powderblueblood · 6 months
I wonder how Lacy would react if Eddie ever read her journal 👀 Like if he ever happened upon it accidentally. I'm picturing a full on nuclear explosion. Scorched earth. That kind of thing.
ANON YOU BETTER FUCKING---!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh, it's the end of the goddamn world, as far as she's concerned.
like, she's comfortable enough with him that she eventually leaves it sort of kind of lying around right-- except for, not really, eddie does pinch it out of her bag. he does a really good job of sneaking excerpts when she's out of the room, and that shit gets addictive.
starts like this-- she's researching something (shit, maybe it's even hellfire club, who knows, not me) for the streak and eddie's like, "what the hell is she even scribbling about in here all the time..."
first of all, she's got imperceptibly tiny spy-level cursive that he feels like he needs a magnifying glass to read properly but with a little squinting and a little spirit, he's getting places.
and the places. are. crazy.
"what the fuck are you doing."
he hears her voice from the door of the drama room, and it is like he's been caught red handed with his first stolen copy of penthouse all over again (i'll let you guess who caught him-- because it wasn't wayne and it wasn't al, but she does live in forest hills trailer park). heart hammering, brain scrambling.
lacy, for her part, is red hot tip to toe. curiosity killed the cat, right, but she is going to skin eddie munson and make a coat out of him.
"lacy-- now, lacy, let's not--"
"asked you a question. i asked you a question, munson."
she moves fast but he's faster (used to scampering; he has rat blood).
"i have questions for the author!"
"i have a bullet with your name on it!"
"it says here that steve harrington is the kind of guy that would proclaim to love pussy as a pushback to his chauvinistic past, but would keep fingering you in the wrong hole-- care to comment!"
"i was bitter-- it doesn't fucking matter! give it back!"
"nancy wheeler has the intellectual stamina of an american girl doll with a particularly starchy backstory, but at the very least--fuck--at the very least, it means she won't end up like her mother, who almost definitely cashed in on the last of her souring good looks--stop fucking screaming!--to assist in the spread of billy hargrove's petri dish of sexually transmitted diseases! lacy!"
"it's like you've written fucking hawkins babylon!"
she shrieks, because he only knows about hollywood babylon because of her! don't you dare use a woman's cultural touchstones against her!
eddie just about dodges a d20 that's been flung at him with eerie precision.
"okay, that almost got me in the eyeball!"
"good! all the better to not read my fucking journal with, you provincial pigfucker piece of shit!"
"no, no no," eddie says, and he's like up on a table now because the guy loves to be up on a fucking table, holding that journal waaaay above his head, waaaay above where lacy can reach it (short, evil), "i need you to hear my favorite part."
he doesn't even need to read this part from the cursed tome, because it's memorized.
"al munson probably has no bearing on the way eddie munson lives his life, because he's a deadbeat the way his son is destined to be a deadbeat. but the mere genetic suggestion of that piece of shit--you said piece of shit, right?"
lacy stops. stomach dropping.
"--is enough for you to want to cut the brakes in his little boy's van."
a beat. the silence is, like. heavy. eddie stares down at her and she can't meet eddie's eyes. like. at all. she feels-- really bad. mouth all dry. steps off the chair she'd been standing on.
eddie crouches to face her. maybe his ripped jeans strain a little more at the knees, i don't know. he uses the journal to tilt her chin up, to look at him, to face what she's written about him, in paper and ink. (fancy ink. fountain pen ink. paper's not too shabby either.)
her heart is hammering out her chest, body not quite sure how to process guilt like it processes anger or resentment or annoyance or (more recently) laughter.
"lacy," he says, voice husky and serious. "i just have one question."
"... yeah?"
"why didn't you cut my brake lines and kill me when you had the chance?"
and the way the smile breaks over his face (sunrise after months of gloomy winter, yadda yadda yadda), she almost wishes she did.
"can i hazard a guess?" he's gonna hazard a guess. he flicks to one of the most recent entries and lacy, weakly, tries to slam her hand over the page. this one he's had to read a couple more times to get the gist of it. because this one is really scandalous.
"dear reader," god, what is this? is this his lacy impression? it's awful, "it has taken you less than five weeks to become incapable of imagining your life without--"
"don't," and lacy actually snatches the journal from him this time, clutching it tight to her chest. "if your ego gets any bigger, it'll become cancerous."
or y'know somethin like that
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endious · 1 year
what do you think jeff would think about you being really gentle when touching him- imagine you wanting to jerk him off or give him head and you’re just so sweet about it, touching him gently and sloppily and responding to his rough kisses with gentle and messy ones
he’d get a hard on… he actually thinks it’s amusing that you treat him gently and softly while he’s manhandling you and forcing his tongue into your mouth as he gropes roughly at your breasts. the way you’re so compliant and willing to please makes him want to laugh in your face but he enjoys how gentle you are in comparison to himself. it just marks off another reason in his twisted mind that you two are meant to be together.
i have wrote about a gentle/sweet reader giving him head and how he just basically used it against you. and it’s honestly true, he uses your soft heart against you to make you do things for him. he had a rough day and just wants his dick sucked, surely you’d be a sweet girl for him and help him out right? it’s the least you can do. but oh you’re so willing regardless of what he says. so softly kissing the tip of his cock while your hands slide up and down his length and you give him the prettiest doe eyes. it’s almost like you know what you’re doing with that innocent air about yourself. like you know it turns him on and makes him want to ruin you when you touch him and kiss him sweetly and mewl out praises over the smallest touch he gives you.
and the idea of making out with him, his hands guiding your hips down to grind against his throbbing cock in his pants. you’re so inexperienced it’s cute the way your hands hesitantly grab at his hoodie as you moan against his lips that are much better at kissing than yours are. and meeting his rough kisses with sloppy soft ones?? my stomach is doing flips hell i am doing flips like a fish gasping for water.
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vcrnons · 6 months
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Some favs of mine 🫶🏼
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feeling feelings. thank you for this attempt on my life, i’m calling in sick the rest of this week and it’s your fault <3
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heeliopheelia · 8 months
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dirtychocolatechai · 2 months
I have the weekend free so fingers crossed I can binge watch it. I'm so excited to see all the practical effects also! love them, they always look so much better than CGI, i've watched the video of the ghoul makeup application so many times lol also hypothetically, if i were to have a ghoul thot for you, should i direct it over to the ghoul thirst blog instead? xD 💜 tn
the application video is so so cool though!! lowkey i was expecting his nose to be green but im glad they used the dots instead lolol.
hypothetically i would be very very very blessed to receive any thots from you (as i often go back to the ones you sent before even tho im not into marvel anymore bc they’re just that good 😮‍💨) and would be happy to get them here or there~
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enluv · 5 months
hi, so i’m going on this hang out with my classmate and idk much abt him other than he’s new to the city and he’s a GG stan. Idk rly much else and hon we don’t talk a lot any advice for the hang out?
hi nonnie!! firstly is this hang out a platonic one or like a date? nonetheless, I’d say if you don’t know him well you should ask him about himself!! maybe ask him questions about what he likes and you can even bring up girl groups if you know any and see if you have any favorites in common! people usually tend to appreciate that especially if they’re in a new place surrounded by new people :) also don’t worry if it’s awkward or hard to come up with conversations because the more you worry the more it’ll hinder your ability to keep a good vibe going when you hang out! it may be a bit uncomfortable at first but I say go into it with an open mind!! don’t expect too much but also don’t worry too much just be yourself and get to know him first!! it’ll be easier to hang out with him once you know more about him! maybe if he tells you something he likes you can recommend him things in the city that coincide with it, since he’s new to it!! (like if he says he likes a certain food and you know a good place you could recommend it to him so he can try it out now that he’s moved to your city) let me know how it goes after if you’d like!!! <3333
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strawbebyjam · 6 months
every song mentioned in the response is amazing!! praying for the return of your wrapped playlists 😢
thank u again anon!! 🥺
if you haven’t heard it before i also love love love cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant (it’s got a weird warm hopefulness to it that keeps it close to my heart. telescope by cte is a little less warm and a little more bitter but also nice i think!)
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
ace youre aro???
Great question, wish I knew
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cheriiyaya · 9 days
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Anon asked: Hi 💖! I hope you're well :) I was wondering if you could write a scenario where the reader is sick and refused to take her meds. So PM Dazai and Fyodor (separately) who are already fed up and annoyed with the whining about feeling sick, take the pills and water into their own mouth and kiss the reader to make them take their pills. And afterwards saying something to make the reader swallow
cheriiyaya answered: nonnie this request rewired my brain chemistry I NEED THEM SO BAD-
CW: suggestive, fluff, established relationship, illness, fyi for ther americans the temp in fedya's part is in celsius and im pretty sure its like 100 in f
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"come on, sweetheart just take it, hm?" dazai sighed, pills in one hand and a glass of water in the other as he pleaded with you to just take your medicine. you've been sick for hours now, why won't you do what's good for you and take it?
you crinkled the tip of your nose, lips pursed as you stared at his outstretched palm. "Don't wanna, I feel like I'll throw up...!" you sniffled. dazai groaned, dropping his hands into his lap and staring up at the ceiling. it'd been like this for ten minutes already and yet your stubborn ass wouldn't budge a single bit.
it was cute at first, when dazai woke up to you pressed against his side with sleepy, watery eyes and flushed features even as you were freezing to the touch, sniffling and mumbling about your sore throat and chills. yet now, he just wanted you to get better, why wouldn't you see that? why must you be so damn stubborn?
he pressed the capsule to your lips, trying to coax them open. "please, bella'? it'll make you feel better! and you won't need to worry about getting me sick if you kiss me!" dazai grinned, only for the curve of his lips to falter when you pushed away his hand to lay back down, snuggled against the pillows and sheets.
"I said I don't want to, leave me alone!" you huffed, eyes narrowed to the side.
oh, so you were gonna be difficult, huh?
dazai is not they type of man to back off easily. and you weren't listening to him right now, so dazai clearly had to take things into his own hands.
dazai reached out and grasped your chin between fingers, tilting your face towards him. before you could react or say anything he plopped the pill into his mouth and in an instant, pushed his lips against yours. you let out a gasp, one muffled by dazai's lips as he pried open your mouth, rolling the small pill into your mouth before he pulled away. thumb over your lips he reached for the glass of water, coaxing your lips open before pouring the water down your throat and covering your mouth with a bandaged palm, free hand holding your shoulder down until he saw your throat bobbing as you swallowed it all down.
dazai hummed, grinning with that oh-so-smug look that you positively wanted to wipe off his face as he leaned down, cooing into your ear as his thumb brushed against your bottom lip.
"that's it, wasn't so hard, hm bella'? next time don't be such a stubborn girl and take your medicine, 'kaaay?"
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truth be told fyodor already had a feeling you'd get sick for a few days now. it wasn't much of a bother, you always took your medicine and allowed him to take care of you, yet now...
"myshka, take your medicine." fyodor said, sitting on the edge of the bed where you laid shivering under the covers.
you shook your head and let out a soft cough, sniffling. "I'm fine, fedya, really. you don't need to take care of me." that was your only reason. you simply didn't want him, your devouted lover, to take care of you while you were under the weather. it was quite the foolish argument, one that you kept on repeating over and over again that it began to tick the normally patient man off.
"dear, I've told you many times and I'll tell you once more-I wish to take care of you, moya lybov. now please take your medicine." he held out the bottle again in his lithe, pale fingers for you to take with a glass pitcher filled half-way with water on your nightstand.
you sucked in your bottom lip, glancing at the pills and then away. "I really don't need them, I'm not that sick."
fyodor simply raised an eyebrow. "you're not that sick? angel you do know that a temperature of 38 degrees is a fever?'' you simply blinked up at him, swallowing.
"well, I barely feel it!"
oh you were being a bit irritating now. no matter, fyodor is one who always gets his way and now, he'd get you to take your medicine.
carefully, fyodor pried your lips apart, placing the medicine onto his tongue before pressing a kiss to your lips, swallowing up the small gasp that escaped your lips as he dropped the pill into your mouth.
"don't spit it out." he murmured as he pulled away, pouring a cup of water and tilting it to your lips. "drink, my princess, there you go milaya..." you swallowed it all, causing a bit of relief to lighten fyodor's shoulders.
"good, now rest up angel, you must take care of yourself when you're ill, there you go..."
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©Cheriiyaya 2024.
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horrorartsworld · 23 days
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 vox x f!pornstar!reader ➳ vox fucks one of valentino’s sex workers
warnings: smut. super duper praise. riding. not proofread
IM BACK FROM THE DEAD 😁😁!! hope y’all missed me
soooo i got this request a while back and fucked it up by accidentally misreading the context and ending up writing about val instead of vox and posting it…. like a dummy 😭 so i just deleted the whole thing to start back over but hopefully that nonnie sees this that requested it!! so sorry boo boo (this is what happens when you only run on a few hours of sleep 💀)
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When you two were first introduced Vox couldn’t stop eye fucking you on the spot.
Sure you were a Porn Star and it was a normal thing that happened on occasion, but something about when he did it made it all much more sensual and pure. All while Vox couldn’t help this feeling swirling inside of his circuits of yearning to have his way with you. Whether that be in front of everyone here or…who am i kidding he wanted you right where you stood! With that skimpy little outfit you were wearing that barley concealed any of your assets and accentuated your body just perfectly. And that smile..Fuck…that sweet smile on your lips at him that he wanted soooooo badly to see parted while desperately crying his name.
“Nice to meet you baby…” Your perfect voice breaking him out of his sinful thoughts.
Fuck he liked it when you called him that.
You being currently nestled under two of Valentino’s arms, hugged up close to him as if he thought you’d fly away from him, you extended a pretty manicured hand towards the tv-headed man which he immediately obliged to without hesitation, taking your hand in his and kissing the top of each one of your knuckles. “Pleasures all mine doll..”
A low chuckle came from Valentino above you when seeing Vox act in such a manner that even he could tell had you feeling all warm and fuzzy, practically smelling the arousal radiating off of the two of you as Vox held your hand a bit longer than made appropriate for an innocent handshake. Val then getting a tinge of jealousy at the moment unfolding in front of him, he squeezes your hip in warning making you drop Vox’s hand sheepishly with a small blush dancing at your cheeks.
“So formal Voxy…almost too formal for one of my little sex toys..” Val was becoming more possessive by the minute when he then grabs your cheeks in the process and squeezes them at Vox as he cooed something down at you.
Vox just stood there with that shit eating grin on his face with his pixelated eyes hanging low before he made the jab, “Well Val….Let’s just say I know what women want unlike you..,” You could hear the spitefulness in his tone, let alone what he said caused your skin to crawl as you stood between two most powerful overlords awkwardly as they semi, no, full on bickered like an old married couple over you.
Valentino then shifts you in his arms to shoo you off behind him and out of Vox’s sight so that he didn’t have to be cock blocking for the rest of the night, which would only piss him off more.
“I don’t need you corrupting…let alone fucking one of my stars!”
Is the last thing you heard Valentino shouting before the rest was muffled behind the door you had exited the room from, but to his dismay you wouldn’t be as faithful as he hoped later on that week..
“Damn it you little minx…fuck me like the star you are…” Vox would husk out underneath you as you desperately roll your hips against his own with his cock married to the deepest parts of your sweet core that was already clamping to his words.
“Yeah that’s right my pretty girl…you’re my girl aren’t you?” He gritted through his teeth feeling your walls squeeze him, causing him to take out the feeling on your precious neck, nipping little marks into your flesh that would surely show up when filming later.
“Y-yes baby..i’m yours..” You gasp breathlessly, not knowing how meaningful you sounded when you said it. Vox smirks into your neck knowing he’s got you wrapped around his finger just like he wanted. “That’s my good girl..”
That praise alone had you clutching at his shoulders, your head falling back when his hips started to flick up into yours when he sees you absolutely loosing it once you started growing closer to your much needed high. “V-vox..i-i..mphm!”
“No ones fucked you like they’ve meant it huh?…but i mean it…i so fucking mean it..” He spouts out, his words seeming to buffer in between when he starts to pull you down on to his cock with each of his thrusts, skin to skin contact filling the room and most likely the world outside the room you two occupied. You whine at this feeling that knot in your tummy starting to unravel itself, your eyes squeezing shut in the process. “Ah ah..baby…open those eyes if you wanna cum..”
You manage to force them open being warmfully greeted by his mouth, all tongue and teeth clashing with your own as he then pulls away abruptly letting a string of salvia keep the two of your mouths still connected. Watching intently as you then cum all over his cock and a drawn-out cry of his name following shortly after.
He then almost short circuits at the sight when his hips then stutter up into yours for a few more moments until he lets you collapse on top of him with both of your chests rising and falling rapidly.
After some time goes by of the two of you just resting there Vox stretches a little letting out a chuckle, forcing your head to look up at him with a confused expression written on your features at his smug one.
“Oh nothing doll…” His fingers pressing against the few marks he left on your neck causing you to squirm. “Just thinking of how pissed Val’s gonna be when he’s sees what i’ve done to you in the next hour.”
Vox laughs when you huff at him and shove your face into his warm chest. “You know I have a shoot today you dick…”
He listens to your muffled voice only chuckling more when he then pats your head. “Yeah…but they’ll sure as hell know who you belong to…actually i think you need one more above your titty hold still..”
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meiozis · 2 years
just wanted to say I lovvvveedddd your Vernon fic, it’s so heart wrenching and nostalgia inducing, I didn’t even notice how long I was reading for
omg nonnie thank you so much!! 🥺💖 that makes me so happy to hear, and thank you so much for taking the time to send a message <333 hope you're having a lovely day/night!!
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endious · 1 year
this the jeff i think abt when i read ur fics
OMGMGOAKCMAO HELLOOO????? i fucking LOVE jeff cosplayers i will die before them rn
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 19 hours
o em geeee so ya know how umemiya is super protective of kotoha but like imagine how protective he would be of reader esp if they were dating :’))
BUT LIKE i wonder how he would react when reader was actually trying to defend/protect kotoha but ended up getting hurt in the process. how do you think he’ll react?
(im not really sure how requests work but if you don’t want to write something abt this it’s totally okay! taking the time to read my lil brain rot is more than enough for me!)
back off. [umemiya]
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“I think you should back off.” umemiya said, tone even and smooth — he sounded closely like himself, but your spine tingled with a sense of danger; though it wasn’t directed at you, you’d never heard such anger saturate umemiya’s voice before, and it was downright scary. for a moment, you even felt a brief pang of sympathy for the pushy creep that you had just been wishing a painful death on seconds earlier.
a/n: okay yes nonnie i love this brainrot here!! like ume, i am protective of kotoha myself (she’s just so freaking precious and deserves the whole world) and also — protective ume gets me going 🫠
wc: 1.2k
c/w: fem!reader, creepy guy being creepy (pls don’t be like this fellas), language, protective!reader, protective!ume, brief violence towards reader (creep leaves a bruise around her wrist), soft!ume, established relationships, hurt/comfort and generously sprinkled fluff
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“c’mon, sweetheart, just one date couldn’t hurt, yeah?”
your fingers tightened around the handle of the spoon, fingernails digging painfully into your slightly sweaty palm.
this creep had been flirting with kotoha non-stop since he entered pothos, and even when kotoha had made her disinterest blatantly clear, he still wouldn’t back off.
normally, you’d be jumping up to her defense; but kotoha was strong-willed and independent, and you knew from experience that she could stand for herself — so, you opted to merely keep an ear and an eye out on the situation, and to observe and gauge the way the man acted. should things take a turn for the worse, you’d be at her side in a split second.
you weren’t necessarily the best at fighting, but thanks the umemiya, you knew some basic self defense; and given the look of this guy, you had a strong feeling he hadn’t been in very many brawls. even someone like you could probably drop him.
“look, I’ve already told you I’m not interested. I’d appreciate it if you left my restaurant, sir.” kotoha seethed, and truly, you were impressed by just how even she kept her tone. if it were you, you’d be screaming colorful insults at the man and demanding he drag his ass down to hell where he belongs.
“one night with me, baby, and I promise you’ll be interested.” the man slurred, completely ignoring kotoha’s request for him to leave. alright, if he didn’t turn towards that door in point two seconds you were really going to lose it.
“I said no. now leave.” kotoha snapped, her tone raising above a professional level now. you slid your eyes over to observe your close friend; her body was trembling from anger and her face was turned into a scowl — and though you couldn’t see the man’s face clearly you could see the way his patience snapped from the sudden hard line of his shoulders.
your body was moving before your brain could catch up — you were out of your seat and at the creep’s side just in time to catch his wrist as he lifted his hand to reach out to kotoha.
“don’t even think about it.” you growled, fingernails digging into the bare flesh of his arm. the man whipped his head to the side to pin you down with a venomous glare.
“and who the hell are you?” he spat, but then his eyes traveled down your body and his lips pulled into a downright lecherous smirk.
“ooh, my bad; hello there, sweetie. and just where were you hiding?” he cooed, and you couldn’t help but mentally compare his voice to a hissing snake. you had to shove away the urge to wrench away in disgust.
“she’s not interested. you need to leave.” you ground out, and the man simply smirked — it was irksome and annoying, and you truly wanted to just punch it off of his face.
“but I quite like it here,” the man wisped, tugging his arm out of your grip. “there’s two feisty women right in front of me; how can a guy willingly leave that?”
“a guy can when he knows he’s not wanted.” you hissed, glaring icy daggers into his face. “you need to leave. before I lose my patience.”
the man’s eyes widened briefly before his face split open in a bout of loud, raucous, ear-grating laughter. your irritation was only building the longer you stood in this man’s presence.
“oh, whew, wow, holy shit — I needed that laugh sweetheart; seriously, you think I would be scared of you—”
the man’s sentence was cut off by a gruff yell as you hooked your foot behind his ankle and shoved him — he consequently stumbled and would have hit the floor, if it weren’t for his hand shooting out to grab a hold of your wrist on the way down.
pain lanced through your hand and wrist as his full weight threatened to pull you down with him; it was a miracle you’d managed to stay upright, but your wrist was definitely feeling the strain of it.
“let me go, shitdick!” you exclaimed, attempting to pull your wrist free — you could hear kotoha scrambling behind the counter, the metallic slide of a drawer opening and a shrill ‘shhhhink’ sound, but you were too focused on the man in front of you to bother looking in her direction. he was quickly rising to his feet, and he looked absolutely pissed.
“you’re really trying to start shit with me, you stupid bitch? what, you think because you’re a woman I won’t lay you out flat?!”
your heart thundered in your chest as his fingers tightened around your wrist — there was a cold feeling seeping into your muscles, a sensation that kickstarted something primal within your brain; fear. that fear took deeper root when the man found his balance, towering over you like some looming shadow. you flinched away as the man’s other hand flew into the air, no doubt wrenching back in preparation to land a blow — seconds passed, but the blow never came, and when you popped open an eye you noticed that your earlier prediction had proved true; the man’s hand was indeed loaded with a punch.
but it had been stopped by another hand, one that gripped his wrist tightly. your heart fluttered and your stomach swooped with relief. you’d recognize that hand anywhere.
“I think it would be wise for you to back off now.”
umemiya’s tone was even, smooth, and not much different than all the other times you’d heard it — but a cold shiver still crept up your spine; it wasn’t aimed at you, but the anger that saturated umemiya’s voice was palpable, the vibrations of which were intense enough to create an atmosphere of pure danger. it was genuinely scary.
you felt the smallest, briefest, most minute pang of sympathy for the man in front of you. had you been on the receiving end of that aura, you would have already pissed yourself — and judging by the look on the man’s face, he was able to detect that aura easily, and was probably about to empty his pathetic bladder right there.
in scattered, rushed, and stumbling movements the man wrenched himself free from umemiya’s grip and turned heel, shoving roughly past umemiya’s shoulder with a muttered “fuck y’all!”
silence followed the bell-tinkle of the man’s departure, but in only a few seconds time you were suddenly gathered into strong, warm arms. the scent of sunny detergent and faint cool aftershave invaded your nose as umemiya pressed you against his chest.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I should have gotten here sooner.”
gone was the previous anger in his voice, now replaced by a thick shroud of sincere regret and the faintest wisp of shame. you wrapped your arms around umemiya’s ribs and nuzzled further into his chest, drawing in lungfuls of that comforting scent. safety.
“it’s okay,” you mumbled, words muffled into umemiya’s broad chest. fingers combed comfortingly through your hair, the feeling turning your muscles into a jelly-like consistency in an embarrassingly short time. “you’re here now.”
umemiya hummed but it sounded rather distant, as if he was distracted by something else — you wondered briefly if you’d have to smother the guilt out of him (as you had done on multiple different occasions, for even things that were innocuous that he somehow felt he should take the blame for), but that worry had quickly melted when umemiya asked, with a slightly shaky voice,
“kotoha… you’re gonna put that knife down now, right?”
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nmakii · 1 month
Yan Alastor when he sees his kids arrive in hell? The family is soon to be back together again!!? I need some angst! The family drama is crazy, and im all for it.
Also i hope you’re doing okay! Sending you some supportive vibes!! Remember to take care of yourself and take breaks!
Ps: Al would totally forgive his daughter of his death and compliment her daughters aim.
[you should prob read the story first!]
— reunited with your children years after your death, something strange happened.
hello, nonnie!! im doing well as long as u guys r enjoying this story 🥰💕
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beloved mother, wife, and daughter
resting beside her love, may her soul find his in the afterlife
if you tried to be optimistic, hell wasn’t so bad. you never had to worry much for the exterminations. nor, did you have to worry about being harassed on the streets of hell by various sinners. after all, alastor was there to protect you.
but despite that, it didn’t mean he wouldn’t tear you down to make you compliant.
you sat in a corner of alastor’s broadcast tower as he brutally tore apart another overlord. and as he went off the air, he turned to you. “are you enjoying yourself, my doe?” he asked. “i don’t understand why i have to be here…” you said, mentally hurling from his new pet name. “you’re so delicate, my love. one trip and you could break! i have to be there to make sure you’re well at all times.” he cooed to you. “stop patronizing me, alastor. i won’t let you take away my dignity.” you glared at him. “darling, i may not own your soul. but, you are still my wife. you are mine, understand?” he explained, walking to you.
you didn’t respond to him, refusing to let him degrade your self worth. to this, he grew angry— grabbing you by your jaw and scalp, his claws scratching against your porcelain skin, lovingly yet still rough, as if he thought it was for your own good. “i said, do you understand?”
his face came close to your’s as he kept a tight grip on your hair, waiting for your answer. your fight or flight response was sending signals and going haywire as you tried to pull away from his touch. “yes— gh, let go of me, alastor. please…” you begged as he finally let go. “good girl.”
and just then, an awfully convenient knock came from the door. a man with lamb-like features peered through the door. “and, who might you be?” alastor raised an eyebrow to the man. “so it’s true… d-dad..! it’s me!” the familiar voice said. could it be?
“noah— is that you..?” you asked. you hoped it wasn’t him, that he didn’t end up in hell. but at the same time, you wished to see your son one more time so badly. “momma, it’s me!” he smiled, hugging you and alastor tightly. “ah, my boy…” alastor sighed. “you’re so much older than your old man now, huh?” he remarked. but then, it hit you, he was dead.
“wh— dear, what happened, how did you die?” you asked. “killed in action, ma. guess i should’ve just retired already…” he joked. “oh, my son…” alastor grinned.
and things were normal— at least, as normal as they could be with your deranged husband. things stayed as they were for 13 years.
when rumor spread of a mysterious man-eating sinner— she uses them to build her power, and then she drops them like dirt trash. she’s amassed so much power, she’s certainly a threat to alastor’s power. if he couldn’t get rid of her, perhaps he could keep her under his thumb.
“well, how do you do, sweetheart? alastor, pleasure to meet you, quite the pleasure! this over here is my darling wife!” alastor introduced both him and yourself to the older woman with features that resembled a coyote. “alastor..? is that you, dad?” the honey-like voice asked.
alastor’s eyes had widened as he realized the woman in front of him. “little emi, is that you?” emilia reached out to hug the both of you. she aged beautifully, still as charming as she was the day you died.
“oh, my pretty girl, you’ve made quite the name for yourself down here in hell, hm?” alastor grinned at his daughter. “i learned from the best!” she laughed back.
and as they conversed, you felt like an odd man out. as if alastor was talking to his own clone. given, she is her father’s daughter after all.
“darling! our little emi is here, our little family is reunited at last.” alastor grinned to you. “this calls for a celebration, don’t you think? why don’t we have a special dinner tonight?” he suggested. by his tone, the only thing you could think of would be that he wants to have another sinner served on the dinner table. “i-i don’t know…” you shook your head in disagreement. “now don’t be such a negative nancy!” he laughed. “i’ll cook a feast tonight!” he declared, taking emilia to your home in hell.
and, just as you suspected, he served the flesh of a fellow overlord, fillet mignon style. “come now, dear, eat!” alastor said, encouraging you to take a bite. “no thank you… i’m not hungry.” you frowned, shaking your head. alastor looked frustrated as you denied him. “eat.” he said, shoving the meat into your mouth.
you felt sick. but, as he shoved it down your throat, you had no choice but to swallow. “delicious, isn’t it?” he asked. your stomach churned, the guilt settling in your gut. it tasted disgusting. but, as much as you wanted to protest, you were scared of what he’d do if you disagreed. “yes… it is— delicious.” he grinned. “lovely.”
and so, your family dynamic had returned to as it had 47 years ago. back to normal… that is, until that odd day.
you woke up in your bed, as per usual. and, there was a note where alastor should be. not that you weren’t grateful he wasn’t there though.
‘leaving for a sabbatical, you know overlord work! i’ll be home very soon, my doe. kisses and love.
~ A’
sabbatical, huh? he’ll be gone for quite a while, a year at most? and, without alastor, you’re free. it felt as if breathing fresh air for the first time. even if just for a year or so, you won’t have to be on his leash anymore. all would be well now, right?
but with your freedom, alastor’s protection was gone. sinners started to harass you. and without the company of emilia, you could do nothing but withstand it.
this is all apart of being free. might as well enjoy it until alastor returned, right? make the most of the year.
or, seven years.
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harmonysanreads · 2 months
HARMONYYY i just finished the penacony quest and OH MY GOD. the emotional damage wtf... and the murderer 😕 i honestly don’t think anyone could’ve foreseen that
on another note, sunday really does have huge yandere potential !!! (i was swooning the entire time he was on screen im sorry.) he literally isn’t beating the allegations at all. even the other characters comment on how weird it is for him to casually keep a model of the golden hour, because what in the control freak 😭
he seems like he’d play dollhouse with darling. after all, in a place like that, every single aspect of it is under his thumb — literally. having that much control over your circumstances is a reassurance. oh, are the placeholder models crashing? don’t worry dear, he can fix the malfunctions. he can even make them speak more realistically for you. he can give anything to you, even change the layout of the place entirely if you’re bored of it. you want to get back to normal size? well, he can’t quite do that just yet, please understand..
or if he pulls that weird interrogation magic thing on them. darling who just lies through the entire thing, and he uses this to scare them about the death countdown while not mentioning the part that he has the power to really just cancel it in the end. though, the same trick won’t work on them twice. at least the process gets darling to become part of the family in the end.
not to mention the spies he has everywhere. stupid birds watching you in every corner…
idk i just want to hold him and shake him aggressively. out of love, of course.
- 🕯️
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When I tell you I've lost sleep over the thought of just how much more Sunday is probably capable of doing, nonnie.
If he has access to technology and power like this, which are all unrestricted for his personal use moreover, imagine the things he's hiding. And imagine farther the things he had to do to get to where he is today, another dash of spice to the mix. I went back to his scenes and did some thinking. The me-slandering-Sunday is obviously a joke but I really, really hope people just don't focus on the morally-gray and questionable aspects of him and completely disregard his other characteristics now.
If you think about things from his perspective, he really is just trying his best to keep the image of The Family. But the loss of probably the only person he trusted with his heart and the disregard to bring justice to that case from The Family's side, compelled him to put his agenda first (as he himself mentions that he allowed Aventurine to pull that stunt so that it'd lure Gallagher out). What we get from this is, while Sunday is an extremely dedicated member of their faction, he had to learn to be selfish in certain situations to save his and Robin's backs.
The desire to control usually comes from a feeling of helplessness. We can make some speculations based on the current information of why Sunday has these tendencies, I've also seen some people say he has OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) but, we can't be sure until his full lore drops. Another thing to note about Sunday is how lonely he probably is, especially at present. The Family is in chaos, the situation of Robin, external forces' traps, the Charmony festival's deadline and he doesn't even have one person he can sit down with and not question their motives. He really must want to rest just as much as the characters around him are suggesting.
So basically, Sunday is a multi-layered character, just like Aventurine. He's definitely a politician, is what I'll say. Even though he is a control freak whose motives are hard to guess, he's still that little boy fighting for his and Robin's shared dream inside.
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starryriize · 4 months
heyy if you can would you write more leehan 18+ thoughts? i loved the first one
more 18+ thoughts | leehan
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╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼 hehehe you know my weaknesses nonnie! leehan… my man my man!! im glad you liked my first one 🫶🏼 i wasn’t sure how to end this one not proofread!
minors dni!
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thinking about…best friend fratboy! leehan but he’s just a cutie who joined the frat for the networking opportunities. he only goes to events that he knows you’ll be attending too! one time, there was a talk for extra credit about some boring new marketing strategy and you sat in the back. and he takes the open seat next to you, his hands lightly grazing your thighs! things best friends don’t do- that’s what your actions are filed under. best friends don’t stare intensely at each other from across the room. you definitely don’t wear skimpy outfits knowing that leehan drools over them. the way he holds your waist, places his hand on your thighs when you sit…again, things normal friends don’t do.
so here you were, sitting in the back of the auditorium, watching another talk that happened to be required for your honors program. and of course, next to you was leehan. you would call him your “friend with benefits but included dates” but you couldn’t focus on anything the speaker was saying due to his hand slowly moving up the expanse of your thighs. his fingers making their way under the silky fabric of your skirt. oh he knew, he knew that you wore that skirt for him.
your professors would never guess what their star student was like behind closed doors...except you weren't behind closed doors. despite your mind telling you everything about the current situation was wrong, you felt your mind becoming hazy. his fingers were further up your legs, grazing the edge of your panties. if anyone walked in the auditorium doors in the side entrance, it wouldn’t take long for them to see what was going on.
leehan pulled the your panties to the side, rubbing your folds softly. your eyelids were fluttering and lips parting, struggling to keep your composure in your seat. he knew his effect on you, reveling in how the star student was so pliant just for him. goes so far as to tease you in your ear whispering how much of a little slut you are and how you’re his good girl. at this point, you’re gone. the way he looks forward, pretending to focus on the speaker, while innocently plunging two fingers into your now dripping heat. you knew the seat was probably wet, giving you two options: either leave early or leave early.
“oh. would you look at that? you’re soaking my fingers.” he whispers against your ear as if he’s commenting on the speaker’s topic. you clench on his fingers, knowing that he’s the cause. the way he curled his fingers up, hitting the spot that made you see stars and want to moan out loud. putting a hand over your mouth, you bite your lip, trying desperately to hold your whines in.
“hannie…can we go?” you ask him as quietly as you can without letting out a breathless moan, hoping that he'd want to leave early too. “sure,” his eyes were full of desperation and want, pupils blown wide. his fingers were sticky as he pulled them out, putting them in his mouth to lick them clean. watching him made your knees weak and you wanted more than just his hands.
when you guys leave, you both make a beeline for his dorm. as soon as you are in his room, your hands are all over each other in desperate need. he was tugging at your skirt, opting to simply hike it up as he pressed you against his desk. pulling you in for a heated kiss, he lets out a soft moan as you bite his lip, your free hand tangled in his hair. “mhm.. keep doing that, princess.” if your mind was foggy before, now, you couldn’t think about anything but the warmth of leehan’s lips on yours. you definitely weren’t focused when he bent you over the desk, sliding your soaked panties down your legs. leehan’s mind was dizzy, getting drunk and needy at the sight of you open and wet just for him. your whines were like a beautiful harmony that he could listen to for hours. you were blissfully fucked out by the time he slid his dick into your dripping, clenching hole. he bottomed out, giving you a few minutes to adjust before thrusting at a steady pace, hitting your cervix causing your hands to grip the table. “oh, fuck, that’s it-“ the moans you let out were shameless and that’s when you remembered that you were in his frat house. “ah-han, wh what about the others?” you whine, knowing that they probably knew what was going on in his room. “what about them?” he arrogantly replies, slowing his pace down to make sharp thrusts into the spot that had you screaming and breathless for more. “be as loud as you can dear, i want them all to know how good i’m fucking you.”
well, the night was only just beginning.
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