#Northward Turnabout Express
eway · 7 months
I wanted to put every non final case in the series here, but Tumblr only allows so many options so you get the Triology and the Anime.
While I know memories and beginnings are gonna get the most votes, I'm going with The Stolen Turnabout. It was great to do a case that wasn't murder, even if it ended in murder, it was funny, Ron and Dessie are the best couple in the series, and Ron is one of my favorite characters in the series and my favorite defendant.
Anyway, reblog for bigger sample and tell me your vote if ya want!
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lattedecoffee · 1 year
So uh I just watched the anime exclusive case “Northward, Turnabout Express!” and I can’t decide if I love it or hate it.
On the one hand it’s sucking the dick of the USA’s legal system, but on the other hand a rich guy hijacks his own train to do a retrial of what should’ve been the most easily solved murder in ace attorney history
(Spoilers below, watching this case blind is a fucking roller coaster and I 100% recommend it)
Okay when the case was solved and everyone was so proud of themselves and then Richman (oh yeah this case has THE BEST names I mean “Cashanova” is art) is like “yeah I kinda sorta placed a bomb like just in case but I can’t defuse it lol” and then they stand there for like 2 minutes convincing him that he still has something to live for and should get out of the exploding car with the rest of them.
Truly one of the cases of all time
Truly one of the cases of all time
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inbarfink · 3 months
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turnaboutfix · 11 months
Things I'd do if I were a billionaire: Commission a new high-budget Ace Attorney Anime that covered all the games incl. AAI/2.
There would be an equal amount of new episodes to episodes based on cases. The original episodes would be either slice of life (think "Turnabout Promise", "Sound the Turnabout Melody", "Hear the Waves of Turnabout") or original cases (like "Northward, Turnabout Express" but more of them). Slice of Life episodes would go into more detail about Feenie going to Art School, Misty becoming the Kurain Master instead of Morgan, seeing Maya's DAD?, OBVIOUSLY more detail about Phoenix's disbarment and how Maya and Edgeworth were involved or how they fell out of his life... more Gregory Edgeworth flashbacks... all that good stuff...
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infamouslydorky · 2 years
Seeing as you like Ace Attorney and old men in nice clothes, do you have an opinion on Avery Richman (yes yes the name is ridiculous) from the anime-exclusive case "Northward, Turnabout Express"?
I think I'd enjoy it more if the short series of episodes wasn't licking the boots of the USA. Just had weird vibes for that case. Also, Avery basically looks like scrooge from A Christmas Carol but with jacob marley's shackles. That case was just weird, man lol
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Godddd i fucking love the ace attorney anime.... the northward turnabout express blew my tits right off.
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adozentothedawn · 8 months
I love Northward Turnabout Express, it's just the right amount of cheesy, dumb, and clever.
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anoraktrend · 5 months
Ace Attorney Anime case: Northward, Turnabout Express, there’s a guy called Avery Richman who owns a luxury passenger trainline in Japan. He’s also the defendant of a trial on the train. A Very Rich Man.
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sailormaya · 2 years
about to watch the case in the anime that straight up doesn’t exist in the game I’ll keep y’all updated
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mics59 · 3 years
Turnbull, 3rd year of law school: I'm the best Prosecutor ever
Edgeworth: imma end this man's whole career
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ssygir · 4 years
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Okay, but I’m watching Northward, Turnabout Express, and the Maya-Gumshoe friendship here is just the best thing ever.
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absolxguardian · 3 years
You can tell Northward Turnabout Express was written by Japanese people because of how generically they’re using “US prosecutor”. As long as state lines are not crossed in the process, murder is a state crime, not a federal crime. Turnbell would be a District Attorney in the employ of a specific state (New York based on Gale’s driver’s license) and Edgeworth could only find the files in a specific state’s archive. And Richman would be entreating that state’s judges for an actual retrial and/or the governor for a pardon.
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pike-the-monstah · 4 years
normally i can suspend disbelief for the “everyone wears one outfit all the time” thing but the judge wearing his robes on a fun train ride he won in a contest is so fucking funny
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Tristan Turnbull is something else.
First of all, dude looks like Nighteye from My Hero Academia, but with less hair dye.
Second, he has an antennae? In his glasses? Like a mobile router/hotspot? They have flip phones in this timeline but have glasses hotspots?
Third, OF COURSE, he’s got a chip on his shoulder from Edgeworth because of course Edgeworth was a little smart aleck bitch in law school. They gotta make a connection between Turnbull and the main cast somehow otherwise we wouldn’t care about him as much.
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Tristan Turnbull | Yusaburo Saiga in  Ace Attorney, Season 2, Episode 11, “Northward Turnabout Express--2nd Trial”
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jinxietenma · 5 years
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Why do we have this dai gyakuten saiban looking motherfucker doing in the aa anime???
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