#KDA 22
lilacastar · 2 months
KDA 22: The Right Questions
Kalrick had begun compiling a laundry list of things that weren't adding up. Things that didn't quite make sense, or couldn't remember, or just felt weird. Somehow, the question of what he was doing before the possession took place, slipped his mind.
"You asked me why I allowed a demonic in me," Kalrick started.
"Yes," Randle answered. "I didn't mean for it to sound like that, but I do still want to know-"
"Yeah I don't give a shit about that."
He blinked in surprise.
"What I mean is, what was I working on before the event happened? You seem to know more than I do about it, even though you thought I would want this."
"That's not what I meant, man."
"Ok, sure. But what was I looking for? You said it yourself, it couldn't have happened accidentally. What was I looking for that led up to this?"
"I don't remember that well either," He rubbed his arm. "It's been a long time since then."
"Bullshit," he scoffed. "That's not what you've been insinuating."
"Look, I just don't want to open up old problems when we could just move on and focus on the now."
"We had a fight, didn't we."
Randle looked down, still holding his arm.
"I don't care about the fight, you don't even need to tell me what it was about, just tell me what the hell we were looking for."
"Do you promise not to ask about what we fought about?"
"Yeah, whatever, I won't."
"Uhg, I'm being for real, Kal! I literally do not want to get into it."
"Yes, I promise I won't ask about what the fight was." He rolled his eyes. "As long as it doesn't have anything to do with what I was looking for."
"It doesn't, I swear. It's just really embarrassing and I'd rather die than bring it up."
"Then get to it."
"Fine. You were looking into finding someone you used to talk to. You said the demonic were the only ones who could help you, and needed to find something from a long time ago."
"Find something?"
"You didn't know what it was, that's why you were looking for it. You said you'd recognize it when you found it, and that you met him before. I don't know who or what you were looking for, but you were very determined you'd find it."
"Ok, so I'm gathering you stopped looking with me because of a fight, but did I find it?"
"You said you wouldn't ask!"
"I'm not! It doesn't matter what it was about, it was probably dumb anyway. I just want to know if I found anything relating to what I was looking for."
"I don't know, man. We fought before I could find anything useful. I wasn't much use anyway, I mostly just found books or research, and you'd tell me if it was useless or helpful."
"And did this happen really suddenly, like one day I'm researching, the next I'm picking a fight for no reason and telling you to stop helping me?"
He narrowed his eyes. "I thought you said you didn't remember."
You fucking moron.
Was what he wanted to say. He bit his tongue to hold back the rage filled comment.
"And you don't think," Kalrick said as calmly as possible. "That maybe it was a little too coincidental? Of, I don't know, the topic I was researching and suddenly I'm acting wildly out of character?"
"I'm sorry if demonic possession isn't the first conclusion I come up with. Even most possession is solved with a basic cleansing, meditation, and some visualization. And I did try to help you, but it was a little difficult when you told me to fuck off."
"Just," He shook his head, trying not to think about all the things making him angry. "What stuff was I looking at? This feels really important."
"It's probably still here in your room. I think it's the stuff on the desk."
"Why didn't you think to tell me this earlier?"
"I mean, it didn't go that great when we went out for coffee."
That was different. Randle also insinuated he allowed this to happen on his own free will, as if he wanted this all to happen. Whatever.
"Alright. Let's just get every book I have and start sorting. Maybe you can go see if 5K wants to help now that he's smoked?"
"Can he even read?"
"Why don't you ask him and find out?"
Randle shot him a cynical look back.
"He passed high school, so it's safe to assume he can."
"You worked customer service, Kal. You and I both know the dumbest people alive can graduate."
"Just go get him."
With a reluctant sigh, he left to collect 5K. Kalrick gathered the books, papers, and anything that could be of use and displayed them in a large pile on the ground. Useful, not useful. He didn't need a maybe pile, he'd be able to tell just by looking.
The other two returned and he directed his organization. 5K of course, didn't know anything about demonolatry and explaining "you'll just feel it", didn't seem to go through. 5K ended up just holding whatever he picked up and pretending to flip through, before passing it to Kalrick.
He opened the grimior and listed the most important questions he could think of.
Where did the money come from
Who is the sigil
What is Valery not saying
What is mom hiding
Why is everyone too helpful
Randle raised an eyebrow at the last one listed. "What do you mean by that one. No one has found what you're looking for."
"Everyone's too nice." Kalrick mumbled. "They're all looking at me funny."
"I'm not."
Kalrick said nothing, and continued to peruse the books. A lot of them were about connecting and working with the demonic. Some of them were self-help books, which seemed a bit out of place. A few were about grounding techniques, while others were the opposite and about leaving the body to connect with mental and spiritual.
"Ohhhh," 5K exclaimed. "Look who's a bad boy." He held up a pink slip of paper.
"What is that?" Randle asked.
"Oh," Kalrick recognized it. "It's a pink slip. At our elementary it was like a warning level before having to get sent home for being bad. If you get too many you got suspended, but mine never got that bad."
"Mine did once," 5K reminisced. "Kept pop, pop, popping plastic water bottles and someone thought it was a gunshot and we had to drill. When they found out it was me, it was like week of suspension."
"I think I remember that. I didn't know it was you though, I thought that was Brandon. We didn't start hanging out till, what, high school?."
"I am Brandon. For some reason I forget you even attended the same school as me before high school. I don't ever remember seeing you."
"I honestly forgot you had a real name, but I also don't remember a lot growing up. It's really blurry. Apparently I was busy," He paused, reading the pink slip in 5K's hand. "Passing notes in class when repeatably told not to."
He frowned. The fact it was in his apartment and not left at home with his mom meant something. It sparked a familiar idea, but just couldn't get it burning enough. He needed more kindling to understand yet another thing that didn't make sense.
"What?" Randle asked. "That's pretty basic to get caught with."
"Who was I passing notes to?"
"Is it important?"
"I think it is. It's with the rest of this stuff, and I didn't have any friends in grade school. So who was I talking to?"
"It could've been anyone, man. It's been over a decade."
"No," Kalrick shook his head. "This feels important, and I know for sure I wasn't talking to anyone back then. I was very isolated."
"Easy to get into weird shit when you're lonely." 5K remarked. "Or the wrong kind of shit."
"Couldn't agree more." Kalrick nodded. "And this for sure has something to do with what I'm looking for."
He took the slip and put it in his bag. It was extra important.
"Leaving?" 5K asked.
"No, I'm keeping it for later though," He stopped to look at the time. "Shit, I actually should leave before my mom finishes dinner and sees I'm gone."
"Mommy issues over here." He teased.
"As if you don't." He rebounded. "Didn't you move out and in with me because your mom?"
He raised his tremoring hands as if to say you got me. "Yeah, she was stressing me out by spending the rent money on drugs, then I end up with the same problem. You left for the same reason. Couldn't stop fighting with your mom."
"When has he never not been constantly fighting with her?" Randle chimed in.
He was right. He couldn't remember the last time they hadn't had something to argue about. But both of them got over it pretty fast, typically.
"Whatever," Kalrick strapped his backpack on, and readied himself for the exhaustion of teleportation. "Let's pick this up later or else I'll never be allowed to leave the house again."
He left his friends in the building and made his way to the front doorway. It felt easier somehow, as if it were a better angle. Eyes closed, he envisioned the entrance to the dirt road, and sent himself on the way.
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v-anrouge · 2 months
Answer some or all, I want to know more about you 👀 that wasn’t the right emoji but oh well I’m using voice to text
Do you have freckles? 
 Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it? 
What was the last song you listened to? 
Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? 
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
Do you prefer drawing or writing? 
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with? 
What’s your favorite band/artist? 
When is your birthday? 
How tall are you? 
What color are your eyes? 
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
What’s your favorite color? 
What’s your favorite season? 
Want any tattoos? What of? 
Want any piercings? Where? 
Who is the last person you texted? 
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? 
What/who do you miss? 
How was your day today? 
How much sleep did you get last night? 
Do you believe in aliens? 
When was the last time you cried? Why? 
What’s your favorite decade? 
What are some seemingly childish things you like? 
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
How are you, really? 
Does it take you a long time to make decisions? 
What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? 
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? 
What’s your favorite flower? 
Do you currently have a squish? 
Do you like your middle name? 
Do you prefer dogs or cats? 
Do you have any phobias? 
Do you stay up late?
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? 
What’s your favorite cartoon? 
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
Do you have siblings? How many? 
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? 
Is there anyone you would die for? 
What do you need when you’re sad? 
Have you memorized your phone number? 
Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
What does your last text say? 
Wild Card. Any question, ask away. 
1- actually yeah but theyre super super super light so u can barely see them
2- coffee, i hate tea. i drink it with milk and sugar
3- more KDA
4- side, shrimping
5- yes:3 rook vil and my childhood plush
6- drawing
7- one, and it has to be thin
9- june 19
10- 5'3 💀
11- very dark brown
12- all my mooties
13- abandonment, forests, insects, worm like things, heaven, dogs
14- blue and purple
15- winter 100%
16- yes! maybe of a deer, not realistic tho
17- i want all my piercings back my mom made me take them off so now im only left w my bites and the cheek ones😔
18- my mother
19- my lesbian irl :3 like two years?
20- peace
21- okay-ish
22- like 4 or 5?
23- i don't care for them
24- like 1 hour ago, obey me 💀
25- i don't think there are decades to be celebrated humans are evil in all of them
26- cute things, children movies and cartoons, they make me happy
27- i haven't read in LONG because books in brazil are way more expensive than i can afford
28- okay i think
29- yes😭
30- getting a job that i actually like
31- moving with my irl
32- to my irl's house :3
33- locked shut
34- oleanders!
35- nope
38- insects, worm like things..i think that's it?
39- yeah💀
40- no, but also yes, i dislike beaches because in there's always those fucking sand dollars , i prefer it sunny because the water is cold
41- GUMBALL!!!
43- two older brothers
44- my irl
45- my irl...
46- distract myself and talk to people i like (usually my irl)
47- no i havent 😭
48- my irl <3
49- it's a fight between me and my mom id rather not, sorry
50- I have absolutely no idea what to ask tbh😭 uhmm i guess id like to ask why so many ppl like me
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goreburdenedaa · 2 years
Share a song that you associate with your OC(s) & if applicable share lyrics from it that resonate with them the most or just your favourite part!
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(veera is a femme fatale, so I have plenty of jams that vibe with her personality & aesthetic!)
warning label / neoni. my brain is a little bit toxic, you should be cautious / learn to love the hell I'm raising / from coffin to the cradle, I got demons, I got angels / I should have been born with a warning label.
puscifer / rev 22:20. don't be aroused by my confession, unless you don't give a good god damn about redemption / she'll suck you dry & still you cry to be back in her bosom, to do it again / she'll make you weep & moan & cry, to be back in her bosom; to do it again / saviors & saints, devils & heathens alike, she'll eat you alive / what is she, what is she, what is she waiting for?
villain / kda. on the low, only love myself, no more / type to risk my life, not afraid to die / I'm a straight up villain / yeah, no feelin / Is it really a surprise if I'm playing with your mind? / & I treat you like a prize then I throw you to the side? / & get happy when you're sad? / in control, that's how I like it & I'm never letting go / hear my voice up in your head / just do what I say, follow me; I'll lead the way.
maneater / nelly furtado. everybody look at me, me / I wanna see you all on your knees, knees / make you want all of her love / she's a maneater / when she asks for something boy, she means it; even if you never ever seen it.
horns / bryce fox. got a touch like a thorn, 'cause the girl; she's hiding horns / she's the beast in my bones / she's the fire in the sin / she gets everything she wants / & I sell my soul for the high / she can crush every hope, got her heels stompin' down my throat.
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bring me to life / evanescence. how can you see into my eyes like open doors? / (save me) save me from the nothing I've become / breathe into me & make me real / I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside / darling, only you are the life among the dead / I've been sleeping a thousand years, it seems; got to open my eyes to everything / don't let me die here, there must be something more.
(wren is still a heavy work in progress, but when some more tunes come up I'll be sure to add them to this post!)
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phantasosfox · 2 years
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Skintober Prompt List for 2022!
-List under the cut-
1) Day Job
2) Sports
3) Summer Splash (Pool Party/Ocean Song)
4) Snowdown/Winter Wonderland
5) Bees!
6) Heartbreakers
7) Cafe Cuties
8) Music Skin (KDA/True Damage/Pentakill)
9) Odyssey
10) Anima Squad
11) Battle Academia
12) Arcade
13) Space Groove
14) Star Guardian
15) Free Space
16) World Championship
17) Rift Quest
18) Dragon World
19) Immortal Journey
20) Spirit Blossom
21) Moons of Ionia (Bloodmoon/Snow Moon)
22) Lunar Revel
23) High Noon
24) Arcana
25) Event Horizon (Cosmic/Dark Star)
26) Crystal Rose
27) Elderwood/Death Blossom
28) Eclipse/Coven
29) Sugar Rush
30) Fright Night
31) Bewitching/Trick-or-Treat
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moleculardepot · 2 months
Human Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) Protein
Human Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) Protein Catalog number: B2016130 Lot number: Batch Dependent Expiration Date: Batch dependent Amount: 50 μg Molecular Weight or Concentration: 19-22 kDa Supplied as: Powder Applications: a molecular tool for various biochemical applications Storage: -20°C Keywords: HHG 1, HHG1, HLP3, HPE3, MCOPCB5, SHH, SMMCI, Sonic hedgehog protein, TPT, TPTPS Grade: Biotechnology…
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rabideyeartist · 7 months
1000 Tiny Magnets Show #452: October 20, 2023
1000 Tiny Magnets Show #452: October 20, 2023 Rabideye presents1000 Tiny Magnets Show #452: October 20, 2023 ** on track list = Explicit Lyrics = warning for sensitive listeners NEW VOCAL DANCE MUSIC. 📥 DOWNLOAD and prepare to have your ears pinched by rabid pixies Artist, Track Nonô, DOMINGO, ili, Saturday, KDA & Joseph Ashworth (Feat. Cleo Simone), Hot Sweat, M-22 (Feat. Blair), The…
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jwscrobbles · 6 years
Top 50 Songs Scrobbled for the Week Ending 2/25/2018
1 2 Miguel/Travis Scott – SKYWALKER (1 week @ #1) 2 1 H.E.R. – FACTS (4 weeks @ #1) 3 4 SZA – WEEKEND 4 5 Kelly Clarkson – LOVE SO SOFT 5 9 Bonobo/Innov Gnawa – BAMBRO KOYO GANDA @ #1) 6 9 Sam Smith – TOO GOOD AT GOODBYES 7 4 Tom Misch – SOUTH OF THE RIVER (3 weeks @ #1) 8 8 Wiz Khalifa/Ty Dolla $ign – SOMETHING NEW 9 10 Bryson Tiller – SOMETHIN TELLS ME 10 13 Lil Uzi Ver/Oh Wonder – THE WAY LIFE GOES
11 14 Empire of the Sun – ON OUR WAY HOME 12 7 Jhene Aiko – WHILE WE’RE YOUNG 13 18 MGMT – HAND IT OVER 14 16 Kendrick Lamar/Zacari – LOVE. 15 20 St. Vincent – LOS AGELESS 16 11 Ne-Yo – ANOTHER LOVE SONG 17 12 Roy Davis Jr./Preven Everett – GABRIEL (LIVE GARACE MIX) 18 27 N.E.R.D./Rihanna – LEMON 19 15 Stefflon Don/French Montana – HURTIN’ ME 20 23 Bruno Mars/Cardi B – FINESSE (REMIX)
21 17 Syd – ON THE ROAD 22 29 Duke Dumont/Gorgon City/Naations – REAL LIFE (SOLARDO REMIX) 23 19 Amindi K. Fro$t, Tessellated, & Valleyz – PINE & GINGER 24 31 The Weeknd - SECRETS 25 21 Jessie Ware - MIDNIGHT
26 33 Dan Auerbach – STAND BY MY GIRL 27 24 Kanye West – REAL FRIENDS 28 22 Jax Jones/MNEK – HOUSE WORK (3 weeks @ #1) 29 25 SZA/Travis Scott – LOVE GALORE (3 week @ #1) 30 36 NAO - Nostalgia
31 30 Dan Auerbach – MALIBU MAN 32 38 Craig David/GoldLink – LIVE IN THE MOMENT 33 41 Daniel Caesar/H.E.R. – BEST PART 34 26 Kendrick Lamar/Rihanna - LOYALTY 35 28 Major Lazer/Travis Scott/Camila Cabello/Quavo – KNOW NO BETTER (4 weeks @ #1) 36 44 Kendrick Lamar/SZA – ALL THE STARS 37 32 Chip/Ghetts – GETS LIKE THAT 38 34 The Weekend – ROCKIN’ 39 35 GoldLink/Brent Faiyaz/Shy Gizzy – CREW 40 --- Foster the People – SIT NEXT TO ME
41 39 French Montana/Pharrell – BRING DEM THINGS 42 50 Troye Sivan – MY MY MY! 43 37 Selena Gomez – BAD LIAR 44 40 KDA/Tinashe – JUST SAY 45 42 Thundercat/Michael McDonald/Kenny Loggins – SHOW YOU THE WAY 46 --- Kylie Minogue - DANCING 47 --- Kali Uchis/Tyler the Creator/Bootsy Collins – AFTER THE STORM 48 45 Rihanna – LOVE ON THE BRAIN 49 --- Childish Gambino - TERRIFIED 50 --- Chromeo/The Dream – BEDROOM CALLING
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kabbalahdeanoji · 10 months
22 Av (5783)
Familia de Kabbalah de Anoji, os comparto el video de anoche: Misión de kabbalah de Anoji: Llevar la Humanidad al nivel de Adam Kadmon Meditamos lo siguiente para anular el rigor del mes: LOS MAS DE 550 VÍDEOS DE: KDA BASICS, KDA INTERMEDIA, KDA AVANZADA, KDA MUY AVANZADA Y KDA PARA SERAFINES se comparten como una TZEDAKA-DONATIVO para todas las personas interesadas en iniciar el estudio de la…
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
The Cinderella run isn’t over: EG prove they can go head-to-head with one of the world’s top teams at VCT Masters Tokyo
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It's safe to say that the past year has been turbulent for Evil Geniuses. The squad is now demonstrating they can hold their own against some of the finest rosters in the world after going from being one of the most inconsistent VALORANT teams in the Americas League to just making it to VCT Masters Tokyo. In what many are considering a massive upset, VCT America’s third-place squad unseated Korea’s DRX from their group-stage throne on June 12. EG not only slayed the group stage demons, but they did it in 2-0 fashion as well. After their victory over DRX, EG are now the first team at VCT Masters Tokyo to advance out of the group stage and secure a top-eight spot. https://twitter.com/EvilGeniuses/status/1668174942892961793 EG faced heavy criticism throughout the VCT Americas season due to controversial roster changes and strategies. In contrast, DRX were one of the most consistent teams in the entire world throughout the first part of the year. But as we know, VALORANT is a momentum-based game at all levels, and after these two teams had opposite experiences in their regular season leagues, their trajectory is continuing to go in very different directions. While EG have only gotten better over the last month, with them finally starting to gel together and the roster looking like a well-rounded unit, DRX have had noticeable issues that may have cost them the VCT Pacific title. Yet the clash of these two teams seemed to still favor the Korean squad, who have had numerous international appearances and finished as high as third place overall at an international VCT event. DRX have opted to go for the newer version of their roster so far in the tournament, which includes young duelist player Foxy9 instead of veteran Zest. On the side of EG, Demon1 has been helping them to their victories after fears he may not make the tournament at all. While EG ran a standard composition, DRX switched things up and opted for a variation of their Fracture composition that shifts Foxy9 onto Raze and Rb onto Fade. Longtime DRX fans will have noticed a complete shift in strategy on Fracture based on this composition alone. DRX have been winning Pacific League matches by using a Neon-focused composition that absolutely demolishes the defense on this map. Instead of that strategy, the team decided to instead focus much more heavily on utility than speed and force. There were lineups galore, but they didn’t look entirely coordinated with this strategy. EG, on the other hand, looked dialed in. https://twitter.com/ValorantEsports/status/1668150404411174917 Foxy9 wasn’t making an impact on Raze, while on the other side, jawgemo finished the map with a KDA of 22/11. EG won Fracture after DRX were only able to win five rounds. On Ascent, things just got better for EG, and the team put up an incredible map. Demon1 seemed activated and ready to go, getting frags left and right with everything from knives to an Operator. The team moved as a unit and worked together seamlessly, adapting to everything DRX threw at them. EG truly showcased their depth, not only in their roster but also in their pool of strategies. The players are clearly learning and adapting, a key feature of any team slated to make a deep run at an international tournament. https://twitter.com/ValorantEsports/status/1668176965877243905 EG took Ascent 13-10 with a picture-perfect finish from Demon1, and beat DRX 2-0. EG will now get a few days of rest before the playoffs stage of the tournament, which begins on June 16. The team will have to wait to see who their first opponent will be in the playoffs. Read the full article
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yuni-or-zerou · 1 year
The Final Pact Introduction
Author Number 1: Yuni or Zerou 
Hi, meh name ish Yuni or Zerou. Here ish a little bit about meh I am 17, Gay nd more Fem than masc. but I do work out cuz u got to stay fit. I love Editing ( I am really good at it) Writing, doing make-up, reading, gaming nd some other stuff. I Stan a lot of K-pop groups but my alt groups are Txt, Skz nd Ateez. Meh, alt bias is Taehyun from txt. My favorite colors are Light Blue, Green, Red, Orange, Black nd Pink. I am always here to help others I love to spread kindness nd love, making friends. Feel free to dm/pm meh personal account if you ever want to. It is one of the people that we are following you will know ish meh meh user lolz. There's more about meh in meh bio there nd I am kinda an indecisive person. There ish a lot more but I don't want to rattle too long nd keep ya from the story nd other stuff love ya Hun <3
Author Number 2: Ari 
(Will add later she is really busy lately)
 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇'𝓈 :
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Han Jisung —— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Han Jisung
Pronouns: he, himself, they, them, it, and itself
Nicknames: Gay Bitch, Pumpkin, and Angel Boy
Age/Birthday: 17 (almost 18) and September 14th, 2005 (It's not his real year.)
Sexuality: gay but not out of the closet yet
Likes: Bright Green, Queen, KDA, Twice, Rapping, Reading, BLS, and Animals
dislikes: loud noses, small spaces, weird things, and negativity
More info: He is a junior and has bipolar depression, anxiety, and insomnia. He is a very misunderstood boy at school. He calls his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jisung unless he is speaking to them directly. When he says Mom and Dad, he is most likely speaking of Arabella-Izzy's parents, for they treat him as if he were their son and equally as their daughter.
Personality: He is super smart, kind, understanding, cares for others, and tries to help others because he knows how it feels to struggle, considering how bad it was with his real parents. He is loyal, sometimes sassy, very blunt, and confident, unless his bipolar gets in the way. Of course, he is a very loveable, cute, shy, and submissive little boy.
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Lee Minho —— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Lee Minho
Nicknames: Sparkle Boy, and Luna
Pronouns: He, Him, them, theirs, and themselves
Age/Birthday: 18 and October 25th, 2004 (It's not his real year.)
Sexuality: bisexual but prefers men; he has been out of the closet since he was 13.
Likes: red and black, video games, partying, art, fashion, and trading card games.
Dislikes: rudeness and small spaces
More info: He is really smart but doesn't try hard. Everyone calls him Luna because of how much he admires the moon. A very good video gamer, especially at league, his favorite trading card game is Yu-Gi-Oh. His favorite movie is Beetlejuice, and his favorite show is The Next Prince. Everyone knows this, but he is rich, and we know he is not a snotty one; he is a really kind and charming type of rich boy. Of course he is popular and everyone loves him, but he is not a bad boy at all. There is no breaking him. His motto is "Don't stand stall, but don't break, because breaking gets you nowhere in life."
Personality: He is somewhat smart, loving, caring, very protective, charming, and loveable. He doesn't care what others say behind his back. Everyone's opinion is irrelevant to him unless it is good, understandable, or has an impact on him. The type of guy to spoil you with gifts, tease you, and make you his little pet. He is most definitely super dominant.
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Mizuki Minho—— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Mizuki Minho
Pronouns: she, her, hers, herself
Age/Birthday: 22 and August 36th, 2000
Sexuality: pansexual and poly
Likes: pink, heels, fashion, hair, reading, dancing, and shopping
Dislikes: being controlled, hateful comments, and being touched.
More info: She is pretty chill and has really bad experience with relationships. People used to bully and abuse each other in middle school and all throughout high school. She has her own makeup company and owns a hair salon. Another thing is that she only accepts the arranged marriage with Han because the Jisung's have everyone convinced they want to help their son become successful.
Personality: She is pretty, calm, energetic, hardworking, trustworthy, dedicated, and carefree. The type of girl to style and design things for you. That one friend who has to check up on everyone and make sure she doesn't need to kill anyone yet
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Arabella -Izzy Hwang —— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Arabella-Izzy Hwang
Pronouns: she, they, them, it, it's,, their, and itself
Age/Birthday: 17 and June 13th, 2005
Sexuality: Lesbian; she is a stud
Likes: purple and blue, weed, monsters, cherry blossoms
Dislikes: weird things and negativity
More info: It has bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety. It's also very protective of her family. Han has been like a big brother to them since they were five and six. Definitely, a pothead loves to smoke weed because it helps calm her body down so she can focus more on things. A very strong compassion for becoming a teacher because they love kids.
Personality: It is kind and caring and loves taking care of kids. It is also really good with kids. The kind of person who works hard to achieve her goals and never gives up on them, no matter what challenges she may face on her journey,
𝙎𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧'𝙨
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Mrs. Jisung —— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Mrs. Jisung
Pronouns: she, her, hers, herself
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Mr. Jisung —— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Mr. Jisung
Pronouns: he, him, his, himself
Mrs. Hwang (Mom)—— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Mom and Mamma
Pronouns: she, her, hers, herself
Mr. Hwang (Dad)—— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Names: Dad and Father
Pronouns: he, him, his, himself
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peertechz · 1 year
Triosephosphate isomerase from baker’s yeast – ribozyme versus protein
It was previously shown that in baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, transketolase can exist not only free, but in complex with RNA. The complex does not possess transketolase activity [N.K. Tikhomirova, G.A. Kochetov, A new method of isolation and a new form of transketolase from baker’s yeast, Biokhimiia 56 (1991) 1123-1130].
We discovered that this RNA is a ribozyme which catalyzes the interconversion of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) and dihydroxyacetone 3-phosphate (DHAP), i.e. acting as triosephosphate isomerase (TPI). It also catalyzes an unusual reaction of ribose 5-phosphate (R5P) decomposition to G3P ​​and erythrose. TPI-ribozyme was found in baker’s yeast not only in complex with transketolase, but also in free form. Transketolase-RNA complex was easily isolated on an immunoaffinity column with antibodies to transketolase. TPI-ribozyme consists of 87 nucleotides and has a molecular weight of 26.6 kDa. The optimum of pH-activity is 7.5 for DHAP, 6.7 for R5P and 9.0 for G3P. Km and Vmax are accordingly 0.29 mM and 2.6 U/mg for DHAP, 22 mM and 0.65 U/mg for R5P, 0.05 mM and 4.3 U/mg at pH 7.6 and 0.11 mM and 16 U/mg at pH 9.0 for G3P. These kinetic characteristics are the same for free RNA and in the complex with transketolase. Ki for RNA binding to transketolase was 1.0 μM. Accordingly, the TPI-ribozyme performs a dual function – it shows TPI activity and blocks the work of transketolase, thereby switching the metabolic process to glycolysis. The location of the TPI-ribozyme gene is determined. Blocking the activity of transketolase by ribozyme may be of practical importance in medicine, particularly, in cancer therapy.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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USAF confirms acquisition of JSM cruise missiles for its F-35
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 23/03/2023 - 18:00 in Armaments, Military
The U.S. Air Force plans to buy 48 JSM (Joint Strike Missile) cruise missiles for its F-35 Lightning II fighters, according to a budget request for fiscal year 2024.
The cruise missile is developed by Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace (KDA) of Norway and Raytheon.
The JSM was designed to target high-value targets on land and at sea, such as ships, radar sites, command centers and air defenses. It has a range of more than 300 km (186 miles) and can fly at low altitudes to avoid detection by enemy radars. It also has a high degree of maneuverability and can change course during flight to avoid enemy countermeasures.
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The JSM during integration tests with the F-35's internal weapons compartment.
The JSM is based on the NSM (Naval Strike Missile), which has been widely adopted by several navies around the world as an anti-ship missile. The JSM is modified to fit inside the F-35's internal weapon compartments, reducing its radar signature and increasing its stealth capabilities. The JSM can also be transported externally by other aircraft, such as F-16 and F/A-18.
The U.S. Air Force is expected to pay about $3.35 million per missile, based on an estimate derived from previous contracts signed by Norway and Japan, which are also JSM customers. Norway is the leading nation in the development of the JSM and has ordered 140 missiles for its own F-35. Japan also ordered 37 missiles for its F-35.
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JSM tests with F-35A fighter.
The U.S. Air Force has been testing the JSM since 2018, when it conducted the first release test with an F-35A at Edwards Air Base, California. In February 2021, he conducted another release test with an F-35A in the Utah Test and Training Range. The tests showed that the missile can be safely launched from the aircraft and function as expected.
The U.S. Air Force plans to declare initial operational capability (IOC) for the JSM in 2025, which means it will have enough missiles and trained personnel to carry out missions with them. The IOC will coincide with the decision to produce a full rate for the missile, which will allow larger orders in subsequent years.
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The JSM will provide a significant boost to the U.S. Air Force's attack capabilities, especially in contested environments where access can be denied by sophisticated enemy defenses. The JSM will complement other cruise missiles launched from the air in service or development by the U.S. military, such as the AGM-158 JASSM (Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile) and the AGM-179 JSOW-C1 (Joint Standoff Weapon).
The acquisition of JSM cruise missiles by the U.S. Air Force reflects its commitment to modernize its weapons portfolio and maintain its advantage over potential opponents. JSM will also increase interoperability with allies who share common platforms and threats.
Tags: weaponsMilitary AviationF-35 Lightning IIJSM - Joint Strike MissileUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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moleculardepot · 5 months
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longcontrol · 2 years
Automute protein
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Here, we test the ability of elves to determine a protein crystal structure fully automatically. The elves main program runs processer in the fully automated mode. These programs are coordinated by the next level of automation, called processer, which also runs solve ( 2) and arp/ warp ( 4). refmacer uses arp/ warp and refmac to build and refine a molecular model. Scripts for o ( 11), arp/ warp ( 4), refmac ( 12), and cns ( 13) are produced. mlphare and dm ( 10) are used to calculate phases, and the electron density map is calculated with the CCP4 suite ( 5). phaser locates heavy atoms with shelx ( 8) or rantan ( 5) and refines and searches for additional heavy atoms with mlphare ( 9). scaler performs local scaling ( 7) and merges multiple wedges of data by using the indicated programs. wedger processes a single wedge of data by using mosflm ( 6). Four programs make up the first level of elves automation. Green wedges indicate the scope of each elves program.
elves automates widely used crystallographic software ( Lower) that are currently run by means of user-specified scripts. As an expert system, elves chooses reasonable starting input parameters for each step, optimizes parameters, and marshals several strategies to detect and overcome common failures in the calculations.įig. 1) were used to carry out individual steps or groups of steps under user direction. In most of these cases, the elves programs wedger, scaler, phaser, and refmacer ( Fig. These structures, solved in several different laboratories, include the human TRAF2/CD40 complex ( 14), the human papilloma virus E2 protein ( 15), aspartate transcarbamoylase ( 16), Escherichia coli primase ( 17), the tandem bromo domains of human TAF250 ( 18), the dimerization domain of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1α ( 19), the human MIA protein ( 20), the replication initiation factor, DnaA ( 21), a designed ankyrin repeat motif ( 22), and the PknB Ser/Thr protein kinase ( 23). elves programs have been used to speed and optimize steps in the determination of many x-ray crystal structures ranging from 8 to 330 kDa in the crystallographic asymmetric unit (au).
We developed the expert system elves to automate analysis of crystallographic data without precluding manual control of the process ( Fig. These methods to speed individual computational steps have created the opportunity to fully automate macromolecular x-ray structure determination. Comprehensive program packages such as the CCP4 suite ( 5) have integrated diverse methods through standardized interfaces and file structures. The arp/ warp program enabled automated model building and refinement ( 4). In particular, the solve and resolve programs have been adopted widely for locating heavy atoms, calculating electron density maps, and modeling ( 2, 3). X-ray structural analysis has been facilitated recently by new experimental methods such as multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) analysis ( 1) and by powerful new algorithms for locating heavy atoms, model building, and structural refinement. Any step can fail, and the manifold computational inputs generally prevent optimization of any step. Determining the crystal structure of a large molecule is generally a complicated, multistep process that requires considerable time and training to accomplish.
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potbrush8 · 2 years
Indocyanine Eco-friendly and Methyl-β-Carmofurdextrin Complicated with regard to Increased Photothermal Cancer Remedy
05 g/day in every subjects. Indicate the urinary system sodium removal lowered from Eight.Fladskrrrm +/- 1.Sixty three g/day for that initial Ten days to 8.Thirty-one +/- 1.Fifty four g/day during the last 10 days (g < Zero.05). The imply urinary : sea salt excretion driven by a new self-monitoring gadget employing immediately urine has been positively related to that will driven by 24-h property pee with regard to half a dozen times from the hypertensive subject matter (3rd r Is equal to 0.Sixty three, p < 2.02). Outcomes indicate which a self-monitoring unit looks like it's necessary to keep track of everyday salt absorption also to guidebook sodium limitation.Inches"Human endostatin, a powerful anti-angiogenic proteins, will be generated by relieve the Chemical terminus associated with collagen XVIII. Right here, we advise which cysteine cathepsins take part in the two freedom along with service regarding bioactive endostatin broken phrases, thus regulating #Link# his or her anti-angiogenic qualities. Cathepsins W, S, along with T successfully cleaved within vitro Worry proteins which encompass the pivot location equivalent to the actual In terminus involving endostatin. Nevertheless, within man umbilical spider vein endothelial cell-based assays, silencing regarding cathepsins Utes along with T, but not cathepsin N, damaged the era in the much like 22-kDa endostatin varieties. Moreover, cathepsins M and also Azines unveiled two peptides from endostatin with increased angiostatic properties and equally surrounding the particular NGR collection, the vasculature homing motif. The actual G10T peptide (remains 1455-1464: collagen XVIII numbering) exhibited powerful anti-proliferative (EC(Fifty) = 3.Twenty-three nM) as well as proapoptotic qualities. G10T inhibited aminopeptidase N (APN/CD13) as well as lowered pipe development involving endothelial tissues in a manner comparable to bestatin. Combination of G10T with bestatin led to zero further boost in anti-angiogenic action. Obtained jointly, these kinds of info declare that endostatin-derived peptides may well signify novel molecular backlinks between cathepsins and APN/CD13 inside the regulation of angiogenesis.In ."Background. Potential xenozoonosis is a concern to the scientific using xenotransplantation. Human being cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is amongst the most critical pathogens within allotransplantation, nevertheless the consequences of HCMV cross-species disease of porcine xenografts are generally unfamiliar. Therefore, we researched the end results regarding HCMV contamination associated with porcine endothelial cells (pEC) about cellular area particle expression as well as individual leukocyte recruitment. Methods. Infection regarding pEC inoculated with neglected, UV-inactivated, or perhaps heparin-treated HCMV at the multiplicity of disease (MOI) of merely one ended up being reviewed by simply immediate early on (For instance) antigen appearance. Mobile or portable area receptor expression had been researched simply by movement cytometry about pEC majority ethnicities and also #Link# differentially on IE-positive along with -negative pEC. Adhesion involving individual leukocytes ended up being screened in pEC monolayers. pEC supernatants were reviewed with regard to cytokine written content, chemotactic action, and stimulatory impact on regenerating extra pEC nationalities. Results. In morning Only two postinfection, My partner and i At the staining has been evident throughout #Link# 10% to be able to 20% associated with HCMV-infected cellular material. Cell-surface phrase associated with E-selectin and vascular mobile or portable bond molecule-1 (VCAM-1) has been upregulated both in IE-negative as well as -positive fractions of HCMV-infected pEC. On the other hand, porcine major histocompatibility complicated type My spouse and i appearance had been upregulated throughout IE-negative cellular material, nevertheless reduced in IE-positive tissue.
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jwscrobbles · 6 years
Top 50 Songs Scrobbled for the Week Ending 2/18/2018
1 1 H.E.R. – FACTS (4 weeks @ #1) 2 2 Miguel/Travis Scott - SKYWALKER 3 4 SZA – WEEKEND 4 3 Tom Misch – SOUTH OF THE RIVER (3 weeks @ #1) 5 5 Kelly Clarkson – LOVE SO SOFT 6 9 Bonobo/Innov Gnawa – BAMBRO KOYO GANDA @ #1) 7 6 Jhene Aiko – WHILE WE’RE YOUNG 8 8 Wiz Khalifa/Ty Dolla $ign – SOMETHING NEW 9 9 Sam Smith – TOO GOOD AT GOODBYES 10 14 Bryson Tiller – SOMETHIN TELLS ME
11 7 Ne-Yo – ANOTHER LOVE SONG 12 10 Roy Davis Jr./Preven Everett – GABRIEL (LIVE GARACE MIX) 13 16 Lil Uzi Ver/Oh Wonder – THE WAY LIFE GOES 14 21 Empire of the Sun – ON OUR WAY HOME 15 11 Stefflon Don/French Montana – HURTIN’ ME 16 22 Kendrick Lamar/Zacari – LOVE. 17 13 Syd – ON THE ROAD 18 24 MGMT – HAND IT OVER 19 15 Amindi K. Fro$t, Tessellated, & Valleyz – PINE & GINGER 20 27 St. Vincent – LOS AGELESS 21 17 Jessie Ware - MIDNIGHT 22 18 Jax Jones/MNEK – HOUSE WORK (3 weeks @ #1) 23 30 Bruno Mars/Cardi B – FINESSE (REMIX) 24 19 Kanye West – REAL FRIENDS 25 20 SZA/Travis Scott – LOVE GALORE (3 week @ #1)
26 19 Kendrick Lamar/Rihanna - LOYALTY 27 33 N.E.R.D./Rihanna - LEMON 28 23 Major Lazer/Travis Scott/Camila Cabello/Quavo – KNOW NO BETTER (4 wee 29 39 Duke Dumont/Gorgon City/Naations – REAL LIFE (SOLARDO REMIX) 30 31 Dan Auerbach – MALIBU MAN
31 36 The Weeknd - SECRETS 32 28 Chip/Ghetts – GETS LIKE THAT 33 42 Dan Auerbach – STAND BY MY GIRL 34 26 The Weekend – ROCKIN’ 35 29 GoldLink/Brent Faiyaz/Shy Gizzy – CREW 36 43 NAO - Nostalgia 37 32 Selena Gomez – BAD LIAR 38 45 Craig David/GoldLink – LIVE IN THE MOMENT 39 34 French Montana/Pharrell – BRING DEM THINGS 40 35 KDA/Tinashe – JUST SAY
41 50 Daniel Caesar/H.E.R. – BEST PART 42 37 Thundercat/Michael McDonald/Kenny Loggins – SHOW YOU THE WAY 43 38 Calvin Harris/Pharrell Williams/Katy Perry/Big Sean - FEELS 44 --- Kendrick Lamar/SZA – ALL THE STARS 45 44 Rihanna – LOVE ON THE BRAIN 46 40 The Killers – THE MAN 47 41 DJ Khaled/Jay-Z/Beyonce – THE SHINING (4 weeks @ #1) 48 47 Russ – LOSIN CONTROL 49 46 Kraak/Smaak/Cleopold – ALONE WITH YOU 50 --- Troye Sivan – MY MY MY!
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