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More art of my kids
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der-saisonkoch · 10 months
Klöße aus Getreide
Unter Klößen aus Getreide verstehen wir sämtliche Klöße aus Mehl, Grieß, Dunst und ungemahlenem Getreide aus Weizen, Roggen, Gerste, Hafer, Triticale, Mais, Reis, Hirse und deren Unterarten. Je feiner der Mahlgrad, desto direkter kann Ihr Mehl verarbeitet werden. Der feine Mahlgrad benötigt aber spezielle Verfahren, um zu vermeiden, dass Ihr Kloß, schliff (klebrig, zäh, roh-wirkend) wird. Die…
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ncr-psyop · 3 days
i liiiiterally do not have any time to draw anything so. here's an edit of reiben and speirs because they're my husbands!!
ac: madixaudios on tiktok
sc: saxxscenes on ig
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satellitespeirs · 7 months
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i miss him and his dumb pretty face
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4gh0st · 2 years
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Cuties ♡
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virtualbunny · 1 year
Round of applause to me for being the creative genius that I am😁
(Also for those who saw that I forgot to cut out the capcut part before I edited this post… no you didn’t lol 🫥)
Anyways, part two of angry/annoyed Reiben but this time ft. Jackson and Wade🤩🥳🤭
Part 1
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eldestdauqhter · 1 year
edward burns in saving private ryan must have been the best pro war propaganda america had ever seen
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zevexsii · 2 years
omg ur like the second person ive seen write for spr, but could i get a hc list of how private jackson, reiben, and medic wade would react if u were injuered in battle??? please and thank u
SPR boys react to an s/o who's been injured in battle
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private daniel jackson
jackson damn near loses it. he isn't focused or calculated like when carparzo got downed, he's frantically crawling over to your side as best as he can, muttering curses and mingled prayers while pressure is applied to your wounds.
"c'mon [l/n], stick with us here," jackson's chest is tight, fear clawing it's way up his throat from inside. the fear is worsened when your eyes begin to roll back.
the medics find a grisly sight, jackson keeled over your barely breathing body, incoherent please to god and anyone who'll listen sprinkled throughout horrible bouts of sobs that wrack his body. they take you away on a stretcher, jackson's rosary hanging loosely around your neck. you'll need it more than he will.
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richard reiben
"damn hotshot, that was a close one," reiben makes light of situations that are scarily serious. it's what he's always done, and god willing, always will.
you don't answer. reiben throws a glance your way, only to find you slumped over, hands pressed absently over a spreading patch of terrible red.
there's no joke to be made. reiben checks the area for anyone who can help, but amidst the noise and smoke, it's hard to even hear himself think. not that any of his present thoughts are coherent. reiben haphazardly dives your way, not a single shit given about his current position. he awkwardly attempts to cover your body from fire with his own, shoving his canteen in your direction and giving the best directions he can.
"you better keep your damn eyes open. i'll find a medic around here somewhere. just hold on."
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irwin wade
medics are notoriously easy targets and wade hates it. as much as you've told him to quit worrying about you, he can't. that's what it means to care about people, right? at least half of care is spent on worry. maybe two thirds of it, in wade's case.
this time, wade's worry saved your life. the field was still smoky, violent tension occasionally punctured by a smattering of screams and abrupt gunfire.
that's how he'd been able to find you, fussing over a clearly dying soldier who was doing his damnedest to refuse medical assistance. wade overheard bits and pieces of dialogue, at least the part where the soldier had complained that if he was gonna be saved, he was gonna try to do it himself.
adrenaline and the threat of death do wonders for a person's audacity.
wade began to make his way to you, watching you pull the man to his feet and lob his arm over your shoulders, pulling him out of the blood and muck that desecrated the place. everything was going well until the soldier fell, along with his very loaded gun. it felt like the world was going in slow motion when the gun fired, sending you to the ground.
wade hauled ass through weeds and wet ground that intended to swallow him whole, all in an attempt to reach you as fast as possible. irwin's hands had an undeniable shake, unwrapping various supplies and cursing and reassuring you in the same breath. once you tried to reach for a bandage, wade nearly slapped your hand away. you were too precious to him to lose, and fixing this himself was the only way to assuage the guilt brewing already.
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lenabob · 2 years
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POV: you are captain miller giving the plan of how to save private Ryan.
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iceman-kazansky · 1 year
Saving Private Ryan Masterlist
Daniel Jackson
Luckiest man; Luckiest Woman
Irwin Wade
Richard Reiben
Stanley Mellish
Timothy E. Upham
James Ryan
In Your Arms I Sleep Without a Doubt
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bluefire-redice · 2 years
Saving Private Ryan - The Guardian Angel
What if the one who prayed to God was the only one God couldn’t save?
My second story after falling on the 'Barry Pepper is amazing' express. I love this movie, but my brain being my brain couldn't help but get stuck on the 'what if Caparzo survived, and how would that change things' tangent, so this happened. Once again, I'm probably shouting into the ether with this story as it's such a small fandom (if it can be classed as one at all), but I can now sit here happy that I got it written, and the idea can leave me alone so I can focus on my other works.
One major change (aside from the obvious) is Jackson's first name. There was an interview that Barry P, Giovanni R, and Vin Diesel did when the movie first came out, and Barry said his character's name was Roy Jackson. I'm not sure why his character was called Daniel in the book, whether this was an oversight on the writers part or for a greater purpose (I've yet to read it, but after much hunting around for it, I'm waiting on my copy to arrive so I can!), but I've opted to go with Barry's choice of his character's first name. Plus, when I hear Daniel Jackson I immediately think of Dr Daniel Jackson from Stargate, so in the interest of saving my sanity, it's Private Roy Jackson for this.
The full story can be read here; enjoy the snippet below
Chapter 1 - An Angel On His Shoulder
As the sniper of their group – and one of the best in the Rangers, according to his instructor back at basic training – Roy took great pride in being able to assess his surroundings quickly. It was an important skill to have because it meant he could spot targets, find advantage areas, and identify potential ambush sites faster than anyone else around him.
But such a skill meant he had a responsibility to use it every second of every day to ensure his brothers made it home.
Neuville, when they arrived, was both a playground and battlefield to a sniper. The rain was pelting down around them, softening the packed earth and turning it into mud pools. Amongst the bombed ruins and discarded detritus of the former inhabitants, it had numerous sniper hides ripe for the picking – which meant if he knew it, the Germans did too. His head had been on a swivel before they’d set foot within the walls, guiding Miller with a few hand signals to the safest paths into the town without exposing themselves to anyone watching from an elevated position.
Even with the paratroopers guiding them towards the other half of the village, watching out for his team was his job, yet it was one he failed on – distracted as he was by Caparzo grabbing the little girl, imploring the captain to take the family to safety. He’d been distracted, and it was why he was left momentarily stunned when Caparzo was shot from behind.
“Sniper!” Miller yelled. “Cover!”
Roy watched, horrified, as Caparzo caught himself on the piano next to him, counting in his head the number of seconds that passed before the crack of the gunshot was heard. Caparzo managed to keep his feet under him for a second or so before he stumbled and hit the ground hard. The piano, despite the damage it had sustained echoed an eerie tune as the keys were knocked – the French father calling to his daughter, and the little girl’s cries adding to the overall creepiness in the otherwise quiet streets.
The report of the gun ripped through the air halfway to five. Four hundred and fifty yards away. He clenched his jaw, impressed. The sniper was good.
He needed to be better.
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der-saisonkoch · 11 months
Auf neudeutsch – trockenes – Safran – Risotto Joana hat heute ein Fertiggericht eingekauft. Paella mit Fisch steht drauf. 6-7 Minuten Fertigungszeit. Das ist Gefrierkost. Reden wir mal Klartext: Mit dem Auftauen ist das Zeug nicht in sieben Minuten fertig. Den ziemlich eintönigen Anblick habe ich mit zwei Stangen Porree (mittelgroß), zwei Karotten in Scheiben und einem halben Pfund…
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jandersub · 7 months
Tagebuch 02.10.2023
Als wir morgens aufgestanden sind habe ich den Befehl bekommen mein rosa Dienstmädchenoutfit anzuziehen + Plug und kg und uns essen zu machen. Danach haben wir noch ein paar Sachen im Haushalt erledigt. Als meine Aufgaben erledigt waren durfte ich ihre Füße küssen während sie noch etwas erledigt hat. Als sie fertig war sind wir einkaufen gefahren. Ich hatte meine Frauenunterwäsche und kg und Plug an. Daheim angekommen durfte ich den Plug entfernen, das dieser schon sehr anstrengend war. Während ich die Spülmaschine ausgeräumt habe, hat sie mich mit der Peitsche angetrieben. Anschließend hat sie sich auf die Couch gesetzt und ich durfte ihre Füße massieren, küssen und sogar lecken. Ich liebe es wenn sie mich demütigt und mir meinen Platz zeigt. Zur Belohnung durfte ich dann sogar kommen. Hierfür hatte ich fünf versuche. Pro Versuch durfte ich Würfeln und die Augenanzahl hat angegeben wie viele Minuten ich für einen Versuch habe. Ich durfte entscheiden mit welchen Hilfsmitteln ich es versuche aber durfte jedes nur ein Mal verwenden. Ausgenommen war Sex, aktive Hilfe von ihr und meine Hände. Als erstes wählte ich einen dildo und ich hatte 4 Minuten Zeit. Da ich anal noch nicht kommen kann habe ich mich damit scharf gemacht. Die Demütigung mich im Dienstmädchenoutfit selbst mit einem dildo ficken zu müssen während sie mir zusieht haben mich noch geiler gemacht. Als nächsten Versuch habe ich gebeten mich an ihrem Bein reiben zu dürfen. Ich habe aber nur den Fuß erlaubt bekommen, was mich noch zusätzlich geil gemacht hat. Ich hatte 6 Minuten Zeit und habe es tatsächlich geschafft und auf ihren Fuß gespritzt. Anschließend durfte ich ihren Fuß und alles was daneben ging auflecken. Den Rest vom Tag haben wir dann einfach Pärchenzeit gehabt.
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4gh0st · 2 years
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Him ♡
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virtualbunny · 1 year
idk if you’ve done this before but headcanons for the boys when they’re jealous?? or what it takes to get them jealous???? i’ve been having jealous jackson BRAINROTTTT
Apparently I haven't done this before so lets see if I can get this correct... hopefully 😅
Miller's squad: how they get and what they do when they're jealous
! gender neutral pronouns !
John Miller:
doesn't really get jealous
perhaps if a younger person is flirting with you but that's about it
won't make a scene if he is
talks to you about it in private
probably admits he's a little jealous
Mike Horvath:
He disguises his jealousy with being "overprotective"
I don't think he gets that jealous either
maybe if someone in his friend group or anyone he's familiar with is flirting with you
if that ever happens, he'll take it personally
Daniel Jackson:
he's a confident guy
nobody really dares to flirt with you because how he gets
death starer
flips his knife in his hand or toy around with his gun when somebody starts to get to comfortable around you
whispers" do yourself a favor and stay the fuck away from my s/o"
pats the persons shoulder (hard) and gives a smile then walks away
leaving the person standing shocked and confused
Richard Reiben:
he's a big guy, probably one of the biggest in his unit
everybody knows how "aggressive" he can get and how fast for that matter
some people do dare though to flirt and be a little to touchy with you
and may the universe show them mercy because Reiben sure won't
grabs the person by the jaw, stares into their soul and half spits in their face "Touch or say ANYTHING to them again, I'll break your fucking jaw"
apologizes to you after if he gets to jealous.. even if he hates to admit it
Irwin Wade:
not really the jealous type
but sometimes it gets under his skin if the person touches you or say something promiscuous behind your back
if the person is hurt he'll passionately aggressively take care of them
like pulling the thread hard and poke them a bit aggressively with the needle if he's sewing up a wound
or aggressively twist and turn them with the excuse of "i'm just looking for bruises and wounds"
Stanley Mellish:
tbh, he gets jealous pretty fast
especially if he doesn't know that person
he's the king of insults so that's his tactic to fet them as far away from you and himself
" hey buddy, you look like a fucking testicle, so do everybody a favor and stay the fuck away from them"
waves them away with his hand like "shoo shoo, go away you pest" without batting them an eye
Timothy Upham:
doesn't really get jealous, more like.. insecure?
but he does stand up for what he doesn't like or agree with
talks to the person like a civil human being
" I don't appreciate you talking to my s/o so please stop"
when and IF it gets overboard though, lol yikes
WILL throw a few punches IF he has too
is surprisingly strong
Adrian Caparzo:
big guy 2.0
he's a confident guy as well so he doesn't feel like other people are a threat to him
he gets jealous like maybe two times half a year
blows smoke in the persons face and just says "leave" while staring at them until they eventually they do
and they do that pretty quickly
POV: Jackson's death stare
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strictpunishedhubby · 9 months
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Wenn meine Frau den Rohrstock in ihren Händen drohend vor mir steht, diesen mehrfach zischend durch die Luft sausen lässt, ich auf ihren Befehl zwecks meiner bevorstehenden Züchtigung meine Hose herunterziehe, ist meine Angst am größten. Weiß ich doch zu genau, es wird für mich und meinem Po sehr schmerzhaft werden! Ich werde vergebens um Gnade betteln, laut heulen und schreien und nach Beendigung meiner Rohrstockstrafe meinen roten, durchgeprügelten Po heftig reiben, jammernd durch das Zimmer hüpfen. Tränen aus Pein strömen aus meinen Augen herunter. Meine Frau wird weiterhin mit mir schimpfen und mir vorwerfen, mich wie ein kleiner, wehleidiger Rotzlöffel zu benehmen. Mitleid hat sie mit mir nicht, im Gegenteil, sie wird mich für lange Zeit mit meinem nackten, versohlten Po in die Ecke schicken. Sie findet das als eine gerechtfertigte Erziehungsmaßnahme, die ich mir wegen Ungezogenheit selber zuzuschreiben habe. Ich werde mich selber bedauern und mir schwören ab sofort artig zu sein. Ich werde darüber nachdenken, wie ich mich bei meiner Frau demütig und einsichtig entschuldige, um eine weitere Züchtigung zu vermeiden. Oft habe ich damit keinen Erfolg und so werde ich wahrscheinlich bald ein zweites Mal wehleidig, meinen Po reibend im Zimmer herumspringen, zur Genugtuung meiner strengen Frau und Erzieherin!
When my wife stands threateningly in front of me with the cane in her hands, lets it hiss through the air several times, and when I pull down my pants at her command for the purpose of my impending punishment, my fear is greatest. I know too well, it will be very painful for me and my bottom! I will beg for mercy in vain, howl and scream loudly and after my cane punishment will rub my red, beaten buttocks violently, hop around the room moaning.Tears of pain stream down from my eyes. My wife will continue to scold me and accuse me of behaving like a self-pitying little snot. She doesn't feel sorry for me, on the contrary, she'll send me into the corner for a long time with my bare, spanked bottom. She sees this as a justifiable educational measure, which I have to blame myself for being naughty. I'll feel sorry for myself and swear to be good from now on. I will consider how to humbly and insightfully apologize to my wife to avoid another beating. Often I don't have any success with it and so I'll probably soon be whining and jumping around the room rubbing my butt a second time, to the satisfaction of my strict wife and governess!
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