mcrbois · 2 years
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bhaalswn-arch · 9 months
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hyunsvngs · 6 months
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THE ONLY SEUNGIE BULGE PIC IM AWARE OF :(( but Wtf whyvis he sooo 🤤🤤
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themachine · 3 months
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Whatthe Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll What the Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck What the Freaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak What the Whaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Why so many
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doppotranslations · 8 months
Alcohol, Sakura and Kangaroo ~Cherry Blossom Evening Stroll~ - Part 1
Hypmic ARB in-game event story (Doppo, Hifumi, Jyuto), Rio, Rei, Hitoya
Recording Link: https://youtu.be/u9RnJaY2gfI (in case you wanna read along with the in-game voice lines and sound effects :D)
Chapter 1
[At the Police Station]
Jyuto: I deeply apologize…
Detective: Hey now… Iruma-san, you're going to have to assume responsibility for that case…
Jyuto: Be more careful in the future, for my sake as well......
Rio: ……
Jyuto: Well then, I’ll be off…...
Jyuto: *lights a cigarette* Phew… that whole debacle from before was solved thanks to Samatoki… Rio, why did it have to be in Shinjuku......?
Rio: How many times do I have to say it? I came here to look for a kangaroo.
Jyuto: …... what I meant was that I don’t get your reasoning at all, so why did you have to drag me into this? If I didn’t know you, I’d probably end up interrogating you too. Furthermore, what is it about this wallaby that would make it worth being taken in by the police for…... 
Rio: It’s not a wallaby, it’s a kangaroo.
Jyuto: *sighs* …... I don’t care which one it is…...
Rio: Getting accurate information about this is important.
Jyuto: If there really was a kangaroo in this city, there would immediately be a fuss about it. Don't you think so too?
Rio: In that case even I’d find out about it, wouldn’t I?
Jyuto: *sighs*...... That’s right…...
Rio: Though it’s true that I have brought you trouble. Jyuto, I apologize.
Jyuto: Don’t worry about it. What are friends for after all…... it was a cheap arrest too. After all, it was all thanks to that idiot Samatoki being used to getting people out of trouble.
Rio: Right.
Jyuto: Well, what do you say? Since we ended up in Shinjuku and all, shall we go drinking in this golden city?
Rio: Hm…... I would love to join you, but I must look for that kangaroo.
Jyuto: …...and if you happened to find it, what would you do?
Rio: That’s a weird thing to ask. I’d make a meal out of it, of course.
Jyuto: I see…
Rio: Kangaroos…... Their meat is easy to cook and delicious. There surely must be a stray kangaroo somewhere around Japan…...
Jyuto: …...just please don’t get arrested again.
Rio: Got it. Well then, I’ll be off.
Jyuto: Then…... guess I’ll be drinking alone, huh?
[At a Temple]
Doppo: (Aah…... The manager of the company I was doing business with today…... was so cruel…... What do you mean by “You look like you’re emanating an aura of misery so much so that it’s annoying. If you let me slap you, I’ll buy what you’re selling.” W-well,  it can't be helped. If it’s for the sake of my company, I’ll take the hit… but if it’s just one hit I promised, why do you have to go all in… What do you mean “I was only joking when I said I’d buy it!”...) Fuck……………………………………… Fuck fuck……………………………………… Fuck fuck fuck……………………………………… FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKING HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL!!
???: Wait…...
???: You over there!
Doppo: HYAH, HYAAAH!!!
Jyuto: I was thinking some idiot was screaming around here, but it was just you, Kannonzaka-san.
Doppo: I-Iruma-san… A-are you by any chance here to arrest me for being so loud…? I was being a bother, wasn’t I?
Jyuto: I’m not really impressed by the screaming, but I’m not gonna arrest you either.
Doppo: I-I’m glad…
Jyuto: By the way, Kannonzaka-san.
Doppo: Yes?
Jyuto: You seem to be feeling pretty stressed about something, don’t you? So, how about I treat you to a drink.
Doppo: Sounds great! Let’s go!
Chapter 2
[At Hifumi’s host club]
Hifumi: …...Um? What the?
Host A: Old man! Quit being so arrogant! The table isn’t a foot stool!
Host B: What the hell do you want!?
Rei: Right, sorry for that. Looks like our precious prince charming here is pretty rotten.
Host C: Asshole…... are you messing with us…...?
Rei: *lights a cigarette* It’s pretty fun being a wild guy with a temper, you know?
Host A: Ah?
Rei: If you would give me the favor of getting involved, then I would say we’re about to have a pretty fun twist.
Host A: You bastard…...
Hifumi: That’s enough!
Host A: H-Hifumi-san!
Hifumi: You guys, what do you think you’re doing acting like that in the host club? As usual, you’re supposed to behave elegantly here.
Host A: M-my apologies!
Rei: Oh, at last mister number one showed his face, huh?
Hifumi: Huh? You’re Osaka’s… Why are you here?
Rei: I’m here to collect some debts.
Hifumi: Why are you doing that…?
Rei: It’s something I simply cannot turn down. You see, I am a pretty influential person of the nightlife in Kabuki.
Hifumi: …...really? You talk about needing to collect debts, but I don’t think there’s anything to collect from here, is there? 
Rei: That’s right…...
Hifumi: Then why did you come here?
Rei: See the chick in this photo? Ya get it now?
Hifumi: That woman…... Some time ago, she was a guest here and requested me…... What’s the matter with her?
Rei: She’s been messing around at this host club with borrowed money. And…...
Hifumi: She ran away because she couldn’t pay it back…...?
Rei: You got it. I came here to ask you if you know about the whereabouts of that hoe.
Hifumi: I know nothing about it…... And even if I did, I would not be able to share any information about my beloved clients.
Rei: Heh…... Well, since you say you don’t know anything, should I ask you what the truth is by force?
Hifumi: ……
Rei: Hahaha! Juuuust kidding! Lil’ old me only does such unreasonable things on special ocassions.
Hifumi: What do you plan to do if you find her…...?
Rei: Ummm. Let’s see… if she pays back the money it’s all good, but if she doesn’t…... ya dig?
Hifumi: !
Rei: Hey, don’t look at me like that! I don’t want to come face to face with a young woman that has a bright future about something like this either, you know. Though rules can’t be broken no matter how much you complain about it. Since you work at a place like this you get it, don’t you?
Hifumi: …...Yeah.
Rei: I mean, it would be good for you too if she paid up since she’s got a tab to pay for you, right?
Hifumi: …...I forbid my customers from putting their payments on a tab.
Rei: Heh...... that’s uncommon.
Hifumi: It’s because we don’t want problems like this with debt.
Rei: Nonsense. Well then, looks like I gotta bounce.
Hifumi: Wait a second…...
Rei: What’s up?
Hifumi: I simply cannot let this go by, having a woman I know be met with mean eyes. I will go too.
Rei: You’re coming to do what exactly?
Hifumi: Once we find her I shall scold her.
Rei: Scold…... huh? Haha, sounds fun. ‘s all good then. Come.
Hifumi: ……
Chapter 3
[Out in the city at night]
Hitoya: (*sighs*... The Supreme Court is so tiring…...) It’s still early, I could probably get a drink and go home...... (How about viewing the sakura trees while having a drink? Maybe I could find a nice place for that, huh.) Oh, right, Shinjuku Central Park is right around the corner. I’ll get going.
[At the park]
Hitoya: Woah…... this is pretty impressive, huh… Since I bought both a drink and something to eat, I can enjoy the evening in peace over here. *opens his drink* Gulp… gulp… gulp… Pwaah~. Having a drink after work is simply exceptional. (When I’m in Nagoya either Kuko or Jyushi always find a way to destroy my peace and quiet…... That’s why, I’ll make use of this alone time while I’m here.) …...This park seems to be pretty big and all, so I’ll go for a little walk around here.
[Somewhere else in the park]
Rio: According to the intel I gathered, that thing is lurking inside this park...… as expected…...
???: Gwooo… Gwooo… Gwooo…
Rio: Mm? That sound is…
Kangaroo: Gwooo… Gwooo… Gwooo…
Rio: Just as I thought, the information seems to not have been wrong… Goddamn…...
Kangaroo: !?
Rio: Kh…!
[Somewhere else in the park]
Hitoya: Gulp… Gulp… Canned beer around the sakura blossoms at night… This is just the best, isn’t it? A night like this would make even cheap alcohol feel luxurious.
Kangaroo: Gwooo… Gwooo… Gwooo…
Hitoya: Hm? What was that sound…?
Kangaroo: Gwooo gwooo gwooo!
Hitoya: Wha!? A k-kangaroo!!????? Why is there a kangaroo in a place like this…...
???: Mm!!
Hitoya: Huh…? *gets hit and everything turns black* Gwah!
???: Guh!
Hitoya: *gets up* That hurts, man…
Rio: …...I apologize. I was in a hurry.
Hitoya: Right…... huh, you’re from Yokohama Division?
Rio: And you’re from Nagoya Division…?
Hitoya: What are you doing in a place like this?
Rio: I was chasing a kangaroo.
Hitoya: Chasing a kangaroo, you say… The hell kinda joke is this?
Rio: Looks like it completely got away…I know this is an embarrassing request to make but…...
Hitoya: …What is it?
Rio: Could you do me the favor of helping me catch that thing?
Hitoya: Why me… is what I would normally say, but I bumped into you and got in the way and all, so fine. I’ll help out.
Rio: …Thank you!
Hitoya: Was that kangaroo your pet or something?
Rio: No, it’s my food.
Hitoya: ???????????????????????????
Chapter 4
[Out in the city at night]
Hifumi: Is this the place?
Rei: According to what I was told, yeah. 
Hifumi: *tries to go in*
Rei: Wait a second.
Hifumi: Why…?
Rei: Just to be sure you’ll have to stay here. We’re in this together, so in case she tries to run away you’ll have to do something about it.
Hifumi: Got it…
Rei: Good, I’ll get going then.
[Inside the club]
Hifumi’s Former Client: I’ll have another drink, please~
Host: Which one would you like?
Hifumi’s Former Client: Open the bottle of Golden Dom Perignon~
Host: Really? A glass of Golden Dom Perignon then…
Rei: That order is canceled.
Hifumi’s Former Client: Huh? Who the hell are you…?
Rei: Who I am? Let’s see…
Host: That’s right, what’s with this jerk…?
Rei: Sorry to be a disturbance, but this young lady’s and Romeo’s little affair will have to wait. ‘Cause you see… I am a scary old man.
Host: Do you want to have your ass kicked…?
Rei: Haha! I like being threatened, lil old me is happy to hear that, you know?
Host: Hey…!
Manager: S-stop that…
Host: What was that?
Manager: Don’t you go yelling at that man!
Host: Is there a reason for that? The way we earn money here is by selling lots of drinks, you know?
Manager: That’s enough…! That man is Amayado-san and is one of the people who works in the shadows in this neighborhood.
Host: I-...i-in the shadows…?
Manager: Keep bothering him and our store will surely be shut down…
Host: R-really…?
Rei: Huh? You’re not gonna kick my ass anymore?
Host: A-ahaha…
Manager: P-please… enjoy your stay…
Rei: Oh, really? I’ll make sure to take my time then. *turns to the girl* Yo, sorry to have kept you waiting.
Hifumi’s Former Client: W-what do you want…?
Rei: What do I want…? You see, the reason a scary old man like me came here is… something you should know about as well, right?
Hifumi’s Former Client: ……
Rei: Oi oi… Don’t make me look like the bad guy here. Got it?
Manager: H-he’s talking about…...
Rei: You’ve got a debt to pay, so if you give me the favor of paying up right away nothing bad is gonna happen.
Hifumi’s Former Client: !!! *gets up*
Rei: !!
Host: Uwah!
Hifumi’s Former Client: *runs away*
Rei: *sighs* …What a pain in the ass…...
Hifumi’s Former Client: *pants*
Hifumi: You…...
Hifumi’s Former Client: H-Hifumi…...!
Hifumi: Why…...
Hifumi’s Former Client: !! *runs away*
Hifumi: Agh…...
Rei: Hey! Stop zoning out and let’s chase her!
Hifumi: ...…right.
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hierneneuro · 2 years
my god. oh my god
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zhao-tianyou · 6 years
new goal in life is to make so much money that i can just randomly drop 400,000 bits on a twitch stream each week like it’s nothing 
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qfantasydragon · 3 years
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shahinfar · 7 years
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rjnonymous · 2 years
me: trying to understand wtf comshipping and proshipping and antishipping is
Google: Pictures of discourse between the three
me: what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
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cassyapper · 2 years
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Buh I’m in an interesting mood so now you get to hear me rant.
So I was listening to the song from the two princes that’s like “hey ho hey hoooo the easy life for me!”
Ya’know the one~
Any ways and I was getting snacks it was like 2:30 am I know I was probably being really loud and my mom was right but that doesn’t change the fact that I was pissed off
And my mom was like “go to bed and actually sleep don’t so your thing in your room sleep” (lmao and here I am writing this)
And I’m just like “okay” and she just kept going “ I don’t wanna discuss this anymore” like girl your the one who’s still talking
But anyways I was just annoyed because I’ve been having constant anxiety all week and that podcast has been the only thing keeping me going lol
No real rules, I just kinda wander around from place to place sing for money and do what ever the duck I want.
Like why can’t I have that.
I don’t want my life to be dictated by other and society I wanna live in a fairytale fantasy world fight some monsters live in the woods like I’m so fucking angry right now I wanna really truly dictate myself but no I have stupid obligations like school.
Im so done maybe I’ll try to shift and see if that’s successful I always have problems when I try cause I’m to desperate to live in my idea of a perfect world and escape my problems and live with out feeling like a burden or an embarrassment to the people around me and my friends and family.
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wheremytwinwatches · 3 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 51
Last Time: The Bus Came Back, Al really needs to learn Morse Code, and the Golems woke up. Onwards!
Oh snap, new opening. Soft music as Ed and Al stand together in Central, looking at the lit-up castle until Ed looks away to blue pictures of Roy’s Crew wait I just saw Hughes in there. Oooh no. That’s not a good sign. Ok it’s including everyone from Armstrong the Great to General Grumman so unless this show’s heading towards a Total Party Wipe (which is not as unlikely as I’d like) it must just be stylistic. Wait what that was a white Truth outline that looked a heck of a lot like Winry. Please tell me she’s ok. Aaaand now it’s all red and black as someone (Ed?) screams and other flashes of red souls oh it’s the Goths. Aw hell it’s the Goths! And Uncle as well looking annoyed until GAH it’s one of those freaking Golems. Ok back to calming blue pictures of the Good Guys, then Al’s Soul still sitting at the Gate of Truth with his empty armor behind him, and Truth laughing like the jerk he is. Winry! Wi- wait why are you standing in a white dress at the edge of a cliff? Young lady that’s far too close, step back right now. Also stop crying and/or point me in the direction of whoever made you cry. We get a title for this song (“Rain”) as townspeople and villagers look up at the storm clouds in concern, and Military soldiers run out alongside tanks whaaaaat is that? What is that there’s a hunched figure standing in flames, zoomed in to show glowing white eyes and very big teeth. Now it’s Bradley in a bloodied white shirt sitting in the rain acting all calm and collected, switch to complete opposite of Scar tossing aside his jacket ooooh are we gonna get Scar fighting Bradley in this arc? Yeah I know that the trailers always lie but there tends to be elements of truth like the arms that grabbed Al coming up in a later arc. Now it’s the Chimera Army (sadly not under the command of General Al), and the Armstrong Siblings standing alongside each other and Mrs. and Mr. Curtis! Good to see you guys again! Wait Roy why do you look so upset? Riza why are you crying in an alleyway with your dog? And now Ed and Al are standing on opposite sides of a tree damnit are they gonna get separated again? Ok finally the sun’s broken through NOPE NOPE DEAD PERSON ALERT THAT LOOKS LIKE MAMA ELRIC BUT IT PROBABLY ISN’T EITHER RUN OR PUNCH IT ED. Nevermind he was just dreaming. While being watched over by Winry. Kinda cute, but kinda creepy too. Episode 51 - “The Immortal Legion” Oh great, this episode is gonna focus on those creepy Golems. Just what I wanted to start the new year with, yay. So a bunch of pipes are disconnecting from the gasping artificial zombies who land kneeling on the floor, before standing GREAT they’re in that uncanny 3D modeling that Titan!Envy used. Officer laughs at the labcoat’s insistence that they needed more tests, pointing at the undying, obedient, invincible soldiers. [Officer]: “We have our Title Drop, at long last!” Now he’s ordering the Golems (“Papa” NO) to deal with the renegade ele- Uh What So… One of the Golems walked forward and just… tore out his throat with its teeth. And a bunch of other Golems have pounced on the screaming Officer. Who’s no longer screaming. Aaaand now they’ve stopped, and turned with bloody mouths to the labcoat. … … … How fucking stupid are these guys? I mean really. REALLY. How has Amestris lasted as a country this long if this is what its leadership and researchers are like? How could the labcoats have failed so spectacularly to create Zombies when the goal was to create Golems? What kind of shoddy “tests” were they running to not figure out that their supposedly obedient soldiers were mindless killing beasts? Was there no prototype? Did they literally build an army of these things just assuming that they would all work? You fail, my good sirs! You fail at Science! And you, Officer! You completely ignored the guy whose job it is to know things, who told you that the weapon wasn’t ready, and you just set it off? You were so blinded by your arrogance and desire for command over others that you unleashed this army of Zombies without any assurance that they wouldn’t kill you for standing in front of them? Uncle. I get that you’re a bad guy. I get that you view humanity as a lesser species, no better than fuel for yourself and your Goths. And frankly, after seeing this Kimblee level of incompetence, I can see your point. But you have to have seen this coming. You had to have known that your minions were this stupid, this incredible level of dumbfuckery that has me storming around my room, ranting at the utter failure of this Officer and researcher. Clearly this is the reason you made your Goths, because if this was the level of ability you led before you made more competent henchmen? It’s a miracle that the whole country hasn’t gone up in flames without even the slightest effort by the Conspiracy.
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Ok. Ok, we need to move on. So while that whole mess is kicking off, Ed’s reached the Door beneath The Third Laboratory. Oh hey, Barry’s still there! Miss you, you were funny when you weren’t killing innocents or trying to flirt with Riza. Giant door, check. Now how to open it. Actually, do we want to open it? Is it connected to the Transmutation Circle, is opening it playing into Uncle’s hands? Ah well, Ed’s gonna try anyway, struggles for a bit pulling at the seam (maybe it’s a push door?) until Scar gets bored and prepares to HoD it oh hey it’s opening CLOSE IT CLOSE IT CLOSE IT ZOMBIES CLOSE IIIIIIIIITTTTTTT Oh hey Armstrong the Great. Still haven’t killed the second General? Yeah he’s more useful as a bullet shield right now, and he’s still a General so he can order the Central Forces to stand down. Only he’s not giving the order? Huh. I’m actually kinda impressed here, guy’s been stabbed multiple times and has a gun to his head but he still gives an order to seal all entrances to Central. Still a bad guy and Armstrong the Great’s absolutely going to kill him now, but still. Ooor instead of Armstrong the Great, it’ll be Sloth literally crushing him. Ouch. Oooh dear, seems Sloth’s been ordered to kill Armstrong the Great for interfering, and she doesn’t have a tank or a snowstorm this time. She’s still laughing though, thanking the Goth for opening up another General seat, and brandishes her blade. [Armstrong the Great]: “This sword was passed through the Armstrong Family for generations. Now I don’t have to sully it with his filthy blood!” Adventure Strings continue as Ed’s fighting the Zombie Horde, the Chimera’s are throwing punches and Scar’s breaking out the HoDs to kill… oh dear. Scar’s One Hit Kill isn’t killing. That’s not good. The Zombies groan and shuffle around them- [Zombie]: “Big Brother!” NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU, WHOEVER WROTE THAT LINE YOU DO NOT TARNISH ONE OF THE SADDEST MOMENTS IN THIS SHOW WITH THESE MONSTERS SCREW. YOU.
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Ed’s reacting in shock, realizing that they used human souls to make the Zombies, even somehow poor Nina’s. And for all the Zombies already, more and more come pouring through the door. Scar’s right, if these things escape outside to where civilians are just standing around wondering at all the Military soldiers running around, it’ll be a slaughter… Oh. Ok, I get it. Uncle deliberately set this up so the Officers (who are still IDIOTS) would set off a slaughter of the Central populace, probably to fuel the Transmutation Circle like Kimblee orchestrated the Drachman’s destruction up north. Back inside, Ed seals off the exit to keep the Zombies in ok sorry I have to say something, did the animation budget get cut for this episode to focus on the Zombies? Because for whatever reason Ed just seems off-model today, his face keeps looking rounder and younger. Anyways, the Chimeras are eager to let loose in a fight and transform, the group charges towards the Gate to plow through the horde and reach “that bearded bastard”. Outside Military forces are trying to close off roads and keep the Armory Ice Cream Truck from escaping, until a certain Briggs Officer arrives to express his displeasure. [Central Officer]: “A- a bear! A bear with a mohawk! Aaaa-” So Roy and his Crew are safely out of town, but now they’ll have some trouble getting back in. Although the Military are looking for an ice cream truck specifically. Almost makes me wish Ed was here to Transmute up a disguise for the vehicle. Almost mind you, things aren’t so desperate we need that just yet. Lion’s still at the Dome, wondering how things are going with the others. With nothing better to do he goes to talk to Al, ask what that annoying tapping noise is FINALLY thank you so Al didn’t know but Lion with his military experience was able to identify the dot dot dot dash dash dash dot dot dot and realize that Al needs to shut Pride up, NOW. He’s been broadcasting your loca- Uh oh. Kimblee’s here. And as much as I insult the guy, I think he’s probably strong enough to brush past an injured Lion and break Pride out- Or straight up kill Lion while knocking a hole in the Dome. Damnit. Pride is loose. Mid-ep pictures of Zombies (“Mannequin Soldiers”) doing the See-Speak-Hear No Evil poses, and Alphonse Elric looking pissed. Aw shit May’s getting chased by Zombies in the tunnels! Run May! Run Shao May! Screw Envy, leave him to get eaten by the monsters! She screams at Envy for tricking her while he yells that her source of Immortality is still further inside, then she takes a moment to lay a beautiful if ineffective beatdown on some Zombies before catching oh shit I was joking about Envy getting eaten nobody deserves- Uh oh. [Envy]: “I’m baaaack!” Soooo, Envy’s kind of… melded with the Zombie, who ate another Zombie and then melded with all of the other Zombies to make Titan!Envy, who shrunk down into standard Envy. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a Goth back in play. Crap. In the village near the Dome, Yoki’s panicking at the Military presence, trying to persuade Marcoh to stay quiet and not draw attention to themselves. But Marcoh’s upset at not doing anything. Also, what’s that smoke coming from the Dome? Pride’s sauntering out, Kimblee actually sounds a bit unnerved at the news that Pride ate another Goth. Pride’s justifying it as them coming from the same father, they’re just in a combined form again. Oh hey, Lion’s still alive! Kinda. Not looking or sounding too good, though. Al rushes forward damnit he just got grabbed by Pride’s shadows, he’s gonna get possessed again and Ed’ll have to fight him damnit. But Al transmutes the ground for a Big Boom, ok so dust to block out the shadows? Or not, Pride still has Al’s feet… aha! He only has Al’s feet! Al pulled a Lan Fan! Back to Battle Drum music as Armstrong the Great’s fighting Sloth, who’s smashing up the room with his chains. Armstrong the Great, honey, don’t waste your bullets on Sloth, it’s doing nothing. Maybe your sword? Damnit Military grunts, stop bothering Armstrong the Great by threatening to shoot her for treason. See, that’s what you get for threatening Armstrong the Great, she just dodges so you take the hit from Sloth. Thanks for the grenade, btw! So that’s not going to do much to Sloth (besides be funny as he “Huh?”s at the grenade right in his face, but maybe Armstrong the Great can use the smoke to- [Sloth]: “Hey, look! I caught you! And this time, I won’t mess up.” Well that aint good. Sloth’s got her trapped against a pillar and is squeezing her to death, Armstrong the Great’s actually in pain and-
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YES [The Mighty Armstrong]: “HEELLLOOO, SISTER! AAAARRREE YOOOOOU ALLLRIGHT?! HAH HAH!” *sparkles and explosion because AWESOME* He’s back! The Mighty Armstrong is back, and after sending Sloth flying with a single punch is ready to fight alongside his snarky sibling! Armstrong the Great updates The Mighty Armstrong on the plot (that’s a Goth, bullets are useless, I want my tanks back). [The Mighty Armstrong]: “You don’t say? *sparkle* Fortunately dear sister, that is my specialty! Why don’t you let your brother have a crack at it! I’ll take this atrocity down! Come on, you monster!” [Sloth]: “Ugh. What a pain.” Hey! Hey hey hey don’t you skip away from the Armstrong Fight! Go back to Best Characters! Ugh, ok fine Al’s current situation of trying to drag a grievously wounded Lion away from the dome while his own legs are stumps is sufficiently dramatic enough I’ll accept the scene switch. This time. But yeah, Al and Lion are in a tough spot. Lion’s even telling Al to leave him behind, which Al is having none of. But really now, Al’s down a few limbs, when the dust clears they’ll be facing Kimblee and Pride together, and Lion’s coughing up blood. Now Al’s knee has blown out and he’s resorting to beating the crap out of it in frustration. [Lion]: “You brothers… are really something else… You’re still determined to help another person, even when you’re falling to pieces yourself.” Now Al’s talking about his promise, to never let anyone else die. So now the show’s going to either force Al to break his promise abandon Lion at the Chimera’s insistence, or he’ll keep trying until the dust fades and Pride walks up and kills Lion before repossessing Al’s armor anyway. This sucks- wait, what’s Lion have in his pocket?
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HOLY LETO IT’S THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE! I completely forgot that Lion pocketed it ages ago after Ed’s injury. Has the dude been carrying around one of the setting’s most prized MacGuffin’s in his pocket this whole time? Dude. Also, is this going where I think it’s going?
So they’re discussing the dilemma: with their own Stone they might be able to fight against the other guy armed with one and the ‘kid’ powered by two, but if they use the Stone they’ll be using the souls used in making it. And if I remember, this was Kimblee’s first stone, the one made with Ishvalan Sacrifices. Lion talks about Ed’s conviction to not use Stones on their bodies. Instead, he says to “use it to save the entire world instead”. [Lion]: “You deserve it. Because even if they’ve been put into that Stone, you still recognize them as people. I know… those people… even though they’re trapped in Stone, they still want to fight to protect what matters to them. Let them fight. They deserve the chance!” I’m picturing the Ishvalans in the stone cheering. “Heck yeah let’s kick some ass! That jerk in the tacky suit used us to murder our own people, we want to tear him apart!” Al agrees. They’ll fight together. Thank you. For all my ranting at not using the Stone to heal Ed back then, I can appreciate this take. Using a Stone is Wrong, and it cannot be something that our Protagonists ever truly accept. But when faced with no other options, and using it specifically to help others, not themselves, it is acceptable that Al uses the Stone to fight back. Outside the cloud Kimblee asks if he should blow it away, but Pride’s overconfident and says they’re trapped without Al’s legs- BOOM! Flash of red, Kimblee loses his hat in the windblast, and Al strides out on newly-Transmuted legs. Kimblee smiles. New Outro! We’ve got… I can’t tell if it’s Beardless or Al, going by the stonework I’m going to assume Beardless. Still Beardless, hair blowing in the wind...still Beardless...still Beardless...what is the whole Outro just Beardless never mind it just switched to Mama Elric’s grave, then a crowd of Xerxes folk hey it’s that picture Keaton used to show Xerxians have no black outline to their hair. Then either Beard or Uncle walking through the desert in a white cloak, and the Elric Household complete with the swing that Beard nearly broke his back setting up. Whoop speaking of we have a grumpy Beard surrounded by white light and shattering stone, then Homunculus sulking in his flask. Also, A+ on putting the only credit this screen (Mixing Engineer Adrian Cook) right in front of the one-eyed circle monster.
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Ooh, but now we’ve got an orbital view of the planet, with a giant circular shock wave coming off of it. Implying the Nationwide TC is activated? Now Ed looking serious in his red coat, and poor skinny Al’s soul smiling in front of the Gate. Now it’s his armor form standing in front of a sunset (Ending Theme “Ray of Light”), and a final shot of the road leading to the Rockbell home.
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New search is more fucked than when they changed it back in 2013
@staff what the hell did you change this time? Recent search gives minimal to no results and the Anti-O recent tag is currently empty.
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davieslandon · 4 years
WHO: Landon and @amchopraofficial​ MENTIONED: @monroephile @lorencourtier @romanbeckett @theharrykingston @aaronhart93​ @zanebishara​ @timmyteehill​ DESCRIPTION: Landon texts Avery about being invited to their place and they end up taking the piss out of each other. Landon jokes about telling Monroe she loves her and Avery teases Landon about having a type.
BIG BRO So apparently I'm invited over?
LIL SIS yeah! mars misses elle and i want to introduce you to waffles
BIG BRO Great! so this isn't at all about what I texted Monroe? LIL SIS you and monroe were texting?? BITCH, i swear if you told her what i told you it's on sight BIG BRO ye of little trust I didn't say anything about what you told me i was just...teasing her a little LIL SIS
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you're my brother am i MEANT to trust you?? BIG BRO Of course! Blind brotherly trust I'd never do anything to hurt you yadda yadda LIL SIS ... uh-huh... you're the epitome of trust all three feet of you and your hedgehog self 100% the definition of trust totally completely yep yep
BIG BRO i take it back i'm going to text her and tell her all about what you told me IN DETAIL right now that's what you get for making fun of my height AND calling me a hedgehog AT THE SAME TIME
LIL SIS YA BETTER BE PUNK ASS LIL BITCH BIG BRO I WROTE THE MESSAGE AND I’M GOING TO SEND IT UNLESS YOU APOLOGISE FOR CALLING ME SHORT LIL SIS CAN’T APOLOGISE FOR SOMETHING FACTUAL BIG BRO 'Hi Monroe, I won't be able to come over today because my bitch lil sis is in love with your ass and I don't want Elle to have to see you two getting your shit together and FUCKING WHILE SHOUTING YOUR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER I'm already traumatised from what I saw, don't need to traumatise my daughter as well' LIL SIS YOU FUCKING LITTLE SHIT DON’T YOU DARE SEND THAT I’LL BEAT YOUR ASS MYSELF DON’T YOU DARE BIG BRO I’D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY LIL SIS DON’T TEST ME BIG BRO SHOULD I ADD EVEN MORE TO THAT MESSAGE? LIL SIS DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE LANDON BIG BRO 'she's never been in love with anyone the way she is with you but she's a COWARD and won't tell you SO I'M TAKING THINGS INTO MY OWN HANDS' LIL SIS YA BETTER NOT TAKE THINGS INTO YOUR OWN HANDS BITCH DON’T YA DARE BIG BRO I HAVE TO IF ANYTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN because YOU WON'T DO IT LIL SIS I'M WORKING ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I TRIED THIS MORNING BIG BRO pffffftttttt LIL SIS BUT MARS WAS BEING CRABBY BIG BRO yeah, right LIL SIS IT'S TRUE!!!!!!!! BIG BRO and how did you try LET’S HEAR THIS the party was ALMOST A WEEK AGO are you telling me Mars has been crabby THIS WHOLE TIME?? LIL SIS ... i'm not sure i should give you the details of the first hour of trying to tell her... LISTEN BIG BRO .....really??? LIL SIS LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN BIG BRO ........REALLY???????? LIL SIS KINDA HARD TO SAY "I LOVE YOU" WHEN I'M BARELY ABLE TO SAY A COMPLETE SENTENCE THAT SOUNDS EVEN REMOTELY ENGLISH BIG BRO TOO MUCH INFORMATION I DID NOT WANT TO KNOW THAT LIL SIS THAT’S WHAT YOU GET BIG BRO I’M TRAUMATISED LIL SIS GOOD BIG BRO I ALREADY THREATENED TO SHARE EVERYTHING ABOUT HOOKING UP ON THE DANCE FLOOR TO MONROE YOU WANT ME TO TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT TOO?? LIL SIS JFSDLGHDFJGHDFJGHDFLJGHFDLG i’m good, thank you now don't you dare tell her or i swear BIG BRO TOO LATE LIL SIS LANDON BIG BRO SENT MY MESSAGE ALREADY OOPS LIL SIS LANDON I SWEAR TO GOD BITCH ASDKJFHSADKFJGHDFKJG I'M GONNA KILL YOU AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A BLOODY ACCIDENT HOW DARE YOU BIG BRO 😬 THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT APOLOGISING LIL SIS FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH A CACTUS THE FUCK, MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG BRO 😱 THAT’S JUST  RUDE I WILL GO FUCK MYSELF ACTUALLY I NEED IT BUT WITH SOMETHING A LITTLE MORE GENTLE THAN A CACTUS if you catch my drift 😏 LIL SIS a hedgehog? ya nasty BIG BRO YOU CAN'T CALL ME A HEDGEHOG THEN TELL ME TO FUCK A HEDGEHOG and you call me nasty?? LIL SIS I MEAN HEY, IT'S BASICALLY ANOTHER VERSION OF SAYING GO FUCK YOURSELF, I GUESS but you better not tell her that i love her or i s2g BIG BRO WELL FUCK YOU TOO ughh fine i guess i'll keep it to myself OR WILL I? LIL SIS i haven't found the right moment yet, okay??? i keep trying and failing and it's just??? becoming more difficult??? every time i try to tell her, something goes wrong. i just don't get it maybe i'm not meant to be with her? what am i doing wrong?? BIG BRO you might be the biggest coward i know but that doesn't mean you're not meant to be with her you know what you need? DATE NIGHT A romantic night with candles and a nice dinner and all that shit LIL SIS speak for yourself, mister 'i'm still in love with roman' bro, the only food i can cook that isn't automatically awful is breakfast food how can i make that "romantic"??? BIG BRO oh wow you actually WENT THERE you little bitch LIL SIS AM I WRONG??? BIG BRO DETAILS. I'll have you know I'm sort of seeing someone SO HA! also, heart shaped pancakes LIL SIS who sorta looks like an off-brand roman, but okie dokie this isn't valentine's day, landon BIG BRO 😱😱 TAKE IT BACK you're going to get me IN TROUBLE ASSHOLE do you want romantic or not???? LIL SIS NOT MY FAULT YOU HAVE A TYPE i just want to find a way to tell her and not have everything crumbling down every time i try maybe i should just give up maybe i'm not meant to be with her like that BIG BRO JUST BECAUSE THEY BOTH HAVE CURLY HAIR DOESN'T MEAN I HAVE A FUCKING TYPE you are depressing and an idiot maybe your first mistake was trying to tell her with a CHILD running around and causing distractions?? LIL SIS tall, curly brown hair, light eyes, cute smiles. i dunno man, how dramatic is ob!roman? shut UP hey, i've also tried telling her when it's just us two!!!! BIG BRO FUCK YOU 😒 AT LEAST I TELL PEOPLE WHEN I LIKE THEM LIL SIS  AGAIN, AM I WRONG?  FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF BIG BRO SO WHAT IF THEY LOOK A LITTLE SIMILAR? LOREN'S FRENCH....see??? different ok here's the plan even though you really don’t deserve my help I'll take Mars for the night, you prepare a nice romantic night, drink some wine and tell her then i'll bring back Mars and tell her myself when I realise you didn't do it which is why "new boy" is off-brand roman LIL SIS  OH, PISS OFF, YOU TWAT! BIG BRO STOP CALLING HIM NEW BOY HE HAS A NAME AND YOU KNOW IT What???? that's the thank you i get for my fantastic idea???? kids these days no appreciation whatsoever LIL SIS  oh, right, my fault sorry, ob!roman roman jr? am i close?? you are NOT going to tell her i love her BIG BRO ASSHOLE LIL SIS  that is meant to be between me and her, okay? BIG BRO BITCH LIL SIS  his name is asshole bitch?? that’s unique BIG BRO I HATE YOU SO MUCH LOREN his name's fucking LOREN LIL SIS feeling's mutual 😇 see, even their names sound sorta similar/kinda rhyme loren, roman say it out loud BIG BRO i CANNOT believe you LIL SIS  me??? BIG BRO YES YOU LIL SIS YOU'RE the one going after a guy similar to your ex!!!! hell, even /harry/ was almost similar to roman though that's more of a tad stretch but they’re there BIG BRO HOW IS IT MY FAULT IF THEY LOOK A LITTLE SIMILAR AND I HAPPEN TO LIKE HIM??? what. WHAT Harry and Roman DO NOT look alike LIL SIS brunets, light eyes, tall (at least, compared to you), cute smiles is harry naturally curly?? just wondering BIG BRO everyone's tall compared to me in your books 😒 ....no comment LIL SIS again, am i wrong?? LANDON, IS HARRY NATURALLY CURLY??? LANDON???? BITCH, ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god holy fuck, he's naturally curly I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!! BIG BRO I DON'T KNOW OKAY LIL SIS  👀 BIG BRO i might have seen some pictures of him with curly hair BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER LIL SIS uh-huh whatever you say, sonic BIG BRO IT DOESN'T LIL SIS WHATEVER YOU SAY, SONIC BIG BRO FUCK YOU FINE I HAVE A THING FOR CURLY HAIR  HAPPY NOW???!!! LIL SIS  NO THANKS, I'M GOOD oh, it's more than "curly hair", but A for effort, sweetie BIG BRO JUST TAKE IT  I’M NOT GIVING YOU MORE THAN THAT although it does help if they have a big dick I'll tell you that 😏 LIL SIS bitch, i don't like this "although" EW, STOP THAT i mean i already know ro does BUT I DON'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT OB!ROMANS GROSS BIG BRO ......how do you know how big Ro's dick is? oh, it's very well-endowed I know from EXPERIENCE definitely not GROSS LIL SIS  gross, stop, stop talking about ob!roman #1 and ob!roman #2's dicks please don’t need that info don’t need that image #gross BIG BRO YOU DESERVE IT AFTER HOW MUCH SHIT YOU'VE BEEN GIVING ME are you sure you don't want to know about the very lovely sex we had a few days ago? also i haven't forgotten HOW DO YOU KNOW HOW BIG ROMAN’S DICK IS LIL SIS SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP bro, i've been working with him on Rocketman- he wears some VERY tight pants hard not to notice BIG BRO oh true but he gets hard while wearing VERY tight pants? that’s...uncomfortable  LIL SIS jaycee's sometimes there at practice and he's sometimes texting on his phone during breaks do the math BIG BRO OKAY I DON’T WANT TO KNOW  forget i asked LIL SIS good sonic :) BIG BRO fuck you again do me a favour don't go around telling Harry and Lo I've got a type pleaseeeeee LIL SIS again, not interested BIG BRO that would be AWKWARD and UNNECESSARY LIL SIS and don’t worry, i won’t
BIG BRO good LIL SIS  but i feel like SOMEBODY'S gonna notice at some point BIG BRO PFFFTTT no they won’t anyways  back to you and the romantic dinner you're going to plan LIL SIS you sure? oh my god BIG BRO I’M SURE  THANK YOU i have the perfect dish for you to cook
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huh? huh?  LIL SIS ... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, i can order something from the cove instead? BIG BRO but but but THAT DISH IS PERFECT but yeah order something from the cove LIL SIS i am not going to have food tell monroe that i love her before telling her myself first that's what valentine's day is for BIG BRO you're obsessed with valentine's day LIL SIS better safe than sorry with the cove BIG BRO can't a person do something romantic without it being February 14th? good point so you’re doing it? romantic dinner? 
LIL SIS I'M JUST SAYING, with v-day, you sorta get some slack for being uber cheesy romantic i’m... going to try i don't think it's gonna work but i’m gonna try BIG BRO ok that's true but there's nothing wrong with being very romantic i like romance  don't tell anyone i said that i didn’t think i’d convince you i'm very impressed with myself YOU’LL BE FINE LIL SIS listen, i suck at being very romantic. ask all my exes really? i’m not surprised your type is a very romantic type I WILL NOT BE FINE BIG BRO i don't have to ask, i got that on my own when you dissed my pancake hearts idea what that i like romance? that's so not true YOU WILL
LIL SIS again, it's cheesy and works better for v-day the tall light eyed and curly brunets club says different, but okie doke YOU REALIZE I'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL HER SINCE FUCKING NEW YEARS, RIGHT??? BIG BRO at least you have valentine's day covered already, YOU'RE WELCOME liking tall and curly guys doesn't automatically mean i like romance??? since New Years??? WHAT THE FUCK'S WRONG WITH YOU?????!!! LIL SIS ... you missed my fucking joke/word play and at this point, i'm not gonna explain it to you a lot, but that's for another day and you're not Tee BIG BRO please?? :pleading_face: thank god I'm not i can barely handle my own drama LIL SIS "your type is a very romantic type" romantic  ROMANtic finally get my drift? BIG BRO 😑 i’m not amused LIL SIS i swear, tee's about to become the richest man in kingsboro soon well considering you didn't get it the first time, neither am i now BIG BRO hahaha he totally is! lucky guy...or not, depending how you look at it that’s how UNAMUSING it was  LIL SIS eh, it's a win-lose situation? WELP, i, for one, am excited to meet ob!roman #3 in the future i'm sure he's a blast BIG BRO you never learn do you? LIL SIS now that's just rude BIG BRO YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HANG OUT WITH HIM LIL SIS FOR SPITTING OUT STRAIGHT FACTS?!!??!?! BRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WACK BIG BRO FUCK YOU....AGAIN HE'S NICE i really like him LIL SIS AGAIN, not interested, not your type either i’m sure he is OH, SHIT!!! THAT'S ANOTHER SIMILARITY!!!!!!!!!! okay, i'll stop now BIG BRO you're really not....too annoying for my tastes FUCK OFF should i have found an asshole so at least they're not similar in your eyes?? LIL SIS feeling's mutual, sonic sooooooooooo are you saying should you have gone for aaron?? possibly, yes BIG BRO that's...true but also disgusting Getting together with Aaron would be like fucking my brother no thank you what do you mean yes??? LIL SIS i do not need that image in my head, yikes it means that i am messing with you BIG BRO neither did i but you brought it up so now you deserve to have that image stuck in your head bitch LIL SIS shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, we speak no more of this slut BIG BRO are you slut shaming me? 😒 bitch i've slept with like 4 people in my life LIL SIS i'm shaming you and your incredibly non-diverse type ... OKAY, so maybe i'm the slut in this family BUT!!!!! i haven't been in a very long time but that's besodes the point *besides BIG BRO i know what i like and i'm not scared of getting it, that deserves a fucking award you are, glad we’re in agreement because you're in loooooooove LIL SIS yeesh, pardon me for keeping my options open 🙄 dfghdfjghdfjg i literally ended up ghosting one of my fuck buddies for roe tbh and that was even BEFORE i realized i had feelings for her ... holy fuck, i've been in love with since the day i met her basically BIG BRO that's lame what poor fuck buddy so basically you're finally admitting what i've always known? that you’re a loser LIL SIS yeaaaaaaaaaaah, not one of my best moments 😬  i feel so shitty about it, especially because i would like to have a strictly platonic friendship with him. i just... didn't really know how to tell him that while also trying to explain WHY i was ending it before fully knowing what it was i was feeling for roe[14:48] i actually saw him recently  first time in over a year YIKES on yikes oh, piss off, ya damn wanker BIG BRO yeah i'm sure he really got the impression you want to be friends when you ghosted him with no explanation :grimacing: oh fuck what is it with people we don't want to see coming back recently? well, it’s been a year so i’m sure he’s over it nope, i'm telling the truth LIL SIS LISTEN!!! i've never really been good talking about my feelings!!! it wasn't until monroe when i started to actually /try/. before, i typically would've ignore my problems and run away. which is shitty, i know that. but i'm trying so hard here[14:51] god, it was... something. that's for sure as long as luca and liza don't show back up, i'm good[14:52] whatever, sonic BIG BRO i know you're trying hard i’m proud of you ....just try a little harder so maybe you can actually be together? i’m begging here LIL SIS IT'S SO FUCKING HARD TO I START FEELING CONFIDENT ABOUT IT THEN BAM  SO MANY WHAT IFS BIG BRO maybe don't tell her face to face LIL SIS THEN THERE COMES ALL THE REASONS WHY WE SHOULD STILL TRY BIG BRO i know it sounds bad but what if you like...write her a letter or something LIL SIS THEN IT GETS SO COMPLICATED fuck, i don't know... what if she thinks that's not as genuine as telling her face to face? god, what if i've been seeing things that aren't there?? BIG BRO i don't know, i think it's still pretty romantic then again i was married to a writer so i kind of have to think that SHUT UP. you’re not trust me LIL SIS  this isn't going to work if it was, i would've already been with her at this point BIG BRO it's not working because you're too scared and you're messing up your own chances LIL SIS liza never thought that writing my feelings out in a letter was genuine god, monroe's gonna think the same i just know it BIG BRO liza can fuck off LIL SIS i don't think i can do this BIG BRO it's very genuine trust me LIL SIS i can't ruin what we already have i can’t lose her too BIG BRO you WON’T LIL SIS yes i will!!!! every time i try to be honest about my feelings, i lose them!!! miles, liza, luca, max; i was too scared to tell miles i was falling for him and i lost him. i tried to be honest with liza and luca and max, guess what? i still lost them i’m going to lose roe too BIG BRO she loves you too I JUST KNOW IT LIL SIS thta’s literally just how things are for me  BIG BRO you won't lose her LIL SIS she's my best fucking friend, lan i can't risk doing anything and losing her i can’t tell her i can’t risk it BIG BRO How did we go from romantic dinner to this? i’m going to come over there  and SMACK YOU LIL SIS that’s child abuse  i'm your BABY sister, remember? BIG BRO I DON’T GIVE FUCK LIL SIS  rude. but i truly wish i wasn't the way that i am. maybe things would be easier. maybe i'd already have her idk i love her and want her so much BIG BRO then you tell her before it’s too late I know what I’m talking about LIL SIS but literally everything about my past proves that i never get what i want and if i lose her i have no idea what i'm going to do with myself i'm still waiting for the inevitable day that i lose mars and won't have him in my life anymore i just can’t lose either of them BIG BRO You’re not going to lose anyone Look at it this way LIL SIS they both deserve so much better than me BIG BRO you’re annoying and i hate you but i’m still here So why would they leave? That’s not true You’re a wonderful mum to Mars LIL SIS i'm a stripper whose baby daddy is an "ex" drug dealer cps would have a field day knowing that fact alone mars and monroe are the most important people in my life and i'd lose my mind if i lost one of them; i can't imagine what would happen if i lost them both i'm so constantly scared all the time i'm so comfortable with her and have told her things i haven't even told you about but then i try to tell her that i love her and i just clam up BIG BRO It’s normal to be scared and I get why you’re so scared of telling her, I really do LIL SIS and then it becomes so conflicting because i can SEE us being able to work on things together and make us work and i WANT that so much BIG BRO
But I’m so sure she loves you too and I hate seeing you like this knowing everything could be so much better if you tell her LIL SIS  but then i'm also scared that in the end, despite all of our hard efforts, it still doesn't end up working in the end, because i'm just so use to that i love her i love her so much and would do anything for her and i want to tell her and i want to try to make us work she's already helped me and inspired me to become a better person than i was this time last year but i'm so use to everything eventually going to shit at the end and i just can't imagine my future without her so what happens if i do lose her? what do i do? BIG BRO YOU WON’T FUCKING LOSE HER I PROMISE YOU What if she’s feeling the same???? And that’s why she hasn’t told you??? Then what you just go around each other in circles for the rest of your lives until one of you gives up and finds someone else? LIL SIS she deserves someone better she's the most amazing person i've ever met i’m just me BIG BRO i’m going to kill you you’re infuriating I’m going to say this just once so listen well LIL SIS so i’ve been told BIG BRO YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON AND YOU DESERVE LOVE AND HAPPINESS AND IF SHE DOESNT SEE THAT THEN ITS HER LOSS LIL SIS do i??? i literally told you not too long ago that i literally ghosted someone whom i truly wanted to befriend over a year ago. i have constantly pushed away and hurt and lost so many people, including my high school best friend. including max. i've constantly made so many bad choices over the past six, almost seven years of my life and have hurt so many people. i can't hurt mars and monroe, too, and end up losing them as well BIG BRO You can’t base your whole life in bad choices you made in the past!! Do you have any idea how many fucked up things I did?!? Does that mean I don’t deserve to find love again? Don’t answer that.  we’re talking about you You deserve love!! LIL SIS i need to go buy some more groceries i’ll talk to you later BIG BRO You’re running away from me Fine 🙄 LIL SIS  landon i just it’s hard to believe that okay? after everything i've done and after hurting so many people, it's hard to believe that i deserve something as good as those two it just doesn't seem like something that should be a possibility for me BIG BRO yes i love her i love her and mars more than anything else that's why i'm so scared of losing them BIG BRO i think they’re worth the risk LIL SIS i know  i wish i could stop being so scared BIG BRO Can I just say though if you’re so scared of losing her ...maybe you two should stop FUCKING LIL SIS ... shut up
LIL SIS  OKAY, i seriously need to go buy groceries, byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee BIG BRO Byeeeee
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