#Wrathion ate HIS heart = ?
little-shiny-sharpies · 9 months
Can we acknowledge Wrathion eating the heart of the thunder king this expansion blizzard???
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Can we PLEASE acknowledge it???
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scourge-lover · 8 months
Why WrAndphire is the best poly
Anduin is king of Stormwind with his Light powers (and a little voidy)
Wrathion has the powers of s black dragon and also ate Lei Shen's heart so now he's got more Titany powers
Sapphire is a necromancer druid drust witch. Life and death powers.
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vitaquaarts · 1 year
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I am once again drawing MoP Wrathion. Scene based on when he ate the Thunder King's heart due to this new little tid bit
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It's so funny thinking back to how I used to dunk on Wrathion's old model for being crusty compared to his new one in BFA, but now every time I see MoP Wrathion I just want to squeeze him like a stress toy
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jerek · 2 years
Honestly (the post thats been incoming)
My main problem with Wranduin isn't that it would never happen. Who knows, if in some multiversal quirk of statistics Azeroth is real, maybe it would.
But I've known these characters forever. Wrathion ate my adolescence, and Anduin's been living rent free in my head probably since before I was 10. My problem is that if you really think it through, it would be a shitshow from start to finish.
- Anduin -
Anduin is the repressing type. He likes to hold things in until all of his held-in things force him to do something stupid, like making up a poorsona, or hitting Wrathion.
Anduin is also VERY aware that not everyone is a "pacifist" like him.
He took his reputation for being a poor little meow meow who nobody understood because he was just too nice and ran with it, all the way into his adulthood where he's like. Definitely not the same person he was when he hung out with Garrosh in prison, but also he's better than Sylvanas.
We don't know exactly how much better because 90% of his appearances center around him contrasting himself with someone else rather than acting on his own, and when he does act on his own it's slice of life Jerek shit.
Anduin is also terminally sheltered. He lacks empathy and emotional intelligence (despite him being ~well intentioned~ which like, he is yeah) to the degree that when he's half crying and doing his Anduin's Farewell cinematic he sounds like a makeup youtuber apology.
He justifies dressing up as a peasant by telling Jaina about how all his worries as king are like. Having too many coins in a wallet. Everything is about him, and it's not his fault Varian didn't let him outside but still, of course he's self centered. Nobody else was around.
- Wrathion -
Then there's Wrathion. Wrathion has been shown to be pretty much out of his depth before, and he's trying to make up for it now, but even still, who introduced a NoMinAL amOunT of corruption into the chamber of heart?
I get him. I get why he can't abandon his post. But being the prince, the questgiver, the bitch with the ~silky voice~ (thanks christie) and one unbuttoned button for all his life since he hatched has probably made him even worse with delicate people's feelings than he is with authority he wasn't trained for.
The Black Prince is a collection of unintended circumstances. Wrathion's just wearing his outfit, and he thinks he is the outfit. He'll realize how out of his depth he is one day, but he won't properly process it for years afterward. I predict a nervous breakdown.
The most important thing to Wrathion is protecting Azeroth. I was going to type 'the most important thing to Wrathion is freedom,' but he walked straight up to Anduin knowing Anduin probably had half a mind to throw him in the Stockades. Wrathion doesn't even treat himself like a person.
This one's kind of a tepid take, but yeah I think Wrathion would betray Anduin again. And if he wouldn't-- well, that means Anduin has such a grip on him that he can change Wrathion's mind on the most important principle he holds.
Could Wrathion ever do the same to him? Being that his secret's out, and Anduin knows he's flawed?
- Wranduin -
Let's get further into predictions. I see Anduin having a sort of second puberty. Maybe he's already had a sexual awakening, but now he's finally got it in him to do more than blush and stammer. 'The confidence of the newly sexually initiated.'
I think he'd have a hookup as Jerek, and take a little bit of Jerek home with him, and realize that he's the king, his bed is probably huge nowadays, and if Genn wants him to get out there so bad: sure. But only on his own terms.
He picks people he knows. This could be Taelia, probably, but only if he's desperate enough for '5 minutes of conversation' to count as 'knowing.' There's probably not much nostalgia around Taelia directly, whereas Anduin peaked around the time he met Wrathion.
Anduin’s habits are already made. Anduin’s most relevant habit here is feeding a bottomless pit in his chest with validation and comfort.
Wrathion’s habits aren’t made. As a person, he is still changing. Right now, he’s on a swing from “I threw a tantrum and nobody likes me now” to “I unbuttoned my shirt and everyone likes me now.”
Anduin reaches out to Wrathion and tells him:
“I was wrong. You don’t deserve to be hit. You’re special to me, and I’d like to have you around and give you companionship. Remember how I was your bestest friend? Come to Stormwind Keep and be my bestest friend again, in a very special way that you can’t get with anyone else.”
He’s going to be what Tess is to Genn. He’s going to be what Tiffin was to Varian. Or what Aggra is to Thrall, or what Calia was to Terenas.
And Wrathion may know what he’s in for, technically. But does he know that his habits aren’t made yet, and if he goes over there to Anduin, his personality will be sculpted and fired as Anduin’s prize? That he may never learn how to navigate close relationships in any other context, and if he does, he’ll have to unlearn being an extension of someone else first?
;w; idk I just write the posts. Anyway @The Black Prince. Never have just one friend.
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Warcraft Hunger Games
So I have several mods installed in my Sims game so I decided to make a little fun house with several Warcraft Characters (and OCs) and see who will survive the longest.
The Contestants:
Ciel (OC of @cherwine)
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Joli (my OC)
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Adriel (OC of @vawianwynn)
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And Genn
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-I made them a house with everything a growing Sim needs to survive, turned on autonomy, and cranked my mods up. The mods I have that played a big part in this is Wicked Whims (a sexy time mod) by TurboDriver and Life Tragedies by Sacrificial Mods. Here's how everything went:
- Genn started the shenanigans by stripping down in the middle of the house and walking around nude
- Anduin followed suit and did the same
- Adriel is apparently a nudist and spent a majority of the first day naked walking around the house
- There was a pool (sadly no one drowned)
- Anduin walked into the home movie theater naked and watched a movie with Varian, Ciel, Wrathion, Joli, and Genn
- Ciel had some alone sexy fun time
- Genn propositioned Joli for sex (and she accepted)
- Adriel's naked peen was apparently too much for one of the randomly generated serial killers and the serial killer died
- Adriel also ate grilled cheese naked (no one liked that)
- Sylvanas had alone sexy fun time
- Sylvanas was then killed by the next randomly generated serial killer (and claimed first death of the house occupants)
- Jason arrived
- Jason is polite and while he was killing campers in the house, he removed his shoes so he didn't track in dirt
- Anduin discovered that the new lumpy rug was, in fact, a dead body
- An armed robber stopped by
- An arsonist set fire to the front yard (and himself)
- Genn is apparently terrified of fire
- A taxi drove through the house and ran over Varian (second death)
- Joli set herself on fire...but was put out by the menfolk
- Ciel took up boxing in the hopes that her heart gave out before more suffering happened
- Adriel bowls badly
- Wrathion propositions Joli for sex (and she accepted)
- Ciel got kidnapped (third death)
- Genn crawled into bed with Anduin, making things super creepy and awkward
- Joli got beat up by bullies
- Joli propositions Adriel for sex (and he accepted)
- Like a shark that can smell bad sex decisions...Jason returned
- Joli ran to play ping pong naked with Genn
- A taxi drove through the house and ran over Joli (fourth death)
- Adriel got bullied while my back was turned
- Anduin was being mean to everyone
- The robber returned and took the full liquor bars
- Hey, guys, guess what? Jason's back
- Wrathion decided to have some alone sexy fun times while Jason was killing campers
- Ghost!Joli propositions Adriel for sex (and he accepted)
- They were interrupted by an arsonist setting everything on fire (including himself)
- Jason died in a fire
- Genn caught a deadly illness
- But was then run over by a car (fifth death)
- Anduin got run over by a car (sixth death)
- Adriel died of poisoning (seventh death)
Leaving Wrathion as the winner! Congrats Wrathion!
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But does he want to be the winner?
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chenria · 4 years
More questions for Florelle.
Since Tybalt, has Florelle had any relationships or serious flirtations?
What are her thoughts on the Defias Brotherhood, especially with their extensive and linked history with Stormwind?
What was her greatest achievement after leaving her father’s house? Her biggest regret?
Ahh! More questions!! ♥ Thank you so much!
Since Tybalt, has Florelle had any relationships or serious flirtations? In her line of work Florelle sometimes prefers to flirt to get information than threatening people. Men are sometimes really simple creatures and give information readily to any woman willing to lend them a sympathetic ear. 
But yes, she had relationships that were more meaningful. The most serious she ever was about a man was back in her early days as a rogue when she went with John J. Keeshan and his team. Admittedly, he was quite a lot older than she was - and both tried to hide their mutual attraction for quite a while. But they had a short relationship and were really serious about each other.
It was short because after an ambush by blackrock orcs John was carried away by a black dragon. Florelle thought he died, they never found his body. She waited for him in Lakeshire for two weeks... her heart was broken... but then she accepted the inevitable and started to travel Azeroth by herself. 
In Draenor she had a rather serious flirtation with Vindicator Maraad... but he died in an act of heroism before more could happen. 
There was a short and heated affair with Mathias Shaw - which both Mathias and Florelle will deny if it was ever brought up. And she might have had a crush on Wrathion - but Florelle is not crazy enough to start things with a dragon. Her life is messed up enough already. 
Oh and yes... John J. Keeshan was still alive. He had assumed Florelle died at the hand of the orcs because when he arrived in Lakeshire she wasn’t there (and stupid townsfolk didn’t bother to inform him that she was alive...) They met in Nazmir. Too much time has passed for them to resume the romance but they are like best friends now. And a best friend is sometimes more valuable than a lover. 
What are her thoughts on the Defias Brotherhood, especially with their extensive and linked history with Stormwind?
Oh, you mean the guys who have a price on her head and swore to kill her if she ever sets foot into Westfall again? Yeah... Florelle assassinating VanCleef didn’t go over too well. 
While she does understand the hatred towards Stormwind in their special case... she despises the acts of the Defias Brotherhood. The innocent people aren’t to blame for what the leaders of Stormwind did. Someone had to put an end to the reign of terror. 
It was wrong to not pay the masons after they rebuilt the city. Things escalated, like they often do. But taking revenge on people who had nothing to do with it? That’s wrong. 
It was Florelle’s first assassination job. She dreaded it. But she knew it had to be done to put an end to it. And at that point it was either VanCleef or her... and Florelle liked living, too. 
What was her greatest achievement after leaving her father’s house? Her biggest regret?
Her greatest achievement. Florelle would tell you that she considers it a great achievement that she is still alive after all the messes she has gotten herself into. 
Her biggest regret... she is no person who dwells on the past too much. Life is the sum of decisions you make and Florelle does believe that sometimes you have to make wrong decisions because you just didn’t know better. 
But she regrets that she left Stormwind the way she did - on bad terms with her dad. Yes, they reconciled, but she regrets the time she spent hating him. 
Florelle also regrets that she never told Maraad how she felt. He would have still sacrificed himself to save Yrel... that’s just who he was, and Yrel is a close friend of Florelle. But she just wishes he would have known. 
She also regrets that she once snuck to the palace kitchen with Anduin when they were both children and they ate a whole chocolate cake that was meant for his birthday the next day. She felt so sick and to this day she gets sick from just looking at chocolate cake.
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terraforged · 4 years
I’ve said before that Wrathion has a cloud serpent companion, but here’s a sort of flesh out on her since she’s gonna pop up in a thread in the not too distant so I want this for my own reference.
Her name is Lei’lon (literally derived from thunder dragon. please stop letting wrathion name things he’s a fucking disgrace) and she’s a Thundering Ivory Cloud Serpent, though was originally just an Ivory Cloud Serpent 
He ended up with her egg when one of his plethora of champions at the time brought it to him, to which he gave them a sick upgrade for their cloak because he’s generous like that.
She hatched not long later.
When he went to Draenor she traveled with him as she was still young and too small to leave alone. Once she was big enough to fend for herself he returned her to Pandaria.
She primarily lives in The Veiled Stair not too far from the Tavern where she hatched.
Similar to Nalak Lei’lon can talk. Whatever Lei Shen did to Nalak Wrathion did to Lei’lon since, as I’ve said, Wrathion took Lei Shen’s power when he ate his heart same way as Lei Shen took Ra’den’s when he ate his heart. He did whatever it was once he returned her to Pandaria., and this is what made her a ‘Thundering’ Ivory Cloud Serpent. It’s literally just the same deal as Nalak lmfao.
She essentially manages his Blacktalons in Pandaria when Wrathion and/or Left and Right aren’t present.
Once the corruption hit Pandaria she began coordinating with the Rajani/generally operating in defense of it along with the rest of its denizens. She’s rallied the wild cloud serpents behind her.
She is not considered a mount. If you try and ride her she’ll fucking eat you, but beyond that she’s actually pretty amenable and placid unless pushed.
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