unhonestlymirror · 3 months
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I Want To Be You, Just For A Day
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newhetaliafan · 8 months
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Day 2 Comfort
Feli comforting Tolys after a hard day 💕
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Time for me to join in on asking about your thoughts on ships
Italy x Lithuania?
I haven't seen anything for this ship so far. i suppose i could see it working in the way that Italy works with Germany. I don't know if i would go as far as romantic but i would at least see them as good friends.
Now of course, i would like to hear your thoughts!
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a-dorky-american · 1 year
Really rare ship here. What are your thoughts on Italiet?
Yep. It's a series now!!!
🎉Random Ship Opinions With A-Dorky-American (Because I Said So)🎉
Tonight's Ship: ItaLiet (Italy x Lithuania)
Rating: 6/10 (for now)
Why?: I've never heard of the ship before, but I always love hearing about new ships!
They may not interact much in the anime/manga (or IRL for that matter), but their personalities could match together really well! I can imagine them being this meme if they were a paring:
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Idk, Lithuania has always come off as kind of depressed to me for some reason lol. Maybe Italy would be a good foil to that and help him see the beauty in life? But those are just my two cents.
Overall: I think it's a good ship, but I don't know if I would go out of my way to actively ship it per se.
Aaaaaaaaaaand that's about it! Sorry this isn't as long as my other reviews, but I don't really know much about this particular ship. However, if you like it, I won't judge! Until we meet again! ✨
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ziashetalia · 6 years
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リト誕生日☆他ログ【腐】 Pixiv ID: 55326461 Member: 452892 - NTM
※Posted with the artist’s permission ~Please ask the artist first if you want to repost the artist's art~
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aphshippingheadcanons · 11 years
Liechtenstein loves Italy's cooking, and always comes into the kitchen to help him. She'll come up behind him when he's cooking, and will offer to help. Italy hugs her and lets her handle the spoon, whilst he stays behind her, guiding her hand whilst they both make dinner.
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unhonestlymirror · 3 months
Lithuania: You remind me of my girlfriend^^
Italy: ????????????????
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unhonestlymirror · 3 months
Italy: Sometimes, when I look at my politicians, I have only one question in mind...
Lithuania: Dov'è la Vittoria?
Italy: Fuck you🤌🤌
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newhetaliafan · 1 year
Date With A Stranger
Hahaha I finally decided to finish an Italiet fanfic I started a while ago. The ending was definitely rushed but still it's FINISHED! It's a human AU where they go on a first date but don't know each other.
Thank you writing problems Tumblr posts for somehow giving me the motivation to finish this
Tolys could not remember why he had agreed to go on a dinner date with someone he didn't know. Maybe it had been to get Feliks to shut up about his loveless love life. Or maybe it had been to prove to Raivis that he could score a date. Or maybe he had agreed, simply out of boredom. Whatever the reason was, Tolys had agreed to go on a date with a fucking stranger, and he couldn't back out now. Well he could, but that would be a douchebag move, and he didn't feel like being a douchebag. Unless this stranger was one of course, but the stranger looked nice. Very nice.
"I still can't believe I got someone so pretty to agree to go on a date with me." The redhead said. The stranger really was nice. Too nice. Tolys blushed and wracked his brain for something to say.
"I didn't have much else to do." Good job not being a douchebag, Tolys. The stranger laughed at that, luckily.
"Good to know I'm not taking away your time. You look like someone who works a lot." Tolys raised an eyebrow. The stranger waved his hands.
"I mean that in a good way! I can definitely see you're tired, but you're still beautiful! It just shows you're a hard worker!" He insisted.
"Alright what do you want? You're complimenting me a lot, and you barely know me." Tolys said, trying to cover up his bubbling anxiety. This guy looked good and sounded nice, but Tolys knew better than to immediately trust that. He really shouldn't have agreed to go on a date with a stranger.
"Well that's just it. I want to get to know you. I see you walk your dog, and sometimes I see you reading in the library, and I've always wondered about you. So tell me what else do you do?" The stranger asked.
"Apparently I forget to ask for people's names. Let me fix that. What's your name?" Tolys questioned. The stranger laughed some more. Then he replied,
"My name is Feliciano. But please call me Feli." Tolys nodded, waiting for Feliciano to ask him his name. The man just smiled at him. It was a nice smile. Jeez Tolys had just learned his date's name, and he was already finding him attractive. It was too quick for that. When Feli didn't ask, Tolys decided he didn't need that knowledge.
"So Feli, what is you do? I'd like to know about you before I talk about myself." He explained. The redhead in front of him waved his hand nonchalantly.
"That's fair. Well I'm Italian, so naturally I LOVE pasta!" He declared. Tolys snorted at that.
"I also do love pizza and gelato! What other Italian stereotypes are there? I love painting and singing! Though my voice isn't the best, it's still fun! I also love cats, but don't worry, I love dogs too! You're dog is very cute, I've always wanted to give him treats or her!"
"Her." Tolys confirmed. He could tell this Italian loved to ramble. While annoying it was also kind of endearing and dare he think it, cute.
"Her. Id love to give her some doggie treats, but all I have are kitty ones! I think I could find some at the store, but I don't know which kind she would like!"
"Pupperoni is her favorite." Tolys chuckled.
"Pupperoni what a clever name! Only the best for the cutest dog ever, right?"
"Right," Tolys agreed. His lips curved upward. This guy might have just been trying to butter him up, but it was nice to hear his dog being called the cutest dog ever. She deserved the title.
"You know what I think I should do! I should get her one of those sweaters with the paw prints on it. That would be so so cute!" Tolys nodded, agreeing once again.
"Or maybe-" It was strange for Tolys to get so invested in something as simple as dog sweaters. Or maybe it wasn't considering his love for dogs. But it definitely was strange how much he enjoyed hearing the Italian talk. Sure he was way too energetic, but Tolys could admire that. He also found himself admiring the other man's passion and creativity. Tolys wished he could have more of that in his life. When an out of breath waiter apologized for the long wait, Tolys felt annoyed. Not for the long wait, but for the interruption. Things really had become strange.
"Sorry this place is usually pretty busy." apologized the Italian.
"It's alright. Now how about you tell me a bit about your cat?" suggested Tolys. His date's eyes brightened as he went into a rant about how Pookie was fat and lazy and super cute. Tolys twirled his hair a bit enjoying the rant. He felt his stomach swirl, and it wasn't out of hunger.
When the two finally got their food, Feli endlessly complimented it. He savored his bites and made sure Tolys was enjoying his food too. Tolys did really enjoy it. Feli had chosen a great restaurant for them to eat at. Even after their plates were visible again, Tolys kept Feli talking. He would offer up his thoughts and opinions which Feli would easily add on to. Tolys liked how freely the man could talk. It was a change he could welcome.
"So would you like to go on another date? I know another really great restaurant." Feli said, cheerfully. Tolys believed him. After all he had chosen this one. Tolys took a moment to "think". Of course he was going to say yes, but he couldn't show that right away. Feli could still be tricking him in some grand plan, but Tolys didn't feel that was the case. Even if his gut said it was alright, he still wouldn't allow himself to be really positive or eager...yet. His nerves wouldn't allow it.
"I think another date would be nice." He answered. Feli smiled so brightly and oh god was he cute.
"Thanks for joining me this evening, bello." He said, sweetly. Tolys blushed at the name. Then it reminded him of something. He took a deep breath then said,
"Tolys. My name is Tolys." Somehow Feli looked even happier than he had the whole date. It made Tolys' heart soar.
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newhetaliafan · 1 year
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newhetaliafan · 1 year
Italiet Analysis?
Hiii, I'm going to attempt to analyze Feli and Tolys and explain why I think they'd be good together.
I don't know if they interact, but Italy and Lithuania would make a cute couple. Carefree fun loving guy x stressed just trying to survive guy.
Feli, he's carefree and mostly unbothered. He'll eat gelato, go to parties and flirt with people. While he's carefree he's also energetic. Like he's the life of the party. He doesn't do responsibilities, he does chaos!
Tolys, he's more stressed out and anxious. He tries taking on too many problems while pleasing people. He definitely can stand up for himself when necessary, but he doesn't really do that. While I do think it's harder for him to be happy, I do think he can find enjoyment in the smaller things of life.
Being with Tolys would help Feli calm down a bit. He would help him figure out what he needs to get done and he'd help him focus. Tolys would show him that simply staying home can be nice too. He'd also understand Feli's desire to not cause fighting, but he'd also show him that sometimes you need to fight.
Being with Feli would help Tolys relax more. Yes Feli would definitely stress him out, but Feli would also help him do more relaxing things. He'd help him with self care and treating himself out. Then when Tolys tells Feli that sometimes he needs to fight and can't always be a coward, Feli listens. He helps Tolys be assertive more often so he doesn't get so stressed with everyone else's problems.
There's so many differences, but there's also some similarities which I feel like could make these two an interesting couple. They both may seem surface level, but they both can be complex which helps with that.
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newhetaliafan · 1 year
Rainy Day
I've been having thoughts about Italiet, so I wrote a little drabble for them.
Tolys sighed as he watched rain pour down outside. Water flowed down the road and raindrops soaked unlucky people out walking. Tolys stared outside, wondering why today of all days it had to rain. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a gentle hand rest on his shoulder.
"The weather channel says it's supposed to be warm and sunny tomorrow," said Feli. Tolys scoffed,
"They said it would be warm and sunny today." Feli grimaced.
"Well they do mistakes. But hey it can't be rainy forever! We'll get to go on that picnic someday!" He said, trying his best to be optimistic. Tolys sighed,
"I suppose that is true." The two stood there, silently watching the rain outside. Feli moved his hand down to Tolys' back and rubbed it. Tolys appreciated the touch and nuzzled into Feli's neck. Feli used his other hand to softly pet Tolys' head. He did that for a while as the rain continued to fall.
"You know we can still eat the food." Feli pointed out after about seven minutes. Tolys slowly nodded.
"You're right. I did spend a while making it. Wouldn't want that time to go to waste." He agreed. The brunette was still feeling disappointed about the weather, but with Feli, he could never mope for too long.
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ziashetalia · 9 years
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Pixiv ID: 45391406 Member: 弥生ねこ
※Posted with the artist’s permission ~Please ask the artist first if you want to repost the artist's art~
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