#Zuko is the fire country's version of Batman
puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Hear me out: Zuko keeps doing Blue Spirit stuff and going Batman post-war
There's so much small corruption and so many smaller issues that build up into bigger ones that he really can't take care of as the Firelord, not helped by him having to actually repair relations with the rest of the entire world and figure out who actually deserves to stay in prison and who was literally just thrown in there. In anyways things are a complete and utter mess, and he can't leave the palace or city for days at a time. However we know he can sneak in and out of places that should be inescapable or have very high security. (for example, the episode Blue Spirit itself)
So it's not exactly a stretch for him to go out, maybe even be mistaken for a proper spirit seeing as there's already tales and rumors of the masked entity from during the war. Needless to say when the military and council start complaining about this shadow in the night he is not in a hurry to catch them. Or catch them at all, seeing as said shadow might also be said fire lord.
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starculler · 4 years
Not sure if you do these but... any fic recs??? At all? Licherally any fandom please my crops are dying
I’m always happy to pass on some of my fav fics. You can look through my bookmarks, if you want, for a full list of finished fics I like, or take a look through my fanfiction tag here for fics i find on Tumblr.
Below the cut are some of my current favorites (3 finished long-fic and 3 that are still ongoing). I hope you can find something you’ll enjoy!
((all summaries are copy/pasted straight from ao3))
Finished (50,000+ words):
Looking Glass by RandomFlyer -- Naruto (not my usual cup of tea fandom wise but this one hooked me)
"The village is being attacked," Sarutobi said against his better judgment. He was taking too long as it was, too long away from the front lines. "You are one of the goals of this attack, Naruto, so I'm going to send you somewhere I believe you will be safe."
Liminal Space by Calamityjim -- Young Justice (cartoon) and Batman comics
Bruce's habit of collecting strays is not limited by dimension.
When Young Justice Batman comes across an angsty, seemingly abandoned by his Batman Tim Drake, he decides to step up to the plate and parent the crap out of him.
A deadman’s gun by NohaIjiachi -- BNHA/MHA
“I—“ Izuku hesitated, gaping wordlessly, before admitting softly. “I don’t know. I just don’t want to go home. There’s nothing for me, there.”
“So you filled this hole by playing detective— And how long is that going to last, I wonder?” Stain replied, still massaging his chin. “But you— You have potential.”
Izuku blinked at Stain’s chest, before looking up. “Excuse me?”
“What a waste would it be, to let you become a red splatter on the sidewalk.” Stain continued, almost contemplating. “No. No, kid, what you need is a new purpose. Your old one is gone? Well, time to get off your ass and find something else—“
Haunted Halls by sirina77 -- Danny Phantom and BNHA/MHA (because I can’t resist a good crossover)
A chase through the Ghost Zone goes awry and Danny is launched through a portal and winds up in another country within a completely different reality. Unable to get back home, Danny has to trust these strangers and make new friends if he wants any hope of seeing his family again. While most of the people here seem understanding and friendly, he'll soon learn that the villains of this world are not to be underestimated.
Fractures by good_evening -- ATLA (I would die for this version of Zuko)
Zuko realizes his destiny much earlier. As in, as soon as he wakes up in the palace after his Agni Kai and is told he is banished. Unfortunately, he's never been a patient one. So he storms right up to Ozai and tells him what he's going to do. And gets locked up for over three years. Then, one day, he's being pulled out and told he's the new Fire Lord.
Pyrophytic by SiryyGray -- Young Justice (cartoon) (this one just started in march so it’s roughly 5 or 6000 words long but I’m enjoying it immensely)
A night undercover at Haly's Circus goes up in flames.Literally.Robin watches as his childhood withers into ash, but refuses to let a big top steal anything else from him. Or anyone else.
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