#Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes
gj340 · 2 months
all other wii games are great and all...
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but this is the best one!
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g4zdtechtv · 4 months
Cinematech Reborn #4 - Desperately Seeking Kotaro
This time on Cinematech Reborn, follow one Tsuruhime on her quest to find her Twilight Ninja in a better love story than the Twilight saga!
Plus, a monkey goes ape for some toys, not-Regis Philbin won't give you joy, and a girl looking for her dad encounters a ghost boy! Luckily, that last one is not a Butch Hartman joint.
(catch it on 4GTV!)
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nekkyousagiart · 9 months
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Nekkyo Usagi Art (c) 2023 - ARTSTATION | INSTAGRAM
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Matsu in Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes shares a voice actress with Seong Mi-na from the Soulcalibur series (III, IV & Broken Destiny).
Voiced by Erika Lenhart
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hellman55 · 2 years
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes - Masamune Date | Red Path (Part 2)
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kuiperblog · 9 months
How often do men think about Japan's warring states period?
Imagine a woman who is obsessed with Miyamoto Musashi, the 16th century Japanese swordsman and philosopher. Okay, she might deny that she's obsessed with Musashi, but here are the things that an objective observer might note:
When people ask her what her favorite book is, she says it's the The Book of Five Rings, the book which contains Musashi's teachings, or the Niten Ki, the earliest biography of Musashi.
At least once a week, she makes a post on her Instagram that is a quote from the The Book of Five Rings or Dokkodo, like "Do not let yourself be guided by the feeling of lust or love" or "Do not fear death"
She has a group of friends that she specifically met through her love of Musashi. Once a week, she grabs her copy of The Book of Five Rings, and goes to meet up with her friends to discuss a specific passage from the book and how to apply its message to their lives.
(She used to have a previous friend group that was really into Musashi in the city where she went to college; when she moved, one of the first things she did was find a new group of people who like Musashi as much as she does.)
If you asked her what she's looking for in a husband, one of her qualifying criteria would be, "He has to love Musashi and live in accordance with Musashi's teachings."
One day, she's scrolling through TikTok and sees a video from a woman saying, "Ladies, did you know that all men are obsessed with Sengoku-era Japan? If you don't believe me, go and ask your man how often he thinks about the Japanese warring states period."
Our Musashi-loving heroine laughs and says, "Oh, my boyfriend would never." But, amused by the idea, she asks him, "Hey babe, how often do you think about the Sengoku period?" He pauses and says, "Hmm, maybe once a day. Isn't it common for most men to think about serving under a daimyo who orders them to pick up a katana and march into battle?" She laughs and says, "You're doing this as a bit, aren't you?" He says, "No, I was obsessed with the Sengoku period as a kid, and I still am." He pulls up his Steam profile and shows her that he has spent 500 hours playing "Total War: Shogun 2," then shows her his PlayStation profile, where he's completed all of the achievements for Sengoku Basara 3, Sengoku Basara 4, Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. He then shows her his DVD collection, which contains movies like Seven Samurai and Heaven and Earth. He says, "when I was a kid, I had a LEGO set with samurai characters, and I would play with them and imagine what it would be like to live in Japan during the warring states period. I still think about that, from time to time. Sometimes, I'll see a knife with a particular shape that looks sort of like a katana, and it makes me think about the Sengoku period."
She laughs. "Okay, okay, you've convinced me. I didn't realize that men spent so much time thinking about the Sengoku period."
He then asks her how often she thinks about Sengoku-era Japan. "I don't know," she says. "Like...never? Not since high school history class."
During this conversation, it doesn't occur to either of them to comment on the fact that she is a huge fan of Musashi, one of the most famous historical figures who lived during the Sengoku period.
That would be weird, right?
Okay, now replace "Musashi" with "Jesus," and "Sengoku-era Japan" with "the Roman Empire."
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imustbenuts · 9 months
personal thoughts about playing JP games in JP vs EN, a lot of weird thoughts that probably won't make sense to many
not a dig at localization or translation or anything, just a word vomit on how im perceiving things.
theres 2 main categories in my head when i play games made by japanese devs. Western Themed, and Eastern Themed.
for Western Theme, games like final fantasy (all of it), some/few entries of fire emblems, no more heroes, and elden ring all fall into this category.
for Eastern Theme, it's games like persona, shin megami tensei, sekiro, sengoku basara, tales of series and RGG games
in my head, games in the Western Themed box are games i find far more enjoyable in english localization or dub, and actually find some of the japanese script to be kind of off putting. the Eastern Theme would be the opposite, games that are far more enjoyable in full JP than EN.
learning japanese has done quite a bit to my brain and the more i learn the more i think, "@_@ oh god im in a weird place where people won't understand me help"
because see, if i try to explain, it becomes weird and very subjective. and one of the main factor is that language is kind of intrinsically tied to culture in my head, which, :v
trying to type it down to explain anyway:
as an example, calling people by titles such as "Lord", "Sir", "Madame", "Knight", works far better for a Western themed game than an Eastern one. like, yes, that makes sense if i think about it, historically and even right now, those terms instantly spring up the images of a medieval knight and societal system in stone castles. cool beans.
but we don't use the word knight for Samurais. this is a whole other thing referring to the Japanese class of people wandering around with swords serving their feudal lords.
and in JP, it works the same. Kishi is used for Knights rather than the word samurai. for Lords, 卿(kyou) is used for English lords, and 殿(tono) is used for JP lords. but the japanese pronouns are still there, with some of the roots just reminding me of how a stereotype in JP media would speak. the -sama suffix is the same, and other words like -chan or anime/japanese rooted verbal tics can totally get in there, pulling me out of the immersion.
its like running face first into "Tis but a flesh wound" in the script - you know that specific root is in monty python, a fully ENGLISH bit. a good example of JP would be running into a cat who says "wagahai wa neko de aru", refering to nastume soseki's book I Am A Cat.
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especially in the case of Final Fantasy. with very few exceptions like 7, a lot of them fit better wtih an EN script bc of how much western themed theatrics and setting is packed in there.
as an example, i think i prefer seifer in ff8 for example going "One of these days, I'm gonna tell ya 'bout my ROMANTIC dream!" like a dumbass jock over "itsuka kikasete yarusa! ore no ro~~~~~mantikku na yume wo na!" like a dumbass JP highscooler (which he kind of is, but still not a dipshit jock)
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so its really the little things like that. subs not dubs doesnt work for me anymore, im in a very strange place, kupo.
another thing is really, just... the tropes. the deep disconnect between how people behave irl and how anime thinks people behave irl. kind of like how Hayao Miyazaki puts it in 2014,
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so, learning Japanese has actually done a weird bit where it's caused me to actually fully understand the JP, meaning when i pick up on the script getting off putting, it gets off-putting.
when people usually go "subs not dubs", its voiced from a sense that the JP voice is better than EN. but as the years go by this isn't really true anymore, some dubs can have serious quality that's unthinkable back in 2010 ffs. i think this is largely bc anglo-speaking audience do not understand JP, and so builds an imagination between the sub and the tone of the voice acting to carry the work.
but just like old ps1 horror games, that imagination is doing a good bulk of elbow greasing.
to explain:
there are times when JP writers puts in an objectively anime trope or thing. especially in the case of FE, where sometimes that it becomes 'ew' to people who aren't hardcore anime nerds. im talking things like the whole big booba onee-chan Camilla and the kawaii imouto/otouto Sakura and Takumi tropes thats kinda there in FE Fates. and the JP version of Anna's S support in Engage and the weird undertones thats going there.
masking it with subs can cause the audience to kind of brush it off as "aaah those silly japanese" or "ok this is just an anime trope". i mean, hell, check some discourse from people who yell about how this is censorship essentially defending it from what is effectively lolicon tropes and it's just. :v
and thats the thing. once that localization or sub barrier is removed, once im hearing actual JP and past any subconscious filter, i fully see the scene in its original form. i would then have a reaction exactly like hayao miyazaki.
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having that ignorance kind of protects an audience from just how deep the writers ouroborous'd themselves into the nerd sphere. i kind of wish i had that sometimes. the creep vibes in some original JP scripts makes me want to crawl out of my skin, and there is no way i can explain this to an audience without first sounding like im disparaging the original work, shitting on the writers, and bringing in my personal bias into the conversation.
which, yeah i guess it kind of is. but man. if elden ring can commit to their bit with anime tropes used in a good/interesting/subtle way, then so can every one else.
when i started learning JP to play JP games never to see the light of localization, this was not the experience i expected, tbh.
so in summary, im totally disillusioned to the idea of Original = Best, Localization = Censorship at this point. that rose colored glasses are hanging on by a thread now. kind of wondering what other stuff i'll run into but it's been a real interesting journey that i totally get if people wont understand.
loneliness and language learning goes hand in hand lol
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libreramune · 4 months
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Chapter 65-70: Master of the Throne I-VI
My thoughts as I was reading, in order of chapter.
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What the fuck is Kim Yunshin's problem. "Oh? You don't want to be my incarnation? What if I kill your girl bestie because of it?" Get a job
Also oh my god I have to read so much in order to catch up with where I am with the webtoon 😭
"The fourth wall had destroyed the theatre master the moment he tried to look inside my head" oh. Oh I don't think "destroyed" is the right word here
I love what they did with the Copper Acupuncture Men in the webtoon, very scary
Gilyoung das goobie down with murder...
"Lee Gilyoung looked down at the corpses with an expressionless face." Sweetie :(
"Can you do it?" "... There's no problem. It's just like breaking an egg." Sangah :(
"In Japan, there would be a competition between three heroes including Oda Nobunaga." I wanna play sengoku basara samurai heroes so baaaddddd. also this doesn't bode well for whatever's happening in the US at this stage. Civil War 😬?
"It is you who spread out the text version of your plagiarized novel" :(
HHEHEHEHE [Number of Kings: 11] [Number of Kings: 10] [Number of Kings: 9] EHEHEHEHHE
"it seemed like Lee Jihye and Jung Huiwon did a good job" oh yeah that's why she's pissed
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Rpg Anon: I can't really find any info about Nohime as a character. She really is a mystery. The only thing I can find is her in Sengoku Basara and Samurai Warriors being kinda in a "weird" relationship with her husband. I.e. either it's toxic love of her wanting to kill him constantly and he enjoys that shit or they're both crazy bloodthirsty fuckos.
//Every time I hear these fucked up stories about ancient "hero's" I have less faith in humanity.
//People say we've gotten worse with age, but I think we've always been kinda shit.
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nekkyousagiart · 1 year
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Commission for @blue-and-art
Nekkyo Usagi Art (c) 2021
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they-have-the-same-va · 6 months
In Japanese, Kasuga from the Sengoku Basara series shares a voice actress with Gust from Hyperdimension Neptunia.
Voiced by Natsuko Kuwatani
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hellman55 · 2 years
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes - Masamune Date | Red Path (Part 1)
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romskostenlos · 2 years
Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes | Dolphin emulator | Download ROM and Emul...
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cyclemedium326 · 2 years
Sharemouse license key
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zeromaster · 6 years
Sengoku Basara / Devil Kings (PS2) #ZeroPlays Part 2: Surrounded By Hammers
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devilmaykawaii · 2 years
testing uploading gameplay???
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