#Wooden Yoga Bricks online
swadeshibabuindia · 1 year
Wooden Yoga Bricks online | Swadeshibabu
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By assisting in extending reach and making more challenging postures accessible, grip yoga bricks are ideal for securely unlocking more advanced poses. The natural cork surface offers a firm, comfy seat for meditation as well as good grip. Using a yoga block or brick can enable you to reach farther and do more challenging positions.
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decorationinside · 4 months
Step into a Secret Garden: Enchanting Cafe Design Ideas for your Oasis
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Imagine pushing open a door and stepping into a hidden paradise. Lush greenery cascades from walls, sunlight filters through leaves, and the air hums with the soft buzz of bees. This isn't a magical forest – it's your secret garden cafe, a tranquil escape amidst the urban jungle. Photo by Harriet B. on Pexels.com Cultivating the Green Thumb: The key to a successful Secret Garden theme lies in bringing the outdoors in. Embrace natural materials like exposed brick, wooden tables, and wicker chairs. Transform walls into living canvases with vertical gardens or hanging planters overflowing with ferns, ivy, and trailing vines. Let sunlight be your main source of illumination, supplementing it with strategically placed lanterns and fairy lights for an ethereal glow after dark. Whimsical Touches: Add playful elements to keep your garden whimsical. Upcycle mismatched teacups and saucers, displaying them on open shelves like blooming flowers. Scatter birdhouses throughout the cafe, or create miniature fairy gardens tucked away in hidden corners. Don't forget the soundtrack – gentle nature sounds and calming music will complete the serene atmosphere. A Feast for the Senses: Your menu should complement the theme. Offer herbal teas, floral pastries, and dishes named after edible flowers or garden creatures. Feature locally sourced ingredients and present them in a rustic, organic way. Encourage mindful eating by incorporating fresh herbs and edible flowers into your dishes for an extra sensory experience. Beyond the Greenery: While plants are the stars of the show, don't shy away from adding other unique elements. String birdcages filled with fairy lights overhead, create a rustic pathway with stepping stones, or add a charming water feature with the gentle sound of trickling water. Encourage customers to leave handwritten messages on leaves hung from branches, creating a beautiful and interactive touch. Small Space, Big Impact: Even small cafes can blossom into secret gardens. Utilize mirrors to create the illusion of more space and reflect the greenery. Arrange furniture to create intimate nooks and crannies, encouraging conversation and fostering a sense of community. Don't forget the power of scent – use essential oils or natural diffusers with calming aromas like lavender or jasmine to complete the immersive experience. More Than Just a Cafe: Transform your Secret Garden into a sanctuary for the soul. Host yoga classes in the morning sunshine, poetry readings under the fairy lights, or even themed workshops on gardening or floral arrangements. This will attract a loyal following who appreciate the unique atmosphere and experiences you offer. Every secret garden tells its own story. Infuse your personality and passion into the design, making it a true reflection of your vision. With a little creativity and a love for nature, you can create a cafe that's more than just a place to eat – it's a hidden oasis where everyone can relax, recharge, and reconnect with the magic of the natural world. https://cozypronest.com/ready-made-homes-on-the-move-exploring-portable-options-online/ So, open the door to your secret garden and invite your guests to escape the ordinary. Let the enchantment begin! Read the full article
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asmyiiyengaryoga · 1 year
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elaine4queen · 4 years
So the next day I took myself in hand. What makes me feel better is yoga. We know about this. I Google ‘yin yoga near me’ and get a fistful of results. One place is obviously mainly hot yoga and has a sort of gym vibe. Two others are near and both have yin classes, but one is sooner than the other. They are actually near each other, so after a quick lunch served by an Australian drag queen Lisa goes on to her tasks and I head towards the yogis. I couldn’t figure out logging in properly with them online because of my UK phone number, so thought I’d hit the one that had an earlier class and stick with it if it was a nice welcoming place, and if it was giving me the huzz I’d nip round the block to the other one and check them out. No idea what the second place was like because the first one struck me as perfect for my needs. It also had a cafe and a cosy hang out space, so I took off my shoes, hung up my coat, got myself a ginger tea, and snuggled up with the internet on my phone for a bit. When it was time to start heading into class I threw my phone and keys in a locker - which turned out to be number 101, peeled off my socks and stuffed them into my coat pocket and headed in. The room was massive but warm enough, all very clean and clear and monochrome. Ceiling and lights in white, walls in grey, wooden floor, grey mats, blankets and bolsters, and black belts and little zafu like cushions for random use, and the usual cork bricks. No blocks. Heading back to the house in the dark I felt like a local because I was doing a local thing in a local way. And for the first time the first key I tried in the lock worked.
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sophygurl · 5 years
okay so I saw your fox way post (which i realise is from like 5 months ago so i'm sorry if it's not in your main interests anymore) and I wanted to know what you think would be some good descriptors for the organised comfy chaos that is their house. bc i love the idea of a house of miss-matched over stuffed sofas and everything everywhere that doesn't understand the concept of minimalism but I can't find anything online that looks like what I imagine. Thoughts?
omg so The Raven Cycle in general, and Fox Way in particular, is never out of my main interests so thank you for this!! I actually have a Bunch of other metas that I’ve kinda collected notes for and one of them is actual physical descriptions of 300 Fox Way? 
I feel bad because I’ve already promised @sparkly-things metas about Maura and Gray next up ages ago, but hopefully they won’t mind? And I happen to have a lil energy and time today, so here goes with every physical description of the house that I’ve collected during re-reads (may have missed stuff). 
This got long, and is perhaps not even what you were looking for, but I hope it helps you and/or others looking for descriptions of the house! 
Blue describes the architecture of the house, simply, as weird in TRB. In TDT she expands on that, saying it “was two houses knitted together, and neither structure had been a palace to begin with. Narrow hallways leaned eagerly toward one another.” I’m not sure if she means this literally, as in two small houses on nearby lots got made into one building somehow, or just that the way the house is built just makes it feel that way? 
She goes on to talk about a “stray toilet gurgling somewhere” - since we know there is only the one bathroom is she talking about that or does this language mean there is maybe another toilet connected somewhere, like in a basement? Then “the wood floors were as buckled as the sidewalk out front.” Some of the walls were painted in vivid purples and blues, and some had decades old wallpaper (in the same rooms or in different rooms?). “Faded black and white photographs hung beside Klimt prints and old metal scissors. The entire decor was a victim of too much thrift-shopping and too many strong personalities.”
Gansey describes the house as being “cramped with extraneous people and whimsical objects. It hummed with conversation, music, telephones, old appliances.” Malory calls the house “lovely” and seems to appreciate just how many walls there are. 
At one point, it’s said that 300 Fox Way is one mile away from Monmouth Manufacturing. 
The exterior is a “little bright blue house”. There is a hand painted sign that reads “PSYCHIC” and then “By appointment only”. When turned around, the sign reads “CLOSED COME BACK SOON!” I’m not sure if there is a porch, but there is a porch light referred to when opening the front door, so that’s a good guess. There is a front step, so it’s not a ground level entrance to the front of the house the way it seems to be in the back. 
Outside in the backyard - there’s Blue’s large Beech tree, which shades the entire backyard with it’s “beautiful, perfectly symmetrical canopy” that kept out all but the heaviest of rains. There is a high wooden fence covered with honeysuckle that blocked out neighboring lights and the canopy of the tree blocked out the moonlight.
Right off the sliding glass door in the kitchen, there’s a cracked brick patio leading into the yard itself. There are chairs arranged on the patio.
In the kitchen, above the table, is the chandelier described as a “badly designed stained-glass creation” (also described as “the fake Tiffany lamp”) - the one they have difficulty changing the bulbs in. The process of changing the bulbs took at least three hands and was generally left until all the bulbs had burned out - so consider that the kitchen would have different levels of light depending on how far along in this process they might be. The kitchen counters seem always to be cluttered with mugs, teas being made and packaged, essential oils, flowers, pots boiling, etc. There is also a cabinet filled with glasses, either in the kitchen, or close enough to the kitchen for them to rattle when one gets down off of the kitchen table. 
Also in the kitchen - the door to the pantry that Artemus takes up residence in. 
You can see to the front hall and the base of the stairs from the kitchen, and there’s a main hallway that connects from the kitchen, which is at the back of the house, to the front of the house where the front door is, and so I imagine that the stairs are right there in that front hall area. I also believe there is only the one set of stairs connecting the two floors. The staircase has a railing with a knob on it. In the hallway, there is a table with a clock on it. 
The reading room can easily be gotten to from both the kitchen and the front hall, so I imagine it’s off to the other side of the stairs perhaps and maybe there’s a door from the hall and another to the back from the kitchen? There do seem to be multiple doors into the room, and since Adam describes it as a room meant to be a dining room, that makes sense to me. The doors are sometimes closed, so it’s not one of those rooms that is just separated off by archways or whatever.
Anyway, it is described as containing “the candles, the potted plants, the incense burners, the elaborate dining room chandelier, the rustic table that dominated the room, the lace curtains, and finally ... a framed photograph of Steve Martin.” Maura seems proud of that photograph, and makes sure to tell Whelk that it’s signed. It’s also described as having mismatched furniture, with an armchair at the head of the table.There’s a framed photograph of a standing stone on the wall. Also, apparently, there’s a phone in the reading room. There are blinds over the windows. 
There’s also a living room, which I’m thinking is further into the house, because you can’t see the front hall/door from there. There is a fuzzy mint green love seat, and a blue striped chair, and a wicker bench in front of the window. There’s also a couch. I’m also guessing this is where the TV is, unless there is a separate TV room as well, somewhere on the downstairs level? 
There is only one bathroom, and it’s upstairs. There’s a full bathtub. 
The upstairs phone, the one dedicated to the psychic phone line Orla had put in, is in the Phone/Sewing/Cat room, which has green gingham wallpaper and is “full of a multitude of odds and ends”. I’m not sure if the long purple silk Calla does her aerial yoga in is always there, or of Calla sets it up before she does it each time? There are bins of sewing materials, a chair with a pillow on it, and I’m guessing this is the room with the sewing table in it? 
Blue had repurposed canvas trees glued to her bedroom walls, decorated with collaged and found-paper leaves. There was a card table shoved against her twin mattress with reading materials on it, and a nightstand with a dim green lamp. Her closet door was covered with glued dried flowers. She had a ceiling fan that was hung with colored feathers and lace, also leaves. And she had copied a poem on her ceiling. There was a bird painted on one wall with a talk bubble that read “WORMS FOR ALL”. A shelf cluttered with buttons and scissors. A rotating fan in the corner. Blue’s room is adjacent to the Phone/Sewing/Cat room.
Maura has her own room, which is next door to the Phone/Sewing/Cat room. Calla describes it as being chaotic and messy and filled with too much shit. 
Calla and Jimi share a bedroom. It is my considered opinion that they also share a bed, but this is never mentioned or alluded to. We do know that on Calla’s dresser is kept the three statues of Oya, Oshun, and Yemaya, the Yoruban goddesses.
Persephone’s bedroom was at the end of the hall upstairs, past the Phone/Sewing/Cat room and bathroom, and the door to her room was painted red. She had a desk with a Victorian desk chair, and a “high, elderly twin bed”. There was a shaggy rug. 
Presumably Orla has a bedroom somewhere up there and if there are other residents of the house (see the post referred to in this ask for why I wonder about that possibility), then perhaps there are also other bedrooms??
The attic is accessible from the second floor with a door that leads to the stairs that lead up to it. This door is at the very end of the hall, probably past Persephone’s room. A single light bulb lit the attic and it didn’t reach the stairs, so that was a dark stairway. Once up there, there are numerous slanting roof lines which means this is one of those houses with lots of angles and not just one flat or arched roof. There’s also unfinished wood floorboards and areas patched with plywood. There’s a porthole window (along with other windows apparently?), the leads out to the mismatched roof angles outside. Before Neeve moved in, there was nothing up there because Maura was against collecting things. 
When Calla and Blue go up to investigate once Neeve’s been living there, they find a mattress covered with throw rugs on the floor; lots of candles, bowls, and glasses cluttered together, bright painter’s tape making patterns between those objects, a half-burned plant stalk on a plate dusted with ashes, and in one of the narrow dormers - two full-length footed mirrors facing one another. Also a statue of a woman with eyes in her belly, a black leather mask with a large pointed beak, a red mask that matched it, a switch made of three sticks tied together with a red ribbon, and a little cloth bag with asafetida tied into it.
After they clear out Neeve’s things and it becomes Gwenllian’s room, the mirrors are still there, and the mattress, but it becomes cluttered with her own mess of things, also including candles and half-burnt plants.
So that’s what I got! LMK if you have more questions. I love this house and the people who live in so very much. Thanks for asking about it! 
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121keto · 3 years
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chiselandoak · 3 years
HIGH QUALITY Wooden Yoga Blocks Online For Fitness | Chisel & Oak
TOP rated wooden yoga blocks for fitness made with High QUALITY wood is exclusively at OFFER on Chisel & Oak online store.
BEST Offer: Rs. 1499/-
Hurry Up! BUY these high quality yoga bricks at BEST DEAL to achieve good fitness.
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puckleisdreaming · 3 years
It was a flat grey morning, the kind of sky where birds look like paper cut outs being pulled about on string. Nothing had any shadows or depth in this flat light. As she headed down the street, past the pub’s bins and across the bridge she let her mind wander. She didn’t have time to stop but she did cross at a leisurely pace watching the water shift and ripple with unseen currents defying the 2Dness of the world around her.
She loved being out in the mornings here. Back in the countryside you could never have a moment alone, village people rose early and everyone knew everyone. Even if you headed out there was still a good chance you’d pass someone you knew walking their dog or that one of your neighbours would spot you whilst they were off to feed the horses. In the city, no one knew her and city people didn’t do much of anything before eight AM. She watched the water and heard the soft echoing tap of her shoes on the wooden bridge and tried to hold on to that feeling of serenity. Be the river.
She’d been doing a lot of online yoga classes at home. Her mother never would have allowed it, anything that invited you to be in tune with and aware of your body was worldly and not to be trusted, but she found such joy in experiencing her body. Ever since her earliest childhood she’d been told to be small, be quiet, not to make a fuss, so much so that just the act of choosing to move, to stretch and take up space felt like an act of rebellion in a way. She loved her mother and her church back home and she missed both but the kind of anonymity she felt here in this new city was thrilling and she was finding she had a taste for much of that which had been denied.
She arrived at the cobble street that led to her new church. Red brick buildings leaned in from either side, the smell of coffee filling the air from one of the flats above. She made a mental note to get herself something to drink on the way home, she wanted a treat. The street ended at a nondescript double door with black iron handles. It still struck her as bizarre even though she’d been here a few times now. Churches had towers, height, even the humble church of her childhood out in the middle of nowhere was a good two and a bit stories tall but here in the city it was a small one story building like a village hall.
She knocked and waited, Luke opened the door with a quiet smile.
“Hi Liz.”
He was very shy and barely managed enough eye contact to nod her good morning before disappearing to the back of the hall to make cups of tea, blushing the whole way. She liked Luke for that. There was a way she was used to the men in her life being and he was not that. The men of her childhood had been carved from stone, fossilised. Even the kind ones she loved dearly had been utterly unchangeable. Luke was not like those men, he was barely a man at all really, the same age as her, fresh out of youth with all the insecurities she had thought boys never experienced. As she watched him go she asked after him.
“Can I have a sugar this time?”
He turned back, caught almost at the door to the kitchen and frowned, his curiosity getting the better of his shyness.
“Sure, that’s new?”
“Just fancied a change that’s all, never tried tea with sugar before.”
He looked like he was about to ask another question and then thought better of it and carried on into the kitchen. No one else was here yet so Liz began taking the chairs from where they were stacked against the wall and arranging them in rows facing the wall where reverend Caimile would stand. Caimile was bright and quick and even when she spoke she seemed to sing. She was the reason Liz had chosen this church over the one her mother had picked out for her to join. She’d decided not to tell her mother of this just yet. She would bring her mother to meet Caimile when she came up to visit. Liz was sure her mother would be icy about her choosing a different church from the one her mother picked out but if she met Caimile in person Liz was sure she’d understand. No one had ever reached Liz like Caimile did.
She spoke of love and joy like all of the preachers of her childhood but growing up these words had been a quiet refrain to an unwilling audience, like trying to coax a toddler into sharing their toys. When Caimile spoke of these things it was with a kind of wild defiance, it was a challenge. She recognised all of the pain and the hardship that everyone would face everyday and gave you love and joy as a power, a light in all of that darkness that only you could wield. It was the kind of call to arms that only someone who lived their life fully could make. The moment you met Caimile you could see she had walked roads less travelled and held on to everything she learnt along the way. She could make you feel like a partner to her on that journey. A trusted confidant in this dizzy spiralling world. Someday Liz would inspire people like that, be able to hold a room in rapt joy as Caimile could. She wanted to learn everything Caimile could teach her.
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swadeshibabuindia · 1 year
Best Fitness Yoga Mats Online in India
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Compared to single spring belly trimmers, double spring trimmers are stronger and more durable. Our tummy trimmer is portable, lightweight, easy to carry, and simple to use at any time or place. Placeholder for the foot is solid and stable. We Upgraded High Quality Plastic And Spring At 360 Degree Oddish Tummy Trimmer Double Spring We Fixed Sturdy Foot Padel Interior Design
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cathrynstreich · 4 years
At-Home Fitness Experiences a Pandemic-Era Resurgence
(TNS)—Clad in black leggings and grip socks, Katy Winter strides into Vita, her Oakland, Calif.-based fitness studio. She’s all primed to teach a power Pilates class to a group of clients, only the place is completely empty.
No worries. Winter unfurls a yoga mat upon the gleaming wooden floor, props her MacBook laptop on a cushioned stool and gazes into the screen. Twelve faces in little Zoom squares smile back at her.
“How are you holding up?” she asks. “Go ahead and start your playlists, and let’s get going, everyone!”
Behold the virtual new fitness normal. Ordered to close their doors as part of the COVID-19 lockdown, resilient gyms, dance studios and other facilities have turned to online platforms to help participants stay active, get motivated and find their Zen without leaving their living rooms.
It’s a far cry from the days when Jane Fonda, all aglow in neon spandex, urged millions to get their sweat on via VHS videotapes. But with modern audio-visual technology making real-time interaction possible, the rise of—and return to—home fitness has proven a blessing on many levels.
“We’ve had some of our clients talk about how they’re dealing with depression and anxiety during these challenging times. How they’re crying all day and can’t get off the couch,” Winter says. “I tell them, just try giving us 45 minutes or so. Get the blood flowing. You’ll feel so much better.”
Of course, the instructors and facilities also benefit, as the coronavirus closures have many of them struggling to stay afloat.
Jordan Schreiber, who owns the ATA Martial Arts Leadership Academy in Martinez, is facing his biggest fiscal hurdle ever, and that’s saying a lot, considering he opened his business in 2007—just as the recession started to hit.
“That was nothing compared to this,” he says. “This has been incredibly brutal.” Stefan Trandafirescu, a dance instructor who owns The Rose Ballroom in San Jose, can relate. With his revenue in a free-fall and a strident landlord offering no breaks in rent, he claims the recent months have been “very, very painful.”
And so they’re forced to adapt or wither away. To survive, many of them are leaning into things that weren’t exactly in their wheelhouse: working with camera equipment, video monitors, headsets and unfamiliar software platforms—all while trying to hone their on-screen magnetism.
“That’s part of the fun and the challenge of it,” says Randy Myers, a Berkeley-based personal trainer and group exercise instructor, who is known to encourage his charges with virtual fist-bumps. “Fortunately, I like to learn new things.”
Shabnam S. Wright is on the same page. An award-winning belly dancer who runs the Shabnam Dance Studio in Oakland and teaches classes via Skype, she says the pandemic has been “good in a way”—pushing her to rethink her approach to instruction.
“A business can’t do things just one way,” she says. “This has forced us to be innovative.” And amazingly creative. With instructors unable to rely on studios packed with familiar equipment, they’ve had to improvise.
“We try to think of what people have at home,” says Winter, who has had clients use “weird props” like women’s tights for stretch bands, a roll of toilet paper for inner thigh work and wine bottles in place of light dumbbells.
“You just have to be careful not to smash them,” she says.
Schreiber has had to be even more imaginative. Recently, he and his staff administered skill tests to more than 100 martial arts students, who, under normal circumstances, would perform them in-studio and alongside sparring partners. Instead, the tests were carried out on Zoom with students challenged to respond to the teachers’ virtual “attacks.”
As for the subsequent rank ceremony, it became a drive-through affair with masked staff members adhering to social distancing edicts by using extender poles to pass the colored belts to students, who remained in their cars.
And then there’s Terez Orr, a dancer and instructor with Smuin Ballet in San Francisco. Unable to work with pupils at the company’s new facility on Potrero Hill, she had Marley flooring—professional dance flooring—installed in the kitchen of her snug San Francisco apartment. From there, she administers lessons via Zoom to ballet students who, of course, had to make their own in-home modifications.
“It’s a challenge to find the proper height for the bar, which normally would be mounted on a wall,” she says. “They can use a chair or a table, but that might not always be stable … And we try to do small jumps instead of big ones.”
Naturally, there are downsides to the online transition. The instructors refer to the loss of personal connection and the in-room group energy. Myers had to move some of his online sessions from his home into his backyard after his cat became a nuisance. Now, he occasionally frets over whether a lawn-mowing neighbor might ruin the vibe.
“There are so many things you don’t encounter in a gym,” he says.
And Orr admits that certain tutorials simply can’t be done remotely.
“I’m a very hands-on instructor,” she says. “It’s difficult sometimes not being able to physically correct something a student might be getting wrong. I also worry about the safety of the spaces they’re working in. I don’t want them falling over any furniture!”
Trandafirescu and his ballroom dancing partner, Carolyn Barreno, lament the loss of bonds they formed with young couples taking lessons in preparation for weddings that now have been canceled or indefinitely postponed. And they miss the group-dancing socials often held at The Rose Ballroom.
“Those are a chance for everyone to see friends, connect, mingle and talk,” Barreno says. “And it’s a time when you can ask different partners to dance. Obviously, all that has vanished.”
Still, there are significant benefits to the online movement. Several instructors acknowledge that the video tutorials have helped them reach a broader audience, attracting clients outside the Bay Area who appreciate the convenience and otherwise wouldn’t make the trek to the brick-and-mortar outlets.
Also, adds Orr, there’s a certain “safety net” to home exercise.
“Some people just feel more comfortable learning on their own, outside of a group situation,” she says.
Maura Smith, a Berkeley resident who has participated in online classes with Myers, counts herself among them.
“I’ve been willing to try certain things—like Pilates and dance—that I normally wouldn’t,” she admits. “I have a fear of failure. So I often avoid things that I’m not familiar with, especially in group situations.”
Monica Albe of Richmond harbors similar sentiments. When taking online Zoom classes provided by the UC Berkeley recreational sports fitness program, she can see the instructor but chooses an option that prevents others from seeing and hearing her.
“I love that I can be a bum and anonymous,” she says. “I can be sweaty and a complete dork but still feel like I’m part of something cool. It’s much better than a Netflix workout video because it’s live, and the (trainer) is someone I can actually talk to. And I know I can ask for help through the chat function if I need it.”
Orr is convinced that the pandemic-era streaming workouts have been just as valuable for her as they’ve been for her clients.
“It’s a reminder that we’ll be OK and can get through this together,” she says. “To feel that collectively, through a computer screen, is pretty amazing.” And also incredibly uplifting, according to Wright.
“A lot of people aren’t moving right now,” she says. “They’re stuck inside, on the couch or at a work desk. Their hips are locking up. We need to move. We need to dance. We need to be happy and tune in to our bodies.”
All of which brings up the question: Is the Zoom-ified at-home streaming fitness craze here to stay—even post-pandemic? Or will it go the way of Jane Fonda’s playful-peppy workout videos?
“I’ve heard from a lot of people that ‘this works for me,'” Myers says. “So I think that from here on out, the online classes will at least be part of the mix for many of us. It’s redefining what we can offer.”
©2020 The Mercury News Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC
The post At-Home Fitness Experiences a Pandemic-Era Resurgence appeared first on RISMedia.
At-Home Fitness Experiences a Pandemic-Era Resurgence published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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gessvhowarth · 7 years
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Free And Cheap London Events: 16-22 January 2017
All week Stephen Turner's Exbury Egg (pictured in Hampshire) comes to Trinity Buoy Wharf. PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION: See winning images from the Wex Photographer of the Year competition, on display at Old Truman Brewery on Brick Lane. All images were entered into the 2016 weekly online photography competition, #WexMondays. Free entry, just turn up, until 23 January FROM THE EGG: Artist Stephen Turner is mooring up to Trinity Buoy Wharf in a giant wooden egg. His accompanying exhibition Everything Comes From The Egg explains what he's trying to achieve by sailing around the country in this strange craft. Free, just turn up, until 29 January GLASTONBURY: Looking forward to festival season already? The V&A has a sound and film installation about the world-famous festival through time. The footage, which was filmed at the Worthy Farm event in 2014, shows the festival from different people's perspectives. Free, just turn up, until 26 February WORKING THE WALBROOK: Museum of London's latest display shows artefacts from the lost Walbrook valley and beyond, from over 170 years of excavation in London. Items include gardening tools dating back to Roman times. Free, just turn up, until 26 March 2017 Monday 16 January LITTLE ATOMS: Discover the significance of our genes with a talk by novelist Naomi Alderman and scientist Dr Adam Rutherford, exploring human genetics and its many wonders. Takes place at The Horse Hospital near Russell Square, £5, book ahead, 6.30pm-8.30pm MUGGY MONDAY: Get creative with your coffee and customise your own mug at Drink, Shop & Do in King's Cross. You'll be given all the materials to espresso your creativity, so just bring your enthusiasm. £5, just turn up, from 7pm Tuesday 17 January LIBRARY TOUR: Take a free guided tour of Guildhall Library — including behind the scenes areas — with one of the librarians, and learn about some of the items in the collection. Free, book in advance, 2pm-3.30pm FREE MEDITATION: Get your zen on with Inner Space's Practical Meditation course in Covent Garden. For better concentration, creativity and relaxation, Raja Yoga is something anyone can do for a mindful, and peaceful life. Free, book ahead, 4pm-5pm ROYAL LECTURE: King George V's reign is credited with helping constitutional monarchy mature. This Gresham lecture at Museum of London discusses how Britain's monarchy managed to maintain its popularity while five emperors, eight kings and eighteen other dynasties fell from power. Free, just turn up, 6pm-7pm JIM CARREY'S BIRTHDAY: Celebrate comedy actor Jim Carrey's birthday at Drink, Shop & Do by decorating a biscuit with Jim Carrey's face. B-E-A-utiful. Free with a drink, just turn up, from 7pm Wednesday 18 January Terrains of the Body at Whitechapel Gallery. © Hellen van Meene and Yancey Richardson Gallery. Photo: Lee Stalsworth. MATHS AND SKYLINES: Your maths teacher was right — maths can be useful. This Gresham College lecture, at Barnard's Inn Hall, will tackle the problem of the best place to stand when taking a picture of the four chimneys at Battersea Power Station. Free, just turn up, 1pm-2pm GOODBYE OBAMA: Say farewell to Obama with this assessment of his presidency. Join American history expert Professor Andrew Preston for the talk at Arts Two on the QMUL campus in Mile End, two days before the inauguration of president-elect Donald Trump. Free, book ahead, 7pm-9pm TERRAINS OF THE BODY: Whitechapel Gallery's new exhibition opens today. Terrains of the Body showcases work by artists embracing the female body and  central way of telling stories and features work by 17 contemporary artists from around the world. Free, just turn up, until 16 April [Tuesday-Sunday, 11am-6pm] Thursday 19 January Watch and analyse the pilot episode of the Wonder Women television series this Thursday. COSMIC ARCHAEOLOGY: UCL hosts a lunch hour lecture about cosmic archaeology. Dr Amelie Saintonge talks about how observing galaxies across cosmic time can give us an insight into the history of the universe. Free, just turn up, 1.15pm-1.55pm MUSIC OF TODAY: Austrian composer Bernd Richard Deutsch puts on a concert of his colourful, zany works, transporting you to a whirlwind fantasyland of imagination and surprise at Southbank Centre. Free, just turn up, 6pm WONDER WOMAN: Embrace your inner warrior at Petrie Museum's screening of the pilot episode of 1970s TV series Wonder Woman. Dr. Amanda Potter will introduce the screening with a look into how the character has been turned into a super-heroine. Free, book ahead, 6pm-8pm TOP TRUMPS: Drink, Shop & Do hosts an interactive night of Top Trumps to mark Donald Trump's inauguration. Free when you buy a drink, just turn up, from 7pm Friday 20 January RUG RHYMES: Rug Rhymes: What Rhymes With Rug is a short session of nursery rhymes, poems and stories for children under-five and their carers at Southbank Centre. After the session, you have the opportunity to explore the growing children's books collection. Free, just turn up, 10.30am CONFETTI FUN: Sparkling fun is what Drink, Shop & Do has to offer this Friday. Let loose with all of the best party tunes with Confetti Fun Friday. WARNING: you may still be shaking glitter out of your hair on Sunday morning. Free entry until 10pm, £3 after, just turn up Saturday 21 January STORIES OF CREATION: Listen to storytellers, poets and musicians share their interpretations of the creation of our world at Southbank Centre. Hear stories from Norse and African mythology as well as interpretations of religious beliefs. Free, just turn up, 1pm Sunday 22 January Barbican Conservatory is open on Sunday. Photo: Londonist BARBICAN CONSERVATORY: Deep in the concrete jungle of Barbican Centre sits a real jungle, of sorts. Barbican Conservatory only opens to the public on Sundays, and is home to all manner of tropical flowers and plants, as well as fish and terrapins. Don't miss the cactus room upstairs. Free, just turn up, noon-5pm FIRE, PESTILENCE AND PLAGUE: Explore South Bank with a free walking tour, from the days of cockfighting, gambling and other kinds of debauchery to the modern day South Bank. Free, book ahead, 2.30pm-4.30pm COMMUNITY CINEMA: Hargrave Hall Community Cinema in Upper Holloway launches this afternoon with a free screening of Charlie Chaplin film The Great Dictator. Free, book ahead, 7pm-9.30pm   TRUMP COMEDY: Head to the Cavendish Arms in Stockwell for a Love Trumps Hate comedy night, timed to coincide with the week of Trump's inauguration. Check out the line-up here. Free, just turn up, 7pm-9.45pm
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