#YAAAY! way to go aurora
idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Rokuya Nagi: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 5
3: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NAGI! Shit, even though it was close lolololol
7: Happy birthday, Nagi! The radio was super fun!
1: Happy Birthday. Rokuya-san really is tough huh…
4: Nagicchi, HBD! Have a gorgeous dinnerrrrr
2: Nagi, happy B-day. For your birthday you should at least be honestly surprised (lol).
5: Happy birthday, Nagi-kun. Let’s make it a fun party even though you’ve noticed the surprise.
6: Fufu, everyone is too easy.
6: As separated agitators, MEZZO” was too restless.
5: I’m sorry, I couldn’t distract Nagi-kun well...
4: But we were just in time to decorate the room, so isn’t it perfect?
4: [Thumbs-Up Pudding Stamp]
3: I heard you guys’ footsteps from the entrance so we scurried tho lol
1: We couldn’t decorate everything as we planned, but it became quite gorgeous.
T: I saw the picture you sent of the living room! The room became cute from putting the Kokona-chan poster up!
6: I knew Tsumugi was one of the agitators. You are smarter than I thought.
T: Even though it seems like you noticed from the beginning… Lol
T: [Bowing Kinako Stamp]
7: But, we were able to prepare the cake so the party preparations are perfect!
6: Yes, it’s the best party!
6: The cake is exactly what I requested -- Mitsuki made a fruit tart!
2: With various fruits on it, it’s pretty colorful huh?
5: These fruits colors, are they perhaps…?
6: Wonderful! It’s our members’ colors!!!
3: Yay. I’m happy you noticed!
3: I put grapes and berries and strawberries but I couldn’t find Tamaki’s water-like color. So he is the marble chocolate!
4: I’m chocolate?! It’s delicious so it’s fine tho.
5: Nagi-kun, good job on “Twelve Hits!” too. Listening to it, it was an exciting radio huh!
6: Thank you. I was able to enjoy talking until the end too.
3: You chose my request huh! THANK YOU!
6: Were you able to feel the adult me?
3: Even though it was more like a kid who took his first bath Lol
1: The mail corner’s talk was more adult.
2: Certainly huh-.
6: Strange. Seems like there is a gap between my expectations. :-(
7: The other request was exciting too!
4: Ryuu-aniki’s one huh.
T: The request was about “Wanting to hear the episode that made your heart pound” huh.
T: There were various corners but, it was a fun radio show filled with Nagi-san’s charms!
*T: How was Tsunashi-san’s response to you picking his request? 
6:  It seemed he was happy so he gave me his impressions over Rabbit Chat. I’ll forgive him for mistaking the name when he said “I’ll watch “Magical ★ Kokoa” to the end!”
6: There were still a lot of things I wanted to talk about. It would be nice if they called me next year too. :-)
5: The next “Twelve Hits!” is Riku-kun’s turn huh.
2: Oh, the last person for our group huh. Work haaaard.
7: Yes! I’m alone so I’m a little nervous tho...
7: But, everyone’s turns were interesting so far so I’m really looking forward to it too!
1: Please don’t make a mistake from being too nervous.
7: I-I know that...!
6: It’s fine, Riku. Take a deep breath and relax, everything will go well.
6: If you’re still nervous anyways, there’s no problem if you think of me next to you. If you talk like your usual self, it’s OK DESU!
7: Right! Thanks, Nagi! Everyone too..!
3: Ooooi, I’m gonna cut the cake sooooon.
4: Yaaay!! Cake!!
6: I was waiting. ┗(o゜∀゜o)┛ 
6: Please cut it. Come on, hurry. Come on, come on.
6: \(・∀・)/
7: Ah, he cut it!
2: The inside of the tart is nicely colored.
5: It’s a pretty aurora huh.
1: As expected of Nii-san.
4: Oooh! It looks super gooooood!
6: It’s a wonderful cake. With IDOLiSH7’s 7-colored fruit and Northmeir’s aurora as a sponge cake...
6: This is my beloved home country and my beloved, treasured companions.
6: Everything that I treasure is all here.
6: I can’t believe it.
6: It’s the best surprise.
6: It’s the world’s best cake, that only Mitsuki can make...
3: Uwaaah, geez Nagi, don’t cry! Because this was everyone’s idea! Not just mine!
4: We said to put everything Nagicchi likes.
7: And there’s a lot of Kokona’s in the room!
5: Even though I'm a little embarrassed that our fruits are there.
3: Oi, Nagi, stop crying. I’m begging you...
2: You say that but you’re crying too.
3: Ossan’s eyes are also watering!!!!
T: I’m also crying...
7: Me too...
4: Rikkun, your nose is running!
1: I’ll bring tissues so please don’t wipe that on your sleeve!
6: I’m grateful that I could meet you and spend time together.
6: Thank you for being my friends.
2: You idiot. We all think the same way right?
4: Stop crying and let’s eat the cake.
7: Right! Because your birthday doesn’t end here!
5: If everyone keeps crying like this, won’t we run out of tissues?
3: Uwaaaaaaaah Nagiiiiiiiiiiiiii
1: I think Niisan would need a bath towel rather than tissues...
6: I will never forget that I could spend this happy time together. Let’s celebrate everyone’s birthdays together from now on.
6: Iori, Yamato, Mitsuki, Tamaki, Sougo, Riku, Tsumugi, President, Banri, Kinako. I love everyone from the bottom of my heart. 
T: There were various corners but, it was a fun radio show filled with Nagi-san’s charms!
T: How were the fans’ responses?
6: I received messages that listening to the radio gave them the courage to follow their dreams. I’m very happy that my voice could reach someone. 
6: There were still a lot of things I wanted to talk about. It would be nice if they called me next year too. :-)
T: There were various corners but, it was a fun radio show filled with Nagi-san’s charms!
T: What does Nagi-san think now that the broadcast is over?
6: Certainly, just one broadcast wasn’t enough! I came up with things that I want to try on the radio, so I’ll talk to Riku about that.
6: There were still a lot of things I wanted to talk about. It would be nice if they called me next year too. :-)
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shiningliive · 6 years
Ooh I’m pretty interested to hear you favourite Utapri voices too. Also do you have a favourite group?
First of all anon, you have to know that I saved this question for last in my ask box to use as incentive. I love fun questions like this so I wrote out a (very long) answer as soon as I got this ask, but my computer died and I lost it all yaaay. This is going to be a SUPER long post because I have a lot to say about these good boys and I dont think ive ever concisely written it down before. 
I’m going to split favourite voice into a few categories; favourite speaking voice and favourite singing voice. I’ll try not to be too biased by favourite songs for the favourite singing voices, but we’ll see how that goes lol. I will also mention the characters that have my favourite songs overall. I wonder how much other peoples answers for these vary.
Favourite Speaking Voices:
Ai: Okay so, I know these might seem kinda biased because these are my top 3 characters pretty much, but i think a lot of what makes them my favourites are their voices? At least initially. I’ve always been one that loves kuudere and dandere characters (both male and female), and as soon as I saw Ai, he slowly started taking over Tokiya as best boy (sorry Toki.)
Tokiya: Obviously Mamo is quite the Seiyuu legend (having won quite a few best male voice actor awards)
Shion: You don’t even know how many times i relistened to the Heavens introas at the end of revolutions. Especially Shions, such a beautiful voice. Forever surprised that hes voiced by
*Shout out to Van’s dialect too, we always need more dialect characters.
Favourite Singing Voices:
Camus: Thank you Maeno for the blessing that is Camus’ voice.
Ai: again, this may seem biased because Ai is my favourite character and Shouta is aan angel, but it think that I like both of them so much because of the voice. If yall haven’t heard some of Shoutans songs, go give them a listen.
Natsuki: Don’t really know what to say about this one, but just, Kiiyan gets so many of those high notes. He performs super well live too.
Favourites Songs Overall:
Camus: Northwind and Sunshine, Aurora, Saintly territory, Junketsunaru Ai Aspiration, Double Face, Zettai Reido Emotion, need I say more? His voice is such a good contrast to a lot of the other characters, so he always works so well in duets too. The first utapri live I saw was 3rd Stage, and Zettai Reido Emotion was just performed so well, I think it influenced a lot of the reason why I love Camus’ songs. (Shoutout to the pimp cane.)
Cecil: I think I really like the instruments that are often used in Cecils songs. I’m also a fan of mixing different genras, and a few of his songs do that.
Natsuki: Super biased for violins basically. goes hand in hand with natsuki having a great voice.
And one point to Masa for Koi Sakura and a lot of his duet songs.
Favourite Group:
See, now this one’s a bit harder to answer. I love all the groups and all the boys and yall know that I’m a heavens advocate (they get too much hate, seriously) but it does probably come down to Quartet Night and Starish. I like all the groups (including Heavens) in different ways, so I might explain a bit of that too.
Heavens: love their dynamic. I feel like the main moment I started to notice their group dynamic was when they defended Shion in Visible Elf? It was such a nice moment, it seems they really care about each other. I really want to watch them learn more about each other and how they change along the way. I really want to find out more about them over time. They feel like the type of people who would support each other and band together a lot. It was really fun seeing a new group of Seiyuu together in 6th stage too.
QN: While I know this was a lot of their whole group development (learning to deal with each other and become friends when they initially didn’t really like one another,) I do wish we saw Quartet Night interacting in slightly more positive ways with each other. Having said that, I certainly don’t dislike their current dynamic (and I love how they’ve grown overtime;especially in Legend Star and Revolutions) I guess it just makes me more excited to see them get even closer (or at least for it to be shown more directly in the anime.) Quartet Night also has this great sense of determination. fighto da yo. Quartet Night also has my favourite group songs AND my favourite IRL dynamic when it comes to the voice actors. I mean seriously these boys impersonate their characters in a line chat but thats a conversation for another day.
Starish: How can I even convey the way that I love Starish. They feel like such a solid unit of 7 very different people. Seeing how comfortable they are as friends around each other makes me so happy. I do feel like my main reason for loving Starish is that they have had the chance to be so fleshed out in the anime, every duo and group of them makes sense, they all have such great connections together. I’ve been into Utapri for so long now, so looking at them somehow feels really nostalgic?
TLDR; I guess I have to say that QN has my favourite songs, but Starish is probably my favourite group overall, if just because I’m nostalgic for them/
But yes, please feel free to ask me more fun questions like this yall, they’re really interesting to answer. I’m thinking of maybe making a new Utapri month/30 Days of Utapri? The current one is pretty outdated at this point (I think it was made around the time 2000% came out, so if any of you’d be interested please let me know. I’m sure it’d be fun.
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