#Neidhart Müller
lomaksarne · 3 months
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HB to Bittenfeld!
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dissociatingdumbass · 2 years
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The Voice Actor who did Isamu Kurogane (Later on Lance McClain) also did Neidhart Müller on Legend Of The Galactic Heroes OVA.
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noonseow · 3 years
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404z · 3 years
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last week i finished logh so i wanted to draw all my favs... i love them
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autumn-sacura · 4 years
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Chibi Neidhart Müller. Design for a charm.
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ray-saint · 5 years
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Legend of the Galactic Heroes is the best kids hero action show 😂
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spartaphyx · 5 years
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Secret Santa for @heartgrooooove !
Happy New Year everyone  ! (It’s the year of the Fritz ! 🐗 )
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frauladymumu · 6 years
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iserlohndiary · 3 years
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get in line müller babe
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manic-intent · 4 years
Donation fic for @beingevil, who asked for Reinhard/Yang, LOGH. R-Rated, AU: Yang gets kidnapped from the Leda II. Excerpt:
“How is it possible that he has not been found?” Kaiser Reinhard von Lohengramm snarled, pacing in his cabin aboard his flagship Brünhilde. “It’s been months!”
Chief Secretary Countess Hildegard “Hilda” von Mariendorf did not tense up—she was used to these bursts of frustrated rage from her kaiser. She observed him from where she stood beside the desk, her hands folded behind her back.
As Reinhard prowled back and forth in the room in a fine temper, he looked just like the Imperial symbol: the golden lion, rampant. Furious that its prey had been stolen out from under its paws. Still suspicious of the Yang Fleet, even though it had been temporarily integrated into Senior Admiral Neidhart Müller’s fleet, which had been tasked with finding the missing Marshal. Of late, Reinhard tended to swing between anger at the Church of Terra, anger at Yang—who had so randomly disappeared into the vastness of space, and bitter anger at himself for allowing it to happen. Even if no one could have seen this coming.
“Senior Admiral Müller offers his sincere apologies for his continued failures,” Hilda said in a deliberately mild tone.
Reinhard glared at her. His pale cheeks were in high colour; his luxurious golden mane unfurled over his uniform. “If you have something to say, fräulein, say it.”
Want a fic from me? Donate to the Rainforest Trust / Australian bushfire charities. Details here. 
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These Shares Latest Trailer with Returning Character
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  The epic Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These launches its next installment next year. Today, we get another look at "Clash" — including a sample of its theme song and a look at the return of a character from the original story.
  The new trailer shows the fortresses of Iserlohn and Geiersburg in combat, and teases the return of Neidhart Müller. The young Imperial officer was originally voiced by Yū Mizushima (Ryo Asuka in Devilman):
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    Here he is now. For the new series, he'll be voiced by Yūto Uemura (Suneater in My Hero Academia):
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    Here's the new trailer in full:
    The new three-part movie series features theme songs by singer SennaRin. You can hear a sample of one of them, "dust," in the trailer above.
  Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These is a new anime adaptation of the sci-fi novel series by Heroic Legend of Arslan author Yoshiki Tanaka. The original book series ran from 1982-1987, with collections of side stories published between 1984 and 1989. The first anime adaptation began in 1988, and chronicles the saga of a far-future battle between the monarchy of the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance.
  Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These -Clash- will run as three films in Japan, premiering March 4, April 1, and May 13, 2022.
  Source: Comic Natalie, gineiden-anime.com
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    Watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These on Crunchyroll!
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  By: Kara Dennison
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akitania · 7 years
who are all these men in black: a useless character guide
this is for @qserasera and anyone else currently watching logh who can’t keep track of all the fucking galactic empire dudes who work for reinhard. there are so many and they’re all prussian. here i will attempt to explain them so no one has to go on the wiki and get everything spoiled. personally, i find the fpa admirals and staff much easier to keep track of (because they’re not all white guys with german names), but i will happily make one of these for them if so desired.
characters i’m not including: reinhard, kircheis (you know who they are).
hildegard von mariendorf
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i probably don’t need to include her, since her obvious identifying trait is “the only woman who works for reinhard,” but i’d feel bad about leaving her out because she is a delight. one of the smartest people in the show and very good at what she does, which is “telling reinhard to get his head out of his ass.”
paul “this guy” von oberstein
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“dogs eat dog food. as for cats, you have to feed them cat food.”
oberstein’s dog
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the most important character.
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oberstein’s other dog. just a regular space cop who ended up getting assigned to work under oberstein, where he became the only person in the galaxy who likes him.
oskar “if she breathes she a thot” von reuenthal
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one of the twin stars (or pillars, depending on your translation) of reinhard’s admirals, meaning that he’s just really good at war. thank god, because he has no other redeeming qualities and loves monologuing about treason to anyone who will listen. has a TRAGIC BACKSTORY that only mittermeyer has unlocked. flagship: tristan.
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reuenthal’s closest subordinate, has a luxurious beard, is only getting in this post because i’m including bayerlein and it felt unfair.
wolfgang “ALL WOMEN ARE QUEENS, REUENTHAL” mittermeyer
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the other twin pillar/star, my very best dude. you may have killed millions of people, but at least you made me very happy. reuenthal’s best friend, and an all-around stand-up guy except for when he’s being reuenthal’s worst enabler. the only good dad in any tanaka series. flagship: beowulf.
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mittermeyer’s closest(?) subordinate. the only reason you should keep track of him is because it’s hilarious how he is CONSTANTLY SHUT DOWN by mittermeyer. flagship: nürnberg.
fritz joseph “bittenberg” bittenfeld
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YOU HAVE FAILED ME FOR THE LAST TIME... except he will fail everyone again, almost constantly. his running joke is that no one, including him, believes he’s dumb enough to do [whatever the worst option is in the scenario], but he always is. hates oberstein THE MOST. he leads a fleet called the black lancers and his flagship is königs tiger.
neidhart müller
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 look at this sweet boy. just generally pleasant and good at his job. his nickname is “ironshield” and his flagship is perceval, so you should associate him with knights in shining armor. considered just one step below mittermeyer and reuenthal.
adalbert “who the fuck are you” von fahrenheit
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has a weird character design and some people ship him with bittenfeld i guess. he was one of the guys who initially fought against reinhard and then ended up working for him, but that goes for like half the cast. flagship: asgrimm.
ernest mecklinger
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no one needs help identifying mecklinger, his mustache and terrible hair do the job. he likes poetry and art and history and has a lovely baritone.
ulrich kesler
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the chief of police, has sexy hair. i don’t know, he’s just kind of competent and serious and heterosexual.
ernst von eisenach
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i keep forgetting this guy exists. remember his design by his big honking face and his character by the fact that he never talks. that’s his actual character trait, not my justification for forgetting about him. he never talks.
günther “moe eisenach” kisling
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the head of the imperial guard. i know he looks generic from this headshot, but his uniform is different from everyone else’s, so it’s pretty easy to tell him apart.
august samuel “handsome squidward kisling” wahlen
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yet another redhead on reinhard’s staff. he has kids and a prosthetic arm and is generally A Good Dude. not bittenfeld’s biggest fan.
cornelius “mirrored wahlen” lutz 
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his hair goes the other way. flagship: skirnir.
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fortune-maiden · 7 years
I just noticed Neithardt Müller's name was officially translated at Neidhart Noooooo ;-;
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frauladymumu · 6 years
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brodie-001 · 6 years
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Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Episode 103
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frauladymumu · 7 years
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