doli-nemae · 2 years
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luvtonique · 6 months
I'm just gonna up and say it.
I'm gonna be real. It's something too many of you need to hear.
And it's time someone told you.
If you are made aware of a violent and bloody war, where people are being slaughtered, killed, raped, tortured, having their children killed, having their homes and families destroyed, having their lives taken...
And you see it as an opportunity to "choose a side you support" and put their nation's flag on your profile in support of them, and condemn people who don't support the same side as you?
If you are actively looking for reasons to support your 'side,' making excuses on behalf of bloodshed, arguing about what's 'justified' or 'a result of provocation' to further advocate for bloodshed?
If you ask people which side they support and know deep down that you will be viciously angry if they say "Neither" "I want this violence to stop" or the opposite side of the one you support?
I'm sorry.
But you are a fucking monster.
I have to say this. I literally can't keep reading posts from people fighting over whether they support Israel or Palestine, or even Ukraine or Russia.
This isn't fucking Esports you actual psychopaths! This is war and people are fucking dying! If you are celebrating when you hear "Ukrainians kill 1000 Russian soldiers" or "Palestinians kill Israeli children" you are literally a fucking monster. You are celebrating death, you are celebrating bloodshed, how the fuck do you look at yourself in the mirror and see anything other than a psychopathic death-obsessed twisted individual staring back at you?
You are sick. End of story.
Holy fucking lord I can't believe you fucking monsters so regularly celebrate slaughter of people. These are people, these are lives, these are human beings being fucking killed and you're waving around a flag like you're cheering for a sports team what the
From the bottom of my heart I hope that you all stand up right now, walk to the mirror, stare into it, and ask yourself, truly, deeply, if this is the person you really want to be. Someone who argues with people about why one side or the other is the 'good' side in war. Someone who actively looks for reasons to forgive the horrible violence happening in our world that's ending thousands and thousands of lives.
This isn't even just for war. Violence in general.
Stop it. Stop thinking there's a good side. Stop thinking violence is justified. I don't care what you fucking think about "the other side" and how it's "okay to punch them," you're a fucking freak of nature looking for any reason you can to justify violence as long as the violence lines up with your personal political views. You are just a fucking sick person.
Someone had to say it. You had to hear it. And I know damn well it's gonna fall on quite a lot of deaf fucking ears because social media is just full of you violence-obsessed genocidal fuckwits.
I already know the replies I'm gonna see.
"But what about if the person being killed is a <label> or voted for <name>? It should be okay to advocate violence against them"
"Oh so it's okay if x kills y but not if y kills x?"
"Wow I can tell what side you chose <clown emoji>"
I know it. I can feel it. I can feel you Tumblrites seething from reading this, from being told the truth about how much of a psycho you are, and you're conjuring every bit of your smug energy, looking into the void of your mind to find the perfect end to a sentence starting with "Wow it's almost as if" so you can "Own me" instead of taking your hands off your keyboard, standing up, thinking for one second about who you are and what your morals are, and deciding to stop advocating violence in any form.
And to the select few who read this and go "Yeah I already don't advocate violence and I'm already a person who just wishes it would stop instead of taking an opportunity to attack people and feel justified in my attack" then you're fine. You're a good person. Go get yourself a nice piece of butter toast or like make some soup you've earned it.
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unhonestlymirror · 5 months
Literally, the only thing I, as a Ukrainian, ask people in this fandom for is to not spread prorussian narratives. I know it's hard to do because Himaruya himself is super prorussian, but please manage. I'm not asking you to go fight, or donate, or even fight with prorussians online. Do not spread russian propaganda. It really is that simple. It was russian propaganda, which ruined my life, and after it, russian missiles came.
You wanted to hear the opinion of Eastern Europeans, so here we go: PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT. Please do not portray Belarus as russia's sister under Lukashenko's flag being in love with russia, or Ukraine being russia's sister, or Latvia trembling of russia, or rusliet - because you can't even imagine how many our people were killed and tortured by russia, and how many our people are being killed and tortured by russia RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW. Every single family in Ukraine, in Belarus, in Lithuania, in Latvia, has relatives and ancestors killed by russia. You don't touch Estonia, you don't touch the relationship between Poland and Germany, so please don't touch my countries too. It really is devastating to read the news about what russia is doing to my people right now, and then go to tumblr and see in tags whatever you see.
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thecursivej · 2 months
SOTU - 2024
Well, I'm forcing myself to watch the State of the Union while I grade speeches, so I figured I'd record my reactions and thoughts here.
Do I hope for the words "Immediate Ceasefire"? Absolutely. Will we get them? Looking at the track record, probably not. But I remain optimistic because otherwise I'd be six feet under by now; ANYWHO here is a list of my reactions/thoughts/general feelings of the evening's watch.
I do want to give a point of clarity: I technically am identified as a democrat; truly, I'm a socialist, but seeing as how the U.S. is stuck in this godforsaken two-party-system, that is where I am. Though both sides have me feeling very french-revolutionary-esque.
Of course the first thing I see if MTG rifling through her purse on screen. I quite literally despise her.
AP is discussing Ukraine's need for weapons and funding; I would truly rather us align with Ukraine than Isr@el. I will stand unapologetically firm for Palestine and Ukraine.
Who is actually in the cabinet? I know Blinken, Garland, and Buttiegeg. Damn, wish he was running again. Would rather have him than Biden.
How insane is it that the Sec. of Defense didn't even let the White House know that he had to go in for surgery because of cancer. Like, that's just bonkers to me.
Republicans truly look like fucking robots right now. No warm greetings, no hellos, simple nods.
Republicans out here wasting fucking time with that impeachment of Mayorkas. Like how about we house the homeless populations with the money they wasted on this circus.
Oh funky fresh look at the Ultra-Mormon(TM) Mitt Romney.
MTG with that stupid fucking MAGA hat on is just... disgusting. Like this bitch is crazy.
Okay Joe, speed it up down the fucking aisle please. I got papers to grade.
Lowkey Joe looks like he might have had a five-hour energy drink with that big-ole look in his eyes.
I do appreciate that Joe still smiles and is kind to MTG. She truly doesn't deserve it.
Okay this is getting just a wee bit too monarchy for me.
MTG holds up a button saying "Laken Riley..." (couldn't read the rest). Riley was a 14 year old girl murdered by a man who was an illegal immigrant of venezuela, and instead of handling this situation with grace, empathy, and love; MTG and others seem to be capitalizing on her death to push their anti-immigration rhetoric.
Okay, cool selfie skills Joe, but let's get on with it.
BERNIE AND RAPHAEL! I feel like I haven't seen these guys in 10 million years.
Oh thank god we're starting.
Aww the little hand shake thingy he does with Kamala makes my heart happy.
Did Joe just yell "tony"?!
Wow, even got some republicans clapping for him (probs not a good thing but here we are)
Okay, good bit of humor at the top; and a throwback to the 40s. Funky fresh.
Yeah we ain't living in ordinary times for damn sure.
Interesting point of democracy being attacked here in the U.S. AND Internationally. (Mentions Ukraine and Putin; no word on Gaza yet).
Someone busted out a Ukrainian flag and shook it; rock on.
Appreciate the insistance that the U.S. won't send troops to UKR.
Good use of Reagan to connect with the Repubs; and compare to the predecessor (aka Tr*mp).
Mike Johnson nodding instead of clapping about the predecessor comment, trying to save his ass in Orange Man's eyes.
Welcome to NATO, Sweden!
If there is one thing that should connect Democrats and Republicans; it's hatred for Putin. Yet there's a mix of Repubs standing in agreement and sitting to back up the predecessor's comment on Putin doing "whatever the hell he wants"
Talking about Jan 6. What breaks my heart? My parents still believe it wasn't an insurrection. Yikes on Bikes for me.
The line "You can't love your country only when you win" hits hard and even got Mike Johnson to applaud in agreement.
Foreign AND Domestic. Need a hefty focus on that with the right-wing republican group (@ MTG, Gaetz, Cruz, etc.)
Discussing IVF in Alabama; good connection to the overturning of Rowe v. Wade. It sucks that Republicans HAVE THE POWER to protect IVF nationally but shot the damn bill down not even a week ago.
ABORTION IS A HUMAN RIGHT. BODILY AUTONOMY IS A HUMAN. FUCKING. RIGHT. (@ The Missouri Senators who support taking away bodily autonomy).
WOMEN AREN'T WITHOUT ELECTORAL AND POLITICAL POWER; WE ABOUT TO TURN UP IN FORCE MOTHERFUCKERS!!! Bring back the strats from the 1900s; time to use our power and go bonkers.
Someone get Joe a glass of water please. Motherfucker looks a bit parched and keeps coughing. I get that when my throat goes dryyy
Can Biden not restore RvW? Can he not by an executive order make RvW the law of the land already?
Revisiting COVID's start from 2020 (Next week is the four year anniversary since the global pandemic).
PFFT idk who just yelled "LIES" but that was comical AF.
Well, the pandemic still controls a big part of our lives... so...don't agree with that shit.
Man, everyone sitting-and-standing must be getting a HELLA calf work out.
Sure, unemployment is down and new jobs are built; but corporate greed is quite literally killing us. Can Congress or Biden do something, damn it?!
Are we beginning to feel it, though? Are we feeling good economics? I doubt we are.
Good job pointing out how both parties have failed to buy american products, but how this admin has established that.
There's a good two rows of Republicans who stand in applause; but the rest just... sit there. Like robots. It's freaky as fuck.
Joe is actually doing pretty great with the flow of this speech. Only a couple of stumbles, but overall pretty gucci. (He'd get a 9/10 on delivery in my public speaking class).
God these fuckers are really gonna make me run for office at this damn point.
Removing poisonous lead pipes... but there's still a water crisis in Flint, Biden. Like, what the fuckeroni do you mean?
Yes, let's invest in family farms; lets stop selling our farmland (especially in Missouri) to foreign countries (@ China buying up TONS of Missouri Farmland).
I love that the UAW president is here, because he straight up is my kind of people. Dude wears eat-the-rich shirts and calls out the unethical-ness of billionaires.
UAW President pointing to Biden saying "It's you!"; nah dawg, it's you Sean.
Yes we get back up but right now...we might be getting more french revolutionary-esque if y'all don't stop PLAYING WITH OUR LIVES.
Oh jesus not the 4-more-years chants.
Oh now we talking about the future
Says he's not anti-corp; but points out how trickle down economics has only helped the wealthy.
Yeah, how the fuck does it hurt the wealthy to pay just a weeee bit more in taxes? Like dawg, what are you gonna do with another million? What's the point?
Ooooh is Biden about to rope the repubs into some bipartisan shit? Please do.
What is Republicans huge issue with capping insulin? Truly? Who does it harm? Billionaires still get billions.
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hussyknee · 6 months
Israel is fucking abhorrent but how can you think the solution is supporting Putin—who is also engaging in genocide right now?? I followed you here because of your support for Ukranian bloggers against disinformation, saying the west is gonna “make you” support another genocidal maniac and that you’re down with other people who’ve been cheering just that and other genocides on now is horrible. What the fuck.
You cannot trust people who are cool with one genocide to seriously oppose others! That’s true of anti-tankie pro-Israel types too! Get a grip!
At first I was baffled by this because I was ripping into a Tankie just yesterday for their moral posturing over Palestine because the same people have no problem erasing and denying the rest of the Global South's genocides when it suits them. I haven't forgotten Ukraine and never will.
Then I realized this was about my infuriated post about liberals harrassing people to vote for Biden while we're watching the extent of not just his own administration's but the entire Western political establishment's utter moral depravity and commitment to genocide. I said I now will support not just Hamas but also Houthis and Hezbollah and literally any motherfucker who will do something to help Gaza, even Putin, even though I'll probably want to kill myself for having to support another genocider.
I was going to talk to you about betrayal, in the context of your country's treatment of Black and brown students, and talk about how every fuckstick with a Ukrainian flag pinned to their bio, nearly all white Europeans, are out defending Israel's rights underneath videos of dead and maimed and screaming Palestinian children. I've started reacting viscerally to the very sight of your flag did you know that??
I wanted to ask you to contrast the West's mobilization and outcry for you, with the way they're funding and manufacturing consent for Israel cutting off all food, water and electricity for two million people in a concentration camp while carpet bombing them for a solid month. To imagine the level of concerted dehumanization, repression, persecution, and psychological brutalism they're subjecting Arabs and Muslims to, and by extension the rest of the Global South. To understand that within one month far more Gazans have been murdered than you have lost in 20. That they no longer have water or anything to eat, and Israel is still bombing as many fishing boats and solar panels and food stores still remaining so that they are now slowly dying of dehydration, starvation and sepsis. And that none of the governments have any intention of so much as calling a "humanitarian pause" let alone a ceasefire while raising money for "humanitarian aid" they won't send. THAT HALF OF GAZA MIGHT WELL DIE IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS AND SO FAR THE ONLY PEOPLE HELPING FIGHT ISRAEL ARE HAMAS'S ALLIES.
I was going to ask you to imagine why, under these circumstances, I might now feel slightly more appreciative of the same people who protested the US's military support for Ukraine now getting themselves bodily thrown out of Congress hearings protesting the US sending Israel billions more for their bombs and weapons.
But you know what? I don't actually want to ask you for any of that. Because I want nothing to do with this level of selfish, self-involved, entitled, white sociopathy.
My care and compassion for oppressed and suffering human beings are not contingent on their moral behaviour. I'm always going to care about Ukraine even if every single one of you turn out be the same kind of racist colonial cunt that's migrated to Israel. Despite everything I'm still deeply sad that any hope of the US divesting from Israel might have to come at the expense of their support for y'all as well, although as of now them divesting from Israel is far less likely than y'all ever losing out. And I'm not a fucking idiot, I know exactly what kind of self-interested imperialist bootlickers Tankies are.
But understand that Black and brown people owe you nothing. We are intimately familiar with the fact that we're barely human to any of you white chucklefucks, irrespective of region or religion or ethnicity. And still the vast majority of us don't want you to lose your homes and families, because our moral compasses and humanity have always outstripped yours.
Get off my blog and go fuck yourself.
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legilimensims · 6 months
i know i have been *very* vocal about my support of ukraine during the current russian invasion, and pretty much silent about what’s happening in palestine and israel. the reason being: i have ukrainian friends, my mother has ukrainians friends and colleagues, and i feel i am much more educated on the matter to comfortably have a strong opinion and a strong position to defend, no hesitation.
one thing i’ve noticed since october 7th being online most of my time, being a member of community notes on twitter (x…whatever) and fact-checking a hell of a lot of stuff, trying to educate myself, is…how quickly narrative spins. how quickly misinformation spreads. how quickly one nation is labelled the victim, then the aggressor, and vice versa. how quickly and promptly acts of immeasurable, atrocious violence were justified - some sort of perverse “well she was wearing a skirt so she brought it on herself, she deserved it” - and called it “resistance”. how quickly antisemitism escalated (like, don’t even deny this), jews around the world experiencing hate crimes, stuff we thought was left behind after ww2. how quickly palestinians as a whole are called terrorists, and actual terrorist supporters gleefully celebrate beheadings whilst in the comfort of the democratic countries in which they were born in or found refuge. how quickly a country can be accused of fabricating/staging video evidence of atrocities just because of its flag and preexisting hate.
i don’t think i’ve ever witnessed this much hate around the world, it’s…abhorrent. people (again, from the comfort and protection of their democratic, free countries) wishing others to experience pain and suffering and being remembered as murderers for stating an opinion and supporting a specific side? like what. the. hell. we’ve reached a new low as a collective.
i have a lot of opinions, but to comment on the latest happenings i think that the blame of this current escalation solely lies on israeli politicians currently in charge, they were just waiting for the opportunity to level gaza to the ground and no foreign government could’ve done a thing - i saw how fast some are pointing their fingers at the usa especially and, speaking as a staunch biden supporter, i firmly believe that, naively and stupidly, nobody expected that by following international law, the right of defence, the israeli president would commit genocide as a retaliation to a terrorist attack. i expect the usa and the rest of the world’s democratic governments to firmly condemn this.
speaking of, it is also my belief that the perpetrators of the attack against israeli civilians backed by other dictatorial countries, absolutely 100% knew what they were doing. they knew israel would retaliate, and they knew this situation would create disagreements among nations - look at the hate towards biden, only him as usual. somehow the decisions of other countries' presidents are always magically his fault, damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. you just have to thank your gods biden is in the white house right now and not puZZin's puppet the orange tangerine, elections are next year and you have to pray he wins 2024 and not only because he's the best, most succesful president the usa have had in fucking years and yet americans are too stupid and ungrateful to see it; if you are american and are like "nah i'm not voting him because blah blah" you ARE NOT in the position to have a 3rd party candidate, if you don't vote biden you ARE handing the victory to extreme far-right politicians - don't you dare come crying & blame the other side when republicans obliterate your rights, your medicare, your social security, they WILL impose a christian theocracy on you, if biden is not the democratic candidate or if he loses you are fucked. YOU. ARE. FUCKED. and the world's gonna be even more disastrous. i won't hear any arguments on this.
destabilizing and undermining global democracy is the point of the two most prominent current wars and in the end it’s always the innocents who pay the hardest price.
to conclude this world salad…idk. it’s all so overwhelming, and discouraging, and i feel in conflict with myself for “sympathizing” with both sides, to a degree.
i just want people to live in peace.
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thesearchforbluejello · 9 months
Like the Ukrainian flag and the UPO red and black flag are literally in multiple parts of the riot footage?????? LIKE CLEARLY SHOWN?????? I never noticed because it was too small on my TV but I IMMEDIATELY spotted it on my phone just now. Amazon sucks and I can't screenshot it but holy shit??????
They fucking call it an uprising by "seditious elements"????????????????????????? And yet the Kiley 279 government is made out to not be the villains?????? Are you fucking JOKING right now????????????????
Using Jan 6th footage was also not the best take but this is honestly a bad fucking decision because it wasn't given even a shred of context about what the Euromaidan was and how its impact was literally THE FUCKING REASON RUSSIA INVADED I'm so mad I could spit fire right now honestly.
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notvv0ltz · 1 year
So basically I'm Mem (also Mitch or vv0ltz as an artist name), I draw cartoony shit, mostly OCs and my very short hyperfixations I switch over every week /hyp Some minifacts: - I use he/him and en/ens - AuDHD, also very much PDA - nby gay aroace-spec - white russian Basically, that's it
>> Major notes about this blog:
I don't put CWs on caps and swearing, also this means I do it a lot
I'm very pretty much AuDHD and I'll be annoying about it
I'm overall annoying
I usually tag fandoms I reblog
May have uhhh a phase when I draw Literally The Same Character
My long-time special interests: RaC, LBP2-3, my OCs, Tarboy (IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN TARBOY MARRY ME NOW /J), *SIIIGH* I feel like Moral Orel is about to become one
Sometimes pull out not SFW jokes
>> Navigation:
>> Bunch of opinions on things (not necessary to read, but sometimes I block over these):
Tumblr media
Russia's invasion of Ukraine
You should go fucking drown in a swamp if:
1. You do think that Russia has "valid" reasons (you're a fucking nazi then, russians are literally committing genocide of ukrainians
2. Believe in russophobia
3. Fucking compare russians to jewish people?????? USSR and The Third Reich were literally ✨ the besties ✨ and no I'm talking not just about pact (read this article jesus christ), OH AND ALSO Stalin was very much a fan of Hitler so YES Russia pretty much ALWAYS was a nazi and imperialist state
4. If you cry over "russians DNI"
5. Related to 4, don't ever fucking fight with ukrainians that are venting out about us not in a "censored" way, ESPECIALLY DON'T REPLY WITH "some ukrainians are so mad it scares me" THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO WISH WE WERE DEAD SHUT THE FUCK UP
6. "Not all russians" my ass, go die
I don't care about flag discourse, idk why flags should be attached to creators overall
Hammer and sickle users
Hammer and sickle in bio bitches don't even try to follow me. I don't support symbols promoting genocides. I literally can't stand you all. Especially if you are using them and you aren't from post USSR countries
Flag discourse
Rad exclus/inclus
Neither rad exclus or rad inclus (both are incredibly annoying btw)
Ace/aro discourse
Ace/aro exclus make my blood boil I'm tired of this shit as aroace-spec enself
Fiction discourse
Pls guys stop ffs, it's far more complicated than ships, you guys need to talk about all media and it's influence (obviously, I block 30+ old guys who think that lolicon isn't harmful and actively consume it)
Edit: I don't care anymore lol
Self DX
100% support, even if your source is tiktok
Xenogenders, neopronouns
I literally use en/ens
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astrovian · 2 years
I realise he's probably just very busy and doesn't owe us anything
(particularly in regards to political comments)
(and I much prefer nothing over a faux 'Oh I'm an ally just for the sake of looking good to fans rather than actually feeling that this is something worth discussing with the world')
but I'm kinda sad to see that RA hasn't spoken out or said anything on the whole Roe vs. Wade debacle
like don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not saying "oh no this means he doesn't support abortion rights" but like... I wish he wasn't as subtle for once
I praised him for not taking up space meant for Ukrainian voices when the war broke out & instead subtly showing support with his Ukrainian flag tie pin - because that was what was needed at the time
but in these circumstances I don't think it's a time for anyone to be subtle. people need to speak out, especially men, in defense of women & the rights being stripped from us
him speaking out and using his influence would mean so much more than any subtle future nods he may or may not do
I know he probably hates feeling like he has to speak out on every issue because he's a public figure but there are sometimes when actually, as someone with a large audience/influence, you do carry some burden to actually utilize it to call out injustice
I think I'm just very much noticing those who are choosing not to speak right now... because this won't stop in the US. it's relevant to everyone because other governments will use it as precedent & justification
tl;dr: I'm not saying he has to talk at great length about something he isn't overly familiar with, but if he *is* pro-choice I personally think every public figure has a responsibility to step the fuck up regardless of gender
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automatismoateo · 2 months
(rant) Fuck this old pile of crap via /r/atheism
(rant) Fuck this old pile of crap https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/pope-says-ukraine-should-have-courage-white-flag-negotiations-2024-03-09/ ROME, March 9 (Reuters) - Pope Francis has said in an interview that Ukraine should have what he called the courage of the "white flag" and negotiate an end to the war with Russia that followed Moscow's full-scale invasion two years ago and that has killed tens of thousands. I'm Ukrainian, and this bullshit really triggered me. So the pope wants us to forgive and forget about tens of thousands murdered and tortured civilians, kidnapped children, raped women, destroyed cities. We're facing a real genocide: ruzzia wants to eliminate us simply because we dared to exist. But we keep fighting for our land, our loved ones and families, our homes, we fight for our right to live. Just how inhumanly awful is sounds asking us now to surrender to the "mercy" of fascist dictatorship. ​ Submitted March 09, 2024 at 08:31PM by living_in_nightmare (From Reddit https://ift.tt/IpCbM4H)
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officialtayley · 6 months
i would love them to post anything but yall are so annoying with these comparisons to situation in ukraine. no the band didn't post anything last year. no hayley didn't post anything. (gdy did via facebook so i think they could have said something now as well). what means hayley wearing shirt with ukraine flag? she could have worn one with palestinian and we wouldn't know. again i agree that they could have said something but it doesn't have anything to do with their ukraine activism which there was barely any (not to mention how different both situations are politically)? i just cannot with people reaching that them not speaking up means that only ukrainian lives matter to them which is like so BS??? the news also doesn't count this song isn't about fucking war i feel like i'm listening to different song if people understand it this way. if they would speak up now it would be the very first time they would ever say a thing about international issues that involve one group (/country)'s aggression on another (no idea how to say in english but i hope you get what i mean)
i understand what you're saying and i'm not going to disagree with you, but at the same time i can understand why others are doing that. ppl here aren't the only ones doing it, others have been too, and it's primarily just because they got support from everyone and yet people are simply struggling to say they care about palestinians lives and them getting aid and treatment and stuff. for a lot of people, just from what i have read and seen, that's all it is, especially when it comes to celebs with platforms. that's all i have to add. i don't really have an opinion
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suratan-zir · 2 years
Hey, how's things? Saw on the news that things were a bit more tense than usual in the Ukraine right now and wanted to check in. Hope you're happy and safe all things considered right now.
Hi! Thanks for checking in on me, it's very sweet of you 💙
TW: politics, war
I'm fine because I moved from Donetsk to a peaceful town in Central Ukraine (btw, it's just "in Ukraine", without "the". It is a sensitive topic for many Ukrainians, this is the only reason why I'm correcting you. I really hope I don't sound rude).
But if you're asking about the whole "Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine" thing...well, it sucks, what else can I say? Russia already did this in 2014, there are still full-blown war going on in my homeland and it's not going to stop anytime soon. Do I believe that Russia can attack again, but this time on the whole of Ukraine? I absolutely do. It can be just a bluff, but it might also be preparation for war. I do feel scared all the time. I forgot what it's like to feel safe and confident about what tomorrow might bring. But since there's nothing I can do about it, I'm just trying to stay as calm and optimistic as possible. I am much happier on the free part of Ukraine, it's nice to just walk around without constantly seeing all the symbolics of the invaders (like literally, flags of "DPR" and Russia on every fucking kiosk, on every building. It is the law there, if you own a business and don't fly their flag outside your building, you will be in trouble). It was psychologically hard to live among the people who destroyed your peaceful life, took it away from you. You see them every day on the streets and can't do shit about it, just silently hate. Because they have guns, they have power, and you don't. And it can be literally anyone. For example, my husband used to walk our dog with one lady, who later tried to invite us for dinner with her and her husband. They had no friends in town. Because her husband was a Russian military officer who was just recently sent to Donetsk. Sent to kill Ukrainians on Ukrainian land. Sent to help keep this stupid fucking war going.
Uff...I'm sorry, got off topic. Yeah, I'm way happier now, hopefully it stays this way. Again, it is very kind of you to check in on me. I appreciate it so so so much ❤️
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kateua · 2 years
Haven't posted here in a while, but I just wanted to come here and say that I'm fine and safe, at least for now. Although I am very scared for myself, for my family, for my friends, for everyone at their homes trying to protect themselves from attacks and especially for those fighting in the forces and protecting all of us and our land.
But we have to stay strong and believe, because Ukrainians are the most courageous people I know. And we'll get through this, we just have to.
Wish NATO had at least a little bit of this courage to finally help us protect our airspace. It would've saved so many lives already and would help us end these bitches sooner. And it would protect the rest of Europe, too. You never know what this monster putin would want to invade next.
As for russia and the russians, since 2014, I flinched every time I heard their anthem (so I had to put it on mute every time or try to leave the arena as soon as possible), seeing their flag hasn't been easy too, all the love and support and praising of their teams and athletes made me uneasy, including people jokingly (or not) saying they'd love to learn the russian anthem to sing along during the sports award ceremonies. But I tried to make excuses for some of them and still supported some of the athletes.
Now there's no more excuses for any russian who doesn't do anything to stop this war and haven't done anything to fight the government for years (meaning most of them), no excuses for staying silent and being scared of going to a protest (there are some, but it's not enough, not in comparison to how many Ukrainians have been fighting for justice and risking their lives). There will be no forgiveness for the number of killings they've commited or allowed. Not in their (and mine) lifetimes. russia's committing war crimes killing innocent people, targeting civillians' homes, even kindergartens and hospitals, trying to invade an independent country (how much land do you fucking want, you sick bastards??), and there's nothing that will ever justify that.
And most of them don't even know how many of their people, their sons, husbands and friends have already died (4k+ as of now). They still believe it's some kind of an "operation", not an actual war. I wish I still had it in me to feel sorry for you for being fed this propaganda bs for so many years (and some of it have spread to international media, unfortunately). But I don't. Instead, I hate all of you with every inch of my soul for doing this to us. I hate russian language, I hate anything russian I see. There are veeery limited exceptions left for those who at least make their opposition to putin and war public. To everyone else, fuck you, fuck you until your country pays for all the pain it's caused (not just in Ukraine, but in other countries they've invaded or helped invading).
Don't even care if I'm banned for "hate speech" or something. All I care about is for my people to survive.
Hope you'll never know what it's like to hear explosions in your city, to sleep in the hall trying to avoid being near the windows, to run to a subway while the sirens are screaming not knowing whether you'll get there in time (or hear them while there's no shelter nearby) and to feel the threat of invaders coming. We all know it now, not just a few regions, but the whole freaking country, the biggest country in Europe with some of the greatest and oldest history and culture, the country which NATO is not willing to protect.
Слава Україні 🇺🇦
Русский корабль, иди нахуй 🔥
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Just signed up to volunteer to prepare flats for refugees that will come to my city. Lowkey it might make me feel better to know I'm helping someone but I still feel quiet useless.
I have been to a protest today with my mum. We gave some money to volunteers and she posted on her social media. Ukrainian musicians were playing and singing song in their language. Many people in the crowd sang with them. Someone installed a project that displayed flag of Ukaine, Poland and my city on the building behind the musicians. Protest wasn't as big as yesterday but many people stopped for a while and donated money.
City is full of Ukrainian flags. Many shops have information on display that they donate part for their many to refugees. I got many emails from my university about accommodation and help for Ukrainian students. When I go on Instagram or Facebook all my friends post abou different foundations or actions that are trying to help.
We are all trying our best to help but I feel like it will never be enough. We protested so many things last year in Poland and nobody ever listened. Black Fridays and Women's Strike were massive events and abortion laws got stricter anyway. We protested all the changes in education and expressed that we want new minister of education but he still has his job and his proposals are implemented into the system. We showed that lgbtq+ people are among us and want respect and rights but they are still villanised by media. Oh yeah we said we wanted free media without government propaganda and it get only worse. So much stuff got so much worse recently. Like I'm still not a biggest expert in politics. I don't understand economy well enough to talk about it. Or international relations. But I can see that things are going the bad way. Even more there are still people on Polish - Belarus border that our government refuses to let into the country. Those people are dying of cold and are held out by soldiers even though they are also refugees running away from war. And even though we protest and try to help nothing is changing.
I often say that Poland is a shitty country and I belive that wholeheartedly. We as people can protest, can try to change it but our voices are getting ignored. I really don't have high hopes for the future. I will try my best to help all people that need it. Now those are Ukrainian people who are seeking shelter. We all will try our best to help. But so much stuff has already gone wrong in this place that I'm losing hope that anything will ever get better. Maybe in few years I will have to leave my home and hope someone in other country will be willing to help me. I have no fucking clue and I'm so scared about the future.
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Part 6, ending
You would never think that silent, calm breakfast time could turn into real storm. Artem kept rotating spoon in his cup and you kept looking down like it wasn't annoying. He's spent a lot of time in his room, talking by phone but you wasn't able to hear anything.
- He's leaving. Do you know that?
You gulped, knowing very well what he meant. It would be hypocrisy to act that you didn't understand his question but you only looked up at Artem.
- Melovin. He's moving to Kiev.
- Why do you ask me? You finally spoke.
- He's leaving because something happend between you two, right?
- Why do you think it has anything in common with me?- You asked him, putting out your cutlery with anger.
- Because you're silent like you was hiding something. You don't seem surprised.- Artem said. There was something in his gaze that you couldn't describe. Not really anger or sadness. It was tiring to hide that he wasn't that wrong about it but it was so obvious that he never really trusted you.
- Artem, who do you think I am?! I'm so done with your distrust. You always suspected something, didn't you?- You raised your voice and left kitchen.
- Yes because he seemed to be interested in you from the start. The way he fucking looked at you and your weird reactions when I was joining you! I'm not the only one who noticed it! - He screamed, following you to guest room- How long this was happening?- He suddenly asked you so you turned to him.
- How long- what?!
- When did you stabbed me in a back and started this shit?! - Artem yelled and pushed chair next to him. You've never seen him that angry.
- What the hell are you talking about? I've never cheated on you! He admitted that he has thing for me and left.
- Has a thing? A thing? - He hissed - I'm not a fucking idiot. I know him better than myself. He wouldn't leave his hometown just like that. It must be something serious.
- I didn’t know what he felt about me till he explained why he’s leaving. He was scared to ruin your friendship. I was scared too - You started and moved closer to Artem - Please, don't blame him. He didn't know how to hide how he feels. It wasn't easy for any of us.
- And why do you defend him?
- I don't - You murmured, confused- I just don't want to be a reason of you two fighting.
It was like never before. You felt so far from your boyfriend. The way Artem was looking at you, felt like you were strangers.
- Is he only friend to you?
- Artem..
- It's easy question - He sighed, touching his forehead.
- Whatever I feel know, I don't think we can fix what just failed - You said with tears in your eyes - It's not about Mel anymore. I'm sorry but I'm tired of this. I'm not comfortable in this relationship.
It hurted to say such words out loud. Artem looked at you in silence like he couldn't believe what he heard. You looked down, not being able to stand his face expression.
- What is it? You want to break up? - He asked weakly.
- I just think that I want some time alone. We're mess now - You whispered, tearing you wet cheeks.
- Well, let me make it easier. If you for once thought about Kostya the way he thinks about you, let's stop it right now. Because I won't stand it.
These were the last words that day. You wasn't able to answer because of upcoming tears and Artem left flat very quickly.
- Did you manage to come on time? - You heard female voice when you answered phone. You joined queue to big hall. It was so sunny and hot outside.
- Yes. Thank you so much for sharing room, Carmen. It would be so hard to find accommodation in good price. There are so many foreigners who booked rooms before Eurovision.
- You helped me once.. And by the way, are you going to talk to him?
- Hmm.. I don't think it's a good idea.
- Hey, you came to Lisbon to watch him performing. You said you promised him to go when he finally wins preselections - Carmen said with enthusiasm.
- It was year ago and we haven't talked since he moved out. Besides, my ex boyfriend can't see me - You sighed.
- I see. Well, have a good time.
You was so nervous when you entered hudge hall with other Eurovision fans, especially when you waited for Melovin's performance at the end of show. You came closer to group of people with ukrainian flag. You clapped with them when Melovin appeard. It happened so fast. Piano, fire, his voice.
- Oh my God, that's was great! - You shouted and when camera turned to your direction, you realised that you was filmed with the rest of fans.
- Melovin! - some man next to you screamed. After next hour, hosts announced results of second semi final. You kept your fingers crossed, looking on a big screen with your heart beating very fast. That time when they announced Ukraine as another finalist, you run to stairs where all contestants started walking down from. But when you came back to your senses, you stepped out and hid behind group of people. Kostya appeard but he couldn't see you. Neither Artem. You turned to exit but you couldn't stop yourself from watching press conference on screen in main hall.
- Hello? - You answered phone in the morning, seeing unknown number on screen.
- Hi - This voice sounded familiar.
- Hi..
- Are you by any chance in Lisbon? I would swear that I've seen you yesterday in a crowd from balcony. I think that I saw you in video after my performance.
- Mel..
- I can't leave rehearsals but please, come today to cafeteria on first floor in hall - He said with soft voice but you wasn't able to speak. It was so unexpected that he was able to notice your in such a big crowd and when he meant to be fully focused on his performance.
- Hello? Are you here? - Kostya asked you.
- Yes.
- Please, come - His voice sounded sad and suddenly you thought it would stupid to reject his invitation.
- Okay.. I'll come. What time?
- I'm free in two hours. Twelve o'clock?
You looked at your watch. It was taking almost an hour by train so you probably had to go out right now. Of course you didn't tell Kostya you wasn't exactly in Lisbon so you said you'd come on time. You checked out hours of departures of trains and prepared your clothes pretty fast. It was almost twelve when you caught a bus from station to another station where stadion was placed.
- Where is he? - You whispered with concern when you didn't see Kostya anywhere in cafeteria. You was twenty minutes late. He didn't answer your call and for some reason you panicked.
- I won't answer phone - You heard behind your back and saw Kostya smiling widely - I left phone in wardrobe so nobody can interrupt us.
- Did you come just now?
- Actually, five minutes ago. But I don't like sitting alone when there's a lot of people around so I walked away - He said, smiling even more - You look great.
Your heart was beating so fast that you wasn't able to feel it in your chest.
- You too.
You both sat at the table and ordered coffe.
- What brings you here? I mean.. what are you even doing here?- He laughed sweetly.
- I visited my friend..- You said uncertainly - Are you good with Artem already?
His face expression changed.
- For few months we didn't talk except work stuff - He answered shortly and leaned to you - Don't worry. It's much better now.
- I was worried that he might give up on being your manager. But he's really professional and.. he's your best friend after all.
- He is.. How long has it been? Over a year?
- Yeah - You sighed- It's good to see you but won't your team be looking for you?
- They actually know I'm here with you. Including Artem.
- He's probably angry now, right? - You said, looking down like you was ashamed.
- He's actually fine with this.
- How can he..- You didn't finish, looking in Kostya's eyes. You missed looking in them You missed the way they were resting on you. You finally noticed what Artem meant by Kostya's gaze being different. You could see how he was looking at you with admiration.
- He knows well that you can't gave up on someone just like that - Kostya said silently. You tried to smile to him but at that moment you was too moved by his words.
- I would like to ask you something and get an honest answer - He added after a while when you was looking at each other- Are you really here because you're visiting friend?
- I actually.. My friend lives in different place in Portugal but I used opportunity to come here when you're performing. I wanted to see you on stage. I promised you. But I didn't expect to talk with you..- You said with heavy voice, feeling that your eyes got teary - I'm really proud of you. You did it. You really did it.
You laughed nervously and you felt Kostya's hand on yours. It seemed so natural that he wanted to comfort you. It always been like that. Both of you felt good in your own company, except some tension when you felt mutual attraction while dating someone else.
- I'm so happy that you came - Kostya said, caressing your hand.
- Me too. Even if.. I shouldn't come here - You said and added quickly, seeing his expression: - But I don't care. I missed you, Kostya.
- Do you mean that..- He didn't finish when he saw that you nodded. You both knew what was the hidden question.
- I know that timing was awful for us but what can I do when I already love you so much?- He suddenly said and made you feel shivers all over your body.
- I'm tired of denying what I feel about you but I'll always be ex of your best friend - You said, reaching for his hand.
- What is now is the most important so don't leave again.
- But how can we show up in front of our friends.. and Artem as a couple?
Kostya looked away with thoughtfulness.
- We will work it out - He said - For now stay with me till final.
- Ok - You whispered.
- What? - He asked you like he wanted to be sure what he heard. You smiled.
- Let's work it out.
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