#Stevie Hutchinson
coochiequeens · 6 months
The "2SLGBTQI" cult loves to use any marginalized community to make themselves look inclusive until someone dates to criticize them. Even if that someone is a woman and survived addiction
By Shay Woulahan November 25, 2023
A museum in London, Ontario, has removed a female powerlifter from an exhibit on resilience in apparent retaliation for her vocal opposition to males participating in women’s sports. April Hutchinson said the move quickly followed her suspension from the Canadian Powerlifting Union.
Launched in October at the Museum London, the exhibition, titled “Resilient London: Meet Your Neighbours,” was intended to be an inspiration for the community and featured a diverse panel of locals alongside obstacles they had overcome. Hutchinson was featured not just as a local athlete, but also as a survivor of addiction.
But on November 10, Hutchinson received a letter from the Executive Director of the museum saying they were removing her feature from the exhibit. They stated their reasons were due to Hutchinson’s media appearances where she commented on male athletes competing in female sports. The letter accused Hutchinson of being at odds with the values of the museum, and claimed she was “denying” the existence of “transgender women.”
Signed by the museum’s executives, the letter continued by implying her public comments went against the Ontario Human Rights code, stating: “Misgendering someone intentionally is a form of discrimination.” The letter ended by saying they had made the decision to remove her from the exhibition because her comments were harmful to the “2SLGBTQI community.”
Speaking to Reduxx about her removal from the exhibit, Hutchinson expressed anger and sadness over the decision, which she says was a sudden, decisive move. Hutchinson says museum administrators were already aware of her views prior to her inclusion in the exhibit, and had still sought her out and worked with her on developing her contribution. At the time, the board director reportedly told Hutchinson that they would not police her online activity.
“I was devastated when they told me this information. I’m still so hurt. My friends and family and tons of people came out to support me. I’m still very angry and disgusted,” Hutchinson told Reduxx.
Hutchinson notes that it was only after she was suspended from the Canadian Powerlifting Union for her outspoken stance on women’s single-sex sports that the museum decided to take the opportunity to remove her display.
“The museum is basically telling women they don’t care about us. Our safety or our sports. It’s absolutely wrong. I am standing for truth and saying the things that 99% of society thinks. I will not lie to myself. I will not play charades and I will not give in to delusional thinking.”
After the Museum London removed Hutchinson, another member of the community who was featured in the exhibit celebrated the decision on social media.
Stevie Bees, a trans-identified female, took to Facebook to praise the museum for removing Hutchinson’s contribution.
“I am EXTREMELY proud to be on that wall and I also want everyone to know that Trans Women ARE Women! April Hutchinson SHOULD be deplatformed for spouting garbage like this,” Bees said, providing screenshots showing Hutchinson discussing her suspension from powerlifting for her stance on fairness in women’s sports.
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Hutchinson has been outspoken in her defense of women’s sports, both in interviews and on social media. She appeared on Piers Morgan Uncensored in August of this year where she argued that males should not be allowed to compete against females in powerlifting due to their inherent biological advantages.
Hutchinson has also spoken about how she approached Canada’s powerlifting governing body, the Canadian Powerlifting Union (CPU), about the issue of males participating in female competitions.
During an event hosted by Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) in June of this year, Hutchinson said the CPU told her the issue wasn’t a concern because there weren’t many trans-identified males competing in female divisions.
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Earlier this month, Hutchinson was suspended from competing and is now potentially facing a two-year ban from the Canadian Powerlifting Union for airing her grievances with biological males competing in women’s sports.
The suspension and potential ban follows Hutchinson voicing concerns about Anne Andres, a trans-identified male powerlifter who had bragged about beating women and labeled female competitors “weak.” Anne Andres recently set the all-time record at the Canadian Powerlifting Union’s 2023 Western Canadian Championship after scoring over 200kg more powerlifting points than the top-performing female in the same class.
Despite her removal from the exhibit and suspension from powerlifting, Hutchinson says she’s received an outpouring of support, including from other female athletes like Martina Navratilova. She also explained that her activism is motivated by a desire to ensure safety and equal opportunities for women in sports.
“Women need and deserve their own sports. The female category has always been protected,” she says.
“My platform is about fairness and women’s sports. It has nothing to do with hate or [being] anti-trans. The museum is basically sending the message that trans rights are more important than women’s rights … but women are fighting back and we will send a stronger message: Bodies play sports not identities.”
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ask-sebastian · 11 months
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diceriadelluntore · 8 months
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Storia Di Musica #296 - Eleven, Eleven, 1993
La storia di oggi è una storia di incroci. Sia emotivi sia scambi di persone e di formazioni. Jack Irons è un batterista che verso la fine degli anni '80 vuole mettere su una band. Lo fa con Alain Johannes, con cui fonda gli Anthym. si uniscono altri due amici, Hiller Slovak e Michael Peter Balzary. Cambiano subito nome in What Is This?. Iniziano a suonare alle feste e nei locali fino a quando un amico comune di Slovak e Balzary, Anthony Kiedis, non chiede a loro due di aiutarlo a trovare musicisti per la sua band. Finiscono per entrarci loro stessi, tanto che Balzary cambia nome in Flea e diventeranno il nucleo originario dei futuri Red Hot Chili Peppers. Tuttavia Slovak e Irons non abbandonarono Johannes e continueranno a suonare con lui, pubblicando un EP prima, Squeezed, un album poi, intitolato come la band What Is This?. Nell'impossibilità di continuare a suonare in due gruppi, la band si scioglie. Johannes però non si dà per vinto e ha lui l'incontro della sua vita. Ad un festival rock incontra una ragazza lettone che anglicizza il suo nome in Natasha Shneider, musicista e attrice. Si piacciono e formano un duo, Walk The Moon. Registrano alcuni brani, aiutati da Irons alla batteria e da un bassista, Chris Hutchinson, che però abbandona poco dopo. Irons nel 1988 lascia i RHCP e i tre, Johannes, Shneider e Irons fondano gli Eleven.
Natasha Shneider è una polistrumentista straordinaria, suona piano, organo e uno strumento particolare, il clavinet, che è un piano elettronico (amatissimo da Stevie Wonder) che lei suona con la mano sinistra in modo particolare come se fosse un basso, riuscendo così a sopperire alla mancanza nel trio di questo strumento. La band si sceglie un logo (un 11 disegnato come due linee, II) e firmato un contratto con una piccola etichetta pubblicano il primo disco, registrato e pubblicato nel 1991. Awake In A Dream è hard rock, certo, e si posiziona nella parte più hard rock della nascente scena alternative americana di quel tempo ,che farà nascere il grunge. Ma ha anche dei particolari davvero unici, tra cui il doppio ruolo di lead vocal tra Alain e Natasha. Tra i brani dell'esordio, Break The Spell fu parte della colonna sonora del film di fantascienza Freejack - In Fuga Dal Futuro, dove tra i protagonisti c'è Mick Jagger. La prova del nove è il loro secondo album, che si intitola Eleven.
I riferimenti sono i canonici (Led Zeppelin, l'hard rock degli anni '70, i nuovi suoni di Seattle) ma sono mischiati in modo del tutto singolare. Eleven esce nel 1993. La chitarra di Johannes passa con disinvoltura tra i riferimenti canonici ad un uso particolare e originale degli effetti, soprattutto del pedale fuzz per esemplari distorsioni armoniche. Il tutto si sposa perfettamente, e termine non fu più adatto dato che presto diventeranno marito e moglie, con la tecnica di Shneider, sfoggiando entrambi vocalità particolarissime per intensità e variazioni. Preceduto dal singolo Reach Out, dal suggestivo video musicale in bianco e nero e dominato da un assolo infinito e memorabile di Johannes, Eleven è un disco compatto e suonato alla grande, secondo me da riscoprire perché molto sottovalutato. A brani corposi e potenti come Crash Today, Tower, Heavy esempi di perfetto nuovo hard rock, a cui si aggiungono brani più particolari, come Hieroymus, dal prezioso intro di fisarmonica e di organo, che accompagna il meraviglioso canto di Natasha Shneider, o la litania di distorsioni di Let Down, o l'atmosfera dark di Ava Tar (scritto così in due parole). Il disco colpisce la critica, che ne parla egregiamente ma poco il pubblico. Mentre il gruppo sta registrando il terzo disco, Thunk, Irons se ne va a suonare con i Pearl Jam, e viene sostituito da Matt Cameron, dei Soundgarden, che il caso volle andrà a prendere le bacchette della band di Eddie Vedder qualche anno più tardi. Cameron si prestò ad aiutare gli Eleven poiché questi ultimi furono la band apripista di tour degli stessi Soundgarden e Pearl Jam e di decine di altre formazioni.
Johannes e Shneider divennero anche un ricercato team di produzione che lavorò su album come Euphoria Morning di Chris Cornell (sul quale scrissero, suonarono e andarono in tournée). ), Return of Saturn dei No Doubt , Revive degli inglesi Steadman e The Desert Sessions 7&8 and 9&10 con Josh Homme, che li conobbe quando gli Eleven suonarono per delle date in apertura ai suoi Queens Of The Stone Age. Con Chris Cornell una Ave Maria di Franz Schubert, riarrangiata da Shneider, che apparve in una compilation speciale natalizia, con il preciso intento di fare avvicinare interessare i giovani alla musica classica. La storia però finisce tristemente, perché nel 2008 una malattia portò via Natasha Shneider. Johannes continua a suonare e produrre, spesso accompagnato nel ricordo della moglie da tutti i grandi artisti che li conobbero, li apprezzarono e ne chiesero la collaborazione.
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usalivemovienews · 4 months
Taylor Swift won her fourth Grammy for Album of the Year, makes history Taylor Swift made history at the 66... https://dev-usalivenews.pantheonsite.io/taylor-swift-won-her-fourth-grammy-for-album-of-the-year-makes-history/?feed_id=41373&_unique_id=65c08e974a00f #movie film movies
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thestageyshelf · 2 years
SOLD 🎭 Cats @ London Palladium 2015 (#32)
Title: Cats
Venue: London Palladium
Year: 2015
With programme slip for Lily Frazer
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Condition: Wear to edges
Author: Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Based on 'Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats' by T.S. Eliot
Director: Trevor Nunn
Choreographer: Choreographer and Assoicate Director: Gillian Lynne. Assoicate Choreographer and Director: Chrissie Cartwright
Cast: Adam Lake, Adam Salter, Charlene Ford, Paul F Monaghan, Joel Morris, Cassie Clare, Benjamin Mundy, Zizi Strallen, Kerry Ellis, Sophia Ragavelas, Clare Rickard, Natasha Mould, Laurie Scarth, Cameron Ball, Benjamin Yates, Callum Train, Nicholas Pound, Stevie Hutchinson, Joseph Poulton, Dawn Williams, Antoine Murray-Straughan, Ross Finnie, Kathryn Barnes, Hannah Kenna Thomas, Ryan Gover, Barry Haywood, Alice Jane, Grace McKee, Dane Quixall, Libby Watts
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junkyard-gifs · 2 years
2022 Asia tour?
Alright, so.
a) the 2020 asia tour got cancelled in May 2021, before it could go on to its planned Taiwan leg
b) the international tour is set to resume in May 2022, in Zurich
c) a whole bunch of former cast members headed for Taiwan today (7–8 January), saying things like 'see you again in March', and there are performance dates listed on Taiwanese ticketing websites through February and March.
This looks like a return of the Asia tour, rather than an early leg of the international tour. There's still nothing on the official Cats website, but the promo materal includes photos from the 2017 and 2020 Asia tours, it's run by GWB Entertainment (who did the Asia tours), and seems to be offering replacement dates for people who had tickets to the failed 2021 tour.
I'll be tagging any updates as '2022 asia tour', but considering it as effectively 'season 2' of the 2020 tour.
Currently suspected/confirmed cast below the cut! If you want the updates, track the post: I'll comment as I find things out or notice possibilities, as well as editing them into the post.
Leading the company: Dane Quixall, hoorah! Dane has been resident director and superswing with the international tour for years - in fact, his presence is the one thing that makes it look more like the international tour than the Asia tour, but otoh he said something about it being a 'different company' this time... Before that he was in the UK tour of 2013, and the German tent tour of 2010–13. He has always been a swing and usually a member of the creative team too, so he'll presumably be the same this time.
Returning from the 2020 Asia tour:
Rafe Watts - was Munkustrap, will presumably be Munkustrap this time too. Xavier Pellin - ditto for Mistoffelees Tyler Lotzof - ditto Victoria Alice Batt - ditto Jellylorum Hayden Baum - ditto Skimbleshanks Ellie Nunan - ditto Jennyanydots George Hankers - ditto Mungojerrie Dominique Hamilton - ditto Rumpelteazer Taylor Scanlan - ditto George / onstage swing Anina Plescher - ditto Electra / onstage swing Emily Casey - officially cast as Tantomile, she ended up covering Cassandra for almost half the performances due to first-cast Cass' unfortunate injuries, so she might be playing either here Caitlin New - was a swing covering Bomba, Jenny, Tanto/Cori, and Griz. Probably the same again, unless she's been promoted to first cast for one of those roles Kade Hughes - was Bill Bailey (cover Carbuckety) and will probably be that again, but, since Mukeni's in the cast too (who has never covered Carbuckety to my knowledge) Kade might be Carbuckety this time around.
Cast for the Taiwan leg of the 2020 Asia tour but never got to play:
Will Richardson - cast as Tugger, has formerly played that role in the 2017 Asia tour and in the Oasis production, will presumably be Tugger this time. Ashlee Hammerin - cast as Demeter; formerly a swing in the 2017 Asia tour, covering Demeter, Bomba, Tantomile, and Rumpelteazer. Will presumably be Demeter. Amy Everett - cast as Jemima, played Sillabub previously on the Oasis cruise.
Other productions:
Benjamin Mundy! A surprise, since it's a few years since he was in the show. He was Coricopat in London in 2014 (so this will be the first time he's performed with a non-rap Tugger 🤭). Given he covered Tugger too, he'll probably be an ensemble male role like Alonzo, Cori, or Plato/Admetus, while covering those roles and maybe Munk or Tugger; or he'll be a male swing. Mukeni Nel - yaaaas, our beautiful Mukeni from the 2019 international tour returns to the show! Either in his former role as Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus, or moving to Carbuckety/Pouncival. Either way, he'll presumably still cover Mistoffelees. Emily Langham - Rumpelteazer in the 2016 UK/International tour, and cover Jellylorum - swing or creative? We have Alice Batt and Dominique Hamilton who I assume will be reprising their roles as Jelly and Teazer, so we'll see what Emily's doing. Carly Miles - Jemima (cover Victoria) in the 2017 Asia tour - again, we already have a Jemima and a Victoria so we'll have to wait and see what role(s) she'll be taking this time.
Brad Little and Kerry Ellis as Deuteronomy and Grizabella: one Taiwanese site lists them, but it might just be going by last year's info. (Brad was Deut throughout the 2020 Asia tour and would have continued into Taiwan, Kerry was meant to join the cast in Taiwan.) Kerry's insta doesn't look like she's going anywhere just yet, but it's possible that a star Grizabella could join the cast later in the rehearsal period. Stevie Hutchinson - Pouncival in the London revival - is travelling somewhere but, again, we know no more than that yet. Turns out it was Miami!
That's still only half the cast, though. The Asia tour had a cast of 24 onstage plus 5 swings, and the International tour has 22 (no Electra or George) plus usually 8 swings. So we'll see what we find out in the next few days!
Cast members whom we know not to be returning include Fletcher Dobinson (busy in London in Moulin Rouge), Jal Joshua (busy in Bring It On), Thomas Inge and his boyfriend Lloyd Davies (source: I asked Thomas), Suzie Melloy (heavily pregnant!), and, sadly for Tyler, her boyfriend Dan Partridge (he has booked himself a spontaneous trip to Sri Lanka now that she's left him all alone!). Cian Hughes and Harry Francis (Carbuckety and Mistoffelees in the 2019 international tour) are also not coming: they've commented things like 'goodbye, see you in a few months' in response to cast member announcements.
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What then to do about this Jesus-mania? How do we deal with a carpenter king? Where do we start with a man who is bigger Than John was when John did his baptism thing? Fools, you have no perception! The stakes we are gambling are frighteningly high! We must crush him completely, So like John before him, this Jesus must die. For the sake of the nation, this Jesus must die.
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dance-world · 2 years
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Dance Theater of Harlem: Alexandra Hutchinson, Amanda Smith, Anthony Santos, Kouadio Davis, Daphne Lee, and Micah Bullard in Robert Garland’s “Higher Ground,” to 1970s-era Stevie Wonder. Photo by Caitlin Ochs for The New York Times
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bellasmommyissues · 2 years
For the Homies who liked Our Flag Means Death and need to fill that hole and are into reading here are my book recs of other queer historical love stories.
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and virtue. by Mackenzi Lee. Set in the 1800′s, Monty who is a bisexual aristocrat is going on a tour around europe with his friend who he totally isn’t in love with, Percy, another queer man of colour who suffers from seizures. His sister to his dismay tags along. As much as Monty wants to enjoy the trip the cloud that is the fact that Percy will be leaving him for school at the end of it hangs over his head. Though they soon conveniently find that you can’t go to school when you’re captured by pirates, and not so conveniently forced into a plot to steal a near magical and very tragic item.
there is also a fluff mini-sequel as well as a sequel about Monty’s sister and a third book about their brother to complete the trilogy. 
Triggers for: short mentions of verbal and physical abuse, off hand racist comments, blood, seizure. 
Before We Disappear. by Shaun David Hutchinson. Set in 1909 at the world fair in Seattle, magician’s assistant Jack meets a boy who can do real magic. As he grows closer to the other man, Wilhelm, not only do they fall in love, but Jack also learns that Wilhelm’s guardian, a man who kidnapped him as a child and has been using him to commit his crimes since, is abusing him greatly. Jack plans to help Wilhelm escape and find his true family. 
I literally read this book in a ten hour sitting it is so good, very beautifully written and there is a small side plot about two women also falling in love that I didn’t expect but love, not only does it talk about very obvious abuse but also the less obvious manipulative kind, Jack and Wilhelm teach one another that they don’t have to be useful to be loved and it made me cry. very beautiful cover art.
Triggers For: Physical abuse, medical abuse, kidnapping, racist comments by characters, violence, manipulation by guardian, and this one character who is obsessed with a woman and is just very off putting im glad about what happened to him.
Prince and Knight. by Daniel Haack and Illustrations by Stevie Lewis. A children’s book in fairytale fashion about a Prince and a Knight who fall in love! Simple as that very sweet, no trigger warnings unless ur scared of dragons. 
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first lines of your last 20 fics
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories. (If you have less than 20, just list them all!) See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I cheated a bit with the order because I wanted to look back at some of my older ones.
tagged by @loveeddie thanks!
A Deer in Nara:  “I’d love to get drinks,” Richie says, already backing into the parking lot. 
Hyakinthos, Flower Child: Flowers aren’t necessarily a Richie thing or an Eddie thing.
Kingfisher Blues: Guess Stanley Could Not Cut It splays across the table.
Suited: “Do you think I should wear a tie with this?” Richie says, walking into the living room in a Hawaiian shirt and ripped jeans.
Storytelling: Eddie bleeds.
Unpin Your Butterflies:  Eddie doesn’t wish he was dead.
Unhip Hooray: “Listen,” says Patrick, “before we go in, I just want you to know that this was not my idea. And I’m sorry.”
Limelight:  The bottle spins past all the high school royalty surrounding Alexis, only to end up pointing at Patrick, hovering around the snack table.
Caving In:  “Regular scary,” Eddie pronounces, and Richie, for lack of a better option, opens it.
A Vision in Red:  There was a day where Richie thought he was going to be ok.
Learning:  “Let’s revise some of the things we went over last year,” Mrs Hutchinson says, long nails tapping on her desk.
Parental Guidance Not Recommended: “You know, traditionally the couch seats three people. Sometimes even four.”
Coming Out: The Speedrun: “Maybe we should pretend I have a terminal disease,” Sam says, in the middle of their morning lie-in.
Into the Spider-Verse, Avoiding a Spider-Hearse: Patrick tries to concentrate, but the ripple of pain in his shoulder is making it a little difficult.
Picture It: Fred pushes open the door to Sam’s room, fully prepared for movie night, home-cooked popcorn and all.
Strings to Bind Your Hands: The boy sitting next to him is definitely the shortest person in his class.
Raspberry Kisses: It starts on a humid Summer evening.
Company You Keep: “I just want everyone to keep in mind,” the speaker at the podium says cheerfully, “that the word  ‘company’ doesn’t just mean business. It also means friendships.”
Voulez-Vous: Stevie likes the sound of records.
Lovesick: Slugs and snails and puppy-dog tails, That’s what boys are made of.
I think the thing that sticks out is that I either start with a joke, or a line so incredibly bleak that things can only go uphill from there. 
Mostly, I am intensely bothered by the fact that I can spot a grammatical mistake and cannot justify editing that fic, months after I uploaded it, to change one word
Tagging: @hullomoon @iggyfromes
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annabelle--cane · 4 years
uhhh happy good friday, have a jesus christ superstar audio I took when I saw it last year: 
Jesus Christ Superstar (Barbican Theater, London)
August 16, 2019 (Evening)
Cast: Robert Tripolino (Jesus), Ricardo Alfonso (Judas), Sallay Garnett (Mary), Matt Cardle (Pilate), Samuel Buttery (Herod), Cavin Cornwall (Caiaphas), Nathan Amzi (Annas), Matthew Harvey (Peter), Tim Newman (Simon), Daniel Bailey, Bernadette Bangura, Robert Bannon, Cyrus Brandon, Melanie Bright, Georgia Carling, Dale Evans, Rosie Fletcher, Luke Hall, Simon Hardwick, Josh Hawkins, Dayle Hodge, Stevie Hutchinson, Cleopatra Joseph, Rachel Moran, Billy Nevers, Tinovimbanashe Sibanda, Elliotte Williams-N’Dure
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blackkudos · 4 years
Philip Bailey
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Philip James Bailey (born May 8, 1951) is an American R&B, soul, gospel and funk singer, songwriter and percussionist best known as an early member, and one of the two lead singers (along with group founder Maurice White) of the band Earth, Wind & Fire. Noted for his four-octave vocal range and distinctive falsetto register, Bailey has won seven Grammy Awards. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Vocal Group Hall of Fame as a member of Earth, Wind & Fire. Bailey was also inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame for his work with the band.
Bailey has released several solo albums. Chinese Wall from 1984, which received a Grammy Award nomination for Best R&B Vocal Performance, Male, included the international hit, "Easy Lover", a duet with Phil Collins. "Easy Lover" won an MTV Video Music Award for Best Overall Performance in a Video in 1985 and was Grammy nominated for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group With Vocals.
In May 2008, Bailey was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Music from Berklee College of Music at Berklee's Commencement Ceremony where he was the commencement speaker.
Life and career
Early days
Bailey was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, United States. He attended East High School in Denver and graduated in 1969. He was also in a local R&B band called Friends & Love. Some of Bailey's early influences included jazz musicians such as Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Max Roach, the Motown sound, in particular the music of Stevie Wonder and he was also largely influenced by female singers such as Sarah Vaughan and Dionne Warwick.
Earth, Wind & Fire
In 1972, while attending college, Bailey was invited to join the band Earth, Wind & Fire by EWF-founder and bandleader Maurice White. Bailey was the featured lead vocalist on popular Earth, Wind & Fire songs as "Devotion", "Keep Your Head to the Sky", "Reasons", "Fantasy", "I'll Write A Song For You", "Imagination", "I've Had Enough", and "Guiding Lights". He also shared lead vocals with Maurice White on such EWF hits as "Shining Star", "Getaway", "September", "Sing A Song", "Serpentine Fire", "Saturday Night", and sang lead with both White and the girl group The Emotions on their classic disco collaboration "Boogie Wonderland".
With Maurice White's retirement and then death, Bailey became the on-stage leader of Earth, Wind & Fire, along with bassist Verdine White, vocalist/percussionist Ralph Johnson and vocalist/percussionist B. David Whitworth.
In live duet performances, Bailey will sing his falsetto part, then switch to the vocal part originally sung by White, showing off his vocal prowess and versatility.
Solo albums
In 1983, Bailey issued his debut studio album, titled Continuation, on Columbia Records. The album reached No. 19 on the Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart. An album cut titled "I Know" rose to No. 10 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart.
During 1984, Bailey released his second solo album, titled Chinese Wall, also on Columbia Records. The album reached No. 22 on the Billboard 200 chart and No. 10 on the Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart. The album was certified Gold in the US by the RIAA. Off the album, a duet with Collins titled "Easy Lover", rose to Nos. 1 & 2 on the UK Singles and Billboard Hot 100 charts, respectively.
Bailey went on to issue his third studio album, titled Inside Out, in 1986 on Columbia. The album reached No. 30 on the Billboard Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart. A single from the album titled "State Of The Heart" reached No. 20 on the Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart.
During 1994, Bailey issued his self titled fourth studio album on Zoo Entertainment. Artists including Brian McKnight, Chuckii Booker and PM Dawn guested on the LP. The album cut "Here With Me" rose to No. 33 on the Billboard Adult R&B Songs chart.
Bailey went on to release his first jazz album, titled Dreams in 1999 on Heads Up International records. The album featured artistes such as Gerald Albright, Grover Washington, Jr. and Pat Metheny. It reached No. 43 on the Billboard Jazz Albums chart. During 2002 he released Soul on Jazz, his sophomore jazz album once again on Heads Up. The album rose to No. 45 upon the Billboard Jazz Albums chart.
Bailey featured on Andraé Crouch's 1979 album I'll Be Thinking of You. He and Maurice White then collaborated with The Hawkins Family on their 1981 live album, The Hawkins Family Live.
In 1980, Bailey joined with friends, Deniece Williams, Billy Davis and Marilyn McCoo to present a gospel show at a popular Los Angeles club named The Roxy. The show was called "Jesus At the Roxy". Williams later reported that "God did something miraculous. Over three hundred people were saved." After that, both Bailey and Williams decided to pursue careers in Christian music.
During 1984, Bailey issued his first gospel album titled The Wonders of His Love on Myrrh Records. The album reached No. 13 on the Billboard Christian Albums chart and No. 17 on the Billboard Top Gospel Albums chart. The Wonders of His Love was also Grammy nominated in the category of Best Inspirational Performance.
His second gospel album Triumph was released in 1986 on Horizon Records. The LP reached No. 18 on the Top Christian Albums chart and No. 33 on the Billboard Top Gospel Albums chart. Triumph also won a Grammy for Best Gospel Performance, Male.
During 1989 he released his third gospel album titled Family Affair on Myrrh Records. The album reached No. 37 on the Billboard Top Gospel Albums chart.
Bailey later played percussion and sang on the King Baptist Church Mass Choir's 1990 album Holding on to Jesus' Hand.
Work with other artists
Bailey sang on Jazz guitarist Alphonso Johnson 1976's LP Yesterday's Dreams. He later played percussion alongside Verdine White on bass upon the track "Tahiti Hut" composed by both Maurice White and Eumir Deodato from Deodato's 1978 album Love Island. He also sang on Ronnie Laws' 1978 album Flame.
Bailey went on to produce R&B Band Kinsman Dazz's 1978 debut LP Kinsman Dazz and work as an arranger and guest artist on their sophomore 1979 album Dazz. As a band, Kinsman Dazz later became known as the Dazz Band. Bailey also collaborated as a vocalist with tenor saxophonist Stanley Turrentine on his 1981 album Tender Togetherness.
As well he guested on Stevie Wonder's 1985 "In Square Circle" album, Kenny Loggins' 1985 LP Vox Humana, Ray Parker Jr.'s 1987 album After Dark and Anita Pointer's 1987 LP Love for What It Is. Bailey also collaborated with Julio Iglesias on his 1988 album Non Stop, Little Richard on the soundtrack of the 1988 feature film Twins and Deniece Williams on her 1988 album As Good As It Gets.
He later featured on Nancy Wilson's 1989 LP A Lady with a Song, Dianne Reeves' 1990 album Never Too Far and George Duke and Stanley Clarke's 1990 LP 3. Bailey also guested on jazz group Fourplay's 1991 self-titled debut album, Ronnie Laws' 1992 LP Deep Soul, George Duke's 1992 LP Snapshot and Fourplay's 1993 sophomore album Between the Sheets.
Bailey then featured on Chante Moore's 1994 album A Love Supreme, Keiko Matsui's 1994 LP Doll, George Duke's 2000 album Cool, Boney James's 2006 LP Shine, Deniece Williams' 2007 album Love Niecy Style and Gerald Albright's 2008 LP Sax for Stax.
Bailey sung uncredited vocals on Travis Scott's "STOP TRYING TO BE GOD" from his 2018 album Astroworld. The song also features fellow musicians Stevie Wonder and Kid Cudi.
On screen
Bailey appeared in an episode of the TV show Matlock in the role of Pvt. Bobby Thomas. He also played a soldier in the 1987 feature film Full Metal Jacket.
On October 27, 2007, Bailey sang "God Bless America" during the seventh-inning stretch in Game 3 of the 2007 World Series held at Coors Field, Denver, Colorado. This was the first World Series game that was ever played in his hometown of Denver. He also threw out the ceremonial first pitch on June 30, 2012 in an MLB game between the Tampa Bay Rays and the Detroit Tigers held at Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg, Florida.
Personal life
Bailey is currently married to singer/ songwriter, Valerie Bailey (née Davis), who has worked with Whitney Houston and Celine Dion.Bailey is the father of seven children, one of whom is Pili Bailey, the daughter of Jeanette Hutchinson of the R&B hit group The Emotions. His son, Philip Doron Bailey, is also a member of Earth Wind & Fire.
Grammy Awards
The Grammy Awards are awarded annually by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. Bailey has received one award out of four solo nominations.
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wild-icarus · 4 years
For those who don’t know, Regent’s Park is having a JCS concert this summer with a double cast of the main three, no specific dates are announced though they plan to have 9 performances a week
Jesus: Declan Bennett and Pepe Nufrio
Judas: Tyrone Huntley and Ricardo Afonso
Mary: Maimuna Memon and Anoushka Lucas
Pilate: David Thaxton
Herod: Shaq Taylor
Caiaphas: Ivan De Freita
Annas: Nathan Amzi
Simon: Cedric Neal
Peter: Phil King
Soul singers: Genesis Lynea (mob leader), Rosa O’Reilley, and Elliotte Williams-N’Dure
Ensemble: Tinovimbanashe Sibanda, Charlotte Riby, Rosie Fletch, Tara Young, Stevie Hutchinson, Daniel James Bailey, Dale Evans, Josh Hawkins, Billy Nevers and Barnaby Thompson
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akwardlyuncool · 4 years
Akward Class Favorites Playlist 2019
Yay we made it to the end of Akward Class Favorites 2019. Apparently 85 songs is the new normal and yes that makes me scared cause it’s one thing to drag and drop songs into a Spotify Playlist, but it’s a whole other deal to come makes this post. That being said the actual number 87 songs because 2 of them were covers on YouTube. In reality though I love doing this and it’s truly one of my favorite posts to make each year. I tried to bring back a story flow to the 2019 playlist, but it’s probably just a mess, either way like I said, I tried.
Here’s to another year of listening to the same 20 songs over and again, but still managing to come up with 67 more songs to fill a playlist with. Let’s see what music does to and for us next year. Thanks for sticking around.
PS: I apologize for Tumblr messing up the numbers sequence the past few years, but just know that it looked fine before I posted it and I’m trying a different approach this year. 
* = Songs that came out specifically in 2019.
^ = Songs only available on Spotify.
1) Holy - King Princess
2) Juice - Lizzo
I’m sorry I forgot this video when it came to my favorite music videos of the year. I will try harder next year.
3) Truthfully - DNCE
4) * The Death Of Me - Marianas Trench
5) Sober (Acoustic) - Joy Oladokan
6) Two Doors Down - Dolly Parton
Thank you Dumplin’.
7) Good As Hell - Lizzo
Thank you Liza Koshy.
8) Tints - Anderson .Paak ft Kendrick Lamar
9) 7 Rings (Cover) - Mackenzie Johnson and Speaker X
Click the link cause it’s not on Spotify and because the cover is everything!
10) thank u, next - Ariana Grande
11) * homecoming queen? - Kelsea Ballerini
12) * Prom Queen - Catie Turner
Yes I did I did discover it from that documentary, sue me.
13) Hatsuyme - Speak Low If You Speak Love
TW/CW: The subject is of suicide.
14) How I Go - Yellow Card
15) ^ The Lion (Spotify Sessions) - Scott Helman
16) Hardwired - Hailey Knox
17) Sour Love - Drew Cole
18) Gaslight - Scott Helman
19) Someone Else - SayWeCanFly
20) Pray - Picturesque
21) * No Disrespect - Set It Off
22) Clarity In Kerosene - nothing,nowhere.
23) I Won’t Lie (Acoustic) - Go Radio
I’m really happy that they’re back.
24) Lucid Dreams - Juice WRLD
This is the song I listen to with my nephew, he goes kinda hard with the dance moves to it.
25) Be Alright - Dean Lewis
Thanks Instagram ads.
26) Looks Red, Tastes Blue - Mayday Parade
27) I Took A Pill In Ibiza - Mike Posner
Yes this version is superior. I know I’m a few years late and no I’m not mad at it for being my most played song on Spotify this year.
28) * Kornflakes - Pandaraps ft. Kid Wolf
29) ^ Dear Me (Less Is More Mix) - Eric Hutchinson
30) * Feelin’ Old - Stevie Ray and A-1
31) * Get Better - Scotty Sire ft. Bruce Wiegner
32) Hold Me Up - Tim Olstad
33) * better. - Super Whatevr
This video is also great and I’m sorry I forgot about it.
34) Dare You To Move/Who I Am Hates Who I’ve Been/To Get To Me (Mashup)  - Mass Anthem
35) Still Remembering (Cover) - NOAHFINNCE
Click the link cause it’s not on Spotify. (The song starts @ 1:37 in the video.)
36) Lifeguard - Scott Helman
This is the song I needed this year.
37) * Slip The Noose - The Maine
Almost became my summer anthem for 2019 cause I heard it live at Sad Summer Fest, but I thought better of it, it’s still a good song though. (The video link is live, but on Spotify, it’s the original.)
38) Please - Noah Kahan
39) Ripple Effect (Famba Remix) - Scott Helman
The dance version.
40) * 10,000 Hours - Dan + Shay ft. Justin Bieber
41) Tequila (The Vocals) - Dan + Shay
42) Speechless (The Vocals) - Dan + Shay
43) 9 to 5 - Dolly Parton
44) Ripple Effect - Scott Helman
The original version. (I love all versions.)
45) Sassafras Roots - Green Day
My actual pick for my summer anthem of 2019 and another one for good measure, shout out to 25 years of Dookie.
46) Chinese Restaurant - Scott Helman
“I could be your boyfriend. Your confidant, your lover and your best friend. The hole in the fence at the dead end. Somebody you could get into debt with.” - Some favorite lyrics.
47) When You’re Ready - Shawn Mendes
48) Why - Shawn Mendes
49) 5am In Tennessee - Weatherman ft. Hollyn
“I keep all my feelings in my pocket, baby don't stress. We don't like to talk about us no more I guess.” - Some more favorite lyrics.
50) Sh*t Happens - Late Night Thoughts
51) Tequila - Dan + Shay
This the song that I thought was my most listened to song on Spotify, but it was actually a few songs down on the list. I was in the general vicinity though.
52) * Don’t Miss Me? - Marianas Trench
53) My Heart I Surrender - I Prevail
54) * Bad Habit - Better Off
Hella clever, highly recommend. (And the album came out in 2019, but the song came out in November of 2018, but for this playlist I’m saying 2019.)
55) * Promises (Green Eyes) - dying by designer x GOLDHOUSE
56) * Let It Be Me - Steve Aoki and The Backstreet Boys
Yes the Backstreet Boys are allowed to make a resurgence in my life.
57) Stay The Same - Mayday Parade
Good for late night listening.
58) Weak Days - Elder Brother
Good for listening to while you’re looking out a window or anytime really.
59) * Wish You Were Here - Marianas Trench
60) Used To Be - Matt Nathanson
61) Wish You Were Here - Elder Brother
62) Forget Me Not - Marianas Trench
63) Sunday Mornings - Elder Brother
64) * Everybody’s Pritty - Panda Raps
65) * Real World (Cover) - State Champs
66) Circle Spinning - Speak Low If You Speak Love
67) Cannot Have It All - Speak Low If You Speak Love
68) Gun Shy (Change) - Matt Wertz
69) Why (Remix) - Shawn Mendes ft. Leon Bridges
Does Leon Bridges makes everything better? At least with this song he does. 
70) Miss You All The Time - O.A.R.
71) Your Love - PORTRAITS
72) Better With You - Jesse McCartney
73) Human Nature (Cover) - VACAY
Another one where the video is a live version, cause that was the best option, but the Spotify playlist will be the original version.
74) Losing Sleep - The Wildhood
75) Never Thought I’d Be In Love Again - Wax
76) * Uncomfortably Numb - American Football ft. Hayley Williams
Real Emo.
77) ILYBS (Stripped) - LANY
Thanks Zach and Mia. (Season 2 I believe.)
78) * For You Forever - Set It Off
79) Kings and Queens - Drew Cole
Spotify said you had a good year with me, so I added you. You’re still a good song though.
80) Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked - Cage The Elephant
Problematic for sure, but hey “it was made in like 2009, so it doesn’t matter cause it was a different time.”
81) Broken (Acoustic) - lovelytheband
The superior version to the one played on the radio. (Yet another one where the video had to be “live.”
82) * Stitch Me Up - Set It Off
83) Gun Shy (Change) // (Acoustic) - Matt Wertz
84) The Good Parts - Andy Grammer
85) Coffee At Midnight - Stand Atlantic
86) * Full - Pandaraps
87) * Old Town Road (Remix) - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus
Spotify Link
Once again, the Spotify playlist does not include the songs only availble on YouTube, so please in particular check those songs out.
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thestageyshelf · 2 years
SOLD 🎭 Cats @ London Palladium 2015 (#30)
Title: Cats
Venue: London Palladium
Year: 2015
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Condition: Creasing and tear to front cover
Author: Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Based on 'Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats' by T.S. Eliot
Director: Trevor Nunn
Choreographer: Choreographer and Assoicate Director: Gillian Lynne. Assoicate Choreographer and Director: Chrissie Cartwright
Cast: Adam Lake, Adam Salter, Charlene Ford, Paul F Monaghan, Joel Morris, Cassie Clare, Benjamin Mundy, Zizi Strallen, Kerry Ellis, Sophia Ragavelas, Clare Rickard, Natasha Mould, Laurie Scarth, Cameron Ball, Benjamin Yates, Callum Train, Nicholas Pound, Stevie Hutchinson, Joseph Poulton, Dawn Williams, Antoine Murray-Straughan, Ross Finnie, Kathryn Barnes, Hannah Kenna Thomas, Ryan Gover, Barry Haywood, Alice Jane, Grace McKee, Dane Quixall, Libby Watts
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inthenameoflovefic · 5 years
In the Name of  Love: Playlists by the Characters: Caroline Parker
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In the “Playlists by the Characters” series, we explore the playlists made by your favorite (and least favorite) characters in “In the Name of Love”. Listen to what the wonderful people of the In the Name of Love verse claim as their favorite songs with the click of a button!
This time, we have Caroline Parker. As of July 5th, 2019, here are the tunes flowing through her earbuds!
The Smiths - This Charming Man // Foster the People - Sit Next to Me // lovelytheband - broken // Eric Hutchinson - A Little More // Phillip Phillips - Gone, Gone, Gone // Walk the Moon - Anna Sun // The Smiths - Panic // Modest Mouse - Float On // The Smiths - Well I Wonder // The 1975 - Somebody Else // Greta Van Fleet - Highway Tune // Aly and AJ - Potential Breakup Song // Wallows - Pictures of Girls // Lord Huron - Cursed // The Killers - Somebody Told Me // Stevie Wonder - Uptight (Everything’s Alright) // Frank Sinatra - The Way You Look Tonight // Aly and AJ - Take Me // Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out // The Smiths - Girlfriend in a Coma // The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger // The Smiths - Cemetary Gates // Coldplay - Paradise // Aly and AJ - I Know // Roosevelt - Hold On // Catfish and the Bottlemen - Kathleen // The Kooks - Naive // Gin Blossoms - Found Out About You// Mutemath - Light Up // Greta Van Fleet - Mountain of the Sun // The Wombats - Turn
Listen to Caroline’s Ultimate Playlist here
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