ivanscudieri-blog · 1 year
07.05.2023 All'interno del podcast UNA CAREZZA PER ANDREA, Ivan Scudieri incontra Sole, una cara amica che racconta aneddoti ed emozioni vissute in compagnia di Andrea.
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human-antithesis · 6 months
Gribbled Maggotized Pregnant Inside into a Fetid Renal Sarna
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millicentish · 1 year
Adenos carcinoma
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divulgamaragogipe · 1 year
Após hospitalização, Preta Gil é diagnosticada com câncer no intestino
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O anúncio foi feito por meio de uma nota publicada no perfil oficial do Instagram da cantora nesta terça-feira (10/1) O anúncio foi feito por meio de uma nota publicada no perfil oficial do Instagram da cantora nesta terça-feira (10/1) Internada desde a última quinta-feira (5/1) em uma clínica no Rio de Janeiro por causa de um desconforto que sentia no abdômen, a cantora Preta Gil, de 48 anos, informou através de seu perfil oficial do Instagram nesta terça-feira (10/1), que foi diagnosticada com um adenocarcinoma — um câncer — na porção final do intestino. "Tenho um adenocarcinoma na porção final do intestino. Inicio meu tratamento já na próxima segunda- feira e conto com a energia de todos para seguir tranquila e confiante", escreveu a cantora em parte do comunicado. O adenocarcinoma é um tipo de câncer que afeta as glândulas e o tecido epitelial dos órgãos excretores. O termo é derivado de “adeno”, que significa glândula, e “carcinoma”, que descreve um câncer epitelial. É o tipo mais comum de câncer, considerado um tumor maligno. Por Correio Braziliense Read the full article
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regenerart · 2 years
Estudios recientes han demostrado que las dietas ricas en vegetales tienen efectos protectores sobre la aparición y el pronóstico de varios tipos de cáncer.
El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los efectos del ácido ascórbico, el b-caroteno y sus combinaciones en la línea celular de carcinoma hepatocelular humano HepG2.
Los resultados demostraron que tanto el ácido ascórbico como el b-caroteno causaron daños en el ADN de HepG2 que también fueron concordantes con el aumento de la apoptosis y la necrosis de las células. Esto quiere decir que la vitamina C y el b-caroteno tienen efecto genotóxico y citotóxico sobre las células cancerígenas y al mismo tiempo PROTEGEN a las células normales.
Aquí demostramos el potencial efecto antitumoral genotóxico y citotóxico del ácido ascórbico y el b-caroteno en células de carcinoma hepatocelular.
DOI 10.1007/s11033-010-0549-5
Entonces no es descabellada la idea de poner a estos pacientes en una dieta "rica en vegetales" y además administrarles vitamina C en altas concentraciones.
Existen informes que la vitamina C aumenta la eficiencia de los fármacos quimiterapeúticos.
- The controversial place of vitamin C in cancer treatment. Biochem Pharmacol 15:1644–1652
- Mechanisms of ascorbate-induced cytotoxicity in pancreatic cancer. Clin Cancer Res 16(2):509–520
La cuestión aquí es que la ingesta oral de vitamina C es insuficiente para tener concentraciones en sangre capaces de destruir células tumorales, sin embargo, este problema se resuelve al administrar vitamina c de forma intravenosa en altas concentraciones (megadosis). Y existen evidencias sobre su utilidad.
- Riordan HR, Jackson JA, Schultz M (1990) Case study: high-doseintravenous vitamin C in the treatment of a patient with adeno-carcinoma of the kidney. J Ortho Med 5:5–7
- Jackson JA, Riordan HD, Hunninghauke RE, Riordan N (1995)High dose intravenous vitamin C and long time survival of apatient with cancer of the head of the pancreas. J Ortho Med10:87–88
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
Reviewing Questions:
Atelectasis pulls to the side of atelectasis, which one of the pulm fellows taught me. I answered a question that had a CXR that looked like pleural effusion, but it wasn't. It was atelectasis--actually, it was more than atelectasis, it was a collapsed lung. Collapsed alveoli will pull everything to the side of atelectasis, so you will see tracheal deviation to that side and hyperdensity the looks like pleural effusion on the ipsilateral side. Obstruction of the right main bronchus can cause lung collapse on the right. Pleural effusions push structures to the opposite side.
Pancreatitis can cause ARDS because the inflammation from pancreatitis activates neutrophils in the alveoli. Anything that causes inflammation in the alveoli-> ARDS. The neutrophils release cytokines that enhance inflammation, then you get hyaline membranes that inhibit gas exchange.
Exposure to asbestos-> asbestosis. Asbestosis can lead to mesothelioma, which is cancer of the mesothelial cells of the parietal pleural. But bronchogenic carcinoma is much likelier to occur than mesothelioma. I remember learning that in school and I think it was stressed in one of Dr. Plummer's lectures. But I still fell for the mesothelioma trap answer in this question. -_- Basically, asbestos exposure leads to pleural plaques, especially along the lower lung where the lung and diaphragm meet. Asbestosis is actually fibrosis of the lower lungs with asbestos bodies. Bronchogenic carcinoma is the most common cancer associated with asbestos, but mesothelioma is more specific for exposure to asbestos.
In sarcoidosis, you have noncaseating granulomas. Activated macrophages make 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-> increased absorption of calcium from the intestines-> hypercalcemia. Not only in sarcoidosis, but also in other granulomatous diseases, the activated macrophages for some reason have 1-aplha-hydroxylase, which they use to convert 25-hydroxyvitamin D to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. Sarcoidosis also causes increased levels of ACE.
The theory is that idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is due to damage followed by abnormal healing. You get fibrosis, normal lung areas, interstitial inflammation, and honeycombing in the periphery of the lungs on imaging. Histo shows loss of type I pneumocytes and hyperplastic type II pneumocytes. So I think of it as the type II pneumocytes trying, but failing, to regenerate type I pneumocytes. It's common in people with a history of smoking. So constant injury and abnormal healing are thought to be the cause.
Adenocarcinoma is the most common lung cancer. It showed a slide and I thought the pt had either small cell or squamous carcinoma since she had a history of smoking. But you need to know what adenocarcinoma looks like histologically. It's adenocarcinoma, so it's glandular cells that you see on hitstology (adeno- = glandular).
Fever, cough, diarrhea, confusion = legionella pneumophila. It causes hyponatremia. Sputum stain will show neutrophils, but no bacteria on gram stain. It contaminates water, so look for history of being in a nursing home or going on a cruise. Culture it on Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract (BCYE) or do a legionella urine antigen test to diagnose. Pontiac fever is acute; Legionnaires' disease is more common. Both are caused by legionella pneumophila.
Cavitary lesions (e.g., those that result from TB infection or emphysema) can be colonized by aspergillus fumigatus. Colonizing aspergillus-> aspergilloma (fungus ball). Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis occurs in immunocompromised pts and pts with neutropenia. Pts with asthma can have an allergic reaction to it--Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA). It's a mold whose hyphae branch at 45 degress angles!
A "brassy" cough (whatever that means) = laryngotracheobronchitis (croup), which is caused by parainfluenza virus.
Histoplasmosis appears in yeast form at body temperature; it repilcates in macrophages and travels in the lymphatic system; can cause hepatomegaly in immunocompromised pts. You can see all the yeasts inside a macrophage on light microscopy. It will grow hyphae on Sabouraud agar. Histoplasma capsulatum is associated with spelunking (exploring caves), where there is contaminated guano (bat droppings) and bird droppings. Occurs is the Ohio and Mississippi River Valleys. Dx with urine antigen or biopsy that shows the yeasts in macrophages.
Whooping cough (pertussis) can occur in adults who don't get vaccines updated. It's due to bordetella pertussis, a gram negative coccobacillus. Cough lasting more than 2 weeks and post-tussive emesis (vomiting after coughing) are signs of pertussis. It has a catarrhal phase (normal viral URI symptoms), paroxysmal phase (severe coughing with whoop or post-tussive emesis), and convalescent phase (cough improves).
Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is usually caused by streptococcus pneumoniae. Neutrophils make myeloperoxidase, which accounts for the greenish color of the sputum in bacterial infections. Myeloperoxidase is a blue-green molecule that comes from the granules in neutrophils. It catalyzes the reaction that converts chloride and hydrogen peroxide into hypochlorous acid (bleach) in the respiratory burst.
From Wikipedia:
Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is a peroxidase enzyme that in humans is encoded by the MPO gene on chromosome 17.[5] MPO is most abundantly expressed in neutrophil granulocytes (a subtype of white blood cells), and produces hypohalous acids to carry out their antimicrobial activity.[5][6] It is a lysosomal protein stored in azurophilic granules of the neutrophil and released into the extracellular space during degranulation.[7] Neutrophil myeloperoxidase has a heme pigment, which causes its green color in secretions rich in neutrophils, such as pus and some forms of mucus. The green color contributed to its outdated name verdoperoxidase.
At high elevation, the oxygen content of the air is lower. So your blood will have less O2, thus cardiac output would increase in an attempt to get more oxygen to the tissues. Due to less O2 in the air, you would also get hypoxic vasoconstriction in the lungs, which would lead to increased pulmonary arterial resistance. Plasma volume also apparently goes down. So you hyperventilate, which leads to respiratory alkalosis. The kidneys respond by increasing HCO3- excretion. Hypoxemia also suppresses aldosterone which leads to diuresis and volume loss-> decreased plasma volume. Hypoxia-> Hypoxia Inducing Factor (HIF)-> increased erythropoietin.
Succinylcholine is a nicotinic ACh receptor agonist at the motor end plate. It causes depolarization until the end plate becomes desensitized and paralysis occurs. SUX is metabolized by pseudocholinesterase. Deficiency in pseudocholinesterase occurs in those with a genetic polymorphism (BCHE gene), so it takes longer for these pts to be able to breathe on their own again after receiving SUX. These pts also have prolonged effects from mivacurium and cocaine.
Neutrophil elastase is released not only by neutrophils, but also by macrophages. Didn't know that.
Varenicline (Chantix) is a partial agonist of the nicotinic ACh receptor (specifically the alpha 4 beta 2 nicotinic Ach receptor). It decreases cravings for tobacco and makes smoking less pleasurable.
Cromolyn prevents mast cell degranulation and can work for exercise-induced asthma or other acute asthma attacks. It doesn't work as well as inhaled corticosteroids.
The normal A-a gradient is 4 to 15 mmHg.
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ariel-madison-blog · 5 years
My Grandma
I mentioned in my previous post about my grandma passing away. It seemed wrong of me to simply gloss over this situation so I made a separate post about it.
So my grandma was diagnosed with cancer April 4th, 2018. She lived 169 days after her diagnosis. When I tell you that she was like a second mother to me I am not stretching. She was 63 and since I was a baby, I spent every weekend with her. She taught me how to ride my bike, tie my shoes, and write my last name. When my dad was in night school and my mom was in treatment, my grandma took care of me. Every Saturday morning before my gymnastics practice she made French Toast from scratch. I could take about my grandma for ages and ages and I definitely have talked peoples’ ears off about her. 
My grandma had Stage 4 Adeno Carcinoma, which is a lung cancer that spread throughout her body. It was caught extremely late and it was due to her being a heavy smoker about 20 years earlier. 
She was and is a beautiful woman and I talk to her every morning and every night before I go to bed. While my mother taught me much of my life skills, I would not be half of the person I am today if it was not for my grandma. Losing her will always be the hardest event of my life. Just shy of her seeing me graduate from high school and end my competitive gymnastics career. Her love and presence follow me everywhere I go and I hope I never lose that comfort. 
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brazilatm63 · 2 years
PI3K abrogation using griddle PI3K chemical DAPT give rise to a weighty anti-cancer influence on AML-derived KG-1 tissue through inducing apoptosis and G2/M arrest
Type 2 diabetes mellitus and also obesity are related to improved cardio risk. Although life style surgery including health care nutrition treatments along with properly prescribed exercise continue to be cornerstones associated with illness prevention and also treatment method, most sufferers using diabetes type 2 will ultimately require pharmacotherapy for glycemic manage. Luckily, several of these people are able to achieve preferred glycemic goals with the use of available antihyperglycemic real estate agents. Both not-for-profit disease-specific agencies and health care specialty communities have provided assistance concerning the appropriate number of these solutions. Type 2 diabetes treatment recommendations along with algorithms have already been designed, looking at a combination of evidence-based information and also expert opinions Dabrafenib manufacturer , with assorted groups giving different glucose goals and also ways to hyperglycemia management. Virtually all notice that type 2 diabetes can be a multi-dimensional illness, requiring a yet customized method of individual proper care. (Chemical) 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc. The actual National Log of medication (The year 2010) 123, S12-S18Evaluation of patient-relevant treatment method advantage results importance regarding authorization and also payment regarding restorative techniques. The actual 'Patient Profit Index' (PBI) could be the Wrst questionnaire to measure patient-relevant remedy gain throughout skin care. Its worldwide rating is the common of benefits achieved following therapy, calculated by the person significance about remedy requirements. This research focused to determine subscales in the PBI based on self-sufficient and also regular treatment need sizes. The particular PBI was used within a cross-sectional study involving n = 500 sufferers with ten distinct epidermis diseases, and in any longitudinal acne therapy research (d = 925). PBI dimensions were taken out by simply factor examination along with varimax rotation both in research separately, using the longitudinal examine information for copying. Issue examination revealed mostly related require proportions in both Long-chain-fatty-acid-CoA ligase studies. Your five-dimensional option located in the cross-sectional examine described 63.0% in the alternative. The necessity measurements have been referred to as because reducing psychological impairments, lowering learn more social problems, minimizing problems on account of treatments, lowering actual physical disabilities, along with constructing conWdence straight into treatment. Employing this factor solution, various designs of need put together within the 15 skin-related ailments. The actual PBI provides for the differential benefit assessment upon several well distinct along with interpretable subscales. Using subscales because proven refines your meaning involving needs as well as positive aspects within dermatologic treatment method.A few Half a dozen, 7-dialkoxy-4-anilinoquinazolines were designed, produced by substituting diverse heterocycles on 6-position as well as a various anilines in 4-position of the quinazoline. These kinds of book quinazoline ingredients have been screened for cytotoxic relation to epidermis progress issue receptor overexpressing skin color epidermoid carcinoma mobile collection (A431), through the use of nonoverexpressing tumour tissue because negative handle (busts adeno carcinoma mobile or portable range MCF-7). 2-Butyl-4-chloro-1-[3-(7-methoxy-4-(Three(trifluoromethyl)phenylamino)quinazolin-6-yloxyl-propyl)-1H-imidazole-5-carboxaldehyde (30) and also 2-butyl-4-chloro-1-(3-[4-(3-iodophenyl amino)-7-methoxyquinazolin-6-yloxy]propyl)-1H-imidazole-5-carboxaldehyde (33) put together to become more potent towards A431 cell line (Ed(50) 3.
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lom-journal · 3 years
Monday August 16/21- Surrey Cancer ♋️ Agency 12:30 p.m. with Dr. Sarah Baker! 604-930-2098! Where and What?Maybe Tattooing for future times! Also Peter taking mom to the Airport early this a.m. But, we are both going to the Agency!
Peter went and picked mom up to take her to the Airport for 6:30 a.m. she’s flying West Jet ✈️ to Toronto to Lauren’s for a 6 week holiday! I’m not sure when Peter will get back to the bus 🚌 this a.m.****But, we are going to the Surrey Cancer ♋️ Agency for 12:30 p.m. Today! ****I’m concerned why it’s an hour and a half! I’m worried about the whole idea of getting Radiation ☢️! Mom had a terrible time , things were different then! Hopefully better today! 🤓 it’s 8:30 a.m. and Peter’s not back from the airport after taking mom to airport and Tim’s for coffee! It’s now 9:00 a.m. and no Peter ! He must’ve waited with mom till she went or there was a big line up to check bags etc!*****Met with DR.BAKER SHE IS GREATSaid - ADENO CARCINOMA, STAGE #1, NON SMALL CELL LUNG 🫁 CANCER -4 Treatments , check every 6 months for Five Years!! We were there exactly hour and half and now home to Bella!! She was so really happy to see us! Home for the day now! Lom
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pharmaphorumuk · 3 years
FDA lifts hold on uniQure gene therapy after cancer case review
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Dosing can start once again in uniQure’s phase 3 trial of its haemophilia B gene therapy, after the FDA concluded that a case of liver cancer seen in the study was unlikely to be caused by the treatment. 
The biotech said that the FDA had concluded that its investigation into the case, conducted in collaboration with an independent lab, found no evidence that the genetic modification associated with etranacogene dezaparvovec (AMT-061) played a part in the formation of the tumour.
Rather, it found that the cause was likely to be a pre-malignant state in the liver of the patient that predisposed them to the cancer, a hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), caused by a history of hepatitis B and C infections.
The HOPE-B trial has now been cleared to restart dosing, and uniQure expects to report top-line results before the end of June. It had previously said it did not anticipate any delay to its regulatory filing for the one-shot therapy – expected before year-end in the US – as a result of the clinical hold.
Shares in the biotech rose more than 8% after the news was announced, a slightly muted response by investors, likely as the findings of the independent analysis had previously been disclosed.
Nevertheless it’s a relief for uniQure and other gene therapy developers, as there is a perennial concern that inserting genes into the genomes of patient cells could inadvertently activate genes that cause cancer.
That’s something that has been seen with retroviruses and lentiviruses used in gene therapies in the past, including in a French trial involving children with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) in which four of nine successfully treated patients developed leukaemia within a few years.
Like many newer gene therapy candidates, AMT-061 uses an adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector to deliver its genetic payload into cells, as AAV is thought to be much less likely to integrate into cellular DNA. If a causal link had been established with the HCC case, it would have sent a shockwave across the sector.
Biopsies taken from the tumour and adjacent liver tissue found however that integration of the AAV vector in the tissue sample taken from the liver cancer patients was “extremely rare”, according to uniQure – accounting for only around 0.027% of the cells.
Those AAV integrations seemed to occur randomly across the genome and there was no evidence that any location was more common than others, or indeed that an integration had stimulated a cell to divide more often, which could be a warning signal for malignancy.
The last readout from HOPE-B at the American Society of Haematology (ASH) meeting last November revealed that AMT-061 significantly reduced bleeding episodes and practically eliminated the need for infusions of clotting factor IX in patients with severe or moderately severe haemophilia B.
The lifting of the hold keeps uniQure in contention with its closest rival in the haemophilia B gene therapy race, Pfizer, whose fidanacogene elaparvovec candidate is also in late-stage testing.
It will also be celebrated by CSL Behring, which paid $450 million upfront to license rights to AMT-061 last year in a deal that could top out above $2 billion, factoring in potential milestone payments.
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from https://pharmaphorum.com/news/fda-lifts-hold-on-uniqure-gene-therapy-after-cancer-case-review/
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ivanscudieri-blog · 1 year
01.06.2023 All'interno del format UNA CAREZZA PER ANDREA, Ivan Scudieri incontra Giacomo un'amico di Andrea Fernandez, che ha voluto dare il suo contributo al podcast, raccontando episodi e aneddoti di vita insieme.
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top-market-research · 3 years
MRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics Market Drivers, Restraints, Company Profiles and Key Players Analysis by 2027
The in-depth study on the MRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics Market covers a comprehensive analysis of the historical data, present and emerging market trends, technological advancements, and the overall market scenario. The report titled Global MRNA Cancer Vaccines and Therapeutics Market published by Reports and Data analyze the current market scene, market share, growth rate, future trends, market drivers, opportunities, and challenges, risks and entry barriers. The report includes a comprehensive assessment of the positive and negative factors influencing the growth and trends of the market.  
The mRNA Cancer Vaccines and Therapeutics Market was valued at USD 136.84 million in 2019 and is estimated to be valued at USD 943.99 million by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 24.4% through the forecast period.
The report considers COVID-19 as a key market contributor. The report describes in detail the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the major segments of the MRNA Cancer Vaccines and Therapeutics Market sector. The pandemic has affected the MRNA Cancer Vaccines and Therapeutics Market sector dynamically and the report covers the changes in demands and trends in the market. The report studies threats and challenges the industry players will have to face due to the changes induced by COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the report provides a detailed description of the COVID-19 impact on the overall growth of the market.
Get a sample of the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/3513
The report is an all-inclusive document containing a thorough assessment of the top market players operating in the industry and controlling a significant share of the market. A breakdown analysis of the competitive landscape comprising of expansion tactics and strategic alliances adopted by the companies are offered in the report. The report covers a detailed assessment of mergers & acquisitions, product launches, partnerships & agreements, joint ventures, and collaborations, among others happening between the prominent industry players.
Key Players Operating in the Market and Profiled in the Report are:
eTheRNA, BioNTech, CureVac, In-Cell-Art, Translate Bio, Tiba Biotechnology, Argos Therapeutics, Sangamo Therapeutics, and Ethris.
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The reports presents encyclopedic company profiles of the leading participants of the MRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics Market  industry to allow the reader to gain a better understanding of the competitive landscape to help in formulating better decisions and investment strategies. It also covers SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces analysis to impart a better understanding of the key players operating in the market.
Additionally, the report consists a detailed analysis of the segmentation of the MRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics Market based on product types and end-use/application offered in the MRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics Market. The report an exhaustive summary of the product and application landscape of the industry along with details about the segmented expected to show significant growth in the upcoming years.
Based on the application spectrum, the MRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics Market is segmented into
Adeno Carcinomas
Mucinous Carcinomas
Adenosquamous Carcinomas
To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/mrna-cancer-vaccines-and-therapeutics-market
The report provides an extensive detailing of the market share and size of the MRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics Market in the key geographical regions. Based on the regional breakdown, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.
In-depth regional analysis covers:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
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mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics Market Business Developments and Top Companies – Global Forecast to 2027
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The Global mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics Market report, published by Reports and Data, includes a multi-disciplinary approach towards the mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics industry for the complete analysis of the current market scenario, from the historical year of 2017 to the forecast year of 2027.  The study undertakes an in-depth evaluation of the market dynamics of the leading regional segments of the global mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics market. The comprehensive analysis offers insightful data to assist businesses in leveraging the lucrative growth opportunities in the mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics industry.
The global mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics market is estimated to grow at a robust XX% CAGR, from USD XX Million in 2019 to USD XX Million in 2020. The report offers a closer view of the leading manufacturers and suppliers engaged in this sector, with special focus on their market positions, pricing analysis, product portfolio, gross revenue, profit margins, sales network, and distribution channels. The insightful data offered by the study has been derived through primary and secondary research methodologies that provide precise market estimations on both global and regional levels. Furthermore, our team of analysts has made use of effective analytical tools to compile essential facts and figures and gauge revenue estimations for the forecast duration.
The report is furnished with an all-encompassing study of the current scenario of the mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics market, which is reeling from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has significantly affected millions of lives, alongside impacting the global mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics business sphere. It has disrupted the global demand and supply chains, as well as the growth trajectories of the vendors and manufacturers in this market.
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Global mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics Market Segmentation
By Application (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Adeno Carcinomas
Mucinous Carcinomas
Adenosquamous Carcinomas
By End-user (Revenue, USD Million; 2017-2027)
Hospitals & Clinics
Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Research Institutes
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Global mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics Market – Regional Landscape
The mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics market report contains an all-inclusive assessment of the prevailing growth opportunities in the leading regional segments of the market. Besides, the report closely investigates the estimated revenue shares of these regions over the forecast period. The most prominent regions covered in the report are as follows:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Global mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics Market – Competitive Outlook
The report inspects the operating patterns of each market contender, including lucrative business strategies such as partnerships & collaborations, mergers & acquisitions, and new product launches. It focuses on the growth trajectories of each market segment. The report also includes a list of the leading companies operating in the market and expounds on their action plans for drawing higher revenues. Furthermore, a detailed account of the key industry developments, current market trends, and viable market insights is also available in this report.  The leading market players profiled in the report include:
Moderna Therapeutics, eTheRNA, BioNTech, CureVac, In-Cell-Art, Translate Bio, Tiba Biotechnology, Argos Therapeutics, Sangamo Therapeutics, and Ethris.
To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/mrna-cancer-vaccines-and-therapeutics-market
Key points encompassed in the report: 
The report elaborates on the major drivers, opportunities, restraints, and challenges affecting the global market growth.
The report emphasizes the emerging regions and the competitive landscape prevailing across the market.
It highlights the growth prospects that the leading market players in each region look to capitalize on.
It provides detailed information on various stringent norms imposed by regulatory agencies for several regions of the market.
Thus, the report is inclusive of the latest research & development projects, market-disrupting technological advancements, and advanced business models.
Key questions addressed in the global mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics market report: 
In recent years, which product segments have observed emerging application areas in the global mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics market?
What are the strategic initiatives undertaken by the leading players over recent years?
Which business models are expected to offer lucrative growth prospects to the key regional markets in the near future?
Which strategies are likely to enable the top-notch market players to expand their regional and global footprints?
What are the significant sources of funding for start-ups and new entrants into the global mRNA Cancer Vaccines And Therapeutics market?
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divulgamaragogipe · 1 year
Após hospitalização, Preta Gil é diagnosticada com câncer no intestino
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O anúncio foi feito por meio de uma nota publicada no perfil oficial do Instagram da cantora nesta terça-feira (10/1) O anúncio foi feito por meio de uma nota publicada no perfil oficial do Instagram da cantora nesta terça-feira (10/1) Internada desde a última quinta-feira (5/1) em uma clínica no Rio de Janeiro por causa de um desconforto que sentia no abdômen, a cantora Preta Gil, de 48 anos, informou através de seu perfil oficial do Instagram nesta terça-feira (10/1), que foi diagnosticada com um adenocarcinoma — um câncer — na porção final do intestino. "Tenho um adenocarcinoma na porção final do intestino. Inicio meu tratamento já na próxima segunda- feira e conto com a energia de todos para seguir tranquila e confiante", escreveu a cantora em parte do comunicado. O adenocarcinoma é um tipo de câncer que afeta as glândulas e o tecido epitelial dos órgãos excretores. O termo é derivado de “adeno”, que significa glândula, e “carcinoma”, que descreve um câncer epitelial. É o tipo mais comum de câncer, considerado um tumor maligno. Por Correio Braziliense Read the full article
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Finding Perfect Cure & Establishing Bladder Cancer Awareness
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Have you heard of Bladder Cancer? If not this month, it’s time to establish extra information and support facts about bladder cancer disorder. As the weather starts to warm up in Asia and other parts of the world, the world is all ready to celebrate May as Bladder Cancer Awareness Month.
Celebration of Bladder Cancer Awareness Month is observed in many parts of the world and the event is marked by organizing national walks, public service messages, elevated education, and imposing stress on strengthening the bladder cancer society.
Dr. Ashish Saini is an MBBS and MS (Surgery) from the prestigious King George Medical College Lucknow. Being trained in Urology (M. Ch) from Indian Medical Institution All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and performed more than 5800 urology surgeries before venturing into private practice. He has personally stood up for this valuable occasion of Bladder Cancer Awareness Month and wants to share the awareness about Bladder cancer through this blog.
The Prevalence of Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer is the ninth most prevalent cancer worldwide. An estimated 430 000 distinct cases were seen in 2012. From then onwards the toll is on a rise year after year. Around half of the bladder cancer deaths occur in the less developed regions of the world and India is one of such nation. Looking at the world-wide scenarios & arising cases of bladder cancer and those succumbing to this disease, cultivating public awareness is the first step towards finding a perfect cure.
These tumors are designated for the type of cells that convert malignant: transitional cell carcinoma, which begins in cells in the innermost tissue layer of the bladder. The first one is the squamous cell carcinoma, which begins in the squamous cells, and may appear after long-term infection or irritation. Next is the adenocarcinoma, which arises in glandular secretory cells and is found in the lining of the bladder.
Types Of Bladder Cancer And It’s Occurrence
The first one is the squamous cell carcinoma, which begins in the squamous cells, and may appear after long-term infection or irritation. Next is the adeno carcinoma, which arises in glandular secretory cells and is found in the lining of the bladder.
Cancer may spread as per its severity. Therefore when in its initial state it commences spreading in the lining of the bladder and is called superficial bladder cancer. Next, when the same cancer penetrates the muscle wall of the bladder or spreads to the nearby organs and lymph nodes it is called invasive bladder cancer.
Risk Associated With Bladder Cancer & How to Reduce It
Risk factors related to bladder cancer include nicotine use, is having family records of the disease, susceptibility to certain chemicals in the workplace, drinking well water with high levels of arsenic, and having a history of bladder infections.
Individuals, who are a smoker, make sure you put an end to it. Smoking raises bladder cancer opportunity by at least two to three times that of non-smokers. When you quit smoking, your risk goes down but never reaches back to zero. As per the recent studies presented it has been deduced that e-cigarettes can raise your risk for bladder cancer.
Knowing the Signs and Symptoms of Bladder Cancer
The most prevalent symptom of bladder cancer is painless blood in the urine. Though blood may be evident, in most circumstances it is invisible except under a microscope. In these instances, blood is found when your urine is examined by your physician.
Blood solely does not imply that one has bladder cancer. There could be many deductions for blood in the urine, such as a urinary tract infection or kidney stones. Infinitesimal results of blood might likewise be normal in some personalities.
If you or any one in your surrounding is suffering from bladder cancer and has been left isolated. Please avoid doing so instead get bold and visit Dr AK Saini for the best bladder cancer treatment in Delhi.
Content Source: https://www.draksainiurologydelhi.com/blog/finding-perfect-cure-establishing-bladder-cancer-awareness/
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mcatmemoranda · 6 years
So here’s the rule:
Benign epithelial tumors = “-oma” Malignant epithelial tumors = “carcinoma” Benign mesenchymal (connective tissue) tumors = “-oma” Malignant mesenchymal tumor = “sarcoma”
Adenoma = benign epithelial glandular tumor Fibroma = benign fibrous tumor Chondroma = benign cartilaginous tumor Papilloma = papillary tumor Cyst adenoma = glandular tumor that’s cystic Lipoma = benign fatty tumor Hemangioma = benign blood vessel tumor Leiomyoma = benign smooth muscle tumor Osteoma = benign bone tumor Fibrosarcoma = malignant fibrous tumor Osteosarcoma = malignant bone tumor Angiosarcoma = malignant blood vessel tumor Leiomyosarcoma = malignant smooth muscle tumor Liposarcoma = malignant fatty/adipose tissue tumor
When you have a malignant epithelial tumor, you put the term “carcinoma” in the name. Could be a squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, transitional cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma. However, when that tissue is mesenchymal (connective tissue), there’s no such thing as an ostoecarcinoma because bone is connective tissue. Bone can become osteosarcoma. “Sarcoma” is the term used for mesenchymal (connective tissue) tumors when they are malignant; so benign bone tumor = osteoma and malignant bone tumor = osteosarcoma. Skeletal muscle is also a connective tissue, so malignant skeletal muscle tumors are called “rhabdomyosarcoma” and benign skeletal muscle tumors are called “rhabdomyoma.”
More information on terms I copied and pasted from Wikipedia:
An adenoma (from Greek αδένας, adeno-, "gland" + -ώμα, -oma, "tumor") (/ˌædɪˈnoʊmə/; plural adenomas or adenomata /ˌædɪˈnoʊmɪtə/) is a benign tumor of epithelial tissue with glandular origin, glandular characteristics, or both. Adenomas can grow from many glandular organs, including the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid, prostate, and others. Some adenomas grow from epithelial tissue in nonglandular areas but express glandular tissue structure (as can happen in familial polyposis coli). Although adenomas are benign, over time they may transform to become malignant, at which point they are called adenocarcinomas. Most adenomas do not transform. But even while benign, they have the potential to cause serious health complications by compressing other structures (mass effect) and by producing large amounts of hormones in an unregulated, non-feedback-dependent manner (causing paraneoplastic syndromes). Some adenomas are too small to be seen macroscopically but can still cause clinical symptoms.
A papilloma (plural papillomas or papillomata) (papillo- + -oma) is a benign epithelialtumor[1] growing exophytically (outwardly projecting) in nipple-like and often finger-like fronds. In this context papilla refers to the projection created by the tumor, not a tumor on an already existing papilla (such as the nipple). PapillomaIntraductal papilloma of breast, H&E, 10xClassification and external resourcesICD-O8050/0MeSHD010212[edit on Wikidata] When used without context, it frequently refers to infections (squamous cell papilloma) caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), such as warts. Human papillomavirus infection is a major cause of cervical cancer, although most HPV infections do not cause cancer.[citation needed] There are, however, a number of other conditions that cause papilloma, as well as many cases in which there is no known cause.
Small-cell carcinoma (also known as "small-cell lung cancer", or "oat-cell carcinoma") is a type of highly malignant cancer that most commonly arises within the lung,[1] although it can occasionally arise in other body sites, such as the cervix,[2] prostate,[3] and gastrointestinal tract. Compared to non-small cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma has a shorter doubling time, higher growth fraction, and earlier development of metastases.
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