#I’m tryinggg new things
alyjojo · 25 days
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April 🤯 2024 Monthly - Gemini
Preshuffle: You could be saving money, or collecting grudges, for the purpose of quitting something eventually. Your job? You just want to move forward in a different direction, you’re not happy with the way things currently are…or you could be realizing a new thing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be either.
Meditation: It could be a particular person at work that really grinds your gears, they’re showing up as someone on your level, maybe the person sitting next to you. In the vision, you were seeing them as a clapping seal (which cracked me tf up), just OR OR OR OR shuuut up! You can’t concentrate, can’t focus, this person drives you absolutely nuts & you’re thinking “as if I don’t distract myself enough.”
Main energy: 5 Pentacles
Oof. Okay I don’t see anything DEEP per se, and maybe it’s just an off day, week, something like that. Your oracles showing Gemini & Sag, could be a Sag placement that especially annoys you this month, fire is heavy, or it’s just someone not like you. The differences between you and someone else are really getting under your skin this month and you could be bottling them up…either to explode in some glorious temper tantrum later on (it’s gotta come out somehow) or you could just be planning on bringing down a Tower, kicking this b*tch to the curb and never coming back again. Moving to Barbados. BYE ✌️But don’t actually. I see Calm & an Apology here too so…keep your cool Gem. Your ego is on fire this month and you’re ready to take on something NEW. Maybe make that a hobby or something instead, start small. This could be someone you’re newly dating as well, they’re hot but they drive you nuts. You enjoy the lusty bits. That may just be enough to overcome the irritation, for now 😆
What’s going on in April:
Queen of Wands:
This feels like whoever the irritation is. Could be your partner, for most it probably is. Could be work too, and if so this connection is *normally* stable, it’s just this month is your cranky month and it’s their defensive or can’t shut tf up month and you two are clashing hard. Could be over money, especially if you’re doing their job FOR them, which is someone’s story. There’s a deadline and this person gabs all fkn day, maybe you’ve had to stay late or something because of them or you’ve been delayed and held back, it irritates tf out of you. Even if you like/love them, you’re defensive about whatever it is they’re doing. You feel confined, building grudges, tryinggg to keep your mouth shut BUT UM. Bitch. Look. 👏
4 Pentacles:
I’m dying here. You want to quit, or end this, you think about it frequently, it could get you through the day. Like revenge scenarios. “Just wait, I’m gonna save up 6 months worth of bills and disappear”, that is literallyyyy what I heard! Vengeful! On the other hand, this can always be switched so, if someone is noticeably irritated IJS. On the bottom, for most of you that this is a partner or someone new you’re seeing, you could be feeling like you went too fast too soon, rushed into this one before you really even knew them. Or a job, a home maybe, something that your personal and financial stability banks on. I heard a neighborhood for someone, like the house is great but it’s surrounded by crazy people. Now it’s oh no. For someone it’s possible someone is withholding sex, and that’s the thing that’s irritating you, they’ve got all sorts of reasons and bs and it’s been long enough in your mind, don’t you matter too?
Whew, for someone I heard “I’m here to work not make friends”. Idk if you’re saying this out loud or not, maybe not, you’re definitely thinking that in the work story. If a person, you could be considering going back to someone you dated before, maybe you appreciate them more now that they’re gone, it’s someone that put in a lot of effort for you. You could simply be internally judging this persons work ethic or standards of living, by some practical means, maybe they’re the life of the party and you’re the worker - so they leave you to it and don’t even try to help you. The Hanged Man at the bottom shows a need for perspective, I don’t think you’re coming right out with this vengeful energy, but it’s stewing beneath the surface. Being judgy. You have a hard time celebrating the positive moments because the effort parts aren’t being taken seriously enough in your opinion. It could be way too much on you. With Optimism and Versatility, while I see you want to pop off hard, Spirit is trying to talk you off the ledge. Think positively, to with the flow, try to see things differently, rather than just up and moving to Barbados like it’s not *that* bad. Could be improved though 🙏
See, a much better row. IF you hold back, bite your tongue, things are going to balance out. Either with work or your person, Queen & King of Pentacles are showing up together. This person could be in a phase of feeling larger than life, sexy, excited, at a time when you’re not. Sag rising maybe? Then you both would always be experiencing opposite house activations at all times, not easy to overcome, except by realizing that this is an individual person that’s on a whole different timeline than you. If it’s work month, pain in the ass month, this could be party month for them - or it was and is now changing. Synastry could help figure your person out in comparison to yours, a partner. You have different highs and lows, I don’t see this person as bad. Not annoying, not brash, not full of bologna. They’re willing to meet you on your level…eventually, not right away. Or things will work out where you don’t even have to say anything, a boss will, they’ll just pick up on it, they’ll tire of the last phase and see you’re overworked - stepping in. If it’s a house or neighborhood, then you can’t do anything but look right now, waiting for *the right* thing before you move - but you definitely intend to.
6 Swords:
Moving away, from drama, from where you live, from someone that drives you nuts, from your job. You are one foot in and one foot out the door at all times. Page of Swords at the bottom can be opening up and talking about this with some people, you’re trying to learn more details about the situation in question, or you’re just very observant. If a job, you’re looking for job. If a house, you’re looking for houses. If someone drives you batshit, you wonder if you should even tell them? Or just move on? It feels like you have every reason to see this as a positive thing, and you need to remain calm things will work out just fine. Not the day you want to flip out though, that day maybe fake sick and buy a fancy ice cream or something. Chill 🍨 For your mental health.
Signs you may be dealing with:
🔥 Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn & Taurus
Oracle: ✨
33 Integration 🧬
We are a sum of all of our experiences in this and other lives. We all bring forward a wealth of knowledge, talents, and wisdom. One of the challenges is remembering who we are. We are bombarded every day in every way with messages on who we should be, what we should do, what we should wear, how we should live…
These messages coming from the media, society, our family and friends, and even strangers can drown out who we are really meant to be: who we have grown into lifetime after lifetime. Find some quiet moments in your day to identify and start a relationship with that small, strong voice inside of you. Pretty soon you won’t hear the other messages. Many times in your interactions with others, you hear that small voice tell you something is not right. Your logical mind tells you stop it, nothing is wrong, you’re being silly/dramatic or overreacting. You may ignore your inner voice in a quest to fit in, be loved or admired. You do not realize that your inner voice is warning you that the other person’s energy is not matching their words or actions. Listen to your instincts about this situation or person.
Confinement 🪢
Captivity - Tolerance - Unfreedom
Calm 😌
Inner Peace - Simplicity - Meditation
Apology 😞
Guilt - Confession - Forgiveness
Optimism 😁 Moon - Sagittarius
Versatility 🤸‍♂️ Sun - Gemini
We enter into April as:
Topaz 💛
“If I seek peace, I must embrace my fears.”
Topaz speaks: “To be enlightened is to realize that to gain peace, fear in the heart must be faced.” If Topaz has come to you, he is telling you that it is time to stop talking about what you intend on doing. You must just do it. Things happen for us when we take action, which is the only way to break through what is holding us back. The change that is called for here is surrender, which is an action in itself. No great tasks were ever achieved easily. Remember we do a lot to avoid what we feel will hurt us; you must understand that the pain will recede if you face your fears, allowing you to walk through to the other side. Topaz whispers “Pray for guidance and you will be assisted.” Do not despair, for if Topaz has come to you, relief awaits. By facing your fears, peace and enlightenment will be your reward. That is the gift. All you need to do is ask.
What is to be learned in April:
The Emerald Stone 🧩
“The heart knows what the eyes cannot see.”
There are times when things happen to us and no explanation is possible. Often our journey brings us full circle, leaving many of us to wonder why. The Emerald Stone is inviting you to follow through in whatever is before you. Going back is not an option. Forward movement will change your entire perspective on life - for the better. You may now be able to hear something that you have been told many times. Your reward will be a closer relationship with yourself. If Emerald Stone sparkles for you, it is with the understanding that you are now developing a new perception of things. The Stone welcomes you out of the dark and into your heart.
Green may be a lucky color 💚
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venusgirltarot · 3 years
okayyyy so this is a feedback ask- i don't like to call it feedback so it's a rant about your accuracy. BUT BEFORE ANYTHING can i just say that you're absolutely adorable? i am new follower and you recently reached 200 followers and you reblogged one of your posts which you had uploaded when you had 100 followers and THAT WAS SO SWEET OMG- 💗🦋 also i love the way you attach links to every PAC which leads to a specific pile. its such a unique way and HONESTLY IT MAKES THE READING EASIER TO UNDERSTAND FOR SOME REASON. alsoooo i love the aesthetics you use for each PAC and their pictures- how prettyyy 😭🦋
okay so now here comes the rant- it's about your "What do you need to focus on right now" (pile 2)
okay honestly, you just really talked about how beautiful i am inside out and honestly i am blushing 💗 YOU EXPLAINED IT SO CUTELY- AHAHSJDJSJJD cutie 🦋
you said a person might be coming in- (😃) and they'd wanna appreciate myself as they do... honestly i'm tRYING but it's hard-
also you said they get nervous around me (that's cute honestly-) AND IT'S ACCURATE cause well i get from other posts as well 🦋 they may stumble or stutter AND I WOULD FIND IT SO CUTE TO BE HONEST 😭
they're very flirty. are they? 😌 cause i flirt a LOT. with my friends and i tease people a LOT in the very flirtatious way so i would love that 💗
also stawp- stawp- saying that they might find me attractive or i'm attractive in general (i'm blushing way too hard pls- 🦋)
also you said you were seeing an angel when you said that. istg. that's really the sweetest thing i've come across (thank youuuu)
you mentioned that might be intimidated (honestly your accuracy is * chef's kiss *) you also said how they would feel like time has stopped when they see me like we see in cartoons when the main character walks in. That's SO FREAKING SWEET HOLY SHI- (YOU'RE WAY TOO CUTE FOR THIS WORLD 💗)
and let me tell you, the keywords you mentioned ALMOST ALL OF THEM RESONATED for example
• Leo Moon (i might have got that for the 5373838th time)
• 12th House (idk about him but I HAVE SO MANY PLANETS IN THE 12TH HOUSE-)
• stop doubting yourself (im tryinggg 😭)
• i think about you at night (🦋🦋)
• i messed up (every reading says that he might have some playboy vibes and that he might mess up his chance with me but he'll definitely correct himself and be back. this also explains why you said "when the time is right, it will come" & "the best is yet to be")
OVERALL I LOVED IT SO MUCH? LIKE GODDAMN- i have re-reading it so muchhhh 😭💗 thank you so much for posting this. i absolutely loved it and it absolutely resonated, thank you 🦋
ahhhh this is the sweetest feedback ever 😭 I’ve been reading this over and over again and I’m genuinely speechless 🥺
I’m so glad someone appreciates my links. I have to put them all in right after the PAC is posted and it’s genuinely the most stressful experience 😭 knowing that it makes the reading easier to understand makes me so happy.
I’m so happy so many people have liked the pictures 🥺 I’m so picky about which pictures I use and I probably spend more time on Pinterest looking for the pictures than I do on the reading 💀 I’m so glad you all like them as well!!!!
I’m so glad you liked the reading and it resonated! You truly are so so beautiful and I hope the reading has helped you realize that a bit more :) I’m so excited for you and your future with this new person and I hope you have so many more good things coming your way! You deserve it 💕
Thank you so much for the feedback. It’s made my whole week 🥺 and thank you so much for the many many compliments! They’re very sweet and I appreciate them 😭💕
I hope you’re having a good day or night. Sending you so much love and light and wishing you the best in all you do! 💕
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noenesque · 4 years
Cuddle Sharing (?) [February 19, 2020]
Zippy's tongue peeeeks out from between her lips as she really Concentrates on painting Noen's nail, trying to be super careful to not get it outside, his hand slightly moving and threatening the entire thing, "Ahhhhhh, don't move don't move don't mooOoooOove." She anxiously calls out to him, taking a small breath as she tries to....violaaaaa, a smile twitching at the edges, finishing his right hand, one down, one to...the series of knocks interrupting her thoughts, letting Noen have his hand back as she feels it drift from her thigh.
Aya gives a small punch in the shoulder as thanks to the stoner cat boi for letting her in, making her way towards the door she said that was Noen's as she gives a quick knock on the door, a bit of an amused grin peeking through onto her lips. "Guess what, I've got some fun shit for us to do Tonighttttt," she teases out as she leans next to the door, waiting for it to open.
A soft breath of air passes through Zippy's nostrils as she hears Aya from outside of the door, sharing a look with Noen. "Aya..." She acknowledges to him, with a bit of a smile, sliding off the bed as she lets him know she would Grab It, opening the door to give a soft-spoken Hiii to Aya, letting her come inside taking a seat back onto the bed, "What?" She responds back as she draws one of her legs up onto the bed.
"I'm tryinggg, but I feel like I'm going to have to sneeze," Noen acknowledges with a light laugh, resisting the urge to run his nose, before giving Zippy a quick nod and small smile as she goes to get the door, promising not to move and Trying Really Hard not to do so even as he feels the sneeze come on again.
"Sooo, I brought Donuts," Aya offers, placing the full bag spread from one of her fave places, "anddddd...I got an invite through Clout Gang for the Early Release Party of Ariadne Avri's new Pallette...which is...guess what color Themed..." She offers, moving to show the Big Reveal on her phone of the whole green color story of it and the innovative packaging, and just...Zippiness to it all, making a small smile curl onto her lips momentarily.
Zippy moves to take Noen's hand lightly blowing across his nails to help them dry fassssssster, listening to Aya's reveal catching sight of the donuts suddenly beside her hmmm, her attention flitting to the screen as her lips curl up as she sees how pretty and a vibe the whole set-up was, "I really likeee..." She starts off with until she hears the staggered breaths from beside her, instinctively drawing her forearm up under Noen's nose as close as she was able as her hand keeps a light hold of his wrist, hearing the sneeze probably...split the earth...a little bit, moving her arm a little more to the side to dab the clean bit of her sleeve gently along his nose.
"What about you, Mr. Baguette?" Aya asks, turning his attention towards him. "You down to hang with the cool kids tonight, full Dress Up Montage and All?" She inquires, a flit of mischief moving through her as the wheels already begin turning for his Outfit for the night...
Noen lets out a sneeze finally, moving to give Zippy a quick thanks, before hearing the whole thing that Aya had planned... "Benj was bringing home pizza from the good place, but..." He looks at Zippy, seeing how she was taking in the whole set up. "I'd be down, and hey, there's always leftover pizza when we get back, right?" He offers, giving Zippy a warm, playful smile.
"Just to say we Went Outside?" Zippy adds, with a bit of playfulness as she nods her head about the pizza, moving her arm back down taking Aya's hand and turning it over as she places Noen's hand ontop of it, "Can you take over with the blowing?" She asks, moving off the bed to bend down into her suitcase to take out another random tee...actually...it may be Cor's at second glance hmm...well, she figures moving to strip the sneezy one off as she remembered drawing maybe.....Cor's on soon after climbing back onto the bed after tossing the first shirt in the yaaamper, moving to grab a chocolate donut from the box, giving it an appreciative bite anddddd chew tossing Aya a thumbs up, "Want.....waaaaant One?" She asks Noen, having to stop mid-sentence because of how full her mouth was covering it with her hand as she laughs some trying to fast chew and swallow it.
"Got itttttt," Aya singsong trails off, moving to blow a few times beforeeee...blowing a stream of air right into Mr. Baguette's face, letting out a chuckle as a bit of mischief gleams in her eyes before turning to take a donut out of the bag, chewing on it, taking in the flavors, before dropping the bomb..."Do you both Dare to venture into the Seventh Circle of Hell that is...the Clout Gang House...to get our outfits for this evening?" She offers, waving her fingers in a spooky fashion as a mischievous smile begins to tug onto her lips.
"Right naoo?" Zippy questions back, as her attention moves from Noen over to Aya.
"I mean...I think we do have time to get our cuddle on...?" Aya ventures as she looks between the two.
A faint curl of a smile appears on Zippy's face as she continues to chew another bite of her donut, giving another generous chew of it, lightly, teasingly, squeezing some of Noen's arm as she laughs a little trying to keep the donut in her mouth as she waves her hand by his arm to showcase it, humming a little tune to go with it.
Noen moves to...playfully steal a bite of Zippy's donut before he feels his arm offered out, looking up at Aya as he gives a her a small, welcoming smile, feeling okay with it.
Aya moves into the little spot, settling in before looking up at Zippy and Noen. "You guys feeling a Power Nap?"
Zippy lets out a soft chuckle as Noen bites on her donut, watching him and Aya get comfy, moving to lie on the opposite side of his chest, placing her ASMR playlist on as she sets her phone a bit to the side, drawing her arm around Aya, snuggling in close as she drapes her leg over Noen's, kissing Aya's cheek softly as she closes her eyes giving her a gentle nod as she feels Noen's arm wrap around her, causing a smile to drift across her lips.
Noen softly kisses the top of Zippy's head before holding her closer, slowly drifting off into the power nap.....
- One Powa Nap Later - 
Aya slowly rubs her eyes a bit, glad she waited to get her full make up on so she wasn’t smearing makeup everywhere, before lightly jostling Noen and Zippy to get up. “C’mon, I know Clout Gang suckssss and naps are fireeee but we gotta get readyyyt...” She sleepily reminds, letting out a yawn, still feeling like she was...half in Nap Land, really, and half wishing she could have just stayed there....
Zippy winces some as she feels shaaaaaken awake, Aya's voice swirling around her, "...tooschleeepy..." She softly murmurs out, as her eyes droop closed and she feels herself begin to fall back into the...
“Come onnnn, we gotta do it for the free Palettes, meeting Ari Avri.....” Aya softly murmurs against Zippy’s ear, trying to remind her of the Goal....
A scratchy prolongeddddd groan vibrates through Zippy's throat as she Knows she should Do That for Zayne, for Past and Future Her, buuuut it just feeeling like an impossible battle to fight against herself, squinting her eyes open a little as she sees Aya, rubbing the side of her head some against Noen. "Can you carry me thereeeeeeee...?"
“Yeah, I can do that,” Noen offers with a small, warm smile, before moving to affirm it with a soft kiss on the top of Zippy’s head.
"Thankssss..." Zippy sleepily murmurs back as she feels the kiss causing her lips to perk upwards, as she snuggles in closer to Noen, her nose gently pressing against his neck, why did he Always smell so mmmmmmmm...
Noen moves to softly stroke Zippy’s hair, adjusting himself so he could pick her up, pressing another kiss on the top of her head as he waits for Aya to call the Uber.
- One Uber Ride Later - 
Noen moves to softly nudge Zippy awake, feeling the weight of her against his shoulder, placing another kiss on the top of her head as he moves to take out his phone to split the fare with Aya, moving outwards into his huge...building complex? Very modern, moving to pick Zippy up once again as he catches sight of a sign disclaiming a bunch of things including a notice that by entering the Clout Gang House, you consented to be Filmed...he notes as he furrows his brow, following Aya inside, the place being very Fancy and Modern and Nice but having an...Odd vibe under it all?
Aya leads Zippy and Noen inside the Clout Gang house, spinning her keys on her finger as she realized that the coast seemed to be clear from Satan and Satan’s Bestie, about to make her way up the steps until...she catches sight of the Shining Twins in the kitchen. “Don’t Pay Them any minddd....” Aya airily informs as she tries to lead Zippy and Noen up the spiral staircase and awayyyy from KK’s Spawn...
Noen gives a glance over towards Aya’s roommates, before leaning in to whisper to Zippy, “Should we say Hi?”
Zippy lowly grumbles as she tries to clear her throat a little, keeping her legs and right arm around Noen as the bottom of her left hand rubs at her eye, looking over to the guys who seemed to be Busy...shaking her head at Noen’s question, not wanting to Bother Them...
Noen takes in the shake of Zippy's head, giving a nod back, as he follows Aya up to her room, plopping onto the bed with Zippy as she closes the door behind them...
Zippy laughs a little even as another yawn slips out of her at the Bounce! cuddling against Noen, stretching her armmmm out some. "What're we suppose to be doing again...?"
"We're finding some Looks for the event," Aya announces, a mischevious glint moving through her eyes as she claps her hands together. "I have something I Have To Wear to match...ugh, Kendall and Giselle for the Photo Ops," she lets out with a groan, putting air quotes over Photo Ops, before opening up her closet and spreading out her arms. "Buuuuuut, take your Pick! Unless you want me to Style You?" She muses as a playful little smirk teases onto her lipss.
Zippy scratches the side of her head, oh yeaaaaaahhh, a smile sleepily drifting onto her lips as she watches Aya open her closet, giving a deliberate Nod, "I will be your canvasssss."
Aya's lips curl mischievously upwards as she hears Zippy give her the affirmation. "Someone's gonna come to do our makeup, I think..." She offers out as she tries to recall, feeling like that was something KK Would Do before a makeup event...."But I can at least pick your Clothes," she offers, looking through the outfits by brands that KK would Approve of to wear to this event, before her eyes widen mischievously as she finds a pink shimmery bodysuit with crystals interwoven in that looked so Fashion and Extra she was curious how it would look on Zip, hmmmm...she thinks as she slowly turns around, revealing it and wiggling her eyebrows, the mischievous smirk growing as she lets Zippy take it in.... 
Zippy's eyes widen in surprise, her brows pushing up as she takes in the sparkly bubblegum was that a dress? "Uhhhh, reaalllly...?" She asks, letting out a bit of a nervous laugh, not sure if Aya was joking or be for serious. "You want me to try?"
“Really,” Aya responds, her lips curling upwards. “You never know until you try...” She singalongs our to Zippy, handing her the jumpsuit to try...
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nicotinfrei · 7 years
long time no tag
THE LAST… 1. Drink: hot chocolate
2. Phone call: @indesindeed
3. Text message: @gammanumerix
4. Song you listened to: Party Tattoos - Dodie
5. Time you cried: like yesterday bc poetry is fucking beautiful
HAVE YOU EVER… 6. Dated someone twice: no
7. Been cheated on: no
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: yes
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12. blue
13. pink
14. red
16. Fallen out of love:
17. Laughed until you cried: yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes but nothing super bad
19. Met someone who changed you: yes
20. Found out who your true friends are: kinda
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yuuup
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them
23. Do you have any pets: YES
24. Do you want to change your name: my nickname is good enough
25. What did you do for your last birthday: cry  and dinner with my friends
26. What time did you wake up: liike 8:30?
27. What were you doing at midnight last night:  poetry videos
28. Name something you cannot wait for: seeing MY BOYS later
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: this morning
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: not constantly worrying about EVERYTHING
31. What are you listening to right now: dodie
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my grandma probably lol
34. Most visited website: youtube
35. Elementary: trying to be friends w everyone
36. High School: shitty place, good people
37. College/university: storytime: i almost died
38. Hair colour: bleach blonde
39. Long or short hair: long :/
40. Do you have a crush on someone: do squishes count?
41. What do you like about yourself: that i’m still trying
42. Piercings: i have 3 ear piercings?
43. Blood type: A+ just like everything else about me
44. Nickname: Nico, Nici, Snickers, Snuggles(/Struggles) , Juggles, Jugglebugs, and some other cheesy shit
45. Relationship status: im in a band
46. Zodiac sign: scorpio
47. Pronouns: 🍑
48. Favourite TV show: im not watching anything atm
49. Tattoos: nope
50. Right or left hand: right
FIRST… 51. Surgery: none
52. Piercing: ears
54. Sport: dancing
55. Vacation: mallorca, like the german tourist i am
56. Pair of trainers: baby blue converse
57. Eating: ?
58. Drinking: idk
59. I’m about to: cry
60. Listening to: still dodie for the 3rd time
61. Waiting for: the sun to come out
62. Want: to be held and feel safe
63. Get married: i think so
64. Career: first or what i want?
YOUR TYPE… 65. Hugs or kisses: both hug
66. Lips or eyes: lips
67. Shorter or taller: nobody is shorter than me, but i love small people
68. Older or younger: younger
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: idc
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: no? 
75. Drank hard liquor?: tried it but didnt really drink it
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: no
77. Turned someone down: yes
78. Sex on first date: nooo
79. Broken someone’s heart: idk maybe yes
80. Had your heart broken: yes
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: idk
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: tryinggg
85. Miracles: maybe
86. Love at first sight: yes
87. Santa Claus: CHRISTKIND 4 EVER
88. Kiss on the first date: i’d prefer not to tbh, but whatever
OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: dont wanna choose
91. Eye colour: kinda green-ish blue-grey yellowy … stuff
92. Favourite movie: the virgin suicides probably
thank 4 tagging @gammanumerix i tag everyone who reads this
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janiedean · 7 years
Maybe Danny being all awkward and asking Colleen to go out on a real date with him sometime....I would love to see how that goes with his lack of knowledge and innocence. I could see him trying fancy, but then they ditch it for something cooler! some fluff all around and of course Danny tryinggg to be normal lol
The more he thinks about it, the more Danny has a feeling that they’ve been going at it wrong.
Or better, it’s not as if he’s had time to re-acclimate himself with the basic concepts of dating since he came back to New York, but he had seen enough movies when he was a kid to know that if you’re dating someone you don’t bring catering to their house with take-out. Admittedly, normal people don’t meet the way the two of them did, and they definitely don’t hook up after one of them stitches the other up, and -
Right. They’ve gone at it wrong. That said, they have a week before they leave for China and he really wants to at least do something right by normal dating standards before they jump back into... well, not being normal.
Also, he has the means to treat Colleen to a serious date and he will. When he sits down to consider his options, he decides that since it looks like everyone goes eating out on dates, a restaurant might be a safe choice. Also, in those dates people always seem to dress up or at least bring out their nicest things, and at least he’s covered there - since he came back from the dead and got a place on board, someone saw fit to fill his closet with a bunch of suits he doesn’t even look at half of the time. Also - right. Flowers. If there’s one thing he remembers is that flowers were Definitely A Thing, and maybe also chocolate, but that was for St. Valentine’s. Which is not the case here, thankfully.
So: flowers, dinner out at a nice place, dressing well. Sounds doable. Also, didn’t people always send flowers, or show up with them?
He shrugs. He can do both, after all. He looks a bit around the internet, finds a fusion restaurant in Manhattan which is hailed as the Best Place To Eat Out If You Have Money Right Now in a lot of food critic blogs. It’s the kind of place where usually you need to reserve three months in advance, but turns out that they have always a few tables reserved for Rand Industries, so he finds one easily with just a phone call.
Good. He goes out of his apartment and heads for the florist around the corner, where he spends some twenty minutes discussing arrangements with the man before they settle on sending orchids over to the dojo and for him to pick up a lilies’ bouquet before he leaves in the evening. He writes a message on the back of a note attached to the flowers - see you this evening at seven PM, we’re going out.
An hour later, she texts him.
We’re... going out?
I figured we should have a proper date before we leave. :), he texts back.
Oh. Well then, see you at seven.
He grins to himself as he puts the phone away.
Right. He’s got this, at least up until now.
He goes to get the lilies later while dressed in the nicest suit he had in the closet. It’s admittedly fairly stifling, and he doesn’t like that it’s the same black that people wear to funerals, but it’s... the nicest he has, so it has to be the right choice. He has arranged for a driver to bring them, but he told them to pick a non-flashy car, so no one takes notice of the brand new black Toyota stopping in front of the dojo at seven PM sharp.
He knocks on the door. She opens it and takes a good look at him as he takes a good look at her. He thinks he’s never seen her wearing make-up but she is right now, not much but applied in a very classy way, and -
Oh. She wore a dress. Not fancy, it’s obviously not out of a fashion design boutique, but the red burgundy color looks great on her and it’s obvious that even if it’s not fashion design it still must have been at least a medium-priced store.
“If you want to ask where this came from, Claire dragged me shopping when she saw the flowers.”
“She said that no one who sends orchids as an invitation is planning to drag me to a diner.”
“... She might have been right?”
Colleen smiles as she takes the flowers, and he thinks the pale lilac matches the color of the dress. “Well, thanks. You didn’t need to get them twice.”
“Why not?”
She shakes her head. “Given that this is the first time anyone gives me flowers, guess it’s my luck you’re the kind of guy who wants to make up for it. So, are we going?”
He swallows and nods as he offers her his arm - it’s kind of awkward but that’s how it’s supposed to go, isn’t it? - and they walk towards the car.
The place is, indeed, very fancy.
Even too much, for his standards. He didn’t remember things being so fancy from his childhood, he thinks as the waiter has them sit down at the table, which is thankfully in a small, reserved room.
Christ, the tablecloth is silk. The cutlery is silver. They left them champagne for starters in crystal glasses. And his tie feels kind of stifling, never mind that he feels like he can’t move inside that suit, but he doesn’t want to be a killjoy.
He glances at Colleen, who’s looking at the menu with furrowed brows. He grabs his own.
Fuck. He can’t even figure out what’s in half of the stuff they’re serving, and the other half is just - he ate in a monastery for half of his life, what the hell he’s going to do with... Roast Foie Gras with a Sweet and Sour Citrus Glaze, Candied Pineapple and Lime, written with the actual caps in the menu? Still, this is how proper dates are supposed to go, so he figures that he’ll just - order something and be done with it.
Right. He will, he -
“Uhm, am I wrong or you’re about to implode?”
“I’m halfway sure our cutlery is less strung tight than you are right now.” She sounds... concerned?
“It’s - I just have to get adjusted to it,” he says. “Really, just go ahead, I’ll be all right -”
“Danny, I don’t know about you, but I’d have been fine if you brought me to that cheap pizza place around the corner.”
She’s laughing as she says it, though. He puts down the menu and leans forward, and breathes out when her hand touches his. “That one is fairly shit, though,” he says through the knot in his throat.
“Right, maybe someplace better than that, but - really, I don’t even know what to do with half of the menu.”
“... Me either,” he admits.
“... Then why -”
“Er, I just - I wanted to do this properly? And it seemed - like, the proper way?”
Her fingers thread with his own.
“How about you leave them a nice tip, we get the hell out of here from the window and and find someplace we both like?”
He considers it - they’re at the ground floor. If they really leave through the window, no one’s going to see them. And there’s a certain glint in her eyes which suggests him she’s excited about the prospect, and honestly....
Honestly, it sounds a lot more them than whatever this whole fancy restaurant thing is.
“Okay,” he says, and why is he sounding giddy all at once, “you know what, let’s. I’ll just - let me pay and we’re out.”
He leaves on the table enough money to compensate them for any losses they might have and for the champagne, then takes off his tie and stuffs it in his pocket before opening the window and motioning for Colleen to step outside.
“Oh,” she laughs, “now instead of holding the door open for me you’re holding the window open for me?”
“Hey, I’ve got manners.”
“Sure you do,” she replies, and grabs the bouquet of flowers before gracefully hoisting herself out.
Half an hour later, they’re in some Greek place way far from Manhattan (she drove them after they let the driver go free), his suit is ruined because the food is good and plentiful and greasy but it doesn’t feel stifling anymore, they’re sharing gyros that they’re eating with their hands while drinking some fairly good Greek wine and he decides that he likes this a lot more than the previous alternative.
Patience if it’s not proper - he thinks he’ll live with it, and so will Colleen, but from the way her fingers are still grasping at his own (they’ve been since they sat down), he thinks she agrees.
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gingerwrist · 5 years
im back and tryinggg not to relapse but
its so fucking hard. i gained like 15 pounds when i tried to ignore the little voice in my head. some of my pants don’t fit. my mom started telling me “maybe you wanna excercise more, so it doesn’t become a slippery slope” and that i should watch what i eat so i dont become a fatass and i can honestly feel myself losing control. i just wanna be skinny and sweet and in control
i’m trying a new diet. not counting calories, just not eating certain things. i’m doing it for acne mostly, because my school stresses me out and makes me get chin and neck acne
i dont know if anyone pays attention to this blog but if ur considering “giving yourself” an eating disorder, stop. even if u recover, it never goes away completely. you’ll have to keep fighting it your whole life
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