viejospellejos · 2 months
Cirujano utiliza un brazo robótico para doblar una grulla de papel durante sus prácticas de cirugía laparoscópica:
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Histerectomia: Retirada do Útero - Tudo o que Você Precisa Saber
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Entendendo a Histerectomia
A histerectomia é um procedimento cirúrgico que consiste na remoção do útero, um órgão muscular do sistema reprodutor feminino. O útero é responsável por abrigar e nutrir o feto durante a gravidez.
Quando a Histerectomia é Necessária?
A histerectomia pode ser indicada para diversas condições, como:
Miomas uterinos: Tumores benignos que crescem na parede do útero.
Endometriose: Crescimento do tecido endometrial fora do útero.
Sangramento uterino anormal: Sangramento intenso ou prolongado.
Dor pélvica crônica: Dor persistente na região pélvica.
Câncer de útero ou colo do útero: Tumores malignos que afetam o útero.
Tipos de Histerectomia
A histerectomia pode ser realizada de diversas maneiras:
Histerectomia abdominal: Cirurgia realizada através de um corte no abdome.
Histerectomia vaginal: Cirurgia realizada através da vagina.
Histerectomia laparoscópica: Cirurgia minimamente invasiva realizada através de pequenas incisões no abdome.
Recuperação da Histerectomia
O tempo de recuperação da histerectomia varia de acordo com o tipo de cirurgia e a saúde geral da paciente. Em geral, a recuperação leva de 4 a 6 semanas.
Efeitos Colaterais da Histerectomia
A histerectomia pode causar alguns efeitos colaterais, como:
Sangramento vaginal: Leve sangramento é normal após a cirurgia.
Considerações Importantes
A histerectomia é uma decisão importante que deve ser tomada após uma conversa com seu médico. É importante pesar os riscos e benefícios da cirurgia antes de tomar uma decisão.
Para Mais Informações
Se você está considerando a histerectomia, converse com seu médico para obter mais informações sobre a cirurgia e seus riscos e benefícios.
Este artigo foi escrito para fins informativos e não substitui a consulta médica.
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kghospital · 1 month
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Symptoms of Large intestine Colon Rectum cancer (Colorectal Cancer); Diagnosis; Treatment. Watch in this video.
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bestsurgeon-doctor · 5 months
Laparoscopic Surgeon In Thane - Dr. Aashay Shah
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infertilityinravet · 5 months
IUI Laparoscopy Center in PCMC | Dr. Dipak Kolte
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mahajanrupali476 · 6 months
Dr. Prakshit Mahajan laparoscopic prostate surgeon in Nashik
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ivfspecialistinnashik · 7 months
Laparoscopy Center In Nashik | Laparoscopy Specialist In Nashik
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komal1234jain · 9 months
Common Procedures Performed Using Laparoscopy
Exploring Common Procedures Performed Using Laparoscopy by Dr. Shama Shaikh in Pune
The landscape of surgical medicine has been transformed by the advent of laparoscopy, alternatively recognized as minimally invasive surgery or keyhole surgery. Dr. Shama Shaikh, a renowned laparoscopic surgeon in Pune, has been at the forefront of utilizing this advanced technique to provide effective and minimally invasive solutions to a wide range of medical conditions. In this article, we'll delve into some of the common procedures that Dr. Shama Shaikh performs using laparoscopy, highlighting her expertise and commitment to patient care.
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Cholecystectomy (Gallbladder Removal):
Gallbladder issues are prevalent, and gallstones can cause significant discomfort. Dr. Shama Shaikh specializes in laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a procedure where the gallbladder is removed through small incisions. This approach minimizes pain, scarring, and recovery time compared to traditional open surgery.
Appendicitis can be a painful and potentially life-threatening condition. Dr. Shama Shaikh employs laparoscopic techniques to remove the inflamed appendix, offering patients a quicker recovery and reduced risk of complications.
Hernia Repair:
Hernias are common, and surgical intervention is often necessary. Dr. Shama Shaikh's expertise in laparoscopic hernia repair ensures minimal tissue trauma, less post-operative pain, and a faster return to daily activities.
For gynecological conditions requiring hysterectomy, Dr. Shama Shaikh employs laparoscopic methods whenever possible. This approach reduces the size of incisions, lowers the risk of infection, and accelerates patient recovery.
Endometriosis Treatment:
Endometriosis can cause chronic pain and infertility. Dr. Shama Shaikh's proficiency in laparoscopic surgery enables precise removal of endometrial tissue while preserving reproductive organs, enhancing patients' quality of life.
Diagnostic Laparoscopy:
Dr. Shama Shaikh utilizes diagnostic laparoscopy to investigate abdominal pain, infertility, and other unexplained symptoms. This minimally invasive technique allows for accurate diagnosis with shorter hospital stays and quicker recuperation.
Gynecological Oncology:
Laparoscopy plays a vital role in treating gynecological cancers. Dr. Shama Shaikh employs this approach for procedures like ovarian cystectomy, hysterectomy for uterine cancer, and lymph node dissection, promoting comprehensive cancer care.
Bariatric Surgery:
Obesity-related health issues can be addressed through laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Dr. Shama Shaikh offers procedures like gastric sleeve and gastric bypass to help patients achieve sustainable weight loss and improved health.
GERD Surgery:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can severely impact a patient's quality of life. Dr. Shama Shaikh performs laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery, providing relief from symptoms and reducing the risk of complications.
Dr. Shama Shaikh's proficiency in laparoscopic surgery has redefined patient care in Pune, offering advanced medical solutions with minimized invasiveness and enhanced recovery. Her expertise spans a range of common procedures, from gallbladder removal to complex gynecological surgeries. Patients seeking innovative and patient-centric surgical solutions can trust Dr. Shama Shaikh's skillful hands to provide the best possible outcomes through laparoscopy.
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El mejor especialista para cirugía de mínima invasión en Querétaro
Solicita una consulta con el mejor cirujano bariatra en Querétaro para ver si eres candidato a cirugía laparoscópica para bajar de peso.
¡Para más información, visita el siguiente enlace!
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Laparoscopy and Digestive System Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment | Laparoscopy Surgeon in Bangalore
Digestive system disorders affect millions of people worldwide and can significantly impact a person's quality of life. While many of these conditions can be treated through medication and dietary changes, some may require surgery to correct them. Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical technique that has become increasingly popular for diagnosing and treating digestive system disorders. In this article, we will explore laparoscopy's role in the diagnosis and treatment of digestive system disorders. Dr. Santhosh is the best Gastroenterologist in Bangalore and provides Laparoscopy Surgeon in Bangalore.
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What is Laparoscopy?
Laparoscopy is a surgical technique that uses a small camera and specialized surgical tools to access and operate internal organs through small incisions. This treatment is also known as minimally invasive surgery or keyhole surgery.
During laparoscopy, the surgeon makes a small incision near the belly button and inserts a laparoscope, which is a long, thin tube with a camera attached to the end. The camera sends images of the internal organs to a monitor, allowing the surgeon to see the area being operated on. The surgeon then inserts specialized surgical tools through other small incisions to perform the procedure.
Laparoscopy is becoming increasingly popular in the diagnosis and treatment of digestive system disorders. This technique offers several benefits over traditional open surgery, including shorter recovery times, less scarring, and a reduced risk of complications.
Diagnosis of Digestive System Disorders Using Laparoscopy
Laparoscopy can be used to diagnose various digestive system disorders, including:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Laparoscopy can be used to determine if there is a hiatal hernia or if the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is not functioning correctly.
Abdominal pain: Laparoscopy can be used to determine the cause of unexplained abdominal pain.
Pancreatitis: Laparoscopy can be used to diagnose chronic pancreatitis, which can be challenging to diagnose through other methods.
Gallstones: Laparoscopy can be used to diagnose and remove gallstones.
Inflammatory bowel disease: Laparoscopy can be used to diagnose and evaluate inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
Cancers of the digestive system: Laparoscopy can be used to determine the extent of cancer spread and aid in biopsy collection.
Laparoscopy is an effective diagnostic tool that allows surgeons to see and assess internal organs without the need for large incisions. This procedure can also be used to collect tissue samples for biopsy and confirm the diagnosis of a digestive system disorder.
Treatment of Digestive System Disorders Using Laparoscopy
Laparoscopy is an effective treatment option for various digestive system disorders. Here are some of the conditions that can be treated using laparoscopy:
Hernias: Laparoscopy can be used to repair inguinal, femoral, and ventral hernias. This technique can result in less pain and a quicker recovery time than traditional open surgery.
Appendicitis: Laparoscopy is a safe and effective way to remove the appendix, with fewer complications and a faster recovery time than traditional open surgery.
Gallbladder disease: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a frequent treatment done to remove the gallbladder. This procedure results in less pain and a faster recovery time than traditional open surgery.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication is a procedure used to treat GERD by tightening the LES. This technique results in fewer complications and a shorter recovery time than traditional open surgery.
If you are looking for Laparoscopy Surgeon in Bangalore, consult Dr. Santhosh R.
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drdimpledoshi020 · 2 years
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Minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures for gynaecological and infertility problems. Advanced procedures, expert surgeon and latest infrastructure available under one roof. To recover painlessly and get back to normal life fast. Consult expert today for best results.
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kon-igi · 10 months
@cambiarerestareuguale​ ha chiesto:
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Ciao caro Kon,
Qualche tempo fa ti chiesi informazioni riguardo il buco che si era aperto, dopo la rimozione dei punti, in uno dei tagli che mi erano stati fatti per togliere l'appendice in laparoscopia. Ieri sono andata a ritirare il referto dell'esame istologico e la dottoressa che mi ha spiegato tutte le cose strane scritte lì sopra è stata molto gentile e chiara, ho capito che non è nulla di preoccupante e poco altro, perché il mio cervello, ovviamente, pensava solo T U M O R E 🤦
Mi ha prescritto una visita al Sant'Orsola ancora da calendarizzare, specificando che è una prassi e di stare tranquilla, ma senza dare dettagli ulteriori a riguardo (e io non ho pensato di chiedere).
In che cosa può consistere questa visita? Potrebbero essere necessari controlli periodici? È preoccupante che mi si sia formato un tumore di questo tipo, anche se innocuo, a neanche 30 anni? È raro o piuttosto comune trovare questi tumori nell'appendice?
So che potrei cercare alcune risposte su Google, ma so che finirei in un loop infinito di letture preoccupanti.
Grazie mille di nuovo, un abbraccio grande a tutti voi ❤️
L. sei un tesoro ma ho editato il submit perché si vedevano i tuoi dati e io non potevo nasconderli :)
Comunque, meno male che la tua dottoressa ti ha spiegato l’innocuità di quella neoformazione perché le sigle a un non addetto ai lavori possono sembrare davvero minacciose! 
Quel tipo di tumore è piuttosto raro (5 casi annui ogni 100.000 persone e il 70% interessa proprio il tratto gastro-enterico) e colpisce le cellule neuroendocrine presenti in molti organi addominali, la cui funzione è quella di far compiere azioni specifiche all’organo mediante la regolazione degli ormoni da parte dell’ipotalamo (nel caso dell’intestino, motilità e assorbimento). 
Come vedi l’Indice Proliferativo Ki67 (una proteina nucleare associata alla proliferazione e quindi utile come marker tumorale) è inferiore all’1% il che posiziona il tuo tumore al grado più basso di rischio perché localizzato a un solo organo (l’appendice... che ti è stata tolta!) senza interessamento di tessuti circostanti o metastasi.
La cosa interessante è che la diagnosi di queste forme tumorali sta crescendo progressivamente negli ultimi anni ma per un semplice motivo...
sono migliorate le tecniche diagnostiche e quindi vengono individuate neoplasie che prima uno si sarebbe portato nella tomba da vecchio
Nel tuo caso, se non avessi avuto una brutta appendicite acuta e non fosse stato fatto l’esame istologico di rito, non te ne saresti mai accorta.
Per rispondere alla tua domanda, probabilmente potresti dover fare ogni 6-12 mesi un esame del sangue per monitorare la CGA (cromogranina A) una glicoproteina che funge da marcatore bioumorale specifico per le neoplasie neuroendocrine e magari una TAC addominale, però non conosco i protocolli specifici e quindi dirti se vale il discorso generico ‘controllo ogni 6 mesi per 5 anni, ogni 12 mesi per altri 5 anni e poi sei considerata guarita’.
Sono sicuro, però, che al S.Orsola ti spiegheranno tutto nel dettaglio ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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Alimentação e fertilidade
A alimentação pode desempenhar um papel importante na fertilidade. Manter uma dieta equilibrada e saudável pode ajudar a promover a fertilidade em homens e mulheres. Alguns aspectos a considerar incluem:
Peso saudável: Manter um peso saudável é fundamental, pois tanto o excesso de peso quanto a baixa massa corporal podem afetar a fertilidade.
Nutrientes essenciais: Consumir uma variedade de alimentos ricos em nutrientes, como ácido fólico, ferro, zinco, vitamina D e ômega-3, pode ser benéfico.
Antioxidantes: Alimentos ricos em antioxidantes, como frutas e vegetais coloridos, podem proteger os órgãos reprodutivos dos danos causados pelos radicais livres.
Hidratação: Manter-se bem hidratado é importante para a produção de muco cervical adequado e o funcionamento geral do sistema reprodutivo.
Reduzir toxinas: Evitar o consumo excessivo de álcool, cafeína e tabaco, bem como limitar a exposição a produtos químicos tóxicos, pode melhorar a fertilidade.
Equilíbrio hormonal: Alguns alimentos, como a soja, podem afetar os hormônios, então é importante consumi-los com moderação.
Controle de açúcar no sangue: Manter níveis de açúcar no sangue estáveis, evitando picos e quedas, pode ser benéfico.
Ácido fólico: O ácido fólico é importante para a saúde do esperma e do óvulo, por isso é essencial para casais que desejam conceber.
Lembrando que a fertilidade é influenciada por diversos fatores, e a consulta a um médico ou especialista em fertilidade é importante para avaliar qualquer problema específico e receber orientações personalizadas.
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Opedale San Paolo Bari, 67% pazienti sottoposto a laparoscopia
Spiegare quali sono i vantaggi della chirurgia mini invasiva che consente di approcciarsi a patologie anche di tipo oncologico, riducendo i tempi di ripresa del paziente e senza impattare in modo aggressivo sulla sua vita. Se n’è discusso oggi all’ospedale San Paolo di Bari che ha ospitato il convegno dedicato alla ‘Chirurgia oncologica: approccio multidisciplinare e chirurgia mini invasiva’,…
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komal1234jain · 10 months
Laparoscopy Surgery: A Revolution in Minimally Invasive Procedures
Laparoscopy surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, has transformed the field of medicine by offering significant benefits over traditional open procedures. Dr. Shama Shaikh, a highly skilled and dedicated laparoscopy surgeon in Pune, is making remarkable contributions to this innovative approach. With her expertise and commitment to patient care, Dr. Shaikh is revolutionizing surgical outcomes and enhancing the lives of her patients. In this article, we will explore the concept of laparoscopy surgery, its advantages, and the expertise that Dr. Shama Shaikh brings to the field in Pune.
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Understanding Laparoscopy Surgery:
Laparoscopy surgery involves the use of specialized instruments, including a laparoscope, which is a thin, flexible tube equipped with a camera and light source. This instrument allows surgeons to perform intricate procedures through small incisions, resulting in minimal trauma to the body. The laparoscope transmits high-definition images to a monitor, providing the surgeon with a clear view of the surgical site. With this enhanced visibility, Dr. Shama Shaikh can navigate with precision and perform complex procedures with utmost accuracy.
Advantages of Laparoscopy Surgery:
Laparoscopy surgery offers numerous advantages over traditional open surgery. Firstly, the smaller incisions result in reduced post-operative pain, leading to quicker recovery times for patients. Additionally, the risk of infection is significantly minimized due to the smaller incisions and reduced exposure of internal organs. Patients also experience less scarring, as the incisions made during laparoscopy are tiny compared to larger, more invasive incisions of open surgery.
Another significant advantage of laparoscopy surgery is the shorter hospital stay. With quicker recovery times, patients can return to their normal activities sooner, resulting in a decreased burden on healthcare resources and reduced healthcare costs.
Dr. Shama Shaikh's Expertise in Laparoscopy Surgery:
Dr. Shama Shaikh is a distinguished laparoscopy surgeon in Pune, renowned for her expertise and commitment to patient care. With extensive training and experience in laparoscopic procedures, she offers a wide range of surgeries with exceptional precision and skill.
Dr. Shaikh's expertise covers various laparoscopic procedures, including but not limited to gallbladder removal, hernia repair, appendectomy, ovarian cystectomy, and hysterectomy. She remains up-to-date with the latest advancements in laparoscopy surgery, continuously expanding her knowledge and skills to provide her patients with state-of-the-art treatment options.
Apart from her technical proficiency, Dr. Shama Shaikh is deeply compassionate and empathetic towards her patients. She believes in establishing a strong doctor-patient relationship based on trust and open communication. Dr. Shaikh takes the time to thoroughly explain the laparoscopy procedure to her patients, addressing any concerns or fears they may have. Her approachable demeanor and caring nature create a supportive environment that helps patients navigate their surgical journey with confidence.
Contributions to Medical Advancement:
In addition to her clinical practice, Dr. Shama Shaikh actively contributes to medical advancement in the field of laparoscopy surgery. She conducts research and participates in national and international conferences to share her findings and insights. By staying at the forefront of medical knowledge and innovation, Dr. Shaikh ensures that her patients receive the most advanced and effective treatment options available.
Dr. Shaikh also plays a vital role in training aspiring surgeons, passing on her expertise and knowledge to the next generation of laparoscopy surgeons in Pune. Through her mentorship, she helps shape the future of laparoscopic surgery, ensuring that the benefits of this revolutionary approach reach a wider population.
Laparoscopy surgery has revolutionized the field of medicine, offering patients numerous advantages over traditional open surgery. Dr. Shama Shaikh, a highly skilled laparoscopy surgeon in Pune, combines her expertise, compassion, and commitment to patient care to provide exceptional surgical outcomes. With her dedication to advancing medical knowledge and her contributions to training future surgeons, Dr. Shaikh is paving the way for the continued success and growth of laparoscopy surgery in Pune and beyond.
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