444names · 1 year
werewolf forenames + home appliances + constellations
Adall Adif Adma Adolan Adolf Adolfens Aiconax Aictaulf Ainus Aionax Airos Amaccoff Amanus Amarker Amen Amengan Amer Ameroux Amine Amona Anher Anno Antled Aquada Aquadolf Aquilepo Aquum Arci Ardalum Argoll Ariahin Ariepres Arik Arios Arirfryun Arodolf Arolfris Aronisi Artaurus Ater Aulf Auricoodo Auridi Aurker Bachgrux Bachin Bachinor Bardraler Bardrall Beculeus Bled Blelacca Bleonis Bleus Boiler Boilher Boilio Botelook Boter Botersaga Boöteatio Brater Breddynx Bressurux Caentis Cakasus Caker Calai Calle Calphess Candall Candolf Cane Cangle Cans Canus Cashus Cashwate Caster Cebox Ceia Ceiaha Cepfryer Cepu Cescenter Cescooker Chaik Chakeran Cham Cher Chindi Chingle Chot Chtona Chtor Cledi Clelan Cleo Cleuleill Clevilher Cloker Colf Cond Cone Conix Conolpens Conor Cook Cooker Copavell Copecopis Crolf Cronis Cros Crudi Crus Cruser Culfgas Deegan Deess Delamp Deler Difirdolf Difirous Difiryer Disha Dolf Dolfa Dolfo Dolptor Dolum Doramwolf Dowfaolf Dradi Draff Dryer Equulf Equum Esdraous Eyfrilks Fancall Fangunn Fanornrio Fansam Fanus Faolf Fardralup Fell Felupo Fiephun Fier Fiessus Fook Fooker Franaios Friger Frill Frine Frios Frius Fryer Fryeran Fryun Futumba Geidoloul Geif Geilian Gemajor Gricolf Gririg Grux Guntell Haion Haker Heani Herci Hobo Hobother Hoen Hoengansa Honaioh Honoran Hotwolan Hrolph Hromer Hron Hronis Hros Hydradolf Hydrater Hydrolf Hydryer Indi Indrus Inuser Irfryer Ivaccor Kerolf Keyfralan Lacutum Lance Landolf Leaticuum Leia Leiana Leif Leilis Lele Lessin Levilinor Libranus Lion Logius Look Lowela Lowelok Lowulf Lump Lupegan Luper Lupotpla Luppu Lyaless Lyalph Lyalupus Lyralup Lyrandrai Machana Macor Maene Maenia Maens Mahaan Mainescor Mairog Major Majornus Makemer Maker Makocer Malan Mang Manix Mans Marcooker Marin Marium Marka Melph Mens Mine Mingfan Minor Minus Moher Monopeian Moule Moulf Moupo Mouppic Moupu Moux Muler Muleusey Mulf Nala Nornrice Ocepo Ocer Ocessus Octies Odolfor Odolini Odster Odwolf Oilis Oilks Oill Olph Olphindis Opium Opius Ornus Ovener Panda Panessum Parik Pater Pecue Peirolf Pemer Phaaiyuk Pheamer Pictis Pishees Piuchan Pium Piump Pius Piuser Preadolf Preki Pres Presve Puscue Pyxishino Radalis Radmaen Radolfgan Raffle Raner Ranian Ranus Raoloker Raoupus Raous Raoux Rapreki Rate Reff Rens Repfris Repo Ress Resvens Retum Reus Rezsolf Ridis Rion Rona Rovel Rowater Rudolcan Rudolf Rudor Saga Sagium Samaelan Samana Sangmaker Scaelaaik Sceidolf Scessump Scue Seffeegan Semaches Serbox Serdalio Serpegans Setroma Seus Sewolf Seyfryer Shdryer Sheespres Siner Solfan Somaker Stell Surker Sursanall Talar Tall Talum Tanuntler Tasher Tchana Tchoen Teater Tela Terdryer Teron Tiope Toass Tornricer Tran Tranus Trolf Trolfga Trolfo Tromaha Tumin Turepus Turiump Tursam Udif Uleo Ules Ulfres Ulmaroup Ulper Ulricer Ulteater Ulter Ulum Uluper Ulvackbo Ulvell Urentel Uridiger Urkemaker Urudolf Urus Urux Vackboill Vaco Vardra Vecona Velous Vena Vene Vilher Vilkashon Vill Visingand Vulf Vulphump Vulupus Waff Waik Waionoce Wais Waiyukas Washa Washeate Washer Wasso Waster Wasus Watelum Water Wave Wavela Wavolfene Wicerpius Wolf Wolfgan Wolfryer Woliaha Woll Wolph Wooker Ylooker
0 notes
adolanables · 4 years
Bleed - (G.D)
A/N: Based off the song Champion by Elina
“Do you get high when I hit my lows? I hope you feel like you’re a champion when you break my heart once and for all.”
“Seriously, Grayson?” The irritation in Ethan’s voice rang loud and clear down the short hallway near the front of their house. 
“The fuck is your problem?” Shooting his twin an annoyed glance as he peered towards his room to make sure his door was still shut.
“That’s the third girl this week.” As Ethan folded his arms, Grayson managed to move past him to head back to his room. He had left briefly to get two glasses of water, expecting to have a long night ahead of him. 
“And?” Taking a sip of water and shrugging his shoulders, Grayson nudged the door open with his shoulder. 
As Ethan watched his younger brother disappear into his room, he couldn’t help but feel like maybe some of this was his fault. They had always done everything together, but recently, Ethan has been extremely preoccupied with his new girlfriend. Since they’d moved to California, neither of them had ever been in this serious of a relationship. Sure, they’d had some flings here and there, but none of them had turned into what Ethan and Maria had. Every single night, Maria was in Ethan’s bed - she was there for breakfast every day. Grayson liked Maria, don’t get him wrong, but he missed having his twin by his side - fully to himself. It didn’t help that Grayson’s very best friend Roxie had been gone for the last month visiting her family. Ethan was convinced if Roxie had been here, this entire scenario could have been avoided. 
Roxie had moved in with the twins a little over six months ago when her apartment experienced a pretty nasty flood that ruined practically all of her belongings. The boys insisted she come stay with them for a while, but every time she tried to look for a new place since then, Grayson had convinced her to stay. Roxie works as a makeup artist for practically anything anyone asks her to do. It’s her passion and she adores it, but it doesn’t always make the best money; so having a free place to stay was definitely not a bad thing.
Roxie and Grayson were nearly inseparable. Before Maria, Ethan always complained that Roxie had pretty much stolen his twin. They were attached at the hip and seemed to have the same type of telepathy the twins shared. Grayson knew what Roxie was feeling before she even felt it sometimes - and vice versa. She was one of the first people the twins had met when they moved to Los Angeles years ago. Grayson was entranced with her immediately. The brightness that shone through her eyes and her wide smile made him feel safe every time he looked at her. She had been there for him and Ethan every single day since they met and Grayson really didn’t know how to live without her. Having her gone for an entire month was wearing him thin. 
At her dad’s home in Tennessee, Roxie felt just as lost without Grayson. Roxie had spent her entire life in Los Angeles with her mom; her father had moved to Nashville when she was fourteen. Until she turned eighteen, she spent every other summer at her dad’s home. It had been years since she’d spent so much time in Nashville, but her dad insisted she come back for a bit since her work had slowed down. 
The first few days Roxie was gone, she and Grayson had facetimed for hours every night just talking. It was common for them to get caught up in conversation - even in person - and stay up for hours. The longer her stay lasted, the shorter the calls got. At the end of the month, the calls weren’t even coming anymore - it was so strange that Roxie had reached out to ask Ethan what was wrong. Ethan didn’t feel like he could tell Roxie that Grayson had bought a one-way ticket to pound town, so he settled for telling her she needed to come back ASAP. 
Two days later, that’s exactly what she did. 
“Rox!” Ethan’s voice drew Roxie’s attention as she walked out of the airport - if she were being honest, she was a bit shocked. She couldn’t remember the last time Ethan had picked her up from somewhere on his own - Grayson was always there. 
“E!” Slapping a fake smile on her face, she tossed her bag into the backseat of the shiny white Tesla and sliding into the passenger seat. It’s not like she wasn’t excited to see Ethan, it’s just… she was expecting Grayson. It was always Roxie and Grayson.
“I can’t explain how glad I am that you’re back.” Chucking softly, Ethan rolled his eyes slightly before heading back to their house. He could tell Roxie was upset seeing him instead of Grayson, but he understood. The relationship between Grayson and Roxie was unlike anything he had seen before - he couldn’t really understand how Grayson could miss picking her up after not seeing her for a month. 
“I’m glad to be back too.” She rested her head against the cool glass of the window and glanced down at her phone, her face falling slightly as she saw no notifications. As badly as she wanted to ask Ethan where the hell her best friend was, she figured he would have told her by now if he could have.
“Did you all get a new car?” Roxie glanced at Ethan with an eyebrow raised as they pulled into the driveway. A shiny beamer was parked next to Grayson’s porsche.
“Uh - no.” Clearing his throat awkwardly, Ethan shook his head and turned the car off. It was almost midnight, so he wasn’t really sure how to explain away the car. It was definitely not Maria’s and her red Camry was in its usual spot. He watched as Roxie just nodded softly, taking the hint that she probably didn’t want to know the answer to whose car it actually was.
As close as Grayson and Roxie were, every time either of them had a boyfriend or girlfriend, their relationship got… rocky. Ethan absolutely dreaded those times. The second Roxie started showing interest in someone, it was like Grayson turned into a monster. He was grumpy and pissed off, putting on a fake face for Roxie, but even she could see through it. When it was Grayson, Roxie was a little better at pretending she didn’t mind. She was able to smile and be friends with the new girl, only letting her guard down when she got some alone time. During those times, Roxie and Grayson barely spoke to each other genuinely. Every conversation was fake, every interaction was forced - both sides knowing their friendship was suffering. With that being said, Grayson had never been a fan of hookups. He liked to know the person - wanted a connection. Roxie was grateful for that - if he wanted to, Grayson could have any girl in LA. Neither would ever admit that their past relationships had ended because of each other. For Grayson, he always claimed the girl was not as serious as he was about her - in reality Grayson couldn’t mentally check in for anyone that wasn’t Roxie. For Roxie, she always got her feelings hurt, hoping every boy would make her feel the way Grayson did and being devastated when they couldn’t. She blamed it on picking terrible guys - and she did - but the choices were purposeful. She would never pick someone who could possibly live up to Grayson. 
“Um…?” Roxie shot Ethan a concerned look as they shut the front door behind them to hear what sounded like an injured hyena. She wasn’t stupid - she was 20 years old living in Los Angeles with two of the hottest men on the internet. It’s not like she hadn’t heard Grayson having sex before - or walked in on him - but something about this time rubbed her the wrong way. She had just been gone for an entire month and he couldn’t take even a few minutes to welcome her home. 
“Sorry, Rox…” Ethan sighed as he watched his friend duck her head and shuffle off to her room. He was so pissed off at his brother. When he had told Grayson that Rox was on her way home, he didn’t even seem excited. He shrugged his shoulders at the mention of picking her up and rolled his eyes when Ethan asked if he was having a girl over tonight. Honestly, Ethan didn’t think Grayson had it in him to have a girl in his room when Roxie walked in. Clearly, Ethan was wrong - and he could not figure out why. 
“Morning,” Grayson’s raspy voice interrupted the smooth pour of Roxie’s coffee. Her dark eyebrows furrowed together as she looked up at the shirtless man who had a pair of sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his waist. His hair was tugged up in a million different directions that Roxie recognized all too well. Over the years of their friendship, there were times when they definitely crossed the line with each other. Two attractive people with that kind of connection were inevitably going to at some point. Roxie and Grayson may have crossed it a little too far, a little too often. 
“That’s all you have to say?” Roxie scoffed as she slammed the coffee pot down and stirred in a spoonful of sugar. As nice as she was to Ethan, she wasn’t going to hold back her anger with Grayson. With the rare occasion of pretending to like Grayson’s girlfriends that never seemed to last that long, Roxie was incapable of lying to him. 
Grayson rolled his eyes at her comment, blowing hot air out of his nose at the disgust in her voice. Her slender frame hunched over the counter in a small pair of cotton shorts and a tank-top made Grayson even more annoyed with her. If he was being honest, he didn’t really understand why he was so pissed at her. It’s not like she had really done anything wrong, but he just didn’t get why she left for SO long. 
“What, did you expect me to have some long speech prepared?” He clenched his jaw as he rifled through the fridge, knowing his attitude was unnecessary, but his lack of sleep and irritation couldn’t be tamed. He had been up all night trying to get the girl he invited over to actually leave after he was done with her. She had finally caved and left around 6 AM. 
“Rude ass.” She grumbled before shuffling off back to her room with her mug of coffee tucked tightly in her hands. Another day, maybe she would’ve given into Grayson’s attempts to start an argument. Right now, she wasn’t in the mood - she was still trying to recover from the disappointment of last night. 
With tired eyes, Grayson watched her tangled black bun on the top of her head disappear down the hallway. Roxie had gone to visit her dad every summer the first few years they knew each other, but over the last two years things had changed. The pair had always been close, but after the twins’ dad got sick it was like Grayson couldn’t function without Roxie. She was the only person he let himself break down in front of - she understood what he needed. This was the first time she had been gone for so long since their father’s diagnosis and Grayson hadn’t adjusted well. The facetimes they had the first few nights when she had first left only made him miss her more - not being able to see her smile in person, not smelling her vanilla perfume wafting through their house. The more he missed her, the angrier he got. He couldn’t understand why she had to be gone for so long, but he wasn’t going to call and tell her she needed to come home early because he couldn’t behave normally without her here. No - he’d never tell her that. So, Grayson decided to try something new - one night stands. He had a list of so many “mutual friends” who had been thrown in his face over the last few years, he figured there was no better time to run through it. Maybe he’d get lucky and meet someone who made him feel the way Roxie did - if not, at least he was getting his dick wet. 
“Was Rox just out here?” Reaching over Grayson’s shoulder to grab the almond milk, Ethan shoved the question in his brother’s face knowing the answer already. 
“Yeah - making coffee.” Grayson just shrugged and ended up grabbing an apple before turning on his heel to head back to his room.
“She had that look on her face when I picked her up -” Ethan started, making Grayson stop and turn around with an eyebrow raised. “You know - the one where it looks like someone just killed a puppy in front of her? Bottom lip all puffy and her eyes squinted.”
“Why are you telling me this?” As much as Grayson wanted to walk away like he didn’t care, he and Ethan both knew the soft spot he had for Roxie wasn’t going to go away that easily. Picturing her face falling in disappointment when she realized he wasn’t there to pick her up made his stomach churn. 
“I don’t know, dude.” Ethan shrugged and pushed past him to go lay back down with a bowl of cereal in hand. “Hoping maybe you’ll snap out of whatever bullshit trance you’ve been in.” He had slammed his bedroom door shut before Grayson could snap back at him - probably for the best.
He stood in the hallway for a second, chewing on his apple and thinking about what to do. Part of him wanted to go knock on Roxie’s door and just talk to her - let her know he was glad she was back and fall back into the routine he loved so much. Another part of him wanted to go to his room and keep adjusting to his new routine. He didn’t like how he felt when she left him - could he really not function on his own? He never wanted to be so attached to someone that wasn’t his own twin, but here he was. Roxie was practically half of his own body and mind and he wasn’t sure he liked that. Maybe he needed to learn how to do things on his own even when she was here, so the next time she leaves he doesn’t feel as lost. 
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he decided to just let it be for now - stalking off back to his bedroom to get some more sleep.
Grayson was sure he was choking on his water as he watched Roxie rub tanning oil into her skin by the pool. He had just woken up from his nap and it was already 2 PM. She was wearing what he was sure had to be the tiniest silver bikini to ever exist - hiked up on her waist to show as much of her ass as physically possible. Her jet black hair was falling perfectly down her back, contrasting with her already tan skin - Grayson was so annoyed at how she looked.
Ethan was sitting on the lounge chair across from her, arms lazily wrapped around Maria who was laughing at something Roxie had said. The three of them looked like they were having so much fun, he wasn’t sure he was even welcome to go outside. If Roxie didn’t look like a shiny silver goddess out there, he probably would’ve stayed in bed, but his body was making the decision before his mind could react. 
“Nice of you to join us.” Ethan’s voice was dripping with sarcasm as Grayson emerged from the dark house, a pair of baby blue swim trunks hung on his waist. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Rolling his eyes and sitting down on the edge of the pool, closer to Ethan and Maria he felt Roxie’s dark eyes staring daggers into him. It didn’t take long for Ethan and Maria to get caught up in each other, fingers intertwined and small whispers letting Grayson know they were no longer paying attention to him. 
“No.” Roxie snapped as Grayson dropped himself into the water and started to swim towards her. She pulled her feet up and walked back towards the chair her towel was on, eyebrows tugged together in a scowl as Grayson rested his head on his hands on the edge of the pool. His golden eyes were wide as he lifted his eyebrows up innocently, a small smirk tugging on his red lips. 
“What, Oxy?” The nickname he had for her that he saved for moments like this only made her sigh in frustration. “Aw… come on.” 
“You don’t get to be nice to me now.” Burying her head in her phone and swiping through her Instagram feed, she tried her best to ignore him, but the large, wet man who was now sitting right next to her was making it difficult. “Grayson, seriously? You’re getting everything wet.”
“Oh, am I?” As he nudged his elbow into her side, she let out a groan and stood up, shoving her feet into her sandals and angrily walking back inside. He knew he should go after her - and he was going to - right after he watched her bouncy ass jiggle side to side with each step. 
Ethan rolled his eyes at his brother before pulling Maria in for a kiss - thanking god he met someone like her who wasn’t going to complicate his life even further.
“Rox - “ Grayson was going to knock on her door, but it was cracked open slightly so he decided to just push it open. 
“Grayson - jesus.” Reaching up to cover her bare chest and turn away from the door, Roxie shut her eyes tightly. Grayson could usually read her like a book - he should have gotten the hint pretty easily that she didn’t want to talk to him at all. 
“Oh, relax - it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” His lips pulled up in a smirk as he plopped down on the edge of her bed, fluffy grab robe draping over his tanned legs. “Talk to me, Rox.”
“Talk to you?” She seethed, barging into her bathroom to quickly grab her robe and wrap it around her before turning back to Grayson who she was finally looking in the eye. “You’ve been a dick and you know it - and now I’m supposed to talk to you?”
“Oxy -”
“Don’t Oxy me.” Manicured finger extended mere inches from his face in accusation, Roxie narrowed her eyes at her best friend. “I go away for one month and you turn into a new person - the fuck is that about?”
“I’m not a new person.” Grayson shot back, going on the defensive. 
“Hm - let’s see: didn’t pick me up from the airport, stopped answering my calls, had a fucking booty call instead of welcoming me back. Not the Grayson I know.” Her voice was loud as she listed off the mistakes Grayson had made and it was only making him more irritated. 
“Am I supposed to apologize that my life isn’t revolving around you anymore?” Pushing himself up off the bed, he stood toe to toe with her - towering over her easily but Roxie wasn’t intimidated. “You fucking left - not me! You were doing just fine in fucking Nashville - but here I was-” He was yelling now, eyes wide as Roxie stared at him with her jaw clenched, not budging as his hot breath washed over her face with every syllable.
“Shut the fuck up.” Her voice was soft, but firm - a contrast to Grayson’s loud shout that had made Ethan and Maria turn back to the pool when they attempted to come inside for a late lunch. “You don’t get to blame me for going to see family - I tried to talk to you - you stopped answering - you-”
Grayson let out a huff of irritation before he used his knee to nudge Roxie’s body backwards into the wall, strong tan hand coming up to wrap around her throat. She was caged in by his left arm that was leaning up against the wall and his right knee tucked in between her legs. His eyebrows were tucked together, jaw clenched, dark eyes traveling up and down her face as he breathed out of his nose. Roxie was pissed as hell at the way Grayson was holding her - his fingers were just barely tightened around her throat, but the point was still there. This wasn’t uncommon - their arguments often turned into knock-down dragouts. One  - or both - of them leaving with hoarse voices from yelling so loudly or sometimes a bruised hand from punching the wall. Every emotion with Roxie and Grayson was multiplied - happiness, sadness, anger, everything.
“Get your fucking hands off of me Grayson Dolan.” She seethed, glaring at him as he tightened his grip around her throat and smirked. 
“Those little bikini bottoms are soaking wet and you didn’t get in the pool.” His look of frustration had turned into one of mischief as he nudged his knee up, the pressure making Roxie take in a deep breath. Before she could argue, Grayson’s lips were on hers - a clash of lips and teeth melting together angrily. His hand that was once wrapped around her throat was now ripping the bath-robe off of her, an animalistic moan leaving his mouth as her perky tits came into view. 
Roxie was quickly doing the same, shoving the gray robe off his shoulders and watching it pool on the floor - Grayson standing at full attention before her. Not bothering to put on a pair of boxers. Everything felt like it was moving in high-speed - Roxie wasn’t even sure how she ended up naked on her bed with her ass in the air and her face pressed into the mattress. Grayson’s thick fingers were pumping in and out of her, rubbing up against the spot deep inside of her - his other hand pressed onto her upper back holding her down. Just as she was about to fall over the edge, Grayson was yanking his fingers out and replacing them with his achingly hard dick. 
“Fuck.” His jaw fell slack as he bottomed out inside of her, hands gripping her waist roughly as he let her adjust to him. Both Roxie and Grayson had been with a multitude of other people, but neither of them could ever find someone who could fuck them the way they were used to with each other. “Missed this - pussy.” He bit his lip as he started to pound into her, soft yelps leaving her mouth each time their hips connected. The pair didn’t do this that often, considering they lived together and could be doing this every night. At the most it was happening once a week - a good month for them would be only once that month. The more arguments they got into, the more they fucked. Unhealthy? Absolutely, but it seemed to work for them. Sure, there had been some moments where they weren’t angry fucking, but the majority of the fucks were argument induced. 
“Gray- Gray - Gray - Ah!” She screamed, body collapsing as she came, her legs were shaking and she had lost all control of her arms. Grayson grunted as he rolled her over, nearly cumming right there as he saw her face all fucked out and in a pure state of pleasure. He didn’t take long to admire her though, holding her legs up to her chest and slipping back in - her mouth fell open as Grayson pumped in and out. It didn’t take long for him to cum, curses leaving his mouth as he busted inside of her - a feeling he had missed with all the girls he was fucking with a condom. He knew Roxie was on birth control and trusted she wasn’t carrying some disease. 
“Still mad at me, hm?” He leaned over her pretzeled body to press a kiss to her soft lips, smiling softly as he felt her giggle against him.
“Yes, but maybe I just needed the attitude fucked out of me.” She rolled her eyes as Grayson pulled himself out of her and waddled into the bathroom to get a towel to clean up. As he wiped her down, she stared at him - eyes hooded as she traced over his perfectly sculpted chest and floppy brown hair. Her eyes quickly landed on a faint bruise on his collarbone. “What’s that?” The words left her mouth before she could decide not to ask - she knew what it was.
“Hm?” He tilted his head at her, eyes following her finger down to the very obvious hickey on his skin. “Oh,uh… last night I guess.”
Roxie just nodded silently, scooting up the bed away from him before rolling off to grab her robe and wrap it back around her. Usually, they cuddled after sex - rationally talking about whatever it was that had made them rage fuck in the first place. She stood by the edge of her bed, lip tucked between her teeth as she tried to sift through her feelings before she tried to explain them to Grayson. Sure, she’d known about Grayson’s sex life with his girlfriends, but this was the first time she’d ever known him to have a one night stand. Then he came in here and fucked her not even 24 hours later - she wasn’t sure how to tell him what she was feeling.
“What crawled up your ass?” He joked, tossing the towel into the laundry and plopping down on the bed, his naked body reaching for her. “C’mere.”
“Um - I think I’m gonna shower.” She stumbled over her words as she backed up into the bathroom, unsuccessfully shutting the door before Grayson was barging in. 
“What did I do now?” There it was again - the defensiveness. She knew why - there was no doubt in her mind that he knew exactly what he had done wrong.
“Nothing, Gray.” She shook her head, letting out a puff of air as she willed herself not to cry. As often as the pair fought, Roxie rarely cried. She just wasn’t much of a crier - her sadness usually playing out in screaming and cold shoulders.
Grayson’s shoulders fell as he watched her suck in her bottom lip and take in a deep breath, eyes steadied on the bathroom counter she was gripping tightly. “Hey… don’t cry - please.” His voice was gentle as he tapped her shoulder, trying to distract her from her thoughts. “They didn’t mean anything, you know that - I just… needed distractions.”
“There was more than one?” She managed to look Grayson right in the eyes, her voice cracking as her eyes glossed over. He felt his heart fall into his ass as a tear rolled down her red cheek and she looked at him like he just broken her heart. He knew how much his actions would hurt her if she found out, but he invited the girls over anyway. Why did he have to take such care around her? They weren’t dating. 
“Yes, Roxie.” He nodded, his demeanor changing from one of kindness to one of irritation. “I can fuck whoever I want - if you don’t like it then don’t spread your legs for me so easily. Shit.” He turned on his heel, quickly wrapping his robe around him and shutting her bedroom door shut just quickly enough to only hear the beginning of her sobs. 
“Hey.” Ethan’s voice was soft as Roxie rounded the corner of the kitchen, her face was puffy and her hair was tangled - a tell-tale sign of a Grayson fuck up. Maria was tucked into his side at the island, shooting Roxie a sympathetic smile as she poured herself a glass of water. “You hungry?”
“No - thanks though.” She shot them a fake smile before turning on her heel to go back to her room. Just as she was leaving the kitchen, a knock sounded on the door that had Grayson shuffling out of his room. As he glanced up at Roxie, his face fell slightly, but he kept walking, opening the door to reveal a tall girl in booty shorts with her makeup done to perfection. It was almost 10 PM.
“Rox-” Ethan spoke up as Grayson guided the girl to his room and shut the door without sparing another glance. Roxie didn’t look back at Ethan, just took a deep breath and took off to her room - hot tears running down her face as she heard the girl’s loud laugh echo through the house. 
As she shut the door behind her, she sunk to the floor and buried her head in her hands. Throughout their extensive friendship, Grayson had never done something to purposely hurt her like this - and done it multiple times. He knew these new random hookups hurt Roxie’s feelings, but she hoped he would at least maybe stop now that she was back. Clearly, she was wrong - she wasn’t sure how much longer she could stay here if this was the new normal.
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bubsdolan · 3 years
hi bubba! -adolanable
hello angel! how are you doing
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Ken: You got a plan?
Adolan: Try not to get killed.
Ken: Brilliant.
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exclusivedolan · 3 years
i need a blurb of you playing fighting with grayson but he accidentally gets abit too rough with you && he’s no stop apologising && just loving on you so hard🥺🥺
“gray, give me the remote!! It’s my turn to pick the movie. i wanna watch monsters inc.”
“no, it’s my turn; we watched that last-.”
before grayson could get a chance to finish his sentence, you jumped from your position from the couch and took the controller from graysons hands and darted away from him before he got a grip on you.
you start sprinting towards the podcast room to find ethan and ryan doing some touch up on the podcast before they are ready to send it out, you try and hide behind ethan, but you feel grayson muscular arms grab your waist and throw you over his shoulder.
“graysonnnn!!! put me down now,” you demand with the sternest voice possibly but failing from all the laughter that had come up from your stomach.
grayson then takes the controller from your hands and sits on top of you as lightly as possible but still hard enough so you couldn’t sit up and puts on a documentary , not realizing that he’s put all his weight on your arm and is crushing it to death.
“get off me, grayson.” your voice cracks while you try and compose your pain.
grayson looks down at you and gets off you as quick as possible he didn’t want to sit on you any harder and felt terrible that he hurt his baby girl.
“babe, i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to sit on you that hard... please forgive me.” grayson apologizes while sitting you up to inspect your left arm.
grayson would never hurt you the fact that he accidentally sat on your arms way too hard crushed his heart completely, which atomically made him think the worse, but honestly, your arm just felt sore, and you just need some ice and kisses.
“please forgive me, babe...we can watch monsters inc. okay? Whatever you would like.” grayson then sits by your side and looks at your eyes and your lips and pecks your lips a couple of times to show that he’s genuinely sorry and didn’t mean it.
“it’s okay grayson, i promise just don’t sit on me too hard next time,” you said quietly as you turned on monster inc and curled into his side.
@bubsdolan @gothlydolan @fangdolan @grxysgxrl @graysonsbailey @grethan-real @graysondolan @graybaileydolxn @grayswhore @graysonsangrybritishaccent @graysdesire @prettyboydolan @prettymuchdolansbitch @princessdolan @punishmedolans @persistence-ofmemories @peacedolantwins @deeperdolan @deluxedolans @devilishdolans @dolandolll @aquadolan @adolanables @dolayn @dolan-twins @dolanslife-blog @fuckethandolan @heartbreakdolan @joyfuldolann @kissydolans @loserdolan @milliondollardolan @nsfwbailey @babyboydxlan
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javanese-langblr · 3 years
✨The Days of the Week in Javanese✨
Hello! Today we are going to learn the names for the days of the week in Javanese
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1) Ngahad (Sunday)
Ngahad is the first day in Javanese.
- Ing dina Ngahad, aku adolan karo kulawargaku.
EN: On Sunday, I go out with my family.
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2) Sênen (Monday)
Sênen is the second day in Javanese.
-) Dina Sênen kudu atangi esuk kanggo mangkat mênyang pawiyatan.
EN: (We) need to wake up early on Monday to go to school.
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3) Sêlasa (Tuesday)
Sêlasa is the third day in Javanese.
-) Sesuk Sêlasa aku arêp mênyang omah usada kanggo apriksa.
EN: Next Tuesday, I am going to go to the hospital to have checkup.
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4) Rêbo (Wednesday)
Rêbo is the fourth day in Javanese.
-) Sabên dina Rêbo, aku atuku es krim karo adhiku.
EN: Every Wednesdays, I buy ice creams with my little sibling.
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5) Kêmis (Thursday)
Kêmis is the fifth day in Javanese.
-) Kêmis-kêmis, penake adolan mênyang omahe simbahku.
EN: It's good to go to my grandparents' house on Thursdays.
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6) Jumuwah (Friday)
Jumuwah is the sixth day in Javanese.
-) Jumuwah iku dina cêndhak.
EN: Friday is a short day.
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7) Sêtu (Saturday)
Sêtu is the seventh day in Javanese.
-) Dina Sêtu bisa adolan mênyang panggoning kañcaku.
EN: On Saturday, I can go play to my friend's house.
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8) Pungkasan Minggu (Weekend)
Pungkasan Minggu is how we say 'Weekend' in Javanese. Pungkasan means an 'end' and Minggu means 'week'.
-) Kowe arêp angapa wae pungkasan minggu iki?
EN: What are you going to do this weekend?
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If you have any question or suggestion, please message me. Thank you! 😊😊
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soraavalon · 3 years
Gideon: He mentioned something about a high priestess? That sounds like the sort of person to go after rather than...
Faust: And if you're so special, maybe we use that to our advantage. Maybe we start our own little cult.
DM: *slow head turn*
Alberic: If Adolan can change his mind then so can anybody else.
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nofockinfighting · 4 years
17 questions, 17 people
rules: answer these 17 questions and then tag 17 lovely people to answer them too.
Thank you so much for tagging me @forrealgray
Nickname: sarsur idk ask my father
Zodiac: Capricorn
Height: 5‘2 yeah ik
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Last thing I googled: these creepy golden crown bats. What the actual-
Song Stuck in my head: creep- Radiohead
Number of Followers: 5 pffhahah
Amount of sleep: like 5-6h
Lucky number: ööhm 10
Dream job: something like architecture
Wearing: pjs
Favorite song of all time: the real slim shady- Eminem
Aesthetic: I seem like an e-girl but I’m actually a softy but pretty boring. idk how to answer this
Favorite author: don’t have one
Fav animal noise: prolly like a turtle mating
Random: I have no idea what French toast is like isn’t it just toast or like can someone explain please
Tags: @sosweetgrethan @heartbreakdolan @heathendolan @honestandsincere @atlas-of-a-human-soul @adolanables @azrasclaw @angelgrayson @dandydolans @clubdolan @babyboydxlan @badangelsstuff @mrgraysondolan @pixiedolan @ethandolxns @imaginedolanscribbles @ohmygraysonsthighs
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graybaileydolxn · 5 years
Who are some of the best writing/concept blogs you know/follow.. (about the twins ofc)
Ahh where do I start
Some of my favs are:
There’s a lot more but those are the ones I remember right now
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vintagedolan · 3 years
To that anon , it is by adolanables 🙂
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Kisan Adolan: ट्रैक्टर रैली के दौरान हुए बवाल के बाद उत्तराखंड की सीमाओं पर भी अलर्ट जारी
Kisan Adolan: ट्रैक्टर रैली के दौरान हुए बवाल के बाद उत्तराखंड की सीमाओं पर भी अलर्ट जारी
देहरादून: कृषि कानूनों के खिलाफ दिल्ली में गणतंत्र दिवस पर शांतिपूर्ण ट्रैक्टर रैली के दौरान हुए बवाल के बाद उत्तराखंड की सीमाओं पर भी सुरक्षा कड़ी करने का अलर्ट जारी किया गया है। पुलिस महानिदेशक अशोक कुमार ने कहा है कि सभी देहरादून, हरिद्वार और नैनीताल जिले अपने बॉर्डर पर पैनी नजर बनाए रखें। किसानों ने देहरादून भी आने की योजना बनाई थी। हालांकि, मंगलवार को ऐसी कोई बात नहीं हुई। वहीं सुरक्षा…
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adolanables · 4 years
Bleed (G.D.)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
*There will be additional stories about Roxie and Grayson*
Based off the song CHAMPION by ELINA 
“Do you get high when I hit my lows? I hope you feel like you’re a champion when you break my heart once and for all.”
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Adolan in thane
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exclusivedolan · 3 years
Blurb idea: gray's gf casually sings his fav song while cooking. And gray is surprised that his gf can actually sing and has a great singing voice. He is like 'I don't know you can sing, you should sinh more for me' 😂 I really love your writing ❤️❤️
(sorry i haven't been posting much my train of tought isn’t really there at the moment i promise i’ll start writing more soon)
you never liked to sing in front of other, not even grayson; you were nervous he would make fun of you or laugh at you, so you decided against it; you used to love going to coffee shops and singing for the people that would come in and out of the shop but that all ended when you were in 12th grade when a group of the “popular” kids went to the shop you sang at and shouted all kinds of profanities and harsh words.
grayson didn’t know you could sing, so when he heard your angelic voice from the kitchen, he was utterly stunned.
“babe, your voice is-.” before he could finish, you cut him off, thinking he was going to make fun of you, but in reality, he was mesmerized by your voice.
you couldn’t bear to hear what he had to say next, your thoughts consuming what happened when everyone laughed at you and making fun of your voice, .your head reliving the moment.
“it’s amazing your voice it’s amazing,” grayson said as quickly as possible, so you didn’t cut him off again.
“you think so?.” you said softly
grayson walks up to you and kisses your forehead to reassure you that your voice is the best he’s ever heard.
@bubsdolan @gothlydolan @fangdolan @atlas-of-a-human-soul @aquadolan @adolanables @babyboygray @babyboydxlan @boujeeethan @cantfolddolan @clubdolan @cutesydolan @cutesydolan @persistence-ofmemories @deeperdolan @dolandolll @episkygrant @dolanslife-blog @dolan-twins @dolayn @dolaninc @dolansficsandpics @ethandolxns @everydaydolan @ethanhes @ethanandgraysonsandwich @fuckethandolan @graysonsbailey @grethan-real @graysondolan @graybaileydolxn @grayswhore @heartbreakdolan @iheartgrayson @joyfuldolann @kissydolans @loserdolan @milliondollardolan @nowheredolan @nocapdolan @nikesbailey @nsfwbailey @outerdolan @punishmedolans @peacedolantwins @rockstardolan @randomdolanwritings @reydols @teenagedolan @thrilldolan
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in24network · 6 years
solapur me kisano ka dhol adolan
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soraavalon · 3 years
Cypress: So your attempt to break the cult is to start an entirely new one with me as the figurehead?
Faust: Yeah.
Cypress: That's a terrible idea.
Alberic: And we can dismiss that whenever we feel like it.
Cypress: It's a terrible idea.
Alberic: Otherwise we can send them to my sister.
Gideon: Or we can send them to the Ashari. I think there's a community, the Air Ashari close-ish.
DM: *raises two fingers*
Gideon (OOC): Two?
DM: There's the Earth and Air Ashari are in Tal'Dorei.
Gideon (OOC): Yeah, but I think the Air Ashari is closer to where we are now?
Cypress (OOC): Yes, that is correct.
Faust: And maybe you took a vow of silence and I can lie for you. If you want.
Cypress: They're going to recognize me.
Faust: That's the point.
Alberic: If Adolan can change their mind then so can any of you.
Cypress: And the last time some of these people saw me, I was hanging from a hook.
Faust: And now you've risen from the dead. You can make a religion out of that.
Alberic: The Master of the Fog failed to kill you.
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