudible preacher ranting. I could not hear it all, but the feelings I got from it was eerie, and made me feel more alive. After doing this for a few months, I stopped listening to pop music. It was no longer good enough for me. It sounded hollow and plastic. The feelings that were generally conveyed were very cheap. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But it's like if you were only aware of the top layers of the ocean where everything is more or less understandable and safe. But things go much deeper, and most people aren't really aware of that.
I had also asked for a few CD's for Christmas. My friends were all really into Avril Lavigne, so I bought that album. I secretly hated it, and it made me feel kind of sick, but for some reason since my friends liked it, I was unable to contemplate not liking it myself. I did eventually give up listening to it though. And then I got this Los Ketchup album, which is this ridiculous girl group from Mexico that did this song that was popular for awhile called The Ketchup Song. I thought that song was just great when I was younger. And I actually listened that silly album a lot.
Jodi had convinced my dad to get Dish. So I started watching a lot of music videos whenever no one was home. Music was becoming my world. MTV by this time had just been taken over by reality television, which never appealed to me. So I spent more time on MTV2 and VH1 (which both eventually were also taken over by reality TV). I stopped going to school whenever possible so I could watch I Love the 80's, and music videos. I really was getting into the 80's music videos. I felt like there was this alternative world in the 80's that never changed. Spandex were always in, Bizarre Love Triangle was always playing. It had this surreal darkness around it. And I was very lost. It had just gotten to this point where I couldn't go to school. One day, I was ready to go and everything. I was even going to be on time. But then this rush of anxiety hit me and I passed out. I couldn't really keep doing this at all. My dad and Jodi were fighting by this time, so I was able to stay home without him noticing. He was never home when the school called. And before there was caller ID, you just used your senses to know who was calling. I always knew it was my school, or if it was a friend. You could just hear something between the rings. I think a lot of people know what I mean by that, but it's hard to explain exactly.
I started dressing differently, and putting my make up on differently than my friends. I dressed in black as much as I could. Somewhere, I had seen a picture of Robert Smith, probably on VH1 eighties hour. I didn't know who The Cure was, but I loved his make up and I wanted to emulate that style. I would usually walk to the school when it got out to greet my friends. I was there maybe half the time, and only because my dad would be home that day. Sarah once asked me why it was that I dressed all in black. I responded that it was the way I felt inside. Which, on retrospect is so cliché. I meant it though and had no idea that I was doing something that had been said and done before, and at the time that seemed really profound to my friends. I also loved watching The Breakfast Club. Today, I have problems with this movie because I don't like the way that the weird girl has to change her look to be acceptable to Emilio Estevez's character. It is actually quite a slap in the face to my kind. But I loved that movie, and would watch it every time it was on television.
My dad just didn't know what to do with me. He decided that he would have Jodi take me to get a makeover at the mall. I think he was hoping to get me more into being into normal 'woman things'. Nobody understood why I taped hours of the radio or had drastically changed my attire, or reading books on horoscopes and the occult. I think a lot of people have thought it was some kind of a faze, but it wasn't really. I mean, I have changed my look over time for sure, limiting some things and expanding others, but overall, this change was honestly one of the first things I had done that set me apart from everyone else and felt more true to myself. The same with the music I was listening to and everything else. For years I had been trying desperately to fit into a certain image, with this dull unsaid promise that everything would be okay, if I could only be like everyone else. But embracing what I liked, I think actually made me a lot healthier. Sure, I was a terrible student. But I started crying less and less because Kyle didn't like me.
The make over was lame. The girl who did my make up was really subtly rude to me. She seemed uncomfortable with touching my face because of my zits, even though my face had been cleaned. She told me I had ugly eyebrows and eyelashes. My eyelashes are really small and light colored, despite having very course dark hair. I think it's because I am part Swedish. They put such light colors on me that it didn't really make me look that different. Everyone was expecting that I would look like a new person when I got home. I could see the disappointment on their faces. I actually did my make up better on my own. The black stuff looked better.
My dad also tried to get me glasses. I feel badly about this, since it was a waste of his money. By this time, I was absolutely blind as a bat, probably genetic since neither of my parents can see well, but maybe due in part to all the times I had pressed my eyes as hard as I could to watch the colors, lights and images that my brain produced. Or maybe all the times I had stared into the sun just a little too long. I went to the eye doctor, and against my wishes, I picked out some glasses. They were very expensive. I thought glasses on women were ugly at the time, perhaps my own internalized sexism against myself at work. So once I had gotten these glasses, I intentionally broke them one day so I would never have to wear them. I didn't want people thinking I was ugly. And looking back, I do feel bad.
There was a winter dance that January. I ended up going. It was the first dance I had ever been to. I was really nervous. Mostly, I stood off to the side. My friends had started hanging out with this girl named Ava. Ava had been popular, but she was a lot different than the other girls, so she had decided to jump the group and moved on over to my group which seemed like a lot more fun. She was really outgoing and forward. I hadn't really talked to her much yet but she had found out that I liked Kyle and she was bold and kind of did her own thing so she intended on asking if guys would dance with all of us, including, and maybe especially me. She did not understand my hesitation at all. We were entirely different in that way, and she didn't understand the lengths I took or how I overthought things. She was going to go straight over to Kyle and ask him on my behalf without my permission. She told me she was going to ask him whether I liked it or not. I was shocked. I begged her not to. So, exasperated, she  instead asked Andrew (boy who spit gum on my seat the previous year) if he would dance with me. He said yes. I have no idea if I danced correctly. I do remember that I was actually really happy. It wasn't bad at all. I didn't like Andrew like that, but it was actually really nice to just dance with boys. It gave me this tingling feeling in my head – which didn't last because I didn't have any real feelings for them.
Eventually I did dance with Kyle. I could not believe he had said yes. I really admired Ava for having demonstrated to me that I could do things like that. I don't even remember the actual dance. I was so overwhelmed and happy, but it seemed to go well (I mean, this was a lame small town junior high dance, so if you take that into consideration). I remember the song we danced to was some slow Usher song. My friends all danced with other guys. I was so excited that after dancing with Kyle, I went straight into the girls' bathroom and slid down the wall. In order to prevent myself from smelling like sweat, I had soaked my arm pits with perfume. The perfume was burning my skin terribly. Despite this, I could not feel any of the painful rash. I was shaking. Suddenly, a bunch of popular girls went into
the bathroom and surrounded me. They started asking me if I had a crush on Kyle. They said they could just tell. I denied it meekly, re situating my appearance of being on the floor to make it seem more casual and less like someone who was so happy they could not walk. They kind of tried to let me know that he was Kayla's, and to leave him alone. I acted like I didn't care.
PART 22 -  http://tinyurl.com/yat6cfnw
PART 21 -  http://tinyurl.com/y783egno
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PART 19 - http://tinyurl.com/rfhbms8
PART 18 - http://tinyurl.com/ycrznrwk
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PART 11 - http://tinyurl.com/yc9qhj84
PART 10 - http://tinyurl.com/yb734w24
PART 9 - http://tinyurl.com/yc2t6vfw  
PART 8 - http://tinyurl.com/ybl37utq
PART 7 - http://tinyurl.com/ybvo283g
PART 6 - http://tinyurl.com/kbc9dwu
PART 5 - http://tinyurl.com/msnz4am
PART 4 - http://tinyurl.com/k9x8esg
PART 3 - http://tinyurl.com/mwp9atx
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PART 1 - http://tinyurl.com/l8xbvg8
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• A great mix of tips, tricks, and anecdotes, All is Forgiven, Move On has excellent ideas for your weight loss journey and for improving your life along the way! – Judith S. Beck • After a lifetime of losing and gaining weight, I get it. No matter how you slice it, weight loss comes down to the simple formula of calories in, calories out. – Valerie Bertinelli • Almost everything inside was filled with sugar, cheese, and weight-loss tips. – Adam Rex • Another good reducing exercise consists in placing both hands against the table edge and pushing back. – Robert Quillen • As far as dieting and weight loss go, diet and exercise actually works. Lots of running and healthy eating. – Emile Hirsch • As you experience success in applying kaizen to clear goals like weight loss or career advancement, remember to hold onto its essence: an optimistic belief in our potential for continuous improvement. – Robert D. Maurer
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Weight+Los', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_weight-los').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_weight-los img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Balanced, sensible nutrition: eat food, not too much, mostly plants, a healthy diet ala Michael Pollan, modern physical activity on a daily basis, modest weight loss – translated into a 58% reduction in the occurrence of diabetes. A clear indication of the power of lifestyle over health. The challenge now is the development of the community-based programs that will translate what we learned in the diabetes prevention program and put it to work in every town in America. – David Katz • Behind weight gain are the larger hurts and questions that have to be explored, probed, and understood before weight loss and maintenance is a possibility. It’s a bigger issue than just calories in, calories out. – Ali Vincent • Coconut oil contains the most concentrated natural source of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) available. Substituting coconut oil for other vegetable oils in your diet will help promote weight loss. – Bruce Fife • Despite what many nutritionists have preached for years, rapid weight-loss diets can be healthy if done correctly and can work wonders on reducing pounds and inches in just days. – Mike Moreno • Dieting is long-haul. Many rapid weight loss programs actually only squeeze the water out of you. Just like a wet sponge. But a good dieter maintains his or her grip on that sponge, not letting it soak up water again. – Owen Jones • Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose! – Karl Lagerfeld • Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections. – Saint Francis de Sales • Don’t even wait until you’ve lost a pound. The minute you can push the plate away with food still on it, give yourself a pat on the back. – Tony Robbins • Every study on chocolate is pointing to the same conclusion: there is something in chocolate that is really good for us. That something is the raw cacao bean, the nut that all chocolate is made from. The cacao bean has always been and will always be Nature’s #1 weight loss and high-energy food. Cacao beans are probably the best kept secret in the entire history of food. – David Wolfe • Everything we’ve been taught about health, weight loss and aging is wrong. – Jorge Cruise • Fitness and proper nutrition truly go hand-in-hand. Focus on eating clean and filling your plate with veggies, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins. And, everyone hates to do it, but calorie counting is crucial to weight loss as well as maintaining a healthy physique. – Jillian Michaels • For both optimal health and weight loss, you must consume a diet with a high nutrient-per-calorie ratiothere are no shortcuts. – Joel Fuhrman • Frequently, visualization is the key to lose weight. Imagine yourself with your desired body, and work for it. At some point in the future, this wish will come true. – David Viscott • Here’s the secret to weight loss: It’s all about crowding out, not cutting out. – Kathy Freston • High protein diets make you sick in the long and short term. Expect kidney disease, heart disease and more strokes and cancer. Plus the weight loss is temporary because you can’t stay sick for long. Look at the creators of these diets – many are fat themselves. – John A. McDougall • I could not bounce back from my divorce – emotionally – I just could not bounce back. With any bad situations I’d experienced before – a bad game or my two previous divorces – I got over them. This time I just could not get out of the hole. The anxiety attacks were frequent and extensive. I had weight loss, which I’d never had before. I couldn’t stop crying. And if I wasn’t crying, I was angry, bitter, hateful and mean-spirited. I couldn’t sleep – couldn’t concentrate. It just got crazy. – Terry Bradshaw • I didn’t get excited by weight loss, and since I was already happy being fat, I couldn’t see the point of it all. I’m 6 ft. and weigh about 18 st. or 19 st., but weighing myself is not something I do with much pleasure. – Maeve Binchy • I didn’t start out about weight loss. I was very tired and my energy was low. This is my second go-around in love, so I want to make sure I’ll be around to enjoy it. – Niecy Nash • I found that people like rules, and I love to tell people what to do. It’s not rocket science when it comes to weight loss. It’s about eating a little less and moving a little bit more. – Bob Harper • I freak out if I go a little too long without being in the gym. For a long time it was all about getting the weight off because I was 240 pounds at my heaviest, and now I’m around 175, so the majority of that weight loss was due to diet and exercise. – Nick Carter • I have a theory that the best ads come from personal experience. Some of the good ones I have done have really come out of the real experience of my life, and somehow this has come over as true and valid and persuasive. People love to read stories. They like to know you as a real person who has your struggle, pain, success and failure, etc. One well-known example is Jared Fogle’s weight loss story which made millions of dollars for Subway. Start to collect your stories from today and use them in your ad campaigns. – David Ogilvy • I have gained and lost the same 10 pounds so many times over and over again my cellulite must have deja vu! – Jane Wagner • I have more energy to run after our four children. Weight loss and great skin were a bonus! – Niecy Nash • I thought a lot about how so many memoirs about fatness focus on weight loss; they don’t focus on living with weight in a world that is rather inhospitable to it. So I knew that was the idea that was going to be most interesting and most challenging, and I like to be challenged as a writer. – Roxane Gay • I used to define success as being able to produce any result you wanted, whether it was a relationship, weight-loss, being a millionaire, impacting the culture, changing society, whatever it might be, it might be homelessness, whatever, but lately I’ve realized that success is “fulfilling your soul’s purpose.” – Jack Canfield • I went on a diet, swore off drinking and heavy eating, and in fourteen days I had lost exactly two weeks. – Joe E. Lewis • If you believe that weight loss requires self-deprivation, Im going to teach you otherwise. – Robert Atkins • If you find you require willpower, you aren’t ready to lose weight. – Augusten Burroughs • If you keep on eating unhealthy food than no matter how many weight loss tips you follow, you are likely to retain weight and become obese. If only you start eating healthy food, you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to lose weight. – Subodh Gupta • If you’re going to solve a weight-loss problem – or smoking problem for that matter – you must address both the psychological and physiological. – Tony Robbins • If you’re not doing what is best for your body, you are the one who lose. – Julius Erving • I’m a girl who enjoys a great meal with great friends, so I’m not really that concerned about weight loss. – Jill Scott • I’m not against working out. It’s just not effective for weight loss. I like strength training to tone and firm the body so you look tight. But working out just makes you hungrier. – Jorge Cruise • I’m prouder of my weight loss than my Oscar! I hope it has inspired people. – Jennifer Hudson • Imagine a weight-loss program at the end of which, instead of better health, good looks, and hot romantic prospects, you die. Somalia had become just this kind of spa. – P. J. O’Rourke • In India, we kind of concentrate only on weight loss. I want to teach people that it is very important to be strong and fit, rather than just thin. – Bipasha Basu • In two decades I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. I should be hanging from a charm bracelet. – Erma Bombeck • Instead it seems that business – like weight loss – is a subject wherein hope and fear inspire limitless gullibility. – Paul Krugman • It seems that researchers at Colorado University say wine may help people lose weight. It’s not the wine directly that causes the weight loss, it’s all the walking around you do trying to find your car. – Jay Leno • It suddenly hit me—it was nearly impossible to take good care of something I hated. I’d spent so long hating my body that I didn’t know how to respect and nurture myself or my body. By focusing so much on my exterior, I also robbed myself of the opportunity to feel good about myself and my body, simply because I didn’t meet a cultural standard of beauty that is obsessed with thinness. That created stress that interfered with my weight loss and with my own happiness. – Jessica Ortner • It’s easier to stay in shape if you never let yourself get out of shape in the first place. – Bill Loguidice • I’ve been on a diet for two weeks and all I’ve lost is two weeks. – Totie Fields • Keeping off a large weight loss is a phenomenon about as common in American medicine as an impoverished dermatologist. – Calvin Trillin • Little changes over time are the secret to long term weight loss success! – Chris Powell • My recipes aren’t geared towards women; my books are marketed towards women because women are the biggest market for weight loss, weight management and weight maintenance and for cooking. – Bethenny Frankel • My success has been something I’ve worked a long time at and it’s been a gradual process. I compare it to the idea of someone losing a lot of weight over a period of a few years. You don’t really notice the weight loss overall but if you compare photos from then and now there’s a big difference. – Ray William Johnson • My temptation is emotional, and resisting will further my needed weight loss and strengthen my character. Furthermore, nothing tastes as good as thin feels. – Stephen Covey • No, as it turns out, I really like being congratulated on my weight loss. I like it so much, it’s tragic. – Carrie Fisher • Not only weight loss surgery is unnecessary but also it deprives human being a normal life. People after surgery would never be able to enjoy their food ever for the rest of their life whether it is Christmas or they are on their holidays or their child birthday or any other festival. List of problems and complications after the weight loss surgery operation are endless as one may get additional problems such as Hernia, Internal Bleeding, Swelling of the skin around the wounds, etc. I wonder how many weight loss surgeons advice about weight loss surgery to their own family members. – Subodh Gupta • Oh. No wonder I’d been sick. I hadn’t eaten anything since then. I’m a girl who likes her meals, so it hadn’t been a weight-loss tactic. I’d just been too busy bumping from crisis to crisis. Go on the Sookie Stackhouse Narrow Avoidance of Death Diet! Run for your life, and miss meals, too! Exercise plus starvation. – Charlaine Harris • Overweight and obesity is the second leading cause of death, killing 300,000 people a year, There is not a miracle pill that will lead to weight loss. – Richard Carmona • Pay more attention to losing inches than losing pounds. – Jane Fonda • Perhaps by sharing my personal weight-loss journey on television, I can help others confront the truth and lies behind obesity. – Ruby Gettinger • Permanent weight loss doesn’t come with an on and off switch. It is not something you do for a little while and think it is going to change your body. – Jennifer Hudson • Permanent weight loss means making small, manageable changes and sticking with them for life. – Michael Adam Hamilton • Place a picture of someone that looks like what you want to look like when you reach your weight loss and fitness goal somewhere nearby. However, be sure to keep it realistic to your own body type. This is a visual reminder of what the end result of your fitness and weight loss program will be, helping to keep you motivated. – Jackie Warner • Rather than strive to ‘lose weight,’ most people would be better off striving to lose only fat and to build or maintain muscle. – Mark Sisson • Reality check: you can never, ever, use weight loss to solve problems that are not related to your weight. At your goal weight or not, you still have to live with yourself and deal with your problems. You will still have the same husband, the same job, the same kids, and the same life. Losing weight is not a cure for life. – Phil McGraw • Some people’s weight loss is impeded by an impaired thyroid. So I think it’s worth testing that at your next physical exam. If it’s off, sometimes, that can be caused by excess metals, such as mercury or cadmium. A qualified M.D. can help you cleanse your body of those. – Tony Robbins • Successful weight loss takes programming, not willpower. – Phil McGraw • Sudden total weight loss. – George Carlin • Thank you for calling the Weight Loss Hotline. If you’d like to lose a half pound right now, press 1 eighteen thousand times. – Randy Glasbergen • The bottom line is that you will not lose fat effectively with exercise-driven weight-loss efforts unless your eating habits moderate insulin production. – Mark Sisson • The Glycemic Index is one the best tools for fat loss. It measures how quickly foods breakdown into sugar in your bloodstream. – Al Sears • The hardest thing was going through different stages of weight loss. At the beginning, it was easy to take off the weight with exercise and eating less but then you reach a point where 90 per cent of the weight loss is achieved purely through reducing your calorie intake. My goal was to lose four pounds per week. That worked well for the first few months but then things got tricky. – Matthew McConaughey • The most important thing I want to get across is that maintaining weight loss is just hard. It takes a dedication to exercise and eating right most of the time. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy the days that I’m not eating chocolate cake. But I do particularly like those days when I am eating chocolate cake. – Trisha Yearwood • The real pride, the real present, is your health and your longevity. My whole career, I have never done anything where competition was involved with weight loss. – Richard Simmons • The secret of losing weight is patience. – Jane Fonda • The surest way to identify those who won’t succeed at weight loss is that they tend to say things like “My goal is to lose ten pounds.” Weight targets often work in the short run. But if you need willpower to keep the weight off, you’re doomed in the long run. The only way to succeed in the long run is by using a system that bypasses your need for willpower. – Scott Adams • The usual justification for eating extra meals is that it keeps the metabolism “revved up” so that weight loss is easier. There is, however, very little hard evidence that supports this idea, and a fair amount that disputes it. – Andrew Weil • The weight loss has been a secondary change to the mental changes I have made. Weight loss does not fix problems; how you view yourself does. – Erin Willett • There is no lasting glory in rapid weight loss. – Mireille Guiliano • There’s a huge emotional component to weight loss. – Carnie Wilson • This country is so urbanized we think low-fat milk comes from cows on Nutri/System weight-loss plans. – P. J. O’Rourke • We compliment weight loss, monitor our appetites, and shrink ourselves to fit some kind of standard. I wish we could all be the size we actually are. One size doesn’t fit all because there are as many sizes as there are women. Let’s look closer at the size of our hearts, the width of our souls, and the length of our spirits. – Sark • We talk a lot on ‘Biggest Loser’ about how fitness is a natural antidepressant, how it burns off stress. What I like about running is that it gives me time alone. I’m always busy, with people at work, with my kids. I love getting out for a run by myself and just listening to my music. – Alison Sweeney • Weight loss after pregnancy is safe but requires attention and guidelines – Debbie Meyer • Weight loss does not make people happy. Or peaceful. Being thin does not address the emptiness that has no shape or weight or name. Even a wildly successful diet is a colossal failure because inside the new body is the same sinking heart. – Geneen Roth • Weight loss programs and health clubs have an ethical and legal obligation to adequately disclose details about program costs before customers sign a contract. They should also clearly explain how the program works and what is expected so that consumers can make an informed choice whether to join. – Bill Vaughan • We’ve got a recipe for disaster. It’s huge — this combination of body image issues and the drug’s weight loss appeal. – Robert Hughes • What some name well being, if bought by perpetual nervousness about weight loss plan, is not a lot better than tedious illness. – George D. Prentice • When followed correctly, the Dukan Diet is both a safe and effective method of weight loss. – Pierre Dukan • When food becomes the enemy, every time we lose the fight we not only gain weight, but lose our self-esteem as well. – Jane Fonda • When I hear health professionals suggesting that you shouldn’t worry about the balance of calories in versus calories out, but rather eat clean and follow your hunger instincts, well, I really just want to pinch their heads off. That’s like a millionaire suggesting that instead of worrying about that’s in your bank account, just listen to your shopping instincts and buy high-quality goods . . . weight loss is not magic. To a great extent, it’s accounting. – Chalene Johnson • When we lose twenty pounds… we may be losing the twenty best pounds we have! We may be losing the pounds that contain our genius, our humanity, our love and honesty. – Woody Allen • When weight loss becomes a goal in your life, eating right and exercising are just two pieces of the puzzle. Figuring out why you’ve put on the extra weight is the hardest part. – Ali Vincent • When you’re the spokeswoman for a weight-loss program, everything is witnessed. I weigh in once a week with a witness. I have to sign an affidavit saying I cannot have any surgeries. – Kirstie Alley • While weight loss is important, what’s more important is the quality of food you put in your body – food is information that quickly changes your metabolism and genes. – Mark Hyman, M.D. • You can think of the Health Impact Fund as a mechanism that would keep the benefits and burdens of pharmaceutical innovation for the affluent roughly as they are while massively reducing the burdens presently imposed upon the poor. This sounds like magic. But it really works because the current system is not Pareto efficient. It’s a system that generates hundreds of billions of dollars in litigation costs and deadweight losses that HIF-registered medicines would sidestep. By avoiding these losses, the HIF reform can bring improvements all around – including for pharmaceutical innovators. – Thomas Pogge • You don’t need to worry any more or punish yourself about food. It is totally counterproducti ve to stress yourself out about weight loss because that same stress causes you to put weight on. – Marc David • You have to want weight-loss success so badly that no mountain, river, or ocean could keep you from reaching your goals. If you have that drive, passion, and commitment, there is no way you won’t get there. – Jennifer Hudson • You know what the secret to weight loss is? Don’t eat much. – Simon Cowell
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equitiesstocks · 4 years
Weight Loss Quotes
Official Website: Weight Loss Quotes
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• A great mix of tips, tricks, and anecdotes, All is Forgiven, Move On has excellent ideas for your weight loss journey and for improving your life along the way! – Judith S. Beck • After a lifetime of losing and gaining weight, I get it. No matter how you slice it, weight loss comes down to the simple formula of calories in, calories out. – Valerie Bertinelli • Almost everything inside was filled with sugar, cheese, and weight-loss tips. – Adam Rex • Another good reducing exercise consists in placing both hands against the table edge and pushing back. – Robert Quillen • As far as dieting and weight loss go, diet and exercise actually works. Lots of running and healthy eating. – Emile Hirsch • As you experience success in applying kaizen to clear goals like weight loss or career advancement, remember to hold onto its essence: an optimistic belief in our potential for continuous improvement. – Robert D. Maurer
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Weight+Los', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_weight-los').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_weight-los img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Balanced, sensible nutrition: eat food, not too much, mostly plants, a healthy diet ala Michael Pollan, modern physical activity on a daily basis, modest weight loss – translated into a 58% reduction in the occurrence of diabetes. A clear indication of the power of lifestyle over health. The challenge now is the development of the community-based programs that will translate what we learned in the diabetes prevention program and put it to work in every town in America. – David Katz • Behind weight gain are the larger hurts and questions that have to be explored, probed, and understood before weight loss and maintenance is a possibility. It’s a bigger issue than just calories in, calories out. – Ali Vincent • Coconut oil contains the most concentrated natural source of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) available. Substituting coconut oil for other vegetable oils in your diet will help promote weight loss. – Bruce Fife • Despite what many nutritionists have preached for years, rapid weight-loss diets can be healthy if done correctly and can work wonders on reducing pounds and inches in just days. – Mike Moreno • Dieting is long-haul. Many rapid weight loss programs actually only squeeze the water out of you. Just like a wet sponge. But a good dieter maintains his or her grip on that sponge, not letting it soak up water again. – Owen Jones • Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose! – Karl Lagerfeld • Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections. – Saint Francis de Sales • Don’t even wait until you’ve lost a pound. The minute you can push the plate away with food still on it, give yourself a pat on the back. – Tony Robbins • Every study on chocolate is pointing to the same conclusion: there is something in chocolate that is really good for us. That something is the raw cacao bean, the nut that all chocolate is made from. The cacao bean has always been and will always be Nature’s #1 weight loss and high-energy food. Cacao beans are probably the best kept secret in the entire history of food. – David Wolfe • Everything we’ve been taught about health, weight loss and aging is wrong. – Jorge Cruise • Fitness and proper nutrition truly go hand-in-hand. Focus on eating clean and filling your plate with veggies, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins. And, everyone hates to do it, but calorie counting is crucial to weight loss as well as maintaining a healthy physique. – Jillian Michaels • For both optimal health and weight loss, you must consume a diet with a high nutrient-per-calorie ratiothere are no shortcuts. – Joel Fuhrman • Frequently, visualization is the key to lose weight. Imagine yourself with your desired body, and work for it. At some point in the future, this wish will come true. – David Viscott • Here’s the secret to weight loss: It’s all about crowding out, not cutting out. – Kathy Freston • High protein diets make you sick in the long and short term. Expect kidney disease, heart disease and more strokes and cancer. Plus the weight loss is temporary because you can’t stay sick for long. Look at the creators of these diets – many are fat themselves. – John A. McDougall • I could not bounce back from my divorce – emotionally – I just could not bounce back. With any bad situations I’d experienced before – a bad game or my two previous divorces – I got over them. This time I just could not get out of the hole. The anxiety attacks were frequent and extensive. I had weight loss, which I’d never had before. I couldn’t stop crying. And if I wasn’t crying, I was angry, bitter, hateful and mean-spirited. I couldn’t sleep – couldn’t concentrate. It just got crazy. – Terry Bradshaw • I didn’t get excited by weight loss, and since I was already happy being fat, I couldn’t see the point of it all. I’m 6 ft. and weigh about 18 st. or 19 st., but weighing myself is not something I do with much pleasure. – Maeve Binchy • I didn’t start out about weight loss. I was very tired and my energy was low. This is my second go-around in love, so I want to make sure I’ll be around to enjoy it. – Niecy Nash • I found that people like rules, and I love to tell people what to do. It’s not rocket science when it comes to weight loss. It’s about eating a little less and moving a little bit more. – Bob Harper • I freak out if I go a little too long without being in the gym. For a long time it was all about getting the weight off because I was 240 pounds at my heaviest, and now I’m around 175, so the majority of that weight loss was due to diet and exercise. – Nick Carter • I have a theory that the best ads come from personal experience. Some of the good ones I have done have really come out of the real experience of my life, and somehow this has come over as true and valid and persuasive. People love to read stories. They like to know you as a real person who has your struggle, pain, success and failure, etc. One well-known example is Jared Fogle’s weight loss story which made millions of dollars for Subway. Start to collect your stories from today and use them in your ad campaigns. – David Ogilvy • I have gained and lost the same 10 pounds so many times over and over again my cellulite must have deja vu! – Jane Wagner • I have more energy to run after our four children. Weight loss and great skin were a bonus! – Niecy Nash • I thought a lot about how so many memoirs about fatness focus on weight loss; they don’t focus on living with weight in a world that is rather inhospitable to it. So I knew that was the idea that was going to be most interesting and most challenging, and I like to be challenged as a writer. – Roxane Gay • I used to define success as being able to produce any result you wanted, whether it was a relationship, weight-loss, being a millionaire, impacting the culture, changing society, whatever it might be, it might be homelessness, whatever, but lately I’ve realized that success is “fulfilling your soul’s purpose.” – Jack Canfield • I went on a diet, swore off drinking and heavy eating, and in fourteen days I had lost exactly two weeks. – Joe E. Lewis • If you believe that weight loss requires self-deprivation, Im going to teach you otherwise. – Robert Atkins • If you find you require willpower, you aren’t ready to lose weight. – Augusten Burroughs • If you keep on eating unhealthy food than no matter how many weight loss tips you follow, you are likely to retain weight and become obese. If only you start eating healthy food, you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to lose weight. – Subodh Gupta • If you’re going to solve a weight-loss problem – or smoking problem for that matter – you must address both the psychological and physiological. – Tony Robbins • If you’re not doing what is best for your body, you are the one who lose. – Julius Erving • I’m a girl who enjoys a great meal with great friends, so I’m not really that concerned about weight loss. – Jill Scott • I’m not against working out. It’s just not effective for weight loss. I like strength training to tone and firm the body so you look tight. But working out just makes you hungrier. – Jorge Cruise • I’m prouder of my weight loss than my Oscar! I hope it has inspired people. – Jennifer Hudson • Imagine a weight-loss program at the end of which, instead of better health, good looks, and hot romantic prospects, you die. Somalia had become just this kind of spa. – P. J. O’Rourke • In India, we kind of concentrate only on weight loss. I want to teach people that it is very important to be strong and fit, rather than just thin. – Bipasha Basu • In two decades I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. I should be hanging from a charm bracelet. – Erma Bombeck • Instead it seems that business – like weight loss – is a subject wherein hope and fear inspire limitless gullibility. – Paul Krugman • It seems that researchers at Colorado University say wine may help people lose weight. It’s not the wine directly that causes the weight loss, it’s all the walking around you do trying to find your car. – Jay Leno • It suddenly hit me—it was nearly impossible to take good care of something I hated. I’d spent so long hating my body that I didn’t know how to respect and nurture myself or my body. By focusing so much on my exterior, I also robbed myself of the opportunity to feel good about myself and my body, simply because I didn’t meet a cultural standard of beauty that is obsessed with thinness. That created stress that interfered with my weight loss and with my own happiness. – Jessica Ortner • It’s easier to stay in shape if you never let yourself get out of shape in the first place. – Bill Loguidice • I’ve been on a diet for two weeks and all I’ve lost is two weeks. – Totie Fields • Keeping off a large weight loss is a phenomenon about as common in American medicine as an impoverished dermatologist. – Calvin Trillin • Little changes over time are the secret to long term weight loss success! – Chris Powell • My recipes aren’t geared towards women; my books are marketed towards women because women are the biggest market for weight loss, weight management and weight maintenance and for cooking. – Bethenny Frankel • My success has been something I’ve worked a long time at and it’s been a gradual process. I compare it to the idea of someone losing a lot of weight over a period of a few years. You don’t really notice the weight loss overall but if you compare photos from then and now there’s a big difference. – Ray William Johnson • My temptation is emotional, and resisting will further my needed weight loss and strengthen my character. Furthermore, nothing tastes as good as thin feels. – Stephen Covey • No, as it turns out, I really like being congratulated on my weight loss. I like it so much, it’s tragic. – Carrie Fisher • Not only weight loss surgery is unnecessary but also it deprives human being a normal life. People after surgery would never be able to enjoy their food ever for the rest of their life whether it is Christmas or they are on their holidays or their child birthday or any other festival. List of problems and complications after the weight loss surgery operation are endless as one may get additional problems such as Hernia, Internal Bleeding, Swelling of the skin around the wounds, etc. I wonder how many weight loss surgeons advice about weight loss surgery to their own family members. – Subodh Gupta • Oh. No wonder I’d been sick. I hadn’t eaten anything since then. I’m a girl who likes her meals, so it hadn’t been a weight-loss tactic. I’d just been too busy bumping from crisis to crisis. Go on the Sookie Stackhouse Narrow Avoidance of Death Diet! Run for your life, and miss meals, too! Exercise plus starvation. – Charlaine Harris • Overweight and obesity is the second leading cause of death, killing 300,000 people a year, There is not a miracle pill that will lead to weight loss. – Richard Carmona • Pay more attention to losing inches than losing pounds. – Jane Fonda • Perhaps by sharing my personal weight-loss journey on television, I can help others confront the truth and lies behind obesity. – Ruby Gettinger • Permanent weight loss doesn’t come with an on and off switch. It is not something you do for a little while and think it is going to change your body. – Jennifer Hudson • Permanent weight loss means making small, manageable changes and sticking with them for life. – Michael Adam Hamilton • Place a picture of someone that looks like what you want to look like when you reach your weight loss and fitness goal somewhere nearby. However, be sure to keep it realistic to your own body type. This is a visual reminder of what the end result of your fitness and weight loss program will be, helping to keep you motivated. – Jackie Warner • Rather than strive to ‘lose weight,’ most people would be better off striving to lose only fat and to build or maintain muscle. – Mark Sisson • Reality check: you can never, ever, use weight loss to solve problems that are not related to your weight. At your goal weight or not, you still have to live with yourself and deal with your problems. You will still have the same husband, the same job, the same kids, and the same life. Losing weight is not a cure for life. – Phil McGraw • Some people’s weight loss is impeded by an impaired thyroid. So I think it’s worth testing that at your next physical exam. If it’s off, sometimes, that can be caused by excess metals, such as mercury or cadmium. A qualified M.D. can help you cleanse your body of those. – Tony Robbins • Successful weight loss takes programming, not willpower. – Phil McGraw • Sudden total weight loss. – George Carlin • Thank you for calling the Weight Loss Hotline. If you’d like to lose a half pound right now, press 1 eighteen thousand times. – Randy Glasbergen • The bottom line is that you will not lose fat effectively with exercise-driven weight-loss efforts unless your eating habits moderate insulin production. – Mark Sisson • The Glycemic Index is one the best tools for fat loss. It measures how quickly foods breakdown into sugar in your bloodstream. – Al Sears • The hardest thing was going through different stages of weight loss. At the beginning, it was easy to take off the weight with exercise and eating less but then you reach a point where 90 per cent of the weight loss is achieved purely through reducing your calorie intake. My goal was to lose four pounds per week. That worked well for the first few months but then things got tricky. – Matthew McConaughey • The most important thing I want to get across is that maintaining weight loss is just hard. It takes a dedication to exercise and eating right most of the time. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy the days that I’m not eating chocolate cake. But I do particularly like those days when I am eating chocolate cake. – Trisha Yearwood • The real pride, the real present, is your health and your longevity. My whole career, I have never done anything where competition was involved with weight loss. – Richard Simmons • The secret of losing weight is patience. – Jane Fonda • The surest way to identify those who won’t succeed at weight loss is that they tend to say things like “My goal is to lose ten pounds.” Weight targets often work in the short run. But if you need willpower to keep the weight off, you’re doomed in the long run. The only way to succeed in the long run is by using a system that bypasses your need for willpower. – Scott Adams • The usual justification for eating extra meals is that it keeps the metabolism “revved up” so that weight loss is easier. There is, however, very little hard evidence that supports this idea, and a fair amount that disputes it. – Andrew Weil • The weight loss has been a secondary change to the mental changes I have made. Weight loss does not fix problems; how you view yourself does. – Erin Willett • There is no lasting glory in rapid weight loss. – Mireille Guiliano • There’s a huge emotional component to weight loss. – Carnie Wilson • This country is so urbanized we think low-fat milk comes from cows on Nutri/System weight-loss plans. – P. J. O’Rourke • We compliment weight loss, monitor our appetites, and shrink ourselves to fit some kind of standard. I wish we could all be the size we actually are. One size doesn’t fit all because there are as many sizes as there are women. Let’s look closer at the size of our hearts, the width of our souls, and the length of our spirits. – Sark • We talk a lot on ‘Biggest Loser’ about how fitness is a natural antidepressant, how it burns off stress. What I like about running is that it gives me time alone. I’m always busy, with people at work, with my kids. I love getting out for a run by myself and just listening to my music. – Alison Sweeney • Weight loss after pregnancy is safe but requires attention and guidelines – Debbie Meyer • Weight loss does not make people happy. Or peaceful. Being thin does not address the emptiness that has no shape or weight or name. Even a wildly successful diet is a colossal failure because inside the new body is the same sinking heart. – Geneen Roth • Weight loss programs and health clubs have an ethical and legal obligation to adequately disclose details about program costs before customers sign a contract. They should also clearly explain how the program works and what is expected so that consumers can make an informed choice whether to join. – Bill Vaughan • We’ve got a recipe for disaster. It’s huge — this combination of body image issues and the drug’s weight loss appeal. – Robert Hughes • What some name well being, if bought by perpetual nervousness about weight loss plan, is not a lot better than tedious illness. – George D. Prentice • When followed correctly, the Dukan Diet is both a safe and effective method of weight loss. – Pierre Dukan • When food becomes the enemy, every time we lose the fight we not only gain weight, but lose our self-esteem as well. – Jane Fonda • When I hear health professionals suggesting that you shouldn’t worry about the balance of calories in versus calories out, but rather eat clean and follow your hunger instincts, well, I really just want to pinch their heads off. That’s like a millionaire suggesting that instead of worrying about that’s in your bank account, just listen to your shopping instincts and buy high-quality goods . . . weight loss is not magic. To a great extent, it’s accounting. – Chalene Johnson • When we lose twenty pounds… we may be losing the twenty best pounds we have! We may be losing the pounds that contain our genius, our humanity, our love and honesty. – Woody Allen • When weight loss becomes a goal in your life, eating right and exercising are just two pieces of the puzzle. Figuring out why you’ve put on the extra weight is the hardest part. – Ali Vincent • When you’re the spokeswoman for a weight-loss program, everything is witnessed. I weigh in once a week with a witness. I have to sign an affidavit saying I cannot have any surgeries. – Kirstie Alley • While weight loss is important, what’s more important is the quality of food you put in your body – food is information that quickly changes your metabolism and genes. – Mark Hyman, M.D. • You can think of the Health Impact Fund as a mechanism that would keep the benefits and burdens of pharmaceutical innovation for the affluent roughly as they are while massively reducing the burdens presently imposed upon the poor. This sounds like magic. But it really works because the current system is not Pareto efficient. It’s a system that generates hundreds of billions of dollars in litigation costs and deadweight losses that HIF-registered medicines would sidestep. By avoiding these losses, the HIF reform can bring improvements all around – including for pharmaceutical innovators. – Thomas Pogge • You don’t need to worry any more or punish yourself about food. It is totally counterproducti ve to stress yourself out about weight loss because that same stress causes you to put weight on. – Marc David • You have to want weight-loss success so badly that no mountain, river, or ocean could keep you from reaching your goals. If you have that drive, passion, and commitment, there is no way you won’t get there. – Jennifer Hudson • You know what the secret to weight loss is? Don’t eat much. – Simon Cowell
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The Workplace Lift.
http://kreativszepseg-blog.info to the fact that you like not looking like The Hulk, maybe you're persuaded you shouldn't raise weights. But in justness to your non-sick fellow physical fitness enthusiasts," Matthews claims, if you're getting some exercise in while you're battling a chilly, you ought to select an at-home exercise - probably your favorite physical fitness DVD or an exterior workout." If you do decide to exercise at the gym, be considerate of others and make certain to effectively sanitize all tools that you use - which you should always do, sniffles or not. From the decor to the devices to the general look of your gym - you need to be suitably pleased. The lift was constructed from wood dropped in the Sabina hills north of Rome. He makes no transfer to approach, only watching me thoroughly as I raise the gold disc from the morpher, analyzing it very closely. The smooth balance and also set motion could also make you believe you could raise more weight than you ought to be. Continue to use the Smith equipment as well as you will certainly get really strong in specifically one aircraft of motion, which would certainly be wonderful if there was only one airplane of motion. http://kreativszepseg-blog.info had actually figured out that the one of the ways that she might amaze target markets was to lift a male on her shoulders. Every single time I have actually felt this way, I've offered every one of my interior power to the complying with exterior variables: a male, to function or to the suggestion of 'success'. This lift has the ability to hold both conventional and powered wheel chairs and are very easy to make use of. People didn't need to be encouraged, they merely should be asked at a moment when they had the power to act. I am taking into consideration abandoning my costly health club subscription in favour of a community-led fitness centre that's just as proficient at half the cost. My hope is that the 3 Phases of Failure structure will certainly aid you browse the difficult choice of making a decision when to quit when to stay with it. It's not excellent, yet I wish you locate it to be useful. Although a lot of fitness centers offered handicapped garage, for instance, the survey found that some bays were not large sufficient to allow a mobility device to be unpacked from an auto. These health clubs offer an enjoyable location for your children to have fun with grown-up supervision, as well as assist educate them physical fitness skills. The rangers bravely faced the Putties' advances, however with severe care for fear of the fatal venom that almost eased them of an Eco-friendly Ranger. He regularly goes along with beasts to Angel Grove, and holds his very own against the Rangers. Also, the truth is that fixed-grips typically cannot perform at complete capacity, due to the fact that fixed-grip chairs are harder to lots and discharge. You seem like going no place-- you seriously require a dose of self-motivation to raise your spirits. With EPA's basic legal authority already established, the oppositions are attempting to beat the Clean Power Plan by attacking exactly how EPA has actually managed nuclear power plant. You can be checking out from someplace pleased like Denmark (722 visitors last month), Costa Rica (109 site visitors), or Bhutan (3 site visitors). There are 3 major sorts of dumbbell home gyms: the weight bench, the power shelf as well as the power cage. Pfeffer outlines a survey degree argument of why power national politics exists, exactly what it takes to get and also maintain it, and why the system is not disappearing. Jeffery Pfeffer uses a well-crafted, how-to handbook of gaining power in an organization via his appropriately entitled book. This is the Globe Fitness center that few individuals know of. It was constructed in View City as well as was twice the dimension of his various other gym. Power is calcuated as Velocity x Toughness, so the objective for our job is to get you removaling faster and also with more pressure. The energy poles have high voltage insulators to aid with the power transportation in a secure manner. Lots of various other factors additionally contribute to whether you miss out on a lift or make or hit a brand-new Public Relations. It become power's intent to use its present power in establishing more strength. Additionally look for provisions which allow for fitness center agreements to be extended without your permission. Crashes can occur in a limited area, specifically with the kind of items utilized in a fitness center. By all civil liberties, Power Rangers should be a hyperreal, bombastic and entirely outrageous riff on well established superhero styles. Critics Consensus: Power suffers from excessive outlining as well as making use of extremely familiar by-the-numbers story aspects. Comprehend the NSD Powerball as well as utilize your wrist to turn the gadget in a clockwise direction. I struggle at the end of a lengthy day to obtain myself to the gym even though I recognize that I need to go. And also at the end of a long day, I likewise deal with the wish to enjoy my favored TV programs as opposed to getting work done. You Are Your very own Fitness center shows the workouts performed with makeshift device where necessary. That began top of a comparable quantity of coal power being closed in between 2012 and 2014 since updating the stations to satisfy greater air pollution requirements was regarded uneconomic. As the Navy Thunder Ranger, Blake takes advantage of the power of rumbling, as well as pilots the Navy Beetlezord. When we offer somebody or something power by neediness and desperation, we lose link with our very own power and also true capacity. At first sight, faith appears to support unilateral top-down power, as magnificent power is commonly perceived in exactly by doing this. This flick actually takes you back to the 90s, with all the one-liner jokes, the ridiculous looking computer system produced special effects, as well as naturally, the power rangers. It had been moved a lot of times and also people misplaced it. Joe died in 2004, the fitness center shut down then the participants all returned to Gold's fitness center to train again. When she raised her face to curve that damn eyebrow of hers again, I caved, prepared to get down on both knees, pleading. Like lots of others, I have paid a regular monthly cost to use an industrial health club as well as neglected facilities - both more affordable and also nearer my house - run by my regional recreation centre. So by complying with the above precautionary steps you can reduce the power usage and expand the life of your computer. Bannatyne Health and fitness, David Lloyd Leisure and Physical fitness First have all been required to transform their contracts after they were found to be making it difficult or challenging for individuals who were wounded or made redundant to leave their fitness center arrangements early. The men experiencing reduced sex drive can boost sex power and also period normally if they take Kamdeepak pills frequently for a couple of months as it assists in battling infections and also illness of the body which cause these troubles. The power of getting in the circulation is best when they customer could act upon the pointer immediately. The power of a routine, or just what I want to call a pre-game routine, is that it offers a meaningless means to launch your habits. There are fitness centers with first test memberships if you're concerned about your remaining power. The last phase, the power and also fatality, was a bit unusual, as it connects to fatality and after. Though Curry has made extra passes to teammates this year compared to in previous periods, his overall percent of passes made in a game has gone down, from 33% of all group assists two years ago to 13% this period. According to Tom Holland, an exercise physiologist based in Connecticut and writer of Beat the Gym," leaving your towel holding on a maker doesn't provide you dibs on that particular tool. Do 6-8 reps on this workout and see to it you rather work on raising your ribs towards bench then trying to lift you chin up. In this way you get the best exercise and don't risk stretching your neck. Afterwards she went back to her birth country of Uzbekistan, where she toiled for years in a second-rate gym with bent cords as well as corroded bars. He reached under the water, unholstered his pistol, and also brought it to going degree trying to find a target. Maximum Stamina lays out a four-phase program that could assist any individual end up being larger and also stronger, as well as see results-- while investing much less time in the fitness center. Je trouve cela dommage auto j' ai toujours fait de la gym et c'est la première fois que j' ai vu un résultat aussi vite! At most health clubs, progressing from starting gymnastics courses to intermediate requires the approval and referral of the coach or a supervising instructor. In the cases of authoritarians and despots, they continue to be in power by both armed forces as well as preferred regulation, for the most parts. Additional benefits: you could do these body-weight exercises anywhere, you don't need a fitness center or any type of expensive devices, and also there's an almost endless range of workouts to select from! If you are not doing the ideal workouts after that you run the risk of placing your body in problem, functioning out in a health club Sydney will certainly look very easy yet. Either via tax obligations, army task, support (defending/praising them openly), or other approach, power involves a leader by the assistance of others. Pure Gym stated that regardless of solid capitalist passion, the ₤ 500m listing intends introduced last month will certainly not go ahead due to the fact that it can harm the lasting passions of its stakeholders.
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everettwilkinson · 6 years
ABOUT that tax bill delay — POLITICO/MORNING CONSULT poll: voters like tax reform, but they’re cool to corporate cut — TRUMP says he’ll tighten vetting after NYC attack — BETSY DEVOS profile — B’DAY: David Bossie
Happy Wednesday morning, and welcome to November.
TAX ROLLOUT: TOP RATE STAYS AT 39.6, ROLLOUT DELAYED — WSJ’S RICH RUBIN, SIOBHAN HUGHES and KRISTINA PETERSON: “The House Republican tax plan will preserve a top individual tax rate of 39.6%, according to people familiar with the matter, though party leaders are delaying its release by a day to iron out unresolved issues.
Story Continued Below
“The plan for the top rate marks a retreat for Republicans on a question that has spurred intense debate in Washington: How will a tax overhaul treat the most affluent Americans? Republicans last year had been discussing a top rate of 33%, and then moved to 35% earlier this year. But they left themselves open to the possibility of keeping it unchanged or lowering it by some smaller amount.” http://on.wsj.com/2z3p02P
— RACHAEL BADE, BERNIE BECKER, BRIAN FALER and AARON LORENZO: “Ryan told conservative group leaders Thursday that the [top] income threshold for the top rate would likely be higher than it currently is, likely between $750,000 and $1 million. He said the estate tax would likewise be repealed but may have to be phased out to save money in the short term.
“But it’s the unresolved issues that caused Ways and Means members the most heartburn this week — and ultimately led to the delay. Those include: how to win over GOP lawmakers from high-tax states that are balking over curbing the state and local tax deduction, which their constituents rely on. There are also question about how to ensure that wealthy individuals don’t take advantage of the lower 25 percent small business or ‘pass-through’ rate. Many of the unresolved items are hot-button issues, including what to do with 401(k) retirement plans.” http://politi.co/2zn8fAl
— MORE DETAILS FROM NANCY COOK: “Ryan was fuzzy with them on where the one-time repatriation tax would fall. The estate tax is definitely going away but might have to be phased out. It would definitely be gone by year three. …
“The delay on the timing of the House GOP tax bill also forced the White House to re-jigger its roll-out plans. President Trump had tentatively planned to host some Republican members of the House Ways & Means Committee to the Oval Office for a photo-op and statements, following the unveil of the House bill, according to a congressional source familiar with the planning — but that too got disrupted.”
**SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: http://politi.co/2lQswbh
ABOUT THE DELAY … The idea that this bill rollout would slip to Thursday truly isn’t a surprise to people in Washington. We put in Playbook Tuesday that President Trump was going to do a tax event “if House Republicans are able to get their tax bill out.”
TWO WAYS TO THINK ABOUT THIS — … Republicans want you to think this delay isn’t a big deal. And, in many ways, it’s not. Massive bills — and this one will be 1,000-plus pages — are hard and they take time. That’s why it was nonsensical that the White House wanted this done before the end of the year. (Although clearing this before year end would allow another run at health care in early 2018.) And, from a practical standpoint, this isn’t a big setback. The rollout is delayed by one single day.
— BUT, BUT, BUT … Tax reform isn’t a walk in the park. This is only going to get harder. Remember: we haven’t seen a single detail yet. Not one. The delay helps highlight that this is a long, arduous and tricky process.
REMINDER — Up on Capitol Hill and among Republican political operatives, the success of tax reform is seen as existential, and binary. Finish it and get it into law, and keep the House. Fail, and the House could be gone. IT’S SO IMPORTANT — AMERICAN ACTION NETWORK, the top House GOP outside group, is likely to spend between $20 million and $25 million to support the package. They’ve already spent close to $15 million.
BEHIND THE SCENES — TRUMP sat down with nearly a dozen trade association heads to talk about tax reform Tuesday. He asked how many of them had been working on tax policy when Congress and President Ronald Reagan rewrote the code in the 1980s. THE ANSWER: Just 2. TOM DONOHUE of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and DIRK VAN DONGEN of the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors. SPOTTED: Robert Cresanti of IFA, Matt Shay of NRF, Karen Kerrigan of the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council and Rob Nichols of ABA, among others. MISSING: JERRY HOWARD, head of the National Association of Homebuilders, who has come out against the tax package.
YOU’RE INVITED! DEPT. OF GOOD TIMING — JAKE and ANNA will sit down FRIDAY with HOUSE WAYS AND MEANS CHAIRMAN KEVIN BRADY — Kevin Brady is the House’s top tax writer, putting him in the middle of Republicans’ biggest and most important legislative push. He will explain the tax bill to us — and to Washington — in a Playbook Interview. LOCATION: The Newseum (555 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW). TIME: Doors open at 11:30 a.m., and the event starts at noon. RSVP http://bit.ly/politicobrady EMAIL US if you have questions for the chairman. Our coordinates are at the top of the newsletter.
— @ChadPergram at 10:43 p.m.: “McConnell, Ryan, WH Cos Kelly, Nat’l Sec Adviser McMaster & DefSec Mattis all had dinner tonight”.
****** A message from BP: We operate the largest renewables business of any major oil and gas company in the world. Learn more in our Economic Impact Report. ******
NEW POLITICO/MORNING CONSULT POLL — “Poll: Voters like tax reform overall but cool to corporate cut,” by Toby Eckert: “Overall public support for the tax plan outlined in September by President Donald Trump and GOP Hill leaders remains steady, but opposition to a corporate rate cut has edged up, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. Forty-eight percent of registered voters who responded to the poll said they “strongly support” or “somewhat support” the overall proposal based on what they knew about it, compared to 37 percent who opposed it. Those numbers are unchanged from a similar poll earlier this month, conducted shortly after the White House and congressional Republicans released their tax overhaul framework.
“The proposal’s popularity was driven by overwhelming Republican support, with 83 percent of GOP voters supporting it, compared to 24 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of independents. But a key part of the plan, lowering the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent, remains one of its least popular aspects. A plurality of respondents — 41 percent — said it shouldn’t be part of tax legislation, compared to 39 percent who said it should.” http://politi.co/2xIsHXV
THE LATEST ON THE TERROR ATTACK IN NYC — “NYC truck attack: Investigators scour driver’s background,” by AP’s Colleen Long and Matt Sedensky: “Investigators worked through the night to determine what led a truck driver to plow down people on a riverfront bike path near the World Trade Center, brandishing air guns and yelling ‘God is great’ in Arabic as his deadly route of terror ended with a crash, authorities said.
“Eight people were killed and 11 seriously injured in a Halloween afternoon attack that the mayor called ‘a particularly cowardly act of terror.’ The driver — identified by officials as an immigrant from Uzbekistan — was in critical condition but expected to survive after a police officer shot him in the abdomen.” http://bit.ly/2ikTIdz
— NYT: “The rampage ended when the motorist — whom the police identified as Sayfullo Saipov, 29 — smashed into a school bus, jumped out of his truck and ran up and down the highway waving a pellet gun and paintball gun and shouting ‘Allahu akbar,’ Arabic for ‘God is great,’ before he was shot in the abdomen by the officer. He remained in critical condition on Tuesday evening.” http://nyti.ms/2huDEq2
— “A Mangled School Bus, Bodies Everywhere; ‘It Was Surreal’,” by NYT’s Jose DelReal and Corey Kilgannon: http://nyti.ms/2zaaUfJ
–“Terror suspect was a ‘very friendly’ Uzbek immigrant who drove for Uber,” by N.Y. Post’s Gabrielle Fonrouge: “Kobiljon Matkarov, 37, met suspected terrorist Sayfullo Saipov in Florida about five years ago shortly after Saipov came from Uzbekistan– the two connected over their mutual heritage. ‘He is very good guy, he is very friendly… he is like little brother… he look at me like big brother,’ Matkarov said by phone Tuesday from his home in Miamisburg, Ohio. Matkarov said he’d been working for Uber and living in New Jersey as recently as this summer.” http://nyp.st/2iQXrU4
–N.Y. POST cover, “TERROR RETURNS TO NYC” http://nyp.st/2gZUCQ0 … N.Y. Daily News cover, “BIKE PATH BLOODBATH” http://nydn.us/2iQ4MTT
— TRUMP’S REACTION — @realDonaldTrump at 5:30 p.m.: “In NYC, looks like another attack by a very sick and deranged person. Law enforcement is following this closely. NOT IN THE U.S.A.!” … at 6:31 p.m.: “We must not allow ISIS to return, or enter, our country after defeating them in the Middle East and elsewhere. Enough!” … at 6:57 p.m.: “My thoughts, condolences and prayers to the victims and families of the New York City terrorist attack. God and your country are with you!” … at 9:26 p.m.: “I have just ordered Homeland Security to step up our already Extreme Vetting Program. Being politically correct is fine, but not for this!”
****** A message from BP: From coast to coast, we spent $16 billion with local businesses last year. Take 30 seconds to see how we’re supporting jobs across the U.S. ******
AP’S ZEKE MILLER: “The real John Kelly slowly revealing himself at White House”: “In his three months on the job, John Kelly has been credited with bringing order to a chaotic West Wing, but don’t call him a moderate. President Donald Trump’s chief of staff was the enforcer of Trump’s controversial immigration policies, has frequently criticized the president’s enemies, and this week echoed his boss’ defense of Confederate monuments. It all suggests that ‘The Chief,’ as he is known among aides, may have instilled order, but he is more ideologically aligned with Trump than many believed.
“Much has been made of the imagery of Kelly silently lurking on the sidelines of presidential addresses, seeming to cringe when Trump gets out of line. But it may be wishful thinking by Trump’s critics to believe that he’s tugging the president in another direction. White House officials and Kelly allies say he is not so much partisan as he is ideological, holding hawkish views on issues like immigration and national security.” http://bit.ly/2zX8QoE
WHERE TRUMP’S HEAD IS — “Trump rejecting Bannon’s hard line against Mueller — for now,” by CNN’s Jeff Zeleny, Gloria Borger and Kevin Liptak: “President Donald Trump has decided — for now — to stick with his strategy of cooperation with special counsel Robert Mueller, a day after the Russia investigation ensnared three of his campaign aides. That’s despite being urged to take a harder line by his former chief strategist, Steve Bannon. Bannon spoke with Trump following Monday’s announcements from the special counsel, and advocated taking a harsher approach to Mueller …
“While Trump encouraged Bannon to lead the public charge against Mueller, the President made clear to aides Tuesday that he’s not adopting Bannon’s advice. As the President stews about the recent developments in the Russia investigation, he’s receiving conflicting arguments about how to proceed. His current legal team and strategy has the support of White House chief of staff John Kelly and — perhaps most importantly — members of the President’s family.” http://cnn.it/2yiQsKJ
MUELLER WATCH — “Papadopoulos Claimed Trump Campaign Approved Russia Meeting,” by Bloomberg’s Greg Farrell, David Voreacos and Henry Meyer: “Former Trump adviser George Papadopoulos made a significant claim in an email: Top Trump campaign officials agreed to a pre-election meeting with representatives of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The message, if true, would bolster claims that Trump’s campaign attempted to collude with Russian interests. But it’s unclear whether Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, was merely boasting when he sent the July 14, 2016, email to a Kremlin-linked contact. There’s also no indication such a meeting ever occurred.” https://bloom.bg/2z8v8GO
— “Andrew Weissmann, Mueller’s Legal Pit Bull,” by NYT’s Matt Flegenheimer: “It is not clear if President Trump and his charges fear Mr. Weissmann as they gird for the slog ahead. It is quite clear, former colleagues and opponents say, that they should. ‘I’m no fan of Donald Trump,’ said Dan Cogdell, a Houston defense lawyer who tangled with Mr. Weissmann when Mr. Weissmann helped lead the federal task force investigating Enron in the early 2000s. ‘Frankly, I can’t think of two people who deserve each other more than Andrew Weissmann and Donald Trump.’” http://nyti.ms/2gTk7Ps
THE NEXT TURN OF THE SCREW — “Mueller schedules interview with Hope Hicks,” by Annie Karni and Josh Dawsey: “President Donald Trump’s longtime aide and current communications director, Hope Hicks, is scheduled to speak with special counsel Robert Mueller’s team in mid-November, following the president’s trip to Asia, multiple people familiar with the schedule told POLITICO. Mueller’s team is also expected to interview three or four other current White House officials as early as this week …
“Mueller’s team already has interviewed former aides, including Trump’s first chief of staff Reince Priebus and former press secretary Sean Spicer. But the latest round of interviews appears to mark a new phase of the investigation — hauling in current administration officials for daylong depositions.” http://politi.co/2z2H9OA
GETTING POTUS READY FOR ASIA — “Trump advisers try to focus the president’s attention on Asia trip,” by Andrew Restuccia, Nahal Toosi, and Josh Dawsey: “President Donald Trump has been holed up in a series of rapid-fire briefing sessions on his upcoming 12-day, five-country tour through Asia — an effort the White House hopes will help avoid the kind of diplomatic snafus that have dogged his presidency. … Trump’s top advisers — including national security adviser H.R. McMaster, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer — have met with the president in recent days to go over details of the trip, including in an hourlong briefing Friday in the Oval Office, according to administration officials.
“Top aides have sought to keep the briefings short to avoid overloading the president with details but have scheduled dozens of them to plan public remarks and outline what he should say about North Korea on defense and China on trade.” http://politi.co/2z87B92
FOR YOUR RADAR — “Exclusive: U.S. pursues direct diplomacy with North Korea despite Trump rejection,” by Reuters’ Arshad Mohammed and Matt Spetalnick: “The United States is quietly pursuing direct diplomacy with North Korea, a senior State Department official said on Tuesday, despite U.S. President Donald Trump’s public assertion that such talks are a waste of time. Using the so-called ‘New York channel,’ Joseph Yun, U.S. negotiator with North Korea, has been in contact with diplomats at Pyongyang’s United Nations mission, the official said, at a time when an exchange of bellicose insults between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has fueled fears of military conflict.” http://reut.rs/2lBgBOS
TRUMP’S WEDNESDAY — Trump is holding a cabinet meeting. This afternoon he will sign the National Veterans and Military Families Month Proclamation. He is having lunch with VP Mike Pence, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary James Mattis. He will also meet with RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel. He will also sign a bill “Disapproving of the Consumer Financial Bureau’s Arbitration Agreements Rule.”
SPORTS BLINK — TONIGHT: World Series, Game 7, Astros vs. Dodgers, 8:20 p.m. at Dodgers Park in Los Angeles
PHOTO DU JOUR: Authorities stand near a damaged Home Depot truck after a motorist drove onto a bike path near the World Trade Center memorial, striking and killing several people. Officials called the incident an act of terror. | Craig Ruttle/AP Photo
BETSY DEVOS PROFILE — TIM ALBERTA in the Nov./Dec. issue of POLITICO Magazine, “The Education of Betsy DeVos: President Donald Trump’s most controversial, ideological Cabinet pick is discovering the limits of her power”: “It is strange, if a bit unsettling, to see U.S. Marshals constantly hovering near the U.S. secretary of education, a 59-year-old evangelical Christian grandmother whose hobbies are bike riding, yoga and visiting grade schools. But as Betsy DeVos approached Kansas City Academy on a sunny Friday morning in mid-September, it was clear why she wants them there.
“It was the final day of her ‘Rethink School’ tour, the familiar fly-around trip taken by a Cabinet secretary to capture some local news coverage and emphasize priorities—in DeVos’ case, to highlight unique and innovative learning environments across the country. But at this particular stop, tension filled the air. Several hundred protesters gathered outside—vastly outnumbering the 76 students, grades 6 through 12, who attend the school—while a procession of speakers denounced DeVos as a destroyer of public education and an enabler of campus rape.” http://politi.co/2h0r0lx
K STREET FILES — “Podesta’s downfall sends shock waves through K Street: The departure of the Democratic super-lobbyist, and indictment of Paul Manafort, has other firms working to make sure they’re not next,” by Theo Meyer: http://politi.co/2ijCXzp
ROBERT DRAPER on the cover of the N.Y. Times Magazine, “A Post-Obama Democratic Party in Search of Itself: Barack Obama left office as one of the most popular departing presidents in American history. He also left behind a Democratic Party struggling to find an identity and a future without him — and to reconnect with voters in time for the 2018 elections”: “Most if not all Democrats are more than happy to watch Bannon’s kamikaze antics wreak havoc on the opposition. Still, some in the party rue the lack of pugnacity on their own side. ‘There are two types of Democrats,’ David Krone, Harry Reid’s former chief of staff, told me one afternoon this summer in the Midtown Manhattan office where he now works as a consultant for an investment firm. ‘There are killers, and there are whiners. Unfortunately, we have too many of the latter and not enough of the former.’” http://nyti.ms/2ijwuUZ … The cover http://politi.co/2ht2mqH
THE HARASSMENT FILES — “NPR’s top editor placed on leave after accusations of sexual harassment,” by WaPo’s Paul Farhi: “NPR is investigating allegations by two women who said the head of its news department made unwanted physical contact with them while he was employed by another news organization nearly two decades ago. The women, both journalists at the time of the alleged incidents, made the accusations in recent weeks against Michael Oreskes, senior vice president of news and editorial director at the Washington-based public broadcasting organization. In response to the allegations, NPR said Tuesday that it has placed Oreskes on indefinite leave.
“In separate complaints, the women said Oreskes — at the time, the Washington bureau chief of the New York Times — abruptly kissed them while they were speaking with him about working at the newspaper. Both of them told similar stories: After meeting Oreskes and discussing their job prospects, they said he unexpectedly kissed them on the lips and stuck his tongue in their mouths.” http://wapo.st/2hs1YJ6
JOHN HEILEMANN SPEAKS OUT – “Mark Halperin’s ‘Game Change’ Partner Says He Was Unaware,” by NYT’s Michael M. Grynbaum: “‘I had never heard of, been exposed to or had any inkling of the notion that he had engaged in any behavior that could be described in even the broadest sense of being sexual harassment or sexual assault,’ Mr. Heilemann said, in his first public remarks since the claims against Mr. Halperin surfaced. He added, ‘I was flabbergasted and shocked.’ … It remains unclear what will become of Mr. Halperin’s contributions to the scuttled third installment in the ‘Game Change’ series.
“The pair had conducted roughly 300 interviews for the book in recent months, Mr. Heilemann said. ‘We’ve done reporting that touches on important things both for history and for the current national dialogue,’ he said. … ‘Mark was my friend,’ Mr. Heilemann said. ‘I cared about him then, and I care about him now. It’s also the case that Mark wasn’t in the circle of my closest friends.’ … Showtime said that the network remained on good terms with Mr. Heilemann and that it was examining whether ‘The Circus’ will go on without Mr. Halperin.” http://nyti.ms/2gPQaQ5
MEDIAWATCH — “‘I want to quit’: Fox News employees say their network’s Russia coverage was ‘an embarrassment,’” by CNN’s Oliver Darcy: “‘I’m watching now and screaming,’ one Fox News personality said in a text message to CNN as the person watched their network’s coverage. ‘I want to quit.’ ‘It is another blow to journalists at Fox who come in every day wanting to cover the news in a fair and objective way,’ one senior Fox News employee told CNN of their outlet’s coverage, adding that there were ‘many eye rolls” in the newsroom over how the news was covered. The person said, ‘Fox feels like an extension of the Trump White House.’” http://cnnmon.ie/2za3IjV
— MAJOR GARRETT is publishing a new book called “Mr. Trump’s Wild Ride: The Thrills, Chills, Screams, and Occasional Blackouts of the First Year with America’s 45th President,” which is expected to come out in fall of 2018. The publisher is All Points Books, the political and current affairs imprint of St. Martin’s Press.
SPOTTED: Frank Luntz in the second row behind home plate at World Series Game 6 yesterday – (Rep. Kevin McCarthy tweeted a pic of Frank on TV) http://bit.ly/2ijkMtK … at a bipartisan Senate “Halloween dog costume celebration” yesterday on the Hill, hosted by Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.): Sens. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Deb Fischer (R-Neb.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) along with 100 dogs and at least 200 people – pic of Tillis and a dog http://politi.co/2z50g8c
OUT AND ABOUT — Among the trick or treaters at Robert and Elena Allbritton’s house last night, which had a doughnut truck in the driveway (Mama’s Doughnut Bites): Ivanka and her kids, Mark and Sally Ein, and CBS’ Nancy Cordes – pics http://bit.ly/2h2pLCm … http://bit.ly/2ijF7il … http://bit.ly/2zWoQY1 … http://bit.ly/2z1ROqf
— SPOTTED at the Adrienne Arsht Day of the Dead party last night at her Massachusetts Heights mansion: Sens. Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Hilary Ross, Kellyanne Conway, Rep. Ed Royce (R-Calif.) and Marie Royce, Kevin Sullivan and Mary Jordan, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos (wearing full skeleton face paint) and Dick DeVos, Ret. Gen. Jim Jones and Diane Jones, Amb. Stuart Bernstein, Stuart and Gwen Holliday …
… Mexican Amb. Geronimo Gutierrez, Amb. Capricia and Rob Marshall, Kathleen Biden, Boyden Gray, Brazilian Amb. Sergio Silva Do Amaral, Susan Blumenthal, Israeli Amb. Ron Dermer, Patrick Steel and Lee Satterfield, Monaco Amb. Maguy Doyle, Kathleen Stevens, Lucky Roosevelt, Jordanian Amb. Dina Kawar, Tom and Anne LeBlanc, Michelle Kosinski, Michael LaRosa, Katherine Bradley, Robert Pullen, and Paige Ennis.
TRANSITIONS — WILL JOHNSON has joined DailyKos as senior vice president for advertising strategy. He will lead the creation of a new unit focused on digital advertising sales. He is an alum of Talking Points Memo, NGP VAN, Bully Pulpit Interactive and Change. … Melika Willoughby starts today as comms director for Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). She is a Hillsdale alumna who served as communications director for Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback.
— John Thornton and former Singapore Amb. to the U.S. Chan Heng Chee have been named new co-chairs of the Asia Society. Caroline Kennedy and Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud have been named to the board. The organization is starting a $135 million capital campaign.
BIRTHDAYS OF THE DAY: David Bossie, president of Citizens United and former Trump deputy campaign manager. How he’s celebrating: “Enjoying dinner with my wife and four children at our favorite place GrillMarx, a small restaurant in Olney, Maryland.” Read his Playbook Plus Q&A: http://politi.co/2lzIbvI … WaPo non fiction book critic Carlos Lozada. How he got his start in journalism: “I started off as an associate editor at Foreign Policy magazine, beginning in late 1999. I was working at the Federal Reserve but wanted to try something new, and I’ll always be grateful to Moises Naim and James Gibney for hiring me. I had no business getting that job, but it sent me on my way.” Q&A: http://politi.co/2A4g2Qx
BIRTHDAYS: Charles Koch is 82 … Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) is 64 … Katie (Walsh) Shields (hubby tip: Mike) … Apple CEO Tim Cook is 57 … Vanessa Morrone (hat tip: Sean Spicer) … Lee Fang, investigative journalist at The Intercept … Francesco Guerrera, head of EMEA at Dow Jones Media Group and publisher of Financial News … Politico’s Jason Shervinski and Cristina Brownell … GPG’s Alex Byers … Brian Mahoney … Rep. Bruce Poliquin (R-Maine) is 64 … John Oxtoby, VP of strategy and corporate development at Ariel Investments and Obama alum (h/t Andrew Bates) … Michael Byerly … Ram Sivalingam … Jamie Sterne, founder of hedge fund Skye Global Management … Eric Liu … Megan Wilson, lobbying reporter for The Hill (h/t Neil Grace) … Les Novitsky … Jay Villegas, bartender extraordinaire at Tosca (h/ts Maggie and Jon) …
… Liz Dougherty, general counsel and corporate secretary at Business Roundtable … Larry Flynt is 75. He’s celebrating with friends and family (h/t Nadia Szold) … Clare Steinberg, associate at Gibson, Dunn … Tyler Hernandez … Fergus M. Bordewich, historian and author of “The First Congress” (h/t Jean) … Chloe Mullins Taylor of Hawk Partners and alum of Greenberg, Quinlan, Rosner … Ali Ahmad … Pearson Cummings, SVP for tech policy and public affairs at Edelman … Peter Urban … Jordan Mason … Greg Werkheiser … Bill Deere … Peter Newell … Leslie Pollner … Gabe Cramer is 23 (h/t Jewish Insider) … Doug Stevens … Jordan Mason … John Stipicevic … former Rep. John Spratt (D-S.C.) is 75 … Anthony DeAngelo, media relations manager at APCO Worldwide … Anthony Fragale … Sue Mahsem … Bo Harmon … John Seeley … Mitchell Wohlberg … country singer Richard Samet “Kinky” Friedman is 73 … CNN’s Marshall Cohen … Senate Chaplain Barry Black is 69 … Siri Uotila (h/t Teresa Vilmain)
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from CapitalistHQ.com https://capitalisthq.com/about-that-tax-bill-delay-politicomorning-consult-poll-voters-like-tax-reform-but-theyre-cool-to-corporate-cut-trump-says-hell-tighten-vetting-after-nyc-attack-betsy-devo/
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valeriebielbooks · 7 years
October Writers’ Forum
In my journey through the steps of independent publishing, refining my writing skills, and most recently completing a successful agent search, I’ve come across some excellent information, tips, tools, and shortcuts that I think would be beneficial to any writer. Once a month, I’ll share the “best of” information and news from the publishing industry as well as feature other authors and writing instructors with tips to share. I am incredibly thankful for the assistance and advice given to me from writing and publishing professionals and am happy pay that forward. On a professional level, I also use my publicity and editorial skills to aid other authors through my company Lost Lake Press.
November Book Events in Wisconsin
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The Wisconsin Book Festival is celebrating its 15th year with a diverse schedule of events featuring authors of every genre from October 27 to November 5 (and additional events all year long.)
Additionally, we are very fortunate in southern/south-central Wisconsin to have indie bookstores with extensive schedules of author/book events. In fact, there are so many in November that I can't fit them all here. Please check out your favorite bookstore's event schedule by clicking below.
Mystery to Me Bookstore, 1863 Monroe Street, Madison
A Room of One’s Own, 315 W. Gorham Street, Madison
Boswell Books, 2559 N. Downer, Milwaukee
Books & Company, 1039 Summit Avenue, Oconomowoc
Featured Subject
Alliance of Independent Authors and Indie Author Fringe
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If you are an indie author or contemplating taking that plunge, you must familiarize yourself with the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) and their online conferences called Indie Author Fringe, which are “fringe” to the major global publishing fairs. ALLi “brings together the most up-to-date self-publishing education and information available and broadcasts it to authors everywhere.”
The recent schedule of online sessions offered in conjunction with the Frankfurt Book Fair included many excellent pre- and post-publication topics. Here are my favorites:
Seven New Trends in Digital Book Advertising for Authors with Mark Dawson
Finding Your Profitable Niche as an Indie Author with Dave Chesson
The Economics of Audio Books: An Author Case Study by Ian Sutherland
Do Facebook Ads Really Work for Books? The Facts: Michael Alvear
Bookbub Ads for Beginners by Adam Croft (Yes, you can advertise with Bookbub even if you can’t seem to land a daily featured deal.)
There were also plenty of sessions focused on getting started in self-publishing if are weighing your options. Really a treasure trove of information and a great place to start as you’re educating yourself about the indie publishing industry.
Pre-Publication Information
Using the Right Images for Your Blog or Social Media
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This might seem like the least of your worries as you begin your publishing journey. After all, you’re supposed to be spending your time WRITING. However, you will at some point write a blog and/or curate your brand and message to followers via social media platforms. You’ll be including images in those posts and those Images Matter! You will always have higher engagement if you use images. (Here’s a fabulous article on writerswin.com that gives you the image specs for most social media sites.)
BuildBookBuzzz.com tells us how to pick the right images for our blog posts. My favorite piece of advice is to not be too literal in your choice of images. (This is a mistake that I make somewhat frequently.)
You want to make sure you’re using photos or graphics that are free to use—if you’re not designing your own graphics or using your own photos. You can always purchase images, but there are many free image-sharing sites that might have exactly what you need. Digitalpubbing.com lists 18 sites where you can find photos, BuildBookBuzz.com also lists free stock images sources.
Pricing Your Books
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This question always comes up. How do I price my books? I still wonder if I’ve hit the right price point, and after reading this article by author Dean Wesley Smith, I might make some changes. The nice thing about indie publishing is that this is our decision to make. Whether you are a new or established author, this is worth the read.  
The Newest Issues and Considerations about Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited Program
More trials and tribulations over at Amazon . . . are you sick of this subject yet? I’m getting a little tired, however, with such a high percentage of the independently published book market being reliant on Amazon, we must stay informed! Most of the problems are stemming from manipulation of the Kindle Unlimited program, which is the subscription service for readers that authors enroll their books into and are paid for the pages read.
The following articles were all written by independent publishing expert and author David Gaughran, who is a wealth of information and writes detailed articles on so many subjects important to succeeding in the indie pub world.
Here’s the quick scoop:
Gaughran first tells us about Amazon’s fake book problem in a detailed article in June—explaining how some bad actors are using clickfarms to manipulate the best seller charts.
He then explains how he decided to take the leap and test his books on Kindle Unlimited in August, using some of their built-in promos like Countdown Deals. (This means his e-books were exclusive to Amazon and couldn’t be available for purchase anywhere else.) Check out the crazy stuff that happened to him in this article: https://davidgaughran.wordpress.com/2017/08/12/the-only-rule-amazon-truly-cares-about/
Then later in August, he provides a summary article about the Kindle experience that is worth a read (even if you aren’t exclusive to Kindle.)
Just last week, Gaughran details the saga of Amazon attacking legit authors but seeming to continue to ignore the scammers, making for a difficult time for a few relatively well-known indie authors in his article: Amazon’s Hall of Spinning Knives. (The title made me laugh, but really this isn’t funny as it is costing legit authors some serious money.)
Most recently, Gaughran writes a smart analysis of the conundrum indie authors face – whether to embrace Kindle exclusivity or go wide with your marketing strategies.
No matter what strategy you decide on, at least you’ll be up-to-speed as you market your books. I find that David Gaughran is a partner we can trust for solid info!
Independently Published Authors – Libraries Are for You!
I recently spent two days at the Wisconsin Library Association hanging around with some of my favorite people, and I was surprised and pleased by how many librarians asked how they could find well-written independently published books. What a great question! The authors in attendance referred librarians to winning contest lists for indie and small presses and to sites like IndieBRAG that only give a gold medallion to books that meet their high standards. (If you haven't submitted your books for consideration over at IndieBRAG, you should do so immediately. This supportive community provides excellent indie book recognition and advice.)
This reminds me that those of us who have been intrepid enough to publish independently should not shy away from the library market. This article by Amy Collins on the Book Designer website remains relevant more than a year after its initial publication and provides a succinct 9-step list on how to get your books into libraries.
The Evolution of Libraries
Libraries are a hub for so much more than books. Nowhere was this more evident than at last week’s conference . . . Wisconsin like most other states provides exemplary services to patrons well beyond book lending and incorporates new trends and technologies. There’s so much our libraries have to offer. An articleI bookmarked a year ago by best-selling author of “The Memory Box” Eva Lesko Natiello recognizes how the ability of libraries to embrace what’s new can only bode well for the independent author.
How to Make the Most of a Professional Book Review
You’ve landed a wonderful review from a professional or editorial book reviewer. Now what? After you’ve done your happy dance around your desk, you need to jump into action to make the most of this praise. The BookBaby blog lists eight things to do with this review. It’s important to make sure it is visible to potential readers and seven of the eight steps address this. However, the most important step might be what you do with a not-so-great review . . . don’t take it personally but definitely see if there’s anything in the reader’s critique that can improve your writing.
As always, I hope that these articles help you on your writing and publishing journey!
Happy Reading & Writing, Valerie
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thinktosee · 7 years
Today’s post is very, very important towards our understanding of violence in general, and especially of mass murders. I am pleased to introduce our readers to Dr. Robert J. Burrowes, a well-known writer and activist for non-violence.
Robert’s early life, David’s and mine have something in common – At 14 years old, Robert made a decision to do something about the violence and pain in our world. David did too, by his conscientious objection. I was also “called.” However, I knew of the personal sacrifice this would entail. I was, in Roberts words, among the ’“cowardly powerlessness is the state they have been trained to accept...” and refused to step forward. Until now, and after David left us. The Bible said, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” That’s not quite true. Many are called, but few stepped forward.
Robert and I have been corresponding not long after David’s passing. I am learning from him, the way I am learning from David. Non-violence is a part of us, just as violence is. We must decide which we want to live with. It begins with us – you and me.
I urge you to read and be a part of Robert’s dream, which says “If you have lived your dream, you have lived.” A few of David’s friends are majoring in Psychology. I have no doubt this essay by Robert will be most helpful towards your understanding of violent behavior. It reinforces a few elements of and then goes further, from the “life-stage virtue” first propounded by Erik Salomonsen aka Erik Erikson (refer to “Childhood and Society” , 1950, among others, by Erik).
 I have taken the liberty to bold shade what i believe are very important points in Robert’s essay :
I like to thank Robert for the kind permission to reproduce his piece.
- David’s father - Oct 20, 2017 - Email : [email protected]
The Psychology of Mass Killers: What causes it? How can you prevent it?
By Robert J. Burrowes
In Las Vegas on 1 October 2017, it appears that one man (although it might have been more) killed 59 people and shot and injured another 241 (with almost 300 more injured while fleeing). The incident got a lot of publicity, partly because the man managed to kill more people than most mass killers. However, because the killer was a white American and had a Christian name, he was not immediately labeled a terrorist, even though his death toll considerably exceeded that achieved in many ‘terrorist attacks’, including those that occur in war zones (such as US drone murders of innocent people attending weddings).
According to the Gun Violence Archive, http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting there is now an average of one mass shooting (arbitrarily defined by the FBI as a shooting in which at least four victims are shot) each day in the USA. By any measure, this is a national crisis.
However, while there has been a flood of commentary on the incident, including suggestions about what might be done in response based on a variety of analyses of the cause, none that I have read explain the underlying cause of all these mass killings. And if we do not understand this, then any other suggestions, whatever their apparent merits, can have little impact.
The suggestions made so far in response to this massacre include the following:
1. Making it much more difficult, perhaps even illegal, to own a gun. See ‘Guns’. http://news.gallup.com/poll/1645/guns.aspx
2. Drastically reducing the prescription of pharmaceutical drugs (which are almost invariably being consumed by the killer). See ‘Drugs and Guns Don’t Mix: Medication Madness, Military Madness and the Las Vegas Mass Shooting’. https://www.globalresearch.ca/drugs-and-guns-dont-mix-medication-madness-military-madness-and-the-las-vegas-mass-shooting/5612178
3. Recognising and addressing the sociological factors implicated in causing the violence. See ‘violence is driven by socioeconomic factors, not access to firearms’ argued in ‘Another Mass Shooting, Another Grab for Guns: 6 Gun Facts’ https://landdestroyer.blogspot.com.au/2017/10/another-mass-shooting-another-grab-for.html and ‘a deep sickness in American society’ argued in ‘The social pathology of the Las Vegas Massacre’. http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2017/10/03/pers-o03.html
4. Identifying whether or not the killer had ideological/religious links to a terrorist group (in this case ISIS, as claimed by some). See, for example, ‘ISIS Releases Infographic Claiming Las Vegas Gunman Converted 6 Months Ago’. https://www.theepochtimes.com/isis-releases-infographic-claiming-las-vegas-gunman-converted-six-months-ago_2328317.html
5. Identifying and remedying the ways in which constitutional provisions and laws facilitate such massacres. See ‘Las Vegas Massacre Proves 2nd Amendment Must be Abolished’. https://www.globalresearch.ca/las-vegas-massacre-proves-2nd-amendment-must-be-abolished/5612066
6. Recognizing the way in which these incidents are encouraged by national elites and are sometimes, in fact, false flag attacks used as a means to justify the consolidation of elite social control (through such measures as increased state surveillance and new restrictions on human rights).
7. Limiting the ways in which violence, especially military violence, is used as entertainment and education, and thus culturally glorified in ways that encourage imitation. See ‘People Don’t Kill People, Americans Kill People’. http://davidswanson.org/people-dont-kill-people-americans-kill-people/
However, as indicated above, while these and other suggestions, including certain educational initiatives, sound attractive as options for possibly preventing/mitigating some incidents in future, they do not address the cause of violence in this or any other context and so widespread violence both in the United States and around the world will continue.
So why does someone become a mass killer?
Human socialization is essentially a process of inflicting phenomenal violence on children until they think and behave as the key adults – particularly their parents, teachers and religious figures – around them want, irrespective of the functionality of this thought and behavior in evolutionary terms. This is because virtually all adults prioritize obedience over all other possible behaviors and they delusionarily believe that they ‘know better’ than the child.
The idea that each child is the only one of their kind in all of living creation in Earth’s history and, therefore, has a unique destiny to fulfill, never even enters their mind. So, instead of nurturing that unique destiny so that the child fully becomes the unique Self that evolution created, adults terrorize each child into becoming just another more-or-less identical cog in the giant machine called ‘human society’.
Before I go any further, you might wonder if the expression ‘phenomenal violence’ isn’t too strong. So let me explain.
From the moment of birth, human adults inflict violence on the child. This violence occurs in three categories: visible, ‘invisible’ and ‘utterly invisible’. Visible violence is readily identified: it is the (usually) physical violence that occurs when someone is hit (with a hand or weapon), kicked, shaken, held down or punished in any other way. See ‘Punishment is Violent and Counterproductive’. http://www.yeoldejournalist.com/punishment-is-violent/
But what is this ‘invisible’ and ‘utterly invisible’ violence that is inflicted on us mercilessly, and has a profoundly damaging impact, from the day we are born?
In essence, ‘invisible’ violence is the ‘little things’ we do every day, partly because we are just ‘too busy’. For example, when we do not allow time to listen to, and value, a child’s thoughts and feelings, the child learns to not listen to themSelf thus destroying their internal communication system. When we do not let a child say what they want (or ignore them when they do), the child develops communication and behavioural dysfunctionalities as they keep trying to meet their own needs (which, as a basic survival strategy, they are genetically programmed to do).
When we blame, condemn, insult, mock, embarrass, shame, humiliate, taunt, goad, guilt-trip, deceive, lie to, bribe, blackmail, moralize with and/or judge a child, we both undermine their sense of Self-worth and teach them to blame, condemn, insult, mock, embarrass, shame, humiliate, taunt, goad, guilt-trip, deceive, lie, bribe, blackmail, moralize and/or judge.
The fundamental outcome of being bombarded throughout their childhood by this ‘invisible’ violence is that the child is utterly overwhelmed by feelings of fear, pain, anger and sadness (among many others). However, parents, teachers and other adults also actively interfere with the expression of these feelings and the behavioural responses that are naturally generated by them and it is this ‘utterly invisible’ violence that explains why the dysfunctional behavioural outcomes actually occur.
For example, by ignoring a child when they express their feelings, by comforting, reassuring or distracting a child when they express their feelings, by laughing at or ridiculing their feelings, by terrorizing a child into not expressing their feelings (e.g. by screaming at them when they cry or get angry), and/or by violently controlling a behaviour that is generated by their feelings (e.g. by hitting them, restraining them or locking them into a room), the child has no choice but to unconsciously suppress their awareness of these feelings.
However, once a child has been terrorized into suppressing their awareness of their feelings (rather than being allowed to have their feelings and to act on them) the child has also unconsciously suppressed their awareness of the reality that caused these feelings. This has many outcomes that are disastrous for the individual, for society and for nature because the individual will now easily suppress their awareness of the feelings that would tell them how to act most functionally in any given circumstance and they will progressively acquire a phenomenal variety of dysfunctional behaviours, including many that are violent towards themselves, others and/or the Earth.
Moreover, this emotional (or psychological) damage will lead to a unique combination of violent behaviours in each case and, depending on the precise combination of violence to which they are subjected, some of them will become what I call ‘archetype perpetrators of violence’; that is, people so emotionally damaged that they end up completely devoid of a Self and with a psychological profile similar to Hitler’s.
These archetype perpetrators of violence are all terrified, self-hating and powerless but, in fact, they have 23 identifiable psychological characteristics constituting their ‘personality’. For a full explanation of this particular psychological profile, see ‘Why Violence?’ http://tinyurl.com/whyviolence and ‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’. http://anitamckone.wordpress.com/articles-2/fearless-and-fearful-psychology/ Of course, few perpetrators of violence fit the archetype, but all perpetrators are full of (suppressed) terror, self-hatred and powerlessness and this is fundamental to understanding their violence as explained in ‘Why Violence?’
Rather than elaborate further in this article why these perpetrators behave as they do (which you can read on the documents just mentioned), let me explain why the suggestions made by others above in relation to gun and drug control, socioeconomic factors, ideological/religious connections, constitutional and legal shortcomings, resisting efforts to consolidate elite social control, and revised education and entertainment programs can have little impact if undertaken in isolation from the primary suggestion I will make below.
Once someone is so emotionally damaged that they are effectively devoid of the Self that should have defined their unique personality, then they will be the endless victim of whatever violence is directed at them. This simply means that they will have negligible capacity to deal powerfully with any difficult life circumstances and personal problems (and, for example, to resist doctors prescribing pharmaceutical drugs), they will be gullibly influenced by violent ideologies, education and entertainment, and they will have virtually no capacity to work creatively to resolve the conflicts (both personal and structural) in their life but will do what was modeled to them as a child in any effort to do so: use violence.
And by now you have probably realized that I am not just talking about the mass killers that I started discussing at the beginning of this article. I am also talking about the real mass killers: those politicians, military leaders and weapons corporation executives, and all those other corporate executives, who inflict mass violence on life itself, as well as those others, such as academics and those working in corporate media outlets, that support and justify this violence. This includes, to specify just one obvious example, all of those US Senators and Congresspeople who resist implementing gun control laws. See ‘Thoughts and Prayers and N.R.A. Funding’. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/10/04/opinion/thoughts-prayers-nra-funding-senators.html
In essence then, if the child suffers enough of this visible, invisible and utterly invisible violence, they will grow up devoid of the Selfhood – including the love, compassion, empathy, morality and integrity – that is their birthright and the foundation of their capacity to behave powerfully in all contexts without the use of violence.
Instead, they will become a perpetrator of violence, to a greater or lesser extent, and may even seek employment in those positions that encourage them to support and/or inflict violence legally, such as a police or prison officer, a lawyer or judge – see ‘The Rule of Law: Unjust and Violent’ http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article35866.htm – a soldier who fights in war or a Congressperson who supports it, or even an employee in a corporation that profits from violence and exploitation. See ‘Profit Maximization is Easy: Invest in Violence’. http://www.eurasiareview.com/11092017-profit-maximization-is-easy-invest-in-violence-oped/
In addition, most individuals will inflict violence on the climate and environment, all will inflict violence on children, and some will inflict violence in those few ways that are actually defined as ‘illegal’, such as mass killings.
But if we don’t see the mass killers as the logical, if occasional, outcome of (unconsciously) violent parenting, then we will never even begin to address the problem at its source. And we are condemned to suffer violence, in all of its manifestations, until we inevitably drive ourselves to extinction through nuclear war or climate/environmental collapse.
If you are looking for a lead on this from political leaders, you are wasting your time. Similarly, there are precious few professionals, particularly in the medical and psychiatric industries – see ‘Defeating the Violence of Psychiatry’. http://old.warisacrime.org/content/defeating-violence-psychiatry – who have any idea how to respond meaningfully (assuming they even have an interest in doing so). So why not be your own judge and consider making ‘My Promise to Children’? https://feelingsfirstblog.wordpress.com/my-promise-to-children/
In addition, if further reducing the violence in our world appeals to you, then you are also welcome to consider participating in the creation of communities that do not have violence built into them – see ‘The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth’, http://tinyurl.com/flametree – signing the online pledge of ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ https://thepeoplesnonviolencecharter.wordpress.com/ and/or consider using the strategic framework on one or the other of these two websites for your campaign to end violence in one context or another: Nonviolent Campaign Strategy https://nonviolentstrategy.wordpress.com/ and Nonviolent Defense/Liberation Strategy. https://nonviolentliberationstrategy.wordpress.com/
In summary then: For the typical human adult, it is better to endlessly inflict violence on a child to coerce them to obey. Of course, once the child has been terrorized into this unthinking obedience, they won’t just obey the parents and teachers (secular and religious) who terrorized them: they will also obey anyone else who orders them to do something. This will include governments, military officers and terrorist leaders who order them to kill (or pay taxes to kill) people they do not know in foreign countries, employers who order them to submit to the exploitation of themselves and others, not to mention a vast array of other influences (particularly corporations) who will have little trouble manipulating them into behaving unethically and without question (even regarding consumer purchases).
Or, to put it another way: For the typical human adult, it is better to endlessly inflict violence on a child to coerce them to obey and to then watch the end-products of this violence – obedient, submissive children who are powerless to question their parents and teachers, resist the entreaties of drug pushers, and critique the propaganda of governments, corporations and the military as well as the media, education and entertainment industries – spiral endlessly out of control: wars, massive exploitation, ecological destruction, slavery, mass killings…. And to then wonder ‘Why?’
For these terrorized humans, cowardly powerlessness is the state they have been trained to accept, while taking whatever material distractions are thrown their way as compensation. So they pass on this state to their children by terrorizing them into submission too. Powerfully accepting responsibility to fulfill their own unique destiny, and serve society by doing so, is beyond them.
The great tragedy of human life is that virtually no-one values the awesome power of the individual Self with an integrated mind (that is, a mind in which memory, thoughts, feelings, sensing, conscience and other functions work together in an integrated way) because this individual will be decisive in choosing life-enhancing behavioural options (including those at variance with social laws and norms) and will fearlessly resist all efforts to control or coerce them with violence.
Biodata: Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of ‘Why Violence?’ http://tinyurl.com/whyviolence His email address is [email protected] and his website is here. http://robertjburrowes.wordpress.com
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clubofinfo · 7 years
Expert: Human Evolution of the Mind Is Like a Hind Teat on a Texas Bull… Here we are witnessing The Great Collective Amnesia of the Western World…. The great Forgetting, from the political crass class (total), intellectual wanderers (not all, but mostly all) and the general public (most, and these huge blocks against intelligence follow from generation to next generation with a fluidity equal to the amount of information – mostly junk – exponentially increasing on the world wide web and the number eye gazes at the weekly sales worldwide a la eBay, Amazon.dot.steal and any other number of aggregators and on-line scams) is like bubonic clouds in our industrial and post-industrial nations’ cortexes. The lack of intelligence is deep, to include all those drone makers, the data collectors, the A.I. freaks, the robotics innovators (AKA, people killers), the war makers, the profiteers of toxicity, and any other shill in the giant Facebook-Mass Suicide (intellect) Media Kingdom with their legions of grovelers in their armies of financial and investment classes. Forget History and Forego Other Peoples. This lack of humanness, which is defined by forced and accepted agnotology – large portions of the human fabric and the positive human condition propagandized into complete lies or chopped into meaningless vestiges, remnants of a complete whole – makes daily the thrust of thinking and saying in this country almost like peering into the looking glass. Confusion and anti-thought, anti-knowing. Thus, the deadening of intellect, atrophying of those so-called smarts, that is, as we hear and see from those Hollywood and Wall Street scum deeming what is and is not smart which includes anyone displaying electronic-coding-algorithmic skills or tinkering or hedge funding acumen, whatever modern business groper brings to the table. They are vapid, lacking true intellect which has always been tied to understanding history and knowing what is right and how to wrest control from the wrong-doers, and, of course, understanding the world, from sea to shining seabed, to lost tribe of Ecuador, to every beetle yet cataloged by science and shaman kind. The depth of stupidity and genuflecting to all-encompassing consumption (suicide) is astounding in its coverage and voracity. It’s a total great collective forgetting that is both serendipitous and planned, and our dementia has created untenable damage to the rest of the globe. Call it Stockholm Syndrome tied to our murderers’ well-being, their own sustainability while we frog-march into oblivion death marches. We just cannot keep from fawning and vaunting corporations and chemical eaters, war mongers, money cachetting freaks, living off the flesh of humanity. This is US, us-ay, USA, this overvalued by every measure exceptionalist country of the so-called tuned-in, wired-up, and dialed-in leaders of the Western World. Our collective raping and then impregnating the rest of the world with Disneyfication stupidity, and then riding that ol’ train a slow time comin’, but rest assuredly comin’ to all corners of the globe with the splash-splash of glaciers Humpty-Dumpty-ing into their own march to catastrophe, oblivion –this DEFINES us, USA! You Shit Here, Piss Here, Dump Your Dump Your Carcinogenic Offal Here . . . And We Get to the Now Generations! The gut reaction and media devolution around probably one of the most coalescing written pieces in the past few years on climate change-global catastrophe caused by humans polluting the planet with cooked up fossil fuels and the various feedback loops of methane releases and the reflectivity (albedo effect) of the earth’s surface going negative (our land masses and oceans sponges for heat, now) are in real time despicable. The flinging shit and mud against the writer and his written facts and projections are now embedded in the very nature of how humanity in this western dystopian paradise of constant growth (with entropy quickly back-filling that sickness) puts the he and the her and the they smack in the middle of creation, which is the middle of destruction. The amount of ire, hate, and condemnation tied to his thinking and pseudo marketing-psychology-rhetoric vilifying the piece by David Wallace-Wells (“The Uninhabitable Earth,” New York Magazine, 7/9/2017) is reflective of the insipid quality of thinking that has come to define the consumer-capitalist-predator investing/divesting society we have shaped and embraced for more than 60 years. This piece by Wallace-Wells has garnered absurd critiques in the so-called liberal-left greenie press, and the mainstream disastrous press, the pseudo journalism of the big great and digital kings on the east Coast vying for a new Zion in every nook and cranny of the bankster world. The usual libertarian and conservative suspects are trying to burn Wallace-Wells at the stake, for sure, since his article compiles thousands upon thousands of researchers’ work – that is, evidence and prognostications based on those many webs of writing about the research on climate change (which is a catch-all phrase for global warming, weather destabilization, climate uncertainty, geo-engineering, greenhouse gas expulsion through fossil fuel burning and the various parallel defamation of the earth mostly through deforestation and hyper urbanization/ consumption/over-population of Homo Erectus/ Sapiens/ Consumopithecus). Do we need a list of those thinkers and doers years ago who predicted the outcome of the despoiled commons and over-impregnating Homo Sapiens eating the edges and now the center of all the other species, who, in a quick nod, have so-so much to give than a billion “I Wanna Be A Star” cretins who can’t wait for the next and the next bloody mess viewable in the next Netflix world of lies. The subtitle of the piece, “Famine, economic collapse, a sun that cooks us: What climate change could wreak — sooner than you think,” has bristled the hackles of the me-myself-and-I bros and sisters, all from the various stripes of the political quagmire. Imagine, truth to power, truth to stupidity, truth against the prevailing Cellophane-wrapped essence of nano-particle humanity. Then the greenies start shedding their thin epidermis of green-o-atic colors to show the real flavor of their existence – eating cool, living cooler and propping up everything that is American. I’ve heard crap from Grist and so many other naysayers splaying (attempting, though) David Wallace-Wells’ thinking; many parts of the many numbers of NGO-like, non-profit “looking” environmental concerns (most are money-making harbors of war-loving, capitalism S & M driving nuts who love Hillary or even think Bernie is twenty-two degrees removed from the party he ran under) think going truthful and objective with the reality of the many dynamics tied to climate disruption which Wallace-Wells does, is worse than being a denier, than a Pence or Trump or any color of them ruling DC and the palaces of the stupids. I’ve been listening to our local Pacifica Station, KBOO-Portland, and today (7/19/17), on one show, Robert Hunziker, who wrote a piece, “Unhabitable Earth?” over at Dissident Voice talked about Wallace-Wells’ piece with Paul Roland, and, Hunziker is more or less right on, spot on, agreeing (to a degree, though) with the predictions and creative thought experiment David Wallace-Wells unfolds in a very prescient piece. Hunziker still has qualifiers, as is the style of the day – you know, us digital kings and writers having so much more with it and together than the real hard researchers and satirists. You have to give it to the ameliorating masses in the liberal class, the so-called environmentalists, and the shills that play this marketing/narrative framing/meme-ing game, saying that “too harsh a picture on the global negative implications of climate disaster can cause people to turn off and do nothing . . . scare them into paralysis . . . push them back to the all-you-can-eat/buy/consume/burn/immolate /dump/throw-away ways.” Yep, the so-called environmental b.s.-pushers, the majority of which are happy campers in their Subaru-tooling, Prius-loving, eco-capitalist REI lovefest, go on hyper-drive attack of this man’s well-reasoned and fabulously important piece of climate change writing. Hunziker and Roland on KBOO talked it out, about the Wallace-Wells piece, and the fallout. The call-in folk, well, they have so-so much mixed-up hope, and some cited Bill Gates as savior (those corporate Nazi saviors, don’t you know), or others talking geoengineering, you know, iron shavings by the millions of metric tons, dumped into the oceans, to, as most readers know, human engineer the planet to absorb CO2 – **“Iron fertilization is the intentional introduction of iron fines to iron-poor areas of the ocean surface to stimulate phytoplankton production. This is intended to enhance biological productivity and/or accelerate carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration from the atmosphere.” ** The absurdity of this human ecocide on the oceans is telling, very telling. How we are living in our own shit and waste, tailings from the crimes of resource theft, the burning and slag piles smoking and curing our unborn, the stripped soils and exploded mountains beautiful images of earth gas chamber, diverted rivers to bred desertification, chemicalized water systems to cause death and migration, the entire mess of genetic engineering ready to latch onto the gene codes of the earth eaters, so perfectly captured in macrocosm with the example of salmon crossed at the DNA level with fat ass bass, and penned by the hundreds of thousands forced to eat soy and chicken entrails tablets. One good fishy example of humanity’s human shit and total species hate makes for emblematic ways to really show how warped a species we are. The ever-increasing Franken-fish/Franken-food/Franken-people experiments funded by tax monies, pushed by the controllers, yet average Joe and Jane Blow think this is the new normal. Then we have confused Rachel Maddows and Al Gores and the lot of them on their Van Jones high horses, empty of intelligence, blasphemers of the precautionary principle, small-minded and closed-headed people who look at a climate change article (which should be a triple-clarion call out) with real mettle, real predictions, not only poo-pooing it, but downright eviscerating the facts in order to play some full-of-shit narrative framing, shit, a la Freud and Bernays and Madison Avenue Zionist slave to consumerism shit. How much shit makes hubris and delusion capitalism? Imagine, the pencil necks at Grist (“Stop Scaring People About Climate Change: It Doesn’t Work”) attacking the reality, calling this man to task, for his look inside and outside at the real and unfolding possibilities of this that’s world a comin’, like a fast freight train a thousand miles long with every species ready for the Mother of All Dachaus — every species but that lying, raping, murdering, polluting, insane, blubbery, superstitious, vapid, inelegant Hominoid of modern atrocities. These people, advertising-seeking, for sure, and vetted by that political and non-profit enviro class so easily despised for their hypocrisy, they are grandstanding saying scaring doesn’t work? What sort of Wallace-Wells work is this writer leaning on, or wanting? It’s not his job to get people to revolt, overthrow, throw down, end the entire shooting match. “Quit scaring people” is so-so telling of the liberal class who gives shit about the illegal wars, the massive murders of millions by this empire, the massive deportations, massive destabilizations, massive inequities within their own shores. Almost anything coming out of their people’s cloud-digital-print asses is worth less than that one political orifice’s total value. Sanity Found Not Between the Lines, but in the Alarms and Emergency Sirens Apparent in the Words To give us a bit more to chew on without replicating the piece, here, the sectional titles of Wallace-Wells’ article: I. ‘Doomsday’ — Peering beyond scientific reticence. II. Heat Death — The bahraining of New York. III. The End of Food — Praying for cornfields in the tundra. IV. Climate Plagues –What happens when the bubonic ice melts? V. Unbreathable Air — A rolling death smog that suffocates millions. VI. Perpetual War  — The violence baked into heat. VII. Permanent Economic Collapse  — Dismal capitalism in a half-poorer world. VIII. Poisoned Oceans — Sulfide burps off the skeleton coast. IX. The Great Filter — Our present eeriness cannot last. Even the climate change piece looks at the rotten form that is capitalism, and the great day trading of the commons, the willingness of man to barter for more money with the future commons of ancestral havens. We’re talking war, too, rarely mentioned by greenies. War is the power, the engine, of greed, destabilization, the end of food, the lack of preparedness for everyone to adapt and adjust to the impending collapsed societies. Wallace-Wells nails it. Then, look at these opposing points of view, sick, really, spewing liberal elites with their pedigrees, whatever that means in this sell-out science landscape: “Doomsday Scenarios Are as Harmful as Climate Change Denial” By Michael E. Mann, Susan Joy Hassol and Tom Toles Analysis of “The Uninhabitable Earth” Published in New York Magazine, by David Wallace-Wells on 9 July 2017: Sixteen scientists (all male, all White/Christian/Jewish) analyzed (attacked) the article and estimated its overall scientific (what is this, really, in a sell-out world of science for their own profits) credibility to be ‘low’. (yet more mumbo-jumbo from the science arena). A majority of reviewers tagged the article as: Alarmist, Imprecise/Unclear, Misleading. This grouping of puke scientists, who we all must bow to, don’t you know, with their Ivy-League and powerhouse Stanford and Big 20 university laurels, well, they are vapid, untenable when you think about their own contexts – first world, elite, white, privileged, ivory towered, and never grasping the reality of an uneven world for not only their fellow billions, but for the entirety of the wild world. Hmm, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has been reporting a huge loss of population in thousands of vertebrate species. Researchers have studied 27,600 species of birds, amphibians, mammals and reptiles, finding huge losses in over 8,000 species. The animal species are not yet technically extinct, but the loss of numbers is severe enough to collapse breeding, viability, and their own roles in their eco-webs, let alone their own rights to exist on this planet. The findings mean that billions of animal populations that once roamed the Earth are now gone. This is the great Sixth Great Extinction of animal species caused by climate change and loss of habitat – all perpetrated by Man and Woman and “they”. “The sixth mass extinction is already here and the window for effective action is very short.” Kieran Suckling, executive director of the Center for Biological Diversity, continues: “If we continue the trend we’re on, we’re going to be looking at 50 to 75 percent of our species lost over the next hundred years.” Here’s what the capitalism-adoring Atlantic magazine says of the work of Wallace-Wells: It’s into that morass that this week’s New York magazine walks. In a widely shared article, David Wallace-Wells sketches the bleakest possible scenario for global warming. He warns of a planet so awash in greenhouse gas that Brooklyn’s heat waves will rival Bahrain’s. The breadbaskets of China and the United States will enter a debilitating and everlasting drought, he says. And millions of brains will so lack oxygen that they’ll slip into a carbon-induced confusion. Unless we take aggressive action, “parts of the Earth will likely become close to uninhabitable, and other parts horrifically inhospitable, as soon as the end of this century,” he writes. “No matter how well-informed you are, you are surely not alarmed enough.” It’s a scary vision—which is okay, because climate change is scary. It is also an unusually specific and severe depiction of what global warming will do to the planet. And though Wallace-Wells makes it clear that he’s not predicting the future, only trying to spin out the consequences of the best available science today, it’s fair to ask: Is it realistic? Will this heat-wracked doomsday come to pass? Many climate scientists and professional science communicators say no. Wallace-Wells’s article, they say, often flies beyond the realm of what researchers think is likely. I have to agree with them. This is the tribe of elites, the publishing mainliners, the gatekeepers, controllers, the myopics and the critics of anything outside their own narrative frames – America good, or inherently good and all-knowing, all-solving, leaders of the world and technology and in ideas. Words like scary and vision and morass, oh, those wordsmiths, oh those literary kingpins of the big East Coast tribe. Humanity’s chosen people, these publishers and writers and editors and pundits and cultural icons. Here, from Wallace-Wells in an updated and annotated version of his piece: Since the article was published, we have made four corrections and adjustments, which are noted in the annotations (as well as at the end of the original version). They are all minor, and none affects the central project of the story: to apply the best science we have today to the median and high-end ‘business-as-usual’ warming projections produced by the U.N.’s ‘gold standard’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. But the debate this article has kicked up is less about specific facts than the article’s overarching conceit. Is it helpful, or journalistically ethical, to explore the worst-case scenarios of climate change, however unlikely they are? How much should a writer contextualize scary possibilities with information about how probable those outcomes are, however speculative those probabilities may be? What are the risks of terrifying or depressing readers so much they disengage from the issue, and what should a journalist make of those risks? The End Game is Capitalism-Delusional Thinking-Soylent Green is People! Now, let’s get really real. How many minds were talking about no-growth, steady-state economics, the three e’s of sustainability (environment, equity, economy, in that fucking order!), small is better, de-industrializing, eco-socialism, and on and bloody on? Forget Muir, or Pinchot or Stegner or Rachel Carson or Mumford or Kunslter or Jane Jacobs or any number of proponents of fair and environmentally gauged communities. One part Wallace-Wells, another part, hmm, Derrick Jensen? While we face ‘hard choices’ about which species and ecosystems to conserve, it’s odd how we face no such quandaries over which of our frivolous luxuries to refrain from, or what murderous weapons system not to build, writes Derrick Jensen. This look at the hard choices of species and ecosystems, over pornography, sweat-shop clothes, next generation iPhones, animal-shit coffee, Ikea lasting six months, endless cruises and buffets, disposable internal combustion vehicles, jets and satellites and drones and backyard pools and chemical trails circling the globe and, well, you know what humanity is not willing to sacrifice! Sure, we’re supposed to choose whether to extirpate or save Bulmer’s fruit bats or Sumatran Rhinos, wild yams or hula painted frogs (with the default always being extirpate, of course); and we’re supposed to make careful delineations of how we choose who is exterminated, and who lives (at least until tomorrow, when we all know there’ll be another round of exterminations, complete with another round of wringing our hands over how difficult these decisions are, and another round of heartbreak; and then another round, and another, until there is nothing and no one left). But just as after Fukushima a Japanese energy minister said that nuclear energy must continue to be produced because no one “could imagine life without electricity”, so, too, entirely disallowed is any discussion of what technologies should be kept and what should be caused to go extinct. There’s no discussion of extirpating iPads, iPhones, computer technologies, retractable stadium roofs, insecticides, GMOs, the Internet (hell, Internet pornography), off-road vehicles, nuclear weapons, predator drones, industrial agriculture, industrial electricity, industrial production, the benefits of imperialism (human, American, or otherwise). That’s the rub, every single SOV day (single occupancy vehicle). I can’t even help my homeless and beaten-down young foster kids without being forced to drive miles upon miles and meet them at the quintessential rot gut everything that is bad about society Starbucks, because that’s company policy. I drive in a rural area near Oregon City, Estacada, and daily, the number of sacrifices on the road, AKA road kill, is in the dozens. Daily. We cut and maul and pave over and build over and divert and seed with invasives, and daily, hourly, each minute, on this planet, not one shit product or idea or lifestyle is sacrificed, but each and every square inch of soil and cubic meter of river and 2000 foot of altitude is raped and re-raped. By us, the supremacists. The dunces. The ones sitting, lying and sleeping in our own shit, using the cadavers of the real world – ecology, environment – as our rationale for putting us at the top of the dung heap. The murder of the planet is not some tragedy ordained by fate because we’re too damn smart. It is the result of a series of extremely bad social choices. We could choose differently. But we don’t. And we won’t. Not so long as the same unquestioned beliefs run the culture. Don’t get me wrong. Anyone who is working to protect wild places or wild beings from this omnicidal culture is in that sense a hero. We need to use every tool possible to save whomever and wherever we can from this culture. But it’s ridiculous and all-too-expected that while there’s always plenty of money to destroy the Tongass and every other forest, and there’s always plenty of money for various weapons of mass destruction (such as cluster bombs or dams or corporations) somehow when it comes to saving wild places and wild beings, we have to pinch pennies and ‘make difficult decisions’. Also, I need to say that the whole Ark metaphor doesn’t work. In the original story, God saved two of every species (as He, like the humans who created Him, destroyed the planet). Here, modern humans are going where even God didn’t tread, and explicitly not saving every species, but instead deciding which species to save, and which species to kill off. This is, of course, both pleasing and flattering to human supremacists: they’re making decisions on questions even God punted. How cool is that? http://clubof.info/
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