thesylverlining · 1 month
I Love Writing Genderfluid Witches
Laguz leaned back on one elbow and looked up at Kestrel, lone sharp eye traveling over the lines of the Witch's face and down the rest, clearly taking in every detail of how his consort stood, every micro-expression. He seemed to recognize something new in it, because he gave a subtle, fond smile. "Who are you today?" he asked in a low rumble. One big hand reached up to toy with his consort's collar, fingertips tracing the large metal ring and drawing out a shiver. "A Witch, as always," Kestrel said with a flash of a grin. "But today that Witch feels like a she, a her, and she a me." "All right. Then she is beautiful," Laguz murmured, catching Kestrel's hand and pressing a kiss to its palm. He continued up her arm, a kiss with every adjective. "And clever. And Gods-touched. And..." "And fantastic?" Kestrel teased back, leaning in closer, bumping one hip against the Storm King's shoulder. "Fantastically strange." "Brilliant?  "Maddening." Laguz chuckled, low and throaty, Kestrel's higher giggle a harmonizing counterpoint. "And yes." Another kiss, this time against her neck, just above the leather collar. "Yes, she is."
(An excerpt from PORTRAIT OF THREE LOVERS AT SEA, my ongoing romantic fantasy serial powered by Patreon!)
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potlasolutions · 1 year
What is digital marketing?
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POTLA TECH SOLUTIONS provides you the best digital marketing services. Digital marketing is a gigantic umbrella term that encompasses Different regions from Search engine optimization to blog composing and appropriation channels to financial plans. In this lead, we will assist you with grasping the vital mainstays of computerized showcasing. Approving you to set up your own advanced promoting system to improve publicizing through web-based channels like web crawlers, your sites, online entertainment, email, and portable applications.
What is SEO?
Seo stands for"Search engine optimization". It refers to the process of making changes to your website to increase more visibility  when users search for goods or services associated with your company on Google, Bing, ,yahoo and other search engines. The more visibility your pages have in search results,  the more you'll get noticed and draw both new leads and returning clients to your company.
Due to many searches performed annually, many of which have a business purpose to learn more about goods and services, SEO is playing a crucial role in digital marketing.
What is off-page optimization?
SEO stands for "search engine optimization.which means that you change your website in order to increase its visibility of the page for users who look for products or services connected to your business on Google. It's more useful that you'll get recognised and bring in both new and repeat customers if your pages are more visible in search results.
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zooni46 · 5 months
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michalgavlas · 6 months
Nacházíme se ve vesmíru, který je velice jemně vyladěn. Gravitační síly jsou přesně tak silné, aby se vesmír po velkém třesku okamžitě nerozletěl do nenávratna nebo naopak se nezhroutil do černé díry. Součástí kosmického prachu je přesně ten správný podíl uhlíku, aby mohl ve vesmíru vzniknout život. Vesmír prochází neustálými změnami, rozpíná se, rodí se a zanikají nové hvězdy. Jeho části jsou poměrně pravidelně rozprostřené v časoprostoru. Střídá se období klidu a vzruchu, erupcí a stability. Aby zůstal vesmír jako celek vyvážený musí být někde klid a jinde neklid.
Totéž platí i pro náš pozemský svět zabydlený lidmi. Tak, aby někdo mohl být šťastný, musí být někdo nešťastný. Tak, aby někde mohl být mír, musí být někde válka. Žijeme ve světě protichůdně působících sil, které vytváří jednotně vyvážený celek. Vnímání tohoto celku není člověku umožněno, protože se pohybuje pouze ve svém subjektivně vnímaném světě, ve kterém je buď šťastný nebo nešťastný, podle toho, v jakém silovém poli protichůdných sil se nachází. Život člověka neprobíhá ve vzduchoprázdnu, ale v určitém prostředí, které na něho vyvíjí pozitivní nebo negativní síly. Samotný jeho zrod je výsledkem sloučením protikladů mužského a ženského principu. Dvou antagonistických sil, které se musely spojit k vytvoření další živé bytosti. Tyto síly podléhají přírodnímu a Božímu zákonu – coincidentia oppositorum.
Možná platí jakýsi zákon přitažlivosti, kde protiklady se přitahují jako pozitivní a negativní póly. Dobří lidé přitahují zlo a ti zlí zase dobro, aby vyváženosti světa a sloučení protikladů bylo učiněno za dost. Na základě tohoto předpokladu proto vidíme mnoho zlých lidí, kteří se mají dobře, a naopak těch dobrých kteří strádají. Skoro vůbec neplatí staré rčení, že Boží mlýny melou pomalu, ale jistě. Lidé neblahé pověsti se dožívají vysokého věku, zatím co ti slušní často umírají dříve. Patrně to bude tím, že ty první jsou za jedno se zlem a když na ně zaútočí, tak jsou vůči němu imunní. Zatím co ti druzí nemají dost protilátek proti zlu a jsou jím zničeni. Zlí lidé jsou většinou hrubšího zrna a to, že páchají zlo si nepřipouští, dokonce si to často ani neuvědomují. Dobří lidé jsou křehčí povahy, věci si moc připouští a nejsou dostatečně vybavení bojovat se zlem, které neutočí přímo, ale nečekaně ze skrytu.
Ve skutečnosti většina lidí není pouze ďábelsky zlých, nebo andělsky dobrých. Lidé mají v sobě jak dobré, tak i zlé stránky a závisí v jakých souvislostech se nachází. Podle toho vystupuje buď jedna nebo ta druhá. Kdyby všichni lidé byli v jednom okamžiku pouze zlí, nebo naopak dobří, tak by se zhroutila rovnováha světa postavená na sloučení protikladů. Na tuto skutečnost upozorňuje C. G. Jung, když říká, že v našich životech se musíme naučit žít jak s Bohem, tak i ďáblem. Ďábel je často součástí našeho neznámého a nepředvídatelného jak osobního, tak i kolektivního nevědomí.
Idealisticky uvažující člověk se domnívá, že většina lidí má potřebu žít v harmonii jak se se sebou, tak i svým okolím a nepáchat zlo. Není tomu tak. Mnoho lidí myslí a jedná na úkor ostatních, přesně podle Darwinovy evoluční teorie, kde silnější požírá ty slabší. Z tohoto hlediska tygr, který ovládá své území není zlý, ale jedná pouze podle jemu daných přírodních zákonů. Převedeno na lidi současný politik nebo podnikatel ovládá a často i terorizuje své území na základě práva silnějšího, nebo spíše v dnešní úlisné době mazanějšího a bezcharakternějšího.
Nedělá vlastně nic zlého, pouze jedná podle přírodních zákonů.
Celá tato myšlenková konstrukce naráží na jednu zásadní věc. Na rozdíl od tygra, který má své omezené vědomí, má člověk vědomí sebe a s ním i související svědomí. Je si vědom toho, co dělá a je za své činy odpovědný ostatním lidem a svému okolí. Je pravda, že mnoho dravých lidí nemá čas zamýšlet se nad tím komu svým myšlením a jednáním škodí, ale svědomí je nedílnou součástí jejich duševní výbavy, pokud jsou si vědomi sebe. Mohou je mít potlačené, nebo zakrnělé, ale každý člověk ve vědomém stavu musí mít své svědomí.
Špatné svědomí se moc dlouho nedá potlačovat a často se projeví v podobě psychických a následně i fyzických zdravotních potížích. Člověk s hryzajícím špatným svědomím je zahnán do kouta a o to intenzivněji ubližuje jak svému okolí, tak i sobě. Takových lidí na různých úrovních společenského žebříku vídáme čím dál tím více. Je to dáno bezskrupulózní pragmatickou dobou a konzumní společností, která se ztrátou víra v Boha ztratila i víru v morálku, to, co nás sebevědomé lidi odlišuje od pouze vědomých zvířat. Boží a etické zákony jedno jsou!
Naším jednáním výrazně narušujeme rovnováhu naší malé planety až na hranici jejího zničení. Zánik naší planety a život na ní, však v žádném případě nemůže narušit vesmírnou rovnováhu. Je možné, že další život vznikne na nové planetě bez sebevědomých lidí a bude obývána „pouze“ vědomými zvířaty.
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myconsultantcanda · 1 year
The Interpretation of “Duties” Under the Canadian Experience Class
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Have you ever wondered how to match your work experience with the NOC? With these helpful tips you will be able to find the exact NOC code.
A Substantial Number of the Main Duties
The main issue in this article is the interpretation of the provision “a substantial number of the main duties” found in paragraph 87.1(2)(c) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, SOR/2002-227.
Hence, the applicant must have performed a substantial number of the main duties, including all the essential duties, of the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification (NOC).
Visa officers construed the wording “a substantial number” as “most” while considering whether the applicant passed the legal test on a balance of probabilities. Proving facts on a balance of probabilities means that it is more likely than not to have happened. Therefore, when a decision-maker concludes that something is 51% likely to have occurred than the evidence established the fact.
This includes all the essential duties and most of the main duties listed.
Literature tends to define “most” as “half plus 1” as stipulated in Chantal Desloges & Cathryn Sawicki, Canadian Immigration Refugee Law: A Practitioner’s Handbook, 3rd ed (Toronto, ON: Emond, 2021) on page 353. Consequently, the applicant must fulfill the lead statement and most of the main duties of the NOC to become a member of the Canadian experience class.
In Potla v Canada, 2020 FC 646, the court noted at para 34 and 35 that the emphasis must lie on sales and promotions to satisfy the lead statement for financial sales representatives. The description of NOC 2016 Version 1.3 Code 6235 lists 10 main duties. Thus, the applicant must perform the lead statement and at least 6 of the main duties.
However, Pelletier J. held, in Paracha v Canada, 1999 FC 8591 at para 7, that the word "some” of the NOC means “more than one” of the main duties. Since 1999, Federal Court jurisprudence has established that “substantial number” is to be interpreted as “more than one” (A'Bed v Canada, 2002 FCT 1027 at para 15, Tabanag v Canada, 2011 FC 1293 at para 18, and Saatchi v Canada, 2018 FC 1037 at para 27).  Hence, we have some room for interpretation to demonstrate Canadian work experience.
When pointing out the differences between a NOC A and B occupation, pay close attention to the verbs used in the descriptions. In Bighashi v Canada, 2013 FC 1110, the Federal Court of Canada stated at paragraphs 15 and 19 as follows:
[15]         Having determined that the officer did not breach the duty of fairness owed to the Applicant, I also find that the officer’s conclusion that the Applicant did not submit sufficient evidence that he performed the actions required of an accountant as set out in NOC 1111, was reasonable. I agree with the officer’s observation that the duties set out in the employment letter more closely matched those of the bookkeeper classification than those of an accountant. I reject the submission that Mr. Bighashi’s application was assessed against the bookkeeper NOC code. All the officer did was to make an observation. The application was properly assessed for eligibility against NOC 1111.
[19]           The officer found that the employment letter did not establish on the balance of probabilities that Mr. Bighashi “performed the actions in the lead statement.”  Nothing in the listed responsibilities in the employment letter can be interpreted as examining, analyzing, planning, or organizing and administering accounting and financial records. The Applicant’s duties are limited to making payments and preparing lists, reports, and correspondence. The officer’s reasons for this finding are adequate and reasonable.
All Essential Duties
To find out more about the mysterious phrase “all of the essential duties,” one needs to research the regulatory intent by looking up historical records.
The best way to understand the intent of a regulatory amendment is by reviewing its Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement, which is available in the Canada Gazette. This statement will also provide helpful background information on how the regulation was developed. In a nutshell, one must refer to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, P.C. 2012-1643, December 6, 2012, SOR/2012-274, s. 13, Canada Gazette, Part II, vol. 146, no. 26, p 2917, December 19, 2012.
"A substantial number of the main duties" and "all of the essential duties" are used interchangeably as set out at page 2917.
For this purpose, the applicant must have performed a substantial number of the main duties listed in the description of the occupation set out in the NOC, which means that they have performed the essential duties of the occupation.
Mystery solved.
This article does not constitute immigration or citizenship advice. If you require more information, then you should discuss your matter with a Canadian immigration professional.
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theholidayplanner · 1 year
Ladakh Tour: An Introduction To The Best Of Ladakh
Great Things That You Should About Ladakh Tour
Ladakh represents the land of high access. which has located in the depth of the two most elevated mountain ranges. The Himalayas in the south and the Karakoram to the north.
 It is a very popular tourism goal in India discovered in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It goes the first-time visitor amazed. By its geographical and artistic contrast as they land in Ladakh.
 The features of Ladakh people, their clothes, and dialects. Are more like Tibetan and Mongoloid than Indian. Ladakh wins the hearts of adventure tourists, nature lovers, and special interest tourists.
 Ladakh tour take to cultural tours, adventure tours, fairs, festivals, monasteries, trekking, etc.
 In fact, Ladakh tours attract several adventure enthusiasts from all over the world. On your Ladakh journey, you can locate this barren land rinsed by the Indus river. That separates the territory between Nubra, Leh, rupshu, Ladakh, and Zanskar.
 Leh, the wealth of Ladakh is a beautiful town and is home to the renowned Leh Palace.
 The Leh palace is comparable to the Tibet, Potla Place in Lhasa, and is one of the most attractive junctures of Leh, Ladakh.
 Buddhist sanctuaries in and close to this area also attract visitors from various regions of India and other countries.
Proposed Itinerary For Ladakh Tour
·    Day 1: Leh - Arrival
·    Day 2: Leh Local Sightseeing
·    Day 3: Leh - Nubra
·    Day 4: Nubra - Pangang Tso
·    Day 5: Pangang Tso - Leh
·    Day 6: Departure - Leh
Inclusions For Ladakh Tour
·    Dedicated Xylo/Scorpio (4 to the vehicle)
·    Breakfast and Dinner Meal Plan
·    Give-and-take on double sharing base in Nubra; Kora Eco Stay/ equivalent in Leh, Saser/ Hotel Shangrila / Grand Nubra /equivalent in equivalent in Pangang Tso
·    Parking Fees, Road/Toll Taxes, Fuel, Driver Allowance,
·    Oxygen Cylinder will be offered per vehicle from Day 3 to Day 5
·    Ladakh Environment Fee
Exclusions For Ladakh Tour
·    Any cost of a personal nature
·    Cost of Hiring of Ponies/Horses/Camel ride/Other Activities
·    Cost of hotel/room upgrades
·    Tips to Service Providers
Accommodation Of This Ladakh Tour
 Accommodation must have provided on a twin-sharing base in the good properties. In Leh, Nubra, and Pangang Tso (MAP Plan – Breakfast & Dinner included in the package).
 So this time if you want a vacation from your active schedule then opt for the Ladakh tour. As this beautiful area will leave you to spell attached.
 On your travel and presents you lifetime rememberings that you can adore with your loved ones.
 Pack your suitcases and get ready to explore this charismatic goal full of happening and natural beauty.
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foodeytube · 2 years
পটল ভাজা | Parwal Fry Recipe | Fried Pointed Gourd | Potol Bhaja | Easy and Quick | INGREDIENTS : * Potol - 6 pcs * Salt - 1/2 tsp * Sugar -1/3 tsp * Turmeric Powder - 1/4 tsp * Oil - According to requirement This recipes also searched for: patal ki sabzi parora ki sabzi pataler tarkari pointed gourd recipe Kambupudalai recipe Kaadu Padaval recipe Kommu Potla recipe Patolam recipe paror sabzi parol ki sabzi patal ka bhujiya parora fry parawal aloo ki sukhi sabzi masaledar parwal stuffed parwal bharwa parval parwal ki mithai aloo potala recipe bengali potol recipe doi potol potoler bhaja parval sabzi recipe in hindi parval nu shak recipe parwal aloo sabzi parwal ki sukhi sabzi by Foodey Tube
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themovieinfo · 2 years
Doosukeltha (2013)
Doosukeltha (2013) is a 2021 India N/A language Sci-Fi film directed by Veeru Potla. Doosukeltha (2013) film stars Vishnu Manchu, Lavanya Tripathi, Ali, Master Bharath in supporting roles. Doosukeltha (2013) film premiered on 17 Oct 2013. Free download and watch Doosukeltha (2013) all episode. Doosukeltha (2013) A married couple tries to decipher their unusual childbirth. Doosukeltha (2013) Movie…
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egy-srac-elete · 6 years
"Mert mindig én vagyok a pótolható."
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potlaservices · 3 years
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thesylverlining · 2 months
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Chapter 2 of my polyam romantic fantasy is up now for all paid Patrons!
Chapter one, however, is free and always will be!
When magical artist Corin is summoned to a rival kingdom to paint an enchanted portrait of the fearsome Storm King and his Witch Consort, he's torn between his desperate mission to find his missing sister, his duty to his living God back home... and his growing attraction to both King and Witch.
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detectivehole · 2 years
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ayyappaposts-blog · 5 years
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Potla Tech Solution is the Best Staffing Company in Hyderabad
Potla tech solution one of the best it and staffing company in Hyderabad. we are providing the best staffing services and outsourcing opportunities by our clients business partners. wide range of opportunities to give you who searching for job change or company which is looking to recruit employees or outsources freelancers then Potla Recruitment Service would be your better decision. Here in Potla tech, We constantly make new connections with Companies, Potla tech solutions presently hired positions business development managers, marketing executives, it engineers various positions. we can help potla tech staffing managers that match your job requirements.
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myconsultantcanda · 1 year
The Interpretation of “Duties” Under the Canadian Experience Class
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Have you ever wondered how to match your work experience with the NOC? With these helpful tips you will be able to find the exact NOC code.
A Substantial Number of the Main Duties
The main issue in this article is the interpretation of the provision “a substantial number of the main duties” found in paragraph 87.1(2)(c) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, SOR/2002-227.
Hence, the applicant must have performed a substantial number of the main duties, including all the essential duties, of the occupation as set out in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification (NOC).
Visa officers construed the wording “a substantial number” as “most” while considering whether the applicant passed the legal test on a balance of probabilities. Proving facts on a balance of probabilities means that it is more likely than not to have happened. Therefore, when a decision-maker concludes that something is 51% likely to have occurred than the evidence established the fact.
This includes all the essential duties and most of the main duties listed.
Literature tends to define “most” as “half plus 1” as stipulated in Chantal Desloges & Cathryn Sawicki, Canadian Immigration Refugee Law: A Practitioner’s Handbook, 3rd ed (Toronto, ON: Emond, 2021) on page 353. Consequently, the applicant must fulfill the lead statement and most of the main duties of the NOC to become a member of the Canadian experience class.
In Potla v Canada, 2020 FC 646, the court noted at para 34 and 35 that the emphasis must lie on sales and promotions to satisfy the lead statement for financial sales representatives. The description of NOC 2016 Version 1.3 Code 6235 lists 10 main duties. Thus, the applicant must perform the lead statement and at least 6 of the main duties.
However, Pelletier J. held, in Paracha v Canada, 1999 FC 8591 at para 7, that the word "some” of the NOC means “more than one” of the main duties. Since 1999, Federal Court jurisprudence has established that “substantial number” is to be interpreted as “more than one” (A'Bed v Canada, 2002 FCT 1027 at para 15, Tabanag v Canada, 2011 FC 1293 at para 18, and Saatchi v Canada, 2018 FC 1037 at para 27).  Hence, we have some room for interpretation to demonstrate Canadian work experience.
When pointing out the differences between a NOC A and B occupation, pay close attention to the verbs used in the descriptions. In Bighashi v Canada, 2013 FC 1110, the Federal Court of Canada stated at paragraphs 15 and 19 as follows:
[15]         Having determined that the officer did not breach the duty of fairness owed to the Applicant, I also find that the officer’s conclusion that the Applicant did not submit sufficient evidence that he performed the actions required of an accountant as set out in NOC 1111, was reasonable. I agree with the officer’s observation that the duties set out in the employment letter more closely matched those of the bookkeeper classification than those of an accountant. I reject the submission that Mr. Bighashi’s application was assessed against the bookkeeper NOC code. All the officer did was to make an observation. The application was properly assessed for eligibility against NOC 1111.
[19]           The officer found that the employment letter did not establish on the balance of probabilities that Mr. Bighashi “performed the actions in the lead statement.”  Nothing in the listed responsibilities in the employment letter can be interpreted as examining, analyzing, planning, or organizing and administering accounting and financial records. The Applicant’s duties are limited to making payments and preparing lists, reports, and correspondence. The officer’s reasons for this finding are adequate and reasonable.
All Essential Duties
To find out more about the mysterious phrase “all of the essential duties,” one needs to research the regulatory intent by looking up historical records.
The best way to understand the intent of a regulatory amendment is by reviewing its Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement, which is available in the Canada Gazette. This statement will also provide helpful background information on how the regulation was developed. In a nutshell, one must refer to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, P.C. 2012-1643, December 6, 2012, SOR/2012-274, s. 13, Canada Gazette, Part II, vol. 146, no. 26, p 2917, December 19, 2012.
"A substantial number of the main duties" and "all of the essential duties" are used interchangeably as set out at page 2917.
For this purpose, the applicant must have performed a substantial number of the main duties listed in the description of the occupation set out in the NOC, which means that they have performed the essential duties of the occupation.
Mystery solved.
This article does not constitute immigration or citizenship advice. If you require more information, then you should discuss your matter with a Canadian immigration professional.
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gggmedya · 5 years
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"Banu Zorlu canlı yayında kırdığı potla olay oldu" , https://yoog.be/ExqdLQAe
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sexypyzamo · 3 years
Webmoda.sk - šTýlová Móda Lacno
Webmoda.sk - šTýlová Móda Lacno
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Ak patrte k mdnym fanatikom, fanikom a k uom, ktor obubuj svet mdy, skvel! Ste na sprvnom mieste. Ja mdu milujem a natoko, e som doslova FFF (moje vlastn slovo:-RRB-) fanatic style fan." Neustle vyhadvam zaujmav mdne krecie - netradin, neopozeran, uniktne a rada vynikm zaujmavm obleenm. Ak mte zujem, mete ma kontaktova tu: info@myafashion.
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V asoch, kedy vina znaiek prezentuje ak lenkov topnky v tle 90. rokov, meme na prehliadkovch mlach McQueena obdivova topnky s vrazne vychanmi pikami. Ete rebelskejie! Pnske krovan topnky a konkrtne s charakteristickou achovnicou sa objavili na prehliadke znaky Louis Vuitton. Idelne ako sas achovnicovho total looku s krtkymi nohavicami, kabtom a cestovnou takou vyzerali skutone vemi originlne.
Dámy Jemné Snowflake Drahokamu Drop Náušnice ŽEny ...
Ete pred niekokmi seznami sa pnske maskov tenisky povaovali skr za g ako za mdu z kategrie high style. Ako sa vak zd, jese a zima 2020/2021 prines v tejto oblasti zmenu. Znaka Fendi v najnovej kolekcii predstavila toti vojensk potla nielen na obleen, ale aj na pnskych teniskch. Treba uzna, e vyzeraj prekvapivo dobre! U predol jese sme mohli pozorova vek nvrat gladov, akch rockovch topnok a topnok v tle Dr.
A prve tieto modely, ako aj ak oxfordky bud patri k pnskym trendom na seznu jese-zima 2020/2021. Ako ich nosi? Mdny dom Gucci predstavil modely v tle "grandpa stylish". Hoci to me znie zvltne, takto kombinovanie rockovch topnok s vrstvenm obleenm, v ktorom hraj prm pleten svetre a vlnen nohavice z melanovch materilov, vyzeraj naozaj ik.
Dámske Oblečenie A Dámska Móda - Dámske Oblečenie ...
Takto topnky s alm tipom na seznu jese-zima 2020/2021 od mdneho domu Fendi. S m ich nosi? Perfektne doplnia jednoduch minimalistick outfity.
Mdne horn obleenie v kadej novej sezny znamen nov rieenia, trendy a smery, ktor vm ponkaj megachilinae a mdne spravy s pvodnou jar sady. Ponhajcich sa zmeni tepl kabty a kouchy, parkas a nadol bundy, zimn kabty a bundy nahusten na nzkej hmotnosti vrchn obleenie na container, je preskma, a zoznmili s poprednmi jarn mdne smerom na container tohto roku.
Oblečenie Pre Moletky Online - Trendy 2021 Na Shopalike
Ndhern bude jarn mda bombardry, koen sak, blejzre, bundy na jar, a tie vesty. Leading npady leading vrchn obleenie na jar, ktor sa vytvraj inpiratvne spravy a tandemy container, si mete vyzdvihn krsne dopaj podlahy-dka, MIDI dka alebo krtke rieenia. Megachilinae nominacii vrchn obleenie bude mon oarujce na doplnenie container vzhad a s aty, nohavice, sukne a aj nohavicov kostmy.
Tento fad bude ndhern pastelov farby citrna, prkov, modr, fialov. Na lesk a jas jar bude dva cestu k ervenej, ltej a modrej, jednoduchos, biela a ed a ierna, ako vdy, aj v trende. Ak chcete vytvori jedinen sbor na container pome a vzory, ktor dopaj jar vrchn odevy: kvetinov na bombardry, zeleninov a kvetinov ozdoby na kabty a vkopu kabty, vivky a appliques na gensoukai a bundy v koen vykonanie nenech nikoho ahostajnm.
Dámske Trendy Na Jeseň A Zimu 2020/2021, Ktoré Sa Oplatí ...
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Medzi materily, ktor ponka vina on-trend mdy a leading modelov obleenia na container 2020-2021 rok bude koe, denim, cashmere, semi, prikry, rainwear textlie a in materily na ochranu pred vetrom a prpadne d na jar. Odrody modely vrchn obleenie pre container umouj vytvori elegantn a univerzlne obleenie kabt, priekopa kabty, vesty, blejzre a bundy.
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