#Michael Guerin fic
dr-lizortecho · 7 months
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excerpt from @angrycowboy’s epic all the stars aligned, written for @rnmbigbang
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pastelwitchling · 3 months
Malex smut.
              Michael smiled against the crook of Alex’s neck as his husband writhed beneath him, Michael buried to the hilt inside him.
              “M-Michael,” he stammered, breathless and red as Michael squirmed enough that the head of his cock brushed Alex’s prostate, but he didn’t move. He didn’t thrust or pound Alex into the bed, he just stayed buried, brushing Alex’s sweet spot as his husband turned damp beneath him, his back arched, his nails carving into Michael’s biceps.
              “You’re so gorgeous like this,” Michael breathed, nuzzling Alex’s jaw, his chin, his cheek. “Naked and sweaty and mine.”
              “Michael –”
              “Spread your legs more.”
              Alex bit his lower lip, but complied, pushing his legs further apart.
              Michael kissed his ear and in a voice like gravel, said, “Good boy.” Alex shivered against him, whimpering as he hugged his shoulders, clinging to him.
              Michael couldn’t believe how lucky he was. He couldn’t believe that he alone got to have Alex like this; vulnerable and wanting and pleading.
              Squirming again, Michael gave him the barest of thrusts, and Alex gasped, arching his back, eager for whatever Michael would give him.
              Michael caught his face in one hand. He bit Alex’s lower lip and tugged, then licked the bite mark. “Who do you belong to?”
              Alex looked like he was struggling to breathe. Michael loved it. “You.”
              Michael rewarded him with another thrust, long and deeper and harder. “Who do you worship?”
              Another thrust.
              Michael chuckled breathlessly against his jaw, inhaling the smell of his sweat as Alex moaned.
              “You feel so good,” Michael huffed, his heart hammering. “I’m not gonna last long like this.”
              Alex whimpered. “Please.”
              Michael admired Alex’s stubble against his fingers, the flush of Alex’s cheeks, the unshed tears in his eyes as pleasure overtook every single one of his senses. He was safe here, and he knew he was safe here. That was Michael’s favorite part. How vulnerable Alex was only in Michael’s arms because he knew Michael would destroy the world before he let it hurt a hair on Alex’s head.
              “Tell me you love me,” Michael huffed against his ear.
              Without a moment’s hesitation, Alex breathed, “More than anything.”
              Michael’s heart hammered for a completely different reason at the promise in Alex’s voice, and he couldn’t take it anymore. He drew back and thrusted into Alex with a loud slap. It took two more thrusts before they were both coming harder than they had in days.
              As they lay panting afterwards, Michael’s body halfway on top of Alex’s as their chests heaved, Alex ran his hands up and down Michael’s back, his eyes shut. “You enjoy torturing me way too much.”
              Michael grinned and bit into Alex’s shoulder, making him hiss. “My dick has a price.”
              Alex huffed a chuckle, which quickly turned into a laugh. Michael couldn’t look away. Tracing his husband’s jaw, he shook his head. “Your smile is unreal. Have I ever told you that?”
              Alex’s laughter faded from his lips, but not from his eyes as he turned to look at Michael’s face. “Once or twice. A week.”
              “It’s true.”
              Alex poked his ribs. “You’re unreal.”
              Michael bit his lower lip, and leaned in, thrusting his hip against Alex’s thigh. His cock was already hardening again, and Alex burst into laughter.
              “You really are unreal! Don’t you get tired?”
              “Not of you,” Michael said, like it was obvious, already moving to hover over his giggling husband. "Never of you."
Happy Malex Monday ❤️
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riproswell · 5 days
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The weather is warming, the days are lengthening. But from the not-so-distant future, a cold whisper of a breeze reminds you that spooky season is just over the horizon.
We are pleased to announce the dates and prompts for the 6th annual RIP Roswell event!
October 31: Rest in pieces Tricks and treats, darkness and shadows, monster mash, fright night, terrible thrills, a town with a dark secret November 1: La flor de Muertos Remembrance and forgetting, thinning of the veil, graveyards and altars, calaveras and candlelight November 2: It came from outer space! Crash landings, cosmic horrors, when worlds collide, forbidden planets, time warps and paradoxes November 3: The stinger Did you miss the afterlife express? Was a prompt missing in action? Just want to make sure you're the final survivor? We'll keep the candles lit for one last night.
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pleasantfanartist · 9 months
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From the fic A Better Man by @wle0416
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aydann-runs · 2 months
When Alex pulls into the driveway after a truly shitty day, Michael's truck isn't in its customary spot out front, despite it being well past the time he's usually home. He hadn’t realized just how much he'd been counting on Michael being there to meet him.
(Finally finished this little one-shot that had been sitting in my WIPs for 6 months)
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bekkachaos · 11 months
For the writing prompt - #5 for Malex please ☺️☺️
5. “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
Deep Sky didn't get many new recruits, but when they did, they were obviously brilliant in one way or another.
The newest team member, a twenty-something classical physicist named Ash, had been labelled somewhat of a prodigy and after a rocky initiation, fit right in.
Not only was he somewhat of a human calculator but he had a quick witted nature about him that everyone seemed to love.
He and Alex got along very well. They bounced ideas off one another and were usually on a very similar wavelength when it came to their thoughts, so when the two of them came together on a project they usually got a lot further than others had in half the time.
Alex sat on the couch at home, the dregs of a glass of wine sat on the coffee table as Michael walked over with a glass of whiskey and the last of the bottle to top up Alex's glass. He had been regaling a story from earlier in the day about some piece of technology they had been tinkering on together, his mouth drawn up in a smile as he explained the way he watched Ash work and how Eduardo had started to joke that they were sounding like an old married couple.
"Honestly, I was never that smart at his age," Alex said as Michael put down the empty bottle and slotted in beside him so that he could put his arm around his shoulders. "I think it should probably be illegal. He just gets this crazed look on his face when he's onto something, although today that led to him nearly electrocuting himself."
He chuckled as he looked back at Michael who just nodded, smiling with just his lips and eyebrows before he took a drink from his own glass.
"Sounds like fun," he said dryly, making Alex narrow his eyes at him curiously.
"Okay, what's with the mood?" he said, making Michael shrug in that infuriating way he did when he was about to make Alex guess what was going on in his brain.
"No mood," he said.
"There's a mood, or, you know, thoughts happening in there," he smirked, making Michael roll his eyes.
"No thoughts," he shrugged again, and Alex chuckled and rolled his eyes. "I mean I've just been sitting here listening to you talk about spending all day with some guy, but no, no real thoughts."
"I've been talking about the project, Guerin," Alex shook his head. "Ash is helping me with that so he's probably going to come up. What have you got against him? You didn't mind him when you came in to drop me some food last week."
"Never said I had anything against him," he said, smirking back at Alex and nudging his shoulder with his chest. "Have you? Had anything against him?"
He was teasing, in tone, but Alex knew Michael well, enough to know the way he was tensing his body up, deflecting with jokes and an arrogant curl of his mouth. It was the same posturing he did when he became defensive, protective, and one other thing.
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
Michael squirmed a little, scoffing with a roll of his eyes.
"Of that scrawny kid?" he said, snorting derisively and making Alex bite his lip to stop from laughing.
"You're the same build as he is."
"You noticed that huh?"
"Michael," he said with an exasperated sigh, putting his fingers to the bridge of his nose. "If you find him attractive well that's on you, don't bring me into it."
"So you don't then?" Michael asked, that antagonistic smirk still glued to his mouth.
"Honestly? I haven't noticed," he said, shaking his head slightly. "I don't notice those things anymore. If you asked then yeah, objectively I could say he's an attractive guy. But I'm not attracted to him."
Michael let out a sigh through his nose, his lips faltering a moment as he gave away the facade, putting his glass down on the table and letting his hand rest on Alex's knee.
"So you don't need to be jealous, of him, or anyone else," he said, reaching out to press his palm to Michael's chest, sliding it up and over the crook between his shoulder and neck.
And then the smirk was back, a shrug of his shoulders as he slid his hand further up Alex's thigh, over his hip and slipping his fingers under the fabric of his shirt.
"Don't worry, I'm not," he said, leaning in until he could place a soft kiss under Alex's jaw, his head tilting up willingly to give him the space to crowd him closer. "I mean, can that guy do this?"
He mumbled the words into his skin, chasing them down with his tongue, then his lips, his hand rising higher under Alex's shirt until he was slowly pulling back so that Alex could raise his arms and be stripped out of it.
Michael's arrogant smirk was replaced by parted lips and hungry eyes, making Alex roll his eyes as he let Michael shift him so that he had one leg on the couch and the other on the floor, a perfect fit between them for Michael to settle.
"Nah, he just gets the science and that little wrinkle you get when you think too hard," he grinned, making Alex chuckle and drop his head back a moment.
"You're an idiot," Alex said as Michael leant in over him.
"You're in love with an idiot," he smiled, leaving a soft kiss against Alex's lips. "What does that say about you?"
send me a pairing and a prompt from this list 💕
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oatflatwhite · 9 months
new rnm fic! read her here :)
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bloggingbisexually · 5 months
Happy holidays to you @jocarthage!! I hope you enjoy this little slice of angsty teen!Malex with some sassy best friend Rosa on the side.
Big huge thanks to @aydann-runs for being an awesome beta and to @rnm-secret-santa for running this event!!
Title: Capture the Moment While We’re Here
Summary: The thing about high school, Michael Guerin quickly learned in his freshman year, was that everyone had a spot. Michael's spot was behind the bleachers. It's where all the outcasts, misfits, and deviants congregated. It's where Michael met Rosa Ortecho.
-- A slightly different take on the events of 1x06. Michael is friends with Rosa, Isobel is confusing, Alex is hot, and Michael's just trying to keep it all together.
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dragonbinx · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Michael Guerin/Alex Manes Characters: Michael Guerin, Alex Manes Additional Tags: Telekinesis, Aliens, Falling In Love, School Dances, Halloween, Michael Guerin Loves Alex Manes, Alex Manes Loves Michael Guerin, 5+1 Things Series: Part 10 of It's Just a Bunch of Halloween Fics, Part 2 of Malex's Haunted House Summary:
He was totally in the zone, stirring the sauce with his telekinesis while he seasoned the chicken thighs, when Alex pressed up behind him and said, “What’s all this?”
Michael shivered at the sudden warmth of Alex and the way his breath felt on his neck, and the spoon that had been stirring the sauce went flying and splatted quietly against the wall.
Alex looked at the spoon as it fell to the floor, then at Michael, his eyebrow raised. “Happy to see me?”
Michael can't stop his powers from reacting to Alex, and it's embarrassing and inconvenient for him. Alex, on the other hand, is completely fine with it.
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notsowrites · 7 months
this life is sweeter than fiction
Summary: Alex & Michael have a lunch date at the Crashdown
A/N: i said i wasn't writing again until next year, but this happened that same night and i was going to save it until i wrote the sequel to "all the stars aligned" but now it's just gonna be part of a series set within that universe instead.
[Read on AO3]
Liz places a milkshake on the table in front of him, but doesn't leave. Instead she stands there, hand on her hip, waiting for him to acknowledge her. Carefully, Alex glances across to Michael, who's brow is furrowed in adorable confusion as he glances back and forth between the two of them.
“Something wrong?”
She leans forward just enough to gently bump the milkshake glass again with her finger.
“Can we please take this off the menu?”
“What is it?” Michael immediately chimes in, reaching out to dip a finger into the ice cream. Alex watches as he pulls his hand back, slipping the finger between his lips and into his mouth. He's too focused on the explaining Liz is going to make him do to really enjoy the way Michael sucks on his own finger, even in the middle of the Crashdown with Liz standing a foot away.
“This is the worst selling milkshake on the menu, and Alex won't let me and Papi take it off.”
“It's good,” Michael replies innocently, reaching back over and trying it again. “Is that caramel?”
“It's Bananas Foster Ranch.”
The thing is, Alex doesn't want to let them remove it from the menu, even if he's the only one to ever order it so that it generates at least a bit of revenue. The timing of it appearing on the menu at the Crashdown had felt almost serendipitous - it first made an appearance the summer after senior year, Arturo clearly trying to add some new puns to the menu in his own effort to distract from the hurt of both Rosa's death and Liz's sudden departure. He knew it'd disappeared some time during the decade he was away - not enough people ordering it to justify keeping the option on the menu for long. But once he'd been back in town, once he'd been fully settled into Roswell once more, Alex had inquired to Arturo one day if he could whip one up for him, for nostalgia's sake.
And within a couple days, it had been added back.
Liz had taken note almost immediately when she'd arrived back in town several months later, wasting no time demanding to know the reason why. But back then, Alex couldn't tell her. Because back then, there was no Alex and Michael - if anything there was only Alex and the mysterious Museum Guy. And to admit why he liked seeing the Bananas Foster Ranch milkshake on the menu felt almost like a declaration. It felt like once someone knew about him and Michael, it was too easy to connect the remaining dots.
“I don't understand,” Michael says, forgoing sticking his finger back in the glass again and just pulling the entire thing over towards him, straw between his lips as he sucks the ice cream up into his mouth.
“Took me way way too long to realize but-” Liz turns to look down at him, an eyebrow raised. “You want to do the honors?”
Alex wants to tell Liz to get lost, to take the milkshake with her and forget this entire exchange ever happened. But there's something in the way Michael is looking back at him, waiting expectantly for the answer, that makes Alex feel a tiny bit braver.
“It reminded me of you, Michael.”
He immediately covers his face in his hands, screwing his eyes shut and groaning at himself for the embarrassment he feels. He knows he shouldn't, that it's just another thing on a laundry list of items that have long allowed Alex to think about Michael when he couldn't actually talk about him in public, or mention him to anyone. 
He hears the familiar sound of Liz walking away from the table, boots stomping on the linoleum floor as she goes, and slowly drops his hands to see Michael watching him. Michael reaches over to gently grab hold of his hands, pulling them the rest of the way down, but not letting go and resting them on the table together between them.
“Hasn't this been on the menu since we were kids?”
“Summer after senior year, actually.”
A smile spreads across Michael's face as he tugs at their hands, pulling Alex's own up to his lips and pressing a kiss to the knuckles. It's the simplest little action, but it has Alex's heart soaring in his chest. Two years ago, he never could have imagined being able to do any of this with someone he liked - let alone with Michael. And there once was a time where he believed that no matter who he dated, who he tried to have a public relationship with, his father would always find some way to interfere. His goal became trying to be happy enough , find something he could live with so that no one else would ever know what it was like to be at the end of his father's rage.
Maria had always been his plan for happy enough, the plans made long ago sometime in high school before Michael Guerin swooped in and stole his guitar. He always knew that while he would never be in love with her, he'd never feel that rush of excitement that came with falling in love with someone - but he loved her enough, and she was the safest he ever managed to feel at a time when there was no one else in his life reminding him of his own worth. Her presence has always been his safety net, that person who no matter what, will always be there for him - and he would always be there for her in return.
But his father's death had changed everything for him. No longer did he have to look over his shoulder, no longer did he feel like there would always be someone lurking around the corner, ready to ruin any moment of happiness Alex may try and take for himself. And now, with the statue in the square gone, he didn't have to stare at the reminder each time he walked through town with Michael, the two of them holding hands and strolling down the sidewalk. For the first time in his life, Alex felt like he was starting to truly reap the benefits of the war he'd been waging since he was a kid.
“Didn't know you were so sentimental, Manes.”
Alex smiles at Michael across the table, because there's no way that's true. Not when Michael had found him last year in that portal dimension, sitting on the tailgate of Michael's truck, watching reels that contained his own memories as if they were movies.
Alex gently removes his hand from Michael's, and carefully pulls the milkshake glass towards himself across the table. He takes a sip from the straw, savoring the taste of banana and caramel. Nothing about the flavor of the milkshake reminds Alex about Michael, it's always been completely and totally about the name.
“Liked having things that reminded me of you, even before there was really an us .”
Michael chuckles quietly in response. “Would you change anything? If you could?”
It's a question Alex has asked himself before, not necessarily needing an answer, but more just a general curiosity. And while he wishes the incident in the shed never happened, Alex wonders who they both would be as people right now without it. Because he knows that, regardless of what happened there that night, there's also the incident with Noah, and Isobel, and Rosa that took place that night - a whole combination of which was the reason in the end that Michael gave up his scholarship to UNM, and stayed in Roswell for the next decade instead. Would he change his father, perhaps? But that would require going back even further and convincing Harlan that the aliens who crash landed in 1947 weren't dangerous, they weren't invaders, and they weren't here to murder humans. Everything feels like dominoes, one event after another, but all of them tied together.
“Only if you and I still ended up here,” he replies, carefully considering his words.
Liz comes back over to the table, looking slightly impatient. There's a brand new stain on the front of her uniform - something that looks like rocket relish, Alex thinks.
“Everything okay, Ortecho?”
“You have ten seconds to order.”
Michael laughs out loud, smiling over at him across the table. “Such great service here.”
Liz thrusts her arm out in front of Michael, showing him the face of the watch on her wrist.
“May I remind you, I have a life outside this diner. And a date with a very handsome, very sexy cowboy tonight. So god help you if I don't clock out from my shift in exactly 28 minutes.”
They both quickly place orders - hamburgers, fries, extra flying sauce. Liz glares at both of them as Michael asks for another Bananas Foster Ranch milkshake, but Alex decides to opt for Abducted by Chocolate instead. 
Better to dip his fries into.
“I'd ban both of you if I didn't think Papi would just ignore it.”
Alex watches Liz head towards the kitchen, pausing the scribble their orders down on her pad and sticking it in the window. The cafe is busy - a typical midday lunch rush, and Alex had been working from home today, so he'd shown up at the junkyard unannounced to ask Michael to grab something to eat with him. It felt like one of the perks of working from home instead of commuting out to Deep Sky for the day, because that would mean he wouldn't be home until closer to dinner if he did a full day at the office. Plus, he's certain that Sanders doesn't mind him dragging Michael away for an hour or so. The old man might be a crank, but Alex is convinced there is a soft spot buried somewhere deep inside him.
He turns back towards Michael, only to see him watching him, as if there is nowhere else to look in the whole of the diner. The milkshake glass is at the end of the table, Michael having finished the last of it off rather quickly, like now that he's learned why it's still on the menu he actually likes it.
“How'd you get them to keep this on the menu if it doesn't sell?” Michael asks, bumping the empty glass with his hand for emphasis.
Alex doesn’t know the answer to that question, only that every time it has been taken off, he's come into the diner and tried to order it. Perhaps it's less trouble to keep it on the menu than deal with explaining to each new waiter that gets hired why if a certain customer orders that one specific milkshake that isn't actually on the menu, they still have to make it for him.
“Guess Arturo just likes me,” he replies with a wink and a smile.
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dr-lizortecho · 7 months
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Alex laughs, pulling back and kissing Michael’s lips again. “You smell like a rainstorm.”
for @angrycowboy’s epic all the stars aligned, created for @rnmbigbang
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pastelwitchling · 2 months
What about Michael and isobel bonding cause both Alex and Kyle go at a million miles an hour and don't sleep when they're working on something together
So they're just stuck watching two grown men stumble around borderline delirious waiting for the right moment to intervene and get them to rest
              It was Michael’s day off. He should’ve been comfortable in bed with Alex’s body curled into his, Alex’s head on his shoulder, Alex’s arm slung over his waist as he cuddled deeper into Michael’s chest. Because Michael’s days off were often Alex’s days off. Because Alex didn’t usually take days off by himself. Because he was insane.
              Michael didn’t want to know about his work schedule before they’d gotten together, but it didn’t matter anyway. Alex had him now, and that meant that Michael was very religious about his days off. If he didn’t rest, Alex wouldn’t, and Alex had to rest.
              Of course, Alex was still Alex, and he still had his nightmares, and though Michael sleeping in did guarantee Alex would be in bed, it didn’t always guarantee he’d be sleeping.
              That was why, when Michael peeked an eye open to find Alex sitting up in bed, working on his laptop, he groaned under his breath and wrapped an arm around Alex’s hip.
              “No,” he whined, squeezing Alex to him and shoving at the laptop with his elbow. “No, Alex.”
Alex chuckled under his breath. He already sounded more tired than he had last night when he’d gotten back from Deep Sky, ready to collapse. “Want to elaborate, honey?”
“It’s a day off,” Michael insisted, refusing to be deterred by the pet name, no matter how it made him blush. “That means sleeping until we’re awake enough for sex, then food, then sex, then repeat. No codes, no satellite searches, no alien anything but me.”
Alex hummed, sliding a hand into his hair and tugging on the curls. “I do like my alien.” He smiled down at Michael, making his blush deepen. Seriously, how old was he? “I’m sorry,” Alex said wearily. “I guess I have a hard time not following orders the second I get them.”
Michael considered him, and reached up to trace Alex’s lips with the tips of his fingers. “They’re not orders, Alex. Ramos wouldn’t dare give you an order.” He dropped his hand to grip Alex’s chin, tugging until he met his eyes. “You know you’re not a soldier anymore, right? You’re free, baby. You make the orders.”
Alex’s smile turned a little strained, and rubbing his face with one hand, he used the other to shut his laptop, setting on the nightstand. Scooting down into bed and turning onto his side so he could face his husband, Alex folded his arms beneath his pillow, and leaned in, gently pressed a kiss to Michael’s chin, then his collarbone.
Looking up at him, Alex whispered, “Can’t you make the orders for me? I’d follow them all, you know I would.”
Michael traced his hand down Alex’s temple, his cheek, his jaw, and back up to slide his hand into his hair. He did know that. He knew Alex would do anything and everything Michael asked of him, and Michael knew that he needed it now. He needed to be told what to do, to have some direction or he’d tear himself apart trying to follow the million other directions in his head trying to get his attention.
However, Michael knew that telling him to rest would be unfair and impossible. He couldn’t force Alex’s mind to calm down when he knew his husband needed more than just another order. Too often, Michael had wondered how to talk to an ex-airman. How did you get to the core of what was bothering them and banish the fears there? How did you destroy the darkness?
Except then, Michael realized that Alex had fallen in love with him for a reason. He’d never been good at acting like others wanted or expected him to. If he was ever going to help Alex, it had to be as himself. So he’d stopped asking himself what a military man might do, what everyone else would do, and started to wonder what he wanted most to do.
“Okay,” Michael said, cupping Alex’s jaw and brushing his cheek with his thumb as he came to a decision. “Okay. You want an order, Private? Get up, get dressed.”
Alex raised a brow, his lips quirked in weary amusement. “Where are we going?”
Michael pressed a quick, chaste kiss to his lips. “The Crashdown.”
“For breakfast?”
He smiled. “Nope.”
Michael held the door open for Alex, the bell’s jingle above their heads as they entered a prelude to the ambience of the diner. Steam hissing from the open kitchens, to-go boxes ringing up, waitresses taking orders and jukebox music playing over the cacophony of families and couples laughing and chattering over their meals and coffee.
Michael watched Alex carefully, and when he saw the tension that had been in his shoulders all morning finally loosen, he knew he’d made the right call. He caught Alex’s hand and put it through his arm, then stuffed his own hands in his jacket pockets as he scanned the Crashdown. There Isobel sat next to the window, with Kyle seated next to her, looking about as tired as Alex did.
When she saw him, she waved him over. As he and Alex neared, Kyle seemed to realize that they would be forcing Alex to put his back to the exit, so he nudged Isobel and the two slid into the opposite seats. Giving Kyle a shy but grateful smile, Alex slid into the booth, tugging Michael in beside him and pressing their arms together.
“Well,” Isobel greeted Alex, “you look about as well-rested as he does.” She nudged her chin at Kyle, who’d been staring out the window, and blinked.
“Huh?” Kyle looked between the three of them. “Is someone talking about me?”
Isobel shrugged a shoulder as if to say, What’d I tell you?, even as she reached up to rub Kyle’s temples with her thumbs. Kyle’s brows were pinched, like he had a perpetual migraine. Michael recognized the look from Alex’s face.
“Third shift in a row at the hospital,” Isobel explained, since Kyle seemed too tired to. “He got back just an hour ago.”
“M’fine,” he murmured, eyes shut, either with pain or relief, Michael didn’t know.
Either way, his presence brought an extra comfort to Alex (no, Michael didn’t want to talk about it, and this was the only time he would acknowledge it), and Alex brought an extra comfort to Kyle (because, obviously). All part of Michael’s plan; the ambience of the everyday world going on around Alex was the reminder that he was safe; Kyle here and in front of him was a reminder that the people he cared for most were safe; and Michael here at his side, their arms linked together, was the anchor he needed to hold him here. With his friends and the man that loved him more than anything.
One look at Kyle, and it was clear that being here, having Alex and Isobel here where he could see them, safe and sound, was the same anchor he’d needed too.
They were both fast asleep in the booth before their meals arrived; Kyle’s head on Isobel’s shoulder, and Alex’s head on his folded arms, Michael’s jacket blanketing him.
Isobel smiled as she ran her fingers through Kyle’s hair, and picked up her smoothie. “How’d you know this would work?”
Michael shrugged a shoulder, picking at his eggs. “They keep getting pulled into different worlds. Sometimes they need to be dragged back.”
“I can’t believe that’s coming from you,” Isobel snickered, shaking her head. Albeit, only slightly, for fear of waking Kyle. “Mr. Nothing­-Matters-But-Escaping-This-Planet. What changed?”
Her tone and the sparkle in her eye indicated she already knew. Despite the teasing, Michael couldn’t help but look at Alex, and slumped in his seat. Even with his arms folded and in a deep sleep, Alex’s fingers still clung to Michael’s sleeve, like he needed him no matter how safe he was.
Michael smiled, catching Alex’s fingers in his and squeezing lightly. He didn’t let go. “I found something that mattered more.”
Happy Malex Monday ❤️
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momecat · 1 year
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“Oasis can’t be home, not anymore.” “Why not?”
He’s silent for a moment, and Alex feels the deep breath Michael exhales as he leans back to look at him.
“Because you’re not there.”
Another kiss, and then another, and Alex wants to believe it. But it means that the only thing tying Michael to Earth is him. And that feels like an overwhelming amount of pressure suddenly at the realization.
– from “a love like this” by @angrycowboy for @rnmbb
Read the rest on ao3. 💙
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pleasantfanartist · 8 months
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Alex returns from his final tour in a flag-draped pine box. Michael is willing to do whatever it takes to get him out of it. But they end up raising a lot more in that cemetery than they bargained for.
From the fic Two Ravens by @sabrinachill
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aydann-runs · 7 months
Michael steps through the door to the Crashdown, removing his hat and scanning the cafe for Alex. He was supposed to meet him half an hour ago, but a challenging repair kept him late, and now Michael’s hungry on top of being frustrated. It’s a bad combination that’s not improved when he catches sight of Isobel, who–if body language is any indication–appears to be in the midst of an argument with Alex. He’s not even sure what Isobel, and Valenti, too, are doing here, since he’d only expected his husband.
Alex and Iz are leaning across the table of the corner booth, practically in each other’s faces, while Valenti plays on his phone. He’s very obviously staying out of the middle of whatever this is, and Michael’s more than half-tempted to follow his lead and just sit at the counter. Instead, he sighs and heads for the corner where two of the most important people in his life are currently at odds.
“...not going to change my mind,” Isobel is saying as Michael approaches the table. She gestures in Alex’s face with a french fry, and Michael rocks back on his heels in surprise when Alex snatches it out of her hand. With his teeth.
Isobel laughs, and Michael knows his sister, can tell it’s her delighted to be sparring with an equal laugh, and he relaxes for the first time since he left work. If Alex is feeling playful, and Isobel is amused, then whatever they’re arguing about can’t be serious.
“Hey, perfect timing!” Alex says as Michael slides in beside him. “Tell Isobel that dipping your fries in your milkshake is a game changer and she’s missing out.”
“It’s disgusting, Alex, and I can’t believe you still do it,” Isobel retorts.
“Wait, hold on,” Michael interjects. “This is what you were fighting about?”
“We weren’t fighting, Michael,” Isobel disagrees.
“Yeah, it was more of a debate,” Alex adds. “Isobel refuses to even try it, even though the saltiness of the fries actually enhances the sweetness of the milkshake. It’s food science, you explain it.”
Michael looks at Valenti, who’s just now coming out from hiding behind his phone. “A little help, bro?”
“Nope, I know better than to get between my girlfriend and my best friend,” Kyle says with a grin.
And that is really good advice. Michael’s pretty sure he’d be the biggest loser if he chose sides between Alex and Iz.
“Hey, you like what you like,” he equivocates, eating a few fries off Isobel’s plate and washing them down with a swig of Alex’s milkshake.
He doesn’t miss the triumphant smile his husband gives his sister, or her answering glare.
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oatflatwhite · 9 months
wrote my first rnm fic :') read her here
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