#Media literacy? We dont know her apparently
maaaxx · 19 days
People come up with a lot of stupid reasons to criticize atla but saying that Kataang ended up together because thats what Aang wanted and that its not reciprocated is definitely,,,, interesting.
Did you watch the show???? have you watched kataras arch???? it literally revolves around feminism,
The same Katara that traveled across the world to learn water bending and challenged their best teacher to a fight because he wouldn't teach her because she was a girl???
The same Katara who blew up a factory? Who successfully led a prison break???
Katara is literally the one who kick started the entire series by sticking up for herself.
Thats the Katara you think folded and built a whole life with Aang because he wore her down?? You think Katara married and had children with Aang because only Aang wanted to?? You think Katara would let anyone, even Aang, pressure her into a relationship she didn't want?
Like it showed her setting that boundary. She defends herself just fine. I can assure you Aang did not harass Katara into their relationship.
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kopilot-pop · 1 month
hi, about the yunjin starbucks controversy.
i’m gonna try to be as fair as possible talking about this controversy, but i’ll be honest i’m leaning more on yunjin’s side. i’ve been getting several requests on yunjin and i feel like i need to get this off my chest every time i see her name on my page.
let’s start off with the facts: yunjin was caught drinking starbucks in Korea (in front of the company building.)
I thought she drank it on a post or somethrong but no, it was just a few pixels of a low quality picture fans took. And that’s my first minor problem; she wasn’t on live, it wasn’t a post, it was a few milliseconds of pixels. But I get the ‘performative activism’ controversy, it DOES feel like she’s hiding it.
However, my take is that she just got out from her car, and wanna know a little fun fact? Most snacks and drinks that all idols are seen eating are most likely bought by their managers. And it’s a fact that Koreans aren’t currently boycotting Starbucks as actively as western foreigners are. So my thought the first time I saw the picture was that. The manager probably just bought coffee from whatever shop was closest, and handed it to her.
But I do understand how that can feel like reaching so I did some more research .
The biggest thing I have to so called ‘defend’ Yunjin is that Starbucks Korea is completely separate from International Starbucks (source: ChosunBiz).
In 2021, 67.5% of Starbucks was comepletely bought by E-Mart (a branch of Shinsegae), and the rest 32.5% was bought by a Singaporean investment comapny (GIC).
So oh, Starbucks Korea has no affiliations with the part of Starbucks that sues their worker’s union.
However, I can make the argument that Yunjin could influence others to ignore the boycott and buy Starbucks. Is it true that she has several international fans and alot of impressionable fans? Yes.
But then we have to go back to our first argument; it was a few milliseconds of a low quality video.
And after finding that out, I started to feel like all the people commenting about “starbucks queen💕” and “omg whats your starbucks order?” is the problem.
YOU guys are the one promoting Starbucks at this point. Do you understand?
I’m not saying don’t hold someone accountable, no, but I’m saying the comments aren’t fucking helping.
Don’t get me wrong, I do live in Korea, and I have been actively avoiding purchasing from them because I saw a few posts on twitter referencing it. I based an activity on a twitter post. And wanna know when I figured out WHY I was supposed to boycott exactly?
After I deleted Twitter because of the stress I got from the app.
That’s when I finally found out about the BDS list, found out oh, Puma is on the list, McDonalds is an even bigger problem than Starbucks (directly supplying food to soldiers), HP APPARENTLY SUPPLIES TECH FOR THE ISRAEL GOVERNMENT, and oh wow! Starbucks isn’t even on the list because theres not enough proof that they financially fund Israel.
In conclusion, the people preaching about how Yunjin is a performative activist is such hypocrites themselves
It’s clear that while some of the comments and criticisms are genuine, trying to hold a person accountable, but its also clear that the repeat of the same mocking comments of Yunjin is just performative and for attention and likes.
That’s what pisses me off. People who don’t give a shit about Palestine, and people even if they do support Palestine not even doinng the bare minimum amount of research just having fun mocking (not criticizing) a person when a tiny bit of wrong doing is shown.
Please, go look in the mirror, and i dont like saying this but go touch grass, do your own research, dont base off your whole ideology on a reddit post or a twitter, tumblr post, read different variety of news articles from several companies, and THEN make your decision on a situation. Not only Starbucks, not only on Yunjin, but on several other ones too.
Media literacy. Look it up.
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a-memoir-of-me-blog · 7 years
convo with cousins bf again lol. talking about sus government shit
Him: the only thing i learned in financial literacy is that life is unfair (no its not. Its made to be unfair). And EMT who saves lives makes less than a carpenter who makes cabinets (ok. One...almost all those emt cases are preventable but because the oligarchy and all that other bs, and wanting money to insurance and money to healthcare and all that and big pharm...they dont care about the EMT. and also the carpenter is an entrepreneur who MAKES things that benefit people..kinda), and apparently a girl who wanted to be a nurse made more money than both of them combined. It just doesnt make sense. (also because the nurse is the one who gives the meds from big pharm. But some are good. some…)
Me: there has to be a reason and explanation behind this tho
Him: i was a biologist and needed a bachelors and i STILL made less than her. She needed an associate's or something. I guess life isnt fair
Me: a nurse requires a BS in nursing school lol
Him: i was a dang biologist but the EMT and carpenter combined were like 70% of what the nurse made.
Me: because a biologist works for big companies and/or the government (with the best beneifts possible, that they dont even need $ bc it is all provided) and create and discover things for the advancement of health and science and all that. They dont do it for the money or the incentive. But it can also go the other way, where it is just the government and the big corp, insurance, big pharm are the ones who hate the advancements and will start war, will make a huge PR and media stunt. Create tensions in areas, etc….because they want to keep the power to themselves. Those in the healthcare sector like that feed all the meds to the already sick people and they help out with the cycle. So ofc they will be paid higher salaries (but there are also good sides to this...just got to know all your info…what you are consuming and why….) they keep the big pharm and insurance and real estate sector booming. Like?? Keep the richest ones allowed because money (idk what i meant). Its funny. How america also loves to invade all these countries to spread democracy (aka business) (aka steal their resources, kill the planet, kill their people, have a “shortage”, get people to fight, raise food prices and water prices and health prices)...but hey...money! But now what lol. When we all are suffering and all those people who created the world around us will go into hiding and we all fight to the finish because of hunger games? Like tf…”spread democracy” my fucking ass. Also its a “religious” thing? No its not. Its a greed and growing culture of that and the 7 sins.
Him: oh not to mention we “coincidentally” only have beef with countries without centralized banks. Anyone with a truly independent economy is the enemy. (that is the goal….be the enemy of these powerful people. But be the one to give light and empower those under them, and free them). Because they still have the freedom and power and arent manipulated by media and can revolt easily. And they can come into power because they are incorrupt and not fearful (but ISIS and all those groups--shit...even NK...all to scare tbh...but it scares us so much that is brings us together...and we improve on things that needed to improve and everything on media was fake)
Me: Kind of like 9/11 lol
Him: i just wish people werent so damn greedy. If i were to have like 500 million i would not try to get any richer (what i would do is make things to then make it spread to more people and to give life to more generations to come) like shit that would last my bloodline to be rich for at least 3 generations. Theres a point where there is too much (like in hamlet...when the king has too much good and too much power and then kills for more….then he gets killed….and that person and the other person….and they all end up dying together in vain and greed and all that and never go to heaven)
Me: but we arent just talking individuals. We're talking whole nations, as if a whole nation isnt rich no one will be able to get rich (its the other way, young g). However, just because a country isnt rich doesnt mean their people arent rich (like they might just be working ode and milking off of it but not sending their money back--bad economy--no spending--raise taxes--get them internally). Saudi is an example. Seem “super rich” but most of their people are dirt poor and suffering and thats exactly like america. A lot of americas unknown side is like that.
Him: america itself isnt a first world country. Theres spots in the world that are objectively worse than third world countries.
Me: exactly. And a lot has to do with the fact of pop control, power and control control. And we abandon them and not let them advance and be the future of creating a better world, but then again, when there is too much advancement and too much competition, it would halt because we just can't keep up--and then we would need to have to bring things down again somehow. And i mean like the people and the competition and the euphoria. So rn we just waste a lot of money on war because it is the scaring time to advance more and we are going to start having a competition with those rich conservative greedy people and we get richer by hurting the vulnerable. And if we stop….we’re just going to go back to an outside war, because we are constantly at war--media, consumption, work, buying, etc….
Me: lol. Trump is only banning muslims from poor islamic countries that dont have business with us lol. But you know...politics is business….business is life….(more on this later on)
Him: trump apparently knows what hes doing, but only to further his business ventures. Thats why he didnt put his business in a blind trust nor release his tax returns. Hes gonna be like bush a lot. During the bush admin the price of gas went up double digit % (more on this later on tesla and more deeper stuff) claiming it was cause of the war in the middle east when alaska had massive oil supplies. He just boosted the price to get rich on purpose and set the “war on terrorism” as a blame war. From a moral less pov, its genuis
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viralhottopics · 7 years
To The Women Of The View: Don’t Normalize Tomi Lahren
To the Ladies of The View,
I love yinz. As a kid growing up in Western Pennsylvania, my early exposure to cross-the-aisle political debate was watching Meet the Press with my Dad, and The View with my mom. I loved my sick days in high school watching Elisabeth and Joy debate the Iraq War, gun control, recession, or tax breaks. The debates were lively, yet civil at least most of the time! They reflected the debates I was having with my conservative family members. Like in my life, your debates got heated and sometimes personal, but you had boundaries.
Then you invited Tomi Lahren.
Im not against bringing opinions on the show that typically arent represented by the hosts. This is great! Bring on people who have some facts, talk about values, and have a civil conversation. Have a heated one even! The problem is, sometimes TV shows like yours invite the most extreme cable and Internet personalities, who then tone down their extremism for mainstream television.
This phenomenon is called normalizing. It is deeply troubling to our civic discourse.
You see, Tomi Lahren has made a living not off of telling-truth, reporting, or even well-rounded arguments. She makes her living off of anger. She has equated Black Lives Matter with the KKK, blamed Beyonce for ripping off the Historical band-aid of racism (which apparently doesnt exist), thinks Trumps Muslim ban isnt a Muslim ban because it doesnt ban all Muslims (is the Holocaust not anti-semitic because it didnt kill all Jews?), touts being pro-choice on your show but bashes peaceful women marching on Washington as dwelling on problems and victimhood, but then dwells on how Obama wont call ISIS Islamic Extremists.
Three months ago she was talking about ‘baby killers’ like Lena Dunham.
Now, when you invite her on your show, she breaks character as the female version of Alex Jones and suddenly appears like a younger version of a genteel Kellyanne Conway. Her tactics on your show were the same as Conways deflect questions and go back to blaming Clinton or Obama. She paints herself as being hated by everyone, but this clearly is not true because she gets viewers and ratings. I dont hate Lahren and we might share moments of political common ground if we sat down and had a normal conversation over cupcakes Trevor Noah sent. We are both pro-choice… well, she is newly pro-choice as three months ago she was talking about baby killers like Lena Dunham. We care about what happens in the heartland. BUT, I do feel that her and her ilk are deeply damaging Americas political discourse by making it angrier, fueling victimization (equal hate from all sides for me), and encouraging unnecessary combativeness.
Now, many passionate yet fact-driven citizens (like you and me, Joy!) both know that Lahrens opinions are grounded in InfoWars-level propaganda, but her viewers dont see that. Say you bring her on with the intent to expose how ridiculous her views are; actually, you invite the unintended consequence of normalizing her views instead. Hosts like Trevor Noah might have thought that by inviting Lahren on his show, he would illustrate just how looney toons her debating points were when placed against facts. Unfortunately, Trevor Noah and also Bill Maher produced the opposite results: many people who love Lahren will never stop to hear talking points beyond their angry echo chamber. That is not a place one goes for news or debate points against liberals it is a place to go get hyped up on nationalist caffeine. Lahren fans will just see their extreme views become more acceptable when they become acceptable enough to air on ABC.
I expected more from the producers and especially hosts like Joy. I love you, Joy, and I saw the pain in your eyes as you tried to keep it together. But I wanted you to go in. I know you wanted to go in. Barbara Walters, where were you when we needed you most!?
You closed the segment saying We dont bite. That might be true, but Lahren has made her career and fame by biting people every, single episode of her show. You had this opportunity not to bite, but to drop some truth. (I was waiting for someone to bring up health care reform, the emoluments clause, or Trumps infidelities and lawsuits for sexual assault!) Instead, you let her slide. Most of the American public, which is dreadfully misinformed on basic civics and media literacy, will not know that this blonde girl-next-door was someone who got famous from blatant misinformation on politics, the suffering of black Americans, how social movements work, or why people were marching in the Womens March. She will begin to look normal.
Lahren has made her career and fame by biting people every, single episode of her show.
Now that Tomi is off The Blaze for coming out as newly pro-choice, I just hope that mainstream media does not take this as a sign they must bring this Deplorable Renegade into the fold simply because she does not tow the party line. This would be a grave mistake. Her one differing opinion from Glenn Beck should not brand her with the halo of free-thinking conservative. It does not take away everything she has said to become internet-famous.
My parents took me out of my local school district in high school because the opioid epidemic had already begun in 2004, so I too know a little bit about the pain or feeling of isolation in white America. But as a fellow white middle-American, I made a very different choice than Tomi. I did not want to make my career by capitalizing on the worst in the American psyche, by exploiting and amplifying pain or anger, by making white middle-America feel like they are complete outsiders that everyone politically hates. Instead, I chose to do a deep dive into the working world of technology and media, before also concurrently starting a PhD studying social and historical factors contributing to the political polarization we witness in our government and media. Surprise, surprise. Lahren-types are part of this problem. Someday I hope to bring my research background to a media career in front of the camera, but I do not want to settle for blinding-anger. I want to inspire understanding, knowledge, vision, and hope.
If you want constructive and charismatic conservative women who are actually bringing vision, discourse, and solutions to the future, why not invite Mary Katharine Hamm or Mindy Finn?
If you want a twenty-something former raised-libertarian and liberal convert who knows a little bit about patriotism, polarization, and political participation (and has her own humble Internet show on Facebook Live and now Youtube), someone who didnt get famous for Internet anger, maybe you want to have me on your show.
Your faithful fan since 1997
Read more: http://ift.tt/2nvgCn5
from To The Women Of The View: Don’t Normalize Tomi Lahren
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
To the Ladies of The View,
I love yinz. As a kid growing up in Western Pennsylvania, my early exposure to cross-the-aisle political debate was watching Meet the Press with my Dad, and The View with my mom. I loved my sick days in high school watching Elisabeth and Joy debate the Iraq War, gun control, recession, or tax breaks. The debates were lively, yet civil at least most of the time! They reflected the debates I was having with my conservative family members. Like in my life, your debates got heated and sometimes personal, but you had boundaries.
Then you invited Tomi Lahren.
Im not against bringing opinions on the show that typically arent represented by the hosts. This is great! Bring on people who have some facts, talk about values, and have a civil conversation. Have a heated one even! The problem is, sometimes TV shows like yours invite the most extreme cable and Internet personalities, who then tone down their extremism for mainstream television.
This phenomenon is called normalizing. It is deeply troubling to our civic discourse.
You see, Tomi Lahren has made a living not off of telling-truth, reporting, or even well-rounded arguments. She makes her living off of anger. She has equated Black Lives Matter with the KKK, blamed Beyonce for ripping off the Historical band-aid of racism (which apparently doesnt exist), thinks Trumps Muslim ban isnt a Muslim ban because it doesnt ban all Muslims (is the Holocaust not anti-semitic because it didnt kill all Jews?), touts being pro-choice on your show but bashes peaceful women marching on Washington as dwelling on problems and victimhood, but then dwells on how Obama wont call ISIS Islamic Extremists.
Three months ago she was talking about ‘baby killers’ like Lena Dunham.
Now, when you invite her on your show, she breaks character as the female version of Alex Jones and suddenly appears like a younger version of a genteel Kellyanne Conway. Her tactics on your show were the same as Conways deflect questions and go back to blaming Clinton or Obama. She paints herself as being hated by everyone, but this clearly is not true because she gets viewers and ratings. I dont hate Lahren and we might share moments of political common ground if we sat down and had a normal conversation over cupcakes Trevor Noah sent. We are both pro-choice… well, she is newly pro-choice as three months ago she was talking about baby killers like Lena Dunham. We care about what happens in the heartland. BUT, I do feel that her and her ilk are deeply damaging Americas political discourse by making it angrier, fueling victimization (equal hate from all sides for me), and encouraging unnecessary combativeness.
Now, many passionate yet fact-driven citizens (like you and me, Joy!) both know that Lahrens opinions are grounded in InfoWars-level propaganda, but her viewers dont see that. Say you bring her on with the intent to expose how ridiculous her views are; actually, you invite the unintended consequence of normalizing her views instead. Hosts like Trevor Noah might have thought that by inviting Lahren on his show, he would illustrate just how looney toons her debating points were when placed against facts. Unfortunately, Trevor Noah and also Bill Maher produced the opposite results: many people who love Lahren will never stop to hear talking points beyond their angry echo chamber. That is not a place one goes for news or debate points against liberals it is a place to go get hyped up on nationalist caffeine. Lahren fans will just see their extreme views become more acceptable when they become acceptable enough to air on ABC.
I expected more from the producers and especially hosts like Joy. I love you, Joy, and I saw the pain in your eyes as you tried to keep it together. But I wanted you to go in. I know you wanted to go in. Barbara Walters, where were you when we needed you most!?
You closed the segment saying We dont bite. That might be true, but Lahren has made her career and fame by biting people every, single episode of her show. You had this opportunity not to bite, but to drop some truth. (I was waiting for someone to bring up health care reform, the emoluments clause, or Trumps infidelities and lawsuits for sexual assault!) Instead, you let her slide. Most of the American public, which is dreadfully misinformed on basic civics and media literacy, will not know that this blonde girl-next-door was someone who got famous from blatant misinformation on politics, the suffering of black Americans, how social movements work, or why people were marching in the Womens March. She will begin to look normal.
Lahren has made her career and fame by biting people every, single episode of her show.
Now that Tomi is off The Blaze for coming out as newly pro-choice, I just hope that mainstream media does not take this as a sign they must bring this Deplorable Renegade into the fold simply because she does not tow the party line. This would be a grave mistake. Her one differing opinion from Glenn Beck should not brand her with the halo of free-thinking conservative. It does not take away everything she has said to become internet-famous.
My parents took me out of my local school district in high school because the opioid epidemic had already begun in 2004, so I too know a little bit about the pain or feeling of isolation in white America. But as a fellow white middle-American, I made a very different choice than Tomi. I did not want to make my career by capitalizing on the worst in the American psyche, by exploiting and amplifying pain or anger, by making white middle-America feel like they are complete outsiders that everyone politically hates. Instead, I chose to do a deep dive into the working world of technology and media, before also concurrently starting a PhD studying social and historical factors contributing to the political polarization we witness in our government and media. Surprise, surprise. Lahren-types are part of this problem. Someday I hope to bring my research background to a media career in front of the camera, but I do not want to settle for blinding-anger. I want to inspire understanding, knowledge, vision, and hope.
If you want constructive and charismatic conservative women who are actually bringing vision, discourse, and solutions to the future, why not invite Mary Katharine Hamm or Mindy Finn?
If you want a twenty-something former raised-libertarian and liberal convert who knows a little bit about patriotism, polarization, and political participation (and has her own humble Internet show on Facebook Live and now Youtube), someone who didnt get famous for Internet anger, maybe you want to have me on your show.
Your faithful fan since 1997
Read more: http://ift.tt/2nvgCn5
 The post To The Women Of The View: Don’t Normalize Tomi Lahren appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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