byler2025 · 4 months
incoming byler theory, shoegate!!!
So we've seen Mike wearing Will's shoes in s5 for whatever reason.... but could it be symbolism?
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in simple words, literally AND figuratively Mike is putting himself in Will's shoes. figuratively, because s5 Mike is going to experience what s4 Will went through. Their roles are going to be reversed.
the phrase "to put yourself in someone else's shoes" is to experience (or at least imagine) what they went/are going through.
firstly, s4 was strictly filmed from Will's pov, showing almost nothing from Mike's. this does make it feel as if mikes character arc has been left on a cliff hanger since the ending of s3, where we did get to see more into Mike's mind, and that spoke a lot to us.
so far, what we can confirm is that Will Byers is in love with Mike Wheeler, mostly from his pov being the main focus of the love triangle in s4. they made it clear for us. yet, Mike's perspective is still blurry.
thats the main reason why i think it would only make sense for s5 to show Mike's pov a LOT, and reveal some things that weren't necessarily obvious in s4 (for one, Mike's feelings for Will).
knowing we're finally going to be seeing Mike's pov, we'll see him pining over Will, just like Will did s4. they are going to switch their roles on screen, we'll see Mike, now that he doesn't have to deal with his relationship issues with El and his (not necessarily) new issue of how he doesn't think Will could ever love him back. and Will, is going to be trying to resolve issues with his connections to vecna.
my main point is, the writers are going to figuratively put Mike in wills shoes. Mike is going to be pining over Will this season, and it will be explicitly shown this time.
not done!!!
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these are Mike and Will's shoes in s2. keep note of the designs and colors.
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these are Mike's shoes in s5. coincidentally (not), they have the same design as his shoes in s2. but the colors seem to be the opposite?
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now these are Will's shoes in s5. they too keep the same design as his own shoes in s2, and the colors are opposite, just like Mike's shoes.
or... the colors are reversed.
Mike and Will's shoes kept the same designs from s2, but the colors are reversed, just like their roles will be in s5.
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
imagine what if all the byers (or at least will and jonathan) are staying with the wheelers during the upside down apocalypse in s5. holly, being the little 6 yro that she is knowing no personal boundaries, has been snooping in mike’s room when he’s not home and found the letters he wrote to will. 
as the byers are moving into to the wheeler household, holly beams and  jumps up to hug will because she hasn’t seen him in so long ”will!” and greets her just as enthusiastically “hi holly! how are you?” still smiling she says “good! i have something for you!” will looks at her surprised “you do?” she grins ”yeah!” she starts bounding up the stairs to get whatever it is she has for him. as she gets to the top of the stairs she yells down “i found it in mike’s room!” 
mike who had been half listening whips around when he hears what holly just said. realizing what she might be referring to he yells and tries to stop her “hey! holly! wait! stay out of my room!” but its too late as holly is now coming down the stairs with a stack of envelopes in her hand and she hands them to will “see! they all have your name on them”
will takes them from her hand and looks at them confused. meanwhile, mike behind him has turned white as a ghost and started to panic as he looks at all his letters to will that are signed “love, mike” and where never meant to be sent are now in the hands of their recipient 
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sinclairstarz · 2 months
“will deserves better than mike!! i just hope he ends up with a different love interest!”
will the second anyone else interacts with him romantically:
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bonkerstogether · 3 months
Me realizing that since stranger things takes place in the 80s that technically means the byler kiss has already happened
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what? i’m so Normal about him. 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
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Mike thinks he has to be needed in order to be loved because he doesn’t think anyone could ever want him. He thinks he has to earn love via offering some form of protection. Meanwhile, Will wants Mike so much that he feels like he needs him. And it has nothing to do with Mike earning his affection — Will just loves him for who he is.
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Well, here it is! This took me way longer than I was expecting purely due to finals week (more like month), but I really hope everyone enjoys! Let me know your thoughts, and let me know if you want me to expand on anything/do anymore analyses! I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed making this and will be totally willing to spend time on another one!
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bylergy · 2 years
Let’s talk about the way Will is staring at Mike in this,
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I cannot, Mike is literally all Will sees and more. It’s literally always been there. Always.
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aidyaiden · 2 months
rating byler with each 5 love languages:
physical touch : 10/10 byler hugging, holding hands, kissing, forehead kisses, cheeks kisses, sitting as close as possible, cuddling, i love that
quality time : 10/10 byler hanging out together, watching their favorite movies, reading comics, Mike writing while Will is painting, playing video games, i love that
words of affirmation : 10/10 byler saying they love each other, complimenting each other, praising each other, saying how proud they are of the other, how awesome they're doing, i love that
receiving gifts : 10/10 Will drawing for Mike, giving him paintings and sketches of him, showing him how awesome and handsome he is, Mike writing for Will, describing how he makes Mike feel, showing how head over heels in love he is for Will, finding and giving random objects that made one of them think of the other, i love that
acts of service : 10/10 byler doing the other's chores because he has more work than usual, preparing each other warm baths after a stressful day, making breakfast for the other, i love that
conclusion i love byler
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gay-idi0t · 2 years
you should draw will painting a picture of mike and mike doodling a stick figure of will
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aaaaaaaaaa I love this idea smmmm tysm <3333
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lordystrange · 1 year
Them: There is nothing going on between Will and Mike
ST comic book:
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
mike coming out to dustin while off on a mission in s5
they’ve been walking around for about an hour now, making casual conversation and commentary on the invalding aspects of the upside down into their world when dustin decides to ask.
“so i’ve been meaning to ask, what’s up with you and el?” dustin asks as he carefully steps over a vine. 
“huh?” mike turns around to look at him, a confused expression on his face in response to the question that to him came out of no where. “what are you talking about?”
“well you guys are barley talking to each other let alone in the same room anymore. honestly it’s been nice to not turn around to you guys making out every five seconds but likewise it’s a little off putting the space between the two of you” dustin comments as they continue on. 
“oh,” mike says “i mean that’s probably because we broke up.” 
dustin stops and looks up at him with a clear expression of shock on his face “what?!? when!?!” “uh, since a little after the rest of us got back from lenora?” mike offers, getting a little uncomfortable by how surprised dustin is. 
dustin looks at him with utmost sympathy “aw man dude that sucks, i’m so sorry.” mike shakes his head “nah it’s fine. it’s for the best i think actually.” dustin sputters “”for the best”?! man what are you talking about? you guys were completely wrapped up in each other just last summer, how could you even say that?”
dustin continues rambling “i mean you guys were so focused on each other that you ended up ditching us constantly! which was just as annoying as it was sweet by the way.”
“i mean! hell i thought you guys would be together forever considering when you yelled at us that you loved her that one time-”
mike turns around and snaps “well you’re wrong dustin!”
dustin stops short and looks at mike, eyes wide in shock and taken aback from his outburst. mike deflates a bit after seeing the reaction from one of his bestfriends. he sighs looking down at the ground. “you’re wrong. el and i aren’t gonna be together forever. and i don’t love her like that. hell i’m not even sure i ever actually liked her like that.”
“what? but you guys were together like all the time. and kissing all the time. will even said that you told her you loved her when she was fighting vecna?” dustin replies even more confused
mike sighs again “yeah, i did do all those things, because i thought that’s what i was supposed to do. what all guys are supposed to do with their girlfriends. and especially in that moment in the pizza cooler, i was so afraid that if i didn’t say what el wanted me to say, that she would have died. but...” mike pauses and looks up at the sky, almost like he’s contemplating something. “none of those things i did were because i liked her romantically.”
the two of them keep walking but dustin keeps staring at mike, occasionally looking down at his feet to watch where he steps, because some things still aren’t making sense to him. “okay, but like dude, i don’t get it? when she left with the byers, you were so mopey and miserable. i mean we could hardly get you to leave you basement, like, ever. and other times all you would do is complain about joyce’s telemarketer job because you couldn’t get through the phonelines every time you tired to call them. i thought that was all from you missing your girlfriend?”
mike sighs again, but this time it’s shaky. he looks nervous as he turns a concerning combination of both pale and flushed. without turning to look at dustin he replies. “yeah, i mean i was miserable. but...el...she wasn’t the only one who left hawkins. i mean, she left with the byers remember?”
dustin’s face still looks confused, even as he’s looking down to watch where he steps. “yeah i remember but what does that have to do with- oh, oh right will. i mean we all missed will dude, you’re not the only one.”
“dustin.” “what?” mike still hasn’t turned around to look at him, his head’s hanging low. finally he does turn around and his face is pale and eyes glassy, dustin’s never seen him look this nervous and scared before. he looks at dustin and his voice is shaky “please don’t make me say it.”
with the same puzzled look on his face dustin goes “say what? mike, i really don’t get...” suddenly every thing in dustin’s brain clicks. his eyes go wide as he finally, finally puts the pieces together. he whispers “holy shit”
mike looks away and that’s pretty much all dustin needs to confirm what he was thinking. “holy shit”
“oh my god dude. holy shit”
mike sighs, trying to keep his breath as even as he can “look if you want to head back now i can finish this on my own, but please-”
dustin looks at him like he just said he was gonna go and put one of the demodogs on a leash “what?! dude no! are you insane? i just can’t believe i never fucking noticed!”
mike now looks confused “huh?”
“dude it makes so much sense now!” dustin looks at him like he just gave him the simplest answer to the word’s most complicated question “i mean it explains everything! ever since we were kids! how you were so protective of him, how you always spoke to him in that voice-”
“i mean you were so defensive when it came to him, i mean you wouldn’t even let us within five feet of him that one night on halloween-”
“oh my god! it also explains why you never shut up about him during hellfire- EDDIE! HOLY SHIT YOU HAD A CRUSH ON EDDIE TOO DIDN’T YOU!”
“DUSTIN!” mike has now turned beat red from all the revelations his friend is now deciding to share out into the open. dustin calms down from all his sudden realizations “sorry, man i really just can’t believe i never noticed.” and mike looks at him a little shyly “and you don’t care?” 
dustin once again looks at him like he just offered to invite the next Demogorgon them come across over for tea “what? no man” he becomes serious “you’re still one of my best friends. and besides we’ve been through way too much shit for me to care about your obvious crush on will, WHICH I CAN’T BELIEVE I MISSED-”
“dustin!” mike’s laughing now, relieved that he’s finally admitted this to one of his bestfriends and he doesn’t hate him or find him gross or disgusting, although still somewhat embarrassed by his friend’s comment towards his crush
dustin chuckles too “sorry. man, i can’t believe how oblivious i was. steve would be so disappointed in me. don’t tell him about this too by the way. i don’t need him giving me shit about not picking up on people’s feelings when he still won’t tell me why him and robin wouldn’t work out! i was so sure about those two!”
mike gives dustin a knowing look and shakes his head as he laughs and pats him on the shoulder “don’t worry dustin, i’m sure you’ll figure it out sooner or later.” and continues off in the direct they were headed. dustin stays rooted in his spot as he stares after him slightly confused. after a minute he runs after him.
“hey wait what do you mean by that? mike? MIKE?”
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booksandpaperss · 2 years
Some idiots people on tik tok: I think Will was ready to start moving on from Mike in season 4 and people need to realize that.
Meanwhile this is the Will they’re saying is ready to move on:
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bonkerstogether · 2 months
I totally didn't almost cry while making this 👍
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"I've gotten lost many times. Your eyes make me forget where I am. I want to stare into them all day," Mike read off the page he wrote. "Your skin was soft when I held your hand. Our fingers touched, just that one time, but it meant everything to me."
Mike swallowed. "I feel the fire burning inside of me. The fire that you started when you agreed to be my friend. It fills me with warm joy every time I hear your name. I think about you and the fire spreads, making my face hot and pink." He paused. "Your lips are pink. They are like the flowers that we picked in the garden. They look as soft as pillows, and I want to trace them with lips of my own."
Mike looked up from his paper and at his friend. "Will Byers, can I kiss you?"
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Hey everyone! So I've been working on a Byler Analysis slideshow (just for fun, lol, I need a break from school/work). Would people be interested in seeing the rest of it? It's not quite done, but it definitely will be 30+ slides long. Let me know!
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