#Jorge del Moral
tina-aumont · 10 months
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Circa 1964/65 - Escala en Hi-Fi actors/performers:
(top): Jorge del Moral and María Montez II; (bottom): María Moreno and Carolina Cromstedt pictured in 1964 or 1965.
In this photo María II ressembles a lot to her cousin Tina, at least to me!!
Photo from Carta de Ajuste blogspot.
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crwdgoinapeshit · 23 days
Episode 7 Stills(Spoilery)
Everyone but Thony is in black
Thony is with Arman’s parents
We will finally see all three siblings togethers; Ramona, Eduardo and Jorge
There looks to be what are condolence gifts all around the office
I’m not certain, but there looks to be an urn on Nadia/Arman’s office desk.
Dante is holding a weapon
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aperint · 4 days
Conmemorar al libro
Conmemorar al libro #aperturaintelectual #palabrasbajollave @tmoralesgarcia1 Thelma Morales García
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
210° Aniversario del Éxodo Jujeño
#Jujuy #Cultura #SanSalvadordeJujuy | 210° Aniversario del #ÉxodoJujeño
En el marco de lo que será el 210° aniversario de la gesta del Éxodo Jujeño, el intendente de San Salvador de Jujuy, Raúl “Chuli” Jorge, adelantó las actividades previstas para conmemorar esta fecha trascendental para los jujeños. De esta manera destacó que los vecinos y quienes visiten la Ciudad podrán participar el día 22 de agosto de la Marcha Evocativa, que se realizará nuevamente en el…
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elmartillosinmetre · 1 year
Mi crítica del concierto de La Spagna esta noche en el Espacio Turina.
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docpiplup · 3 months
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L'Home Dels Nassos (The monster of the many noses)
In the winter of 1968, in a small mountain town, three children try to escape from the so-called Home dels nassos (nose man), a legendary being who captures lying children during the last day of the year. But they are not the only ones who fear it: the lies of the past can also be smelled.
Premiere: January 19, 2024
Technical data
Genre: Fantasy and adventure
Language: Catalan
Production: 2023
Duration: 90 minutes
Production companies: Aguacate Calabaza Films, Turanga Films, Lhome dels nassos AIE, Inaudita
French Co-Producer Halley Production
Distribution: Filmax
Main cast
Iván Benet- Joan Farré
Joan Frank Charansonnet- Carles
Pablo Derqui- Pau Monsó
Sali Diallo- Clara Monsó
Genís Lama- Milician
Mercè Llorens - Júlia Monsó
Malcolm McCarthy-Owo
Jorge Motos- Pau Monsó
Jeannine Mestre - Eulàlia Monsó
Maria Molins- Eulàlia Monsó
Berner Maynes- Joan Farré
Lluc Miravete - Ventura Farré
Sali Diallo- Clara Monsó
Miranda Munné - Lali Monsó
Technical team
Directed by Abigail Schaaff
Screenplay Èric G. Moral and Núria Velasco
Production Núria Velasco, Lina Badenes, Ana Camacho
Executive production Núria Velasco, Lina Badenes, Ana Camacho
Executive Producer Jorge Velasco
Production Director Goretti Pagès
Director of photography José Cachón
ZeroQuatre Art Director
Costume Management Catou Verdier i Núria Cardoner
Direct sound The coal factory
Editing Ana Charte
Casting direction Elisabet Asens
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byneddiedingo · 11 months
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Viridiana (Luis Buñuel, 1961)
Cast: Silvia Pinal, Francisco Rabal, Fernando Rey, Margarita Lozano, Victoria Zinny, Teresita Rabal, José Calvo, José Manuel Martín, Luis Heredia, Joaquín Roa, Lola Gaos, María Isbert. Screenplay: Julio Alejandro, Luis Buñuel, based on a novel by Benito Pérez Galdós. Cinematography: José F. Aguayo. Set decoration: Francisco Canet. Film editing: Pedro del Rey. Music: Gustavo Pittaluga. 
It's hard to believe today that Viridiana, with its heavily moral tone, was once considered blasphemous, but ours is a day when anything sacred is routinely held up for scrutiny. It's the first work of Luis Buñel's greatest period as writer-director, and while it doesn't quite rise to the exalted standard of Belle de Jour (1967) or The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972), it wrangles effectively with their topics, including middle-class morality and the repressive element of Catholicism. Silvia Pinal gives the title role credibility, moving from naïveté through disillusionment to a final note of ambiguity: Has Viridiana truly fallen from the grace she has so ardently sought? The film is also a triumph of casting, not only in the key roles of Don Jaime (Fernando Rey), Viridiana's lecherous, tormented uncle, and Jorge (Francisco Rabal), his equally lecherous but profoundly untormented bastard son, but also Margarita Lozano as Ramona, Don Jaime's and later Jorge's maid-mistress, and Teresita Rabal as Rita, Ramona's sly, sneaky daughter, And then there's the gallery of grotesques, the beggars whom Viridiana naively takes in and tries to care for. Is there a more horrifying scene than the one that culminates in Buñuel's famous parody of Leonardo's The Last Supper, in which the beggars nearly destroy Don Jaime's house, which Jorge is trying to restore? It can be argued that the avaricious Jorge gets what's coming to him, of course, but Buñuel is never as simplistic as that, viz., the deep ambiguity of the closing scene in which the virtuous Viridiana has let down her hair and forms a threesome -- at the card table but where else? -- with Jorge and Ramona.
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juanjoseojedadiaz · 6 months
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Aseguró que CITGO y Guyana en Acuerdos de Barbados son mea culpa político
Manuel Isidro Molina: Acuerdos en Barbados revelan cinismo político
Caracas 19/10/23. (PS).- Para Manuel Isidro Molina, presidente del Movimiento Popular Alternativo, MPA y candidato independiente a la presidencia de la República, la firma de acuerdos entre el gobierno del presidente de la República y un sector de la oposición en Barbados, “revela que ambos bandos que han destruido a Venezuela, reconocen sus graves culpas ante la sociedad venezolana y ante el mundo cuando han vulnerado las pautas constitucionales, estropeado el desarrollo armónico de la nación y traicionado al pueblo venezolano”.
Explicó que ninguno de los dos factores tienen autoridad moral para gobernar a Venezuela “después que la han destruido y han empobrecido y maltratado a nuestro pueblo como se constata en ciudades, pueblos y en todos los sectores de la vida venezolana con la destrucción del ochenta por ciento de la economía, con el empobrecimiento masivo de trabajadores activos jubilados y pensionados a consecuencia de un salario derretido, ahora vienen y se lavan las manos en Barbados apareciendo como salvadores de la patria, algo que nos parece, por una parte descarado y por otro lado, muy cínico”.
En cuanto al Primer mandatario, Manuel Isidro Molina aseguró que “no puede seguir escondiendo sus relaciones secretas con la Casa Blanca” ya que a su juicio, este encuentro en Barbados “no fue producto de las deliberaciones y acuerdos de las delegaciones que coordinan Jorge Rodríguez y Gerardo Blyde sino que son producto de las negociaciones secretas entre Nicolás Maduro y Joe Biden, es decir, entre Miraflores y la Casa Blanca”.
Molina advirtió que esta política de la firma de acuerdos en Barbados buscaría reinstaurar la polarización en el país de cara a 2024, “por dos factores de poder fracasados como si fueran condueños de Venezuela”.
Sobre el acuerdo electoral firmado, el principal dirigente del MPA aseguró que se trataría de un “tímido y nebuloso compendio de lugares comunes, propios de dos factores que han pisoteado recurrentemente la Constitución y las leyes de la República donde lo único novedoso e importante es que la elección presidencial se realizará en el segundo semestre de 2024 tal como corresponde”.
Por otra parte, sobre el segundo acuerdo firmado que incluyen a CITGO y el caso Guyana, consideró que es un “mea culpa de los factores que procuraron el bloqueo financiero, petrolero y comercial de Venezuela” así como también un mea culpa gubernamental por la declinación política de los presidentes Hugo Chávez y Nicolás Maduro frente a las agresivas pretensiones de Guyana de desconocer los Acuerdos de Ginebra de 1966 y explotar recursos naturales con el apoyo de transnacionales petroleras y los gobiernos de Gran Bretaña, Estados Unidos y Cuba”.
1er Encuentro Alianza Histórica
Manuel Isidro Molina invitó a los venezolanos a participar este viernes 20 de octubre a partir de las 2pm en el Edificio Elwi en Chacaíto, en el Primer Encuentro para la organización de la Alianza Histórica por la Reconstrucción Integral de Venezuela, evento que contará con la participación de Félix Esparragoza, Luis Fuenmayor Toro, Pedro Eusse, Oscar Feo, Meira Viloria, Manuel Isidro Molina y Windelin Peña de Álvarez, madre del estudiante de la UCV secuestrado y torturado por la Policía Nacional Bolivariana, John Álvarez.
Juan José Ojeda Díaz / Prensa de Solidaridad
Twitter: @juanjoseojeda
Instagram: @juanjoseojedadiaz
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diario-vespertino · 7 months
Con los ovarios bien puestos se lucha contra el negacionismo
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Durante  el debate presidencial se vio como el candidato a presidente Javier Milei tomó como propio el discurso de la teoría de los dos demonios. No solo negó la cifra de los 30 mil desaparecidos sino que también repitió el argumento esgrimido por Videla, Massera y toda la Junta Militar. En esté, los asesinatos, desapariciones se limitaron a que el Estado cometió “excesos” y no crímenes de lesa humanidad. La candidata por el Frente de Izquierda, Myriam Bregman fue quien protagonizó el choque contra el candidato de la Libertad Avanza aunque también increpó a Patricia Bullrich por sus elogios a Gerardo Morales y a Sergio Massa que incluso invitó al jujeño a formar parte de su gobierno en que caso que triunfe.  Los argumentos son los mismo que utilizó la junta militar para justificar las torturas y el asesinato a estudiantes, obreros, profesionales, etc. En el video se puede observar como el Almirante Eduardo Massera repite las mismas palabras. Milei incorporó la misma idea que Victoria Villarruel, su compañera de fórmula y conocida por su defensa y sus visitas a los genocidas condenados por la Justicia. Como ya se expresó durante el juicio a las Juntas, la idea de simples “excesos” por parte del Estado no tiene solides ante los más de 700 centros clandestinos que montó la dictadura para ejercer un plan sistemático de terrorismo no solo contra organizaciones políticas y sociales sino contra la población en general que incluyeron los vuelos de la muerte para la eliminación de los prisioneros y en el que también se planificó el robo de sus hijos e hijas a detenidos desaparecidos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSNF_IMk_4I La candidata por el Frente de Izquierda fue la que enfrentó a Milei en esta temática. Myriam Bregman recordó su labor como abogada en causas de lesa humanidad y mencionó la importancia de enfrentar a la derecha y defender el derecho a la protesta: “Elegí ser parte de esta lucha desde muy joven, cuando estaba en la facultad. Soy abogada en causas de lesa humanidad, contra Astiz, el tigre Acosta. Actué en el juicio contra Etchecolatz, en el que desapareció por segunda vez nuestro compañero, Jorge Julio López. Por eso me indigna, y no voy a naturalizar, que vuelvan las ideas negacionistas, y mucho menos que hablen de libertad de aquellas personas que justifican los secuestros y los campos de concentración de la dictadura. Nuestra lucha nunca fue fácil, nuestra lucha no es ningún curro». «Y con la misma fuerza condenamos las desapariciones y asesinatos de los pibes a manos de las fuerzas de seguridad bajo gobiernos constitucionales. Luciano Arruga, Facundo Astudillo Castro, Lucas González, no son excesos, son parte de una política criminal sostenida desde el Estado. Hace muy poco, hace semanas, vimos una enorme violación de derechos humanos, la represión al pueblo jujeño. Bullrich lo avaló. Milley dijo que Gerardo Morales había actuado con tibieza. Y Sergio Massa dijo que si llega a ser gobierno va a invitar al represor Morales a conformarlo con él. A la derecha se le enfrenta siempre, porque si no, crece. Por eso aprovecho este lugar, que ustedes votaron que este tema esté acá, para decir ni un paso atrás, ni un paso atrás. Defendemos incondicionalmente el derecho a la protesta. Aunque a las Bullrich Luro Pueyrredón les moleste tanto que el pueblo trabajador salga a la calle. No nos vamos a callar, porque siempre que conquistamos un derecho es porque salimos a manifestarnos, es porque salimos a pelearlo”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1FyNp_fdws Sobre los 30 mil Durante su intervención Milei volvió a decir que los desaparecidos no eran 30 mil y que había que ir con «la verdad». En las redes sociales volvió a circular las palabras de Martín Kohan durante una entrevista que realizó Romina Manguel en el programa Va de vuelta, que se emite por Radio Nacional «La discusión no es entre 8000 casos probados y 30.000 casos no probados. A mi criterio, lo que la cifra 30.000 expresa es que no hay pruebas porque el Estado no da la información respecto de lo que pasó. La represión fue clandestina y fue ilegal, no pasó por ningún sistema judicial, fue tan clandestina como los centros clandestinos de represión y de tortura. Y la cifra de 30.000 expresa que no sabemos exactamente cuántos fueron porque el Estado ilegal, que reprimió clandestinamente, no abre los archivos, no da la información de dónde están los desaparecidos ni la información de dónde están los nietos secuestrados.» «Entonces la cifra total de desaparecidos hay que postularla, no probarla en términos de una prueba de comprobación empírica. No hay comprobación empírica porque la represión fue clandestina. Situarte en 8000 casos es suprimir la dimensión clandestina e ilegal de la represión. Como si contáramos con toda la información. Es entrar en la lógica perversa de la dictadura que es ‘¿te enteraste de 8000?, ¿pudiste probar 8000?, entonces hay 8000’. No, pude probar 8000 y sabemos que hay miedo a denunciar, miedo a represalias». «Se postula una cifra a partir de la estimación de los casos no denunciados, porque mucha gente no se anima a hacer la denuncia por miedo. Todavía hay razones para temer. Julio López fue desaparecido en plena democracia, con una democracia relativamente consolidada». «Entonces existe la necesidad histórica y política de estimar una cifra, de correrse de la lógica de la verificación, porque al que le toca hacer esa verificación es el Estado. El Estado es el que tiene que informar a cuántos asesinó y dónde están sus cuerpos, a cuántos bebés robó y dónde están ahora. El Estado tiene que informar. La dictadura nunca reveló sus archivos». «A esa clandestinidad de la represión, a ese cinismo macabro de no revelar dónde estaban los cuerpos de los desaparecidos y tener a los familiares buscando en muchos casos hasta hoy, al hecho macabro de que los secuestros producidos en aquel momento siguen siendo secuestros porque sigue habiendo hijos de desaparecidos que no sabemos dónde ni en manos de quién están, al hecho macabro de no dar esa información se responde con la cifra 30.000, que es justamente la denuncia expresa de que la información fehaciente no la tenemos, y no la tenemos por el carácter criminal y clandestino de la dictadura. El que ajusta de 30.000 a 8000, o la sola apertura de esa discusión, en estos términos, incurre a mi criterio en una canallada». :::ANRed::: Read the full article
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lotuscayrp · 2 years
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mikazuki-juuichi · 1 year
Diario de lectura
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- Nómada: Antología gráfica del cuento chileno del siglo XX. (Varios)
Cuatro magistrales cuentos chilenos adaptados a cómic con guion de Yerko Bravo —todos vueltos fantásticos; y sí, todos tomándose ciertas libertades. Pero esas libertades en efecto transforman al texto y lo vuelven una nueva lectura. Se trata de:
- El Unicornio, de Juan Emar. Dibujo de Esteban Morales. La adaptación más apegada al texto, pero Emar fue un autor sumamente único en su contexto (creo que no resulta exagerado compararlo con escritores como Francisco Tario, Pablo Palacio, Macedonio Fernández o Efrén Hernández). Por lo tanto se trata de un cuento extrañísimo en que lo fantástico no es tanto la ruptura de la realidad mimética sino una de muchas posibilidades de interpretación.
- El golfo de penas, de Francisco Coloane. Dibujo de Esteban Morales. Un relato de aventuras marítimo que poco a poco se vuelve un encuentro entre dos culturas y que lleva a preguntarnos si alguno de los interlocutores estaba vivo.
- La virgen de cera, de Jorge Edwards. Dibujo de Seeker (Eduardo Rojas). Lo que era un cuento sobre la iniciación sexual, hábilmente se transforma aquí en una historia de monstruos, con una crítica implícita justamente a la represión sexual pacata.
- El policía de las ratas, de Roberto Bolaño. Es preciso usar anglicismos y galicismos para describirla: Un relato Noir y Furry. Una sociedad de ratas más o menos antropomórficas en que se teme a la individualidad y en que un detective se enfrenta a una serie de crímenes insólitos —o mas bien, impensables para sus regentes.
Una propuesta sumamente interesante, por no decir que juguetona en el mejor sentido.
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quartings · 1 year
College Adventures Special Episode IX: Interview with Jorge Gutierrez and Sandra Equiha!
Thought I was done with the interviews, huh? This was the most starstruck I've been in a long, long, time! C'mon, these two created El Tigre and Book of Life, how could I not get excited??
Sorry if I get a bit personal, but there's so much I wanted to say about this talk!
First of all, Jorge is such an energetic and naturally funny speaker- whenever he tells a story, you can pretty much see it play out in his animation style!
When he was young, he told his family that he wanted to draw/write/direct, and they all laughed at him.
His stern architect dad told Jorge that he would only let him go to art school if Jorge got into the best one in the world, proving his determination about his dream (which explains a lot of Jorge's dad characters)
Jorge's told the story about the snooty CalArts interviewer (Telling him to be true to his Mexican art rather than copying American styles) in nearly every interview, so I won't go too in-depth on it here.
Sure enough, Jorge got accepted into CalArts! But at that time he was tempted to stay behind in Tijuana with his new girlfriend Sandra. She told him he'd be an idiot for staying and told him to got to CalArts while she studied graphic design.
Here's the part I relate to Jorge so hard on- he spent his college years surrounded by so many talented people that it caused self-esteem issues. But he also noticed that talented artists procrastinate a lot. So while his more talented friends were procrastinating, he did over 3x their workload to catch up to and exceed their level!
One of his shorts won an award at Cannes, and was his first big break!
He loves working too hard and challenging himself, trying out 3d and a job at Lucasfilm for a while to diversify. He preferred 2d and left for other ventures though. I really do hope he does more fully 2d stuff someday!
Contrary to what a lot of other successful people say, Jorge really prefers being a jack of all trades! I really admire how he also started out as a simultaneous writer/animator/voice actor, and he started out making his own animated short called "El Macho Vs the Mariachis of Doom", which blew up overnight into a viral hit!
Because of this, Sony noticed this and decided to give him a show! They asked him how much of a budget he wanted and he said 17k. Much later, Jorge found out he got scammed and the original budget was 150k before he opened his mouth.
Moral of the story: Never say how much you want to get paid- always ask how much they will pay you!
This Sony show did get canned in development, but even being hired by Sony gave him enough clout to get looked at by Disney, which gave him enough clout to get hired by Nickelodeon for El Tigre!
Since Jorge and Sandra were married by this point, Nickelodeon had them sign a "divorce clause" when they were both hired, saying they couldn't stop working together even if they split up!
As Nick's first flash animated show, El Tigre was apparently really hated by old Nick Execs. It did really well in every blue state, and got Jorge death threats from every red state.
When Jorge joined Dreamworks to make the Book of Life, Bee Movie failing caused the current execs to get swapped out for new racist execs who told him to whitewash the movie. They also told him to work with some random guy who'd never even wrote a musical or anything at the time- some Lin Manuel Miranda dude? Wonder what he's up to now.
Rightfully angry at the whitewashing, Jorge left to make Book of Life elsewhere, with very little of their former coworkers having faith in him and Sandra.
Jorge had to beg Guillermo Del Toro 16 times to help produce his movie. Turns out, Del Toro only ghosted the first 15 times because he was shy, and did really want to work with Jorge!
Thanks to Del Toro's clout as the director of Shape of Water, he was able to convince 20th Century Fox to make the Book of Life for Jorge! And yeah, Fox? Working with POC for a POC movie? Jorge didn't have the best time at the company. But he's still happy the movie got made!
But right as Jorge was about to start work on his Latino Sci-Fi show, Trump became president and a ton of Mexican series, including Jorge's, got cancelled.
So Jorge moved on to his next project, meeting up with his friends Lord & Miller to make the Billion Brick Race movie for Lego! I always wondered what happened to that film.
Well, what happened was, Danish Lego executives saw that Jorge wanted to make the film about the Latino experience and once again yelled at him to whitewash (or yellow-wash?) it. They told him how they didn't believe in critical race theory, so he left. (You know, as the company that cancelled Bionicle twice, it really doesn't surprise me that those people hate good things and are evil.)
And finally, Jorge got invited to a big Netflix party for his birthday. For his present, they told him they'd make any show he wanted them to make, so Jorge got wasted and told them he wanted a big Mayan fantasy adventure show. The next morning as he was recovering from his hangover, it was official! That's how Maya and the Three was born!
Now Jorge doesn't just have Maya- he also has Enchihuahua, an anthology short, an adult comedy series, another Maya-like show, and a lucha libre movie all coming soon!
Jorge loves wearing graphic tees about whatever he's working on!
Jorge likes drawing things with crazy complex Latino detailing, and Sandra likes cute minimalist designs. They love working together because they feel their contrast helps each other shine!
Honestly, I've never seen such a funny and loving couple in my life! If they don't make a show about their dynamic, I'll have to do it!
Sandra loves making poorly named art reference folders so much that she gets lost in them. Jorge is so hopelessly in love with her and her art, even the sketches she hates, it's adorable.
Jorge is mad that CalArts doesn't teach scriptwriting, and as someone who hates the armchair cartoon critics who wimp out and fail at writing their own animations, I'm mad on his behalf too!
Jorge joked that he wants to be converted into an animatronic when he dies.
Re: Jorge's adult animated series- he said he's inspired by anime and Primal when making it.
My favorite quote of the night from Jorge and Sandra: "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together <3"
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semtituloh · 1 year
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Via Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo
✍️Los medios siguen retratando los encuentros de fin de año 🥰
Compartimos dos lecturas: una entrevista a Jorge, primo del #nieto131, y otra a Juan José Morales, #nieto132.
📌 https://www.pagina12.com.ar/514255-la-historia-de-la-busqueda-del-nieto-131?ampOptimize=1
📌 https://www.eldiarioar.com/politica/juan-jose-morales-hijo-mercedes-valle-morales-nieto-recuperado-132_1_9849097.html
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
El coordinador del Programa de Reconversión de Áreas Tabacaleras en Jujuy
#Agroindustria | El coordinador del #ProgramadeReconversióndeÁreasTabacaleras en #Jujuy
El ministro de Desarrollo Económico y Producción, Exequiel Lello Ivacevich, recibió y acompañó al coordinador nacional del Programa de Reconversión de Áreas Tabacaleras (PRAT), Guido Varas, en agenda que arribó a desarrollar en la provincia para conocer de cerca la realidad del sector tabacalero, recoger demandas y definir nuevos programas de asistencia e impulso.Se incluyeron reuniones con…
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helloyoucreatives · 2 years
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Tyred out? Stop by here to have a bite.
Publicis Perú and Cusqueña create the first Michelin restaurant in Perú
Peru is recognized as one of the best tourist destinations in the world, but despite the multiple global awards that Peruvian gastronomy has such as being chosen 9 times in the last 10 years as the best culinary destination in the world, having the best chef women in the world or have two restaurants in the global top ten; There are no restaurants with a Michelin star in the country since the gastronomic guide does not operate in Peru. But Michelin not only makes its gastronomic guide, but it also manufactures tires and in Peru, there is an infinity of Michelin tire stores.
This is how Cusqueña, the country's flagship beer are ideal for pairing, and Publicis Worldwide Peru conditioned a Michelin tire store and created "Michelin Tire & Dine", the first Michelin Pop Up restaurant in Peru, together with the renowned Chef Victor Gutierrez, the first Peruvian chef to win two Michelin stars in Spain-
“We decided to hire one of these as a location to create our restaurant branded by the same brand that awards such precious stars so that people can enjoy a unique and unrepeatable experience through exceptionally prepared dishes. We have managed to open the first restaurant “Michelin” in Peruvian territory (referring to the chef and the place that was a Michelin tire shop).” Nelson Fragoso, General Manager/Chief Creative Officer Publicis Worldwide Peru, explained.
In this way, and playing with a bit of humor and concepts, Publicis Worldwide Peru and Cusqueña managed to set up a unique and unrepeatable gastronomic experience that aroused great interest in the local press and opinion leaders in the "foodie" category, generating significant scope and great results.
“Cusqueña is the perfect beer to pair with Peruvian gastronomy; For this reason, we are constantly looking for opportunities to be able to support this purpose and generate great impacts that make it known to the entire world that Peru is undoubtedly the best gastronomic destination in the world and with this capitalize on the pride that Peruvians feel for their food.” Diego Devoto, Global & Local Premium Brands Director – ABInBev.
Fernando Bellotti
Publicis Groupe - Regional Creative Chairman
Nelson Fragoso
Publicis Worldwide Perú - Chief Creative Officer / General Manager
Katherine Carrillo
Publicis Worldwide Perú - General Account Director
Celso Zelaya
Publicis Worldwide Perú - Executive Creative Director
Luigi Rissi
Publicis Worldwide Perú - Creative Director / Art Director
Daniel Biasevich
Publicis Worldwide Perú - Creative Director  /Copywriter
Cynthia Alarcón
Publicis Worldwide Perú / Copywriter
Jorge García
Publicis Worldwide Perú - Multimedia designer / Editor
Raquel Becerra - Publicis Worldwide Perú
Production Manager
Jean Marcell Loro
Publicis Worldwide Perú - Agency Producer
Ana Morales
Publicis Worldwide Perú - Account Supervisor
Vania Toledo
Publicis Worldwide Perú - Account Executive
Alvaro De Luna
AB Inbev - Head of Marketing
Diego Devoto
AB Inbev - Global & Local Premium Brands Director
Eduardo Miró Quesada
AB Inbev - Brand Manager
Kiara Kottke
AB Inbev - Brand Manager
Micaela Rodriguez
AB Inbev - Lead
Rafael Acuña
Del Mate Producciones – Production
Antonio Sarria
Sangre - Film Director
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docpiplup · 1 year
@asongofstarkandtargaryen Another upcoming period drama:
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'Beguinas', which will have ten episodes of 50 minutes each, is inspired by the beguinates, communities of women who defended an alternative way of life independent of marriage and the Church. The beguines dedicated themselves to contemplation, but also to action, through artisan work, teaching or caring for the sick that brought benefits to society while allowing them to be self-sufficient. The beguinates were spaces for relationships and freedom that, despite having popular support, were highly questioned by those in power.
The first beguinates were founded in 1170 in Belgium and later spread throughout Europe. Its actions did not force its members to belong to any ecclesiastical order or comply with monastic laws.
The series takes as a reference the history of these women, which has remained hidden throughout centuries.
The actors Amaia Aberasturi (Akelarre: Coven of sisters) and Yon González (Los Herederos de la tierra, Gran Hotel, Las chicas del cable) will star in the fiction. They will play, respectively, Lucía de Avellaneda and Telmo Medina, two young people who will overcome the social impositions of the time and risk everything for love in a context that is not favorable for them.
'Beguinas' is an Atresmedia TV production in collaboration with Buendía Estudios (Cardo, La pasión turca, Las noches de Tefía, Heridas). Montse García, Sonia Martínez and Amparo Miralles are the executive producers of this fiction from the Series Atresmedia label, which will be directed by Rómulo Aguillaume and Claudia Pinto.
The script will be written by Irene Rodríguez, Esther Morales, Silvia Arribas and Virginia Llera. Marta de Miguel signs the direction of Production, Iván Caso the direction of Photography and Jorge de Soto the direction of Art. Bubi Escobar will be in charge of the Wardrobe, while Makeup and Hairdressing will be directed respectively by Mariló Serrano and Fermín Galán. Juan León is the casting director.
'Beguinas' will begin recording over the next few weeks at locations in Madrid and Segovia.
Segovia, 1559. Lucía de Avellaneda celebrates her engagement party with the Marquis of Peñarrosa, a nobleman chosen by her brother. This marriage promises to reinforce the financial and social status of the family, but, in the midst of the celebration, she receives an unexpected letter from a woman who claims to be her mother and who claims her on her deathbed. Lucía appears at the beguinate, where her mother has summoned her. In this place she lives with other women independently and outside the Church.
The young woman opens up to a new world that will make her question everything she has known up to now. And, furthermore, she will know love through a pure and irrepressible passion, but prohibited. She will risk everything for Telmo, a Jewish man who must hide his beliefs and his past.
Amaia Aberasturi will be Lucía de Avellaneda:
Intelligent, curious and combative. Polite and innocent, until her mother's call turns her world upside down. In the Beguinate, she discovers an environment of sisterhood and critical thinking that revolutionizes her idea of ​​the world and breaks down the walls that her status as a Christian and noble woman have imposed on her. When she meets Telmo for the first time, she feels an attraction that she has never experienced, but his commitment and loyalty will curb her impulses, determined to fight for what really matters to her.
Yon González will be Telmo Medina:
Telmo is an attractive, lucid and mysterious young man who hides his Jewish origins. He works in a bakery and supplies the Beguinate with what it needs from abroad. He doesn't want problems, but he doesn't dodge them either. When he meets Lucía and remembers her from his childhood, he decides to keep it quiet and avoid the danger of being recognized. Loyal, sincere and thorough, he cannot avoid rejecting the marriage that his friend proposes and risking everything for a woman who, in addition to being a Christian, belongs to a noble family, owner of lands that were taken from his ancestors.
He dreams of a future somewhere called the New World, where he can live out his love and his faith in freedom.
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