#Jammu Headlines
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
कश्मीरी पंडितों ने फिर शुरू किया प्रदर्शन, कहा- हमारी जिंदगी दांव पर है
कश्मीरी पंडितों ने फिर शुरू किया प्रदर्शन, कहा- हमारी जिंदगी दांव पर है
Image Source : PTI Kashmiri Pandits Protest Highlights कश्मीरी पंडित कर्मचारियों का प्रदर्शन अवसादग्रस्त महसूस कर रहे: प्रदर्शनकारी ‘कर्मचारी सरकारी लॉलीपॉप में नहीं फंसेंगे’ Jammu Kashmir News: कश्मीरी पंडित कर्मचारियों ने जम्मू में आज सोमवार को फिर प्रदर्शन किया और शांति बहाल होने तक घाटी से बाहर स्थानांतरित किए जाने की मांग दोहराई। ऑल माइग्रेंट एम्प्लॉई एसोसिएशन कश्मीर के बैनर तले सैकड़ों…
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sakarniwallputty · 28 days
Another moment of Pride for Sakarni Group.
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10th Sakarni Depot especially for the people of Jammu & Kashmir. Inaugurated by Sakarni Chairman Dr. Ashok Gupta along with Shri Vikas Jain & Jammu Distributor Shri Prashant Mengi (M/s T S traders) and Sakarni Team, where our new and exciting housing solution range is available.
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werindialive · 3 months
Farooq Abdullah responds to PM’s ‘New Kashmir’ statement
Former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Farooq Abdullah criticized the remark made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday on Article 370 of the constitution. He said that the move would do nothing but promote dynastic rule in the erstwhile state. "If Article 370 was this bad, how did Jammu and Kashmir ever make progress," he questioned.
PM Modi visited Srinagar first time after scrapping of Article 370, where he called it a "new Jammu and Kashmir" and credited the scrapping for it.
“For decades, for political gains, Congress and its allies misled people in the name of Article 370. But today there are equal rights and opportunities for all. The people know the truth... they were misled... This is the new Jammu and Kashmir for which we all were waiting,' he had said.
Farooq Abdullah hit back shortly after saying, "If Article 370 was this bad -- I would like the Prime Minister to re-hear the speech made in the Rajya Sabha by then Leader of Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad, in which he compared two states. He compared Gujarat and Jammu and Kashmir in terms of progress when Article 370 was there," Farooq Abdullah said.
"Now, if Article 370 and nepotism are responsible, then how did we make that progress? It is the people's rule, I lost the election as a chief minister. So, where is the dynastic rule?" Mr Abdullah said. "This dynastic rule is a kind of common voice I heard also in parliament. In every speech that PM makes, he makes a particular target on it".
Abdullah also pointed out that scrapping Article 370 also made education costlier in the state.
Education from the level of primary schools to universities was free, he said. "Today, education is only free up to the 14th class. In the universities, you have to pay now. An honest commission has to be put to see what was there before the revoke of Article 370 and what was is thereafter," Mr Abdullah said.
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viewstoday · 1 year
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gujjukathiyawadi · 2 years
Shopian Encounter: शोपियां में मारा गया जैश ए मोहम्मद का आतंकी कामरान उर्फ हनीफ, सुरक्षाबलों का अभियान जारी
Shopian Encounter: शोपियां में मारा गया जैश ए मोहम्मद का आतंकी कामरान उर्फ हनीफ, सुरक्षाबलों का अभियान जारी
श्रीनगर: जम्मू-कश्मीर के शोपियां जिले में शुक्रवार को सुरक्षा बलों और आतंकवादियों के बीच हुई मुठभेड़ हुई। इस दौरान सुरक्षाबलों ने जैश-ए-मोहम्मद का एक आतंकवादी मार गिराया। आतंकवादी की पहचान कमरान भाई उर्फ हनीस के तौर पर हुई है। मारा गया आतंकी कुलगाम और शोपियां इलाके में काफी सक्रिय था। पुलिस अभी भी इलाके में तलाशी अभियान चला रही है। गुप्त सूचना है कि इलाके में 2-3 और खूंखार आतंकी छिपे हो सकते…
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headlinesindia · 2 years
हिंदी दिवस पर विशेष : अगर 57 साल पहले साउथ में विरोध न होता तो राष्ट्रभाषा बन जाती हिंदी
दिल्‍ली। दुनिया की सबसे ज्‍यादा बोली समझी जाने वाली भाषा हिंदी है। बावजूद  इसके, हिंदी  आज भी राष्ट्रभाषा के लिए लड़ाई लड़ रही है। राजभाषा हिंदी को जब भी राष्ट्रभाषा बनाने की बात हुई तो विरोध के स्वर उठे। बीते साल  गृहमंत्री अमित शाह ने भी कहा था कि हिंदी को राष्ट्रभाषा बनाने का समय आ गया है। उन्‍होंने अंग्रेजी छोड़ हिंदी में ही बात करने पर जोर दिया। हिंदी को उसका वजूद या कहें उसका अधिकार दिलाने के लिए आजादी के पहले से ही प्रयास किए गए। बावजूद इसके हिंदी आज भी अपनी अस्मिता को लेकर संघर्ष कर रही है।
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आइए आज हम बात करते हैं कि हिंदी भाषा को राष्ट्रभाषा बनाने को लेकर कैसे विरोध होता रहा। जिसके लिए हिंदी आज भी संघर्ष कर रही है। 
बापू चाहते थे कि हिंदी राष्ट्रभाषा बने  साल था 1915। महात्मा गांधी दक्षिण अफ्रीका से भारत आए थे। इसके 3 साल बाद यानी साल 1918 में उन्होंने हिंदी को राष्ट्रभाषा बनाने की बात कही थी। यही नहीं पं. जवाहरलाल नेहरू ने भी समर्थन किया था। विरोध के स्‍वर तब भी उठे थे। बाद में जब देश आजाद हुआ तो हिंदी को सम्‍मान देने की फिर पहल की गई। हिंदी को राजभाषा का दर्जा 14 सितंबर 1949 को मिला।
http://headlinesindia.in/Ghulam-Nabi-Azad-told-the-media-today-that-when-Narendra-Modi-called-me संविधान बनाते समय भी विवाद इसके बाद साल आया 1946-1949 ।  संविधान बनाने की तैयारियां शुरू हो गई थीं। सबसे ज्यादा विवादित मुद्दा यह रहा कि संविधान को किस भाषा में लिखा जाए। किस भाषा को राष्ट्रीय भाषा का दर्जा देना है।  दक्षिण के प्रतिनिधि इस पर अपनी विरोध प्रकट कर रहे थे।  1965 तक अंग्रेजी में कामकाज  संविधान सभा में मद्रास का प्रतिनिधित्व टीटी कृष्णामचारी कर रहे थे। उन्‍होंने कहा कि अगर यूपी के दोस्त हिंदी साम्राज्यवाद की बात करते हैं तो हमारी यानी दक्षिण भारतीयों की समस्या ना बढ़ाएं। यूपी के दोस्त तय कर लें कि उन्हें अखंड भारत चाहिए या हिंदी भारत। इसके बाद सभा ने कहाकि भारत की राजभाषा हिंदी (देवनागिरी लिपि) होगी, लेकिन संविधान लागू होने के 15 साल बाद यानि 1965 तक सभी राजकाज के काम अंग्रेजी भाषा में होंगे।
http://headlinesindia.in/Government-s-big-decision--The-price-of-essential-medicines-will-be-low/ लाल बहादुर शास्त्री भी थे हिमायती  अब साल था 1965 । उस समय लाल बहादुर शास्त्री देश के प्रधानमंत्री थे। वे हिंदी के हिमायती थे। उन्होंने हिंदी को देश की भाषा बनाने का फैसला लिया था। हिंदी को राष्ट्रभाषा का दर्जा देने की कोशिश हुई तो दक्षिण भारतीय राज्यों में असंतोष बढ़ गया। हिंसक झड़पें हुई। इसमें दो लोगों की मौत हो गई। विरोध पर बैकफुट पर आई सरकार  इसके बाद कांग्रेस वर्किंग कमेटी ने लचीला रूख दिखाया। कहा गया कि राज्य अपने यहां होने वाले सरकारी कामकाज के लिए कोई भी भाषा चुन सकता है। फैसले में कहा गया कि केंद्रीय स्तर पर हिंदी और अंग्रेजी दोनों भाषाओं का इस्तेमाल किया जाएगा। हिंदी के विरोध के चलते वह सिर्फ राजभाषा बनकर ही रह गई, राष्ट्रभाषा नहीं बन पाई। राजभाषा का दर्जा मिला  हिंदी को राजभाषा का दर्जा 14 सितंबर, 1949  को मिला। संविधान के भाग-17 में महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रावधान किए गए। 1953 से राष्ट्रभाषा प्रचार समिति द्वारा प्रतिवर्ष 14 सितंबर को 'हिंदी दिवस' मनाया जाता है। हिंदी की प्रमुख बोलियों में अवधी, भोजपुरी, ब्रजभाषा, छत्तीसगढ़ी, गढ़वाली, हरियाणवी, कुमांऊनी, मागधी और मारवाड़ी भाषा शामिल हैं। सिर्फ 7 भाषाओं में बनता है यूआरएल  दुनिया में सिर्फ सात ऐसी भाषाएं हैं, जिनका उपयोग वेब एड्रेस (URL) बनाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। हिंदी भाषा उन सात भाषाओं में से एक है। 5 हजार साल से भी कहीं अधिक पहले से बोली जाने वाली संस्कृत भाषा जिसे आर्य भाषा या देवों की भाषा कहते हैं, इससे हिंदी भाषा का जन्म हुआ। 
हिंदी से जुड़ी 5 खास बातें संविधान के अनुच्छेद 343 के खंड (1) के अनुसार देवनागरी लिपि में लिखित हिंदी स���घ की राजभाषा है। 
संघ के शासकीय कामों के लिए प्रयोग होने वाले अंकों का रूप भारतीय अंकों का अंतरराष्ट्रीय रूप होगा।
विश्व का पहला हिंदी सम्मेलन 10 जनवरी 1975 को नागपुर में आयोजित किया गया और इसी दिन को विश्व हिंदी दिवस के रूप में चुना गया।
भारत के अलावा सूरीनाम, त्रिनिदाद और टोबैगो और नेपाल मॉरीशस, फिजी, गुयाना, अमेरिका जैसे देशों में भी हिंदी खासतौर पर बोली जाती है।
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nimy1234 · 1 year
Can Any Indian Citizen Buy A Property In North East India?
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The Modi administration declared significant modifications to legislation in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir on October 26th, using powers provided to the Centre underneath the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act 2019.
The headline modifications basically allow outsiders to acquire land in J&K by eliminating legislation and statutory rules of the former state that prohibited the ownership of property in J&K to 'permanent inhabitants'.
The lifting of limitations on outsiders purchasing land in J&K has long been hailed by proponents of the Modi government's decision to terminate the former state's special status. Governor Manoj Sinha has lauded the move's industrial ramifications, while BJP politicians like Sambit Patra have enthusiastically declared on social networks that anyone may now buy property in J&K.
Non-tribal people and foreigners are not permitted to purchase land in Sixth Schedule territories, while the Northeast has various state-specific regulations.
As Article 244 of the Indian Constitution, the Sixth Schedule contains provisions for the governance of tribal territories in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram.
Mizoram and Nagaland (except Dimapur) are, on the other hand, protected by Articles 371G and 371A of the Indian Constitution, and indigenous people have land ownership rights, and several states in the area have Inner Line Permit (ILP) provisions.
The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution empowers Autonomous District Councils (ADCs) to pass rules prohibiting foreigners from purchasing tribal territory.
Articles 371A for Nagaland and 371G for Mizoram have provided specific authority to refuse any new Acts of Parliament until adopted by a resolution voted by the state's legislative assembly and to defend their rights to their land, customs, and religion.
Inner Line Permit (ILP) is relevant in Mizoram, Nagaland, and Arunachal Pradesh underneath the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation of 1873, which requires citizens from other parts of India to obtain permits to enter these states in order to control influx, and outsiders are not permitted to acquire property in the Sixth Schedule and other tribal areas, such as the hills of Manipur.
Prestone Tynsong, Deputy Chief Minister of Meghalaya, stated that there are Sixth Schedule and non-Sixth Schedule territories in Meghalaya.
"There are certain provisions for non-tribal people to acquire land in non-Sixth Schedule regions, including sections of the state capital Shillong as well as some grasslands of the Garo Hills area," Tynsong added.
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Assam has several Sixth Schedule regions, and many parts fall underneath the tribal belt, where non-tribal people cannot acquire land. Under the Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution, there are three Autonomous Councils: the Bodoland Territorial Council, the Dima Hasao Autonomous District Council, and the Karbi Anglong Autonomous District Council.
Aside from these, Assam has 17 tribal straps and 30 blocks in the districts of  Morigaon, Tinsukia, Darrang, Sonitpur, Nagaon, Lakhimpur, Kamrup, Goalpara, Dhemaji, and Bongaigaon, and four districts under the Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) where non-tribals are prohibited from purchasing land.
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basicfinanceloan · 2 months
Exploring the Latest in Jammu and Kashmir: A Recap of Today's News
In the picturesque region of jammu kashmir news paper today, every day brings forth a tapestry of events that captivate the attention of locals and observers alike. Today, as we delve into the latest news from this enchanting land, we uncover stories that reflect the diverse facets of life and developments in the region.
Political Updates:
The political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir remains dynamic, with significant developments shaping the discourse. Today, the news highlights discussions on governance reforms, local administration initiatives, and the evolving political scenario, providing insights into the region's democratic evolution.
Social and Cultural Insights:
From cultural festivals that celebrate the rich heritage of Jammu and Kashmir to social initiatives aimed at community development, today's news reflects the vibrant social fabric of the region. Stories of resilience, solidarity, and cultural exchanges add depth to the narrative, showcasing the essence of unity in diversity.
Economic Progress:
Economic activities in Jammu and Kashmir continue to gain momentum, with investments in key sectors driving growth and employment opportunities. Today's news brings updates on infrastructure projects, business collaborations, and economic policies aimed at fostering sustainable development and prosperity.
Tourism and Hospitality:
As a paradise for travelers, Jammu and Kashmir's tourism sector remains a focal point of interest. Today's news features insights into tourism trends, new initiatives to promote tourism, and experiences shared by visitors, highlighting the region's allure as a preferred destination for leisure and adventure.
Security and Peace Efforts:
In a region where security concerns have often made headlines, today's news sheds light on efforts to enhance peace and stability. Updates on security operations, community engagements, and peace-building initiatives underscore the collective resolve to create a safe and harmonious environment for all residents.
Environmental Conservation:
Amidst the natural beauty of Jammu and Kashmir, environmental conservation remains a priority. Today's news covers stories on conservation projects, eco-friendly practices, and initiatives to preserve the region's ecological treasures, emphasizing the importance of sustainable development.
As we conclude our exploration of today's news in Jammu and Kashmir, we recognize the region's dynamic spirit, cultural richness, and the collective aspirations of its people. jammu kashmir news paper today  The stories unveiled today not only inform but also inspire, reflecting the resilience, progress, and diverse narratives that define this mesmerizing land.
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thenorthline1 · 2 months
jammu kashmir news paper today | Thenorthlines.com
Get your daily dose of news from Jammu and Kashmir with The Northlines. Access today's headlines and in-depth articles online.
jammu kashmir news paper today
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pnewslive · 4 months
HEADLINES OF THE DAY | Candidates for Parliament Election from Jammu and...
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kupwaratimes-fan · 5 months
Review petition filed in Supreme Court on Article 370 verdict
Review petition filed in Supreme Court on Article 370 verdict Srinagar, Jan 10 : Article 370 that had given special status to Jammu and Kashmir is once again in headlines after a review petition was filed on Tuesday in the Supreme Court against its verdict last year upholding the abrogation of Article 370.    According to details available with KNS the review petition was filed in the top court…
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werindialive · 2 years
Day after 2 killings, Centre’s meeting on Kashmir, SOS from Pandits!!!
There will be a meeting held between Amit Shah and lieutenant governor Manoj Sinha in Delhi just after a day when the union home minister met national security advisor Ajit Doval and intelligence officials.
The lieutenant governor of Jammu and Kashmir has been called to Delhi for a meeting with union home minister Amit Shah this Friday, just a day after two men including a bank manager were shot dead there in Kashmir as a part of a spate of eight targeted killings within a week in the region.
The attacker shot a Hindu bank manager in his office with a pistol in the Kulgam area this Thursday. He later died in the hospital. Just hours later, two migrant laborers were shot by terrorists in the central Kashmir valley when they were returning from their work. They used to work in a brick kiln.
After the incident, Police tweeted the information that says “The duo was shifted to hospital for treatment, where one among them succumbed”. This incident took place at Magraypora in the Chadoora area at around 9.10 pm.
Apart from that this Tuesday, a Hindu woman school teacher was also shot dead by terrorists in the same area, and before that, terrorists shot and killed three off-duty policemen and a television actress who all were Muslims in three separate assassination style attacks, these attacks have been done last week by the terrorist.
Just a few days before this, a Hindu government employee was shot dead inside his office by the terrorists and as per the police, these terrorists belonged to the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba.
Considering all this now Amit Shahs and Lieutenant Governor Major Sinha will hold a meeting in Delhi. These killings have intensified calls by the Kashmiri pandits to ensure their security. 
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viewstoday · 1 year
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gujjukathiyawadi · 2 years
Uri Encounter: पाकिस्तान से घुसपैठ कर रहे 3 आतंकी एनकाउंटर में ढेर, उरी में सुरक्षाबलों को मिली बड़ी कामयाबी
Uri Encounter: पाकिस्तान से घुसपैठ कर रहे 3 आतंकी एनकाउंटर में ढेर, उरी में सुरक्षाबलों को मिली बड़ी कामयाबी
श्रीनगर: जम्मू-कश्मीर में सुरक्षाबलों के हाथ बड़ी कामयाबी लगी है। यहां के उरी सेक्टर में नियंत्रण रेखा (LOC) पर सुरक्षाबलों ने तीन आतंकी मार गिराए हैं। आतंकी घुसपैठ की कोशिश कर रहे थे, जिसे सुरक्षाबलों ने नाकाम कर दिया। आतंकवादियों ने उत्तरी कश्मीर के बारामूला जिले के उरी सेक्टर के कमलकोट इलाके में मदियान नानक चौकी के पास नियंत्रण रेखा के इस तरफ घुसने की कोशिश की। बताया जा रहा है कि ये आतंकी…
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swldx · 5 months
BBC 0650 25 Dec 2023
7285Khz 0628 25 DEC 2023 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from PINHEIRA. SINPO = 55333. English, @0630z Newsday preview fb News headlines read by Neil Nunes. Gaza's Hamas-run health ministry says an Israeli air strike killed at least 70 people in the Al-Maghazi refugee camp in the centre of the strip. The Israeli military told the BBC it was looking into reports of the strike. The Archbishop of Canterbury will use his sermon on Christmas Day to highlight the suffering of children caught up in the Israel-Hamas war. As Ukraine celebrates Christmas on December 25 for the first time in 100 years President Volodymyr Zelenskyy shared a poignant Christmas message to the world. Commercial vessels are now able to safely pass through the Red Sea with the help of a new security initiative, the world’s largest shipping firm has announced. An Army internal investigation into the deaths of three civilians has been ordered in the Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir following allegations that they died in its custody. Tokyo prosecutors investigating a political funding scandal have questioned former Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno and other prominent figures in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party on a voluntary basis. A sprawling caravan of migrants from central and southern America has set off through Mexico heading north towards the United States border. @0632z Newsday begins. Backyard fence antenna, Tecsun PL-680. 100kW, BeamAz 335°, bearing 82°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 10777KM from transmitter at Pinheira. Local time: 0028.
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forblogmostly · 7 months
Sarveshwar Foods Unveils NIMBARK Organic Store in Chandigarh: A Culmination of Himalayan Goodness
In the vibrant realm of the Indian stock exchanges, a buzz of excitement surrounds Sarveshwar Foods Limited. The Jammu-based company, an ISO 22000:2018 and USFDA-certified entity, has recently made headlines with the inauguration of its first ‘NIMBARK Organic Store’ in Chandigarh. This milestone, aligned with the company’s strategic expansion plan, signifies a significant leap forward in Sarveshwar Foods’ mission to bring premium organic delights from the Himalayas to the masses.
A Press Release Unveiled: Sharing the Triumphs — Addressed to the Listing Compliance Departments at the National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited, the formal communication dated October 30, 2023, stands as a testament to Sarveshwar Foods’ commitment to transparency and regulatory compliance. The Press Release titled ‘Sarveshwar Foods inaugurated its first NIMBARK Organic Store in Chandigarh — another Signature Store to showcase, experience, and buy the Premium Organic Delights from the land of Himalayas’ encapsulates the essence of this groundbreaking moment.
A Symphony of Organic Delights: The NIMBARK Organic Store Unveiling — Nestled in Kharar, Chandigarh, the ‘NIMBARK Organic Store’ is not just a retail outlet; it’s a showcase of Sarveshwar Foods’ entire range of organic offerings. Operated by the company’s material subsidiary, Himalayan Bio Organic Foods Limited, these Signature Stores are designed to provide customers with an immersive and user-friendly shopping experience. A celebration of the ‘SATVIK’ conscious lifestyle, these stores offer a curated collection of organic products nurtured by the fertile soil and pristine waters of the Himalayas.
Strategic Market Penetration: Beyond the Territorial Boundaries — Sarveshwar Foods Limited, in its quest for market dominance, employs a multi-pronged strategy. In addition to the ‘NIMBARK Organic Stores,’ the company extends its reach through more than 700 retail counters across major cities, including Jammu, Srinagar, Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Khanpur, Punjab, and Delhi NCR. The online presence is equally robust, with a PAN India reach through platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Big Basket, Jiomart, and ONDC.
Future Visions: Doubling Down on NIMBARK Presence — As the sun sets on this inaugural ‘NIMBARK Organic Store,’ Sarveshwar Foods Limited envisions a future dotted with similar success stories. The company, along with its wholly-owned subsidiary Himalayan Bio Organic Foods Limited, is on a mission to double the number of NIMBARK Signature Stores, Retail Counters, and online marketplace presence in the coming quarters. The strategic plan aims to make quality organic products accessible to every Indian household at reasonable price points.
About Sarveshwar Foods: A Legacy in the Foothills of the Himalayas — Founded on the principles of sustainability and a ‘SATVIK’ lifestyle, Sarveshwar Foods Limited boasts a heritage of more than 130 years. The company, headquartered in the picturesque Jammu region, is not just a food manufacturer; it is a custodian of healthy and tasty rice, expanding its legacy to premium categories of FMCG and organic products.
Certified by ISO, USFDA, BRC, Kosher, NPPO USA & CHINA, and NOP — USDA Organic, Sarveshwar Foods is the first private sector NSE and BSE listed food company in Jammu & Kashmir (NSE Symbol: SARVESHWAR, BSE Scrip Code: 543688).
Amidst the narrative of expansion and success, Sarveshwar Foods Limited extends a disclaimer, acknowledging the forward-looking nature of certain statements in this document. The company, its subsidiaries, and associates emphasize the consideration of potential risks and uncertainties that could impact actual results, and they disclaim responsibility for actions taken based on forward-looking statements.
As the aromatic essence of the Himalayan organic delights fills the air, Sarveshwar Foods Limited invites investors, stakeholders, and enthusiasts alike to join them on this organic journey towards a healthier, sustainable future.
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