#They are highly influenced by Overdose.
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Otherside 1999
"Otherside" was released as the third single from Red Hot Chili Peppers' seventh studio album, Californication, and confronts the battles addicts have with their prior addictions. "Otherside" refers to former band member Hillel Slovak, who died of a heroin overdose in 1988. The track was released in Australia and New Zealand in 1999 and was given an international release in January of the following year.
It was highly successful, peaking at number 14 on the US Billboard Hot 100, and number one on the Billboard Alternative Songs chart, where it remained at number one for 13 consecutive weeks, one of the longest runs at the top of that chart. It was also a big success in Iceland, where it became the second single from the album to reach number one, and in New Zealand, where it charted at number five.
The gorgeous video was directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris in a black-and-white/monochrome Gothic style similar to Robert Wiene's The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, all influenced by German Expressionist art. Elements of Cubism and work by the graphic artist M. C. Escher are also seen in the video.
"Otherside" received a total of 76,3% yes votes!
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hellheld · 6 months
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au/rework of charlie "harlot" morningstar of hazbin hotel. based on my version of hell and with an original timeline that differs from canon. a study in the consequences of biting off more than you can chew, what's left after giving your body and mind for those you want to protect and failing, only to be forget who you used to be. also: head trauma, supernatural brain damage, body horror, rock and roll, helping people in the strangest way possible, being a hell - wide popular rock star, the fucking antichrist, and all it entails. WAS riotchrist but i got shadow banned and impatient so i remade ❤ READ RULES AND CHARACTER SHEET BEFORE INTERACTING.
( broke down and put myself back together again )
i decided that having strict rules was boring, and i want to branch out into the helluva rpc, so i’ve gotten rid of my “won’t follow if” that aren’t related to my accessibility ( being unable to read your blog, your carrd, or google docs ). that said, i will still be very selective with who i follow, and will simply block those who do make me uncomfortable and blacklist urls. i want this blog to be fun and chill!
tl:dr: hell is sentient and loves charlie. it speaks to charlie in their mind, and only to charlie. while searching for a way to stop the exterminations, after being ignored by heaven, they attempt to combine their power with hell’s. it goes bad! the power is too much for their body to handle, and they must either stop the attempt or give up their body to combine their consciousness with hell’s if they want to be powerful enough to take on all of heaven. charlie decides it’s worth it. hell decides it is not. their body is damaged and changed by the experience, so much so that charlie no longer feels like charlie. they change their name to harlot, and start writing songs to get out their feelings. they feel more like the antichrist than ever before, meant to destroy heaven and set the rise of hell. so they sing about it, drink about it, and be wild about it. their reputation turns from the naive, too kind for their own good prince to the ANTICHRIST, a performer rivaling lilith’s influence that parties nightly and overdoses often enough to end up in the hospital. the latter is just an excuse to visit the hospitals they run often.  eventually (second verse) they set up a hotel for those that need it, curious if redemption is even possible, or if anyone would even want to try and be redeemed. most of the occupants are simply demons who need a place to stay.
even if you've read the tldr, i still HIGHLY encourage you to read the full doc about harlot's backstory before interacting with me. i have a lot of hcs mixed into my lore, and this is not charlie.
if you have gotten this far, thanks! let's fucking party!
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riotchrist · 6 months
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au/rework of charlie "harlot" morningstar of hazbin hotel. based on my version of hell and with an original timeline that differs from canon. a study in the consequences of biting off more than you can chew, what's left after giving your body and mind for those you want to protect and failing, only to be forget who you used to be. also: head trauma, supernatural brain damage, body horror, rock and roll, helping people in the strangest way possible, being a hell - wide popular rock star, the fucking antichrist, and all it entails. READ RULES AND CHARACTER SHEET BEFORE INTERACTING.
( broke down and put myself back together again )
i decided that having strict rules was boring, and i want to branch out into the helluva rpc, so i’ve gotten rid of my “won’t follow if” that aren’t related to my accessibility ( being unable to read your blog, your carrd, or google docs ). that said, i will still be very selective with who i follow, and will simply block those who do make me uncomfortable and blacklist urls. i want this blog to be fun and chill!
tl:dr: hell is sentient and loves charlie. it speaks to charlie in their mind, and only to charlie. while searching for a way to stop the exterminations, after being ignored by heaven, they attempt to combine their power with hell’s. it goes bad! the power is too much for their body to handle, and they must either stop the attempt or give up their body to combine their consciousness with hell’s if they want to be powerful enough to take on all of heaven. charlie decides it’s worth it. hell decides it is not. their body is damaged and changed by the experience, so much so that charlie no longer feels like charlie. they change their name to harlot, and start writing songs to get out their feelings. they feel more like the antichrist than ever before, meant to destroy heaven and set the rise of hell. so they sing about it, drink about it, and be wild about it. their reputation turns from the naive, too kind for their own good prince to the ANTICHRIST, a performer rivaling lilith’s influence that parties nightly and overdoses often enough to end up in the hospital. the latter is just an excuse to visit the hospitals they run often.  eventually (second verse) they set up a hotel for those that need it, curious if redemption is even possible, or if anyone would even want to try and be redeemed. most of the occupants are simply demons who need a place to stay.
even if you've read the tldr, i still HIGHLY encourage you to read the full doc about harlot's backstory before interacting with me. i have a lot of hcs mixed into my lore, and this is not charlie.
if you have gotten this far, thanks! let's fucking party!
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aroundtheworldiej · 2 years
Ernest Hemingway is described as the « God of Art” and a “Lost Generation” representative. He won several literature prices in many countries. He is known for his unique narrative talents to his favorite themes which is adventure, surpassing oneself and major political battles. The writer of The Old Man and the Sea is one of the most influent novelists of the 20th century. This week is gonna be a special week dedicate to this very famous writer and his legacy.
The terrible curse of the Hemingway family
By Iris Fourgeaud
For many generations, the family of Ernest Hemingway was victim of strange suicides. This gossip started due to the release of the documentary of Ernest grand-daughter, Mariel Hemingway. The documentary portrayed the highly estemeed writer and journalist with terrible allegations. In which we will go in depth about those.
Drugs problems or Random Suicides ?
There have been several suicides in the Hemingway family. This includes his father, who killed himself when Ernest was only 29, three of his siblings (Ernest Jr., Ursula, and Leicester), and his granddaughter, Margaux. Margaux, who was a famous model, took her own life by overdosing on barbiturates.
Mariel Hemingway describes her family as extremely creative but victims to mental health problems and addiction.
Ernest's last days were extremely troubled, and while it seems as though loved ones did try to help him, he ended up succumbing to his mental illnesses. 1960 was the year when things began to really take a turn for the worse.
Ernest had left Cuba to live in New York City but had traveled to Spain for a photo shoot with Life. Reports of his deteriorating health began circulating, but he assured his wife Mary that he was fine. He ended up getting treated at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. And then went through electroconvulsive therapy for at least 15 times. He was diagnosed with depression, a few medical experts at the time thought his state was due to abusing drugs like Ritalin.
The horrendous secrets
“I grew up watching a family that was completely amazing and creative but also destructive and self medicating. All of them, they were addicts. I didn’t want to end up like that. I was on a mission," said Mariel Hemingway. Shortly after the release of the documentary by Barbara Kopple in 2013.
“Running From Crazy”, Mariel shares that she believes her own father, Jack Hemingway, sexually abused her sisters Margaux and Joan (her father passed away in 2000). Mariel told CNN, that although she doesn't remember Jack abusing her, she remembers sleeping in her mother's room, which she thinks could have been a way for her mother to protect her. She also added that Jack may not have known what he was doing because he'd be black-out drunk.
However, nobody talked about mental illness in her family up until recently. “Nobody spoke about anything. It was a different generation," Mariel said.
“We were just like the Kennedy family”, said Mariel. The documentary was presented at the Sundance Film Festival. She reflected on her past, and says herself that she suffered from heavy depression and had suicidal thoughts. “We were this American family followed by this damned curse” Mariel said.
The title of the documentary is strongly percussive, however despite every horrible accusations, nowadays, his granddaughter Mariel, has made it her mission to spread awareness about mental illness. We can Learn more about Ernest Hemingway's life and his and his family's battle with mental illness in the documentary “Hemingway”, released in 2021.
Ernest Hemingway and la ville lumière
By Maya Freitas
Ernest Miller Hemingway, famous American writer known for his novel, “Le Vieil homme à la Mer” have been for a long time inspired by Paris. Symbol of freedom after World War II for Americans, the City of Light quickly became synonymous with modernity.
On the advice of the American novelist Sherwood Anderson, the young Ernest Hemingway, then 22 years old, landed in Paris on December 22nd, 1921, accompanied by his wife. From his arrival in the capital, Hemingway trained, improved his style, met many English-speaking writers, and marked the beginning of a long road with Paris.
The influence of Parisian places
From the small miserable apartment, 74 rue du Cardinal-Lemoine, to the bar "le Falstaff" 42 rue du Montparnasse, Ernest Hemingway has been able to immerse himself in the diversity of Parisian places in his own way.
The writer began his writings in his small apartment whose walls "smell of musty and cabbage" as he described it in “Paris est une fête». He then discovered the refuge of English-speaking expatriates, "Shakespeare and Company". There he met the American poet Gertrude Stein, who encouraged him to abandon his journalism side to devote himself fully to literature.
Alcohol at the service of literature
Known to be an insatiable drinker, Hemingway frequented many bars such as "Le Dôme", "La Coupole" or even "La Rotonde". But very quickly, the famous American writer established his headquarters at "La Clauserie des Lilas", where he completed in just six weeks. One of his many masterpieces “Le soleil se lève aussi”, considered one of the great English-language novels of the twentieth century.
Ernest Hemingway finishes his ego during an improvised boxing match between himself and his Canadian writer friend, Morley Callaghan, in the bar "Le Falstaff". The author of "The Gatsby", drunk by the rain of blows but especially vexed, was convinced that Fitzgerald had done it on purpose to better humiliate him.
Despite his many adventures in the Parisian bars as well as a penniless arrival, Ernest Hemingway was able to extract the benefits of the City of Light. A lost lover of the capital, the latter was able to highlight his vision of Paris in his books and writings.
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forensicated · 7 months
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A summary is needed of events over 202 to 208 to explain happens/caused the Gina and Smithyness in Episode 209
WARNING: Trigger warning for controlling behaviour, discussions of rape and sexual assault.
Episode 202
Nick was found after being taken hostage by Weaver to stop him ID'ing a hitman. Nick, a recovering addict, was pumped with an overdose of heroin. Smithy goes above and beyond to prove that Nick is innocent. Unfortunately he's paired with Kerry who takes every opportunity to moan and flirt.
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Cameron tells Smithy that he thinks Kerry might be the one. Smithy is a jealous, belligerent and drunken pain in the arse and slut shames Kerry. Cameron storms off. During an argument Kerry tells Smithy she's happy with Cameron but leans forward and kisses him. They're spotted by Gabriel.
Episode 203
Kerry feels guilty for sleeping with Smithy and Gabriel seizes every opportunity to make her feel worse. Kerry is assigned to a rape case and is struggling to focus. The victim blurts out that she'd been raped after she'd been arrested and "isn't reacting like you'd expect a rape victim to". Smithy tries to ask Kerry if she's ok after their night together and she brushes him off telling him nothing happened. During an arrest Kerry is injured and sprains her wrist. At the hospital she asks for the morning after pill. Gabriel uses her upset, guilt and the rape case to emotionally manipulate her.
Episode 204
Kerry can't remember what happened, what was said or what was done on the night she and Smithy slept together. Gabriel takes advantage and suggests that Smithy could have raped her. Things finish officially with Cameron.
Episode 205
Kerry is left stewing on what Gabriel suggested and is behaving oddly around Smithy who asks Gabriel what's wrong. Gabriel says it's probably hormonal and that she's been behaving like it all day after he turned her down too earlier.
Nick returns to the station for one last day on shift and he's partnered with Smithy and later they join up with Kerry and Gabriel. Smithy and Nick end up saving Kerry from at best a very bad head injury. Kerry still can't look at Smithy without wondering if Gabriel was right and it was possible that Smithy raped her.
Episode 206
Gabriel keeps the pressure on Kerry, asking her what she's going to do. Things could be getting back on track with Cameron but she still hasn't told him anything about Smithy. An oblivious Smithy has to say goodbye to Nick, one of his oldest friends (... it's complicated) as he enters Witness Protection fully. Gabriel doubles down on manipulating Kerry, inserting himself as the only person who knows and the only person she can speak to. Yvonne helps Kerry when he finds her in tears in the toilets. She has a manipulated memory after Gabriel's talks. "We kissed but I didn't want it to go further. I said no but he wouldn't stop..."
Episode 207
Yvonne wants Kerry to report Smithy. Kerry said she has no proof and wants to forget it. Cameron's happy mood at a possible reunion with Kerry annoys a jeaous Gabriel. Kerry won't be drawn by Smithy on what is happening with her and Cameron. Their suspect falls into the water and Smithy leaps straight in. Without outside influence, Kerry starts to see Smithy as she did before it all happened for a few seconds before Honey puts her foot in it by saying she can see, after watching a wet Smithy undressing, why Kerry fancies him. Honey says that Kerry can't deny it, she clearly wanted Smithy that night.
Honey: Oh Sarge, I thought you were gonna let me towel you dry. Smithy: Careful Honey don't start something you might later regret.
Rather unfortunate banter to have right in front of Kerry and Yvonne. Yvonne begs her to talk and says he could do it to someone else if she doesn't report it. Kerry tells her that even Honey thinks she was desperate for him and the others will think the same. "I'm accusing a highly popular officer of date rape. Who do you think will come out of it worse? If you make it public I'll just deny it." Gabriel keeps up the manipulation of Kerry when they're alone in the writing room. He suggests Yvonne might be right and that it should be made official. Kerry tells Gina, when cornered, she's been having personal problems but won't be drawn further. Gina tells her off for 'trying to shift the blame' to Smithy - who had just plunged into the Thames (filmed around Jan btw!) - for them not following up on something.
Kerry interviews a potential rape victim and draws parallels between the described assault and her own encounter with Smithy. It later turns out to be an affair cover up. Outside Kerry witnesses the husband and lover fighting with the husband shouting 'how could you lie you'd been raped?' Kerry decides to let the entire thing drop as she doesn't even know if she has a complaint in the first place. Gabriel insists he'd be there for her as he just wants her to be happy but Kerry wants to move on and get back together with Cameron.
Gabriel reacts angrily, sweeping a rack of condiments off the table in front of undercover journalist, Andrea. He tells her that a colleague and good friend was ditched by her boyfriend and abused by a senior officer the same night. Andrea witnessed Kerry walk out ahead of her arrival so knows who it is. Gabriel openly names Smithy as the senior officer and insists Yvonne was the one who told him.
Smithy asks Kerry 'where they are' and she tells him their night was a disaster, it shouldn't have happened and she'd rather they avoided each other outside of work. Honey tells Andrea she doesn't understand why Kerry is choosing Cameron when she has Smithy on offer stating 'she'd have Smithy any day'. Andrea said that she'd heard that he's "a bit rough between the sheets". "Like no means yes type of rough?" Yvonne apologises to Kerry but insists it's only because she wants her to do the right thing. Kerry says she's not going to take it further. She doesn't feel any hate towards Smithy, nor does she feel like a rape victim. She just wants to move on with Cameron. Gabriel tells Cameron to take it a bit easy with Kerry because of 'the whole Smithy thing' and then that Kerry was raped by Smithy.
Episode 208
As if the situation wasn't already pressure cooker like enough, throw in Gina and Adam at a conference in Manchester, a serious RTC, an armed robbery, a bomb for Smithy to manages as the most senior uniform officer on shift.
Undercover journalist Andrea tries to pump Yvonne for information but she's not biting and Cameron is late. Kerry is trying to deal with the RTC with just a small handful of officers and the fire brigade whilst backup arrive through a massive traffic jam caused by the accident. Gabriel tells Kerry that the rumours have gotten out and implies Yvonne is to blame. Kerry hasn't time to react as a trapped motorist calls for her. Cameron finally arrives and questions Yvonne about Smithy and Kerry. They make it to the accident and he makes a beeline to Kerry to question her on what had happened. He begs her to tell him if it's true. Kerry can't answer.
With traffic jams Canley wide and most officers tied up at the RTA, Smithy has to join the Area Car at a suspected armed robbery whilst they wait for the traffic division to take over the accident and clear the area. He arrives just before Cameron. Cameron volunteers to be Smithy's scribe and keep an incident log meaning he has to stick close. Andrea spreads rumours around the cordon that Smithy raped Kerry. Cameron digs at Smithy before telling him that he knows he raped Kerry. Great timing Cameron!
Smithy tells Cameron that he's not proud of what happened, they were both drunk but he did not force her into anything. Cameron tries to attack Smithy but Smithy overpowers him and points out they have an armed siege with hostages with no back up and armed support because of the traffic issues. This. Can. Wait. Cameron doesn't let it drop, telling Smithy he won't get away with it and glowers in the background behind Smithy. Smithy has to shout into the bank to make contact, only to be held at gunpoint and a car demanded by the gunman/robber, Willet, in the next four minutes. Cameron belittles all Smithy's efforts, but Gary doesn't believe Andrea's gossip and backs him up. Andrea is horrified when an unarmed Smithy has to continue to talk to Willet with no protection.
Kerry arrives and she and Yvonne blame each other for the rumours. The bank manager, James is sent out of the front door when the car doesn't arrive. He has a bomb strapped to him and has to stay upright and level as there's a mercury tilt switch inside. Smithy has to talk a terrified and visibly shaking James into not touching it and keeping calm. Unfortunately, Willet's ex is James' new partner (and the bank reposessed Willet's house.) Willet a remote to set it off inside if they don't get the car to him in 5 minutes.
With just 5 minutes, Smithy says he has to give Willet the car he asked for, however Kerry runs over to tell him that CID have brought Willet's ex/James' partner to the scene. Kerry volunteers to isolate the bomb and James away from the scene until bomb disposal can arrive. Cameron tries to talk her out of it but Smithy tells her to take him round to the carpark and stay there - keeping him as calm as possible - and that he'll have a car placed between her and the bomb to try and shield her. He also lets her know that he's aware of the rape rumours. Kerry does as she's asked, trying to keep a lid on the situation - only for Willet's wife to break through the cordon and come face to face with her ex. Willet insists they deserve all they get. Smithy demands that she's taken away and reclaims control of the situation. SO19 and the ambulance finally break through the traffic.
The wife/new partner learns about the bomb and Andrea tries to reassure her it might not be real. She screams at the top of her voice that it's fake with Andrea stammering that's not what she meant. Cameron is concerned that James is panicking but Smithy says Kerry can handle it and talks to SO19 about getting Willet out to the car so they can deal with him without the hostages. Cameron breaks away, followed by Gabriel. Kerry tries to keep control and tells the bank manager not to touch the bomb because Julie was wrong and it might not be fake. Cameron continues to distract Kerry and demands she tell him what happened. Kerry is literally trying to keep the bank manager looking at her and Cameron is stood crowding her and asking her why he didn't tell her she'd been raped. Pick your fucking moments!
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Cameron insists he'd believe her if she'd said he'd been raped but the fact she willingly went home with Smithy gives him an element of doubt. He walks off, Kerry turns to ask him to stop before looking back at James. He can't hold his arms up any longer and Kerry runs towards him to stop him touching it...
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just-the-cool-page · 1 year
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The Piper at
the Gates of Dawn
Fifty five years ago, the Floyd embarked on their journey in ernest with their first full-length album. Syd Barrett, their original front man, lyricist and composer, and admittedly the most camera-friendly of the bunch. He would also prove to be the most vulnerable of the band, soon spiraling into mental illness, at least partly due to excess use of hallucinogens. Figuratively or literally, Syd got them on stage and into the light. He was their light. And ever after his departure, the Floyd have voiced their gratitude for that light pushing them into growing success. Whether comprised of regret, remorse, or just sorrow, they never seem to have lost sight of the cost Syd paid, presumably not at their urging. But it must be (or have been for a long time) a kind of psychological survivors' guilt. Syd didn't die of an overdose like other beautiful artists. Nor was he abandoned really. His descent into madness made him genuinely impossible to work with. Original management for the Floyd even chose to keep Barrett over them! Barrett and Pink Floyd were equally productive through 1970. The band even supported production of his studio albums, particularly David Gilmour, Syd's "replacement." Ever since, Gilmour's heart and character has matched his looks, that of a lion, and not the madman. (He would later discover and support Kate Bush in launching her remarkable career in music.)
After a few albums of more collaborative work, with Waters often at the helm, Gilmour would "right their ship" with the Meddle album and set their course for more cohesive works. Collaborative work continued with a more balanced feel, but with Waters (more honed than tamed by Gilmour) soon regaining control of concept, composition and lyrics. Even when delving into matters of mental disturbance on The Dark Side of the Moon, the band itself wasn't going insane. Complete balance was achieved between daring concepts, musical and lyrical composition, and mastery of production. Highly narrative, visual, and heavy with sound-scaping, listening to Dark Side is more akin to watching a Kubrick film in 70mm on the big screen with surround sound. Plainly, Gilmour's calm influence on the band was a healthy one and not heavy-handed. Collaboration was at its strongest. Coherence and sobriety were no longer the enemy.
Emboldened by the band's heartiness though, Waters' control went over the deep end, culminating, quite ironically, with his mega-opus, the Wall. The album is arguably all about rooting out the fascism of the ego, perhaps overcoming narcissism. Confronting this most massive of rock-star downfalls was, in the real-life making of the album, precisely what Roger was failing to do. Like any intoxicated megalomania-addict, he was blind to his destructive behavior, exactly like the character dubbed "Pink" on the album and in the fully realized Alan Parker film. Pink transforms into the neo-nazi-inspired tyrant, "Hammer."
Having spent his credibility with the band, he essentially achieved destruction of (that iteration of) Pink Floyd, just as Pink/Hammer achieves destruction of himself/ his life/ psyche/ marriage.
Any number of unconscious motivations or desires could have been at work:
To return to the careless, chaotic days of the late '60s.
To destroy the band that he felt "held him back," like the wife who's abandoned in the film.
To destroy the band as if he were some twisted angel of mercy.
There's an even darker parallel and hubris to note. WWII themes pervade The Wall, especially in the film. The fascism, battlefields (internal as well), and even factory/ death-camps. Waters sooner or later became aware that he broke up the band and made the excuse that its time had come, that it was a necessary sacrifice to complete the important work, to artistically fully render "his struggle." "Sacrifice" is bizarrely the translation of "holocaust." Sacrificing others, or sacrificing on others behalf (a mental gymnastic of rationalization), is a vile concept. Sacrificing others for a presumed "greater good" is explicitly the basis of nazism/fascism. Using the ends to justify the means was presumably what Waters was trying dismantle.
It is bewildering, forty-two years later, how accomplished The Wall was--and still is. It has a deep anti-fascism message on a deeply mental and psychological level. Yet his herculean efforts were intensely damaging. Pink Floyd did survive, but many believe they suffered too critical a loss to fully recover, and far less due to Waters' departure itself than to the destructive and traumatic nature of it.
Pink Floyd has seemed a bit timid ever since. A song here and there has stood out, but the raw power was long-gone for decades. And at this point, are they honestly the same band with only one remaining original member? Nick Mason is a terrifically talented drummer, however, so somewhat ironically, Nick Mason's Sucerful of Secrets (his offshoot) has, in four years, out-performed the last twenty-four years of Pink Floyd's own live output.
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leebird-simmer · 2 years
Psychopharmacology, pt. 2: Pharmacokinetics
Bio-availability: amount of drug in the blood that is free to bind at target sites.
Pharmacokinetic factors determining drug action:
1. Routes of administration
2. Absorption
3. Distribution
4. Binding/effects
5. Inactivation (metabolism)
6. Excretion
Routes of Administration
Drugs must get into the nervous system to have an effect.
The way that a drug enters and passes through the body to reach its target is called route of administration.
topical application
To bypass the blood-brain barrier: injection in the cerebro-spinal fluid or directly in the brain.
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The route of administration affects the dosage of a drug, i.e. the amount of drug needed to have a psychoactive effect.
Ex. amphetamine:
1000 mg - orally
100 mg - injected or inhaled
10 mg - injected into the CSF
1 mg - injected directly into the brain
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Oral Administration
PO = per os (Latin, “by mouth”)
Safest, easiest, and most common way to take drugs
Longest route
Affected by how much food is in the stomach
Delivery often erratic and incomplete
Most difficult pathway to the brain, because the drug has to...
survive stomach acid and enzymes
be absorbed by intestine
enter into the blood stream
pass through the blood-brain barrier
Example: Insulin is not resistant to stomach acid and enzymes, so it cannot be given orally.
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Before a drug (including cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates, morphine, and heroin) can be injected, it must be liquid.
normal saline (0.9% NaCl)
viscous oil (often sesame oil) for depot injections
Intravenous (IV) - into the blood stream
Intramuscular (IM) - into a muscle
Subcutaneous (SC) - under the skin
In the CSF
Intracranial (IC)
Intravenous Injections
fastest and most accurate method; drug reaches brain instantly
fewer barriers to pass
painful, invasive
quick onset of drug effect can be a hazard, because you have little time to correct an overdose or allergic reaction. the drug cannot be removed from the body as it can by stomach pumping.
lack of sterility can result in infectious diseases, including HIV (this risk is reduced with free needle exchanges)
Intramuscular Injections
slower than IV, more even absorption over period of time
absorption can be slowed by combining the drug with another drug that constricts blood vessels, or with vegetable oil
injection solution can be highly irritating, causing significant muscle discomfort
Subcutaneous Injection
- drug injected just below the skin
- absorption is slow but can be variable; can be slowed by vegetable oils or implantation of a pellet or delivery device
Ex. SUBLOCADE (buprenorphine XR) is used for subcutaneous injection only. It is designed to deliver buprenorphine at a controlled rate over a one month period.
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- smoke of burning dried plant material (tobacco, cannabis), aerosol/vapor, gases can be inhaled and absorbed through the lungs
- takes effect quickly
- rapid absorption because the lungs have large surface area and many capillaries
Topical Application
- drug is applied to mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, colon, or vagina
- mostly local effects, but drug can be absorbed into the bloodstream and have systemic effects
- oral topical application: drugs that may be chewed, but not swallowed (ex. chewing tobacco)
Intranasal Administration/Insufflation
- can cause local effects such as relieving nasal congestion, but can also have systemic effects
- drug effect peaks in 15 to 30 minutes
- powdered drugs (ex. cocaine), medicinal nasal sprays (ex. ketamine for depression)
Transdermal Administration
- administration via skin patches: controlled and sustained delivery of drug
- nicotine patches: to treat nicotine use disorder
- fentanyl patches: to alleviate pain
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Absorption: movement of the drug from site of administration to the blood circulation.
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Factors that Influence Absorption:
drug solubility
stomach contents
concentration of the drug (generally high concentrations are absorbed more rapidly than low concentrations)
size and sex of individual (a larger person has more body fluid to dilate a drug; AFAB people tend to have less body fluid than AMAB people)
circulation to side of absorption (increased blood flow due to massage or local application of heat enhances absorption)
area of absorbing surface (drugs are absorbed very rapidly in regions with large surface areas such as the lungs and the intestines)
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Fat-soluble drugs: can easily pass through the cellular membranes by passive diffusion.
Cell membranes are primarily phospholipids, which have a negatively charged region (hydrophilic) and two uncharged tails (hydrophobic), arranged in a bilayer.
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Heroin vs. Morphine
Heroin is derived from morphine; they stimulate the same receptors.
However, heroin is 2-3x more potent than morphine, because it is more fat-soluble.
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- highest concentration of a drug will occur where blood flow is greatest
- blood brain barrier limits movement of ionized molecules
- Because the brain receives about 20% of the blood that leaves the heart, lipid-soluble drugs are readily distributed to brain tissue.
Blood-Brain Barrier
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fills the subarachnoid space around the brain and spinal cord, ventricles, and canals.
Blood-brain barrier: the separation between brain capillaries and the brain/CSF.
Many substances that diffuse out of the blood do not enter the CSF.
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Typical capillaries are designed to allow movement of materials between the blood and surrounding cells.
Brain capillaries have no clefts, movement of water-soluble molecules is minimized.
Astrocytes help maintain tight junctions between capillary endothelial cells.
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It is important to know whether a drug can cross the blood-brain barrier.
Physostigmine crosses the blood-brain barrier.
- blocks AChE and increases availability of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine
- the antidote for anticholinergic poisoning with scopolamine, atropine
Neostigmine does not cross the blood-brain barrier.
- also blocks AChE and increases acetylcholine, but only peripherally
- treatment for diseases such as myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness) without CNS side effects
Oxycodone crosses the blood-brain barrier:
binds to opioid receptors
can produce euphoria
side effects include constipation
Loperamine (Imodium) does not cross the blood-brain barrier:
binds to peripheral opioid receptors in the intestines
treatment for diarrhea
Drug depots: binding at inactive sites where no biological effect is initiated (plasma proteins, muscle, fat)
Drug molecules tied up in these depots cannot reach active sites or be metabolized by the liver, but binding is reversible.
Depot binding affects magnitude and duration of drug action: it reduces concentration of drug at its sites of action and delays effects.
Depot binding can result in drugs remaining in the body for extended periods.
- Ex. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can be detected in urine for several days after a single dose.
Thiopental is a rapid-onset, short-acting barbiturate (administered as general IV anesthetic)
- used for medically induced coma, euthanasia, status elipepticus
- previously the first of three drugs administered during most lethal injections in the USA
- due to depot binding, thiopental brain levels drop within 5 minutes
Inactivation and Elimination
- molecules of drugs are transformed (metabolized) with the help of enzymes
Metabolism: the processes involved in transforming/destructing drug molecules.
Drugs are broken down in the kidneys, livers, and intestines. Most biotransformation occurs in the liver. Metabolites are excreted.
Drug clearance from the blood is usually exponential (first-order kinetics).
Only a small fraction of clearance sites are occupied, so the rate is concentration-dependent.
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Half-life: amount of time required for removal of 50% of the drug (t 1/2).
Half-life affects interval between doses. A drug with a shorter half-life should be taken more often.
Drug almost eliminated after 4-5x half-life.
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Goal: maintain concentration of a drug in blood plasma at a constant level.
Steady state plasma level: absorption/distribution phase is equal to the metabolism/excretion phase.
Target therapeutic concentration is achieved only after multiple doses, usually 4-5.
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Some drugs are eliminated according to zero-order kinetics: molecules are cleared at a constant rate regardless of concentration.
It occurs when drug levels are high and routes of metabolism or elimination are saturated (ex. alcohol).
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First Pass Metabolism
First pass metabolism of drugs that are taken orally, swallowed and absorbed from the digestive system occurs mostly in the liver.
Alternative routes of administration avoid the first-pass effect (e.g. intravenous, inhalation, transdermal and sublingual)
Some therapeutic drugs must be administered by injection, or in high doses.
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Drugs can be modified through oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, or synthetic reactions.
Microsomal enzymes: liver enzymes that metabolize psychoactive drugs.
They lack strict specificity and can metabolize a wide variety of chemicals.
The cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzyme family are responsible for oxidizing most psychoactive drugs.
Factors that modify biotransformation capacity include:
Enzyme induction
Enzyme inhibition
Drug competition
Individual differences in age, gender, and genetics
Enzyme induction: repeated use of a drug increases number of enzyme molecules and speeds biotransformation.
Repeated drug use ----> Increase in enzymes ---> Higher metabolism ---> Lower bioavailability
Drug can induce its own enzymes. In this case, drug tolerance happens = drug becomes less effective with repeated use.
Sometimes enzymes for the other drugs are induced. For example, cigarette smoking increases CYP450 enzymes. People who are heavy smokers may need higher doses of drugs such as antidepressants and caffeine that are metabolized by the same enzyme.
Enzyme inhibition: a drug may inhibit an enzyme, also reducing metabolism of other drugs. Effects are more intense or prolonged; toxicity is possible.
Example: Antidepressant drugs monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) inhibit enzyme MAO. MAO metabolizes monoamines, including tyramine, which is found in red wine, beer, some cheeses, etc. When individuals who are taking these antidepressants eat foods rich in tyramine, dangerous high blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias can occur, making normal foods potentially life threatening.
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Drug competition for an enzyme: elevated levels of one drug reduces metabolism of the second, causing potentially toxic levels.
- Example: alcohol + sedatives (such as Valium) compete for cytochrome P450.
Excretion: the processes of eliminating waste products.
Drugs are excreted in urine, feces, sweat, breast milk, and exhaled air.
Urine is the most important route for drug elimination.
- The kidneys filter materials from the blood, unless they are large or bound to plasma proteins.
Drugs can be excreted changed and/or unchanged.
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ginaella12 · 18 days
Synthetic Cathinones: The Rise of a Lethal and Highly Addictive Drug
Synthetic cathinones, also known as "bath salts," are a type of synthetic drug that has gained popularity in recent years due to their easy accessibility and affordable price. However, these drugs are highly addictive and can have devastating consequences on the user's health, relationships, and society as a whole.
What are Synthetic Cathinones?
Synthetic cathinones are a group of psychoactive substances that mimic the effects of cathinone, a natural substance found in the khat plant. These drugs are created by modifying the molecular structure of cathinone to create new compounds with similar effects. They are often sold as "bath salts" or "research chemicals" online and in head shops, but they are not intended for use as bath products or research materials.
Effects of Synthetic Cathinones
The effects of synthetic cathinones can be highly variable depending on the individual and the dosage taken. However, some common effects include:
Euphoria and feelings of increased energy
Hallucinations and altered perception
Increased heart rate and blood pressure
Agitation and aggression
Nausea and vomiting
Seizures and coma
Long-term use of synthetic cathinones can lead to addiction, cognitive impairment, and memory problems. It can also cause significant damage to the user's physical and mental health, including cardiovascular problems, kidney damage, and respiratory issues.
History of Synthetic Cathinones
The use of synthetic cathinones dates back to the early 2000s, when they were first marketed as "bath salts" or "research chemicals." However, it wasn't until around 2011 that they began to gain widespread popularity in the United States. Since then, the use of synthetic cathinones has become a significant public health concern, with reports of overdose and death increasing rapidly.
Legal Status of Synthetic Cathinones
The legal status of synthetic cathinones varies by country. In the United States, many synthetic cathinones have been banned by the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), but new compounds are constantly being developed and sold online. In Europe, some synthetic cathinones have been banned by national authorities, but others remain legal.
Dangers of Synthetic Cathinones
The use of synthetic cathinones is highly dangerous due to their unpredictable effects and potential for addiction. Some users have reported experiencing extreme paranoia, hallucinations, and violent behavior while under the influence of these drugs. In addition, synthetic cathinones have been linked to numerous cases of overdose and death.
Treatment for Synthetic Cathinone Addiction
Treatment for synthetic cathinone addiction typically involves a combination of medication and behavioral therapy. The most commonly used medications for treating synthetic cathinone addiction are benzodiazepines, such as alprazolam (Xanax), and antidepressants, such as fluoxetine (Prozac). Behavioral therapy may involve counseling or support groups to help individuals manage cravings and avoid relapse.
Prevention is Key
The best way to prevent synthetic cathinone addiction is to educate yourself about the dangers of these drugs. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, it's important to seek help immediately. There are many resources available to help individuals overcome addiction, including counseling services, support groups, and medication-assisted treatment.
Synthetic cathinones are a dangerous and highly addictive drug that can have devastating consequences on an individual's health and well-being. While they may be marketed as "safe" or "legal," these drugs are not safe for human consumption and can lead to serious health problems. It's important to educate yourself about the dangers of synthetic cathinones and to seek help if you or someone you know is struggling with addiction.
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groupnembutalstore · 3 months
The Effectiveness of Nembutal Capsules in Humane Euthanasia
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Nembutal, also known by its generic name pentobarbital, is a powerful sedative and anesthetic medication belonging to the barbiturate class of drugs. Originally developed as a treatment for epilepsy and other neurological disorders, Nembutal gained notoriety for its role in humane euthanasia.
Humane Euthanasia: Understanding the Concept
Euthanasia, often referred to as "mercy killing," is the act of intentionally ending a person's life to relieve suffering. It is a highly controversial topic, touching on ethical, moral, and legal considerations. Advocates argue that euthanasia provides individuals with a dignified end to suffering, while opponents raise concerns about the sanctity of life and the potential for abuse.
Nembutal Capsules: Mechanism of Action
Nembutal acts as a central nervous system depressant, slowing down brain activity and inducing a state of deep sedation. At higher doses, it can lead to respiratory depression and cardiac arrest, making it an effective agent for euthanasia when administered under controlled conditions.
The Use of Nembutal Capsules in Humane Euthanasia
In medical and veterinary practice, Nembutal is commonly used for euthanasia due to its rapid onset of action and reliable effectiveness. However, its use in euthanasia is subject to strict regulations and guidelines to ensure the procedure is conducted ethically and safely.
Effectiveness and Reliability of Nembutal Capsules
Studies have shown that Nembutal is highly effective in inducing a peaceful and painless death when administered correctly. Compared to other methods of euthanasia, such as carbon monoxide poisoning or lethal injection, Nembutal is preferred for its simplicity and predictability.
Safety Concerns and Risks
Despite its effectiveness, Nembutal carries risks, particularly when used outside of medical supervision. Overdose can result in respiratory failure and death, highlighting the importance of precise dosing and monitoring.
Patient Experience and Quality of Death
Individuals who have chosen Nembutal for euthanasia often report a sense of peace and acceptance in their final moments. Unlike prolonged suffering from terminal illness, euthanasia with Nembutal offers a swift and dignified end to life.
Legal Considerations and Accessibility
The legality of obtaining Nembutal capsules varies by country and jurisdiction. In some places, it is strictly regulated or outright illegal, leading individuals to seek alternative means of acquiring the medication for euthanasia.
The Role of Healthcare Professionals
Physician-assisted suicide, where medical professionals prescribe or administer medication to enable patients to end their lives, is a contentious issue in healthcare ethics. While some healthcare providers support patients' right to die with dignity, others are morally opposed to euthanasia and may refuse to participate.
Public Perception and Debates
Public opinion on euthanasia varies widely, influenced by cultural, religious, and personal beliefs. While some advocate for the legalization of euthanasia as a compassionate end-of-life option, others argue for greater emphasis on palliative care and pain management to alleviate suffering.
Case Studies and Real-Life Examples
Numerous cases have garnered media attention for their role in shaping the discourse around euthanasia. From high-profile legal battles to personal testimonials, these stories highlight the complex and deeply personal nature of end-of-life decision-making.
The Importance of Compassionate End-of-Life Care
While euthanasia with Nembutal capsules may offer a solution for some individuals facing unbearable suffering, it is essential to recognize the importance of compassionate end-of-life care. Palliative care services aim to improve the quality of life for patients with terminal illnesses, providing support and symptom management to alleviate suffering.
Future Directions and Ethical Considerations
As medical technology advances and societal attitudes towards death and dying evolve, the debate on euthanasia continues to evolve. Ethical considerations, such as patient autonomy and the potential for abuse, must be carefully weighed as society grapples with complex end-of-life issues.
Nembutal capsules have emerged as a controversial yet effective option for humane euthanasia. While debates surrounding the ethical, legal, and moral implications of euthanasia persist, Nembutal remains a widely used medication for individuals seeking a peaceful end to suffering.
Unique FAQs
What are the main benefits of using Nembutal capsules for euthanasia?
Nembutal offers a swift and painless death, providing individuals with a dignified end to suffering.
Are there any alternatives to Nembutal for humane euthanasia?
While Nembutal is commonly used, alternatives such as lethal injection or carbon monoxide poisoning may also be considered, depending on legal and ethical considerations.
How can individuals access Nembutal capsules for end-of-life decisions?
Access to Nembutal varies by location, with some jurisdictions allowing for medical prescription and others prohibiting its use for euthanasia.
What are the potential legal consequences of using Nembutal for euthanasia?
Individuals who use Nembutal for euthanasia may face legal repercussions depending on the laws of their jurisdiction, including criminal charges for assisting in suicide.
How do healthcare providers approach discussions about euthanasia with patients?
Healthcare providers navigate discussions about euthanasia with sensitivity and compassion, considering patients' wishes while also adhering to ethical guidelines and legal regulations.
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 4 months
Even though it should have been kinda obvious to me, it just now occurred to me that there is somewhat of an overlap between an old and the newest fixation of mine. By this I mean Angel Dust ofc and hide (Japanese 90s rock star).
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The main reason I made that connection, is that they both have a pink spider motif. Angel by being literally a pink spider, and hide by being called one and having a song by that name. They both also are/were quite flamboyant and gender ambiguous, both in fashion choices and mannerisms, they both have hedonistic tendencies and sexual overtones and both have/had an addiction problem* and died under the influence (Angel: drug overdose; hide: accidentally hung himself while passing out from being drunk).
*though in hide's case it's more speculative but highly likely, it just wasn't talked about in those terms
Unfortunately, the official music video of Pink Spider is age restricted and can't be embedded on here, but you can watch it here if you're logged in your yt account. Everyone else can watch this live performance:
Some more songs by hide that (imho!) give somewhat of an Angel Dust vibe: ERASE (translation) Hi-Ho (translation) Beauty & Stupid (translation) Lassie (translation) English ELECTRIC CUCUMBER
And on a more private note, here are reminders of the time hide was my main fixation. A pink spider tattoo and a toy spider, which I painstakingly painted pink with acrylic paint (it took 5-6...ish coats until it was completely covered) hanging on my wall. They both now got an added meaning to them through my love for Angel Dust.
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How to Find the Best Cocaine Addiction Treatment in Gurgaon
Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant drug that can cause severe physical and psychological effects on the user. It can also lead to various health problems, such as heart attack, stroke, respiratory failure, and overdose. If you or someone you love is struggling with cocaine addiction, you may be wondering how to find the best treatment option in Gurgaon. There are many factors that can influence your choice of treatment, such as the severity of your addiction, your medical history, your personal preferences, and your budget. However, there are some general steps that you can follow to make an informed decision. Read more
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you thought i was done with the character bios? oho! you are clearly mistaken.
there's way more fewer ppl here compared to last time lmfao
• Amazing Mighty
He's the strongest God, I guess—Huh? What? I have to talk about him highly? Ugh, fine.
He is the most powerful being of them all. His powers are literally all of the lower Gods' powers combined into one horrific, yet fantastic abomination! He is the one who transcends the skies and the dirty, lower class grounds of the earth. He is the one important being in the universe. He is the strongest of them all. He is Amazing Mighty!
...There. Better now?
• Opia
A rather quiet individual, to say the least. He doesn't talk much, but actions speak louder than words, they say. With that being said, he has a good reason on why he covers his other eye...
• Upshift
A DJ who has performed in various lives and clubs. He has a rather loud personality, and can occasionally say things that might hurt other people's feelings without realizing it. Knows Trojan personally, and likes to tease him about Tempo.
• Overdose
A popular streamer who is all over the internet, Overdose introduces himself as "the light of the internet", or something. His streams can vary from gaming streams to chat streams. Even if he seems like he loves his fans very much, nobody knows that he's doing all of this for clout...
• Yamero
A popular influencer who is all over the internet, Yamero introduces herself as, "the internet angel", or whatever. She has a very large following, most of them being....uh, rather predatory men who don't have lives for some reason, but that's besides the point. Even if she seems like she's enjoying life on the outside, very little are aware of her mental state that keeps decreasing everyday...
• Arcahv
We will survive.
if i didn't added in arcahv last minute then that means there would've been 69 of these ocs in total lmaooooo funny numberrrrr xd xd /j
btw, internet overdose and internet yamero are in arcaea, so CLEARLY they count here right????? (going insane as an nso fan btw)
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versatile-blogger-1 · 9 months
U.S. Opioids Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Prevalence Of Chronic Pain
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Market Overview: The U.S. Opioids Market offers a range of pharmaceutical products that are used to manage and treat chronic pain. Opioids are highly effective in relieving moderate to severe pain, making them essential for patients suffering from conditions such as cancer, post-surgical pain, and chronic musculoskeletal pain. The market provides a variety of opioids, including extended-release formulations that provide long-lasting pain relief. The advantages of opioids include their ability to alleviate pain and improve the quality of life for patients with chronic pain conditions. The need for these products is driven by the increasing prevalence of chronic pain across the United States. Market Key Trends: One key trend in the U.S. Opioids Market is the growing adoption of abuse-deterrent formulations. Due to the addictive nature of opioids, there has been a rise in the misuse and abuse of these drugs. To address this issue, pharmaceutical companies have developed abuse-deterrent formulations that make it harder for individuals to manipulate the drug for non-medical purposes, such as crushing or dissolving it. These formulations incorporate physical or chemical barriers that prevent abuse and discourage tampering. The adoption of abuse-deterrent formulations is expected to increase, driven by regulatory initiatives and healthcare provider awareness about the risks associated with opioid misuse. The global U.S. Opioids Market Growth is estimated to be valued at US$16,285.2 million in 2022 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.5% over the forecast period 2022-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. PEST Analysis: Political: The political landscape plays a significant role in the U.S. opioids market. Government regulations and policies addressing drug usage and prescription are crucial factors that impact the market. These regulations aim to control the opioid crisis, reducing the misuse and addiction associated with these drugs. Economic: The economic factors influencing the U.S. opioids market include healthcare expenditure, insurance coverage, and the overall economic condition of the country. Economic growth and stability can contribute to increased healthcare spending, leading to higher demand for opioids. Social: The social aspect of the U.S. opioids market revolves around the societal perception of pain management and the use of opioids. Public awareness campaigns and education regarding addiction and overdose risks have influenced social attitudes towards opioids, leading to increased caution and a decline in opioid prescriptions. Technological: Technological advancements such as pain management devices, drug delivery systems, and digital health solutions are transforming the U.S. opioids market. These innovations enhance the efficacy of pain management while minimizing the risks associated with opioids. Key Takeaways: The U.S. opioids market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.5% over the forecast period from 2022 to 2030. The market is driven by increasing cases of chronic pain, the aging population, and the growing prevalence of conditions requiring palliative care. Furthermore, the rising awareness about pain management and the introduction of advanced technologies are also contributing to market growth. Regionally, the United States dominates the opioids market due to its well-established healthcare infrastructure, high healthcare expenditure, and the prevalence of chronic pain conditions. The country is at the forefront of developing regulations to control the opioid crisis, leading to a decline in opioid prescriptions and increased focus on alternative pain management approaches.
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blogynews · 9 months
Pediatricians Declare Youth Overdoses a Looming Crisis. What's the Key to Saving Our Children? - National
According to Chantal Vallerand, the executive director of Drug Free Kids Canada (DFKC), many parents underestimate the immediate threat of substance addiction and overdose to their children. However, recent studies suggest otherwise, pointing to a growing crisis. As students prepare to return to school, where peer influence is highly prevalent, prevention organizations are urging parents,…
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blogynewz · 9 months
Pediatricians Declare Youth Overdoses a Looming Crisis. What's the Key to Saving Our Children? - National
According to Chantal Vallerand, the executive director of Drug Free Kids Canada (DFKC), many parents underestimate the immediate threat of substance addiction and overdose to their children. However, recent studies suggest otherwise, pointing to a growing crisis. As students prepare to return to school, where peer influence is highly prevalent, prevention organizations are urging parents,…
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blogynewsz · 9 months
Pediatricians Declare Youth Overdoses a Looming Crisis. What's the Key to Saving Our Children? - National
According to Chantal Vallerand, the executive director of Drug Free Kids Canada (DFKC), many parents underestimate the immediate threat of substance addiction and overdose to their children. However, recent studies suggest otherwise, pointing to a growing crisis. As students prepare to return to school, where peer influence is highly prevalent, prevention organizations are urging parents,…
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