#Mat barzal fanfic
pucked-bunnie · 1 month
hands off ⎜m.barzal
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pairings: mat barzal x reader prompts: "can you please come get me?" + "Don't fucking touch what isn't yours." warnings: mentions of stalking? ⎜drunk people ⎜reader is uncomfy ⎜ word count: 1.4k note: I got a lot of request for Mat so I decided that these two go well together and ended up combining them. Requests are open!
The party was supposed to be fun. 
It was supposed to be a good way for you to find new friends - to bond with some of the other wags. 
And sure the night started out fun. 
“I promise they’ll take good care of you, it’s just dinner and some drinks.” Mat had assured you as he watched you pull on your coat, the oversized denim jacket holding in any warmth it could manage, stopping the slight tremble of your limbs at the winter cold. 
Moving to New York had been a big adjustment, especially in the dead of winter. Mat had talked to some of his teammates, hoping to be able to set up a girls night with some of the wives and girlfriends on the team to help you adjust to being in a new city, to help you make some new friends to keep you company when he was away so often. All the girls were quick to agree, adding you to the team group chat to discuss the details. 
“I know, but it’s been so long since I’ve gone out and my sister warned me about the bars around here.” You respond as you glance up at him, pulling your lip between your teeth. 
You wanted him to comfort you. 
To give you a reason to cancel. 
Or to say he would come with you. 
Meeting new people was terrifying. 
“I swear it’ll be fine, just message me when you’re ready and I’ll come get you.” You nod slowly at his words, leaning up on your toes to press a soft kiss against his cheek, Mat giving you a big smile as he pushes you lightly towards the front door of the bar, leaning against the side of his car until the front door closes behind you. 
Mat was right. 
The night started out fun. 
But things changed so quickly. 
“Hey, you’ll be right to head home on your own right?” Anders asks, his wife draped against his side, a drunk smile on her face as he holds her steady with one arm around her waist. “Mat’s on his way?” He questions, you don’t really respond, just giving a tight smile. 
You had messaged Mat. 
You swear. 
Anders pats your shoulder softly, before dragging his wife out of the club, trying to avoid her incessant affections. You watch as they leave the constantly filling bar, the crowds of people getting louder, more boisterous as the night carries on. The others had been picked up earlier by their partners, each whisked off in a slightly tipsy haze. 
You had been left on delivered for the last thirty five minutes. 
And there was no sign of Mat responding anytime soon. 
“He’s probably fallen asleep.” You reassure yourself, you phone showing a time of eleven forty eight pm, way past Mat’s normal bedtime. 
Letting out a long sigh, you push away from the spot at the bar, grabbing your jacket off the back of your chair, slinging it over your shoulders, buttoning each button tightly before hefting your purse up on your shoulder. 
Your apartment wasn’t far away. 
The walk would have to be brisk with the cold seeping into your bones, but it was do-able. 
You smile softly as the door managers as you exit, crossing your arms over your chest with your phone tight in your hand as you start walking down the block. 
You can hear as they exit behind you. 
The four men bustling amongst each other. 
Each of them daring the other to close the gap. 
You type quickly on your phone, pressing the cold glass to your ear as the dial tone rings in your ear. 
You dare to glance back, the men pausing for a moment, discussing something between themselves. 
“Baby?” Mat’s voice is groggy, coughing a few times as he repeats, “Baby, are you there?” You catch yourself nodding in response - despite the fact that Mat can’t hear you - your free arm tight around you as you speed up a little more. 
“Can you please come get me?” You ask softly into the phone, you can hear the rusting of a blanket and the padding of Mat’s bare feet on your apartment floor as he moves around the rooms. 
“Where are you?” He asks quickly, “Are you safe?” 
“Like five minutes from the bar, I thought I could make it.” You continue, your body jumping as you hear the footsteps close in. 
“Hey, wait.” You hear a voice call out from behind you, the man's voice slurred slightly, his friends egging him on. 
“Who was that?” Mat asks, the jangling of his keys ringing through the phone. “Are you walking?” He asks again, his voice deeper, more gravely, the easiest to tell that he was angry. 
“You weren’t responding.” You justify, “It’s only a fifteen minute walk, I thought it would be fine.” You hear Mat let out a cuss, the words sounding far away. You can hear his fingers swiping on his screen before he swears again, the sound of a grunt a thump before his voice is close to your ear again. 
“I’m on my way - stay on the phone with me, okay?” You nod again, glancing once more over your shoulder the men are closing on you now. 
Mat’s breathing heavily into the phone, reminding you to keep walking. 
He’ll be there soon, he promises. 
The hand lands out your arm roughly, your body swung around to face them. 
“I asked you to wait.” The man groans, he couldn’t have been more than mid twenties, you wish he knew how scared you were right now. 
“My boyfriend is on his way to come get me. I’m not interested.” You speak confidently, you can hear the muffled sounds of Mat saying something into the phone, but you can’t make out the words, your arm dropping to your side as the man's friends stop around the two of you. 
“Let me go.” You say, firm in your words. 
“But you haven’t even heard me out yet.” The man whines, his tone similar to that of an upset child. “Please give me a chance.” He whines again, his hand still clamped on your arm. The man is clearly drunk, his friends goading him on. 
“I bet she’s lying.” One says. 
“She probably doesn’t even have a boyfriend.” The other adds. 
“Show her what she’s missing out on.” The last one says. 
The man in front of you pauses, his eyes flicking over your shoulder, heavy steps stopping behind you, the man’s hand loosening slowly. 
“Didn’t your mothers ever teach you boys manners?” Mats voice hisses from beside you, his hand reaching out to close around the drunk stranger's wrist, the man releasing you quickly. 
“Don’t fucking touch what isn’t yours.” Mat sneers, his body moving in front of your as he pushes the man away from the two of you. 
The men are smart. 
They retreat quickly, excuses falling from their mouths. 
“Sorry man.” One sighs. 
“Didn’t mean any harm.” The other adds. 
Mat glares at the back of them as they stumble back down the street to the bar, their attention finding some other people to focus on. 
“You ran all the way here?” You ask. 
“Yes.” Mat responds. 
“Are you mad at me?” You question quietly, Mat’s chest heaving, as he runs his fingers through his hair. 
“What?” He asks, spinning on the spot to face you, letting out a long sigh as he reaches for you, his arms wrapping around your head to pull you into his chest, his hands stroke your hair as he lets out another long breath. 
“I’m mad at myself.” He says quietly. “I told you I would come get you as soon as you messaged and I was an idiot and fell asleep.” 
“It’s okay.” You grumble into his chest, your words muffled by his thick hoodie. 
“I was so scared.” 
“So was I.” You agree, pulling your head away from his chest to look up at him, smiling as you pull yourself out of his arms, reaching to latch your hand in his as you pull him to start walking besides you. 
“I can’t believe you ran all the way to help me.” You chuckle softly, finally tucking your phone back into your pocket, the danger ebbing away as you watch your boyfriend's shoulders slump as he shakes his head in disbelief. 
“I can’t believe I did, either.”
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lam-ila · 4 months
Sing Your Heart Out as Your Ex Watches || Mat Barzal
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Summary: Singer!reader performing at the NHL All Star Game while their ex watches.
Word Count: 851
Warnings: jealousy from an unnamed ex who plays in the NHL, slight mention of said ex being a bad boyfriend (please let me know if you find any more that i should add)
Maleeha's Masterlist
a/n: this short little fic was inspired by this post by @islesnucks and was quickly written (busted it out in an hour)
this is gender neutral. hope you enjoy this! feedback is appreciated
You were an up and coming singer, and was pretty well known in the hockey world. Growing up a hockey fan had a big influence in your life; your most famous music video included you wearing some hockey gear, grabbing the attention of hockey players, fans, and organizations.
You were already connected to the hockey world with your boyfriend, Mat Barzal, being a well known hockey player for the New York Islanders. Unfortunately, you were also connected to the hockey world through your ex... who also played in the NHL.
You had been broken up with your ex for two and a half years and you had been with Mat for a little over a year. You couldn't have been happier with Mat, he was everything your ex wasn't: sweet, respectful, kind to your family and friends, the list could go on and on. So when you were confirmed to be at the NHL All Star weekend before your boyfriend was, he couldn't have been prouder.
A few weeks later, the All Stars were announced and Mat's name was listed as one of the players; it was your turn to be proud of him. However, upon reading the list of players who would accompany Mat as All Stars, you frowned at the sight of your ex's name. You brushed it off as your joy that Mat was an All Star overpowered your sadness that your ex was also an All Star.
Since you were performing, you were listed as one of the four celebrity captains. You of course drafted your boyfriend as your first pick resulting in the fans, both yours and his, going wild in person and over social media. Your and Mat's names were all over social media the entire weekend with your ex's name sometimes following your names as he seemingly didn't even try to hide his jealousy that you were happily with Mat. Your ex's obvious jealousy didn't bother you at the time, you were secure in yourself and your relationship as was Mat.
Your and Mat's names appearing on social media only increased on the Saturday, when you were behind the bench that Mat sat upon. Clips of you strategizing play and semi-flirtatiously bossing Mat around were all over the tags relating to the both of you and the NHL All Star Game.
You were set to perform after the second game of the day before the third and final game of the day. At first, you were excited to perform, however, as the All Star weekend went by, you were increasingly getting nervous about performing in front of your ex. As you were getting ready with your backup dancers in the arena's home team locker room, you realized how un-ready you were to perform in front of him. Your backup dancers noticed your nervousness and one of them texted Mat that he needed to come to calm your nerves. Once Mat arrived, you didn't look his way as he expected, signaling that you were lost in your thoughts.
"Hi." He said after cautiously approached you and sitting next to you, worried that he would abruptly break you out of your thoughts.
"Hi." You repeated, a slight smile accompanying your greeting as you met his gaze.
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He asked, gently grabbing your hands and holding them in his as if saying 'you can't avoid this conversation'.
"I have to perform in front of him." You didn't have to say his name for Mat to know that you were talking about your ex. "Him being here wasn't bothering me Thursday, or yesterday, or even earlier today, so I don't know why I'm worried."
"I do," You looked at Mat, confused as to how he knew, but you didn't. "You're worried because it's the first time you perform in front of him since you broke up with him. And I completely understand that." Mat paused, allowing you to talk if you wanted to, but your silence showed him that he could continue. "But you know what? He's been jealous this whole weekend. He can't stand how well you're doing for your singing career without him by your side."
"And he can't stand that I have a boyfriend who's better than him in every way." You added, causing Mat to giddily smile and blush. You took a deep breath, your hands still in Mat's, before adding, "I can do this."
"Now that's the positive self talk I want to hear!" Mat squeezed your hands before letting go, standing up to lean down and give you a chaste kiss on your lips. "I want you to go out there and sing your heart out while your ex watches. Relish in the glory because you've earned it."
"I have?" You asked, standing up in front of Mat.
"You have," he reassured. "and that's all your work that allowed you to get to this point." With one last kiss - the good luck kiss as Mat called it - he was gone, re-joining his NHL peers on the ice waiting for your performance of a lifetime.
NHL taglist: @readyfreddy @jostystyles @jimothystu @typical-simplelove @2manytabsopen @11livpangburn @matthewkniesys @lifeofpriya @fallinallincurls
join my taglist here
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doc-pickles · 6 months
morning glory | mat barzal
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summary: sequel to too early because y'all are horny for barzy apparently
warnings: unprotected p in v, sleepy barzy
a/n: so y'all get another smutmas fic because I FULLY intended for the last fic to end where it did. but y'all clearly wanted more so here it is! enjoy!
You manage a few more hours before the sun shining through your windows wakes you. With a yawn, you go to move but Mat’s arm keeps you in place. 
“Sleep good baby?” Mat’s voice is filled with sleep as his lips trace your neck. You nod and he gently bites your neck. “Good. Glad I could help.”
Mat’s words make you suddenly aware of his erection now pressing into your ass. You groan at the realization, Mat’s fingers coming up to tweak your nipples. 
“I believe I promised you something,” his breath fans across your shoulder as he moves his hand downwards from your breasts. “Fuck you feel so good against me. Wanna wake up like this every morning.”
It only takes you moving your hips slightly for the tip of Mat’s cock to nudge against your entrance. You push back against him, taking the head of his dick with a groan. Mat ducks his head into your shoulder, groaning lowly.
“Fucking hell… Baby, I’m not gonna last long,” he sighs as he pushes his hips a little closer, pushing into you more. “So fucking tight…”
You push back one more time and sink fully onto Mat’s dick. His fingers brush your clit slowly as your eyes flutter closed. Mat’s hips find a slow and steady pace as the two of you melt together, bodies fit perfectly against each other.
“So good for me, baby. God I could spend all day here,” Mat’s sweet and sultry words bring you closer to the edge as your bodies rock in a gentle pace. He keeps a tight grip on you, making sure you stay as close as possible. “Fuck, you take me so well. Fit my dick perfectly.”
You take the opportunity to clench around him and you’re quickly rewarded with a low and filthy moan from Mat as his hips stutter, “God… I’m not gonna last baby. You’re so fucking tight, you like milking my cock, yeah?”
“Mat,” you cry out, your climax just on the horizon. “Please baby, need you.”
Mat squeezes your hips and delivers a few hard thrusts before you’re clenching around him, a low cry coming from you. He doesn’t last much longer, stilling inside you and painting your walls with his release.
The two of you lay there for a few minutes, Mat’s lips trailing across your neck and shoulder as he holds you close. When your alarm goes off you both groan and separate, backs pressed against the mattress.
“Do you think we could stay here all day?” Mat asks as his hand intertwines with yours.
“No,” you giggle as you turn to face him. “Unless you want the Islanders to be down their best winger.”
“Now you’re just flattering me,” Mat chuckles as he sits up. “C’mon pretty lady, we’ve spent enough time in bed for the day.”
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miracleonice87 · 11 months
17 w barzy pls! i feel like he only ever gets smut or fluff written w him
from m's midnights prompt list
warnings (cw / tw): miscarriage, pregnancy loss, mourning... this one's a doozy, folks 😔 please don't read if these subjects are triggering or sensitive for you
word count: ~2,100
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17. Bigger Than The Whole Sky
It started as the most typical Isles weekday gameday. Mat woke up an hour before morning skate, kissed your forehead, and rolled out of bed as you snoozed away for just a few more minutes, the early-pregnancy exhaustion hitting you hard the last several weeks. He made himself a coffee, you an Earl Grey, and carried both back to the bedroom where he found you just beginning to stir. You both sipped at your drinks as you went through your morning grooming and threw on athleticwear. Soon, after a playful kiss in the hallway, you were both headed out the door, Mat to the rink and you to the Lees’ to workout with Grace in their home gym. 
At least, with the intention to workout with Grace. 
Instead, your world as you knew it and your greatest dream came crashing down during the short drive to the Lee house.
What started as light cramping quickly gave way to sharp, stabbing pains that had you doubled over in Grace’s doorway by the time you reached their stately home. She knowingly shuffled you inside, alarm bells blaring in her head even as she used her calmest tone and did everything she could to soothe you. Her babysitter quickly led the girls away from the scene, distracting them with an invitation to play princess dress-up in the toyroom down the hall, away from your intensifying sobs.
As Grace guided you toward her car in the garage, your hands gripping hers with knuckles white as you leaned into her for strength, she noticed a figment of every expectant parent’s worst fear… the seat of your grey leggings stained with an unsettlingly substantial amount of blood. 
“Is this it?” you cried. “Is this what it feels like?”
The pit deepened in her gut, her maternal instincts screaming yes. 
“I don’t know, sweetheart,” she answered softly. “We’re gonna go find out, okay? Together.” 
“A-and Mat…”
“I know. Of course.” 
You reached the passenger door, and with one hand Grace opened the adjacent rear door, grabbed one of the girls’ pink travel pillows, and tossed it onto your seat in the hope that it would somehow make you more comfortable on the drive to the hospital. She got you settled into the passenger seat and seconds later, was already rolling down her driveway at a speed faster than she ever hit on a normal day, making an impossible phone call via her hands-free navigation. 
At the other end of that call was her sweet husband, who thank god had gotten caught up talking to one of the assistant coaches about gameplans and hadn’t yet stepped onto the ice for morning skate as Mat had minutes ago. 
Anders looked at his phone with a furrowed brow and a knot in his stomach… Grace never called him when she knew he was at the rink.
“G? What’s going on?” 
That’s when she told him it was you, not herself, who was the reason for the call. 
“Shit… is she…”
“I don’t know. She’s in a lot of pain, Anders.” Which he already knew from your muffled sobs on the speakerphone. He’d never heard you cry before. “She’s bleeding. Get Mat off the ice now and tell him to meet us at the hospital.” 
“Fuck. Okay. Be careful – I’m-I’m hanging up.” 
“Okay. I’ll call you.”
Anders tapped the red button and sat in silence at his stall for the briefest of seconds, running a hand through his hair and blowing out a breath through pursed lips, absolutely dreading what he had to do next. 
He made his way down the tunnel, stopping at the bench instead of immediately hopping out onto the ice. Lane noticed and caught his eye. Anders closed the short gap between himself and his head coach, ducked his head, and explained the situation as quietly and briefly as he could. Lane’s expression went cold, and he offered a slow, single nod, then cleared his throat. 
“I’ll do it if you want me to, but I think you should maybe be the one to…”
Anders cut him off, shaking his head. 
“No… no, he should hear it from me.”
Lane set his jaw, clapped the captain’s shoulder, and fixed his gaze back across the ice with a pained exhale. 
Anders shuffled to the end of the bench at its opening and waited a few moments for Mat to skate past him on a loop. When he did, he called, “Barz.” Hoarse, somber, short. The younger player immediately skidded to a stop, sending snow flying from beneath his blades. 
“What’s up?” he asked, panting. 
Anders swallowed, tucking his chin to his chest for a moment. 
“Leezy? What’s up?” Mat repeated, brow furrowing. 
Anders met Mat’s eyes again and sighed. 
“You gotta go to the hospital, bud,” he said softly, unable to keep his voice from shaking. “Grace just called, and-”
Mat didn’t even let Anders finish his thought before he jumped the threshold and ran down the tunnel, shedding his gear as he went, trying to hold it all in his hands and beneath his arms. Anders followed close behind. 
“Barzy, bud, are you good to drive?”
Mat nodded furiously without so much as a glance Anders’ way. 
“I’ll drive you if you want.”
Mat shook his head. 
“You call me if you need anything, you hear me?”
He was nodding again, and simultaneously busting through the doors of the locker room, where he threw all his gear into his bag, pried off his skates, and tugged on his crewneck and sweats in the blink of an eye before heading for the exit with just his keys and his phone… but he stopped in front of his friend before he could make it that far. 
Anders could see the red already rimming his eyes, and he felt his own throat constricting as he heard Mat’s breath coming in short, stuttering gasps. 
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this, man,” Mat managed between breaths. 
All Anders could do was grab Mat in a crushing hug, the sounds of him clapping Mat’s back echoing in the empty locker room. 
“It never is. I’m sorry.” 
No words appear before me in the aftermath
Salt streams out my eyes and into my ears
Every single thing I touch becomes sick with sadness
'Cause it's all over now, all out to sea…
The ultrasound screen had been turned off for at least half an hour by now, you and Mat left alone by the doctor for nearly as long, but you still lay flat on your back, wet cheek pressed to the ugly pleather exam table, willing the black screen to turn back on and tell you something different than it already had. Willing this nightmare to end, willing yourself to wake up, willing it not to be true, to be some giant, cruel misunderstanding. 
No words came to your lips, though thousands of them hummed incessantly between your ears, intrusive thoughts even louder than they’d been all morning in the now-silent room. You heard Mat sniffling behind you, felt his lips kissing the back of your hand every few seconds. Before he’d arrived, you had thought you could not possibly ever feel the sting of devastation more acutely than when the doctor had uttered the words “I’m so sorry; you’re miscarrying.” But good god, the second Mat ran through those sliding glass doors in an utter panic, hair wild no doubt from pulling it throughout the entire drive to the hospital, eyes and nose and cheeks pink from crying, lips parted and shoulders rising and falling as he attempted to catch his breath… you realized how wrong you’d been. 
You could handle the pain this would inflict upon you. But seeing Mat suffering just as much… that made you want to crawl in a hole and never see the light of day again. And since that moment, after he’d gathered you in his arms, you’d tried your damndest to avoid making eye contact with him altogether. 
He was sad because of you. Mourning because of you. Depressed and angry and sick and childless because of you. 
And that was simply too much to bear. 
So it was nearly an hour since he’d gotten there and you had yet to look him in the face again. And while looking him in the face was killing you, you not looking him in the face was killing him. 
Nobody won in this situation. It was a lose-lose-lose. 
“Honey, look at me. Please look at me?” Mat begged from your side. 
Unsurprisingly, he was met with silence, and no motion.
“It’s not your fault. Alright? It’s not your fault, babe,” he said firmly, squeezing your hand. “I need you to hear that.”
More silence. It wasn’t even that you wouldn’t speak, it was that you simply couldn’t. 
Mat sighed, using his free hand to swipe at the never-ending tears streaming down his cheeks. Then, he trailed his palm along the length of your arm. 
“You can be as quiet as you want for as long as you want, baby, because this is an awful fucking thing that’s just happened to us, to you,” he spoke, voice wavering. “But I’m gonna keep talking because I’ve gotta make sure you know that this isn’t because of anything you did, or didn’t do. Like the doctor said, these things happen for reasons we’ll never know. And I’m not upset with you. I’m not mad at you. I could never be mad at you. I love you.” 
You closed your eyes, swearing your eyelids were suddenly outfitted with weights. It was all sinking in… the reality of it, the heaviness, the emptiness. You just wanted to sleep.
You finally opened your mouth, feeling how dry and cotton it had become. You didn’t have the strength to debate him on why this had happened, how it had to be your fault somehow, but you mustered enough to give him what you knew he needed. 
“I love you,” you whispered, unnerved by how weak and small your own voice sounded in the sterile room. 
Behind you, you heard Mat rise up from the uncomfortable vinyl chair. He bent over you, pushing some hair back from your damp face, and pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, relieved and grateful to have gotten any response, any sign of human function, from you at all. Then, he patted your shoulder and said the very thing you’d been dreading.
“Come on… let’s go home.”
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
You were bigger than the whole sky
You were more than just a short time…
Mat didn’t know how he’d found himself in the nursery or how long he'd been there, but after laying with you in your bed and softly stroking your hair as you finally fell into a much-needed slumber, that’s where his aimless wandering had eventually led. He didn’t bother to turn on the light; the afternoon sun streaming through the still untreated windows cast a golden glow on everything in the room. 
It had once felt so cozy, a representation of all that the two of you had to look forward to in the weeks and months to come. He loved sitting in the room all alone when he arrived home from a road trip, late at night when you were already sound asleep, dreaming about who your baby would look like, what they would sound like, who they would someday grow to be. 
With you losing your pregnancy so soon into it, the material items in the room were still few. As he ran his fingertips along the covers of the gifted copies of “Goodnight, Moon,” “On The Night You Were Born,” and “Love You Forever,” and over the stuffed Sparky the Dragon next to them on the shelf, his eyes filled with fresh tears, realizing that he would never get to snuggle his first baby earthside, read to them with Sparky tucked in their lap. He leaned wearily against the railing of the crib he had just put together mere days ago, and as he looked toward the tiny “13” jersey laying on the still plastic-wrapped mattress, a sob escaped his throat and he let himself fall completely apart for the very first time, without needing to remind himself to hold it together in your presence. He turned and sunk down to the floor, leaning against the solid oak frame of the crib, and buried his head in his hands, crying as he never had in all his life.
Eventually, there would be conversations about the next steps to take for your health, whether or not to try again, and when, and whether to leave the nursery as it was or pack it up until, hopefully, you were pregnant once more. But for now, there was just sheer sadness as you and Mat grieved the little one that just wasn’t to be. 
And I've got a lot to pine about
I've got a lot to live without
I'm never gonna meet
What could've been, would've been
What should've been you…
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adorethedistance · 1 year
Black and White - Mat Barzal x Reader
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: Swearing, mentions anxiety, almost pg13
Words: 1385
Summary: After attending one of the isles’ many fundraising events, a simple walk in the park turns into a moment the two of you will never forget.
A/n: I’m like 90% done with finals and so I’m filling this anonymous request  as a result. I hope y’all like this quick little fic and as an update there’s a fluffy Zegras fic in the works. 
“Thank you for coming with me tonight,” Mat says from behind a fleeting scoop of bubblegum ice cream. The Islanders fundraising gala was fun and all but Mat and I dipped out before closing remarks in favor of grabbing ice cream before Baskin Robbins closed. So now we’re walking around a random park, black tie attire, in the cold Long Island night.
“You don’t have to thank me, I’m your girlfriend. Being your plus one is part of the gig, and I’m more than happy to do it.” Mat lets go of my hand to lift his arm and gesture me over. I gladly accept the warmth as I’m nearly freezing from walking around at night in a light coat while eating ice cream. He hugs me into his side and kisses my cheek gently. I breathe a small laugh as his lips are still cold.
“How do you know if you want to marry someone?” Mat asks out of nowhere. I hesitate for a second, jarred by his candidness.
“Are you asking me specifically or like the general ‘you’?”
“I’m asking you specifically.” I pause to collect my thoughts and Mat watches me carefully.
“...Well…I think for me specifically…I want an equal relationship where I feel like I lean on them as much as they lean on me for support. I want someone who respects my boundaries and knows I’m their partner and not their therapist. Whoever it is will get along with my family and at the very least tolerate my friends,” we share a small laugh amidst the tense moment. “I want someone who understands how I give love and helps me understand how to give them love and- why are you looking at me like that?” Mat barks out a nervous laugh. He takes his arm off of my shoulders and messes with his hair a bit. One of his nervous habits that I’m not sure he realizes he has.
“Do you think… I meet those requirements?” I hesitate but only because I’m trying to remember everything that I said.
“Yes, I think you do.” Mat smiles relieved before taking my hand in his own once more, placing a kiss on the top of it. We continue through the park, heading back to the car when a sudden flash of light catches our attention. Looking to the source, we see that a gazebo covered in christmas lights had previously not been lit. I snap my head around to look at Mat and the look on his face tells me he already knows just how excited I am about it.
“I don’t know how I didn’t notice this before!” I say as I’m pulling Mat along with me. His pace was too casual for the kind of urgency this sight has instilled in me. As we get closer, someone stands up and I stop in my place. I don’t want to impose on someone else’s time with the pretty lights. Opening my mouth to speak, I immediately cut myself off when I recognize the not so unfamiliar stranger.
“Beau?” I ask when he turns around. He looks at me, slightly panicked. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh my god, no way!” I hear a woman’s voice from behind me and Mat. I turn around to see it’s Emma emerging from a weird angle. She’s coming at us from behind rather than from the parking lot or from the shops.
“Long time no see,” I joke, happy to see our friends despite just spending the last three hours with them. “What’s up? Are you guys also on a walk… at the same park?” Beau and Emma share a look before she gestures him over to where she’s standing.
“Yeah, I was telling him about this gazebo because I drove by one night and the lights were just so pretty I wanted to show him.”
“Gotcha. Well if you want, I can take some cute pictures of the two of you!” I offer happily and Emma and Beau share another look.
“That… would be great, thank you! Beau?” She looks at him and nods over to the gazebo. He looks at Mat with the most confused look I’ve ever seen.
“You okay?” I ask as Emma hands me her phone. She has to physically walk over and grab Beau which snaps him back into reality.
“Yeah I’m good,” he replies quietly and walks into the gazebo. Emma barely poses and I’m about to snap the third photo when she breaks away and walks over to get her phone from me.
“That should be good, thank you.”
“Are you sure? I only took like three-”
“Yeah, no, we’re good! Your turn!” She says urgently and nudges me toward the gazebo. I decide not to push back and when I turn to beckon Mat over, he doesn’t follow.
“I’ll hold your coat so you can get outfit pictures first.” I reluctantly nod and then shrug off my jacket. Why is everyone being so weird?
“You gotta hurry because I am FREEZING!” I instruct Emma and she laughs before nodding.
“Copy that.”
“Okay, I want full fit and shoes for some and then just waist up in the others,” I speak quickly before posing and trying not to shiver violently. “Fuuuuuucckk it’s so cold.” All three of them laugh at my dramatics. Mat shakes his head amusedly and then hands my coat to Beau so he can get in the pictures. He wraps an arm around my waist for a few pictures and Emma snaps approximately two before putting on her director hat.
“Okay, Y/n stay where you are. Mat can I have you stand to the side of her but take a tiny little step back?”
“How should I pose without him…?” I ask skeptically. I don’t think I can see the creative vision and I hope Mat is also a little lost so I don’t just look like an idiot. When I turn to see if he’s also puzzled, I don’t get the moment I’m hoping for. Rather than sharing a confused look and laughing about it, I find him placed just out of my line of sight on one knee with one hand tucked into his jacket pocket.
My eyes go wide for a millisecond before welling up so full of tears that I can no longer see. I hold my right hand over my mouth to keep myself from crying harder. Mat has small tears in his eyes as he holds a small velvet box the color of the Isles signature blue.
“Y/n… you are the love of my life. I remember the first time you came over to my apartment. It was date number four. I made us dinner and you went to the bathroom and when you came back you were very anxious.” I laugh through my tears as I recall the evening and how the story went.
“You were acting weird the entire night and when I asked what was wrong, you were silent for a minute before asking if I “actually” used 3-in-1 shampoo. I laughed so hard I nearly cried and from that moment on, I knew you were endgame.” His simple word choice makes me laugh and the swelling of emotions in my chest makes me forget just how cold I was before.
“Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?” I begin to sob so uncontrollably that I can’t speak so I just nod an emphatic yes. Mat smiles brightly before taking the ring out of the box and sliding it onto it’s permanent spot on my left hand.
I don’t even wait for him to stand up before grabbing his face and kissing him with the passion only two people madly in love could ever know. He kisses me back and places his hands on my waist. Emma and Beau cheer and I remember they’ve been here the whole time.
“You motherfuckers! You knew, didn’t you?” They laugh at my outburst and confirm my suspicion. Mat rises to his full height and when he’s standing I playfully shove his chest. “That’s why you were being so weird today!”
“How does it feel to be engaged, man?” Beau asks and Mat huffs a long sigh.
“I don’t know, I think I blacked out.”
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mrsbarzal1313 · 7 months
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Highlights And Hockey- Mat Barzal
Mat Barzal x Fem! Hairstylist/Influencer
Authors note- Hi! So this is the first series i’ve ever written so bare with me pls! idk how many parts there will be but i have a lottt to say and write about this story line! So i hope you guys enjoy. I’ve never published anything soo here goes nothing! First chapter will be coming soon!
Summary & Storyline- After just one year of becoming a hairstylist Julianna Ray was working day and night trying to gain her clientele. Can one viral video on TikTok change her life? What happens when Sydney Martin books an appointment and suddenly has a suggestion of who might be the perfect guy for her.
Stay tuned!!!
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cellythefloshie · 5 months
Top 5 favorite fics you have wrote
Top 5 favorite fics you have read
(this equals the top 10 lol)
Top 5 Favorite Fics I Wrote in 2023:
Mama Bear - Jeremy Swayman/OC Alone with You Series - Mat Barzal/OC & Anthony Beauvillier/OC Just Me & You Series - Adam Lowry/OC Meant For Loving - Vince Dunn/OC You Are In Love - Pierre-Luc Dubois / Reader
Top 5 Fics I Read in 2023:
Breakable Heaven by @senditcolton We're A Bad Idea Series by @senditcolton Every Summer Has a Story by @comphy-and-cozy Work Wife by @hockeyboysimagines F*ck You Better by @holy-pucks
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islesnucks · 4 months
𝓿𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮𝓶𝓪𝓲𝓵 - Mathew Barzal x Reader
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Summary: what started as an accidentall voicemial to your ex boyfriend ended up becoming routine and maybe even more TW: none that i can think of
Word count: 3.9k A/N: completely made up game schedule btw
Masterlist Add yoruself to the taglist if you wanna be notified when i post the fic!
“Hey, it’s Mat.” His voice echoed through the phone, so familiar yet strangely distant now. You’d heard him speak in interviews, but this was different. He was addressing you, or at least the voicemail version of you. “I can’t answer right now, so you know what to do.”
You didn’t know what to do. Calling your ex-boyfriend, the one you had broken up with months ago, wasn’t something you had exactly planned. Yet, when the acceptance email for the program you had worked tirelessly for arrived, the one he had witnessed you pour your heart into, he was the person you wanted to share it with. So that’s what you were doing, trying no to overthink it before nerves got the best of you.
“Mat, hi. This is so random—H-how are you?” Thank God he didn’t answer, you were a stuttering mess leaving a voicemail imagine if it had been him on the other end instead. “I got in! Into the program I mean. I don’t know why, but I wanted to tell you. You helped me so much before—” you cut yourself again. It didn’t feel right to mention the break up like that, but what could you say? Before I broke up with you? Before I stumbled out of your apartment leaving you behind without an explanation?
“Fuck it. I can’t do this.” You pulled your phone away from your ear and touched the red dot.
That’s it. He didn’t need to know, he probably wouldn’t even care. Who would want their ex to call to tell them they were doing great? That maybe after all the breakup was worth it because they had gotten into the program they had neglected their relationship for? Too long, right?
A second later, realization struck like lightning – you had ended the call before deleting the voicemail. It had been sent.
“Oh no, no, no!” you exclaimed, eyes widening in horror. There was no turning back. Mat would undoubtedly hear you stumbling over your words. Why couldn’t you have just left well enough alone? The last thing he needed was you barging back into his life with a pathetic voicemail about something he likely moved on from. ‘He probably already despises me after how everything unfolded, and now this’ you thought.
You were wrong, because no longer than 5 minutes after everything had gone down your phone was buzzing in your hand, Mat’s contact bright in the center as he now waited for you to pick up for a change.
“Mat.” you picked up.
“Hey. You called me?” He sounded confused, for very obvious reasons. Nevertheless it was nice to hear his voice now directed at you.
“Yeah, right. I left you a voicemail.” You rolled your eyes. At least you sounded less nervous than earlier on the voicemail, but it was not less embarrassing.
Mat’s voice came through, cool and collected. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t check. I just saw the missed call and, you know.”
“Sure, sure.” you replied, trying to sound half as calm as he seemed to be with the whole situation.
“Do you want me to hear it or …” his offer hovered in the air.
“No! I mean, I can tell you.” You cringed at the thought of him hearing your rambling voicemail. “So, I called because I just got the mail. I got into the program!”
“Shut up! That’s great! Congratulations!” Mat’s excitement burst through the line. Your heart melted a little. After everything that had happened he sounded genuinely happy for you.
“Thank you, Maty.”
Mat’s tone softened. “You deserve it, after all the hard work you put into it. I knew you’d get it.”
You chuckled, the tension easing. “I know, I know. You told me like a million times. I was just insecure.”
For a second you let yourself imagine this was under other circumstances. You were still together and he was calling you right after practice or from another city in one of his roadies. He’d come back home eventually and hug you so tight you wouldn’t be able to breath, probably lift you up and spin you around a little. You wouldn’t be able to stop laughing and-
“I know …” Mat’s response brought you back to reality. The reality in which he wouldn’t knock on your door with his arms wide open.
His tone carried an easy understanding. He definitely knew about your insecurities. They played a huge role on why your relationship was the way it was right now: nonexistent.
“So that’s what the voicemail said?” He broke the silence.
“Yeah, basically. But you know, all giddy and stuff. Really embarrassing.”
Mat’s laughter grew louder, and you could practically see him shaking his head. “Oh, really? Well, now I have to hear it.”
“No, no, no.” you protested, your embarrassment deepening. “Seriously, don’t Barzal. I know where you live.”
But Mat insisted, his curiosity piqued. “Come on! Embrace the cringe. It can’t be that bad.”
He ended the call before you could object anymore, only to call you back a minute later. Mat’s laughter erupted again as soon as you picked up, and you couldn’t help but join in, the shared humor dissipating the lingering awkwardness. If you closed your eyes you could almost picture him with that scrunched up nose as he laughed.
“The ‘fuck it, i can’t do this’ was the best part by far.”
The familiar buzz of the MSG postgame show filled the cozy confines of your living room as Mat’s name flashed brightly on your phone, catching you off guard. Shannon and Hickey were in full praise mode, replaying Mat’s epic goal on loop, and there he was, the main attraction, waiting on the other end of the line for you to pick up.
You fumbled for your phone, a grin tugging at the corners of your lips as you swiped to answer. “Hey, I didn’t expect your call.” you remarked, the commentator’s voices still ringing in your ears.
“Bad timing?” Mat’s voice crackled through the phone, a hint of breathlessness underscoring his words – probably still riding the adrenaline high from the ice.
“No, no. It’s just that a second ago you were on my screen falling all over the ice.” you teased, imagining his less-than-graceful moments on the rink.
“I don’t fall that much!” he argued, sounding mildly offended.
“You do, but you also score, so it’s forgiven. Congrats on your almost hatty, by the way.” You chuckled, knowing how much he loathed falling a goal short. Always so hard on himself. 
Mat scoffed, clearly annoyed at missing the mark. “So, you watched tonight?”
“Obviously, I watch every game I can catch.” you replied, the excitement of the game still coursing through your veins. The thrill of watching Mat succeed, even from a distance, even after all that happened, was undeniable.
“You should come, you know. I’m sure the girls would love to see you.” Mat suggested, his voice tinged with a hint of longing.
“I don’t know, Mat. It’s not my place anymore.” you hesitated, letting the uncertainty hang in the air. You had to change the subject before your mind started spiraling.  “Anyway, why did you call?”
“Oh, right. I listened to your voicemail again!”
“So you called to tell me you haven’t actually deleted it like you promised?”
“I heard it right before the game and got 2 goals and 2 assists. I think it’ll become my new pregame ritual, honestly.” Mat admitted, his voice softer now, laced with a hint of nostalgia. Why had he chosen to hear it? That’s something he would save for himself for now. The shared memories of your past flitted between you, unspoken but palpable.
“Really? Want me to send embarrassing voicemails before every game?”
“I’d love it. Yes, please.” Mat replied with a laugh, the warmth of his laughter washing over you like a comforting embrace. The playful banter held a certain intimacy, a bridge between past flames and the uncharted territory of what lay ahead.
The banter flowed seamlessly, a blend of shared history and the current moment. The familiarity was comforting, but the unspoken complexities of your past lingered in the air, a delicate tension.
NYI vs. TBL - November 5th
“Hey, Barzy. I don’t know if you were joking or not but here’s your pregame embarrassing voicemail as solicited. You weren’t serious, right? Well fuck it, enjoy it or ignore me whatever.”
NYI vs. CGY - November 7th
“Just walked past that coffee shop where we had our third or fourth date I think. Remember how you choked over your latte when I lied and said I loved the Rangers?”
NYI vs. SEA - November 9th
“Hey, you won’t believe who I just saw. That guy that lives in the building across the street, the one that has your face tattooed on his left arm. He asked about you, told me to wish you good luck. So good luck from him … and from me. Good luck tonight.”
NYI vs. VAN - November 11th
“Hi! Your sister told me your family is going tonight, so send them a kiss from me, ok? … I-I keep in touch with her, I don’t know if you knew that or like maybe I should’ve told you? Are you ok with that? I’m sorry I just assumed you would be. Anyway, good luck! Say hi from me! Or don’t if you don’t want to-”
NYI vs. NYR - November 16th
“Dude. Rangers tonight. Don’t mess it up. May have bet on you guys with a guy from work, I don’t wanna have to pay for his lunch tomorrow. Please. Good luck, 13.”
NYI vs. PIT - November 18th
“Shit, shit, shit. Hope you can hear this before the game. I’m still getting used to the program’s schedule and all of that, I’m kind of a mess right now. Anyway, good luck!”
NYI vs. DET - November 20th
“Maty, hi! I know this is kind of dumb because I saw you like 10 minutes ago and I’m in the building but still thought I should leave the voicemail just in case. (Come on!) Ok I have to go, Sydney has a tone of gossip to catch me up on. Good luck!”
NYI vs. DAL - November 23th
“Hello Mr Barzal, I won’t be able to watch tonight, but still good luck! Even if you don’t win, I hope you score a goal, make an assist. That 8 game point streak you have going on is insane. I think I’ll start charging you for this if they are working so well.Good luck Barzy!”
NYI vs. STL - November 26th
“Hey! First of all, good luck! Second, I left my scarf at the Lee’s last night. It’s red, I was wearing it when you picked me up. Grace said Anders would give it to you tonight. Maybe we can meet for coffee tomorrow so you can give it back? Anyway, good luck!”
NYI vs. CHI - November 28th
“13, hello! I don’t have anything funny to tell you today so just good luck! Love you- shit, sorry. Habit I guess. Bye.”
NYI vs. NYR - November 30th
“You have zero new voicemails. To record a new personal greeting press one-”
You tried everything to get your mind off it, but it wasn’t working. The cup of tea was now cold in your hand and you couldn’t even pretend to care what was going on in the movie you had playing on your tv. The game had ended an hour ago but it was on replay in your mind.
It was silly to think it was your fault. You couldn’t influence the score of the match, the 5-1 loss against the Rangers wasn’t on you. However the outcome would’ve been different if their starplayer hadn’t been taking stupid penalties, losing the puck, causing turnovers. That could be on you partially.
The bell ringing caught you by surprise, almost dropping the cold tea. You got up to answer, even though you had a feeling you knew who was waiting by your building’s door.
“It’s me.” The familiar voice needed no introduction.
“Mat? What are you doing here?” 
“Buzz me in.” he requests, and you could practically hear the determination in his tone. With a resigned sigh, you pressed the buzzer, knowing full well he wouldn’t leave until he got what he came for.
A few moments later, a knock sounded at the door, and you found yourself face to face with him. Determination was bright in his eyes, your heart started racing.
“What’s going on?” He rolled his eyes, clearly not impressed by your attempt at pretending not to know why he’s there.
“You didn’t leave a voicemail.” Mat strided in without waiting for an invitation, and the unspoken tension was palpable.
“Right, that. I guess I forgot. Sorry.” you lied, trying to sound convincing but knowing there’s no use, he’d know. You closed the door behind him almost instinctively, as if shutting out the forthcoming emotional storm that’s about to break in your apartment.
“You’ve been sending me a voicemail before every single game for the past month.” he remarked, his gaze keenly picking up on your avoidance. Frustration started to take over. He already had been in this position before, begging you for explanations and all you did was look away. “Please, don’t shut me out. Not again.”
“I got confused, okay? Why are we doing this? I’m your ex-girlfriend, I broke up with you, Mat. And now I’m going to your games and sending you voicemails every game? What even is this?”
At some point you started walking all over the living room, the distress was clear. Mat was better at hiding it, he stood still by the door like he had been since he walked in, but you could see his hands fidgeting. Neither of you had a clear head to take on what was about to come, chaos was inevitable.
“I don’t know, but I thought you liked this. I thought it was like an inside joke, our own thing.”
“It was that. But you’re not supposed to have that with your ex.” you said, trying to emphasize the last word for him, as if a reminder of your status would help the situation in any way. 
“We’re friends?” He furrowed his brows, and, had it not been for the situation you were in, you would’ve laughed at the way even he sounded so unsure of what he was saying.
“Mat, come on. It’s confusing, I know I was getting confused. It started with the voicemails, which was already something, but then we’re talking every day, I’m going to your games again and team’s gatherings, we’re hanging out again. I said ‘I love you’ on my last one!” You finally looked at him, baring it all. There was only one solution in your mind and it had to be taken no matter the pain it would undoubtedly cost you. “I think it’s better if we stop.”
There was a moment of silence, he looked at you as if trying to read through the wall you were hiding behind. Trying to decipher if it was you speaking or your insecurities had taken over again. Most importantly, trying to figure out if this time he had what it took to get to you before he lost you.
“I don’t want it to stop.” he said, determination clear in his voice. In a second he closed the gap between you. The proximity caught you off guard, you couldn’t remember the last time you were this close. “Tell me you don’t feel anything.” It sounded almost like a beg, but he didn’t care.
“We broke up.” you insisted, trying to sound all resolute.
“You broke up with me.” he corrected you, his gaze holding steady, slicing through your defenses.
“We weren’t working, Mat! We could barely see each other, and when we did, we were too tired or stressed. We fought a lot. We broke up.” It sounded almost childish the way you stubbornly persisted on it, like you needed to reassure yourself more than him how things had played out last time.
“Couples fight sometimes; it’s normal. I was stressed about the playoffs, and you were stressed about getting into the program. It was a bad moment, yes, but that’s over.”
“Other problems are gonna come up.”
“We can face them together, we fight and make up. That’s it, that’s how couples work.”
You paused for a second, it made no sense to keep on repeating yourself. It seemed like he had a solution for every obstacle you presented. He had come here for answers, it was time to give them to him even if you were answering older already forgotten questions.
“I was scared, Mat. I was scared and insecure, and it felt like I was ruining it all.” Tears start rolling down your face and there’s nothing he wants more than to hug you, keep you close to his chest, push the pain away; but he knows he shouldn’t. You’re finally letting down your guard, telling him what he’s been dying to hear for months; he has to give you space to be vulnerable. “I thought it was better to break things up before they got really nasty.” your voice wobbled.
“I get it, I really do. But you could’ve told me and I should’ve been more present, not left you alone to deal with our problems. We could’ve tried to make it work. ” He looked deep into your eyes, his own reflecting a mix of understanding and unwavering love. “I know I loved you more than enough to work through it.”
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry about how I ended things, and I’m sorry about the voicemail and all the mess I’ve caused.” You tried to walk away from him, the proximity being too much, but he caught your arm making you face him once again.
Tears started streaming down his face as you tried to grapple with the weight of your own decisions. He looked you in the eyes, the determination from earlier is still there, even behind the tears those glossy eyes told you he wasn’t gonna leave in silence like last time. This time he had to leave it all out, even if he ended up hurt in the process.
“When you first called me I was too nervous to answer so I let it go to voicemail. I think even then I knew it wasn’t over for me, I knew hearing your voice would bring it all back.” You winced, acutely aware of the emotional turmoil you’ve caused. What you didn’t know was he wasn’t worried about pain coming back; what worried him was all the love he had for you and had pushed away after the break up coming back and once again not having where to put it.
“But then I wanted to hear you, the real you, not the voicemail, so I called you. I cannot tell you how happy it made me to hear you, like my heart was beating again after months of numbness. And you were telling me this great news, when you got that acceptance letter you wanted to tell me.” he continued, and you released a heavy breath, a half-smile forming on your face. He was right, the first person you wanted to share your triumph with was him, you hadn’t thought much about it back then but no it was so clear.
“I replayed your voicemail before the game that first time because I wanted to hear your voice. I didn’t realize how much I missed it until I heard you over the phone earlier that day, and all I wanted was to hear you again talking to me.” he confessed, a mixture of vulnerability and longing in his words. “At first I thought maybe I was making it up, you know? Maybe it was just my unresolved feelings, maybe there was nothing going on. But you called me first and then you kept on sending the voicemails. Things were going back to the way they were before. It felt like I was me again, like we were us again.”
Mat smiled thinking how everyone could notice; his friends, his teammates, his family, everyone could see the old Mat was back. He told them off, too afraid to consider you were all he was missing because he knew he didn’t have you back, not yet.
His hand gently cupped your face, sending a shiver down your spine. Closing your eyes, you leaned into his touch. You missed it, there was no denying it anymore. You missed it all too much—his touch, his voice, his energy, his very presence. Him.
“You said ‘I love you’ on the last voicemail. I replayed it like 20 times at least, just to hear those three words. From you, to me.” The weight of those three words hung in the air between the two of you after so long, it was electrifying. Your heart raced; he was about to say it, and you yearned to hear it.
“I love you.” he declared, and there was no ambiguity this time. It wasn’t a recall of your words; this time, it was his confession to you.
“Maty…” was all you managed to say; his nickname laden with tenderness and echoes of old fears that still lingered.
“I want this. I want you even if I can only see you two times a week and even if half that time you are studying or working or stressing over both. I want to be there with you. I want to fight and make up. I want all of it, the messy and ugly included.”
“I love you.” you finally whispered.
It was over. He loved you, you loved him, and there was nothing left to say.
In that breath-holding moment, he leaned down, his lips finally touching yours. It’s not just a kiss; it’s a wild ride through forgiveness, longing, and the silent agreement to dive back into the messy and the beautiful, hand in hand. He was smiling into the kiss, so were you. The taste of salt from their tears lingered, mingling with the sweetness of the moment. The kiss spoke of second chances and the magic of beginnings, a promise to rewrite the story that had once unraveled.
You pulled away, breathless and teary-eyed, yet a radiant joy painted across your faces. You laughed, a melody of relief and newfound hope. One of his hands was on your back as the other traveled from your face to the back of your head, pulling you against his chest. Your arms hugged his torso tight.
“I love you.” he mumbled against your head before placing a kiss on top.
NYI vs. MTL - December 1st
“Hey! Good luck tonight babe-”
“I don’t think it counts if I’m literally next to you when you record it.”
“Shush. Who’s the voicemail expert here? Me. Anyway, as I was saying before you interrupted me: good luck tonight, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
soooooo it’s here! hope you like it! like and reblogs are always appreciated!
it felt so good to write again and to share it too, hope i have more time this year to write more stuff
@glassdanse @2manytabsopen @barbienoturbby @sweetlittlegingy @mcsteamylove98 @ttylfedora @chieflawyerpastatoad @iwantahockeyhimbo @fallinallincurls @jordiee95 @heatherawoowoo @barzysreputation @farabeezers @4ambagelbites @matwith1t @audryaho @maximoff-xmen @astrydis @joelsfarabees @bitchforbarzy @deloughrey @brias1201 @besthockeyfics @ya-pucking-nerd @hoiyheadharpies @mckenna4 @rosesvioletshardy @hockeyunits @siriusly-parker @ilyasorokinn @lam-ila @boqvistsbabe @theycallmecassie @ephemeral371 @hal3ynicol3 @angelblooddevil @besthockeyfics @beauvertime @picked-off-by-barzal @1316 @cherrygirl1229 @lunabean @random-readers-world @poufsouffle21 @barzysbaby @matbarzal13 @alwaysclassyeagle @wanbach23 @evaggreendaily
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orphicdreamers-wp · 5 days
Mountain With A View — Mat Barzal
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Summary; In which your marriage takes a turn for the worse. First chapter of “Rolling Up The Welcome Mat”
A sad sigh left your lips as your eyes fluttered open. Out of instinct you reached for your husbands side of the bed, only to come up empty handed. Like always. You pulled the blanket off of your body and got out of bed. The first thing you noticed was how cold it was in the top floor penthouse you and Mat lived in.
You slid on one of Mat’s zip up jackets and made your way into the kitchen. The New York skyline was just being illuminated by the rising sun. It was still rather dark in the penthouse. The kitchen was illuminated solely by the digital clock on the stove. The time read 6:47am. You yawned as you flipped the coffee machine on and a small silver object on the kitchen counter was shimmering in the sunlight. Mat’s wedding ring.
You looked at the elegant wedding band on your finger. The longest it had been off your finger was during your honeymoon when you and Mat went snorkeling. You poured yourself a cup of coffee before returning to your bedroom to retrieve your cellphone. You sat at the table you and Mat had picked out during your engagement. You opened instagram to find a new post from Mat. Apparently he was in Toronto for a game that you were unaware he had. He’d posted a view pictures with a few teammates and one photo stuck out to you the most.
It was a picture of your husband, Quinn Hughes and a red headed woman who’s hand was resting on your husbands chest uncomfortably close to his waist. What was more hurtful was Mat’s hand that was wrapped around her shoulder, his ring finger front and center and ringless. You had finally reached the breaking point. Your marriage had been in jeopardy for years. You two really only had one good year of marriage before you sought out marriage counseling.
You knew in the moment that your marriage was over. You got up and walked over to the kitchen and opened the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of wine and a glass before sitting back at the table. You weren’t sure how much much time had passed since you decided your marriage was over and the time your husband came home. But it wasn’t long enough for you to get all of your stuff packed.
“Where are you going?” You spun around at the sound of your husbands voice, “Home. I’m going back to Baton Rouge for a while.” Mat looked at you with a confused expression on his face, “And you weren’t gonna clear it with me? Your husband?” You shook your head as you zipped your suitcase, “Nope. I actually wanted to talk to you about that.” You walked over to the bedside table and opened the drawer and pulled out a manilla folder and extended it to Mat. Mat’s eyes skimmed the page, “You have to be kidding me right?”
You shook your head, “I’m just tired of this Mat. You don’t even wear your ring anymore.” Mat looked around for his ring causing you to scoff, “Don’t bother.” Mat looked up to meet your tearstained face, “I can’t believe you’re just giving up this easy. You’re acting like your parents.” You stared at your husband hopelessly, it wasn’t your husband anymore. It was like talking to a stranger. You grabbed your suitcase and purse, “I’m gonna go to Bella’s place for a while. I’ll see you when we have our first meeting with lawyers. Bye Mat.” As you left the room you slipped your wedding ring off and placed it on the counter. The moment you were alone in the elevator of your penthouse the tears finally flowed
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midnightsnyx · 9 months
girl at home | mat barzal | part 3
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pairing: mat barzal x fem!reader summary: you’re eighteen when you find yourself pregnant after Mat leaves for hockey. nearly eight years later, Mat finds out about your daughter and you have to deal with the consequences of not telling him about her.
warnings: not edited, mentions of pregnancy, alcohol, some cute fluff and as usual, as much angst as i can fit into a chapter <3 word count: 2.2k authors note: OK well not gonna lie, i cried writing the ending. i keep saying happy things are on the way and they are we're just slow getting there, ok? anyway i hope you all like this chapter & if you wanna, feed my writing soul and give me some feedback <3 i do have a tag list if you'd like to be tagged, there is a form below or you can leave a comment or dm me & i can tag you in the next part. thanks for all the love on this little story <3
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Co-parenting with Mat is interesting to say the least. Although, you’re not sure if you can even classify it as co-parenting because Nora still has no idea who Mat really is. She just knows that he now tags along with the two of you most places you go and she’s thrilled. Her questions for him are endless, asking about anything from hockey to what living in New York is like. She’s always been inquisitive, but this is a whole new level, even for her. 
You have mixed feelings about this because while you are happy that they’re getting along, you’re worried what will happen at the end of the summer when Mat has to return to New York. There’s no way you and Nora can follow him, and co-parenting between Vancouver and New York? Impossible. 
You’re sitting with Mat, both of you watching Nora play with some other kids on the playground. He’s been quiet but you can tell there’s something on his mind. Even though it’s been eight years, you still know Mat like the back of your hand and you know when he’s trying to decide whether or not to bring something up. You’re curious though, so you bump your knee against his and raise an eyebrow when he turns to you. 
“What’s on your mind?” you ask and he smiles sheepishly. 
“I was wondering if I could see some baby pictures,” he says quietly, and then adds, “of Nora,” as if he needs to specify. You were wondering when he was going to ask because his parents and Liana have already asked to see and asked for copies of all the pictures. Mat has been a little more reserved about most of it though, not asking questions about your pregnancy or for pictures of Nora as everyone else had.
“Yeah, of course,” you tell him, pulling your phone out and adding him to the shared album that his family is already in. 
A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth and you watch him swipe through pictures, pausing at certain ones although you can’t see which. You’re a little nervous because there are ultrasound photos and pictures of you throughout your pregnancy. You don’t know how he’ll react, because he still hasn’t really expanded on his feelings about you not telling him about her other than what he said at the coffee shop. He’s spoken to his parents, you know that much from Liana, but he hasn’t said anything more to you.
“She looks like you,” he eventually says, “got your nose.” 
“She has your eyes,” you counter and he smiles. 
“Yeah,” he whispers and before he can say anything else, Nora plops down on the bench next to him and peers at his phone.
“Hey! That’s me!” she exclaims, pointing to the picture of her from Halloween last year.
“Really?” you pretend to be surprised, smiling when she rolls her eyes dramatically. 
“Yes, mama. See? You said my eyes look like my dads.”
Mat tenses next to you. You’re sure he’s going to say something but instead he just smiles at Nora. 
“They’re pretty nice eyes,” he agrees, ruffling her hair before she ducks out of his reach with a giggle. 
“Mat, come push me on the swing!” she begs and he lets her pull him towards the swings without hesitation. You can’t help but grin at the pleased smile on Nora’s face and the way Mat does exactly what she wants without complaint. You know he would’ve definitely been the easygoing parent when Nora was younger and it makes you upset when you think too much about it because he should’ve been there for all her milestones and firsts. He should have been there when she crawled and then walked for the first time. He should have come with you when you dropped her off on her first day of Kindergarten and pretended he wasn't crying with you. 
There are so many firsts that he should have been next to you and it’s slowly eating away at you because you took that away from him.But it was the right thing to do. 
At least, that's what you tell yourself when you go to bed every night.
. . .
“So, how’s it going with Mat?” Jaxon asks, taking a sip of beer and giving you a knowing look. You regretted talking to Jax about your struggles the minute he started asking you the questions you didn’t want to hear. Your best friend is a little too observant sometimes and it always backfires. 
“Fine,” you say shortly, staring into your wine glass. Nora is staying at your moms tonight, so you decided to invite your friend over, hoping to get some advice that would help you feel better instead of feeling like you’re being interrogated. 
“Right,” he drawls, “that’s why you sent me a cryptic text and haven’t said anything else since “beer or wine?” right? I could be home with my boyfriend right now but you seemed like you were going to spiral and we all know exactly how that ends.” 
“Things are fine,” you grumble. “He’s been absolutely perfect with her.”
“Alright, then what’s bothering you?” 
“It’s just, I feel guilty, okay? Mat’s being better than I ever hoped to even think about and I feel like I shouldn’t have taken away his chance to be in her life before she was even born,” you say in one breath. “I keep thinking about the things he’s missed, and I feel like-”
Jax cuts you off before you can say anything else, holding up a hand. “Look, you did what you thought was best at the time. Was it necessarily fair? No. You can’t go back though, and you’re going to drive yourself insane if you keep thinking like this. You can’t change the past, but if he wants to be in her life now, and you’re okay with that, you need to make peace with your choices.”
Your shoulders deflate at his words, and you drink the remaining wine in your glass. He’s right about all of it and you hate that. You hate that he’s right and you hate that you can’t accept it.
“I need more wine,” you mumble, standing up and making your way to the kitchen. You don’t usually drink, definitely not since Nora, but you let yourself indulge every now and then. Besides, Jax has always been a bad influence. 
You’ve just finished pouring the glass when there’s a knock on your door. You look at the time on the microwave and frown, unsure who would be knocking at eleven o’clock on a Friday night. If anything was wrong, your mom would have called and you don’t have many friends that would make a late night visit. 
Abandoning your wine, you walk to the door and open it and come face to face with Mat who looks nervous and definitely like he would rather be anywhere but here. 
“Uh, hey?” you say but it sounds more like a question. He doesn't seem to be drunk and you don’t know what else would warrant a late night drop in. 
“Hey,” he says and just because you have the best luck, Jax decides that now is the right time to follow you to the door. 
“Your phone is ringing, and it’s your mom,” he says, freezing when he sees Mat standing there. He looks uncomfortable, and when you turn to Mat, all you see is fury. 
See, the problem is, despite nothing romantic going on between you and Jax, relationship talk wasn’t something that you and Mat had brought up. He didn’t bring up his girlfriend, and so far, nobody besides your mom has been around when Mat was with you and Nora. Also, throw in the fact that you’re sure Mat has no idea who Jax is, it’s easy to make assumptions. 
“Nevermind,” Mat says shortly, “I’ll leave you to your night.”
You grab his wrist before he can leave, wanting to clear all this up even though it shouldn’t really matter if you were dating someone. 
“Wait,” you say and he stops but keeps his back to you. 
“Nora woke up and wants to talk to you,” Jax says, breaking the silence and you hesitate, not wanting Mat to leave but knowing you need to talk to your daughter. He seems to sense your dilemma, because he hands you your phone, slips his shoes on and squeezes past you and Mat, calling out "I'll call an uber”, before walking down the hallway of your apartment building. 
You feel like an awful friend, and you’ll definitely be making it up to him but you pull Mat inside, shutting the door before holding the phone up to your ear. 
“No,” your mom says softly, “I’ll put her on now.” 
You thank her quietly, waiting until you hear your daughter's voice. She’s sniffling, and tells you about the bad dream she had, asking if you can come pick her up. Your mom is trying to comfort her on the other line but it’s no use because she’s set on coming home.
You glance at your wine glass sitting on the counter and curse yourself because this is exactly why you try not to drink. 
Mat, as if he is reading your thoughts, says “I’ll go pick her up and bring her here.”
He still looks irritated but his expression softened since he heard Nora. You wouldn’t take him up on his offer but you know how much your mom hates driving in the dark so you just nod, watching him shake his hand out of yours and your face heats up when you realize you hadn’t let go. 
“Be back in twenty,” he says before leaving. 
“Mat’s on his way to get you, sweetie,” you tell Nora. “He’ll pick you up and bring you straight home, okay?”
She sniffles again and says a quiet, “okay,” before presumably handing the phone back to your mom who you tell that Mat is going to pick her up. She doesn't say anything, but you know she wants to. You realize she probably thinks that he was here with you and your instinct is to correct her but you don’t bother. You thank her and apologize, before bidding goodbye with a promise to let her know when Nora and Mat make it back home. 
You clean up while you’re waiting, dump your glass of wine down the sink and start making the couch up so Mat can just sleep here instead of going all the way back to his house after making the trip to pick Nora up. 
It’s not long before you hear the door open and close quietly and you look to see Mat carrying a sleeping Nora inside. 
“She fell asleep on the drive here,” he explains. “Didn’t want to wake her.”
You nod, pointing him in the direction of her room before sitting on the couch waiting until he comes back. You want to have whatever conversation the two of you need to have even though you know it won’t be a good one.
He’s quiet when he walks into the living room and hesitates before sitting on the couch next to you. You both sit in silence for a minute until you sigh, dropping your head into your hands. 
“Jax is a friend,” you mumble. “But even if he wasn’t, you have no place being mad about it.”
“I wasn’t mad,” he argues, “I was caught off guard. I didn’t know you were dating because you hadn’t brought it up.”
“I’m not dating,” you repeat and he sighs.
“I know.” 
Another minute of silence before you raise your head and look at him. 
“What about you? What happened to your girlfriend?” you ask, even though you know she left. 
He shrugs, “she left. Said she wanted no part in raising a child. Not that she would have had any place in Nora’s life if I had a say.”
“Of course you have a say,” you say. 
He looks at you with an unreadable expression on his face. You forget sometimes how good looking he is and it’s probably the alcohol that makes your brain fuzzy but all of a sudden, you just miss him. It’s not just physical attraction either, you can’t help but remember how considerate, loving and caring he was when you dated. You were both young, but it always felt like the two of you would be together forever even though you always knew in the back of your mind that he would have to leave one day and you wouldn’t be able to follow him. 
Despite doing your best to forget about him, to get over him the past eight years, the love you felt for him never went away. 
“Do you ever think about us? About what could’ve been?” you ask quietly.
“Always,” he says gently with a softness in his eyes that you’ve only seen directed towards Nora since he came back into your life.  
“Me too,” you whisper. 
He hesitates before lifting a hand and brushing a piece of loose hair that’s fallen in front of your face, tucking it behind your ear. His hand lingers for a moment, fingertips just barely brushing against your cheek. Your eyes close and you let yourself have this one moment, one minute where you can imagine that you’re seventeen again, laying on your bed with Mat’s arms holding you, whispering empty promises about forever to each other. Just kids in love, thinking forever was possible.
But you’ll never be those kids again.
tag list: @literatureluster @dasiysthings
if you asked to be tagged & it didn't work send me a dm.
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starry-hughes · 6 months
family heirloom (mat barzal)
day 23 of star’s ficmas
mat barzal x reader
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You had been in the kitchen, helping your grandmother with the ham. Mat and you had decided to spend Christmas with your family. You traded where you spent Christmas yearly, last year you had spent it with his family, therefore it was your family’s turn.
Mat was sitting alone on the couch. He had been kicked out of helping in the kitchen, apparently it wasn’t appreciated when he started eating the marshmallows for the sweet potatoes casserole. Your mom saw the opportunity and joined him on the couch.
“Mat honey, I know you spoke to me about wanting to ask (Y/N) that question,” your mom started. Mat froze, looking around to make sure you couldn’t have heard. “Tomorrow morning,” Mat confirmed. It was a plan. Christmas Day morning, before everyone came downstairs, just the two of you. Your cousin had agreed to wake up early to take the pictures and hide behind the couch.
“I want to give you something,” your mom said. Mat had asked your parents for permission to propose. Your mom pulled out the small box that Mat had no idea was next to her. “This is the ring that my husband got from his mother,” she said. The two both turned and looked at you and your grandmother in the kitchen, placing pineapple slices on the ham. “Which is the ring, (Y/N)’s grandmother got from her mother-in-law and so forth.”
“We want (Y/N) to have this ring, pass along when you two give me grandchildren.”
He opened the ring box and his eyes filled with tears. “What ring will you wear?” he asked softly. “Don’t worry honey, I’ve been waiting for you to ask to marry my daughter for years, I had a replica done when she brought you home.”
Mat knew you’d love it. It would be special. Your wedding ring, a ring passed through your family. He shoved the box into his pocket. You walked out of the kitchen and smiled at your mom and Mat sitting together.
“Everything good over here?” you smiled, leaning over the couch and kissing Mat’s cheek. “Perfect,” Mat said.
He could barely sleep, at six in the morning, he was blinking awake. Texting your cousin who was in a room down the hall to get the camera ready. You were exactly happy that your boyfriend decided to wake you up at the crack of dawn. “I just want to see the morning snow with you and I have presents to put under the tree for your nieces.”
You begrudgingly brushed your teeth and Mat kissed the top of your head and smiled in the mirror at your matching pajamas. Both of you were wearing the green pajamas your mom had bought you two.
He brought you downstairs, acting like he was going to get your coat to go outside while you placed the last minute presents under the tree. He wasn’t getting your coat, he was getting the ring he had hidden in his own coat pocket.
“Mat, the presents are under the tree, did you get my coat?” You stood from kneeling, turning and finding Mat standing there without coats. “Mat? I thought we were going outside.”
“I want to do something before. (Y/N) I have loved you since the moment I met you. I have wanted to marry you the moment you agreed to be my girlfriend. The only regret I have is not asking you sooner.” Mat Barzal sank to one knee, hands shaking like they did the day he was drafted into the NHL, shaking like they did the day he was knocking on your door to pick you up for your first date. “Will you marry me?”
You choked on your words, wiping at tears you suddenly became aware of. “Yes, yes,” you finally got out. Mat stood, holding your hand still as he slipped the ring on. You gasped. “My mom’s ring? That she got from my grandma?”
You remember trying it on when you were a kid, playing in her jewelry box, there was a new level of emotions. “Passing it down the family line,” he smiled as he pulled you in for a kiss.
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tkachukz · 1 year
I will take care of you -Matthew Tkachuk
-this is my first fic, be nice :) -english is not my first language, if I have something written wrong I'm sorry (and let me know so I can fix it and learn)
-words: 1.0 K
summary:  When you find out your boyfriend played the game 4 with a fractured sternum.
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Millions of thoughts swirled through your clouded mind as you drove fast to Matthew's house.
The guilt haunted you. You are unable to attend either of the two games in Florida, due to work, that required you to travel to New York for the entire week. 
The television, however, was on for Game 3, and you saw Matt get knocked down in rough hit, feeling your heart sink when he was slow to get up, and even more when he was out for several minutes. Seeing him back on the ice at the end of the game - and still scoring a goal - brought a little peace. He wouldn't play injured right?
In the post-match call - which always happened when you was away - he looked tired, said that maybe he had a bad shoulder, but that he was fine.
The days were silent until game 4, and as much as you wanted to call he every second, you imagine he needed some time to focus better. You knew how important all that was to him.
In Game 4, you could tell from the first shift that he was hurt. Anyone could see. He would try to get away when a fight broke out, dodge hits, and skate for less time than usual. Despite this, the effort he put in was evident, but unfortunately, the Panthers lost that game.
He took a while to answer your call that night and your instincts already knew something was wrong. When the camera finally turned on, you felt your heart sink at the sight of Matthew's exhausted face on the screen. He dodged a bit, saying his shoulder must be dislocated or something. He repeated a million times that he was fine and that you didn't have to worry, and considering his tired face, you gave up and let him rest.
He didn't play Game 5, and calls for him filled his inbox in seconds. Only something very serious would take Matthew out of the game and you knew it. Hochey was his life, and his desire to help and impress not only his team and fans, but also his family - most notably his father. 
He called you at the end of the night, after the defeat.He was devastated, sadness shining in his blue eyes. Matt made the excuse that his shoulder had gotten worse, and even though you knew it was supposed to be more than that, you managed not to push him that night, you knew that would be the last thing he needed. 
In the rest of the call, you did everything to try to comfort him, and his eyes lit up thinking that in a few days you to would meet in Florida.
You were on the plane when the list of injured players came out. You knew Matthew's name would be there, but his injury took your breath away.
You walked into the house not bothering to close the door behind you, your heart almost bursting out of your mouth.
“Did you play with a fractured sternum?????”
Matthew's eyes bugged out. 
He was in the kitchen, standing drinking water, while Brady was eating cereal.
“I can explain” your boyfriend said in a wary voice.
You approached slowly, feeling your eyes sting. You placed your hands on his cheeks, still feeling the thick stubble. 
“I get so worried” your eyes conveyed all your emotions and you felt on the verge of tears.Matthew reached down slowly, wrapping his strongs arms around you in a soft embrace. 
You snuggled into him, keeping your arms light, afraid of hurting him. “You can hug me, I'm fine” he seemed to read your mind. 
“I read all about fractured sternum on the plane, are you in pain even to breathe?” your voice came out shaky.
 “It's not so bad now that you're here,” he said with a small smile, inhaling the scent of your hair as your arms caressed his back.
“I'm sorry for not being here last week. I'm so sorry about the end Matt. You deserved so much. I'm so proud of you” he adjusts to hear the words, feeling so close to the Stanley and still losing was an open wound, and you knew it would take time to heal.
“I'm glad you're here now. I'm going to need a lot of petting,” he said with a pout, pulling back a little to look at you, running a finger down your cheek to wipe away a dripping tear, “and I need help shaving, I don't trust Brady with anything sharp.”
"Hey!" Brady complained, still finishing his cereal.
“That reminds me” you walk away from Matt approaching the younger brother, depositing a cracking slap on his arm. 
"Hey! This hurt!” the big hockey player massaged his arm.
“How did you let him play injured Braeden Tkachuk!?!?” 
"He plays hurt and I'm the one who gets beat up???" 
"But of course! We are a team! You are responsible for taking care of him when I am away!!”
"That's right Brady, you should take care of me" Matthew teases him.
“You're lucky you're hurt, otherwise I'd punch you” he replies gruffly.
You let out a sigh, the dynamic of this family always entertained you.
“Come on, love, I'll take care of you” You approached Matthew, placing a delicate kiss on his jaw, and he returned one on the top of your head.
“Can you shave my beard?”
"Yes my love“
“Can I have a mustache?”
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doc-pickles · 6 months
too early | mat barzal
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summary: mat helps you fall back asleep
warnings: cockwarming, sleepy barzy
a/n: just a short little barzy ramble for y'all to kick off my smutmas fics! i have no order just vibes and 12 smutty fics that will be posted through December when they're ready. hope y'all enjoy these!
The sun wasn’t even up yet as you peeled your eyes open. Your phone reads an absurdly early 4:29 AM and you groan. You knew you wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep now even though you’d do anything for a few more hours of rest.
“Mmmm too early,” Mat’s voice is scratchy as he tightens his hold around your waist. “Come back ‘nd cuddle.”
With a sigh, you roll to face towards Mat. His eyes are still shut but his brows are furrowed as his fingers run up and down your back. There’s never been a more gorgeous sight than Mathew Barzal in the mornings.
“I’m not gonna be able to fall back asleep,” you whisper, annoyance laced into your tone. “I never can at this time.”
Mathew groans before he motions for you to roll back onto your side. You oblige, Mat readjusting behind you in slow unhurried movements. HIs hand grabs at your waist before he pushes your sleep shorts down.
“Trust me, yeah?” Mat pauses and you nod, gesturing for him to continue. “Good girl, just relax baby.”
A low gasp escapes you as his fingers sweep through your growing wetness. It’s not long before he pulls you against his chest, his bare cock rubbing against your entrance.
“Take it all for me?” 
All you can manage is a nod as Mat slowly pushes into you, your back arching into him. His hand comes back to your waist as he bottoms out and pulls you closer. Mat is comfort and all-encompassing warmth as he holds you to him, his bare skin warming you up perfectly.
“Gonna hold you like this till you fall asleep,” Mat whispers, his breath fanning across your shoulder. “Then when you wake up later I’ll fuck you nice and slow, have your sweet pussy clenching around me in no time.”
“Yes please,” you murmur as your eyes begin to flutter shut, the comfort of Mat inside you lulling you back to sleep. “Love you baby.”
“Love you too, now back to sleep.”
part two here
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miracleonice87 · 2 years
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“You know his lap is also available as a seat, right?” with Mathew Barzal (feat. Matthew and Sydney Esiason Martin) - requested by my dearest @kerwritesthings
from the two year tumblrversary prompt list
a/n: I am fully aware that I've written a blurb with a v similar premise, but I'm a sucker for Syd and Marty meddling in their friends' love lives, so I give zero effs. hope y'all enjoy!
warnings: swearing, alcohol
Sydney had lured you to the house tonight under the guise of picking her up for a dinner date, potentially one of your last before she gave birth to their second baby. When you pulled up the drive and spotted a blue and orange balloon arch outlining the front door, you were puzzled, but assumed Matt might be having some sort of pre-season team activity for the guys while you and Sydney were gone for the night.
You pushed open the door to the familiar sounds of Jax barking a few times before he realized who was here, and Winnie squealing as she ran toward you. 
“Hi, Winnie girl!” you squealed back in greeting, bending down to scoop up the little blonde beauty, push her hair back from her forehead, and give her a kiss, while she did her best to wrap her little arms around your neck as she excitedly babbled your name. 
“Oh, good, you’re here!” Sydney said from the kitchen, crossing the room in bare feet and a casual jeans outfit to give you a quick hug before nodding toward the spread of food on the countertops. “Will you give me a hand with the charcuterie board?”
“We’re not going out?” you asked, confused and feeling overdressed in your pale blue ruched bodycon dress meant for a night on the town. Meanwhile, Winnie wriggled down the front of you and ran back to her previous project, scribbling in a Bluey coloring book on the coffee table.
“Nope, sorry, can’t tonight, forgot to tell ya!” Sydney chirped rapidly, throwing her stunning smile back at you over her shoulder as she walked toward the fridge. “Team event tonight. Was hoping you could help me hostess?” 
You furrowed your brow as you followed her. “If it’s a team event then why am I invited?” you asked, unenthused.
Sydney shrugged as she retrieved more cheese from the fridge, but you didn’t miss the ornery look on her face. “I dunno, maybe because a certain center specifically asked me if you’d be here?” She finally made eye contact with you, bit her bottom lip, and extended her hands in a “surprise!” motion. 
You let your forehead fall against the pantry door. “Sydneyyy!” you whined. 
You could legit throw a fit right now. Syd was famous for this shit. 
There was nothing going on between you and Mat (or so you spent your days trying to convince yourself). It was all nervous glances across the table while out celebrating a big win with the group, and laughing a bit too loudly at the other’s jokes, and light touches on your back as he moved around you in a busy bar, and replying to one another’s Instagram stories with reactions and simple emojis… and mostly it was neither of you ever, ever finding the nerve to make a damn move. 
Yes, to be certain, your and Mat’s history was a short one – shorter than you (or Syd, or Matt, or even Mat himself, though unbeknownst to you) would prefer. So, maybe, because you always looked forward to seeing Mat, no matter how awkward the two of you could be around each other, you didn’t completely hate this idea after all, but you couldn’t let Syd know that. 
“Did you tell him I was going to be here tonight, or did he ask?” you inquired, folding your arms over your chest. “Big difference.”
Sydney shook her head furiously. “No, he seriously asked,” she insisted. “Trust me, I’d lie to you about a lot of things – for your own good, of course – but never that.”
You sighed, washed your hands, then turned back to an expectant Sydney. “Hand me the fucking olives,” you grumbled as she excitedly passed you the jar, a smile too smug for your liking on her lips. 
Hours later as the sun set, casting an orange glow over the backyard, you surveyed the scene, which now seemed much less like an official team event and much more like a gathering of Matt and Sydney’s friends, all of whom happened to play hockey, and their significant others. You fell into neither of those categories (though it certainly wasn’t for Sydney’s lack of trying), but filled the role of “assistant hostess” well – directing new players to the bathroom, tidying the kitchen even as people filtered in and out, and refreshing drinks and bowls of snacks. It was on one of those trips to the kitchen and back to replenish the tortilla chip bowl and grab another drink when a five-beers-deep Matthew Martin decided to pipe up as he watched you scan the crowded patio for an empty chair.
“You know Mat’s lap is also available as a seat, right?”
You sucked your teeth and turned to glower at your best-friend-in-law. He was officially worse than his wife. 
After shooting him a glare that would kill a weaker man, you slowly turned back to spot an equally embarrassed Mathew Barzal, a flush creeping up his (thick, muscular… not that you noticed) neck under his (well-fitting, more attractive than it should be… not that you noticed) black t-shirt. 
However, Mat recovered much more quickly than you, and you assumed it had to be the liquid courage when he raised his brows, patted his knee, and gave you a half-shrug – an open invitation in front of all of his teammates and friends. 
Impressed by the bold move, his captain let out a wolf-whistle, though many of the guys were too lost in their own conversations or distracted by the loud music and yard games to notice, but you could certainly see Matt’s beaming smile out of the corner of your eye. 
And you didn’t know whether it was your own liquid courage, Mat’s invitation, or your own chutzpah, but you suddenly found your feet moving across the patio toward him, casting him your biggest and flirtiest smile, and patting his chiseled knee as you took your rightful place atop his massive quads. Your heart raced and your skin was warm, but you tried to play it cool, clearing your throat and asking, “So, what’d I miss, gentlemen?”
Anders, Matt, and Pelly, who was also nearby, tried their best to lift their jaws off the floor and regain their focus, shocked by your audacious actions. If they were honest, they could barely remember what they were talking about, and as you lifted your beer bottle to your lips with a smirk, you took pleasure in their bewilderment. 
Then, you heard a deep voice immediately behind you. “The Kadri signing,” Mat prompted. “You were talking about Naz going to Calgary.” 
Matt coughed slightly, nodding. “Uh, yeah, right, right… Yeah, I can’t believe it took him so long to…”
And after that, all that was said was lost on you, because all you could concentrate on was the gentle touch caressing your bare back for where your dress left plenty of skin on display. You angled yourself just slightly toward Mat to face him, and you wrinkled your nose flirtatiously.
“I’m glad you came over here,” he said, barely above a whisper. “Who would’ve known Marty’s meddling would actually do some good?”
You chuckled, resting a hand on his toned chest. “Yeah… he’s gonna take credit for this, but it’s about damn time one of us made a move, hmm?” you said, cocking your head. He nodded slowly, curling some hair behind your ear as he leaned up to kiss you. You were immediately so far gone, so lost in him, that you could just barely hear the catcalls from around the yard.
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Five Times You Almost Kissed Mat Barzal and The One Time You Did
Warnings: None, not proofread
Word Count: 3.4k
“Do something with it!!” you yell angrily at the screen and Mat laughs lightly next to you. 
You fall back into the couch with a huff, Mat still laughing next to you. You look up at your best friend, a light smile placed on his lips and you reflect it, before rolling your eyes at him. 
“Can I help you?” you ask and he shakes his head, his smile turning more into a mischievous grin. 
“Nope. Just enjoying knowing what you look like at my games,” he responds. 
You roll your eyes again but a hint of a smile forces its way onto your lips, your feelings wanting to escape every minute you were next to Mat. You push them back instead, snuggling next to Mat on the couch. Your hands find their way to his bicep, holding on lightly as your head falls to his shoulder. 
Mat moves one hand to the back of your thigh, pulling you closer to him while effectively sending your heart straight into the stratosphere. You lean into his side, but his hand doesn’t move from its place on your leg. You try to slow your heartbeat down as you relax into Mat’s warm figure but your focus falls from the game to the boy next to you. 
Your eyes trail over the time, seeing it’s nearing midnight and sudden tiredness takes over you. Mat’s warmth does nothing to help, only making your eyes flutter to a close with ease. 
Mat’s eyes are trained on the TV with an attempt to ignore the growing thump of his heart when he’s around you. He had claimed he didn’t want to watch the game with you, but in reality, he’d do anything if it meant he could be by your side. His eyes trail over to you, a soft smile crawling onto his lips. 
Mat nudges you awake and your eyes flutter back open, searching for a moment to look over the TV before turning to Mat. Your chin props on top of his shoulder and you look up at him through your eyelashes. 
“Stay awake, you’re the one who wanted to watch the game,” he reminds you and you smile tiredly. 
“Hush I know,” you say. 
You search his eyes, a steady silence falling around the two of you. Your heart beats rapidly against his arm, and you wonder if he can feel the shakiness of your touch. 
Mat is entranced by your gaze, wanting to look everywhere but your eyes but not being able to. He aches to close the distance between the two of you, to change your relationship status, and yet all he could do was look into your mesmerizing (y/e/c) eyes. 
“MacKinnon with the rebound and he shoots, scores!!” The announcers pull you both from your trance, scaring you off from the possibility. 
Your morning was seriously not going as planned. 
You had forgotten your textbooks for your class, forgotten your students' essays to grade, forgotten to make lunch or bring money for it, and basically forgot all important things for your school day. It was a nightmare, to say the least. All you could really do was chalk it up to it being the end of the school year and hope you make it through the day. 
Mat had noticed you left everything at home when he woke up. It was his day off, the coach giving them a break from practice and even though he would head to the gym later, he still decided to sleep in a little. When he entered your shared living room, he noticed your textbooks and the essays you were grading sprawled out on the coffee table. 
A frown burrowing on his face as he makes his way into the kitchen to find a half-made lunch and your lunch bag sitting on the counter. He pouts at the sight, knowing you must have been beyond stressed and frustrated that you left your things. 
He had seen you do this before, whenever the end of the school year came, or a stressful point happened in your life you were chronic at forgetting things. It was an unfortunate habit of your messy mind but it happened. However, Mat had always noticed and always made the attempt to bring you anything you needed. 
He pulls out his phone, not seeing any texts or notifications from you but shrugging it off. He gathers up your stuff as neatly as possible before heading back into his room to change into something somewhat appropriate to wear at your school. 
You hit fourth period, only feeling the day weigh on you more and more as you realize how frazzled the end of the year makes you. You were opening seven thousand different tabs, trying to grade student work, and pull up the content you would teach as your students waited patiently for you to give them instructions. 
“Okay guys,” you say, finally standing to start the class. 
Mat had the drive to your school memorized by now. He loved visiting you and seeing you working away as you got to see him so often. It was the cutest thing, your short self commanding a room of teenagers, some listening intently and asking questions, others not always taking you seriously. 
Today he approaches your classroom, the door swung wide open as your voice booms over the room. He relaxes into the doorway, head tilted as he looks at you, refusing to bother you just yet as you teach. His eyes trail your figure, a soft but proud smile resting on his lips. 
Your students had noticed him before you did, some smiling and waving at him. He waves back, recognizing some of your students who he’s met before. His head leans against the door, a lovestruck look in his eyes, and your students have completely lost the point of your lesson, watching a love story unfold before them. 
Finally, your eyes follow theirs, reaching the doorway to see Mat standing there. Your confusion turns partly to embarrassment and part to joy seeing your best friend there. 
“No, go back to teaching,” he waves your look off before you can even say anything. 
“What’s up?” you ask, ignoring his plea. 
You knew the minute you had become aware of Mat’s presence you wouldn’t be able to focus. Your thoughts go blank at his presence and narrowing on your shaky hands, rapidly beating heart. Mat crosses the room to you, handing you the things you forgot this morning. 
“I came to drop your stuff off and take you to lunch?” he questions and you grin. 
“Give me a few minutes? The bell’s gonna ring soon.” 
Mat nods telling you he’s gonna run to the bathroom and come back to grab you before he can take you to lunch. You watch his figure retreat, a dopey smile left on your lips and when you turn back to your students they grin at you. 
“Miss, are you guys finally dating?” Comes from one of your girls in the back. 
“Guys we’re just friends,” you tell them and your boys groan. 
“Does he say that or do you?” a boy in the back asks. 
“Oh my god Miss,” they all groan and you laugh. 
You usher them back to learning but the bell rings and just as soon as Mat has left he’s back and saying goodbye to your students. Once they’re gone he makes his way to you, looking proud and mischievous all in one. 
“Hey you’re pretty good at this,” he says and you laugh. 
“Well thank you,” you say, moving around the room to clean up after your students. 
“Hey,” Mat says, grabbing your arm and pulling you closer. 
“I mean it. You’re a great teacher.” 
A blush covers your cheeks, a hand comes to rest on Mat’s side and he gazes down at you, your heart doing backflips as you look up at your best friend. His hand slides from your arm to your shoulder, pulling you flush against him. Your other hand lays on his chest, his heart slamming steadily against your fingertips.
Your eyes search each other’s hearts beating hard in anticipation. You stand on your tiptoes inching closer to Mat, he leans down, his forehead touching yours and for a moment you think everything might change. 
“Shit, sorry (y/n/n),” you hear, pulling you and Mat from each other. 
You look up to see one of your fellow teachers in the doorway, a blush covering his cheeks as he catches you and Mat together. You plop your head on Mat’s chest, chuckling lightly before pulling away and dragging him out the door with you.
As weird as it sounded, you loved blasting music in your room, folding laundry, and dancing around like an absolute idiot. Mat was at practice leaving the apartment to you, and you were taking full advantage of it. Your favorite Bazzi album surrounds the room as you dance and work on folding all of yours and Mat’s laundry. 
Mat was somewhat grateful practice ended early. He felt like he hadn’t spent any time with you in ages and was missing your smile. He headed home instantly, declining to go out with his friends knowing you would be home. 
He raced home, dropping his stuff at the door and following the sound of your music playing loud in the apartment. He makes his way to your door, a dorky smile finding its way onto his lips as he watches you. 
You dance unknowingly around the room, singing quietly under your breath to whatever song had you entranced for the moment. Your music changed like your emotions and Mat had a special talent for knowing how you felt just from the song you were playing. 
You fold clothes mindlessly, throwing yours in one pile and his in the other. The tiny chore done for him makes his heart pound. It was simple and dumb but he loved your selflessness nonetheless. 
As one song ends, Mat decides to make his presence known, 
“Bravo!” he yells. 
You jump, ten feet in the air it feels like when you hear Mat’s voice come from behind you. You whip around, glaring at Mat before placing one hand on your knee, the other on your chest, clutching your heart as it pounds from the scare. 
“Mathew Barzal!” you yell employing your best friend’s full name. 
Mat cackles loudly, mimicking your movements as he bends over to laugh at his best friend. You pick up a piece of clothing, throwing it half-heartedly at him as your heart starts to slow down. As Mat watches you slowly gain your composure, an idea sparks, mischief behind his eyes forming. 
“Mat,” you warn, knowing the older boy has an idea planned. 
Mat rushes forward, hooking an arm around your waist and pulling you down onto the bed with him. You shriek loudly as your back hits the mattress with a thud, Mat landing on top of you. 
“Barzal!” you yell frustrated but there’s a hint of laughter in your annoyance and Mat can spot it, giggling quietly against you. 
“I thought I’d help,” he says, propping his chin up to look at you. 
You gaze down at him, grinning madly at the dumb but unbelievably lovable boy beneath you. Mat’s hair falls before his eyes and you lift one hand up to push it out of the way. Mat catches your hand as you card your fingers through his hair, pulling it to his lips to press a kiss to your fingers. 
You freeze at the contact, watching Mat’s every move. Your song changes into the background, one of the very few Bazzi love songs only making your heart float higher. Mat moves slightly, one of his hands resting next to your head, the other trailing up and down your side. Your breath hitches as he lowers to meet you, his nose brushing yours. 
The dryer sounds, beeping loud and scaring you both more than Mat did a few minutes ago. Mat jumps, dropping his head back down on your stomach and you feel the sigh he releases. 
“One dance?” Noah begs and you roll your eyes. 
“Mat?” you ask, trying to get your best friend to help you. 
“Nope this is between you two,” he responds, taking a long sip of his drink. 
“You owe me,” Noah reminds you, and you nod before taking his outstretched hand. 
Noah leads you away, your only look back to your best friend is the wink he sends you and you flip him off but smile anyway. 
Noah sweeps you up, hands wrapped around your waist as you move around the room together. He had needed someone to dance with, part to make another girl jealous, part to get over another girl and you were reluctant but fine with helping out a friend as much as possible. You also owed Noah, him knowing about your massive crush on Barzy, had him covering for you and playing wingman in more ways than one. 
“Are you ever gonna tell him?” he asks as you sway slowly around the ballroom. 
“Are you ever going to tell her?” you turn it back on him and he nods, a blown-out smile in return. 
You dance for a bit longer in silence, but your gaze falls to Mat every so often. 
“See here’s the thing,” Noah says, pulling your attention back to him. You stare into his eyes, awaiting the wisdom the defenseman would drop onto you. “If you tell him, you could be dancing with him and not me.” 
“I think even if I was dating him I’d end up dancing with you Noah,” you joke and he laughs. 
“Yeah but it’s because you’re just so damn irresistible,” he jokes back, making you throw your head back in laughter. 
Mat hasn’t taken his eye off of you since you walked away with his teammate. His teammate knew his feelings for the girl and wondered why he would put him through the torture of this jealousy. He watches Noah hold the girl he loves the way he should, and his heart twists when her head is thrown back in laughter, the sound ringing in his head. 
He can’t help the movement in his legs when the song ends and another begins and Noah still has his hands on you. He marches up to the two of you, Noah noticing his presence first and nudging you to look over at him. 
“Mind if I cut in?” 
“All yours,” Noah says, handing your hand to him and Mat is happy to sweep you up into his arms. 
“Ah a much better dancer,” you say and Mat grins widely down at you. 
“What were you guys talking about?” 
“Oh, Noah’s just spilling all of your deep dark secrets,” you grin mischievously. 
“You mean all the things you already know?” 
“Exactly doll,” you joke and he chuckles and shakes his head. 
Mat’s heart was surprisingly calm dancing with you like this is where he’s supposed to be. With Noah, you looked everywhere, mostly trying to look at Mat, but now you couldn’t keep your eyes off the dance partner in front of you. The moment created before you, the two of you are the only ones in the world at this point. 
Your movements had slowed to barely a sway, entranced by each other. You can feel the two of you moving closer, the tension building and your heart slowing but your hands shaking. 
“Hey, can I-” 
You both pull back to see Noah grinning dorkily at the two of you. You don’t realize it but the middle man of your relationship receives the same look just as Noah takes your waist again, and Mat walks away both of you sad that your moment is ruined. 
The slam of a puck against the boards makes you jump, instantly waking you up from your tired 6 am state. You pull your iced coffee to your chest and take a sip, propping a hand up to rest your cheek on it. 
You hadn’t been to an early practice in a while but wanted to surprise Mat with coffee and breakfast afterward. You also knew that if you woke up early and showed up at the rink you could get some work done as you listened to the boy’s practice. 
Mat didn’t notice you were in the stands at first. Noah was the one to nudge him till he lost his balance, and point up to the row where you sat. It was not unlike what you looked like at home, papers spread around you, head bent, lip tugged between your teeth, as you scribbled across the papers furiously. He pauses to focus on you and ends up with a check to his side by Pageau. 
“Come on man,” Mat groans, stumbling to catch himself. 
“Pay attention man,” he calls, and both he and Noah skate off laughing. 
The rest of practice is fast and hard, Mat’s attention splits between you and the tasks at hand, and when coach calls it to an end Mat has never felt more grateful. He skates off quickly, darting into the locker room. He showers and makes his way to where you sat in the arena. 
You sit blissfully unaware of what’s going on around you, not realizing practice has ended. Your head is still bent over your work and you miss Mat sneaking up behind you. 
“Authorized personnel only miss,” Mat jokes and your heart jumps for a moment but you hide it with a smile, lifting your head just barely and turning to meet his gaze. 
“Oh sorry I thought I had an in with a player,” you explain as he sits down next to you. 
“Really? Who?’ 
“Noah Dobson? He’s just so dreamy I’m pretty sure we’re gonna get married,” you continue the ruse and Mat shoves your head jokingly and you laugh loudly. 
“Seriously, what are you doing here so early?” 
“Wanted to get some work done. But I also wanted to take you out to breakfast. I feel like we haven’t seen each other in a while.” 
Mat grins as he leans over your work, his head replacing your previous view and you grin down at the older boy. Your eyes search his, joy radiating between the two of you as you fall quiet. You think about just closing the distance, finally breaking this growing tension. 
“Hey! Authorized people only!” A guard yells and you both giggle lightly as you pull away. 
You both hold bittersweetness in your heart but smile nonetheless as you walk away together and head to breakfast. 
And One 
“You have to pay attention to every second or else we’re no longer friends,” you tell Mat as he sits down and you throw your legs over his. 
He places the bowl of popcorn in your lap, your hands digging in instantly and Mat reaches for the remote pressing play in the comedy special. 
You insisted he watch Bo Burnham’s new special on netflix, the one that had you bawling by the end of it but meant the world to you. Mat had only agreed to watch because he knew you adored it. 
“Yup definitely paying attention,” he says, picking up his phone for a moment. 
You set the popcorn bowl down, reaching for Mat’s phone and he pouts at your action. You both end up giggling as your short arms try to reach his phone held into the air above you. 
You wiggle around moving so you’re practically straddling his lap as you grab his phone. When it’s in your hand, you smile widely claiming victory. 
You throw his phone to the side, finally looking down at Mat who’s had his eyes on you the entire time. Your hands fall to his chest, his heartbeat familiar under your fingertips. 
Mat’s hand comes up, his finger tilting your chin down to come closer and your foreheads press against each other. Your noses brush, breath mingling in wait. 
Mat’s other hand trails your waist, gripping it lightly while the other cups your cheek. He finally pulls you in, his lips pressing against yours firmly. You sink into the feeling letting out a sigh. 
The hype had definitely lived up, every inch of tension resolving and fizzling out in the kiss that was built since the day you met. You chase your feelings back and forth in the kiss not wanting to break thinking this would be the last time.
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pucksandpower · 1 year
Can you please do a Mat Barzal x Old Money! Reader? 🫶
Mat Barzal x old money!Reader - Social Media AU
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Liked by barzal97, rachelvanderbilt, and 364,275 others
yourusername au revoir paris
View all 1,937 comments
barzal97 it kept you away too long
yourusername i’ll make it up to you
barzal97 can’t wait
yourbestfriend finally! we missed you so much
yourusername’s story
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Liked by barzal97, alexarockefeller, and 384,286 others
yourusername celebratory drinks with him
View all 2,183 comments
barzal97 beauty ❤️
isleswags oh ok so this happened
buzzedbarzy the way she looks at barzy though 🥺
puckerup barzy’s hair is a wonder of the world
hohohockey and that shirt
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Liked by yourusername, titobeauvi91, and 173,629 others
barzal97 what a rocket
View all 1,036 comments
yourusername just call me NASA
yourusername that sounded better in my head
barzalfanatic he’s off the market? when did they even get together???
matnotmatt all i know is that if he’s posting her, they’re official
blazingbarzal y/n is actually a mood
toomanymen she’s serving real life blair waldorf
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Liked by barzal97, nhlwagupdates, and 395,184 others
yourusername resting and recharging
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titobeauvi91 acting like he’s never seen fruit before
yourusername he quickly learned his italian isn’t nearly as good as he thought
barzal97 everyone just speaks too fast
yourusername what did you expect when we’re in italy?
yourbestfriend you guys are too cute
jackedhughes the things i would do for mat barzal to smile at me like that
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Liked by yourusername, owahlstrom97, and 185,372 others
barzal97 bye week 🇮🇹
View all 1,194 comments
owahlstrom97 i feel left out
barzal97 we literally invited you
yourusername if i remember correctly, you said you didn’t want to spend the week around us being “all lovey-dovey”
islesnews i wouldn’t mind missing the all-star game if the other option was vacationing in italy with my stunner of a girlfriend either
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