#Sorry it took so long to answer this ;-;
litl-rat-dude · 1 year
hi there!!!
i love the way you draw each and every character on your page. whether they’re yours or from a media you like!! you’re able to analyze their personality and show it in your art. even if someone doesn’t know twst, they can have a good idea of their personalities thanks to your art showing such,,, it’s so inspiring
id. love to see u draw jade in his halloween costume sometime…
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Thank you so much!!! I just love to shape :]
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chowmoon2 · 1 month
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Fal: chocolate, pon?
Oooooooo,I love chocolate :D
Thank you!
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lxh-arts · 11 months
what are the best pics of xaiohei to use for pfps?
All pics of Xiaohei are the best pics to use
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But you can just go through our #xiaohei tag to see if there’s one you particularly like! The art style for solar terms series 4 is super cute if you want that vibe (the icon for this blog is from that tag!)
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chronicowboy · 1 month
From your posts it kind of sounds like something was confirmed with buddie or something to do with the shooting or whatever? I've scrolled through your blog but I can't figure it out - can you tell me what's going on?? Have I missed something?? (Love your blog btw)
oliver did an interview where he confirmed that a queer buck arc was supposed to happen earlier on the show but it was nixed by some higher ups at fox. i don't think there was anything necessarily to confirm it was the shooting that would instigate it or whatever but the timing's seem to match up and i think season 4 might have been mentioned in another interview when the same thing was discussed but i might have made that up...
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educationalporpoises · 5 months
8 & 9 for reader, 19 & 26 for writer for the fanfic ask game!
8. How often do you reblog/comment on fics that you like? I comment on maybe half the fics I read? I have a rule of thumb that if it made me feel something I comment, so even if it's just a short 'enjoyed this !!' I think it's the nice thing to do when you appreciate someone's work. Especially in smaller fandoms like BoB, I know I appreciate all the comments, from the one-sentence ones to the paragraphs :)
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community. @blood-mocha-latte deserves all the love on 'nine hundred and fifty years before' and everyone should be reading that... I love it and all of rie's work so much @heystovepipeboys because they just posted something new and also I really enjoyed the fic they wrote for the Heavy Artillery Exchange :)) Also gonna shout your fic out (roaroftheninth on ao3) because I am Always thinking about your space AU and I am also going to finish 'the only kind of savior' soon... 19. Do you edit your fics after you write them, or do you prefer to just hit post and run (because it’s someone else’s problem now)? Mix of both! I try to sit down and write without editing, but usually after I write for a while I'll go back and change the most glaring errors. Then eventually I go through a fic as a whole and read it and try to edit and make everything flow and make sure there's a semblance of continuity.
26. What’s your biggest distraction when writing? Tumblr I am pretty bad about sitting down and writing, and I write slowly, and I don't write very much at once, but I am working on it and getting better and writing more and more. Improvement!
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 months
Thank you very much anon, I’m honored. 🥰
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andrew-nobody · 5 months
*dragging a body bag behind them* hey Andy?!? Can I reanimate your mom for something??
What... the fuck do you want her for?!
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rosescries · 2 years
For dust coated family au , how would dust react to his child bringing home a cat saying "its my emotional support animal, it follows me anywhere". This cat seems to act like a bodyguard with the kid. If there's a kidnapper around them the cat will hiss and claw at the kidnapper.
Dust just kind of shrugs after blinking a few times. She wants to keep the cat, then she can keep the cat.
He finds it a plus that the cat is so protective.
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loveofastarvingdog · 7 months
😳 thank you for the motivation to start posting on antephotos again
for some reason those photos are so scrumptious and itch my brain just right <3
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justaduckarts · 7 months
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For you :)
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lotsofthinkythoughts · 11 months
Made up fic title:
Flowers that Bloom Under the Mountain
Thank you for sending this, even if I didn't respond very promptly. Also, thank you for sending a title that's basically tailor-made for Flora content.
Flora hummed almost tunelessly as she worked, the warm glow of the fire reflecting off the fine drawn silver threaded in her needle. A bouquet of flowers bloomed in thread from the geometric border of silver around the hemmed edge of wool.
"Too many flowers in that motif." Stowing her needle safely in the hem of the fabric, she looked up at her sister-in-law taking a seat on the carved chair to her left. "Too many flowers for a hobbit? Hardly enough, truth be told." After all, it was merely small white sprays meant to be baby's breath and her own signature flax flowers in a pale blue, with the silver outline oak leaf behind them. Dís looked at her knowingly. "But that isn't for a hobbit, now is it?"
Flora laughed. "You know, of all the times one of the Company has seen me sewing of late, you are still the first person to figure it out?" "None of them have had to sew for an infant before. It's been many years, but I remember it well enough." She paused, leaning forward in her seat. "Have you told him yet?" "Not yet, but-" stopping abruptly, Flora placed a palm on her midsection. "Soon."
So basically, the sequel to my WIP now with 100% more pregnancy announcements.
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gothearts · 1 year
No question! I just want to let you know that your Rikiel is so pretty and I actually look at your version of him a lot because I’m head over heels for it. 😭💖 Your art and lines in general are so good! Keep being amazing!
Thank you so much!! That really means a lot 💚
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brave-symphonia · 2 years
i know you've said you're not going to touch anything related to prillya (which is completely understandable), but i would personally recommend watching the prillya oath under snow movie because it has a really good version of shirou. it acts as a prequel and can basically work with no prior knowledge of the rest of of the series, and also doesn't have any of the gross stuff that the rest of prillya is known for
I mean, if it really doesn't have any of the gross stuff that prillya is known for, I might check it out.
And I think I was recommended it before when I was still reading the VN, so if it really has another great version of Shirou, I might eventually watch it.
All that said, I still have to watch so many other Fate things, so it could be a while before I get to it. Still need to finish Kara no Kyoukai and Solomon, and there might be other shows or movies I also need to watch.
Not to mention how hard it is for me to actually sit down and watch something as opposed to reading it nowadays.
But yeah, I think that would be as close to Prillya as I would be willing to get.
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gaynarutodude · 1 year
You're so fucking pretty i can't
You better stop before we start kissing...<3
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booksandchainmail · 2 years
re: tlt post abt running a 15 min mile: u can WALK a 15 min mile lmao
thank you for the context! also thanks to @the-dao-of-the-discourse for further details
this continues to be absolutely hilarious for how strong judith's physical fitness vibes are, contrasted by her apparently being a fragile twig of an adept. the spirit is jock but the flesh is necromancer or something
(in reference to this post)
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
Hello, Tia!!! 1, 9, and 10 for the OC asks?
Hey Noelle :D thanks for the asks
The Simbulan Siblings
1. Whose the one person your OC absolutely doesn't want to make sad? A parent? Siblings? Friend? Lover?
Tia: Can family counts? But if I have to choose just one... Carlos
Vin: Well I'm a playboy so... *Get smack by Oscar* my bunos (baby sibling) :)
Tia: Aw~ thanks
Oscar: Vin honestly... though I never seen him sad.
Vin: you just smack my head!
Carlos: Luis, that's all I'll say
Luis: Oscar... you can tell that family is important to us.
5. Who/what would your OC die for? Is it their favorite person? Their ideals? A place, like a home?
Luis: I wouldn't let my siblings die for me... End of discussion!
Oscar: Don't be so aggressive about this, Lu.
9. Are they easily scared? What are they afraid of?
Tia: Dolls, their face looks so creepy especially in the dark!
Carlos: Being secretly filmed, chug it up to past events that made me paranoid of cameras
Vin: Drowning, I drown once and didn't not like at all
Oscar: The idea of falling from the sky... aka Heights
Luis: Sharks, does things are not fish.
Here's the link to the asks
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