#Naga Synch
anxiousnerdwritings · 11 months
Part 2 of Marvel comics characters list:
Cloud 9 (Abigail "Abby" Boylen)
Kid Kaiju (Kei Kawade:a boy and his monsters)
Ziggy pig and silly seal
Howard the duck
Aero (Lei Ling)
American Kaiju (Todd Ziller)
Somnus (Carl Valentino)
Amulet (Fadi Fadlalah)
Nightmask (Adam Blackwell)
Ghost rider (Robbie Reyes)
Synch (Everett Thomas)
Misty Knight (Mercedes)
Lionheart (Kelsey Leigh Kirkland)
Gwenpool(Gwendolyn "Gwen" Poole)
Moon Girl(Lunella Lafayette)
Devil Dinosaur
Blue Marvel (Adam Brasher)
Jack of Hearts (Jack Hart)
Dust (Soorya Qadir)
Elixir (Joshua Foley)
Kid Omega (Quentin Quire)
Legion (David Haller)
Speedball (Robbie Brown)
Night thrasher
The Unstoppable Wasp(Nadia Van Dyne)
Armor (Hisako Ichiki)
Hurricane (Makoto)
Charade (Chloe)
Diana Soar
Cloak(Tyrone Johnson)
Dagger(Tandy Bowen)
Vin Vision
Virginia Vision
Ant-man(Scott Lang)
Skin (Angelo Espinosa)
Eye Boy(Trevor Hawkins)
Moon Knight
Gentle(Nezhno Abidemi)
Prodigy(David Alleyne)
Captain Universe
Squid Boy(Samuel Paré)
Echo(Maya López)
Destiny(Irene Adler)
Iron Fist(Danny Rand)
White Tiger(Ava Ayala)
Power Man(Victor Alvraez)
Nova(Sam Alexander)
Luke Cage
Transonic(Laurie Tromette)
Snowguard(Amka Aliyak)
Martinez T,Naga
Vance Astrovik
Captain Charlie-27
Manon and Maxime
Idie Okonkwo
Triage(Chris Muse)
Wind Dancer(Sofia Mantega)
Magma(Amara Aquilla)
Bombshell(Lana Baumgartner)
Locust(Fernanda Rodriguez)
Pinpoint(Qureshi Gupta)
Shaman(Dr. Michael Twoyoungmen)
Alloy(Ramone Watts)
Giant-Man(Raz Malhotra)
Gorgeous George
Wiz Kid
Scarlet Witch
Toad(Todd Talonsky)
Lila Rhodes
Priya Aggarwal
Red Widow(Ava Orlova)
Ying Liu
Demolition man
Elsa Bloodstone
Captain Ultra
This is the last part of the marvel comics characters list, I'll let you know if there are any other characters I overlooked
Take your time and Happy writing❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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Awesome!☺️ Thank you again for going out of your way to put together these lists. You’ve definitely brought some new characters to my attention that I’m excited to look more into and write for at some point.
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scatterbrainedbella · 2 years
October 10, 2022
3:16 AM
Hi V!
Yes, at this point, you are now mostly called V, rather than Vero or Roni or Nica. That's because people around you changed. And this is an update on your life since almost 3 years ago when you were 19 to let you know that you changed as well. Changes are as good as we make it to be. People change, and that's a fact, and that's okay too.
You are now 22, turning 23 in 7 days! When did we start counting our days? I don't know but it surely helps me reflect on my has beens in life. I'm surprised to see some of the things about you at 19, like what exactly are those insecurities? And why were you disheartened that time? It can be frustrating but this is a proof that all things fade in time.
Enough about the past, I am here to tell you, my future self who's reading this right now, about your current self.
Right now you love that song by Amanda Cook called House on a Hill. It allows you to refresh your mind about who God is. Because lately you feel choked by life. That may be an exaggeration lol. By the way, YOU are in the FULL TIME MINISTRY now. I know.. that took a turn. Your 19 year old self cannot even imagine the places you've been these last 3 years. And yeah, you live in Naga, Camarines Sur now by the way. Anyways, I feel like I'm talking to my past self instead to my future self, is that okay? Maybe I'll talk to both.
Anyways, 19 year old Vero, you've come far. In all areas of life. If there's an advice I took from your overly confident attitude, it's the part when you said "live, and truly live". I am truly living right now. I'm a disciple of Jesus and it has never felt fuller. Fuller in a sense that I literally am a whole new different person.
To you, future self, this is what you value most.
Your relationship with God. While living the dream, it seems like your heart is weight down and it stopped dreaming. But today you realized that your dream is to help someone dream big and lead women closer to God as well. To train someone and inspire her to be a leader someday. That's your dream right now.
You never missed your family, but you do now. Terribly so. It's impossible not to cry whenever you think and pray for them. They are now so precious to you, you battle in prayer for God to move in their lives as well. Now, you truly love them.
Your love for people also deepened. You value relationships more. You are more intentional than ever. At times you don't feel like always being the leader and being the example. Sometimes you wish for an easier life, you wish your cross is a little lighter. And then you consider Jesus and you are silent.
Oftentimes you see who can people become. It's as if you've been desperate to take them in your life and preach a new different version of themselves to them. You are amazed by how people around you change as well. It's breath taking.
You failed to graduate on time, it discourages you, and you refuse to face the thesis you need to do, but surprisingly, you're handling it well emotionally. Please, you need to finish UP and put it behind you.
You've become a people person now. Gasp. You hurt but you're starting to understand how you don't need to hide. Vulnerability and wholeheartedness are the things you learned and continually learning.
It has been long. You love the moon. You don't ride buses much but you long for the wind in your face still. You love the beach and mountains, nature. You take care of yourself more now, physically, and cared what other people may say. Not because you're insecure but because you want to win them over for Christ. So they can stop being insecure, and they'd be free as you're free.
You are free but is a slave to the gospel. A broke intern. Being raised up. Pressured but grateful. Discovering your dreams. Holding on to your passion of reading. Doing your best for your sisters.
Whatever God may have in store for you, stay faithful V. Know that nothing else matters but living in synch with your creator. Be the woman He wants you to be. It's okay to fail, and to lose, and to close your mouth when needed. When it's too much, bend your knees and bow your head. Remember that He is the Rock in your rock bottom. In Him you rest in tears. I love you and I'm proud of your battle scars. You're good. Hang in there!
- 22 year old V
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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cupnoodle-queen · 7 years
CHASING SUNS: Chapter 6 Flesh Wounds
1,837 words FINA-FUCKING-LY, MY DUDES. Sheesh. 
The naga hunt was located near the Disc of Cauthess, the impact site of a meteorite from generations ago. More than once Cam considered turning the truck around, after all the drive was a long one, but then her side would flare up as flashbacks of Gladio and Steph rapid-fire assaulted her concentration and she’d give it more gas, reaching speeds well over the posted limit. Not like anyone would pull her over.
Self preservation was absent tonight. Cam knew somewhere in the deep recess of her psyche that what she was taking on could result in major injury; getting killed was also in the cards. Regardless, she had to do this. Even if it offered her tormented mind a moment’s release, it was enough.
Cam pulled over at the dead end of the access road and scanned through the flyer again, the flashlight held between her teeth. She plotted out a route using the map on her phone, shouldered her ammo pack and headed out into the endless night.
Fucking woman has a lead foot, Gladio thought as he pushed the Jeep to its limits, the boxy vehicle whipping around tight turns so hard he had to lean upright to counter the steer. He’d only caught sight of her taillights further back, and even then they were blurry at best. There was also another key issue; He didn’t know the exact location. Sure he’d review the hunt details before, considered starting a hunting party to go claim the bounty, but the specifics were foggy. All he could recall was that it nested near the Disc, but at which side? There was a gravelled access road to the south that didn’t appear on most map sites. His gut instinct told him she’d probably never known about the unmarked path, so he turned off onto the main exit.
The wrong exit.
Cam wove through the brambles and dead foliage, startled by the absolute silence that made the crack and snapping of twigs under her boots almost deafening. She could just make out an end to the treeline up ahead, an open field on the other side. She checked her phone’s GPS; it was close.
Having reached the edge of the small clearing she skirted the perimeter and checked for any telltale signs of the daemonic snake. A thick fog hung low in the air, a miasma of foreboding and warning. The long-since dead grass lay flat against the earth in spots, curving patterns cutting through sections leaving random tufts in patches. It had definitely come through here.
Checking her six, she withdrew her pistols, safety off.
Gladio reached the end of the road, concern creasing his forehead as he rounded the last turn. Lady luck missed role call; her truck was nowhere to be found. Still he pulled up to the dead-end street sign, killed the ignition and got out.
His hearing wasn’t top notch but after several seconds of silence, six consecutive gunshots echoed in the distance to the south, closer to the Disk. After a pause, another five shots, and then…
A horrifying scream cut the darkness, female and brimming with pain. Then silence.
Gladio panicked and bolted back to the Jeep, pulse frantic in his head as he threw the driver’s side door open and was driving off before he shut it, white-knuckling the steering wheel as he whipped the Jeep around, his soulmate marking seared to the bone.
As expected when he reached the end of the access road, her truck lay abandoned on the shoulder. He pulled up behind it and all but leaped from the vehicle, taking off headstrong into the trees without forethought. It was too goddamn quiet. His insides did back flips and he began to second-guess his sense of direction. He had no indication where she was, only a scream from across the forest to go on. Yet at the same time, he knew exactly where to go, the path leading towards the edge of the woods. He could make out an open space up ahead.
Gladio entered the clearing and the world stopped moving.
Several yards away, Cam’s body lay in a crumpled crescent facing away from him, motionless. Still.
His knees faltered, feeling like the ground was giving way to swallow him whole. It might as well have for the sight before him was shattering his soul, his sanity, slivers of his being spilled between the cracks, out of reach. The edges of his vision greyed out and the sun at his hip hardwired pain to his chest, like connecting to a car battery.
He approached her, each step daggers to his heart as he neared her broken form, the person assigned to him by the Astrals, this stranger who he’d let go on for far too long not knowing a thing about, all because he was afraid, afraid of the unknown, afraid of caring, afraid of who he was...He cursed himself as he hunched down to turn her over on her back, leaning her shoulders against his thighs.
Her face was expressionless, tranquil, save for the angry vertical red gash spanning above her left brow straight down her cheek, abruptly ending at the soft edge of her jawline. Blood mixed with tears and smeared in the socket corner of her eye and Gladio lifted a hand to wipe it away, as gentle as he could muster with his calloused fingertips.
Without warning her eyes flicked open, lashes brushing his digits as two pools of molten copper knocked the breath from his lungs. In this proximity of her being, her soul, her life...Like finding the missing piece to a jigsaw puzzle you started ages ago and left out, too invested to disassemble it and start over until that piece turned up where you least expected it to.
The corners of her mouth twitched upwards into the slightest smile possible against her tawny, chapped lips.
For the first time in twenty-five years of life, his heart skipped a beat.
Weakness was not an option, despite how easily her stare induced it. “Just what do you think you were doing?” He growled, a pang of regret in is throat as her smile disappeared in an instant.
Though not impart from his tone, as her eyes flicked from his to the side, fear shrinking her pupils. Her jaw quivered as she whispered. “Behind you...”
He could sense it, the movement, the shift in the air. Gladio froze in place. Sure enough the telltale hisssss curdled his blood. He had to act fast, think later. He leaned forward and hooked an arm under Cam’s legs and another around her back, hoisting her up. She winced but didn’t protest. The hiss from behind grew louder, more animated.
One shot, that’s all he had. It was this or their lives.
Gladio inhaled, gripped Cam close, and launched up into a sprint towards the trees. The naga roared with enough guttural force to make the ground tremor as it made pursuit of its prey. A viscous, hot liquid spat at him and Gladio changed course slightly, veering more to the left to avoid the assault of venomous acid. Cam locked her arms around his neck, clutching to him for dear life, her head tucked into his chest.
A whooshing sound caught Gladio off guard and he turned his head, but the incoming tail whip from the naga swept and disconnected his feet from the ground and they fell hard, Cam rolling her shoulder in the process. She cursed through her teeth as she scrambled back, the naga setting it’s sights on Gladio, who had his back turned. Cam located one of her pistols and flicked the safety off, aimed for the naga’s face, and fired, over and over.
The naga reeled back in response, it’s agonizing throes shaking the trees surrounding the clearing. Cam became the primary target. Good, she thought, better me than him.
Cam reached into her ammo pack...one clip left. She must have lost some in the scuffle. Shit.
The naga was rearing back, fangs exposed and poised to attack, preparing for the kill.
Not today. Not yet.
She unlocked the spent clip, slammed the ammo in the chamber, took a deep breath and emptied her weapon into the daemon’s face.
All ten rounds pierced through the naga’s right eye, one right after the other in perfect succession. It jerked, brain riddled with lead, swayed drunkenly to the side before its body slammed into the earth, the last seconds of life twitching out violently.
She did it. She’d downed one of the most difficult hunts possible, thanks to a little luck and fierce aim. Cam blinked, still trying to convince herself the beast was dead yet there it was, slumped over in the dead grass, its pockmarked humanoid face spilling blood. Without hesitation, she pulled out her phone, took a few pictures of her kill for good measure and slid it in her back pocket.
Gladio seemed at a loss for words. He exhaled, turning over to stand upright above her. “Stupid, dumb luck,” he finally mused, admonishment in his tone. “Could’a gotten yourself killed!”
Despite his words, he held out a hand for Cam to take. She pursed her lips; he was raining on her parade. She took his hand and he pulled her up without any effort.
The draw was back with a vengeance, almost impossible to resist. It didn’t help that he was so close, that he hadn’t let go of her hand yet. His skin was hot, she could almost feel their pulses synch into rhythm -
Gladio dropped her grasp, his arm jerking back as if he touched a hot stove element. Before she could question it, he pointed to the left side of her face. “You’re bleeding, we gotta get you back and have Dino look at it.”
Cam frowned, gently testing the gouged skin. It stung. “That bad?”
“Probably need stitches.”
When they got back to the vehicles, Gladio stepped in front of her and barred access to the driver’s side of Greyson’s truck. “Excuse me?”
He shook his head. “Nuh uh. You aren’t driving with a fucked up eye. Not safe.”
“My eye is fine,” Cam groaned. Why’d he have to make this difficult? “It’s only a flesh wound.”
Gladio scoffed, crossing his muscular arms. “Not the first time I’ve heard someone say that…”
“Nevermind,” He moved passed her towards his Jeep. “You’re coming with me. I don’t trust your word and I’d rather not pull you from a wrecked vehicle. Only get one life saving per day.”
Cam chuckled dryly. “That so? Well this isn’t my truck, so you’ll have to figure out how to get it back to HQ.”
“If the doc clears you, I’ll bring you back here to pick it up myself.” His tone was sincere; he’d follow through.
Sighing, Cam ensured the truck was locked before circling around the passenger’s side of the Jeep and hopped in as Gladio turned the ignition.
“Buckle up, naga slayer.”
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jrgsportsbuzz · 5 years
Waukesha Rolls to 6-1 Hockey Tourney Win over Janesville
DELAFIELD – Establishing offense early and combining it with solid defense and goaltending is a recipe for much success on the hockey rink.
Waukesha had all three facets firing on all cylinders on Friday night against Janesville at the Joe Raymond Memorial Holiday Hockey Classic at Naga-Waukee Ice Arena, as the Wings (7-3-2, 2-0-0 Classic Eight) knocked off the Bluebirds (3-7-1, 2-5-0 Big Eight) 6-1.
“I just think the boys came ready to play,” Waukesha coach Raja Aylsworth said. “They got an early goal, which set some momentum for us. At that point, it was just a matter of putting together some good shifts and they did that. We were proud of the effort tonight.”
The Wings’ second victory in as many days (the Wings defeated Fond du Lac 3-1 on Thursday night) came at a price, however, as senior forward and leading scorer Chad Larsen was injured early in the third period.
“It sounds like he may have dislocated the shoulder,” Aylsworth said. “We’ll see where he’s at, but I wouldn’t expect him to play tomorrow.” Waukesha’s offense was in synch from the start. Chad Larsen was the main catalyst, as he scored the Wings’ first two goals. Both goals came off assists from junior forward Garrett Wilderman and senior forward Trenton Tucker.
Chad Larsen’s first goal came nearly six minutes in. He found an opening near the net in the middle and took a feed from Wilderman and slapped in the close range one-timer for a 1-0 lead.
The lead doubled just over two and one half minutes later when Larsen took a pass from behind the net by Tucker and scored from the middle again.
Tucker scored a goal of his own near the end of the first period when he dribbled after catching a rebound and fired in an unassisted shot from the left side to give Waukesha a 3-0 lead after the opening frame.
“My line, being together for two or three years, we know how each other works,” Tucker said. “My job is to go in there in D-zone and set up my offensive guys.”
“They just work very well together,” said Aylsworth of Chad Larsen, Wilderman and Tucker. “They’re all offensively skilled players that are unselfish and use each other. A couple of the goals they generated tonight were really pretty.”
The Wings continued their dominance into the second period. Despite not scoring until nearly six and one half minutes in, Waukesha spent most of the first few minutes of the frame in the attacking zone.
Freshman forward Ethan Thombs cashed in that momentum with a goal off the left post that bounced in the net off a feed from fellow senior forward Thomas Knoke.
Tucker spent four minutes of the second period in the penalty box for combined hooking and roughing penalties following a mix-up with Janesville sophomore forward Walker Kulas.
Nearly 30 seconds after both teams returned to full strength, Waukesha sophomore forward Kellan Short scored from the left side off feeds from senior forward Ryan Roth and senior defenseman Izaiah Dietrich.
Janesville scored its first goal near the end of the period when junior forward Cullen Peterson dribbled in a short shot from the left side to cut the Wings’ lead to four.
“The D really let me see some shots and were moving bodies in front of us,” Wings’ senior goalie Garrett Larsen said. “They played a really good defensive structure tonight, so it was pretty easy to do my job when I wasn’t facing grade-A chances.”
The Wings regained their five-goal lead in the third period. Sophomore forward Brady Hunn received a pass from Knoke and scored in the middle with just over six minutes to play to produce the final score.
The third period featured a myriad of penalties from both teams. Janesville committed three, including one that induced a penalty shot from Roth, which missed wide right. Waukesha had two, including one in which each team was assessed a roughing call simultaneously.
“We condition hard all week long and, generally, our boys are able to go out and string together two or three games,” said Aylsworth of the back-to-back environment. “We do a lot of conditioning so these guys are in great shape. I’m not really worried about two or three games in a row. We’ve got guys who are built for the long haul.”
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godly-hbinds-blog · 6 years
State of My Life
I’ve been a little MIA the past week or so. I think it’s a week. I have been out of synch with time. Imma say about a week. I finally got my medication a couple days ago. Since taking them I haven’t felt much change. I know it will take some time to fully kick in tho. The only thing I noticed is I don’t feel as much negative emotions. I haven’t been to work since Monday. My job wants me to make sure I’m 100% capable before coming back. So the past week I have been sitting in my couch. Sleeping, eating. At first I would start crying randomly. Not having much in person communication was killing me at first. Then on Thursday it kind of just died away. I didn’t care and being alone so much doesn’t affect me in a negative way. I bought some BlackLight paint. I wanted to paint someone but ended up just painting myself. It was...okay. Didn’t really affect me much. I talked to Esmeralda and resigned from working with her with anything kink related recently. I don’t have the motivation in my work. If I tie I just want to tie for myself. Not feel pressured or obligated to. Hopefully I can find some enjoyment in it. I tried tying a simple hand harness on kassy. Her and her fiancé Steven have been very kind. Forcing me off the couch and trying to make me do things they made me happy. The hand harness went ok. I made it look like she had a whip in her hand and she pretended to be cat women and it was sort of funny. Then later on her friend came by and I showed him the concept of self tying. Since then he’s thanked me a lot because it helped his depression. So at least I helped someone’s life in the better. I noticed my appetite has been kind of not  there. I barely ate before. Now I go eat 1 time a day or not at all. I’m just not really hungry. I was finally able to get a vacuum. I sprinkled some carpet stuff on it. My place has never looked so clean. Surprisingly it’s still that way. I’m starting to become a “creature of habit” I use to focus on details a lot but stopped. Now I feel I’m coming back to that mindset. Which I believe is progress in some aspects. I started to sleep on the floor. The dreams stop when I do that. Idk if it’s me feeling Grounded or what. But it’s not healthy for me to do it because I wake up with worse body pains. I’ll think on it and try to figure out a long term solution. After expressing to my friends and my therapist they have come to the conclusion that I’m doing more damage to myself emotionally and mentally. Every time we talk there is a pattern. She recorded me one time talking and then played it back for me. I didn’t hear anything positive. I kept talking about my mistakes, my fuck ups, how I hurt other people and damaged them etc. I didn’t say much good. And I also talked badly of my personal appearance and life. I have started to break out on my face a lot. Stress possibly being the cause. I usually have a clear face. After hearing what I said I can agree I’m not very kind to myself. Yes I mess up. But there’s more to me than just negativity. The issue was the focus on all the bad and letting it overpower the good. I have a lot of bad. But I have a decent amount of good in me too. I think that’s where I lost myself. All I hear is negative. I forget the positive. I’m caring, I’m smart, I can be attractive looking at times. I’m strong for others, I can be a good shoulder to cry on. Most of the time I am not a selfish person. While I can be. But most often I just  want to help and do right. I am not in any way perfect. I have a lot of faults. Some I can not control. I can go back into the past. Yes I have lied in my life. Yes I have hurt people. I have come to terms with the bad. But I’m not going to sit on it. At least I’m not going to try to. I will have my days I’m sure. I’m adapting to a new sandbox. Some people are gone. But new people will enter sooner or later. I can adapt from my fuck ups. I can live again.
Anyway my days have been feeling kind of stale. I don’t feel much emotion. I’m just sort of content when I hated being alone.im not jumping and running for company either. So that’s progress to being able to cope with being alone. That’s good. I’m trying to get my focus on NAGA next month. I’m not as motivated as I was before but I’m sure I can fix that. I’m looking for opportunities outside of Chesapeake job wise. I kind of open to moving now. Away from Chesapeake. For right now it’s just talk. But I’m open now to when I was closed off from the idea. I think that’s everything. Time has been weird lately so I it feels like everything has been going on for months. I’m going to try to go out and do something tonight. I’m not sure what. But I just need to leave these walls lol. Even if it’s for a hour. Till next time tumblr. 
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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