#Wu Hoi Wai
panicinthestudio · 11 months
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tiredfox64 · 1 month
Hi! How are you? First of all, I love your way of writing, it's amazing! I wish I had that magic that you have. UwU <3 Can I ask you to write a Bi-Han x Chubby!Afab!Reader? Where the reader is Liu Kang's apprentice, but since he does not have time to train her, he takes her to Bi-Han and he mocks her for not seeming strong, but when they face each other, things change and for the first time Bi-Han meets He is attracted to her and wants her for himself. But the reader feels insecure, thinking that this was some kind of mockery. There can be a lot of fluff and a possessive Bi-Han. Please :3
Thick Thighs Can Change Lives
Prior notes: Hoi!! I’m doin fine just trying to finish the semester strong. How bout you? And thank you for liking my writing! (´・ω・`)
Pairing: Bi-Han x Chubby! Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: KICK HIS ASS!!! AHHHH
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It’s an honor to be an apprentice to Lord Liu Kang. He treats you well and always saw potential in you no matter what. Your body did not change the fact that you had a fighting spirit. There was strength in you that was hidden. Though others will doubt you they will eventually find out the truth that you are mighty.
If only Bi-Han saw that from the beginning.
You were unsure of Liu Kang’s decision to send you to the Lin Kuei for more training. He apologized profusely for not having enough time to do it himself. You understood since there were many others that he had to train. He trusted Bi-Han to take good care of you during your stay. If only the first interaction was good.
“This is the woman? Are you sure she is capable of fighting?” Bi-Han looked you up and down with a look of uncertainty.
“Trust me, Bi-Han. She is more than capable. There is a reason why she is my apprentice. Do not judge, lest ye be judged.” And he means it.
Bi-Han grumbled at Liu Kang’s response. He thinks the god is foolish for taking you in. You have proportions he hadn’t seen before on a warrior. He expects abs and flat stomachs, not chubby bellies. He circled you, checking you out from all angles and not in a good way. He pokes you to check for any muscles. You keep hearing a disappointed sigh.
“If this task is too hard for you, Bi-Han, I can always have the monks at the Wu Shi train her.”
Liu Kang’s words infuriated Bi-Han. He makes it sound like he can’t train you himself. That this task is impossible for a man like him. Forget it, he’ll take you in.
“No, I will take her in. She will be better than before. Come on.” He grabbed your hand and yanked you before you could even say goodbye to Liu Kang.
There were many in the Lin Kuei who questioned their grandmaster’s decisions. You were not like them, that was evident.
He didn’t even work with you at first. After about two days you had to go up to him to ask if he was actually going to train you or not. Clearly it’s not that he’s into training other cause when you found him he was watching all the other Lin Kuei assassins train.
“Grandmaster, when are you going to train me? I thought that was the reason Lord Liu Kang brought me to you.” You reminded him of his purpose.
He groaned as he remembered that you were still here. If he’s going to train he will do it separate from the clan.
“Fine, come with me.”
You followed him to a secluded area of the temple. Your heart was pumping. You were excited to show that you are capable of anything but afraid of failing. Liu Kang’s words echoed in your head telling you to focus on your actions, not the outcome. Give it your best shot and kick his butt!
“Show me what you are capable of. I hope you can show me that you are a worth opponent.” He sounded like he already had little faith in you.
From the start of the fight you were already proving him wrong. You were blocking every attack. Bi-Han was going easy on you for now but seeing as you could at least defend yourself he was hoping you would attack soon.
Hell, you were even dodging his ice attacks. He couldn’t even freeze one of your legs in place. Looks like he was wrong to think that you would be an easier target to hit.
Throughout it all you watched as he grew more and more frustrated. He set the bar too low and seeing that he was wrong was the worst thing he could have expected. Though your special move was probably way worse than having his ego be tampered with.
You finally attacked him. A palm strike to the jaw caused him to fall back. Before he could comprehend what you just did and get himself up you were already above him. You pressed down on him which put one of his legs in an uncomfortable position. You pinned his arm down before swinging your right leg behind his head. With all your strength you managed to flip both of you before locking his head in with your legs. And there you have it, you got him in a triangle choke.
This was just humiliating for Bi-Han. He didn’t think it was possible to lose to you. You had him right when you wanted him. Your legs made him feel like he was being squeezed by a vicious anaconda. The more he struggled the more he lost his breath. It didn’t stop there oh no. You started bending his arm and leg that were trapped between you two. You bent them in directions that would be impossible to achieve unless you broke his bones. His free hand came and slapped your thigh. He tapped out. He couldn’t take it.
You unraveled your legs to set him free. You were panting a bit and felt a bit sweaty. But compared to how he was now you looked like you never even fought him.
“I’m sorry, grandmaster, if that was too much.” You apologized even though you didn’t need to.
Once you were back up on your feet you stuck your hand out to help Bi-Han up. He looked up at you, taking in all your details for once. Maybe he lost too much oxygen when you were chocking him because for some reason you seem so cute right now. Yet he was still upset from being beaten by you. He didn’t take your hand but got up himself and walked away. Not a word was said from him and you were left wondering if you did something wrong.
I can guarantee you didn’t do anything wrong. Bi-Han just needs time to think of where he went wrong and what kind of woman he is attracted to. Looks like he might have an unexpected type.
No matter how many breaths of fresh air Bi-Han got his new stance on you didn’t change. He has enough oxygen going into his brain this new liking is not a delusion.
He was wrong but he won’t say it out loud. You have the strength of a warrior with a heart of gold. It was all hidden in that plush body of yours. What a fool he was to doubt you.
Now his eyes are always on you. Without the mindset of you being weak he sees now that there is much more to you.
Why didn’t he see it before! Just look at that cute face of yours, especially your cheeks. He wants to squish that face and not in a skull crushing way. And those legs good heavens! Those thighs could kill a man yet he would gladly put his face between them again. Your chest is a good alternative as well. He won’t deny he noticed that from the beginning but he would remind himself about it constantly. It just took him a while to realize the whole package was enticing. Screw it, let him get his hands on your tummy.
Look, Bi-Han likes his women strong. That’s one thing. But if chubby is the new strong well he won’t hesitate to take it. And don’t tell him that’s wrong he can’t be wrong two times in a row.
You did notice his stare. It was different now. You noticed one of his eyebrows would raise as he looked at you. His eyes wandered up and down. Before he could even walk over to have a word with you, you would start walking away. You were concerned he would insult you about your looks. Why else was he checking you out like that?
No one walks away from the grandmaster. You will listen to what he has to say. Bi-Han walked quickly towards you before yanking you back by your shirt.
“Where do you think you are going? Do you not see that I am trying to talk to you.” He is giving you his gentlest voice but it still feels like he will rip your spine out.
“I’m sorry, grandmaster.” You turned around quickly to look at him.
Suddenly his hands were at your face. He had a good grip on your soft cheeks, pinching and squeezing them. You looked up at him with confusion. You brought your hands up in an effort to remove his hands only for him to quickly slap them away. Bi-Han isn’t done admiring your beauty.
You thought he was being mean to you again. He was taunting you by bringing attention to your round face. This ain’t the first time something like this has happened. The only difference is that Bi-Han seems determined to look at you. He’s not saying anything which confuses you even more.
Yes, yes, she is perfect. She will look perfect standing next to me. No one will dare touch her unless they wish to feel her wrath. if anyone dares to say something negative about her weight I will make them pay for their disrespect. They will be forced to watch their hands lose function when I freeze them-
“Bi-Han, what are you doing to her?” Tomas’ voice rang out.
Bi-Han broke away from his inner monologue. He wasn’t done making plans on making you his. His eyes caught onto the sight of Tomas’ hand reaching out to grab your wrist. You looked at him in desperation as you were so confused by what was happening. But suddenly you were flung over Bi-Han’s shoulder. He did it as if you weighted as much as a kitten. He started walking away but he had something to say to Tomas.
“Mind your business, Tomas.” He snapped at his adopted brother before walking off with you.
You were humiliated by the fact that all of the Lin Kuei were watching their grandmaster carry you away. His arm was wrapped around your thighs. You didn’t see his face but he was satisfied that his arm was squeezing your thick thighs.
“Please…just put me down already. I got it you’re strong enough to pick me up.” Your disappointed voice was muffled by your hands covering your face.
“Silence. I will put you down when I want to.”
Were you silent or were you silenced?
Bi-Han brought you all the way to his office before placing you down on the ground. Don’t think you can catch your breath now because his arms quickly wrap around your waist and pull you onto his lap. This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
“What are you doing?! Don’t you think I’m a little too heavy to be sitting on your lap?”
He looked offended by your words. As if you were the one who was calling him heavy. It only made his grip on you grow tighter, making sure you won’t leave now.
“Do you see me as a man who is unable to handle anything? Don’t be so foolish. Just sit here and look pretty for me as I work.” He instructed you.
Pretty? Did he just call you pretty? Maybe you hit him too hard during practice. But right now you don’t feel like disobeying any orders from him now. Even if this is a joke you rather wait to get pushed off than get off yourself and face a possible punishment. So just sit there and look your prettiest. You already are a gorgeous lady so there is no need to push yourself.
It’s not a joke anymore. It stopped being a joke a long time ago.
Every day since that weird interaction it’s like Bi-Han can’t keep his hands off you. He would go near you just to squeeze some part of you. It started with your arms which you really hated at first. You thought he was pointing out how he couldn’t feel muscles in that area. Wrong, he just liked the feel of it.
In general he likes the feel of you. But may the gods help anyone who tries to grab at you. Only Bi-Han can do that.
The one and only time you practiced with the others in the Lin Kuei it ended with someone’s face being smashed in and you being dragged away. Hey, he shouldn’t have smacked your stomach and called you names. He was just a sore loser who couldn’t comprehend losing to you. Well now he just lost his face privileges and respect from the grandmaster.
If anyone doubted you they had to face the fury of the Lin Kuei grandmaster. If fact they can’t even look at you at this point. If they looked at you for at least five seconds Bi-Han would start holding onto you like a child who is afraid their favorite toy will get taken away.
Wherever he went, you had to be with him. He needed to keep his eyes on you. In his mind you are already his, there is no arguing about it. You didn’t even know that’s what’s going on. It just happened.
Bi-Han loves to have you on his lap. It shows everyone that you are his now. He loves having his arms wrapped around your waist and squeezing it. Occasionally he would rest his head against your shoulder. That’s the calmest anyone has ever seen him. He would compare his hand size to your thighs. You thought it was another insult before you felt him squeeze them.
Squeezing, poking, squishing, grabbing, holding, secretly loving, that’s all he seemed to do. If you ever asked why, Bi-Han would silence you. You’re not allowed to question his actions nor hint that there was anything wrong with you. The only time you were allowed to have space was when you need to use the bathroom, eat, or sleep. And even getting him to go away so you could sleep was an issue.
You thought your saving grace would come once you heard Liu Kang would be visiting. He wanted to check on your progress and see if you wanted to return to the fire temple. He manages to make more time for you. No matter how much time you were away from him you were still Liu Kang’s apprentice.
Though that depends if Bi-Han will let you go.
One of the clansmen alerted Bi-Han of the god’s presence. Liu Kang soon came walking into the office. He was shocked to see you sitting on Bi-Han’s lap. Clearly it wasn’t fully your decision since you looked shy about it.
“I see you have gotten along with my apprentice. Is there any reason she is sitting on your lap instead of training?” Liu Kang addressed Bi-Han.
“Is there an issue with this. You brought her to me, I make the decision on what she is supposed to be doing right now.”
“I mean, I think I should have been training at this point but you were barely letting me do that.” You talked back, barely caring about what is happening anymore.
Liu Kang’s glowing eyes kept shifting between you and Bi-Han. If what you say is true, which it is, that means the grandmaster has been lacking in his duties. Though to Bi-Han he hasn’t lost anything from this experience.
“If that is the case it might be best to come back with me, my apprentice. Perhaps Bi-Han has other things he would prefer to attend to.” Liu Kang gestured for you to come with him.
The moment you tried to get off, Bi-Han pressed your body against him more. He glared at Liu Kang who looked back in shock. There is no chance in hell that he will let you walk out of this temple. No one will take his strong, chubby woman from him.
You sighed, realizing he will never give up. It dawned on you that he wasn’t making fun of you. He genuinely liked you now that you have shown your potential. You shrugged your shoulders at Liu Kang since you didn’t know what to do now. You would like more training but it might be a whole battle just to get Bi-Han off you. In a way you’re not complaining all that much.
“What is the meaning of this, Bi-Han? You have lacked in your duties to-“
Bi-Han didn’t want to hear anymore from Liu Kang. He carried you in his arms like a princess and walked out of the office. Liu Kang followed close behind him, still scolding him for his actions. All Bi-Han would respond with was a blunt no and continued walking on.
You’re left to think while this madness is going on. There is one thing you are certain you are feeling. Pride. Pride in the fact that you not only beat Bi-Han and proved your worth but proved that you are worth his affection. You changed this man’s perspective and his type. His eyes have been opened to the possibility of having a bigger figure in his arms and in his life. This is the way.
In an effort to get Liu Kang off his back he walked into his bedroom and slammed the door shut before Liu Kang could get another word out. He placed you on the bed before laying down next to you and resting his head on your chest. It’s hopeless, he’s too attached to you. I mean just look at that face. You didn’t think he could unfurrow his eyebrows. This is a moment in history!
“You’re not gonna let me go I’m guessing.” You asked.
“No.” Plain and simple from Bi-Han.
You held yourself back from chuckling. He’s clearly the possessive type. And if he can see that there is beauty in you then you will take it even if you had to beat him up first for him to see that.
“Fine, you win. Just this once.” You said softly.
Are you happy with your prize, Bi-Han?
After notes: Good amount of people don’t expect me to be strong because I’m chubby. A lot of my strength comes from my legs. But I’ve had instances where I have slapped and even punched people by accident. Literally told a story yesterday of how I punched someone I knew by accident and they folded. Anyways I was very happy to get a request like this. I hope you are happy with the outcome I did my best! I’m sorry i didn’t post yesterday I was very tired and mentally drained from all the bs. Hopefully that didn’t affect what I wrote. Adiós!
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don-dake · 10 months
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For her 57th birthday (16 Aug), Carman Lee decided to try (not the first time really, but this is the first time she's attempted and recorded an original song) her hand at singing.
Though obviously she's not a professional singer, for an amateur, I'd say it's not bad? And the song is easy on the ears at least! Even if not very memorable…
What's more delightful to me is that she chose to sing a song in Cantonese! (Carman's Mother Tongue is Cantonese) Just happy to hear a Canto song! (^^)
《我会等》 (粵語版) 唱:李若彤
《I'll Wait》 (Cantonese ver.) Singer: Carman Lee
(spoken in Mandarin)
wǒ hén xǐ huān xiàn zài de zì jǐ
I really like myself as I am now.
(actual song in Cantonese)
我梦见 每晚天空中有星闪过
ngo⁵ mung⁶ gin³ mui⁵ maan⁵ tin¹ hung¹ zung¹ jau⁵ sing¹ sim² gwo³
I dream every night of stars shooting across the sky,
擦过冷冷细雨 银河里降落
caat³ gwo³ laang⁵ laang⁵ sai³ jyu⁵ ngan⁴ ho⁴ leoi⁵ gong³ lok⁶
passing through the frigid drizzle, falling from the Milky Way,
心中丝丝暖意 似羽毛微微发光
sam¹ zung¹ si¹ si¹ nyun⁵ ji³ ci⁵ jyu⁵ mou⁴ mei⁴ mei⁴ faat³ gwong¹
warmth in the heart, like feathers faintly glowing.
我试过 每次孤单风里去摸索
ngo⁵ si³ gwo³ mui⁵ ci³ gu¹ daan¹ fung¹ leoi⁵ heoi³ mo² sok³
I've tried each time when lonely, to search amidst the breeze;
哪个最美答案 可找到么
naa⁵ go³ zeoi³ mei⁵ daap³ ngon³ ho² zaau² dou³ mo¹
for a perfect answer, can that be found?
深宵的街灯 可会送来 黎明给我
sam¹ siu¹ dik¹ gaai¹ dang¹ ho² wui² sung³ loi⁴ lai⁴ ming⁴ kap¹ ngo⁵
Can the night street lamps gift daybreak to me?
(曾淋雨等天色变化 雨会停下吗
cang⁴ lam⁴ jyu⁵ dang² tin¹ sik¹ bin³ faa³ jyu⁵ wui² ting⁴ haa⁶ maa¹
Once, soaked in the rain, waiting for the sky palette to change, I wondered when the rain would stop?
等春风吹过这季��� 会看到鲜花
dang² ceon¹ fung¹ ceoi¹ gwo³ ze⁵ gwai³ zit³ wui² hon³ dou³ sin¹ faa¹
When the spring breeze passes this season, will there be fresh flowers to see?
等星光温暖护送我 纵迷途不怕
dang² sing¹ gwong¹ wan¹ nyun⁵ wu⁶ sung³ ngo⁵ zung⁵ mai⁴ tou⁴ bat¹ paa³
With starlight to warmly guide me, no fear with getting lost.
cat¹ hak¹ zung¹ sim² soek³ daai³ ngo⁵ jyu⁵ taa¹ gwai¹ gaa¹
Twinkling in the darkness, bringing me home with it.
曾和你等花开刹那 眼角含泪花
cang⁴ wo⁴ nei⁵ dang² faa¹ hoi¹ saat³ naa⁵ ngaan⁵ gok³ ham⁴ leoi⁶ faa¹
Once, while waiting for the flowers to bloom with you, I found my eyes welling up.
等心间充满了勇气 痛也会结疤
dang² sam¹ gaan¹ cung¹ mun⁵ liu⁵ jung⁵ hei³ tung³ jaa⁵ wui² gik³ baa¹
When the heart is filled with courage, pain too will heal.
温馨光景会永远吗 再回头牵挂
wan¹ hing¹ gwong¹ ging² wui² wing⁵ jyun⁵ maa¹ zoi³ wui⁴ tau⁴ hin¹ gwaa³
Will this cozy scene be forever? I look back with longing again.
与你穿梭四季 暖暖时光转过木马)
jyu⁵ nei⁵ cyun¹ so¹ sei³ gwai³ nyun⁵ nyun⁵ si⁴ gwong¹ zyun² gwo³ muk⁶ maa⁵
Shuttling through the seasons with you, wonderful times passing by (like) through a carousel.
Repeat *
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wqp88888 · 1 year
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
1 赵 Zhao Chao Chiu Chio Chow Teoh/ Chew/ Tiew Trieu Jo/Cho
2 钱 Qian Chien Chin Chin Zee Chien/Chen Tien Joen/Chun
3 孙 Sun Sun Suen Sun Soon Soon/Sun/Shun/Song Ton Son
4 李 Li Li / Lee Li / Lee Lei Lee Lee/Li Ly Lee / Rhee/ Yi
5 周 Zhou Chou Chow / Chau Chao Chew Chew / Cheu / Chou / Chow / Chiew Chu Ju/Chu
6 吴 Wu Wu Ng Ng Goh Ng / Goh / Ngo/ Ngu Ngo Oh
7 郑 Zheng Cheng Cheng Cheang Tay Ching / Tang / Tey / Tay / Tee / Teh / Cheng / Chin / Chang / Chung / Chiang Trinh
8 王 Wang Wang Wong Vong / Wong Ong / Wong Ong / Ng / Wong / Wang / Bong / Heng Vuong Wang
9 冯 Feng Feng Fung Fong Foong/Fung/Fong Phung Pung
10 陈 Chen Chen Chan Chan Tan / Chan / Ting Chan / Chin / Chen / Tan / Tang / Ting / Sin Tran Jin/Chin
11 褚 Chu Chu Chu Chu Too/Toh
12 卫 Wei Wei Wai Wai Wee/Wei Vi Ui/Oui
13 蒋 Jiang Chiang Cheung Cheong Chiang/Cheong/Chiong Tuong Jang/Chang
14 沈 Shen Shen Shum / Sum Sam Sim Sim/Shim/Shun/Shum Sim
15 韩 Han Han Hon Hon Hon/Hong Han Han
16 杨 Yang Yang Yeung Ieong Yeo / Yong Yong / Yeo / Yeoh / Eow / Yeong / Yew Duong Yang
17 朱 Zhu Chu Chu Chu Choo Chu/Choo/Jee/Jeh Chau Chu/ Joo
18 秦 Qin Chin Chun Chin/Ch'ng Tan Jin/Chin
19 尤 You Yu Yau Iao Yew/You Vuu
20 许 Xu Hsu Hui Hoi Hee / Koh Khu / Khoo / Khor / Khow / Hoo / Hooi / Khaw / Hii Hu Heo/Huh
21 何 He Ho Ho Ho Hoh Ho/Hoh/Hor Ha Ha
22 吕 Lu Lu Lui Loi Loh/Lei/Lui/Lee La/Lu Yeo/Ryeo
23 施 Shi Shih Sze Si See/Sii/Sih
24 张 Zhang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong Cheong / Chong / Teo / Chang / Teoh / Tiong Truong Jang/Chang
25 孔 Kong Kung Hung Hong Kong/Khong/Kung Khong Gong/Kong
26 曹 Cao Tsao Cho / Tso Chou Cheng/Choo/Cho/Chu/Chao Tao Cho/Jo
27 严 Yan Yen Yim Im Yam/Ngim Nghiem Im
28 华 Hua Hua Wa / Wah Wa Hoa Wha/Wah/Wa
29 金 Jin Chin Kam Kam Kim/King Kim Kim
30 魏 Wei Wei Ngai Ngai Ngui/Gui/Woi Nguy Ui/Oui
31 陶 Tao Tao To Tou Tho/To/Too/Toh Dao Do/To
32 姜 Jiang Chiang Keung Keong Khiang/Kiang Giang Kang/Gang
33 戚 Qi Chi Chik Chek Cheok
34 谢 Xie Hsieh Tse Che Cheah / Tay / Chia Cheah / Chiah / Chia / Seah / Sia / See Ta Sa
35 邹 Zou Tsou Chau / Chow Chao Chew/Chou/Chu
36 喻 Yu Yu Yu U Yu/Yho/Yuh You/Yu
37 柏 Bai Pai Pak Pak
38 水 Shui Shui Sui Soi Shu/Tshui
39 窦 Dou Tou Tau Tao
40 章 Zhang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong/Chong/Teo/Tiong/Tong
[编辑] 百家姓41-80
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
41 云 Yun Yun Wan Wan Woon/Wun/Yun/Yung
42 苏 Su Su So Sou Soh Soh / Saw / Soo To
43 潘 Pan Pan Poon / Pun Pun Phua Phua / Pan / Pang / Phang Phan Ban
44 葛 Ge Ko Kot Gal
45 奚 Xi Hsi Hai Kai Hae
46 范 Fan Fan Fan Fan Fung / Fam / Fang / Hwang Pham Bum
47 彭 Peng Peng Pang Pang Pang Peng/Pang/Phang Paeng
48 郎 Lang Lang Long Long Lang
49 鲁 Lu Lu Lo Lou Loo Loo/Loh/Lu Noh
50 韦 Wei Wei Wai Wai Wai/Wei/Vei Vi
51 昌 Chang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong/Chang/Cang Xuong
52 马 Ma Ma Ma Ma Beh / Mah / Mha / Ma Ma Ma
53 苗 Miao Miao Miu Mio
54 凤 Feng Feng Fung Fong Fong
55 花 Hua Hua Fa Fa Faa/Fah/Fha Hoa
56 方 Fang Fang Fong Fong Pung / Fang / Fong / Phun / Huong Phuong Bang
57 俞 Yu Yu Yu U Je / Yii You/Yu
58 任 Ren Jen Yam Iam Yam/Ngam/Yim/Ngieng/Ngiam Nham Rim/Yim
59 袁 Yuan Yuan Yuen Un / Iun Yuan / Yuen / Ngen Vien Won
60 柳 Liu Liu Lau Lao Liew/Liu/Lew Lieu You/Yu/Ryu
61 酆 Feng Feng Fung Fong
62 鮑 Bao Pao Pau Pao
63 史 Shi Shih Sze Si Sa
64 唐 Tang Tang Tong Tong Thang / Thong / Tang / Tong / Thong Duong
65 費讀「秘」 Pei Pei Pei Pai
66 廉 Lian Lien Lim Lim
67 岑 Cen Tsen Sum / Shum Sam Sim
68 薛 Xue Hsueh Sit Sit Sik / Sit / Silk Seol/Sul
69 雷 Lei Lei Lui Loi Lui / Looi / Lewe / Lei
70 賀 He Ho Ho Ho Hor/Hoo
71 倪 Ni Ni Ngai Ngai Geh / Nga / Ngam
72 湯 Tang Tang Tong Tong Thong / Tang / Thang
73 滕 Teng Teng Tang Tang Thang
74 殷 Yin Yin Yan Ian Yam / Ngam
75 罗 Luo Lo Law / Lo Lo Lo / Lau / Low / Loh La Rah/Na
76 毕 Bi Pi But Pat Tat
77 郝 Hao Hao Kok
78 邬 Wu Wu Wu Vu / Wu Woo / Voo / Woh / Wu / Vu O
79 安 An An On On An An / Ahn
80 常 Chang Chang Sheung Seong
[编辑] 百家姓81-120
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
81 乐 讀「洛」或「惡」 Yue Yueh Lok/ Ok Lok/ Ok
82 于 Yu Yu Yu U
83 时 Shi Shih See / Sze Si
84 傅 Fu Fu Foo Fu Fu/Foo/Foh
85 皮 Pi Pi Pei Pei
86 卞 Bian Pien Pin Pin Byun
87 齐 Qi Chi Chai Chai
88 康 Kang Kang Hong Hong Gang/Kang
89 伍 Wu Wu Ng Ng Ng Ng/Ngo/Ngoh/Wu/Wuh/Woo
90 余 Yu Yu Yu U Yee/Tsia/Tse
91 元 Yuan Yuan Yuen Un / Iun
92 卜 Bu Pu Puk Pok/Puu
93 顾 Gu Ku Koo Ku Koe
94 孟 Meng Meng Mang Mang Mang/Meng Maeng
95 平 Ping Ping Ping Peng
96 黄 Huang Huang Wong Vong / Wong Bong / Boong / Ng / Ong / Ooi / Wong / Wee Hwang
97 和 He Ho Wo Vo Hoo/Woh/Woo/Wo Hwa
98 穆 Mu Mu Muk
99 萧 Xiao Hsiao Shiu / Siu Sio Seow/Siew/Siau/Siaw/Sew/Siu/Seu
100 尹 Yin Yin Wan Wan Yoon
101 姚 Yao Yao Yiu Io Yeo Yeo / Yeoh / Yew / Yow
102 邵 Shao Shao Siu / Shiu Sio Shaw Shao/Shaw/Sao/Shau
103 湛 Zhan Chan Cham
104 汪 Wang Wang Wong Vong / Wong Wang/Wong/Vang
105 祁 Qi Chi Kei
106 毛 Mao Mao Mo Mou Bo / Boo / Moh / Moo Mo
107 禹 Yu Yu Yu U
108 狄 Di Ti Tik / Dick Tek
109 米 Mi Mi Mai Mai
110 贝 Bei Pei Pui Pui
111 明 Ming Ming Ming Meng Myeong /Myung
112 臧 Zang Tsang Chong
113 计 Ji Chi Kai Kai
114 伏 Fu Fu Fuk Fok
115 成 Cheng Cheng Shing / Sing Seng Sang/Shang//Tshan/Tshang Sung/ Seong
116 戴 Dai Tai Tai Tai Tai/Thai/Dai/Dhai
117 谈 Tan Tan Tam Tam
118 宋 Song Sung Sung Song Song Shong/Song/Sung Song
119 茅 Mao Mao Mau Mao
120 庞 Pang Pang Pong Pong Phong/Pong/Pang
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ourimpavidheroine · 3 years
Who’s the terrible baby of the family?
Oh, bless this little girl, who was a wedding gift from her mother to her father. (And also a gift for her other father, who very much loves this smallest girl of his.) 
Did I always know she was biologically Wu and Qi’s? I did. I was coy about it because I knew she was coming about through the Royalist story and I didn’t want to spoil but then I was like, ah fuck it, who knows if I am ever going to get to that story at this point so I may as well let her origins be known.
What can I tell you about her? She’s a physical mashup of her parents - Wu’s hair and eyes and nose, Qi’s cheekbones and mouth, with their combined brilliance joined to her father’s ADHD and her mother’s physical prowess. Sayuri never shuts up and can, without stopping to aim, throw a knife with 100% accuracy across a room. It’s a rather terrifying combo.
Sayuri really just does not give a fuck. I don’t mean she’s one of those people who pretends not to give a fuck; I mean she really just does not. She’s wholly unconcerned with things she’s not interested in and wholly unconcerned with whether or not this bothers other people. She wears clothes that feel comfortable and/or grab her interest and she dislikes shoes. Her hair is a disaster. She only keeps up with personal hygiene because her family makes sure of it (and she doesn’t like to take the time for it, either). She has no sense of time either, by the way. Things happen when they happen for Sayuri.
She is, thankfully, good natured. She’s very sassy (oh so very sassy) and irreverent and has a rather unique sense of the absurd, which comes out in her humor. She’s rarely defiant and rarely in a bad mood. She never means to frustrate people and if it is brought to her attention she’s rather nonplussed by the entire thing. (Also: Does Not Care.) There is not a single drop of malice in her, although she has mischievousness in spades.
Because Sayuri is a wealthy princess, the word used to describe her is the more palatable eccentric. Which is cute, sure, but also? She isn’t really fit for living on her own. She’s an utter and total slob and will feed herself whatever is at hand (and if it isn’t at hand won’t feed herself at all). She is meticulous when it comes to her calculations and the measurements for her experiments but her lab and her bedroom looks like a bomb went off. She loses interest in things and will walk away, leaving them right there.
She loves her family and has very little interest in other people. She really doesn’t have any other friends. She will obligingly trot herself out once or twice a year to her Papa’s parties or some event in Ba Sing Se but she doesn’t like it and has zero desire in being public. Because of this she is rarely to never in any of the tabloids. She doesn’t party or otherwise do anything that’s interesting to the hoi polloi. 
Her family pretty much lets her do as she pleases; the only reason she isn’t as spoiled rotten as her paternal great-grandfather is because her family also shields her and protects her and keeps negativity away from her. She lives in her own little Sayuri bubble.
She is shockingly intelligent and is talented at many diverse things - a true Renaissance person, as the term goes. Because of her family situation she is free to pursue those things, a privilege that she’s just not aware of. (She’s not aware of that sort of thing at all.)
She met Zu when she was 10 and liked him and then met him again when she was 22 and as far as she was concerned, that’s that. She loves Zu, loves their children (and eventual grandchildren) but is not exactly the nurturing type. She’s very close to all of her parents but completely and utterly relies on Qi to take care of her. Her mother is the person she is closest to (and something Zu knows and is okay with) and is one of only two people that she needs approval from. When Qi dies it will be devastating to her. Meili is the other person she hopes to please and in fact, when Meili does die, Sayuri will follow two days later. She can’t be in a world where her mother and beloved sister are not.
There are no filters when it comes to Sayuri. Her emotions are there on the surface and she has no idea how (or desire) to disguise them or somehow restrain them. If Sayuri is sad, she's desolate. If she’s happy, she’s elated. If she needs attention she’ll crawl into your lap regardless of age. She’s easy to smile and just as easy to cry. This can be rather startling to those who are not familiar with her (and rather exhausting to those who are) but it’s just who she is.
Sayuri, much like her father, never hears the word no.
Everybody says don't Everybody says don't Everybody says Don't it isn't right Don't it isn't nice Everybody says don't Everybody says don't Everybody says Don't walk on the grass Don't disturb the peace Don't skate on the ice Well, I say do I say Walk on the grass It was meant to feel I say sail Tilt at the windmill And if you fail you fail Everybody says don't Everybody says don't Everybody says Don't get out of line When they say that then Lady that's a sign Nine times out of ten Lady you are doing just fine Make just a ripple Come on be brave This time a ripple Next time a wave Sometimes you have to start small Climbing the tiniest wall Maybe you’re going to fall But it's better than not starting at all Everybody says no Stop mustn't rock the boat Mustn't touch a thing Everybody says don't Everybody says wait Everybody says can't fight city hall Can't upset the court Can't laugh at the king Well, I say try I say Laugh at the king till it makes you cry Loose your poise Fall if you have to But lady make a noise Yes! Everybody says don't Everybody says can't Everybody says wait around for miracles That's the way the world is made I insist on miracles If you do them Miracles, nothing to them I say don't Don't be afraid
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astrohisteria · 4 years
Onmyodo: La hechicería taoísta en el antiguo Japón.
Onmyōdō (陰陽 道. ‘The Way of Yin and Yang’) es una cosmología esotérica japonesa tradicional, una mezcla de ciencias naturales y ocultismo. Se basa en las filosofías chinas de Wu Xing y Yin Yang. Fue aceptado como un sistema práctico de adivinación, influenciado por el taoísmo, el budismo y el sintoísmo, que evolucionaron hacia el sistema del onmyōdō a fines del siglo VII. El Onmyōdō estuvo bajo el control del gobierno imperial, y más tarde sus cortesanos, la familia Tsuchimikado, hasta mediados del siglo XIX, quedó prohibido como una superstición. Las restricciones se levantaron y, a partir de 2006, cualquiera podia estudiarlo. El Yin-yang y los Cinco Elementos, así como las divisiones de aprendizaje a las que estaban vinculados (astronomía, elaboración de calendarios, cálculo del tiempo, y estudios basados ​​en la observación de la naturaleza) se fusionaron en la adivinación. Estas prácticas fueron aceptadas en la sociedad japonesa como una técnica para predecir la buena o mala fortuna en el mundo humano. Dichas técnicas eran conocidas principalmente por monjes budistas de Asia continental que tenían conocimientos de lectura y escritura del chino. Con el tiempo, la demanda de los miembros de la corte imperial que creían que la adivinación onmyōdō sería útil en la toma de decisiones hizo necesario que los laicos realizaran este arte, y el onmyōji comenzó a aparecer a mediados del siglo VII. Onmyōji (陰陽師): Las personas con este título eran practicantes profesionales de onmyōdō. Eran especialistas en magia y adivinación. Sus responsabilidades judiciales iban desde tareas como hacer un seguimiento del calendario, hasta deberes místicos como la adivinación y la protección de la capital de los espíritus malignos. Los métodos de adivinación utilizados en Onmydo se conocen como rikujin-shikisen (六壬 式 占). Podían adivinar influencias auspiciosas o dañinas en la tierra, y se dice que un onmyōji también podía convocar y controlar a los shikigami. (Shikigami en japonés significa una especie de espíritus divinos del folclore japonés. La creencia del shikigami se origina en el Onmyōdō.)
Se utilizaba, además el "Seimei Kikyō" era un pentagrama utilizado como símbolo del Onmyoryo (Oficina de Geomancia Taoísta) asociado con los Cinco Elementos Chinos: Metal, Madera, Agua, Fuego, Tierra. Los Ofuda (御札) son un tipo de amuleto o talismán que se colgaban en la casa para su protección. Tambien, los Omamori (お 守 り o 御 守) eran una forma portátil de los Ofuda, actualmente, a menudo se ven en bolsas, se cuelgan de correas de teléfonos celulares, en automóviles, etc. Los talismanes más conocidos encontrados en el Onmyodo son una colección de 72 talismanes llamados en japonés el taijou shinsen chintaku reifu 太 上 神仙 鎮 宅 霊 符 (que significa "Talismanes Numinosos del Espíritu Supremo Inmortal para tranquilizar el Hogar"). Estos 72 talismanes protegen a las personas de las desgracias, como evitar las maldiciones de un fantasma que se suicidó, proteger a los hogares de enfermedades, robos, y prevenir otras desgracias causadas por espíritus malignos. A lo largo de los siglos, las diversas artes y prácticas del onmyodo se absorbieron gradualmente en la tradición sintoísta y budista. Hoy en día, hay muchos dibujos animados japoneses y cómics japoneses que muestran el poder mágico del Onmyodo y los Onmyoji.
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Wellesley Underground’s Holiday Guide to Wellesley-Owned Businesses: November 2019
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The Good Supply / Image Credit: The Good Supply
Looking for your holiday gifts? Check out Wellesley Underground’s crowd-sourced list of Wellesley-owned businesses (updated for 2019)! Compiled by Hoi-Fei Mok ‘10, WU Managing Editor.
Pinterest Board of the Shops (incomplete)
Alumnati Jewelry by Stephanie Christie ‘00: Handmade Wellesley lamppost earrings
Ecru Collection by Kara Templeton '12: Jewelry, home decor, and stationery
Kindred Spirit Studios by Michelle Davis Petelinz '78: Jewelry, home decor
Lauren Wimmer Jewelry by Lauren Wimmer ‘98: Jewelry
Mala Shah Design by Mala Shah ‘98: Metalworks and Reiki-infused jewelry
Ready-Made by Jenn Meng ‘13: Materials-focused jewelry brand offering minimal, everyday pieces that are affordable, hypoallergenic, super strong, and tarnish-free.
Porcelain and Stone by Kimberly Huestis '05: Nautically inspired jewelry
Space Mermaid by Stephanie Carbone '93: Sky and sea inspired jewelry
Urban Witchcraft by Elena Gauvin ‘13: hand fabricated sterling silver gemstone jewelry with a gothic feel 
Wellesley Voices For Disability: Wellesley earring and necklace set, scarf and hat set, fountain pen, bookmark, keyboard covers and more. 
Art & Crafts
A Riot of Color by Susan Eiseman Levitin '85: Hand-dyed yarns
Achiaa Paper and Pen by Rebecca Amponsah ‘08: Handmade paper goods and lettering
Alyssa Sketch’d by Alyssa Torres ‘09: Original illustrations/art and jewelry
Art Without A Frame by Hoi-Fei Mok ‘10: Original illustrations/art from the Dragon Fruit Project, an oral history project of queer and trans Asian Pacific Islanders
Cardiology Cards by Tamar Zmora ‘11: Break up Cards
ChemKnits Creations by Rebecca Brown ‘06: Hand dyed yarns
Connie-Chen.com by Connie Chen ‘17: Calligraphy commissions, prints, bookish apparel, oblique holders, penmanship lessons 
DisaporicArts by Jenny Jean ‘13: Modern digital art prints
Fran Decker by Fran Decker '80: Original paintings, prints, tiles and notecards
Genevieve Calligraphy by Genevieve Goldleaf ‘12: Botanical illustrations and custom calligraphy
The Grey Fox Studio by Katherine Grey '08: Printmaking, drawing & painting
KT Obermanns by KT Obermanns '07: Illustrations, portraits, pinups, and caricature
Leslie Ordal Fibre Arts by Leslie Ordal ‘04: Handspun yarns, handwoven scarves, and other fibre arts. Lessons and workshops in the Toronto, Ontario, area.
Map Attic by Alex Azzi ‘15: Block-printed holiday cards, resin jewelry, vintage map crafts, ceramics, and abstract fluid paintings.
Misc Midwest by Marie Clymer Sarnacki '13: Wooden coasters and fridge magnets with a Wellesley design
Miyun Makes by Gena Hong ‘12: handmade pottery inspired by Korean traditions.
Monica Starr Creations by Monica Starr Feldman ‘14: Leather luggage tags, metal flower bouquets, embossed stationary, scarves, mason jar cozies, metal & wood working
My Big Pink Crafty Box by Sophia Giordano '09: Feminist crafts
Pick Two Pottery by Dana Lamb ‘99: Pottery
Singing Whale Stained Glass by Amy Putnam ‘90: Handmade stained glass art and shattered glass pins, plus chainmaille bracelets and earrings, including Wellesley inspired pieces.
Stephanie Hessler by Stephanie Hessler ‘84: Wellesley inspired prints, apparel, homewares
Tiny Small Joys by Alyssa Kayser-Hirsh '14: handmade books, calendars, notebooks, and planners
Wear I’ve Been by Samaa Ahmed ‘13: Art designs on throw pillows, prints, mugs, tote bags and more.
Kacie Lyn Martinez by Kacie Lyn Martinez ‘09: fiber artist who weaves tapestries and other fiber art 
Az Bulutlu by Eylul Dogruel ‘07: Skyscapes, travel and abstract photography, prints and merchandise.
JezRebelle by Jess Planos '10: Wellesley photos on prints, apparel, homewares
Meera Graham Photography by Meera Mohan ‘09: Nature Prints for Sale, Headshots & Candid Portraiture
Vero Kherian Photography by Veronique (Chau) Kherian ‘05: Professional Portraits and Headshot Photography in the SF Bay area  
Health & Skincare
Beautycounter by Jen Askin Pollock ‘99: Safer, high-performing products for the whole family
Box Naturals by Irene Kim ‘99: Luxe towelettes with organic essential oils
Cocofloss by Chrystle Cu '05: Flavored dental floss
EmmGerri by Karen and Kristi Jordan: Skincare lotion
Eu’Genia Shea by Naa-Sakle Akuete ‘08: Shea butter 
Just Botanicals by Sonya Funaro ‘00: Handcraft organic, ethically-sourced skincare  
Hubba Hubba by Megan (MJ) Pullins `94: The oldest alternative adult store in New England, stocking everything from corsets, club clothes, lingerie, and all sorts of sex toys.
Lioness by Liz Klinger: Smart vibrator
Maum Goods Co. by Helen (Tak) Kingery ‘01: Handmade essential oil products for wellness and balance
TATCHA Beauty by Victoria Tsai ‘00: Japanese based skincare products
Fashion and Apparel 
A Gifted Baby by Amelia Gray ‘03: Online boutique for babies and little people focussing on small and emerging designers, ethical production practices and women-owned labels. Alums are friends and family, use code “weloveyou20much” for the 20% f&f discount:).
Baby Blast Off by Emily Bennett: Baby clothes
Catie’s Natives by Jennifer Roesch ‘92: Shirts, hoodies, and accessories that show city pride. Developed and designed by Jennifer’s 10 year old daughter. Featured in Time Out NY. 10% of profits support Hartley House which provides social services to residents of Hell’s Kitchen, NY.
Charlotte and Asher by Laura Hahn ‘06: Fashionable diaper bags
Cliobags by Alejandra Zambrano: Handmade bags
Emma Finney by Kristin Bunce ‘00: Bags and clutches
Orange Soda Baby by Dorothy Hsiung '05: Whimsical children's clothing
The Outrage by Claire Schlemme ‘06: Feminist clothing and accessories with a portion of profits to women’s empowerment orgs.
Satya Twena by Satya Twena ‘05: Hats and millinery 
Stoptiques by Olga Vidisheva '07: Apparel and accessories
Wellesley Class of 1990: Purple W capes!  Made of durable material - great for wearing as a cape, using a picnic blanket, keeping your car seat clean, etc.
Wellesley Class of 2003: Wellesley lamp post shirts, baby apparel, and accessories
Wellesley Class of 2007: Wellesley apron (“We can stand the heat!”), baby and kids apparel
Wellesley Club of Columbus, OH: Wellesley insignia whistle
Swells Swag by Sarie Hale-Alper ‘04: Wellesley-themed designs on a variety of apparel and accessories.
Food & Care Packages
ChocolatesU by Amy Camargo ‘94: Chocolates
Ice Cream Jubilee by Victoria Lai ‘01: 6 ice cream pints, shipped nationwide
Montecarlos Estate by Carlota Batres ‘09: Coffee
Off The Beaten Path Food Tours by Lizzie Bell '03: Food tours in MA
Sky Vineyards by Skyla Olds ‘99: Wines
Sunny Exchange by Connie Su ‘09 and Jennifer Lim ‘06: Care packages
Takeout Kit by Rachael Blanchard Lake '07: Shelf-stable meal kit
Tranquil Tuesdays by Charlene Wang '03: Tea and teaware
My Muse Dolls by Torlisa Jeffery ‘06: Customizable dolls
Animal Care
Newbury Paws by Andrea Fowler '07: Harnesses for large dogs
Wellesley DC Club: Wellesley pet bowls
Domesticat: Rocío Garza Tisdell ‘07: modern-design cat furniture and accessories
Books & Zines
DefinitiveLeigh by Leigh Morrison '15: Feminist zines
Children’s photo books by Cristi Carlstead ‘01: Colors, alphabet and numbers from various countries around the world Romance Novels by Kate Broad ‘06, writing as Rebecca Brooks: sexy contemporary feminist romance
Jambo Book Club by Mijha Butcher Godfrey ‘98: Receive two-three age-appropriate children’s books each month that feature a child of color as the star. Jambo books show children of color in situations where children’s literature rarely places them - making friends, raising pets, loving grandparents and fighting dragons. The books arrive with a personalized letter in boxes beautifully decorated with art that celebrates the joy of childhood. We serve children aged 0-13.
General Home:
Domesticat by Rocío Garza Tisdell ‘07: posters, more products in development
TAIT Design Co. by Audrey Elkus ‘18: Toys + Homewares designed and assembled in Detroit and 100% made in USA. Minimalist, mid-century modern, built to last and make great gifts. Thanks for checking us out : )!
Professional Services
Abilities Dance: Boston-based physically-integrated dance company. Able to perform at holiday parties, fundraisers, and all types of events. Always willing to negotiate rates for W alums. 
Grace Astrology by Elisabeth Grace ‘83: Professionally certified astrologer; life strategist. Astrology is a powerful tool for understanding why you are the way you are; what you need in order to feel fulfilled and why things happen when they do. Improve your timing and your relationships. Based in New York -- available for parties, fundraisers, speaking/teaching engagements.  
Leslie Ordal: Writing and editing, with a specialty in medicine and science but other fields also welcome. Ad copy, journal manuscripts, etc.--my clients have ranged from Big Pharma to artisans to graduate students. Discount on my usual rate for W alums! Makefast Workshop (Maura Atwater ‘08): Prototyping consultancy; hardware, software, and musical instrument design.
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somnim-archived · 5 years
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My room lines for Chang’e bc Cent wrote for Hou Yi so i have to do it also 
Summoned: I am the Goddess of the moon, Chang’e. I know not you mortals as well as someone dear to me does, but for his sake I shall help you defend your world.
Level up: You have done well to work so hard for my sake, Master. I can feel my strength building up already.
1st ascension: Another outfit, more fitting for someone of my status? You spoil me so.
2nd ascension: You may win me over yet with these gifts. I shall treasure these dresses.
3rd ascension: How exciting. With these powers I will keep you safe, Master. 
4th ascension: With a Goddess looking after you, you shall sleep soundly. These powers will not let any approach you unless they fear not my wrath.
Battle start 1: I will not show mercy, so I suggest you take a step back unless you desire death.
Battle start 2: Smitten already, are you? That is no good, I am a married woman.
Skill 1: You have angered me. Skill 2: Watch out!
Attack selected 1: Yes! Attack selected 2: Ufufu. Attack selected 3: Please prepare, Master. Noble Phantasm selected: Your fate now shines brightly in the light of the moon.
Attack 1: Hoi! Attack 2: Tsk. Attack 3: Well? Extra attack: This is the end of your path.
Noble Phantasm: Can you hear that fair melody? See those shining stars? Follow your heart, follow the path and you shall find peace on this lunar sea of flowers. May your hearts be taken by this Moonlit Waltz!
Damage from Noble Phantasm: How strong you are. However, this is still not enough to take down a goddess.
Defeated 1: I see it was not supposed to be. Forgive me, my love, for we may not meet again. Defeated 2: I will leave the rest to the hands of the Gods.
Battle finish 1: May your deaths be peaceful. Battle finish 2: The moon will take care of you now.
Bond lvl 1: Do you hold a festival for enjoying the moon? A beautiful thing, is it not? Beautiful, yet so cold and lonely.
Bond lvl 2: How lively it is here. It is strange, to be among so many again. Still I would not say it is unpleasant. You have a wonderful family, Master.
Bond lvl 3: It is true, I am an important Goddess, often invited to celebrations arranged for all the significant figures in Heaven. No, it has nothing to do with my dancing - although it was always a joy for people when I did. I am the most elegant dancer in all of Heaven after all!
Bond lvl 4: You remind me of someone I love. Such a headstrong attitude to do the right thing, yet you are still so very young. Be careful not to get overrun by what you feel you must do.
Bond lvl 5: It still feels like a dream to have a proper chance at meeting my beloved once again. Master, if you ever are to meet him and I am no longer here... Please convey these feelings of mine towards him. Tell him I have not stopped loving him even after all these years. Tell him that I will continue to do anything in my power to meet him again, even for just a moment again. I shall not rest until we are together again.
Dialogue 1: My dancing leaves you sad? Cheer up, Master. I have not danced in years, but now I dance with a clear goal in mind and hope in my heart. 
Dialogue 2: A private show? No way, no way. You may gaze upon my dancing form on the battlefield, but private shows are reserved exclusively for my husband’s eyes only.
Dialogue 3: What my husband was like, you ask? He was a brave and noble soul. He is the very reason you mortals were not scorched to death all those years ago. Sometimes I do think what our life had been had I not consumed that elixir. It is lonely for a woman to be separated from her love for so long.
Dialogue 4 (if you have Hou Yi): So we are to meet again. I hope my husband has not caused you too much trouble, Master. He gets excited oh so easily and can forget about his surroundings. Now that we have been reunited I will take care of him so he will not cause any more trouble. How, you ask? That is between a husband and his wife.
Dialogue 5 (if you have Zhu Bajie): That lecherous pig. Master, I cannot believe you have summoned him. However worry not for I shall dispose of him for you. He is not even a man and deserves not the kindness you show.
Dialogue 6 (if you have Wu Zetian): How strange, yet wonderful. To have a woman holding such power... It is not something I had even imagined to be possible for a thousand years. That determination she held in life is admirable.
Dialogue 7 (if you have other Chinese Servants): So many? And from multiple times? This is thrilling, Master. Let me borrow your mirror, I must not look unpresentable before them.
Dialogue 8 (if you have Mata Hari / Salome): Her dancing is extraordinary. Master, who is she? I must learn more of her before approaching.
Dialogue 9 (if you have any lunar deity): I see... So we are the same. Somehow the thought of someone else living on that beautiful yet lonely planet is comforting.
Something you like: The stars shining brightly on the night sky, white lilies of earth, beautiful dresses and music you can dance to. There is much beauty in life.
Something you hate: People who have had a glass or two too much wine and act so lecherously. I do not hold any trust for those within military power either.
About the Holy Grail: The Grail? I have no use for such a thing, so I shall give it to you for safekeeping. I am afraid the one other person I can think of who would have interest, would not give me what I wish in exchange for it.
During an Event: A celebration you say! How exciting. Until evening, enjoy this with me. With any luck I shall even dance!
Birthday: Eh? It is your birthday? Very well. Sit down and be amazed, Master. For your gift I shall dance - however, do keep your hands to yourself. Even I have limits to my patience!
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birbliophile · 4 years
Some Thoughts about Mulan
Okay saw something online about how people should support the Mulan (2020) movie because if we don’t give it attention, then people won’t take Asian films seriously anymore and not make more. 
Which, I don’t really think is true. For context, I am of Chinese descent, and I studied film for a few years at a beginner’s level which included some film history and small projects, one of which was a case study in which I chose to analyze The Joy Luck Club (1993) and Crazy Rich Asians (2018) in comparison to one another. 
For starters, the director of Mulan (2020) is white. So are the four writers, 7 out of 8 of the producers, the costume designer, and 8 out of 9 Art designers. I usually think that as far as art goes, it’s not weird for artists to specialize in a culture they’re not explicitly a part of (one can be an expert in all sorts of things as a creative), but I’m rather disappointed that Disney apparently couldn’t be bothered to fill their crew with East Asians. Even when the cast is fully Asian, to say that it makes Mulan a pinnacle of Asian American film culture seems rather misguided. 
Mulan is not representative of Asian creatives in the same way that past films have been. And it’s not like people will suddenly not take Asian films seriously anymore because Disney of all companies flopped on it. There are so many films starring Asians, directed by Asians, produced by Asians, and written by Asians out there! For example:
The Joy Luck Club (1993). Directed by Wayne Wang, co written and co produced by Amy Tan (original author of the novel). Edited by Maisie Hoy. 
Crazy Rich Asians (2018). Directed by John Chu, based off the book by Kevin Kwan. 
The Half of It (2020). Directed, written, and co produced by Alice Wu
Always be my Maybe (2019). Directed by Nahnatchta Khan, with both Randall Park and Ali Wong on the writing team
The Farewell (2019). Written and directed by Lulu Wang 
Granted, these are all stories about an Asian American experience and not a wild exciting wuxia type story including ancient traditions and stuff, but that’s why it’s important to me that these films have done so well for themselves. Asian creatives are everywhere in the film industry, but they haven’t gotten the same opportunities as their white colleagues. Older films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (and like, every Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan film) did well! Asian films don’t get sidelined due to audiences not taking them seriously. It’s racism within the industry. 
Additional Note: Parasite. Bong Joon Ho’s films do pretty well for themselves.
It’s more empowering to me to see Asian creatives being uplifted in the industry than to see Disney profit off of the idea of an Asian story without dedicating the effort to care about Asians within the industry. 
Also this is a blatant cash grab by Disney it’s really not that culturally significant to me personally as an Asian American woman. It’s fine to enjoy it but they really are scalping people for this one film. 
Anyway go support Asian directors, watch The Half of It and The Farewell, and if you want to enjoy a cool, historically aware and excellently written Mulan retelling, I HIGHLY recommend The Magnolia Sword by Sherry Thomas, a woman of Chinese descent. It’s awesome. 
Post Script: did you guys know that main character June in The Joy Luck Club is played by Ming Na Wen (aka original voice of animated Mulan)? Interesting little bit of film trivia. 
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movethecrowd · 4 years
100 portadas de discos
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Fuck Coronavirus, fuck cuarentena. Tengo tanto tiempo libre (y hacía mucho que no lo tenía) que he decidido recopilar POR ORDEN CRONOLÓGICO -de los años 50 a la década pasada- mis cien portadas de discos preferidas.
Miles Davis - 'Round About Midnight (1957)
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La portada original es en color rojo pero siempre me gustó más en azul, tendencia que se repetirá en otras portadas de jazz más adelante. Es mi disco preferido de Miles Davis. 
2. Thelonious Monk - Brilliant Corners (1957)
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Thelonious Monk me recuerda a Bunk de The Wire así que tener a cinco Thelonious sonriendo está bien. 
3.  Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers - Moanin' (1959)
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En realidad el disco no se llama Moanin’ (se llama Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers) pero la primera canción se hizo tan popular que todo el mundo lo llama así. Me gusta la cara de “estoy hasta la puta polla” que tiene. 
4. James Brown - Please, Please, Please (1959)
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Tengo este disco en físico y los colores son mucho más vivos pero no he encontrado la foto en mejor calidad. Es el primer disco editado de James Brown. 
5. Miles Davis - Steamin’ with the Miles Davis Quintet (1961)
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Todas estas leyendas del jazz grabaron chorrocientos discos (publicados y no publicados) así que quedarse con unas pocas portadas es verdaderamente difícil. Me quedo con esta porque entre smokers nos entendemos. 
6. The Beatles - Please Please Me (1963)
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Los Beatles tienen muchas portadas icónicas pero esta me gusta especialmente. Es el debut, parecen cuatro pijos que escuchan Taburete... y la foto ha sido copiada millones de veces. 
7. John Coltrane - A Love Supreme (1965)
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Es posiblemente el disco de jazz que más he escuchado en mi vida (y mi artsta de jazz preferido). No mo’ sayin’. 
8. Ike & Tina Turner - River Deep - Mountain High (1966)
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No es un disco, es un single, pero bueh. Esta canción está maldita por varios motivos: Ike Turner era un maltratador hijo de puta que le arruinó la vida a Tina Turner. Phil Spector (compositor y productor de la canción) es un asesino encarcelado, la grabación fue un tormento.... y creo que todo esto se refleja perfectamente en la portada. 
9.  The Doors - The Doors (1969)
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Yo tenía hace años una camiseta de Jim Morrison pero creo que la acabé usando de trapo pa la cocina. 
10. Scott Walker - Scott 3 (1969)
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Era la época de meterse LSD y de fumar porros 24/7 y aunque esta portada no es de las más crazy shit sí tiene algo inquietante. 
11.  Phil Upchurch - The Way I Feel (1969)
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No sabría explicar por qué me mola pero me mola. 
12. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Cosmo’s Factory (1970)
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Qué pollas hace una bicicleta en un estudio de grabación. 
13.  Isaac Hayes - Black Moses (1971)
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La portada es genial de por si pero la gracia está en que, si abres el libreto entero, Isaac Hayes aparece crucificado. 
14. The Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers (1971)
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Súper mítica portada. Tengo el disco en físico y la contraportada es el (poco) culo de Mick Jagger, tendencia que aparecerá más adelante en otra portada hiper famosa...
15. Maxayn - Maxayn (1972)
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Es trampa porque no es la portada, es la contraportada. Pero mola mil veces más. 
16. Caetano Veloso - Transa (1972)
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No es una portada especialmente llamativa pero es mi disco preferido de Caetano Veloso y eso siempre tira. 
17. Stevie Wonder - Music of my mind (1972)
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Padre. Posiblemente mi artista preferido ever. En la época esas gafas de sol eran las gafas de follar. 
18. The 24-Carat Black - Guetto: Misfortune's Welth (1973)
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Aun a día de hoy no sé qué mierdas es lo de la portada. 
19. Skull Snaps - Skull Snaps (1973)
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Este grupo permanece en el recuerdo de muchos gracias a que TODO CRISTO en el rap les ha sampleado. Antes de eso eran un grupo sin mucha repercusión (casi nula). La portada es genial. 
20. Sylvia Robinson - Pillow Talk (1973)
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Sylvia Robinson fue la fundadora de Sugar Hill Records, discográfica que empezó a grabar los primeros sencillos de rap como lo conocemos hoy en día. Queeeeeeen. 
21. David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust (1973)
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Hace años durante un tiempo me obsesioné con David Bowie y este disco era como el culmen de toda esa obsesión. Ese K. West del cartel era una premonición. 
22. Stevie Wonder - Innervisions (1973)
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Otra vez Stevie Wonder. Todo en este disco es perfecto así para qué decir nada. 
23. Tom Brock - I Love You More and More (1974)
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Descubrí a este buen señor a través de un sample en una canción de Jay Z (aunque durante muchos años trabajó con Barry White). No tiene mucha más música que este disco. 
24. Camel - Mirage (1974)
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Hace añísimos. cuando el tabaco no costaba medio riñón y era un puto crío, solía fumar Winston o Camel. Por eso siempre me gustó esta portada, a parte de ser un grupo de la polla. 
25. Weather Report - Mysterious Traveller (1974)
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Creo que fue el segundo vinilo que me compré en mi vida (a un precio ridículo). Por aquellas andaba buscando vinilos de rap yankee sin mucho criterio y topé con este, pues el nombre me sonaba a grupos con nombre compuesto rollo Heltah Skeltah o Public Enemy. Luego descubrí que no era rap ni por asomo, pero lo que encontré me gustó mucho y más tarde aún descubrí que es un grupo comandado por Wayne Shorter, otra leyenda del jazz. 
26. Fred Wesley and the JB's - Damn Right I Am Somebody (1974)
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Otro disco sampleado hasta la muerte. Shotout a los JB’s que fueron la banda de acompañamiento de James Brown muchos años. 
27. Milton Nascimiento - Minas (1975)
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Cuando me entró la obsesión por la música brasileña, este disco fue referencia.  Además a lo largo de los años he ido encontrando personas que se parecían mucho a la puta cara del disco. 
28. Ryo Fukui - Scenery (1976)
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Ni puta idea de cómo llegué a este disco pero se ha quedado conmigo desde entonces. Falleció hace poco así que Rest In Power. 
29. Earth, Wind & Fire - All N 'All (1977)
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Earth, Wind & Fire son lo mejor de la vida y todo el mundo sabe tararear mínimo una canción suya (incluso sin saber que es de ellos). Do you remember, the twenty first night of September?   
30. Fleetwood Mac - Rumores (1977)
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La herencia de mi padre, que le encantaban. Y este disco en concreto. Btw, el pibe está tan tan tan delgado por consumir cocaína (no broma). 
31. Willie Colon & Ruben Blades - Metiendo mano (1977)
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No se pueden entender todos los sonidos latinos actuales sin la salsa de los 70. Willie Colon, Ruben Blades, Ismael Rivera... y, a parte de ser músicos tremendos. tenían portadas como esta. 
32. Ryuichi Sakamoto - Thousand Knives of Ryuichi Sakamoto (1978)
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Classic shit from a classic man. 
33. The Cars - The Cars (1978)
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La chica de la portada me recuerda muchísimo a Rachel Mcadams. 
34. Eyes of Love - The Edge of a Daybreak (1979)
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Si al principio dije que me gustaban las portadas en azul, más me gustan las que son en blanco y negro (no por nada el negro es mi color favorito y el que más suelo vestir). 
35. Throbbing Gristle - Mission of Dead Souls (1981)
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Este grupo tiene las fotografías más turbias ever. Esta es solo un pequeño ejemplo. 
36. Doug Hammond - Spaces (1982)
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Me gustan las fotos que se notan que son genuinas, que no son poses ensayadas. No sé en qué condiciones fue tomada (por lo que se ve en un estudio de grabación) pero se siente natural. 
37. Swans - Filth (1983)
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Bueno, Swans son la música turbia por excelencia y sus portadas van en esa onda. 
38. Sade - Diamond Life (1984)
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Sade es la queen de queens. Quizá la portada del siguiente disco es más bonita pero esta tiene mezcla de azul y negro así que. 
39. Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA (1984)
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El otro culo icónico del que hablaba arriba. 
40. Prince - Purple Rain (1984)
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La portada de portadas. Si tuviese que quedarme con una seguramente sería esta. Si alguien quiere estudiar la estética en la música... que estudie a Prince.
41. James Brown - In The Jungle Groove (1986)
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Vuelvo a James Brown casi tres décadas después. Es un icono que transcendió la música. 
42. Eric B & Rakim - Move the Crowd (1987)
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Es un poco trampilla porque no es la portada del disco, es la portada del maxi-single. Bru-tal. 
43. Kool G & DJ Polo - Road to the Riches (1989)
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“Describes el camino a la riqueza como Kool G y Polo...”
44. Sonic Youth - Goo (1990)
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La historia detrás de esta portada. 
45. Gang Starr - Daily Operation (1992)
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El del cuadro es Malcom X. 
46. Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists (1992)
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Bastante gente en Reino Unido tiene el tatuaje de la portada por el carácter obrero y revolucionario de la banda y del disco en concreto. 
47. PJ Harvey - Rid of Me (1993)
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Con el pelo así parece un puto Predator pero la portada es genial. 
48. Smiff n 'Wessun - Dah Shinin' (1993)
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Uno de mis discos (y grupos) de rap de referencia. 
49. Guru - Jazzmatazz Vol. 1 (1993)
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Guru goin’ jazz.
50. Nick Cave - Let Love In (1994)
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Otro que parecía un fantasma por meterse cosas que no debía por la nariz/venas. 
51. Nas - Illmatic (1994)
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Sabe dios la de veces que ha sido copiada esta portada. Hasta el propio Nas la volvió a utilizar en su siguiente disco. Really classic shit. 
52. Schooly D - Welcome to America (1994)
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Para que tener solo una portada pudiendo tener nueve en una. 
53. GZA - Liquid Swords (1995)
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De todas las míticas portadas de Wu-Tang Clan me quedo con esta. También es el disco que más me gusta de todos los que sacaron. 
54. Mobb Deep - Infamous (1995)
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La esencia más pura del rap. Son los mejores y en la portada queda claro. 
55. DJ Shadow - Endtroducing (1996)
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Este disco es casi la cima del diggin’ (buscar música, lo que hacen los dos chavales de la foto) y del samplin’ (coger trozos de otras canciones para crear la tuya). Leyenda.
56.   The Fugees - The Score (1996)
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1996 fue un año tremendo para el rap, salieron clásicos cada mes. Este es uno de ellos, cada día más histórico. Lauryn Hill queen. 
57. Ginuwine - The Bachelor (1996)
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Es una portada “típica” para la época (sacar al cantante de R&B en alguna pose sexy con camisas anchas) pero me gusta el blanco y negro y la tipografía en rojo del título. 
58. Jay Z - Reasonable Doubt (1996)
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Jay Z es lo que es: un capitalista de mierda y uno de los mejores raperos de la historia. Y la portada de su debut, uno de lo mejores discos de NY sound, es eso: mafia. 
59. Portishead - Portishead (1997)
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Portishead son increíbles, no sacan mucha música pero la que sacan perdura para siempre. Sus portadas de los 90 son...curiosas. 
60. Ideal J - Le Combat Continue (1998)
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Mi disco de rap en francés de referencia (por el momento). La historia detrás de la portada la explican maravillosamente aquí. 
61. Slick Rick - The Art of Storytelling (1999)
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Pues eso, storytelling, cómo contar historias. Es un disco a estudiar si te quieres ganar la vida escribiendo letras (y si no, también). 
62. D'angelo - Voodoo (2000)
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Me pone hasta a mí. Es uno de los mejores discos que escuché en mi vida. 
63. Deltron 3030 - Deltron 3030
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Uno ve la portada y puede pensar en distopías: cápsulas, viajes intergalácticos, control mental, etc. Pues eso es el disco. 
64. The Strokes - Is This It (2001)
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Portada polémica como mínimo. Pasan los años y sigue siendo un gran disco, quizá el mejor de los tropecientos grupos que salieron en aquella época haciendo lo mismo. 
65. Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights (2002)
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Igual que los anteriores, de los que son contemporáneos, fueron los mejores de una camada de grupos que hacían todos lo mismo. Portadón.
66. Extremoduro - Yo, Minoría Absoluta (2002)
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Buah, no quemé este disco en su momento niná. Otro que estaba en los huesos por una mala alimentación, sí. 
67. Madlib - Shades of Blue (2003)
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Más azul, jazzy shit. 
68. The Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Commatorium (2003)
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Aquí tuve dudas, porque no sabía si poner esta o la del siguiente disco. Pero es que incluso este disco tiene una portada alternativa que ojo. 
69. Daddy Yankee - Barrio Fino (2004)
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King of kings, una de las figuras clave en la música del siglo XXI. 
70. Madvillian - Madvilliany (2004)
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Real shit, uno de los discos de mi vida no matter what. La máscara de MF Doom...
71. Editors - The Back Room (2005)
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Me encaaaaaaaaaanta, sin más. 
72. Elio Toffana - Jóvenes Bajo Presión (2006)
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Jóvenes bajo presión, los números uno...
73. Battles - Mirrored (2007)
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No es un grupo que escuche ni que me interese especialmente, pero esta portada...
74. Burial - Untrue (2007)
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A raíz de conocer a Burial fue que empecé a trastear con un ordenador para hacer música. Referente. 
75. Arcangel - El Fenómeno (2008)
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Arcangel es posiblemente mi reguetonero preferido. En esta portada parece sacado de Pasión de Gavilanes. 
76. Acqua Toffana - El Veneno (2009)
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 Lo cambiaron todo en Madrid. El barrio. 
77. Chet Baker - For Lovers... (2011)
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Otra leyenda del jazz, esta vez con trágico desenlace. 
78. Kendrick Lamar - Section .80 (2011)
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La primera gran obra del que va camino de ser una leyenda. No es la única vez que va a aparecer aquí. 
79. C. Tangana - Agorazein presenta... C. Tangana (2011)
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Siempre ha sido estúpido pero en estos años (2011-2013) era probablemente el MC español más creativo, dejando cosas como este disco, que es verdaderamente bueno (y el siguiente igual o mejor, otra burrada).  
80. Roc Marciano - Reloaded (2012)
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Gangsta shit. El rapero más influyente de la década pasada.
81. Chirie Vegas - Shadows (2012)
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Gran Vía, madrugada, las luces...
82. Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of the City (2013)
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Me encanta el blanco y negro de la portada. Rollo vista Spiderman o algo así. 
83. Daft Punk - Random Access Memories (2013)
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Daft Punk siempre me han gustado y de sus portadas esta es mi preferida pese a ser sencillísima. 
84. Taylor Swift - 1989 (2014)
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Es uno de mis discos preferidos. Durante años pensaba que en la portada llevaba una camisa de fuerza jaaa. 
85. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Piñata (2014)
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Gangsta shit Vol. 2. Ese chándal de adidas papá. 
86. Editors - In Dream (2015)
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Recuerdo que este disco es una cagada pero qué portada más bonita. 
87. Kamasi Washington - The Epic (2015)
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Descubrí a este tío porque suele trabajar con Kendrick Lamar y sacó este disco al poco de To Pimp a Butterfly. No lo he vuelto a escuchar (ni ganas, dura como 3 horas) pero la portada está muy guay. 
88. Rihanna - Bitch Better Have My Money (2015)
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Trampa también, no es un disco pero fuuuuuck.
89. Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly (2015)
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Hace poco volví a escuchar el disco y madre mía. El concepto, la estética, la música... really really good shit. 
90. Beyonce - Lemonade (2016)
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2016 dio portadas muy heavys como esta. Beyonce being Beyonce. 
91. Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman (2016)
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Otra portada icónica. 
92. Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool (2016)
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Vista así quizá no impresione tanto pero tengo este disco en físico y está muy guapo. 
93. Travis Scott - Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight (2016)
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Es de los artworks que más me han gustado en los últimos años. Shoutout a mi compadre Álvaro que me enseñó a entender el trap más allá de clichés. 
94. Elio Toffana - Espíritu de Nuestro Tiempo (2016)
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Ya van tres Elios (Jóvenes + Acqua Toffana + este) y es que Ziontifik cambiaron el juego en España para siempre. 
95. Thundercat - Drunk (2017)
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Colaborador de Kendrick Lamar también. Muy muy muy talentoso. 
96. N Wise - Casino Chips (2017)
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N Wise es probablemente el mejor MC español y en su primer disco en solitario merecía una portada a la altura. 
97. 21 Savage, Metro Boomin’ & Offset (2017)
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Aplicable aquí lo que dije en la descripción del de Travis Scott. 
98. Griselda - WWCD (2019)
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Se están follando el panorama y normal. Barras, beats, actitud...
99. Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell (2019)
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La portada está en esa fina linea entre el cringe y el no cringe. A mí me gusta mucho, es llamativa. 
100. Dano - Istmo (2019)
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Tenía que cerrar esto con padre. Tengo el disco en físico y todo el trabajo de maquetación es extraordinario. 
0 notes
afishtrap · 7 years
There was no historical record to recite exactly when the Japanese started trading with Viet Nam. Vietnamese historians only knew that Chinese merchants traded with the Viet a couple hundred years before the Japanese. According to Professor Hasebe Gakuji and Professor Aoyagi Yogi from a recent archaeological expedition in Japan, fragments of Vietnamese ceramic were found in a northern part of Kyushu island. Among them was a wooden plate with character showing the date 1330 on it. Did the Japanese go to the Viets or the Viets sailed to Kyushu? Or perhaps the Chinese, and the Javanese acting as middle man traded these goods northward? Vietnamese history records showed that when Lord Nguyen Hoang founded Hoi An port at the beginning of the 17th century, hundreds of Japanese residents were already there.
Luc, Thuan. “Japan early trade coin and the commercial trade between Vietnam and Japan in the 17th century.” Chinese Coinage Website, 1999.
To understand why Japanese merchants brought copper coins to the Viets for trade in the 17th century, one should review the monetary history of Japan. Japan was originally rich in natural resources of precious metals such as silver, gold and copper. As early as the beginning of the 8th century, gold, silver and copper coins not only existed but also were minted in Japan. These coins were made for reward more than for use as a means of exchange. In those days, Japan was still in the stage of barter economy. From the 12th century to 1587, Japan stopped minting and sent goods to China to exchange for Chinese copper coins, as demand for coins gradually increased. In the 15th century Ashikaga Shogunate sent request to the Ming dynasty in China many times for a supply of copper coins. Therefore the Toraisen, a imported coin from China, and such as Jia Ding Tung Pao (Katei Tsuho) of the Sung, Hong Wu Tung Pao (Kobu tsuho) and Yung Lo Tung Pao (Eiraku Tsuho) of the Ming circulated throughout Japan. Meanwhile the supply of Toraisen was still not enough to fulfil the demand for money due to the expansion of commercial trades. The nobles to fill the gap minted Shichusen, privately minted Japanese coin. In the 16th century, cracked or worn out Toraisen and poor quality Shichusen were called Bitasen, a poor quality coin. People began to select coins and to refuse the face value of Bitasen. In the Tokugawa period, the exchange ratio between the Toraisen and Bitasen was 4 to 1. The Shogun wanted to resolve the monetary disorder, to monopolize the authority of minting coins and to standardize Japanese currency. In 1608, Tokugawa prohibited the circulation of Bitasen, including the imported Chinese coins. He promoted the production of gold, silver and copper mines and the application of sophisticated Chinese technology to refine the metal. Gold and silver coin and bar as well as the Tensho Tsuho, Genna Tsuho and Kanei Tsuho began to replace the old coins.
Japanese merchants got a bright idea of buying these devalued and banned coins with a low price in Japan and selling them to the foreign merchants, then to other countries, making huge profits. In that period, Nguyen Lord had conflict with Trinh Lord. The southern Nguyen ruler needed copper to cast canon for the war. And in 1651, Prince Yung Ming in China required Nagasaki to provide copper coins as well. The local authority in Nagasaki began to cast the Yung Li Tung Pao (Eiryaku Tsuho) for the Ming. Near the end of the 17th century, Lord Nghia (Nguyen Phuc Tran) asked Tokugawa to provide copper coins on his behalf. Japanese coin export was so profitable for the merchants and the Shogunate. However, after the local government following repeated rejections made several requests by the Shogunate, finally Tokugawa permitted Nagasaki to cast coins only for trade from the 2nd year of Manji (1659) to the 2nd year of Jokyo (1685). According to Kristof Glamann in the Dutch Asiatic trade 1620 - 1740, the VOC vessels also shipped the Nagasaki coins to Europe, Netherlands on their way back home.
In Tonkin, the Japanese trade coins were circulated or were melted to make utensils as well. Alexandre de Rhodes, the French priest lived in the Outer Region in 1627, recited in his book that the current coin in Tonkin consisted of large copper coin brought in from Japan and small coin minted locally. Large coins were circulated everywhere, but small coins were used only in the capital and four surrounding districts. The value of the local coin varied depending on the quantities of great cash brought in each year but was normally priced at 10 small cash to 6 large cash.
2 notes · View notes
tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Sm tinh hco gi ha
Math pure and appilied cai nao cung so mot het
Goi y by henry and Hangeng tu nguyen
Hai me suggest goc xiu roi. Tan tiep
E tui anh cung noi got tui no
2 me tinh roi noi doi yi dang search google
Welcom to my life
Dung hhet doi em tan 2 con 100 cai nonsap yan het noi roi.
Roi du roi. Tan tiep team oi. 2 me nay chiuko noi em phai tu tsn. Hehe.
Dung dung lai trong post nay.
2 me suggest noi Zhejiang University va mTingsuhu (by hangen)
Thing kinh. Tan no di henrey. Ganh team su phi em do.
Kris hoi zeizang thi xa wua dao anh lo duoc
Co anh noi vay a. Ahihi. Tui nay wue o chiet giang, trung wuoc het. Anh rm lang giang ko doz hehe.
Lo song loi. Full team to kris wu.
De em khco myon.
E sao may anh hay vay huhu em tinhcan kem ma que qua.
Xui teamcon zhoumi du roi.
Lo song loi. Tata Zhoumi hay lam team tu ohat hien du mbay em phai noi ra. Heh xiu.
E vay san roi co zlhang biet s. Chung lop thing.
De Khang nki. 1h30 an 1 lan 2500 calo. Oi hium no may ma thich oi hon tan. 3 mem moi team oi do.
Team dong lii kris wu alone. Em an vay ko phai la nguoi ma la bat nhan. Thay hay ko hehe. Lanh gium may anh do.
Team oi moi lo song lou. Em ko co bat nhan chi song koi khuc nay thoi. Igs con mion tan nua. Manh bang em. De 2 no du roi. Tha tam thing thu 100 igs manh nhay.
Banh wifi roi eifi toan duc australia
Team con lai troi oi tui no song loi wua em anh thay do
Em con muon oi nua ne. Oi gium gio dong deu troi co team cu la oi muon noi thki nhung ma bay gio can gap. Huhu.
Oi tiep. Sach moi. 1 cuon. Ganh team. Fairy queen. Vua phong. Help vus khoi xiu vi wia vui k othoi banh wifi toan ducz
Fairy queen chet me Nguyen xiu roicteam oi 3 me kia chua het xong sai nua. Huhu.
Tui ki hiay lam highest king chocKhang roi do. Ma lam admin ma deo chiu ki.
Huhu lo roi. Chua ki vi lo ganh team. Khang ki gium roi. Hihi.
Khang de anh noi cho. Co may me duoc len air world a. Tui ki gium may me het toi. De tui oi tiep.
Kyuhyn chua duoc roi. De jyuhuun tat moi dua gom em luon. Via donh loi vi co tinh.
Tast tiep do. Coi lai gio khoi hanh vi hanh nghe lai.
11:30 team vn chet huy. Em hi isnh vi quy cu no doi mang em do viet sach day no. May me nay ganh het roi.
Dang coi tiep.
Fairy wueen noi juuhyn soc vi do an chao da bag cua students cu cua em.
May anh kia khoc muon + oo yiep het nhan luc roi.
Same. Khai nhan cho 2 me nha tro. Ko biet mat bao lau nua. Ko phai hom nay toi, em thay airplane cua may anh hey. Wua day o, we all agree.
2 ngay 3 dem. Het nguoi lanh larma roi. Me nhu thuong le.
Tra loi hoc tro truoc khi song loi tiep vi ko co tinh, huhu.
Sao lau vay me? By jerk nam
Tui may co vo so con mat nhu tak
E Thst man ost sg em sang tac do. Thay em hay ko hehe.
Nghe mp3 zing ko thoi tui nay lanh karma do thueu nguoi 2 dua vn.
Kris wu tinh nguyen ra single moi lanh team.
Dep. team trung ngoai 4 dua nay lamh thi duoc.
Agreed. Phong thang va hiep si cho may me nay chiu nghiep.
Fairy queen lau ko m
Co m tinh duoc a.
Khang noi 1 ngay 23h. Dung toi. Co len team oi.
Dung co do gjum me Zhoumi. Moi chet lan dai do.
Fairy queen phai vay chu, phai mit uot khoc nhieu moi duoc. Highest king cung vay. Admin 4995 nam chuyen khoc gium that nghiep toi gio nay. Khoc di may me truyen qua tui.
The only correct way.
Tung nguoi yeu em deu da tung xung dang nhu Khang, cho toi khi thay rm khoc mot minh.
Dung nhu ho.
Em lau hey tu luc moi de cua may snh roi.
Qua muon toi, hehe.
0 notes
instantdeerlover · 4 years
Phase Eight Wedding Dress with Foliage Bouquet at Finsbury Town Hall added to Google Docs
Phase Eight Wedding Dress with Foliage Bouquet at Finsbury Town Hall
 BUDGET £25 – 30K
Everything about Emma & Matt’s wedding day is super gorgeous and styled with plenty of personal touches, from Emma’s beautiful Phase Eight wedding dress to their Monopoly inspired table plan and the vodka jelly shots reception. The Old Finsbury Town Hall played host to their celebrations, such a stunning London wedding venue and after its recent renovation, it radiates opulence and glamour with its vintage decor all styled with simple but beautiful greenery and foliage. The whole day looks like such a blast and all captured perfectly by Sophie Lake.
                  WHAT MADE OUR DAY UNIQUE
“It probably sounds cliché, but we wanted the wedding to be very ‘us’ – basically all about booze, food and having a laugh! We designed our own monopoly themed wedding stationery, selected a good old M&S Colin the Caterpillar wedding cake and asked our caterers to provide vodka jelly shot canapés, as anyone who has ever been to one of our house parties has been forced to drink one when entering the flat! It was basically like a Saturday night get together at ours – just on a larger scale in a slighter grander venue than our tiny little flat, and everyone we love all together in one room! We have too many favourite moments to mention them all from the photos you can see we genuinely didn’t stop grinning all day! Highlights include our friends secretly personalising the wedding reading to get everyone giggling at our quirks as a couple, the amazing speeches which made us both laugh and cry, and our families getting down to Wu Tang Clan at the end of the night!” – Emma & Matt
Phase Eight Wedding Dress
Emma opted for a high-street gown and looks amazing in a Phase Eight wedding dress which featured a floral applique detail and cap sleeves, her look is completed with an embellished hair accessory and pair of nude heels. The bride and her bridesmaids all had beautiful white foliage bouquets by Augustus Blooms which worked so well with the bridesmaid’s embellished gowns all complimenting the art nouveau vintage glamour at the venue perfectly!
“We wanted our day to be relaxed, fun and full of laughter! Our florist did an amazing job of taking a very basic brief (as we know nothing about flowers!) and decorating the venue with simple but beautiful greenery and foliage. We choose pie, mash and gravy for the main course, followed by espresso martinis after dinner! There was no dress code as we wanted our guests to feel comfortable to wear whatever they wanted, and we loved the fact our band were happy to take requests all night to keep the dance floor full. We had a very relaxed approach to planning – from engagement to wedding it was just over 6 months, which worked well for us as it meant less time to get stressed or try to make everything perfect! We made quick decisions and scrapped any formal traditions which didn’t feel like us – so cutting the cake went out the window, there were no cheesy staged photos, and I wore a high street dress. On the day, we didn’t worry about anything going wrong, if it did no one would even realise except us as no one knew what was planned!” – Emma & Matt
                     If like this beautiful bride you’re after a high street wedding dress, make sure you read through our post there are so many reasons why high street wedding dresses could be the perfect option for you. Here at Rock My Wedding our tagline is “Your Day, Your Way”. And we mean that. If you want to have the most elaborate expensive designer gown, we are 100% here for that. If you want to spend £100 or less and feel like wearing a high street wedding dress, then we are 100% here for that also.
The post Phase Eight Wedding Dress with Foliage Bouquet at Finsbury Town Hall appeared first on ROCK MY WEDDING | UK WEDDING PLANNING & DIRECTORY.
via ROCK MY WEDDING | UK WEDDING PLANNING & DIRECTORY https://www.rockmywedding.co.uk/phase-eight-wedding-dress/Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created September 11, 2020 at 12:50PM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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25 Year Old’s View on Parenting
Although children may be raised with the same fundamentals; no two children will be parented exactly the same. A parent may feel as though they are raising two siblings exactly the same but these two people are two different personalities and how they take to this parent are completely different. A parent might raise two children the same and one may become very successful and independent whereas the other may be in and out of jail. There is such a crucial point in a child’s life where they absolutely need their parents and how a parent’s choice to do so is incredibly important. There’s nothing more terrifying than to see one’s own child make terrible decisions when they have come to the age of independence and that is why it is a parent’s duty to try everything humanly possible to make decisions to help raise them be able to solve, cope, and get over anything that may be thrown at one in one’s life.
Psychologist Diana Baumrind suggests that there are three types of parenting methods: authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative. The authoritarian parent is one whom almost raises their child as a prisoner; the child has strict rules, no voice, and must do as the parent says without any other options. Whereas the permissive parent does the exact opposite; the child makes their own rules, let’s the child be the boss, and the parent expects the child to make the right decision on their own without having any respect given to them. Then finally the perfect yin and yang balance of both methods is the authoritative. This last method the parents give the children enough room to make mistakes in order to learn from, these parents are respected by their children enough to be listened to, and learn how to become self-reliant.
In an online journal, the bad influences of authoritarian methods are hypothesized to later cause anxiety “The basic and general hypotheses are that a young person's career unreadiness, indecision or myth, sustains anxiety and stems from his or her authoritarian upbringing.”(Cheung & Wu, 20154) This journal outlines that children from a young age have this pressure that is overwhelming enough to cause anxiety in specifically the workplace. Thus this article reveals how authoritarian parenting does not help a child grow into a confident and sure adult, rather an adult whom actively fears failure enough to invoke anxiety.
In another online journal, the connection between permissive parenting and aberrant behavior is outlined, “The available literature suggests that permissive parenting predicts deviant peer affiliation which, in turn, predicts delinquent behaviors.” (Erath, Tu, & Sheikh, 2016). Furthermore, this article suggests that these friends that the children of permissive parent’s make influence them more than their own parents. Therefore, these children are more prone to make bad decisions leading to getting them in trouble.
Lastly, the happy medium of both parenting styles, the authoritative style, “Children of authoritative parents display high self-esteem and tend to be self-reliant, self-controlled, secure, popular and inquisitive” (Hesari, & Hejaz, 2011). With all these adjectives a child can’t seemingly be anything other than successful. Although this style isn’t perfect, it seems as though this style would help the most through all the phases a child goes through. In depth, if a child feels as though they can connect and talk through their problems with their parent it makes the child actually capable of working through their problem. This is not possible with the other parenting styles because the authoritarian scares a child from voicing their opinion, and the permissive parent leaves the child to blame when an adult should have interfered.
 A family that displaces all these types of parenting can be seen with while watching the fictional series Arrested Development with the Bluth family. When the head of the family was around he was the authoritarian parent. Whereas his children decided to raise their own children very differently. Michael Bluth decided to raise his son, George-Michael, with the authoritative method. Whereas Michael’s sister, Lindsay, decided to raise her daughter, Maeby, with the permissive parent method. With both Michael and Lindsay being the same age their diverse way of parenting is made very obvious.
 Personally I think l never took any parenting classes or did any research while I was pregnant because I thought it would shut down my natural instinct to parent my child. As an adult, your understanding of right and wrong should have fully matured so as a parent it is your duty to teach this to your child. It’s too easy to let your children run your life, and it’s way too easy to only have it your way and control them. I’m not sure at what age the transition is from your parent’s mistakes turn into your mistakes;  but at some point the responsibility needs to be taken. Although some people go their whole entire life not taking responsibility and blaming other for their shortcomings. In the long run though, without realizing the wrongs that your parent’s have taken the likability of you making the same mistakes rises exponentially.
  Cheung, Chau-Kiu, Cheung, Hoi Yan, & Wu, Joseph. (2014). Career unreadiness in relation to anxiety and
authoritarian parenting among undergraduates. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth,
19(3), 336-349.
Hesari, & Hejazi. (2011). The Mediating Role of Self Esteem in the Relationship Between
the Authoritative Parenting Style and Aggression. Procedia - Social and Behavioral
Sciences,30, 1724-1730.
Hinnant, J., Erath, B., Tu, S., & El-Sheikh, A. (2016). Permissive Parenting, Deviant Peer
Affiliations, and Delinquent Behavior in Adolescence: The Moderating Role of
Sympathetic Nervous System Reactivity. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 44(6), 1071-1081.
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doomonfilm · 6 years
Thoughts : Hard Boiled (1992)
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I still remember it like it was yesterday... the famous Wu-Tang skit where Method Man and Raekwon argue over Rae’s ‘killer tape’ that Meth lost.  It was a couple of years later when I realized that this ‘killer tape’ was not a mixtape or album, but a video copy of John Woo’s The Killer.  I immediately rushed out to I Luv Video, found the John Woo section, and my action world has never been the same.  As much as I admired The Killer, it was my next choice that really sealed the deal for me : the action masterpiece Hard Boiled.  
Tequila (Chow Yun-fat), when he’s not playing jazz clarinet in clubs, is a Hong Kong detective known for taking on high profile cases.  While investigating a gun smuggling ring in a tea house, a gun battle ensues.  In the midst of the battle, several lives are lost, including a handful of civilians and cops, Tequila’s partner Benny (Bowie Lam), and a gangster with an automatic weapon that turns out to be a key witness.  The gangster’s death (at the hands of Tequila) angers Superintendent Pang (Philip Chan), and Tequila is ordered off the case.  Meanwhile, top assassin Alan (Tony Leung Chiu-wai), on the orders of his Triad boss and uncle Hoi (Kwan Hoi-Shan), murders a turncoat gang member that was also working for rival syndicate leader Johnny Wong (Anthony Wong).  Surprisingly, the move impresses Wong, and he makes moves to recruit Alan.  Alan reluctantly agrees after Wong is attacked in the street by Tequila, who threatens to exact revenge for the death of his former partner.  During Wong’s first job with Alan (a hit on Hoi and his gang), things go haywire when Tequila disrupts the affair, killing everything in sight.  Tequila finally reaches Alan, only to run out of ammo.  Surprisingly, rather than kill Tequila, Alan spares his life.  Eventually, Tequila learns that Alan is actually an undercover cop, which leads to attempts to meet up with Alan, inquire on what he knows, and possibly work together to bring down the gun syndicates, much to the dismay of Wong and his criminal army.
Hard Boiled may very well be the film that showed the world how capable a director John Woo was in regards to the action genre, as his highly stylized vision is impeccable on all fronts.  The action sequences whisk you right into the middle of hellstorms without disorienting you or setting aside the heavy emotional tones running throughout the film.  Woo knows when to have the camera truck and dolly, but he also knows when to ramp up the tension with handheld shots.  His use of freeze-frames, slow-motion and dissolves are extremely informative in regards to adding subtle touches to his deeply engaging story.  He even manages to surprise just when you think you’ve seen it all, throwing in a handful of extremely long takes in the final action scenes that make the madness that much more realistic.  
Woo also has a knack for creatively using the spaces that he sets his action in.  The tea house scene is full of iconic moments, from Tequila leaning on the stair railing firing two guns, to the birdcages containing guns and kettles being thrown around, to the final beat where Tequila rolls over a flour-covered table, coming down beside his target looking like a ghost.  The warehouse scene makes use of the environment equally well, and the hospital fight uses gurneys and the morgue, patients, and even babies to an incredibly effective degree.
All ends against the middle is the name of the game in terms of the Hard Boiled narrative.  The story finds itself on the doorstep of being convoluted, but manages to keep all of the pieces (and their motivations) clear and easily perceptible at all times.  Be it the conflict between gangs, the conflict between cops, the multiple levels of undercover work and double-crossing, or even the personal conflicts that Alan endures in his quest to dismantle the gun-running ring, it’s almost impossible not to become deeply involved in the tangles of tension ever present.
The score and musical cues also help round out the film in terms of being informative and riveting.  We are introduced early on to Tequila and his affinity for jazz, and those refrains carry on throughout the run of the film.  The traditional score that is implemented as a contrast, therefore, works to an even greater effect, playing up key moments and immediately letting viewers know when they can relax and when things are about to go haywire.  As the film comes to a close, the two elements find ways to interact and intertwine with one another, creating a sense of resolution that amplifies the narrative resolutions we are given.
Chow Yun-fat put himself on the map via John Woo films, and it isn’t hard to see how that happened in this film... his steely, Bruce Willis-esque demeanor is equal parts cool, tough and attractive, without sacrificing a sense of humor.  Tony Leung Chiu-Wai shows amazing range as both a convincing criminal and a cop, with both sides tearing at his moral fabric.  Philip Chan is powerful as the superintendent, probably largely in part to his real life experiences as a police officer.  Teresa Mo brings in a lightness to the film that helps offset all of the madness... her caring nature and relationship with Yun-fat’s character inform us that Tequila is more than just a cop adept with a gun.  Philip Kwok throws down one of the best portrayals of secondhand muscle ever committed to film, with his gun skills matching his hand skills, and his iconic cigarette lighting scene.  Anthony Wong plays the brat-like antagonist to a tee, caring very little for anything that does not directly affect him.  Tung Wei provides a heartbreaking performance as Foxy, a cop who gets in way over his head.  A nice cameo by John Woo as a bartender at Tequila’s jazz club is a nice added touch.
For those only familiar with Woo’s work once he came stateside, I highly recommend taking a look at his run of Hong Kong-based action films.  He almost single-handedly created an entirely new fad in their film culture, his influence on modern day action cinema is undeniable, and he was key to making Chow Yun-fat the star that he is today.  Do yourself a favor and take the dive into Hard Boiled... you definitely will not be disappointed.  
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Chatting union organizing with Hailey Huget ‘10, Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees (GAGE)
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Hailey Huget ’10 is a PhD Candidate in Philosophy at Georgetown University who, for the past several years, has been working to organize a labor union of her peers. In November 2018, 84% of graduate employees at Georgetown voted in favor of unionizing (with 555 voting ‘yes’ and 108 ‘no’). Now their union, Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees (GAGE), is bargaining their first contract with Georgetown. 
Photo: the day we won our election. This is the group that delivered our letter declaring our 'intent to bargain' a first contract to the President of Georgetown.
Interview questions by Hoi-Fei Mok ‘10 (@alifeofgreen), WU Managing Editor
WU: Thanks for joining us, Hailey! Congratulations on winning the recognition for your union at Georgetown University. Let’s start at the beginning, why is it important for people to unionize?
HH: There are so many reasons it is important to unionize, but the most important boils down to principle: you deserve a voice in your working conditions. Bosses wield an enormous and disproportionate amount of power over their employees, so forming a union is one way to tip the balance of power back toward workers. Doing so can have all kinds of great benefits for employees, like higher pay, better benefits, access to neutral grievance and reporting procedures to address harassment and discrimination, among many others.  
WU: You mentioned that when the Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees (GAGE) first started a few years ago that you never imagined winning union election a in this political climate against unions. How were you able to build pressure for a win? What conditions at Georgetown were you looking to change?
HH: The close to 1,000 graduate student-employees that GAGE now represents have a huge range of conditions that they are looking to change, but some of the highest-priority issues (based on a recent survey of GAGE members) include higher pay; more comprehensive healthcare, including dental, mental health, and vision care; and better protections against harassment and discrimination. These priorities weren’t really a surprise to me, insofar as they align with issues that grads brought up in the many conversations we had with them about unionizing. For example, I would have guessed that pay improvements would be among the top issues to emerge from the survey that we did, as by some estimates, we don’t get paid a living wage for the cost of living in DC. I also wasn’t surprised about mental healthcare being a priority either, as graduate students are disproportionately likely to struggle with mental-health issues and the resources we have to address this at Georgetown are inadequate.  
We built pressure for a win by, primarily, building our base of support among graduate employees and by putting their needs first in our messaging. One tactic that was really effective was the ‘one-on-one conversation,’ which is just as it sounds—just sitting down with another grad to ask them questions and figure out what they’d like to change, if anything, about their experience at Georgetown. In doing this, it’s crucial not to assume that you already know what they care about or ‘fish’ for specific issues; you have to listen, letting them do most of the talking. Once you’ve listened to someone and figured out what their authentic issues and concerns are—maybe they struggle to pay their rent, maybe they were sexually harassed, maybe they were unable to take disability or medical leave without losing their health insurance, etc.—you as the organizer can help them connect the dots to show how forming a union would help them address their specific issues. This tactic helped us build a strong base of support going into our election, where 84% of grads who cast votes voted in favor of unionization.
WU: What role does the National Labor Relations Board play in union creation? Did they pose a challenge to your organizing and if so, what was your strategy for circumventing them?
HH: The NLRB is the federal agency that is supposed to enforce your rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA); they typically oversee union elections, for example. They also issue interpretations of the NLRA where there are contested issues or where the law is underdetermined. This is important for understanding our campaign at Georgetown because in 2016, the NLRB issued a ruling that held that graduate & undergraduate employees at private universities are workers and thus have rights to unionize. (More specifically, the ruling held that you can be a student of a private university and an employee of a private university at the same time; that having a ‘student’ role doesn’t preclude you also having an ‘employee’ role.)
Unfortunately, the NLRB is staffed by political appointees, so the 2016 ruling that declared us ‘workers’ with rights to unionize happened because Obama’s appointees sat on the board. Now, Trump’s appointees sit on the board. Because they are anti-labor, there is a strong possibility that they would, if given the opportunity, reverse the 2016 ruling that gave grad workers the right to form unions at private universities.
This is why we were so keen on circumventing the NLRB in forming our union. We did that by pressuring Georgetown to agree to a private election agreement, where our election would occur outside of the auspices of the NLRB. The reason we advocated for a private election is that if we went the NLRB route, Georgetown could legally challenge the outcome of the election on the grounds that they don't think we are workers. This could result in not only the results of our election being overturned, but in Georgetown being the school that challenged the 2016 NRLB decision and took away union rights for grads all over the country. Our private election blocked that possibility and guaranteed that Georgetown would not only respect the outcome of the election but that the 2016 ruling would be protected.
WU: When GAGE first approached the Georgetown president with the request to unionize graduate students, there was pushback from the university. What was that experience like to negotiate with them?
HH: Georgetown’s first reaction in response to learning of our union campaign was pretty extreme: they declared that graduate employees didn’t count as employees at all, because the work we perform for Georgetown is primarily for our educational benefit. All graduate employees knew this was total BS, as did many other members of the Georgetown community who signed our petitions, attended our rallies, wrote letters of support, etc. After all, many grads at Georgetown—like me—teach undergraduate courses as the sole instructor of record. In other words, I perform the same job that tenured faculty do. Undergrads also pay the same amount in tuition for a class taught by a graduate instructor as they do for a class taught by a tenured faculty member. So it’s bizarre to claim that graduate employees’ work isn’t ‘work’ solely on the grounds that we are also students working toward graduate degrees.
One reason there was sustained pressure on the Georgetown administration from the broader community was because Georgetown prides itself on being a pro-labor university. Their pro-labor stance is rooted in Georgetown’s Jesuit affiliation and specific Catholic teachings emphasizing the dignity of labor. Grads, and many other members of our community, felt the administration’s response to our campaign was hypocritical. We were able to use that sentiment to put pressure on the university. Eventually enough important people and constituencies within the university came around to supporting us that the Georgetown administration caved and agreed to let us vote on whether or not we wanted to unionize—and, even better, to respect the outcome of that vote. This meant that, if we won the election, they agreed to recognize our union and sit down to bargain a contract for graduate employees. (And now that we have won, they are making good on that commitment and have been meeting with our Bargaining Team to negotiate a contract.)
WU: Was there a catalyst moment that caused a change in the university to allow the union vote after the initial refusal of support?
HH: I’d say rather than one moment that caused them to shift their opinion, it was more of a sustained pressure campaign that spanned several months. After Georgetown initially came out strongly against even our right to vote for or against union representation, we began a pressure campaign that sought to shame Georgetown for hypocritically abandoning its Jesuit values. Once it became clear to higher-ups at Georgetown that we had community support on our side, that we were prepared to drag their pro-labor ‘brand’ through the mud in the media, and that we were planning to picket outside of venues where they were hoping to raise money from alumni, they started gradually backing down and softening their position.
WU: Union membership in the US finally saw an increase in 2017, after a long decline (as illustrated in a comic by the Nib). Young people under 35 are particularly joining unions more than other age groups. What do you think has contributed to that? Do you see other academic institutions following suit after Georgetown?
HH: The question of why young people are joining unions more than other groups is a great question—and I’m sure it has a long historical and sociological answer that I’m not equipped to give. My vague sense, however, is that it is related to the reasons why ever-increasing numbers of young people are adopting more and more left-wing political views, including critiques of capitalism. The economic system that saddles many of us with enormous student loan debt and then requires us to compete with huge numbers of other candidates for low-paying, precarious, or unfulfilling jobs is clearly making us miserable and also making us feel like we have no control over how our lives go. There is also a sense, I think, in which young people feel alienated and isolated from one another, as economic pressure forces us more and more to see our peers as competitors for scarce jobs. One way to fight this lack of control is to reclaim power in your workplace and ensure that you have a voice in your working conditions. Unions are also a great way to break out of feeling alienated from your peers and help you start to conceptualize your well-being as fundamentally bound up with the welfare of others.  
I hope that other graduate employees follow us in organizing unions at their institutions, just as we followed in the footsteps of some pioneering campaigns that came before us (such as Yale, Columbia, NYU, University of Michigan, etc). I hope that, in particular, graduate employees at Catholic and Jesuit universities will be able to point to our campaign to pressure their own institutions to honor religious commitments to the dignity of labor.
WU: Do you have any advice for workers out there looking to unionize?
HH: There are differences in job sectors, employment contexts, etc. that make it the case that the strategies and tactics that we employed to win at Georgetown won’t necessarily succeed everywhere. But there is one general thing that I can say. It is a good default position to expect your bosses—no matter how friendly or beneficent they are or have been in the past---to react badly to your unionizing efforts. If they don’t resort to breaking the law, they will almost certainly do other things to disingenuously smear your efforts. They may say manipulative things like, ‘we are a family,’ ‘my door is always open for addressing concerns,’ or even, ‘you’re too privileged for a union.’ All of these are well-worn talking points that bosses use to try to make you lose confidence in your conviction that you need a union. It’s important to be able to recognize these as boilerplate anti-union propaganda and also to prepare prospective union members for hearing this kind of pushback.
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